#D.O. x reader
kimbappykidding · 2 years
When Exo get jealous of their girlfriend’s friendship with one of their members
Xiumin - Jealous over how affectionate you and Sehun are
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As you were the same age as Xiumin and older than all the other members you felt it was your duty to look after the maknaes and Sehun was the most helpless maknae to ever exist. Thanks to you and Suho he'd survived his youth but just barely and he still needed lots of care and attention. So caring for Sehun had basically become an instinct at this point...but Xiumin wasn't aware of that. 
You were all eating a meal together for the first time in over a year and as Suho and Chen began distributing the food you and Lay helped with the cutlery. Xiumin was passing out drinks and went to give himself the apple-flavoured one when you took it from him. "Take the orange one, that's for Sehun". Xiumin frowned "why?". "Because Sehun only likes the apple flavour" you shrugged and Sehun nodded approvingly, a huge smile on his face when you passed it to him. Xiumin frowned "I thought the orange was his favourite". "Sure like two years ago" you laughed and Sehun rolled his eyes. "Unbelievable...and you call yourself our hyung" Baekhyun cried and everyone laughed.
Finally all the food was dished up and you began to eat. Sehun wanted some sauce but couldn't open the lid. He was sighing pitifully and Xiumin was about to help him when Sehun tapped your arm and held it out to you. You were chatting with Chanyeol and without Sehun even needing to say a word you took the jar opened it and passed it back. "Thank you Y/n!" Sehun called and you smiled at him fondly. You caught Xiumin watching you and frowned "you okay?" and he nodded. 
After the meal everyone began drinking and Sehun quickly became sleepy after a few beers. Xiumin was enjoying himself and found Sehun's droopy eyes cute until Sehun laid his head against your shoulder. You laughed and patted his head fondly, moving so he could lean against you better. Sehun relaxed into you immediately and closed his eyes properly. You both looked very comfortable and he could only assume you did this a lot. You carried on chatting with the others and played with Sehun's hair casually. Xiumin began to feel left out and got a little pouty. When he hadn't spoken in a while you noticed and gently touched his arm "hey, you okay?". He nodded "yeah just Sehun looks really comfortable there". You smiled "are you jealous of our maknae?". "No! Well maybe a little...why is he getting so many cuddles?" Xiumin whispered and you laughed "okay". "Suho" you called "can you take Sehun to his room? I think he'll get neck ache here". Suho nodded "sure" and coaxed Sehun away to his room. Your arms free you turned to Xiumin who quickly wrapped his arms around you and rested his head in the crook of your neck. "That's better" he hummed and you laughed "shouldn't you be above jealousy at your age?". "When it comes to you, there’s no limit".  
Suho - Jealous you like Lay more than him
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You and Lay were both Chinese and so the second Suho introduced you there was an air of familiarity and you got along. At first Suho found it nice and reassuring and most of the time he still felt that...but sometimes it felt like he was the odd one out. Like when he'd say a word that sounded like something funny in mandarin and the two of you would be in fits of laughter. Or when your parents made it abundantly clear they preferred Lay to him. Or of course when you'd talk in your language and Suho would just sit there awkwardly. 
He was glad you had a reminder of your home and someone to speak your native language with, so he hated himself for being so selfish and wanting you all to himself but he couldn't help it!
"Suho did you say Lay had work today?" you asked him one day as you were lounging on his bed together. He nodded "yep all day, why?". "Lay's just posted a photo from his home". Suho paused "maybe it's an old one". "Then why did he text me asking if I wanted to have a movie day?". Suho paused "I have no idea". "Really?" you asked and Suho soon broke under your gaze. "Fine, I lied! Lay doesn't have anything scheduled today". You were shocked "you lied...but you never lie". "I know. I hate myself and you should too" he pouted. "I don't hate you Suho and you shouldn't either, it was just one mistake but...why did you do it?". He sighed "I just wanted a day with you to myself. I know this is awful but when Lay's around I feel like we're fighting for your attention and I don't think I can compete with him". You paused "you can't compete with him? Suho, but you're my boyfriend!". "I know but Lay's not only from the same country but from the same city as you! That's huge and you have all this shared knowledge and inside jokes, I sometimes wonder if you regret meeting me first". Suho probably would've kept going if you didn't stop it. "Okay that's crazy!" you cried and Suho looked at you startled "it is?". "Yes! Suho I love Lay but he's like a brother to me. There way I feel about him and the way I feel about you couldn't be more different from one another. You're my partner and I know through thick or thin we'll be there for each other. I love the way we met and would never wish to be with anyone else. I'm so sorry you've been feeling this way". Suho shrugged "well I feel a little better now hearing how much you love me". You chuckled "then I guess I need to tell you that more and more from now on huh?" moving closer to him. Suho blushed "i'd certainly enjoy that..." and he followed your word and mode closer too. "You were now inches away from each other and you smiled "good, I think this will help too" and kissed him. Of course it did.    
Lay - When he realises he's missed a lot of things but D.O. has been there for you
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Lay knew he'd been gone a while and that hadn't been ideal but you'd gotten through it. You'd dated long distance and it'd been fine. You still loved each as much as before he left and he was so relieved at that. However after being back in Korea for a few days he noticed some changes. 
You’d joined him for dinner with his members and it was really nice but he throughout the night he realised there were some things you hadn’t told him. "You didn't tell me you had trouble with your neighbours" he said once you got in the car. Suho had asked how you were coping and Lay had no idea what he even meant. "Well you were so busy and I didn’t want to waste our talking time complaining. Plus it wasn't that bad, we sorted it within a few days so it's fine". "We?" he asked and you nodded "when I told D.O. what has happening he came over and spoke to the men. I'm pretty sure he scared the living daylights out of them because they haven't bothered me since" you laughed. Lay laughed too but he felt bad you'd had to turn to his members for that support. He made a mental note to thank D.O. for doing that for you.
When you reached your house you and Lay settled in for the night and since it was your first night together in ages wanted to light some candles. The only problem is you’d moved in just 2 months ago and had no idea where you’d put them. You searched all the usual places but nothing.  You sighed wondering where it could be before your face cleared "I know! I'll ring D.O.". "Why?" Lay asked laughing "did he scare them away too?". "No but he helped me move and he's so much better at organising he did a lot of the unpacking". The phone rang and after 2 rings D.O. picked up which was shocking in itself. "Hey, quick question. Do you remember where you put the candles when we unpacked?". Lay heard D.O. pause and then he asked if you'd tried the downstairs closet. You had a look and as if by magic they were there, right on the top of a box. "I've got them, thank you so much" you cried and D.O. told you it was fine. Lay didn't hear what he said next but you shook your head "i'm okay, Lay is here so I'll probably grab food with him...but thank you for the offer". 
You then wrapped up the call and noticed Lay seemed quiet. "Got the candles!" you tried and he nodded but didn't smile. You lit the candles and paused as Lay seemed lost in thought. "You okay?" you asked and Lay nodded "what did D.O. say at the end?". "He told me that he and Chen were grabbing dinner and asked if I wanted to come". Lay nodded "do you hang out with D.O. a lot?". You shrugged "a bit yeah! He's been really kind to me and helped me with a lot of things since..." and you paused. "Since I've been gone?" he asked and you checked he wasn't angry before nodding "yeah...but not in a creepy way I promise". Lay nodded "that's fine. i get it and I'm glad he's been so kind to you. Now I'm back I can be there for you too". You smiled and leaned into his embrace "sounds perfect".
Baekhyun - Gets jealous when he hears all your members like Suho
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Often whenever the boys were having arguments or contests they'd bring you in to decide who won. They all trusted your opinion and even though you were dating Baekhyun you were fairly impartial. 
"Y/n who do you think the most gentlemanly out of us is?" Sehun asked. You smirked "well it's obvious right?". Baekhyun prepared to stand up and gloat when you carried on "Suho". "Suho!" he cried and all the others began to protest. "I've held the door open for you 3 times today y/n! How many time has Suho?" Kai asked while Chanyeol just frowned "he's not tall enough to be a gentleman he's like a gentleboy". You held your hands up at the chaos you'd caused. "I'm sorry but that's my answer and I think if you asked other girls they'd agree with me". "Yeah like who?" D.O. asked. "Well like my members" you laughed "they all love Suho!". "They do?" Suho asked and you nodded "yeah! Haven’t you noticed anytime you come over to the house they’re super nice to you and offer you food and stuff”. Suho paused “really?”. You smiled “want me to prove it?". The members all nodded so you called your leader. "Hey Ari are you with the girls? Great can you put me on speaker". The boys waited anxiously as you explained the situation "so who do you think is most gentlemanly?" you asked. "Suho" they all said at once and Baekhyun's jaw dropped. "He paid you to say that didn't he!" Chanyeol cried and your members all promised he hadn't. "He's just so kind and caring, he's like a movie prince" one of your members explained. "He's also really gentle but also steps up to be the leader which is the definition of a gentleman" your leader pointed out. You nodded along and when the guys were all finally convinced you hung up the phone. "Well that was horrifying" Baekhyun admitted and the members all laughed. 
Everyone seemed to get over it quickly though except for Baekhyun. When the conversation changed he gently nudged you "do you really think Suho is the most like a gentleman". You nodded "I do" and he pouted "not me?". "You're not really a gentleman, you're different" you tried but Baekhyun gasped and turned away. "Wait no, I didn't mean that as a bad thing!" you cried but he didn't turn back. For the rest of the night Baekhyun blanked you and pouted anytime someone spoke to him. He was acting like a child and you decided you'd just leave him to it, knowing he'd come to you and sure enough he did. "Y/nnnnnn" he called "love me!". You smirked "I thought you hated me?". "Never" he replied “do you hate me?”. “Of course not” you said and hugged him “please don’t be upset over what we said about Suho. He’s a wonderful guy but he’s not my boyfriend and being the biggest gentleman in the world couldn’t change that”. “Really?” Baekhyun asked adorably vulnerable and you nodded “really”. “Okay” Baekhyun said happily “i’m okay with it” and he cuddled you for the rest of the evening to make up for his pouting time. 
Chanyeol - When Xiumin is your childhood friend
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Chanyeol first met you through your best friend Xiumin so he shouldn't have found it surprising the two of you were very close. You'd known each other since you were kids and had stood the test of time friendship-wise. You told each everything and Chanyeol was fine with Xiumin knowing all the details of your relationship...what he didn't realise was there would be lots of things Xiumin knew about you that he didn't.
You were all playing a friendship quiz to see who knew each other the best.   Everyone had written down questions about themselves and whoever got the question right first won a point. Chanyeol was confident he’d win for your round but he didn't realize he'd have such strong competition.
"What's my favourite song?" you asked. Chanyeol immediately slammed his hand down "Blue Hour by TxT". He was so sure he was right but you sounded the buzzer "nope". He frowned and went to argue when Xiumin pressed his bell "Move by Taemin". "Correct!" you grinned and Chanyeol interrupted "wait, you've been playing song on repeat for months!". "Yeah but Taemin is my favourite artist and Move was the first album I ever bought" you replied. "Ow..." Chanyeol replied and Suho tapped him "don't worry you'll get the next one". "What food could I keep eating forever?" you asked. Chanyeol and Xiumin pressed their bells at the same time. Baekhyun gasped dramatically "it'll have to be sudden death, both of you write down your answers and then reveal them". The boys obeyed and you nodded "okay who wants to go first?". Feeling like he had something to prove Chanyeol volunteered "Katsu Curry". He could tell by your face it was wrong "but how?" he asked "you always have that on your birthday because it's your favourite meal!". You nodded "yeah but there's something else that has more sentimental value to me". Xiumin grinned "I got it right! Pears from your grandma's orchard!". You nodded and the two of you celebrated. "Wow Chanyeol do you even know your girlfriend?" Baekhyun laughed. D.O.'s eyes widened at that comment and Suho shot him a look. "Of course he does!" Sehun cried "give him another one y/n" trying to help but Chanyeol cringed. "Erm okay...what's my favourite book?". Chanyeol cursed inwardly, he didn't know this one either. "I don't know" he sighed "do you?" and he looked right at Xiumin who paused "is it Lord of the Rings?". You turned the card and there it was. Chanyeol sighed and left the room.  
