#Could upgrade the ram later too
charulein · 7 months
And today in why is my pc making weird noises it never made before: the sound of running water??
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
yea boi
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okay-computer · 2 years
I am a little overwhelmed shopping for a new computer right now. My old laptop is still chugging along at 10 years old running windows 7. I've been getting by between that and my little tablet, but my laptop can't really keep up with my audio editing anymore and now that I'm trying to break into a tech role I need something that can handle exploring programming and data analysis as a career. Some gaming capabilities would be nice. Longevity a major plus.
One problem with modern normal laptops is I need to be able to plug a lot of stuff in, which has led me over to gaming laptops. The Acer Predator Helios usually makes an appearance on "best of" lists as a midline gaming laptop in my $2,000 budget. Unfortunately there are at least 10 configurations.
Tldr questions:
windows 11 or 10 and pro or home
512 GB or 1TB SSD
16 GB RAM is pretty standard with the option to go up to 32 later
12th gen or 11th gen/ i7 or i9
This is overwhelming. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you
Okay, first recommendation: buy a powered USB hub. This is similar to the one I've got. I use it constantly because there's a ton of shit that I want to plug in but I don't want to put too much stress on the ports on my laptop. It also means that if I want to move my computer I don't have to unplug five things, I only have to unplug one.
But to your questions:
Windows 11 but don't pay extra for it, any computer that is coming with 10 on it will come with an upgrade and one of your first options out of box will be to install the upgrade. Pro vs Home is going to depend a lot on what kind of environment you're interacting with and what tolerance you have for bullshit; Pro has fewer ads, works better if you need to be added to a domain, and includes Bitlocker encryption. Upgrading a home license to pro costs $95, so if you don't need that stuff then save yourself a hundred bucks.
Start with 16GB, it's cheaper to add more RAM later if you need it and you likely won't need it.
If cost to upgrade the SSD is under $100 go for it; you could, theoretically, get a cheaper SSD and install it yourself but fuck it you probably don't want to do that on a new computer. (I do strongly recommend getting an external drive with at least 4TB storage for backups and data; if you are getting a smaller SSD it is more important to get a backup drive big enough that you can use to store inactive projects AND a few backups on)
11th gen i7 is fine for what you're doing, but the processor is the least upgradeable part of your computer. If you've got the money and you're planning on using this computer for a long time then it's worthwhile to get the 12th gen i9. (Honestly newest processor is preferred in either case, but for real it's better to get less RAM and less storage and skip pro and spend all that money on the best processor possible because all of the other things are upgradeable but the processor isn't)
Good luck! Hope this helps!
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drunkwingtip · 1 year
I’d been begging for a fix to a basically unworkable laptop situation since I started my new job.
8 GB of (soldered, non-upgradable) RAM with a 1.6 GHz processor to run untold quantities of background bloatware and too many glitchy third-party Office integrations. At all times, we (the laptop and I) were on the verge of implosion.
Was there a spare? (No, they were all taken.)
Could I use the more powerful one I already owned? (No, the requisite corporate spyware could only run on a PC not a MacBook)
Could I BUY a more powerful work laptop with my own money? (No, never, that’s ‘not what we’re about.’)
Instead, I had to document all the crashes and glitches into a saga of a new IT ticket and wait until it reached an indeterminate point of critical mass at which the manufacturer would, maybe, replace the laptop tout court (likely with the same insufficient specifications).
The IT tech assigned to me commiserated with my predicament, made minor adjustments and wished he could do more (he couldn’t). “I’m really sorry,” he said. “You seem like a good person.”
A month into the saga ticket, and one ineffectual battery replacement later, my assigned tech quit. It probably had nothing to do with me, but it felt like a portent.
A few weeks and one hyperventilation episode after that, I resigned. I had feared the guilt and disappointment of ‘giving up’ would engulf me, but I was wrong. I ate a full meal for the first time this year, and slept through the night, no bad dreams.
Yesterday afternoon, nearly a week after my last day, the IT company called me. “Hey, the manufacturer’s agent just let us know they’re 5 minutes away from the office. Sorry for the late notice, they’re a bit random.”
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zachsgamejournal · 2 years
COMPLETED: Riptide GP: Renegade
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Done! I got a little addicted there. It doesn't just invoke the nostalgia of Jet Moto and Hydro Thunder: it was also a lot of fun! Though the final challenges were...cheap.
So the game is fun. I really enjoyed it. I even like how they handled tricks, with which I have become more comfortable. You basically have to do tricks to maintain your boost to even have a fighting chance by the end of the game. But Imma complain a bit:
Not Enough Levels
This game feels inspired, in part, by Jet Moto (especially the ruins level, which is my favorite for that reason), and Jet Moto 1 only had 10 levels (one more than Riptide's 9). But that was a 1996 game. I think we've come to expect more of our entertainment.
I think lacking more than number of levels is level variety. Jet Moto 1 had four biomes: tropical island, rural swamp, snowy, and met track in the sky. Jet Moto 2 upped it to include even more variety: including a roller coaster and mine-shaft.
Riptide's levels mostly look the same. There's a military base, air base, and power plant that all look the same. Even typing this, I'm not quite sure I'm thinking of three different levels. In design, the levels do have their own personality, but they don't have enough character (for me).
15 would have been a good number of tracks ;)
Bullshit difficulty
For the most part, I was able to beat the challenges fairly easily. Sometimes I needed vehicular upgrades or more practice with boost-building tricks. But by the time you get to the final challenges--the BS reveals itself.
