#Court Verdict
ind1c0lite · 1 year
(Basic context is that AU of Duel Desinties where the phantom impersonates Phoenix to get him found guilty of Clay's murder, I talk more under the cut abt it jkhlj)
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-Basically meant to be a parallel to turnabout trump, cause if you can have ONE boss get found guilty of murder, why not a second one?
-OK basically: everything in DD happens normally until like- a day before clays murder, Phoenix gets yoinked by the phantom somehow (he is still alive, just being held captive), Phantom is still Fulbright, but they've decided to be silly goofy (target Phoenix and get him found guilty of murder, escape police custody and then murder phoenix and make it seem like Phoenix accidentally died while on the run, thats why they didn't kill phoenix right away unlike the real Fulbright) there is an imposter amo-
-I dont have the logistics as to how this affects solving Metis's murder, and how it effects what evidence is used n whatnot and turnabout for tomorrow as a whole, so im just going nuts HGJKHLJ
-Originally I was actually imagining this taking place during turnabout for tomorrow and I wanted that case to be apollo v klavier instead of phoenix and edgeworth and thats why klav is in here instead of Simon (I decided that Simon got badly injured and couldn't stand in court for the retrial, so klavier was asked to step in)
-The courtroom bombing still happens the same way it does normally, but Apollo decides to take up the case again instead of taking a leave, instead of like, you know, healing from the traumatic event that just happened, turnabout countdown still happens as well
-Apollo and Athena do not find out about the phantom's existence until well after this trial, so they have no idea that Phoenix could've possibly been replaced, though simon, after hearing about the trial, might be suspicious about whether or not that was the real Phoenix
-The Phantom had been not only keeping an eye on Simon for a while, but was also stalking Phoenix and Edgeworth after they both started looking into UR-1, so they were able to impersonate phoenix so well that not even his own daughter thought that anything was up (though while Trucy did find him a *little* bit off, but she figured that it might've been the bombing that caused him to act ever so slightly weird, so she didn't pay much mind to it until she heard about his confession in court and realized it might've been because he possibly, ya know, killed someone)
-it's pretty much just switching Athena being framed for murder with Phoenix, and instead of the trial ending on a cliffhanger, it continues on (probably with Klavier insisting on it) ending with soloman being found innocent and Phoenix being declared guilty
-There's a couple days inbetween the end of the cosmic turnabout and the start of turnabout for tomorrow, so Athena, Apollo and Trucy all get a little bit to process the fact that "oh god my boss/my dad killed someone" (simons execution date is pushed back a bit in this au) and they probably get to talk with Klavier and eventually a lil bit with Simon after he gets out
-Im not sure how it all winds down in turnabout for tomorrow (Phoenix escaping and being at large is basically the perfect cover for the phantom to resume being fulbright for that trial) but they do eventually realize that the phoenix who confessed wasn't the real one and now there's a search on going to find out where the real one is being held captive, hes fineeee just ready to take a week long nap and a good vacation (along with every other waa member)
-I dont have anything else to add on rn but if you want to add something or just throw in a scenario feel free to!! this idea has been bouncing around my head for like a month now and Im very happy to finally show yall it
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rainswept · 1 year
you ask for Fontaine brain rot/reqs, I deliver.
So idk if you've done the recent archon quest and lyney/lynette story quest so if you haven;t be careful caus i will be spoling !
That part where Lyney is freaking out over Freminet and Lynette had me SCREAMING especially since ive done their story quest AND ALSO FRIENDSHIP 10 LYNEY SO I HAVE THE LORE AND IT HURTS SM but I won't spoil all that for u-
so anyways, i started thinking, imagine Lyney has a lover who's been with the siblings for years (and also works for Arlecchino) and is considered another sibling by Lynette and Freminet. They were also diving with Freminet when they encountered water from the primordial sea
now imagine clorinde can only take one person with her at a time when she pulls them back, and she saves Freminet first, later going back for Lyney's s/o
Eventually Freminet wakes up like he does in the quest, but the reader just.. doesn't. Hours pass and the siblings are freaking tf out because they don't want to lose anyone.
