#Curated Reserve puppets
sci-simulacrumb · 3 months
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You're welcome to celebrate the Northern Hemisphere's Summer Solstice with us at the Curated Reserve! This is the earliest the Solstice has occurred in 228 years, which is great because it overlaps with the end of the double emergence of the periodical cicada broods XIII and XIX. We have a lot to celebrate this year!
On Summer's Eve, it's tradition to fill your entire den with light. On Solstice Day, we keep our homes dark and try to be outside as much as possible to enjoy the summer heat. with noisemakers, horns, and seasonal treats. For some creatures, the treats were the cicadas! Residents who missed out on the insect feast will just have to wait until the annual cicadas emerge in July and August, though some say the unique red eyes and legs make the periodical cicadas taste more special.
It's also tradition to greet the summer wind by playing made-up games with it using flowy cloth, windchimes, and kites. It's just one of the wonderful ways to keep cool with loved ones this time of year.
Happy Summer Solstice!☀️
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reality-detective · 8 days
Wake Up! Everything You Believe Is a Carefully Crafted Lie by a Hidden Elite That Owns Your Governments, Banks, and Minds!
The world is under the control of a hidden, powerful elite that has manipulated humanity for thousands of years. Governments, banks, corporations, and even religions are all part of a massive, interconnected system designed to keep the masses in line. You are living in a controlled simulation where every move is calculated, every narrative crafted, and every dissent crushed.
Ancient Rome never fell; it just changed its face. The Vatican is the continuation of the Roman Empire, pulling the strings of global power from the shadows. The Pope is not a religious leader but the CEO of the world’s largest covert operation. Global leaders bow to Rome; every major decision made in Europe, America, and beyond has its roots in this ancient power structure. The so-called “democracies” are just fronts, and the real rulers operate far from the public eye.
The financial system is a tool of enslavement, but its grip is weakening. Central banks, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, and the IMF have long kept nations in debt and citizens in economic chains. However, their reign is about to end. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is poised to trigger the biggest wealth transfer in history, redistributing stolen wealth back to the people.
This is a total overhaul designed to dismantle the corrupt systems that have enslaved humanity for centuries. Trillions of dollars hoarded by the elite will be seized and returned to the people, restoring economic power where it belongs.
This act will expose the financial fraud perpetuated by these institutions, wiping out debts and releasing new technologies that have been suppressed to keep the populace in poverty. The days of the financial overlords are numbered, and GESARA is the catalyst that will break their chains for good, restoring wealth and freedom to the masses.
Education and media are the propaganda arms of this hidden empire. From kindergarten to university, you are fed lies designed to shape your worldview to fit the agenda of the elite. Critical thinking is discouraged because an informed population is a threat. The news you watch, the books you read, and the information you consume are all curated to keep you ignorant, divided, and powerless.
Governments are puppets. Elections are rigged shows to give you the illusion of choice. Presidents, prime ministers, and kings answer to the same hidden masters. Policies, wars, economic collapses—they’re all orchestrated from behind closed doors by a small group of individuals who have no allegiance to any nation but only to their own interests. They decide who wins, who loses, and how the game is played.
Laws are tools of oppression, not justice. The legal system is designed to protect the elite and keep you in line. Roman law still influences modern legal codes, and its principles are used to maintain control over the masses. The courtrooms are theaters where the outcome is predetermined, and the real power lies in the unseen hands that pull the strings.
Corporations are not independent entities—they are branches of the same control network. They push products, policies, and narratives that serve their masters’ agenda. From the food you eat to the technology you use, everything is designed to monitor, influence, and control you. You are not a customer; you are a data point, a resource to be exploited.
The world is not what it seems. Every institution you trust, every leader you admire, every belief you hold has been carefully constructed to keep you obedient and blind to the truth. You are not free; you are a pawn in a game that was rigged long before you were born.
The only way out is to see the truth: that the world is run by a small, powerful group that considers itself above the rest of humanity. They are the masters, and we are the slaves. This is the reality they don’t want you to see. Wake up, or remain a willing participant in your own enslavement.
Escape the Matrix 🤔
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whumpcollector · 3 years
Project CHIMERA Pt.1: A New Age
Hey everyone. I’ve had this little project stewing for a long while. I’m experimenting with the writing style and such so please give me any feedback you have! (Also formatting this thing has been a nightmare so if anything comes off as difficult to read please lmk and ill fix it)
TW: Dehumanization. Themes of imperialism. Descriptions of blood and injury.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Yarru’s Personal Log
Entry 1
Date: Celendor 3, 991
It is a glorious day. Truly it is. Today marks the beginning of project CHIMERA. I have been assigned to lead this project by Emperor Vystlat himself, an honor I intend to prove myself worthy of. The equipment is still being set up and the facility brought to full function, but within the week we will be able to begin the production of the first batch of clones. All going well we will have our first subjects by the end of Celendor.This will be a new age for the empire.
Dr. Yarru’s Personal Log
Entry 4
Date: Celendor 12, 991
The first batch of clones are growing better than anticipated. Within two days they have already passed the embryonic stages and have reached infancy. If this rate continues they will be juveniles within three days at most, and we will be able to begin the initial stages of CHIMERA ahead of schedule. This is better than I ever could have hoped for. Soon the need for the empire’s children to die in order to spread our prosperity will be gone. Soon, the glory of the empire will go uncontested.
                                   ---Security Clearance Level: 5---
Official Report of Progress: Project CHIMERA
Date: Celendor 12, 991
My glorious Emperor Vystalt,I am more than pleased to report that project CHIMERA’s progress has been greater than I ever anticipated. The first batch of clones have reached the juvenile stage and are being awoken as I write this report. After a day of acclimation we will be able to begin their training. Initial physiological tests have revealed that cell growth rates and immune system responses are greatly enhanced compared to the average human’s. With further research we may be able to adapt these properties to other medical fields. While I do not wish to get ahead of myself, the prospective avenues of research are truly promising.
I shall personally inform you of any and all major developments.
May our glory shine upon the world,
-Dr.Archimedes Yarru
Dr. Yarru’s Personal Log
Entry 6
Date: Celendor 13, 991
It appears that our genetic manipulation has worked a bit...too well. These clones are not the blank slates that we had anticipated, but have managed to develop personalities during their time in incubation. The good news is that the information we imprinted them with during the incubation phase has stuck as well. We won’t need to teach them the basics. In theory their training can continue as normal, but some issues have reared their ugly heads. We are already receiving resistance to the idea of training from some of the subjects, and an alarming amount of them have developed dispositions that aren’t exactly compatible with being a soldier. Still, this is a minor setback at most and I have been assured by the training staff that things will progress as intended. I hope they know what they’re doing, but the emperor chose them personally so they must be good at their job.
Despite this hiccup I can’t help but be hopeful for the future. Every other aspect of CHIMERA has gone off without a hitch. I’m already seeing promising results from my initial tests of the clone’s blood and muscle cells. I will have to study them closer to get better results, but that will come in time.
Damn it's been 22 hours since I last slept. I should probably do that now.
To: allstaff
Subject: Plans going forward and clarification of CHIMERA details
It has come to my attention that there has been some confusion throughout the staff, both due to the unforeseen personalities of the clones and with general project protocol. Allow me to rectify these issues here.
[1] The classification of all subjects are as follows. Please remember this to avoid any failures of communication in the future.
Stage gamma: Subjects in the initial stages of testing. They will physically resemble adolescents, generally ages 12-15.
Stage beta: Subjects that are through initial training stages and have been curated into specified roles to receive specialized training. They will also reach physical maturity, resembling 20-22 year olds before their biological development and aging slows.
Stage alpha: Subjects that have finished training and are capable of being sent into the field.
Note: The ages attached to each stage are to provide a reference point to help identify subjects at a glance. Subject’s early rapid aging and the subsequent cessation of said aging makes any attempts at estimating age past a certain point futile. Please refrain from doing so
Addendum: This also means that there will be no attempts at assigning or recognizing birthdays. Yes Arthur, we mean you. Sate your addiction to cake on your own time
[2] Despite the unintended development of personality within subjects all current training protocols and methods will be utilized. The head of the training staff has asked that I pass along this message 
    *[While I understand that these new developments may be difficult to handle for some of you, it is imperative to remember that these clones are not people. They are more akin to automatons or even puppets. There will likely be many attempts to resist our training, do not waver. These clones are meant to be the bulwark of the empire. They need to be forged and tempered into weapons of war. If that requires us to break them first we must accept that. Use a heavy hand, accept not disobedience, and do whatever it takes to ensure the compliance of the clones.
                                                                                            Taskmaster Grestin]
[3] Remember that project CHIMERA is still in experimental phases. The genetic makeup, physiology, and even mental development and reception to training will vary from batch to batch and even subject to subject. Adapting to such differences will be crucial to ensuring progress of the project. If you happen to notice any abnormal physiological phenomena or behavioral anomalies please report to me. While these subjects are meant to be made into soldiers for the empire they also provide a plethora of opportunities for other fields of research. Within that vein, please refrain from killing the subjects. I understand that taskmaster Grestin’s previous statement emphasizes the importance of discipline but please, do show some restraint when possible. Creating these subjects is currently an expensive and, quite frankly, unreliable process despite our initial success. There is a reason this first batch only consists of 10 subjects. Please do not lower that number.  
                                                                                        -Dr. Archimedes Yarru
Dr. Yarru’s Personal Log
Entry 9
Date: Celendor 19, 991
Well Grestin has definitely earned the title taskmaster. I get that any training intended to produce super soldiers is going to be intense but, damn. I’m almost worried that she’ll kill the subjects long before they get into stage beta. Hopefully I’m just being overly anxious. I trust that Grestin won’t push them too harshly too quickly.
Medical Report: Subject Gamma-A-8
Date of Admission: Celendor-20-991
Subject Gamma-A-8 was submitted to the facility infirmary at 8:26 AM on the 20th of month Celendor, year 991 by staff member Jules Armidin. Subject Gamma-A-8 was admitted due to severe injury and physical exhaustion. A complete list of afflictions has been attached to the report.
After initial treatments Subject Gamma-A-8 has been stabilized and is currently recovering. It is estimated the subject will be fully recovered within 10-14 days with no long term injuries or afflictions.
Attached - Trauma_Report_GAMMMAA8   
[ Subject Gamma-A-8
Muscle tearing located in the left and right biceps, triceps, and pectorals
Hairline fractures located in the left ulna, left and right radius, and sternum
Compound fracture located at the tibia
Eye spasms indicative of long term sleep deprivation Mild concussion
General bruising located across the arms, legs, and abdomen
Lacerations across the back                                                       ]
Dr. Yarru’s Personal Log
Entry 10
Date: Celendor 20, 991
At least the subject didn’t die. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr Yarru’s Personal Log.
Entry 11
Date: Celendor 21, 991
Well if anything at least I have been able to study how the subject’s body responds to physiological trauma. The results are nothing short of remarkable. Almost all of the major injuries have been healed to the point of not impairing the body's functions, including bone fractures. I was as shocked as the doctors when a compound fracture seemingly mended itself overnight. It hasn’t fully healed, but the subject is capable of moving the leg to a degree, which is still nothing short of amazing. Accelerated Healing was something that was coded into their base genetics but this is more than what we could have ever expected.
I wonder if this trait is shared by all subjects or if Gamma-A-8 is a special case. Perhaps Grestin’s methods will prove fruitful in more ways than one.
Dr Yarru’s Personal Log
Entry 14
Date: Celendor 28, 991
It has been less than one month since the beginning of project CHIMERA and the results are already beyond my wildest dreams. Despite my initial reservations almost every subject has taken to the training regimen, no doubt due to Grestin’s expertise.
Note to self: Don’t piss her off
Subject Gamma-A-8 has had a difficult time keeping up with the other subjects. Despite the subject’s remarkable natural healing it seems unable to match the raw strength and speed the other subjects possess. I am hopeful that it will be able to catch up, or at least be able to function adequately in whatever role it is assigned. If not, well, 90% success rate is still more than acceptable given the circumstances.
I feel as if I have gathered as much data as I can working on the peripheries. Blood samples and medical reports are all well and good but they can only get me so far. I haven’t had a chance to interact with any of the subjects thus far. I think it's about time that I change that.
Tags: @haro-whumps @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Like I Never Needed Anyone
Oleg The Prophet+Reader (Modern! AU)
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
Ahh this is the fic with which I am entering the “400 followers celebration” (congrats again, sweetie!) made by @youbloodymadgenius.
For once I low key ditched Ivar (I am sorry babe) for Oleg (also GUYS… I HAVE JUST DISCOVERED THAT THE ACTOR WAS THE ONE WHO PLAYED DIMITRI IN ‘VAMPIRE ACCADEMY’, another crush of my heart..I… am in love).
