#Croation Amor
coughloop · 2 years
I want a Croation Amor windbreaker so bad but it's not even a thing that exists I just think it would look sick if it did and I would want it
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jgthirlwell · 2 years
playlist 04.27.22
Julia Wolfe Oxygen (Cantelope) Johnny Heartbreaker Cult Aesthetics (Johnny Heartbreaker ) Nadia Sirota Baroque (Bedroom Community) Thom Yorke Suspiria OST (XL) Jherek Bischoff Cistern (Leaf) Theodore Shapiro Severance OST (Endeavor Content) Croation Amor Remember Rainbow Bridge (Posh Isolation) Jack White Fear Of The Dawn (Third Man) Jon Spencer and the Hitmakers Spencer Gets It Lit (Bronzerat) Jane Antonia Cornish Constellations (Bandcamp) Kee Avil Crease (Constellation) Kill Alters Armed To The Teeth L.M.O.M.M. (Hausu Mountain ) Wet Leg Wet Leg (Domino) Lovely Little Girls Glistening Vivid Splash (Skin Graft) The Protomen Act I / Act II-The Father Of Death (Sound Machine)
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drib · 3 years
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I've gotta talk about some influences and stuff for school so;
I'm someone who is massively inspired by music. Pretty much everything I make is a culmination of the songs I'm really into at the time. Sometimes I can get influence from a beat, lyrics or even just an album cover. For this I was listening to a lot of SALEM, Croation Amor, eartheater, Leviathan and Behemoth which I suppose weighed pretty heavily on the weird religious spin.
Continuing on from the album cover example, visuals are also a massive part of my inspiration. I take a lot of my colour theory from model painting and I think it's been very helpful for quickly planning out source lighting. As far as my actual illustration goes I've found myself leaning toward a more deconstructed and unfinished look, which I'm not 100% happy with here (really not a fan of the background, wish I'd kept it light) as I feel I got too clean in certain areas. On that note, I think I definitely want to work on some background filler in later works, as my pieces tend to sit on empty voids a lot of the time.
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mirrorreflecting · 7 years
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thegardencharts · 2 years
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Various On U Sound Records : Pay It All Back Vol.8
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Axel Boman : LUZ / Quest For Fire
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Alan Dunham : Learning To Fly
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Civilistjävel! : Järnnätter
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Croation Amor : Remember Rainbow Bridge
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Jimi Tenor : Multiversum
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Perila : House Of Care
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Röyksopp : Profound Mysteries
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The Jonny Halifax Invocation : Acid Blüüs Räägs : Vol. 1
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Various Ingrown Records : Regrown
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55shadesofblue · 3 years
night of May 29th / morning of May 30th 2021 - REBROADCAST OF A PREVIOUSLY AIRED SHOW
036 by james K
hello kitty skates to the fuckin CEMETARY by laura les
PUXXXIMAXXX by Gabber Modus Operandi
Body Of Content by Croatian Amor & Varg2TM
Split Wig by OSSX
This show previously aired on the night of April 3rd, 2021 caro♡ "le grand bleu" James K "Ultra Facial!" laura les "gone with a knife; given all wrong" Exodia "Rayquaza ex" Gabber Modus Operandi "Hey Nafsu" Folded Voices "Vipers In My Mattress" Croation Amor & Varg2TM "No Stars Above Before Like A Million" Biga Yut "Cash Boss" AGGROMANCE "H0M3L355" Bby Eco "Water Song" Okay Vivian "Taşın Kanayan Kalbi" Gazelle Twin & NYX "Deep England" Prayer "Breathe" Nguzunguzu "Just A Touch" Namasenda "Wanted" Bby Eco "Care For You" Cha Hyun "Who Cares About Me?" Frederik Valentin "Hello" ARS WAS TAKEN "GOODIE" JOeyTapes "Journey To Zion" OSSX "Split Wig" Concrete Fantasies "An Effigy of Tears" James K "Subliminal Burn" Ziur "Antifate" April Bourne "Synthetic Vitality" JOey Tapes "simulation love" Andy Stott "The beginning" Two Shell "Soft Core" Bambounou "Up A While" Dark0 “Eye Ignite (feat.0Comeups) Zora Jones "Cease Fire” Oklou “Rosebud” xanah “I Don’t Really Like You But Would You Stay?” shygirl “FREAK” Arca “Mallorca” A.G. Cook “Xxoplex” Zora Jones “Paranoid” Evian Christ “Ultra” xanah “This Is Your Beast Inside” Maral “Sweet Thing” Lanark Artefax “Ferthenheap” Actress “Walking Flames (feat. Sampha)” HAAi “It’s Something We Can All Learn” Dadras “Eucalyptus” Much Sueno “Heart of Glass”
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caremobile · 4 years
To the Palestinian and Harpp Conceptual Board of Governers
Firstly we have to form something along the conceptual lines of an ESU Charter for Harpp, and an annex, based on a frame work much like the Dutch East India Company Frame work for which we must do a project feasibility study, as opposed to land mass --and, if anything, also build on educational annexes and diplomatic influences to keep it together, intermarrying, with each other through partnering with producers, and analyzing where the economic zones are and forming protective partnerships and unions to protect the economic and fishing areas and educational annexes.