(now I can't decide if I crave angst or if I want to comfort my babies so ill give my headcanons for both shiguegoe)
angst: Lyney's lover keeps deteriorating, parts of them gradually turning blue and quite literally withering away (caus you know the water and the dissapearances- yeah-) and the siblings can do nothing but watch
Lynette shuts down more frequently and for longer periods, not even saying anything to Lyney
Freminet blames himself for not noticing sooner, for not getting them out sooner
And then there's Lyney.. he blames himself for not only putting his siblings in danger, but losing his lover...
He sits by their bed watching as they wither away, holding their hand. He knows Father will be upset by his lack of comitment to the mission but he can't bring himself to care
The day they pass, no one says a word. They continue with their mission, report to Father, go on with their Fontainian lives until they're alone and they cry. they cry and scream and curse whatever archons or god's are listening.
After days of not waking up, they finally open their eyes.
Lyney is fretting over them asking if they know where they are, who he is, what happened etc
now to throw in a tidbit of angst, what if they awoke with some disability? like they cant see anymore, they can't hear properly, cant walk properly etc
Lyney and Freminet would devasted because they blame themselves. Lynette would be quick to remind her brothers at least everyone is alive.
It'd be bad because with a disability, they can't work for Father anymore, or at least not the way they used to
AHHEOGUHEOG im stuck in a neverending brain rot my guy
Anyways. I was actually going to request for you to write your own take on this but you don't have to if you dont want- even just hearing your take would be nice lmao
also if its ok i reallly wanna be mutuals! I just found you blog and im obssesed!! I really wanna be friends<3
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NO BECAUSE I SCREECHED SO LOUD MULTIPLE TIMES READING THIS !! THANK U SO MUCH YES OFC I WANNA BE MUTUALS/FRIENDS!! genuinely absolutely made my day to have u ask that oh my god??
also don’t worry about spoiling anything for me, i’ve read every little bit of lyney/lynette/freminet lore out there 😭 and i’ve done all of the new fontaine archon quests already (i need help. it’s okay though!)
as for angst — u know me so well already this is my forte. cracks knuckles here i go
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freminet feels as if something is off.
already beginning to panic, he turns to you in a hurry. the water swishes in his ears. when you meet his gaze, wide-eyed, the gut ‘feeling’ turns into a full-blown punch to it. oh, now he realizes; he can’t breathe. his heart’s racing, chest tightening and throat feeling as if it’s closing up.
you reach out, and exchanging unspoken words, you two turn around and make to retrace your patterns with haste. hand in hand, you race against frittered time; but even your best efforts are not enough, and the both of you are forced to acknowledge it when freminet’s vision begins to turn spotty.
he got in the water first; he’s gone before you are. his body floats limp beside you as you drag him along through the water, even as the surroundings grow hazy for you, too. a cold tingle runs up your spine as you consider the possibility; is this the end?
(when you had left for the pipes, the most you had exchanged with lyney was a quick kiss on the cheek as a goodbye. that wouldn’t do.)
but even as you try desperately to cling to life .. the “sea” is a cruel thing, and it does not care for your mortal frivolities. (a proper goodbye? .. foolish.) with cold, disorienting water enveloping your senses from all sides, your only grounding thing being freminet’s (rapidly cooling) fingers against yours — it didn’t take long before you succumbed to the “sea”, too.
(your last thought as the world went dark was “i’m sorry.”)
(even in your barely conscious state, you feel another wave of panic surge through you when freminet’s fingers slip away from yours — but you don’t have enough energy to hold on.)
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reader lives:
the incessant thrum of the water rushing through pipes rattled in your ears. your whole body was sore, weak and tired; and all of your limbs felt like lead attached to you via shoddy workmanship. your head hurt like hell, and what’s worse is that the moment you opened your eyes, you were immediately met with the sight of the three people you cherished most.
first, there was freminet, who was sitting on the bed opposite to yours. his posture fixes from a slouch into proper the moment he spots you, perhaps in.. excitement? shock? you weren’t sure. his eyes lit up, though.
second, there was lynette. she was .. a bit more on edge than usual. that was .. to be expected, of course, but really. you were out for.. what, an hour or two? come on, all four of you put yourselves in danger all the time. what was different about this?
