#Crystal X Nasa
beardedmrbean · 2 months
The Curiosity rover made an accidental discovery on Mars – and uncovered a mineral never before found in its pure form on the Red Planet.
As the rover rolled over the planet's rocky surface on May 30, its wheels crushed a section of rock, revealing crystals of elemental sulfur, an unexpected and rare find, according to a NASA news release.
The find was "completely unexpected," said Abigail Fraeman, the Curiosity mission's deputy project scientist. "It's probably one of the most unusual things that we found the entire 12-year mission."
Although scientists have come across many different types of sulfur on Mars, the discovery marks the first time they found pure sulfur.
"Usually, it's coupled with oxygen and other elements that make it into a salt or something similar, but here, what we found was just chunks of pure sulfur," Fraeman said.
Elemental sulfur is bright yellow and has no odor. It forms in only a narrow combination of conditions – scientists didn't expect to locate such a large amount on Mars.
"It's telling us something new about the history of Mars and what sorts of potentially habitable environments it's sustained in the past," Fraeman said.
Scientists nicknamed the 5-inch sample of yellow sulfur crystals "Convict Lake" after a lake in California's Sierra Nevada mountains, according to NASA.
Curiosity snapped photos of the piece of sulfur using its Mastcam, a camera mounted on its head at around human eye level, with a color quality similar to that of two digital cameras, the news release said. The rover later detected the mineral using its Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer, attached to the end of its robotic arm.
Curiosity found the sample as it traversed the Gediz Vallis channel, which runs down Mount Sharp, according to Fraeman. The discovery came after scientists directed Curiosity towards a brightly colored field of rocks, she said.
Curiosity has been climbing the 3-mile-high peak for a decade, the news release said. The area is rich in sulfates, a sulfur-based salt left behind when water dried up billions of years ago.
NASA scientists say the channel is one of the main reasons they sent Curiosity to Mars. They believe it was carved out by streams of water mixed with debris, as evidenced by the rounded rocks found in the channel that were likely shaped by the flow of water, like river stones. Some rocks also have white halo markings, which also indicates water.
Fraeman said it will take more time to figure out what the discovery could mean about the kind of environment that once existed in the area.
"Right now, we're kind of analyzing all of the data we collected and trying to figure out what observations we can make that can either support or cross off some of these environments," she said.
Curiosity searches for evidence of life on Mars
The discovery came on the 4,208th Martian day of Curiosity's mission, NASA said. The rover landed on the planet's surface nearly 12 years ago with the objective of investigating whether Mars was ever habitable.
And it succeeded – early in the mission, Curiosity uncovered chemical and mineral evidence that the planet's environment was previously habitable for small life forms known as microbes.
"We've certainly found with Curiosity that Mars was not only once habitable, but it was habitable for an extended period of time," Fraeman said.
In 2018, Curiosity found organic molecules in a crater that scientists believe was once a shallow lake. The molecules, similar to the molecular building blocks of Earth's oil and gas, showed that the crater was habitable 3.5 billion years ago, around the same time that life developed on Earth under similar conditions.
The $2.5 billion rover is packed with a wide range of tools, including 17 cameras, and 10 science instruments, including spectrometers, radiation detectors, and sensors to probe the Martian atmosphere and environment.
Fraeman said Curiosity has held up surprisingly well – all of its instruments are working as well as the day it landed. Still, the terrain is filled with surprises.
"On Mars, something catastrophic could happen any day," she said. "We always treat every day as if it's precious."
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synergysilhouette · 2 years
Remaking 3 more of Fox's "X-Men" films
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Here we go! I hope you liked my other post for Fox's X-Men, because I've got more ideas for their other films.
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X-Men: Phoenix--I honestly didn't know what to do with First Class since, to my knowledge, it's mainly an original story. Because of this, I'm forgoing the past X-Men stories and keeping everything in the present, continuing on with the Dark Phoenix arc. I'm probably about to screw up this storyline (I wouldn't be the first one) since I have A LOT going on, but I do hope you appreciate some of my creativity. Given the content, this could probably be two movies. I was torn on whether or not to go the comic-accurate "space adventure with a cosmic entity" or the modern "alternate personality" route. I went with the former for the fans, but tell me if the alternate personality concept would be better!
Recap: Decimation has already happened, leaving Wolverine, Storm, Havok, Jean, Shadowcat, and Colosuss (as well as younger mutants) as the only X-Men with powers. As a result in the decline of mutants, Xavier's institute has formed a contract with the government to ensure the remaining mutants' safety and protection. Returning from mission to rescue NASA astronauts, Jean in exposed to a solar flare that unlocks her full potential as a telepath.
During this point, many powerless students have returned to their normal lives, though some (such as Cyclops and Rogue) stay at the mansion still, earning ire from some anti-mutant groups. However, life is somewhat better: Scott can see without his glasses, and Rogue is able to socialize without reservation. However, following Jean's declaration that she is called the Phoenix, she dissappears, and several months afterwards, Scott goes on a mission to find her, believing to have found her at a family reunion in Alaska, but is shocked to find she has no memory at all, and is bewildered by his question about the phoenix and calling herself Madelyne. Owing her survival to a scientist named Nathaniel Essex, Scott feels indebted to him and accepts Essex's offer to help Jean unlock her memory. Alex, at the reunion also, alterts the Professor, who advises him to keep an eye on Essex. During this period, Madelyne says she has strange dreams, which Scott assumes are her memories resurfacing. We catch glimpses of them, such as the reparation of an alien crystal.
At this point, it is revealed that Mastermind still has his powers, and hopes to join the Hellfire Club, consisting of Emma Frost, Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, and Henry Leland. During this period of time, we see via Jean's dreams that Mastermind seduced her into believing she is the black queen. At this point, Essex encourages Cyclops to return home, as the stress of helping Jean has gotten to him, though Alex insists on staying. At this point, it's revealed that seeing Jean being seduced by Mastermind were actually present-time events, as the X-Men (Wolverine, Colossus, Storm, Shadowcat, and new recruits Dazzler, Banshee, and Forge) find out after being captured by her. The Madelyne is a clone, though Xavier doubts she has knowledge of it. It's noted her dreams were actually of being cloned, and that we were secretly seeing the real Jean as Phoenix.
As Alex feels bad for Madelyne's abuse by Essex and Clone Jean appreciates his kindness, they begin a relationship while Alex tries to find a way to beat Essex, who has much more secrets. Emma Frost attempts to distract a newly-returned Cyclops from finding out where the real Jean is, but he rebuffs her advances and attempts to find Jean, only for Mastermind to probe his memories with the clone and betraying Jean. It's revealed that Jean is possessed by a cosmic entity known as the Phoenix, and the Hellfire Club crave her power, especially since there aren't as many mutants here anymore. This twists her even further, fleeing to space, where she devours a planet for nourishment. The Shi'ar empire is alerted to her presence, but she easily defeats them when they try to destroy her.
Jean returns home, and she notes how she can't hold back the Phoenix for much longer. The X-Men arrive to try to talk her down, and she wonders if she'll ever be free of other people's fear. It is revealed Xavier managed to track down Wanda, who restored his powers in order to fight Jean, though she refuses to help anyone else. The X-Men have reservations about this, given how much of a threat Wanda is, and they blame her further when the phoenix defeats the professor as soon as he secures psychic barriers around her mind to give Jean more control. The film ends with the abduction of the X-Men by the Shi'ar.
