#Corona Vaccination Campaign
omg-erika · 11 months
"Millions of Lives Saved"?
by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext What the mainstream media is hiding Have mRNA vaccines against Covid-19 “saved millions of lives”? That’s why the 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded. It honors a hair-raising lie “based on a junk simulation financed by industry,” according to two scientists from Canada. It has now been quoted over 700 times in the specialist press worldwide, and…
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, August 20, 2024
Author’s Note and Update
The World has been in a state of crisis for more than three years despite the fact that the WHO and the CDC (with the usual innuendos) have unequivocally confirmed that the RT-PCR test used to justify every single policy mandate including lockdowns, social distancing, the mask, confinement of the labor force, closure of economic activity, etc. is flawed and invalid.
The same applies to the roll-out of the mRNA Vaccine in December 2020. 
This article was first published on March 21, 2021 focussing on the WHO’s Mea Culpa dated January 20, 2021.
The WHO advisory was then followed a few months later by the bombshell decision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  (July 21, 2021) to withdraw the PCR test as a valid method for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2.  
As of December, 31 2021, the PCR test is longer considered valid by the CDC in the U.S. 
For more details see
Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases”?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 29, 2021
What this implies is that both the CDC and the WHO have formally acknowledged the failures of the RT-PCR test, without however implementing a shift in the methodology of  detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2.
The Mainstream Media Now Reluctantly Acknowledges that the PCR  Test is Flawed
After having sustained the propaganda campaign, the mainstream media has now tacitly acknowledged that the PCR TEST IS INVALID.
Below is an excerpt from London’s Daily Mail on something which has been known and documented by scientists and the independent media from the outset of the corona crisis in January 2020.
The report below is convoluted. It is an obvious understatement:
“Did flawed PCR tests convince us Covid was worse than it really was?  …
It has been one of the most enduring Covid conspiracy theories: that the ‘gold standard’ PCR tests used to diagnose the virus were picking up people who weren’t actually infected.
Some even suggested the swabs, which have been carried out more than 200 million times in the UK alone, may mistake common colds and flu for corona.
If either, or both, were true, it would mean many of these cases should never have been counted in the daily tally – that the ominous and all-too-familiar figure, which was used to inform decisions on lockdowns and other pandemic measures, was an over-count. (Daily Mail, March 12, 2022, emphasis added)
It is carefully worded with a view to protecting the decision-makers.
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localbabygirl · 3 months
just remembered that in 2021 i was vaccinated against the corona virus in an airport that they re-purposed as a giant vaccination center during the first months of the vax campaign and i had to stand in a long ass queue for about 2h just to get INSIDE the building. it was run by the red cross and the german military and there were THOUSANDS of people there but the whole thing worked like a well oiled machine lmao. queue. backpack control. queue. fever thermometer gun. queue. id and health documents check. queue. health questionnaire. queue. vaccination risk briefing. queue. preparation. queue. jab. 15min mandatory waiting time in case of side effects. idk the pandemic was so weird in hindsight. spent over half a day to get a jab and i was the happiest woman in the country i think lol
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vanita95 · 1 month
Will corona virus end any day
The world has been grappling with the devastating effects of the Corona Virus for over a year now. With millions of lives lost, economies shattered, and daily life disrupted, many people are wondering: Will this pandemic ever end? The truth is, no one can predict exactly when the Corona Virus will come to an end. However, there are several factors that can influence how quickly we can bring this deadly virus under control. First and foremost, widespread vaccination is key to ending the spread of the Corona Virus. Vaccines have proven to be highly effective in preventing severe illness and death from the virus. Governments around the world have launched massive vaccination campaigns to immunize their populations and reach herd immunity. The more people who are vaccinated, the less opportunity the virus will have to spread and mutate. In addition to vaccination efforts, public health measures such as wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and washing hands regularly are also crucial in controlling the spread of the Corona Virus. These measures may seem simple, but they play a vital role in reducing transmission and protecting vulnerable populations. Another important factor in ending the pandemic is global cooperation. The Corona Virus knows no borders, and it will take a collective effort from all countries to bring it under control. International collaboration on vaccine distribution, sharing of resources, and coordinated public health strategies are essential in fighting this global threat. Furthermore, ongoing research and development of treatments for the Corona Virus are critical in improving patient outcomes and reducing the burden on healthcare systems. Scientists are continually studying the virus to understand its behavior, develop new therapies, and improve diagnostic tools. Despite these efforts, it is important to acknowledge that the exact timeline for ending the Corona Virus remains uncertain. New variants of the virus continue to emerge, posing challenges to existing vaccines and public health measures. Ongoing surveillance, monitoring, and adaptation of strategies will be necessary to stay ahead of the virus. While it may seem daunting, there is hope on the horizon. Countries that have successfully controlled the spread of the Corona Virus through rigorous public health measures and vaccination campaigns serve as examples of what is possible with determination and collaboration. In conclusion, while we cannot predict the exact day when the Corona Virus will end, we can take proactive steps to bring it under control. Vaccination, public health measures, global cooperation, research, and ongoing vigilance are essential in our fight against this deadly virus. By working together and staying committed to these principles, we can overcome this pandemic and look forward to a healthier future for all. Keywords: Corona Virus, vaccination, public health measures, global cooperation, research.
