aftermathdb · 2 years
Did you know that Kylo Ren’s most requested opponent in DB is Edelgard from that Fire Emblem game you like? What’d ya think of that? lol Go Edelgard?
I don’t get the connections. One of them is a bisexual woman who was tortured as a child and is trying to abolish an oppressive system that caused so much suffering, and the other is an edgelord who is actively causing suffering and oppression because of a perceived betrayal from his uncle.
They have more contrasts than similarities, and while I’m down for contrasts, that line of logic also means that Kylo Ren would have a good opponent in literally any character trying to change the system like Satsuki from Kill La Kill.
Edelgard vs. Satsuki is honestly a better matchup now that I think about it.
But in either case, go El!
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Here's the popular EFAP question, which holiday do you prefer, Christmas or Halloween? I prefer Halloween, I don't have to spend money getting people stuff.
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Halloween. I’m Jewish.
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I like candy as much as the next guy, but why would anyone want to celebrate THEIR OWN IMPENDING DEATH?!
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I like candy way more than the next guy, but I’ve still gotta go with Christmas.
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Halloween. I just wish it wasn't so commercialized.
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joemerl · 2 years
Oh! That’s right! How’s I forget about the human rule! Damn! lol
Ok, we’ll do Coco then. That’s another good one!
Miguel's great-grandfather was a wizard. He left the family to do...I dunno, wizard things, but never came back. Angry at the abandonment, his wife Imelda put a ban on magic in the Rivera household, and none of the subsequent generations have been trained in any way. This has led to a comedic number of accidental explosions, Transfigurations and other mishaps. (Miguel's cousin Abel still has feathers that they never figured out how to get rid of.)
Eventually, Miguel comes to believe that his ancestor was a famous wizard named Ernesto de la Cruz. He steals Ernesto's old wand (which turns out to have an anti-theft curse on it) and runs away to Hogwarts to learn magic by himself. While there, he befriends Héctor, who is one of the school's ghosts.
I'm not sure about Miguel's house. Artsy types are generally Ravenclaw, but he's also sneaky and a little morally gray (see "cursed for grave-robbing"), so he could be the rare Good Slytherin.
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queenarrow · 7 years
Reblog if you're excited for the crossover!!
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marcusmixxshannon · 5 years
More outstanding music vids from talent all around the globe is coming soon to "Marcus Mixx ON TV" in Chicago/Ch.19 1.G Set Hess2.Byron Stingily3.The Crossover4.Matt Warren feat. Janis McGee5.Hungry Hearts6.L.I.A.M. 7.A T Chk out Ep.#9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMaPa3Talqw&t=1115s Sop, Marcus
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tharealsinister · 10 years
The Simpsons & Family Guy Crossover 5 Minute Preview!
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aftermathdb · 1 year
I hope they still make a trailer for season 10 with at least 4 fighter previews.
I am certainly anxious about the trailers.
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aftermathdb · 2 years
So, as a big 007 fan I have to ask, who's James sleeping with when he arrives?
With Jonathan around? Likely none of them.
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aftermathdb · 2 years
I think we ARE going to get an Live Action fight this season but it’ll be Jason vs Michael as the Halloween fight. That’s what I think.
Probably. We might get a space monster fight with Vilgax vs. Ridley for Halloween. But I think that Jason vs. Michael is more likely unless they're saving that one for the 10th season special.
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aftermathdb · 2 years
Bat in The Sun, the people behind Super Power Beatdown actually have a really good Predator outfit. They used it for Wolverine vs Predator. RT could probably contract them to do a live action fight.
Predafett will probably be in 3D though so this is a pointless debate. lol
I guess, but 3D feels more likely. The only 3D fight so far was Harley vs. Jinx, so it feels weird that they don't have another just yet.
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Here’s an interesting thought experiment: If you met an alternate version of yourself that was exactly like you but had the opposite gender, would you date that person?
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Well, Heather and Alejandro aren't dating yet, but give it time.
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They're not exactly the same. Alejandro knows how to charm people.
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Wait Amy, you're a pureblood? How do YOU know about Miraculous Ladybug? Sammy, I can understand, she hangs out with Shaun but you? What? *Chuckles* Is the snobby Slytherin pureblood actually interested in what us lame Muggles like? I have to say....I'm impressed.
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Um, wizards can like TV shows. It's not like the Stone Ages, when Muggles hoarded them all for themselves.
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Yeah, her knowledge of history is iffy. Still, by now we've established that Canadian wizards in Current Year know at least a little more about Muggle stuff than in the books.
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There are Miraculous Ladybug books? I only knew about the comics!
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Anyone watch Demon Slayer? Doesn’t Geoff remind anyone else of Rengoku?
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There's kind of a resemblance. But Rengoku is dedicated to protecting the weak.
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What, and I'm not?
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How many times have you helped Duncan play pranks on me?
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Okay, but you're not that weak.
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I am, and you've played pranks on me, too.
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Ah, come on, bruh!
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Hey Don! I'm happy that everything's going great for you after that crazy woman threatened to rip off your arm and stole your bike (For context, look up the video: EFAP Lore #6: "The Don".
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I don't know what an "efap" is, but I don't need to look it up, I remember what Sierra did last week.
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He was asking for it.
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To the mun: So do you ship Ezekiel/Anne Marie? Personally, I do but I l’m a fan of odd ball friendships and relationships that on paper shouldn’t work but still somehow do. Right now, me and a friend of mine just thought up a scenario for how Duncan and Scarlett could become friends.
I'm not sure if I ship it, but I don't not ship it. It's a weird match-up, but those are fun if you can think of a way to make them work.
Hmm. Maybe I should actually try that instead of just using it as a gag. 🤔
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So recently I’ve marathoned all of Jojo. I get why you guys wouldn’t like it (especially Part 3, that was…such a chore to watch) but…I find myself loving it and I’m REALLY looking forward to Part 6’s anime continuation. Also, I’m a nut job I know but I absolutely ship Giorno and Jolyne together!
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Let's see, he would be her great-great...great-uncle. Or half-uncle, or third-uncle, since he kind of has two birth dads?
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This is a level of incest so weird that it might cancel itself out.
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