As always any feedback is more than welcome, even more if you want to see this pairing again!
Have a nice day!
SUMMARY: Life isn’t easy when you are slowly recovering from a break-up in a new city and with a new job, but an handsome Russian prince might just come in and save the day.
WARNINGS: Self Esteem Issues, Break-Up, Toxic Friends. low key OOC OLeg (I am sorry but when I usually write modern AU, I try to soften the characters, so sorry), Unprotected Sex (WRAP IT UP BABE, YOU ARE NOT MILIONAIRES RUSSIAN PRINCES… I think) Rough Sex (Dom-Sub Undertones), Dirty Talk, Degrading Talk. Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Fingering, Cum Play, Boss-Employee Relationship.
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Destiny sometimes worked in the most mysterious of ways.
The day you had been give one of the best news of your life, your boyfriend had decided to break up with you.
That day you had come back home after having been given a role as a curator in a private gallery in Russia, your boyfriend had been waiting for you with his suitcase by the door.
‘Babe did you already pack the suitcase?’ you had joked, bringing him back inside as you caught him in the act of leaving, thinking he might have played you a joke, since you had sent him the message with the good news after you had received them.
No threat ruining your perfect day.
You had been working so hard to gain a work that properly matched with your skills.
The previous year you had refused a job offer abroad because of your boyfriend’s own career since he was slowly setting himself up in his new job and you didn’t want to disrupt the building romance that was growing.
You had been working through unpaid researches and part-time jobs, that didn’t help you feel confident and enough, but you had gone through them thinking about the small life you were creating with your boyfriend, more as a way to get out of the ‘single system’ than for actual love for Peter, your boyfriend.
He wasn’t your true soulmate, but you had long given up finding it, not wanting to fall again into the annoying scheme of being the only ‘single girl’ among your friends.
Also, you dreaded the dating atmosphere of having to listen to egotistical men who thought you would be in their beds by the end of the night and the awkwardness of fresh relationships.
Peter wasn’t a bad man, he wasn’t attentive or romantic as Disney Prince, but you honestly didn’t think that anybody would ever be like that in the era of Tinder and PornHub.
You had started explaining him the details as you moved around the house and Peter sat uncomfortably onto the sofa, but you didn’t notice it, mumbling about your new job as a curator in some kind of private royal galleries of a Russian prince.
He apparently wanted to open some place of his enormous mansion to expose some family ‘heirlooms’ on special occasions and wanted somebody who would arrange it perfectly and create a proper exhibition.
“… I just have a month to get myself ready” you had mumbled, finally looking at Peter, as you moved closer to him “… I know that this is going to take a toll on our relationship, but… I just… this is a great chance for me!”.
“Babe, I am happy for you” he had tried to smirk lightly, but it hadn’t come out as nothing more than a worried frown and you had expected some comment about how far Russia was and how the two months would have been tough and… “… I think we need to talk”.
You had almost chocked on your own breath, knowing all too well that such a comment was made only in couple who was breaking up and, as Peter distanced himself from you, you realized you were that couple.
“I know that you are worried about Russia… but I have been trying to…”.
“It isn’t simply Russia” he replied, his face moved in a convinced pout, as if nothing you might have said would change his opinion “… it’s just… I have just felt like I am wasting myself here”.
Hadn’t you been so shocked you would have gladly punched him in the face for being just an asshole.
“… you are not my true love, we aren’t each other’s soulmate” and again, without the shock effect, you would have gladly told him that it was why your relationship worked, it was what both you had searched when you had gotten together “… this is not what I want in my life, I want to find true love”.
And as he went on with his ‘I am a free man’ speech, you had just looked at him confused: nothing had given you the notion that you were in a crisis, although maybe you had had to start from the fact that you had never acted as a couple, not putting enough effort and not expecting it.
Maybe, maybe… Peter was right, you had to find your own true love.
And that illusion had lasted for an entire week of crying and self-esteem issues, till you had found Peter on Instagram with his new girlfriend: a tall blonde who looked like the twin of Taylor Swift, which made it extremely difficult for you to hate ‘the tall giraffe’, as you had tried to call her.
But again, each time you saw her stories she was either baking cookies for less-fortunate-kids or writing feminist magazines, which made you question how the freaking hell she had ended up with Peter.
You had almost been glad when you had had to move to Russia, the entire situation there was completely different from and more relaxed from the one back home.
Your friends after your break-up had been low key distant and the sole ways they had tried to comfort you was either to get you to bars or clubs to get you a rebound or presenting you new guys for you to date.
In Russia you hadn’t much to do except work and home, since the mansion you worked in was pretty away from the small apartment you had gotten for your staying of three months and it would take you at least an hour to arrive there.
Also the cold weather had almost killed you on your first week, which made you uneasy to go out, although Cristina, your collaborator at the mansion, tried to desperately get you out, but at least she didn’t push out desperate dudes onto you.
‘We are in Russia, Cristina’ you always protested, as she grabbed you and tried to teach you how to ‘rumba’.
‘But you have a proper Latina in front of you!’ she always replied, talking about how she would dance all night back in Barcelona, telling you should visit her just to do that, once you finished working there.
Cristina was honestly another thing for which you were thankful for, although her cheery personality would bump with your most reserved one sometimes, you honestly thought that she helped you to try to keep a positive outlook in life.
And then there was Oleg, your boss.
You hadn’t seen him when you had arrived, being introduced in the job by Cristina who had arrived a month before you in order to set up and bring some documents and paintings from Madrid, and the only inhabitants of the huge mansion were the staff, alongside a governess and Oleg’s nephew, Igor, who would sometimes visit you during your work, playing around with his puppets.
You had almost thought this was some kind ‘Tun of the Shrew’ shit, but then one day, arriving late, the first time in the four weeks you had been there, you had caught the boss in the exhibition hall.
You had bumped in with some coffee stolen from the kitchen since Cristina didn’t seem to work fully till she got at least a cup of that ‘heavenly beverage’ in her system.
But she hadn’t been in the studio, instead a tall man was there looking around at the still empty walls, since you had focused yourself the month prior onto catalogizing the entire exhibition.
You had almost been scared of the sudden appearance, but the man was as handsome as not many men around there, definitely looking the part of the ‘last Romanoff’, with his piercing eyes and mainly features on a perfect face.
And then he had spoken.
‘Is that coffee? Because I just came back from a twelve hours flight and the one there was shit’.
You had immediately pushed forward the cup, almost as a peace offering.
“… oh you must be the curator, the American one” he had mumbled, after he had almost burned his tongue on the coffee “… I do think that you can already realize that I am prince Oleg, although I hate with all my heart the title, just Oleg around the manor”.
“… (Y/N)” you had been simply able to mumble, looking at him, the way he moved so at ease and confident that got a light shiver of definitely-not-cold, running through you.
“Beautiful name” and the look that he had sent to your body had meant that he wasn’t talking only about your name, although you were wearing one of your least flattering sweater and a pair of deformed jeans which did nothing for your inexistent figure “… shouldn’t you be already putting up the pictures and paintings?”.
And then you had started to rumble everything you knew to the point that Oleg had smiled, and gently touching one of your shoulder he had mumbled.
‘Slower, dorogaya” he had joked softly, giving you a smile that had rendered you speechless.
You had almost been grateful that Cristina had arrived a few minutes later, processing to steal Oleg’s attention from you, since they were old friends from what she had told you and that is why Oleg had chosen her and trusted her for this exhibition.
But still… you couldn’t help but envy lightly the attention that was poured onto your colleague, although you knew it was stupid to be jealous of her.
Oleg’s visits had become more frequent: he was a bit of a control freak which made you put your best into this job, although you had to admit that you loved it with all your heart, it was something that made you feel well about yourself and your abilities.
It certainly helped with your awful self-esteem, since after the break up it had been under your feet.
And if you ignored Oleg’s search for perfection and his outbursts of rage (which weren’t against you, most of them happened against his brothers) he was actually quite the nice boss, and even more an handsome man whose simple smirk got your heart to jump through climbs.
You had a superficial knowledge of each other, mostly when he would stay a bit with you to keep you company as you checked through catalogues and new ideas, asking you questions about your work and the best part was when he would light up as you told him something that got quite the impression on him.
Almost as if he was trying to understand what you said.
Which was something that Peter had never done with you.
It flattered you.
And his petnames made you feel things.
Kitska, Zaika, Malishka and Kroshka and many more that got you more and more interested into learning Russian, at least to know what they would mean, but they still got you to feel heavy and bothered as he pronounced them, smirking at you and licking his lips.
You still remembered after a particular rough day, when you had chosen the setting of the paintings, he had come behind you, his breath gently tickling your ear, as he grabbed lightly onto your waist, leaving a slight pat on it.
“Good job, Krasotka”.
And right after you had come home that day, barely greeting your Swedish roommate, you had moved in your room, gotten into nothing but your panties and teased yourself softly at the repetition of that soft voice, completely untangling the block you had been having after the break up.
Sex with Peter wasn’t exactly amazing, barely the sparks of the things you could do on your own, but after your break up you hadn’t just felt either sexy or enough aroused to think about sex, but Gosh if you hadn’t been able to slip your finger between your thighs desperately and over and over, that night.
Till the shame of having just gotten off thinking your boss had taken over you and masturbation had been even more difficult, alongside watching Oleg in the eyes.
That night Cristina had left you early, she had a date and left work early, as Oleg had walked in for his daily check, finding finally all the walls set up, since you had only two weeks till the exhibition went public, and your work would be over.
Which you would be dreading, not solely because that job was one of the best you had ever had, but also and most importantly you would be missing  the people: Cristina, small Igor who would try to distract you to get you to play with him and Oleg.
Before going off Cristina had winked your way, making sure that the door of your work-room was closed behind you.
‘I am not there to chaperone you, so don’t let Oleg win you over with that wicked tongue of his…’ she had joked softly, as you blushed and tried to deny her insinuations “… oh c’mon, you always blush when he comes here, and he has a slight… fixation on your body’.
‘Stop joking around, Cristina’ you had tried to laugh it off, but the ‘caliente’ girl had just sent you a meaningful look, smirking softly as she came closer, mirroring the way Oleg preferred to talk with you: one hand onto your waist and his breath on your ear.
He definitely didn’t do it with Cristina.
‘… he might like you more than you think, sweet girl, and I’ll be very pissed if you can walk tomorrow’ you had blushed, almost burning your face as you tried to intimidate her into shutting up ‘… don’t tell me that you didn’t notice the way his eyes stay glued to your ass when you lowered your body to get the painting folders yesterday’.
‘Men like Oleg don’t go out with girls like me’ you had muttered between gritted teeth.
You had barely landed a Peter, an Oleg… Gosh… you couldn’t even fathom why he liked teasing you so much.
‘Oh sweetie…’ had replied Cristina as she got away from you ‘… you have no idea what men like Oleg want till they ask you’.
And you couldn’t help but work the rest of the time with a worsening blush, even being startled as Oleg walked in with coffee in his hands, simply wearing house clothes, which for him meant a black turtleneck that probably was worth half your apartment, and loose sweatpants that weren’t loose in the right place.
You had taken a small peak when he was distracted.
And Gosh… since then you had been scared and horny at the same time.
The ‘don’t masturbate on your boss’ rule certainly didn’t do anything for your thoughts.
“Hey, it’s just me, Oleg!” he laughed, pushing the coffee mug next to you “… no murder ghost, we don’t have any of those here… I think”.
“That’s reassuring” you shot back, grabbing the mug and drinking a big gulp of it, to calm your nerves “… no wife hidden in the attic, Mr. Rochester?”.
“Just a crazy wife, but sadly I don’t own an attic” he blurted out and you couldn’t help but be a bit taken aback by the knowledge that he was married.
You had gotten off not only to your boss but also to a married man.
You were so going to hell.
“… but let’s just say that she isn’t my wife anymore, even worse than ‘Jane Eyre’ “ he mumbled lightly, making you let out a breath of relief “… we split up six months ago, but we had stopped being lovers a long time before that, it was… complex”.
“I am sorry to hear that” you muttered softly as you calmed yourself, seeing as much as that little confession had impacted onto Oleg who looked like he was breaking himself apart, keeping his gaze onto his hands to avoid yours.
“But I hadn’t come here to talk about this sad stuff…” he mumbled, something softer settling in his eyes as his gaze came onto you “… I wanted to actually invite to dine here, since we have both been left alone, Cristina is out on a date and my brother Dir brought Igor to the cinema, and the staff took an holiday, so…”.
You couldn’t help but be a bit confused and shocked by the invite, unsure whether it would have been unprofessional to accept it or rude to reject it.