You discreetly followed and found Chanyeol sat on the porch with a frown. “Are you okay?” you asked tentatively “you know that was just a stupid game right?”. He nodded “I know but it still makes me jealous”. "But why? You know me and Xiumin are just friends". "See I do! I completely believe the two of you aren’t attracted to one another but that logic can’t cancel out the illogical part of me that's jealous that he knows more about you than I do" chanyeol pouted. You frowned "well how I see it, I've known Xiumin almost all my life whereas we’ve been together 7 months. Of course he’s going to know more trivia questions but the thing is most of those things are all based on the past when we were kids. There’s going to be so many experiences in the future that you'll be there for and we’re going to make many new memories together". Chanyeol did like the sound of that. He paused and then smiled "that’s a really nice way to think of it, he was there for your past but I'm gonna be there for your future". You smiled "of course you will be! Unless you get sick of me, of course" you joked. Chanyeol immediately pulled you into his lap and wrapped his long arms around you. "Never" he cried peppering you with kisses and you burst out laughing. Chanyeol loved your laugh and knew upon hearing how happy you were that he had nothing to worry about. 
D.O. - When you go to Chanyeol for help first
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D.O. woke up to hear Chen and Chanyeol’s voices downstairs which confused him. The two of you were chatting and Chanyeol seemed to be teasing you about something. Hey what’s going on?” he asked and you turned, smiling at his sleepy voice. “Nothing just I got stuck in the garage so Chanyeol came to get me out. He didn’t have his car so Chen gave him a lift”. 
That woke D.O. up “what! Why didn’t you wake me?” he checked his phone but he had zero missed calls. "Why did you call Chanyeol?" D.O. asked confused. You paused "well you were napping and I know how upset you get when you're woken up...plus Chanyeol is really good at opening stuck doors". "He is?" Chen asked and Chanyeol laughed "this is not the first time y/n has gotten stuck". "Wait when else did you get stuck?" D.O. asked. You thought "not that many times, just twice at the company building and once in a restaurant". "And you called Chanyeol all three times?" D.O. asked. 
Chen could tell D.O. was getting upset so he pretended he needed the bathroom and backed away.  "Well yeah, the first time it was late and the only person I knew was around was Chanyeol, when we went to the restaurant you weren't there and the last time you were there but I knew you wouldn't have your phone on you". "It's really no big deal" Chanyeol told D.O. and he walked away. 
Chanyeol and Chen thought it was best if they left and you agreed, thanking them again for their help. You gave D.O. some time to calm down and then approached him "please don't tell me you're upset". "I'm not upset...well I am but more because I wasn't there for you. You needed me and for whatever reason, I was asleep or don't check my phone, you couldn't come to me. So while I'm pleased Chanyeol is there to swoop in and help you I'm just a little annoyed it wasn't me and a bit jealous". "Jealous?" you asked and he nodded "I know it's silly but I want you to think of me when you need someone to help you, not Chanyeol". You paused "well I'd like that too but you can be hard to reach sometimes and I know how much you value your space and alone time". "Yeah but that doesn't apply to you it applies to...everyone else" D.O. explained blushing slightly. You smiled taking his arm so he couldn't turn away and hide his face. "So you don't mind me disturbing you or waking you up in the middle of the night". "No, if you need me then I'll be there" D.O. said "just please don't wake me up in the middle of the night for fun". You laughed "I wouldn't dream of it" but D.O. shrugged “although you’re pretty cute so I probably wouldn’t be that mad”. You chuckled “so I have you for protection and fun? How could I possibly need anyone else?”. D.O. blushed happily and held you closer, pretending like those weren’t the most beautiful words he’d ever heard. 
Kai - How well your personality matches Baekhyun’s
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Kai knew he had the physical aspects of the relationship down. You were both attracted to one another and very happy in that aspect but he never realised how much of a relationship doesn't involve sex until he saw you with Baekhyun. 
While Kai and you got on well, you and Baekhyun clicked immediately. You'd stayed over at Kai's and in the morning told him you were going downstairs to get some water. Half an hour later you hadn't come back. Confused and slightly worried Kai followed you and heard you talking to someone. He pushed open the door to see you and Baekhyun sitting across from one another laughing and joking. You were talking about some tv show and didn't even notice Kai until the door squeaked. "Kai" you smiled while Baekhyun grinned "your girlfriend has exquisite taste in tv shows!". "So that's what's been keeping you" Kai said and you frowned "why what time is it..." before your eyes widened as you saw your home screen. "Woah we've been talking for so long at it felt like 5 minutes" Baekhyun cried. "I know! I love when you can have conversations like that with people". "Well some people are just the best" Baekhyun grinned and you laughed. Somehow Kai felt like the third wheel here. "Y/n, didn't you say you have to be home for 11? We'll have to leave soon if you're going to make it". You nodded "totally let's go, it was lovely to meet you Baekhyun!". "You too!" the boy replied "here pass me your phone, I'll put my number in because we have so much more to discuss". You tossed him your phone and Kai sighed "I'll be upstairs" and wandered away. 
You must've followed him because you appeared not long after "you okay?". Kai nodded "of course I am" but you could tell he was being sarcastic. "What's wrong?" you asked "did I do something wrong with Bawkhyun?. "No it's just...you've just met him and you looked more excited at what he was saying than you have with any conversation we've had. I know the physical aspect is good but do I suck at the emotional part?". You shook your head "no not at all...we're just very different and that's a good thing. Opposites attract and while I do agree we're more skilled in the physical aspects of our relationship that's not inevitable. We can totally work on that and take an interest in each other more...if you want?". Kai nodded "I would like that" and you smiled "great...how about I blow this work thing off and we just go somewhere and spend time together?". Kai nodded "that sounds amazing" and he meant it.  
Sehun - When he finds out Kai has seen you naked
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Sehun loved having you all to himself and was quite clingy. So when he heard one of his members had walked on you changing in his room he was not happy about it.
"How did this happen?" he asked like something impossible had happened. Meanwhile you found it pretty funny. "Well I was changing and he walked in". "Who was it?" he asked. "Kai" you said and Sehun groaned "Kai! Kai?". You nodded "you're familiar with him right?". "I was so hoping it wasn’t him!" Sehun cried "like out of all the members he’s the one I'd least want...". "Why?" you asked genuinely curious. "Because he’s young and hot and tanned!". "Yeah but you know I was the naked one not him right?". "Don't remind me" he groaned "how naked were you?". "Well technically not at all because i was in my underwear". "Which underwear through?" Sehun asked gravely. "Erm my blue matching set". Sehun groaned again and you laughed "hey it's your fault! I wore it because I know you like it". "I do but you look so damn good in that y/n" and he hung his head in his hands. 
You laughed at his panic and sat beside him "why are you so upset by this anyway?". Sehun sighed "because it's Kai. I know he can flirt better than me and he’s really good with girls. So the idea he’d like you makes me a mix between nervous and angry". "Jealous?” you offered and he nodded. You hugged him "Sehun there's nothing to be jealous of. Kai just walked in on me and ran out. There was nothing hot or tense about it. He doesn't like me...". "Nobody can see you in the blue piece and not fall in love" Sehun interjected fully serious and you struggled not to laugh.  "Okay but even then I don’t like him". "You don’t?" Sehun asked and you smiled "no I'm kind of happy with you strangely enough". Sehun smiled "ow thank god" and hugged you back hastily. You laughed as he tugged you into his arms and settled against him. "I'm not going anywhere Sehun" you told him and nodded "you bet you're not" and he carried you back into bed where he swiftly wrapped all the covers and himself around you.
Side note: I didn’t include Chen because he’s married and also just because he’s the member I know least and I wouldn’t really know what to write for him. So when I write for Exo of course Chen will be included but I won’t be writing for him. 
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exosbakery · 4 months
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WC: 271
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it wasn't sudden, this fluttering in his stomach.
he'd known, somewhere in the depths of his heart, that his feelings transcended the bounds of casual liking, though then it was manageable. back then, he could veil his smile, disregard the constricting pull in his chest when your gaze found him, keep his eyes off of you for more than a minute. but now, he found himself at the mercy of an irresistible force — enslaved by an ever-deepening love.
kyungsoo was never one to openly admit his feelings, but the longer he let this go on, the more he feared he would ruin any chance he had with you. so there he stood in front of you, his heart relentlessly battering his ribcage as he awaited your response to his confession.
"...about time," you quipped, a laughter, soft and melodic, escaping your lips. "of course i like you too. from the day i met you, i..." your voice trailed off, an unexpected shyness washing over you, causing you to avert your gaze.
"i liked you the whole time."
now, fortified with newfound confidence, kyungsoo stepped forward, claiming your hand, prompting your eyes to meet his. those enchanting eyes, a labyrinth he found himself willingly lost in, rendered him speechless. The urge to lean in and articulate the depth of his emotions hung in the air, but all he could muster was a fleeting glance towards your lips.
fortunately for him, you weren't as hesitant, placing your lips on his with a tender kiss that stirred his insides, a dance of butterflies in his stomach and a light feeling in his chest.
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kjms · 10 months
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in the intricate dance of a friends-with-benefits arrangement, you and kyungsoo’s connection began as a wordless symphony of passion. however, once emotions started brewing beneath the surface, you knew that you could not come out of this relationship unscathed.
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𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄: friends with benefits, angst
𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆: mature
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WARNINGS: infidelity, sexual content, lots of angst
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shawol-poser · 5 months
Hear me out
I know this is a SHINee blog but I also stan exo so like...
Is anyone going to make a, "My Love From The Stars" AU with Do Kyungsoo?? Because if not, I just might do it myself---
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marshmallow-phd · 3 months
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won't let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4
Lightning lit up the thin curtains covering the two small windows on either side of the carriage. Thunder rumbled and you felt it deep within your chest. Tugging your silk cloak closer, you closed your eyes and prayed that the driver would get you through the storm. There was no one to comfort you, to reassure you that a little rain and noisy sky wouldn't delay your journey.
Your father had insisted you take your sister or even a friend, but the two day’s journey didn’t  seem consequential enough to need a companion. Besides, what would they have done once you arrived? Your elderly aunt had only asked for you. From what you could decipher from her letter, she needed you to be a companion as she traveled to the southernmost coastal town. Apparently, it was now the ultimate fashion to travel to for the summer. Just the idea of rolling waves made your stomach churn. But what was worse was who else would be there–
The carriage jolted to the right. You spread out your arms, only barely catching yourself from falling to the floor. No sane person would have endured such dangerous weather. This storm had come from nowhere. Skies blue and cloudless as you had ever seen bid you farewell in the late morning. Most of the day's journey had been uneventful. Then the joyful light faded. Thunder shook the walls of the carriage. Rain pounded on the roof. When would you reach the inn? Bile rose up in your throat, burning the sensitive tissue as the carriage continued to rock violently. The horses neighed over the sounds of the storm. 
The carriage shifted hard to the left. And kept falling. You slammed into the door, nearly opening it with the force. You didn't know what was happening. The floor was now the wall and the wall the floor. A downward momentum made it impossible to stand. Screams ripped at your throat.
Then it stopped. 
The rain continued to pour and the thunder roared on but the carriage was still. Your legs wobbled as you slowly stood. With your palms, you pushed open the door. The thin wooden panel clapped against the outside of the carriage. Immediately you were pounded by the storm. Large drops pelted your face, obscuring your vision. It was dark. You could tell that much. And there were trees. In every direction. 
You climbed out of the carriage, calling for the driver. Your feet slipped in the mud, but you managed to keep your balance–for now. The mud was thick and sticky as you trudged to the front of the carriage.
 No. No, no, no. Both of the horses were gone. And so was the driver. Somehow, the carriage had fallen down a hill or ravine. With a storm this terrible, you needed to get to higher ground or risk possibly being carried away–or drowning. Clawing and digging your hands and feet into the soaked dirt, you climbed the hard incline back to the road. 
Once you could make out the road, you called for the driver again. No answer. He was nowhere to be found. You needed to find shelter. The storm gave no promise of letting up. You wouldn't survive the night in this forest, even if you went back into the carriage. The only choice was to find sanctuary. You stared in the direction you believed you came from. Nothing but trees and darkness. You turned to the other choice. All the same–wait. 
There was something... when lightning brightened up the sky. Your heart began banging in your ears. Spires, towers. Not trees. It was some distance away, but it was shelter nonetheless. 
With near tears in your eyes, you picked up your skirts–your fingers numb from the cold–and hurried towards the castle that could be your saving grace. 