We must also take into consideration updating the Blue Book to post apocolypse, and taking of whats the best of the best and understand, come to the understanding of what’s uniquely our own....
if our defence is based on the ideals of Arab Spring, and it’s poetry and the Croation Martyrs Brigade of Lawrentian Ideals, if the issue is Palestine and how to reconcile for the Israel -Palestine Conflict, we must look for a greater tic marks for example, I have amish and arab tic marks, I have a child who is amish and north african and southern french descent and of Lawrence -- I have papers at the University of Lebanon at Beirut and endowments to American University with my own cells in Council of Arab Islamic Relations already having been emplaced there to catalyze development beginning with health concepts a and geopolitical and the blue book and what I had hoped to do was create an annex beginning with having it with in the context of our Roche and Merriam annex for the sake of Education and Medicine as well as Cair for the Geopolitical. Our second plan was to use UN Organs for a base perhaps for the international justice and governmental institutions above and below the government as a start and MSF already emplace there, my main contributions being CAIR and ROCHE and Merriam along with endowments to American University at Lebonon and the Harpp Rail economic zones of influence concepts and the creation of a blue book.
My suggestion is to have UN Organs and ICJ advise on a charter for harpp and have the Harpp Council choose a capital, and begin with creation of educational annexes and something like asean defence force to protect it’s fishing zones -- see how the area of sea is shaped like a harpp as well, form an defense pact based on defending its economic zone and environmental zones. 
And, create , a harp economic rail that leads to the black sea and ally yourself with NATO as an economic security pact, and a naval admirality. Your main force should consists of legionnaires, MSF, and a strong Naval Force that’s tied into the Black Sea Fleet and an Economic Rail System that is connected to the new economic security zone that leads to the black sea and crimea.
I want the institutions above and below the govenrment relative to the NGO’s of UN to be a great determinant of the base of your international diplomatic organs, which will unite Harpp, and create the annex based on that and somethng similar to the Dutch East India Annex and primarily based on Economic and Security and Environmental and Educational Zones of Protective Influence especially rebuild your blue book.
Your Blue Book should also be somethng that functions higher than just a constitution so that when the government shuts down, the society can still function because it has a redudency -- it still has a rythm, it still has educational institutions, it still has organs, it still has mechanisms and layers and an intelligencia.
Lastly, it must have a movement, like CAIR -- to build on, I used CAIR as a free radical to use as cells to catalyze matters. there hidden and emplaced there somewhere, and I have cells in American University of Lebanon and at ROCHE. Touch base, with ROCHE.
our account wiht Virgin was asked if it wanted to help with Virgin Rail but that’s just too far, too big, too deep, it must use some consortium closer its own grids. 
And finally,
you might consider a new currency system and have a council like the UN Council with a UN Assembly.
