#internal biocomputer
sw5w · 10 months
Aurra Sing Watches the Racers Pass
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:11
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sabakos · 8 months
🌂 The biocomputer comes free!
🌂 But besides that, pick between three and five cybernetic parts! To add to your body. In hypothetical land.
🌂 They can be a whole new body part, a non-obvious replacement for an existing one, an obviously artifical replacement for an existing one, whatever!
🌂 Also, maybe talk about what you imagine or would like them to be able to do.
🌂 One more thing! The quality of the parts goes down the more you pick. Not by much, but it does. So there's reason to restrain yourself to only three.
I don't think I'd want anything that would kill me if/when it stopped working, so internal organs are out. I'd love wings but I could also similarly not be trusted with them or trust them not to cut out at the worst possible moment and drop me onto concrete neck-first.
Eyes - I studied the optics of eyeballs and cataract formation for my senior project in Physics, and so I think of them as one of the body parts that is basically constantly falling apart and getting worse anyway, and I'd want mine to stay in working order. This is also true for ears, but cochlear implants can already provide a stopgap for the ears and if I'm picking cybernetic parts I'm not going to go for something that already exists. Also cybernetics open many new possibilities, it would be really cool to see in infrared or ultraviolet or something.
Legs - My legs always hurt, or they're falling asleep, or they're sore because i used them too much or not enough. I'm not sure what the stipulations here on how much of a body part can be replaced but I'd like to spend the remaining budget from the foot up to the knee if possible on some nice impact resistant automail. Maybe with super powered kicks or something but as long as it works as well or better than normal legs and doesn't hurt when i use it.
If that still only counts as two somehow I think i would do arms, for the same reason as legs. that's a much lower priority for me though, and i wouldn't want to sacrifice any leg quality for cybernetic arms
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machine-saint · 8 months
🌂 The biocomputer comes free!
🌂 But besides that, pick between three and five cybernetic parts! To add to your body. In hypothetical land.
🌂 They can be a while new body part, a non-obvious replacement for an existing one, an obvious replacement for an existing one, whatever!
🌂 Also, maybe talk about what you imagine or would like them to be able to do.
🌂 One more thing! The quality of the parts goes down the more you pick. Not by much, but it does. So there's reason to restrain yourself to only three.
hmm hmm hmm... ignoring questions of maintenance/social acceptability for now.
a replacement spine/back muscles, because that hurts constantly and i'm tired of it. it doesn't have to be superhuman, just functional and unlikely to break down
replacements arms. something with visible joints (but in a way where i'm not going to have to worry about dust or debris in them). same reason.
an upgradable internal computer, separate from my new 'brain' and connected to it only via usb/hdmi/similar things (with the HDMI showing up as a HUD/picture-in-picture/whatever i choose). i don't want to have to worry about an exploitation vector transferring to my brain.
some kind of charging port as a replacement for sleep
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pobopolybius · 1 year
waaaaa i just saw your OCs??? they're so cute omg???? also your artstyle is super cute too i just negnjgengriw why don't i see more of your art aaaaaaaaaaa-
also also please ramble about your OCs more it all sounds so interesting and i wANNA KNOW MOREEE-
-Flag anon (this is my signature now, idc)
AHHHHH THANK YOU FLAG ANONNNN ♡♡♡♡♡ I don't really draw much because I am in a permanent state of art block, but!! Just for you... I will draw more of my silly guys 🥹🫡💞💞💞💞💞💞
I don't know what to talk about them uhhh. OH about biocomputers. They have internals that look just like human ones, but they actually function differently, like computer parts! And if you change the ones on G3 biocomps, they can change colours too :]
Despite having organs though they don't need to eat or drink or even really breathe in the sense humans do (their lungs work like fans rather than oxidizing blood, as their "blood" is just oil that keeps their insides secured and prevents them from drying up). So if you were to pull out anything, they'd simply shut down until you either replaced the part, or put it back!
The only organ that they have that needs to be kept intact is their brains, as that is where all of what makes them Them is stored. The other parts though, you can fuck around with and they'll make it. But you can't replace all organs with like. Idk. Hearts. And expect biocomps to work. They need everything, replacing all of their organs with one thing would be like replacing all your computer's internals with just graphics cards. You need everything in place to make things work!
Biocomps are also made to be functionally inmortal, since they are made to preserve human life and implant human consciousnesses into them to keep them alive without needing actual human needs. But no matter how hard the scientists try, at this point, all biocomps keep developing consciousnesses of their own, and the ones that would be able to hold a forcefully implanted consciousness in them, like the G3 models, cannot handle that, and need to be decommissioned before the distress gets too severe for both consciousnesses in the body. There is only one G3 model, aka G3-02, that managed to handle that, and G3 looks up to 02 quite a lot. Little did G3 know they'd be in a similar predicament 🤭
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b-urdo · 5 months
Accepting Your Healing
Each type of illness is associated with a particular way of being. There is a personality type associated with heart disease, there is another associated with cancer, another with nearsightedness, etc. The person’s way of being has had stress associated with it, and that stress has reached the physical level, manifesting as a symptom. When someone wants to release a symptom, they must release the way of being that was associated with the symptom, and which, in fact, created it. Releasing the stress from the consciousness allows them to then have different perceptions, and a different way of being. There is a change in the click here nature of the bubble, the filter of perceptions through which they see the world. Said another way, since our perceptions create our reality, there is a change or movement from one bubble to another, from one reality to another, from one paradigm to another.
