#Credit card balances
fishdonald · 13 days
Credit Card Balances: Understanding and Managing Debt Calgary
Learn about credit card balances and strategies to pay down debt. Find assistance in managing credit card debt in Edmonton, Tornoto, Surrey & Lloydminster Region.
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rajat32 · 1 year
What Is Credit Card Consolidation and How Does It Work?
Credit card consolidation is a process where you combine multiple credit card debts into a single, more manageable payment. This is typically done through a balance transfer to a new credit card or by taking out a loan to pay off all of the credit card balances. The goal of credit card consolidation is to simplify your debt repayment and potentially lower your interest rate, ultimately reducing the overall cost of your debt. This can help you save money and get out of debt faster. However, it's important to carefully consider the terms of any consolidation option to ensure that it's the right choice for your financial situation.
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Steps Involved in Credit Card Consolidation
Evaluate your current credit card debts: 
The first step is to gather all of your credit card statements and assess your current debt situation. Make a list of each credit card balance, interest rate, and minimum monthly payment.
Explore consolidation options: 
When exploring consolidation options, there are three main options to consider: balance transfer credit cards, personal loans, and home equity loans. Balance transfer credit cards allow you to transfer your credit card balances to a new card with a lower interest rate for a promotional period. Personal loans provide a lump sum of money that can be used to pay off your credit card debts, with a fixed interest rate and repayment term.
Apply for a consolidation loan: 
Once you have decided on the best consolidation option, you will need to apply for a loan or line of credit. This will involve filling out an application and providing financial information to the lender.
Transfer your balances: 
If you choose a balance transfer credit card, you will need to transfer the balances from your existing credit cards to the new card. Be aware of any balance transfer fees and make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the new card.
Pay off your debts: 
With a consolidation loan, you will receive a lump sum of money that can be used to pay off your credit card debts. With a balance transfer credit card, you will make payments to the new card until your balances are paid off.
Make regular payments: 
Once your credit card debts are consolidated, it’s important to make regular payments on time. This will help you avoid late fees and penalties, and also improve your credit score.
Bottom line:
In summary, credit card consolidation is a method of combining multiple credit card debts into one payment to simplify debt repayment and potentially reduce the overall cost of debt. This can be achieved through a balance transfer to a new credit card or taking out a loan to pay off all credit card balances. The main benefit is that it can make managing debt easier, but it's essential to weigh the terms and fees of any consolidation option to ensure that it makes financial sense for your situation. Ultimately, credit card consolidation can be a helpful tool for those looking to get out of debt faster and save money on interest payments.
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creditcardsin · 1 year
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shubhblogs · 2 years
Things You Must Check For In Your Credit Card Statement
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When reviewing your credit card statement, there are several important things to check for to ensure that the charges on your statement are accurate and to catch any potential fraudulent activity:
Things to check:
Check the list of transactions on your statement and make sure that you recognize each one. Look for any charges that you don't recognize and report them to your credit card issuer immediately.
Interest and Fees: 
Review the interest and fees that have been charged to your account. Make sure that the interest rate and fees are accurate and that you understand the terms of your credit card agreement.
Minimum Payment: 
Make sure that you understand the minimum payment amount and the due date. It's important to pay at least the minimum amount by the due date to avoid late fees and to maintain a good credit score.
Available Credit: 
Check the available credit on your account. Make sure that it matches what you expect it to be and that there are no errors.
Payment History: 
Review your payment history to ensure that all of your payments have been credited to your account correctly. Look for any missed payments or late fees that may have been incorrectly charged.
Reward Points: 
If your credit card offers rewards points, check that your rewards points have been credited to your account correctly.
Review your balance to ensure it matches what you expect it to be. Check for any errors or discrepancies and report them to your credit card issuer immediately.
Credit Limit: 
Check your credit limit, make sure it's the same as your last statement or the limit you agreed upon.
It's important to review your credit card statement carefully each month to catch any errors or fraudulent activity early and to stay on top of your credit card balances and payments.
