#multi-spectrum targeting scope
sw5w · 10 months
Aurra Sing Watches the Racers Pass
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:11
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celestial-violencia · 8 months
My Thoughts On Blind Deity/Entity Identifications
I have been seeing an influx of readers and psychics claiming to be able to identity things like spirit guides and deities lately. And if it was just targeted confirmation readings, I would think that this would be just fine, or if they were doing a general type of reading on this entity’s energies towards the querent. However, they’re more often than not claiming to be able to blindly identify otherworldly beings using things like a simple tarot card spread. Personally, I have a lot of qualms about these types of readings, and I’m just going to be sharing some food for thought before you purchase one of these readings from someone on sites like TikTok or Etsy.
What is a blind identification? A blind identification is being given some basic qualities and then immediately drawing cards and identifying the entity. If I were to say “Hey a deity is reaching out to me, can you name them?”, that would be a blind identification. If I were to go to a reader and say, “Hey, I think Isis is reaching out to me, can you confirm?”, that would be more of a targeted identification, and in my opinion targeted identifications have a much higher rate of being accurate than blind identifications. A blind identification is not just providing a reading of “This deity has a very motherly energy” or something along those lines, it’s reading a couple cards and going “Aha! This is definitely Persephone!” when you’re not aware of any options your querent might be thinking of…or all of the options that are available.
Why differentiate? There’s a vast ocean of an accuracy spectrum between a blind identification and a targeted identification. When you’re confirming if something is a specific entity or type of guide, you’re much more likely to get a more concrete answer than if you were going in blind and using tarot to pick a name out of a hat. Think of it like a Guess Who game. Asking if the card is Mr. Brown only leads to a yes or no answer. Asking if it’s a person with brown hair will leave multiple possibilities and your chances of an accurate guess are much lower. Think of how many types of deities fall under things like parental figure, warrior, healer, etc. Think of how much overlap there is between all of these characteristics between deities. Now I want you to think of a card combination that can only be used for one specific deity. Chances are, you won’t be able to. That isn’t to say a blind guess can never be accurate, but it’s more of a matter of luck versus having a solid, concrete answer. Can intuition help? Sure, but then that brings me to my next point of contention.
Scope of Knowledge Another vastly limiting factor is the reader’s scope of knowledge. Nine out of ten times I see the same Greco-Roman deities being identified. I will also see a lot of the same entities being identified. Loki seems to be a hot guess, especially when Marvel movies are popular. So why are these same deities dominating the charts? Well, it’s because the readers who are blindly identifying these beings are only familiar with so many of them. And normally that’s fine! As practitioners, we really only need to know what we want to incorporate in our practice. But when you’re claiming to be able to pick a deity from all of the pantheons out there, then you would need to be intimately familiar with each and every deity, every entity, every kind of guide…and that’s simply impossible. Deities will also have different sides they show to different followers. If you’re trying to identify a deity with Empress energy, your mind probably goes to Gaia, or Persephone, maybe Hera, perhaps Rhea. But would you ever think of Kali Ma? Santa Muerte? Most people definitely wouldn’t because they haven’t seen those sides of these deities. So how do you expect to blindly identify a deity when they’re so multi-faceted? Once again, if you do, it’s most likely by luck versus skill.
The Risk of Taking Blind Identifications At Face Value When you take these readings at face value, at best you’ll simply be ignored by the deity or they may decide they’re open to having a relationship with you even if they didn’t reach out to you first, but at worst, you run the risk of a nasty surprise. Most deities have rules of engagement to be followed. Some are more strict than others. Angering deities because you’ve been convinced that they must be reaching out to you is always a risk you take, especially if you’re a newbie at deitywork and immediately start petitioning them for favor. You could end up just wasting your time on a being that doesn’t want a relationship with you. You could be petitioning the wrong guides and then this is why your petitions fail. You will more often than not find yourself trying to open a closed door. All of this can be avoided if you just take the time to properly identify your own guides or deities.
So What the Heck Do I DO? Spend your time putting in work. Identify and ask for signs that are specific to things that the deity or guide in question is associated with. Keep a running list of everything you attribute to this entity. Use divination tools to confirm these are truly signs. You can also fully do readings for the general energy of the entity and then cross-reference to see if there are any beings with those energetic vibes that are also associated with the signs you have been receiving. Ask for more information through meditation or petition them to visit in dreams. Once you’ve narrowed down your list of possibilities, then do a targeted confirmation reading. If none of the entities pan out, try the ones you ruled out or return to the drawing board. I can promise you this entity will help guide you to their identity. You’ll also be starting your relationship on a better foot because they will see you putting in effort and not just settling for a quick fix. Identifying entities takes time and work. There simply is no quick solution to identify an entity if you want accuracy. So take your time, do your due diligence, and most importantly, once you believe you have a proper identification, ask for a specific uncommon sign within a specified timeframe that is within your deity or guide’s wheelhouse. If that works out, then you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re working with who you believe you are.
But What About Tricksters?! If, during your research and narrowing down phase, you end up finding glaring inconsistencies or the vibes just aren’t vibing, it’s possible you’re dealing with a trickster. They’re more rare than believed, so to start, make sure you’re simply not overthinking it. Vibe check yourself. Make sure it isn’t your own nervousness or anxiety getting the better of you. The next thing is to double check your work. Are there truly inconsistencies? Is there an entity that fits these criteria in a way that you may have overlooked? Are these different sides of a deity that maybe you just don’t normally think of? If not, research and test methods to verify a trickster deity versus trickster beings that are only trying to mess with you.
If you enjoy doing or receiving blind identification readings, then by all means, you do you. My purpose in writing this is not to attack, but simply to provide my own opinion and food for thought before you take the plunge into a blind identification reading. They can certainly be accurate, but no matter what, always ask for a confirmation in a sign before you proceed. Make sure to thoroughly research your chosen entity and look into any preferences they may have. And above all, make sure to develop your own relationship with your deity or guides. Don’t just use prepackaged rituals or prayers, get creative! Make your own. Trust me, your deities and guides will appreciate anything that comes from your heart.
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krsnaencore · 26 days
How Banking Advertising Connects Brands with Diverse Audiences?
In the dynamic world of finance, effective promotion plays a critical role in connecting with customers. Among the myriad strategies available to banks, one stands out for its ability to broadcast messages far and wide, touching on both the pragmatic and aspirational aspects of financial services: banking advertising. This powerful tool not only aids in brand promotion but also significantly widens the scope of audience engagement, allowing financial institutions to cast a broader net and attract diverse demographic segments.
In the competitive banking sector, distinguishing one's brand from the rest is paramount. Here, the strategic use of advertising can elevate a bank's image, showcasing its unique value proposition, innovative products, and commitment to customer satisfaction. When executed with precision and creativity, this type of advertising can transform the public perception of a bank, highlighting its strengths and services in ways that resonate with the needs and dreams of potential clients. The portrayal of relatable financial success stories, the promise of robust support in managing finances, and the commitment to technological innovation are themes that, when woven into the fabric of an institution's marketing efforts, can significantly enhance its attractiveness to a wider audience.
