#Cute Girls and Hot Androids
sunnasweet · 4 months
Alice and The Android
This is my first time using this account after perusing through the monster-fucker tag, this story is...tentatively a monster-fucker story?? maybe? I don't know where androids fall on the spectrum and this guy's pretty human except with a couple quirks so...?
Anyway, I wrote this in one sitting after I discovered Literotica existed and I wanted to submit a story there so...there's sex. duh. But I'm a Tumblr girl at heart so why not post it here too.
This is dedicated to Lana del Rey because I was listening to Dealer on loop all day writing this.
the tentative 64-character summary that I was allowed : Virgin Alice pays a philosophizing android escort to fuck her.
9.9k words (about 6k words before you hit the porn), heavy on consent, android x female reader, edited? i ran this through grammarly
Alice Walker had a secret, she was a 30-year-old virgin.
That's right, this woman, who wasn't even unattractive had never been filled before. Despite the many dates she went on that never went anywhere and her ever-filling contact comm list, she had never been intimate before.
Why? Great question. Alice was scared–terrified really. At first, it was something of a joke, 18, 19, 20, fine. But after that, it became something of an insecurity. The bridge between her age and experience grew further and further and before she knew it, she was officially in her 30s and certainly not dirty–or so the saying would suggest.
She was worse than a late bloomer. She had bloomed but instead of thriving she wilted. Her garden was empty. A dry, desolate place.
She hadn't even touched herself.
Whenever she thought about it she gave herself a twisted gut. She had considered maybe she was asexual but that wasn't true, she had gotten aroused before, very aroused. She just couldn't bring herself to do anything about it.
Any time things got hot and heavy with a boyfriend she felt so embarrassed about having to admit that she'd never done it before that she'd take the other route and say next time. Until next time became never. She lied now saying she was saving herself for marriage, an old ritual still practiced even in the galaxy. Alice was not religious.
Maybe there was some guilt involved in the act for her. Still, she had no reason for it. Quite the opposite. Like she said, she wasn't religious, her parents were very open and accepting, and she had no insecurities about her body.
Alice knew she was beautiful–or at least, evidence suggested she was. She was tall, lean with heavy breasts and a small pert ass, her nipples were raspberry pink and her face was nothing to shrug at either. She was cute rather than hot, if she had to describe herself and she dressed to emphasize that. Whenever she tried to wear something 'sexy' she looked like a kid playing dress up. In your 20s, that's fine, in your 30s? It was alarming.
She knew she wasn't old. She knew that she was not expiring, despite what her indoctrinated thoughts told her. Sure, she had the starting of some crow's feet and smile lines but she wasn't a child anymore. She was a 30-year-old woman.
A 30-year-old woman who had decided the moment she blew out the candle on her birthday cake–alone, that she would finally make her wish come true.
She was going to lose her virginity.
Alice unpuckered her lips and let the waft of smoke fill her nostrils as she stared around her dark kitchen. She shifted on the stool, her fingers tapping on the countertop. Then, her comm beeped, the screen glazing over her eyes as she got a confirmation notification that her appointment was in an hour. She blinked and she was back in her kitchen staring at her cake. She grabbed a knife and cut herself a slice.
"Happy birthday Alice," she murmurs to herself.
It's not that Alice had no friends. She was a very sociable girl. Maybe that was another reason why the fact she'd never had sex really got to her. She was a very well-adjusted woman. She worked, had a social life, and hung out in the Sector 17 lounges where rich Sector 20 men came to find high-priced escorts. She lived a very satisfying life.
She wanted for little, but what she did want, she couldn't get her mind off of.
She wanted sex and she didn't care if it wasn't special. But she wanted to make sure she picked the right person. Someone who would respect her and make sure she was properly prepared. The man didn't have to love her, but she needed to know that no matter what, at the bare minimum, she'd be treated with basic decency. She didn't like surprises. When she thought of situations she had never been in before her brain automatically went to the darkest scenario.
So no, she hadn't so much as let a man's hand under her panties.
Alice ate her cake slowly, after this, she'd take a shower and get ready for her appointment.
Sector 17 was the upper-class entertainment center. If you wanted something it was there. You just had to find it. So when Alice went looking for a solution to fix her dilemma she was presented with one.
State-of-the-art, fully cognizant, customizable sex bots. Or escorts. Whatever.
In 4093, they were identical to humans. It was impossible to tell the difference. Some were servers, some were purchasable spouses, and some were sex bots. The only regulation on androids was that they couldn't run in any political circles but their own.
The way they were programmed, they were able to produce their own thoughts. Maybe they didn't feel anything, but they were real enough for Alice to feel comfortable. She also knew, that while they had some form of free will, their purpose of creation affected their desires and obviously a sex-bot was built to please. So she could say with utmost certainty that what she wanted was what would happen and that's what Alice needed. Certainty. No variables.
She wanted to mark this social achievement off the list.
So as a gift to herself for her birthday, she scheduled a full night appointment with one of the most expensive android escort services she knew of.
It was the price of a single-person emergency escape pod.
Alice saved all year for this and she knew it would be worth every credit.
The Den, which was the name of the business, was a one-of-a-kind business. They didn't just have sex bots. They let you customize your own. Appearance, voice, personality, everything. It was the exact kind of thing Alice salivated for.
Alice stood. She put her plate and fork in the sink and then quickly washed them. After that, she put her mini birthday cake in the fridge and headed for the bathroom.
She stared at herself in the mirror. Her round face made her still look youthful. Her small heart-shaped lips and doe-like eyes exacerbated the fact. She kept her beige-blonde hair long, it reached to her waist in loose ringlets. All things considered. She was generically attractive. Pretty but boring. There was nothing unique about the kind of beauty she had.
She stripped out of her loungewear and stepped into the shower where the water automatically came raining down on her in the warm temperature she preferred.
Exfoliate, shave, wash. It was ritualistic. She smelled almost too clean.
She had shaved practically every part of her below the neck. Her legs, her arms, the unruly strip of hair that went up to her bellybutton on her belly. The only part of her that wasn't bare was her pussy. She had only trimmed her vulva. Something about that hair made her feel sexy which was few and far between.
After that, she tied a tower around her hair and patted dry and slathered moisturizer and a hydrator on her skin. She painted both her fingernails and toenails a simple white. When she looked in the mirror this time she was smooth and shining.
Brush, blowdry, blowout. Her hair felt silky and smooth when she ran her fingers through it.
She wondered if all this effort mattered, if he was programmed to like her wasn't this all useless? She wasn't sure as she pulled out a lingerie set from her dresser.
White lace in a pretty floral pattern for the bra and thong. Her breasts were holstered but her nipples were easily visible through the fabric.
Whatever the answer to her question was didn't matter. For the first time, she felt hot.
She threw on a long trench coat on top of that. It would hide her exposed body and keep her protected from the artificial breeze that randomly emitted on the Omega Station.
Alice pressed the embedded button on the side of her head–her comm unit–and alerted The Den that she was on her way. Alice lived in Sector 13, so she'd have to take the elevator up 4 levels. It would be relatively quick as long as they weren't packed.
The elevators had been pretty sparse when Alice arrived. The inside dinged and the doors opened. Alice walked out, her heels click-clacking on the fake concrete tiles of the ground. She shivered as a breeze passed her by and kissed her inner thighs.
Sector 17 was set up like an earthen city. Of course, no one drove but there were still roads and streets. The lamps were lit and the only thing reminding you this was not a real city were the glass walls and ceiling that gave you a beautiful view of space.
It took 20 minutes for Alice to arrive at The Den. When she entered the doors, the first thing she recognized was the smell of spice invading her nose. It smelled…sensual. As did the music sound that quietly played in the background.
Alice kept her eyes down as she passed several men and women in the waiting room. She approached the receptionist at the desk with a slightly flushed face.
"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman asked.
Alice swallowed, and she smiled weakly. "I have an appointment? For..7:30?"
The receptionist nodded with a smile on her red-painted lips and her fingers deftly began to type on the holographic keyboard of her desk, her eyes flitting between her hands and the screen. Several moments later and she gently said 'Ah'
"Yep, I see you right here. Alice Walker, 7:30. You're right on time! That's good, you won't have to wait, we just need to do a quick check-up and then you're good to go."
"Check-up?" Alice asked nervously.
The receptionist nodded, "Mhm, you'll take a standard blood test to make sure you're free of disease and then we need to check you for any weapons." she looked Alice up and down, "It'll only take a minute. You look good to me." as Alice cursed in her head for not wearing actual clothes under the coat. She nodded and the receptionist went back to typing before acknowledging her once more. "Okay, so just head down the hall–" she pointed to the left– "and you can go inside room 10 where your blood test and security check will be done."
Alice quickly nodded and gave a quiet thank you as she nearly bumped into a man who was speed-walking down the hall also looking at the ground. Despite the luxury of this place, it didn't make the reality any different.
This was a brothel.
While she walked down the hall, Alice realized this place was either highly overrated or soundproofed. She couldn't hear a thing coming from the rooms she was passing.
That was good. Really good. Alice didn't want anyone listening in. This whole thing already had her nerves going. Her hands were slightly trembling and she was queasy.
When she reached the 10th door, which was at the end of the hall and not the beginning, she thought to knock but then remembered the presumed soundproofing and pulled the handle. She peeked through a slight crack in the door and saw a woman in a lab coat sitting in a chair next to a table.
Alice took a deep breath and then walked inside.
The woman–a doctor? Instantly smiled like the receptionist and stood.
"Hello Alice, I'm Dr. Sol," she says in a raspy murmur, she held her hand out for Alice to shake. Alice smiled shyly as she shook the woman's hand.
"Nice..nice to meet you."
"Of course." She says, then she lets go of her hand and turns back to the table.
While she did that Alice expected her room for the night. It was nice, really nice. There was a large queen-sized bed on one side of the room, with a reddish brown wood, matching the headboard were two side tables that had lit candles on them placed in clear glass holders.
The carpet under her feet looked plush and there was a second door in this room that she could safely assume was the bathroom.
"Okay, So I'm sure the receptionist told you but we'll just go over it again, today I'll be giving you a quick blood test and security check." The doctor snapped on a latex glove and Alice flinched.
"Can I ask…why is there a security check?" she asks.
The doctor nods, "Believe it or not, a lot of people try to steal our workers."
"Steal? As in kidnapped?
"Yes that's correct, so we've had to implement a security check to make sure no one is smuggling in any weapons, drugs, or outside tools." the doctor confirms and informs her.
Alice raises a brow, "Drugs?"
The doctor nods as she picks up a blood pricker that Alice recognizes from her tri-monthly check-ups with her own doctor. "That's right, drugs. The androids here are highly sophisticated. They are meant for not only this room but also the outside world when needed. Every android is designed with its own mechanical nervous system, brain panel, and circuitry. They are programmed to be unique."
The doctor pricks Alice's finger then she watches it flood into the vial. The doc smiles and turns back around, she places the vial into a tubular device and faces Alice once again.
"Here comes the awkward part, I'm going to need you to undress for me. You can keep your underwear on though." Alice gulps.
She laughs nervously, "About that…" she says. Her shaky hands open her trench coat and she embarrassingly opens it to her lingerie, the doctor laughs.
"Oh!" she says, "Well that certainly makes things easier." she says, "Please remove your coat so I can do a full rotational check, and step out of your heels." Alice nods and follows the doctor's directions.
The doctor does a quick check over Alice's body, inspects her heels then smiles.
"You're all good Ms. Walker."
"Thank you…"
She turns back to the tubular device and hums, "No disease, that's exactly what I want to see." the doctor says, glancing over her shoulder with a smile. She grabs the machine, takes off her gloves then points to a bowl.
"While our Androids are highly specialized, they cannot procreate, however they do ejaculate. So, depending on your preference you can go bare or use a condom," she says, Alice nods wordlessly and the doc gives her a pat on the shoulder. "Alright then Alice, you're all good to go. Your android will be in shortly."
Alice sighs out in relief when the doctor leaves. She looks around the room once more, picks her coat off the ground, and drapes it on the chair. She peeks into the bathroom and spots a fluffy white bathrobe. "Score." She takes it off the hook and wraps it around herself then ties it.
With that, Alice sits on the bed nervously.
She fiddled with her hands on the bed, took some deep breaths then started pacing the room. When the android still didn't arrive, she moved her heels so they hadn't just been sloppily kicked off where someone could trip.
Alice's head snapped when she heard the door rattle slightly and her heart dropped to her gut.
The door slowly opened and revealed the exact man she had spent five hours customizing on her computer two weeks ago.
Tan, tall, broad. He had dark brown hair, so dark it looked black in this light, slicked and styled back but it seemingly looked effortless. His eyes were brown, he had a strong nose and an angular jaw. He was broad and big and suddenly Alice felt embarrassed.