Firstly, the AI racers are immovable. They can bump me out of the way, or pressure me out of my racing line. But I can't seem to do anything to them. That's not a horrible thing until you get to the later racers where victory often comes at fractions of a second, and most of the racers are in a pack. So fighting to get ahead, I felt bullied by a computer.
What's worse, many of the tracks feature police riders. Their speeds are seemingly unlimited: as they can catch up to me no matter. They also seemed dead set on only attacking the player. So not only am I fighting 7 racers, but I've got 2 other bullies bashing me around and no matter how fast I go or how well I race, they're always wife me: bumping me off course, reducing me speed, pushing me away from ramps to perform tricks.
I've lost hours of my life dealing with bullshit cop bots fucking with me.
Because the cop-bots disrupt one's ability to win: it removes skill and player agency to win, replacing it with random chance. Maybe I get lucky and the cop doesn't cut me off and slam on it's brakes. Maybe I get lucky and I don't miss that ramp I need to boost into first place cause a cop rams me. Maybe I get lucky and I'm able to hold a good racing line because the cops aren't bashing me from all sides.
It felt cheap.
Then there's also the AI. There's some rubber-banding happening, which often keeps games interesting: opponents never get too far ahead so that there's no hope, but also the player is never able to completely wipe the floor with other racers. I don't really like rubber banding, as it also disrupts the player's skill.
It was particularly apparent in a few "boss battles" on the highest difficulty. I would see AI racers pull away from me despite me being at full boost. But then at another part of the track the racer appeared to slam on their brakes and come to a near stop for no reason. It just looked like program behavior. Maybe it was meant to provide an exciting experience--but it mostly just pissed me off in the final stages.
I still like it though
The bullshit difficulty didn't really become an issue till the end of the game (where strangely most of the vehicles are unlocked but don't provide advantage of one another...). I could have stopped playing sooner. Who cares if I get every star in the career mode? I do. That's who (unfortunately). So I was addicted by the accessible gameplay and charming experience, but driven mad by the cheap difficulty. I still really like the game. But I need some space before I play it again.
I still need to try online mode though...
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foxxhoria · 2 years
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Amigaming!!!! 😍
...And, as you might be able to tell if you've been keeping up, this isn't the same Amiga as before! I got another one, the 500 Plus! I wanted as much power as I could afford and it was more cost effective to just get this better one than upgrade the other :P And it came with some cool stuff too: the "tank" mouse, a 1MB trapdoor expansion (with SIMM slots for easily replacing it if it gets bad!), plus the Amiga 500 manual, some software disks, and Lemmings :3
Though having said that, I -have- upgraded my regular 500 a little bit! I upgraded Agnus from 8371 to 8372A so I can make the trapdoor RAM into chip RAM sometime, & swapped Kickstart 1.2 for Kickstart 1.3! May go back to 1.2 in the end though, apparently some early games need it! I could get a ROM switch for the Plus eventually maybe; some games don't like later Kickstarts heh.
I also got a few conveniences, like a Greaseweazle to write games, the second floppy drive, and a bunch of DD/DS floppies :P Got an RGB adapter on the way as well, and soon I'll get a proper controller or adapter for this, as I hear Sega controllers aren't very good for some of the chips inside. Certainly the Mega Drive controller. I'm using the Master System one for now.
Going to have fun!! :3
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clxgaming · 27 days
Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Building a Gaming Computer
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Building your own gaming computer is a fantastic way to ensure you get the best performance for your budget. However, if you’re new to the world of PC building, there are some common pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. Read on below for some of the most common mistakes that people can make when building a gaming PC, as well as how to steer clear of them:
Skipping Compatibility Checks
One of the biggest mistakes that newbies often make is not checking if the components that they’ve chosen for their gaming PC are compatible with each other. Simply put, you can’t force a processor to work with a motherboard that doesn’t support it – that’s like trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.
To ensure that everything you’ve picked will play nicely together, you can use tools like PCPartPicker. Alternatively, you can purchase a gaming computer build kit like the ones on offer on CLX – their online Ultimate Configurator tool allows you to virtually build your gaming PC, and is intuitive enough to let you immediately know about any compatibility issues. Their gaming computer build kit is the best way to acquire a gaming PC without the hassle of having to research parts and compatibility!
Ignoring Future-Proofing
If you’re a gamer on a budget, chances are you’ve thought about purchasing components that are a couple of generations behind to save on costs. While this can be a prudent approach, though, you should still make sure that the parts you’ve chosen won’t be obsolete too soon. If you want to play triple-A titles at a relatively high resolution, it’s always a good idea to set aside the bulk of your budget on components that will allow you to do so. This will prevent you from having to upgrade your rig too early.
Underestimating the Importance of the Power Supply
A quality power supply (PSU) is the unsung hero of your gaming setup. It supplies power to the motherboard, CPU, GPU, storage devices, and other peripherals. That’s why skimping on your PSU is a major no-no. A bad PSU can lead to system instability, and in the worst-case scenario, it could fry your components. When building your gaming PC, make sure that you invest in a beefy, high-quality power supply. You’ll thank yourself for it later.
Overpaying for RAM
While having plenty of RAM is crucial for gaming, more isn’t always better. Beyond a certain point, the benefits start to taper off.
So, how much RAM should you put in your gaming PC? The answer is that it depends largely on the games that you want to play. 16GB of RAM is sufficient enough for many light competitive games. However, games like Microsoft Flight Simulator, for example, struggle on 16GB; if you want to play it without any hiccups, you might want to spring for 32. 32GB is also better if you plan on doing any streaming or multi-tasking on your PC while you play games.
