thegreatstoryteller · 3 years
I'm only theorizing, but with the transfer stopped short of completion, that they still has enough of their gift, past and something to be able to win. Hoping;
Brawn Garrison has enough of Bart's memories and past to compare his old and new life.
Carver has enough Rogue innate skills to not perish in the adventure prematurely.
And Archie being able to hopefully survive what just went on with him and return to his life safely.
You're not wrong! Enzo's magic disrupted the process. Whatever was sacrificed was enough to perhaps open the door, but who knows what would've happened if it was all gone.
Brawn definitely has the most overt sacrifice of them all, but it's a shame that none of them will remember it! At least at this point. For now though the party has a handsome himbo of a friend following them around!
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To everyone else's memory, there was never a bookish accountant named Bart. There was Brawn the bro, their athletic friend that they finally convince to play D&D. In college he was very into fraternity life, partying, and getting laid.
How Brawn will grasp with the potential remnants of his old life will have to be revealed later, but I'm sure his harem will enjoy this new warrior to worship.
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 years
D&D Deepdive Chapter 11: The Final Fight
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A large roaring dragon appeared out of the smoke as Archie, Brawn, Carver and Enzo looked on in panic. Diego and Hector were busy restraining the Wizard to prevent him from casting more magic.
“Carver stay back!” Brawn said standing in front of Carver looking concerned.
“We’ll hold this thing off!” Archie declared; weapons raised but looking a little concerned.
“Don’t have to tell me twice! I’ve got something else to do.” Carver yelled as he ran to the restrained Wizard going through the potion bag.
Enzo was about to say something but couldn’t get a word in before the dragon’s tail slammed the cloudlike floor before them. The force was so powerful that even this soft platform had shockwaves course through its infrastructure knocking all three men off their feet.
Brawn was the first to roar with ferocity and stumbled to his feet to charge at the dragon! It tried to swap away at him but his improved strength swatted the claw away and dug his sword into its side. It roared in pain as Enzo followed up with a few well shot arrows to its face! Vines and plants erupted from each tip as the dragon tore through each new forming strand.  Archie took a strategic placement behind the beast and slashed at is skillfully, putting a dent to its back!
The dragon was not pleased! It swiped at Archie with its tail knocking him back. Then flew into the air to breath fire at Brawn and Enzo! They dove out the way but were still slightly singed.
“They’re not gonna last long at this rate!” Diego cried out doing his best to hold down their captive. “I know! That’s why I’ve got to find the right potion. The alchemist had a bunch of things in his notes! I just hope this next one works.” Carver said kneeling and sifting through the big bag of potions he stole.
“Brilliant thinking Carver, but make haste. Our friends can only hold out for so long.” Hector replied stoically.
Barely six seconds had passed but Brawn was already in a state of tatters with barely a stitch left on his bulging body! The rest of his clothes had been consumed by dragon fire! Enzo did a good job of keeping his distance, but definitely looked worse for wear! As for Archie, well Archie was on top of the dragon’s back doing his best to stab at its wings! It had the desired effect as that appears to have been grounded, yet no less ferocious!
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“I’ve got it!” Carver said miraculously. He pulled out a familiar looking liquid. It was the same potion that had turned the former alchemist into a dumb strong fan of Brawngar! With a quick splash to the wizard’s face not even the winged Diego and Hector could hold back his screams. Years of arcane intelligence drained from his eyes as the anguished screams soon turned to dumb laughter. The two guardians released what now appeared to be a handsome and absentminded young man!
“Woah dudes. Where am I?” the new figure chuckled as he rubbed his head.
“Um… do you know who you are still?” Carver asked hesitantly.
“Course I do. I’m Willy! I uh… don’t know… much else”
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The three then looked back to the raging dragon behind them. It still fought tooth and nail against their friends.
“Wait?! The wizard is… this guy now. Why is that thing still here?” Carver looked panicked. Hector, deep in thought pondered aloud. “Well, most scroll based magics simply allow the user to cast a spell. Spells of summoning are sometimes concentrated… we changed his form but didn’t break his concentration… we’ve got to do something to stop thinking about that dragon!”
“I got this!” Diego says happily as he swiftly kicks the dazed Willy in the chest, knocking him out cold.