Sincerely --
Con amor y abrazos 
King Rene Justin Hillary Edmund Pizarnek sans Hannibal
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Mucho Fuego na sétima edição do Mucho Flow
A Revolve, editora e promotora vimaranense, celebra uma década de existência e, como forma de comemoração, ocupou três espaços do berço da nação para a sétima edição do festival Mucho Flow.   Foram convidados 21 artistas, três dos quais em estreia nacional, houve um showcase de celebração dos dez anos da editora dinamarquesa Posh Isolation, uma intervenção da já conhecida ilustradora portuguesa Wasted Rita e ainda projeções 3D de Débora Silva. O belíssimo Centro Internacional de Artes José de Guimarães (CIAJG) albergou o Palco Revolve e Dada Garbeck abre o festival na Blackbox, um espaço para concertos existente naquele edifício. O artista local lançou o seu projeto de estreia este ano pela Revolve, The Ever Coming, e acompanhado por duas baterias, uma trompa e quatro vozes, deu um concerto bastante acolhedor.   Seguiu-se o concerto de CTM, em pleno centro de exposições. Uma mulher, um teclado MIDI e um computador com um DAW foi o suficiente para abraçar toda a plateia. A dinamarquesa Cæcilie Trier, pertencente à Posh Isolation, trouxe o seu mais recente disco "Red Dragon". Violoncelista de formação clássica, criou um cenário sonoro único, jogando com sons de cordas acústicas, de órgãos e vozes.   De regresso à Blackbox, Hiro Kone encerrou o Palco Revolve. Num ambiente parco de luz, iniciou o seu concerto com uma aura ambient, com noise à mistura,  progredindo até ao seu techno industrial. O público reagia de diferentes maneiras aos impulsos, dados pelos seus sintetizadores modulares: havia quem estivesse deitado ou sentado, havia quem dançasse. Pseudónimo de Nicky Mao, já tinha passado na Galeria Zé dos Bois, em Lisboa, para mostrar o seu primeiro álbum de longa duração, Pure Expenditure, em outubro de 2018.  Croation Amor faz as honras do Palco Super Bock, localizado no antigo edifício dos CTT. Após a passagem nos Jardins Efémeros em 2017 e em março deste ano na ZDB, inserindo-se no showcase da PI, o pioneiro da editora apresentou o seu último trabalho, Isa, que, como é descrito no bandcamp do álbum, é uma obra de alien pop. As janelas do edifício estão decoradas com ilustrações de Wasted Rita, artista visual e ilustradora da under-dogs. Na sala ao lado, estão projetadas animações 3D de Débora Silva. A artista sediada em Londres expôs pela primeira vez em solo nacional. De volta aos concertos, chega a vez dos Heavy Lungs conhecerem o público português. A banda de Bristol criada em 2017, lançou este ano dois EPs, Straight to CD e Measure, e iniciaram o motim punk que fez encerrar o palco Super Bock. A energética performance fez abanar o edifício. Por fim, Iceage e o seu poético pós-punk levaram a plateia numa viagem melancólica, bem ao estilo Posh Isolation.
O palco Mucho, no São Mamede (CAE), trouxe a Guimarães grandes nomes da vanguarda eletrónica. No primeiro dia, a dupla fundadora da PI, composta por Christian Stadsgaard e Loke Rahbek (Croatia Amor) fez um live set de ambient e noise. Os escandinavos Damien Dubrovnik iniciaram uma intensa viagem com melodias de orgãos, sons de cordas, ruídos eletrónicos e berros catárticos de Loke. De seguida houve o noise experimental de Shapednoise, a quem sucedeu a espanhola JASSS com um set de dub techno e Tendency termina a noite seguindo numa mesma linha experimental. O segundo dia do festival começou com o solo de piano de Marco Franco. Seguiu-se Gabriel Ferrandini, também a solo mas na Blackbox, com o seu free jazz: bateria, percussão, pratos e gongos. Uma experiência deleitável onde quase todas as pessoas aproveitaram para se sentar ou deitar. Ainda na mesma sala, Holocausto Canibal, banda de metal portuense de maior reconhecimento, quer a nível nacional, quer internacional, trouxe grindcore e death metal ao festival.  O Palco Super Bock no segundo dia teve as atuações de duas bandas da Revolve: Chinaskee e Montanhas Azuis. A primeira tocou para um público reduzido, mas que a viu e ouviu com toda a atenção o seu indie rock. Marco Franco volta a subir aos palcos do festival, desta vez acompanhado por Norberto Lobo e Bruno Pernadas. A guitarra, o piano e os sintetizadores levam-nos para a Ilha de Plástico que todos nós temos no nosso imaginário e que encontramos com a orientação deste trio.   