Post-Credits Scene: It's revealed that Emma Frost has her own school that has a small share of mutants, which has received an influx of students, given renewed hate for mutants. Beast notes that the Xavier Institute also receives new students, dubbing them the New Mutants. Havok returns with Madelyne, claiming Essex disappeared suddenly. It is revealed that this is not true, as Alex have been brainwashed by Essex, going by Mister Sinister, to keep tabs on the X-Men, and hints that Madelyne is pregnant--strangely at 9 months. Bonus: It's not shown a lot, but we see certain relationships grow stronger (Colossus and Kitty's romance, as well as Kurt and Rogue's sibling relationship). I'd also introduce Gambit around here, and show a blossoming relationship with him and Rogue.
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New Mutants: I won't lie. I never saw the movie. This is just my idea, loosely based on my take on them in my "X-Men: Evolution" remake. I'll try to condense it more than the Phoenix saga.
Following her failure to control the Phoenix force, Emma Frost turns her attention to her own school, which houses a small amount of mutants, who she uses as weapons. Seeing that the X-Men are in space, she decides to wage war on the remaining mutants at the school with her Hellions, who include Hellion, Empath, Wither, Dust, Magma, and Warpath. Beast, being the only teacher left, cultivates what mutants are left, forming a team out of the strongest of them: Magik, Mirage, Wolfsbane, Cannonball, Sunspot, and Cypher. Amidst all of the emotional stuff within the Phoenix Saga, I enjoy the idea of this being a lot lighter, more fun, seeing the teens at school with a rivalry from the newly transferred Hellions, punctured by the Inferno storyline.
While taking the group on a "fun" stop in Limbo, Ilyana's demon powers emerge. While she marvels at her powers and the other mutants practice their own, Madelyne gives birth to twins, though to her horror, Ilyana's lack of control of her powers teleports them away from her. Discovering their disappearance, Sinister shows up to discover what has occurred, making Alex and Madelyne defeat the mutants and kidnap Beast, who Sinister brainwashes through cruel torture. He also reveals to Madelyne that she is a clone of Jean Grey, made out of Sinister's obsession with Jean and Scott's DNA, believing they will give birth to the perfect mutant. Viewing Alex as a satisfying alternative to Scott while Sinister searches for the twins, he manipulates Madelyne by reminding her of Alex's true love for her.
Curropted by her demonic urges, Ilyana decides to invade Earth, and her teammates rush to stop her, managing to convince Warpath and Magma to help them. Rahne and a human Nightcrawler eventually manage to talk her down, but even after shutting down the portal and preventing more demons from coming to Earth, the demon N'astirh possesses Madelyne and vows to find her children in order to use them as sacrifices to reopen the portal for Limbo. However, in an attempt to not be used as a pawn any longer, she wills herself to die at the combined onslaught of the New Mutants and some of the Hellions, revealing that she was created with a spark of the Phoenix Force. Emma, in her bid for power, makes herself a host for the force, though it bids her to return to one form, making her go to find Jean.
The film ends with Sinister destroying the mansion, but to the mutants' surprise, there are people willing to take in some of the mutants, having seen them go against the demons (not realizing it was Ilyana who caused it). Warpath and Magma join the New Mutants as well, with Warpath having let go of his hate for the X-Men.
Post-credits scene: The X-Men arrive on the Shi'ar ship, and are told that Jean Grey must die. Meanwhile, we see Emma Frost approach them, claiming she wants to help and knows how to defeat the Phoenix, not revealing that she intends to take this power for her own.
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X-Men: Dark Phoenix--I'm gonna try and keep this concise. You know how this story goes.
Xavier challenges the Shi'ar empress Lilandra to a duel, which she cannot refuse. During this time, we see flashbacks of Jean as a child, joining the X-Men (with the original group being made up of her, Cyclops, Beast, Storm, and the Professor), as well as how her romance has impacted Wolverine and Cyclops. Forge takes note of the Shi'ar technology here, as well as Cyclops rebuffing Emma's seduction attempts, due to his feelings for Jean, as well as his experience with Madelyne and Emma's affiliation with the Hellfire Club.
When Charles wins the duel, he insists on letting the Imperial Guard and the X-Men fight in order to decide who will deal with the Phoenix. Wolverine and Jean share a tender moment, and Scott is vulnerable enough for Emma to invade his mind, mentally sleeping with him as Jean, but Jean sees this and once again feels as though Scott has betrayed her. Xavier, trying once again to tighten the control on Jean's mind, is killed in his attempt, leaving the X-Men horrified. Emma, sensing her chance, attempts to absorb the Phoenix power for herself, only for Jean to strip her of her spark, as the phoenix sees Jean as a more powerful host.
Jean attempts to hold back with what little willpower she has, though the X-Men realize the Phoenix cannot be contained. They battle the imperial guard, thinking back on times that they got to share with Xavier, as well as thinking about the message Alex sent Charles on the events of the previous film. During the battle, Scott is severely wounded after he jumps into battle to save Jean, and he laments that he couldn't live a normal life with his family while still knowing Jean, promising that he only truly loved her. He dies, and Jean's final restraints threaten to break. Noticing an ancient Shi'ar weapon, she uses it to destroy herself, releasing the Phoenix into the atmosphere. The X-Men return home, grieving their losses, with a defeated Emma Frost with them. They attempt to pick up the pieces, only for it to be revealed that any hope for normalcy once again threatened, this time from Mr. Sinister, as Alex warns them of the danger Sinister presents, especially if he finds his and Madelyne's children. While searching, they discover Collosus has gone missing.
Post-credits scene: It is revealed that Mr. Sinister was working for Apocalypse, the first mutant, and has recruited his horsemen: a brainwashed and repowered Angel (now Archangel) as Death, Polaris as Pestilence, a new mutant named Sunfire as Famine, and Colossus as war.
Lemme know what you think! I was gonna do the Apocalypse saga next, but I wanna get feedback on this, first.
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uevolveradiology · 7 days
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Unlocking the Hidden Wonders: The Marvels of X-ray Technology in Modern Science and Medicine
At Uevolve Radiology, we believe in the power of innovation, and X-ray technology is one of the most fascinating tools driving both medical and astronomical advancements. Did you know that X-rays aren't only a cornerstone of medical diagnostics, but they also play a role in understanding the universe? Let’s explore some surprising facts about X-rays and their wide-reaching impact.
X-ray Astronomy: Peering into the Depths of Space
Fact 1: NASA has harnessed the power of X-ray technology to explore the farthest reaches of the universe. By capturing breathtaking images of galaxies, black holes, and distant constellations, X-ray astronomy provides an unparalleled view of the cosmos. This non-visible light allows scientists to detect phenomena otherwise hidden from traditional telescopes. Just as Uevolve radiologists use X-rays to delve into the body’s mysteries, NASA uses X-ray astronomy to reveal the universe’s secrets, shining a light on the unseen corners of space.