Corona Virus
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bopinion · 2 months
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2024 / 28
Aperçu of the week
"How can you govern a country with 246 varieties of cheese?"
(Charles de Gaulle, founding father of the Fifth Republic)
Bad News of the Week
For me as a father, the question has never arisen: when the health service and my personal pediatrician advised me to vaccinate my children, I was always there. That's how it was when I was a child, it's simply normal for me. Besides, even without vaccination I am largely immune to being infected with a conspiracy theory from some bubble. When my daughter did a social year in a kindergarten, I also got to know the context, such as how vulnerable a group becomes when just one child brings in an infectious disease. To prevent measles outbreaks, for example, a vaccination rate of 95% is required.
The UN Children's Fund UNICEF and the World Health Organization WHO are now sounding the alarm. Despite all efforts, the vaccination rate is falling internationally. In the past five years, more than 100 countries have been affected by measles. "Measles outbreaks are an early warning sign. They highlight vaccination gaps and affect the most vulnerable in particular," said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The rate has recently fallen to 74% - yes, that is significantly lower than 95%.
The reasons for this all come from the same absurd direction: during the corona pandemic, the number of people who are skeptical about vaccinations has increased. In addition, misinformation about it has persisted. In addition, healthcare facilities are often mistrusted, especially in poorer countries. Behind this, of course, are Bill Gates, the Deep State, Freemasons, Transsexuals, Jews and extraterrestrial lizard creatures. Which brings me back to my daughter. Who believes that access to education is the most basic human right. Because anyone who takes an interest, informs themselves and then processes the information rationally - after all, media literacy is also part of education - will no longer believe the Easter Bunny's ugly cousins.
Good News of the Week
Tough times for Marine Le Pen. First, the leader of the French right-wing party Rassemblement National (RN) fell back from the expected first place to third place in the parliamentary elections. And now she is in trouble with the justice system. The judiciary has launched a preliminary investigation into Le Pen due to the alleged illegal financing of her 2022 presidential election campaign. According to the public prosecutor's office in Paris, the investigation concerns a campaign loan and the misappropriation of funds, among other things.
Her election campaign in 2017 was already criticized by the campaign accounting commission. And in June, she was sentenced to a fine of 250,000 euros for violations during the 2012 election campaign for the National Assembly. But the traces of Le Pen's corruption are not limited to France: in the fall, she and 24 other defendants will have to stand trial on suspicion of embezzling EU funds.
It is often said that politics is a dirty business. But a banana republic is not usually located in the heart of Europe. I expect the rule of law to function in a country like France. Without exception. It is already clear that Marine Le Pen will run for the presidency of the Grande Nation again in 2027. I am counting on the fact that the stains that the current legal action against her will leave on her clean slate will not (or cannot) be washed out so quickly. And that the French electorate will be more impressed by the legally questionable behavior of a presidential candidate than the American.
Personal happy moment of the week
Last weekend was exhausting. Partly because I walked a good 35,000 steps according to my Apple Watch. But I did it with my children in the beautiful three-river city of Passau on the border with Austria and the Czech Republic. With good weather, a good mood, a decent dose of culture and, above all, lots of food, we spent a lovely dad-kids weekend. Thank you very much!