The manor was calm tonight. Odd, considering the amount of bodies roaming around these haunted halls. Only the beautiful storm outside and Chanyeol's sorrowful melody from the piano broke the silence. Jongin had draped himself over one of the arm chairs as he inspected the wine mixture within his goblet. The taste was… adequate. The cellar would need replenishing soon.
In the corner, a rather lax game of cards covered the small, round table. Minseok smirked at his winning hand. The faded wooden chips with bits of white painted around the edges were piling up in front of Yixing, who leaned back carelessly, sure of his next win. Little did either of them know that the youngest among them had a little... trick his sleeve. As the quickest, Sehun had perfected sleight of hand long ago. None had caught him yet.
A fire roared, coaling the usually gray and brown room in flickering orange. With how close he stood near the fireplace, Kyungsoo's silhouette was visible through his loose shirt. He leaned his palms on the mantel and let the warmth of the flames engulf him. Warmth was all they could feel after all these years. It could be an addiction so strong it was tempting to throw himself into the fire. 
Junmyeon joined him at the fireplace, leaning his shoulders against the brick. The bite of the edge hardly registered in his mind. Pain of that measure... it was only a ghost that had nearly crossed over. 
“Such strong thoughts for a night like this.”
Kyungsoo didn’t look from the fire, but raised a questioning eyebrow in response. 
Junmyeon shrugged a single shoulder. “I can’t read minds, but it's obvious you're turning something over more times than a praying rock.”
“It's the same thoughts,” Kyungsoo murmured in his strange, monotone voice. “Always the same thoughts.”
“One day you will have to let it go,” Junmyeon sighed. “This is our existence now. And forever will be.”
“Acceptance of the present doesn’t erase the past.”
“But it does make the present more enjoyable.” The red liquid sloshed against the rim of the goblet as Jongin draped an arm over Kyungsoo’s shoulders. He wore a mischievous smile. A clear indicator of his true intention. 
Junmyeon shook his head. “We’re not going out tonight. There’s nothing out and about in this storm.” Hunting in these conditions would wield no trophies. Tomorrow would be a better night. 
“Jun’s no fun tonight,” Jongdae teased as he and Baekhyun emerged from the hallway. 
“If you want to go out in this mess,” Junmyeon waved towards the front door. “Be my guest. Just don’t you dare get mud on the rug–”
Bang! Bang! Bang!
“Help! Please! Help!”
Nine pairs of eyes snapped to the echoing sound. None moved. 
Bang! Bang! 
One of the double doors burst open and a figure fell to the floor, landing on its knees and palms. It looked up. A flash of lightning illuminated the face.
The face of a beautiful young girl. 
Your knees vibrated when they hit the wooden floor. Water fell from your loose hair that clung to your cheeks. The chances of  the door opening when you pushed on the handle had been low–yet the barrier that kept you victim to the storm fell open and you crashed downward with it. 
Greeting you in this strange hall were several men, their jaws hanging open in a mirror of your own surprise. More men appeared from a side parlor, curious as to who dared intrude on their evening. One, two, three–you counted nine total. Nine men. This was not ideal–a bit terrifying, really–but you didn't have a choice. The storm raged outside.
"P-please," you stammered past chattering teeth "The st-storm overturn-overturned the carriage.” 
The men stayed silent as they exchanged unreadable glances. One raised a questionable brow. 
"Jongdae, go run a bath," ordered the man closest to you. One of the shorter residents nodded and disappeared into the darkness that led into the rest of the manor. 
That's what this place was. A grand old manor, not a castle. Isolated. When you'd first run through the rusted iron gate, you'd feared it abandoned. A long dormant instinct whispered that you might have been better off if it had been. 
The first man approached, each motion slow, deliberate, and hauntingly graceful. He crouched down in front of you and captured your frightened stare. The fear in you began to melt away. He was… beautiful. Obsidian fell over his forehead in gentle waves. His tunic was of a fashion your grandfather would have worn. There was something strange about this man–all of these men. Something... different. 
"Let's get you warmed up." He held his hand out and you were up on your feet before you even realized your fingers were resting on his. "Don't worry," he murmured. "You're safe here. My name is Junmyeon." 
You nodded, somehow believing him, but unsure if you should. Through your violent chattering, you managed to stammer out your name in response. 
You jumped at the sudden noise. One of the other men had somehow appeared behind you to shut the door you'd fallen through. 
"Thank you, Yixing," the man beside you said. The one named Yixing nodded and then shifted his eyes to you. “Come.” A hand pressed into the space between your shoulder blades and guided you down the hall, leaving a trail of mud in your wake.
The man led you down several halls until you reached an unoccupied bedroom. Red blankets draped the oversized bed. Matching curtains hung limply from the canopy. All of the wood was a dark sort, rich in color but not quite welcoming like other, brighter woods. 
Jongdae emerged from another door on the other side of the bedroom. Steam rolled out after him as if it were following him for its next set of orders. “Anything else?” he asked drily. 
“No, thank you.”
Jongdae strolled the from the room without a glance either of you and closed the door behind him. Your breath hitched in your throat. The two of you were… alone. It wasn’t appropriate. It was…
You looked to the man still with you, fear causing your heart to pound painful against your chest. You tugged your cloak closer to you, but it was soaked from the rain. Shivers violently raced down your arms and spine. The man didn’t seem to notice as he walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a long white cloth. 
“These should suffice for tonight.” He held up the cloth for you to see. A nightgown. An old one by the cut of it, though thankfully it hadn’t been devoured by moths or mice. “If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.”
You nodded. “Thank you.” 
He visibly suppressed a laugh at your small voice and waved you into the adjoining bathroom. Taking the nightgown, you tried your best to avoid his gaze. You scurried inside and shut the door. 
Junmyeon smirked at your mousy state. It was understandable why you were so frightened. The women of this period were warned of being alone with a man. And now you were alone with nine. 
Nine very dangerous men. 
The proper action for him to take was to leave your room now that you were safe inside the bathroom, but his feet didn’t move. Somehow, the storm had stranded you in their forest. What had happened to the driver, he wondered. Surely a gentlewoman such as yourself was not controlling the carriage. And yet, you were all alone. Circumstances were… ideal.
A small hiss echoed in the bathroom. It stretched out, along with the sound of sloshing water. Junmyeon frowned. 
He stood there for a few minutes more, listening to you sigh as your skin grew used to the scalding water. The sound of soap scraping against skin reached his ears, followed by more sloshing water. Soon, you would be getting out of the tub. Time to leave. 
He emerged from the bedroom, careful to close the door as quietly as possible. Everyone had gathered out in the hallway since they were too curious about their visitor to go about their night. Junmyeon found Jongdae blending in with the cluster. He glared at him as he hissed, "The water was too hot." 
Jongdae merely shrugged. Why would he care about water possibly being too hot? It would never hurt him. 
On the opposite end of the group, Yixing cleared his throat. "What are we going to do with her?"
Junmyeon glanced at the door behind him. There was only one best option, for all their sakes. "Tomorrow morning, we will send her on her way." 
The eruption was instant. 
In an instant, the hissing ceased. 
Baekhyun huffed and folded his arms against his chest, collapsing against the wall. Jongin scoffed. "Such a waste." 
“A waste that will keep this household from tearing itself apart,” Junmyeoun countered. It was an outcome none of them wanted. No one wanted to cause a fight, but resisting was difficult. The temptation was great. The quicker you left, the better off they would all be. 
"Do you really think it’ll end so well?" Minseok’s mocking comment hung in the air. Silent agreements rippled through the air. 
Junmyeon looked to Kyungsoo, whose answer was to look away. "No one touches her," he ordered. They all would try, he knew. But their strength would only get them so far. He stared down a few of them especially, so they knew he meant it.
Sehun pushed off the wall with a roll of his eyes. "Just get her out of here so I can get some peace." 
Junmyeon started to call after him but was interrupted by a soft thud from the room behind him. Confused, he opened the door to find you lying on the floor.
131 notes · View notes
dpr-stay · 11 months
Through the years | D.K
Doh Kyungsoo x f1driver!Reader
Warnings: Swears, a lot of crack
WC: 9.1k (ik, kill me now)
Howdy Cowpeople! This one is... hefty. This wasn’t supposed to be as long as it was but when I get in a groove... I think I made it obvious but I just wanted it to be over L O L. This one is pretty niche, but hopefully it can be enjoyed by both sides as it is a driver!reader.
(I didn't edit this, whoops)
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“Can you explain this picture?” The reporter asks, hovering in front of you with a phone in hand. The crappy quality is amplified as they have zoomed into the point where the picture is unrecognizable. You squint your eyes to see it and can’t make out quite what they’re trying to show.
“Sorry, w-what is that?” You ask, drawing back and squinting your eyes, resisting the urge to close them from exhaustion. Whoever decided it would be a good idea to do interviews after nearly 100 continuous laps in some barely held together race car with no break was a sadist. No other explanation.
“Oh! It’s a picture of you in a car with a guy.” The reporter said eagerly and shoved the phone your way. You briefly looked at the camera, an unimpressed look on your face, before turning back to the phone and squinting again.
You paused for a minute and drew back, your face still scrunched up, and exhaled.
“Nahhhhhh.” The drew out word left your mouth.
The reporter’s head tilted and they frowned.
“But it is! It’s you in Seoul after the Japanese Grand Prix!” He continued, looking very determined. You plastered a confused expression on your face.
“I’ve never been to Seoul before.” His face dropped and he turned back to his phone, as though trying to rationalize what he was hearing.
“Have you just taken a picture of… two random people in a car? To me it honestly doesn’t even look like anything cause it’s so zoomed in but to each their own.” You finished your words with a shrug.
“No, my source told me that that was 100% you! They said they saw you get in the car at the airport.” He continued on, undeterred by your flat disregard.
“I hate to say it, your contact’s wrong. I’ve never even set foot in the country.” You shrugged before turning to your PR manager who was gesturing for you to leave, with rather forceful movements. That was to clue you in that you were in trouble. With her personally or with the boss man, you didn’t know.
“Lovely to see you again, though.” You smiled and held your hand over. The interviewer tentatively took it and you exchanged good-byes before you turned around and left to go onto more interviews. The glance you exchanged with your PR manager told you that you were lucky you had not been caught out on your multiple lies and you heaved a sigh of relief to yourself.
Being the only female driver in a heavily male dominated sport was incredibly stressful. Add to that the eyes of reporters trying to find you doing anything remotely weird to spin it into a scandal and you had a lot of things to worry about. Especially since you had just started a relationship with a highly coveted Kpop singer which you were determined to keep under wraps.
You both had a bet running with each other. The first person to reveal the relationship would lose. There was no consequence but your pride, something which both of you had a bit too much of.
And so, a game was born. It simultaneously made you more careful of revealing your relationship while also making it a fun game.
This also meant that you had to start constantly lying to reporters to get out of tricky situations. Surely nothing bad could ever come from this.
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“How does it feel to be a key contender for the championship?” Asked a reporter, directing it to, of course, Lewis Hamilton, who was sat beside Daniel in a panel of drivers. You were sat on the other side of Daniel, the small desk in front of you reaching for miles on either side.
As Lewis gave the carbon copy response that he had given to every interviewer so far, Daniel leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“I’m surprised they haven’t called him out on that yet.” He then reached for his plastic water bottle and took a sip. You considered this for a second before leaning to his side and answered, not turning your face from the crowd of reporters.
“I’m surprised they haven’t called you out on your disgusting trim.” He jolted forward at this unprompted attack on his hair and the choking sound he emanated drew attention from all in the room, all watching him with curious eyes as he tried to regain his breath.
“You alright mate?” Lewis asked, one of his eyebrows arching.
“Y-yeah I’m fine.” Daniel replied, waving his hand, eager to have attention off of his spluttering. It took a while but eventually all the cameras were aimed back at Lewis, so Daniel took the opportunity to elbow you hard in the side, your reaction being to topple off your chair dramatically. Usually one for the dramatics, you’re not sure you’ve ever seen Daniel want the cameras off him so much. 
Hidden behind a small desk, you could only hear the questioning tones calling out your name and see Daniel’s slightly panicked face urging you to get up and back on your chair. With one single hand, you reached for the desk and slowly pulled yourself up.