Relying Solely on Hard Drives
While traditional hard drives (HDDs) are great for storage, they’re slow compared to Solid State Drives (SSDs). For faster load times and a smoother gaming experience, install your operating system and favorite games on an SSD.
Not Planning for Enough Storage
Games are getting bigger and bigger. If you only have a small SSD or HDD, you’ll find yourself constantly uninstalling and reinstalling games. Plan ahead and get more storage than you think you need.
Building a gaming computer can be a rewarding experience, but it’s essential to avoid these common pitfalls. Save yourself the headache – just purchase a gaming computer build kit from CLX! Visit the CLX website now to learn more.
For more information about Personal Computer For Gaming and Custom Built Gaming Pc please visit:- Cybertron International, Inc
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hospitalterrorizer · 5 months
tuesday - wednesday
feeling better today.
and still feeling better little bit by bit. i did something kinda dumb and jumped on buying a new laptop this morning and then decided, not that one, another one that's from acer instead of lenovo cuz i don't want something made too badly, i suppose. so now i am waiting on that cancellation to go thru, get my money back, and then by this other one that should be better than the lenovo thing. the only thing that had going for it was that it had like 24 gb of ram + 2 tb ssd, and that's maybe whatever, basically i know i need at least 16 + 1 tb, this thing i have doesn't even have an ssd and the it's 12gb of ram, the cpu is is like, from 2016, this new one would be like a 2023 cpu, it'd just be an upgrade in such a serious way, almost entirely i think. it'd be very nice and honestly? i am just thinking about all the stickers i have collected that i have been waiting to put on a laptop. i am so freaking excited about that... there's this sticker i have of a stuffed animal bear with its guts out, there's this sticker of cute cherubim flying around and it's shiny... there's a bunch of others... there's a yume nikki sticker. like omg... it will be soooo cute. cuter than this one, which is still cute. but not way cute. if i have a cute machine... i'll at least feel 10% cuter daily and that'll make me a little less crazy maybe.
anyway, today i made a new guitar tone for some of the problem songs and i think it's maybe basically perfect, so i'll see about that later i gueszzszss, i wanna listen tomorrow instead of immediately after exporting, in album context, just to see how it all comes off and maybe tomorrow will be good for vocals too. we'll see. i go in at 6 so i have time...
i hope, at least. i could waste it all. maybe this order cancellation will go badly but it's not like the order really had the chance to process fully. so it should be okay, i imagine.
listening to this now. conqueror is a good record i need to go back to it.
god now i am listening to this:
when i was in highschool, this was like, one of the most important songs ever, to me, between all the fucked up screamo stuff, weird electronic music, industrial stuff, there was this thing, it weighed on me more than any gy!be song, this felt like, i dunno, it puts me in a state of incoherence but i'll try to speak it, it was that kind of feeling you get, i knew i was headed into a future of some kind, it was really violently hitting me at various points, but especially senior year i think, the skull-cap of life had been opened up, and there was just this new firmament visible from the interior, i was caught in there staring out, the bone-white rim and black sky, a whole nothing arriving, a monstrous tide, and i understood it, and was part of it, i was bound for it, it's not like, death, it really was the dimness of the possible, where no light is because it is undifferentiated, that sort of yawning void crawled into me, and i felt the weight of the world and felt much of it as a kind of waste, cheapness surrounding me, you feel this lovely and swelling thing in those moments which are cheap, minor, standing in parking lots under cloudy skies, waiting for the bus to come take you home, stuff like that.
wow, you can see my old comment from 7 years ago on that. i feel so dumb seeing myself online but there's something sweet about that i guess, so like, whatevs.
how strange it is to see myself. it makes me kind of sad i guess. i am the thing i always was which is what i want to be. but i wonder if that means there's something wrong or whatever.
because i had to run to work, i could not read. tomorrow i need to and also i need to read some of that hito steyerl book tomorrow. it's like, good to read those kinds of essays. i read an essay tonight also,
this was interesting . i guess one thought not against but questioning it, is wonder if maybe the borderline experience is, while an expression of need for ways out, desire for revolt, and efforts toward that, if it still emerges from/in response to and so somewhat crafted by an apparatus of individualizing disciplines? i don't know. i know that in many ways, this analysis here is right, it is a response and expression of this need for a way out, and i don't want to say it's like, a 'condition' of useless thrashing, i don't think it is, but i do think that maybe it's helpful to imagine it as the need and desire for revolt expressed, rather than the revolt itself. instantiations of the need and drives, maybe even tiny mobilizations of those things, but i guess here what i am responding to is the sense that it is 'one,' not in a one of many way, but the response, an almost ideal one, when in truth i don't really want to foreclose on any potentiality, but i don't think the author here is doing that, i just tend to see that in things i guess because i am a freak or something.
it's hard to have too many thoughts on it, but i do like it, i also need to get to another essay i saw on that ill will website, about ecofascism i think.
anyway i need to sleep now, so
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gddmgttsu · 1 year
So, I've been having this issue of my old PC from like 2018 is starting to feel a bit lacking in terms of performance. I'm not like a computer expert by any means so I've given alot of thought as to wether I should get a new one or upgrade this one.
My mind was set on just buying a whole new one so I could run my stuff better. I stumbled upon a video that talks about graphics card performance over the years up to now being not quite as exponential as expected gave me a bit of hope that my smelly 1060 can still do good.
Alittle after that too, my friend was buying a new PC since he's never had a dedicated gaming one. While the friend group was on call, we were just talking about ram and how 8 gigs used to be the alright but now it's the minimum. After that conversation I realized "WAIT A SECOND ALL OF MY PC ISSUES FEEL LIKE A RAM PROBLEM" since I only had 8 gigs.
