#Crown Prince of Dubai
hamdan-fazza · 7 months
Sheikh Hamdan /Fazza / Giraffe Dubai afternoon snacks 👋🏼
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The beautiful holiday with children Rashid & Sheikha 💙💖
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rightnewshindi · 15 days
भारत की पहली यात्रा पर आएंगे संयुक्त अरब अमीरात के क्राउन प्रिंस, पीएम मोदी ने दिया था निमंत्रण
भारत की पहली यात्रा पर आएंगे संयुक्त अरब अमीरात के क्राउन प्रिंस, पीएम मोदी ने दिया था निमंत्रण #news #viral #trending #update #newspaper #breakingnews #currentaffairs #dailynews #newsletter #newspapers #newsupdate #People #Media #info #Journalism #Press
Delhi News: संयुक्त अरब अमीरात के क्राउन प्रिंस शेख खालिद बिन मोहम्मद बिन जायद अल नाहयान अगले हफ्ते भारत की 2 दिवसीय यात्रा पर आने वाले हैं। कुछ महीने पहल��� उन्हें प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने भारत आने का निमंत्रण दिया था। अबू धाबी के क्राउन प्रिंस शेख खालिद बिन मोहम्मद बिन जायद अल नाहयान ने पीएम मोदी के निमंत्रण को स्वीकार कर लिया है। अब वह आगामी 9-10 सितंबर को भारत की आधिकारिक यात्रा…
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waynesaya · 2 years
Late 60's Semi-Retired From The U.S.
Sent you an email!
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uma1ra · 11 months
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This is second Nakba
My muslim brothers and sister, please expose Isreal.
No internet
No food
No water
No electricity
No fuel
No hope of help
Israel is butchering them and whole Europe is funding this massacre along with Usa!
Be the voice of Palestine if you have some humanity left in you 🥲🤲🏻
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Oh Hamdaddy! Happy Birthday wishes from his twins.
Rashid and Shaikha are so grown. 💕
I love that I’ve watched him grow into this version of himself.
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If there's any possible way that I can be taken to Dubai to your Palace and I will be there in a few long hours forced to suck I never been f***** by Prince before
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leliosinking · 9 months
Okay folks. Hear me out. I know the popular vision on this site is for amc Lestat’s rockstar era to be like.. leather pants and mesh shirts ala Maneskin (and Stuart Townsend tbh) but I just don’t see it for this interpretation of the character.
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(I can’t shake the vibe that Damiano is a liiittle too close to what we’ve already seen, I’ll explain shortly)
But also.. we’ve already gotten a canon taste of this Lestat’s stage presence in s01e07. Look at this guy. He’s a flamboyant, piano playing dandy.. like a flamingly gay theatre faguette. This man was crowned king of Mardi Gras and chose to dress up like a queen..
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No. No I don’t see mesh shirts and leather pants in this man’s future (at least not with a 2022 sensibility). But I do see a potential vision. Ride this thought train with me for a sec.
So for this theory to work I should first quickly explain where I think we are in the timeline:
We know that the original interview occurred in the 1970s, and that Daniel doesn’t remember much of that era.. (perhaps he was much closer to the action than he remembers) but I (and several other long term fans) think that the events in Dubai 2022 are likely a fusion of Prince Lestat and Merrick. But more importantly, I think that the events of TVL and QotD have already happened, and mostly likely in close proximity to the original interview.. it’s a lot to explain but trust me it works.
Lestat’s rockstar era occurring in the ‘80s (or even late ‘70s) would of course be book accurate, but it also would allow the show to distance itself from what has already been done in the films. So much like moving the events of IwtV from the 1780s to the 1910s for aesthetic variation, we would be moving the modern events of TVL and QotD from the early 2000s of the film back to their original placement in the timeline. And boy oh boy are the fashion options exciting.. but I have something in mind a little left of field.
So like.. I’m imagining a gothic Liberace, clad in 18th century waistcoats and dramatic capes. Think sequins and candelabras. It’s all very late ‘70s early ‘80s. I know the books are more of a guideline than a bible for this series but the TVC vampires are drawn to the fashion of their era. I can 100% see interpreting his wolf killer coat into an extravagant sequined cape. Imagine “Come to Me” rearranged as a Neil Diamond piano rock ballad.. like are you following my train of thought? Like this Lestat is so so SO gay. And the visual references amc has been pulling from understand that.