You released a deep breath as you hauled yourself into your seat and turned to face the crowd of reporters who were looking at you. With a grand hand gesture, you motioned for them to continue with their interviews and turned slightly to Daniel with a smile. He shot you back an exasperated glance before your name was called from the crowd of reporters. You looked towards the reporter and he began speaking.
“So, as you’re the only female on the grid I feel the need to ask, if you could date any of the drivers, who would it be?” The eager face he had contrasted with your entirely unimpressed face. You could hear Daniel begin to start speaking and you could feel the defensive energy emanating from the rest of the drivers on the panel, but before any of them could interrupt with scathing criticism about the misogyny that permeated the question, you replied to the reporter.
“Literally none of them, I’d rather die.” Your response was met with general silence before Daniel started laughing as usual.
“Really? You wouldn’t fancy any of them?” The reporter asked, almost in disbelief.
“No!” You said almost equally in disbelief.
“I’m fine with what I have at home!” You added on after a second.
“Are you saying you’re in a relationship???” The reporter was on the edge of his seat, others shoving their microphones and cameras trying to get a good shot. You dramatically pondered that for a second before replying.
“I wouldn’t say that, I just have other things at home.” You said that and then leaned back, shrugged, and didn’t say anything else into the mic even at the reporters continual uproar as they took in the implications of that statement.
You, luckily, were able to avoid the increasingly weird questions by just not answering and smiling. You weren’t as lucky to miss the smirks thrown your way by the other drivers.
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“It doesn’t count!” You said in disbelief, aiming it at the microphone of your phone.
“Mmm I’d say it counts.” Kyungsoo replied back teasingly, his voice echoing into your AirPods. 
“You can’t go back on your word!! You said it was fine last year!” You were sitting at a table in your company's hospitality, having a conversation with Kyungsoo on the phone, blissfully unaware of the interviews going on outside the building which had a clear view into the small area. 
“Yeah but it’s been two years, one of us has to call it quits soon.” Your face contorted before Kyungsoo quickly amended his statement.
“The bet! The bet! Sorry, that came out the wrong way.” 
You just shook your head, a small smile growing on your lips.
“You bastard, you had me a little worried.” He scoffed in response. He had been speaking quietly into the phone as he was hiding in a closet in the SM building, taking a break from practice to talk to you. A true charmer.
“As if.” He replied shortly, a loud scuffling heard on his side.
“One second.” He said, as a banging sound came through into your headphones.
“Come on Hyung! Get off the phone and come back before someone else finds you!” Kai’s voice could be heard through the door. A pause before the banging started again.
“Also tell her I said hello!” You giggled at the younger man’s words and Kyungsoo’s sigh in response.
“I’ll call you after the race, do your best, I love you.” Kyungsoo muttered into his phone before shouting back to Kai something about respect and to shut up. It just made you laugh more.
“I love you too, practice well and I’ll call you soon.” You finally said in response after the yelling died down.
“Bye.” He said before quickly tacking on another “love you” and then he hung up.
After he hung up you just stared at your screen for a second with a smile you would 100% not call radiant on your face. It was quickly wiped off when your PR manager popped up out of nowhere and started talking about interviews, causing you to switch to English as you stood up and followed him.
However, the interview still captured your little moment and the conversation preluding it. You knew this because, when you went back to your phone after the race, Baekhyun had sent you a picture of your smile through the tinted glass with a smirking emoji as well as a picture of Kyungsoo on the floor in the closet in the dark talking to you on the phone, not to mention the hounding you got at the next press conference.
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You knew it was risky to do a live in your own apartment, especially since you were in a completely different country than where you were claiming you were.
But your PR team wanted you to do it, and you couldn’t exactly tell them no, even if you were currently lying to them about your circumstances. You were a bit worried that something unexplainable might happen like the South Korean national anthem suddenly blaring but what you weren’t worried about was the person who you were living with coming back and interrupting your live.
Kyungsoo was at practice and, while you were ok with him skipping it to talk to you on the phone, you didn’t want him to skip it now, as you had been promised a few days without any interruption if he went to every practice. So he was at practice and you were fulfilling all your expected PR duties for the next couple of days, which included the live.
Regardless of your hesitations, you set up your phone on your coffee table facing the entrance to your home and sat on the couch before turning on the live. Immediately people joined, flooding the chat and making your phone vibrate.
“Uhhh hello everyone.” You awkwardly greeted as you tried to think of things to say. Kyungsoo would be fantastic at this, you couldn’t help but think, always having to do live’s with his members.
“How’s everyone’s days been?” You settled on and watched the responses roll into the chat. You noticed a few drivers had joined your live and even a few of the boys from F2 and F3 were watching, which you thought was pretty nice of them considering it was mainly you rambling for around 30 minutes.
Your manager wanted you to do an hour minimum for the live and the time seemed to stretch for years, you continuously making small talk and occasionally replying to comments. You even snuck in a few jokes for the other drivers before, around the 55 minute mark, a sound came from your end.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you wondered where the noise was coming from, looking around the apartment. Quickly standing up, you looked around the apartment, making a lighthearted joke about ghosts as you nervously tried to find the origin of the sound.
You realised that sound was the wrong key being put in the lock as soon as you registered the sound of the correct key being put in.
As Kyungsoo opened the door, you made the biggest leap you think you have ever made. It would’ve had to have been around 4 meters surely. Somehow you had leapt onto the coffee table, knocking your phone down. Kyungsoo was staring at you weirdly as you violently gestured at him to shush. He raised an eyebrow.
“Are you ok?” He asked, his deep voice sounding as lovely as ever. You took a second, contemplating your options in this circumstance before coming to a logical conclusion.
You started to scream.
“GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!” Kyungsoo’s face shifted to one of confusion as yours was full of desperation.
“YOU CRAZY PSYCHO! GET OUT!!” You continued to yell in perfect English, a contrast from his peaceful question, and gestured for Kyungsoo to close the door, which he did, albeit very confused.
As soon as he closed the door, you maneuvered yourself so that you weren’t facing him and quickly picked up your phone from underneath you.
“Oh my god, what just happened.” You said, showing the camera your roof. You picked up the phone and started fidgeting with it.
“‘Are you ok?’ Yeah I’m fine, I just gotta figure out how to change the locks. I’ll uh.. I’ll get back to you guys. See you later.” You said absentmindedly, as you ended the live.
You paused for a second, sat back on your heels, and sighed, staring up at the roof. The sound of footfalls reached your ears and you didn’t react when Kyungsoo placed a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m not losing this bet.” You mumbled, staring at the ground. An incredulous laugh left him at that as he reached his hand further and brought your face to look at him. A smile that there was no other way to describe but goofy was spread across his face.
“You’re still thinking of that?” He asked and you nodded.
“I take our bet very seriously.” You said before he slightly shook his head, gave you a kiss on the forehead, and moved towards the kitchen.
You picked yourself up and moved to the dining table as he started work in the kitchen. And, as he made a delicious dinner that you both enjoyed, you started to field off your PR team asking who was in your house and ignoring the comments wondering why the guy was speaking Korean in the middle of England.
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It was approximately ten minutes before you had to be in the car and ready to go, and you were half-way there. You had your fireproofs and race suit on and you were being herded towards your car by a crowd of engineers. Strategies and specifics were being directed at you and you could only nod and act as though you were absorbing what they were saying.
Even after four years on the job some people felt they just couldn’t rely on you. Honestly, they should just let you do your thing, you knew what you were doing. 
No! God, ever since Kyungsoo had joined the military you’d been irritable and quick to anger on the track. Your poor engineers were trying their best to get through to you, likely because they wanted to keep their jobs, but you’d been incredibly closed off since after you got back from the honeymoon. 
Oh yeah, you got married. During a break and right before Kyungsoo was scheduled to start his enlistment, you got married down in a small courthouse with only a few people from either side. You had your family, a few close friends, and a few drivers while Kyungsoo had his family, a few close friends, and the whole of EXO.
It was very emotional and intimate, but that was how you’d describe your relationship so you were very happy with it. You were also extremely happy with the week get-away in the middle of nowhere in New Zealand that followed after, a week of people not recognising both you, farmers markets, and sheep. Lot’s of sheep.
But ever since he’d flown off to do his duty to his country (and shaved his head, no one should look that good with a shaved head) and you’d flown to your next race, you’d been incredibly… angry.
You didn’t know if it had to do with not seeing Kyungsoo for the better part of two years or having that split immediately after the wedding, but what you did know was that it was affecting your racing so you had to snap out of it.
Being dragged back to the present you quickly hopped in the car and performed all of your checks on the steering wheel and adjusted things while people flitted around outside the car, adjusting things and making sure the car was in proper state.
After a quick radio check, the call to start up for the formation lap (you were in P11 after a pretty dodgy qualifying) was relayed and all around you could hear car’s engines coming to life. You glanced at your engineers and snapped down your visor at their nod, starting the car.
Before you pressed the throttle something quickly came to mind. You rapidly gestured for one of your engineers to come close to you, incredibly conscious of all the cars revving around you. The poor engineer almost sprinted to you as you started to fiddle with the zip of your racesuit, the gloves you were wearing prohibiting you from unzipping it.
The engineer's face was comically concerned and he slowly reached forwards before you looked up and grabbed his outreached hand. His face immediately went to one of shock as you made his hand grab the zip and unzip the front part of the suit.
Choosing to ignore the cameras capturing this interaction you continued unzipping it till it lay around your collarbones, hoping the cameras don’t catch any of your naked shoulders. The engineer's face then relaxed as he saw the necklace around your neck and he quickly reached in, almost leaning over the car, to move your necklace around your neck till the latch was in front of him.
He cautiously unlatched the necklace before zipping up your race suit. You immediately relaxed as the pressure around your neck was relieved. Before he could retreat back to the crowd of engineers, you grabbed the hand that wasn’t holding your necklace and slapped it appreciatively with your other hand.
He retreated as you powered up the car and started to move it forwards, letting all the cars that needed to go before go before you started to move. 
Your team radio started up as you were leaving the pit lane.
“You all had us very confused there.” Your race engineer said as you started your cruise around the track. 
“Yeah, sorry I completely forgot about it. But I thought it was better to take it off.” You said, pressing down on the throttle. 
“He better not lose that though. I want that back at the end of the race.” You subtly threatened, suddenly thinking of the rings that were attached to the necklace. You hoped that maybe the cameras hadn’t seen your wedding and engagement rings but you knew there was no chance they hadn’t not captured it. Oh well.
“I don’t know if you’ll get it back by the end of the race.” Your engineer said, her tone almost sarcastic. 
“What’s that mean?” You asked, letting the car cruise.
“You’ll probably be killed by your PR team first.” She said bluntly. So bluntly it made you laugh. 
“I’ve got a race to focus on.” You reminded her, leaving out the part that you had a race to think of an excuse as to why you have two rings attached to a necklace around your neck.
And you did think of an excuse, wearing the necklace proudly during post-race interviews and saying it was a family heirloom that had been passed on to you by your grandma whenever you were questioned about it.
The moment still went viral though, people questioning the relationship between you and the engineer. It went viral enough to that you had to suffer through teasing by Daniel and his accomplice Max Verstappen (you didn’t know how the kid knew you were married but you suspected it had something to do with an annoying Australian) not to mention the shit being talked in the EXO group chat you were in.
I mean seriously, all of those guys are millionaires, does Chen have nothing else to do with his time than bully the wife of his bandmate?
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2020: (sorry Alex)
Somehow you got signed to RedBull on a year contract. Not to say you weren’t grateful for the opportunity but you were definitely a bit confused. But anyway, you let bygones be bygones and now you had a 22 year-old dutch nuisance under your wing.
He was a great kid but god, was he traumatized. You were convinced he’d never seen a healthy family dynamic, so you were more than happy to let him see how you and Kyungsoo functioned. Or at least how you functioned when he was not in the military.
You kind of felt like a life coach for the kid, telling him when he was being taken advantage of or when he should continue with something. You’d been woken up plenty of times in the middle of the night by him drunkenly whining into the phone about wanting to go “home”, something neither of you commented on when he woke up on your couch the next day.
So, safe to say, you’d practically adopted a child without the permission of your husband.
This extended to on the track as well, you’d gotten into a few mild disagreements with Jos Verstappen after his cruel comments which often involved you looking at him angrily and him shit-talking you in interviews about you being a woman. You’d often have to refrain from saying that you’d always be more of a man than him, but alas, you didn’t want to get kicked from your seat.
