#Create fb page via mobile
nfcwproject · 8 months
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(ENG) Auf Deutsch unten #nfcdab2024 “Leise-Park” 6th Ed. Berlin Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale aka #nfcdab #nfcdab is a DIY or DIWO [DO IT WITH OTHER]? Digital art biennale that travels on wireless technologies, light waves and electromagnetic fields e.g.: Wi-Fi routers, QR codes or NFC tags to access content. the idea of the biennale is to take advantage of the potential of near-field (mis)communication[sic!] and other sharing technologies for making web-based digital art accessible in outdoors settings. it slack-keeps presence next to the frameworks of galleries and institutions. Hashtag: #nfcdab #nfcdab2024
Open call: for online artists link to facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1MHZXhXzO
Project title: "Leise-Park".
Project description: We invite online artists to participate in our disturbing project entitled "Leise-Park". In this project, we want to explore the issue of silence as an opposition to the anxiety we may feel in the context of the development of various digital trends and Internet technologies. The pervasive availability of mobile devices for spreading content and ideas through all types of Internet-based media, creates a sense of loss of self-control resulting from the pervasive information chaos. Our beloved smartphones are beginning to turn us into a kind of zombie addicted to absorbing information content from the Internet. What consequences does this have for us as well as for further social evolution? Do the emotions that accompany us at this moment allow us to analyze this phenomenon. Can we face this new reality? Can artists help us understand what currently surrounds and shapes us. Can we find distance from the world around us and calm down, or will we become technological zombies? That's why in the “Leise-Park” project we want to ask this question to artists who are willing to take part in our project with their work. Like all our projects this one too is based on the idea of DIY and DIWO. We often think of the park as a place with sculptures, traditionally made of stone, here those sculptures are to be works displayed on the smartphones of the show's viewers. Access to the links via a poster with a QR code pasted on a cardboard presenter cut to resemble a plant plaque. Presenters with the artists' works will be placed at various locations in Leise-Park. The show will run from February 2 - 4, 2024 and is part of the Vorspiel project, which is an initiative of transmediale and CTM Festival to showcase the richness and diversity of Berlin. So we invite you, as part of our project, to a creative exploration of a former Berlin cemetery turned into a publicly accessible Leise-Park.
The events were organized in cooperation by #nfcdab - Dominik Podsiadly, noemata - Bjørn Magnhildøen, BrowserBased - Zsolt Mesterhazy
Place: Leise-Park Heinrich-Roller-Straße 24, 10405 Berlin (DE)
Date: Vernissage: 2 February 2024 2.00 PM Open: 2 – 4 February 2024, 8.00 AM - 8.00 PM
Technical requirements: In short about submission: we would like to show the art works that can be implemented on QR CODE and can be displayed on mobile devices eg. links to websites(YouTube, Tumblr, Soundcloud to name a few), short texts and little ASCII art, links to personal web pages, art app, games or arts hacks. We would like to present all type of art expression and intellectual invention.
Deadline: ▓ January 27 2024
Submission Guidelines: ▓ add subject: “Leise-Park” - required ▓ send an image or PDF file or (*.zip or link to download) to our email: [email protected] ▓ feel free to add some short info in pdf max 500 characters
Image Guidelines: ▓ depth – Black & White only ▓ print dimension – A4, landscape
QR Code Guidelines: ▓ all type of qr & bar codes ▓ readable in popular mobile apps ▓ attached data, example: links, text, images ▓ we love custom art and free modifications (look point above)
More Info: ▓ blog: https://nfcdab.org/ ▓ fb page: https://www.facebook.com/nfcdab/ ▓ fb open group: https://web.facebook.com/groups/1nfcdabiennale/
(DE) #nfcdab2024 “Leise-Park” 6th Ed. Berlin Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale aka #nfcdab #nfcdab ist eine DIY oder DIWO [DO IT WITH OTHER]? Digitale Kunstbiennale, die sich auf drahtlose Technologien, Lichtwellen und elektromagnetische Felder stützt, z.B.: Wi-Fi-Router, QR-Codes oder NFC-Tags, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen. Die Idee der Biennale ist es, das Potenzial der near-field (mis)communication[sic!] und anderer Sharing-Technologien zu nutzen, um webbasierte digitale Kunst in Außenbereichen zugänglich zu machen. Sie bleibt locker neben dem Rahmen von Galerien und Institutionen präsent. Hashtag: #nfcdab #nfcdab2024
Offener Aufruf: für Webkünstler Link zur Facebook-Veranstaltung: https://fb.me/e/1MHZXhXzO
Projekttitel: "Leise-Park"
Projektbeschreibung: Wir laden Online-Künstler ein, sich an unserem beunruhigenden Projekt mit dem Titel "Leise-Park" zu beteiligen. In diesem Projekt wollen wir die Frage der Stille als Gegenpol zu der Angst erforschen, die wir im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung verschiedener digitaler Trends und Internettechnologien empfinden können. Die allgegenwärtige Verfügbarkeit mobiler Geräte zur Verbreitung von Inhalten und Ideen über alle Arten von internetbasierten Medien führt zu einem Gefühl des Verlusts der Selbstkontrolle, das aus dem allgegenwärtigen Informationschaos resultiert. Unsere geliebten Smartphones verwandeln uns allmählich in eine Art Zombie, der süchtig nach der Aufnahme von Informationsinhalten aus dem Internet ist. Welche Folgen hat das für uns und für die weitere gesellschaftliche Entwicklung? Erlauben uns die Emotionen, die uns in diesem Moment begleiten, dieses Phänomen zu analysieren? Können wir uns dieser neuen Realität stellen? Können Künstler uns helfen zu verstehen, was uns derzeit umgibt und prägt? Können wir Abstand von der Welt um uns herum gewinnen und zur Ruhe kommen, oder werden wir zu technologischen Zombies? Deshalb wollen wir im Projekt „Leise-Park“ diese Frage an Künstlerinnen und Künstler stellen, die bereit sind, sich mit ihrer Arbeit an unserem Projekt zu beteiligen. Wie alle unsere Projekte basiert auch dieses auf der Idee von DIY und DIWO. Wir denken oft an den Park als einen Ort mit Skulpturen, traditionell aus Stein, hier sollen diese Skulpturen Werke sein, die auf den Smartphones der Betrachter der Ausstellung angezeigt werden. Der Zugang zu den Links erfolgt über ein Poster mit einem QR-Code, der auf einen Präsenter aus Pappe geklebt ist, der wie eine Pflanzenstecker aussieht. Die Präsenter mit den Werken der Künstler werden an verschiedenen Orten im Leise-Park aufgestellt. Die Ausstellung läuft vom 2. bis 4. Februar 2024 und ist Teil des Projekts Vorspiel, einer Initiative der transmediale und des CTM Festivals, um den Reichtum und die Vielfalt Berlins zu präsentieren. So laden wir Sie als Teil unseres Projekts zu einer kreativen Erkundung eines ehemaligen Berliner Friedhofs ein, der in einen öffentlich zugänglichen Leise-Park umgewandelt wurde.
Die Veranstaltungen wurden in Zusammenarbeit von #nfcdab - Dominik Podsiadly, noemata - Bjørn Magnhildøen, BrowserBased - Zsolt Mesterhazy organisiert
Ort: Leise-Park Heinrich-Roller-Straße 24, 10405 Berlin (DE)
Termin: Vernissage: 2. Februar 2024 14.00 Uhr Geöffnet: 2. bis 4. Februar 2024, 8.00 bis 20.00 Uhr
Technische Anforderungen: Kurz zu den Einreichungen: Wir möchten Kunstwerke zeigen, die auf QR CODE implementiert und auf mobilen Geräten angezeigt werden können, z.B. Links zu Websites (YouTube, Tumblr, Soundcloud, um nur einige zu nennen), kurze Texte und kleine ASCII-Kunst, Links zu persönlichen Webseiten, Kunst-Apps, Spiele oder Kunst-Hacks. Wir möchten alle Arten von künstlerischem Ausdruck und geistiger Erfindung präsentieren.
Abgabetermin: ▓ 27. Januar 2024
Einreichungsrichtlinien: ▓ Betreff hinzufügen: "Leise-Park" - erforderlich ▓ Senden Sie ein Bild oder eine PDF-Datei (*.zip oder Link zum Herunterladen) an unsere E-Mail: [email protected] ▓ Bitte fügen Sie eine kurze Info im pdf-Format hinzu, max. 500 Zeichen
Bild-Richtlinien: ▓ Tiefe - nur schwarz/weiß ▓ Druckformat - A4, Landschaftsmodus
QR-Code-Richtlinien: ▓ alle Arten von QR- und Strichcodes ▓ lesbar in gängigen mobilen Anwendungen ▓ angehängte Daten, Beispiel: Links, Text, Bilder ▓ wir lieben individuelle Gestaltung und freie Änderungen (siehe Punkt oben)
Weitere Infos: ▓ Blog: https://nfcdab.org/ ▓ fb-Seite: https://www.facebook.com/nfcdab/ ▓ offene fb-Gruppe: https://web.facebook.com/groups/1nfcdabiennale/
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How to Get More Facebook Page Likes?
In today's post, we will learn how we can increase likes on the Facebook page naturally and freely.
We all know that Facebook is one of the best in the top social networking platforms name list. Many bloggers and businesses are using Facebook pages to promote their brand, and their services and connect with the targeted audience to get more followers and enhance page likes.
Many of the newbie ask that what is the purpose of having a Facebook page separately when we have a personal Facebook account?
If you have the same question in mind, then here are a few benefits, you must have a Facebook page and you should promote it. A dedicated FB page for your business will help your targeted traffic to connect with you directly. Your potential customers will share your services/products and it will attract more customers. Facebook page provides you a proper insight about visits/likes of your page, which will help you to analyze how your posts are performing.
It also helps you to stay in touch with your customers via mobile and targeted traffic can also search you easily through Facebook search. There are many more benefits of having a Facebook page for your business, but it would be only useful if you gradually keep on increasing your Facebook likes and here I am sharing:
6 Tips To Get More Facebook Likes For Your Business Page.
#1. Complete your Facebook Page:
To attract others to your FB Page, make sure that you have completed your “About” section which include all required information about your blog/business.
Whenever we create a page the default URL is not easy to remember, so make sure you change it to an easy-to-remember URL like: https://www.facebook.com/dsdmofficial (you can add your blog name here)….
Have an attractive Logo for your profile picture and cover picture….
When people visit your page, they should be able to understand what your Facebook page is all about and what you have to offer. Bad profile/cover pictures or an incomplete “About” section will repel your audience.
#2. Invite Friends:
There is an option on the page to invite your friends to like your FB page, this will be a good way to get more likes on FB.
You can even add new admin to your page and ask them to invite their friends to like Facebook page.It goes same with the Email invite, you can ask other admins to send Email invite too, and you will be having good numbers of Facebook likes.
Here are the screenshots, which will help you to know how to send invites.
#3. Make Posts Interesting and Frequent:
​No matter how many like invites, you send to others, but if you are not posting interesting stuff on your Facebook page, then your audience might start un-liking the page.