Also Checkout: Things You Must Check For In Your Credit Card Statement
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 5 months
🎺🎺It's donnnnne!!! 🎺🎺 For the first time since ~February 2020, all of my credit cards are finally paid off again. Between getting hit hard with covid right at the beginning of the pandemic, then being unemployed for 8 months but not actually qualifying for unemployment, then going through a series of shitty jobs that didn't actually pay a living wage, for a long time it felt like I was going to be stuck in a debt loop forever. The light at the end of the tunnel only really appeared last year after I got a promotion and raise at my current spot, and even then it still took me another year of buckling down and putting most of my additional income directly into card payments. But it's fucking done. I know that this doesn't affect anyone else but it's such a fucking relief I'm sitting here crying while I try to get ready for work and I don't really have anyone to share it with so as usual I'm just yelling it into the blog void.
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tiarasnteakettles · 1 month
Time for a little controversy.
One thing I'm starting to realize is not everyone is like me. Not everyone reads a post fully for context, or pays attention to when and what and where. Most people don't assume that they don't know the entire picture when reading things online.
Worse still, sometimes they don't do these things simply because they would rather believe you're a bad person in some way.
I realize now that no matter how hard I work to be transparent, to show receipts, to prove I am not spending my money on dumb things. No matter how much I try to present as this perfect poor person who never takes a day off nor ever spends an unnecessary dime, people just don't care.
They will barely scan over your posts and make their negative assumptions because they WANT to. They don't care enough to read. To check other posts. To pay attention or investigate something. Or hell, to just ask. They are dedicated to viewing you as wrong, bad, lazy, or stupid and they don't want to make any effort to correct it.
The eureka moment here is that I'm tired of being a victim. I'm tired of being disrespected.
You think Patreon is just me sitting on my ass and begging for handouts while refusing to work a REAL job?
You think I spend all my money on dumb shit and that's why I can't pay my bills?
You think there's nothing wrong with me and I'm a fraud who doesn't want to work?
I realize now that no matter how hard I try, there are still going to be people who don't care enough to understand a situation. They just don't.
If I do the things they think I do, they will hate me.
If I am the most frugal person you know, they will still hate me.
Nothing I do matters because these people will always think the worst of me anyways, so fuck it!!
I'm not staying home wallowing and wishing I was allowed to have nice things for myself anymore. I am no longer going to abstain so these people have no criticism. I'm getting criticized all the same.
So sure Jan, I'm always going to cons constantly.
I'm always taking vacations and buying things I don't need.
Whatever! Make that shit up and then choke on the turds.
Anyways, I'm not cancelling my trip. Fuck it. --
And just to be crass here's the fuckin link to chip in on my trip (if you want)
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leonsrightarm · 9 months
me: i'll keep working after one ror2 run
the ror2 run:
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gaysails · 1 month
one thing about me is I love to mail the billing department a check. another thing about me is I love to insist on paper statements for my records. no I will not interact with your online portal grow up
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dungeoncrawlergf · 3 months
medical bills my beloved ♥️
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witchcraftingboop · 7 months
Me: Hey, since you've been unemployed for forever, who has been paying your credit card bill? Cause it hasn't been me.
Little Sister: Oh that went away!
Me, sinking feeling in my stomach: What do you mean?
Sister: I deleted the app
Me: . . . Okay, but who paid it off?
Sister: Boop, relax. It's just gone, I couldn't log in, so they must've cancelled my account or something, so it's gone now! Problem solved!
Me: . . . . What d'you mean??
Sister, exasperated: It's gone! I don't owe anything!
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fishdonald · 13 days
Top Balance Transfer Credit Cards | Credit720 - Calagry
Find the perfect balance transfer card tailored to your financial goals. Visit Credit720 now, secure low rates, and enjoy better savings today!
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menlove · 1 year
this TDOV donate to ur local transmasc butch thing bc I just had to put all but $32 of my check into rent 😭 anything at all is appreciated!! or just any boosts. love yall regardless! 💖
paypal: paypal.me/arijk99
cashapp: $arijk99
venmo: @ arijk99
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tiktaalic · 1 year
Credit cards are so funny they’re like we want a consumer who has credit card debt…….. but not TOO much credit card debt
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there-will-be-a-way · 9 months
Conversation in our communication app
Chris: N., I'm hereby officially filing an application to allow communication between us again.
N., two days later: Approved.
*communication works again*
My head is an office I swear.
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dottybot · 1 year
We found a place!!
Hi, last post died, but we still need help and have a lot of expenses;;;;
Cash*app & v*nmo : dottybot
Also if you would like a small loose commission in return , I can draw a little thing of your request like anything within reason and not too complex !
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deklo · 10 months
absolutely panicking about money lately but also panicking about getting a job while simultaneously not actively applying for jobs
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