You knew that Max was extremely appreciative of your dynamic, even commenting on it a few times during interviews, saying that he was very happy to have you as a teammate. After that interview you almost felt like you and his lover, Daniel, were able to give him some sort of an idea of what a normal family relationship should look like.
This sentiment was definitely reinforced when a loud knocking on your Monaco apartment door happened in the early afternoon. It was a weekend with no race, so you were soaking in relaxation. You were having a nice bubble bath after having read for the whole morning, so you were hesitant to hop out of the bath. 
The knocking persisted however, and with a sigh, you got out of the bath and wrapped a bathrobe around you before loudly yelling you’d be a minute. You tugged on some sweats which weren’t yours and put your hair in a towel before eventually making your way to the door. 
You might’ve taken more than a minute, but it didn’t matter when you opened the door and were greeted with the image of Max Verstappen on his knees, face pressed into the expensive hallway carpet. What a sight to see, the prodigy and most highly anticipated driver of his time, lying face-first on the floor.
“What the fuck?” You asked, immediately crouching down to his level after a quick glance to see that none of your neighbors had left their apartments to check on the banging (pretentious, self-concerned people). 
You rolled him over, your confusion doubling as you took in the remorseful look etched across the young man's face, almost tripling as you took in the barely concealed tears in his eyes. Your heart ached though and you pulled him up so that he was sitting on his knees.
“I’m so sorry.” He muttered as your face contorted in confusion. What had happened? “Come inside Max.” You said quietly, helping him up from his spot on the floor and leading him inside, locking the door after you both. Leading him to the couch, you left him after putting the throw blanket over his shoulders, and went to make both of you a tea.
You noticed your phone constantly vibrating on your kitchen counter and quickly chucked it on do not disturb, not checking the notifications because you were more concerned with your teary teammate. 
After grabbing the teas you made your way to the couch, setting them down on coasters on the coffee table, before sitting on the edge of the ‘L’ piece of the couch, so you were facing Max. You grabbed his hand from his lap where he had been nervously picking at his nail beds.
“What’s wrong Max?” You asked calmly, bringing his hand to your lap to stop him from hurting himself. He looked up at you, a few tears having rolled down his cheeks. 
Whatever had happened had fucked him up. You didn’t think it was a fight with his dad, he’d sadly become pretty unresponsive to those. You briefly considered him losing his seat but shook that off, he was doing exceptionally well. 
Maybe you’d lost your seat and he was sent to deliver the news. That would make more sense, especially as your phone was blowing up. You hadn’t been performing very well, but you didn’t think they’d drop you from your seat midway through the season, especially during a season as turbulent as this one.
It was the only reason that made sense though, so you prepared yourself for the news that you would be unemployed. Maybe you’d go back to F2 or maybe IndyCar? Or you could just move to South Korea and live there permanently, letting Kyungsoo fulfill his passion for acting and singing while you did a few kart races to occasionally quench your thirst for adrenaline. 
That actually didn’t sound too bad, though you’d definitely have to discuss it with Kyungsoo when he got back from enlistment, which meant around 5 months of unemployment. But hey, you had the money and so did Kyungsoo.
Max snapped you from your thoughts of the future by clearing his throat.
“You don’t know?” He asked, curiously glancing up at you. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“No…” You said, conveying your confusion. “Should I?” 
“Have you checked your phone recently?” Yep, you were definitely getting fired. You should probably start packing now. Maybe Daniel could get his seat back? You shook your head in response to his quiet question.
“I’ve just been reading all morning.” Max nodded, a small ‘ah’ leaving his mouth as he stared at the floor. He reached for his tea, his hand leaving your lap. You narrowed your eyes at that, following his movements as he sipped, a gasp immediately leaving his throat as he burnt it.
You immediately cussed and sprung up from your couch to grab a glass of cold water, running back to the couch and giving it to Max, watching as he gulped down the glass. When he finished he turned back to you and thanked you, before pausing for a second and bursting into another round of tears. You placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re really freaking me out Max. Can you please tell me what’s wrong?” You asked gently, trying to make him catch your eye.
“Promise you won't hate me?” His small voice asked and you internally crumpled at his vulnerable question. Honestly you never thought you’d end up gentle-parenting a teammate like he was a child of yours, especially since you were only like 5 years older than him, but here you were, caring for him like family.
“Yes, I won’t hate you Max.” You repeated as he finally caught your eye. He took a deep breath before starting to speak.
“I was doing an interview for the press and they started asking questions about other drivers and my relationship to them. They then asked about you and I said that I’m really close to you and etcetera.” Ok, seems pretty normal so far. At least you weren’t getting fired, hopefully.
“And they asked if I see you more as a mother figure or a romantic interest.” He said before quickly turning his eyes away. This confused you before you clued in.
“Oh Max.” You said quietly and he turned back to you. “I’m flattered you feel that way but I am married and I am loyal-”
“No, no, no!” He said, louder than he’d ever spoken in the time since he was on the floor. His cheeks had turned bright red as he looked in your eyes.
“No, I didn’t say that I saw you romantically!” He quickly amended and you breathed a sigh of relief, smiling.
“Ok, that’s good! I didn’t want our friendship to be awkward.” You said, looking at him for a response. He just grimaced and averted his gaze. You gestured for him to go on confusedly and he began speaking again.
“And I said more like a mother-figure.” A statement which made you feel positive things you don’t want to address. “Then I may have accidentally said that, even though I haven’t met him, I see your husband as more of a father-figure as well.” He quickly rushed the last part out and you sat, stunned. 
The room went silent while you processed what he told you. Fuuuuckkk. How much trouble were you going to be in? I mean the team knew, but this wasn’t something you could pass off as your grandmother's rings. This was undeniable proof that you had a husband. God press days were going to suck after this unless you could somehow make an excuse.
As time went on he seemed to collapse in on himself, the energy quickly switching to something you didn’t like.
“To be honest I thought you were going to tell me I’d lost my seat.” You said and Max’s head snapped up. “What?” He asked, disbelieving.
“Yeah I know, crazy.” You laughed, dragging out the last word, trying to establish a more relaxed aura in the room.
“No, why haven’t you kicked me out yet?” It was at times like this you really wanted to punch Jos Verstappen in the face. You made an over exaggerated confused face, hoping the fact that that had never gone through your mind was on display in your face.
“Max, why would I do that?” You asked, your voice very quickly becoming soothing.
“Why aren’t you mad at me? You’ve spent years hiding this! You should be yelling at me!” He said, standing up. You tried, in vain, to get him to sit down by gently calling him, but he started pacing.
“I’ve just ruined your chances at revealing this yourself, at ever having another peaceful day in your marriage, and all you can do is make a joke?!” He almost started yelling, clenching his fists. You got fed-up and yelled his name, calling his attention to you.
“You’re in my house as my guest. You will not tell me what to do or how to handle situations. Sit your ass down.” You yelled, your voice incredibly commanding. He followed your instructions and sat smally in front of you.
“Max. It was eventually going to come out. I don’t mind. I’d much rather it come off handedly from you than maliciously leaked by a random instagram page.” You said and he looked up, almost looking close to tears. You frowned before bringing the boy up into a hug. You stayed like that for a few minutes before you had to ask a question.
“You didn’t reveal who he was though, no?” You asked, still in the hug. You felt Max shake his head and you silently fistpumped behind his back. It wasn’t your fault, so it technically didn’t count and you hadn’t lost the bet.
You were right, by the way, press days were soon filled with questions about your mystery husband instead of your racing. But it was fine, you were somehow able to twist it as though you’d made a joke about having a husband and Max took it seriously.
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2021: (sorry latifi)
“And so today you will be reacting to fan edits of yourselves!” The lady behind the camera finished, prompting you and George to look at eachother. It was early in the season and, even though you’d raced together for a few years, you weren’t exactly close, being that before pre-season meetings, you hadn’t ever talked. At all.
This meant he didn’t know much about your personal life or the whole ‘husband’ thing. Which was fine, you’d tell him in your own time, when you felt your friendship was strong enough. He seemed to be a great kid, though you were determined to not adopt another grown child, especially after the look you got from Kyungsoo when you mentioned the fact you may have ‘accidentally’ had Christmas with Max Verstappen.
But hey, they had finally met during February and it was almost like a Dad saying that his daughter can’t adopt a cat while simultaneously cuddling with the cat. Kyungsoo, against his better judgment, had instantly attached to Max and now you were battling for the position of being his favourite driver. Which you were totally not bitter about (you said your favourite EXO member was Sehun in retaliation and he changed your mind very quickly).
Back to the present, the people behind the camera placed a tablet on the table in front of you. It was open on the photo gallery and you could already see some very flattering videos saved to the device.
“You wanna go first?” You asked, and George nodded before picking up the tablet and scrolling through the photo library. He closed his eyes and landed on one. Loud music immediately began playing from the device, you think ‘London Boy’ by Taylor Swift, and you both watched in varying states of horror as photos and clips of him flashed on the screen.
As the video ended you both accidentally made eye-contact. Now, as an almost 28 year old woman, the simple gesture of looking into your teammate's stricken eyes should not have made burst out laughing as hard as you did. But, god, George’s eyes were expressive. In fairness he also did laugh, though he probably was confused as to why you were laughing so much.
After you caught your breath you could only utter out,
“Your face...” Before peeling back into giggles again. He started laughing again as well before putting the tablet down. In doing so, he accidentally swiped the tablet and the Backstreet Boys started playing, an edit of the 2019 rookies playing as the video.
This chain event caused you to start gasping, the sheer ridiculousness of the videos catching up to you. George only took one look at the tears forming in your eyes before he was also wheezing out harsh breaths from laughing.
It took around 2 minutes for you to look at each other without laughing and, for you both to be able to pick up the tablet without giggling, it took another minute or so. You eventually began scrolling through the tablet, laughing at some and ‘aww’-ing at some of the sad ones. 
Eventually a video came up with the background music to ‘Give it to me’ by Sistar, an edit of you that was hot but had you gasping at the lyrics.
“What?” George looked over to you, curious as to why there was another noise that came out of your mouth than laughing or a strained ‘why?’.
“The audacity!” You said, as the music continued playing.
“What..?” George asked, more confused than previously.
“Do you want to know the lyrics they’ve just edited me to?” You asked, looking over at him, your voice pretending to be offended.
“What?” He said, his tone changing again to have a sort of goading lilt.
“Will I even get married before I turn thirty.” You said with an air of finality, turning to glare at the camera, your jaw dramatically hung open. George gasped mockingly.
“How dare they!” He said sarcastically and you nodded eagerly.
“I know right!” You responded beginning a stereotypical mean girl impression. “How dare they!” After that little fiasco, you both kept scrolling and laughing (a notable example of this being when an edit of George crying came up, him pushing your shoulders as you continued to laugh). 
Eventually the video was being wrapped up and George was preparing to do a sort of sign off when he paused and turned to you.
“I know we aren’t incredibly close…” He started and you prepared for a multitude of questions. You didn’t know him well enough to predict what he might say, so you went over your predisposed answers to questions in your head.
You knew he wouldn’t ask anything uncomfortable, like about your relationship status, or anything really weird, like how many socks do you wash at once. But that left a gaping probability for mildly-weird or mildly-uncomfortable questions. You hoped he wouldn’t ask that, but you were still prepared to be asked if you threw out your receipts or kept them.
“But I didn’t know you knew Korean. How did you learn?” 
Oh. Fuck.
You did not have an answer for that. How the fuck did you not have an answer for that? You definitely should have had an answer for that. Oh wait, you didn’t have an answer because you promised yourself not to tell anyone that you could speak Korean so that you didn’t get that question!
The real, close-friends answer was that Kyungsoo had taught you over a range of years and that you’d taken courses so that you’d be able to talk to his friends and family. However you didn’t have a PR approved answer because you’d never thought that you’d need one. Time to put your problem solving skills to the test. 
“Uhhhhh…” You said, staring confusedly at George, aware of the seconds that had passed while you were internally monologuing. You hoped your expression didn’t convey the level of gob-smacked that you felt but you think it did because George’s face contorted to be one of worry.
“If that’s a sensitive topic or something you don’t have to answer!” He quickly said as though he was trying to fix the situation. You’d later learn the George thought before your video that you were kind of ‘fucking terrifying’ (his words) and that he was scared he’d screwed up by asking you this and one of his ‘hero’s’ (his words) wouldn’t ever want to talk to him again. 