To keep engaged your fans, you need to keep posting useful and interesting post. I always prefer pretty images, memes or one-liners which are easy to read and convey your message and they don’t feel lazy to read the post.
Another point to remember is to keep posting frequently, may be daily or thrice in a week but maintain post frequency. Whenever you post, make sure you are trying to engage your fans by asking them questions or replying to all genuine comments.!!
When the people get engaged with interesting posts, then the search visibility will increase and you will get more page likes.
#4. Have Facebook Widget and Pop-up:
​If you are creating a Facebook page, then I assume you would surely be having your website.
There are many plugins available online which will help you to add a “Facebook Like” widget and a "FB Pop-up” to your blog.
If visitors are impressed with your website, they can directly like your Business Page from your website via FB Like box or pop-up instead of redirecting them to your Facebook page and leaving your website. Few of plugins are FB Like Box Widget, Easy FB Like Box, Facebook Page Promoter LightBox Popup.
#5. Arrange Contest and Coupons:
This is one of the best way to double likes on Facebook.
You can provide useful prizes (according to your niche) and ask your targeted traffic to like your Facebook page in order to participate. You can even add a pop-up about your contest and Facebook page, so that interested people can take part.
Such contests not only start increasing your Facebook page likes, but also target relevant subscribers and traffic to your website. Another way to lure your traffic is to provide discount/free coupons. There are a few good coupons app which will allow you to create and automatically post to the participant’s wall.
This way you are promoting your brand to larger groups. These are easy ways to engage users and build a community.
​#6. Use Email and Social Networks:
Apart from Facebook, there are many other social networking platforms available that will benefit you to promote your Facebook page. You can add your Facebook Page URL to your Twitter profile, Linkedin, and Google Plus profile page so that interested people can connect with you on Facebook too.
Apart from that, you can even share your Facebook page link on other social networks so that you can remind your fans to connect via Facebook.
If you are active on forums and they allow you to share your Facebook page URL, then always share while you are discussing topics. This way you will get more genuine likes and popularity.
I even use my Facebook page URL while sending emails in the future, thus even new clients can like my page and connect me there to exchange information.
Above are the ways I follow to gain fans on my Facebook page, if you follow these tips regularly, then gradually you will start generating a huge fan following that too for free. There are a few paid methods to increase followers on the FB page- Facebook Advert or paid services which assure you to provide a large fan base.
If you are in the mood to invest then you can opt for Facebook Ads because it might help you to get targeted likes via different options which you select while creating sponsored Ads. But I won’t suggest going to other paid services because those lies are not your targeted customers/readers and soon they will unlike your page and you would waste your money.
Have patience and apply the above tips to increase the fan base, meanwhile do share with us what tips and tricks you use to increase likes on your Facebook fan page.
Yes, If you like to boost your social media presence on Facebook then you can opt for 30 days training program of Facebook Ads from DSDM the renowned institute located in New Delhi, India.
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affiliatemarketing786 · 9 months
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quiz-zify · 3 years
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cristyumali · 3 years
ICT - Information and Communication
It deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, Internet to locate, save, send and edit information
Is a study of computers as data processing tools. It introduces students to the fundamental of using computer systems in an internet environment.
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ICT in the Philippines
          Philippines is dub as the ‘’ICT Hub of Asia” because of huge growth of ICT-related jobs, one of which is BPO, Business Process Outsourcing, or call centers.
        ICT Department in the Philippines is responsible for the planning, development and promotion of the country’s information and communications technology (ICT) agenda in support of national development.
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Computer- an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
Internet- is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol  suite (TCIP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide
 Means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers.
    Sometimes called simply ‘’the Net’’, is a worldwide system of computer networks- a network of networks in which the users at any   one computer can get information from any other computer.
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World Wide Web I. An information system on the internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.
II. Is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet.
III.  Invented by Tim-Berners Lee
Web Pages
Web page is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web.   It is a document that is   suitable for the World Wide Web.
The different online platforms of World Wide Web: 1.       Web 1.0 – refers to the first stage in the World Wide Web, which was entirely made up of the Web pages connected by hyperlinks. 2.       Web 2.0 – is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic pages. The user is able to see a website differently than others.  – Allows users to interact with the page; instead of just reading the page, the user may be able to comment or create user account. 3.       Web 3.0 –  this platform is all about semantic web.   –  Aims to have machines (or servers) understand the user’s preferences to be able        to deliver web content.
Static Web Page- is known as a flat page or stationary age in the sense that the page is ‘’as is’’ and cannot be manipulated by the user. The content is also the same for all users that is referred to as Web 1.0 Dynamic Web Pages- web 2.0 is the evolution of web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages. The user is able to see website differently than others e.g. social networking sites, wikis, video sharing sites.
1.       Folksonomy- allows user to categorize and classify information using freely chosen keywords e.g. tagging by FB, Twitter, use tags that start with the sign #, referred to as hashtag.
2.       Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s input
3.       User Participation- The owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put content. Others are able to place a content of their own by means of comments, reviews and evaluation e.g. Lazada, Amazon.
4.       Long Tail- services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent in the internet.
5.       Software as a services- users will be subscribe to a software only when needed rather than purchasing them e.g. Google docs used to create and edit word processing and spread sheet.
6.       Mass Participation- diverse information sharing through universal web access. Web 2.0’s content is based on people from various cultures.
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begofern · 4 years
ICT– Information and Communication-
It deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, Internet to locate, save, send and edit information
Is a study of computers as data processing tools. It introduces students to the fundamental of using computer systems in an internet environment.
ICT in the Philippines
          Philippines is dub as the ‘’ICT Hub of Asia” because of huge growth of ICT-related jobs, one of which is BPO, Business Process Outsourcing, or call centers.
        ICT Department in the Philippines is responsible for the planning, development and promotion of the country’s information and communications technology (ICT) agenda in support of national development.
Computer– an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. Internet– is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol  suite (TCIP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide.
        Means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers.
    Sometimes called simply ‘’the Net’’, is a worldwide system of computer networks- a network of networks in which the users at any   one computer can get information from any other computer.
World Wide Web
        An information system on the internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.
        Is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet.
        Invented by Tim-Berners Lee
Web Pages
Web page is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web.   It is a document that is   suitable for the World Wide Web.
The different online platforms of World Wide Web:
Web 1.0 – refers to the first stage in the World Wide Web, which was entirely made up of the Web pages connected by hyperlinks.
Web 2.0 – is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic pages. The user is able to see a website differently than others.
 – Allows users to interact with the page; instead of just reading the page, the user may be able to comment or create user account.
Web 3.0 –  this platform is all about semantic web.
  –  Aims to have machines (or servers) understand the user’s preferences to be able        to deliver web content.
Static Web Page- is known as a flat page or stationary age in the sense that the page is ‘’as is’’ and cannot be manipulated by the user. The content is also the same for all users that is referred to as Web 1.0
Dynamic Web Pages– web 2.0 is the evolution of web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages. The user is able to see website differently than others e.g. social networking sites, wikis, video sharing sites.
Folksonomy- allows user to categorize and classify information using freely chosen keywords e.g. tagging by FB, Twitter, use tags that start with the sign #, referred to as hashtag.
Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s input
User Participation- The owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put content. Others are able to place a content of their own by means of comments, reviews and evaluation e.g. Lazada, Amazon.
Long Tail– services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent in the internet.
Software as a services- users will be subscribe to a software only when needed rather than purchasing them e.g. Google docs used to create and edit word processing and spread sheet.
Mass Participation– diverse information sharing through universal web access. Web 2.0’s content is based on people from various cultures.
Convergence– is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task. For example, besides using your personal computer to create word documents, you can now use your smartphone. 2. Social Media– is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users web users to create , co-create, discuss modify, and exchange user generated content.
Six types of Social Media:
a)Social Networks – These are sites that allows you to connect with other people with the same interests or background. Once the user creates his/her account, he/she can set up a profile, add people, share content, etc
Example: Facebook and Google+
b)Bookmarking Sites – Sites that allow you to store and manage links to various website and resources. Most of the sites allow you to create a tag to others.
Stumble Upon, Pinterest
c)       Social News – Sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news sources. The users can also comment on the post and comments may also be rank.
Ex. Reddit and Digg
d)      Media Sharing – sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music and  video.
Ex. Flickr, YouTube and Instagram e) Microblogging – focus on short updates from the user. Those that subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates. Ex. Twitter and Plurk
f) Blogs and Forums – allow user to post their content. Other               users are able to comment on the said topic. Ex. Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr
                         Mobile Technologies– The popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over the years. This is largely because of the devices capability to do the tasks that were originally found in PCs. Several of these devices are capable of using a high-speed internet. Today the latest model devices use 4G Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest.
iOS – use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad
Android – an open source OS developed by Google. Being open source means mobile phone companies use this OS for free.
Blackberry OS – use in blackberry devices
Windows phone OS – A closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft.
Symbian – the original smartphone OS. Used by Nokia devices
WebOS- originally used in smartphone; now in smart TVs.
Windows Mobile – developed by Microsoft for smartphones and pocket PCs
Assistive Media–   is a non- profit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments. A database of audio recordings is used to read to the user.
e.g. Yahoo!, Gmail, HotmailCloud computing-distributed computing on internet or delivery of computing service over the internet.
 -Instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you log in to a Web
e-mail account remotely. The software and storage for your account doesn’t exist
on your computer – it’s on the service’s computer cloud.
It has three components
Client computers   –   clients are the device that the end user interact with cloud.
Distributed Servers – Often servers are in geographically different places, but server acts as if they are working next to each other.
Datacenters – It is collection of servers where application is placed and is accessed via Internet.
PUBLIC CLOUD allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public. Public cloud may be less secured because of its openness, e.g. e-mail
PRIVATE CLOUD allows systems and services to be accessible within an organization. It offers increased security because of its private nature.
COMMUNITY CLOUD allows systems and services to be accessible by group of organizations.
HYBRID CLOUD is a mixture of public and private cloud. However, the critical activities are performed using private cloud while the non-critical activities are performed using public cloud.
1 note · View note
lanxelot · 4 years
ICT– Information and Communication-
It deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, Internet to locate, save, send and edit information
Is a study of computers as data processing tools. It introduces students to the fundamental of using computer systems in an internet environment.
ICT in the Philippines
          Philippines is dub as the ‘’ICT Hub of Asia” because of huge growth of ICT-related jobs, one of which is BPO, Business Process Outsourcing, or call centers.
        ICT Department in the Philippines is responsible for the planning, development and promotion of the country’s information and communications technology (ICT) agenda in support of national development.
Computer– an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. Internet– is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol  suite (TCIP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide.
        Means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers.
    Sometimes called simply ‘’the Net’’, is a worldwide system of computer networks- a network of networks in which the users at any   one computer can get information from any other computer.
World Wide Web
        An information system on the internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.
        Is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet.
        Invented by Tim-Berners Lee
Web Pages
Web page is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web.   It is a document that is   suitable for the World Wide Web.
The different online platforms of World Wide Web:
Web 1.0 – refers to the first stage in the World Wide Web, which was entirely made up of the Web pages connected by hyperlinks.