Fighting Tuberculosis (TB): X-rays in Medical Breakthroughs
Fact 2: X-rays have proven to be a game-changer in the battle against infectious diseases like Tuberculosis (TB). Early detection through chest X-rays helps diagnose and control TB, reducing the risk of severe symptoms and preventing its spread. In fact, the precision of X-ray imaging allows for timely intervention, improving the quality of care and survival rates. Uevolve Radiology takes pride in being part of this global effort, using cutting-edge technology to safeguard communities from preventable diseases.
Less Radiation, More Precision: The Future of Digital X-rays
Fact 3: One of the most remarkable advancements in radiology over the past two decades has been the development of digital X-rays. Today’s X-rays use significantly less radiation while delivering crystal-clear images for diagnosis. This evolution in imaging technology ensures patient safety while providing accurate and swift results. Uevolve Radiologists leverage this progress to deliver top-notch diagnostic services, ensuring that every patient receives precise, radiation-efficient care.
Why Uevolve Radiology Stands Out
At Uevolve Radiology, our mission is to continuously evolve with technology to provide state-of-the-art diagnostic services. Whether it's offering fast, accurate TB screening or delivering minimal radiation imaging solutions, we are at the forefront of innovation. Our radiologists are committed to improving patient outcomes through cutting-edge X-ray applications, just as astronomers use them to unlock the mysteries of space.
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spacenutspod · 11 months
NASA astronaut Kayla Barron works inside the Life Science Glovebox conducting botany research.NASA As of spring 2023, NASA has invested greater than $60M in more than twenty In Space Production Applications (InSPA) awards to U.S. entities seeking to demonstrate the production of advanced materials and products on the International Space Station.  These InSPA awards help the selected companies raise the technological readiness level of their products and move them to market, propelling U.S. industry toward the development of a sustainable, scalable, and profitable non-NASA demand for services and products manufactured in the microgravity environment of low-Earth orbit for use on Earth. NASA Selects Proposals to Enable Manufacturing In Space for Earth (April 15, 2022) NASA Selects Proposals for In-Space Development of Projects Including Optical Fibers and Stem Cells and a Plan to Enable a Low-Earth Orbit Economy (April 7, 2020) Advanced Materials Flawless Photonics – Fabrication of Flawless Glass Contact: Dr. Michael VestelFlawless Photonics of Los Altos Hills, California, in partnership with the University of Adelaide, Axiom Space, and Visioneering Space has been selected for their proposal to develop specialized glass manufacturing hardware to process Heavy-Metal Fluoride Glasses (HMFG) in microgravity. HMFG glasses are used in the terrestrial manufacturing of exotic optical fibers and other optics applications. Without convective forces present in 1g, HMFG made in microgravity are expected to achieve the ideal amorphous microstructure during synthesis, eliminating light scattering defects that limit lasing power and transmission over long fiber lengths. Apsidal – Intelligent Glass Optics Contact: Dr. Amrit DeApsidal LLC. of Los Angeles, California, is developing the IGO module to process various types of complex glasses in space from which optical fibers, fiber lasers, magnetic fibers, super-continuum sources, capillary optics and adiabatic tapers can be drawn. One of the key innovations is a custom Laser Doppler Sensor for real-time in-situ analysis and feedback control of the manufacturing process. Additionally, this technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted to be adaptive and to optimize production in a low Earth orbit (LEO) environment. The microgravity environment of space is needed as gravity-induced material convection and sedimentation in complex glasses on Earth subsequently leads to unwanted crystallization, thus creating defects which reduce performance. Market areas for products from this module include specialty fibers for low-loss and high bandwidth communications, high-power fiber-amplifiers, IR counter measures, supercontinuum sources, medical applications, remote sensing, X-ray optics, and laser processing. Fiber Optic Manufacturing in Space – Space Fibers Contact: Dr. Dmitry StarodubovFOMS Inc of San Diego, California, has developed a facility-class instrument for fiber fabrication in the microgravity environment to improve the quality of specialty optical fibers with the promise of up to 100x reduction in insertion loss due to the suppression of crystallization and phase separation. Two previous iterations of the facility have flown to the space station, with the third generation scheduled to launch on the 25th SpaceX cargo resupply services mission in May 2022. Mercury Systems Torrance – Fiber Optic Production Contact: Eric RuckerMercury Systems of Torrance, California, has developed a facility-class instrument for fiber fabrication in the microgravity environment to improve the quality of specialty optical fibers with the promise of up to two orders of magnitude reduction in insertion loss compared to traditional SiO2 fibers due to the suppression of crystallization and sedimentation. The first generation of the facility has flown to the space station producing over 90m of ZBLAN optical fiber from a fluorinated exotic glass preform composed of Zirconium, Barium, Lanthanum, Aluminum, and Sodium (ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3-AlF3-NaF). The second-generation FOP-2 launches on SpaceX CRS-25 in May 2022 using a nitrogen purge previously demonstrated in reduced gravity on a parabolic flight. Redwire/Made In Space – Turbine Ceramic Manufacturing Module Contact: Justin KuglerMade In Space of Jacksonville, Florida, a Redwire company, is developing the TCMM to provide proof-of-principal for single-piece ceramic turbine blisk (blade + disk) manufacturing in microgravity for terrestrial use. Launched in October 2020 on Northrop Grumman’s CRS-14 mission, TCMM successfully demonstrated ceramic additive manufacturing in space for the first time in history. TCMM was also the first demonstration of stereolithography ceramic fabrication in space. The project focuses on advanced materials engineering ultimately leading to reductions in part mass, residual stress, and fatigue. Strength improvements of even 1-2 percent, as a result of being manufactured in microgravity, can yield years to decades of superior service life. Market applications include high performance turbines, nuclear plants, or internal combustion engines. Redwire/Made In Space – Turbine Superalloy Casting Module Made In Space of Jacksonville, Florida, a Redwire company, is developing the TSCM to provide proof of principle for polycrystal superalloy part manufacturing in microgravity for terrestrial use. Superalloys thermally processed in microgravity could have improved microstructure and mechanical properties over superalloys processed on Earth. This work expands utilization of the ISS National Lab into new commercial product areas not previously investigated. Delivered to space station on SpaceX CRS-24 in December 2021, TSCM investigates potential improvements in superalloy microstructure by heat treating in microgravity. Market applications include turbine engines in industries such as aerospace and power generation. Redwire/Techshot – Pharmaceutical In-space Laboratory  Contact: Rachel OrmsbyRedwire Corporation Inc. of Greenville, Indiana, has been selected for its proposal to produce small, uniform crystals as stable seed batches for pharmaceutical and institutional research customers seeking improvements/refinements in product purification, formulation and/or delivery using crystalline formulations. Their Pharmaceutical In-space Laboratory Bio-crystal Optimization Xperiment (PIL-BOX) Dynamic Microscopy Cassette (DMC) will be capable of testing multiple crystallization conditions and providing samples to be returned to Earth for analysis. When grown in microgravity, crystals are produced more uniformly and have very low size coefficients of variation thereby allowing a more stable crystal growth, high concentration, and low viscosity parenteral formulation. The proposed innovation will provide manufacturing services to companies, institutions, and agencies pursuing uniform crystallization research. United Semiconductors – Semimetal-Semiconductor Composite Bulk Crystals Contact: Dr. DuttaUnited Semiconductors of Los Alamitos, California, has been selected for their proposal to produce semimetal-semiconductor composite bulk crystals commonly used in electromagnetic sensors for solving challenges in the energy, high