Is this what she had really wanted for her first time? Was this her dream man?
Yes, it was, and he was.
He smiled at her with straight white teeth and her eyes widened.
"Hi.." she breathed out, smiling back out of reflex. That seemed to make him smile wider. He was perfect, and not in a way that made him almost creepy. He looked human, his face wasn't completely symmetrical, one of his eyebrows was higher than the other and his eye was a bit thinner on top. She had asked for that. "I'm Alice…"
"I'm Ren." He introduced. It was the only thing she hadn't been able to customize–his name.
She looked at the floor for a moment, scraping her bare foot against the plush carpet and her eyes flitted back up when she heard the door close and lock.
He walked over to her and her eyes got wider than they were before. He crouched before her with that charming smile, crouched like he was about to propose. One leg bent, slumped slightly and an elbow resting on his knee.
"Don't worry." he said, low and smooth, "Everyone's nervous their first time."
Alice swallowed and nodded, "Thanks."
Abruptly he said, "You're beautiful" Alice blushed and smiled shyly.
"You have to say that."
"I still mean it." he said, then looked her up and down again, looking into her eyes, trailing down her neck then resting for a moment on her bare legs "And I have preferences like any person would." admitted the android and her heart started beating double time.
That couldn't be true. Could it?
"Okay.." she says awkwardly and he chuckled.
He reached for her hand and she let him touch her. This was familiar to her. She had been gently touched before, she had let people put their tongues in her mouth. This was okay. This was safe.
His thumb stroked the back of her hand and she shivered.
"Why don't we go sit on the bed?" he asks. She freezes and he laughs again, "To talk. We have all night for that." That. Sex. Intercourse. Fucking. However you wanted to put it, it was all Alice could think about when looking at this male–android? This artificial man.
He stood from his crouched position and helped her out of her seat, he looked her up and down for the third time, leading her to sit on the foot of the bed. Once sat she stared at him with an awed bewildered expression.
He didn't speak at first, content to just let her stare at him while he held and stroked her hand, soon moving to her wrist and then arm…
"Why don't you tell me about yourself Alice?" he encouraged.
She swallowed and nodded, "Well…I work as the assistant for a sector 19 CEO." she started because it was the most interesting thing about her. He nodded.
"Very impressive." he murmured, "I" 'm a SB009 model, which means I am one of the original androids made for The Den."
She took an indrawn breath, "Really?" she asked nervously and slightly relieved.
"So you're experienced."
"How experienced would you say?"
He chuckles, "You're pretty nosy." he teased and she flushed.
"Sorry.." she whispered.
Ren shrugged, "I've been working and living as an escort for 3 years, I work 4 days a week. You can do the math unless you would like me to…" he says, trailing off for the first time.
Alice did not need to do the math. If he was having sex at least once a day for 4 days every week…well, she could see why the blood test was necessary. Did he have to take a blood test? What a stupid question! He was a robot, he didn't have blood. Or maybe he does? His hand feels warm…
"Do you get tested?" she asked quizzically, he laughed, seemingly undisturbed by her question.
"I am…" he cleared his throat, "sterilized after every session."
Alice's eyes widened, "Oh." Did that mean he could just remove…? She cleared her throat and nodded. Neat.
He smiled, "Yes." His hand was still stroking the back of her hand and it made it extremely hard to focus on conversation when the most handsome man she had ever seen was sitting right in front of her, smiling and touching her.
"Tell me more about yourself, Alice. Something that's not work-related. What do you like to do with yourself?"
"Excuse me?"
"Your hobbies," he elaborated and she relaxed.
"Oh. Uhm…" Everything Alice did was boring. She shrugs, "I'm more of an R & R type of person…I like to relax…so I go to the spa a lot, or do yoga classes…" he perks at that.
"Yoga huh?" he says, a glimmer in his eye. Her brows furrowed and she nodded, "You're quite flexible then?" she gulped and nodded once again as he chuckled. "That's good. It's good to keep healthy."
"W-what do you do?" she asks, "You said you only work 4 days a week, does that mean you–"
"Have a life outside of The Den?" he finishes for her and she nods. "Yes, I do. There are few times when I need to sleep so I have a lot of free time." That interested her so she nodded again to signal he had her attention. "Well, let's see..how about I tell you how one of my days would normally go?"
"That sounds good."
"Well, I wake up, take a morning run..shower–"
"You can get wet?"
"Yes. I can be fully submerged in water."
"Can you..drown?"
He chuckles, "No. I cannot drown. I don't need air."
"That's amazing." She says slightly awed, "So..theoretically could you live your entire life underwater?" That gave him a pause but eventually, he shrugged.
"Theoretically, yes, but I imagine that would be very lonely."
"You get lonely?"
"Doesn't everyone?"
She frowns, "Yes but…" he smiles at her like they're in on the same secret.
He ignored her, "After my shower, I finally eat and no, it is not necessary to eat but I can eat and I have a digestive system that disintegrates anything I do eat. I have taste receptors. So while I don't need to, I want to." She wonders how many times he's had to explain this to a client.
Alice was not a scientist nor an engineer, she had no idea how a piece of technology could taste but she nodded anyway.
"Then, if I'm not working, we'll just say this is my day off, I will either go visit friends or do an activity." Friends..he had friends. "After that, I will come home," Where was his home? Did he live in The Den? "And I will usually read or watch something before going to bed."
Ren's life sounded simple. Simple but nice.
"That sounds…very peaceful," she says.
He nods, "Yes."
"Do you live here?" she asks.
He shakes his head, "No. I have a regular apartment unit. I am paid credits for my time here at The Den." Alice's eyes widened at that. He lived like a person. He looked like a person. He acted like a person. Doesn't that make him one? Or is this just an extraordinarily sophisticated list of code? Maybe he was lying. Maybe this was the backstory they created him with. She hadn't gotten to customize his backstory…
"That's all very interesting." she says, "You have friends? Are they androids like you?"
"Most of them, yes. I have very few human friends."
"Why is that?"
He smiled but she couldn't understand what was so amusing.
Finally, he shrugged, "It is just how things have turned out."
"Do you enjoy your job?"
"I…" he paused, "do you?" he asked.
She shrugged as well. "It's work. It pays for the bills." Ren nodded.
"That is what I think as well."
That made Alice's stomach twist. So he would just tolerate tonight? The way Alice understood how androids work was that they had a natural favor for their purpose but now this android was personally telling her he did not enjoy his work but merely did it because it was what he was paid to do.
"Do you get treated well here?" she asked a little quieter.
"Very well," he says.
"Tell me more." Alice wanted him to elaborate. She wanted to make sure this man wasn't being treated like some Sector 2 low-class gigolo.
"Well," he seemed to shift positions, then he looked at the bed. "Come lay down with me then I'll tell you." he bargained which shocked her. She didn't know he was allowed to do that. But I guess he didn't owe her anything from his personal life.
She nodded without hesitation, crawling further onto the bed and laying against the headboard. He did the same, one arm thrown over her shoulder and pulling him into her side which made her heart race, and the other doing that same circling motion he was doing on the back of her hand the whole time they spoke. She wanted to know more about an–this android's life.
"Let's see," he says, clicking his tongue. He raises a finger. "I get 60% of the profits The Den makes off my clients." Alice's eyes widened at that. "I'm allowed to reject clients if I don't feel comfortable or attracted to them."
"Attracted?" she asks, "How do you know you're attracted to something?" she asks. He was a robot. He couldn't feel at least, not in the way she could.
"How do you know?"
She thought about that, "I just know.."
"Precisely." he says, "I just know."
Her lips thinned and cheeks flushed as she had two realizations. The one that made her blush was that he specifically accepted her as his client because he was attracted to her.
"Keep going..what else."
"I get maintenance insurance." he then says and she laughs.
"You're kidding" he got health insurance for robots? It was both hilarious and sad that something like that existed.
She was beginning to get more and more comfortable with Ren as he spoke, telling her about all the benefits he received from working at The Den. She even found herself subtly cuddling into him as she listened to him. At some point, she even started to rest her head on his shoulder.
Alice only noticed that when his hand had started to play with her hair. She shivered. This was all very…intimate. She had expected something a lot more primitive. She guessed this was what her money was paying for.
He felt so real and from what he was telling her, (if he wasn't lying) by all means she would consider this artificial man a real one.
She understood now why the Android Protectant Program existed. They discussed android rights with both the human and alien commanders of Omega Station.
She refocused on him, "Yes?"
He smiled, "Should we get started now that we know each other better?" Alice looks him in the eyes nervously.
"Maybe we can talk some more?" She asked.
He nodded, "We can do that." he murmured, he stroked her scalp, "We can just talk all night if that's what you want." Alice leaned into his touch, sighing softly.
She wanted to take him up on that offer and back out of her birthday goal.
"Today's my birthday.." she says loosely, moving further into his body.
He looked down at her, "Happy birthday Alice."
"Thank you, Ren."
He shifted, turning towards her further, his hand moved from her scalp to her cheek. Stroking it with his thumb and her eyes widened. "Tell me more."
"About you.."
She swallowed, and shrugged, getting distracted by his touch. "I'm uhm, 30…single obviously, you already know I'm a PA. What else can I tell you?"
Ren laughed, "I'm sure you're more interesting than that."
"Not really.." she muttered.
"You're single? How many boyfriends have you had?" he asked, trying to dig out more from her. "Who was your first love?"
Her brows rose, "My first love huh?" she paused, "Well, I've had about..5 boyfriends? All of them lasted longer than a year." Until they realized she wasn't going to put out. "As for my first love—" Alice had to think long and hard about that.
Her first love.
She didn't really have one?
If she had, she wouldn't be a virgin anymore, she would have found that one person who she could relax with and trust to take care of her and not make fun of her for her inexperience. She wouldn't be here at all.
"I don't think I've had one yet," she replied, soft and honest.
"Me neither." he sympathizes like he understands.
She didn't want to comment on the fact that of course, he had not had his first love yet. He was a robot. He might feel things like attraction and be capable of taste, but she did not think that meant he could love. She did not think a machine was capable of that. However, she didn't want to hurt his 'feelings.'
His thumb began to trace over her bottom lip and her eyes were falling heavy.
"What did you wish for on your birthday today Alice?" he asks.
Her eyes open back up, and she flushes. "I can't tell you."
"No. It's bad luck." She lies. An old earth superstition.
He raises a brow, "Are you religious?"
He hummed, "But you believe in superstition?"
"Don't you?" she asks.
"No," he says almost automatically. "I do not believe in something that cannot be proved."
She laughed softly, "I forget you're just a piece of machinery." she said lightly, but she realized she'd offended him when his eyes narrowed and that wonderful stroking he'd been stopped.
His eyes slightly narrowed. They both went silent and it felt wrong and awkward. She had been getting along with him so well and she just ruined it.
"I-I mean…" she tried to backpedal but well, what she said is the truth. He was a machine. She looks into his…annoyed? Eyes but failed to come up with a better response before asking, "What do you consider yourself." she asks.
"I am not just a piece of technology," he said and she heard an undercurrent of irritation in his voice. "I am a highly competent, highly sophisticated, adaptable piece of tech." he explains, then takes a breath, "I can adapt just as quickly, if not quicker than a human which is what humans are known for no?"
"Uh…I guess?" She didn't know what humans were 'known' for to androids but to the intergalactic community, they were known as barbaric warmongers. But she didn't think that's what they were talking about here. "You can't feel it though, I think that's what makes humanoid species so special."
Air whistled between his perfect teeth and she knew she said the wrong thing.
"I feel," he says defensively. "I witness a situation and react"
"That's not what feeling is." she says lightly, "Feeling is…I don't know. Inherent. They can't be programmed in. You might be a good mimic but I don't think you feel emotion." She didn't know why she was debating with this android. Why she was pushing him further and further in the way as his…anger rose?
"I feel, I can tell you what I'm feeling now."
"What?" she asks softly. "What are you feeling?"
"You are inhuman."
"You know what I mean. You're making me feel like I'm not a person. That I am…just a tool." This seemed to weigh heavily on him and it was clear this was not just a one-off conversation but a hardcore belief of his.
"I…" she's at a loss for words. "I'm sorry." she tries. Cringing when she realizes how disingenuous that sounds. "I didn't mean to make you think that. I think you're a person in a way…" she murmurs.
He seemed to relax, "you do?"
"You have free will don't you? No one has to constantly reprogram their movements throughout the day. You can think and do things because of all the information that has been given to you…that's what people do."
"Yes." he agrees, seeming to get less stiff as she kept talking. "Yes." he repeated softly, "You understand."