(what was different was the fact that you were not out for an hour or two. no, make that days. they were sure to remind you of this.)
then, there was lyney. for him, the world seemed to stop.
lyney, who was pacing the room in sheer desperation. he walked and walked, boots timed and in tune with the clocks and dripping water from the pipes. in his nervousness, he had unwittingly created a quite fitting melody.
(the only sounds once he ceases walking are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.)
lyney, who had rushed to your bedside the moment he had noticed you were up. he looked exhausted, but the second you were awake the mask was .. attempted .. to be put back on. however .. it didn’t take someone as observant as you, or even one who knew him so well, to notice that it was placed crooked.
(how absurd he looked, trying to put on a front everyone in the room knew was one.)
why, even, you would have bet that it could’ve been surmised by a child. once again, emphasis on ‘you would have’, for there was no time for thinking about that when he rushed to your bedside and enveloped you into an embrace. you didn’t miss the way his fingers grasped at the back of your shirt in downright desperation.
(in clear, bold letters, it reads; “if nothing else, please let this be real.”)
he slots himself beside you and, wordlessly, holds you close. he doesn’t need words — neither of you do. this is enough.
lynette and freminet looked on, neither of them opening their mouths when lyney buries his face into the crook of your neck and stays there for just a bit too long. he doesn’t cry. instead, he whispers shakily against your skin; “i thought i’d lost you.”
(the only sounds once he ceases speaking are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.
(no one speaks up just yet.)
(the only sounds in the room are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.)
(you’re starting to think those were the only sounds ever there.)
when he finally pulls away, you notice he’s fixed his mask. lyney now smiles, and the shake in his voice is gone; but you know it’s not all better, not when he refuses to leave the infirmary even after sigewinne and the traveler inquire. you know it’s not all better, not when the four of you are alone again. lyney sits beside you on the bed, refusing to so much as stand up (he doesn’t want to let go of your hand. you don’t comment on it, but his fingers are still shaky as he holds onto yours like they’re a lifeline.)
you don’t exchange as much as a single word after that. you just bask in each other’s presence, apologies and pleas and “i love you” shared during every lingering glance between everyone in the room.
the four of you don’t need words. this is enough.
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reader dies:
seven mistakes went unnoticed. seven signs went unfollowed. seven things (and five people) went wrong that day.
one: freminet.
it was entirely freminet’s fault, he thinks, it was. if only he had gotten you out of there in time. no — he shouldn’t have even brought you. he sits on the infirmary bed opposite to yours, knees pulled up to his chest, and he clutches pers with a death grip. he dips his head in such a way that his face is hidden with his hair; he doesn’t want to let lyney and lynette see him in this state. they have enough to deal with.
two: the primordial sea.
but they were bound to notice eventually, right?
“it was entirely the primordial sea’s fault,” lynette would remind, hand on freminet’s shoulder. “it wasn’t yours.”
the primordial sea. the cold and vicious waters were such a contrast to those he held so dear; what was typically calming and merciful turned to something suffocating and terrifying. but that didn’t change the fact that it was an inanimate thing.
he drops pers at the contact; it clatters to the floor; he looks down, wide-eyed and apologetic; he reaches down to pick it up. lynette does not put her hand on his shoulder again.
three: wriothesley.
“it was entirely wriothesley’s fault,” lyney wants to scream. he’s frantic, pacing the infirmary and voice cracking every time he speaks. lynette and freminet have seldom seen him so panicked. he needs to do something, he needs— he can’t. he can’t leave. once he gets his hands on wriothesley, he swears he’ll—
four: clorinde.
it was entirely clorinde’s fault. it was entirely her choice to pick only one of you to save. no one can bring themselves to be upset at her, for she did try to save both of you. but the realization slowly dawns upon the three children of the house of the hearth still with a steady heartbeat; it was either going to be you or freminet.
they realize this at different times. every time they do, they exchange a silent, quick glance.
freminet would’ve gladly given up his life. lyney and lynette, however .. they would not have been able to choose.
five: the gods.