Without much thought, I went online and bought an extra 8 gig stick which would give me at total of 16 gigs. With great difficulty due to the size of my graphics card, I was able to slot it in properly (2-4 slot thingy) and upon my first boot it was wonderful.
It was like my PC's asthma was cured. I could actually like play my games properly and tab out to discord to talk without it exploding. I tested a bunch of games and felt a giant weight off of my shoulders.
I should preface this by saying I bought a somewhat expensive set of digital isntruments (I don't actually recommend the one I bought) and because it ran terribly but still useable. I had the idea to upgrade my PC because of that.
You could imagine how I felt when the next boot a few hours later things felt "normal". It was like I didn't install that new stick of ram.
To my surprise, the task manager said something like 4.8/8 gigs memory, despite my PC correctly seeing that it has 16 gigs of ram. I didn't quite feel a pit in my stomach but my first thought was "ah fuck I paid for that".
I spent 3 hours or so troubleshooting, taking the PC apart several times, cleaning, slotting in different slots, messing with windows settings and eventually I got it to fully use 16 gigs. It was only shortly lived as during my testing I noticed that on a stress test the memory felt like it was capping at 8 gigs and after a bit more pushing, it just BLUE SCREENED.
It gave me the error code of not being able to access the ram and it rebooted. It started up as normal again but before it can hit my desktop, this time it blue screened againt this time maybe telling me about corrupted system files. At this point I felt like the gif of the emoji disintegrating.
It reboots up one last time and everything seems normal and I can access my desktop.
I check the task manager, it only sees 8 gigs.
I eventually give up and go to bed deciding to take it out when I wake up which leads us to now.
I suppose I'm lucky I didn't catastrophically destroy my PC since I don't have a back up for my files yet (hehe) but like, come on man, I paid money for that stick.
As a last resort I check the listing for any semblance of warranty I could use and behold I see it, the prime reason as to why forces beyond our comprehension decided to mess with me: "Not compatible with AMD processors"
So, lesson learned: Read your tooltips (I'm an ffxiv player)
In all seriousness though, I'm kinda glad I went through the whole process because it gave me insight as to what I need to look out for when I actually get one whole money and buy a new PC.
It also gave me a newfound appreciation for the people in the computer repair industry that do this for a living. I imagine idiots like me walk into the store 200x a second with an easily remedied solution. Can't imagine the patience required haha.
I suppose when I can afford it, I can buy another ram and give it another go. It shouldn't be too hard this time since I'll be walking into the physical store and asking for what I need with my specs.
As for the ram, I might just give it away since it might still work with a non AMD processor. I did pay for it and I wouldn't want it to go to waste.
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sonicenvy · 1 year
on the subject of my new PC, my continued thoughts:
The entire display assembly seems pretty chinsy, both the hinges and the thickness of the screen. I think the screen thickness thing is just a computers these days thing that I'm just not used to because my newest computer until I bought this one was from 2014. (my old gaming PC). That gaming PC still had an externally removable battery (a nifty feature that I can't believe tech companies all collectively decided to do away with. the PC people were copying apple's homework on that and it was a bad choice)

The fans are not as loud as the reviewers made it seem. Not sure if this is just because I am used to incredibly loud 10+ year old fans that are cranked to max when you have too many photoshop windows open. I also test played civ v on it last night and the fans were quiet enough that I really couldn't hear them at all with my headphones in. Could be that the reviews also just play newer and fancier video games than me. (I'm not a WOW or COD player).

It does get somewhat hot around the vents around hour 1.5 of civ, but it is way less hot than my old computer or my macbook so I'm going to give that a pass. It's not generating that much heat having firefox tabs of tumblr, ao3, reddit, 10x wikipedia, and 10x misc articles and research. It started to kick up a little when I added 1x photoshop instance. It was also fairly hot with loudish fans while it was downloading like 100gbs of software, video games etc

Huge fan of the keyboard feel and the groovy blue backlight. I might turn the backlight off to reduce battery consumption. It's a little bit wider and larger than my mac so when I switch to it for games it's always a weird moment of adjustment.

That radeon GPU SLAPS y'all graphics as I've literally never experienced them on a computer before. Like this computer's GPU has 10GB of video memory and that really makes a difference. My last gaming laptop had 5gb of video memory in its GPU, so this is massive upgrade!

That Samsung NVMe SSD is SO fast y'all. I need to get me some kind of sata to PCIe or NVMe adapter for my macbook. Between the 16GB of RAM and that hard drive this thing boots in like all of about 4 seconds. holy shit. love that.

Still hate windows 11. However, though the use of copious regedits, the installation of an open source system patcher, the creation of several XML files in the user library, and the running of several lines of code through elevated powershell and the uninstallation of a bunch of bloatware it has become tolerable to use. still looking for a solution to kill the "search the web" feature in the start menu search so that it only searches the system. Also looking for a solution to remove the recommend searches from bing and the search suggestions. Doing all of this took many hours of research and fiddling but god was it worth it. Maybe I'll make a post on this later so any of you who have to deal with this can fix this problem without hours of research.
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sellmelaptop · 1 year
Maximizing Value: Selling Your Broken Laptop
 In our fast-paced digital age, laptops have become indispensable tools for work, communication, and entertainment. However, just like any other technological device, laptops can experience issues over time. Whether it's a cracked screen, a malfunctioning keyboard, or a dead battery, a broken laptop doesn't necessarily mean it's worthless. In fact, there are ways to extract value from your malfunctioning device. This article delves into the art of selling a broken laptop and how you can make the most out of it.