Por coincidência ou não, no dia dos defuntos houve cerimónia dada por duas bruxas. Bbymutha surge com a sua Dj, Born in Flamez. O sotaque sulista-americano da rapper encheu a sala. "How ya doin', Portugal?". Demonstrou-se bastante entusiasmada por estar a tocar pela primeira vez no nosso país. Com uma saia xadrezada, camisa preta e óculos de sol tocou alguns dos maiores hits, como Sailor Goon, D.I.Y, Heavy Metal, Sick, Toxic, Black Impala (rap por cima de samples da The Less I Know The Better dos Tame Impala), Rules, entre outros êxitos. Fumou vários charros, ofereceu vodka ao público e recebeu também de uma mulher do público outra ganza. Despediu-se de uma forma muito comovente e o público aplaudiu o intenso concerto. 
 No São Mamede, o português Die Von Brau fez um bonito live set de ambient. Após este concerto, Amnesia Scanner rebentou com a plateia trazendo a pós-rave ao nosso pequeno retêngulo. Para quem conhece a dupla filandesa sediada em Berlim, já esperava um tumulto dos bons. Um espectáculo de strobes brancos e vermelhos, acompanhados de sintetizadores, vozes com auto-tune e outros filtros, muito semelhante ao que fizeram no Boiler Room em Berlim. Eram projetadas imagens de caras não identificavéis nos dois extremos do palco. Euforia e caos! Seguiu-se o set de deconstructed beats de Born in Flamez. Estes últimos dois nomes são bem conhecidos por darem uma nova estética à música de rave. E para terminar, um set de Tendency, pois devido a uma amigdalite, Dj Lynce não pôde atuar. 
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ricardosousalemos · 6 years
Croation Amor: Isa
The third album from Loke Rahbek’s experimental industrial project is his most cohesive to date, dissecting pop for parts and refiguring melodic elements into something truly other.
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fornowrecords · 6 years
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hatingwithfears · 6 years
Top Albums of 2018: 30- 11
A list of foods mentioned on the three hours of material that Kozelek put out this year:
Turtle soup
Fish soup
Dirty rice
Thanksgiving turkey
Mashed potatoes
Sunflower seeds
Fries and a falafel
Burgers and shawarmas
Chicken and waffles
An enchilada plate at Taqueria Cancun
Tomatoes at a Mediterranean restaurant
Oranges and bananas from Walmart
Buffalo wings from Buffalo
A frankfurter hot dog
Boiled shrimp
An avocado
A loaf of bread
A Snicker’s bar
Rating: 8.6
The first recording from violinist Laura Cannell and her husband Andre Bosman is a powerful display of improvisation and craft. Recorded in a churches with each song taking place in a different half hour recording session, Reckonings is a very solemn at times. At only half an hour long, these improvisations show a movement through sound, where the place carries an importance (plenty of albums have been recorded in churches (including live albums from Mount Eerie and Rufus Wainwright this year).
Rating: 8.6
After collaborating with Joy Orbison last year, saxophonist Ben Vince continues teaming up with others on his new album. Assimilation adds Micachu & The Shapes, Merlin Nova, Rupert Clervaux and others, but it never makes the album less cohesive. Vince’s saxophone rhythmically howls in a way similar to Colin Stetson, it’s not as frantic, but it’s almost more avant-garde with songs like “Sensory Crossing” adding in jittery beats.
Rating: 8.6
Will Oldham, aka Bonnie “Prince” Billy, on the album of acoustic covers of his own songs to go along with the publication of his lyric book, with the same title:
“It's just a tie-in. It's like a Star Wars Happy Meal or something like that. It really is.”