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(of course this is all very silly looking, but again, refer to Lestat at the Mardi Gras parade.. that’s him!)
Or think Elton John but like.. by way of Ozzy Osborne. Dramatic wigs and piano ballads, but also stage blood and prosthetics.
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This Lestat understands high camp and theatricality, and I see him deliberately toeing the line between these two seemingly conflicting aesthetics because that’s who he is. Frankly it’s who he has always been as a character. Lestat “eating” the king cake baby? It’s just Ozzy biting the head off a bat. And I think more of that is what we’re in for.
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(I can’t not mention the absolutely perfect adaptation by innovation comics. This look is a great jumping off point for what we might see.. but I think the costume department will take it many many steps further)
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At their root the Vampire Chronicles are period drama, and Rolin and co. are already leaning into that (like there are what? Three active timelines in season one? I would expect even more as the series progresses tbh) and I think a season set largely in the 1980s is going to be more enticing to this team than one set in our present decade. And that’s okay! There’s not only a ton of fashion potential in that era, but also storytelling tools that could not only maintain the current framing device, but also expand on it.
Imagine season 2 ending not with Lestat arriving at the door, but with Armand handing Daniel yet another stack of documents to read and research. Only this time it’s Rolling Stone interviews, vinyl records, music videos and mtv appearances on tape.. all of this ephemera could be used similarly to Claudia’s diary in s01e04 to develop a richer storytelling device. But also it would help to keep Louis the primary narrator, while still providing voice and agency to Lestat (who I suspect is recovering from his post-MTD coma, but that’s a theory for another day).
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Of course this is all theory and I’m sure many of you are more informed on bts spoilers than I, but this is one topic I’ve been wanting to talk about since season 1 concluded, and knowing season 2 will be treading into TVL territory opens up a ton of possibilities. But yeah! Even if the show goes in a totally different direction I hope if nothing else this might inspire some fan artists to play around with an alternative era for Les!
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groupfazza · 11 days
حمدان بن محمد
يصدر قراراً بإنشاء السّجِل المُوحّد لسُكّان إمارة دبي ..
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أصدر سموّ الشيخ حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، ولي عهد دبي، نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء وزير الدفاع، بصفته رئيساً للمجلس التنفيذي لإمارة دبي، قرار المجلس التنفيذي رقم (50) لسنة 2024 بشأن السّجل المُوحّد لسكان إمارة دبي المُنشأ بمُوجب هذا القرار ويتضمّن بيانات مُحدّثة لحظيّاً لكل الخصائص التفصيلية لسُكّان دبي.
يحتوي السجل المركزي لسُكّان دبي على بيانات دقيقة وشاملة ومُحدَّثة، ويهدف إلى حصر البيانات الخاصة بالسّجل، وتصنيفها وتوفيرها بشكل لحظي، مما يسهم  في عملية إعداد الخطط والاستراتيجيات والسياسات الحُكوميّة، بناءً على بيانات ومعلومات دقيقة، كما يسهم  في توفير نتائج التعداد السُّكاني لإمارة دبي دوريّاً ولحظيّاً، والاستجابة لتطبيق سياسات الإمارة المُتعلّقة بالتحوّل الرقمي، والمُساهمة في تطوير وتقديم الخدمات والبرامج الحكومية بكفاءة وفاعلية، وكذلك إعداد نماذج التنبُّؤ المُستقبلي لسُكّان دبي، بهدف دعم الخطط التنموية ورسم السياسات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية.
His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the UAE, and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, issued Executive Council Resolution No. (50) of 2024 pertaining to the creation of a unified Dubai population registry, which seeks to provide comprehensive real-time data on Dubai’s residents.
The registry aims to centralise Dubai's population data, ensuring accuracy, comprehensiveness, and real-time updates. It supports the development of government plans, strategies, and policies and provides regular census results in line with Dubai’s digital transformation goals. Additionally, it helps improve government services and programmes while enabling future population forecasting to guide economic and social policies. According to the resolution, the unified Dubai population registry will be established on the digital platform of the Dubai Data and Statistics Establishment. This Registry will be the official and sole source of population data for the emirate.