Thus, we can say that the process of healing implies a process of transformation. In the experience of this writer, recovery from catastrophic illness is always accompanied by a change in the person's way of being. They change, or else continue to manifest the symptoms until they die. Those who change are able to see things differently in their life, and to notice that things happen in ways different from before. They are able, through having different experiences, to define different beliefs. Or, they are able to first define different beliefs, and then have different experiences.
The important thing, in either case, is to release old perceptions that have been based on old experiences, if those perceptions have resulted in a tense way of interacting with the environment. One way to achieve this reprogramming, this perception modification, is by recognizing the element of time as a possible distorting influence in our internal programs and perceptions, and choosing to not prejudice our positive view of the present and future by our negative experience of the past.
For example, someone might have a program in his or her human biocomputer that says, “Every time I see that person, I get a headache!” Then, given the person, the headache is expected, so that the individual has a chance to affirm that truth, the program that is believed to be true, and therefore, is true for them. Unfortunately, the program always results in a headache, so although the program is very effective and efficient, the result is something unpleasant. To release the program while still acknowledging what is true, we can describe it as having been true in the past. Then, the program would say, “Every time that I have seen that person, I have gotten a headache - but the next time might be different. Perhaps the other person has realized the error of his or her ways, or has become enlightened, or transformed (it’s always a change in the other person). 
For the next time, I’ll see what happens and what is true then.” Then, direct experience can show that something different is, in fact, true. “Wow! This person really is different - and actually, quite pleasant to be around! I’m sure I will never again get a headache from being around this person.” From that moment, with those words, a new belief is created, and new perceptions are allowed, and a new reality is created with the new belief. If you are interested in experiencing the process of healing, and therefore, the process of transformation, what is particularly important is the way you describe yourself to yourself. This is because the words that you use to describe your experience create your reality, and you are interested in the creation of a different reality in which you feel better than you did before.
Thus, it’s important to pay attention to the words that you use to describe yourself. If you are describing some trait you do not find particularly successful (I’m shy, or afraid of success, or naturally irritable, etc.), then with your words, leave it in the past, making room for a different perception in the present, and also the future (“I was shy, or have been afraid of success, or had been irritable because I was not really being myself, etc.). In that way, you will be able to more easily dis-identify with and therefore let go of old ideas, and old tensions associated with the symptoms to be released.
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beltasar · 6 months
Organisation of United Valein
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Self-conscious morphobos, war for independence of Weln Federation, anti-biocomputer protests - all of it caused tension to grow and a way to stop the world from ending was needed. Organisation of United Valein (OUV) was created in 936 AA, where Kerian Empire, Kt'tk Directorate, Kingdom of Eotrith, Weln Federation, Khuunum Republic, the Pact, Molol Regime, Navanorun and morphobos could work together to achieve peace. OUV has been functioning as a peacekeeping organisation for a long time, some international laws and a private peacekeeping force have been created to ensure peace in society. In the rise of megacorporations its political power decreased, but it still acts as a means to reduce tension in the world. Its HQ is in Weln.
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biocomputingseshw · 8 months
A look into the Biocomputing innovation
What actually is Biocomputing? Biological computing use DNA (and or proteins) to achieve digital or real life computations. Biological sciences continue to develop, especially with the growing advancements of Biological computations. The advances in this field has accelerated in development, and we may now be able to see many positives towards the environment, and the climate itself. But what is so good about Biocomputing and how does it actually help (and should/ how can we use it?). Firstly, how can biological computing impact climate change, well, diving into some research, we can pinpoint highlight positive's that this innovation can have on our planet. A major advantage is it's ability to tackle the economy, a ceiling of sixty percent of physical resources forwarded into the international economy, could in question be produced biologically, and this is achievable through the biocomputing renovations. Surely something to chew on towards thinking about positives to our climate in it's current state. Just to further understand the background, biocomputers interlink engineering, technology and of course biology to fulfil it's purpose, it is described as performing 'computational functions', by utilising, as previously stated, biological materials. Example's of these would be to name a few common ones, molecules or cells. The ever mentioned computational functions can be broken down into defining functions that are almost unfeasible for your average computer models to produce. What are these functions biocomputers are capable of though? They are capable of using their capabilities towards diagnosis, which is a very positive advantage of these inventions in my opinion. This may ease stress on doctors, health clinics, and a more sustainable approach to finding vaccines. A major bonus of this digitally crafted machine. Other uses include, bioproductions, bioremeditations as well as parralel computations. We do not need to go in depth with all its advantageous implementations on everyday life to understand we have a very useful piece of machinery here that will continue to turn heads.