Moreover, the advent of digital platforms has revolutionized the approach to this advertising strategy. Banks now have the unparalleled opportunity to leverage social media, online banking portals, and finance-related apps to deliver tailored messages. This digital evolution means advertisements can be more targeted and personalized than ever before, reaching specific segments of the population at the right time and in the right context. For instance, millennials and Gen Z, who are digital natives, can be engaged through platforms they frequent with messages that speak directly to their financial aspirations and concerns. Simultaneously, more traditional media channels continue to play a vital role in reaching audiences who prefer conventional banking and financial management practices. The multi-channel approach ensures that the message of financial empowerment and security reaches every corner, attracting a diverse clientele.
Additionally, transparency and integrity in this form of advertising are crucial in building and maintaining trust. Financial services, by their nature, require a high degree of trust between the customer and the provider. Advertisements that are clear, honest, and upfront about the benefits, as well as any potential risks of products and services, lay a solid foundation for lasting relationships. Through demonstrating a commitment to customer welfare and financial literacy, banks can establish themselves as reliable partners in their clients' financial journeys.
In conclusion, banking advertising plays a pivotal role in the strategies banks use to promote themselves and to expand their reach. This multifaceted tool facilitates a connection with a broad spectrum of potential clients by engaging them where they are, in ways that speak to their individual financial scenarios and aspirations. Through the strategic blending of messaging across various media channels and focusing on the genuine value that banking services provide to customers, financial institutions have the power to significantly enhance their brand visibility and appeal. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, so too will the strategies employed by banks to communicate their value, always with an eye towards fostering deeper connections and trust with consumers across the globe.
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leads-view · 1 month
Writing Styles in Fiction: From Minimalism to Maximalism
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Fiction writing is a diverse and dynamic art form, encompassing a wide range of styles, techniques, and approaches. From minimalist prose that strips away excess to maximalist narratives bursting with detail and complexity, writers have the freedom to explore various styles to convey their stories. In this article, we'll delve into the spectrum of writing styles in fiction, from minimalism to maximalism, and explore the characteristics, strengths, and considerations of each approach.
1. Minimalism: Less is More
Minimalist fiction is characterized by its brevity, simplicity, and economy of language. Minimalist fiction uses brief, simple, and economical language, emphasizing sparse prose and understated dialogue. It invites readers to interpret and fill in the gaps. Minimalist writers prioritize clarity, precision, and emotional resonance, distilling complex themes and emotions into spare and evocative language.
Key Characteristics of Minimalism:
- Sparse prose and limited use of adjectives and adverbs - Concise dialogue and minimal exposition - Emphasis on subtext and implied meaning - Focus on mundane moments and everyday life - Exploration of existential themes and human relationships
Examples of Minimalist Writers: Ernest Hemingway, Raymond Carver, Lydia Davis
2. Maximalism: More is More
Maximalist fiction, on the other hand, embraces abundance, complexity, and extravagance in both style and content. Maximalist writers embrace lush language and elaborate descriptions, creating intricate narratives. They immerse readers in richly detailed worlds and multifaceted characters. Maximalism celebrates the depth of human experience through multiple storylines, perspectives, and layers of meaning. It creates sprawling, ambitious works of fiction.
Key Characteristics of Maximalism:
- Lavish prose and extensive use of imagery and figurative language - Multi-layered narratives with multiple plotlines and perspectives - Detailed descriptions of settings, characters, and emotions - Exploration of historical, social, and cultural contexts - Playful experimentation with structure, form, and style
Examples of Maximalist Writers: Thomas Pynchon, David Foster Wallace, Salman Rushdie
Considerations for Choosing a Writing Style:
When deciding on a writing style for your fiction, consider the following factors:
- Narrative Scope: Determine the scope and scale of your story and choose a style that aligns with your narrative vision. Minimalism may be more suitable for intimate character studies or slice-of-life stories, while maximalism can accommodate epic sagas or sprawling family dramas.
- Reader Expectations: Consider your target audience and their preferences for writing style and genre. Some readers may prefer the clarity and simplicity of minimalist prose, while others may enjoy the richness and complexity of maximalist narratives.
- Authorial Voice: Explore your own voice and writing strengths to determine which style best suits your creative vision and storytelling sensibilities. Experiment with different styles and techniques to find the approach that resonates most authentically with you as a writer.
Writing styles in fiction span a spectrum from minimalism to maximalism, each offering unique opportunities for expression, exploration, and engagement. Whether you prefer the economy and precision of minimalist prose or the richness and complexity of maximalist narratives, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to fiction writing. As writers, we have the freedom to experiment, innovate, and push the boundaries of style to craft stories that captivate and resonate with readers. Embrace your own voice, experiment with different styles, and find the approach that allows you to tell your stories with clarity, authenticity, and creativity.
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thangampmrc · 2 months
Role of Laparoscopy in Prolonged Abdominal Disorders
Abdominal disorders encompass a wide range of conditions that can cause discomfort, pain, and dysfunction in the abdominal region. Many of these disorders can persist over time, leading to chronic symptoms and complications. Laparoscopy, also known as minimally invasive surgery, has emerged as a valuable tool in the diagnosis and treatment of prolonged abdominal disorders.
This blog aims to explore the role of laparoscopy in managing chronic abdominal conditions, including its benefits, applications, and advancements in the field.
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Prolonged Abdominal Disorders:
Prolonged abdominal disorders encompass a spectrum of conditions that affect the organs and structures within the abdominal cavity. Some common examples include:
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Chronic acid reflux can lead to inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis) and contribute to symptoms such as heartburn, regurgitation, and difficulty swallowing.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis cause chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding.
Chronic Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas can result in persistent abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and digestive problems.
Chronic Cholecystitis: Inflammation of the gallbladder, often due to gallstones, can cause recurrent episodes of abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea.
Endometriosis: A condition where tissue resembling the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, leading to chronic pelvic pain, painful menstruation, and infertility.
Role of Laparoscopy in Diagnosis:
Laparoscopy plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of prolonged abdominal disorders by providing direct visualization of the abdominal organs and tissues. Key aspects of laparoscopic diagnosis include:
Exploratory Laparoscopy: In cases where the cause of abdominal symptoms is unclear, exploratory laparoscopy allows surgeons to visually inspect the abdominal cavity for abnormalities, such as adhesions, tumors, or organ damage.
Biopsy: Laparoscopy enables targeted biopsies of suspicious lesions or tissues within the abdomen, allowing for accurate diagnosis of conditions such as cancer, inflammatory disorders, or infectious diseases.
Staging of Disease: For conditions such as endometriosis or cancer, laparoscopy can help determine the extent (stage) of the disease, guiding treatment decisions and prognosis.
Advancements in Laparoscopic Techniques:
Advancements in laparoscopic techniques and technology have expanded the scope of laparoscopy in managing prolonged abdominal disorders. Some notable advancements include:
Robotic-Assisted Surgery: Robotic-assisted laparoscopy, which utilizes robotic arms controlled by the surgeon, offers enhanced precision, dexterity, and visualization compared to traditional laparoscopy. This technology is particularly useful in complex procedures such as radical prostatectomy or hysterectomy.