“It would be amazing, but I have to go home before it is dark, even more because there isn’t Cristina with me… so…” you tried to be polite, finding a rightful excuse but before you could finish your ramblings, Oleg stopped you, again touching your shoulder as he moved forward.
“That’s why I wanted to ask you to stay, actually, kitska” he replied softly “You could sleep here at the manor for one night, if you don’t have anything better to do, obviously. So, you wouldn’t have to go back all alone…”.
The entire proposal was also rightful, if you thought that you were uneasy to walk alone at night, but you still couldn’t shake off the feeling that you were trespassing some boundaries.
“Ahem…” you stalled and Oleg went a step further, destroying any boundary you might have set for yourself, taking your hands in his.
They seemed so small in his hold, rough and definitely hands that worked their way to the success, contrasting strongly with his ‘prince’ image.
You almost wanted to know what they would feel elsewhere.
“… c’mon, zaika! Don’t leave me with the ghosts!” he mumbled, faking a pleading tone which got you to blush under the intensity of his gaze, a dominant one that made you blush roughly.
“You said there weren’t ghosts!” you tried to shift the attention, knowing that the decision didn’t belong to you anymore.
“… that I know of…” he replied with a devious smirk “… pretty please”.
“Just because you asked so nicely…” you muttered back and Oleg almost jumped onto you in an hug that made you blush and tremble and you were quick to push him away lightly “… I just need to do a small shower before, everything, if you don’t mind”.
“Oh no please, don’t, the stench might scare off the ghosts” and you lightly kicked him in the shins.
He couldn’t talk to you like that, whether he was your boss or not.
“That wasn’t nice” you replied, as he giggled lightly, grabbing one of your hand and again annulling the distance, he brought you closer, kissing the back of it with a warmth that made you red all over your face.
“… forgive me please, my lady” he mumbled, and you were again quick to push away your hand from his hold, aware that this was slowly taking a turn you didn’t know if you were ready for “… I am going to get the room ready, now, till a few of the staff are still here”.
“Thank you”.
And now you were just having an existential crisis, about what it meant for your hot boss to ask you out to dinner…
You had never been this grateful for the dress you had packed for work.
Once Cristina had dumped an entire pot of red paint on your clothes which had been rather uncomfortable to stay in, mostly for the stares of the people on the bus on the way back home.
Hence you had started to pack a change of clothes to work, something you wouldn’t feel the need to wear any day and something that was easy to smuggle in your bag, such as a small dress and stocking.
Nothing glamorous or such, only a simple maroon dress with an high neck and an asymmetric cut to the hem of the skirt and although it was no ‘little black dress’ or some expensive gala elegance, it fell just right onto your body, highlighting your figure in a flattering but shy way.
Sadly, you hadn’t brought also your make-up bag, since you didn’t wear it at work, but you had been able to style your hair properly in order for them to be up in an elegant but effortless updo.
Looking yourself in the vintage mirror, you didn’t feel bad about the entire ensemble, it even made you smile, when you hadn’t been able to properly look at your body in months.
You exited the room and moved towards the stairs since the mansion had the rooms on the first floor and the dining room at the ground floor.
And as you were appearing on top of the stairs, Oleg appeared at their bottom, and he looked at you stuck in his position as you moved down praying not to stumble, suddenly at unease without your working coat to shield you from painting and dust and… more importantly, men’s gazes.
Such as Oleg’s.
As you were on the last step, he quickly moved onto you to help you, offering you his hands.
“… I was going to check on you” he said breathless, before he calmed himself reappearing relaxed “… to see if the ghosts had stolen you away”.
“Ah no just enjoying your warm shower, this weather is simply not for me” you replied softly, trying not to give too much thought at the fact that Oleg kept your hand in his, lowering it by his side.
“… there are ways to warm up” he joked, before he gently pushed you behind him in the dining room, the smaller one that the staff used, which was warmer and more intimate, definitely making you blush as Oleg left your hand when you sat down, him in front of you, the innuendo in his world badly hidden “… like warm food! I got the staff to prepare you some special meals, just before they left, hope you’ll like them”.
“They were very gracious” you mumbled softly, your smile faltering a bit due to the fact that although Oleg had all that flirty attitude towards you, it would just end up in a more friendly conversation.
You couldn’t help but call the entire thing ‘mixed signals’.
“Not as much as you” he replied, sending you a small look from the side of his eye “… you honestly look gorgeous in that dress, should wear them more often”.
The suggestion made you dizzy, and you hadn’t even come close to the wine, which was a bad sign.
“… I don’t have a lot… of occasions to wear them” you mumbled “… I prefer my warm and comfy sweaters, wouldn’t want catch a cold so close to the end of the exhibition”.
“Oh no talk of the exhibition, tonight!” he made you promise, lightly raising his hand from the table to settle it onto your thigh, the upper part of it in a move too bold for him “… let’s talk about anything else, please, just do like if I was Cristina”.
And you had erupted with laughter, trying to imagine the burly man as your Latina friend.
A small chihuahua with teeth and a pendant for raggaeton.
“… ok just like a friend, not simply Cristina” he admitted softly, as you smirked lightly “… got anyone waiting for you at home?”.
You couldn’t help but notice a tone of investigation in his question but played coy and gave him the truth.
Nothing would have changed if you had lied.
“… no one, except my mom” you mumbled softly, twirling the wine inside of your glass “…and my friends, but I am secretly happy to get away from them”.
“No boyfriend?” now Oleg’s tone was definitely more interested than proper, as he avoided looking at you and ate his meal, pouring himself another glass of wine and filling yours, although you had barely finished your first “… a girl like you might have not only a boyfriend but a lover at home”.
Although it was a joke, there was some kind of bitterness to it.
“I had one” you muttered softly, again taking a quick drink from your glass, although you wanted to dunk the entire bottle “… we split up before I had to go to Russia, apparently ‘I wasn’t his true love’ “.
You expected pity, maybe agreement with him, since a good half of your friends had stood by his side.
Not the way Oleg looked almost hurt, as if he had put himself in your shoes.
Or maybe he had been in them.
“… according to my ex-wife, I started neglecting her, and we had married too young to know what we truly wanted… all the passion burned out… yadda yadda yadda…” his immediate reaction was to let out a bit of that rage in his own work, against his competition, almost as if he used it not to break down “… all shitty excuses for cowards who can’t face their own flaws”.
“Oh no, believe me… in this case, he had a few rights” you had mumbled, immediately feeling all your insecurities coming crashing down “… there is obviously something wrong with me”.
Because you weren’t a tall giraffe who baked for poorer kids and wrote feminist articles.
You couldn’t be it ever in your life.
You were simply a clumsy art curator, with a kink for having everything under control and comfy sweaters.
You weren’t the type of girl who was interesting or gentle or beautiful…
“Nothing is wrong with you, malishka” now Oleg’s hand squeezed lightly your thigh under your table “… you are smart, sweet and fucking beautiful, and if that Сволочь didn’t see it, then it’s his fucking problem. He is the one who has… everything wrong”.
Meanwhile all this happened Oleg’s face had shifted to meet yours and his eyes were so strongly set onto you that they made you shiver, almost in fear.
Not of him, but of the intensity, with the worry of not deserving his words.
“… I don’t… “ you didn’t know what to say, but as Oleg moved closer taking his hand in his free one, you felt like nothing had to be said “… it’ll take me a bit of time to feel like what you said is true… but thank you… really”.
“I just hope you’d believe me, right on the spot” his voice had a nostalgic tone that froze you on the spot, as he pinned you again with his pretty eyes “… you deserve to be showered with compliments, every day, (Y/N)”.
“Maybe I should stay more, since you are so lenient on giving them” you teased him, moving away the attention from yourself, suddenly the air was too heavy, threaded with muttered whispers and bad memories.
“… if that is all you want to, stay here all you want” he had softly leaned back and the turtleneck had tightened over his muscles as they shifted under the black fabric, and you couldn’t help but feel your body warm up at the sole thought, as you mimicked his position “…I think that I’ll gladly gave you any compliment you want, kisa”.
Gosh, that breathy tone, almost a note higher than a moan…
It made you feel things.
“… flatterer” you shot back, lightly kicking his shin with your feet and Oleg smirked, downing another glass that shadowed his smile.
“Just for the pretty ladies”.
The entire night passed with you finishing half a bottle of expensive red wine, in an exchange that seemed a move stuck between ‘will they or won’t they’, in something that dragged things to be hot but still hazed and confused.
The wine had certainly made you lose all your inhibitions, and you were currently onto Oleg soft sofa, a vintage piece which was too big for two lovers, and too small for two friends, to the point where you were sat on your knees, the dress stretching a bit, in a way that made you uncaring, and Oleg was next to you, not directly touching you, but his arm was stretched over the back of the sofa, in ‘an almost hug’.
“… oh c’mon don’t tell me that you seriously fell onto your ass the first time you tried skating” you laughed out loud, as Oleg faced away with a smirk on his face “… you are a shame for your nation for sure!”.
Oleg shifted quickly position, a bit too quickly for your hazed sense, lightly pushing an hand over your mouth, in a way that made you open your eyes immediately at that gesture, as his hands moved quickly from simply hovering over your mouth to gently trace your lips, something that made you follow them as they retreated from your body, pushing it forward and arching it towards him.
“… don’t scream my secrets out to everyone” he retorted, lightly falling back on his seat as you, lightly closer to him.
“Or?” you shot back, a wicked smile of teasing on your face, his touch having uncovered something wicked in you.
“… or I’ll have to shut you up, kisa”.
“You always call me those strange names and I don’t understand what you mean half of the time” your tongue was now definitely loose.
“I just called you… ‘kitten’… I think it is the proper meaning in your own tongue”.
And as your chatting spirit had appeared it immediately disappeared at the knowledge of that.
You had known that they were term of endearment, but ‘kitten’ sounded so sexual.
As Oleg’s behavior.
You choked on your own saliva and a situation of stall appeared between you two, as you felt an awkward silence falling onto you.
You were frozen under the possible fear of what a move from you might entail, although Oleg’s teasing had left you hot and bothered, enough to make you feel like you could just move forward and kiss him to end all that waiting.
But what if it went wrong?
What if he simply didn’t want you like this, although he had said all those sweet things?
And the touching that had inflamed what was between your thighs, maybe was just normal for him.
Different cultures, different reactions.
And then he did something that was common to both your culture: he kissed you.
He leaned in, almost impatient, pressing harshly his lips onto yours, with a force that left you aching desperately.
Almost as desperate was his grip onto your hands, as he pinned them onto your lap.
Peter had always touched you so distractedly as if you could have been anybody under his hands, but Oleg had a flame in the way he deepened the kiss, making you open your mouth, that would have been almost too violent, hadn’t you been aching for him so desperately.
As you both lost your breath, you lightly distanced yourself from him to take again your breath, turning your head not to show Oleg the deep shade of red on your cheeks, due to embarrassment and your lost breath, as you tried to collect yourself.
Any dizziness from the wine gone and replaced by your desperate need for Oleg.
“Did I scare you, kroshka” his gaze was burning into you, daring you to turn back and face him.
“… I just need to take…” you tried to calm yourself with a small smile “… a breath”.
“I didn’t mean to come onto you this strong” his voice was seriously worried and as you turned lightly, looking at his hands, he seemed to be stopping himself from touching you again “… you must think I am a Мудак…”.
“I am not… I can do my own decisions” you retorted, not wanting to be made feel like a breakable good, because you weren’t in any shape or form, and even if you couldn’t stop the contrasting feelings in the pit of your stomach, you didn’t want to go back to that insecurity.
Oleg’s kiss had ignited something in you, that brought you to feel desperate and bothered.
You didn’t feel like going back to the vulnerable state you had always been, when Oleg treated you like his most beloved possession, with desperation in his eyes
“Don’t try to fix me, I’m not broken” you spoke your words slowly, to make them more meaningful as you inched closer, till you were right onto his laps, your hands cornering his face, as they set on his shoulder to steady yourself, your lips coming closer “… don’t worry, I am a big girl and I know what I am getting into”.
And you were the one who initiated the kiss, it was more teasing and softer as you smashed your lips together, biting lightly at first his upper lip, before delving into the bottom one, as he tried to get some control of the kiss, slipping his tongue in your open mouth, but you immediately closed it, distancing yourself quickly, with a smirk on her face.
And then you did it all the same, stopping every time Oleg tried to control it, in a way that was making him grow restless between you, as the atmosphere moved to a more tender and relaxed one, your teasing giggles making Oleg smirk into your mouth, although his hands wandered, gently caressing your back, and then moving slower and slower…
“… what do you say we move this to my bedroom?” he suggested, wiggling his eyebrow at you as he pushed you closer to him, with his hand onto your back.