Understanding the Value
Before you dismiss your broken laptop as a mere paperweight, consider the salvageable components within it. Even though the laptop might not function as a whole, individual parts such as the hard drive, RAM, and other internal components could still be in working condition. These components are sought after by repair shops and individuals looking to fix their own laptops. Additionally, the laptop's casing, hinges, and other external parts might still be in good shape and can be repurposed for other projects.
Assessing the Damage
To determine the potential value of your broken laptop, start by assessing the extent of the damage. Is it a minor issue that can be easily repaired, or is it a more complex problem that requires significant investment to fix? Some common laptop issues like broken screens, malfunctioning keyboards, or faulty charging ports can be relatively straightforward to repair, and the cost of repairs might not outweigh the value of the laptop itself.
Research Your Options
Once you have a clear understanding of the damage, it's time to explore your options. Depending on the severity of the issue and the laptop's overall condition, you have several routes to consider: 
Repair and Sell
If the cost of repairing the laptop is reasonable and you're confident in your ability to find a buyer after the repair, investing in the necessary fixes could yield a higher return
Sell As-Is
If the repairs are too costly or time-consuming, selling the laptop in its current broken state might still be a viable option. Many buyers are interested in purchasing broken laptops for parts or repair projects
Trade-In Programs
Some manufacturers and retailers offer trade-in programs where you can exchange your broken laptop for a discount on a new device. This can be a convenient option if you're in the market for an upgrade
Online Marketplaces
Online platforms like eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace allow you to list your broken laptop for sale. Be honest about the laptop's condition, and include detailed photos and a clear description of the damage
Electronics Recycling
If the laptop is beyond repair and you're concerned about the environmental impact, consider recycling it through an electronics recycling program. Some organizations offer monetary compensation for old electronics.
Maximizing Your Return
To maximize the value you get from selling your broken laptop, consider the following tips
Honesty Is Key
When listing your laptop for sale, provide accurate and detailed information about the damage and condition. This builds trust with potential buyers and reduces the likelihood of disputes later on
Quality Photos
Clear, high-quality photos showcasing the laptop's condition and damage can help potential buyers understand what they're getting. Include images of the exterior, the screen (if applicable), and any other relevant parts
Competitive Pricing
Research similar listings to gauge the market value for broken laptops with similar issues. Price your laptop competitively to attract potential buyers
Be responsive to inquiries from potential buyers. Answer their questions promptly and provide any additional information they might need.
Secure Data Removal
Before selling your broken laptop, ensure that all your personal data is securely erased. If the hard drive is functional, consider removing and securely wiping it before selling it separately.
For More Info:-
Sell Broken Laptop
Selling Old Iphone
Laptops for Cash
Get Cash for Laptop
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arapydea · 1 year
What I learned after making 20 Videos
I’m just gonna go through each of my videos and what I learned from them because now seems to be a good time for that considering the upgrade that will happen soon-ish 
So in the beginning I was only writing notes, little reminders for what I wanted to talk about in my videos. I realized quickly that this made the recording phase longer than it had to be, made the video disorgenized and added a ton of time in editing.  Because I had to make something good out of a recording in which I wasn’t only not confident in what I was saying but it was also all over the place (more so than my videos now which is surprising). 
So after 4 videos of weird notes and too long recordings I decided I would write scripts. Word for word for what I was gonna say. (I’ve always been told that my reading aloud sounded rather natural, that paired with my ability to write how I speak gave me an advantage on that.)
But I did actually write a word for word script for the channel trailer though I generally don’t count that as an actual video. 
For the first few actual videos (Miraculous Truth & Lies Rant - AngryArapy 🌋 /Merlin - BabbleArea 🌌/Why the Haikyuu Characters are great - BabbleZone ☄️/Gravity Falls - BabbleArea 🌌) I did not have scripts and it shows. The videos were a good start because I had something to work off of and it showed me a lot of how I shouldn’t do things.
So since “Reaction Streamers are parasites - AngryArapy 🌋” I have been writing scripts.  These solid scripts cut down my recording and editing time significantly (which does not mean it’s quick…)
Though looking back this video isn’t good…which I think is mostly because I had the entire script ready and then 3 new things came out that I wanted to incorporate and just overall I just wasn’t ready to talk about this kind of topic. If I ever get to it I would like to re-do this video in a proper way to do the topic justice and explain my viewpoints better.
I personally think that from “Marinette is NOT a normal girl ☄️ BabbleZone” my thumbnails have become good(-ish).  At least from then on I felt like I kinda knew what I was doing. 
After that I did “How I made my Persona” which was a very lengthy process which I am still pretty happy with that.  As far as I remember the video was fun to edit, I don’t think I learned a lot from this one besides that it’s good to keep track of what you are doing so you can talk about it later.
The first NameAnalysis (which is a format I am not sure I want to continue but we will see) was…a pain to say the least, this was around the time were my fascination with Miraculous turned to pure frustration. The research for this was somewhat boring and the editing bored me even more. This was the first time I truly noticed that when I am bored I am slow in editing (which I will come back to later)
The first Speedpaint Commentary was a new experience! “HeRos Creation Explained” was pretty fun for me because it was a new experience, I don’t think Speedpaint Commentaries are really my thing but it challenged me to develop my editing skills further and think outside of the box I was in before. 
