#Crazy skies
dog-teeth · 9 months
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in the garden
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bubblepopspit · 11 days
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~25 years of SEGA Dreamcast~
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in-my-loki-feels · 3 months
💙 President Loki + Don
A prompt so nice, I answered it twice. <3 Second fill is under the read more. I didn't set out to have them connect, but you could read it that way.
💙 drunken kiss / tipsy
“This is everything?” Loki asked, frowning as he held up one of the many miniature bottles Don had brought home. 
“Well, not everything. It’s a pretty big store,” Don said, sitting beside him on the couch. “I got a few options since I didn’t know what you’d like.”
After sneering at Don’s beer and refusing to even consider the wine at the grocery store, Loki had demanded Don bring home something more potent for him to enjoy on the nights he was there. Don, who mostly stuck to hopps-based beverages, had made a special trip to the liquor store and brought home a variety, though he stayed away from the wildest flavors. Somehow, he couldn’t imagine Loki liking watermelon-flavored anything. 
Halfway through sampling the collection, Loki showed no sign of being affected by the amount of alcohol he’d consumed, other than a light flush in his cheeks. Don guessed it was the different physiology.
Loki snagged the sample bottle of coconut rum, twisted the top off, and downed it with the same determination Kevin and Sean used when forced to take medicine. He made a face after finishing it and threw the bottle over his shoulder. 
“Hey! You don’t have to drink it all, you know,” Don said. “I could’ve finished that.” 
“Of course you would’ve,” Loki said. “You and your horrid taste.” 
“What can I say, I like sweet things.”
Don gave him a sly grin and Loki’s eyes widened when he caught the implication. 
“How dare you! I am not sweet.”
“No, but you are very cute when you're drunk.” And he was definitely getting there, if he wasn’t tipsy already. His posture had already softened out of its usual stiff bearing, leaving him slumped into the couch. Not to mention the bottle he’d thrown. 
“I'm not drunk,” Loki said primly. “As if your Midgardian alcohol could compare to what we serve in Asgard. Now there one could have a drink worthy of a god! Golden ale, brewed to perfection. The finest mead, sweet but not overly so like these abominations.” He gestured at the collection of bottles on the coffee table. 
“Oh yeah? Tell me more.” Don smiled innocently when Loki shot him a glare. 
“Mock me if you dare.” He snatched up another and downed it before Don could warn him. “Eugh! What was that?” 
“Bailey’s,” Don said and chuckled when Loki glared at the bottle like it had caused personal offense. “I like it in coffee.” 
He was expecting the reaction this time, so when Loki’s arm came up, Don caught it, plucking the little bottle from his hand and setting it on the coffee table. 
Loki gave him a look bordering on a pout—Don waited for a lecture about grabbing him—and then his half-lidded eyes took on a calculating light.
“Come here, I need something to chase away that vile flavor.”
Don was more than willing to be pulled closer for a kiss, but his eyebrows shot up when Loki deepened it. Loki’s mouth was a nightmarish cocktail. The Bailey’s and rum were the strongest, but underneath that were hints of gin and whiskey and everything else Loki had had so far. It was very distracting, as was the hand sliding up Don's thigh. 
When their lips finally parted, Don was halfway into Loki’s lap and felt he should be tipsy himself from second-hand exposure. He sat back, watching Loki's expression turn considering.
“All better?”
“I think I need another taste,” Loki said and drew him back in.
💙 drunken kiss / tipsy
Don should've known the alcohol would be stronger on Asgard—they were gods, after all—but the ale he'd been offered had gone down so smooth, he couldn't resist drinking more. Thor didn’t help by constantly refilling his flagon. 
Flagon. That's a funny word, he thought with a giggle, followed by, Uh oh. The giggling was a bad sign, but also everything was looking a lot blurrier than it had before. Thor suddenly slapped him on the back, nearly knocking him over, and raised his flagon for another toast. Don grinned and did the same. 
When he finished his drink, the room was spinning, so Don put his head down to wait out the dizziness. 
The next thing he knew someone was yelling. 
“He’s from Midgard. Did you give any thought to that before trying to drown him in ale?”
Oh, that was Loki. 
“How were we to know it would affect him so? He showed no hesitation when accepting the drinks.”
That was also Loki. Don giggled again.
“Thing 1 and Thing 2,” he mumbled. Sean and Kevin loved Dr. Seuss. 
“See, he's fine.” That was Thing 2. 
“Brother,” said Thor. 
“Don’t.” Ooo, Thing 1 sounded mad. 
Don made the monumental effort to lift his head. The room was still swaying unsteadily but gradually the shape in front of him resolved into something he recognized. 