performance computing and national security sectors. Together with teammates Axiom Space of Houston and Redwire of Greenville, Indiana, United Semiconductors intends to validate the scaling and efficacy of producing larger semimetal-semiconductor composite crystals under microgravity conditions with perfectly aligned and continuous semimetal wires embedded across the semiconductor matrix. If successful at eliminating defects found in those manufactured with terrestrial materials, United Semiconductors will have developed a processing technology for creating device-ready wafers from space-grown crystals. Optical Micrograph depicting the expected morphology of Semimetal-Semiconductor Composite (SSC) wafers to be extracted from space grown bulk crystals. The continuous semimetal needles embedded in semiconductor matrix will provide high yield of high-performance electromagnetic sensors. Currently this desirable morphology is seen only in a small fraction of the terrestrial grown bulk crystals. Space grown bulk crystals is anticipated to provide a significant volume of the desirable morphology. United Semiconductors LLC Optical Micrograph depicting the morphology of Semimetal-Semiconductor Composite (SSC) wafers extracted from terrestrial grown bulk crystals. Discontinuous semimetal needles embedded in semiconductor matrix leads to poor yield of high-performance electromagnetic sensors.United Semiconductors LLC Redwire/Made In Space – Industrial Crystallization Facility Contact: Justin KuglerMade In Space of Jacksonville, Florida, a Redwire company, is developing the ICF to provide proof-of-principle for diffusion-based crystallization methods to produce high-quality optical crystals in microgravity relevant for terrestrial use. ICF launched to the International Space Station on Northrop Grumman’s CRS-15 on February 20, 2021. It was the first facility to grow inorganic potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) crystals aboard space station, offering important insight into microgravity-enabled growth processes for industrial crystals, which could yield opportunities for commercial production on-orbit. Market applications include ultra-fast optical switches, optical waveguides, optical circuit lithography, high-efficiency ultraviolet light production, and terahertz wave sensors.  Tissue Engineering & Biomanufacturing LambdaVision/Space Tango –Retinal Implant Contact: Alain BerinstainSpace Tango of Lexington, Kentucky, and its partner, LambdaVision of Farmington, Connecticut, are developing a system to manufacture protein-based retinal implants, or artificial retinas, in microgravity. The market for this work is the millions of patients suffering from retinal degenerative diseases, including retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness for adults over 55 years old. This effort builds on a validation flight completed in late 2018 that demonstrated the proof of concept for generating multilayered protein-based thin films in space using a miniaturized layer-by-layer manufacturing device. This project will further mature the manufacturing system, producing protein-based artificial retinas in space that would be returned to Earth for preclinical evaluation of the technology. This work will establish the necessary regulatory requirements for producing biomedical products in space station, including current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). The microgravity environment of space hinders convection and sedimentation in the manufacturing process, enabling more uniform layers, improved stability and higher quality thin films than can be produced on Earth. The team successfully produced 200 layers of protein on their most recent flight on SpaceX Crew-4. Using greater uniformity and better film deposition in microgravity to produce 100 layers of precisely aligned, precisely structured layers of bacterial rhodopsin crystals (vision protein) sandwiched between 100 layers of precisely deposited composite material with sufficient quality to enable an implantable artificial retina to FDA approval.LambdaVision Redwire/Made In Space – Manufacturing of Semiconductors and Thin-film Integrated Coatings (MSTIC) Contact: Justin KuglerMade In Space of Jacksonville, Florida, a Redwire company, is developing the MSTIC facility as an autonomous, high throughput manufacturing capability for production of high quality, lower cost semiconductor chips at a rapid rate. Terrestrial semiconductor chip production suffers from the impacts of convection and sedimentation in the manufacturing process. Fabricating in microgravity is expected to reduce the number of gravity-induced defects, resulting in more usable chips per wafer. Market applications include semiconductor supply chains for telecommunications and energy industries. Auxilium Biotechnologies/Space Tango – Drug Delivery Medical Devices Contact: Dr. Jacob KofflerAuxilium Biotechnologies with Space Tango has been selected for its proposal to develop a second-generation drug-delivery medical device to more effectively treat people who have sustained traumatic peripheral nerve injury. Auxilium’s Gen 1.0 NeuroSpan Bridge is a biomimetic nerve regeneration device that guides and accelerates nerve regeneration, eliminating the need for a patient to sacrifice a nerve in the leg to repair a nerve in the arm or face. Auxilium will use its expertise in fast, high-resolution 3D-printing to adapt its proprietary platform to a Gen 2.0 3D-print device in microgravity by adding novel drug delivery nanoparticles with the potential to substantially accelerate regeneration and improve functional outcomes for people on Earth. Lawrence Livermore National Lab/Space Tango – VAM Organ Production Contact: Dr. Maxim ShusteffLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, located in Livermore, California, in partnership with Space Tango, has been selected for their proposal to adapt their terrestrial volumetric 3D bioprinting device for use in microgravity to demonstrate production of artificial cartilage tissue in space. The Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM) technology is a revolutionary, ultra-rapid 3D printing method that solidifies a complete 3D structure from a photosensitive liquid resin in minutes. Because of the absence of settling and gravity-driven buoyancy and convective flows in the prepolymer, the cartilage tissues manufactured and matured in microgravity are expected to have superior structural, organizational, and mechanical properties suitable for use in long-term tissue repair and replacement. University of Connecticut, STORRS/Axiom – Biomimetic Fabrication of Multifunctional DNA-inspired Nanomaterials Contact: Dr. Yupeng ChenThe University of Connecticut, out of Storrs, Connecticut, in partnership with Eascra Biotech of Boston, Massachusetts and Axiom Space of Houston has been selected for their proposed biomimetic fabrication of multifunctional nanomaterials, a cutting-edge breakthrough in biomedicine that can benefit from microgravity in space to accomplish controlled self-assembly of DNA-inspired Janus base nanomaterials (JBNs). These JBNs will be used as effective, safe and stable delivery vehicles for RNA therapeutics and vaccines, as well as first-in-kind injectable scaffolds for regenerative medicine. By leveraging the benefits of microgravity, the UConn/Eascra team expects to mature in-space production of different types of JBNs with more orderly structures and higher homogeneity over what is possible using terrestrial materials, improving efficacy for mRNA therapeutics and structural integrity for cartilage tissue repair. In-space manufacturing of DNA-inspired Janus base nanomaterials for delivery of mRNA therapeutics and vaccines, and tissue repair and regeneration.Dr. Yupeng Chenu BioServe Space Technologies with University of Colorado – Expansion of Hematopoietic Stem Cells Contact: Dr. Louis StodieckBioServe Space Technologies and The University of Colorado of Boulder, Colorado, in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic, ClinImmune Cell and Gene Therapy (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus), RheumaGen, and with support from Sierra Space has been selected for their proposal to develop a specialized bioreactor that will produce large populations of Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) in microgravity to treat serious medical conditions including blood cancers (leukemias, lymphomas, multiple myeloma), blood disorders, severe immune diseases, and certain autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Expansion of HSCs in microgravity is expected to result in greater stem cell expansion with less cell differentiation than is seen in 1g. If successful, the technology may enable safe and effective cell therapy transplantation, especially in children and younger adults, where long-term bone marrow cell