Before long the dragon has vanished! Archie falls from its disappeared form but Diego flies over to catch him.  Not only that but there appears to be a large rumbling sound and it’s as if they were hearing the sounds of thousands of invisible chains broken at once.
“We did it!” Enzo cheered going over to hug Hector. “Great move transforming the Wizard! And for getting rid of the dragon.”
“The dragon fight was all Carver and you three. You all fought valiantly.” Hector smiled returning the hug.
“What was all that breaking sounds?” Brawn asked setting down his sword into the cloudy ground.
“I’ve got no clue.” Archie said as Diego carefully brought him to the ground. Their embrace lingered ever so slightly and quickly turned into awkward blushing. “But whatever it is, it’s happening all over this place. Hector? What else could be here?”
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“The only things ‘here’ are the imprisoned game masters of other games… but if we’re hearing their chains being broken that means…” Hector looked strangely down and waived his hand absentmindedly. All of them found themselves on the grounds outside the city! Only this time they weren’t on clouds. Hector and Diego hovered above, but the rest were on solid earth!
“Wait. Did you just do that Hector? Have our powers returned?” Diego said ecstatically. With a few waves of his hand Diego could feel his will imposed upon this world and the winds shifted to his whim.
“Interesting, so with the wizard out cold there’s no on to keep you stuck on that plane of existence!” Carver said cheerily.
“Indeed, it does. If that is the case, then Diego. You and your friends can take your leave at your leisure.” Hector nods solemnly.
“Oh… that’s right.” Diego says with realization. “The book stated that once I set an adventure for you and you complete it, it’ll allow us to return home… but Hector… what about you? What about the other game masters out there?”
“They shall remain here in this world. Without their players they are trapped in this world. Masters of this universe, but slave to its rule. That includes myself. Though if I’m being honest, I rather like my new form.” Hector says flexing a large muscle. 
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“Wait… can’t we help with that? If we got the names of your players. If they really did make it back, all we’d need to do is get them to play again. Then we could free the other angel guys, right?” Carver asked hopefully.
“Yeah! That’s just crazy enough to work!” Diego shrugged with an optimistic smile as he began to write a list of all the different game masters. “I think then it’s time to go home. Archie! Brawn! Carver! Your quest is to defeat the wizard!... You’ve completed your quest!” As Diego said those words a glowing marble door formed and opened, revealing a picture of the individual rooms they were all playing in previously.
“Uh… my room looks different.” Brawn said looking at a room that looked like it belonged to some sort of bodybuilder, with weights and protein powder nearby.
“Oh, that’s right!” Diego said. “Your sacrifice made your reality adjust to the body you had… I uh… even we don’t know what you were like before.”
“I… I’ve got brief memories… doing smart stuff… with numbers? Maybe? Or money?” Brawn said scratching his head as Carver held back laughter. He couldn’t imagine trusting the big guy to do math.
“Well… Brawn if you really want to maybe we can try uncovering those memories together.” Carver said with a genuine smile this time and took Brawn’s hand. Then they both turned to Archie. “Come on Arch! You coming?” Diego joked.
“I… can’t.” Archie said looking down. Diego, looked mortified. “Wait what!? Why not? You just have to walk through.” But Archie shook his head.
“My sacrifice was to be bound to this world till its dying days… I can’t leave this place… I didn’t want to tell you while we were in the middle of all these things… but yeah… I’m stuck here.”
“No no no! This… Archie why’d you do that?!” Carver said tears in his eyes. “Bro… no…” Brawn said unable to process his emotions.
Archie brought them in for a hug. “It’ll be ok… you two need to get out and do damage control. Make sure my parent knows what happened and… save the other game masters…” Archie said holding back tears. Then he released them and walked over to Diego. “And… in case I never see you again… I need you to know… I… I’ve been wanting to ask you out… but I was so nervous… maybe we- “But before Archie could finish Diego kissed him. “I won’t forget you man.” Diego said. “I’m sorry I brought you into this stupid game. I’m sorry that you had to give so much for us.”
A shaking head stopped Diego. “This was my choice and if it means you get home safe it’ll be worth it.”
Diego is full on sobbing as he just embraces Archie. “Hector! Enzo! Please…. Take care of him and each other… I… I promise we’ll help the others.” Diego choked out. “We will you have my word.” Hector nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been here so long there won’t be any problems. We’ll be ok!” Enzo declared confidently.