Single-Incision Laparoscopy: Single-incision laparoscopy, also known as SILS or single-port surgery, involves performing minimally invasive procedures through a single small incision in the abdomen. This approach reduces scarring and may result in faster recovery times compared to traditional multi-port laparoscopy.
Fluorescence-Guided Surgery: Fluorescence-guided laparoscopy utilizes fluorescent dyes or contrast agents to enhance the visualization of specific tissues or structures during surgery. This technique can improve the detection of tumors, lymph nodes, or blood vessels, leading to more precise surgical resection and a reduced risk of complications.
Applications of Laparoscopy in Treatment:
Laparoscopy offers various therapeutic interventions for prolonged abdominal disorders, including:
Laparoscopic Fundoplication: For patients with GERD refractory to medical therapy, laparoscopic fundoplication can be performed to reinforce the lower esophageal sphincter and reduce reflux symptoms.
Laparoscopic Colectomy: In cases of severe ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, laparoscopic colectomy may be indicated to remove diseased portions of the colon and alleviate symptoms.
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard treatment for symptomatic gallstones and chronic cholecystitis, offering faster recovery and fewer complications compared to open surgery.
Laparoscopic Pancreatectomy: Laparoscopic pancreatic surgery, including distal pancreatectomy and pancreaticoduodenectomy, may be performed for selected patients with chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic tumors, offering benefits such as reduced pain and shorter hospital stays.
Laparoscopic Excision of Endometriosis: Laparoscopic excision of endometriosis lesions can provide symptomatic relief for women with chronic pelvic pain or infertility due to endometriosis while preserving fertility whenever possible.
Benefits of Laparoscopy in prolonged Abdominal disorders:
The advantages of laparoscopy in the management of prolonged abdominal disorders are manifold:
Minimally Invasive: Laparoscopic procedures are minimally invasive, resulting in smaller incisions, less postoperative pain, reduced scarring, and faster recovery times compared to open surgery.
Enhanced Visualization: Laparoscopy provides surgeons with magnified, high-definition views of the abdominal cavity, enabling precise diagnosis and targeted interventions.
Reduced Complications: The minimally invasive nature of laparoscopy is associated with lower rates of postoperative complications, such as wound infections, bleeding, and hernias, compared to open surgery.
Shorter Hospital Stays: Patients undergoing laparoscopic procedures typically have shorter hospital stays and quicker return to normal activities, leading to improved quality of life and cost savings.
Patient Satisfaction: Laparoscopic surgery offers patients a less traumatic surgical experience, with fewer physical and emotional burdens, leading to greater overall satisfaction with their treatment.
Laparoscopy has revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of prolonged abdominal disorders, offering patients safer, more effective, and less invasive surgical options. With advancements in laparoscopic techniques and technology, surgeons can provide targeted, personalized care for individuals with chronic abdominal conditions, leading to improved outcomes and enhanced quality of life. As laparoscopy continues to evolve, its role in managing prolonged abdominal disorders will undoubtedly expand, further improving the standard of care for patients worldwide.
At Thangam Hospital, with over 25 years of healthcare excellence in Kerala, we have the best Laparoscopy doctors in Palakkad will provide a precise and effective diagnosis for a variety of abdominal disorders. Our department is equipped with world-class facilities to ensure high diagnosis, treatment, and research standards in laparoscopic surgery.
To address your concerns, schedule an appointment today or call us at 0491 251 5717.
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msinsights · 3 months
Plastic Recycling Machine Market Size, Share, Growth Analysis, Top manufacturers, Opportunities and Forecast by 2031
The Plastic Recycling Machine Market, as illuminated by the comprehensive report from Metastat Insight, offers a profound glimpse into the dynamics of an industry that stands at the forefront of addressing the pressing environmental concerns associated with plastic waste. In recent times, the discourse around sustainability has become increasingly urgent, prompting a surge in demand for innovative solutions to manage plastic waste. The plastic recycling machine market, in this context, emerges as a critical player in reshaping the approach toward plastic waste management and contributing to a more sustainable future. 
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/request-sample/2685
Top Companies
EREMA Group, Boston Matthews, Starlinger Group, NGR, Matila Industrial, Kowin Yang Industrial, Hikon India, Doll Plast, B+B Anlagenbau.
The plastic recycling machine market is witnessing a notable surge in demand, fuelled by the escalating awareness of environmental issues and the imperative need to reduce the ecological footprint of plastic. As governments and industries grapple with the consequences of plastic pollution, the role of plastic recycling machines becomes increasingly crucial. These machines are instrumental in transforming discarded plastic into reusable raw materials, contributing to a circular economy model that minimizes waste and maximizes resource efficiency. 
One of the notable trends identified in the Metastat Insight report is the technological advancements shaping the plastic recycling machine market. Innovations in machine design, material sorting capabilities, and processing efficiency are fostering a new era in plastic recycling. Cutting-edge technologies are allowing for more effective separation of different types of plastics, optimizing the recycling process and enhancing the quality of recycled materials. This not only addresses the challenge of mixed plastics but also opens avenues for creating high-quality recycled products. 
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/report/plastic-recycling-machine-market
Moreover, the global plastic recycling machine market is witnessing a paradigm shift in terms of the types of plastics being targeted for recycling. Traditionally, the focus has been on PET and HDPE plastics, but there is a growing recognition of the need to address a broader spectrum of plastic polymers. The report indicates a rising interest in developing recycling solutions for challenging plastics, including multi-layered and composite materials. This expansion of the recycling scope reflects a commitment to comprehensiveness in tackling the plastic waste crisis. 
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spydetectiveagency · 3 months
TSCM vs. Bug Detection: Choosing The Right Countermeasure
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In an era where privacy is at risk of being compromised even more by surveillance in its various advanced forms, people and organizations need to learn from this. Threats include hidden cameras, listening devices, and even software ‘bugs’. To counter these threats, two primary methodologies are employed: TSCM (Technical Surveillance Countermeasures) and Bug Sweeping Services. They both work as anti-spying measures but in different ways that they each possess their features and uses. It is essential to note these differences because they help in selecting an appropriate countermeasure required for your needs. 
Understanding TSCM
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) refers to a set of techniques and procedures designed to detect, analyze, and neutralize surveillance devices and activities. TSCM encompasses a wide array of counter-surveillance measures aimed at identifying and mitigating threats from various forms of technical surveillance. These measures include: - Physical Searches: Thorough inspections of physical spaces for hidden devices like microphones, cameras, or transmitters. This might involve dismantling fixtures or scanning areas with specialized equipment. - Electronic Sweeps: The use of sophisticated electronic equipment to detect and analyze signals emitted by surveillance devices. This can involve spectrum analyzers, RF detectors, and non-linear junction detectors. - Acoustic Tests: Methods to detect the presence of eavesdropping devices by analyzing sound waves and vibrations. This includes detecting anomalies in ambient noise or identifying hidden microphones through sound analysis. - Thermal Imaging: Using infrared cameras to detect hidden devices by identifying unusual heat signatures that electronic devices emit. - Signal Analysis: Monitoring and analyzing communication signals within a given area to identify unauthorized transmissions or hidden networks.