Web 2.0 – is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic pages. The user is able to see a website differently than others.
 – Allows users to interact with the page; instead of just reading the page, the user may be able to comment or create user account.
Web 3.0 –  this platform is all about semantic web.
  –  Aims to have machines (or servers) understand the user’s preferences to be able        to deliver web content.
Static Web Page- is known as a flat page or stationary age in the sense that the page is ‘’as is’’ and cannot be manipulated by the user. The content is also the same for all users that is referred to as Web 1.0
Dynamic Web Pages– web 2.0 is the evolution of web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages. The user is able to see website differently than others e.g. social networking sites, wikis, video sharing sites.
Folksonomy- allows user to categorize and classify information using freely chosen keywords e.g. tagging by FB, Twitter, use tags that start with the sign #, referred to as hashtag.
Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s input
User Participation- The owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put content. Others are able to place a content of their own by means of comments, reviews and evaluation e.g. Lazada, Amazon.
Long Tail– services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent in the internet.
Software as a services- users will be subscribe to a software only when needed rather than purchasing them e.g. Google docs used to create and edit word processing and spread sheet.
Mass Participation– diverse information sharing through universal web access. Web 2.0’s content is based on people from various cultures.
Convergence– is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task. For example, besides using your personal computer to create word documents, you can now use your smartphone. 2. Social Media– is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users web users to create , co-create, discuss modify, and exchange user generated content.
Six types of Social Media:
a)Social Networks – These are sites that allows you to connect with other people with the same interests or background. Once the user creates his/her account, he/she can set up a profile, add people, share content, etc
Example: Facebook and Google+
b)Bookmarking Sites – Sites that allow you to store and manage links to various website and resources. Most of the sites allow you to create a tag to others.
Stumble Upon, Pinterest
c)       Social News – Sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news sources. The users can also comment on the post and comments may also be rank.
Ex. Reddit and Digg
d)      Media Sharing – sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music and  video.
Ex. Flickr, YouTube and Instagram e) Microblogging – focus on short updates from the user. Those that subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates. Ex. Twitter and Plurk
f) Blogs and Forums – allow user to post their content. Other               users are able to comment on the said topic. Ex. Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr
                         Mobile Technologies– The popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over the years. This is largely because of the devices capability to do the tasks that were originally found in PCs. Several of these devices are capable of using a high-speed internet. Today the latest model devices use 4G Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest.
iOS – use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad
Android – an open source OS developed by Google. Being open source means mobile phone companies use this OS for free.
Blackberry OS – use in blackberry devices
Windows phone OS – A closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft.
Symbian – the original smartphone OS. Used by Nokia devices
WebOS- originally used in smartphone; now in smart TVs.
Windows Mobile – developed by Microsoft for smartphones and pocket PCs
Assistive Media–   is a non- profit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments. A database of audio recordings is used to read to the user.
e.g. Yahoo!, Gmail, HotmailCloud computing-distributed computing on internet or delivery of computing service over the internet.
 -Instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you log in to a Web
e-mail account remotely. The software and storage for your account doesn’t exist
on your computer – it’s on the service’s computer cloud.
It has three components
Client computers   –   clients are the device that the end user interact with cloud.
Distributed Servers – Often servers are in geographically different places, but server acts as if they are working next to each other.
Datacenters – It is collection of servers where application is placed and is accessed via Internet.
PUBLIC CLOUD allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public. Public cloud may be less secured because of its openness, e.g. e-mail
PRIVATE CLOUD allows systems and services to be accessible within an organization. It offers increased security because of its private nature.
COMMUNITY CLOUD allows systems and services to be accessible by group of organizations.
HYBRID CLOUD is a mixture of public and private cloud. However, the critical activities are performed using private cloud while the non-critical activities are performed using public cloud.
INTERNET SAFETY- it refers to the online security or safety of people and their information when using internet. NETIQUETTE- is network etiquette, the do’s and don’ts of online communication.
Rule No. 1: Remember the human
        You need to remember that you are talking to a real person when you are online.
        The internet brings people together who would otherwise never meet.
        Remember this saying when sending an email: Would I say this to the person’s face.
Rule No. 2: Adhere to the same standards online that you follow in real life.
     You need to behave the same way online that you do in real life.
     You need to remember that you can get caught doing things you should not be doing       online just like you can in real life.
       You are still talking to a real person with feelings even though you can’t see them.
Rule no. 3: Know where you are in cyberspace.
        Always take a look around when you enter a new domain when surfing the web.
  ��     Get a sense of what the discussion group is about before you join it.
Rule no. 4: Respect other people’s time and bandwidth.
        Remember people have other things to do besides read your email. You are not the center of their world.
        Keep your post and emails to minimum by saying what you want to say.
        Remember everyone won’t answer your questions.
Rule no. 5: Make yourself look good online.
        Be polite and pleasant to everyone.
        Always check your spelling and grammar before posting.
·        Know what you are talking about and make sense saying it.
Rule no. 6: Share expert knowledge
       Ask questions online
       Share what you know online.
       Post the answers to your questions online because someone may have the same question         you do.
Rule no. 7: Help keep flame wars under control
       Netiquette does not forgive flaming.
       Netiquette does however forbid people who are flaming to hurt discussion groups by putting the group down.
Rule no. 8: Respect other people’s privacy.
        Do not read other people’s mail without their permission.
        Going through other people’s things could cost you, your job or you could even go to jail.
        Not respecting other people’s privacy is a bad netiquette.
Rule no. 9: Don’t abuse your power.
        Do not take advantage of other people just because you have more knowledge or power than them.
        Treat others as you would want them to treat you if the roles were reversed.
Rule no. 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistake.
        Do not point out mistakes to people online.
        Remember that you were once the new kid on the block.
        You still need to have a good manners even though you are online and cannot see the          person face to face.
 Internet security
 Security Requirement Triad                  
ConfidentIality                                  Data confidentiality Privacy
              Integrity         Data integerity                                                        System integrity
Threat ConsequenceThreat Action ( Attack)
Unauthorized Disclosure
A circumstance or event whereby an entity gains access to data for which the entity is not authorized.
Exposure: Sensitive data are directly released to an unauthorized entity.
Interception: An unauthorized entity directly accesses sensitive data traveling between authorized sources and destinations.
Inference: A threat action whereby an unauthorized entity indirectly accesses sensitive data by reasoning from characteristics or byproducts of communications.
Intrusion: an unauthorized entity gains access to sensitive data by circumventing a system’s security protections.
A circumstances or even that interrupts or prevents the correct operation of system services and functions.
A circumstance or event that may result in an authorized entity receiving false data and believing it to be true.
Incapacitation: prevents or interrupts system operation by disabling a system component.
Corruption: Undesirably alters system operation by adversely modifying system functions or data.
Obstruction: A threat action that interrupts delivery of system services by hindering system operation.
Masquerade: An unauthorized entity gains access to a system or performs a malicious act by posing as an authorized entity.
Falsification: False data deceive an authorized entity.
Repudiation: An entity deceives another by falsely denying responsibility for an act.
A circumstances or event that results in control of system services or functions by an unauthorized entity.
Misappropriation: An entity assumes
unauthorized logical or physical control of a
system resource.
Misuse: Causes a system component to perform a function or service that is detrimental to system security.
Types of System Intruders
        Clandestine user
Parts of Virus
Infection mechanism
Virus stages
  Dormant phase                                                                                                                                   Virus is idle.
     Propagation  phase                                                                                                                           Virus places an identical copy of itself into other programs or into certain system areas on t        the disk.
  Triggering phase                                                                                                                                 Virus is activated to perform the function for which it was intended.                                             Caused by a variety of system events
      Execution phase                                                                                                                                 Function is performed
Key Terms
Cyber crime- a crime committed or assisted through the use of the Internet.
Privacy Policy/Terms of Services (ToS) – tells the user how the website will handle its data.
Malware- stands for malicious software.
Virus- a malicious program designed to transfer from one computer to another in any means possible.
Worms– a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one file folder to another and also transfer to other computers.
Trojan-a malicious program designed that is disguised as a useful program but once downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows hacker to get your information.
Spyware– a program that runs in the background without you knowing it. It has the ability to monitor what you are currently doing and typing through key logging.
Adware- a program designed to send you advertisement, mostly pop-ups.
Spam– unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers.
Phishing- acquires sensitive personal information like passwords and credits card details.
Pharming- a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS system.
Copyright- a part of law, wherein you have the rights to work, anyone who uses it w/o your consent is punishable by law.
Fair Use- means that an intellectual property may be used w/o consent as long as it is used in commentaries, criticism, parodies, research and etc.
Keyloggers- used to record the keystrokes done by user. This is done to steal passwords or any other sensitive information.
Rogue security softwares– is a form of malicious software and internet fraud that misleads users into believing there is a virus on their computer, and manipulates them into paying money for a fake malware removal tool.
Four search strategies
   Keyword searching
Enter terms to search
Use quotation marks to search as a phrase and keep the words linked together
Common words are ignored (That, to, which, a, the …)
+ and – can be used to include or exclude a word
AND – enter words connect with AND- it will include sites where both words and found
  Uses: joining different topics (i.e. global warming AND California)
OR   –  requires at least one of the terms is found.
  Uses: join similar or synonymous topics (i.e. global warming OR greenhouse effect)
NOT – searches for the first term and excludes sites that have the second term.
(i.e. Washington NOT school)
a question may be entered in the search field of search engine    
       Advanced                                                                                                                         Features are offered on many engines by going to an “Advanced search” page and  making selections. Effective in narrowing search returns to a specific topic or phrase.
LESSON 3: Advanced Word Processing Skills
Lesson Discussion
In the professional world, sending out information to convey important information is vital. Because of ICT, things are now sent much faster than the traditional newsletters or postal mail. You can now send much faster than the traditional newsletters or postal mail. You can now use the Internet to send out information you need to share. What if we could still do things much faster – an automated way of creating and sending uniform letters with different recipients? Would that not be more convenient?
I. Mail Merge and Label Generation
A. Mail Merge
         One of the important reasons in using computers per se is its ability to do recurring tasks automatically. But this ability has to be honed by learning the characteristics and features of the software you use with your computer. After all, no matter how good or advance your computer and software may be, it can only be as good as the person using it.
         In this particular part of our lesson, we will learn one of the most powerful and commonly used features of Microsoft Word called Mail Merge. As the name suggests, this feature allows you to create documents and combine or merge them with another document or data file. It is commonly used when sending out advertising materials to various recipients.
          The simplest solution for the scenario above is to create a document and just copy and paste it several times then just replace the details depending on whom you send it to. But what if you have hundreds or thousands of recipients? Would not that take too many hours? What if you have a small database of information where you can automatically generate those letters?
Two Components of Mail Merge
1. Form Document
         The first component of our mail merged document is the form document. It is generally the document that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send. The main body of the message is the part of the form document that remains the same no matter whom you send it to from among your list.