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Lets talk about more recent activity, as of 2023, it is believed that scientists are now finding more and more ways to use biocomputers and its usefulness towards their field. These advanced computer models are being tied with being able to tackle issues from public life that could not have been wrestled with before on ordinary computers, or with the technology of the past. This belief is taken from a scientist from the 'Technical University of Madrid' located in the country of Spain. Could this change the world of computers for the future and our idea of computing, and are these biological computers seeming too good to be true. Well, the good news continues, through years of trying, scientists now, seem able to use living organisms through the biological technology to benefit ideas on their end to continue to develop ideas in science. Now despite these positive discoveries, biological computers are not deemed here to replace computers and take over all the technology we use, but just to raise awareness to be used in its own field when required. It is not to replace your day to day technology nor to be used by everyone, but as I write, it is becoming a very useful tool that can help the world of science discoveries, help diagnosis techniques, vaccines, produce products that are more sustainable to the climate, and most importantly not touched on previously, these biocomputers use such small amounts of energy to allow them to work. The modern state of economy is so expensive for everyone, mainly through costs of energy that has hiked in prices. The fact such a useful tool requires such little to use and can produce so much, is my main persuasion towards its continual use.
Continuing briefly on it's pros, touching away from its sustainability however, the speed and efficiency it can process DNA sequencing, which used to take highs of weeks to return results, can now be done in hours, potentially minutes, and this is proven arguments.
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emergentfutures · 1 year
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Postdoc: Chile.GenomicsSeaweedHolobionts
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: Chile.GenomicsSeaweedHolobionts > Date: 1 February 2023 at 09:18:57 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > The Millenium Nucleus for Marine Agronomy of Seaweed Holobionts (MASH) is > an interdisciplinary research group dedicated to the study of the biology, > microbiology, and genomics of seaweed holobionts, and oriented towards the > development of a marine agronomy for seaweed aquaculture. MASH research > focuses on three pillars of marine agronomy: understanding and controlling > traits of interest for seaweed aquaculture, designing breeding strategies > that maximize selection efficiency to obtain improved strains, and > managing the genetic resource for sustainable seaweed cultivation. Seaweed > holobiont biology, resulting from the interaction of seaweeds and their > associated microbial communities, is at the core of our research. > > See https://ift.tt/x7YFGjR for further details. > > MASH seeks applications for a postdoctoral research scholar in > the biological interactions between seaweeds and their associated > microbiota. Candidates should have a degree in Biology, Biochemistry, > Biotechnology, Engineer or Biocomputing Science and be educated at PhD > level. Experience on metagenomic data analyses, microbiomes studies or > environmental microbial ecology using NGS is required. Basic knowledge > of seaweed biology is expected but not mandatory. The candidate will be > expected to dedicate fully to research in an active and interdisciplinary > research-oriented environment. > > Position is for one year, renewable for up to two years. Appointments > should preferably start as soon as possible. > > Applicant will be requested to apply for national grant FONDECYT for > postdocs.  The postdoctoral researcher will be working essentially > at the GEMA Center for Genomics, Ecology & Environment, Universidad > Mayor (Campus Huechuraba, Santiago, Chile), with Dr. Nicole Trefault > (https://ift.tt/01iKFMs) who > oversees microbial ecology and genomics in MASH. He will also interact > with other MASH researchers dedicated to seaweed population genetics and > genomics, ecophysiology and mathematical modelling of metabolic networks > of the seaweed holobionts. > > Monthly salary will be $1.500.000 (Chilean Pesos) before taxes, about > US$ 1.800. > > Evidence of the candidate’s capacity to independently conduct > interdisciplinary research, strong skills and interest in data analysis, > manuscript writing and presenting at national and international > conferences is required. > > The postdoctoral research scholar will take on the following leadership roles in the project: > - Analyses, integration, and interpretation of NGS data of microbial communities, in association with host seaweeds’ genetic diversity and genomic features for an in-depth characterization of the seaweed holobiont in farms and natural populations. > > - Writing manuscripts and peer-reviewed articles, reports and other materials for > the Millenium Nucleus. > - Research support with other activities that further the Nucleus objectives. > > Complete applications will be reviewed beginning February 27, 2023 until the > search is closed. > To apply, please submit to [email protected], with subject: Postdoc > Application MASH, and attach the following information: > - Cover letter > - Detailed CV > - Contact details for three references > > > > Sylvain Faugeron > > IRL3614 Evolutionary Biology and Ecology of Algae > Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas > Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile > Av. Bernardo O'Higgins 340 > > Santiago - Chile > > +56-223 54 26 47 > > Sylvain Faugeron
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nintendoteuthis · 5 years
Mr. Grizz, the Professor, and the Ark Polaris
I fully expect this to be paved over in Splatoon 3, and I don’t care.
It is the year 2190. Global sea levels are rising, and another world war is looming. With the end of the world nigh, one international group decided the best way to preserve humanity’s legacy was to get it off Earth. Construction of spaceships - “Arks” - to send time capsules of the Holocene into space began promptly. The Odyssey Project was born.
Among the motley crew of scientists and engineers assembled to manage the first of these, the Ark Polaris, was bioengineer Prometheus Manning. Manning was a brilliant, forward-thinking man, famous for pioneering epigenetic treatments. He had figured out a way to make animals not only intelligent, but biologically immortal. He called this “enhancement”. A few of the animals slated to go onboard the Ark Polaris underwent this enhancement. Harnessing the unique abilities of certain animals in sapient hands would help the party as a whole survive, it was reasoned.