Understanding Bug Detection
Bug Detection is a more focused approach compared to TSCM. It specifically targets the identification and elimination of bugs—small, covert devices intended to intercept and transmit information. Bug detection often employs tools and techniques such as: - RF Detectors: Devices that identify radio frequency (RF) signals commonly used by bugs to transmit data. These detectors help locate and neutralize wireless surveillance devices. - Hidden Camera Detectors: Specialized tools designed to identify concealed cameras by detecting their lenses or RF emissions. - Software Tools: Programs that scan and analyze electronic devices and networks for malicious software (malware) or unauthorized monitoring applications. - Physical Inspections: Manually searching for bugs in likely hiding spots, such as telephones, power outlets, and electronic devices.
Key Differences Between TSCM vs Bug Detection
Scope and Complexity: TSCM vs. Bug Detection TSCM encompasses a broader range of counter-surveillance measures compared to bug detection. It is a comprehensive approach that addresses various types of surveillance threats, including those posed by sophisticated, multi-layered surveillance systems. TSCM practitioners often use a combination of physical, electronic, and signal analysis techniques to ensure thorough protection. Bug detection, on the other hand, is more focused on identifying and neutralizing specific types of covert devices. It typically involves the use of dedicated detection tools to find and disable hidden cameras, microphones, or other bugging devices. Equipment and Techniques: TSCM vs. Bug Detection TSCM requires a wide array of advanced equipment and expertise. Practitioners might use spectrum analyzers, thermal imaging cameras, acoustic detection tools, and other high-tech devices to perform comprehensive sweeps. This level of sophistication is necessary to detect highly advanced surveillance devices that may not emit standard signals or that might be camouflaged within the environment. Bug detection primarily relies on more accessible tools, such as RF detectors, hidden camera detectors, and software solutions. While these tools can be effective for identifying common bugs, they may not be sufficient to counter more sophisticated surveillance threats. Expertise and Training Conducting TSCM operations typically requires a higher level of expertise and training. TSCM professionals often undergo extensive training in electronics, signal analysis, and counter-surveillance tactics. They need to understand the various ways in which surveillance can be conducted and possess the skills to identify and neutralize advanced threats. Bug detection, while still requiring a certain level of expertise, generally involves more straightforward techniques. Individuals can often use bug detection tools with minimal training, making it a more accessible option for those who need basic surveillance protection. Cost and Accessibility: TSCM vs. Bug Detection TSCM services tend to be more expensive due to the complexity of the procedures and the advanced equipment involved. These services are typically provided by specialized firms or consultants who charge premium rates for their expertise and thoroughness. Bug detection, being more focused and relying on simpler tools, is generally more affordable. It is a practical option for individuals or smaller organizations that need to protect against common surveillance threats without the high costs associated with comprehensive TSCM services.
Choosing the Right Countermeasure
When deciding between TSCM and bug detection, several factors should be considered to ensure you choose the most effective countermeasure for your situation: Nature of the Threat The nature and sophistication of the surveillance threat you face will significantly influence your choice. If you suspect that you are being targeted by a well-funded adversary using advanced surveillance techniques, TSCM is likely the more appropriate option. TSCM's comprehensive approach can address complex threats that bug detection alone might miss. For more common or less sophisticated threats, such as hidden cameras or basic listening devices, bug detection can provide sufficient protection. If you are primarily concerned about unauthorized monitoring by individuals or small groups, bug detection tools can effectively address these issues. Budget and Resources Your budget and available resources will also play a crucial role in your decision. TSCM services can be costly, so it's important to weigh the potential risks against the investment required. If your organization operates in a high-risk environment where the potential consequences of surveillance are severe, investing in TSCM may be justified. For those with limited budgets or who need periodic sweeps rather than continuous monitoring, bug detection provides a more cost-effective solution. Many bug detection tools are affordable and can be used as needed without incurring significant ongoing costs. Frequency and Regularity of Surveillance Consider how frequently you believe surveillance might be attempted. For environments where continuous or frequent surveillance is a concern, a comprehensive TSCM strategy with regular sweeps and monitoring might be necessary. TSCM services can be tailored to provide ongoing protection and detection of new threats as they emerge. In contrast, if surveillance is a sporadic concern, bug detection tools can be used periodically to check for and neutralize bugs. This approach can be effective for environments where surveillance attempts are infrequent or where protection is needed only during specific events or activities. Expertise and Training Availability The level of expertise and training available within your organization should also be considered. If you have access to trained security professionals who can operate sophisticated TSCM equipment and interpret the results, implementing a TSCM program may be feasible. For organizations or individuals without access to specialized expertise, bug detection tools offer a more user-friendly option. Many bug detection devices are designed to be intuitive and can be operated with minimal training, making them suitable for users with varying levels of technical knowledge. Check Out: Hire the best detective agency in Delhi for Bug Sweeping Services!
Both TSCM and bug detection play vital roles in protecting against unauthorized surveillance, but they serve different purposes and are suited to different situations. TSCM provides a comprehensive, advanced approach for detecting and neutralizing sophisticated surveillance threats, making it ideal for high-risk environments. Bug detection offers a more focused and accessible solution for identifying and addressing common bugs, making it suitable for individuals and smaller organizations with more straightforward needs. Understanding the differences between TSCM vs bug detection, and carefully assessing your specific needs, will help you choose the most appropriate countermeasure to protect your privacy and security. Whether you require the thoroughness of TSCM or the practicality of bug detection, taking proactive measures to counter surveillance threats is essential in today’s increasingly connected world. Read the full article
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shristisahu · 8 months
#RevolutionizingRevenue: Marketing Optimization & Excellence
Originally Published on: QuantzigMarketing Optimization & Excellence to Improve Revenue
Empowering Organizational Potential and Amplifying Customer Engagement
Marketing optimization involves strategically adjusting marketing efforts through precise data analysis, refining strategies, processes, and resources for maximum efficiency. Marketers utilize a spectrum of tactics and tools outlined in their strategy, ensuring alignment with objectives. This article delves into the strategies and principles driving effective marketing practices geared towards enhancing revenue.
Excellence in Marketing: Crafting Lasting Customer Impressions
Delivering Consistent Quality for Customer Enchantment
Excellence in marketing involves delivering consistent, high-quality experiences by understanding customer needs, crafting compelling narratives, and creating memorable interactions. When a brand excels in marketing, customers are more likely to engage, convert, and become loyal advocates. This article explores the symbiotic relationship between optimization andexcellence, providing insights and tips to empower businesses on their revenue enhancement journey.
Significance of Marketing Optimization and Excellence for Revenue Growth
Adapting to Dynamic Market Realities for Competitive Edge
In today’s hyper-competitive business landscape, dynamic management of marketing spend is crucial. Relying solely on historical data is inadequate in evolving landscapes. Dynamic management enables swift pivoting in response to changing consumer preferences and market realities, maximizing real-time ROI. Emphasizing tailored marketing strategies is crucial for success across diverse markets and customer segments, striking a balance between standardization and customization.
Challenges and Solutions in Marketing Optimization and Excellence
Addressing Complexity through Strategic Validation
Navigating fast-changing market shifts and consumer behaviors poses challenges, including the risk of failure and brand dilution. Effective validation and scoping, involving market research, data analytics, and customer insights, are essential to mitigate these risks. Bottom-up intelligence gathers insights from local markets, while top-down execution maintains global consistency, ensuring agility and brand integrity. The article highlights the benefits of successful marketing optimization, including near real-time decision-making and dynamic consumer planning.