With the teary goodbyes concluded, Brawn, Carver, and Diego walked through the door.
In a flash Carver blinked back. He was in front of his computer screen looking at Diego and Brawn in their respective rooms.
“Guys? Are you alright?” Diego asked looking around and patting his body.
“Uh… yeah I am… why am I still shirtless? Where did these jeans come from?” Brawn said standing up and showing off his tight short shorts.
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“You always wear that dummy! You wanted to show off and stream this ‘nerd game’ we finally convinced you to play” Carver teased. “Right?... Sorry it’s hard to tell what’s you know… ‘real’.”
“Speaking of… it looks like Arnie’s chair is empty…” Diego pointed out at the blank screen of where their friend once was. There was a silence that filled their webchat. Soon they noticed small things about their return. How almost no time had passed, how there was no trace of any of their injuries, and how Brawn kept getting texts from people asking to work out or meet for dates!
“So, what, we just go about our lives now without Arnie?” Diego asked. “I mean sure we find these guys on the list, but how am I! I mean we supposed to just… go on?”
There was another long silence… until Carver piped up excitedly. “I’ve got an idea!”
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 years
D&D DeepDive Chapter 6 - Bounties Part 1: The Brawler
The town was alive with activity. Whereas the group had come in the dead of night the previous day, now there were busy people at work as far as the eye could see. 
“So the wizard gave us a list of three people to collect. Once we find them, we just bring them to the town guard and the Wizard will be there to handle the rest.” Archie said.
Carver nods. “Sweet. So who are we looking for? Let’s see that list…. A smuggler, a brawler, and a scoundrel? What kind of titles are these? And what failed art major drew these wanted posters?”
“Come on Carver,” Bart chimed in. “The people here have limited ink, time, and supplies. As far as we know the Wiz is the only guy with magic here. I’m sure they’re trying.”
“Whatever, with only last known locations, finding these guys may take forever. Let’s split up!” Carver says.
“R-really? What happens if they… you know, fight back?” Bart says scared. 
Archie just laughed. “Then use those big barbarian muscles! I saw you tear a wolf apart two days ago. I’m sure you can handle a rogue npc. If talking to the Wizard told us anything it’s that this world is a lot more like a video game than we thought. You’ve got in-game skills, use them!”
Carver nodded. “Dibs on smuggler, I can use my criminal network to find him! If you’re worried Bart take the scoundrel. He sounds harmless! That just leaves the brawler for Archie.”
“Alright, only if you guys are sure...” Bart mutters, taking the wanted poster. “We meet back at the town guard station though ok! Enzo said it’s the big building to the north, we can’t miss it!”
With that the trio went their separate ways
Archie was the first to pursue his bounty. Or rather, he was lucky enough to find his bounty first. He thought about going about this the RPG way, go to some taverns, ask about the Lazic Grimthorn in the nearby area, and see if anyone here knew what was going on. He wasn’t expecting a bar brawl to start in the first place he went to. 
“Sir please!” The bartender pleaded. “It’s barely noon. You’ve already had too much to drink!” 
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“Sir, step away from the bar and calm down!” Archie said with authority glaring at this guy and drawing his weapon.
“OH! Has the town militia joined the fray? No thanks. Leave before you hurt yourself kid,” he says, turning his back to Archie. He never saw Archie’s boot hit his back as he stumbled over the bar, crashing into several glasses.
“Hehe, picking a fight with a Grimthorn? You’re not the smartest guard are you?” he says as he grabs a glass and flings it at Archie's face!
It doesn’t shatter on impact, but leaves a big bruise as Archie stumbles back disoriented. The large man then pounces on him from across the bar and begins pummeling him to the ground. Archie matches him blow for blow for a few hits, but it’s clear who is winning. “Maybe splitting the party wasn’t a good idea” Archie thinks, blood soaking down his cheek. 
Suddenly he hears a flurry of footsteps from outside. “Charge!”
And just like that, this huge beast of a man is tackled off of Archie and manacled. A lanky young man holding a bow helps Archie to his feet. “Are you alright sir?” 
“Yes I’m fine… who are you?” Archie mutters spitting out some blood. 
“A squire sir. My name’s not important. It will be once I’m a knight. Not like yours I suppose. You look like a knight. Glade we could get here when we heard a scuffle! Did you try to take down Grimthorn by yourself? Awfully brave!”