          Also included in the form document is what we call place holders, also referred to as data fields or merge fields. This marks the position on your form document where individual data or information will be inserted. From our sample document, the place holders are denoted or marked by the text with double-headed arrows (<< >>) on each side and with a gray background. On a printed standard form, this will be the underlined spaces that you will see and use as a guide to where you need to write the information that you need to fill out. In its simplest form, a form document is literally a “form” that you fill out with individual information. A common example of a form document is your regular tax form or application form.
2. List or Data File
          The second component of our mail merged document is the list or data file. This is where the individual information or data that needs to be plugged in (merged) to the form document is placed and maintained. One of the best things about the mail merge feature is that it allows data file to be created fro within the Microsoft Word application itself, or it gets data from a file created in Microsoft Excel or other data formats. In this way, fields that needed to be filled up on the form document can easily be maintained without accidentally altering the form or main document. You can also easily add, remove, modify, or extract your data more efficiently by using other data management applications like Excel or Access and import them in Word during the mail merge process.
B. Label Generation
           Included in the mail merge feature on Microsoft Word is the Label Generator. It just makes sense that after you print out your form letters, you will need to send it to individual recipients in an envelope with the matching address printed directly on the envelope or on a mailing label to stick on. By using virtually the same process as a standard mail merge, Microsoft Word will print individual addresses to a standard form that it has already pre-formatted. Simply put, it creates a blank form document that simulates either a blank label or envelope of pre-defined size and will use the data file that you selected to print the information, typically individual addresses. So even in generating labels, the two essential components of creating a merged document are present: the form document and the data file. Only in this case, you did not have to type or create the form document yourself because it was already created and pre-formatted in Microsoft Word. All you need to do is select the correct or appropriate size for the label or envelope and select the data file that contains the addresses (data) to be printed. You can also preview your merged labels before printing if you want to.
II.  Integrating Images and External Materials
          Integrating or inserting pictures in your document is fun and it improves the impression of your document. A common use of inserting a picture on a document is when you are creating your resume. Though seemingly simple to do, your knowledge on the different kinds of materials that you can insert or integrate in a Word document and its characteristics can help you create a more efficient, richer document not only in content but also in physical form. A better understanding of the physical form of your document as well as the different materials you would integrate in it would allow you to be more efficient and versatile in using Microsoft Word.
A. Kinds of Materials
          There are various kinds of materials Microsoft Word is capable of integrating to make the documents richer, more impressive, and more informative.
1. Pictures
         Generally, these are electronic or digital pictures or photographs you have saved in any local storage device. There are three commonly used types of picture files. You can identify them by the extension on their file names.
         This is pronounced as “jay-peg“ and is the short form of .jpeg or Joint Photographic Experts Group. Like all the rest of the image file extensions, it identifies the kind of data compression process that it uses to make it more compatible and portable through the Internet. This type of image file can support 16.7 million colors that is why it is suitable for use when working with full color photographic images. Unfortunately, it does not support transparency and therefore, images of this file type can be difficult to integrate in terms of blending with other materials or elements in your document. But if you are looking for the best quality image to integrate with your document then this is the image file type for you. .JPG does not work well on lettering, line drawings, or simple graphics. .JPG images are relatively small in file size.
b. .GIF
         This stands for Graphics Interchange Format. This type of image file is capable of displaying transparencies. Therefore, it is good for blending with other materials or elements in your document. It is also capable of displaying simple animation. Apparently, this may not be too useful on a printed document but if you are sending documents electronically or through email, or even post documents into a website, then this could be quite impressive. The downside is that it can only support up to 256 colors so it is good mostly on logos and art decors with very limited, and generally solid colors. .GIF is much better for logos, drawings, small text, black and white images, or low-resolution files.
Example of a .gif format picture.
c. .PNG
          This is pronounced as “ping“. It stands for Portable Network Graphics. It was built around the capabilities of .GIF. Its development was basically for the purpose of transporting images on the Internet at faster rates. It is also good with transparencies but unlike .GIFs, it does not support animation but it can display up to 16 million colors, so image quality for this image file type is also remarkably improved. .PNG allows the control of the transparency level or opacity of images.
Example of .png format picture.
2.  Clip Art
         This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images used as generic representation for ideas and objects that you might want to integrate in your document. Microsoft Word has a library of clip arts that is built in or can be downloaded and used freely. There are still other clip arts that you can either purchase or freely download and use that come from third-party providers.
Clip Art Icon in Microsoft Office 2010.
3.  Shapes
         These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your document to enhance its appearance or allow you to have some tools to use for composing and representing ideas or messages. If you are designing the layout for a poster or other graphic material for advertising, you might find this useful.
Shapes Icon under the Insert ribbon tab.
4. Smart Art
         Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature. If you want to graphically represent an organization, process, relationships, or flow for infographic documents, then you will find this easy and handy to use.
Smart Art
5.  Chart
Another type of material that you can integrate in your Word document that allows you to represent data characteristics and trends. This is quite useful when you are preparing reports that correlate and present data in a graphical manner. You can create charts that can be integrate in your document either directly in Microsoft Word or imported from external files like Microsoft Excel.
Chart – Used to illustrate and compare data.
6. Screenshot
Sometimes, creating reports or manuals for training or procedures will require the integration of a more realistic image of what you are discussing on your report or manual. Nothing can get you a more realistic image than a screenshot. Microsoft Word even provides a snipping tool for your screen shots so you can select and display only the part that you exactly like to capture on your screen.
III. Image Placement
Layout of  text wrapping options.
A. In Line with Text
This is the default setting for images that are inserted or integrated in your document. It treats your image like a text font with the bottom side totally aligned with the text line. This setting is usually used when you need to place your image at the beginning of a paragraph. When placed between texts in a paragraph or a sentence, it distorts the overall appearance and arrangement of the texts in the paragraph because it will take up the space it needs vertically, pushing whole lines of texts upward.
B. Square
This setting allows the image you inserted to be placed anywhere with the paragraph with the text going around the image in a square pattern like frame.
C. Tight
This is almost the same as the Square setting, but here the text “hug” or conforms to the general shape of the image. This allows you to get a more creative effect on your document. This setting can mostly be achieved if you are using an image that supports transparency like a .GIF or .PNG file.
D. Through
This setting allows the text on your document to flow even tighter taking the contours and shape of the image. Again, this can be best used with .GIF or .PNG type of image.
E. Top and Bottom
This setting pushes the texts away vertically to the top and/or the bottom of the image so that the image occupies a whole text line on its own.
F. Behind Text
This allows your image to be dragged and placed anywhere on your document but with all the texts floating in front of it. It effectively makes your image look like a background.
G. In Front of Text
As it suggests, this setting allows your image to be placed right on top of the text as if your image was dropped right on it. That means whatever part of the text you placed the image on, it will be covered by the image.
IV. Key Terms
Mail Merge – a feature that allows you to create documents and combine or merge them with another document or data file.
Form Document – the document that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send.
Data File – includes the individual information or data or the recipient’s information.
Merge Field/Place Holder – marks the position on your form document where individual data or information will be inserted.
.JPG – file extension for the Joint Photographic Experts Group picture file.
.PNG – file extension for Portable Network Graphics image file.
.GIF – file extension for the Graphics Interchange Format image file.
Clipart – line art drawings or images used as a generic representation for ideas and objects.
Smart Art – predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature.
Text Wrap – adjusts how the image behaves around other objects or text.
LESSON 4: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills
What is a Spreadsheet Software? • allows users to organize data in rows an columns and perform calculations on the data • These rows and columns collectively are called worksheet.
3. Examples of Spreadsheet Software: • LibreOffice Calc • OpenOffice.org Calc • Google Sheets • Apple iWork Numbers • Kingsoft Office Spreadsheets • StarOffice Calc • Microsoft Excel
5. To open Microsoft Excel, Press “Windows Logo” + R then type “excel” then enter.
6. Key Terms in MS Excel: • Row – horizontal line of entries in a table • Column – vertical line of entries in a table • Cell – the place where info. is held in a spreadsheet
7. Key Terms in MS Excel: • Active Cell – the selected cell • Column Heading – the box at the top of each column containing a letter • Row Heading – the row number
8. Key Terms in MS Excel: • Cell Reference – the cell address of the cell usually combine letter and number (ex. A1, B4, C2) • Merge – combining or joining two or more cells • Formula – is an expression which calculates the value of a cell.
9. Key Terms in MS Excel: • Functions – are predefined formulas and are already available in Excel • Formula Bar – the bar that displays the contents of a cell
11. BASIC MATH OPERATIONS: • =SUM(x,y) or =SUM(range) – returns the sum of x and y or (all the numbers within the range) • =PRODUCT(x,y) – returns the product of x and y • =QUOTIENT(x,y) – returns the quotient of x divided by y • =x-y – returns the difference of x subtracted by y
12. BASIC MATH OPERATIONS: • =x+y – returns the sum of x and y • =x*y – returns the product of x and y • =x/y – returns the quotient of x divided by y • =x-y – returns the difference of x subtracted by y
13. OTHER FUNCTIONS: • =ABS(x) – returns the absolute value of x • =AVERAGE(x,y) – returns the average of x and y • =CONCATENATE(x,y) – joins x and y
14. OTHER FUNCTIONS: • =IF(Condition, x, y) – returns x if the condition is true, else it returns y • =ISEVEN(x) – returns true if x is an even number • =ISODD(x) – returns true if x is an odd number
15. OTHER FUNCTIONS: • =COUNT(range) – counts the number of cell containing a number within a range • =COUNTIF(range, criteria) – count the number of cell that fits with the criteria within the range
16. OTHER FUNCTIONS: • =ISNUMBER(x) – returns true if x is a number • =ISTEXT(x) – returns true if x is a text • =LEN(x) – returns the length of characters in x • =PROPER(x) – returns the proper casing of x
17. OTHER FUNCTIONS: • =LEFT(x,y) – returns the characters of x specified by y (from the left) • =RIGHT(x,y) – returns the characters of x specified by y (from the right) • =PI() – returns the value of pi
18. OTHER FUNCTIONS: • =MIN(x,y) – returns the smallest number between x and y • =MAX(x,y) – returns the largest number between x and y • =MIN(range) – returns the smallest number within the range • =MAX(range) – returns the largest number within the range
19. OTHER FUNCTIONS: • =POWER(x,y) – returns the value of x raised to the power of y • =ROUND(x,y) – rounds x to a specified number of digits (y) =COLUMN(x) – returns the column number of x • =ROW(x) – returns the row number of x
20. OTHER FUNCTIONS: • =SQRT(x) – returns the square root of x • =TRIM(x) – removes extra spaces in x • =UPPER(x) – returns x in all capital form • =LOWER(x) – returns x in non- capital form
21. OTHER FUNCTIONS: • =TODAY() – returns the current date • =NOW() – returns the current date and time
23. Consider this data: NAME MATH GRADE SCIENCE GRADE FILIPINO GRADE ENGLISH GRADE A.P GRADE MARK 75 70 78 81 78 PETE 84 87 86 88 85 ANA 91 92 95 90 90 REA 73 75 74 75 70
24. Give the formulas to get : • Mark’s , Pete’s, Ana’s and Rea’s averages • The highest grade that Ana got • The lowest grade that Mark got? • Sum of all Math Grade? Science? A.P.? • Sum of all Rea’s Grades • The Lowest Number among all grades • The remarks (Passed or Failed)
26. Give the formulas to get : • Mark’s Full Name • Ana’s Full Name in Proper Case • Count the number of letters that Pete’s Last Name has • “COLL” from Rea’s Last Name • “LOEY” from Pete’s Middle Name • Combining “WILL” and “LINS” from Mark and Rea’s Last Names respectively
LESSON 5: Advanced Presentation Skills
Powerpoint is a highly innovative and versatile program that can ensure a successful communication whether you’re presenting in front of potential investors, a lecture theatre or simply in front of your colleagues. The following are the five features you should be using-if youy aren’t already. Learn everything about these tips: they will improve your presentation skills and allow you to communicate your message successfully. The five features of powerpoint was
1)adding smart art
2)Inserting Shapes
3)Inserting and Image
4)Slide Transitions
5)Adding Animations
Creating an Effective Presentation
: Keep slides counts to a minimum to maintain a clear message and to keep the audience attentive. Remember that the presentation is just a visual aid. Most information should still come from the reporter.2.