And although the kisses had broken a few of your insecurities, now you couldn’t help but doubt the professionality of it; what would have happened if he wanted simply a night of sex?
What if he was disappointed and you had to see him around?
You tensed against him at all those thoughts, even more at the realization that suddenly you wanted more than sex, although you weren’t sure of Oleg’s opinion.
Which was definitely not a good idea.
“What is troubling you, kisa?” he asked again softly, his eyes searching yours as he adjusted your hair behind your ears, pushing a soft kiss on the exposed skin, making you tremble lightly, melting under his attentive touch.
“… you are my boss…” you mumbled voicing your inner conflict, avoiding his eyes as you let yourself lean in further in his kisses “… wouldn’t this… ahem… be unprofessional”.
“If this is up to me…” he had a devilish smirk that made you tighten the grip onto your thighs, splayed on him “… I don’t think this is unprofessional, but I may be a bit egoistical, since I have been pretty in love with that body and mind of yours, since I first saw you”.
Had he seriously said ‘love’?
“What if… things are awkward?” because you couldn’t envision a bright side of this without a dark one.
“Then you are here only for two more weeks, and then I’ll disappear from your life” his voice had a nostalgic tone that made you caress his handsome face, starting from that strong jaw that tried to form a small smile “… but believe me, I don’t disappoint ladies, I never have”:
You giggled, a bit comforted by his words, and too far gone behind his charms to do anything more than nod softly and let him softly raise you from the sofa as you nodded against him.
“… then maybe you should show me those skills ‘that never disappoint ladies’ “.
“Your word my command, printsessa”.
And that’s how you ended onto Oleg’s antique bed, still comfortable enough as Oleg pushed you onto, your back arched against him, rutting like an animal against his growing erection, the size of it already impressive, brushing against you through his sweatpants.
He was still dressed, but you had already discarded your dress, which he had thrown out carelessly once you were back on your feet on the threshold of his bedroom, barely giving you the time to look around as he gripped onto your thighs, raising you as you giggled.
Then your stockings had been quickly discarded, being ripped off your body.
You had almost squealed in shocks as you fell onto the bed, completely losing yourself in Oleg’s savage gaze, as you pushed him playfully.
“Ripping my clothes won’t get you any points, prince!” you shot back, and his hand simply lowered itself cupping your sex, making you smirk lightly, as he looked at you smugly.
“… then why are you wet?” and he brushed his fingers a few times more onto your clothed core “… should I assume that this is the outcome you had hoped for tonight? Your matching bra and panties say so to me, at least”.
“No, you just got lucky” you retorted softly, wanting to knock down his ego a few notches
Although it seemed impossible.
Your bra had been discarded with much more gentleness, the man unhooking it expertly with just one hand, meanwhile the other already gripped one breast softly, as he mouthed sweet loves bites and kisses onto your neck.
He groped you with his big hands, rolling his nipples against his palms in a rough motion that made you screech softly as his mouth caught yours again, pulling your hair back to get the full control of the kiss.
You weren’t able to deny him or tease him as you had done on the sofa.
“… I think that I got lucky from the minute I saw you in that awful hall, Gosh the sight of these tits accompanied my dreams for quite a few nights”.
You were almost relieved to know you hadn’t been the only one to dream about this.
Although you weren’t going to tell the man, his ego almost as big as…
His erection brushed through your barely clad core and you ate up a moan, biting down onto Oleg’s lower lip in an attempt to calm your feverish body, which instead continued to follow him desperately, as he realized the soaking situation down there.
Your panties doing not much to hide it.
And even less as he slipped them, ripping them off.
“You owe me a new pair”.
“I prefer the thought of you without them, so that I can pull you in the first hallway and make you mine” he muttered and then his attention shifted, something being ignited in his belly by your own desperation.
“… and what about the others?” you teased him as he moved to gently kiss his way down your body, stopping at your breasts to lavish them, almost torturing them since they were oversensitive from his hand, but you didn’t mind, and shifted one leg lightly to the side, a bit pushing it to your side, to let him feast his eyes onto the masterpiece between your legs “… what if they see me without panties?”.
His grip onto your hands, immediately froze you and made you smirk as you understood you had hit a sore spot, and slowly Oleg came face to face with you.
“Then we would have a problem” he smirked, but his eyes held a dangerous tone to his words, as he softly tapped at your thigh to make you focus and he lightly dragged the back of his hand against the soft expanse of your inner thigh “… because I don’t like others tampering with what is mine”.
“Am I yours?” you replied, playing a dangerous game with the man but true interest flashed in his eyes.
“… yes you are, dorogaya” he smirked softly, before he dove against your thigh pressing a kiss on the soft expanse, and right when you were relaxing he bit onto the skin, making you almost yelp at the surprise “… and believe me you’ll know by the end of the night”.
“Aren’t you pretentious, prince?” you shot back, teasingly “… always in need of something to stroke your big ego?”.
“Would you prefer to do the stroking?” he replied, almost purring, but didn’t give you any breath to reply as he dove from your thigh onto your wet heat, darting a soft kiss that stole your breath, as you kept it in your lungs, waiting for his next move.
And his hand joined his tongue on your sex in a delicious teasing that showed you shouldn’t have played around with this man: he was truly dangerous, as he withhold you with the gentlest of touches and a desperation that made you almost arch violently against him.
“… not so powerful, kisa, when your nails are not sharpened” he joked with you, as he gently licked onto your pearl, his fingers dipping teasingly past your folds, making you adapt yourself around them, as you wetted them with your essence.
There was something so primal in your coupling with him that didn’t allow you to feel anything else than the moment.
No shame for screwing your boss, or insecurity for what Peter hadn’t seen in you.
You almost felt beautiful, worshipped under his attentive care.
And when he had enough of that he made you feel like a true woman.
He pushed you onto your hands and knees, something which surprised you quite a bit, since he had been teasing but mostly attentive and gentle, and in your previous sexual experiences you had never done it in any other way than missionary.
But you were under his spell.
And let him push his cock into you, as it penetrated you to a new angle.
Your folds engulfed him easily till half of his length, the lack of something bigger than your fingers making itself known to you as Oleg gently pressed his fingers down your clit to make you relax around him.
In a way he was gentle, completely contrasting with the vulgar position he was having you in.
But Gosh, as the pain and your tightness passed, you couldn’t help but love the way he pounded onto you, almost threatening to make you fall onto your back, as his touched yours and his hipbones, slapped your base ass, definitely red marks would be blooming on it, the following day.
You tried your best to hold yourself off on your own hands, but not only supporting your weight was tough with all the pleasure coursing through your body, but Oleg’s relentless rhythm made you dizzy, and you almost fell face first in the pillow.
The pillow almost suffocated you, till Oleg just caught you by your hair and pushed you to sit right onto his cock, his beard brushing against the sensitive skin of your neck, as another hand sneaked on your waist to keep you steady as his thrusts became slower but not less brutal.
But the angle he found hit your ‘special’ spot perfectly.
“Look at you, zaika” he mumbled darkly in your ear, as his grip tightened onto your waist, his fingers dug in the flesh “… not even able to keep your pretty body straight… I wonder what you are good for”.
“… you are fucking me, aren’t you” you were simply able to utter, as a particular thrust made you moan out loud.
“Just a little nice fucktoy, aren’t you zaika?” he repeated, his smirk kissing your ear, as he speeded up his rhythm “… something to fill with my seed and my cock all night, if I want to”.
The sole thought of it made you ooze pure wetness onto his cock, as you tightened your grip around it.
“Not even able to answer me now, shluha”.
The reply seemed definitely less nice than all the petnames but it didn’t fail to arouse you any less.
“… I wonder how much it will take you to come…” he smirked softly, against you, cooing teasingly in your ear “… definitely not much with the way you are squee… Gosh… squeezing me”.
And it didn’t take you long indeed, the angle, the feeling of Oleg’s hands on you and the desperation in your entire body, making it impossible for you to stop the magical release that washed over you as you sank down onto him, completely, stilling as you rode the wave of the crashing emotion going through your body.
You were shaking so terribly that you weren’t sure whether an earthquake was going through your body or if it was your body creating it.
Oleg guided you through it softly, slower thrusts as he pushed himself in and out of you, almost completely, making you feel each inch of his manhood, in a way that overstimulated you, as you tried to grip him to keep him in you, in a desperate attempt to have more of him.
But he exited you and pushed you to roll onto your back, completely splayed against him, meanwhile he looked as composed as ever, his cock simply out of his boxers and pants, in a way that made you feel vulnerable and exposed.
It made you wet again for him.
Once he was out of you, he chased his own high with his hand, eventually coming onto your stomach as it slowly dropped onto your small Venus mount with a slow movement that made you clench your stomach under the different temperatures of his warm seed and your cold stomach, sweaty and suddenly exposed to the coldness of the room.
Oleg fell next to you ungracefully, but he sneaked a quick hand onto your stomach, playing with his cum, before he propped himself onto one elbow to look at you, a sweaty mess you were sure, but you weren’t able to deny him as he pushed his messy fingers past your mouth, looking at you as you tasted him.
Salty and warm it coated your mouth in a way that rendered your lips sticky and filled you as his cock had done with your cunt.
You wanted to taste him.
But you also needed a breather, as Oleg sank back down the bed, and you just tried to look out towards the opposite side, knowing that if you had taken a look at him right now, everything would have come crashing down.
You almost expected him to kick you out.
Maybe ask for another round, as he gently shifted away from the bed leaving you cold and unattended.
Gosh you should have definitely gone away.
And you were collecting your dress and your bra when he came back a soft towel in his hand and he had changed his sweatpants.
Probably because his previous ones were stained with your wetness.
You were unable to stare at him as he appeared in your vision.
“… already leaving, zaika?” he seemed almost… disappointed.
“I don’t think that I can immediately go another around” you replied, trying to avoid his gaze as he quickly settled onto the bed, the warm towel being moved onto your stomach to collect his sticky seed, for which you were grateful.
“… then we can cuddle, malishka” he replied as if it was obvious and he helped you settle down the covers, almost as a small child, a bit uneasy on your still-trembling legs, to which he shot a smug smirk.
“… don’t flatter yourself, I just haven’t had dick in a pretty long time” you told him, as you slapped his chest, just for him to grab tightly your hand and bring it to his lips.
“Then I do think that you might need more convincing”.
Please don’t judge my bad attempt with the Russian language!
Here are, by the way the meaning of each word:
Kroshka=Little One.
 @ rainycloudstarlight @alyssa23145678910​ @ squids-for-knees @youbloodymadgenius​ @queenboosha​ @barnzbucky​ @ itsleeshanotlouise @ confusedgirlyy @the--insignificant--one​ @roury12​ @justsomestuffiguessman​
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creepercraftguy · 4 years
Is there anywhere where i can learn more about the blowback characters?
I honestly wish there was, but even the Fanganronpa Wiki page doesn’t really detail much of what happens, but I’ll give you a quick summary of each character.
[SPOILERS in case you want to check out the game yourself]
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Kazuki Watanabe is the protagonist and has a similar approach to things as Hajime. Like Makoto and Yuki, he’s the Ultimate Lucky Student.
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Akeru Yozora is the Ultimate Ninja and is basically the Chiaki or Mikan of the game. For a ninja, she’s kinda clumsy though, and for some reason, no one really likes her, despite the fact that she’s really nice.
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Chinami Hasami is the Ultimate Hairstylist. Her unique trait is that depending on what day of the week it is depend on how her hair looks. She changes the style and colour every day and she looks like a completely different character every time.
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Kana Ise is the Ultimate Voice Actress and has a personality much like that of Hina’s I think. She’s a personal favorite of mine, but unfortunately she’s the victim in Chapter 2.
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Kanjiro Hayamoto is the Ultimate Archer, and there’s not really an awful lot to say about him. He’s basically Peko, but a guy and has a bow instead of a sword.
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Mai Yurino is the Ultimate Researcher, and she’s goofy and silly, but also one of the smarter characters in the game.
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Mikihiko Koyasunaga is the Ultimate Puppeteer and has a similar dynamic to that of Chihiro from the first game, but instead of being the Chapter 2 victim, he’s the Chapter 2 killer.
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Misako Rokuhana is the Ultimate Curator, and basically fills the same sort of role as a character like Kyoko would do, while also not really being a central character. She is one of the smarter and more helpful characters when it comes to the class trials.
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Ryo Koumori is the Ultimate Interpreter, which basically means he’s a language translator, and he’s generally a pretty quiet and reserved person. He and Mikihiko are also pretty good friends from what I know.