"I think I do." she says, "But technically speaking, you are a machine," she says, trying to correct her previous statement. "You're made of wires and circuitry."
"And you're made of bone and marrow, but I don't see how that means anything." she sighs in response. He taps her cheek, "Explain it to me, tell me why you think that makes me less of a person."
"I didn't say that"
"No. But that's what you meant."
"I-" She's at a loss for words. Why did this matter? This isn't what they were here for. She didn't need to do whatever they were doing. "I don't have a good argument for you, I'm not an engineer," she murmurs
"And yet."
"Why do you care?" Can he even do that or was his technical procedure to be argumentative to keep her talking? They certainly weren't connecting…
Or were they?
"Wouldn't you care if some species told you that you weren't what you know you are." he asks then continues before letting her respond, "Wouldn't you want to prove them wrong, especially if you like this person."
Alice's eyes widen and she swallows.
He liked her.
Or so he says.
"You keep comparing yourself to me."
"We are alike," he says, stubbornly.
"Not in the way you think."
"You're wrong."
She sighs, "Maybe."
Wearing her down seemed to please this android immensely. He had gone back to absentmindedly stroke her skin. She was not winning this argument but she wasn't very sure if she cared about that before.
"You said you had few human friends," she says wearily. "Why is that?"
"I'm only friends with people who consider me a real person." Oh.
That was… really fucking sad.
"Do you consider me a friend? I think you're a real person."
He stares at her for a few seconds, his thumb returned to her bottom lip, this time tugging it down slightly. He could slip his thumb into her mouth if she parted her teeth ever so slightly.
"No. No, I don't," he spoke quietly.
She tried not to feel hurt by that. She was just his client after all. She nodded. She wanted to be hurt but he was so damn distracting.
"Do you still want to talk?" he murmured.
Did she?
"I want to tell you something first…" she says nervously.
That seemed to catch his interest, and he nodded. "Go on."
"I…so the reason I'm here–" she started. Rambling a bit about how it was her birthday and how she just turned 30 today she thought this would be a good solution to her problem–" I've never had sex before." she admitted quietly.
She expected this android to laugh at her, or look at her like she was undesirable but he didn't.
"You are?" he asked gently, "You came here so you could lose your virginity?"
"You mean, you came to me because you want me to deflower you?" she shivered at his words.
There was a distinct hunger in his eyes that shocked her. She didn't feel ashamed, she felt wanted. This was not the reaction she had been expecting. Questions about why she waited so long? Yes. Indifference? Maybe. But not…Hunger.
He licked at his lips. "Have you kissed before?" he asked and she looked aghast.
"Of course!" she said and he laughed, "Of course I-I have…I've just never gone…well I've
never done anything that involved me taking my clothes off."
He seemed amused by that, "There's a lot you can do without taking your clothes off Alice." her brows crinkled.
"I've only kissed. I've made out with men. I've had a boyfriend, several like I told you."
"Uh huh." he nodded but his mind seemed to be somewhere else. "Alice…"
"I've been waiting to see what you've got hidden under that damned robe for a full hour now…"
Her cheeks heated, and she squirmed. Her lace lingerie. She had forgotten all about it.
"Alice," he said, stroking her face, coaxing her. "Are you ready?"
"I need a yes Alice," he says seriously.
She could see that he meant it.
She nodded slightly dazed, "Yes Ren."
The man practically lunged for her. She yelped as he flung himself atop her, her eyes widened and she couldn't help but giggle when he placed her arms spread out like a starfish. He looked back into her eyes.
She nodded. "Yes."
He opened the robe and sucked in a breath.
"Oh Alice," he said, his eyes slightly widened and lips parted. His hands hovered above her like he didn't know where to touch first. She bit her lip.
Waiting, wanting, needing. She needed him. She wanted him to just do whatever he was going to do because at this point just straddling her hips and staring enraptured by her breasts made her feel good. She needed him to keep touching her.
"I expected them to be small…" he murmured, taking a cupful of her tits with one hand, she breathed out in a whoosh. "This is better," he remarks.
His other hand slipped a finger under the strap of the white bralette and it snapped back against her shoulder. She let out another breath.
"This is nice. Pretty." He said, "Do you want me to take it off?" He asked on tenterhooks. His eyes flitted from her bralette to her face. Up and down, up and down, she could tell when he spotted her nipple in the almost see-through fabric because his eyes stayed there for a long time before he looked back to her face.
"Thank god." he groaned and she curled her lip into a smile.
"I thought you said you weren't religious?"
"I'm not but maybe for you"
That made her fully smile. He was charming. She could give him that. Alice had to remind herself that this was not as real as she'd like it to be. That she paid him a hefty sum–60% of which would land right into his pocket–to be here, doing this.
He certainly didn't look like he was just tolerating her like she had previously worried.
His thumb with the hand cupping her breast circled her hardened nipple and she sighed in contentment. This was the second time she had let someone do this before. Her very last boyfriend before she swore them off.
His other thumb was tracing the band of her bralette.
He slipped his hand underneath the fabric, watching her face carefully as she did it.
"Yes." she breathed out.
"Fuck." he murmured, squeezing her breast, she shivered and he circled her nipple. Skin to skin. His other hand went underneath the bralette and she moaned softly and he massaged her breasts, groping her.
"Take it off please," she asked softly.
He laughed bewildered, "Please? You're going to beg me?" he asked, "you don't have to beg me for anything Alice, I should be begging you."
She had no clue how to respond to that.
He was really very good with his words. He made this experience feel a lot more intimate than it probably was. It made her…trust him. Other than the fact he was a professional. He was also giving her a lot of control with him asking if what he did was okay. She liked that. It made her feel safe.
The white lace bralette didn't have a clip so he pulled it over her head and tossed it to the side.
He stared at her bare breasts for a long while and she felt embarrassed about how they pointed in opposite directions from her chest. She moved to cover them but he shook his head.
"Don't do that." he said, then backtracked, "No, actually do it. Touch your tits for me Alice." her eyes widened and her stomach curled. In a good way for the first time.
"How should I…?"
"Whatever feels good," he said, already moving his hands to touch other parts of her body now that she had agreed to take care of her breasts.
He watched her avidly, his eyes flicking between her breasts and face, it seemed he couldn't make up his mind on which he wanted to see. Alice sighed and started to gently stroke her nails over her right breast.
Alice didn't have too much sensitivity in her breasts but doing it in front of someone made it far more exciting for her. She liked Ren's rapt gaze. She gave her breasts a squeeze on both sides then mimicked the way he had circled her nipple. Touching the sides then rubbing the tips.
"Mhm.." he nodded, "Like that." he encouraged and she swallowed.
While she did that, he began to run his hands all over her. He ran a hand down the valley between her breasts, then her ribcage and her soft belly last. It made her feel ticklish, she squirmed a bit but he didn't seem to mind.
As she circled her nipples he stroked her thighs and instinctually she let them fall open. His eyes snapped up to hers and he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her thong that he hadn't even gotten the chance to appreciate.
"Yes," she said a bit breathless before he inevitably asked himself.
He nodded eagerly and began pulling them down. She lifted her hips and then bent her knees when they got stuck because she was lying down. He slipped them off one ankle, then the neck, and tossed it wherever her bra had ended up. She was completely naked now.
"Beautiful," he murmurs.
"You..you have to say that," she said, slightly panting out of arousal. She was getting turned on by just his long drawn-out looks. He shook his head.
"I don't." he says, "I could say nothing and skip straight to eating your pussy." he says. Her eyes widened.
"I do that sometimes. When I'm strapped for credits and need to take on an extra client or two who isn't my type."
"Ren…" she said, breathy. "Don't say that, it's rude."
"Sorry." he looked up at her, "But you are beautiful."
She nodded slightly, "Thank you."
"Mhm.." he hummed, then spread her thighs apart, "Sweet too, you're sweet." he says, "My sweet girl.." the words come out in a gentle purr and his eyes widened when he watched a clear bead of slick drip down her pussy to her ass.
That seemed to set him off, he lifted her hips off the bed and laid her legs over his shoulders.
"You're still dressed!" She said a little panicked. She was nervous.
He grinned up at her, "after." is all he said before burying his face into her cunt.
She gasped and her hands bunched into the sheets, she lifted her hips further to get closer to his already intruding tongue.
"Mmm…." he sucked and laved, his wide tongue starting with long strips up her seam then getting nose deep into her. His tongue prodded at her entrance and she squirmed.
"Oh..!" she whined. "Wait…!" she was distressed, she felt…weird.
He lifted his head and she whimpered at the bottom half of his face. His skin was shiny.
"What?" he asked like he had been disturbed by something very important.
"I…I don't know," she whispered.
His face softened, "Too fast?" he asked, seeming to calm. She wanted to say yes but she shook her head no. She wanted to feel that again. To try again.
"I'm ready now," she murmurs.
"Yes." she breathes out.
He dipped his face back between her legs and she shot up this time. Balancing herself on her elbows as he sucked on her clit instead of just brushing over it with his tongue.
She was moaning now, it was undeniable, the keening noises coming straight from her mouth. It made her a little embarrassed. She thought she sounded obnoxious but he seemed not to mind it and used it as a measure of when he could push her further.
One hand was placed on her mound, pulling the skin upwards so he had more access to her clit. It made her hiss. Too much! She didn't stop him though, she squeezed her eyes closed. His other hand slid inside her thigh and then towards her cleft.
He inserted the very tip of his finger into her and she felt the slightest stretch. There was no discomfort, she was too wet for that. His eyes met hers as he slowly slipped the finger in, in one go. Her mouth dropped into an 'o' shape and she was starting to breathe heavily.
His finger was knuckled deep inside her and then he was pulling it out, before he could fully remove himself, he slid forward again. Alice made a terrible sound, something that didn't sound sexy but was primal.
Ren seemed to like that so he did the same thing, again, and again. He sucked her clit and fingered her like an expert–because he was.
Her eyes went closed again and she just let herself feel and hear the wet sensations and sounds.
It sounded downright perverse with the occasional moan and groan coming from the man between her legs. She couldn't bear to look. It was too arousing and embarrassing. But it was finally happening. Alice was going to lose her virginity tonight.
A man–artificial man, was eating her pussy and soon, he'd fuck it.
She could feel something building within her. A heat and pressure that was driving her insane. She wasn't quite sure if she was supposed to be doing something but she could do little more than buck herself against Ren's face and pull at his hair in an attempt to get him closer. If that was even possible.
The feeling was startling and amazing, she whined out Ren's name. Calling for him and her stomach was starting to tighten as her legs locked.
"Oh–!" she gasped as he retracted his face from her thighs.
She looked at him bewildered, they stared at each other for a moment and she had been stunned into silence. She was breathing heavily while he looked at her with a smug grin.
He let her legs fall from his shoulders and backed up just enough to let her watch him remove his shirt. He stood up and unbuckled his jeans next but all she could pay attention to was his muscled torso.
He wasn't lean and lithe–no, she hadn't asked for that. He was broad and bulky, there were defining lines that clued her into his physique but his stomach was a little softer. His arms flexed and bulged. She bit her lip, she couldn't wait until he was on top of her.
He grinned down at her, "I won't ask if you like what you see, because I know you do."
Ren was right.
Alice had completely customized Ren from the ground up. From his body type to the light spackling happy trail that gave way to–oh.
His conservative 5 ½ in member. Which sounded like plenty for a novice like her. She didn't want to be impaled the first time or ever really.
"Yeah…" she nodded and agreed in a daze. It was like he was hypnotizing her. Her eyes flitted to his thick thighs then back to the already hard cock between them. It curved slightly, had enough girth for her thumb and index finger to circle and then there were the veins. She thought–knew those would feel good.
He smiles down at her. All charm.
She lay there like a doll, just ready for him to get back on top of her.
"Though I'd love to see it, I won't ask you to take me in your mouth today." again, another nod though she didn't really digest what he was saying
He put his knee back onto the foot of the bed and it was over from there when he dragged her down and positioned her spread eagle–knees slightly bent.
He kneeled between her legs.
Ren looked at her face while his hands stroked her thighs. "What do you want sweet Alice?" sweet? "Hm?"
She didn't answer because she thought it was rhetorical and he chuckled.
He slightly patted her outer thigh, "Tell me."
"Tell you?" she asked.
"What you want."
She bit her lip a little confused.
"You?" she said though it came off more as a question than a statement.
Ren smiled. "Uh-huh. But what part of me?" he spoke, coaxing her.
"Your…?" she trailed off but didn't finish the sentence.
"Go on, tell me, sweetheart."
Her eyes flitted to the side and she murmured "Your uhm..I want.." she breathed. "I want your cock." she said and his grin broadened.
"That's my girl." he praised and it gave her not only butterflies but a severely aching pussy. "You ready, sweet thing?"
