#Czerka Adventurer slugthrower rifle
sw5w · 10 months
Aurra Sing Watches the Racers Pass
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:11
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emeraldsiren19 · 6 years
January fun facts from page a day SW calendar:
1. Admiral Ackbar of the Rebel Fleet is from the planet Mon Cala. Ackbar leads the attack on the Empire's capital ships from his personal flagship, Home One, during the Battle of Endor.
2. Solitary by nature the dewback lizards of Tattoine are well adapted to survive on the scorching desert planet; locals ride them and use them to carry heavy loads. During the Imperial occupation of Tattoine, stormtroopers find dewbacks to be more reliable than their mechanical vehicles.
3. Battle droids are easily controlled, unquestioningly obedient, and inexpensive to mass produce. And sometimes they're even funny. They are the primary troops in the Trade Federation's mechanized armies.
4. Secluded in a remote corner of the galaxy, the Endor moon is home to both the Ewok species that help the Rebel Alliance defeat the empire and the gravesite of Darth Vader
5/6. The Adventurer slugthrower rifle, made by Czerka, floods its chamber with a rich oxidizer as it detonates its shell, giving the projectile extra range up to 1476 ft (450 meters). It's the favorite weapon of freelance assassin Aurra Sing.
7. Resembling an exotic squid, the bongo submarine is organically grown through secret Gungan techniques. The manta-shaped hull fronts a semi-rigid assembly of tentacle-like fins that give the bongo its power to travel Naboo's underground water network.
8. The Twi'lek Bib Fortuna serves as Jabba the Hutt's major domo (head of staff). Before working for the cruel Jabba, Bib made himself rich as a slave trader of his own people. He is cruel, manipulative and cunning, even plotting to kill the powerful Jabba himself.
9. When on Utapau, Obi-Wan Kenobi rides a varactyl mount called Boga. Useful on Utapau's treacherous terrain, varactyls are excellent climbers. Boga is well trained and very responsive to the Jedi's commands.
10. The Separatist deploy sabotage buzz droids during the Clone Wars to disable enemy ships. Armed with saws, cutting tools and manipulator arms, buzz droids cut, tear and yank on any part of an enemy ship that they can to cause as much damage as possible.
11. Bespin is an astrophysical rarity; an immense gas planet surrounded moons, with a band of habitable atmosphere among endless clouds. The mining planet in a little-visited sector o space is usually secluded from turmoil. But the Empire takes over Bespin's Cloud City during the Galactic Civil War.
12/13. A small fork-shaped dart with distinctive cuts on its side, the Kamino saberdart is a rare artifact. It is used to deliver the toxins Malkite themfar and Fex-M3, which kill in 10 seconds. Cook Dexter Jettster tells Obi-Wan Kenobi how to find the planet where the darts are made, Kamino (12 parsecs south of the Rishi Maze).
14. With its sleek arrowhead shape, streamlined cockpit, and massive twin engines, the A-wing startfighter suggests raw speed even when parked within Alliance hangar bays. Faster than even the TIE interceptor, the A-wing is well suited for lightning strikes.
15. Boss Nass, the ruler of Naboo's underwater Gungan city of Otoh Gunga, initially is hesitant to come to the aid of Naboo's people, because they think they are better than the Gungans. However, when faced with the reality of the droid invasion, he is persuaded by Queen Amidala to work together.
16. Rontos are used by Jawas on Tattooine for transportation and to carry cargo. Gentle and strong, rontos often sway under the weight of their loads.
17. FX-series medical droids serve as assistants to more specialized surgery droids. They employ huge memory banks of medical data, as well as a large number of specialized individual arms outfitted to monitor and maintain patients.
18. Yavin-4, a moon of the gas giant Yavin in the galaxy's Outer Rim, is a steamy jungle- and forest-covered world. Early in the Galactic Civil War, it hosts the principal Rebel base, from which the Rebellion launches the attack that destroys the first Death Star - a confrontation now known as the Battle of Yavin.
19/20. Built by the Empire on Endor, the SLD-26 planetary shield generator provides nearly impenetrable protection of a small moon or a space station. It has a power core, a large focus dish, a positioning antenna and eight shield projectors. But it's vulnerable to small strike teams and Ewoks.
21. Young slave Anakin Skywalker builds his Radon-Ulzer Podracer in secret using the same design that his Boonta Eve Classic competitor use: one pod with a cockpit pulled by two high-powered engines. But Anakin develops a new fuel atomizer that ups his speed by 590 miles (150 kilometers) per hour.
22. Darth Vader, formerly the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, is the impressive Dark Lord of the Sith who serves Emperor Palpatine. After Vader's near-fatal duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, Palpatine has his apprentice encased in black armor that provides constant life support.
23. The Ewoks are sentient furred bipeds native to the moon of Endor. They accepted members of the Rebel Alliance into their tribe and allied themselves to their cause. The Ewoks helped to destroy the Imperial shield generator built in their forests. Their help paved the way to victory at the Battle of Endor.
24. Dwarf spider droids are rugged and offer heavier firepower than battle droids. Originally used by the Commerce Guild to enforce tribute payments on rocky mining worlds, dwarf spider droids easily destroy smaller vehicles. However, these four-legged walkers are vulnerable from behind.
25. A small desert moon frosted by a permanent winter, Jedha was a world important to the Jedi Order as home to one of the first civilizations to explore the nature of the Force. Now, a prolonged battle between Imperial forces and scattered Rebels carries on in Jedha's timeworn streets.
26/27. Hyperdrives allow starships to cross space through the alternate dimension of hyperspace, travelling faster than the speed of light. Large objects in normal space cast mass shadows in hyperspace, so jumps must be precisely calculated to avoid collisions -- and accidentally revealing surprise invasions.
28. Often overshadowed by the newer X-wing and A-wing, the Y-wing starfighter has served multiple generations of star pilots as a workhorse that can take a combat beating and still make it home. The Alliance Starfighters Corps fly Y-wings in both epic battles over the Empire's Death Stars.
29. General Grievous serves as the supreme commander of the Droid Army during the Clone Wars, until his defeat at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi. A cyborg, Grievous was once a Kaleesh warlord and was rebuilt after a shuttle crash.
30. Porgs are small, flat-muzzled avians that flock about the rocks and roost in the cliffs of Luke Skywalker's secluded island. They are very inquisitive creatures.
31. The deadly assassin droid IG-88 is hired by Darth Vader to track the Millenium Falcon. The droid is a long time rival of Boba Fett, its incomplete programming making it obsessed with hunting and killing. Boba destroys the droid assassin and leaves it for scrap in Cloud City after catching it trailing him.
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sw5w · 10 months
Aurra Sing
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:09
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