repopulation is critical to the patient’s lifetime health. Astronaut Thomas Pesquet working in the Space Automated Bioproduct Laboratory (SABL). This image shows two SABL units, one open and one closed. SABL will be used for growing and expanding BioServe’s stem cells on board the ISS.NASA Cedars Sinai Regenerative Medicine Institute/Axiom – Stem Cell Therapy Contact: Dr. Clive SvendsenCedars-Sinai Regenerative Medicine Institute, located in Los Angeles in partnership with Axiom Space of Houston has been selected for proposing to use cutting-edge methods related to the production and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) on the International Space Station. Cedars-Sinai will explore in-space production of stem cells into heart, brain, and blood tissues in support of regenerative medicine uses on Earth. While stem cells and stem cell-derived tissues hold great promise for use in research and as clinical-grade therapeutic agents, safe and efficient expansion of stem cells and their derivatives continues to be a major challenge on Earth. Generating, expanding, and differentiating cells at scale in the microgravity environment of space with sufficient yields of a constant therapeutic cell product that meets FDA biologics requirements may be the answer to overcome those challenges. Redwire/Techshot – BioFabrication Facility Contact: Rich BolingTechshot of Greenville, Indiana, a Redwire company, is developing the BFF as a space-based 3D biomanufacturing platform capable of printing with live human cells (autologous or allogenic). The facility contains an XYZ gantry with multiple print heads and a bioreactor cassette in the X-Y plane. Without the addition of scaffolding or chemical bio-ink thickening agents, attempts to 3D print with cells on Earth only results in creating a puddle. With scaffolding and thickening agents, organ-like shapes can be printed on Earth, but they cannot function as such. BFF prints in space with low viscosity bio-inks that only contain cells and nutrients, which enable cells to remain healthy and mobile – a necessity for creating solid thick tissue. Following a weeks-long in-space conditioning phase inside a special Redwire bioreactor, the tissue constructs are strong enough to resist gravity and remain viable following their return to Earth. In 2020, Redwire manufactured test prints of a partial human meniscus aboard the International Space Station for the company’s DoD customer, the 4-Dimensional Bioprinting, Biofabrication, and Biomanufacturing, or 4D Bio3 program, based at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. The program is a collaboration between the university and The Geneva Foundation, a non-profit organization that advances military medical research. A second round of printing in space for 4D Bio3 is scheduled for late 2022 after delivery of a 2nd generation printer on SpaceX CRS-26.  Redwire is planning additional bioprinting operations with the BFF, such as the Fabrication in Austere Military Environments (FAME) bioprinting program. Market applications include human tissue and organ repair or replacement. Redwire/Techshot – Cell Reprogramming Facility Contact: Rich BolingTechshot of Greenville, Indiana, a Redwire company, is developing the CRF to manufacture induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in orbit using adult cells, then enabling the cells to develop into many other types of cells, that can be used inside the BFF bioprinter and on Earth for regenerative medicine, especially cell therapies. The first element of the Cell Factory system – the CRF – is in development now. Market applications include cell therapies for restorative health and autologous cell sourcing for bioprinting and vascular applications. Cedars Sinai/Space Tango – Stem Cell Production Contact: Alain BerinstainSpace Tango of Lexington, Kentucky, and its partner Cedars-Sinai of Los Angeles, California, are developing pilot-scale systems for the production in space of large batches of stem cells to be used in personalized medical treatment for a variety of diseases. The development of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) for commercial personalized medicine applications is done in space because the work to date on the space station demonstrates stem cells retain their “stemness” for longer durations in microgravity, allowing a delay of differentiation that has the potential to enable larger batches of cells to be produced. The pilot-scale systems, built for the space station to serve as a basis for future commercial manufacturing systems, will incorporate regulatory strategies to support FDA clinical trial production of personalized medicine stem cell therapies on the space station. Including current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) conditions, required for the production of stem cell therapies for human use in patients. Sanford/Space Tango – Integrated Space Stem Cell Orbiting Lab Contact: Alain BerinstainSpace Tango of Lexington, Kentucky, and its partners at UC San Diego/Sanford Consortium in La Jolla, California, are working to establish a new on-orbit biomedical sector for stem cell advancement, with a fully operational self-sustaining orbital laboratory anticipated by 2025. The team is working to refine current hardware capabilities and process flows, extending the capabilities of ground-based laboratories with regular access to the space station via secured flight opportunities. Stem cells differentiate into tissue specific progenitors that can be used in microgravity to better understand aging and immune dysfunction, providing an opportunity to accelerate advances in regenerative medicine and the development of potential new therapeutic approaches. The target market for this orbital laboratory is a new approach to stem cell translational medicine. Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine/Axiom – Engineered Liver Tissue Contact: Dr. Anthony Atala Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has partnered with Axiom Space and BioServe Space Technologies to pursue a groundbreaking initiative. Their proposal takes advantage of the microgravity environment to develop and validate a platform that supports a ‘building block’ strategy for in-space manufacturing of vascularized and perfused liver tissue as a bridge to transplantation. This is a continuation of the NASA Centennial Vascular Tissue Challenge, where WFIRM teams won first and second place for creating metabolically active thick liver tissue that retained function for thirty days. The overarching goal is to enhance the formation of a microcapillary system within a perfusable 3D bioprinted vascularized engineered liver tissue constructs for biomanufacturing clinical-scale liver tissue constructs that allow integration into the recipient’s peripheral circulation for the treatment of liver disease. Once validated, this platform technology can produce multiple tissue construct types, including kidney and pancreas, among others. In Phase 1a, the team plans to evaluate various 3D bioprinted designs for vascularized tissue constructs to be evaluated in microgravity to identify the optimal parameters to produce liver tissue that is suitable in size to serve as a bridge to regeneration or transplantation. Phases 2 and 3 will involve biomanufacturing liver tissue constructs of the optimal design for human clinical trials and process scale-up for future commercialization. Keep Exploring Discover More Topics In Space Production Applications Low Earth Orbit Economy Opportunities and Information for Researchers Latest News from Space Station Research
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ganuwijayara · 1 year
Obat Keputihan Herbal Lubuklinggau Jelita 081511135518
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Obat Keputihan Herbal Lubuklinggau KLIK https://wa.me/6281511135518, Obat Keputihan Herbal Karangasem, Crystal X Obat Keputihan Cara Pakai Grabag, Obat Keputihan Gatal Dr. Zaidul Akbar Kendari, Obat Keputihan Hijau Saat Hamil Citeureup, Nasa Obat Keputihan Ciseeng
[ JELITA ] Kombinasi ramuan herbal yang diformulasi secara khusus untuk memelihara kesehatan organ intim kewanitaan serta mampu meningkatkan kualitas hubungan menjadi lebih hangat dan bergairah bersama pasangan
✅ Daun Sirih: Didukung sejumlah hasil penelitian klinis menjelaskan bahwa Daun Sirih ini memiliki banyak kandungan yang bermanfaat, seperti Vitamin B1, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Di sisi lain, ada pula beberapa zat yang terkandung dalam daun sirih, yaitu: Zat besi, Fosfor, Sodium, Kalsium, Potasium, Mineral, Protein, Avikol, Seskuiterpen, Betlephenol, Minyak atsiri, Eugenol, Zat samak, Antioksidan chavicol, Antimikroba, Antiradang, Antibakteri dan sejumlah zat lainnya begitu banyak manfaat seperti Membersihkan vagina, menghilangkan bau tidak sedap, mengurangi nyeri haid dan mengobati masalah keputihan.