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“Or stupid. Aye, you a knight of the kingdom?” A man in heavy armor says with a glare. 
“Yes sir! Archibald Antiguas! Fellow knight of the Crimson Kingdom… I serve the crown, just as you.” Archie says nearly automatically.
“Antiguas… ah I’ve heard of you. One of the knights given free reign to enforce our king’s justice on their travels. Glad we could help. I’m Sir Heson. You’ve met my squire.  Now that we’ve assisted you on your arrest, will you need help escorting him to the appropriate sentencing area?”
Archie was about to decline but realized something. “Actually, there is no pride in an arrest not my own. I’d be honored to have you and your squire accompany me on the way to the guard station. Perhaps tell me stories of how things in town have been. Sir Heson smiles and recounts the last few day’s activity for Archie as they head to the station.
Once he arrived the Wizard was already there talking to the guard, or rather a man presumably the Wizard. They held themselves with the same posture of the man at the library. However, the face and body were different. Though he still wore glasses and seemed overly comfortable laying on one of the cots inside a cell, reading a book. 
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“Ah Archibold. Welcome! I was just talking over the recent procedure with the guard here. Thanks for procuring our prisoner.” If the postulating hadn’t given it away, that same secretive smile sure did. This was the Wizard.
“It’s no problem. Have the others returned yet?” Archie says, looking around. 
“I’m afraid not yet, but that simply means you’re the first to witness this all first hand!” the Wizard explains as the guard puts Grimthorn in a cell. As this happens another guard brings a young man in clerical robes forward. He couldn’t be more than 20 years old, but had a very fresh faced look to him. 
“Um… sir Wizard. The high priestess said that it would be safe, are you sure this process is um… alright?” the young man chirped. 
The Wizard smirked. “My dear sweet boy. You see me change bodies all throughout the season. I assure you it’s safe. This man cannot be trusted to move the heavier church artifacts, and once you have his body you’ll be able to serve the high priestess’ commands to the letter. Now sit still and get out the additional robes you were asked to bring.”
The young man releases a larger robe from his bag as the Wizard begins chanting and making hand signs in the air. As this occurred light emerged around the imprisoned Grimthorn and the young cleric. Archie was about to ask if this was the ritual to switch their bodies when he heard fabric begin tearing. The cleric’s shoulders were broadening at an alarming rate! The small robes he was wearing on his 5 foot frame were not match for the expanding torso that belonged to a man twice as big. It wasn’t just the robes. The leather sandals he wore had straps snapping one by one off his new growing feet. After that were his tearing trousers that were soon revealed after he’d shot up over a foot in height!
Once the body completed, Archie could hear bones rearranging themselves as the cleric’s face began to expand and age. He gained a more prominent chin, a few wrinkles, and a darker hair color. Before long the surprised visage of Grimthorn was standing there, looking completely shocked. “E-excuse me,” the deep voice of the cleric said as they rushed to the washroom, grabbing the larger robe. 
The cleric’s change was so drastic Archie didn’t even notice the much smaller Lazic in the cell, wearing a cloak and clothing far too big for his body. “You spellcasting piss pot!” he slurred in a much softer voice. “I’ll get you for this!” With those words, Lazic Grimthorn fell to the nearby cot and began snoring. 
“Hehe, someone's got a much smaller tolerance for a body not used to imbibing in alcoholic pleasures,” the Wizard laughed. “I hope you enjoyed the show. You’ll be seeing this at least two other times today!”
“As long as our provisions are ready by then, I don’t mind,” Archie said, trying to stay strong but honestly astounded that this magic existed.
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 years
D&D Deep Dive Chapter 8: Journey & Time Part 1
Archie happily led the group out of the city gates on to the dirt road North. He looked back only once to see the citizens of the town waking up like clockwork and going about their jobs.
“Enzo,” Archie began. “I know this may seem like an odd question, but are the people here… alive? I mean like real? Around town I felt like a lot of them followed very… predictable behavior… my bounty was an angry drunk… the guards that helped me were very… dedicated. Even the tavern patrons seemed… I don’t know stereotypical?”
With a wry smile Enzo shrugged. “Depends on who you ask. Honestly, who is to say what’s what around here? Me? I’m a realist. The things we see here act alive. So, they are alive. They’re as real as you and me. It’s simple and gotten me through this far.”