I couldn't care less...
...that the Kremlin once again claimed that Russia would not attack civilian targets. The images of the rubble on the site of Ukraine's largest children's hospital, Ochmatdyt, the helpers and the terrified children have caused worldwide horror. And the culprit is absolutely clear. The first casualty in war is always the truth.
It's fine with me...
...that Spain won the UEFA 2024 European Football Championships on Sunday evening. They were undoubtedly the dominant team throughout. And it wouldn't be surprising - after all, they are still quite a young team - if they set a new gold standard to measure themselves against in the coming years.
Post Scriptum
You shouldn't wish anyone bad. Not even those who you dislike for good reason or who are even dangerous for the common good. In this respect, the question does not arise, as many critics argue, whether Donald Trump might even have deserved to be shot at. Of course he didn't. Nevertheless, he has to accept that he has also contributed to the "brutalization of the political debate". That he has polarized, vilified, lied, insulted, belittled. And also called for violence in a barely veiled manner. I therefore hope that his now more presidential, moderate, conciliatory tone will continue after this attack. Likewise that of his fellows and opponents. So that political discourse becomes more civilized and cultivated again, as it should be in (not just sporting) competition.
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rhk111sblog · 3 months
The Reuters News Organization recently made a shocking Revelation about how the United States (US) Military Forces conducted a Disinformation Propaganda Campaign at the height of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic in the Philippines against Chinese Vaccines and Medical Equipment the very likely lead to many Deaths among Filipinos
This was initially released as an Article last June 18, 2024 at https://therhk111militaryandarmspage.blogspot.com/2024/06/many-filipinos-killed-us-covid-19-disinformation-campaign-philippines-2020.html
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paryo-kimin · 10 months
Denny Ja's journey: Heroes of the Pandemic Era and Poetry that Poetry
In this challenging pandemic period, many individuals stand as heroes without using a robe. One of the names that should be taken into account is Denny JA, an important figure in the world of Indonesian literature and culture. Aside from being a hero of the Pandemic era, Denny JA is also known as a poet who is able to thrill the hearts of his readers through his beautiful poems. This article will explore Denny JA's journey as a hero of the Pandemic era and explore the beauty of his heart poems. Denny Ja's journey as the hero of the Pandemic era began when he founded the Indonesian Moving Movement (GIB). GIB is a social movement that aims to help people affected by Pandemi Covid-19. Through GIB, Denny Ja together with his team managed to raise funds and provide assistance for people in need, such as food, masks, and medical devices. With these activities, Denny Ja is able to provide hope for many people who have fallen due to Pandemi. In addition, Denny Ja is also active in providing information and education about the Corona virus to the public. He often holds online seminars and discussions to spread accurate knowledge and fight the spread of fake news. Denny Ja also acts as a driver in a pro-vaccination campaign, which is one of the best solutions in overcoming this pandemic. With all the efforts made, Denny Ja has become a pioneer in building awareness and fighting spirit of the Indonesian people in facing Pandemi. In addition to the role as a hero of the Pandemic era, Denny Ja is also known as a poet who is able to thrill the hearts of his readers through his poems. Denny Ja's poems are full of strong meanings and emotions, able to penetrate the boundaries of life and touch the deepest sides of humans. In fact, Denny Ja's poems are often regarded as eternal and timeless works. One of Denny Ja's famous poetry who vibrates is "I Want". In this poem, Denny Ja expressed his longing for creating a better world, where everyone lives in peace and harmony. He wrote words that were so deep and inspiring, making his readers contemplate the true meaning of their own lives and goals of their lives. Besides "I want", other poems such as "quiet" and "rain" also have the same strength. Denny Ja is able to describe human life and feelings with words that are so simple but full of meaning. Through his poems, he brought his readers in a deep inner journey and aroused unexpected emotions. In the journey of his life, Denny Ja has inspired many people through his role as a hero of the Pandemic era and his heart poems. He managed to prove that literature and culture have extraordinary power in facing challenges and affecting social change. Denny Ja is also an example for all of us to keep struggling in difficult situations and channeling emotions through the works of art. In his conclusion, Denny Ja is a hero of the Pandemic era and poet who is able to thrill the hearts of his readers. By involving himself in social movements and spreading messages through his poems, he has given hope and inspiration for many people. Hopefully Denny Ja's journey continues to make a positive contribution to the nation and the people of Indonesia, as well as inspire future generations to continue to fight in facing existing challenges.