✅ Biji Pinang: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Herbal ini mengandung alkaloid, tanin ¬avan, senyawa fenolik, asam galat, lignin, serta garam. Herbal ini selain banyak mengandung manfaat bagi Kesehatan juga sangat bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan Stamina, Menyehatkan Rahim, MERAPATKAN BAGIAN VAGINA, MENGATASI KEPUTIHAN, Mengatasi bau tidak sedap di vagina, Mengatasi gatal-gatal akibat jamur.
✅ Kunyit: Kunyit merupakan salah satu bahan makanan sehat yang tinggi akan berbagai nutrisi dan senyawa penting. Misalnya seperti antioksidan, fruktosa, glukosa, kalsium, kalium natrium, kobalt, seng, zat warna kurkumin, dan minyak atsiri. Selain bermanfaat untuk menjaga Kesehatan tubuh untuk meredakan nyeri haid, herbal ini juga membantu Malancarkan aliran darah dalam Rahim, membantu mencegah adanya kemandulan serta Mencegah penuaan dini, dan meredakan gejala depresi.
✅ Temu Rapet: Menurut hasil penelitian kandungan gizi menunjukkan bahwa Herbal ini memiliki kandungan linalool di dalamnya, yang mana kandungan linalool ini dapat berfungsi sebagai antiseptic pada luka. Selain itu juga mengandung minyak atsiri, sineol dan masih ada beberapa senyawa yang lainnya. Beberapa senyawa tersebut tentunya mempunyai peranan yang dapat membantu tubuh untuk menjaga dari segala penyakit, antara lain sebagai Antioksidan, Meningkatkan Gairah Seksual, penyembuhkan Luka.
#farizolobatkeputihanmengwi, #obatkeputihanuntukibuhamildiapotikdemak, #supertetraobatkeputihanjawilan, #obatkeputihaninfeksibakteripasirjambu, #nanasuntukobatkeputihanmataram, #obatkeputihanibuhamil5bulancuruputara, #ladyfemobatkeputihancihampelas, #carapemakaiannesvobatkeputihanblitar, #daunsirihdankunyitobatkeputihankaliwungu, #obatkeputihanuntukanak5tahunngawi
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opalandzeal · 2 years
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Marley & Rio Natural Australian Crystal Oval Opal Pendant With A Stunning Diamond Cut Silver Rope Chain. 🇦🇺
Marley & Rio Pendants are a new branded name that aim to create a big following of opal enthusiasts who would like to collect and wear natural opal jewellery.
Each pendant is handmade by us with only the best crystal opal mined at Coober Pedy, Australia.
The opals are cut, sliced, polished and buffered before they are created in to triplets.
Every triplet is one of a kind with their own unique pattern, colour and brightness.
Not one pendant is the same so each pendant is listed separately to avoid any confusion. This triplet is oval cut at 10 x 8mm and set in to a flat back silver clasp for extra stability and comfort.
The bodytone is N7 and the brightness is 5/5 making this pendant truly dazzling and wonderful to look at.
The necklace is a simple 1.8 mm (width) diamond cut Italian silver rope chain.
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Opal Symbolism:
Romans believed it was the most precious and powerful gem and a symbol of love, referred to as the Cupid Stone. That has led to some believing it holds the power to promote romance and passion. It has long been a symbol of hope, purity, and truth.
Opal Birthstone:
October is the birthstone for opal. Opals are associated with light, and some believe they have healing and magical properties. 
Europeans believed that this precious gemstone symbolizes hope and purity, as such, opal is also the stone given to celebrate the 14th wedding anniversary.
Interestingly, NASA uncovered opal deposits on Mars in 2008 and so far is the only known gemstone on another planet that we know off.
Opal Metaphysical Properties:
It is said that precious opal, with its display of fire, can spark creativity, and that the "dance" of its fire can help people enjoy their lives. The light-colored gemstones have long been associated with helping people become less visible to others and also in improving eyesight
Please see information below
Item information:
• Stone Type: Natural Crystal Opal Triplet
• Colours: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange
• Stone Size: 10 x 8 mm
• Stone Origin: Coober Pedy, Australia
• Body Tone: N7
• Brightness: 5/5
• Chain Type: Rope Chain
• Chain Material: Sterling Silver 925
• Chain Treatment: Diamond Cut
• Chain Thickness: 1.8mm
• Chain Size: 18 & 20 inches, If you would like a bigger chain length size please send us a direct message before purchasing
• Chain Clasp: Lobster Claw
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projectdawnll · 2 years
1. https://www.nomanssky.com/
2. https://store.steampowered.com/app/698670/Scorn/
3. https://www.innersloth.com/games/among-us/
4. http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/~mmaduro/random.htm
5. https://www.britannica.com/science/DNA
6. https://featuredcreature.com/would-you-like-some-honeypot-ants-for/
7. https://entonation.com/honeypot-ants-interestingfacts/
8. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHJ59f4JJxzAyse-464BVw
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIuJVtXYEHU
10. https://linktr.ee/darian_quilloy
11. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xJ9ZR2
12. https://www.iamag.co/the-art-of-love-and-monsters/
13. https://arkencounter.com/noahs-ark/story/
14. https://answersingenesis.org/noahs-ark/fantastic-voyage-what-did-ark-look-like/
15. https://www1.cbn.com/biblestudy/what-did-noah%27s-ark-look-like%3F
16. https://2012movie.fandom.com/wiki/Ark
17. https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/USCSS_Covenant
18. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3411432/
19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p69lEMn0I8k
20. https://moon.nasa.gov/resources/444/tides/
21. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nasa-moon-wobble-orbit-record-flooding-earth-sea-level-rise-climate-change/
22. https://characterdesignreferences.com/artist-of-the-week-15/brian-froud
23. https://www.darkcrystal.com/mythology/canon/the-dark-crystal/
24. https://darkcrystal.fandom.com/wiki/UrRu
25. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalyptic_and_post-apocalyptic_fiction
26. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_CW
27. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Rothenberg
28. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_adult_fiction
29. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kass_Morgan
30. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_habitat
31. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJnHrwsftiU
32. https://www.thefactsite.com/noahs-ark-facts/
32. https://answersingenesis.org/creation-science/baraminology/which-animals-were-on-the-ark-with-noah/
33. https://arkencounter.com/animals/how-many/
34. https://ncse.ngo/yes-noahs-flood-may-have-happened-not-over-whole-earth
35. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=world%27s+tallest+mountain
36. https://terminator.fandom.com/wiki/HK-Aerial
37. https://2012movie.fandom.com/wiki/Ark?file=L.A._Slides_into_Pacific_Ocean.jpg
38. https://monsterlegacy.net/2018/02/04/starbeast-alien-covenant-neomorph/
39. https://www.google.com/search?q=alien+covenant&source=lmns&tbm=vid&bih=733&biw=996&hl=en-GB&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjF3eTS8qP9AhU7rycCHdJoAi8Q_AUoAnoECAEQAg#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8f463d55,vid:svnAD0TApb8
40. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3411432/
41. https://moon.nasa.gov/resources/444/tides/
42. https://www.nps.gov/jame/learn/historyculture/a-short-history-of-jamestown.htm
43. https://darkcrystal.fandom.com/wiki/UrRu
44. https://www.scotsman.com/news/weather/moon-wobble-what-is-the-moon-wobble-what-causes-it-and-will-it-impact-the-uk-3319369
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sciencespies · 2 years
A weird dead star may have a solid-like surface made of iron crystals
A weird dead star may have a solid-like surface made of iron crystals
X-ray observations show that a distant magnetar may have a surface made of a strange material somewhere between a solid and a fluid instead of a gaseous one like most stars
Space 3 November 2022
By Leah Crane
A concept image of a magnetar
Getty Images/iStockphoto
A strange star about 13,000 light years away may have a solid surface, not a gaseous one like most stars. The star, called 4U 0142+61 but nicknamed simply 4U, is a magnetar – the dense, highly magnetised corpse of a giant star that exploded in a supernova – and researchers have never seen one like this before.