Our Solutions for Marketing Optimization and Excellence
Empowering Marketing Teams with Integrated Strategies
Our marketing optimization solutions empower teams with integrated and targeted strategies for omnichannel customers. Modules for marketing automation, performance reporting, multi-touch attribution, market mix optimization, and MROI improvement are offered, tailored to each client’s needs. Our solutions factor in fast-moving data, enabling informed decision-making and actionable insights across channels and platforms.
Why Choose Our Offering?
Dynamic Solutions for Informed Decision-Making
Our solutions enable marketing teams to make informed decisions in real-time, seamlessly integrating fast-moving data. Whether through leadership dashboards, analyst workbenches, or martech integrations with CRM and marketing systems, our solutions offer customizable, actionable insights.
Contact us.
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thxnews · 1 year
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crossborderscare · 2 years
Max Super Speciality Hospital In Saket New Delhi
Located in the heart of south Delhi’s widely considered one of the best hospitals in the country. It has a complete spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, including several of which are First in India and Asia.
Experts at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, have treated more than 34 lakh patients across 38 specialties, mainly Cardiac, Oncology (Medical, Surgical, and Radiotherapy), Neurosciences, Obstetrics, and Gynaecology, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Liver Transplant, Urology, Nephrology, Kidney Transplant, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, and other ancillary services. Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, has a complete spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, including several state-of-the-art technologies in Asia and the First in India. It has received NABH & JCI accreditation for providing the highest quality of patient safety and care.
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, offers the advantage of integrated medical care in a multidisciplinary setting provided by a faculty of highly qualified doctors, nurses, & healthcare professionals. Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, is a regional hub for complex procedures such as neurovascular intervention, targeted cancer treatments, heart surgeries, orthopedic surgeries, liver & kidney transplants, and fertility treatments.
Max hospital offers state-of-the-art facilities, a serene ambiance, and collaborative multi-disciplinary care for patients seeking surgical treatments.
It has a highly competent team of doctors performing weight loss Bariatric surgeries through surgical robots. The Team is led by Dr Atul N Peters who specializes in minimal invasive surgical procedures for reducing weight in morbidly obese patients. Dr Anant Kumar specializes in Kidney transplants using advanced robotic surgery. SCOPE OF SERVICES
Cancer Care / Oncology
Cardiac Sciences
Neuro Sciences
Liver Transplant And Biliary Sciences
Kidney Transplant
Bone Marrow Transplant
Bariatric/Weight Loss Surgery
Minimal Access / Laparoscopic Surgery
In 2019, Max Super specialty Hospital received a pulmonary and critical care specialist of the year Award.
In 2017, Max Hospital Saket got accreditation from JCI
In 2009, Max Healthcare received NABH accreditation for Blood Bank
In the same year, 2009, Max Receives DL Shah National Award on Economics of quality by QCI
In 2008, Max Healthcare received Express Healthcare Award for excellence in Healthcare.
In 2007, Max Healthcare got its laboratories accredited by NABL
In 2002, Max Hospital Pitampura received ISO Certification.
Max Super specialty Saket has received FICCI Healthcare Excellence Award.
Robotic Kidney Transplant
Robotic Cardiac surgery
Robotic General Surgery
Automatic Head and Neck Cancer Surgery
Robotic Colorectal Surgery
Robotic Gynaecological surgery
Robotic Thoracic Surgery
Robotic bladder-surgery
He is presently working as the Director at the Department of Bariatric, Minimal Access & General Surgery at Max Hospital. He has been associated with teaching and is working as a visiting faculty at various reputed colleges in India and Abroad.
He is also a member of various prestigious societies like the Obesity Surgery Society of India (OSSI) and the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endo surgeons (SIAGES), to name a few. Dr. Atul N.C also has his name registered in the LIMCA BOOK OF WORLD RECORDSfor performing sixteen Bariatric Surgeries in a day.
He has expertise in ROBOTIC BARIATRIC SURGERYand performs more than 300 cases on an annual basis. He has published various articles and research papers.
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sell-spell · 6 years
International Heroes
Although mentioned; I’ve only skimmed the surface of what international heroes are and do when speaking about the Alpha Embassy Team’s teachers; The Four.
Simply put; International Heroes are Professional Heroes from different nations and backgrounds heralded by the United Nations specifically for international operations.
International Heroes are not specifically more influential or more famous for their international deeds; but they are more likely to be chosen as candidates for hero work regarding more than one country. They adhere to strict orders based from the United Nations or their home-country (should they be present), but otherwise give local heroes the right-of-way unless given authorization otherwise.
Just as Local , or more commonly called; Domestic heroes are given special designations (Rescue, Environmental, Disaster, Medical, ect.) so are International Heroes (Extraction, Diplomatic, War, Disaster Relief ect.)
Although not inherently formed into teams most International Heroes do form teams with members of their own country, the few who do not are still often grouped with teams as needed. This is a way to ensure that even the most niche heroes are more varied in their skill-sets. Most international Heroes are multi-faceted and have more than just their raw abilities as a quirk user to contribute to a team.
Below is an elaboration on the team designations and the sort of duties they would perform.
“War Heroes”
Despite their title; the actual job of a War Hero is to uphold the Geneva Conventions in times or events of war. They do not actively participate in the conflict itself and will often make a quick get-away once the offending parties are apprehended or incapacitated. Many of them group together in teams and stay together long after retirement- a side-affect of working through very dangerous situations. The International War Heroes have the highest rate of mortality among Professional Heroes in general; but also the highest kill-ranking. “The Four” is an International War Hero Team. Despite not being covered or broadcast a few people know about them for their long-standing efforts.
“Extraction Heroes”
Extraction heroes are a bit tricky to define in scope because it is so wide in what their duties encompass. By definition- extraction heroes are heroes who deal with international or high-profile hostages, information, or targets. Falling into the wider scope of “Rescue” heroes but also delving into one-man tracking teams, and even sanctioned assassins. The most elusive of the international heroes and the most solitary- preferring often to work alone or to work in teams of two as opposed to large teams.
“Diplomatic Heroes”
On the complete reverse side of the spectrum; Diplomatic Heroes are just that-- international heroes with the express purpose of being diplomatic representatives. The highest ranking “cooperation” skilled heroes reside in this international hero designation. They fulfill all of the duties of a normal hero and extend their hand specifically to corporations and other nations to strengthen ties and political alliances. They are the most likely to be internationally known and garner much love and celebrity buzz.
“Disaster Relief Heroes”
Also falling into the scope of “Rescue” heroes-- International Disaster Relief heroes are a bit more fine-tuned to deal with global disasters and offer aid and relief where local heroes may- perhaps- be unable to. Though they do more than simply offer aid and relief- other skills of Disaster Relief heroes include diplomacy, severe trauma treatment, and negotiation skills to plea for aid from around or across the globe. They often go unheeded- but their work speaks volumes- as even when they are not present at an impeding disaster they are hard at work collecting donations and aid for foreign countries.