Check more: Denny JA's journey: Pandemic era heroes and thrilling poetry
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Best Advice on Covid-19 Prevention!
Daniel Mark Wilkerson has given easy steps for the prevention of corona virus, with the help of which the corona virus can be stopped from spreading and its infection itself can be avoided. Vaccination campaign is going on in many countries of the world to control the corona epidemic.
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werindialive · 1 year
The world is impressed by the ways India is strengthening the economy and fighting poverty, PM Modi
On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the public for the first time after returning from his three-nation tour. he said that India is emerging as a global power and the entire world is looking up to the country with great expectations. he said that India is now a ray of hope when it comes to strengthening the economy and fighting off poverty.
He was participating in the virtual ceremony of flagging off the Dehradun-Delhi Vande Bharat Express, where he said, “I have just returned from a trip to three countries a few hours ago. Today the whole world is looking at India with great expectations. The way Indians have strengthened our economy, and the way we are fighting poverty, has instilled the confidence of the whole world in us. He added that the way India has succeeded in overcoming the challenge of Corona has impressed the world whereas some of the prominent countries in the world are still struggling with the effects.
“We launched the world’s largest vaccination campaign. Today India is being discussed all over the world. People from across the world want to come to India to see and understand India,” the PM further added.
He said that for so long, the government parties ruling India did not understand the need for modern infrastructure. he added that these parties were aimed at corruption and scams and favored nothing but nepotism.
He also claimed that despite the previous governments talking about high-speed trains in India, there was not much to see. he talked about the faster pace of electrification of railway networks and added that only one-third of the entire railway network system of India was electrified till 2014. “In such a situation, it was impossible to even think of running a fast train. We started all-around work to transform the Railways after 2014. On the one hand, we started implementing the dream of the country's first high-speed train, on the other hand, we started preparing the whole country for semi-high-speed trains,” the PM added.
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ithisatanytime · 2 years
6SNOT - DAHMER (Official Music Video)
  the head of the FBI came out and “confirmed” that the origin of “novel” corona was a Wuhan lab leak. just a reminder this is total bullshit, its a complete fabrication, its just untrue. its false. its a red herring. every year we get some strain of viral upper respiratory illness, we monitor chinas flu season to try to make a prediction on which of the hundreds of viruses we classify as a cold or flu will go viral in the west for our flu season, this is the reason why flu shots are not one hundred percent effective, its a bit of a guessing game as to which strain of virus to mass vaccinate against. its sort of like being a record company and guessing which song of an almbum to make into a single. these viruses mutate constantly, otherwise they’d simply infect us all once wed gain immunity and that would be that, they constantly mutate. covid is one of these viruses, its common, it mutates all the time just like other common cold and flu viruses, and thats what happened in 2020 no bat soup or wuhan lab leak, corona just mutated as it does every single year, the only difference that year was an unprecedented media fear mongering campaign.
 china and russia comprise the two biggest threats to western jewish hegemony and they are neighbors and they are friends lol. the united states was running ops in china just prior to the covid outbreak, the cia was confirmed stirring anti ccp sentiment and trying to spark a civil war for hong kong independence i literally saw videos of what were clearly CIA operators giving lengthy and frankly bizarre speaches about hong kong independence on subway trains before being arrested and carted off. i believe that the early videos of people convulsing in the streets (sleepy chinese doctors, remember?) and the like were created by chinese actors (not in the professional sense, i mean like agent) loyal to the CIA contingent that was confirmed to be operating in china at the time, the CCP capitalized on this and used it as an opportunity to try and get rid of the revolutionary element and its foreign (See jewish) supporters, arresting them under the guise of lockdown compliance. i believe the covid scam was meant as a failsafe break glass in case of emergency sort of deal for powerful jews around the world, i believe the main goals of the scam were domestic in nature, and have to do with the need to change how jews exert dominance over nonjews after the proliferation of the internet basically destroyed their tried and true method of control, namely propaganda. the FBI and all the same people who told you that the same damn flu that comes around every couple of years is a plague are now telling you that this totally benign and weak flu season was actually a bioweapon designed in a lab by enemies of the jewish banking cartels, its all very convenient, especially when you consider that even by the governments own fucked up and inflated metrics covid is less dangerous than even a typical flu for young people. so their plan was to design a weapon that targets the elderly and improves are economy? lmao.