“Nah, nah. It’s ok.” You waved him off, desperately trying to think of something. Oh! You knew exactly what to say.
“Basically I just have this really good friend who is Korean and I asked him to teach me for fun.” You said simply, before realising that wasn’t good enough considering your reaction.
“I was trying to hide how good I’ve gotten to try and surprise him but I guess it’s ok.” You said, a small smile on your face. George relaxed from his tense state and nodded, a small smile playing onto his lips as well.
“Ah that’s cool. Sorry to spoil the surprise.” You waved him off again and he continued the video’s outro.
Another good save, you really oughta be hired to problem-solve. And by problem-solving you mean lying to the media. And George. Poor George. 
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2022: (yeah the timelines don’t match, don’t call me out pls)
A loud banging sounded against your hotel door. You groaned, dropping the book onto your chest from where you held it up. Glancing angrily at the door, you rolled out of bed and stomped over to the entrance. You ripped open the door and prepared to start reaming the person on the other side before letting out a high-pitched scream.
You were in Japan for the Suzuka GP. You always didn’t like the Japanese GP because, even though you were incredibly close to Kyungsoo, your schedules never lined up so you could never see him. 
That fact really grinded your gears, but it’s what you get when you try to schedule something with SM Entertainment. A decisive ‘No.’ What a great company. To be honest, was Willaims really any better?
No. No they weren’t. That mere fact infuriated you enough to make you scream. However, it wasn’t the reason you were currently screaming. That was because, standing in your doorway in the middle of the team hotel, was Kai. 
You hadn’t seen him in a few months, you both had busy schedules, so the man appearing on your doorstep was miraculous. You didn’t think of why he was there, or how he got there. You just threw your arms around him and gave him a hug.
“Oh my god!” You screamed, before immediately regretting it and quickly pulling him into your hotel room before someone came out of their rooms and wondered why he was in front of yours.
“Hi!” He said, laughing as he let himself be pushed into your room despite the fact he could pick you up and throw you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked changing your pulling into a hug, squeezing the younger man as though he was your child. You had a serious problem with that, treating men almost your age as children. But Kai was more of a brother than a child, to be quite frank. That distinction just meant that he really really bugged you.
“I have a concert tomorrow and I thought I might just stop in.” He said, a smile on his face. “Though it is only me, sorry.”
“That’s ok!” You said, still in disbelief one of your closest friends was on your doorstep.
“Does Kyungsoo know?” Kai smirked in response to your question. That was answer enough in itself and you slapped Kai on the shoulder.
“You should’ve told him! He might’ve come.” Kai gasped in mock offense.
“What am I not good enough? Would you really prefer your husband that much?” He continued in mock offense and you dead-panned him. He just laughed in response.
“I did have to tell the company I was coming though, and they asked me to film a TikTok with you.” He quickly rushed out and you groaned, staring at the sky. What was up with all of these people wanting you to do TikTok’s?! You had all of your team's PR people constantly chasing you with a camera and now you had Kai asking for a video.
“Fine.” You ground out and Kai grinned, purposely ignoring your annoyance.
“Fantastic!” He said and quickly whipped out his phone, launching into his plans of what to film. Your only artistic input was that he had to cool it on the filters or else you wouldn’t film. 
The video started with the familiar sound of Peaches by Kai and a hand knocking on your hotel door, you opening the door curiously. As the chorus sounded, you recorded Kai dancing in your doorway, incredibly aware of the chance of any of your colleagues walking into the hallway and wondering what the fuck was going on.
The video continued after the chorus, Kai recording you slamming the door in his face with a confused expression. The video then ended with a still image of the both of you doing a heart together with your hands and you let Kai go rampant on the filters, hearts and sparkles flying around on the screen. 
When you watched it back, Kai waiting at your side eagerly to see your reaction, you did your best to hide the laughing fit you had in reaction to the monstrosity. You couldn’t quite hide the gasps that were leaving you though and Kai frowned.
“It’s perfect. I love it.” You said, through your giggles and he smiled.
“I know. It’s fantastic.” You only nodded because you couldn’t trust yourself to talk, a small whine escaping through your lips at the struggle of not laughing.
“Do you want to see the caption?” He asked and you violently nodded your head. 
“P15 but still P1 EXO-L.” He read out and you just hung your jaw open. “You bastard!” You laughed out. 
“I put it in Korean as well.” Your only response was to hit him, hard, while still laughing and shaking your head.
“Should we run it by your PR team before posting?” Kai asked, taking a serious note. You looked to him and sucked in air through your teeth.
“Nahhhh.” You replied and he shrugged, and clicked post.
“I should probably tell Kyungsoo you were here before he finds out through the internet.” You said, reaching for your phone. Kai nodded vehemently.
One phone call later, an angry Kyungsoo and an apologetic Kai later, the TikTok was making its rounds and your phone was blowing up, your poor PR agent about to have a heart attack.
On that delightful note Kai left your hotel room, farewelled with a minute long hug and a well-wish for his concert, and you were left to phone your PR agent who just screamed into the phone for 10 seconds before actually speaking.
Of course, during the press releases for the rest of the season, you talked about how much of an EXO-L you were and how close of a friend you were to Kai. This didn’t come without dating rumours but, due to one poorly angled camera shot of your disgusted face when a reporter suggested dating to your face, that was shut down pretty quickly. 
Still no one had shipped you with the other EXO members though, so you weren’t even close to losing the bet. (Though you had been asked which EXO member was your favourite, which you responded to with a smirk.)
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It was a good race, you finishing P4 which was a huge improvement since last season. Your team was on top of the moon as were you, smiling from ear to ear. You were currently in the press area, getting asked questions left and right about the car and your performance.
You were adequately responding to each question, sometimes looking questioningly your PR agent when you weren’t sure how to respond. A loud crash sounded through the area that drew the attention of most in the area as a reporters chair fell to the ground. They had jumped up at something on their phone and, like everyone else in the pen, you were wondering what had them so fired up.
Then their eyes darted up and made eye-contact with you. Your internal monologue quickly changed from questioning to a repeated loop of ‘Oh no. Oh no.’ as they advanced your way, moving like a predator stalks their prey. They thrusted their phone under your nose, the shitty little mic attached to it capturing every breath you took and the many cameras in the area capturing your wide eyes.
The reporter addressed you by name before starting to speak.
“Do you know of a man by the name Doh Kyungsoo?” They asked and your world cracked. What on earth had happened? How did they know? All you knew was that it was time for the one acting class your mum had made you take to try and sway you from racing to come to full effect.
“I think he’s from that band Kai’s in, yeah?” You responded after a second of fake pondering. The reporter's eyes narrowed like a hawk.
“You wouldn’t say you were close? Not close enough to get married perhaps?” The reporter asked, clearly trying to stir the pot. Oh my god, was this a prank? How the fuck did they know? How were you supposed to play this off? Would this jeopardize your career?
“Uhhm no…?” You said, incredulously, fixing them a scandalized stare. They sarcastically nodded.
“Oh really? Then what’s this?” They said and shoved their phone closer to your face till you saw a picture of you and Kyungsoo on your wedding day. How did they get this? Had one of your small circle leaked something?
You tried not to let the bewilderment you felt show on your face.
“I’m sorry? Are you trying to pass this off as real? It’s obviously photoshopped! I’m so tired of people trying to fabricate a story of me dating every person I’ve interacted with!” You finally snapped, letting a few years of pent up tension out in this moment. The reporter only continued to smirk.
“Oh really!” They said and you wanted to punch them and their snooty little face. To try and display this, your face fell into one of contempt.
“Is that why this image was posted to Doh Kyungsoo’s official instagram account with the caption ‘Sorry for making you lie to the press for eight years!’?” 
They got you there, dam.
Your jaw dropped open, the corners of your mouth rising at the pure hilarity of this situation.
“Excuse me?” You asked, grabbing the phone off the reporter and tapping back onto the post. They were right, Kyungsoo had posted to his official instagram that exact post. It was a carousel post with pictures taken of when you’d lied to the press about him, from the initial lying about being in Seoul to a picture of your ringed necklace to a picture of you smirking after being asked which EXO member was your favourite.
You couldn’t help but release a laugh, your hand traveling to cover your open mouth. Why did he post this? 
This meant you won the bet. Your head shot up to stare at a camera.
“I won the bet.” You said quietly. The reporter snatched their phone back and stared at you confused. 
“What?” They asked and you whipped your head to them, a large smile spreading across your face.
“I won the bet!” You said eagerly, reaching out to grab their shoulders and rock them back and forth.
“I won the bet!!” You ignored how they shook you off, turning to your PR Agent instead and grabbing them and lifting them up. They hurriedly tapped your back as you lifted them, as though signaling you to drop them, but you ignored that and started spinning them around. 
“I actually can’t believe it, oh my god!” You snapped out of it and dropped your PR Agent, immediately running out of the media pen and back to your driver room, pulling your necklace out of your racesuit and pulling your rings off, placing them back on their correct fingers.
You quickly packed everything up, ignoring the ringing of your phone as your team tried to get you to go to more press conferences and briefings, and you got out of there, on the first plane to Seoul you could book.
When you arrived, after a long plane trip filled with excitement and pictures being taken of you, decked out in your team's merchandise as you sat buzzing in your seat, your phone was completely blowing up, messages from everyone in your contact list and more. You turned it off (you’d deal with it later) after calling an uber to your apartment.
You were jittery the whole ride, hoping that, despite the time of night, Kyungsoo was still awake. When you arrived outside your apartment building, you felt all the tension in your body ease, and you looked up to see the light on in your window. You smiled and took your suitcase handle in hand and ventured into the building, greeting the old lady at the desk.
Riding the lift up to your apartment nearly had you pacing and you almost ran down the hallway towards your door, quickly knocking. You felt the reverberations in the floorboards as Kyungsoo walked over to the door and a sense of euphoria filled you at the familiarity.
The door was barely open before you launched yourself at Kyungsoo, his heavenly laughter filled your ears as he caught you. You quickly found yourself in a kiss before pulling back and peppering kisses all over his face, finding his giggles more lovely than his singing.
You both pulled back just to look in eachothers eyes and you smiled simultaneously. 
“I love you.” You muttered, the happiness from the day finally catching up to you.
“I love you too.” He whispered, tilting his head before going in for another kiss. 
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“You know.” He began later that night, when you were just lying in bed cuddling together. You turned your head from its position on his chest to look at him, his eyes remaining on the roof.
“I think I won in the end.” You immediately reared your head back, prepared to object at the sheer wrongness of his answer. He anticipated this though and dropped his hand from where it was combing through your hair to your mouth. He also dropped his head as to make eye contact.
“You stuck by me through everything. Even though you had to lie almost every day and had to listen to millions of rumours about me with other people, you still stayed with me. You learned a whole other language just to know people who knew me. Nothing I will ever say will ever put into perspective how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me. The way you’ve loved me will be comparable to nothing other than how much I’ve loved you.” His heartfelt speech made your head vibrate and a few tears left your eyes at his words, him kissing each one away. 
You whined deep in the back of your throat and he released a laugh at your response. 
“You could’ve just said ‘I love you’.” You said quietly.
“That’s true too.” He said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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ahh it's over! dividers from this post btw, it's 11:59 pm let me sleep.