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resham-stuff · 3 years
Hair Straightener Market with Covid-19 Impact, Key Players, Size, Demands, Growth Rate and Forecasts to 2027
Today’s businesses call for the highly focused, comprehensive and detail-oriented information about the Hair Straightener Market so that they get a clear idea about the landscape. Market research report adoption is becoming very essential for the businesses as it supports with the better decision making, revenue generation, prioritizing market goals and profitable business. Hair Straightener document can be customized to include price trend analysis of target brands understanding the market for additional countries (as per the request of the list of countries), literature review, renovated market, and product base analysis.
The attention on the overwhelming players Syska, Panasonic Corporation, Procter & Gamble, Koninklijke Philips N.V.,Dyson, Conair Corporation, Spectrum Brands, Inc., Revlon, Beurer,  Groupe SEB, Coty Inc., HSI PROFESSIONAL  among other domestic and global players.
Global Hair Straightener market is framed with bunch of Graphical Statistics, Tables and Figures, request for a sample:  https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-hair-straightener-market
Global Hair Straightener Market Scope and Market Size
On the basis of product type,the hair straightener marketis segmented into wide plate, medium plate, narrow plate & mini plate.
On the basis of plate type, the hair straightener market is segmented into ceramic, titanium, and tourmaline.
On the basis of application, the hair straightener market is segmented into household, and commercial.
On the basis of distribution channel, the hair straightener market is segmented into supermarkets/hypermarkets, institutional sales, multi-branded stores, online, and others.
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technuter · 3 years
Ericsson to support Malaysia’s digital transformation through nationwide 5G deployment
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Malaysia and its economy are poised to benefit from a 10-year 5G partnership between Ericsson and Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) to drive the nationwide deployment of the next-generation wireless cellular technology in Malaysia. 5G’s speed, low-latency, and large-data-handling capabilities will digitally transform the nation, while creating a 5G ecosystem that will power innovation in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and automation across a range of enterprise, industry and multi-sector Internet of Things (IoT) use cases. By utilizing the capabilities of 5G and accelerating the deployment of Malaysia’s nationwide 5G network and ecosystem, DNB will provide access and services to mobile service providers and others licensed by the regulators, to enable a world-class 5G experience and make Industry 4.0 a reality in Malaysia. Ralph Marshall, Chief Executive Officer, DNB, said, “DNB is committed to delivering the best technology and innovation opportunities for Malaysians, businesses and government to ensure that Malaysia takes its place at the forefront of the global digital economy. We identified Ericsson to offer the best next generation 5G technology and professional services available to suit DNB’s specific and unique requirements.” Ericsson’s participation in the national 5G project will see direct and indirect socio-economic contributions in areas such as job creation, partnership with Bumiputera and other local contractors and ecosystem players, and knowledge and capacity building in Malaysia. David Hägerbro, Head of Ericsson Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, said, “5G is a platform for open innovation and is becoming the cornerstone upon which a country’s competitiveness is built. Malaysia’s and DNB’s commitment to accelerating the deployment of 5G is to be congratulated, as it will speed up the adoption of 5G nationally, bridge the digital divide and transform the nation. 5G will help to facilitate the government’s ambition to promote Malaysians to become technology creators through development of 5G applications and use cases. With a 56-year legacy of contributing to Malaysia’s development, we are excited to be extending our commitment to the nation. Ericsson is confident that with our global 5G leadership and strong deployment capabilities, we will meet the deployment targets set by DNB.” DNB’s exclusive partnership with Ericsson spans delivery of energy-efficient Ericsson Radio System products and solutions, including Ericsson Spectrum Sharing, a software for wide-area 5G coverage. The scope also includes cloud-native 5G Core and 5G Radio Access (RAN) nationwide. Ericsson will also manage the unique requirements of a single wholesale network with its leading Managed Services offering, Ericsson Operations Engine. The solution will enhance the performance of DNB’s network using AI , automation and cognitive software to predict and prevent issues. Ericsson’s end-to-end scope also includes operational support systems (OSS) and business support systems (BSS) solutions. DNB is tasked with helping Malaysia to achieve its digital aspirations as outlined in the government’s MyDIGITAL blueprint, which plans to transform Malaysia into a digitally driven, high income nation and a leader in digital content, cyber security and digital economy in the Southeast Asia region. DNB also supports the modernization of the nation’s mobile networks as part of the national digital infrastructure plan, Jalinan Digital Negara (Jendela), to ensure every Malaysian has quality internet connectivity. DNB aims to launch Malaysia’s first 5G network in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Cyberjaya in the initial phase. Ericsson’s local presence and deployment expertise are key to meeting DNB’s target of 80 percent 5G nationwide population coverage by 2024. Ericsson is a global 5G leader with 97 5G networks operating live across 46 countries. Read the full article
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elizasanchez · 3 years
Carbon Nanotubes Market Business Scenario Analysis By Global Industry Size, Segments and Opportunity Assessment till 2027
The global carbon nanotube market is expected to reach USD 16.22 Billion by 2027, according to a new report by Emergen Research. The carbon nanotube (CNT) market is experiencing a rapid growth attributable to its rising demand from end-user industries such as electrical & electronics, aerospace & defense, energy, healthcare, automotive, and textiles. Carbon nanotubes are appropriate for a large number of applications necessitating resilience, robustness, electrical & thermal conductivity, and lightweight characteristics as compared to conventionally used materials
The evaluation of the companies involves assessment of production and consumption ratio, supply and demand, import/export, market share and size, revenue contribution, gross revenue, profit margins, and key business expansion strategies. Other vital information such as mergers and acquisitions, collaborations, joint ventures, government and corporate deals, agreements, and product launches, and brand promotional activities are also assessed in the report. Moreover, it also offers strategic recommendations to the new entrants on navigating the entry-level barriers along with recommendations for established players to help them fortify their positions in the industry.
Request for a PDF sample of this report: https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-sample/125
Key Highlights From The Report
·         By product type, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, in terms of revenue, contributed to the largest market size of USD 4.80 Billion in 2019. The structure of this product type results in better conductivity and the strength of atomic bonds enables it to endure high temperatures.
·         North America, in terms of revenue, held the second-largest market share in 2019, owing to the growth and technological advancements in the electronics industry and increased production of engineered polymers (CNTs improve the thermal decomposition and melting temperatures) in the region.
·         Key participants include Arkema SA, Carbon Solutions Inc., Showa Denko K.K., Arry International Group Ltd., FutureCarbon GmbH, Unidym Inc., Continental Carbon Company, Klean Carbon Inc., Hyperion Catalysis International Inc., and Cnt Co. Ltd., among others.
Emergen Research has segmented the global carbon nanotube market on the basis of product type, methods, industry vertical, and region:
·         Product Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2017-2027)
o    Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube
o    Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube
·         Methods Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2017-2027)
o    Arc Discharge
o    Laser Ablation of Graphite
o    Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
·         Industry Verticals Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2017-2027)
o    Electrical & Electronics
o    Aerospace & Defense
o    Energy
o    Healthcare
o    Automotive
o    Textiles
o    Others
Regional Bifurcation includes:
•        North America(U.S., Canada)
•        Europe(U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
•        AsiaPacific(India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
•        Latin America(Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
•        Middle East & Africa(Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
Request for Report Customization: https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-for-customization/125
Key inferences influencing the revenue patterns of the market:
·         The study offers an in-depth analysis of the product outlook, which depicts the latest production growth trends and profit valuation. It further fragments the global Carbon Nanotubes market into a wide product spectrum.