it was entirely the gods’ fault. curse the gods, lyney thinks. he’s still pacing the room, and while he never put much stock in the divine, he was practically yelling at them now. he knew it wasn’t logical. but he needed something. what was the point of a god if not to help their people? what was the point of a god if just to watch people suffer like it’s an opera?
was she here now? was she watching? was this a “twist” for her? did she delight in this?
six: lyney.
it was entirely lyney’s fault. he shouldn’t have let you or freminet go. he shouldn’t have. he shouldn’t have let wriothesley play him like he was a deck of cards in his hands. this was all his fault. all his fault. he knew of the prophecy, dedicated his whole life to it — and yet hadn’t managed to save you from its clutches?
seven: you.
in truth — it was no one’s fault. but lyney is still pacing the room, breathing getting heavier and more rapid every time he steals a glance at you. lynette’s eyes still trace his every move, conveniently ignoring the sight of you as best she could; and freminet still has his face buried in his knees as to not look at your decaying body.
none of them can deal with the fact that it was simply an accident. no one meant for this to happen — there was no one to blame.
they needed someone to blame.
so each and every one of them blamed themselves. as lyney’s fingers grasped your cold ones, he squeezed them softly even as they began to turn blue beneath his grasp. he couldn’t bare to let you go.
and after three long days, the sun rose to find your bed empty where you had laid. you were nowhere to be found. for a moment, lyney’s heart practically leapt out of his chest, wondering .. did you get up?
but as he rushes to the bedside, his face falls. he should’ve known not to get his hopes up.
the blankets were damp where you had laid, soaked with water just as the stage in the opera epiclese had been.
lyney didn’t cry, nor did lynette or freminet.
they didn’t exchange so much as a word the day you died.
instead, they put their aching hearts and empty souls into the mission at hand. they worked twice as hard to distract themselves, and they provided excellent results for “father” — but they had barely worked together to do so.
they exchanged cold words and they held each other at night, when the pain became too much — because as much as they tried to pretend like nothing happened, that was a lie, just as the rest of their existence — but there was no mistaking it. they were now divided.
there was always you. and now there wasn’t.
lynette was the one who informed “father” of your .. whereabouts. lyney couldn’t bring himself to.
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reasoningdaily · 4 months
'His face was red': Reporter describes Trump in court as verdict was read
CNN's Kara Scannell reports on how Donald Trump reacted to the events inside the courtroom as a jury returned a guilty verdict against in his hush money trial.
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savvylittlecoxswain · 5 months
WAIT WAIT WAIT you know how the people on the boat on the way to Berlin would hold mock trials? Just picture this for me…
Oarsmen v. Coxswain in an insane mock trial features Bobby literally crying on the witness stand as he recounts how his very own crew betrayed him, kidnapped and tortured and stuffed him in a dog kennel(yes that actually happened).
Everyone knows it’s all in jest but that’s some juicy drama right there like that’s easily the top storyline for a whole week because how could those giant ruffians do such a thing to their poor little coxswain? It’s Bobby who orchestrated the whole thing because this is about to be the craziest trial yet.
They got a “judge” and Bobby builds up his team of lawyers. They get some other Olympian’s to serve as the oarsmen’s attorneys and they find some impartial jurors from various different events. The “court room” is packed and Bobby is putting on one heck of a show for everyone. It’s a top tier production that’s totally unscripted but everyone got so invested in this trial. There were tons of witnesses to speak about their relationship before the event and eye witnesses, I mean they even got the dogs on the witness stand.
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acnews · 3 months
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3nn-express · 4 months
Donald Trump Becomes The First Former US President To Get A Criminal Conviction.
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New York: A New York jury found Donald Trump guilty of all charges in his hush-money case, making him the first former US president to be convicted of a felony. This verdict occurred months before an election that would have resulted in Trump’s reelection.
The 34 counts of manipulating company documents to conceal a payment intended to silence porn star Stormy Daniels were all found guilty by the jury. Although a four-year prison term for each crime is a possibility, probation is more likely.
Article Source Link
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moerusai · 1 year
Friendly reminder that Build Jakapan is an abusive, rape-apologist, homophobic piece of shit who leeches off everyone he knows and shits on them behind their backs.
This post documents the newest evidence of his behaviors. Trigger warning for violence, domestic abuse. Please heed the warnings.