“I… yeah that makes sense, but I was afraid you’d say that. That means if we ever have to fight like people…”
“You’ll have to see if you’re aiming to kill. Yeah. Each fight with an actual person is like that,” Enzo says plainly.
“I… I don’t want to… for reference. I got roughed up trying to fight my bounty earlier… but I don’t think I’d ever want to… kill him. You know?” Archie says keeping his eyes on the road.
“This world… it has a knack for changing people. Some fall more into their characters than others… but the strong ones… they decide in the end, not their characters. If you really mean that, then you won’t. It’s your friends that I’m a little worried about.” Enzo stares at the back of the wagon where the other two are talking.
Bart flexes experimentally over and over again. “I still can’t get over this arm. It’s thicker than anything I ever thought could be on my body!”
Much to Carver’s delight he massages that arm alongside Bart. “Hey I’m not complaining those meaty arms are just the best. Plus, they’re attached to some fun hands that really helped rock my world last night stud.”  
The two giggled like the new couple they were and began leaning against each other. “Do you think you’d ever get used to… this? The whole different body thing? Like… I don’t know. On the one hand, we wake up and I stumble still not used to my weight… but on the other hand when we’re fighting or we’re… you know in bed together. I feel like there’s no other way I could ever be… it feels-“
“Natural,” Carver cuts in. “Yeah I’ve had those moments too. I… don’t know if it’ll ever feel normal like we knew it to be, but hey I think we can enjoy it while it lasts… I don’t really like being the guy that steals things… but hey if it means stealing your heart while I’m at it Barty boy… it’s not so bad.” The two blush as the wagon continues along their path.
Into their first night the 4 travelers begin to make camp near a small spring. Beautiful willows lean over the placcid pools of water that sparkle in the setting son. A nearby river rushes by as the cricket welcome the moon peaking over the horizon.
“Just so everyone’s aware of, there’s a series of small rivers nearby that lead to these waters. These springs are safe but the rivers they stem from are magical!” Enzo explains
“Magical like deadly? Or magical as in cool?” Carver asks setting up a large tent for him and Bart.
Enzo rolls his eyes “Magical like one of them can turn you younger and the other older.”
Archie stares surprised. “That seems kind of dangerous, should we set up camp so close?”
“The magic wears off when you’re dried off, but still not something you should drink!” Enzo clarifies. “Plus with this magical deterrent we’re less likely to run into beasts who drink by the stream or idiots dumb enough to hang around these parts.”
Carver shrugs. “Sound good enough for me guys, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna head in for some shut eye! Get in here Bart!” “Hey hey wait! We need to be smart about this. Enzo is right. This place is easier to defend by the water, but that only works if we have people keeping watch. Bart since it’s still a bit light out you keep watch first.” Archie says sternly.
Bart looks glum as Carver is about to protest, but Archie shoots him a glare and he stops.  
“After Bart, you can wake me up, then I’ll get Carver, and then Enzo will be next since he’s always up early anyway.” Archie directs.
“He’s not wrong,” Enzo explains, “We may be away from the forest and wild animals, but we should expect anything if our lives are on the line. Bart be careful, the rest of us sleep well and wake us if you need anything.”
With a look of nervous determination Bart sits on stump nearby and watches the surrounding area.
After a few hours Archie woke up. He knew he should’ve told Bart to only wait a few hours before calling him to their shift. As he got out of the tent, Bart was nowhere to be seen. The only trace of him were a set of lined boot prints that seemed to lead to drag marks up the water’s edge. “Bart!” Archie said leaping into action. He quickly got up, grabbed his belongings and followed the drag marks upstream!
It wasn’t long before he heard laughing sounds and someone grunting and struggling. “Looks like we got an easy scoop. Ain’t so big now are ye big guy!” one cloak figured said to someone with a tarp covering their face as they were dragged.  A second cloaked figure chided the first, “Quit it. Ain’t no use teasing him. He’s gonna be dead meat soon.” A third said, “Quiet you two. Last thing we need to do is attract more attention!”
An anger filled Archie. If they thought they were going to feed his friend to any strange beast they had another thing coming. He quickly leaped into action. With sword swinging he  hit one guy with his blade and kicked another into the stream, causing the tarp off of Bart to fall. However instead of the barbarian he was accustomed to seeing he saw a younger man.