Rating: 8.7
A more simplistic recording than FJM’s previous two albums, and more simplistic with it’s songwriting too. It’s an internal album that has the songwriter moving through depression, love, writing itself. The album’s reality has our songwriter holed up in a hotel room. It’s not a new concept, or reality, but Father John Misty sings with an emotional conviction and immediacy that appeals to his first two albums, but still has the self awareness of Pure Comedy. He’s never been closer to Randy Newman.
Rating: 8.7
Guitarist and singer of the band Yob, Mike Scheidt, had a near death experience and underwent surgery and a hospital stay. Our Raw Heart is the a massive metal album with Yob pulling even further into spiritual territory that had only been dabbled with on other Yob records. The ten minute “Ablaze” is a pummeling and grand opener. “The Screen” has some thick post-rock sounds, and “Original Face” is one of the more typical metal songs that breaks through thanks to the great songwriting. The greatest moment on this massive work is on the sixteen minute, “Beauty In Fallen Leaves” a meditative track that show the band taking their time.
Rating: 8.7
The third album from Australian jazz quintet Tangents, puts jazz into very electronic places, with thick bass, skilled guitar work, keyboards that shimmer or provide thick atmosphere when needed. The drums on New Bodies are the stand out here, with every track giving way to another complex drum pattern (the influence of Radiohead’s recent output is obvious to me). Even the shorter tracks here have a seamlessness to them that make the mix of jazz and electronic a true wonder.
Rating: 8.8
Avant classical composer, Nils Frahm, recorded his new album at a studio room that he renovated himself and allowed himself as much time as needed to complete All Melody. What we get is a classical album that can sound very organic (“My Friend the Forest” and “Forever Changeless” are strongly piano based, “Human Range” has choir vocals, plucked strings, horns) and also moments of electronic wonder that can float into songs and stick there (“All Melody”, or the droning “Sunson”).
Rating: 8.8
Terror is one thing to show up in metal. Dread is something else entirely, and The Body have continued to emulate that sound in their albums over the last decade, and their new album is another branch of experimentation for the group. The beats from their last proper album pop back up here, but it’s even bleaker this time around. From the guttural screams, the mixing of hip hop beats, even some songs have a thick dance beat.
With a title that quotes Virginia Woolfe’s suicide note, a black and white photograph of a closed off rural road serves as the album cover, and there’s an eight minute mournful, depressive track “Ten Times A Day, Every Day, A Stranger” that has a monotonous spoken word throughout.
Rating: 8.8
Recorded over one day, doom metal band Sumac teamed up with Japanese guitarist-vocalist Kijiji Naino. With an opening track that goes on for twenty minutes, and the music never stays put for longer than fifteen seconds. It’s brutal, odd, and avante garde. (And it reminds me of Can!) There’s a song title that a paragraph long. And it’s been somewhat written off for those facts that actually make it stand out from a lot of the more shallow art pieces in avant garde in today’s music.
Rating: 8.9
Two years after putting out her debut, Room 25 has seemed to catapult Noname into stardom (of some degree), and it’s worthy of the praise. Soft soulful instrumentals, strings, even Latin jazz. It’s an introspective album that speaks frankly about sex (“Window”, “Montego Bae”), American issues (from Clinton to Chick Fil-A to a song about a corrupt cop). On only album number two, Noname is setting up to be one our greatest rappers.
Rating: 8.9
The second album from this jazz trio is an electronic jazz wonder that takes ease in ambient sounds one track, then rushes into some quick playing. The track, “Temple” flutters through some high keyboards that rush in part of the way through, build, then dissipate long enough for a great saxophone solo. There’s bells, there’s drones, there’s repetition. New Hymn To Freedom is a dark album that has a menacing undertone ringing throughout. The final two songs are bleak works that show how jazz can capture our state in music.
Rating: 9.0
On his debut for Warp Records, Yves Tumor goes down a more commercial road than his previous work, like the great 2016 album Serpent Music. This switch of labels gives Yves Tumor a bigger sound that has some really catchy hooks, like “Noid” or “Lifetime”. Yet, Safe In The Hands of Love is a stunning noise album never lets the listener get unsettled. Many of these songs sound like something you’ve heard before, except it’s all been distorted, tossed around.