: Avoid being to fancy by using font style that is easy to read. Make sure that it is also big enough to be read by the audience. Once you start making your presentation, consider how big the screen is during your report.3.
: Use bullets or short sentences. Summarize the information on the screen to have your audience focus on what the speaker is saying than on reading the slide. Limit the content to six lines and seven words per line. This is known as the 6 x 7 rule.4.
: Use graphics to help in your presentation but not too many to distract the audience. In addition, instead of using table of data, use charts and graphs.5.
: Make your design uniform. Avoid having different font styles and backgrounds.6.
: Use a light font on dark background or vice versa. This is done so that it is easier to read. In most instances, it is easier to read on screen if the background is dark. This is due to the brightness of the screen. LESSON 6: Imaging and Design for Online Environment
Photo editing encompasses the processes of altering images, whether they are digital photographs, traditional photo chemical photographs, or illustrations. Traditional analog image editing is known as photo retouching, using tools such as an airbrush to modify photographs, or editing illustrations with any traditional art medium.
Graphic software programs
Which can be broadly grouped into vector graphics editors, raster graphics editors, and 3D modelers are the primary tools with which a user may manipulate, enhance, and transform images. Many image editing programs are also used to render or create computer art from scratch.
RASTER IMAGESare stored in a computer in the form of a grid of picture elements or pixels.
VECTOR IMAGESsuch as Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape and etc. are used to create and modify vector images, which are stored as descriptions of lines, Bezier curves and text instead of pixels.
RASTER IMAGESuse many colored pixels or individual building blocks to form a complete image JPEGs, GIFs and PNGs are common raster image types. Almost all of the photos found on the web and in print catalogs are raster images.
VECTOR IMAGES alternatively, allow for more flexibility. Constructed using mathematical formulas rather than individual colored blocks, vector file types such as EPS, AI and PDF are excellent for creating graphics that frequently require resizing. 3. 3D MODELING (OR MODELLING) is the process of developing a mathematical representation of any three dimensional surface of an object via specialized software. The product is called a 3D model. It can be displayed as a two-dimensional image through a process called 3D rendering or used in a computer simulation or physical phenomena. The model can also be physically created using 3D printing devices.
Ø  JPEG is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images, particularly for those images produced by a digital photography.
Ø  PNG (PORTABLE NETWORK GRAPHICS) is a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression.
Ø  GIF a lossless format for image files that supports both animated and static images.
Ø  BMP is a raster graphics image used to store bitmap digital images
Ø  EPS used in vector-based images in Adobe Illustrator.
Ø  SVG is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics w/ support for interactivity and animation
Ø  .3ds is one of the file formats used by the Autodesk 3Ds Max 3D Modelling, animation and rendering software.
Ø  .fbx is an exchange format, in particular for interoperability between Autodesk products and other digital content creation software
SELECTION One of the prerequisites for many of the app mentioned below is a method of selecting part(s) of an image, thus applying a change selectively without affecting the entire picture
Ø  MARQUEE TOOL for selecting rectangular or other regular polygon-shaped regions
Ø  LASSO TOOL for freehand selection of a region
Ø  MAGIC WAND TOOL selects objects or regions in the image defined by proximity of color or luminance
LAYERS which are analogous to sheets of transparent acetate, stacked on top of each other, each capable of being individually positioned, altered and blended with the layers below, w/o affecting any of the elements on the other layers. IMAGE SIZE resize images in a process often called image scaling, making them larger, or smaller. High image resolution cameras can produce large images which are often reduced in size for Internet use.
CROPPING creates a new image by selecting a desired rectangular portion from the image being cropped. The unwanted part of the image is discarded. Image cropping does not reduce the resolution of the area cropped.
CLONING uses the current brush to copy from an image or pattern. It has many uses: one of the most important is to repair problem areas in digital photos.
IMAGE ORIENTATION – Image editors are capable of altering an image to be rotated in any direction and to any degree. Mirror images can be created and images can be horizontally flipped or vertically flopped. Rotated image usually require cropping afterwards, in order to remove the resulting gaps at the image edges.
PERSPECTIVE – is the art of drawing solid objects on a two- dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
SHARPENING AND SOFTENING– Sharpening makes images clearer. Too much sharpening causes grains on the surface of the image. Softening makes images softer that removes some of the highly visible flaws. Too much causes the image to blur.
SATURATION- is an expression for the relative bandwidth of the visible output from a light source. As saturation increase, colors appear more “pure.’’ As saturation decreases, colors appear more ‘’ washed-out.’’
Contrast of images and brighten or darken the image. Underexposed images can be often be improved by using this feature.
Brightening lightens the image so the photo brightens up. Brightness is a relative expression of the intensity of the energy output of a visible light source.
Adjusting contrast means adjusting brightness because they work together to make a better image.
Photo manipulation involves transforming or altering a photograph using various methods and techniques to achieve desired results. Some photo manipulations are considered skillful artwork while others are frowned upon as unethical practices, especially when used to deceive the public, such as hat used for political propaganda , or to make a product or person look better.
 DIFFERENCES PHOTO EDITING – signifies the regular process used to enhance photos and to create them ‘’Actual editing simple process’’. Also includes some of the regular programs used for editing and expose how to use them. PHOTO MANIPULATION – includes all simple editing techniques and have some manipulation techniques like erasing, adding objects , adding some graphical effects, background correction, creating incredible effect, change elements in an image,  adding styles , eliminating blemishes from a  person’s face and changing the features of a person’s body.
b.) Infographics
also known as data visualization, information design, and communication design
It is any graphic that display and explains information, whether that be data or words. When we use the term ‘’infographics’’, we’re using it as a general term used to describe data presented in a visual way.
Infographics are important because they change the way people find and experience stories. Infographics are being used to augment editorial content on the web, it create a new way of seeing the world of data, and they help communicate complex ideas in a clear and beautiful way.
Process Flow
a)Know what is needed
b)Take a reference
c)Know the audience
d)Decide the type of infographics
a)Gather ideas
b)Build thought process
a)    Choose your tool and start designing
a)     Cross check the data to deliver flawless output
a)    Make it viral
b)    Share on social network
a)Maintain a structure
b)Don’t use more than 3 color palletes
c)Typography matters a lot
d)Include source and references
LESSON 7: Online Platforms for ICT Content Development
Posted on
February 13, 2017
Marketplace – allows members to post, read and respond to classified ads.
Groups – allows members who have common interests to find each other and interact.
Events  – allows members to publicize an event, invite guests and track who plans to attend.
Pages – allows members to create and promote a public page built around a specific topic.
Presence technology – allows members to see which contacts are online and chat.
Within each member’s personal profile, there are several key networking components. The most popular is arguably the Wall, which is essentially a virtual bulletin board. Messages left on a member’s Wall can be text, video or photos. Another popular component is the virtual Photo Album. Photos can be uploaded from the desktop or directly from a smartphone camera. There is no limitation on quantity, but Facebook staff will remove inappropriate or copyrighted images.  An interactive album feature allows the member’s contacts (who are called generically called “friends”) to comment on each other’s photos and identify (tag) people in the photos. Another popular profile component is status updates, a microbloggingfeature that allows members to broadcast short Twitter-like announcements to their friends. All interactions are published in a news feed, which is distributed in real-time to the member’s friends.
Facebook offers a range of privacy options to its members.  A member can make all his communications visible to everyone, he can block specific connections or he can keep all his communications private. Members can choose whether or not to be searchable, decide which parts of their profile are public, decide what not to put in their news feed and determine exactly who can see their posts. For those members who wish to use Facebook to communicate privately, there is a message feature, which closely resembles email.
2. Instagram
Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing site that allows its users to share pictures and videos either publicly or privately on the app, as well as through a variety of other social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. Originally, a distinctive feature was that it confined photos to a square shape, similar to Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid SX-70 images, in contrast to the 4:3 aspect ratio typically used by mobile device cameras. In August 2015, version 7.5 was released, allowing users to upload media captured in any aspect ratio. Users can also apply digital filters to their images. Videos on Instagram debuted in June 2013, allowing prerecorded square standard definition resolution clips of up to 15 seconds to be shared; later improvements added support for widescreenresolutions of up to 1080p and longer recording times for either prerecorded (up to one minute) or disappearing live (up to one hour) videos.
Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and launched in October 2010 as a free mobile app. The service rapidly gained popularity, with over 100 million active users as of April 2012[10][11] and over 300 million as of December 2014.[12] Instagram is distributed through the Apple App Store and Google Play.[13]Support for the app is available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Windows 10 devices and Android handsets, while third-party Instagram apps are available for BlackBerry 10 and Nokia-Symbian Devices.
3. Twitter
Twitter  is an online news and social networking service where users post and interact with messages, “tweets,” restricted to 140 characters. Registered users can post tweets, but those who are unregistered can only read them. Users access Twitter through its website interface, SMS or a mobile device app.[10] Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco, California, United States, and has more than 25 offices around the world.
Twitter is about learning and adding value
It is also about adding value to others by giving or sharing something valuable to them so that they are able to learn something. That is why I usually tweet about stuff that I read, learned or have good value. I have learned so much from the others that is why I love twitter. It is also about helping others, I disagree with many‘experts’ that say you should only follow ‘influential’ users because I don’t judge someone that way, and because I believe the people at Twitter don’t believe in them either. I also disagree that you should only share your own stuff otherwise you will dilute your brand. Sure it makes sense but 24/7 sharing your own blog post and following influential people?
Weebly is one of the easiest website builders in the market.  They allow you to drag and drop content into a website, so it’s very intuitive to use (click here to see our opinion on Weebly).
By using Weebly’s website building elements, you can literally drag them into your website and have a website built relatively quickly, and painlessly.  The beauty of this system is that you can pretty much drag the elements to wherever you want – so it’s not very restrictive on where and how you place your website content.
Weebly’s elements include pictures, paragraphs, videos, buttons, maps, contact forms – basically all the basics for website building.
2. Tumblr
Tumblr is a popular microblogging platform designed for creative self-expression. It is considered a mindful alternative to Facebook and other social media websites where users blog on a myriad of topics.