“Hiya, handsome.” He tried to reach out to touch Loki’s face and missed. He didn’t realize he’d tipped sideways until Loki caught his arm. “Wuzzat an earthquake?” 
“We’re leaving. Stand up,” Loki ordered.
Don did, or tried to. His legs didn’t seem to want to cooperate. When he said as much, Loki closed his eyes briefly. Uh oh. Someone really was mad.
“Stop. Talking,” Loki snapped and hauled Don to his feet. Don swayed before Loki wrapped an arm around his waist to keep him upright. 
Don beamed up at him. “My hero.”
A range of emotions crossed Loki’s face but Don couldn’t follow them. Someone snickered and Loki shot a glare in that direction. Don tried to twist around to look, but Loki turned him with the arm around his waist. Suddenly, their guest room was in front of them, where the rest of the dining hall should’ve been. 
“Huh,” Don said. The room spun again as he was deposited on something soft. “Bed? How’d this get here?” 
“Is every thought going to come out of your mouth, or will this stop at some point?” Loki crossed his arms and glared at him. Even irritated, he was unfairly handsome.
Loki raised an eyebrow. Oops, guess that thought escaped, too. 
Don patted the bed. “Wanna join me?”
Loki’s eyebrow crept higher so Don grinned, hoping to win him over. He felt less dizzy now that he was horizontal, but he’d feel even better if Loki kissed him. He always did. 
Loki uncrossed his arms and bent to put one hand on the bed by Don’s head, trailing the fingers of his other hand across Don’s cheek. He rounded out the touch by rubbing Don’s bottom lip with his thumb. 
“Is that so?” he murmured, then lowered himself to replace his thumb with his mouth. 
Don didn’t have that much experience, but he couldn’t remember a time kissing had felt like this, like a fire was lit the moment their lips brushed, one that only burned hotter and hotter with each nip of teeth or brush of tongue. Like he could drown in these sensations, let himself be swallowed up by the hunger that rose up in Loki whenever he got his hands on Don. A hunger only rivaled by the desperation Don felt driven to when Loki drew out their pleasure, tormenting him—
Don blinked his eyes open to find Loki braced over him, once again annoyed. 
“You fell asleep. While I was kissing you,” Loki said. 
“I did?” He didn’t remember that. Wouldn’t he remember that? 
Loki closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then threw himself to the side, landing on his back with enough force to jostle the mattress. Don stared at the ceiling for a moment, then rolled onto his side and felt around for something to put under his head. Now that Loki mentioned it, he was feeling sleepy.
The pillow he’d found rose and fell with a sigh. 
“I hope you have the most monumental headache come tomorrow.” 
The words vibrated through Loki’s chest up into Don’s ear, leaving him with a smile as his thoughts slipped away. 
From this ask game. Other ficlets here.
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lucksea · 4 months
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trapped in bed all i can draw is pokemon
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keeby64 · 3 months
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dreamcast sticker sheet ! so fun to make
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consumed-by-dally · 7 months
Remembering that Darry skis like what 😀
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europapapapapa · 3 months
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joost, aggu, and crazy frog 😈
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natsmagi · 6 months
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surely not. are you implying that during date plan natsume was struggling with coming up with an idea and not only went to tsumugi, a completely irrelevant third-party with probably ZERO dating experience for advice, but then used tsumugis OWN IDEAL FIRST DATE as a base to work off of rather than, oh, i dont know, GOING WITH YOUR IDEAL DATE????? WHY ARE U BASING UR DATE PLAN ON TSUMUGIS IDEAL DATE AND NOT UR OWN ARE U STUPID. ARE U GAY. my eyes must be deceiving me bc aint no way
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lewanarta · 7 months
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Ski jumping Women + Bad Valentines (part 5)
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forestgreenlesbian · 10 months
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them3ltinpot · 6 months
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hazy-cosmic-skies · 20 days
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september summers 🌟
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curlymaus · 8 months
The question isn't who is gonna win the competition
The question is who will have the hill record at the end of the day
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lo-55 · 10 months
Listened to all of @desertskiespodcast in one night and almost started bawling my eyes out at the microscope on the season finale
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tired-biscuit · 9 months
this one time i changed the bed sheet and made it VERY clear to mr. biscuit that he has to watch out to not mess it up when he fucks me in doggy and this man was like “yea, yea, sure” like the dumbo he is and then he proceeded to pull out and instead of cumming on my back, the cum somehow went straight over my head and plopped right onto the freshly washed sheet
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natsmagi · 6 months
so i have gotten my hands on google translated versions of ntmgs solos and im here to tell you guys it is so much worse (/pos) than i ever couldve imagined. im gonna need days to process and dissect this bc its FUCKING INSANE
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