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jongbross · 5 months
Hi, it’s boyfriends things with Exo😅🤍
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kim minseok:
cutest boyfriend out there
will take such good care of you 🥹
is literally a keeper
your family loves him, he just charms everyone around him
might be a bit difficult as sometimes he can't see why you're still with him
doesn't realize that you're the luckiest person for having HIM
kisses your nose a lot
holds your hand while walking on the street
listen to you vent and gives you the best advices
won't let you sleep in though, so good luck with that
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kim junmyeon:
the personification of a gentleman
pulls chairs for you, open doors, makes sure you're with your seatbelt on, doesn't let you walk on the side of the sidewalk that's closer to the street, etc
has the warmest hugs
can literally hug you for hours if you let him
secretly plans to pop out the question in the near future
buys you anything you want. anything.
respects your opinions SO MUCH, it's ridiculous
has the boyfie vibe somehow, so people don't hit on him anymore
chanyeol can see how much he changed because of you, how he's much more bubbly now
"you made him worse!!" (joking)
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zhang yixing:
nicest boyfriend out there
dude is just soooo chill, your friends adore him
shows you random stuff on your phone just so you can laugh about it together
hands you his jacket whenever you're cold, but scolds you for not taking one with you
calls you a lot whenever he's away
you'll have to take care of his cats, i'm sorry
does this thing where he kisses both your temples before kissing your lips when he has to say goodbye to you before traveling
passes out beside you on bed while you're talking about a nice recipe you saw on tiktok
doesn't bring up marriage if you don't
really, really hopes you do
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byun baekhyun:
i hate him, but congrats to you, i guess
ugh he's just so sweet
takes you out EVERYWHERE, like picks you up at your place
always has a smile on his face when he's around you
asks you about your day and listens to carefully
holds your hand while driving
charms your mom with helping her on the kitchen, it's like a scene straight out of a movie
sings 24/7, so your house is never silent anymore (your neighbors hate you though)
has a whole way of talking that's for you and for you only
you can't trick me baekhyun, i know you must have at least one (1) flaw
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kim jongdae:
sunshine boyfriend
let's you sleep in whenever you feel like it
clears some space on his wardrobe/drawers for your clothes and things
"jagi, can we cuddle?"
has so much fun playing with you, you're literally he's best friend
always places bets with you
lots of kisses on your cheek
randomly smiles to you because he knows it makes you happy to see him smile
likes to take you away for the weekend, just you and him
loyal af
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park chanyeol:
the "it's okay, i got it" boyfriend
personal uber driver, takes you everywhere if you let him
really, reaaally stubborn
can't sit still, is always looking for something to do with you
"did you see they opened a new bowling place downtown?"
purposely leaves his things at your place
his house is way bigger than yours but he doesn't care
plays guitar while you cook dinner
kisses you everytime you feed him
loves when you sleep on top of him
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do kyungsoo:
he's comfort embodied in a person
likes to have breakfast with you, it's like his favorite part of the day
bonds with your pet if you have one (and they love him)
saves new videos on youtube to watch it with you
is in charge of cooking, always
asks you to help him shave just because
gets excited whenever something good happens to you
is your number 01 supporter
loves when you cuddle closer to him in your sleep
shy forehead kisses whenever he can't find the words to express his feelings
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kim jongin:
cutest, most caring boyfriend
respects you more than anything in this world
listens to you so carefully whenever you have something to say
is willing to fix some of his bad habits for you
needs constant reassurance that you love him, just because he loves you so much and can't stand the thought of you falling out of love
laughs so hard at your jokes, and they're not even that funny
pays for every meal but lets you pay for his coffee so you won't feel bad
helps you choose your outfits
loves when you play with his hair
wanna have a baby with you so bad
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oh sehun:
gets offended whenever someone treats you badly
"why didn't you tell me?? i would've give them a piece of my mind"
smirks whenever he sees you wearing his clothes, he just loves it
calls you whenever he can't go see you
encourages you to go see your friends, especially when he can't be around
but let's be honest, he's attached to you by the hip
rolls his eyes whenever you baby him, but secretly loves it
stares at you dearly when you're talking to his hyungs or his family
lets you play with his fingers when you're bored or too shy to talk to people
dude is so in love it's actually sickening
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xotaemintol · 10 months
Hi ! Can u make a steamy make out/dry humping session after a long tiring day of Kyungsoo and gf reader please! Thank u 🩷
HIIII Ty for your assskkk! ofc I can! This is my first time writing for him so I wanted to make sure I kept it short so I didn’t stray too far away from what could be considered accurate, but I do plan on writing more for him bc I absolutely adore him 🤭
Your fingers tangle in his black hair as he rests on your hips, slowly guiding them as you grind against him with nothing but your thin underwear and his black dress pants between the two of you. His tongue gracefully moves in your mouth as he kisses you, neither of you planned to go this far, he said that he was going out because he had work and you said that you were going to spend the day catching up on old hobbies since you had nothing to do, but after one kiss that last a little too long Kyungsoo couldn’t help but melt as your fingertips traced up the back of his neck and into his hair, all it took was for him to lean in a little closer, pressing your back against the table as his hand rested on your hip for you to want more. In a matter of seconds, you were on top of him, grinding against him in your nightgown as you lustfully kissed each other only pulling away for short breaths of air.
For a second, as he began kissing down your neck while pushing your thin nightgown up, you wanted to warn him that he’d be late, but the feeling of his fingers brushing over your nipples quickly made you change your mind. Clinging to him you press yourself down onto him harder, the feeling of his fully erect cock underneath you felt so good, and every gentle touch from his hands made that feeling intensify greatly.
“You’re so pretty,” He muttered against your hot skin, chills rising all over your body as you feel his breath on your neck, “Soo…” You felt like you could hardly breathe with how excited you were becoming, shamelessly grinding against him faster as you become increasingly wet you started to feel tingles all over your body. His soft lips felt like heaven, and his heavy breathing as he left sweet kisses on your jaw was making you feel like you’d explode, “I’m gonna be late…” He said in between short kisses, but you were far too gone to stop, you needed him, and it was too late to stop now. “Just fifteen more minutes…I’ve missed you.”
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paintingwhiteceilings · 8 months
❃How EXO acts around their crush❃
a/n: This is 10000% just for my own pleasure. I may have had this in my drafts for weeks... I am totally okay with all the Kyungsoo solo content and EXO ladder dropping. Totally. Super functional, delusional who?
ALSO to any EXO-L that are sharing Chen's LEAKED wedding photos. Please be respectful and either delete them or, at the very least, blur out his wife's face. Chen has gone to great lengths to safeguard her privacy, as she is not famous nor wants to be in the spotlight. Not to mention that there could be crazy sasaengs out there with ill intent. Sharing her info is basically doxing, and it is insane to me how many people shared these posts without much thought. Anyway, I needed to share my frustrations.
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✾ He is a lot shyer than the other members; where most of EXO probably feels comfortable enough to act on their crushes, he is a bit more reserved. He wants to test the waters first, ascertaining whether the feeling is mutual. Whenever you are around and are talking to other people, he sits back silently, observing your reactions.
✾ Xiumin is smiling so widely around you that the other members worry that his muscles might start cramping up soon. The moment he sees you, his bubbly personality starts to really shine through, and sometimes you can't help but wonder whether this man truly is 33.
✾ That being said, from the moment that anyone offers Xiumin a couple of drinks, his confidence spikes, and he will start flirting with you. His flirting is still extremely sweet and cute; Xiumin can be incredibly charming when he wants to be.
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✾ He is such a gentleman around you, trying to make you feel at ease with his kind gestures. Whether it is him pulling back a chair or opening a door for you, he will do anything to make you feel like a princess.
✾ Being one of EXO's proud black card owners, he will casually buy you whatever you need. He keeps repeating that he wants to treat his friends when you try to interject. You can't completely refute it; he does spend a lot of money on the members. Yet, you can't help but feel like his gifts are slightly too expensive and excessive for 'just friends'.
✾ So. Many. Soft. Glances. Suho looks at you like you hung the moon and the stars; you catch him staring at you almost every time you look over. Conversations with him can, therefore, be a tad awkward. He doesn't always register what you are saying; he is so absorbed in watching you that he forgets to listen.
✾ The other members relentlessly tease him for it. If you don't catch on based on Suho's actions, you will definitely catch on due to his members' relentless teasing. Whenever he does anything remotely romantic around you, their faces light up like Christmas came early. The members are not subtle about it whatsoever, thoroughly enjoying putting their leader in a slightly uncomfortable position.
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✾ The members didn't think it was possible, but Baekhyun somehow became louder. It is as if he wants to draw your attention simply by screaming, as he no longer has any volume control when you are around. Everyone can hear your conversation from across the room, and his laughter becomes borderline obnoxious as it overpowers any other sound.
✾ He is such a tease and a suggestive one at that. Considering he has no problem revealing intimate, not suitable to be aired on national TV, details about the members' bodies, he won't have any trouble suggestively flirting with you. Where Xiumin's pick-up lines are cute, Baekhyun's are far from it. Give this man some holy water, Jesus.
✾ He is so intense with his flirting that it sometimes crosses the line of sexy to parody, coming off as a joke. Baekyhyun has a very flirty personality and isn't above flirting with his friends. Even though he isn't subtle about his crush, he can accidentally fall into the "he flirts with everyone" category, making you question whether he genuinely likes you or is just being friendly.
✾ He really enjoys the chase when it comes to relationships. Thus, it will take him quite some time before he asks you out, simply because he likes the push-and-pull game.
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✾ There is nothing subtle about Mr. Park Chanyeol. The moment he sees someone he wants to date, he is going for it full steam ahead. Puppy Chanyeol is momentarily retired as he makes his way over to you; Chanyeol knows that he is handsome and sexy, and he is ready to show it to you. I hope you weren't interested in anyone else because the moment you return any of his interest, he will be flirting with you like there is no tomorrow.
✾ Internally, he is so excited to be talking to you, and sometimes, you will see glimpses of his cute puppy-like persona, especially once he feels like you are just as interested. Still, the words coming out of this man's mouth, Jesus part two. Please go and ask Baekyhun to pass the holy water.
✾ That being said, he will get embarrassed when the other members are around or slightly bashful when you return his flirting at full force. I don't think Chanyeol is used to anyone sharing his level of intensity, so once you do, he gets a bit flustered. He absolutely loves it, though. Your compliments got him grinning from ear to ear.
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✾ Don't get me wrong, I adore this man to a delusional extent, but he is absolutely hopeless when it comes to communicating with his crush. He won't go anywhere near you if he can't help it; he prefers looking at you from afar. He is someone who favours being approached first over approaching you himself. It isn't that he doesn't want to talk to you; he simply isn't the type of person to initiate contact with his crush and tends to stay back when he can tell that someone else is interested, too. 
✾ Even if he finds himself near you, don't expect him to have a full-blown conversation with you. He already tends to be a man of little words, but when it comes to you, he is a man of not a single word. Being around you is enough to make him happy; he doesn't really need to have a deep conversation. 
✾ Nevertheless, his actions make more than up for it. He is such a gentleman, being the definition of preferential treatment. You don't have a chair to sit on? He will quietly offer you his. Your sweater got caught on something? He will silently help you get it out. Although he may not say much to you, he communicates his feelings through his actions. 
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✾ If you think Xiumin or Kyungsoo are shy, you have not yet met Kai with a crush. He turns into absolute mush the moment he sees you, giggling and blushing whenever you do as much as breathing. You can't even see him because he has resorted to hiding behind the other members, preferably Sehun or Chanyeol, as they are tall enough to obscure him completely.
✾ If he somehow musters up the courage to talk to you, good luck having it go anywhere because he can barely make it through a sentence without giggling. It is obvious to everyone around him that he is smitten with you; his laughs are awkwardly loud, and his eyes are literally shooting hearts.
✾ The moment he manages to ask you to dance, his shy demeanour completely changes. His movement… His expressions… The way he is smirking at you… Maybe you should go and ask Chanyeol whether there is anything left of the holy water he borrowed from Baekyhun.
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✾ He has one of two ways of acting around his crush: either he acts super bratty or becomes painfully shy. It depends on whether he has met and talked to you before. But, if you are complete strangers, he would be so quiet, hiding in the furthest corner he can find.
✾ He will pester the members to go over and collect as much information as they can about you. They will do it because he will whine the entire night about it if they don't and, repeat with me, what Sehun wants, Sehun gets. The members try to convince Sehun to go talk to you himself, but Sehun stubbornly refuses. Bro will be playing the Maknae card harder than he ever has in his entire life.
✾ In the end, he will drag Suho with him, trying to 'casually' strike up a conversation with you. The small talk is painful, and in all honesty, Suho, with his dad jokes, isn't helping in the slightest. At the very least, it provides the two of you with a new conversational topic: the teasing of Suho.
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marvelous-llama · 11 months
EXO recs
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
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pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
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Exordia Academy by @kpopfanfictrash
Welcome to the Exodus Mall by @yehet-me-up
12 days of lust by @kwanisms
Gaurdian angel series by @marshmallow-phd (Kyungsoo, Sehun, Baekhyun, Jongin, Chanyeol, Junmeon)
Vampire series by @marshmallow-phd (Tao, Chanyeol, Yixing, Luhan, Minseok, Jongin, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun)
Crimson Aurora Hotel & Spa collab by @myeoning-call
meant to be by @galactichen
Kim Minseok
Kim Junmyeon
Zhang Yixing
Byun Baekhyun
Kim Jongdae
Park Chanyeol
Do Kyungsoo
Kim Jongin
Oh Sehun
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kpopimaginings · 5 months
Compromise - D.O (Kyungsoo)
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The day you realised that it was always you initiating physical affection in your relationship was strange to say the least. You had been so happy with Kyungsoo until this revelation shattered the rose-tinted glasses, and doubt clouded your mind.