·         The study covers essential data pertaining to the application landscape of these products, the demand for and market share held by each application type, along with their growth rate analysis over the estimated period.
·         A meticulous description of the distribution channels, including distributors, producers, and buyers, is one of the key highlights of the global Carbon Nanotubes market report.
Table of Content:
Chapter 1. Methodology & Sources     1.1. Market Definition     1.2. Research Scope     1.3. Methodology     1.4. Research Sources           1.4.1. Primary           1.4.2. Secondary           1.4.3. Paid Sources     1.5. Market Estimation Technique Chapter 2. Executive Summary     2.1. Summary Snapshot, 2019-2027 Chapter 3. Key Insights Chapter 4. Carbon Nanotubes Market Segmentation & Impact Analysis     4.1. Carbon Nanotubes Market Material Segmentation Analysis     4.2. Industrial Outlook           4.2.1. Market indicators analysis           4.2.2. Market drivers analysis            Increasing application in end-use industries such as electrical & electronics            Growing demand in energy storage            Growth of the automotive industry            Technological Advancement           4.2.3. Market restraints analysis            Availability of substitutes            Environmental concerns     4.3. Technological Insights     4.4. Regulatory Framework     4.5. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis     4.6. Competitive Metric Space Analysis     4.7. Price trend Analysis     4.8. Covid-19 Impact Analysis
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/carbon-nanotube-market
Thank you for reading our report. For further inquiry about customization, kindly get in touch with us, and our team will make sure the report is best suited for your needs.
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Emergen Research is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target, and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries, and help clients make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries, including Healthcare, Touch Points, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware of the latest trends existent in the market. Emergen Research has a strong base of experienced analysts from varied areas of expertise. Our industry experience and ability to develop a concrete solution to any research problems provides our clients with the ability to secure an edge over their respective competitors.
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mylifeatwar · 6 years
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Book 2, Chapter 4, Page 23
Archived Text Follows:
Hey Everyone,
It appears that if you throw enough light at a Dragoon’s camo system all at once you can cause it to glitch out. That helps level the playing field some.
Thanks for reading,
– Luther out
Comment Text Follows:
killercow - Knuckledusters oughta’ give that armor a run for it’s money.
nweismuller - Well, that explains Lawman-Actual’s unusual weapon. I was wondering about that.
tkg - interesting I notice a dead patch on the rear left side-shield/armor area near where the dragoon was hit earlier…do the areas auto compensate? for knocked out areas within reason?
nweismuller - I’m not sure that’s a dead area- I think that’s a portion of the shoulder blown away.
Madorakas - I just (naiv) figured the camo system let the light trough. Turns out it just mimics whats behind it and shows it in front. Also i want to know more about this “Knuckdusters”.
Keith - Good lateral thinking. Even in daylight more light makes stuff show up and illume will provide a localized change in viewable spectrums. If memory serves radar doesn’t see them when cloaked either. I wonder how well it stealths against UV…which I’ve long thought they need to switch NVG’s and scopes to, why arent’ they using thermal? You can’t hide heat.
Sazuroi - If it was the light deflection cloaking system I described in one of my comments on the last page, it could potentially deflect all electromagnatic waves, each with a specified set of nanoscale “hairs” (I’m not sure how broad the range of wavelengths is that can be deflected with the existing technology). Heat radiation, which is largely in the infrared spectrum, is actually “larger” than visible light, so the light deflection material could potentially also deflect that, possibly enabling near-perfect heat managment and direction if used internally. That would at least make it exceedingly hard to find a unit cloaked in this way with infrared. Going by this it seems to be the fairly simple projection system, or something more complicated like a hologram in the air created by lasers (which has also been done, like the light deflection material, but in a very basic form, just balls of light hovering inside a laser cage, not sure if the cage was even filled with normal air). The laser hologram seems more fitting since the damaged parts are also hidden. This system could potentially also duplicate a heat signature (yes, there also is a system to duplicate heat signatures, why are you even asking? XD) but it would be more likely for this functionality to be integrated into the armor because the existing system for this is applied to the outside, like ERA. So, basically, if in 50 years we can’t build something like the Dhuvalian Limbs in reality, somebody really needs their butt kicked.
CaptEndo - Except that limbs and other mecha are totally and completely unworkable on any scale much larger than a human exoskeleton suit ( like the Bulls). Ground pressure is the real deal breaker, never mind complicated drive trains and high silhouettes. Even wheeled armored vehicles are severely hampered by high ground pressure. That’s why they were marginalized by major military powers after WWII. Heavy wheeled vehicles have too much ground pressure to do serious off road mobility. This means they get caught in the kill box more than tracks. Mecha would be lucky to move around even on pavement. Add the huge logistical drain of maintaining a walking machine that size and the huge hulking targets they would make, and it’s a pipe dream. 
tkg - Not quite a pipe dream john deere did make the plustech forestry vehicle which did walk on six legs and was fully functional. Here is an image as proof:http://indulgy.ccio.co/iF/d6/o5/futurefuturisticWalkingRobot2robotics9.jpgFootage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2V8GFqk_YThe issue was the price tag and a lack of interest by buyers but I suspect bipedal mechs would not be as plausible as most might think. Quad and hex designs are a totally different matter.
Sazuroi -  In my own writing I also only use exosceletons, but note that I did not say “actually deploy” or “make useful”. I said “can build”. We can probably build a walking machine that size already, no matter how bad it sucks. And the technology seen here is not completely implausible, though it will likely end up going in a different direction. Though there was that concept design wheeled tank with full visual cloak a few years ago. For actual applications though, some kind of spider is probably better, and even that would likely be a niche product. I do have some hopes for that four-legs-with-wheels mecha some japanese guy builds for about 2 million a piece (he introduced the one he built at an expo a while ago, pictures float around), but it’ll probably be too costly and risky. Like that canadian nutcase with the anti-bear armor who also designed a infantry armor nobody wanted to buy despite him offering to tank a full assault rifle clip while wearing it… which proably didn’t convince people of his sanity. Those slabs he made the armor out of seemed to work fine though, back when I came across the story I saw a video where one stops a 7.92 sniper round. That can be faked, sure, but the potential was intriguing.
Keith - Oh good someone else pointed that out. There are mechs and having dealt with armor for many years. It’s a matter of engineering, not scale. The big deal breaker is power to move and to power camouflage. It appears they use multiple small scale emitters as shown by the less than perfect camouflage on the leg that was hit.
Jack McCrary - Ground pressure is not the issue most people think it would be. if you do a volumetric issue for most mecha, their lower legs/feet are typical proportionately at least three times larger than a comparable human limb and then benefit from the dramatically larger surface area. It’s not uncommon for a mecha to end up with a static ground pressure of 0.5 psi or less per ton. So a 20 ton mecha will have around a 10 psi ground pressure (less than a modern MBT) where as an average human male who will have one ranging between 25-30 psi.