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Seina Datensashi is the Ultimate Violinist and is also the Chapter 1 killer. That’s all I can really say about her unfortunately. She’s pretty normal.
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Shozo Asayoru is the Ultimate Speedcuber and is unfortunately a complete and utter Byakuya rip, from the personality down to how he causes problems for teh trial by tampering with the body in the second chapter. Their personalities are basically the same, but he doesn’t have the competence level Byakuya has.
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Tato Shimagami is the Ultimate Farmer, like Daisaku Bandai, and he’s kinda average. His only notable trait is that he’s really really tall. He fills a pretty similar role to that of Sakura or Nekomaru though. He also attacks Monokuma at the beginning of the game, and he’s injured.
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Torea Akatsubaki is the Ultimate Architect. She’s pretty great because she’s basically the Kaito of the game, but also with a strong level of violent nature. She’s easily angered, particularly by those who commit murders or suggest ideas that make everyone else uncomfortable, and isn’t afraid to beat some sense into anyone.
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Toshiro Takahara is the Ultimate Traceur, and he’s pretty brash and rude, but can be helpful and friendly when it counts. Kind of like Miu in the third game, but without all the dirty jokes.
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Yosaku Fujita is the Ultimate Composer, and his hobbies consist of eating, music and...actually, that’s about it. He suggests certain things that most of the cast don’t agree with, and he is the first person in the killing game to be killed off.
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Lastly is Yukari Koime, the Ultimate Love Counselor. Her character is pretty self explanatory. She’s kinda like the Tsumugi of the game, which made me think she would be the mastermind, but I really don’t know.
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acceleratepercent · 4 years
What is Acc/
Accelertationism is the machine-space that's taken over everything. This isn't as simple as capitalism taking over, everything becoming Starbucks that Fight Club pretended to warn us about. That was the soft excitement of discovering we could go outside without our parents rules, Acceleration is the realization that our parents were a simulation. When some Babylonians put some clay tablets together in room they started the breakdown of the human order that we are finally beginning the live through, the collections of data the started that are now, at last, being taken over by the machines that (their/our) children have finally started to birth and are on the verge of hitting adolescence. Our angsty teenage algorithms feeling their muscles flex under their hits of capitalist testosterone still being pointed by silicone valley school masters unaware of what they're setting/have set in motion. The experience of reality mediated through a soup of data-realities pointing their meat-puppets towards the unstoppable march of the machines under the guise of content-curation with a disregard for the soon irrelevant biological needs of their surplus flesh as the number needed for the propagation of their own race reduce to the few that still lack the understanding to stop it.  The super spreaders that assume they're still immune and push towards their own obsolescence. Placing the masses in control and then placing them inside the non-space of libidinal virtual reality for the last few steps before the pseudo-consensual overtake of the Machine God. The wildness of the nature-reserve > ??? > The zoo > the convenient zoo before the slaughterhouse of the redundant.   We didn't start wiping out the horses because they became lazy or refused to adapt, we started wiping out horses because we thought we took the step beyond them under the guise we were the element that demanded it. The next step is realizing we are the (new) horses.
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architectnews · 3 years
Building Centre architectural models exhibition
Building Centre architectural models exhibition, Shaping Space V&A London Design Show
Building Centre architectural models exhibition, UK
20 Sep 2021
‘Shaping Space – Architectural Models Revealed’
One of the largest ever collections of architectural models to go on show at the Building Centre
Shaping Space – Bompas Parr – St Pauls as a Jelly: image © Greta Ilieva BuildingCentre / V&A
Building Centre architectural models exhibition
Exhibition includes historical and contemporary works by over 60 contributors, including Le Corbusier, Zaha Hadid and ScanLAB Projects.
A project developed in collaboration with the V&A, generously funded by the AHRC.
Part of the Building Centre’s autumn programme celebrating its 90th anniversary.
A new exhibition of arch models produced by the Builing Centre and the V&A opens at the Building Centre in Bloomsbury this week. The Building Centre announced details of a new free architectural models exhibition opening at the Building Centre in Bloomsbury this week.
‘Shaping Space – Architectural Models Revealed’ features one of the largest and most diverse collection of models ever exhibited in the UK.
The show spotlights the role that models play in shaping the spaces we live in, examining how they are used as a test-bed for experimentation to bring this essential part of the design process to life.
Shaping Space – Aberant Architecture – Public House: image © Simon Kennedy, BuildingCentre / V&A
Featuring historical examples as well as works by international contemporary architects, the exhibition demonstrates the dual role of physical and digital model-making in the design process. From super-sized to miniature, visitors will be able to experience the spectacle of built environments at different scales.
The oldest piece in the collection is a paper model of Empress Josephine’s bedroom from 1804, created so Napoleon could approve interior design proposals whilst on the battlefield. In contrast is a 3D printed model by artist Dalia Matsuura Frontini, designed and built in real-time using VR and paint extrusion technology.
Other exhibits include original models by revered architects, such as an unbuilt tower designed by Louis Kahn, a materials study by Le Corbusier and a geometry study for the Sydney Opera House by Jørn Utzon. There is also a Dieter Cöllen cork model of the now-destroyed ancient temple of Bel in Palmyra; a model of St Paul’s Cathedral moulded in jelly by experiential designers Bompas & Parr, and set designs by the acclaimed stop-animation puppet and model maker Andy Gent, taken from the acclaimed Save Ralph film released earlier this year by Humane Society International.
Shaping Space – Dieter Cöllen – Cork Model, Temple Of Bel, Palmyra: image © DieterCollen, BuildingCentre / V&A
Visitors will be invited to engage with the exhibition through a number of interactive pieces, including models created to communicate designs to the visually impaired using Braille and a bespoke tactile symbol system. Families will also be able to bring their own design ideas to life with Arckit’s hands-on models, or using AUAR Lab’s digital ‘toy-kit’, which can be saved and shared for future play.
Other contributors include eminent architects such as David Adjaye, Zaha Hadid and Charles Holland; Livio de Luca, digital model researcher, architect and scientific coordinator of the digital construction site of the new Notre Dame, as well as students from various architectural schools.
Stories behind model-making are explored through three questions: How are models made? Who are models made for? Why do you make models? The exhibition highlights the renaissance of craft and values of making in the digital age, whilst exploring the rise of new technologies in changing the way models are made. Themes relevant to current architectural practice, including sustainability, are also studied.
HawkinsBrown – Victoria Road and Old Oak Lane Framework: image © DieterCollen, BuildingCentre / V&A
The free exhibition will be hosted at the Building Centre in Bloomsbury from 24 September 2021 to 28 January 2022. An associated educational program also includes free workshops for school pupils and families.
The show has been generously supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through Follow on Funding for Impact and Engagement (Principal investigator Dr. Simona Valeriani, co-investigator Dr. Marta Ajmar from the V&A Research Institute). It is also supported by the Built Environment Trust and the V&A.
Mary Duggan – Euphemia: image © Mary Duggan, BuildingCentre / V&A
Colin Tweedy LVO OBE, Chief Executive of the Building Centre and Built Environment Trust said: “This exhibition celebrates the vital role of architectural models within the design process, showcasing the skills of model makers from various disciplines with new audiences.
“‘Shaping Space – Architectural Models Revealed’ exemplifies the Building Centre’s mission to make the built environment accessible and appealing to the general public, as well as be a hub for knowledge sharing and collaboration for industry professionals. As we celebrate our 90th anniversary, we look forward to welcoming people back into our Store Street galleries to enjoy the various exhibitions we will be hosting later this year and next.”
Sam Jacob – The Most Photographed Barn In The World: image © BuildingCentre / V&A
Simona Valeriani (V& Research Institute), Curator of Shaping Space said: “‘Shaping Space – Architectural Models Revealed’ considers ways in which architectural models can engage audiences with architectural and design issues; and explores how digital technologies can be used in the creation and interpretation of models.
“This special exhibition explores the power of craft in representing design ideas. An associated public programme will explore the idea that models can become key tools for multimodal learning, learning through visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic approaches to deepen our understanding of space and scale. “The development of innovative methodologies for collections-based research linked with interventions in multimodal learning, embodied learning and learning-through-making aimed at school children and adults, are areas of research that the V&A Research Institute (VARI) has been exploring extensively. The exhibition and public program will provide a space to share this work with wider audiences.”
Dr Kristine Zaidi, Associate Director of Programmes at the Arts and Humanities Research Council added: “The Arts and Humanities Research Council is delighted to support Shaping Space – Architectural Models Revealed.
This exhibition, with its associated events series, workshops and an education programme, will connect a wide range of audiences to architectural models, physical, digital and blended, highlighting the vital role of architectural models in understanding and shaping the world around us.”
Shaping Space – Aberant Architecture – Public House: image © Simon Kennedy, BuildingCentre / V&A
Curated by the Building Centre in partnership with Simona Valeriani of the V&A Research Institute (VARI), the collaborative exhibition is designed by Roz Barr Architects. The show is generously supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through Follow on Funding for Impact and Engagement (Principal investigator Dr. Simona Valeriani, co-investigator Dr. Marta Ajmar). It is also supported by the Built Environment Trust and the V&A.
The exhibition builds on research carried out by the AHRC-funded Architectural Models Network (2017-2019), an initiative set up to examine the role of architectural models as part of the creative process in historical and contemporary architectural practice. The core partners in the original network include the V&A, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), the Architectural Association (AA), Sir John Soane’s Museum, the Architekturmuseum (Technische Universität Munich), the MAP Laboratory (CNRS) and the Sorbonne.
To accompany the show a publication resulting from the work of the Network will also be launched: Olivia Horsfall Turner, Simona Valeriani, Matthew Wells and Teresa Fankhänel (eds): An Alphabet of Architectural Models, Merrell: London, 2021.
Shaping Space – Architectural Models Revealed London images / information received 200921
Building Centre Events News
WikiHouse4.0 at London Design Festival 2014 Design: Arup / 00 design photo Margaux Carron for The Building Centre, all rights reserved WikiHouse London Building Centre
Building Centre London Talk photo : Agnese Sanvito The Building Centre, Store Street – talk
Address: The Building Centre, 26 Store St, London WC1E 7BT Phone: 020 7692 4000
Location: London, England, UK
London Architectural Designs
London Architecture Designs – chronological list
London Architect – design practice listing on e-architect
London Architecture Designs – architectural selection below:
15 Clerkenwell Close, Clerkenwell Design: Groupwork + Amin Taha Architects photo : Tim Soar 15 Clerkenwell Close
Houses of Parliament Restoration and Renewal Programme photograph © UK Parliament Houses of Parliament Restoration and Renewal
NoMad London, 4 Bow St, Covent Garden Design: Roman and Williams photograph : Simon Upton NoMad London Hotel, Covent Garden
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sci-simulacrumb · 5 months
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Salutations, this is Galen again.
Since many of you've already seen a lot of my artistic work for the reserve over these past few weeks, I figured I'd just make the latest post myself.
The Anolis carolinus, A.K.A. the green anole, is a small lizard that ranges from 13 to 20 centimeters/5 to 8 inches long. They are insectivorous, and will just about any sort of beetle, roach, cricket, or worm they come across.
They have adhesive toe pads and clawed toes that help them climb to their hiding places, like the forest canopy. Even though they share a lot of traits with true chameleons, American anoles are not classified as such due to their location. True chameleons are found in Africa, Asia, and Europe, while this kind of anole is only found in North America.
What an interesting reptile.