You can link your Tumblr account to other social networks you use and you can feed your traditional blog or other RSS feed to your Tumblelog. You can also create static pages such as your own Questions page that people are automatically taken to when they ask you a question. If you want to make your Tumblelog look more lie a traditional website, you can do it by adding pages. You can make your Tumblelog private or just make specific posts private as needed, and you can schedule posts to publish in the future.
Tumblr is perfect for people who don’t need a full blog to publish lengthy posts. It’s also great for people who prefer to publish quick multimedia posts, particularly from their mobile devices. Tumblr is also a great choice for people who want to join a larger community. If a blog is too much or too big for you, but Twitter is too small or too little for you and Instagram isn’t versatile enough for you, then Tumblr might be just right for you.
It’s also easy to invite other people to contribute to your Tumblelog.
If you want to track your stats, you can add any analytics tracking code to your Tumblelog. Some users will even burn a feed with Feedburner, create custom themes, and use their own domain names
3. Pinterest
Pinterest is a free website that requires registration to use.Users can upload, save, sort, and manage images—known as pins—and other media content (e.g., videos) through collections known as pinboards. Pinterest acts as a personalized media platform. Users can browse the content of others in their feed. Users can then save individual pins to one of their own boards using the “Pin It” button, with pinboards typically organized by a central topic or theme. Users can personalize their experience by pinning items, creating boards, and interacting with other members. The end result is that the “pin feed” of each user displays unique, personalized results.
Content can also be found outside of Pinterest and similarly uploaded to a board via the “Pin It” button, which can be downloaded to the bookmark bar on a web browser, or be implemented by a webmaster directly on the website. They also have the option of sending a pin to other Pinterest users and email accounts through the “Send” button. Some websites include red and white “pin it” buttons on items, which allow Pinterest users to pin them directly.
Initially, there were several ways to register a new Pinterest account. Potential users could either receive an invitation from an already registered friend, or they could request an invitation directly from the Pinterest website that could take some time to receive. An account can also be created and accessed by linking Pinterest to a Facebook or Twitter profile. When a user re-posts or re-pins an image to their own board, they have the option of notifying their Facebook and Twitter followers. This feature can be managed on the settings page.
On the main Pinterest page, a “pin feed” appears, displaying the chronological activity from the Pinterest boards that a user follows.
A “board” is where the user’s pins are located. Users can have several boards for various items such as quotes, travel or, most popularly, weddings. A “pin” is an image that has either been uploaded or linked from a website. Once users create boards and add pins, other users can now repin, meaning they can pin one user’s image to their board as well. Once the user has set up their account and boards, they can browse, comment, and like other pins. Users might be discouraged by repeated images and difficult-to-follow direct linking features. Pinterest has also added the option of making boards “secret” so that the user can pin to and view boards that only the user can see when logged into their own account.
Pinterest does not generate its own content; rather, it draws from many resources around the web and compiles them in one convenient location for users.
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fbhelpdesk-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
To manage multiple facebook business page you can get the help of facebook business manager.For more info, you can read this blog: http://planet.infowars.com/technology/is-facebook-business-manager-really-helpful-a-handy-discussion
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bennystevenson08 · 4 years
2021 digital marketing trends
There is always a huge interest in digital marketing trends and innovation in marketing as we get closer to the new year. And rightly so, since reviewing innovation in digital marketing, technology, and platforms for the year ahead can help marketers identify new opportunities that agile businesses and marketers can tap into... if they're looking in the right place and know the right questions to ask...
Each year, for the last ten years, I have assessed the digital marketing landscape to help give recommendations on the digital marketing trends marketers should focus on in the future.
In this year's guidance on the Smart Insights blog I will cover what I see as the main trends across our RACE customer lifecycle framework which defines 25 key digital marketing activities that can be harnessed by businesses to drive growth through:
Improved reach via digital channels Increasing digital engagement of your audiences Better managing digital marketing to integrate it into marketing activities
Improve your digital marketing plans for growth in the year ahead Our Managing digital marketing research 2020 shows that many businesses don't have a planned approach to take advantage of the latest and evergreen digital marketing techniques. Our RACE digital marketing process gives a simple way to structure a digital marketing plan.
What digital marketing trends should we review? I believe it's important for all businesses to review how they can harness the latest marketing trends so they can apply the latest innovations through the 70:20:10 rule of marketing focus. Google's digital marketing evangelist Avinash Kaushik has explained the benefits of this mindset :
70% of the time we're going to focus on things that we know that are very core to our business. 20% is where we're trying to push the boundaries. You get into the known unknowns. And the last 10% is a true crazy experimental stuff. Trying to figure out how to do uncomfortable things that we're going to fail at more than we will succeed at. But with every success, you build a competitive advantage.
So evaluating innovations can help you push the boundaries, but also improve your digital marketing activities.
Truth-be-told, at a high-level, the trends across digital marketing tactics are similar each year - with a lot of the interest in search, social and email marketing, and new web design and content marketing techniques to engage and convert our audiences. Traditionally, technology innovations are the drivers of trends in digital marketing  including changes in:
Digital platforms: Innovations from the FAMGA businesses of Facebook Inc (FB), Apple Inc (AAPL), Microsoft Corp (MSFT), Google (GOOG) and Amazon.com Inc (AMZN) Martech vendors: In particular, the big marketing cloud players with the biggest R&D budgets including Salesforce, Oracle, HubSpot and companies with a larger user base targeting SMEs like Mailchimp Independent standards bodies: Including World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C— of which Tim Berners-Lee is a founder and current leader; Living Standard by Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group, or WHATWG and the Internet Engineering Task Force, or IETF. Normally the trends are independent of economic factors, but that's not the case this year. Of course, the big difference affecting changes in marketing investment in 2021 is from the havoc that COVID-19 has wrought around the world. Although there have been winners in some sectors where demand has held up or even increased, many have fallen. Regardless of sector, low-cost or no-cost methods of growth are more important than ever. This perhaps explains why our research shows that the AI-based techniques which I will cover throughout this article are relatively unpopular.
Recommendation 1. Organic search: Monitor core updates and EAT During 2020, core updates have had a significant impact on organic visibility for businesses in some sectors as these 4 case studies on the impact of Google’s latest core updates shows.
In their advisory What webmasters should know about Google’s core updates Google explains these like this:
“Each day, Google usually releases one or more changes designed to improve our search results. Most aren’t noticeable but help us incrementally continue to improve. We aim to confirm such updates when we feel there is actionable information that webmasters, content producers, or others might take about them".
The advisory and the more recent case studies often reference the perennial importance of content quality affecting Expertise, Authority and Trust signals. So anyone serious about competing in search should grab a copy of the latest search quality guidelines to benchmark their content.
Recommendation 2. Organic search: Look at opportunities from structured data and the SERPs features. I respect Bill Slawski as a close follower of the latest Google patents and innovations. So, when he pronounces structured data will increase in importance and evolve it's worth listening.
In this article, Bluearray gives the predictions of how structured data will change in future. These predictions are already coming true as in Sept 2020 we saw a first example of structured snippets within SERPs which is evidence of a future trend.
Recommendation 3. Organic search: Voice search remains hyped but will deliver little for most businesses Sorry, I have to mention it since we so often still see the dumb recommendation that Voice search is the number one trend businesses must focus on. If you think back, you may remember the often misquoted 2014 prediction that “voice search will by 50% of all searches by 2020”. Well we're in 2020 and it's still being widely touted and of course, smart speaker use has increased dramatically, but the reality is that voice-based searches on mobile and desktop have a minimal impact on the practical execution of SEO for most businesses.
I agree with the views of Cameo Digital who explain the limited impact of voice search  when they comment that regardless of whether the uptake for voice search increases, the game stays virtually the same for SEOs. They explain that Voice Search involves using a spoken command to retrieve the information you want from search engines with two types of voice search, each differing in their type of output. Only the first of these, however, is relevant to SEO:
Type 1: When a user chooses to use spoken voice commands as opposed to typing a query into Google. This is treated as a normal web search, the data of which will be collected in Google Search Console, so SEO as normal. Type 2: When a user chooses to use a spoken voice command in order to receive a spoken answer. This is the case with many smart speakers such as Google Home and Amazon Alexa. These searches are not logged in Google Search Console and have very little relation to SEO. So, businesses can tap into any voice-based changes in search behaviour by focusing on the fundamentals of SEO such as keyword research, on-page optimization best practices, structured data and creating quality content with high Expertise-Authority-Trust to fit evolving search behaviours, including more conversational queries.
I would add that changes in keyword behaviour prompted by rising local voice queries are important to optimize for if you target local buyers.
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axeseo17 · 4 years
How to get the Best Digital Marketing Organization
In order to find the best digital advertising and marketing agency, first, we need to realize "what is digital marketing", "will digital marketing gain your business" and response the question "how does a person get more leads for this business? " - which needs to be the purpose of any marketing. 
What exactly is Digital Marketing Agency? Typically the dictionary definition of Digital advertising is the marketing of products or even services using digital systems, mainly on the internet, but also which includes mobile phones, display advertising, along with any other digital medium. Thus simple to summarise in one word, yet it can be a complicated course of action to get right and to make certain that all of your digital marketing will be working together, not as pósito activities. This is where the knowledge and experience of the best electronic marketing agencies can be massively beneficial. axe seo
Traditional advertising, newspaper publishers and paper directories, like Yellow Pages, are increasingly ineffectve for businesses. Whilst a few years before people would go to a personal computer to search for a product or assistance, nowadays people are connected to the net all day, every day and "live online". Looking for information, a product or service or service is as simple and easy as searching on a personal computer at work or picking up their very own mobile telephone or gadget. Digital marketing focuses on home alarm systems information, products and services in front of men and women when they are looking online. The most effective digital agencies understand the shopping for process of your products and services and be sure that your information is well known to the potential customer at the proper time. In the digital marketing and advertising world, the various stages in the buying process i. at the. research, consideration and purchase are classified as "micro-moments" and the very best electronic digital marketing agency will present the kind of information, service or product at the focused time in the buying practice.
Whilst some digital promoting agencies will also create in addition to manage traditional advertising or perhaps business marketing, such as paper advertising, specialist digital advertising and marketing agencies will concentrate on website marketing as opposed to "marketing companies" who also commonly concentrate on TV, broadcast and print marketing.
Regardless of whether your business is business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C), a digital marketing can be a fast, usually instant, and reliable means of getting leads into your small business and driving up earnings. The very best digital marketing organizations will manage all of the digital camera advertising based on return on investment (ROI) ensuring the leads produced are at a cost that makes company sense and increases income levels. Digital marketing may benefit your business and responses the question "how does someone get more leads for my very own business"?
Tumblr media
Digital marketing, at times referred to as website marketing, can be divided into a number of important capabilities and services:
SEO Providers Search engine optimisation, most commonly abbreviated for you to "SEO", is the process of receiving your website found on search engines like Google when individuals make a search relevant to your organization, services or products.
Regardless if your website is usually e-Commerce or selling providers it will drive leads as well as sales into your business in case it is found for the search terms persons use (often referred to as "keywords") to look for them in Google.
SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING requires experience and comprehension of how Google reads your web site. What messages and information you desire Google to read for a website or website and realizing where to place that details so search engines can find that. A good SEO company could have a proven track record of ranking web sites high in the search results.
WEB OPTIMIZATION works best when the proven strategies to obtaining rankings are utilized in conjunction with latest trends which can be driving traffic. An example of here is the "near me" phenomenon, which includes seen a 150% progress in the last 12 months, where cellphone users are adding "near me" to their search questions i. e. "SEO Business near me". These buyers are looking to buy and buy coming from a local service or product supplier.
Despite the fact that SEO can be a stand-alone provider, it is most effective when joined with PPC, social media and status marketing. SEO is also the actual cornerstone of effective PAY PER CLICK, social media and reputation supervision campaigns.
Pay Per Click Pay Per Click (PPC) often referred to as "Google Advertising" or maybe "online advertising" is in which position adverts at the top of the particular search results for specific keywords. These search terms can be the words and phrases people use when in typically the "research" phase of making a selection or targeted at the "buying keywords" when potential customers would like to buy.
Although your offer, depending on your budget, can be proven every time a search is made, you merely pay when an internet customer clicks on your advert and is also taken to your website or telephone calls you direct from the google search page meaning you only pay out when you get a click originating from a potential customer hence the name for this kind of marketing of Pay Per Click (often abbreviated to PPC).
Simply how much you pay for each simply click is determined by a few factors. Often the "cost per click" (abbreviated to CPC) is determined by the standard and relevancy of the advertising to the search term being used as well as the relevancy of the page in your website that the potential customer arrive at. These factors contribute to your entire "quality score". The higher your personal quality score, the fewer you pay per click and less an individual pay per lead inside of your business.
In the UK, Google provides the vast majority of search targeted traffic and most of your budget must be placed their, however , shipping and delivery want to miss the smaller, though considerable potential for customers via search engines like Microsoft's Msn platform, and a small area of the budget should be allocated to additional search engines. Also, the very best NUMEROUS management companies will also go over spreading your PPC finances over a number of campaigns directed at different parts of the customer journey. A tiny part of the budget should be used on the research stage of the purchasing process when people are using extensive search terms to find information, a tiny part of the budget when people are trying to find yours, your competitors or industry leaders company name. The majority of the funds when potential customers are using keyphrases directly related to making a purchase and last, a small part of the budget to help re-market (show your advertising and marketing to people who have shown a in your services or products by visiting your own website) to capture and increase conversions from the customers earlier advertised too.
The best PAY-PER-CLICK Agency will be a Google Highest regarded Partner. A Google Most recognized Partner status indicates the company has a proven reputation in delivering high-quality strategies, which generate good competitive/low CPC's and deliver large and positive ROI's. The PPC agency will have a sturdy PPC management process set up to quickly react and also capitalise on changes in the ADVERTISEMENT campaigns of your competitors.
As opposed to SEO, that can take some time to end up being fully effective, Pay Per Click is definitely instant in the fact that when your campaigns are stay they can be generating leads for ones business.
PPC is highly successful when carried out in unison using SEO. A well-optimised site will improve the quality score of your respective Google advertising campaigns resulting in a lowered "cost per click" that means you get more leads for the budget.
Social Media Marketing Social Media websites such as Facebook and Tweets are now legitimate places to get a business to attract leads. Fb has over 38 THOUSAND active and regular consumers in the UK and the number is actually anticipated to rise to over 40 MILLION by 2020. Whether your business sells to buyers or other businesses, your current potential customers are on Facebook and also it often.
Facebook is excellent from raising awareness during the shoppers "research" stage, reminding these of your services or products during the "consideration" stage and putting your distinct products in front of potential customers on the "buying" stage. With this kind of large audience and the overall flexibility to target customers throughout the getting process, Facebook can be a very good avenue to generate leads along with sales and to deliver a fantastic return on investment.
A good digital advertising agency will have a proven qualifications in delivering highly effective Zynga advertising campaigns. The very best digital marketing and advertising agencies will be able to demonstrate often the conversion rate and expense per lead of your social media.
Again, social media marketing and especially Facebook marketing can be carried out as being a stand-alone activity however it operates so much better when put together with SEO and/or PPC. Each time a potential customer visits your website all their computer is marked since having visited. This and then allows you to target the user of the computer, who has shown interest in it in your products or services.
Reputation Supervision When considering making a purchase, a potential buyer will scour the internet to locate feedback and reviews by previous customers. Your online promotion sales can live as well as die by the reviews to your business, services or products. Ensuring that praise are easy to find and that virtually any negative feedback is succeeded well, can be a huge help to your conversion rate.
Electronic digital marketing companies call this specific "reputation management" or "online reputation management" however , actually, it is creating systems to build customer reviews and customer opinions ensuing positive customer satisfaction will be captured and easy to find regarding potential customers.
Many businesses are concerned having allowing the public the ability to publicly provide feedback. You cannot you should all of the people all of the time, in addition to companies worry that a awful review will have a negative influence on their business. Firstly, company is determined to leave a negative review for your business they may find a platform to do so as well as 1000's of platforms to pick from. It is better to have control of just where customers are encouraged to leave a comparison. Secondly, a poor or undesirable review, if managed properly, can be a positive for your enterprise. Engaging with a bad overview highlights that you care about opinions and subsequently, you value your customers. One well been able bad review can be as best for your business ten good evaluations.
A good digital marketing business will use one of the handful of realised review platform and provide the know how and means of allowing you to record, manage and respond to purchaser reviews.
AxeSeo knows what it takes to rank higher in the search results, while also catering to the needs of site owners and businesses of all sizes. In order to effectively rank in the SERPs, you must understand how Google’s everchanging algorithm works. In short, it comes down to three basic elements, which we continually focus on daily. Website Analysis, Keyword Research and On Page Optimization. To learn more about how to start ranking higher in Google and improving traffic and earnings for your site, visit AxeSEO.com today.
References SEO
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How Do I Combine A number of Mp3 Files Into One Mp3 File (All Same Bitrate, Etc)?
Begin WAV Joiner. Subsequent is go to the editor and highlight the part of the track that you simply wish to merge then hit the Edit button followed by Copy. After which transfer to the succeeding observe, on the boards editor move the cursor at the end of the monitor and press Edit > Paste Repeat this course of until the entire mp3 information that you just wish to merge for you venture is finished. Free Audio Dub - This standalone program promises to let you reduce a variety of audio codecs, including aac, ac3 and m4a (as well as mp3, wav, ogg, wma and mp2). So Free Audio Dub could are available in useful for iTunes information. SET UP NOTICE: The installer asks you to install the Ask toolbar and set Ask as your own home page and default search engine: to decide out, uncheck all three tick boxes when installing. however some players will not play the joined files correctly. The player might play on the first file. Or might play both however solely show the running time of the first. Choose to play the brand join wave meeting via wave web portal new output file that includes the 2 MP3s you merged collectively. To hitch music, please launch the music merger and click on on Add Files" to select and import the music files you want to merge or immediately drag the music information into the primary window. That being stated, the program does not supply rather more than the ability to join wave meeting via wave web portal audio files. For instance, it might have been good to see them include the ability to chop or trim audio recordsdata. I had a music file that had a large blank end to it. So when I joined it with another music file, that giant empty span of music was left in there. The recordsdata joined perfectly, but it nonetheless nearly felt like they have been two separate information because of the empty space. If All Free MP3 Joiner had the flexibility to trim audio files before merging, I could have simply got rid of that clean end. There should not many audio recordsdata that All Free MP3 Joiner doesn't work with. Once you first learn the title, it's possible you'll be below the impression that it only works for MP3 recordsdata. Nevertheless, it works with all of the following format varieties: MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG, APE, AC3, AIFF, MP2, M4A, CDA, VOX, RA, RAM. and TTA. Output format assist isn't as intensive as enter format help but still, widespread audio formats are supported: MP3, OGG, WMA, and WAV. Merge your music recordsdata into one and convert any audio & video to various codecs such as MP3, AAC, AA3, MP4, AVI, MKV, etc. Edit media files with its constructed-in editor to meet your totally different calls for in simple clicks. Download online video & audio from YouTube, Fb, Twitter and other 300+ websites. 100% free and clear. Step 1: Open it and drag the WAV audio recordsdata you wish to merge into Audacity. After that, yow will discover a number of music tracks are listed on the interface. • Audio Bitrate Changer: With Timbre, you can quickly compress your mp3 or m4a information and pick a custom bitrate. Be a part of Multiple WAV Files Into One Software program allows for little or no tinkering, so all the course of is mainly run primarily based on default settings, your contribution start diminished to a minimal, specifically the file order and the output location, a attribute which can not sit nicely with some. Mp3 cutter ringtone maker is one other the nice, fashionable and free music cutter app for android users. Use this app for minimize the favorite a part of any of the music use this new audio as alarm, ringtone and other notification tone of your device. You too can share the brand new created audio before saving with your friends, households and others. There are scrolable wave type for select mp3 and choose space to be Crop or cut mp3. Set begin & end for the audio clip, utilizing an non-compulsory contact interface. Search audio file: Because it exhibits the record of music library of your telephone to edit audio information, so you may simply search by title for your desired track without getting irritated by scrolling. After achieved, you could find the information merged in your specified output folder. Now, you'll be able to press the Merge" button to create Pack 1. Drag the WAV information you wish to combine together to Pack 1. You may also create Pack 2, Pack three and extra packs. Just drag the WAV files into the corresponding packs. And make sure that at the least two WAV files exist in the identical pack. After that, hit the OKAY" button. Ringtone maker-MP3 cutter is finest tool for audio enhancing. Edit any of your favorite music lower, save, share, or setting as default ringtone, assigning to a contact as custom ringtone, or setting as notification sound. This app support all mp3, wav, ogg, m4a, aac, flac and other file format. One of the best part of this app can be can edit any video from your gadget of avi, mp4, 3gp, , mkv, asf, flv, wmv, mpg and other codecs. Easily report your voice and edit it with this superb mp3 cutter mobile app.
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spaghettipapi · 6 years
Complete Affiliate Marketing Information [Updated]
You need to be wondering why we’re taking this sort of huge course . A lot of our purchasers concentrate on clinical / beauty industries - however we are completely happy to use our services to any sort of business. If we actually need to improve your business on a excessive vary then it is needed to launch a brand new website. You might have to have the ability to estimate the needs of your viewers, and then do your greatest to satisfy them. Certainly one of best issues we can do in this New 12 months is to give attention to who we actually are, as an alternative of who we expect we're supposed to be.
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Constructing connections: Social media marketing can assist you to create connections with not simply your prospects but additionally with individuals who can make it easier to in what you are promoting just like the trade consultants. As social animals, folks have at all times relied on communication to strengthen their relationships. I make no apology that this month’s weblog is impressed by frustration and a bit anger from current conversations regarding nicely intention authorities money not going to the individuals it was meant for. We are going to present you seven brilliant methods of earning money together with your mobile recreation growth concept.