Wednesday, 11 September 2024 الأربعاء
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hamdan-fazza · 2 months
18.07.2024 📢Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed: We pledge that we will faithfully fulfil our duties and responsibilities, unwaveringly uphold the interests of the union and its people and continue on the path that was set by our founding fathers. May Allah protect the UAE, its leadership and people. 🇦🇪 In front of UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai .. His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, and newly appointed ministers in the UAE's government are sworn in at Qasr Al Watan in Abu Dhabi.
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gregorgregor · 5 months
Did anyone else get propositioned by the "Crown Prince of Dubai" on here, or was it just me?
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dertaglichedan · 3 days
DUBAI (Reuters) -Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Wednesday said the kingdom would not recognise Israel without a Palestinian state and strongly condemned the "crimes of the Israeli occupation" against the Palestinian people.
"The kingdom will not stop its tireless work towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and we affirm that the kingdom will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel without that," the crown prince, known as MbS, said.
After the eruption of war last October between Israel and the militant Palestinian group Hamas that rules Gaza, Saudi Arabia put on ice U.S.-backed plans for the kingdom to normalise ties with Israel, two sources familiar with Riyadh's thinking said earlier this year, in a swift reordering of its diplomatic priorities.
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canirove · 1 year
The Princess & the Football Player | Chapter 14
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"Welcome to Villa Farfalla" Roberta says when we get out of the car.
"Farfalla vendetta?" Mason chuckles.
"Everyone does that joke, you aren't being original" she replies, rolling her eyes. "It is called farfalla because that's the nickname my great-grandfather had for my great-grandmother. He built this place for her!"
"That's cute" Declan says.
"Should we start with the tour?" Roberta asks.
"After you" Mason says, taking her hand on his and kissing it, making her giggle.
"Are you ready for two weeks or hearing her giggle?" I ask Declan. Once we arrived home after the World Cup, we all decided to spend part of the summer holidays in Italy like Roberta had suggested, though only David and Sophie know that we are together. My parents think it is just Roberta and I, and the media believes that Mason and Declan are in Mykonos or Dubai like most of their teammates.
"I'm afraid we are gonna hear her do more than just giggle" Declan sighs. 
"Well, at least it is a big house" I laugh, linking my arm with his and following Roberta and Mason.
"Good morning. Coffee?" Declan asks, his eyes slowly scanning my body.
"Yes, please" I say, trying to play it cool and leaning against the kitchen's countertop where he is making himself some breakfast, doing my best to ignore the fact that my temperature has gone a few degrees up just by the way he was looking at me.
"They also woke you up, didn't they?" he chuckles, his eyes still fixed on my body. Thank you for buying me these pyjamas, Sophie. 
"I didn't get to sleep until they finished."
"I had never heard him be so loud."
"Same with Roberta. It was as if they had the door and all the windows open."
"Maybe they did."
"Then thank God they closed at least the door when I walked past their room now. They were back at it."
"Really?" he laughs.
"Yep. They are like rabbits or something” I laugh. “Anyway, what are you eating?"
"Just a toast with some peach marmalade I found" he says. "Do you want a bite?"
"Are you sure it isn't out of date? Roberta said most things on the cupboards were from last summer."
"I didn't check" he shrugs, giving his toast a big bite.
"First of all, manners. You do not speak with your mouth full of food. And second, what if you get sick? I came here to relax and have a good time, not to be your nurse."
"You probably are a great nurse" he smirks.
"I'm the least helpful person in the world if you are puking or bleeding, so I don't think so."
"Shame. Guess it'll have to be just roleplaying" he says, giving the toast another bite.
"Are you into that?" I ask, arching a brow.
"Never tried it. You?"
"Do you want to?"
"What are you suggesting, Mr. Rice?" I ask with a mischievous smile.
"Well..." he says, putting his toast down and licking his fingers very slowly, definitely knowing what he is doing. "I thought we could... You know. Become rabbits too."
"Declan!" I laugh.
"Don't you want to?" he asks, grabbing me by the waist and pushing me against the kitchen's countertop.