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It looked like Bart only the barbarian version of him, and younger. Much younger like early 20s instead of the mid 30s beast of a man he met in the forest. “Archie watch out they got that weird water!” Bart cries out as the third cloaked figure sprung into action and shoved Archie to the ground!
Before he knew it a splash of water soaked Archie to the brim and he felt himself beginning to change. Bones crinkled, skin tingled, and his voice let out a moan that grew a little deeper. “See you how you like fighting us now grandpa!” said the cloaked figure’s voice. Archie could guess what was happening so he did his best to kick the other guard into the knee and pushing him into the first causing them to all fall in the stream.
Archie rushed over and felt his body ache as if feeling exhausted and tired in just a few second. “Bart are you alright?”  Archie barked in a more raspy aged voice. “Oh no Archie that got you! They got me with this water that turned me younger by the second! The must’ve done the other one to you!”
“What do you mean I’m-“ Archie paused to undo Bart’s restraints, as his own reflection in the silver moonlight caught him off guard as he looked in the stream. There was a handsome older man with a bushy beard staring back. “Fuck, it’s the water isn’t it!” Archie exclaimed.
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“Yeahp! And now you’re coming with us old timer” a cracked teenage voice said behind him. Before he knew it three teens in oversized cloaks jumped on top of Archie. Their punches though definitely weak, were enough to down Archie in a few blows.
“Alright, now that that’s outta the way, let’s go sacrifice these guys!” The three cloaked teens cheer and continue to usher the scared Bart forward as they drag Archie along the river’s edge.
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 years
Been enjoying your DnD series! Have you considered a side-story in the same universe, but maybe a guy is transformed into a bandit or assimilated into a "generic mob" sort of enemy?
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OIn a not so distant town nearby, there lives Zachary! Or as he's known now, Zenith Blade. Zachary once was a mild mannered midwestern guy in his 30s who played D&D on the weekend. Like our characters in the DeepDive, he was wisked away when he and his friends were playing a friendly game. Many tried to find a way back home, but Zenith was more than happy to stay in this bodybuilder like body and live the life of a fighter! He grew cocky, to a stereotypical level! Challenging people to feats of strength, getting drunk at bars, and acting like there wasn't a law that would apply to him.
Overtime he was drawn to the criminal aspect of this world and used his much stronger body to act as a muscle for some crime bosses. Sure some new "players" would enter the game and beat him up a bit, but the next day he'd go back to enjoying his life of unadulterated chaos and fun!
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Now Zenith is getting a bit older. His body now reaching its 40s and his once form fitting leather armor growing a bit tight. A life of excess only lasts so long, but Zenith was now too far gone. He couldn't imagine life outside his simple bandit beginnings. As long as he could flex his muscles and have an ale at the end of the day he was satisfied being just another piece of fodder for future adventurers to fight.
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 years
D&D Deep Dive Chapter 6 - Bounties Part 2: The Smuggler
While Archie had brought back his bounty, the others were going about their day finding theirs.
For Carver it was fun to finally use his rogue abilities in a city. Finding an old tavern, saying a few words, talking to the right people. It was like networking but with more intrigue. It felt like ages since he could enter a room and cozy up to people and get on their good side, something years working in business had prepared him for. 
Soon he knew the location of his bounty. A smuggler of rare potions and weapons. Gaylen Woodstone. He’d been last seen in the basement of an old merchant’s shop.  Apparently selling all sorts of items in the criminal world was just as lucrative here as it was back in the real world.  And apparently shady areas of town looked a lot like the shady areas back home too.
Carver approached a run down old building with a battered sign that read “Mercantile”. It was dim, but a basement window showed the glimmer of a low light. Someone was down there. With a smirk, Carver knew getting them out would be simple. Start a small bonfire near one of the basement windows and smoke fills the room pretty quick. That wasn’t even a rogue trick, just something Carver saw in a movie once. Soon a hooded figure was running out a basement entrance coughing his lungs out. He didn’t even see  the dashing rogue nearby ready to trip him as he left.  
Beforelong the smuggler was manacled and brought to the guard station. But not before Carver had the impulse to raid this guy’s shop. “We’re not gonna be in this world long… might as well if we’ve got the chance to level.” He thought as he picked up a bag of gold and a few unnamed potions. 