NBA Recreation Time: That is the official app offered by NBA (Nationwide Basketball Association), the governing body of basketball in the US. Forth. Because we are actually in a position to vary our bodily body via cosmetic procedures, many really feel that they don't seem to be 'ok' till all options are exercised, even excessive makeovers. Gifs are usually used to wish one another in any necessary occasion. Whenever you join one of these standard sites you quickly boost the amount of site visitors your business web site receives.
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Some unique calligraphy fonts and different geometrical shapes have been composed collectively to create these flat social media icons. However, social media algorithms by no means keep the same for long, and with a rapidly changing expertise panorama, neither do person traits. Take Hoot-suite Academy’s Social Promoting Course and find out how to find leads and drive sales with social media. The idea is to not have a steep learning curve. The agency also has access to current talent pool, database programs, and normal assessment fashions, which can speed up the hiring process in emergency situations.
Think involving The merchandise when it comes to development. As a substitute, 9Apps will redirect you to Google Play, meaning it isn't notably helpful. The product concept holds that the customers will favor merchandise that offer the most in high quality, performance and progressive features. By tacit approval Fb customers will accept you and be your fan. In these sessions attendees will be a part of forces with their friends to brainstorm options and study methods to navigate the cross-business challenges that abound in the Marketing Analytics & Data Science house.
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So make certain to spread happiness all around you. Once you hire an company, you should feel free to clear your doubts. It’s a lose-lose state of affairs. Most accommodations, resorts, restaurants host gala dinners on New Year's for all to get pleasure from. DOCTYPE is a guideline to the online program about what adaptation of HTML the page is composed in. My dresses were just "too brief" by the standards again to those years. Perhaps romantic partnerships dissolved or positions of employment ended.
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beeflevel80-blog · 5 years
What Everybody Is Saying About Data Visualization and What You Need to Do
Look over these images to determine if any resonate with you. When it has to do with specific visualization exercises, step number one is to locate a quiet, peaceful location at which you can be alone for around 15 minutes or so. Based on the settings you select, the variety of phenophase status records or the range of sites will be exhibited. Employing polar instead of Cartesian coordinates has a pleasing aeshetic, when using space better. In addition it's difficult to discover the particular filter for a job. All nodes have to be reachable from the rest of the nodes in the event the direction of links is disregarded, and all nodes have to be reachable from the main node in the event the direction of links is enforced. If you aren't tracking the conversion rate of your internet business, you're doing a good deal of damage to your company and website. Moreover, Data Visualization Best Practices Guide of business intelligence users at companies which use visual data discovery are in a position to obtain the info they need without the assistance of IT staff all or the majority of the moment. If you're serious about data visualisations, then you have to be keeping up with the business. Why it is essential to hold onto positive thoughts. Visualization is effective since it harnesses the ability of our subconscious mind. Creative visualization intends to help you direct your thoughts in a powerful and useful way as a way to leave you relaxed and revitalized. Knowing when to remain simple is a huge portion of deciding upon the suitable visualization tool. Though my everyday life was still full of challenges, visualization enabled me to stay calm and kept me relaxed and immune to prospective stressors. Our minds are made to automatically imagine the effects of our actions, via Mental Simulation. Whispered Data Visualization Secrets The actual procedure for right Facebook advertising is rather hard. Facebook Insights (Excel) While you'll have to do nearly all of the job yourself, there's a very handy means of using Excel to visualize your FB page data and help you spot trends. In a situation like this, it has become more important to acquire access to useful mobile browsing data for your website. A Dependency Map enables us to visualise the critical cross-project dependencies throughout the length of the program. Group 3 had the ideal performance success. Data visualization is all about how to present your data, to the proper individuals, at the most suitable time, so as to allow them to gain insights most effectively. You may also switch between data sets in the same map. Even the most sophisticated consumer of information may benefit from clear visualizations to market the usage of data for decision making. Timelines may be used to show huge scales and differences in time. The Hidden Truth About Data Visualization You may use the tool to receive a display of multi-zoom datasets over maps. This data visualization is an easy concept executed fantastically. Specifically, undirected graphs cannot be simulated with bidirectional links. Quadrigram has a whole library of interactive visualizations. Therefore, it is worth it to keep your visualizations as easy as possible. Make sure any new tool can render data this way, and take the chance to try out some new visualization procedures. Each technique was made to highlight different facets of the tweets and their sentiment. Whether in or in your daily life, using visualization is a significant tool to enhance all areas. Besides creating function plots, gnuplot is also ideal for plotting data in files. With the maturation of text mining, scholars start to use tools of different disciplines to come across things that were neglected before for instance the spatial features of literature. The VTK case studies show the wide variety of suitable applications. Moreover, the visual must be the principal method of communication, other modalities can only offer extra information. The aim isn't to consider your breath but to quiet your mind and just become conscious of it. Through the years a more and more tools are created to help facilitate the pain. Up in Arms About Data Visualization? If you're serious about designing with data, then you ought to settle back and learn. If you're serious about data visualization, you must be at least aware of, maybe proficient in, some of these. With dygraphs you receive a tool that's fast, flexible and extremely dynamic. Visualization enabled me to work through my emotional troubles. Visualization is a significant facet of data analysis. Guided Visualization is merely a single way of meditating. Tableau Public is, though, an amazing means to begin with visual analytics, particularly if you're focusing on flat files including Excel workbooks. He or she is another tool that is much capable, easy to use, and also free. Luckily, there are lots of great tools out there which can help to make data analysis a good deal easier. There's a need to learn to work in it, and lots of tricks and tips of the trade. Perhaps you started out by developing a few graphs in a spreadsheet and are attempting to obtain a means to tie all of them together. Your dashboard can easily supply you with a vivid representation of what is happening in the organization during a particular period of time. The point is to convey the significance of the data in an easy and intuitive way. In case you have any other suggestions for great approaches to communicate visually on the internet or IRL, please don't hesitate to share! Where to Find Data Visualization It's simpler than ever to collect data, and there's an ever-expanding assortment of platforms on which to record it. Through the most suitable graphics, a user can quickly ingest many parts of complex details. The interface isn't difficult to pick up. It isn't overwhelming the reader along with all the data simultaneously, or forcing the man or woman to choose just one interpretation. Deciding on a chart type that may clearly and effectively communicates your data will provide your story the ideal chance of being understood. Last, it's important that your visualized data may be used in numerous ways, which in different words could have a presentation, site, hand out bills, fliers and so on.
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How to recover my Facebook account? What are the types of recovering a Facebook Account?
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Today, almost everyone is having an account on Facebook either for business or personal. When it’s about social media platforms, the first name that comes to mind is Facebook. It’s a free social media site that lets you connect with millions of people. Facebook helps users in many aspects from uploading pictures to sharing some social messages. It comes with numerous features including messenger, a live option, a news feed, and many more. Is your FB account got hacked or did you forget the password? Don’t know how to recover my Facebook account? Go through this blog to know more about it.
How to recover a Facebook account on a mobile device?
Most people use FB on their smart phones. Whether you are using an iPhone or Android device, the steps to recover your Facebook account are the same. For both devices, you’re needed to just follow some quick instructions. Is your FB account compromised? Do you want to recover it as soon as possible? In such a case, try these steps.
·         First of all, you need to start the Facebook app on your phone. If it's already logged into an account, tap the three-line menu, scroll to the bottom and tap Log Out.
·         On the Facebook app's login page, tap Forgot Password.
·         On the Find Your Account page, enter your phone number for the account.
·         When you see the account appear in the search results, tap it.
·         On the Log In page, you are needed to tap “Try Another” Way.
·         On the Choose a Way to login page, if you need a password reset. After this, make sure to click on the Send code via Email and then “Continue”.
·         After following all the instructions, enter the code and regain access to the account.
Different ways to recover FB account
·         Check if you can still log into Facebook somewhere
One thing that you need to consider is to check if you’re still logged in. Before you try to recover your account, check whether you are still logged into Facebook on any of your devices. Many times, people log into their FB accounts on various devices such as mobiles and laptops. This could be another browser or browser profile on your computer, Facebook Android or iOS app, or a mobile browser, tablet, etc.
If you are still able access Facebook anywhere, then you’ll be able to recover your Facebook password without a confirmation reset code. This can be one of the easiet ways of recovering the FB account. After doing this, you can create a new password. You must also consider setting up two-factor authentication on Facebook. If you have set up two-factor authentication still lost access to your code generator then you need to regain the access.
·         Change contact information of FB account
When it's not possible to recover a Facebook account using the above option then this could happen because of lost access to the email address and phone number you added to your profile. Sometimes, a hacker changed this information. In such a situation, Facebook lets you specify a new email address or phone number.
How to start this process? To start this process, you need to click the link “No longer have access to these?” that can be seen in the bottom-left of the reset password page to start the Facebook account recovery process.
Once you do this, Facebook will ask you for a new email address or phone number so that it can get in touch with you to help you recover your account. Make sure to click on the “Continue” to proceed.
·         Go for the Default Facebook Account Recovery options
Many times, FB users get confused about the recovery of the account. In such a situation, you can go for the default account recovery options. If you have found a device where you were still logged into Facebook, you can proceed with the recovery options.
Use the internet connection and computer or phone from which you've frequently logged into your Facebook account before. If Facebook recognizes the network and device, you will be able to reset your password without additional verification. But before doing this, you are needed to identify your FB account.
·         Check if your Facebook account was hacked
When a FB account gets hacked, you need to recover it as the hacker sometimes changes the login credentials. If your account is hacked and the hacker is posting spam while you can no longer access it, you should report your Facebook account as compromised.
This will start a similar process by the official FB team. While you will use the same information from FB to identify your account, you will be able to use either an old or current Facebook password to recover your account. If hacker has changed the password then this is useful. You can find more security-related tips on the Account Security page through the Facebook Help Center.
Make sure to confirm your identity with Facebook
Before starting the recovery of the FB account, you need to first confirm your identity. If you have tried all the methods and all of Facebook's automated account recovery methods have failed, you can go for the Facebook support. The good thing is that Facebook has a Help Centre page that lets you confirm your identity and helps you to get your hacked account back.
For this, you are needed to upload a photo of your ID, and enter an email address or mobile phone number that is associated with the Facebook account that you wish to recover. After giving all these details, then click Send to submit the information.
In case, you don’t have access to any of the email addresses or phone numbers associated with your account, then enter one you have access to now. In this, you need to mention that you've already submitted your ID to prove your identity.
Can I get my Facebook back if it was hacked?
If your account was hacked, then there are chances that the hacker must have set up the up two-factor authentication with their phone number. In such a situation, you need a special log-in code to bypass that requirement and get back in.
What happens if your Facebook account is hacked?
When your FB account gets hacked, all your login credentials will be changed and you’ll not be able to access it again. Along with this, all the data, photographs, and videos that you’ve uploaded will also be hacked by the hacker and they can misuse it.
How can I get my Facebook account back?
If your account is hacked then it can be recovered. To recover an old account, you need to go to the profile of the account and then click below the cover photo. After this, you need to select and then find support or report profiles. Here, you need to choose ‘Something Else’, then click Next. Click ‘Recover this account and follow the steps.
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