“Avatar: The Last Airbender 🌌 BabbleArea” was…said lightly…a straight run into a wall. I edit in Shotcut and at the time I didn’t know what it could do and with the knowledge I had I hit the wall so hard I wasn’t sure if I could continue. With what I know now about what Shotcut can do I think I could do this Video better but at the time i just simply didn’t have the knowledge and thought it would be fine. This video was a big reason why I tried Davinci Resolve (which we will also get to later).
What I have not mentioned until now is that I edited all of these videos on a 10 year old laptop with a whopping 4GB RAM (which if you don’t know, isn’t a lot…) As you probably can imagine, editing was a pain.  Shotcut crashed on me more than I want to remember (but as Shotcut has automatic saving I never really lost much). 
Around this time I started looking for a new laptop. 
“The ending of Digimon Frontier could’ve been genius ☄️ BabbleZone” I think I still made on the old laptop (but that was just a quick video to get out of my head and just have another video so I wasn’t that attached to making this one good)
But both “Miraculous…WHY Power-Ups AND Fusions?? 🌋 AngryArapy“ and “Kitsuyoi Artwork 🖌️ DeaDraws“ were edited on the laptop of my dear MamaDea (which has 8GB RAM, and damn was it nice to not edit in fear of a crash and slowness.) [Around that time I was looking/waiting for my new laptop and couldn’t bare working on the 4GB RAM anymore.]
And then I had the new laptop, and immediately did the dumbest thing I could do.  Throw out everything I know and make an entire Video in Davinci Resolve without getting enough info about how the programm works and what it can do. (And not informing myself what the limits of Shotcut are)
“Pokémon: Hisuian Snow 🌌 BabbleArea” was the first video I made on the new laptop and in Davinci Resolve (even though I think the audio editing I still did in Shotcut because it was easier for me). 
Between this Video and the one before were (if my math is right [and it’s probably not]) 94 days of no uploads. Changing to a completely new device and a completly new editing programm with no planned buffer or a planned slow learning process is just not the smartest move.  I tried to learn Davinci Resolve while making a full video which is just simply not how this works.  (Additionally to that I didn’t even like the Video I made in DaVinci. Learning how to not to things is also good kids.)
And here I just want to share a thought because I think there is a difference between DaVinci Resolve and other video editing programms because DaVinci just doesn’t seem to be a video editior, it’s a movie editor. 
It surely can be used as a video editor and in some cases I guess it makes more sense but at least for me and the type of content I want to make, a video editor (if actually understood) should be able to do everything I want to do without giving me 4 Pages I do not understand and will never need.
From “Miraculous Rewrite Summary - Season 1 🐞🐱” I have been editing in Shotcut again and have been learning the absolute limits of Shotcut because I think it can do more than it looks like it can and it should be able to do everything I need as soon as I figure out how. 
In “How I Made My Channel” I didn’t learn as much in editing but I did realise again that my scripts are lacking. 
Through “Digimon Adventure is a pretty great movie 🌌 BabbleArea“ I realiesed 3 things. One: my scripts are not getting better. Two: BabbleArea as a format in itself is severely lacking. Three: I need to get my editing done in at most 2 weeks because if it takes longer than that it takes longer than it needs and I get confused with what I wanted to do. 
“Pokémon Pokémon copied from Digimon ☄️ BabbleZone” confirmed point one and three from above again but also let me know that as long as I fully believe in a video until I need to start the visual editing process the video is at least okey. 
What I learned overall is that scripts are always good because they save time not only in recording but also in editing, allow for easy subtitling and probably much more.
I think I naturally learned how to make better Thumbnails (but stll have much to learn).
In the beginning I actually purposefully kept my editing as simple as possible because I wanted to avoid copyright issues and just not spend that much time on it because it was just this “I’m going to try it out" thing but I will try some more things in the future and take some more risks.
As much as I would like to just do what I am comfortable with now, if I don’t try new things I won’t learn new things and I won’t have a proper chance at making my content more interesting. 
So I’m going to try more things and keep going for as long as I can ! ^^
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ithardware-info · 1 year
Important Facts about Computer Motherboards
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 If you ’are a computer user, or indeed a PC builder still, looking for your first computer and you don’t know much about  MOTHERBOARD, then this article is for your information on motherboards.
  CPU, GPU, memory,  storage, and further – everything is connected to the motherboard in one way or another. As similar, you can suppose it as the ‘  backbone ’ of a PC; a bustling centre of electrical pathways acting as links between all the hardware in your system.  The motherboard function is to let factors communicate with each other at lightning speed. For illustration, a CPU sends data to a GPU for rendering over the motherboard’s machine( its circuitry). 
 By itself, the motherboard is just a circuit board. It’s an essential part of all computers, but a flashier motherboard is not inescapably going to net you a faster frame- per second like an high- end GPU would.  So selecting the motherboard for a computer can either be trouble free or complicated while building a computer. Some people are not too worried about the motherboard, they view it just as a foundation for the more essential hardware to make upon. But as the motherboard’s part is so important, some treat it as the equal of any other element. 
It’s obvious that you do not regularly upgrade the motherboard so you should invest properly into it the first time itself. Throughout a gaming generation, you'll probably install some redundant RAM and upgrade to a brisk GPU – while the motherboard stays the same.  As similar, the motherboard you choose now can determine the upgrades you’re suitable to make in the future. You could pick out the cheapest motherboard to save some price in the then and now.  But when it comes time to upgrade, it may not have the places, anchorages and features you need, ending up going you more in the long run.  A motherboard should have enough DIMM, SATA and M.2slots for more expansion and PCIe Gen4 to gain the fastest performance out of compatible GPUs and SSDs. Motherboard should have enough of four-pin case fan connectors .These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself when choosing a motherboard, not only if it’s compatible with your present CPU.  Motherboard upgrade also is a complicated process. While RAM may take a few minutes at most to a niche, upgrading a motherboard requires you to rebuild your entire PC effectively. 