"Good." she watched. She couldn't look away, from his hand grasping his stiff cock. He stroked it once, twice–three times. He grabbed her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist, then slid forward.
They both groaned as he slid between her vulva.
He did it a couple of times, bumping her clit with his tip before he seemed to get impatient with that and tease her entrance.
"Ren." she gasped as he moved inside ever so slightly.
"Hm?" he hummed absently, looking at nothing but their soon conjoined parts. "What is it?"
"It…feels weird," she says.
His eyes flit up, "Bad weird? Does it hurt?"
"No…" God no. She was too slick for something like that. Her juices had gone from coating her ass and inner thighs to the sheets beneath her by now. "Just weird…"
His neck strained and his jaw clenched, "Do you want me to stop?"
He breathed in relief then slid further in and she keened.
He stopped again, letting her adjust. She stared at him with wide-open eyes, unable to do anything but watch what was being done to her–because frankly, she wasn't doing shit but laying there.
"Uh huh." he murmured, moving in again, just an inch, "gods" he hissed. He glared at the ceiling and paused. "You're killing me."
"Sorry." She wasn't and he seemed to sense it.
Another inch, she gasped, then another, and the both of them moaned. Then, finally, he was to the hilt. He didn't move a muscle. Just stood there with his eyes clenched.
"Something wrong?" she asked softly, a little breathless but mostly just feeling full.
"Not at all. Everything's great." his eyes searched for hers and he cupped her cheek and leaned forward. "Perfect." it was at that moment, she realized they had not kissed yet.
Maybe he seemed to realize it too because he was bending forward, causing her to moan with pleasure and anticipation as he buried himself deeper from the position he was moving into. He moved his hand to the nape of her neck and pushed her towards him.
His lips met hers and he groaned, shifting his hips forward. Rocking against her.
Her mouth opened and he didn't hesitate to take advantage of the fact as he explored her mouth with his wet, hot tongue.
This she knew how to do as they teasingly stroked one another's not giving too much or too little but just enough. He thrust forward unexpectedly and she moaned. How was she going to live without this? It took her an entire year to save up for Ren. How the hell was she going to just give this–him up?
His hips shifted again and they both pulled away to breathe out, he wasn't moving in and out, he was pushing himself deeper and deeper, going in, in, in as she writhed around him.
She was beginning to pulse again and he groaned before pulling out.
"What are you doing?" she whined.
He didn't speak.
Instead, he grabbed her by the hips and turned her onto her belly. His hands massaged her ass momentarily but then he was at her cleft.
He slid in without a word and they both groaned in response. There was no need for a waiting period. He could thrust in and out as much as he liked. He pulled out halfway before going into the hilt again. He wasn't going particularly fast but his balls still slapped against her cunt now.
The noises were lewd and wet.
It sounded…squishy.
"Ren.." she called. Gripping the sheets. "Please…" she begged, "Faster."
He did as she asked, moving at a quicker pace but remaining deep inside her. One arm was wrapped around her hips to keep her pinned to him and the other was on her ass.
Experimentally, she tried to meet his thrusts and he moaned in encouragement.
He lasted about 2 minutes doing that before he groaned, buckling forward. "Fuck. That's it sweetheart." he hissed. "That's fucking it" she whined in response, her ass slapping against his hips over and over.
Suddenly, she felt vibrations coming from inside her. Her mouth dropped open, eyes peeled back and a hoarse cry came out of her mouth.
She paid extra for that. She forgot all about it completely.
She pushed back against him frantically, fucking herself onto his vibrating cock.
Alice whimpers and Ren pulls her hair to the side, he kisses her shoulder and then buries his face into the crook of her neck breathing her in with another groan. He spoke into her ear, raspily telling her how good she felt.
"So warm.." he murmured. "Your pussy is clenching onto cock so tightly." he hissed.
Her abdomen was tightening, she could feel the pressure of her orgasm growing tighter and tighter and it made her scared. She was making a rhythmic "uhn!" sound nonstop, growing higher and higher pitched.
"Yes." he crooned, "that's it sweet girl, cum on my cock."
"I-I can't!" she wheezed, "Oh no, no, no! I'm scared!" The tightness was so strong she was scared she was going to…she didn't know, but tears were prickling at her eyes and a large arm wrapped around her chest. Pulling her back against Ren's torso, she gasped with an arched back, "Agnh!"
Just before she thought it was finally going to happen, she wailed when he started mercilessly rubbing her clit back and forth. She was yelling–shrieking incoherent words.
"You can baby, cum for me." He encouraged me once more. "It's going to feel so good just let go.."
And she did.
Her voice cracked as she screamed out her orgasm, her toes curling, her back arching as her head flung back against Ren's shoulder. He was fucking into her with no end in sight as this happened and she felt the pulsing of her pussy, she was crying now. All of that pressure released into one big wave of euphoria, Ren let out his own shout of satisfaction and she was filled with an oozing warmth that made her keen.
Then, it was all gone and she was a twitching sobbing mess.
Ren immediately took her down onto the bed, rolling them over so that his back was against the mattress and she was between his legs, she could feel his now soft cock on her lower back as she panted.
"You did so well." he murmured, "So, so good sweetheart." she groaned in response, her eyes falling heavy and tired. His hands were in her hair, stroking her scalp while the other stroked her tummy.
"Ren…" she croaked.
He hummed, "I know." He said, "I know."
Did he know? Because she had no idea what she had been about to say. All she knew was that she felt exhausted and scared and the way he was assuring her of how good she had done was making her feel warm and sleepy.
" 'm tired.." she slurred.
"You can just sleep, Alice." he suggested softly, "I'll be here. You have me all night. I'm here."
The reminder of their time slot made her shiver a bit but she ignored it. She switched to her stomach and crawled atop him, throwing her body on his, and passed out. She heard the faint sound of a chuckle before she was out of it.
In the morning, Alice's eyes fluttered open to the surprise of Ren.
He was still here and it was–her eyes glazed over as she checked her comm for the time–morning. She had thought he'd leave while she was asleep but that did not seem to be the case
She was tempted to wake him up but instead she ever so carefully disentangled herself from his body.
When she was standing she looked down at him. They had fallen asleep above the covers and he was splayed out. His head tilted to the side the same way soft his cock was while it rested on his abdomen.
She felt tempted to touch him but wasn't that against the rules? Their time was over…
Expectedly, that did not sit well with her.
Instead, she shook her head and snuck off into the bathroom. She needed a shower. She had dried…cum? 'Ejaculate' dried on her inner thighs.
Before she could close the door however it seemed she had woken him up.
Ren strolled into the bathroom with a smile on his sleepy face.
Alice stared at him through the mirror, half curious and half admiring his chest. He walked behind her, draping his arms around her waist before resting his chin on her neck.
She was slightly startled but didn't move.
"What are you doing?" She asks curiously.
"Holding you," he responded easily.
Well of course but...?
"Why?" She asks, concerned but also hopeful.
Alice could admit it. She wanted to see him again.
"Because I want to." he once again responded with ease. It was so simple, wasn't it?
"Why do you want to?" She asks softly.
He looks into her eyes through the mirror, kissing her neck before answering, "Because I had a really good time last night."
"Yeah but..."
"But what?" He was slightly frowning now.
"I hired you."
"I don't care," he said, then paused. "Unless you care. I connected with you last night, did you connect with me?" Alice's eyes widened. How could he possibly just admit that? didn't he have any concern for his heart?
No, because he didn't have one.
She looked back at him, "I did..."
"Isn't this against some rule?" she asks.
"Asking a client out."
"Uh," his eyes glaze over, and rapidly data scrolls over his eyes. They cleared. "No."
"Mhmm.." he hummed.
This was all so bizarre. Could it be that simple? He wanted to date her so now they were? Life didn't work like that, did it? Alice had been wrong, nothing about this night had been safe nor had she had any control over it whatsoever.
He wanted her. She wanted him. That was simple.
Hell. She decided to take a risk.
"So are we actually friends now?" She asked.
"No Alice," he smiled, "We are certainly not just friends," he spoke and her heart leapt.
She searched his eyes. Did he really like her? He had said so before they had sex but now it felt a little more genuine. She licked her dry lips and he stared at her expectantly. She had no idea how this would work but she was willing to give it a shot. She gave a shy nod.
He grinned. "Yes?"
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fics-lovebot · 5 months
the boyz recs
main masterlist
e.r means established relationship
every single fic/drable/blurb/imagine etc I add on here i recommend with my eyes closed, the writers literally did that, so i want everybody to love it as much as i do
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs, luv you and thank you in advance❤️
a hidrance to peace - crack, fluff, you suddenly realize once again that he fucked around with other ppl before meeting you, atrocious tbh HDCLIHFISH i love it, sunwoo gets jealous and its cutee
he´s jealous of juyeon taking selfies on your phone, text au
six-thirty - smut, fwb, possessive!sunwoo, lotss of dirty talking, he need some milk
boyfriend sunwoo is just so :(((((((((((((((((( I LOVE HIM
swing my way - crack, fluff, eric is a young heir with a lot of money and a thing for pretty girl, you just happen to be a pretty girl working at the country club his family partially owns, I LOVE THISSS, it was such a refreshing, fun thing to read. I love the flirting, the gossip, the plot had me smiling the whole time
text au 1, text au 2 - love these
running through the rain (for you) -FLUFF, he wanted to be romantic waiting for you under the rain, this made my heart CRY bc why is he so precious?? :( my mf baby
befriend the kitty -fluff, school au, bad boy x good girl trope, strangers to friends to lovers, it´s cute
split it open - smut, juyeon has a big dicc, reader is cock starved lmao, it´s short but it´s hot
classifieds - smut, android!juyeon, dirty talk, love the plot
changmin (Q)
changmin texting his idol crush - text au
a closer look - fluff, changmin doesn´t know what to do when you flirt with him so he´s breaking up with you sjsjdkdjskjd
simple gifts - fluff, slow burn, model!chanhee, assistant!reader, he´s soooo in love lmao, his love language is putting you in expensive clothes and accesories, this is such a nice read, not boring at all, love love love loved it
face sitting - smut, e.r, idol!sang, he lit came in his pants from eating pussy,,, “Use my mouth, make yourself come all over my face.” WHEWW
like that - smut, fluff, another one about sangyeon eating pussy and i´m not even surprised, you know what they say about men with big noses,,,LFHUERIHRL.SUDHF lemme stop
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vee-beeee · 8 months
Where you lead, I will follow
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Since I posted a super long 2 parter Im going back to short and sweet ones for a hot minute
This is a tad gilmore girls inspired, theres a quote that ive been living by in here lol
Premise: You can Connor go for a walk in the snow during your break, you go get a coffee and Connor is cute
Warnings: Fluff as always, maybe a swear word, quotes lol
Connor x reader
4 more minutes
You had to suffer 4 more minutes of Gavin's rambling until you could excuse yourself for your break.
And you needed a coffee desperately, its hard to deal with this guy without it.
"-and that's when I told him he should've checked the body! Hey, Are you even listening?" Gavin leaned forward from his desk, removing his feet from resting on the top, and snapped his fingers right in front of your face. You jumped in surprise, having been totally in a trance staring at the office clock counting down the minutes, and turned to look at him giving him a hard glare. You mumbled a half-hearted "I'm listening Gavin" to appease him before returning your gaze to the clock. Gavin seemed satisfied and started talking again, going off on another story about how he insulted some poor sap on the police force, and you sighed softly before putting your elbows on your desk and placing your cheeks in your hands, choosing to stare out the window now. Resigning yourself to this fate.
But you were saved, by a certain android.
"Detective, would I be able to accompany you on your break?"
You tilted your head to gaze up at Connor, who was standing before you. His hands were behind his back, his outfit looking clean and neat as always, and he was softly smiling down at you. You beamed up at him, seeing what he was doing, and you nodded gently at him telling him he could.
"Excuse me tin-can, but we were in the middle of something" Gavin leaned back in his chair, resting his arms behind his head, his face twisted in a scowled directed at the poor android.
"Yes, but it is her allotted break time starting-" Connor paused and looked off in the distance for a moment, before returning his gaze to Gavin "now"
The anger on Gavin's face was apparent, but after staring down an unmoving and unblinking Connor for a good 20 seconds, he scoffed and got up to stalk away. You gently stood from your chair, stretching your limbs and grabbing your sweater as you thanked him
"You're a life saver Connor. I don't think I would have lasted another minute." you chuckled as his lips twitched
"I don't think I would have either" You burst out in surprised laughter, while his mouth curved into a smile watching you. You definitely weren't expecting that response.