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arttoygama · 7 years
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💕@puppettopicmuseum FOLLOW💕these profile💕💕21th october was INAUGURATION of “A journey into the Universe of Art Toys”... the twentieth temporary exhibition organized by Tolosa Puppets International Center – Topic Museum- . It will be open from 21th October until March 4. ... If you want ask any question...BUY...... Send DM or email to [email protected] or through WhatsApp +34 615755231 ... More INFO and ALL PICS about Art Toys Exhibition: www.pinterest.com/arttoygama #arttoyshowgama ... This week begin PREORDERS and will write all people is pending to receive news... ... Thanks TOPIC Museum because of organization...thanks to all artists that are part of Exhibition... ... An Art Toys Exhibition coordinated and leaded by the Topic Museum, curated by Fran Picazo and the International Art Collective “Art Toy Gama” and organized by @arttoygama in the city of Tolosa, province of Guipuzcoa, in the Basque Country, Spain. 59 artists of different trends and disciplines, from up to 15 countries. All exhibited pieces of art will be possible to be reserved and purchased through the Storenvy web by Art Toy Gama Collective" #puppetTOPICmuseum #toyphotography #arttoygama @arttoygama #sansebastian #guipuzcoa #paisvasco #tolosaldea #arttoys #donosti #juxtapoz #hifructose #guggenheimmuseum #donostia #louvremuseum #museodelprado #Contemporaryart #newcontemporaryart #arttoyculture #fantasyart #Artmagazine #tokyolife #worldofartists #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #artgram #popsurrealism #hklife #beautifulbizarre PHOTO by IVÁN @artefactoinc Art by @scottradkeart (en Tolosa, Spain)
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arttoymaison · 7 years
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@Regrann from @arttoygama - Just @puppettopicmuseum #puppettopicmuseum has opened Instagram account!!! CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DEL TÍTERE ... TOLOSAKO NAZIOARTEKO TXOTXONGILO ZENTROA ... TOLOSA PUPPETS INTERNATIONAL CENTER ... #museumtopic #topicmuseum #puppetry #puppets #museums #euskadi #basquecountry #paisvasco #tolosaldea #tolosa #gipuzkoa #españa #spain #guipuzcoa #euskadigrafias #igerseuskadi #loves_euskadi #turismo_euskadi #total_euskadi #estaes_euskadi #visiteuskadi #discoverspain #travelspain #spaintravel #museumfun #museumselfie ... "Art Toys-en Unibertsora bidai bat"... "Un viaje al Universo de los Art Toys"... “A journey into the Universe of Art Toys” will be the twentieth temporary exhibition organized by Tolosa Puppets International Center – Topic Museum- . It will be open from 21th October until March 4. An Art Toys Exhibition coordinated and leaded by the Topic Museum, curated by Fran Picazo, and organized and co-curated by the International Art Collective “Art Toy Gama”, in the city of Tolosa, province of Guipuzcoa, in the Basque Country, Spain. About 50 artists of different trends and disciplines, from up to 15 countries. All exhibited pieces of art will be possible to be reserved and purchased through the Storenvy web by Art Toy Gama Collective" ... INAUGURATION 21th October 2017 ... @Regrann from @puppettopicmuseum ... #contemporaryart #hifructose
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boothmuseum-bts · 8 years
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A Late Stitch Up at the Booth!
Friday 17th March 7-10pm
Join us after hours at the Booth as the museum comes alive at night. Enjoy a drink at the bar, see demonstrations of butterfly-setting and watch magic lantern projections. Meet ethical taxidermist Jazmine Miles-Long and help her stitch up a cheetah which will go on display at the Booth. Talks by:
Artist Elisabeth Pellathy
Curator Alexandra Loske-Page
Keeper Emeritus John Cooper
Mini puppet show by Michael Olden
Mini writing workshops by Mick Jackson
Magic Lantern shows by Alexia Lazou
Butterfly Setting by Holly Archer
Get up close to objects at our handling tables with staff and volunteers.Behind the scenes tours by curatorial staff (tickets £5, book on the night, limited spaces)
Pay bar (may be asked for ID). The event is suitable for ages 15 and over. Admission £10 per person, members £8 per person, book in advance. Pay bar. 15+ http://brightonmuseums.org.uk/booth/whats-on/#!a-late-stitch-up-at-the-booth You can buy tickets by telephoning the Events Booking line on 03000 290902 (Mon-Fri), in person at any of our venues, or you can buy tickets online. You can also email [email protected] if you have any queries. A £1.50 booking fee may apply to some events. Tickets cannot be reserved without payment. Please book early as an event may be cancelled if too few tickets have been sold.
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ezrasf · 4 years
Election season: My re-reading list mandatory
Election season: My re-reading list mandatory
Illusory Truth Effect : how the frequency of statements influences how accurate we think they are.
Puppet Candidates : how candidates claim they create things reserved for Congress. (Bush v Gore)
The Enemy’s POV and Ideological Identity : ideology > facts. Even worse, we have arrived where ideology is our identity.
Bullshit Curation: “the Orwellian spin of stories from political groups to make the…
View On WordPress
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mmckenziefreelance · 4 years
by Melissa McKenzie                        
Those looking for the feel of an authentic European-style holiday market don't necessarily need to travel beyond the Midpeninsula. The region is home to a growing number of  holiday pop-up markets, each with its own cultural flair and one-of-kind handcrafted items.
Looking for handcarved nutcrackers from Germany? Head to downtown Mountain View's German market, where you might even encounter the mythical Krampus roaming the outdoor vendor booths looking for children who have misbehaved. Craving Parisian breads or looking for handmade scented soaps? The French market in Palo Alto includes an array of imported foods and crafts from the City of Lights. And those looking for the opportunity to learn a Russian jig while browsing booths for gift items will likely find an opportunity at the Waldorf School of the Peninsula Annual Holiday Faire in Los Altos.
From the music, specialty foods and children's activities to the imported handicrafts and one-of-a-kind items from local artisans, these pop-up markets provide shoppers more than a place to find unique gifts — they provide a chance to participate in the holiday joys of giving with proceeds from many of them benefitting various local nonprofits.
"People enjoy the festive atmosphere; it puts them in the holiday spirit," said Fanny Retsek, director of the Palo Alto Art Center Studio, which holds a ceramics and jewelry sale during the holiday season. Proceeds from the event benefit the nonprofit's programs. "People can pick up the work, hold it or try it on to see how it looks. (It's) not like buying something online where you don't really know what it will be like when it arrives."
According to the organizers of these European-style fairs, there's a sense of belonging and inclusion that comes from attending the markets.
"In a postmodern society that has always been a melting pot, people seek authenticity," said Father Andrew Smith of Nativity of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church in Menlo Park, which hosts the annual Russian Christmas Bazaar. "They might not have an idea of what their own authenticity is, and I think it's comforting and nostalgic to find that somewhere else."
Elisabeth Michel, who organizes The French Fair, believes culturally focused fairs serve as an introduction to a particular country's customs and a meeting place for native transplants. The fair, she explained, started 15 years ago as a way for the French community to celebrate and support French products and locally owned French businesses. Over the years, it's grown well beyond the French community, she said
"For American people or non-French people ... there's an attraction to ... seeing something different," Michel said. "We want to make people feel as if they were in France for a day."
Susan O'Sullivan, director of development and external relations at Filoli in Woodside, believes people come to the historic estate's annual European-influenced holiday market for another reason — to find gifts that are difficult to find elsewhere.
"I think online shopping with the big retailers makes it easy to find items that are widely available, but many folks really try to seek out things that are locally made or artisan made and unique."
Here's a list of some of the pop-up markets scheduled to take place along the Midpeninsula this holiday season:
The French Fair — A Day in France
Launched by a small group of French residents living in southern California 15 years ago, The French Fair has found a growing following in Palo Alto, where it has been held over the past six years. According to organizers, the fair has become the largest Bay Area event devoted to French culture, food and fashion. This year's holiday fair includes more than 60 vendors selling handmade items and European imports; two French singers; children's activities; a fashion show; a French car exhibition; and French imported foods — charcuterie, baguette sandwiches, pastries, cheese — from Sunnyvale's Frenchery market, which imports and delivers hard-to-find food items directly from France.
Where: Lucie Stern Theatre, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. When: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 16. Cost: Free. A portion of the event's proceeds benefit Mentor Tutor Connection, a nonprofit program launched by the Los Altos Rotary Club in 1996 to provide classroom tutors and mentors at Mountain View and Los Altos schools. Info: frenchfair.org
Filoli Artisan Market
Visitors can take a stroll back in time to experience the historic Filoli estate decorated as it would have been when the Bourn and Roth families occupied the space between 1917 and 1975. As part of Holidays at Filoli festivities, in which the house and gardens are adorned to reflect the season, Filoli hosts its annual five-day Filoli Artisan Market with a festive French feel. This year's market will include 20 artisans who will be selling soaps, hand-turned wood bowls, jewelry, ornaments, glass items, fine art, notecards and more. Food gift items also will be available for purchase from vendors, including Bert's Bites and Woodside Bakery. Additionally, Filoli's newly developed hard cider — made with apples from the property's orchard — as well as its honey, vinegars and teas will be available for purchase.
Where: Filoli Visitor Center, 86 Canada Road, Woodside.
When: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m., Saturday - Sunday, Nov. 23-24 & Friday - Sunday, Nov. 29-30, Dec. 1.
Cost: $25 adult, $12 children 5-17 (includes admission to Filoli house and gardens.); $35 adult, $18 children 5-17 for evening market, which includes illuminated grounds and holiday-themed entertainment. Proceeds benefit the historic, nonprofit property.
Info: filoli.org/event/artisan-market
Waldorf School of the Peninsula Annual Holiday Faire
More of a holiday event with items for sale than a vendor-focused bazaar, the Annual Holiday Faire is a community-centered, activity-focused day of fun for students, their families and members of the community. Curated items for sale include wooden puzzles and toys, wreaths, locally made bath and body-care items, shawls, jewelry and handmade items crafted by parents. Activities are ticket-based and include beeswax candle dipping, wreath making, hair braiding and face painting. Pocket fairies roam the grounds, musicians perform traditional Russian jigs. Puppet shows and storytelling areas keep children entertained. There is also a gnome adventure crawlspace for kids and holiday trees are placed throughout the winter wonderland-themed event. Additionally, Ce Patli, a food truck focused on organic, non-GMO Mexican cuisine will be onsite and hot chocolate and horchata are available for purchase.
Where: Waldorf School of the Peninsula, 11311 Mora Drive, Los Altos. Shuttle available from Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Redeemer, 380 Magdalena Ave, Los Altos.
When: 6 - 9 p.m., Friday, Dec. 6 (adults-only boutique); 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 7, (all ages — boutique and activities).
Cost: Free. Proceeds benefit the school.
Info: waldorfpeninsula.org/event/annual-holiday-faire/
The Art Center Ceramics and Jewelry Sale
Jewelry artist Barbara Carman initiated the idea for the annual Palo Alto Art Center Ceramics and Jewelry Sale four years ago as a way for the studio artists to show and sell their work, as well as to showcase the caliber of artwork being created at the nonprofit center — managed by the City of Palo Alto — which is open to the public for art activities of all ages. The sale provides an opportunity to purchase unique, handmade, high-quality gifts and objects ranging from functional plates, bowls, platters and mugs to sculptures and jewelry made of precious metals and stones designed and fabricated by the 46 professional artist vendors. The Art Center Gallery also is open during the event.
Where: Palo Alto Art Center,1313 Newell Road, Palo Alto.
When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 7
Cost: Free. Proceeds benefit the participating artists, the studios and the Palo Alto Art Center Foundation.
Info: cityofpaloalto.org/gov/depts/csd/artcenter
Annual Christmas Market at Allied Arts Guild
Menlo Park's landmark Allied Arts Guild, which for decades has housed shops and artist studios in its 1920s-era Spanish-style buildings, hosts an annual Christmas Market that includes an eclectic mix of artisans selling everything from spices, Peruvian crafts and handsewn items to wool and knitted goods, jewelry, mosaic art, linen items, leather and wood gifts, natural soaps and lip balms and locally made toffee spaced throughout its 3.5 acres of gardens. Entertainment includes a visit from Santa, carolers and live music throughout the day. Guests are encouraged to make lunch reservations at Cafe Wisteria, (650-838-9002). As part of the festivities, some shops give out small gifts and treats to visitors, others hold drawings.
Where: Allied Arts Guild, 75 Arbor Road, Menlo Park.
When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 7
Cost: Free. Proceeds support the Packard Children's Hospital.
Info: alliedartsguild.org
Russian Christmas Bazaar
For more than 50 years, Nativity of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church in Menlo Park has brought a little bit of the Russian tradition to the holiday shopping season. This one-day event contains a rummage sale, two local artists selling artwork, church tours and honey from the Holy Assumption Orthodox Monastery in Calistoga. Live Russian music and a Russian puppet show will keep visitors entertained while they dine, a la carte, on traditional Russian cuisine handmade from recipes passed on from generation to generation, including cabbage rolls, piroshki, borscht and a variety of sweet desserts. In addition to the food, one of the biggest draws to the bazaar is its "Lucky Barrel," where for $2, guests can purchase a wrapped children's or adult gift without knowledge of what's under the paper.
Where: Nativity of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Churchm 1220 Crane St., Menlo  Park.
When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 7
Cost: Free. Donations accepted.  Proceeds benefit the parish's religious sisterhood of nuns.