With noise music coming closer to the mainstream in the last few years, Safe In The Hands of Love make a push for these kinds of sounds (artists Puce Mary, James K and Croation Amor are featured here). The sense of dread on the album is accentuated in some lyrics (single “Noid”), while other moments push for something greater than the current dilemma (“Economy of Freedom” and “Hope In Suffering”)
Rating: 9.1
The opening song “Seventeen” is about hooking up with an older man on Grindr. It could have been a sinister song, but Sivan looks at the situation as a growing experience, and doesn’t place blame. The lead single “My! My! My!” Has a massive chorus where Sivan is caught up the ecstasy of his partner and the joys of passionate sex. On the second single “Bloom”, Sivan uses the huge pop-rock sound and turns the subject to bottoming for the first time. “Plum” takes to using fruit as metaphor, much like last year’s film Call Me By Your Name, looking at a relationship that can’t last. Other songs like “Postcard” or “Lucky Strike” are simple tracks, but the mere mention of a male pronoun or submissive sex makes these songs stand out from all other pop music that’s left today.
Rating: 9.1
This collection of eight songs from Bronchein is his first under his name (his previous three were under the name Hip Hatchet), and his best work yet. Me and The Moon is a country album that wanders through America, but never seems too vast, Bronchein’s songwriting is eloquent enough to make the ordinary moments seem more lyrical then they ever could be. One song mentions doing a Springsteen song at karaoke, Springsteen’s Nebraska sound shows up on Me and Moon. This musical simplicity gives Bronchein plenty of poetic moments: “From Seattle down to Tennessee/Always looking back/At the life I could have had”, “a thin line between thankful and naive/ which is just the same as that between the man I am/ and the man I wanna be”.
Rating: 9.1
An album brimming with ideas, with songs that move the band further out from the emo rock label that’s been assigned to them. Nearer My God has a degree of anxiety that’s reminiscent of The Antlers, “Trapped in Dillard’s” and “Gameshark” are two songs that have some astounding vocals. “Five Cups” would have been the centerpiece to any other album, at nine minutes long, the track has strings, horns, beats, it’s a grand piece that’s not even the best track here. “Nearer My God” is the rock song of the year, from it’s glimmering keys that hang in the background, to the conviction of the vocals, the massive chorus, it’s a perfect rock song.
Rating: 9.2
This collection of songs has multitude of emotions, but never once do these songs become drab. It’s an icy album. It’s romantic. It’s longing. The use of pop structures from country music (“Lonesome Love”, “Blue Light”), indie rock (“Remember My Name”, “Washing Machine Heart”), disco (“Nobody”), Beatles-esque pop (“Me and My Husband”). With short songs that don’t waste time, Mitski’s album setup is reminiscent of The Beatles. At fourteen songs, with only three going beyond the 2:30 mark, it’s a tightly done collection.
Rating: 9.2
A surprise release on 4/20, and an astronaut smoking weed on the cover would be shitty stoner music, but this isn’t stitty stoner music. This is stoner metal, some of the best. Coming twenty years after their album Dopesmoker, it’s a thick, heavy and catchy metal album. The lyrical quality of the work has been updated in a way. There’s still plenty of lines about weed, but there’s a spiritual edge to most of the tracks here that builds upon the mythology of the band.
Rating: 9.3
After a year of sold out shows, Bruce Springsteen’s glowingly received one man show was released as a film on Netflix and a double CD. Springsteen on Broadway has Springsteen going through some tracks in his long discography, these songs are presented with Springsteen on acoustic guitar, with (or without) harmonica, and piano. His wife, Patti Scialfa joins her husband on stage to play two songs from Tunnel of Love (“Brilliant Disguise” and “Tougher Than The Rest”).
This is a Broadway show: there’s a set of songs, and there’s a script to be adhered too. Springsteen’s frank autobiography, Born To Run, provides the lyrical prose between the songs, where we see Springsteen discuss his life, his band, religion, humor, and his own myth. It’s a very meta presentation that shows the artist giving his stories, his pains, his humor to the audience that has adored him for so many years.