The pair of you started off, and as you passed by Connor's desk that he shared with a certain eccentric detective you quickly turned to said lieutenant before walking past. "Is it okay if I steal your android Hank?" the older man spun around in his chair, and he rolled his eyes at you both good naturedly, totally hiding a smile. "Fine by me, that'll get him off my ass for a minute" you and Hank chuckled as you watched Connor turn a little blue and look away.
You and Connor left the station after that, and you both walked down the snowy street, on route to your favorite coffee place. It was way colder outside than you remembered this morning, and you began to rub your hands together, breathing into them. Your lips were chapped too, awesome.
"Are you chilly? Do you require a warmer jacket, maybe gloves?" Connor leaned against you, and you pushed against him, smiling as you thought of a response.
"Lip gloss, actually"
Connor turned to you, and you giggled at his reaction. His LED was blinking yellow, and his eyebrows were furrowed. "Why would you need that?" you rolled your eyes dramatically "My lips are chapped, duh" his expression instantly softened, and he made his cute little oh face.
"I'm afraid I don't have that on me, however I can purchase it for next time" you gazed up at him, surprise written all over your expression as he grinned. You both fell into small chuckles, and for the rest of the walk you told him what shades would work the best for him.
He was right about on thing, Your hands were a little cold. You wished you brought gloves.
After acquiring the coffee, you were having trouble holding the hot drink because of how scalding it was. Though the small bit of warmth it brought was welcome.
"I can carry that for you, I don't necessarily input heat" you smiled gratefully at Connor and handed him your drink, taking care not to spill it. But as your hands connected, he grabbed your drink in one and took your hand in another. You stopped walking and gasped in surprise, looking at your linked palms. You turned your gaze up to his face and he was goofily smiling.
"I noticed your hands were cold. I have a setting that allows me to heat mine. Is this okay?" you melted, and looked at him with adoration as a soft smile spread across your face, lacing your hands with him, leaning in closer as well and bumping into him.
"Yes, this is definitely okay"
You walked all the way back to the station, hand in hand with Connor, both of you smiling like idiots.
Yeah, you started dating like a couple days later
I hope this hasn't been done before, I added my own spin on it anyways
And I hope you enjoyed!! Its getting colder outside so this came to my mind
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buffaloborgine · 17 days
I don't know where the idea that TB is written for men comes from but sincerely, who ever spreads that may have never actually noticed the design of TB characters.
You have hot depressed super vampire man giving his all to protect cute little girl that is secretly the lost princess of a big country. Even the android man supporting them is hot. Girls in power woohoo. Then hot super vampire villain that also fell in love (maybe) to the main cute little girl, with his (probably not gei) supports.
I don't know man, that set up looks more on Shoujo sides, even though the dark post-apocalyptic politic thingy is seinen, in conclusion, it should be shoujo.
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beneathstarryskies · 2 years
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Titty fucking with Future Trunks
Warnings: fem!reader, facial, blow job, praise kink
Taglist: @actuallysaiyan @loki-love @the-eternal-sunflower
A/N: I know it's a day late but I told myself I wasn't skipping any more days so here it is!
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Things were always heated when the two of you hooked up. It’s been going on for a while now. With the pressure of the upcoming battle with the androids and the fate of his timeline in the balance, Trunks needed relief however he could get it. His favorite came in the form of beautiful, giving you. 
Tonight he was sitting in his favorite chair, lounging with his thighs open. You were perched between them with your pretty lips around his cock. He can’t get enough of watching you like this. Your eyes glance up at him every so often for approval, and he always spares a sweet word of praise. As you bob your head quickly, he reaches down to start toying with your tits. You moan and whine from the stimulation, but your attention never wavers from his cock. 
“Let me fuck your tits, baby,” he says suddenly. You pull off of him with a soft pop. 
“Huh?” you tilt your head to the side. You look so damn cute Trunks can’t help chuckling. 
“Let me fuck your tits,” he repeats. “It’ll be fun, baby.” 
Your face breaks out into a sweet smile, “Anything for you.” 
“Good girl,” he coos. 
He helps you get into a good position and slots his cock between your tits. 
“Spit on it,” he instructs you. “To make sure there’s enough lubrication.” 
You’re pretty sure with how much his cock is already leaking that’s not a problem, but you do what he says. Your cheeks burn as you spit on his cock and he cups your tits to squeeze his cock even tighter. He grunts and starts rocking his hips. You try to move along with him to match his pace, but you feel clumsy and stupid. 
“Trunks, I don’t know if I’m good at this.” 
“You’re doing great, baby,” he groans. “Fuck, your tits feel amazing. They’re so soft.” 
His praise makes your cheeks burn even more. You know you’d do anything to make him happy. He deserves it so much, so you know you’ll do this for him. Besides, seeing him so blissed out and having him stimulating you like this does make your pussy even more wet. 
“Use your mouth on the tip,” he pleads.
You nod and then do exactly what he says. You dip your head down so you can drag your tongue over the leaking tip everytime it pops out of your cleavage. His precum is making your chest sticky and you can feel him throbbing between your tits. 
“I’m gonna cum,” he whines. “Let me cum on your tits, okay?” 
You agree shyly. Trunks starts bucking his hips even wilder than before. One hand tangles in your hair and the other tugs on your nipples. He’s in heaven and it’s written all over his face. 
“I’m cumming!” 
His cock throbs with every shot of hot cum he lets out. Most of it leaks between your tits, but a few shots land right on your face. It makes you feel really naughty for him to cum all over you like this, but it makes Trunks feel even more possessive over you. The sight of your tits and face covered in his cum is enough to make his cock hard all over again. 
He falls back against the chair when he’s done, and you’re both panting to catch your breath. He reaches down to scoop some cum off your chin, then shoves it back into your mouth. 
“That was really hot, baby,” he smiles sweetly. “Sorry about the mess.” 
“It’s okay,” you spread his cum around your nipples. “Just help me clean it up.”
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eminsunnytoons123 · 3 months
The teppums Show gang characters!!
Part 6, 7 And 8!
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Heres Asher the sheep/lamb And insane axel redesign ^///^
And also i'll post the other few parts either later or tommorow! =^_^=
Now some info about them:
Elias the Alligator - Elias the Alligator is Clifford's teppum counterpart, he is an sassy, laid back, chill, hip And sorta sarcastic alligator Guy in the teppums Show gang and teppum hour gang, he is 24 years old like Clifford And he is bisexual And genderfluid. He is good friends dr Lips And lavi the King lion, theyre somehow like Brothers i can say. He plays the bass in the fresh Lemon band. His headcanon voice actor is Dave "Sasquatch" Ward, And his voice claim is Aldo from sitting ducks.
Cassie - Cassie is Vicki's teppum counterpart, she is an friendly, sweet, polite, kind-hearted And young girl in the teppums Show gang and the teppum hour gang, she is 15 years old like Vicki and she is pansexual. She is timrek's helper for the teppumtelevision, And she is like an big sis to Liam the miniature horse. Her headcanon voice actress is Cree Summer, And her voice claim is rayna cartflight from the buzz on Maggie.
Abram the semi laptop Guy - Abram the semi laptop guy is digit's teppum counterpart, he is an friendly, sorta confused And naive, laid back and Nice Guy in the teppums Show gang and the teppum hour gang, he is 25 years old like digit And he is bisexual. He sorta has a crush on Elias, but he doesnt Admit it to anyone, neither him. He is even half an Android, And he has an laptop on his chest And he can always Open it And use it. His headcanon voice actor is Jon Lovitz, And his voice claim is radio from brave little toaster.
George E. flyer - George E. Flyer is Waldo C. Graphic's teppum counterpart, he is an friendly, optimistic, enthusiastic, Nice And sweet hummingbird in the teppums Show gang and teppum hour gang, he is probably 16 years old like Waldo And he is pansexual And aromantic. He isnt really an digital flying animal like Waldo, beeny, nor Iggy, but George does like digital things. His headcanon voice actor is Alex Rochon, And his voice claim is Caine from the amazing digital Circus.
Liam the miniature horse - Liam the miniature horse is bean bunny's teppum counterpart, he is an sweet, cute, friendly, kind, Nice And optimistic miniature horse in the teppums Show gang and teppum hour gang, he is 13 years old like bean And he is genderfluid. Liam sees Cassie as his big sis, And they always hang out with each other. He always tries to help And he loves being cute to others. His headcanon voice actress is Tara strong, And his voice claim is Timmy Turner from fairly oddparents.
Berengar the gecko - berengar the gecko is Lindbergh's teppum counterpart, he is an friendly, sorta sarcastic, chill, Nice gecko Guy in the teppums Show gang and the teppum hour gang, he is 21 years old like Lindbergh And he is bisexual, he is dating ben the otter. He is interested in mechanism, And is a mechanican. His headcanon voice actor is Thomas Lennon, And his voice claim is Topcat from jellystone!.
Ben the otter - ben the otter is Leon lizard's teppum counterpart, he is an sassy, scamming, teasy, slightly rude And arrogant Guy in the teppums Show gang and teppum hour gang, he is 22 years old like Leon And he is bisexual, he is dating berengar the gecko. He is interested in hot macho men And bikini women on television And money, he even gets his ideas from Leon. And he is timrek's cousin, even tho theyre not the same species. His headcanon voice actor is Andrew Frankel, And his voice claim is fancy fancy from jellystone!.
Belladonna "Bella" or "Donna" - belladonna is Zondra's teppum counterpart, she is an rude, arrogant, ignorant And sarcastic gothic Lady in the teppums Show gang and the kapre television gang, she is 23 years old like zondra And she is a Lesbian And a demi-girl, she has a crush on fresh Lemon accordionist a.k.a Mackenzie. She is actually light tan Skinned but puts on the White powder on her face, And she carries an black umbrella with her. Her headcanon voice actress is Laraine Newman, And her voice claim is lacey ladybug from the buzz on Maggie.
Gunner the kapre - Gunner the kapre is Ubu the gorilla's teppum counterpart, he is an optimistic, tough, strong, sarcastic And friendly kapre Guy in the teppums Show gang and the kapre television gang, he is 25 years old like Ubu and he is pansexual. He is the leader of the kapre television gang, And he gets along with Ubu very well. Oh! And he calls belladonna "belladon". His headcanon voice actor is Ian Jones Quartey, And his voice claim is Rad from Ok K.O! Lets be heroes.
Arthur the game designer - Arthur the game designer is chip the IT guy's teppum counterpart, they is an ignorant, arrogant, sarcastic, but an friendly And helpful Guy in the teppums Show gang and the kapre television gang, he is 23 years old like chip And he is bisexual And a Demi-boy. He is very interested in designing games And sometimes even playing them, And he gets along with chip very well. And he is the only chip the IT Guy counterparts go not Wear glasses. His headcanon voice actor is Donald Glover, And his voice claim is Marshall Lee from adventure time.
Tiana - tiana is Skeeter's teppum counterpart, she is an sassy, tough, friendly And sarcastic girl in the teppums Show gang, she is 17 years old like skeeter And she is a Lesbian, she is dating Emily the Cheetah. She is Travis' big sister, And she knows his crush on Zane, so she likes teasing him about it. She likes roller-skating, skate-boarding, but even reading magazines And sometimes do makeup, And she is an acrobat like Hector And likes doing acrobatic tricks with him. Her headcanon voice actress is Tara strong, And her voice claim is Dawn Swatworthy from the buzz on Maggie.
Madame gerbilsy - madame gerbilsy is miss mousey's teppum counterpart, she is an flirty, sassy, friendly, sweet And caring gerbils Lady in the teppums Show gang, she is 26 years old like miss mousey And she is bisexual, she is dating monsieur gerbilso. She even danced with timrek in the teppums Show scenes called "dancing with the teppums". She is from France And has an squeaky french accent. Her headcanon voice actress is Maria Darling, And her voice claim is Cici from roary the racing car.
Insane Axel - insane Axel is crazy Harry's teppum counterpart, he is an Crazy, insane, wild, psychopathic And enthusiastic Guy in the teppums Show gang, he is 25 years old like Crazy Harry And he is pansexual, he is dating Raphael abadie. He is insane over grenades! And he even has his Apple Bois like how sir pentious has his egg boiz, but Axel uses his Apple Bois for his acts on the Show. His headcanon voice actor is Alex Brightman, And his voice claim is sir pentious from hazbin hotel.
Asher the LAMB - Asher the lamb is Robin the frog's teppum counterpart, he is an sweet, friendly, cute, optimistic And enthusiastic lamb in the teppums Show gang, he isnt 5 years old like Robin, he is infact 7 years old like Rosalie. He is the nephew of timrek And he likes being with him, And he even likes being with Robin to be his play mate or someone to play with. His headcanon voice actor is Gudmunder Thor, And his voice claim is Ziggy from lazytown.