Sazuroi - I think the problem with the ground pressure is that a Mech of comparable power to a current MBT would need to weigh a lot more than the tank to be as resistant to fire, since most terrain does not offer cover a Mech would be able to hide behind. To deal with that much added weight, the feet would need to be either even more disproportionately large, which would make it difficult to maneuver in places even a tank can get around – which kind of defeats the purpose of building a vertical combat unit in the first place. Either that or more feet, which would admittedly also require more space to move around. In the few settings I thought up which did indeed utilize Mecha on the ground, I basically had two main directions I tended to go: One option was to make the Mechs extremely large support units – replacing a whole battery of AA missiles while carrying other weapons as well, basically a land warship, though smaller since the crew doesn’t need to be on board constantly. I think Armored Core has something similar as a boss fight. The other option was making them small and mobility-focused, often able to jump quite far, with many legs, “assist legs” or special dampener systems to avoid cratering when landing. Those weren’t terribly armored, and occupied a role between IFV and Helicopter, that is, near fire support. Those were typically single-pilot, and either built around a weapon or at least very focused on their weapons, and mainly defended by keeping a distance and dodging, in cities typically standing on the buildings. Stand-up-and-fight mainline combatant Mecha I never managed to justify to myself, even in space where the ideal small unit is a cube there are reasons against Mecha (why make it look like a human if you can leave out the joints and shave off more weight if you don’t? Why give your attack unit a large frontal profile when the front is supposed to point at the enemy?). On the ground, the main advantage of the vertical shape is essentially the same that led to us evolve in that direction – oversight, and a small “footprint”, as well as being able to mount effectors with a higher range of movement. That is useful – helicopters became one of the main weapons against tanks because a tank can’t spot them very easily, and a Mecha can have an easier time spotting them – but they are also dreadfully easy to hit up close, and easier to spot. Mecha may be harder to immobilize than a tank (opinions diverge, joints can be armored but are out if damaged, tracks are out if damaged and can’t be fully covered from all angles), but mobility is potentially their greatest asset, and it is at odds with MBT-grade armor. Hence, either a light maneuver combatant or a beyond-the-horizon asset. The horizon is reasonably good cover in most situations, particularly if Laser or Particle weapons proliferate and indirect fire becomes less available.
MasterFALE - Just back-up on the Thermal Camo, BAE has a system applicae panels, as noted: like ERA, which provide active camo vs thermal imaging. Hell, they can camo a moving tank in the open while displaying insulting messages.
CaptEndo - Fair arguments. A Mecha as light as 20 tons ( in the range of an APC or light tank, or the Stryker armored car) would suffer from the same liability as all light armor: it’s too thin skinned to take heavy weapon fire, and a high silhouette vehicle like a Mecha would draw fire from every conventional unit on the field long before the Mecha could target them. Not to mention mounting it’s weapons up that high would make it top heavy and enhance recoil. Using smaller multi legged walking machines for industrial purposes might have a real future, but not as an upright armored combat vehicle, which is what I have understood the term Mecha to refer to. There is likely a future for the prototype “pack mule” legged robots, and possibly as low slung mobile missile or gun mounts as well. Those could be practical in the very near future.
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market-researchm · 3 years
Global Gene Expression Market Analysis, Share, Overview And Forecast To 2025
The global gene expression market is estimated to reach USD 11.3 billion by 2025. Market is also expected to grow at a decent rate over the forecast period driven by rising number of cancer patients, facilities for financial funding, decreased cost of sequencing, and high concentration on research & development. In emerging economies, the industry offers advantageous opportunities for growth with rising concentration on adoption and precision as well as personalization in medicines. However, currency devaluation in developing economies and initial capital investment of different instruments are considered as restraint as well as challenge for the industry.
The gene expression is a set of steps for a functional genetic code product occur in the synthesis, with the support of the data coded on genes. The process is prominent in multi cellular organisms as well as bacteria such as eukaryotes or prokaryotes, which ensure the creation of machinery macro molecular of their life.
In context with the consumables of gene expressions, the industry is classified into DNA chips and reagents. The segment of reagent held the largest revenue share of consumables in the industry. This segment is anticipated to witness high growth influenced by increasing number of service center for sequencing, research & development with financial funding, and rising installation number of analysis instruments.
Get Free PDF Sample Copy of the Report (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures) @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/gene-expression-analysis-market/request-sample
The overall market can be segmented by technologies into Northern Blotting, SAGE, Micro array, DNA, NGS, and PCR. The NGS technological segment is considered to be the rapidly growing sector. However, the PCR technology held the largest revenue share over the forecast period. The rapid growth of NGS technology is influenced by rise in large scale gene expression demand, technological advancement & improvised throughput & speed, wide spectrum of applications, and in depth knowledge of sequencing DNA.
The services offered by this industry are classified as bio informatics solutions and profiling services. Profiling services of gene expressions occupy the largest industry share. The profiling services provide essential insights in terms of personalized medicine, determining drug, and enhanced diagnosis of disease. Aforementioned factor would drive the demand for profiling services over the forecast period.
The genetic code expression includes translation and transcription process. The translation process protein from RNA is a sequence occurs in the protein-based synthesis on coding genes data. The transcription from DNA to RNA can be described to the creation of coples RNA of DNA with the support of the RNA enzyme polymerase. The regulations of genetic code refer to its functions, renders cell control through structure, versatility & differentiation of cellular substance, and morphogenesis. The alteration in the overall process can be possible with such as modification of proteins after translation process, and splicing of RNA.
The profiling primarily refers to the set of step used to measure the expression of numerous genetic codes in order to determine the functions related to cellular. This process can be helpful to determine the differences in molecular base of phenotypic and offers the target GE selection for research purpose. There are various techniques used for this analysis such as transcriptase sequencing, analysis of micro array, PCR based real time profiling, and serial analysis of GE among others.
However, reagents are the chemical substances required in the studies undertaken to identify the pattern. Traditionally available reagents kits include hybridization, Taq Man assay, sample labeling and amplification, sample preparation and isolation and other significant kits.
The North America industry is estimated to hold the largest share, followed by Asia Pacific and Europe. The Asia Pacific region is estimated for the rapid growth over the forecast period. The growth in this region is influenced by increasing gene test popularity, government concern to improve healthcare with laws & regulation, and rising agriculture research activity.
The vital factors influencing the growth and contribution of aforementioned region include development of databases, increasing R & D, and continuous advancement & innovation in technology across the world. Rising initial funding and investment for research in genetic by government as well as the growing awareness & popularity of gene expressions is expected to shift demand. Recently, classified systems of GE have determined a cancer subtype aggressive colon with features like mesenchymal, which ensures EMT of tumor cells.
Some of the major players competing in this industry are Agllent Technologies, Bio Rad Laboratories, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Qiagen N.V., Illunia Inc., Affymetrix Inc., and other prominent players. High initial cost for instruments as well as lack of expertise & skilled technician would hinder the growth. However, with numerous advantages and rising interest for precise medicines, the growth & scope of new studies would influence the adoption of reagents.
Access Full Research Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/gene-expression-analysis-market
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