Surprisingly enough, the Odyssey Project was a success. The Arks took off, sending samples of earth’s biosphere and culture into space. A hope for preserving humanity’s legacy before its doom. But Manning felt it wasn’t enough. The more time capsules there were, he thought, the greater the chance that humanity’s legacy would be preserved. Using the same super-long-term cryopreservation technology implemented on the Arks, Manning sent two beings into stasis underground: Tartar, a biocomputer containing humanity’s knowledge, and Judd, his enhanced pet cat.
Fast forward many millions of years.
One day, the Ark Polaris entered the atmosphere of a blue planet and crashed off the coast. Those that survived the landing included, but were not limited to, the few humans onboard and an enhanced grizzly bear. From materials onboard, they created a structure from which they could live and study this strange new world.
Unfortunately, the Ark Polaris landed a couple months before the periodic swarming of the local Salmonids. It was nothing short of a massacre. Only one had the natural capacity to defend himself from the onslaught - and gained a taste for them in the process.
Now a jaded old bear, Mr. Grizz doesn’t hunt Salmonids and their eggs himself anymore. After the founding of Grizzco Industries - a means for him to export and profit off the harvest - he hires others to do the dirty work for him. Grizzco is a profitable venture above all else, but deep in his heart, it also satisfies his desire for revenge against the fish. They took his friends, he doesn’t mind taking from them in return.
Are you ready to be a part of something bigger than yourself? That’s not Mr. Grizz’s catchphrase, nor is it Tartar’s. That was Manning’s. He would tell this to every intelligent being he worked with, human or not, because he truly believed they were all part of something greater. That what they were doing would have a lasting impact.
And in a way, it did.
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Thoughts on House of X #4
Over the halfway mark!
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Look At What They’ve Done Infographic:
Suprisingly for an issue that, in retrospect is the climax of the standard superheroics part of House of X, this issue starts with an infographic, which turns out to be one of the more controversial in HoX/PoX.
Foreshadowing what’s going to come at the end of the issue, the tone is already different from the pseudo-academic objectivity of earlier infographics, although the term “mutant erasure” evokes the activist-inspired, post-cultural turn work of critical race/gender/sexuality studies, which is something of a stepping-stone. 
By contrast, describing Wanda Maximoff as both “the pretender” (does this mean “not-really-a-mutant” or “not-really-Magneto’s-daughter” or both?) and as associated with the Avengers is incredibly politically pointed, which speak to a particular kind of mutant nationalist identity that bears a good deal of grievance towards even benevolent human institutions.
Similarly, the term “human-on-mutant violence” is way too evocative of real world debates over racism and police violence to be accidental on the author’s point. It’s a depressing thought, but the 616 probably sees a lot of “what about mutant-on-mutant violence?” derailings, maybe as many as creep up in threads about HoX/Pox here...
So let’s get at the controversy: can Bolivar Trask be blamed for the Genoshan genocide? Contrary to a few voices in the fandom, I would argue strongly for the affirmative. As we see from his initial appearance, Trask created the Sentinels entirely out of racial paranoia/hatred; moreover, Sentinels have no purpose other than A. destroying all mutants and B. subjugating the human race along the way. Cassandra Nova’s actions on Genosha absolutely followed the Trask playbook of both father and son, and indeed relied on Larry Trask’s assistance to carry it out, making it a Trask affair from beginning to end. 
On a final meta note, this infographic really speaks to the outsized impact that Morrison’s New X-Men and Bendis’ House of M had on the X-line for the last 15-20 years. 
But before we get to the punching, we get one burst of Hickman’s fascination with singularities and transhumanism, where for the first time we really get an example of how the Krakoan biological approach is going to work, showing us a surprisingly complicated biomachine:
Trinity (who runs the Secondary/External Systems part of Krakoa) uses her technopathy to gather intelligence from human mechanical systems: the Aracibo Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, “re-tasked SETI radio telescopes," both of which are real things, and the “Dyson solar observatory,” which isn’t. 
Beast (who runs the Overwatch/Data Analysis part of Krakoa) uses Krakoan biocomputers and his own scientific genius to “extrapolate that data into an actionable forecast,” to deal with the delay caused by the immense distances between Krakoa and Sol’s Forge.
Professor X and Cerebro handle the direct Connection between Krakoa and the away team, while the Cuckoos link Trinity, Beast, Storm into a psychic link with Xavier, which means all of the parts of the system work seamlessly even as Storm handles the Invocation of visually representing Jean Grey’s thoughts.
If you step back and think about it, this is an astonishing technological feat: with minimal reliance on machine technology, Krakoa has established a NASA “KASA Mission Control” that can send data across half a solar system almost(?) instantly. 
That’s before we even get to the whole secondary purpose of the system, which is to allow Professor X and the Five to resurrect an up-to-date version of anyone who dies on the mission, which is one hell of a life-rope. 
Thematically, we see a really sharp distinction between biological and mechanical transhumanism/singularity: “KASA Mission Control” is described in biological terms, “function[ing] as a singular organism,” and also in religious terms, with “eight of us acting as one” explicitly labelled as “Communion.” And yet...the eight people involved retain their separate personalities and identities and no separate, artificial intelligence is created. 
Should We Fear the Worst?