Madame Li-Li - madame Li-Li is foo-foo's teppum counterpart, she is an cute, friendly, adorable, And playful kitten in the teppums Show gang, she is probably 5 years old like foo-foo. She is one of madame camela's cute And sweet pets, madame Li-Li doesnt chase mouses, rats, Gerbils... Nor any small animal. She likes playing with ball of wools. Her headcanon voice actress is Lori Ann Mahl, And her voice claim is Bunny from courage the cowardly dog.
Journalist man - Bobby huxtera, or also knows as the journalist man is newsman's teppum counterpart, he is an polite, akward, friendly And sorta sarcastic Guy in the teppums Show gang, he is 27 years old like newsman and he is bisexual. He always does his journalist stuff, but he always gets bad luck. And he is a vegetarian. His headcanon voice actor is Tim whitnall, And his voice claim is Plugger from roary the racing car.
I'll post the other few later =^_^=
@splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezecirno @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @princessmishka22 @xxkurosakutisaxx
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shadowbrightshine · 6 months
@fartcowboy continuing on with it.
Rip Satoshi Kon. You were incredible
Anyways, this here is one or my personal favorite anime of all time. The hilarious comedy anime OVA of Dragon Half.
In fact I loved it so much I hunted down a real physical copy. Something I haven't been able to do in a long time. The first few minutes made me a tiny bit wary but it's absolutely incredible. Mink, the half dragon girl herself is a Bimbo in the most positive sense. She's dumb, she's pretty, she's funny, but she's not babied for it. It's not a character flaw that she's kinda dumb. This movie is amazing. One hour long.
Next up for all the monsterlovers, we have a sex comedy called Call Me Tonight. It's funny it's cute, the art is great. Basically this dude turns into a new weird looking monster every time he gets hot and bothered. Warning though. There is an attempted assault scene near the end which soured it a little for me. Throughout it though there is no actual genits shown. It's a sex comedy, not hentai. It's very funny, and you may just want to skip a bit ahead for that one bit. It's less than an hour and apparently there's more to the series that I haven't seen.
We have Lily C.A.T a space slasher body horror alien space horror story. It's about this crew being picked off, and there is mystery and horror and it's great! It looks so good.
For one of the most beautiful series I've watched so far I bring you part one of Yokohama kaidashi! it's a slower paced walk through the life of an android woman who realizes it's time to enjoy her life and do new things with the aid of a special camera that connects to her eyes. The music is wonderful. The animation and shots are beautiful, and I genuinely have cried. This is a series so you should go look for more.
Ok! If you want more? Go watch the Original Yu-Gi-Oh and Digimon digital monsters. Especially Tamers. Tamers in the second half deals with existenalism, childhood trauma, death, the D-Reaper which is an incredible and so creepy monster design, and it's so good.
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kachikirby · 1 month
idk if this is a hot take, but Tekken really is the most inclusive game franchise I've seen the more I think about it.
You want people from different countries to speak their native language? Tekken has them and even brought in native speakers to voice them.
You want to play as funny animals? You can play as a bear and panda.
You want a cute android girl? Alisa.
You want a fat character who isn't a joke and is actually really cool? Tekken has Bob.
Probably missing something but the point stands.
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xtoomanytimelinesx · 16 days
It's time, here’s my official muse self-report. I’m just gonna be going over the muses that particularly catch mine’s eye. This post is gonna be under a cut because it’s long
First up we’ve got @starxxtravelers / @mysticsxnxtyrants
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Android 16 thinks Rosalia is so pretty, she’s so gentle looking but so strong. He can tell just by appearances alone that she has a long history and he wants to learn more about her at first meeting.
Paragus is an interesting one because it is difficult for 16 to place what it is about him that he finds attractive, he just thinks that he is an above average looking man with some features that he finds particularly appealing.
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Zikom is big, he’s handsome, what more could he ask for? Seriously, he’s just his type. He also really appreciates the horns.
Taiko is such a beautiful and graceful looking namekian, something that Pota is unused to and loves. They are just so different yet familiar that it's very alluring.
Pota is weak for a strong person with bad intentions, it's never on purpose but he has a pattern of feeling attraction for villainous individuals. He’s compact and quite visually stunning, it’s mostly Frieza’s eyes and general shape for him.
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They love a big, strong, sweetheart, so Broly is for sure on their radar. No.t also thinks that some of his expressions are adorable.
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Kakarot is a given, It was pretty much attraction at first sight. Despite their circumstances he immediately recognized him as attractive and that wouldn’t change no matter how hard he wished it would. He’s also got a weak spot for people with an alternative fashion sense and piercings/tattoos.
Android 16 also has a thing for Piccolo, his general body shape and stoicism makes for a full picture of an attractive and interesting man.
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He loves the way Android 17 looks, his hair, his eyes, his stature; all of it. Even the way that he carries himself while doing nothing at all, he just thinks he's hot.
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Usually 21 prefers more muscular women but Bulma is an exception, her fashion, her figure, she’s beautiful. Really, she is stunning and 21 can’t help but notice.
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Android 16 thinks Hit is very handsome, his eyes are strikingly bright and warm in contrast to the rest of him. He looks deathly serious and difficult to read, he is mysterious and that level of unknown is intriguing to 16.
16 loves Khett’s aesthetic, sharp edges and alternative fashion, He is very pleasing to the eye.
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Nucleotide is imperfect and Pota love it, he thinks all of his physical imperfections make him cuter. He especially thinks that his asymmetrical crest is really cool.
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Perfect 16 doesn’t find many people attractive but the one person who is irresistible is himself. Cell is a major exception to his usual disregard for appearances, he is the pinnacle of what he perceives as beauty. 
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Like 21, Soma loves a strong looking woman. Chandra is bulky and tall, two things she loves. There’s also something about her eyes that she finds particularly pretty.
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Chandra is a strong looking, pretty woman. 21 is weak for girls with muscles, especially ones that she considers to have pretty facial features.
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He thinks Bakura is so handsome, he also has a thing for long hair and his eyes are so beautiful. 16 also enjoys his overall aesthetic.
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He thinks Bakura’s shape, his expressions, it's all so cute to him. Pota also has a thing for long hair so that’s a plus.
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Android 16 thinks Broly is hot, his long dark hair, his jewelry, he thinks he’s really attractive. Usually someone’s body type doesn’t mean anything to him but there's something about how his musculature elevates everything about Broly that he thinks is attractive.
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Tiflora is a big strong saiyan woman, what more can be said? Soma thinks she’s beautiful.
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Chapter 46: About Time - Has Katsu finally made it back to the correct future?
Shingen x OC; Kenshin x MC (Mai)
Previous Chapter: Here
Logline - Disguised as a boy, Katsuko finds herself working for Shingen, but her dangerous masquerade becomes difficult to sustain when she falls for the man with a fatal secret.
Before I began my trek down the path to the lower shrine, I paused at one the cedar trees. The bark was still damp from the wormhole’s storm and felt rough under my fingertips. These trees had always been my favorite part of the Togakushi Shrine area. Their massive trunks instilled a feeling of comfort in me. Permanence. Their roots had been in the soil for generations. But now, knowing that they hadn’t been here during the Sengoku era, I felt the weight of those five centuries pressing down on me. When I’d originally been swept into 1575, the shock had kept me from thinking of anything except survival. Now, as I looked up into those giant 400-year-old trees, I felt lost. The cedars had grown up in between the then and the now.
Maybe I had too.
By the time I got to the middle shrine, I was already on sensory overload. It was so loud. I had forgotten how much ambient noise the modern world produced. From the roar of the planes overhead, the low hum of electricity, the people walking by talking on cell phones, and a distant sound of traffic, my ears were ringing.
To be honest, what I wanted was to take a nap. I couldn’t of course.  I needed to get to the entrance before the last bus left… and what time was it anyway? For that matter, what month was it? There had been a blizzard in 1582, and a mix of rain and sleet in that other timeline. But here, it was much more obviously Autumn. That didn’t mean that it couldn’t be the exact same date only hundreds of years apart – the blizzard Yuki and I rode through had been an early season storm, and global warming might have delayed winter here in modern Japan.
Below the middle shrine was a tourist information center with a small noodle stand. There was an American (or maybe Canadian?) group of tourists milling around the information desk, so I headed to the noodle stand, where the two clerks were gushing about some hot guy who’d been in there earlier. I waited patiently for them to notice me while they argued good naturedly about which of them he had smiled at more. “Oh, good afternoon. Would you like to order?”
Aware that I didn’t have any money on me and likely made a ridiculous sight in my kimono, I shook my head. “Um, my purse was stolen, and I lost my phone – can you tell me what time it is?”
Both girls were horror struck at the idea of being without a phone, and one of them pulled out an android in a case decorated by images of what looked like a K-Pop band. I didn’t recognize them. They were cute enough that I probably would have been into them if I had never time traveled. She unlocked the phone and showed me the time. Four-fifteen.
I knew I couldn’t get away with asking her what the day was, but luckily that was visible on her phone too: November sixth. It had been closer to the equivalent of November 21 when I went through the wormhole. That meant I hadn’t done a date-to-date travel. I wondered if it also meant Sasuke and Shingen were still in Kyoto, and not planning to arrive up here for a couple more weeks.  “Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.” I belatedly realized the girl had asked me a question.
“Did you want to get any food?” She buffed her phone on her arm, then put it back in her apron pocket.
“I wish, but stolen purse, no money.” I turned to go, but gratefully accepted the cup of tea that they gave me, likely out of pity.
Once back outside, I sat down on a nearby bench – looked like someone had already wiped the rain away – sipped the tea and contemplated my next move. The date had basically confirmed that Kyoto needed to be my next stop, although it was late enough in the day that I doubted I’d be able to find an open antique store in Nagano where I could exchange my dagger for cash. I was going to have to figure out a place to sleep – sleeping in a bus or train station didn’t hold any attraction for me. I’d rather slip off the trail and camp under a tree.
Tempting thought… but I was probably better off at least getting to Nagano and figuring things out from there. Maybe I could barter something at an internet café and find Sasuke online. Again, always assuming that I had managed to land in the correct timeline. I allowed myself a few more minutes to finish the tea before hauling myself to my feet. Alright, enough stalling. Get moving.
It took almost an hour to get to the parking lot, where a couple happy families were loading up their vans to head home after what probably had been a hiking outing. Several cars and a motorcycle were threading their way out the exit. Idly I wondered what had happened to Toshiie’s moped that that had been left abandoned in this parking lot seven years ago. Hopefully, someone who needed it got some use out of it.
The bus stop was empty – I checked the posted schedule, good – there would be another one coming in about twenty minutes. Could I con my way onto it with the same story about having my purse stolen? Might be simpler to give the driver a sob story about losing my IC card on the trail. It was, more or less true, although the trail I had lost it on was over four hundred years in the past. Guess I still needed to put those lying skills to work after –
“Need a ride?” The motorcyclist had circled the lot and pulled up to the curb next to me.
I turned with a ‘hell no, asshole’ waiting on my lips when he removed his helmet and gazed at me through those intelligent grey eyes. “It’s about time you got here, Devil.”
His name was a whisper on my lips, then I threw myself into his embrace. He caressed my face, touching my cheeks, my eyelids, my forehead, then he buried his hands in my hair, as the abandoned helmet fell to the ground and rolled across the grass. Then he crushed me against his chest and kissed me hungrily until I was dizzy and gasping for air.
“I missed the taste of you. Not even this century’s chocolate can compare to one moment on your lips.” He enveloped me in his arms, resting his chin on the top of the head. We simply stood there and breathed each other for a long moment. If someone had walked up that moment and offered a billion yen to let go of each other, I do not think either of us would have taken it.
“Are you ok now? Your illness? They could treat it here?” To my untrained eyes, he looked healthier - vital… but I was so happy to see him that it may have been wishful thinking.
“According to a large team of doctors, I am now cured. But it took a long time, and I was in the hospital several weeks.” He pushed my hair out of my face and looked down at me. “It was a benign lung tumor, but it was pressing against my throat, causing the chronic pneumonia. They removed it surgically.”
Then it had been worth it. The knowledge that he was alive and healthy released that dark worry that had dogged my days and nights. Being apart from him these past three months had been difficult, especially not knowing if modern medicine could cure him, but he would live. He was going to live.
I held tighter to him, reveling in the solidity of his body against mine, the soft leather of his bomber jacket under my fingertips. I wanted to tell him about Toshiie, and Nao, but what came out of my mouth was, “You learned how to drive a motorcycle in three months?”
He stilled, and when he spoke, his voice was rough with worry. “A year. It’s been over a year.”
A year?
