xxstarskullzxx · 2 months
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Depressed clock man stares out a window and rethinks life
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Episodes one journal entry!
Fun Fact: This was drawn in a car while I felt lowkey nauseous! How delightful
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xxstarskullzxx · 21 days
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Tulip Olsen!! I accidentally posted this to the wrong account butttt now I’m jsut reposting it here :3
Original text:
Tulip Olsen Book 1:
Wow this series was everything I could ever need in a show. The writing made me feel genuinely so hurt and I felt pain with the characters. PLEASE I NEED CARTOON NETWORK AND HBO MAX TO GET BACK ON THIS SHIT, ITS SO GOOD. What an incredible show that they cut. I could go on and on about this show, but for book one, I just want to say that I love how each series has a moral and lesson. Tulip dealing with losing her parents through divorce, and the how she dealt with everything overall and overtime accepting and growing with these hardships was a lesson well needed and learnt. I needed to see this show earlier, but I can’t go back in time. I enjoy this show, fuck Cartoon Network
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xxstarskullzxx · 1 month
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God I love humans
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xxstarskullzxx · 1 year
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S1 Jon. He really really needs a break. Corkscrews, monsters, death, the universe. Everything is out for him, he suffers too much
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xxstarskullzxx · 2 months
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Hey gang, can we tell what one of my favourite marvel characters is?
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xxstarskullzxx · 3 months
Just a little something to start the morning off
I want to feel your skin, to touch you, to cherish you, to devote my all to you. Nothing could ever make my love falter, nothing could ever waver my adoration for your eyes and your laugh and your perfect soul, a soul so loving that it has enraptured mine, and made me feel I must devote every waking moment to even dream of being able to be worthy of your touch. I wish for my brain to tell me to stop wanting to inhale your scent and touching your fingertips, to stare into your eyes and get lost in the daydreams I create that I promised myself I would stop feeling. Your beauty is incomparable, a jewel so refined a simple stone I am wouldn’t dare be in your presence. A rose so beautifully red and shaped and sprouted is far too precious to be left in a field of simple weeds, yet there you are watching over, acting as though you deserve to be amongst those who are far too plain to ever compare to you and your devine self. You’re far too precious for the touch of man to ever feel, might you dare only ever be touch by the gods who created you, and even then are they even worthy of being able to embrace such a devine beauty? My love, perhaps I am too obsessed and possessive of you, but can you even blame me when you’re oh so loving. You sing me songs of appreciation, when it should be I worshipping you for even baring witnessed to you. To breath your air is a privilege, and I feel I don’t even deserve such a thing as that, to even gaze at your beauty for a mere moment.
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xxstarskullzxx · 2 years
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Malevolent art. It looks squished because of the angle but, here it is! On episode labeled ‘The End’ and I’m worried. Anyways, I saw the fanart others did for it, and used that to base my designs. Artur and John for the soul and heart
Edit note: I want to say that this is how I imagined him at the beginning of the series. I’m still only on episode 14, but I do have another vision of him in mind
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xxstarskullzxx · 1 year
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Hairstyles!! I didn’t know how to draw out the page but that’s alright. Anyways, I missed drawing comics for my little ask page :3
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xxstarskullzxx · 2 years
My YouTube channel! Go ahead and watch my dubbing of my comic o3o. I know it’s a little cringey but cringe is dead, we all have tumblr here.
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xxstarskullzxx · 2 years
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xxstarskullzxx · 2 years
Riley: What are you staring at?
Scout: fucking carrot
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xxstarskullzxx · 1 year
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Episode 1 page: The man who knocks
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xxstarskullzxx · 1 year
Meet our main characters!!
Salem Morales(she/her): 22 year old college student, lives with her roommates Arsenic ( a black cat with a small diamond shape on her forehead ), and her roomate Florence!
Stuff about her:
5’1, Mexican, has severe anxiety which ends up having her stuck in her apartment if she’s not going to school, Bambi lesbian ( a type of lesbian on the asexual spectrum ), absolutely hates pants and hasn’t worn them in two years, doesn’t like haircuts
Florence April Carbone (she/her):
5’9, Italian, she has cut off contact with her family since she left her house, studying for being a nurse, Bambi lesbian, refuses to have straight across bangs because it reminds her of her old self, works at a bubble tea shop and as a host at a restaurant
And here’s the lovely ladies ( plus a mystery character you’ll find out about later, ouuuuu )
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xxstarskullzxx · 1 year
Hello hello Folks!! The first episode of ROAOC was posted yesterday. I want to stare this before you listen:
Yes I’m very aware that the audio is not great. I’m unable to afford a microphone, so when it came to the intro and outro, the audio is very bad so I just apologize.
My voice is not the best! I’ve never voice acted before, and the AirPod quality does not do it justice. I’ve taken multiple takes for this episode, and I thought this was best. Anyways, I will improve with time and I want everyone to understand that I’m no professional, and cannot afford professional voice actors.
Things will most likely change as the show progresses! Intro music will perhaps be tweaked, and the voices may sound different, especially as I get older. The trailer will release tomorrow, which I know makes no sense considering Ep 1 was released already, but it did write a short script for it.
Music is all done by me and my ukulele, so the quality is not good!! Please be kind when critiquing, and also please leave tips and such to help out with this show!!
I do already have a voice actress for Florence, but in the future, I would most likely need to find voice actors for other characters.
With that out of the way, enjoy!!
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xxstarskullzxx · 1 year
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We rocking with the podcast logo?? I also realized it kinda looks like the word roach!! How fun :D
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