 And across five hundred million miles, all Krakoa gets is bad news. Archangel and Husk, the redshirt’s redshirts on this mission, are dead before they do anything; Nightcrawler has some level of “internal injury,” and Wolverine almost had his arm blown off.
Incidentally, page 7 is where something of a problem crops up with Jean Grey’s characterization. As people have noted, Jean Grey starts off in the passive communications role (indeed, she’s even reliant on Monet to do that job) and doesn’t really improve from there. With the added context of her wearing her Silver Age miniskirt costume, it’s all a bit sus, especially if you’ve been reading a much more self-possessed, confident, and all-around more powerful version of Jean Grey in X-Men: Red. For a while, many of us were thinking that Jean is a younger backup, but that seems to have been Jossed by the resurrection ceremony in House of X #5. 
Better characterization abounds for the men: following their conversation from the previous issue, Cyclops and Wolverine have different perspectives about the question of whether to continue on with the mission (another key element of the special ops/espionage thriller genre). Cyclops emphasizes pushing on to make Warren and Paige’s sacrifice meaningful, Logan agrees but rather because of the existential stakes of the mission. There’s an interesting parallel there between Xavier and Magneto and means vs. ends. 
Following the catastrophe, Nightcrawler successfully inserts the struje team, while “Jean and Monet will stay to maintain our connection with Krakoa;”we know know that part was crucial in more than one way, but it is a continuation of some troubling gender dynamics.
Meanwhile, despite being “technically...just an observer” (and doesn’t that ring of all kinds of Cold War proxy wars), Omega Sentinel takes action to prompt Dr. Gregor into retaliation, similarly playing to the nationalistic theme of “if you don’t, he will have died for nothing.” 
Orchis’ retaliation doesn’t go so well, as we see Wolverine carving his way through an AIM securtiy team and Nightcrawler bloodlessly tying up two scientists (note the further emphasis on differing personalities and values; whoever these X-Men might be, they’re not mindless followers) towards popping two of the four constraint collars.
Unfortunately, this is followed up by a couple pages of more Jean Grey being awfully Damselly: yes, she’s holding open the connection, but she’s coded as way more helpless and indecisive than Monet (who gets to go out like a badass defending the shuttle), and the line “I dunno what to say, Marvel Girl. Try harder” really sums it all up. So far, this is reading a lot more like Stan Lee’s Jean Grey (but not Jack Kirby’s) than Chris Claremont’s. 
With the tension ratcheting ever-higher, we see Cyclops succeeding at his mission, while Mystique...doesn’t and then gets promptly blown out an airlock. The “habitat” connection and the odd business with her getting “turned around” despite having the plans for the base in her head like everyone else is highly suspicious (it might suggest the use of a Krakoa flower, but no one’s ever suggested what her motivation would be for doing so), but it’ll have to go on the list of plot threads that weren’t resolved in House of X.
In a development that really ought to be troubling to more people, Dr. Gregor throws away whatever moral compunctions she has about waking up a potentially violently insane A.I because “I don’t let them stop us. No matter what,” a potentially existential downside to Omega’s strategy. 
Do Whatever It Takes:
Having reached the “darkest moment” in the story diagram, Professor X orders his students to “do whatever it takes” to prevent Mother Mold from coming on line. This prompts Cyclops to give the order to Nightcrawler and Wolverine to jump out into unprotected space to sever the last constraint collar. All in all, we’re following the traditional beats of the special ops/espionage genre pretty closely, down to the team leader’s moral anguish moment.
Appropriately, we then get a quiet moment where Kurt and Logan contemplate whether or what will be “waiting for us on the other side.” Even knowing what we know now about the resurrection system, there’s still a good deal of weight to this moment, because in a way this Kurt and this Logan are going to die and whether they’re the same Kurt and Logan who will be reborn is a matter I’ll take up in Powers of X #5 along with the difficult topic of the philosophy of identity. (I’m going to leave aside the question of them having gone to literal Heaven and Hell in the past, because my Doylist position is that those story threads were probably a bad idea and my Watsonian No Prize is that you can’t remember the afterlife once returned to earth.)
Surprisingly, things get only more metaphysically weird when the two teleport outside and Wolverine starts chopping his way through the last arm. Mother Mold wakes up and immdiately starts talking about Greek mythology. Mother Mold’s interpretation of the Titanomachy is a little choppy (as we might expect from an insane A.I): on the one hand, if humanity are the Olympian gods as the creator of the Sentinels and the mutants are the Titans because of “their spoiled lineage” (this doesn’t quite work, because the Titans preceded the Olympians), then the Sentinels being “Man” makes sense. And as someone who’s written his share of college papers about omniscience/predestination/free will in Greek myth and drama, there’s a plausible anti-theist position whereby human beings might “judge and find you both wanting.” (Although that language is too Book of Daniel for the Greeks.) On the other hand, if the Sentinels are man, them having “stolen your fire” doesn’t work either - humanity was given fire by the Titan Prometheus - unless the argument is that Wolverine is Prometheus because he yeets Mother Mold into the sun?
Regardless, it’s a very ominous note for Mother Mold to go out on, because the consistent anti-human/Olympian tone suggests this insane A.I might hate humans way more than it hates mutants. 