High-end motherboard has robust voltage controller modules, capacitors for toughened power delivery. This is essential if you’re looking to seriously overclock your computer and push it to the absolute limit. As an advanced-end motherboard lets factors run at their fastest, you could say it laterally affects performance.  For most of the computer users, manual CPU overclocking is a thing of history. Rather than probing into a motherboard’s memoirs and fine-tuning frequentness by hand, automatic boosting does the heavy lifting on ultramodern PCs.  It is no point in buying a high-end, overclocking-concentrated motherboard to use automatic boosting. You’d be better off saving some money on the motherboard and buying a brisk CPU or GPU rather for further conspicuous earnings.  Fortunately, Intel motherboards and AMD motherboards are resolved into three chipset orders. Intel has ‘ H ’ boards for your standard office PC, ‘ B ’ boards for mid-range computers and gaming and ‘ Z ’ boards for high-end overclocking. AMD has ‘ A ’, ‘ B ’ and ‘ X ’ boards independently serving the same purpose.
Get the best quality motherboards from GlobalNettech.We provide laptop rental, mobile workstations rental, Apple Mac Desktop and Mac Laptop Rental services in Bangalore
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tonkiprofits · 2 years
Umark gauntlet
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#Umark gauntlet mac os x#
#Umark gauntlet install#
#Umark gauntlet full#
#Umark gauntlet software#
#Umark gauntlet windows#
If you attempt to drop a module onto an 'illegal' destination, Kontakt doesn't let it happen - for example, you cannot drag a modulator (say an LFO or envelope) into an Effects slot. When an Instrument is in Edit mode, these processing modules can be dragged from the Browser pane and dropped onto the desired destination. The Browser's Modules tab displays Kontakt 's processing tools in three selectable categories: Effects, Filters and Modulators, as you can see on the left. If a sound's author is included as part of its embedded description, that too can be used as a search term. A Search function makes finding specific instruments a breeze - simply type 'bass' into the search box, and all Instruments with 'bass' in their titles will be displayed. When that view is selected, only those Instruments appear in the Browser. Custom 'views' can be created - for example, you could 'tag' all the guitar instruments in your library, and create a category called 'All Guitars'. Cataloguing a large library can take quite a while the first time you do it, but by selecting 'Rebuild' you can subsequently add new library content to the Database very quickly. Multis, Banks, Instruments, Samples) and select 'Build Database'. The Database can be configured to show exactly the file types that you wish to see - simply choose the desired hierarchical levels (ie. Firstly, an improved Database system offers extensive search and file-management facilities, a crucial necessity for anyone with a burgeoning library of sounds (for more on Kontakt 's file architecture and hierachy, see the box below). However, there are now five tabs at the top bringing new functions into play.
#Umark gauntlet windows#
The InterfaceĪs before, the Kontakt screen is divided into two main windows - the Browser and the Instrument Rack, and the Browser still provides the means to navigate your computer's drive directories. The Browser, showing the drag-and-drop Effects. Even when Kontakt is addressed through only one physical or virtual port, all 64 parts can still be used to layer sounds - although only 16 MIDI channels are available between them.
#Umark gauntlet software#
When run as a plug-in within a host sequencer, you will need software capable of supporting virtual MIDI ports to access all 64 channels. It is also 64-part multitimbral, having four 16-part banks, or Multi-pages, each of which is addressable on its own physical MIDI port when run as the stand-alone version. The polyphony is theoretically unlimited, depending on your PC's capabilities. Version 2 employs a 192kHz, 32-bit sample engine able to replay samples up to 24-bit resolution. This can be done on line (via any computer) or by snail-mail.
#Umark gauntlet full#
As is now customary with current NI products, you have full functionality of the program for 30 days, after which you must authorise the software using NI's key code system.
#Umark gauntlet install#
For reasons I'll explain later, if you are a Sonar user (like myself.) and would normally install the DXi plug-in version, it is advisable to install the stand-alone, DXi and VST versions. This is very reassuring if you wish to return to using the earlier version for any reason. Note that version 2 of Kontakt installs into its own folder, so anyone nervous about upgrading from version 1.xx can relax - your old installation remains unharmed. The program is provided in stand-alone, DXi, VST, RTAS, and Audio Units flavours, and installation proved straightforward. Mac users can apparently get away with 800MHz G4 processors, although my test was carried out on a PC, so I can't comment further! NI recommend a minimum spec of 512MB of RAM on both platforms, and that Pentium PCs should have processors no slower than 1GHz (Athlon XP-based machines have a suggested minimum speed of 1.4GHz, though).
#Umark gauntlet mac os x#
Kontakt 2 is a cross-platform application, although it only runs under Windows XP and Mac OS X from revision 10.2.6 and up. Version 2 has had a major cosmetic overhaul, with loads of new features and a much improved interface. Samples can be streamed directly from disk and processed by a large variety of effects: time-stretching, filtering, modulation, looping and beat-slicing are just a small selection of the armoury of tools on offer. To recap briefly, Kontakt is a sophisticated software sampler, offering sample creation from compatible file formats, sample manipulation and performance capabilities similar to programs such as Tascam's Gigastudio, Steinberg's Halion and Emagic/Apple's EXS24. Version 1.0.2 of NI's Kontakt was reviewed back in SOS August 2002, and has since become a major player amongst software samplers. Native Instruments' Kontakt has become one of the most popular software samplers since its release in 2002, and the new version, with its many excellent new features, should keep it near the top of the heap.