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aflamethatneverdies · 8 months
imo legal measures are always limited in what they can give, and especially in ICJ that was to be expected. since this is also not enforceable in any way. like obviously v disappointing they didn't call for a ceasefire despite saying some of the acts fall under genocide and the measures are simply telling israel to starve and kill gazans slightly less and provide them some more aid, but that's not completely unexpected you know.
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spiritunwilling · 1 month
diversity win! fridged virginal Object of Affection from protagonist's past is not a girl this time but a guy*!
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mekatrio · 4 months
prev post talking abt klavier valuing truth above all else, more than people's feelings or struggles etc, and thinking abt this quote from kristoph in 4-1 OHHHHH
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hanakihan · 1 year
ACTUALLY on wave of dumb work stories
Y’all know those cases where Genshin players having issues with law like whole ‘dumb kids steal parents money to C6 their waifu’?
What if I tell you we found guilty a man who got his roommate drunk, took his card and used it to take a bank credit around 250k rubles for Genshin rolls.
Even funnier dude did it for C6 Dehya, you know the one who ended up on permanent banner
His roommate’s only question was
‘Dude why Dehya, why not at least Shen He???’
Also the sheer levels of cringe I experienced and the way I needed to explain what dude meant by ‘it’s all for waifu’ shit to my judge—
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rainswept · 1 year
i know who you are. i’m aware it said on anon but i do not care. come fight me off anon!! u don’t have the guts!! empath (derogatory)!!
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mapecl-stories · 11 months
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pomellon · 1 year
Well today's been a day
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We won't ever get it, but I think it would've been cool to see an antagonist/client who hates Edgeworth specifically because of what he did as von Karma's student. Like someone whose loved one -- I want to say 'sister' because AA, but I think it'd be pretty cool if it was their father -- was wrongly convicted and given the death sentence because he silenced witnesses or presented faulty evidence or something similar, and there's no fix to it. The case ends with the truth being revealed and ringing hollow, because they don't want revenge, not really; maybe they just want the verdict overturned, but even that doesn't change anything, because the person is gone, and whatever damage could have been done has been done, and they just have to live with it, all of them. I think it'd be interesting to see how Edgeworth and the people around him handle that confrontation -- the idea that you can change and try to fix your mistakes the best you can, but there are some things you'll never be able to atone for. Not really. And you just have to keep living.
#and for phoenix especially the idea that you can love 'monsters' because it wasnt an accident that led to the wrong verdict being handed#it was a choice. a choice edgeworth made just like all the people whose crimes phoenix unveiled in court with triumph and fanfare#because it was justice.#miles edgeworth#phoenix wright#ace attorney#ace attorney phoenix wright#i feel like everyone knows edgeworth's done things to get innocent people convicted but they don't /know/ it you know?#we've never had to look at the effects of that head on and decide for ourselves how guilty or innocent those actions make edgeworth#dgs kind of did something like this with uhh spoilers major spoilers here look away barok and kazuma but theirs is slightly different#spoilers over. i'd like to think the client/rival is really lovely too. they obviously despise edgeworth but it's not like antagonistic#or particularly vengeful simply because there's no point. of course it ends with everyone reaffirming their loyalty to edgeworth#but i think it should feel at least a little lacking.#ofc a story like this wouldnt work any time after aai because edgeworth has come to his own conclusions about this by then#so i think it would have had to been before jfa or during jfa if at all which is why i said would've been nice#though i do think there's something to be found in the idea of him having settled everything and living positively only for this case#to come cleave his life in two. i think there's something to be said about how people who've wronged a person can go on to live happily#while you're left picking up the pieces of a broken life and pushing forwards because you have to. always carrying a pain you're never able#to reconcile. i think that's pretty interesting too#i think it'd be interesting if it was a client and if phoenix didnt know at first that he was going to try and oveturn edgeworth's case#it's only partway he realises and then he gets upset/defensive thinking it's some weird ploy to undermine either of them#but the client is just confused and tells him they came to him because he was good and he can refuse if he wants to.#and you have to choose to continue. to doubt edgeworth. idk i just think it would have been fun
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