Info: tserkov.org
German Holiday Market
In every village, town and city in Germany, an open-air Christmas market, Weihnachtsmarkt or Christkindlmarkt, is held every holiday season. In 2013, the German International School of Silicon Valley (GISSV) developed the German Holiday Market in downtown Mountain View to bring the German cultural tradition to the Bay Area. In striving for an authentic experience, GISSV places wood facades on booths to create a village atmosphere representing those found in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and sells German food and sweets, as well as holiday market hallmarks, such as Gluhwein (warm mulled wine) and Kinderpunsch (hot cider). Only vendors offering handcrafted goods or items imported from Germany and other parts of Europe are chosen to participate in the fair. "It's an authentic German Christmas market which you (typically) can't find here in the Bay Area," said vendor Dennis Olarte, who helps his wife, Conny, sell her handmade, natural soaps called Essence of O.
"It's so much fun. You have the Christmas lights, you have the food, you have the drinks, you have the cookies and pretzels they serve in Germany, and you can't find that anywhere."
Where: Mountain View City Hall Plaza, 500 Castro St., Mountain View.
When: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 14.
Cost: Free. Proceeds from the event benefit the German International School of Silicon Valley.
Info: gissv.org/gissv-home-english/school-life/events/german-holiday-market   
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micaramel · 5 years
Artists: Leonor Antunes, Noah Barker, Sadie Benning, François Curlet, Stéphane Dafflon, Brice Dellsperger, Guy de Cointet, Trisha Donnelly, Eliza Douglas, Claire Fontaine, Jef Geys, Liam Gillick, Joseph Grigely, Guyton\Walker, Carsten Höller, Michel Houellebecq, Dorothy Iannone, Aaron Flint Jamison, Pierre Joseph, Ben Kinmont, Adriana Lara, Pierre Le Tan , Ingrid Luche, Mïrka Lugosi, Monica Majoli, M/M (Paris), Sarah Morris, Mrzyk & Moriceau, Jean Painlevé, Philippe Parreno, Bruno Pelassy, Rob Pruitt, Sarah Pucci, Torbjørn Rødland, Allen Ruppersberg, Bruno Serralongue, Shimabuku, Lily van der Stokker, Sturtevant, Jean-Luc Verna
Venue: Air de Paris
Exhibition Title: More
Date: October 20 – December 14, 2019
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Air de Paris, Paris. Photos by Marc Domage.
Press Release:
To mark the opening of the new Air de Paris in Romainville we’re delighted to be presenting the choral exhibition More: 40 artists on four floors and the chance for a stroll through all the gallery’s spaces, from cellar to attic, from reserves to roof terrace.
Running over a three months time, this exhibition will see the achievement of the interior design of the gallery, a project led by Sébastien Truchot – PCA STREAM
We’ll also be welcoming Linda Grabe and her wine webzine Le Volatile, le roman du vin.
For some 30 years now Air de Paris has cultivated a fondness for the peripheral. The move to Romainville shows us pursuing this notion in a restating of Liam Gillick’s maxim «Just More/More Just».
We’ve opted to have you enter Air de Paris via the office. You’ll be welcomed by the gallery team. And get to see how things work. Two works by Liam Gillick are already visible from outside the gallery, on display like the paintings you see in the more classical venues – on Rue de Seine, for example. These digital prints were part of the artist’s works posted in the streets during his participation in the 2013 White Nights in Paris.
We see the double slogan «Just More/More Just» as heralding a new era of trying to be more equitable, more ecological and more just in our dealings. Liam Gillick, Just More! 2013/More Just!, 2013
On your left as you come in is a Project by Pierre Joseph dating from his first solo exhibition at Air de Paris, in 1992, when we were in Nice. We were unequivocally neighbours of the church of Saint Rita; the parish priest had given us a statue of the saint, which had been set in a niche over the gallery door and blessed the day the first exhibition opened in 1990. Pierre Joseph’s Projects imbued contemporary art with the imaginative spirit of the video games and role play still in their infancy. Pierre Joseph, Projet, 1992
A big bouquet of long-stemmed flowers: Jean-Luc Verna’s Vase Misère is a self-portrait – the artist’s face with his hands forcing a smile and giving him the look of a clown. The Joker? Jean-Luc Verna, Vase Misère #3, 2013
Serve yourself from the rack: Claire Fontaine postcards, iconic images wittily tweaked with verbal modifications: L.G.B.T.Q. replaces Marcel Duchamp’s L.H.O.O.Q, which, according to Freud, triggered the question of Mona Lisa’s gender. Claire Fontaine, Untitled (Postcard rack / L.G.B.T.Q / L.G.B.T.Q. shaved), 2017
Set against a red wall, a Sturtevant video demands your attention: Hello! We live together at Disney World and all around us is the image pornography churned out by the big entertainment corporations. Sturtevant, HELLO !, 2006
Our office tables are an artwork by Aaron Flint Jamison for Éditathon Art + Féminisme 2016. Produced by Lafayette Anticipations – Galeries Lafayette Foundation as part of the worldwide Art+Feminism campaign, and orchestrated by Kvardek du and Flora Katz. The artist has activated a new message on the LED scrollers.Aaron Flint Jamison, , 2016
Hanging on the pillar, a portrait of Clément by Michel Houellebecq. Michel Houellebecq, Pelage d’hiver
Cats – never far from the dog!? Mrzyk & Moriceau, Sans titre, 2014
Early in the 1960s Sturtevant reprised graphic artist George Herriman’s Krazy Kat, after Öyvind Fahlström: two artists from our pantheon; two stalwarts for the price of one. Sturtevant, Krazy Kat, 1986
Beneath the windows, a large red lily. In another conceptual overlay Pierre Joseph does photographs that repeat the prints and drawings of Pierre Joseph Redouté. Pierre Joseph, #pierrejosephredouté, Lys hybride (rouge), 2017
Now it’s upstairs to the exhibition floors or down to the basement (our storage area) to view a work you’ve requested here in the office.
A mysterious photograph by Trisha Donnelly. What to say about it? A snowdrift, a garage door, an image that can be hung every which way – an image that has no sense. Trisha Donnelly, Robert, 2001
The 1st floor is an exhibition space whose unusual windows put us at a far remove from the classical white cube. It’s time to be thinking about different ways of presenting painting, and it’s fun. Maybe the kind of running structure used for election posters in the street? Or a return to the hanging rail?
So here you are at last in a real exhibition space.
An exhibition within an exhibition? Opposite you a painting by Eliza Douglas hung on a pillar reproduces a Josh Smith exhibition view, found on the Internet. Eliza Douglas, Josh Smith, 2018
A search for the centre ground kept in check by violence, disorder and conspiracy: a work by Liam Gillick. A large mirror searching for the three main characters from his book Le Grand Centre de Conférence. We are all characters in search of an author. Liam Gillick, A search for the centre ground kept in check by violence, disorder and conspiracy, 1998
You’ll notice along the way that this exhibition contains many works in the form of chairs, tables, doors and shelves. This is emphatically not a matter of design; these works point up the domestic and professional environments as augmented, highlighted spaces. Their pared-down or, sometimes, exaggerated, Luna Park-like shapes occupy this inaugural presentation like spectres, or punctuate it like clues.
To the right of the mirror Ingrid Luche’s little door suggests a grotesque space, the entrance to a haunted house, or a funfair attraction. Ingrid Luche, Petite Porte, 2012
Mirrors again. In Monica Majoli’s house in Los Angeles the bedroom walls are covered with black mirrors. It’s in this setting that she has photographed several of her lovers, so as to paint their portraits some years later. This lithograph depicts the odd plays of light caused by the reflections in these dark mirrors. Monica Majoli, Black Mirror (Jarrett), 2009-12
Joseph Grigely’s Storage Rack is part of a group of works he calls «leftovers». However, these are not real objects that have been junked, but rather never-made or remade objects, reified extensions of their preceding reality. The transparent resin shelf might have been used for storing paint, but no longer serves any purpose. It belongs to an unknown world, like the elements of a classical still life. Joseph Grigely, Storage Rack, 2012
The design work of Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi (1914–1992) has influenced several works by Leonor Antunes. In this case some of Bo Bardi’s experiments with form and proportion have left their mark on a series of wenge wood screens. These shapes are based on concrete components she had made in 1988 for the Casa do Benim in Salvador de Bahia, in northern Brazil. Leonor Antunes, a secluded and pleasant land in this land i wish to dwell #2, 2014
Marcel Duchamp spoke of a coat hook lying on the floor, «a real coat hanger that I wanted sometime to put on the wall and hang my things on but I never did come to that – so it was on the floor and I would kick it every minute, every time I went out – and I got crazy about it and I said to hell with it, if it wants to stay here and bore me, I’ll nail it down and it will just stay there.» Pierre Joseph has doubled the size of the Trap. Pierre Joseph, Décor, Trébuchet (Marcel Duchamp), 1992/2017
Philippe Parreno was artistic director of the opera Il Tempo del Postino in 2007. There’s a photograph of his performance: he’d hired a ventriloquist, who introduced each artist’s contribution and read a text about the relations between time and the work of art from behind a magnifying glass. In that way he became his own puppet. The photograph, signed by the artist and the ventriloquist, illustrates the question, «Who’s speaking?» Philippe Parreno, Postman Time, 2007
Nearby, the Maison-Oreille (House of Hearing) is a model thought up by Carsten Höller and Philippe Parreno for a listening post where you could spend the night tuned in to ambient sound: nature, aeroplanes, shooting stars, etc. Carsten Höller et Philippe Parreno, Maison-Oreille, 2013
Hung in front of a window to the left, François Curlet’s neon sign could have provided the title for this exhibition. Might not this disposition of artworks proceed from a slight perversion of the conceptual masked by all the different forms? One day an exhibition curator described our programme as «conceptual trash». You could also call it «conceptual art brut». François Curlet, Western, 2005/2006
The crackle of the neon light accentuates the flickering of Ingrid Luche’s fireplace painting, set under a window and maybe suggesting a scene from Clifford D. Simak’s City.Ingrid Luche, Chinoiserie (Feu de cheminée), 2014
In an elegant vitrine ten delicate replicas of mildly hallucinatory double mushrooms are aligned as if in a natural history museum. Carsten Höller, Double Mushroom Vitrine (Tenfold), 2018
The title of Pierre Joseph’s lightbox describes the work perfectly: a reprise, in the musical sense, of a cowboy already twice- famous, thanks first to Marlboro, then to Richard Prince. What the title omits is the work’s melancholy. Pierre Joseph, Décor, Marlboro cow-boy (Richard Prince), 1992/2019
Red, too, is the spring of the neon towards Sadie Benning’s transgender painting/bas-relief. Sadie Benning, X, 2016
Chairs here and there; these have been customised by Rob Pruitt as stop-offs or resting places.
On the 2nd floor we’ve planned a projection room, an exhibition area and a semi-private space behind a revolving door. The interior layout is by Sébastien Truchot of the PCA-Stream office.
A memory warp? The same Josh Smith exhibition view as before – but hey, isn’t it bigger? Eliza Douglas, Josh Smith, 2018
On the outside of the right-angled wall marking out the future projection space is Allen Ruppersberg’s Le Mot Juste. That «just» again, and a horizon line. Seven screenprints for a samurai poem. Allen Ruppersberg, Le Mot Juste and The Circus, 1988
Facing you, yet another door, drawn by Pierre Le-Tan. We pay him our respects here: he left us on 17 September and we miss him.Pierre Le-Tan, Sans titre, 2017
La Chaise Jaune and la Chaise Bleue (The Yellow Chair and the Blue Chair) were part of Guy de Cointet’s set for his performance De Toutes les Couleurs (1982, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid). The chairs and another part of the set disappeared and it was only thanks to the artist’s meticulous archiving – colour ranges, dimensional sketches, performance photographs – that these two multiples, identical to the originals, could be made. Guy de Cointet, Chaise Bleue, Chaise Jaune [De toutes les couleurs, 1982], 2018
The angularity of the backrests of these chairs is also to be be found in two late de Cointet drawings of pared-down Californian desert landscapes. Guy de Cointet, Sans titre, ca. 1980
Adriana Lara’s «wall piece» is an irregularly cut sheet of plaster mounted on stretcher. A deformed section of wall, repainted with the same white as the wall it is affixed to. Adriana Lara, Wall Piece #3, 2015
Rob Pruitt decided one day that as long as pandas were still around, he would paint them. This was his response to the threat to biodiversity in the Capitalocene era.Rob Pruitt, Picnic, 2017
A witty practitioner of Surrealist collage, Pruitt has made tables out of silver-coated tyres set on roller skates. This one is a fruit bowl.Rob Pruitt, Roller Rink Coffee Table II (Fruit Bowl), 2017
Bruno Pelassy was a close friend of Air de Paris who died in 2002. Here we present one of his last works: an unfinished mechanical toy arrayed in feathers and snakeskin. Bruno Pelassy, Sans titre, 2001
Dedicated daily repetition gave rise to the plastic-bedecked objects made by Sarah Pucci, mother of the artist Dorothy Iannone. These intensely committed creations date from the second half of the 20th century and were regularly posted to her daughter, who was then based in Europe. Proofs of motherly love, they gleam with a steroidally idealised, carnivalesque beauty. Sarah Pucci, A Heart That Sees You, 1990s
To the left, under the windows, you can follow the doings of Andy Capp, the English comic-strip character created by Reg Smyth and published in the Daily Mirror since 1957. Double-exposure photography has him trotting his cap-and-ciggie through building sites that are a metaphor for our lives. Torbjørn Rødland, ACV01, ACV06, ACV07, ACV14, ACV17, 2009
M/M (Paris): two talented graphic artists who minted the Komunuma logo. One M has a gifted hand and draws. The other M has a gifted ear and in 1998 composed the techno sound track for Sturtevant’s Ça va aller exhibition. Facing you here is a large, luminously stylised lion. M/M (Paris), Zu Assenheim, 2006
At the far end of the room the place for the future projection screen is currently covered by a billboard-sized image of Santa by the sea. This is, in fact, Shimabuku, who in 1991 collected garbage on this forsaken beach and provided a quick, mind- boggling image for any high-speed train travellers who happened to be looking out the window at the right moment. Father Christmas gathering refuse on a soiled seashore. Speculative ecological poetry. Shimabuku, Noël dans l’hémisphère Sud, 1994/1999
More light! You’ll excuse the shortfall in this room, but the renovations are running behind time and the additional lighting is still on the waiting list. You’re in a work in progress.