"Become a rabbit? Nope."
"And what about doing what rabbits do?" 
"Just maybe?" he says, trying to sound offended.
"I guess you'll have to convince me."
"Ok" he chuckles. "May I kiss you?"
"You don't have to ask every time you want to do it, you know?" I laugh.
"Yeah... But I still fear MI6 may show up out of nowhere."
"The bodyguards here are all Italian, you are safe."
"Oh, great. Now the mafia is involved."
"I was just teasing" he smiles.
"Roberta is tired of hearing people make that bad joke when she tells them she is Italian, so now when someone mentions it, she says that everyone in Italy has an uncle that works for the mafia and that should watch out."
"I'll have to ask Gianlu if that's true, then."
"Scamacca? He's hot."
"Excuse me?" 
"I have eyes" I shrug. "And if you didn't exist, he could be my prince."
"Imagine him with a crown and his neck tattoos" Declan laughs.
"My mum would faint the moment she sees me with him. She hates tattoos."
"I don't have any."
"You don't?"
"Want to check for yourself?" he smirks.
"I thought you wanted to kiss me" I reply with a similar smile.
"We can do both things. First I can kiss you," Declan says, brushing his lips against mine. "And then we can check each other to see if we have tattoos."
"I don't have tattoos."
"That's what you say. May I kiss you?"
"Urgh, stop asking and just do it" I say, pulling him closer to me and kissing him, that electricity I've always felt when we touch or kiss going through my whole body once again. It is something I can't get enough of. I can't get enough of him. I need him. I want him. And he seems to feel the same, his kisses getting more intense, his hands moving all over my body, getting under my clothes.
"Fuck" I gasp when his thumb brushes over my nipple.
"So hard" he whispers, his eyes focused on mine while he touches me again.
"Look who is talking" I smirk.
"Your room or mine?"
"Yours is too close to Mason's."
"Then yours it is" he says, taking a step back and picking me up.
"Declan!" I laugh again. "What are you doing?"
"I'm carrying you upstairs" he says as he starts walking.
"Because if we walk together, we won't make it. We'll probably start kissing and end up fucking in the middle of the corridor, and that's something I don't enjoy when we aren't alone."
"Does that mean that you've done it before?"
"There are too many stairs at my place" he shrugs.
"Ok" I laugh.
The moment we walk into my room, we are kissing again, hands all over each other, clothes flying everywhere until we are completely naked.
"Is the door closed?" I ask between kisses.
"It is" Declan says, moving me towards the bed and slowly pulling me down until we both are laying on it, kissing again. 
But we are not rushing it. We are enjoying every kiss, every touch, laughing, smiling at each other. It feels...
"Perfect" I say, hugging Declan. "That was perfect."
"It was, wasn't it?" he says, kissing my head.
"I can't remember the last time I made love with someone."
"We... Made love?" he chuckles.
"Yes, we did" I say, turning my head to look at him and resting my chin on his chest. "Didn't you feel it? It wasn't just sex. There was something more, it was... Special."
"It did feel special" he says, putting a lock of hair behind my ear. "The perfect first time."
"The perfect first time" I repeat with a big smile. 
"And I'm glad it went like this, you know?" Declan says, now caressing my cheek. "I didn't want our first time together to be just sex. I wanted it to be special because you are special to me. You aren't like any of the other girls I've been with, and not just because of who you are" he smiles. 
"Aren't you cute?" I giggle.
"I am. I am very cute, and I also am very hungry. Should we go downstairs and grab something to eat? You didn't let me finish my toast, and it probably is lunch time already."
"Can't we cuddle for a bit longer? Just five minutes before we go back to the real world" I pout, hugging him again with both my arm and my leg.
"You mean before going back to those two rabbits we have for best friends."
"Exactly" I laugh. "Let it be just you and I in our perfect bubble for a bit longer."
"Ok. Just the two of us" he replies, hugging me tighter.
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tarysande · 7 months
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Omg guys the Nigerian prince Crown Prince of Dubai wants to work with me!!
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europesroyalsweddings · 6 months
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✵ April 10, 2004 ✵
Princess Haya of Jordan & Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai
Now Sheikh of Dubai
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