Roberto Turolla at the University of Padova in Italy and his colleagues used a NASA satellite called the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) to examine X-rays from the magnetar. Specifically, they looked at the polarisation of the light – the plane in which the light waves oscillate as they propagate through space. This depends heavily on the medium through which the waves are propagating, as well as electromagnetic fields, so they were able to use it to characterise 4U’s surface and the area directly around it.
They found two strange properties that suggested the magnetar might have a solid surface. The first was that the polarisation of the light was very weak, whereas a gas would have acted as a filter and allowed mostly polarised light through. The second was a sudden 90 degree switch in the polarisation angle, exactly what simulations predict for X-rays travelling out through a solid surface directly into a space empty of everything but electromagnetic fields.
Because of the extreme gravity at the surface of the magnetar, this strange shell is most likely a type of material called a Bingham plastic, which is somewhere between a solid and a fluid – mayonnaise and toothpaste are two common examples. But instead of being made of anything we would commonly associate with fluids, it is probably made of strange crystals of iron and other heavy elements, their atoms stretched into cigar shapes by the powerful magnetic fields, says Turolla.
While this star does seem to have a surface, walking on it is out of the question because the gravity at your feet would be so much stronger than the gravity at your head. “There is this huge difference in the gravity, which would definitely kill you because it would spaghettify you. Then there is all the radiation and the extreme heat,” says Turolla. “Even getting close would be very dangerous.”
It is not yet clear whether we should expect solid surfaces like this to be common in magnetars. The researchers chose 4U because this type of observation requires a lot of light and it is one of the brightest magnetars in the sky, but the observations still took nearly a month. To gather enough data to figure out whether other magnetars’ surfaces are solid or gaseous, we may have to wait a while.
Journal reference: Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.add0080
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tomriddlessecret · 7 years
“She was like a moon, half part of her was always hidden”
—RM Drake
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wabbadash · 7 years
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agencrystalxnasa · 4 years
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TERMURAH, WA 0858-7177-0422 Crystal x Kemasan Baru Asli, crystal x produk nasa asli, crystal x nasa manfaat dan efek samping, crystal x nasa harga, crystal x kemasan baru, crystal x nasa asli dan palsu, crystal x nasa kegunaan, crystal x nasa harga asli, crystal x kemasan lama, crystal x menurut dr spog.
Kami agen resmi nasa yang menjual crystal x nasa asli, crystal x nasa bermanfaat untuk menyembuhkan iritasi di selaput vagina, membunuh kuman dan bakteri, membersihkan kerak atau kotoran diselaput vagina, membantu menghilangkan bau tidak sedap di vagina, mencegah dan menyembuhkan keputihan, mengaktifkan dan melenturkan kembali selaput vagina, menambah kepekaan vagina terhadap daya rangsang, dan mencegah terjadinya kanker yang berhubungan dengan alat reproduksi wanita.
Kami melayani pengiriman ke Bandung, Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Bali, Semarang dan seluruh Indonesia.
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#agencrystalx #agencrystalxjakarta #agencrystalxbandung #agencrystalxjogja #agencrystalxmedan #agencrystalxambalkebumen #agencrystalxaliankebumen #agencrystalxayahkebumen #agencrystalxcikarang #agencrystalxcipinang #agencrystalxdemak #agencrystalxdenpasar #agencrystalxditangerang #agencrystalxdepok #agencrystalxgombongkebumen
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Jual Crystal X Asli Nasa Jogja 082329670549 adalah obat keputihan dari PT Natural Nusantara untuk membantu para wanita merawat organ kewanitaan dan sekaligus mengobati berbagai masalah dan penyakit yang biasanya menghampiri organ kewanitaan para kaum hawa, dengan Crystal X Asli penyakit seperti Keputihan ringan hingga parah, Lendir pada kewanitaan, Kista, Bau tidak sedap, Nyeri pada saat haid, Haid tidak lancar, Gatal-gatal, bahkan banyak pengguna yang lama menikah dan belum mendapatkan buah hati setelah menggunakan Crystal X Asli secara teratur bisa sembuh berhasil mendapatkan buah hati. Konsultasi/Pemesanan Crystal X Asli bisa Hubungi : ☎ WhatsApp : 082329670549 ☎ BBM 5A9A64C6 Website : http://ift.tt/2iitpTB #distributorcrystalxpemalang #distributorcrystalxpurwokerto #distributorcrystalxmalang #distributorcrystalxjawatimur #distributorcrystalxbanten #distributorcrystalxbandung #distributorcrystalxjawabarat #distributorcrystalxjakarta #distributorcrystalxjakartabarat #distributorcrystalxjakartatimur #distributorcrystalxjakartaselatan #distributorcrystalxjakartapusat #distributorcrystalxbogor #distributorcrystalxbekasi #distributorcrystalxtangerang #distributorcrystalxcimahi #distributorcrystalxcirebon #distributorcrystalxyogyakarta #distributorcrystalxjogja #distributorcrystalxbantul #distributorcrystalxsolo #distributorcrystalxsemarang #distributorcrystalxbatam #distributorcrystalxmedan #distributorcrystalxpalembang #distributorcrystalxsurabaya #distributorcrystalxbali #distributorcrystalxpapua #distributorcrystalxpontianak #crystalxasli http://ift.tt/2jsUDHl
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artordraw · 8 years
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Instagram - artordraw
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Jual Crystal X Asli Nasa Jogja 082329670549 adalah obat keputihan dari PT Natural Nusantara untuk membantu para wanita merawat organ kewanitaan dan sekaligus mengobati berbagai masalah dan penyakit yang biasanya menghampiri organ kewanitaan para kaum hawa, dengan Crystal X Asli penyakit seperti Keputihan ringan hingga parah, Lendir pada kewanitaan, Kista, Bau tidak sedap, Nyeri pada saat haid, Haid tidak lancar, Gatal-gatal, bahkan banyak pengguna yang lama menikah dan belum mendapatkan buah hati setelah menggunakan Crystal X Asli secara teratur bisa sembuh berhasil mendapatkan buah hati. Konsultasi/Pemesanan Crystal X Asli bisa Hubungi : ☎ WhatsApp : 082329670549 ☎ BBM 5A9A64C6 Website : http://ift.tt/2iitpTB #obatkeputihanpemalang #obatkeputihanpurwokerto #obatkeputihanmalang #obatkeputihanjawatimur #obatkeputihanbanten #obatkeputihanbandung #obatkeputihanjawabarat #obatkeputihanjakarta #obatkeputihanjakartabarat #obatkeputihanjakartatimur #obatkeputihanjakartaselatan #obatkeputihanjakartapusat #obatkeputihanbogor #obatkeputihanbekasi #obatkeputihantangerang #obatkeputihancimahi #obatkeputihancirebon #obatkeputihanyogyakarta #obatkeputihanjogja #obatkeputihanbantul #obatkeputihansolo #obatkeputihansemarang #obatkeputihanbatam #obatkeputihanmedan #obatkeputihanpalembang #obatkeputihansurabaya #obatkeputihanbali #obatkeputihanpapua #obatkeputihanpontianak #crystalxasli http://ift.tt/2inngbG
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heatherwitch · 2 years
Bedridden witch: Space edition
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Set up:
Hang a lunar calendar
Hang posters of the solar system/planets
Hang constellation maps
Decorate your room with stars, moons and space-themed decorations or planetary symbols.