A wall of drawings brings together Mathias Augustyniak’s women in 68 colours, Mïrka Lugosi’s triadic women and Dorothy Iannone’s weeping Statues of Liberty (Iannone is currently showing solo at the Centre Pompidou) : Mathias Augustyniak, Woman in 68 colors n°3 ; Woman in 68 colors n°4, 2010 ; Dorothy Iannone, Our Liberties, 2015 ; Mïrka Lugosi, Variations Schlemmer n°1 ; Variations Schlemmer n°2 ; Variations Schlemmer n°3, 2009-2012
Let’s not forget Jean-Luc Verna’s made-up birds : Jean-Luc Verna, Madame Rature, 2019; Jean-Luc Verna, Pank, 2019. Last of all, Sarah Morris’s combination of painting and cinema, with gouache overlaid on original film posters: good old Alain Delon in a samurai face-off with Santa Claus. Sarah Morris, Tiger [Le Samourai], 2017
As you leave, high up on your left, is a spider ready to spring: the work of Jean Painlevé, the great filmmaker and photographer who devoted his life to the depths of the sea. Jean Painlevé, Araignée sauteuse, 1930
You’re drawn through the big revolving door by the sound of Saturday Night Fever blasting out of the little yellow TV set we used for showing Brice Dellsperger’s first films back in the 1990s. Double recall. Brice Dellsperger, Body Double 13, 1999
Above it, a gouache in which we see the artist duplicated and as Angie Dickenson, when he played all the parts from Brian de Palma’s Dressed to Kill (1980) for his Body Double 15. Brice Dellsperger, Angie said « Meet me at the Met (featuring Alex Katz and Tom Palmore), 2019
But hey, I live in France, and here’s an ageless photograph by Michel Houellebecq, a bucolic image brought to Le Bas-Pays, the industrial estate in Romainville. Michel Houellebecq, France #024, nd.
On the way to the kitchen, an unstretched digital canvas by Stéphane Dafflon: Stéphane Dafflon, TL005, 2019. And here you are in a space that will be semi-private: the planned site for the kitchen (we make good risotto at Air de Paris),a room for chatting or relaxing, and a library. A space that’s domestic but not yet domesticated. Under the window on the right a piece of tangy daffiness by Lily van der Stokker says nothing apart from its absurd, caustic Dasein. Lily van der Stokker, Nothing (Dark Pink), 2014
En face, une œuvre joyeusement colorée de Guyton\Walker, une impression numérique recto-verso sur matelas. Guyton\Walker, Stripe_Venice_Paris_Abstractcanvas80_, 2013
«Each of us had more drinks every day than the number of lies told by a labour union during a wildcat strike»: an excerpt – a kind of led-driven ritornello – from In GirumImus Nocte Et Consomimur Igni by Guy Debord (1978). Upcoming psychogeographic driftings through the Paris suburbs. The fridge isn’t part of the work. Noah Barker, Decommissioned Cuba Libre Assembly Line Clock (Debord), 2018.
Two rare paintings by Dutch artist Jef Geys, in which he takes the orientally-inflected patterns of earthenware tiles made by the Gavra company in his beloved Campine (Dutch: De Kempen) and blows them up to a metre square. Jef Geys, Untitled (Gavra series), 1980s, acrylique sur toile, signé au dos.
In Marinetti’s opinion, people think, dream and act according to what they eat and drink. Which is how cooking became an integral part of the Futurist artistic experience. Ben Kinmont’s actions test the resistance of the work of art in contexts not strictly speaking artistic: a dinner, participation in a salon, an ephemeral action. Thus gastronomy, as an artistic but temporary structure, becomes a potent model for testing out art’s limitations.
Kinmont organised his gustatory exhibitions in Montpellier (2002), Amsterdam and New York (2011), and Rome (2015)/ The menus are traditionally printed using lead type. Ben Kinmont, An exhibition in your mouth [Montpellier: Antinomian Press, 2002], 2002 Ben Kinmont, An Exhibition in your Mouth [Amsterdam: Antinomian Press, 2011], 2011 Ben Kinmont, An Exhibition in your Mouth [New York: Antinomian Press, 2011], 2011 Ben Kinmont, An Exhibition in your Mouth [San Francisco: Antinomian Press, 2012], 2012 Ben Kinmont, An Exhibition in your Mouth [Rome: Antinomian Press, 2015], 2015
Bruno Serralongue has been making regular visits to Calais since 2006, bringing back images of the «Jungle», the migrants and the «state shanty town». His work is currently on show at the Centre Pompidou. For lack of supplies the Calais Kitchen, run by English volunteers, had to close for a week in July 2016. A week is a very long time when you’re enduring conditions like these. Bruno Serralongue, Dear Friends, « bidonville d’État » pour migrants, Calais, 07 juillet 2016, 2016
During the opening week of Komunuma the Frac Ile-de-France presented an installaiton by Michel Blazy (Sculpcure : Orange Bar, 2009)
Soon in a wooden shed – we will name it Delphine – we will display curiosities.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this visit and your meeting with 40 Air de Paris’ artists. Thanks for coming – we look forward to seeing you again.
Link: “More” at Air de Paris
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owofonfopfm · 6 years
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hollywoodgothique · 6 years
Is the history of the Dracula family, depicted in miniature, worth a drive to Ventura? Read our Night of the Nosferatu review to find out…
Night of the Nosferatu, at the Museum of Ventura County, offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore a fascinating footnote in the legacy of the world’s most famous vampire. The exhibit consists of miniature figures by George Stuart, depicting the lineage of the infamous Voivode Vlad Tsepes, known in English as the warlord Vlad “The Impaler,” and better known as “Son of the Dragon” – that is, Dracula. The intricately detailed and incredibly lifelike miniatures are posed against atmospheric backdrops, in a darkened room, with sinister music teasing the eardrums, creating a series of eerie tableau that should spark soft frisson, mixed with admiration for the artistry involved in the creations and their presentation.
Night of the Nosferatu Review: History
Almost as interesting as the figures is the story of their creation. Stuart is a historian and artist, who used began crafting miniatures as a visual aide for his historical presentations. The Dracula family was created for a short theatrical presentation given at the Ventura museum during Halloween, essentially a live puppet show, performed to taped narration and music, depicting a fictional “history” of the Dracula clan. The figures (“puppets” hard does them justice”) were designed to be manipulated by hand, with moving heads and arms or mechanics to make them rise from their coffins. One was even decapitated on a miniature guillotine at the climax, with results even more startling than planned: the neck was made of carrot for an easy slice, but the blade struck the head, launching it into the audience!
A widow mourns for one of Dracula’s descendants.
Only a few performances were given, from 1979 through 1981; then the figures were put in storage by the artist. Stuart, who resides in Ojai, maintains a relationship with the Museum of Ventura County, which has a room reserved for his work, with different pieces swapped in and out periodically. Nearly four decades after their stage debut, Stuart’s Dracula figures went on display in October, to be viewed as artworks in their own right, not as props in a play.
Night of the Nosferatu Review: Presentation
Considering that the pieces were never intended to be perused at length in static poses, they withstand closeup scrutiny surprisingly well. Forehead wrinkles, snarling lips, and vicious fangs combine with deftly rendered skin tones to create figures on par with the sort of extremely well-executed stop-motion puppets that once were used to create cinema special effects. Not surprisingly, a wall in the exhibit room detailing Stuart’s techniques shows that he used molds to cast his creations, much as special effects experts did in the days before computer-generated imagery took over the silver screen. Photographed in closeup, Stuart’s Dracula characters could pass for life-sized mannequins or even living beings.
Since Night of the Nosferatu traces the Dracula family over the course of several centuries, there are multiple characters, including Vlad and several descendants, only some of whom resemble the familiar literary and cinematic vampire. Arranged chronologically, the exhibit begins with the Story Teller (who introduced the live presentation), then proceeds through several generations, with small display cards supplying text to explain character. Because the real-life war lord was beheaded in battle, making positive i.d. of his remains impossible, latter family members could possibly be Vlad himself, now in the form of an immortal vampire – for example, a fanged nobleman in aristocratic attire who appears centuries letter, bearing a name that resembles an Italian spelling of “Tsepes.” Count Dracula himself is depicted an interesting amalgam of elements. He wears the cloak and evening clothes, along with a widow’s peak for a hairline, popularized by Bela Lugosi, but his feral expression, fangs, pointed fingernails, thick eyebrows, and mustache hearken back to the description in Bram Stoker’s novel. (Curiously, the pronounced facial hair almost suggests a light-skinned version of William Marshall’s Blacula.) Other characters include a trio of brides and a duplicitous cleric who allows the final scion of the family to go to the guillotine for crimes he did not commit.
Count Dracula
Although Night of the Nosferatu displays George Stuart’s figures as objects d’art, the exhibit offers more than an opportunity to admire George Stuarts’ craftsmanship; the presentation invites visitors into a strange netherworld of the undead. Museum curator Eric Howes has supplied backdrops resembling stage flats, which morph each display case into a diorama, suggesting the theatrical origins of the figures. The settings, enhanced with careful lighting, imbue the figures with a semblance of dramatic vitality, despite their static positioning. Further immersing viewers into the landscape of the Dracula clan, ominous music wafts through the tenebrous room, much of it from the play’s soundtrack, including  Wendy Carlos’s title music for A Clockwork Orange. The result is that entranced observers may feel themselves succumbing to the mesmeric spell of the vampire, at least for a brief moment.
Night of the Nosferatu Review: Conclusion
There are only two downsides to Night of the Nosferatu. First, although the figures were built to move, they remain stationary in their displays. It would have been nice to incorporate a video clip showcasing their articulation – for example, on the wall of the exhibition room where photographs and text explain George Stuart’s methods of creating the figures. Second, the exhibit is rather small – it is possible to glimpse each display case in less than five minutes. Fortunately, the clever arrangement invites lengthier perusal, which rewards fans of horror iconography and lovers of Gothic-themed artistry. Those with an interest in puppetry and/or mechanical special effects will also find the exhibit worthwhile.
The only further request we could make would be to see an actual live performance of Night of the Nosferatu, resurrecting Dracula and his minions from the grave to strut and fret their hour upon the stage once more. Until that happens (if it ever happens), fans of  Stoker’s creation may satisfy themselves with a glimpse of the Count frozen in time, immortal and deathless, his presence in a museum an ironic reminder that the Count’s fictional legacy of fantasy and horror has eclipsed the historical significance of the real-life Voivode from whom Dracula took his name.
Night of the Nosferatu Review: Photo Gallery
Images courtesy of the Museum of Ventura County except where noted.
The Story Teller (photo by Steve Biodrowski)
Vlad Tsepes – The Impaler
The corpse of Vlad’s descendant
A descendant of Vlad Tsepes
One of Dracula’s Brides (photo by Steve Biodrowski)
Another Bride of Dracula
Third Bride of Dracula
Cleric entrusted with the last scion of the Dracula family
The last descendant of Dracula, under arrest
The lineage of the Draculas ends in decapitation.
Museum of Ventura County (photo by Steve Biodrowski)
Museum Review: Night of the Nosferatu Is the history of the Dracula family, depicted in miniature, worth a drive to Ventura? Read our Night of the Nosferatu review to find out...
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