  the lableak theory that is being pushed is just a push for war with china. as it stands the only people fighting those who would trick you into chopping your dick and balls off are young russian men and young men from the muslim world. does that sit well with you? i dont even like the idea of another man pumping my gasoline.
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amityadav-bjp · 2 years
Amit Yadav, Social Worker And BJYM Vice President Sets Up Blood Donation Camps In His Village As Part Of PM Narendra Modi’s Birthday Celebrations
Amit Yadav is a social worker and the District Vice President of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) youth wing. Amit Yadav’s passion for social justice drives his work as both a social worker and a political leader in Gurugram. Amit Yadav BJP is a respected figure in Gurugram, known for his tireless efforts to help those in need and his leadership within the Bharatiya Janata Party’s youth wing.
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A blood donation camp was organized by Amit Yadav, social worker and leader of BJYM in his village Jahajgarh, Sector 106, Gurugram under the Seva Pakhwara campaign, dedicated to the birthday of Honorable Prime Minister of the country, Shri Narendra Modi. Haryana State Organization General Secretary Mr. Ravindra Raju arrived as the chief guest in the camp. Everyone was blessed upon his arrival at the camp.
The camp was inaugurated by Col. Nikunj Goyal and Wing Commander PP Singh and senior BJP leader of Amit Yadav’s village respected Mr. Bishamber Dutt Sharma. In this camp, the people of village Jahajgarh, Babupur and nearby societies showed their responsibility as citizens by donating 112 units of blood. This was a camp of great societal cause from the part of Amit Yadav social worker.
Amit Yadav, social worker and a great budding political leader, have done so much for the society and the country during the periods of crises. He had done many socially relevant works especially during the times of the pandemic. Plasma donation camps, blood donation camps, Vaccination camps etc were set up during the Corona period under his supervision. He had coordinated other camps like camps providing Voter’s ID and family identity card to citizens etc. He is greatly respected by the people of Haryana for all the political and societal activities that he conducts for the betterment of his people and the society. Though his behaviour and social works Amit Yadav BJP has shown that he is a great leader who have miles to go into being a more successful political and social leader.
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omg-erika · 11 months
Yonatan is Dead. Why?
by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext What the mainstream media is hiding An eight-year-old Israeli boy who appeared in a Covid “vaccination” commercial has died of sudden cardiac arrest. The media ignores it; the government remains silent. On September 23, 2023, the eve of the highest Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur, eight-year-old Yonatan Moshe Erlichman was sitting in the bathtub when he suffered…
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darkmaga-retard · 26 days
By Frank Bergman August 23, 2024
A renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox “outbreak” is a hoax and the “symptoms” are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines.
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg issued the warning in a new whistleblowing interview with the Austrian outlet AUF1.
He explains that reports of a monkeypox “global emergency” from the World Health Organization (WHO) are part of a fearmongering campaign designed to scare the masses.
Wodarg asserts that globalists are seeking to cover up the negative health impact of Covid shots while trying to profit from testing and treating monkeypox.
He asks why other doctors aren’t questioning why people are being diagnosed with monkeypox based on a positive Rostar test.
The Rostar test is an expensive product that pharmaceutical companies are profiting from.
Meanwhile, share prices in companies that produce monkeypox vaccines are soaring following the WHO’s recent emergency declaration.
“They’re scaring us again,” Wodarg said of the globalist medical establishment.
“It’s a business exploiting the effects of the corona shots they pushed on us.
“They’re using corona side-effects to create new schemes and scare us again.”
Alex Jones of Infowars shared a clip of the interview translated from German to English.