Create constellations/galaxies with glow in the dark stickers on your walls and ceiling
Collect crystals that you associate with the moon and other planets, or ones that are star/moon shaped
Get a moon lamp or a star/galaxy projector light
Create altars for the different planets
To do:
Make moon or sun water
Cleanse and charge objects under the moon (and sun, if safe for the objects)
Track the moon phases through an app
Observe the lunar cycle and the different energies it brings
Create a lunar month journal and note how each day feels
Determine what celestial events/phases bring you the most energy and use that time to recharge yourself or do more energy-intensive magic.
Charging items using celestial elements
Watch space documentaries
Explore NASA’s website and other information sites
Open your window at night, even if you can’t see the night sky.
If you can see the sky, stargaze or watch the moon using your bare eyes, binoculars or a telescope.
Use an app to see the night sky (Stellarium, Sky Guide, SkyView, etc.)
Use planetary symbols as a way to connect to each planet/s energy
Use The Sun, The Moon and The Star tarot cards as a base for a spell, enchantment or energy connection.
Meditate and picture yourself under the night sky/among it.
Galaxy energy work
Visualize planetary energy around yourself to help with warding
Make constellation sigils / other example / celestial sigils
Observe and honor cosmic events (even if you can’t physically see them)
Study astrology
Make a cosmic spell (electric) candle
Create art inspired by the stars, planets, etc.
Space-themed tarot spreads [X] [X] [X]
You may also like:
Everyday magic for the cosmic witch
Cosmic altar and room ideas
Planet worship
Grounding methods for cosmic witches
Cosmic ambient tracks / mynoise.net + space
Bedridden witch: nature edition
Bedridden witch: weather edition
Bedridden witch masterpost
With contributions from:
@thatsleepymermaid, @whichwitchami, @she-who-treads-on-water and @baduhennasraven, thank you!
Last updated July of 2022, please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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earthstory · 4 years
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The minerals of the Moon Studying the rocks collected on different lunar missions has revealed a number of surprising results, as well as a great deal of information about the composition of both our planet’s satellite – and the Earth itself.
Prior to the Apollo missions, there were prominent scientists who disagreed about the origin of the moon; some predicted the rocks would look like common meteorites, indicating that the moon had always been a cold object out in space. Given the strong debate at the time, the actual nature of the rocks of the moon was a surprise. They were initially classified into four large groups: crystalline igneous rocks like basalt; crystalline igneous rocks, such as gabbros; breccias and microbreccias; and sands and soils. In this way more than thirty species of minerals in Moon rocks and four more in the remains of meteorites were identified. Following the initial studies it was found that the most abundant minerals in all kinds of rock were pyroxenes, feldspars and ilmenite, a relatively rare oxide on Earth. Although some of the rocks from the moon had been broken up, they all had some things in common; they were originally formed as igneous rocks, from cooling of a hot moon through volcanic an intrusive processes similar to those on Earth. However, although most of the species identified are more or less generally common in terrestrial rocks, some were rare and a few were first discovered in Moon rocks. The lunar maria, or seas, cover 16% of the surface and are of volcanic origin. Volcanoes were very active in the past although they no longer erupt today. The first crewed mission to the Moon, Apollo XI, landed in the sea of Tranquillity and collected samples of basalts, the predominant rock in lunar maria, as was confirmed by later missions. The basalts in the lunar maria contained titanium dioxide in varying concentrations. Ilmenite is an oxide of titanium and iron that is relatively rare on Earth. However, it is the most abundant mineral on the Moon—between 10 and 18% of many rocks by weight. It is also the mineral with the largest crystals, with some being several millimetres long. Lunar ilmenite is very pure and many examples have an unusual high titanium content. Other common lunar oxides are chromite, spinel, rutile, baddeleyite, as well as some silica minerals: quartz, cristobalite and tridymite. The lunar highlands cover the majority of the Moon’s surface and are coated with regolith, a layer of grey rock dust produced by countless meteorite impacts. Other kinds of rock predominate in this region, for example anorthosite consisting of plagioclases, olivines and pyroxenes; norite, a rock similar to gabbro but containing orthopyroxene; and troctolite, a rock consisting solely of anorthite-type calcic plagioclase and of olivine. Apart from oxides and silicates, the most abundant basic components of lunar rocks, other unexpected minerals have also been identified. For example apatite and withlockite, both calcium phosphates, and aragonite, a carbonate, are just a few of the surprising substances found in samples. Native elements such as copper, tin and iron, were also found, together with sulphides such as troilite and pentlandite. The astronaut Neil Armstrong, one of the crew members of the first mission, has had a mineral, armstrongite, dedicated to him. It is a hydrated cyclosilicate of calcium and zirconium with a momoclinic structure. However, armstrongite was not found in lunar rocks but was discovered in terrestrial granitic pegmatites. ~ JM Image Credit: NASA/JPL sourced from https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_819.html More Info: Lunar Surface: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LRO/news/moon-zoo.html Moon packed with precious titanium: http://bit.ly/1NBH6X8 Wu, Y., Zhang, X., Yan, B., Gan, F., Tang, Z., Xu, A., ... & Zou, Y. (2010). Global absorption center map of the mafic minerals on the Moon as viewed by CE-1 IIM data. Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 53(12), 2160-2171 http://webmineral.com/
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