Rating: 9.3
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specialistmorgenj · 8 years
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radiofifelife · 7 years
A collection of music that was released in 2017, that I have enjoyed in 2017. It's not a 'best of' the year, more representative of the week of 18.12.17 when it was collated. It starts with Mount Eerie - you can skip that - the rest is liminal, droning, organic and terse. There are moments of beauty.
Mount Eerie - Seaweed
Alessandro Cortini - Perdere
Johnny Jewel - Between Worlds
Perfume Genius - Choir
Croation Amor - Breathe Into Me
Joan of Arc - This Must Be The Placenta
Martin Glass - Reach The Beach
Valgeir Sigur∂sson - No Nights Dark Enough II. Infamy Sings
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - Who I Am & Why I Am Where I Am
Alex Cameron - Marlon Brando
Loke Rahbek, Frederik Valentin - You Come With
Dean Hurley - Forest / Interior
Sarah Davachi - For Organ
Damien Dubrovnik - Arrow 5
Xiu Xiu - Wondering
William Eggleston - Untitled Improvisation DCC 04.33.3
Loke Rahbek - In Piles Of Magazines
Protomartyr - The Chuckler
Pharmakon - Transmission
Angelo Badalamenti - Heartbreaking
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55shadesofblue · 3 years
night of April 24th / morning of April 25th 2021
Lei Line Eon by Iglooghost
PUXXXIMAXXX by Gabber Modus Operandi
GEORGIA - State Effect (Accel) by OOH-sounds
Body Of Content by Croatian Amor & Varg2TM
The Torso Tapes by Baal & Mortimer
Deep England by Gazelle Twin & NYX
Claire Hamill "Tides" Joey LaBeija "move on" ANunaku "Spirale" JOeyTapes "Journey To Zion" Andy Stott "Repetitive Strain" Andy Stott "It Should Be Us" Iglooghost "Zones U Can't See" James K "Ultra Facial!" OSSX "Brain Scratch" Gabber Modus Operandi "Hey Nafsu" Bby Eco "Care For You" Georgia "Perch View" Fetva "Blinding Lights" Croation Amor & Varg2TM "No Stars Aove Before..." NeapolaXi "Octavia" White Ring "Got U" PICTUREPLANE "Underwater Panther" Gabber Modus Operandi "Nyonyon Rangda" CupoCupo "Hive" Eomac "Reasons To Live" Baal & Mortimer "The Wave" Gazelle Twin and NYX "Deep England" Vladislav Delay "Raaa" WETWARE SOLUTIONS "A NEW MYCOLOGY: LETHAL ALGAE..." Car Culture "Waterbaby" Amnesia Scanner “AS Going (feat. LYZZA)” Charlie XCX “Pink Diamond” Nazar “ULTRA Luanda” Rhyw “It Was All Happening” Abyss X “The New Now” Jesu “Never There For You” Whitearmor & Gud"Frutta E Verdura" Dasychira “Swirl (addl. Prod. Malibu)” Walton “SBWYS” Strict Face “Wildcat” Lil Asaf “Labash” Loraine James “Umm” Bendik Giske “Adjust” Amnesia Scanner “AS Too Late” Shygirl + Arca “unconditional” GAIKA “Of Saints Ft. TAYHANA”
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ahrkh-blog · 7 years
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Now up on the Archive!! My Guest Slot on @nts_radio LDN's excellent show WE ARE... with @paulcamo My Mix starts an Hour in and Features music by CROATION AMOR @amortheworld , TOMORROW THE RAIN WILL FALL UPWARDS, GREG FOX @gdfx & KARL D'SILVA @kdsilva87 in an imaginary dream jam, GUAPO @mothlite OREN AMBARCHI, NEGRA BRANCA @negrabranca27 and More! Link in Bio! THANK YOU Paul for inviting me to participate!! x http://www.nts.live/shows/we-are/episodes/we-are-w-paul-camo-25th-march-2017 https://www.mixcloud.com/NTSRadio/we-are-w-paul-camo-25th-march-2017/ #nts #weare #paulcamo
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shortbooks · 8 years
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