Carver gladly escorted this man to his feet and towards the guard station. This smuggler's crude long hair and simple vestments showed the looks of an indoor guy. However, his natural handsome face and his lean form showed the look of someone who was used to having to smile at times to get what he wanted.
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To Carver’s luck, the guard station was only a few blocks away from this run down shop. Once he entered with the smuggler, he was greeted by a guard. “The wizard said we’d be expecting a few more today. This is… Gaylen the smuggler. Perfect! Did he have any additional contraband or stolen gold on him?” the guard asked.
“Nope, nothing like that. Just him!” Carver said as the guard took the prisoner away mumbling.
“Well I’m glad the cute one finally finished then.”
After he left, Carver had a second to reflect on what he’d just done. Sure it was stealing from a criminal… but he didn’t really like what he was doing. Years stereotyped as a young black man for maybe doing something wrong still weighed down on him, despite looking nothing close to his old self. Maybe it was how easy the compulsion took over, how simple saying yes to an act like that guided his hand. Were these changes to his mind becoming that powerful?
These thoughts passed through his mind just in time for him to realize he was swiping papers from the guard’s desk. He shook the thoughts from his mind as he continued to wait. 
At that point Archie walked in from the holding cell area.
“Carver you’re back. Was that the smuggler the guard just brought in?” he asked. With a proud smile and an excuse to not think about his mind changing Carver replied, “Yeahp. Got him out quick and easy. Thought I’d be the first one back! Guess you beat me to the punch. Speaking of, are you alright? Looks like you had a harder time with yours?” Carver gestures to Archie’s battered face, which still somehow makes his good looks only look tougher. 
“Yeah… had a bar brawl with mine. He nearly won if it wasn’t for help… but his body is probably stocking church candles now.”
“Woah, so that means he did it right? The wizard actually gave that guy’s body to someone? What did it look like?” Carter asked genuinely curious.
“See for yourself,” Archie opens the door in time for Carver to see the Wizard performing the ritual once more. 
To the left is the smuggler, sharing a cell with a young man in clothes way too big for him. To the right was a rather portly man dressed in noble’s clothes. He seems to be smiling as a familiar light envelopes him.
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His most noticeable change is his receding stomach, the once tight fancy clothes now hang limply off his farm. After that his face begins to change, but it’s soon obscured by the long hair of the smuggler. He grows a little taller and begins to pat his stomach as the words “Abs!” could be heard amongst his giddy  laughs.
“Right you were Count Tanwell. As promised a week in the body of a fit individual. I trust our debts to you repaid?” the Wizard says smiling. “And then some my good man!” this apparent noble said from the smuggler’s body as he hands a bag to the wizard and walks off.
Meanwhile the smuggler was in the opposite situation. He now wore his same ill fitting robes, but they were pressed tightly against a protruding stomach, while his trousers fit completely wrong!
“Makes you wonder who’s the lucky guy who will have Bart’s bounty.” Archie says, while Carver is speechless.
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 years
It's a bit depressing to learn of the final sacrifice, but I believe it was the world's claim to have permanent residences so that it keeps evolving with the presence of players unbound by Game Masters. I do wonder though if there would be an epilogue where the group visits Archie again. Or if they could use monster races just for fun.
You're so right on many things! I won't give any spoilers but yes there will be an epiloguge released later this week!
Writing this story has been so much fun! It means a lot to me that people are enjoying the story, coming up with theories, and wanting to learn more about the world.
While not in this first story there is the potential to sequels/spin offs that cover this exact topic of other races and different places to visit. Our original trio were playing a very standard adventure, but there's many more where orcs, elves, and other fantasy creatures exist.
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 years
Can i PLEASE be in the next series using a character I made as my story character?
That could be interesting. I don't have a hard timeline about the sequel series, but I'd love to hear your idea for your character. Feel free to message me.
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 years
Been reading 'D&D Deep Dive' latest chapter and I'm really enjoying it. Like the way that you have Arnie being referred to as Archie. It's very subtle, and shows the shift in character. Can't wait to see Brawngar really start over taking Bart. Will more of Cyrus start to surface?
The characters are all going at their own pace in terms of the mental change. Some live Carver/Cyrus are a little more resistant to their changes. Others like Brawngar are beginning to embrace it even more! Arnie/Archie was a more natural transition since their values started out more aligned!
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