yccreez · 7 months
Yc Creez - Best of me
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lovely-lotte · 7 days
What do bees make ?
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I’m starting college in two days. Do you have any advice for me ?
Hello my friend! Lovely question.
Well, unfortunately, I did not go to college. I was tutored at home for the majority of my life, before joining the Navy. So I cannot draw from personal experiences.
However, I would say to simply remember to relax and have fun! And to remember that college does not need to be the only aspect of your life, but simply a part of it (a large one, to be sure, but not necessarily the only one).
I have also taken the liberty of asking my friends who have gone to college. Their advice was to get to classes fifteen minutes early as often as possible. They also said not to be afraid to initiate friendships, but also not rush them (and to also choose wisely who you will spend your time with, and even who you will sit near. They said it's a good idea to avoid those who won't make effort for you, or return the energy you give).
They also suggested that you sit near the front so you can feel free to ask and answer questions! Conversations are always a great way to learn. I am sure professors enjoy discussions. They also said to try to prepare everything you need the night before, and to wake at least ten minutes before you're supposed to. And try to always have extra papers and pens on hand!
And if you are religious (which I am), I would suggest to remain prayerful as well!
Lastly, please make sure to take care of yourself! It is very important to get the appropriate amount of sleep, to eat, and drink water as often as you need it. You will not be able to be productive if you are exhausted and unwell!
That is all the advice I can think of giving. I wish you the best of luck! You've got this.
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sweetest-soprano · 23 days
[Slams door open]
HELLO it is now seven am and I just got woken up by Carlotta yelling at everything and everyone about the mysterious disappearance of her beloved puppy.
I’m guessing you know what to do right now.
I am blissfully unaware of whatever you would like me to do about it.
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pffmimi · 2 months
am ales ca mă creez un om incomplet
multă lume m a învățat să plec în căutarea mea, să mă regăsesc, să mă reconectez cu mine
încă de atunci știam că nu am ce bucăți din mine să mai găsesc în alte părți decât știam că am deja
căutasem în toate pasiunile, în toate peisajele si-n tot ce știam că pot să fiu eu, îmi alesesem detaliile.
m am cautat un timp în oameni, crezând că ei mă pot face sa ma simt un om
greșind am crezut că așa cum mă găsesc gândind și trăind, o să fiu toată viața
pana am dat de zilele în care tot ce mă "reprezinta", nu mai sunt eu
nu mai mâncam bueno la prima ora de dimineață și nu mai dansam prin toată casa
acum stau întinsă când ascult muzică și servesc cubulețe de fructe congelate
luni mi a plăcut cafeaua amară și să mă cert
joi nu am întârziat și mi am schimbat vreo 2-3 principii
in alta zi nu am fost nimic din toate astea
asa că mi am ales să rămân incompletă,
să las puțin spațiu pentru ziua de mâine
când o să fiu altcineva
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arhitectul · 10 months
în unele zile trebuie s-o iau de la început și să-mi creez altă motivație.
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been stalking my blog have we @creez-un-compte
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memoirsofamanager · 1 month
Oh, Monsieur André, would you be so kind as to tell us about when you ended up in the Seine, s'il vous plaît?
That wasn't so hard, now was it?
But, oui, oui, of course! Since you asked so nicely, then of course I will!
I should preface this by stating that I was quite skilled both at holding my breath and at swimming in general – I got plenty of practice swimming around lakes and rivers and whatnot, you see.
So, when a friend of mine bet me 100 francs that I couldn't touch the riverbed of the Seine, I was fairly confident I could do it. Mind you, I know my own limits, so I chose to challenge this bet at the shallower end of the river by Notre-Dame. My, what a beautiful building....
I figured it was easy enough. So, naturally, I threw myself in fully clothed like a fool. I'll let you decide how that bet turned out.
Honestly, it wasn't that bad. At least, I don't remember it being that bad. Going home sopping wet sure earned me a bit of a scolding, though....
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ninoshyne · 1 year
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chunkyhunny · 1 year
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that-gay-jedi · 4 months
The problem with replacing blasphemy that turns heads at work with "creezus" is that you then get "what the creezus" instead of "what the Jesus" and before long it will swoop in and take over any time you need a slightly milder term for "fuck." You will say "Who creezed this?" whenever something has been mishandled or damaged in such a way that it would make grammatical sense to go "Who fucked this up?
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lovely-lotte · 11 days
Be careful, tomorrow is Friday the 13th !
“What’s wrong with Friday the 13th?”
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sweetest-soprano · 12 days
What would you say is the center of the world ?
One’s affection for another.
[damn, babe. that’s deep for someone who was trying to pebble throw someone off a roof.]
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arhitectul · 3 months
plăcerea lui era să te fută. plăcerea mea e să-ți creez plăcere.
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newyawkbeauty · 1 year
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un-suflet-anonim · 1 year
În Iadul tău lasă-mă să-ți creez Paradisul!
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