Jones says the video was from a German article titled:
“Doctor: Monkeypox is actually shingles, a side effect of the Covid vaccines.”
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ashcovenews · 2 years
Amit Yadav Bjp Addresses Various Social Issues With Admirable Dedication Compassion
Amit Yadav BJYM is a social worker and the District Vice President of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) youth wing in Gurugram, a city in the northern Indian state of Haryana. As a social worker, Amit works to address various social issues and advocate for the needs of his community. As the District Vice President of the BJP Yuva Morcha, he is responsible for overseeing the activities of the party’s youth wing in Gurugram and working to mobilize young people to support the party’s policies and initiatives.
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Amit Yadav BJP is also involved in organizing and participating in events and campaigns related to the party’s efforts to engage with and mobilize young people in Gurugram. He is also a dedicated political leader who has worked together with the people and for the people during the times of crises, like the pandemic. Some of the activities he has done for the betterment of the society are:
1. Amit Yadav BJYM was the coordinator of plasma donation camp during the pandemic.
2. He was the coordinator of blood donation camp during the corona call.
3. Amit Yadav organized a blood donation camp on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday.
4. There are about 15 societies in and around sector 109 and 108 where vaccination camps are set up during the mercy period.
5. As this sector of the society is growing, there are many people who have fled from other places come to this region. Therefore, 50 camps have been set up so far for them to provide them with Aadhaar card, Voters ID card and Family identity card so that they don’t have trouble in any matters in the society.
6. Amit Yadav BJYM made arrangements for people to get Ayushman card installed in village Babupur Sarai Jahajgarh Vishnu Garden.
7. He organized camps in every colony of Hargaon to carry out government’s scheme of BPL card for poor families.
8. He made sure to get all the roads in Sector 109 and surrounding areas repaired with personal funds.
9. Employment was made possible for about 40 families as sweepers.
10. Property ID camp was organized in Sector 109 and 108 in almost all the societies and gave property ID for every flat so that people could not face any problem.
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marketingstrategy1 · 2 years
Uttarakhand Corona Update:बूस्टर डोज अभियान पर लगा ब्रेक, कोविशील्ड वैक्सीन का स्टॉक हुआ खत्म - Coronavirus In Uttarakhand Update: Covishield Vaccine Stock Empty For Booster Dose Campaign
Uttarakhand Corona Update:बूस्टर डोज अभियान पर लगा ब्रेक, कोविशील्ड वैक्सीन का स्टॉक हुआ खत्म – Coronavirus In Uttarakhand Update: Covishield Vaccine Stock Empty For Booster Dose Campaign
कोरोना वैक्सीन – फोटो : सांकेतिक तस्वीर ख़बर सुनें ख़बर सुनें उत्तराखंड में कोविशील्ड वैक्सीन डोज का स्टॉक खत्म होने से बूस्टर डोज अभियान पर ब्रेक लग गया है। स्वास्थ्य विभाग भी शत-प्रतिशत लोगों को बूस्टर डोज लगाने के लिए केंद्र सरकार से वैक्सीन मिलने का इंतजार कर रहा है। Uttarakhand Corona Update: कोरोना की आहट…अस्पतालों में होगी मॉक ड्रिल, परखेंगे कितने संयंत्र कर रहे काम प्रदेश सरकार ने…
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Die #USA könnten es schaffen, die komplette Corona-Lüge aufzuarbeiten!
Die US Organisation #Judicialwatch hat jetzt die Dossiers der Biden-Administration geleakt, die ihrer Zeit die #FakeNewsMedien in die bekannte #Propaganda über die angebliche Pandemie und über „COVID-19“ instruiert haben.
#CovidTheatre #Coronahoax #Wahndemie #EpidemischeLuege #PfizerGate #Fakebook #Lauterbachluegt #NuernbergerKodex #Faucism #fireFauci #Genexperiment #bigPharma #Pharmafia #GreatReset #NWO #WEF #ultramagaBayern #Querdenker #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TruthSocial #crimesagainsthumanity #NurembergCode #CHDeurope #TrumpFansBavaria #weissblaueRose #childrenshealthdefense #thedefender #YoungGlobalMaga #saveOurchildren #cabal #Jesuits
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