With the day seemingly saved, we transition into the Rogue One scenario where Cyclops is murdered by a vengeful Dr. Gregor and Jean is torn apart by Sentinel drones. 
As gruesome as all of this is, I think it does play a very important role in explaining a good deal of Charles Xavier’s change of mind with regard to human-mutant harmony and assimilation. While this incident didn’t prompt any of the decisions that he’s made along the way - this mission is happening post-Xavier’s announcement and a day before the U.N vote, making it quite late in the X^1 timeline - I think it does a good job of showing us the kind of thought patterns that have led Xavier to this conclusion. In addition to everything he’s seen from Moira’s past nine lives, which only lend a greater sense of urgency and the fear of inevitability, Xavier himself has experienced the deaths of “our children” over and over again as the founder of the X-Men, and clearly both the direct trauma (keep in mind, he’s hooked into the minds of all of his X-Men as they die) and the pain he feels at humanity’s apathy/atrocity fatigue, goes a long way to explaining why he’ll make the decision that integration and assimilation are no longer viable options.
For all the crap that people sometime sling at Hickman over his use of charts, I will say that the way that “NO MORE” weaponizes them by extra-textually demonstrating the breakdown of the facade of calm objectivity is incredibly effective.
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cannabisrefugee-esq · 5 years
Weaponizing Autism? Greta Thunberg And Her Autism Are Being Used. Note the Absence of Gaslighting. Also, Nuclear.
The above vid is an illustration for those “climate change activists” who believe that hydroelectric and/or nuclear power, in other words, dam/ning the world’s rivers and waterways is going to save us.  It’s not.
Greta Thunberg is an international “climate change activist” that probably everyone has heard about by now.  She is also autistic and shares characteristics with other autistics, namely, she is serious and sullen; nonverbal by default unless she has something important to say; starkly observant, brutally honest.  Although still a child she does not suffer fools gladly or at all, and instead is mercilessly critical of the “adults” who have poisoned, penetrated and otherwise wrecked the “climate” (read: planet) we all rely on for survival.  Even worse, especially to an autistic like Greta where autistics characteristically respond with an intense Trypophobic-like revulsion to deceit and lies, the Baby Boomer generation (and the generations immediately preceding and following) lied about what they did and continue to do to our shared world, they covered it up, they continue the lies and cover-ups even as they smile (or cry, or don’t react at all) and lie more and cover up more, right to our collective face.
Greta isn’t falling for it which isn’t odd in and of itself.  What’s really odd is that anyone is listening to her, and taking her seriously, a female in end-stage patriarchy, an uncoiffed, disabled nonconsumer and nonworker in end-stage capitalism, a child.
A cynical (or seasoned adult) observer might note that Greta’s story and presence in the cultural conversation has put everyone in their feels and in their imagined political, social and interpersonal power which is right where the “adults” want us to be.  In fact I can only conclude that this bizarre spectacle isn’t bizarre at all, but is what. it. looks. like. when end-stage capitalism and patriarchy uses a female autistic to serve its own ends.  How can we tell?  Because even as she criticizes and shames them, hitting them in their egos and accumulations and rituals (right where it would seem to hurt the most) the “adults” aren’t gaslighting her, they aren’t telling her not to believe her lying eyes, they are encouraging rather than shutting her down, she hasn’t been medicated or institutionalized or driven to suicide or killed.  Yet.
(Let’s see how well Greta fares after some time has passed, after a season, a misspent youth or a lifetime of activism seeing clearly how things really operate and what the consequences are and how little things actually change.  Or how particularly capitalism and patriarchy don’t tend to change over time except to reliably get worse.)
Instead of punishing her, the adults and other children who inhabit this failing global politic/planet are hailing Greta Thunberg as an autistic savant, a climate change warrior, an infant Wonder Woman but in my estimation she is just a misguided Cassandra.
If anyone had steered her autistic eagle-eye and formidable social conscience towards, say, radical feminism instead of climate activism when she recognized, essentially, that a global patriarchy has murdered the planet, perhaps Greta and her autistic brain/biocomputer would have come to the correct conclusion sooner rather than later.  (That conclusion being that it’s a more or less global patriarchy, not the “adults” that have done us all in, and that the damage is likely permanent).  Her biocomputer is likely to put the pieces together eventually though, and by then she and her autism will have been used to their utmost potential (read: used and used up) to maintain the status quo and to achieve absolutely nothing of value to herself or other sentient beings, or to plants, or to single-celled organisms, or to life.  Environmental and climate activi$t charities as well as the “clean green” apex capitalistic patriarchal nuclear industry (not to mention hydroelectric) will have made bank off Greta’s youth, disability and ignorance as well as that of other children and young people (and older folks too) who were convinced or partially convinced by her endorsement and her analysis and her truth-telling that climate change activi$m was the correct and effective thing to do.
Actually, it’s likely that she and we won’t even live long enough for her to figure it out.  Autistics have a notoriously high risk of premature death.  And there is plenty of evidence that our planet is not just sick, rather, as of now decades ago it’s no longer able to sustain life: by some estimates, the entirety of the human species has less than a decade left to exist due to loss of habitat caused by anthropogenic human male caused climate change.  But I digress.