Had my encounter with the fog lasted that long? The memory of that first claustrophobic trip that spit me out into the wrong timeline overwhelmed me, almost as if the dizzying grey was taking over again. For a moment, I thought I might throw up, though after a year what would even be in my stomach? The overwhelming background noises faded away. I felt myself slipping into—
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My girlfriend fainted. She was very tired after a long hike. Do you have any water?
Katsuko. Come on, Devil, wake up. Katsu.
But this time, there was a voice calling me out of the grey. I opened my eyes. We were on the bench of the bus stop, and Shingen was cradling me in his arms. At the look of sheer panic on his face, I tried to wave away the worry. “It’s ok. The thought that I was stuck in that thing for over a year kind of… freaked me out.  Oh… thank you!” One of the kids who had been in the parking lot brought me a bottle of water.
I downed half the bottle in two gulps, only just noticing how thirsty I felt, even after getting that cup of tea along the trail. “Maybe I was dehydrated too.” I finished off the water, while Shingen kept his grip firmly around me. I didn’t think I was likely to faint again, but I wasn’t going to argue with being held.
“What I think, is that you’re exhausted.” Shingen pushed my hair out of my eyes. There was just enough vanity in me to worry about what my hair looked like after a year of not being brushed.
‘Exhausted’ might be going a bit too far, but since the rest of the evening passed in a blur, from the short motorcycle ride back to the hotel suite in Nagano that he and Sasuke were sharing; to a shower that I sleepwalked through, he might have been right.
I wish I had been awake enough to enjoy both of those experiences. Once clean and dry, and wearing a comfy Henley top that I borrowed from Shingen (“stealing my clothes again, Devil?” “You have several identical ones, you’ll never miss it.”), I was curled up on the sofa, tucked comfortably under Shingen’s arm while we waited for Sasuke to return from the observatory in Nodeyama, where he’d been tracking all the wormhole activity.
It felt like I had been running from something and could finally stop. Running for years, maybe, since before I’d even gone through the wormhole. But maybe I had been running to something. To him.
“It will be a while before he gets here,” Shingen said. “Why don’t you go to bed?”
“The shower woke me up. I have a second wind.” Then I gritted my teeth to fight off a yawn. There was a part of me that was afraid if I went to sleep it would all disappear.
“Then, rest those pretty eyes for a little while until he gets here.” Shingen drew his fingers across my eyelids, closing my eyes with a butterfly touch.
I burrowed into his warmth. Mmm. Ok. Just for a min…
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Warm bed… thick quilt… big pillow… I floated in a haze of modern comfort, then by slow degrees came to awareness that it was morning. When I opened my eyes, it was to see Shingen propped up against the headboard, phone in hand, intent on some sort of puzzle app. He turned, and looked down at me, his hair turned red by the sun shining through the window.
“Sleeping beauty awakens.” He set the phone aside on the nightstand, where I couldn’t help but be happy to see he also kept the puzzle box I had given him. “If I could paint, I would do one of you in this moment – relaxed, sleep flushed, burrowing in my shirt.”
Someone’s been catching up on fairy tales, I thought, before pointing out, “Sleeping Beauty was awakened with a kiss.”
Without another word, Shingen pulled me close and brought his lips to mine in the gentlest fairy tale kiss that within moments became less gentle and more arousing. Ok. Yes. More of this. He swept his tongue into my mouth, and rolled over, his hot weight on me and –
I hissed at the sharp tight pain in my arm. Shingen stopped immediately. “Damn. I’m sorry, I forgot about your arm.”
What? I lifted my arm, pushed back the soft knit of the shirt to reveal a gauze bandage wrapped around it. I could see the faint hint of a butterfly strips underneath the gauze. I looked at Shingen, unspoken question on my lips.
“You had a gash on your arm. You were so tired you slept right through when we cleaned it up.” He gently ran his finger around the border of the bandage.
Oh. Oh shit! I remembered Iekane whirling out of my blind spot and slashing at me with his sword. “Iekane went through the wormhole. I need to warn Sasuke!”
I threw the blanket off, intending to leap out of bed, but Shingen pulled me back to him. “He knows. Last year, while I was still in rehabilitation, Sasuke went through at Togakushi to let you know how it was going. Yukimura told him what happened.”
So Yuki was ok then. I hadn’t thought he’d have any trouble with those bandits, especially once Iekane was gone, but it was good to have confirmation. Shit. He must have been frantic when I went into the wormhole. “Then you knew I was in the wormhole somewhere and hadn’t reappeared?”
“Sasuke has been monitoring the wormhole activity – there’s been a lot of it – and we’ve been travelling back and forth between here and Kyoto, hoping you’d come through at some point.” The words were matter of fact, but the concerned look on his face and the knowledge that I had been missing a year made me feel guilty for putting everyone through all that.
“I’m sorry it took me so long.” Not that I had been aware of the passage of that much time. If I had known, would I have figured my way out sooner? Or would the ‘messed up timelines’ have kept me trapped no matter what I did?
“I never doubted you’d get here eventually.” Shingen pressed a kiss over the bandage. “That said, I hope you’re comfortable here in my arms, because I’m not letting you go again.” He pulled me closer. “In fact, not only are you forbidden to leave my arms, I’m not letting you leave this bed.”
“I’m not sure I can leave this bed – I don’t have any pants!” I was not going to do the 1980s romantic comedy thing and walk around pretending a long man’s shirt was a dress. Only Madonna could successfully pull that one off, and I am not Madonna. Nor did I want to put back on the sweaty and probably bloodstained Sengoku period clothes I’d been wearing when I arrived.
“That’s one way to keep you out of trees, but not to worry. We did actually purchase clothing for you.” He linked his fingers with mine. “That’s how certain I was that you’d find your way through.”
I’m glad he had had so much faith in me. More even than Tosh, who had accepted without questioning the news that I had been killed (by a bear!... No, I wasn’t going to let go of that). “Thank you.”
“For getting you clothes? As much as I would enjoy the view,” he ran his hand along my bare thigh, “I realize you can’t walk around half-dressed.”
“I meant, thank you for believing I’d get here. Especially after -.” Even thinking about it made the feelings of guilt return. “We – I – betrayed you and I wouldn’t have been surprised if you never wanted to see me again.”
“I can’t say I wasn’t angry, especially at first – but your actions saved my life. According to the doctors who treated me, even though the tumor was benign, the secondary illnesses would have been fatal if I had waited much longer.” He rubbed his hand across his chest. “Sasuke had as much part in this as you, and I realized that once I forgave him, it would be hypocritical not to forgive all. Then you were missing, and all I wanted was to see you again… why are you crying?”
I was crying? I casually pressed my finger against my eye. Wet. Huh. I was crying. All I knew was that my emotions were exploding all over the place. “I don’t know. I don’t deserve your forgiveness because I’m not sorry. I mean, I’m sorry that we did things the way we did them, but I can’t be sorry because you’re better.”
He gathered me to him and let me snuffle all over him. “I could tell that last week that something was tearing you apart. I know you didn’t make that decision easily.”
This was true, I hadn’t, but… “I’d probably do it again.”
He stroked my hair. “You wouldn’t have to. I should have listened to you instead of putting you off every time you tried.” Yes, he had done that. “If I had known earlier what your mother had put you through – I might have realized what I was asking of you.”
Once again, he understood what was in my head before I did. If he had been of this century, or the previous one, I imagined he might have made a good therapist. Although the instances of transference would probably be epic.
“She couldn’t help it,” I said, almost automatically, then realized that implied he could have. “I meant-“
“I understood what you meant. I won’t leave you. You’re stuck with me, even when I’m a fat and bald old man.” He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “The old part of that equation is quickly approaching.”
I laughed at that image. I mean, sure it was possible given his eating habits, but, whatever – he’d still be him. “I’m good with that.”
“From now on, I won’t redirect you when you want to discuss the difficult things.” He put his hand under my chin, so that I was forced (not that it was a hardship) to look into his eyes. “And you too?”
“Yes, I promise.” I knew it wouldn’t be as easy to do as it was to say, but I was as willing to do the work as he was.
“I promise too, Katsuko.” He sealed those words with a kiss.
We would have sealed that promise with additional activity, had Sasuke not knocked on the door, apologetic, but impatient to hear what had happened to me in the wormhole. And, given what I had learned about the other timelines, I realized that a debriefing session was likely critical.
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grizzlyofthesea · 1 year
Dumb Vocaloid Headcanons Part 1: Internet Co.
Andriods/robots of various levels of human resemblance
Voicebank upgrades correspond to hardware upgrades.
Primarily made for music, but they also have combat skills.
Each one has a unique music-related weapon/ability, which I'll elaborate on in another post. (I got this idea from the manga Megu Megu Singer Song Fighter. It's...an experience. Kinda chaotic, and the translation I found isn't always the clearest, but it's cute, harmless fun focused on the first few Internet Co. Vocaloids. If you want to see himbo Gackpo in a fundoshi, this is the manga for you.)
Generally get along well with the Cryptonloids
One huge, generally happy family
Camui Gackpo (Gackpoid)
The most robotic/android-like of the bunch in terms of physical structure, but good gosh, does he have feelings
His "bodysuit" is just what his body looks like (he can morph it into a more human-looking appearance, though), and that weird glowy spot on his chest is his power core.
Can change his eye and power core colors at will
Has a whole army of eggplant horses
A chivalrous gentleman, but he has his goofy moments
An expert in hair care
Cishet ally
Dating/in love with GUMI
GUMI (Megpoid)
Huge science and sci-fi nerd
Has a visible battery gauge on each of her designs, which takes the form of a red jewel. It blinks when her battery is running low. (another idea from Megu Megu Singer Song Fighter)
BFFs with Miku, Luka, Lily, and CUL
Owns a carrot rocket equipped with missiles
Her goggles have several functions, including night vision, tracking, and looking cool.
Lives for the aesthetics of the 1960s-1980s
A little bit scatterbrained, but she tries
Hoping that everyone else (or at least Gackpo and Una) joins her on VOCALOID6 and gets an AI voicebank
Dating/in love with Gackpo
Beta/production name was Yuripoid (not actually, but in my headcanon). This didn't stick for multiple reasons.
Her tattoo doubles as a battery meter, "draining" from top to bottom as her power depletes.
Likes lollipops (yet another idea from Megu Megu Singer Song Fighter)
The "cool older sister" of the group
Infamous for speeding on her motorcycle
Keeps a couple of beehives, from which she harvests honey
Demi/heteroromantic asexual
Exchanges makeup tips with Gackpo
Ryuto (Gachapoid)
Obsessed with dinosaurs, to the point where he has memorized every species
Basically GUMI's little brother
His arm warmers serve to make his elbow joints slightly less obvious; his shoes do the same thing for his ankles.
Favorite meal is dino nuggies with waffle fries
Friends with Yuki and Oliver
Really wants a pet puppy
Favorite holiday is Halloween
Big fan of FNAF, even if it scares him sometimes
A little bit self-conscious about his buck teeth
Always carries a notebook and markers with him in his backpack
Huge Madoka Magica fan; cried at Sayaka's death
Doesn't always get along with her sisters, but she loves them all dearly
Gets into arguments with Gackpo over who "stole" the other's hairstyle
Her eyes double as cameras
Favorite foods are Pocky and tempura shrimp
Shops exclusively at thrift stores and Hot Topic
Knows all the jokes about her name's meaning in French; not amused at all
Lesbian; has a bit of a crush on flower
Secretly collects porcelain dolls
Huge space nerd
Loves to nerd out over space with GUMI
Has always wanted to be a princess
Has jet boots; can use them to float in place or skate around
The first one to lack any visibly robotic traits
BFFs with MAYU
Loves listening to video game soundtracks
Plays a lot of TF2 in her spare time; mains Demoman
Kind of shy, especially around new people
Huge book nerd; favorite genre is fantasy
LOVES animals
Favorite food is raindrop cake
Surprisingly big fan of horror movies
Gets cold easily
Likes to do prank phone calls with GUMI; they switch places periodically, pretending to be the same person
Trans girl (pronouns are she/her); polysexual
Wants to write and illustrate her own manga series
Technically developed by We've Inc. as a collab with Internet Co., but since she's the only one from We've Inc, the Internet Co. crew includes her as one of their own.
Really wants to be a magical girl; has designed her own weapon and transformation device
Has a massive collection of teddy bears
Practically lives in her hoodie
Feels a bit weird about being literally 0 years old, but tries to ignore it
Sugar cookies make her life worth living
Carries a variety of glitter with her at all times
The mom friend
Has regular lunch outings with Mew and MEIKO
A talented tailor
Lives for vintage clothing
Has an entire cupboard full of various herbal teas
A little bit disappointed about her unpopularity, but she has mostly accepted it at this point
Tends a butterfly garden
Cishet ally
Really good at cooking and baking
Otomachi Una
Her hat is alive.