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zachsgamejournal · 2 years
PLAYING: Mega Man Legends 2
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I'm having a roller coaster relationship with Mega Man Legends 2. At moments I love it, hate it, or feel ambivalent...Contrary to last time, I might be ready for it to end.
So MML2 and I went through a rough patch where I found the design frustrating. Overly difficult scenarios and water-walking didn't make me very excited about the game. Now, it's winning me back a little but I'm not quite "excited".
Next step for MM was to visit some city in the desert. Once there, I learned the Bonnes (baddies from the first game) had attacked the city and were stealing statues. Some lady said that because there was no statue to place offerings to, she has begun placing offerings to herself. I support. This time, the battles weren't as frustrating. There were plenty of places to maneuver and hide.
At one point I found some people hiding out in an apartment. One man said he was a truck driver and would be happy to help. Later, when there are barriers blocking my path, he drives me in his truck through the barriers. While Mega Man jumps out, he rams the trucks into the enemies. It explodes and he comes flying back at the screen shouting: "It's up to you now!" Pretty funny!
The boss fight was kind of interesting. The Bonnes were stealing a statue. If you attacked the boss outright, he bent over and used the statue for cover. There was dialog about not breaking the statue, so I thought--oh, if I break the statue I can attack the enemy. So there's got to be a way around. I found by holding back, he would move the statue to attack and I could get a single shot in. Thankfully I had bought the +4 damage buster part, so while it was tedious, it went quick enough.
All the while, these diggers would rise up and try to attack me. The sand I was in made it hard to move. So I could see what the challenge was, but the diggers rarely attacked me. And I had new armor that reduced damage to half--so it wasn't too rough a fight.
Once over, the boss said I destroyed the statue. WTF. No I didn't! Ah well.
A new dungeon is open. It might be the last "key dungeon" before moving onto the final chapter. MML1 didn't have the greatest story, but it was focused on the same set of characters and broad conflict. This game has so many different characters and shifting antagonists. I'm not really sure who's on who's side or what the end goal is. But this dungeon is a little more interesting in its textures then the last. Still pretty linear though. there's a giant "T-Rex" robot that walks by windows and will bash its head in if it sees you. Reminds me of Dino Crisis...also produced by Capcom!
I was very forgiving of MML1's level design and art style because it was a 1998 game. All games looked like trash, even Ocarina of Time was pretty rough! MML2 being a sequel, I feel less forgiving. Look at Resident Evil 2 from Resident Evil 1. Or Final Fantasy 8 from Final Fantasy 7. Most PS1 games made impressive leaps in graphics with their sequels, but I don't see it here. There are improvements, but this feels more like an expansion than an upgrade.
Well, I'll keep trying...
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veworaplus · 2 years
How to download adobe photoshop cs6 portable on mac
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System Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or later (Core i3, Core i5).ĭownload Free Adobe Photoshop CS6 Mac DmgĬlick on the button below to start downloading Adobe Photoshop CS6 for mac OS X.
Disk Space: 2 GB free space needed for this app.
Ram (Memory): 2 GB Minimum required for this dmg.
Must read listed system requirement for your Apple mac book before download this app.
#How to download adobe photoshop cs6 portable on mac for mac os x
System Requirements of Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Mac OS X
Product: Adobe_Photoshop_CS6_mac.zip Dmg.
Save time with user-inspired improvements.
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Some interesting features of adobe photoshop for macbook pro listed below that you experienced after download dmg of Adobe Photoshop CS6 for mac. You can also download Adobe Lightroom Mac CC. Change the background and other details with minimum efforts also as use different brushes and other tools to reinforce the digital photos.It’s an entire application to edit and enhance the digital images with minimum efforts. Change the color of the pictures also as adjust different settings to boost the photos. Making an inspired photo takes much less time on the Adobe Photoshop CS6. The Blur tool has been heavily re-imagined with the addition of a brand new gallery of blur filet. Content-Aware Move Tool now moves the weather more precisely, Crop tool lets the users change the form without much workaround. If Adobe Photoshop CS closes improperly thanks to any reason while an editing task was happening, the modifications are saved on a recovered version and also the users can continue where they left off when Photoshop is launched future time.Ĭertainly a lifesaving feature for many! Some essential tools are upgraded or revamped so as to be more useful from now. Computers could still freeze even in any case these improvements, or unwanted scenarios like breakdown or anything might occur. the application comes with complete support for enhancing the photos also as fix images with minimum efforts in Adobe CS6 Mac.Īnother very useful feature Adobe has added is that the auto recovery option. Edit the raster designs and work on vector images also as process RAW photos. Plugins support make it very easy to reinforce the photos. specializing in the creative part is important instead of being bothered about the software requirements, and that’s what Adobe has through with the Photoshop CS6. The new algorithm has been optimized for both Mac OS and Windows platforms to supply the utmost level of comfort and ease. Every operation will now keep it up like a breeze, unless the Pc Adobe Photoshop CS is simply too under-powered, the users aren’t alleged to feel any glitch. the essential algorithm is Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine on Photoshop CS6. However, the new CS6 version features powerful improvements and impressive changes on the photo editing techniques offered by Adobe.
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The 13th update for Adobe Photoshop CS6 is currently available on the Adobe website, and any licensed Adobe user may get the update officially for free. Description Adobe Photoshop CS6 For Mac + OverviewĪdobe makes certain prominent changes on every retail version they release. Complete setup Adobe Photoshop CS6 offline installer for mac OS with direct link.
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