What I am suggesting here is that if Greta’s autism, observations and passion did not serve the status quo she never would have been invited to give a TED talk, she never would have been invited to dress-down the United Nations or British Parliament allegedly on behalf of the living planet, she never would have been allowed to speak at all.  And the fact that she was and is being allowed and encouraged to speak (a female!  And a disabled one at that) is prima facie evidence that she is being used, where her observations may be correct or partially correct but her analysis and conclusions are (unsurprisingly) quite childlike and ultimately supportive of the very adults capitalistic patriarchal beast she criticizes.   This autistic child is neck deep in the patriarchal meatgrinder being used by disingenuous, profiteering, pro-capitalist pro-patriarchal adults demons and she doesn’t even know it.  But being both young and autistic, she wouldn’t, would she.
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What does it mean to "metaprogram the human biocomputer"?
Oh! That’s a quote from Robert Anton Wilson. (Actually, it seems like it’s a quote from John C. Lilly, but I read about it in Robert Anton Wilson.)
Robert Anton Wilson is big on the whole idea that our worldviews influence our perceptions; he calls them “reality tunnels” and says that each worldview will obscure certain aspects of our experience while highlighting others.
(Here’s an interesting example that I encountered the other day: on Wikipedia, I read that in individualist cultures, we perceive our emotions as coming from inside ourselves (so they’re generated internally), while in collectivist cultures people perceive emotions as coming from their surroundings (so they’re generated externally). Having been raised in an individualist culture, I always thought about emotions as an internal thing, but after I read about the collectivist perspective, I realized that a lot of emotions really do come from our surroundings (especially from the people around us), and that our culture’s conceptual system had caused me to neglect this.)
Anyway, Robert Anton Wilson recommended trying out as many worldviews as possible, in order to see more of these things that were previously concealed. His book Cosmic Trigger talks about his own experiences exploring perspectives; it is super interesting and I highly recommend it (it’s a very quick and compelling read).
He also wrote a book called Prometheus Rising which talks about the 8-circuit model of consciousness (which he emphasizes is just a model, a conceptual tool for interfacing with the world, not something he actually believes is literally true). The 8-circuit model talks about different stages of consciousness that humans go through, most people getting stuck around 3 or 4, but some (usually with the help of drugs) moving up to higher levels. (I think the 8-circuit model was originally developed by Timothy Leary?)
Anyway, I can’t remember the context in which RAW talked about “metaprogramming the human biocomputer”, but it was about consciously altering one’s own worldview, and also probably one’s habits and personality and all kinds of other things. The idea was to “reprogram” one’s own mind, particularly with the help of hallucinogens. I can’t remember if it was part of rising to higher levels in the 8-circuit model of consciousness, or whether it was just about changing one’s worldview for the sake of exploring different “reality tunnels”. But anyway, I use it as a tag for deliberate self-alteration, of the sort where you sit down one day and decide “I’m going to be a certain way”, and then you are.
I used to be really, really good at this. I didn’t need drugs; I could just sit down and alter myself at will, and I did, regularly. But these days I’m not so good at it anymore. I used to say “the first rule of reprogramming yourself is don’t reprogram yourself to be unable to reprogram yourself”; I’m not sure if I did that, or if age just makes me less flexible (the same way it makes me less good at pulling all-nighters and less energetic in general).
But anyway hopefully that explains the phrase / tag.
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nuadox · 7 years
Turning mammalian cells into biocomputers
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- By Dom Galeon , Futurism -
In Brief: A team of researchers from Boston University has managed to turn human cells into biocomputers that can perform complex computing tasks. Eventually, the technique could lead us to a way to genetically engineer our cells to fight diseases like cancer.
DNA Circuits
In a new study published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, a research team from Boston University (BU) led by synthetic biologist Wilson Wong has managed to turn mammalian cells into biocomputers capable of conducting complex computations. This remarkable feat was undertaken within the genes of human kidney cells.
For their study, the genetic circuit itself was designed using an existing machinery in cells called a promoter. That DNA snippet transcribes a cell’s DNA to RNA and then translates that into proteins. The researchers relied on a scissor-like enzyme called DNA recombinase to act as an on/off switch for the genes by cutting out selected snippets. Wong’s team inserted four extra DNA snippets after a promoter. One of those snippets was designed to produced green fluorescent protein (GFP), which lights up a cell, when switched on by a particular drug.
Using their technique, Wong and his team were able to build 113 different circuits with a 96.5 percent success rate. These various circuits were engineered using different recombinases with varied target strands. Perhaps their greatest feat was being able to make a Boolean logic lookup table from human cells using a circuit with six different inputs. These inputs combined in a number of ways to perform one of 16 logical operations.
“It’s exciting in that it represents another scale at which we can design mammalian genetic circuits,” synthetic biologist Timothy Lu from MIT told Science.
Complex Biocomputing
At its core, a computer is a machine that processes information by carrying out computations. The more powerful a computer’s circuitry is, the more complex the computations it can carry out. In a similar manner, cells genetically engineered to work as minicomputers can be more or less powerful depending on their engineering.