Views Rana as a rival; Rana doesn't really care
Looks up to GUMI
Can hold her breath for ten minutes
Tends a koi pond
Loves to experiment with different hair dyes
Sometimes wears fake glasses for the sake of fashion
Owns a swimmable mermaid tail (fades from indigo to lime green, then cotton candy pink); loves showing it off
Just beginning to question her sexuality
Will eat every piece of cheesecake in a five mile radius
A CeVIO/upcoming SynthV vocal rather than a Vocaloid, but since she was made in collaboration with Internet Co. and CUL is her older sister, she hangs out with the Internet Co. crew often
Gets along well with Gackpo for their shared love of traditional Japanese culture
Insists that she "was born in the wrong generation"
Loves rose-flavored macarons, but her favorite food is salmon nigiri
Gets picked on by some of her older sisters, so she has learned to be a bit sassy as a defense mechanism
Genderfaer (pronouns are she/her and occasionally they/them); pansexual
In the process of collecting all of the Vocaloid Nendoroids (except the Miku ones; there are way too many)
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yumejo · 10 months
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When thr mail Looks Like Mail
Maybe.. I can't believe Cael is MC's legal guardian he's hot I'm ngl
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But alkaid. Alkaid
He just Cares and is so gentle mc is so cute I rec playing it fr (it's out on android only tho...)
not me fixating straight away on the heroine design
it's the long white hair for cael 😩💗 but alkaid is cute!! you're his princess!
(luckily i'm an android girl too LMAO downloading rn!!)
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I really should be working on deep cleaning parts of my apartment for a potential move in the next few weeks (pray I get this new place, I need more space! My fridge can’t fit in my kitchen, it’s in a different room!), but I saw this post about robots and now I have to write my android Crowley. 
They’re visiting Aziraphale’s hometown and have met the local kids.
On with the fic!
Crowley had never had the chance to interact with children before, there was no need for someone like him to do so, unless if his intended owner has a child or children. Even then, it wasn’t a likely chance.
Still, he currently found himself being pulled along to participate in games with a local group of children here in Tadfield known infamously as The Them. So far, in the short time that Crowley had known them, he had taken quite the shine to the small group of creative and chaotic children.
Each had a million questions for him, and he had questions in return. Wensleydale curiously asked how he worked and often asked complicated questions that had Crowley sometimes questioning if he was actually of an adult mind. Or of an accountant mind.
Brian really wanted to see how he worked, but Crowley had made it clear that he was not going to open his ports and chest cavity. Especially around a child who had very sticky fingers.
Pepper, oh, Crowley liked her, clever girl who didn’t take shit from anyone. She seemed to enjoy Crowley’s disregard for authority and gender, as she herself found that to be the right mindset to have. She also seemed respectful of Crowley’s current need for a cane, as the damage to his hip made walking sometimes difficult sometimes.
Adam, now, this boy seemed like he had an imagination that surpassed Crowley’s own. He himself was a cyborg, having been born blind and his parents were able to get him eyes that worked, but were cheap due to being a bit... defective. They glowed red and turned black when he was dressed or angry. Or he could do it whenever he wanted, he figured that out, and he liked to spook strangers with it. 
Crowley liked all these kids, and he had found himself in their little chalk quarry while Aziraphale was off doing something or another, keeping The Them entertained with his answers and such. As they sat on the ground, Crowley had found that Adam’s dog, Dog, seemed to have taken a liking to him and was currently in his lap.
He rather liked Dog, even though he had gotten bit earlier in the day by the little beast. Still, they had come to an understanding, and now he had a furry mutt sleeping happily in his warm lap. Actually, he felt a bit warmer than he normally did, and a systems check indicated that his internal temperature was up.
Curious, was it the warm, summer weather? 
Crowley often wasn’t outside like this, it could be that. Still, he ignored it as he spoke with the group about the really cool, old action movie that he had seen. 
Until Wensleydale spoke up.
“Mr. Crowley, I think your internal systems are overheating.” 
“Huh?” Crowley blinked. “Whatcha mean?”
“You sound like a very stressed out computer.”
“Yeah!” Adam spoke up. “Like when we used Pepper’s computer to play games and it got really hot and we then tried to cook an egg on it.”
“Mum’s still mad about that, Adam.” Pepper replied.
“Do you need some water ‘r somethin’, Mr. Crowley?” Brian asked.
“I’m fine.” Crowley replied, but he was now very aware that his temperature was up again, and that his fans were very loud. “I think Dog is making me overheat though.”
Adam nodded. “Yeah, he likes a warm spot. Best you get ‘im off ya.”
“Right.” Crowley moved to remove Dog, but the mutt let out a soft, content dog sigh and no one dared to move him. He was so cute and content, why ruin it!?
An hour later, Aziraphale found the group in the quarry, a bit alarmed to see Crowley hissing, literally venting through clenched teeth, as The Them were trying to fan him with whatever they had on hand. Dog, happily, was still sleeping sounding in Crowley’s lap as he made sounds that could be mistaken for a very overheated laptop.
“Do I... want to know what’s going on?” Aziraphale asked, and this seemed to wake Dog up. The little beast happily jumping off Crowley’s lap to meet the new comer, while Crowley let out a shout of ‘thank someone!’ before collapsing on his back, his fans still whirring loudly. 
Aziraphale just watched as the kids laughed and continued to try and fan off the android. Maybe he didn’t want to know what the heck happened. 
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fanboyscribbles · 1 year
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Part 2 of #Winter2023 watchlist goes to the non-isekai titles and I just love the diversity and richness here. #BuddyDaddies. This really reminded me a lot of SpyxFamily because of the whole assassins with a child setup. Must say, this is definitely my top pick for the season because of the chaotic dynamics between Rei, Kazuki and Miri. 10/10 #TheIceGuyAndHisCoolFemaleColleague. It's funny because it's quite literal. Himuro may have ice powers but it's Fuyutsuki who's always cool, calm and collected. I'm quite invested, especially after ep 2 where Himuro was 'melting' from the hot weather. 9/10 #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten. THIS. This has been making me feel all giddy because of Fujimiya and Shiina's practical relationship. This reminds me somewhat of Koibito Miman, HigeHiro, and Romantic Killer, but I'm keeping my distance because there might be something that could catch me off-guard. Also, Shiina may just be my best girl for Winter 2023. 10/10 #UniteUp. Honeyworks and Kami Kuzu Idol did a good number on me so I'm trying out male idol series now, plus this one's done by Cloverworks. So far, it's been cute, especially with ep 2 showing the bonds between sMiLea Production's newest group. 8/10 #TomochanIsAGirl. This one's got me laughing hard because Tomo-chan isn't used to acting girly and it seems that her crush Jun doesn't even see her as a girl. So yes, I picked this one over Nagatoro-san. 8/10 #TechnoroidOvermind. When androids start living alongside humans, have free will, and have the choice to be idols, this is what you get. I'm not too sold with the performances because of the art style but the mystery is what keeps me going. Something's off in their world so I'll see if I'd want to stick around. 7/10 Next batch of picks are mostly follow-up seasons and a 2nd cour. Overall, it's a nice season especially with my isekai picks. Though, Buddy Daddies, Ice Guy and Angel Next Door are my top 3 for Winter 2023. Will also be sampling Magical Revolution soon. So let me know if you have other title recos this season. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnay-IZvGBm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alabamasweettea · 2 years
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I posted 31 times in 2022
That's 29 more posts than 2021!
17 posts created (55%)
14 posts reblogged (45%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 21 of my posts in 2022
Only 32% of my posts had no tags
#ian bohen - 2 posts
#stories - 2 posts
#writing - 2 posts
#fanart - 2 posts
#detroit become human - 2 posts
#d:bh - 2 posts
#fanfic - 2 posts
#dsmp art - 2 posts
#peter hale - 2 posts
#books - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 69 characters
#i would just like to say that i have fallen in love with both of them
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I see you
6 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Tell me I’m not the only one who prefers “Harry’s House” Harry Styles over One Direction Harry Styles...
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Cute, but...
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See the full post
6 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
So I just watched this video of Ian Bohen speaking French and.......I think I might be catching feels...
oH MY GOD he’s so cUtE
6 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Random story idea: You, Clay(Dream), and his blobs all live in an apartment together. Chaos ensues.
13 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Stories I Collect
*No imagines are mine unless specified*
Teen Wolf
Wild (Ao3) :Peter's lethargic body was unresponsive as he sat in the wheelchair, endlessly staring out the window of his hospital room. His side twinged a bit from the rough scrubbing the nurse had given his mottled flesh earlier and he ached to move even a finger. "Uncle Peter?" The small voice was behind him in the doorway. He remembered that voice. Contrary to the title bestowed from the small girl that rounded his chair into his line of sight, Stiles Stilinski was not related to Peter at all. Or how Stiles and Peter became best friends for life and brought Stiles into the Pack.
Strange Nights:  request: I was wondering could you do a one shot with Reader x Peter Hale where The Reader finds an injured wolf (who is peter stuck in full wolf form because of a magic curse or something), so she takes it home to look after it. While at the reader’s house Peter realized she’s his mate and is worried about how to tell her and what she’ll think when he changes back and finds out what he is.  Thanks 😉
Silk : Human reader plays with Frodo's hair. (A personal favorite! Would definitely recommend)
Detroit: Become Human
Rough Around the Edges: YN700 aka, Y/N is the new female Android Cyberlife sent to the DPD after The Android Revolution, specifically to solve a strange case involving body parts of both Humans and Androids alike. Unfortunately for the YN700 model, she has to of course deal with another Android hater in the form of the DPD’s least favorite detective. (Gavin Reed)
David Tennant
Smut! David Tennant does not just a podcast with...: David and you are recording a podcast about erotism, the room is dark, the music pleasant and he is whispering sonnets against the microphone while he looks directly into your eyes, Could this be more perfect?
Smut! A Taste :  David Tennant appears at your strip club after months of first meeting him during a convention. Things get hot and heavy and you find a way to both make money and indulge in your own fantasies.
The Vampire Diaries
Endlessly Enough : You are an artist starting mid-semester at Whitmore College. You meet Stefan Salvatore and his friends who take you in. You realized pretty soon that your friends are more than what they seem. But what will you make of Stefan's older brother? A slow burn romance with some well-loved tropes.
Just a Theory :  As an intern, you can't hit on your boss... But you have a theory to test. (MatPat fanfic)
Disney Movies
Bruno Madrigal: Telenovelas and Flower Fields:  You and Julieta Madrigal met through your father's bakery. You become fast friends and she invites you to dinner at Casa de Madrigal to meet her family. After observing how you and Bruno interact with each other, Alma has an idea.
Bucky Barnes
Smut! Sin: Your body was entirely too hot, a stark contrast to the cold weather outside: winter, with two feet of snow on the ground and black ice all over the roads. With the seatbelt resting uncomfortably between your breasts, your bare thighs and back stuck to the leather passenger’s seat as Bucky drove you through a blizzard on the way back to the Quinjet. The mission was a failure. Whatever intel Hydra still had under wraps, you hadn’t been able to retrieve it. Instead, you’d walked right into a trap. The moment the two of you broke into the warehouse, a bucket of acid spilled from the rafters right down the front of your body – strong enough to melt away your clothing, yet gentle enough not to hurt you. Much. (Involves sex pollen, bucky x sister reader incest)
29 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gloztik · 2 months
Top Ten Beautiful girl wallpapers
Note: all wallpapers are compressed by tumblr by default for save the original wallpaper click on the wallpaper it takes you to the original wallpaper download link.
GTA 6 Ai created gaming anime girl 4k Desktop wallpaper
This wallpaper is about GTA 6 Ai created gaming, anime girl gaming, 4k desktop wallpaper, sunset background. This image size is 469385 kb and resolution is 3840×2160.
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2. Beautiful blonde girl with ice cream 4k pc wallpaper
This wallpaper is about Beautiful blonde girl with ice cream 4k wallpaper, pink sun glasses, brown eyes. This image size is 520547 kb and resolution is 3840×2160.
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3. Dakota Johnson 4k Wallpaper dark red illustration front view
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4. AI created warrior anime girl 4k desktop wallpaper sword
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5. Ai created anime cool girl raining 4k wallpaper blur
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6. Rashmika Mandanna cool HD wallpaper for mobile south actress
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7. Ai created beautiful girl 4k desktop background wallpaper
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8. Ai created beautiful baby girl 4k desktop wallpaper blue eye
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9. Beautiful and cute girl as a pilot in a Airplane wallpaper
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10. Hyper realistic beautiful girl, eyes rain effect wallpaper
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Some of the useful links:
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