Prior to the work of Wong’s team, other researchers had already genetically engineered the genes of organic materials to perform computing tasks, such as making cells light up when oxygen levels drop. Those simple biocomputers, however, were limited to the relatively easier to manipulate genes of E. coli or other bacteria. Mammalian cells were difficult to use as genetic circuits because their ability to turn specific genes on and off relied on transcription factors, which “all behave slightly differently,” according to Wong. Relying on DNA recombinase instead allowed the BU researchers to avoid that problem.
Wong’s team hasn’t yet managed to make these modified cells do computing work that would actually be useful, but this proof-of-concept study paves the way for complex biocomputing. Eventually, being able to genetically engineer human cells to perform complex computing tasks could prove highly beneficial for medical research and treatment development. For one, it could offer improvements in cancer therapy. According to Lu, we could potentially engineer T cells in the immune system to wipe out tumors detected via biomarkers. The method could also improve our ability to generate on-demand tissue to replace damaged or worn-out body parts.
References: Science | AAAS, Nature Biotechnology
This article was originally published on futurism.com as “New Research Turns Mammalian Cells Into Biocomputers”.
Author: Dom Galeon
Editor: Kristin Houser
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Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
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ijtsrd · 6 years
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by Matthew N. O. Sadiku | Nana K. Ampah | Sarhan M. Musa "Biocomputing"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-6 , October 2018,
URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd18825.pdf
Direct Link: http://www.ijtsrd.com/computer-science/bioinformatics/18825/biocomputing/matthew-n-o-sadiku
call for paper biological science, biological science journal
Biocomputing is an interdisciplinary research area which combines biology, computer science, and engineering. It is the process of building computers that use biological materials. It uses systems of biologically derived molecules, such as proteins and DNA, to perform computational calculations. This paper provides a brief introduction to biocomputing. 
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arushisoni-blog · 6 years
Biosensors Market - Expanding at a healthy clip 2025
Global Biosensors Market: Overview
Biosensors, short form for biological sensors, are essentially analytical devices. They transform biological responses into electrical signals. They are typically comprised of a transducer and a biological element that could be an antibody, an enzyme, or a nucleic acid. The bioelement interacts with the analyte that is being tested and the biological response is transformed into an electrical signal by the transducer. The different types of biosensors available in the market are glucometers, optrodes, immunosensors, chemical canaries, resonant mirrors, biochips, and biocomputers. They can be both wearable as well as non-wearable.
Global Biosensors Market: Key Trends
The global market for biosensors is expanding at a healthy clip driven by a number of factors. At the forefront are the rising instances of diabetes and the growing pool of elderly people. Other factors bolstering the market are the rising instances of chronic and other lifestyle-related diseases, growing demand for point of care testing, and rising applications of biosensors in different industries.
Proving counterproductive to the market, on the other hand, are the stringent norms and issues pertaining to reimbursement policies.
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Global Biosensors Market: Market Potential
The global market for biosensors holds a lot of potential and is predicted to expand at a good pace in the foreseeable future. It finds application in home diagnostics, environmental monitoring, point of care, research labs, food and beverages industry, and in biodefense. Among them, the point-of-care is a key application segment which can be further divided into infectious diseases, glucose monitoring, pregnancy and fertilizer testing, cardiac markers, blood gas and electrolytes, cholesterol tests, etc. Of them, cardiac markers are most sought after and will see several developments on account of numerous innovations making them more effective. The rising instances of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) which need to be diagnosed promptly, will also drive growth in the market.
Besides, glucose biosensors that help to track changes in glucose concentration and thus maintain normal blood glucose levels, hold out a lot of potential on account of the increasing prevalence of diabetes. With more cutting-edge glucose biosensors, the market potential is slated to grow further.
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Apart from the existing applications, extensive research and development are revealing new uses of biosensors which are primed to revolutionize the market. Doctors, for example, are trying to leverage wearable biosensor technology to predict behavioral patterns in autistic people and thus prevent them from doing harm to themselves as well as others.
Global Biosensors Market: Regional Outlook
Geographically, the key segments of the market are Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and the Rest of the World. Among them, Asia Pacific is slated to expand at a cracking pace on account of the rising number of people afflicted with diabetes and efforts by governments in the nations to boost healthcare infrastructure in their respective countries. Glucose monitors, in which biosensors are used, enjoy maximum demand in Asia Pacific.
North America is another key biosensor market in terms of size on account of alarming increase in instances of obesity, diabetes, and various lifestyle-related diseases.
Global Biosensors Market: Competitive Analysis
In order to gauge the competition prevailing in the global market for biosensors, the report profiles players such as Abbott Point of Care Inc., Medtronic, Inc., F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., Siemens AG, LifeScan, Inc., LifeSensors Inc., Nova Biomedical Corp., Acon Laboratories Inc., Universal Biosensors, Pharmaco-Kinesis Corporation (PKC), Bayer Healthcare AG, Biacore, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Biosensors International Ltd., Ercon, Inc., DuPont, and Sysmex Corporation. The report analyses their product offerings, key strategies, sales and revenues, and prospects going forward.
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The study presents reliable qualitative and quantitative insights into:
Market segments and sub-segments
Market trends and dynamics
Supply and demand chain of the market
Market valuation (revenue and/or volume)
Key trends/opportunities/challenges
Forces defining present and estimated future state of the competitive landscape
Technological developments
Value chain and stakeholder analysis
The regional analysis covers:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
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