You made a conscious effort going forward to be less clingy with him and see if it was all in your head. Unfortunately, Kyungsoo didn't pick up the slack and there was just less skin-ship between you. Nothing else had really changed though, leaving you questioning both your logic and your relationship.
Kyungsoo was still inviting you out and planning dates, such as tonight when you found yourself over at his for dinner. When you first arrived, he had placed a gentle kiss on your cheek as you entered. This small gesture helped to calm your anxieties as your mind wondered through all the worse case scenarios.
The two of you began to talk as you followed him to the kitchen where he was finishing preparation for the meal. You exchanged stories of your days so far as usual until your boyfriends mood changed.
"I wasn't going to say anything until after we ate, but I think I need to now," Kyungsoo said, suddenly.
Immediately, the anxiety that had ebbed away returned.
"Are you still happy with me?" he asked.
"What?" you replied, a little incredulous at his question.
"You've changed, you've been really distant lately and I need to know if you still want to be with me," he explained.
For a moment, you froze, wanting nothing more in that moment than to hug him. "Of course I still want to be with you," you told him. "I just thought I was being too clingy and wanted to give you some space."
"Why do think that? Did I make you think that?"
"No," you answered, quickly. "Not exactly, I just- you don't really hug, and I was doing it a lot and I just thought, maybe... I was annoying you."
"You could never annoy me. I know that you just show your affection for me physically. I show mine by buying you things or cooking for you." He gestured at the food currently sat on the hob.
You nodded, knowing that Kyungsoo hadn't once made you actually feel unloved, despite the lack of skin-ship.
"We just have different love languages," he continued. "I know that can be hard sometimes, but we can make it work."
"Yeah," you agreed. "I'm sorry, I should have just spoken to you. You always make me feel loved, even if it isn't with hugs and kisses all the time."
"Good," Kyungsoo said with a little nod and a smile. "Now, come here, you need to make up for all those hugs I didn't get."
You happily shuffled towards him, securing your arms around his waist. "Don't let the dinner burn though," you muttered.
"I won't," he chuckled. There was a pause before he continued, "I'll make more of an effort with physical affection it if will help reassure you."
"You really don't have to."
"But I want to," he pulled out of the embrace and placed a quick kiss to your lips. "I love you, and sometimes that means compromising on things like love languages so that everyone feels happy and loved."
"I love you, too," you smiled at him, resting your hands on his shoulders.
"But now I really should check on dinner."
You laughed, and moved so that Kyungsoo could get back to the hob. All of a sudden you couldn't remember why you had gotten yourself into such a state before. Watching the man you loved carefully preparing food for you, you knew there would be no problem too big with him by your side.
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
Imagine being nervous around D.O. because of his angry reputation and having no idea D.O. has a soft spot for you because he has a crush on you
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Exo's Kai was your cousin and he was one year younger than you. You were both idols and being family and similar ages, interacted a lot. You saw each other often and were always at each other's houses, hanging out with the other's members and that was how Kai quickly noticed some things. D.O. was into you! His eyes would go to you when you entered a room and even though he wasn't obvious he'd follow what you were saying and was very aware of you. He'd tell Baekhyun to knock it off if he was messing with you and was sweetly protective of you. Drunk D.O. was even more obvious and would stare at you the way a prince looks at a Disney princess. Based on all this, Kai picked up on D.O.'s crush on your pretty much immediately and did everything in his power to get the two of you together but it was hard. For one, D.O. wouldn't outwardly admit he had a thing for you. Anytime Kai mentioned it he gave him a death glare and point-blank refused to engage in the conversation. Meanwhile, you were too nervous to say more than a few words to D.O. Kai tried talking him up to you and encouraging a conversation but frankly, you avoided D.O. and Kai had no idea why. D.O. was everything you wanted in a man but you just couldn't see it. So one day he asked you why you weren't comfortable around D.O. "I just get nervous around him Kai, I've seen him yell at Chanyeol and it scared me". Kai paused "wait when was this?". "At Sehun's 25 birthday party". Kai's eyes widened "but that was ages ago when you first started coming around". You nodded "I know, that was the first time I met him and it just stuck with me. I'd had a rough week and my manager had yelled at me all day so when he yelled it scared me and I don't know that's just always kind of stuck". What neither of you knew was D.O. was outside the room listening and folded his hands to stop them from shaking. He felt awful. He didn't even remember the party you were talking about but it sounded like him.
"Then I don't know, he can sometimes look angry and intimidating and I can never tell if he hates me or not" you continued. Kai shook his head almost laughing "he definitely doesn't hate you and I promise D.O. is not that scary. He's a bit tougher than say...Baekhyun but he's a softie really. You just have to talk to him to see it". You bit your lip "I'm just not sure" and Kai sighed "fine but just be open-minded yeah?" he asked. You nodded "okay I will be" but Kai didn't notice much change in your behaviour. So you were too swayed by an interaction with D.O. almost a year ago and D.O. wasn't the type to just insert himself into a conversation or go up to a girl he didn't know very well and start talking so despite his crush nothing happened...but Kai was determined to change that.
You had dinner at Kai's often but when he found out all his members would be out except D.O. he was very excited. Kai didn't say anything to you and welcomed you like usual. You were both playing Mario kart when he pretended to get a phone call from Suho. He then told you there was some problem and he had to go to the studio. "I'll be back as soon as I can and D.O. can keep you company, I've told him the situation" he explained. He'd told D.O. his friend was having an emergency and he had to go and had purposefully asked him to be welcoming to you but he needn't have told D.O. that. D.O. remembered the conversation he overheard and he wanted to put some things straight. D.O. figured a pretty good way to create a welcoming vibe was to bake. Everybody loved brownies and what said I'm not scary better than chocolate and raspberries? So D.O. got to work and you eventually came to find him in the kitchen, the nice smell wafting out to you. "Hi" you said coming into the room and D.O. smiled at you "hi Y/n, how are you?". You paused at his friendly voice but told him you were good and enquired how he was. "I'm good" D.O. told you "thanks for asking, I've made cupcakes if you want one". "Really?" you asked and D.O. nodded "of course". "Thanks" you said taking one and sitting down. "Do you like cooking?" you asked and D.O. paused. This was the first time you'd asked him a question unprompted and embarassed him how much that pleased him. "Erm yeah I really enjoy it. I like how it's a really practical hobby and you can make any dish your own". You nodded "it's hard to do though...I burn everything I make even stuff that goes in the microwave". D.O. laughed "really? How". "Well I get confused with all the buttons and forget how long it needs to be in for...it's a mess". D.O. laughed "well I was going to cook dinner tonight and if you want I can show you some things?". You paused "are you sure? I'm a pretty bad student". D.O. remembered what he'd overheard that day and smiled "don't worry I promise not to get annoyed or angry". You searched his face for a few moments before nodding "okay" and came to stand beside him "so what's first?". Kai returned home a few hours later with all his members and he was practically bouncing of the walls to see you and D.O. cooking dinner together. You announced the two of you had made dinner and D.O. was just helping you with the finishing touches. So you disappeared into the kitchen together and Kai watched you pretending not to. You looked so comfortable around D.O. now and D.O. himself was acting like a giant teddy bear. Dinner was served and you and D.O. fluttered around like nervous parents. You seemed especially worried that the food was edible but the boys soon told you it was delicious and you beamed. D.O. congratulated you and only then did the two of you sit down and eat. You sat together and Kai could see how happy D.O. was...which of course the other guys noticed too. "Is it just me or is D.O. glowing?" Baekhyun asked "anytime y/n looks at him he lights up". Sehun laughed "yeah now that you mention it, is he into her?". Chanyeol smirked "if he's not he's doing a good job of pretending". "They look good together" Lay said and Suho nodded "I was just thinking that". D.O. looked up and saw them all staring. His smile fell away and he glared at their smiles before turning back to you. "Awww pouty D.O. is the cutest" Baekhyun grinned. Kai popped a delicious piece of chicken into his mouth and considered this a huge success. And it was! After that the two of you grew closer and closer. Now D.O. would join you on your cousin days and Kai adored the way D.O. acted around you. He still wouldn't admit he had a thing for you but he also stopped denying it because all the guys teased him for it because he was just SO obvious. One night you were here late so it had gone dark by the time you were heading home. You only lived around the corner but D.O. walked you home just to make sure you were safe. Another time you were abroad for a few weeks and D.O. looked after all 5 of your house plants immaculately. Then when you heard D.O. wasn't going to be able to go home for his birthday you organised a small party and even baked a cake for him. Kai thought D.O. was going to pass out with pride when he heard you baked it yourself for him. D.O. didn't stop smiling the whole night and finally when the party was over Kai turned to him. "Still going to pretend you don't fancy my cousin?". In response D.O. just shook his head "I like her" and left the room. Kai squealed in delight. Now you were both aware of one another he just had to get you two together and he had the perfect opportunity...a wedding! Your joint cousin was getting married and the two of you had to be at the ceremony. You were stressing out because you'd just heard everyone had to have dates and Kai could've grinned at how perfect it was. "The wedding's in 2 weeks! How am I going to find a date on such short notice?". Kai smiled "Well why don't you ask D.O.?". You blushed "I...he's probably busy". Kai laughed "Have you forgot our cousin invited all of Exo and the boys are all going?" Kai asked. "But how do you know he hasn't asked someone else?". "Well let's ask him" Kai shrugged and yelled for D.O. "No don't! What if he doesn't want to?" you asked when D.O. appeared "what if I don't want to do what?". "Be Y/n's date" Kai said looking right at his friend. D.O. eye's widened and he blushed but luckily he was tanned enough to hide it. "To my cousin's wedding" you quickly clarified "I've just find out everyone in the family photos has to have a plus one but it's totally fine if you don't want to..." when D.O. shook his head "I don't mind, I'll be your date". "Really?" you asked and D.O. nodded "sure, it'll be fun" and you smiled hugging him "thanks D.O., I'll feel so much better with you over some random guy my mum would've got". D.O. smiled "no problem" and Kai had to hide his laughter at how dazed D.O. looked after you hugged him. So two weeks later the wedding rolled around and you, Kai and D.O. all travelled separately to the boys because you had to be there early. You checked into the hotel and then a few hours later were in the church for the ceremony. D.O. was the perfect date, he was polite, kind and seemed to always be there when you needed him. You cut your hand on one of the flowers and he just had a tissue for you. When the weather suddenly became rainy he was there with his jacket to cover you and whenever any family members asked if you were together he side-stepped the question without being rude. So by the time you made it to the reception you were so pleased D.O. was your date. He'd been perfect and you realised Kai had been right this entire time and you didn't know how to react. You vowed never to judge someone so quickly again and were having a really good time with D.O. Then you saw someone walk through the door and your smile dropped. D.O. noticed the change in your behaviour and how pale you'd gone but he couldn't work out why. He looked around the room and turned back to you "what is it? What's wrong?". You looked down and shook your head "nothing just my ex is here...Eun said he wouldn't be here but I guess he turned up". D.O. looked across the room and saw a guy watching you. "Do you want me to get security?" D.O. asked. You shook your head "no he'll just cause a scene. It should be fine, he probably won't come up to me because he doesn't know who you are and that'll intimidate him". D.O. nodded "okay then I'm not leaving your side". The smile you gave him was so amazing it have him the courage to go one better. "Actually how about we dance? There's no reason why you have to hide away and I'll make sure he comes nowhere near you". You seemed very surprised by D.O.'s request and he worried you'd say no when you nodded "I'd love to!". D.O. took your hand and led you to the sea of people. You were both adorably unsure around one another and took each other's hand delicately. D.O. gently put his hand on your waist and took the lead. You of course knew D.O. was an idol therefore, was experienced with dancing but it still took you by surprise how good he was! He took you around the floor effortlessly and it was very hot to see a guy like him be so good at dancing. You must've looked like you were having quite a lot of fun because you attracted attention from Eun. After dancing for a while you and D.O. grabbed a drink and headed outside to cool off. Eun followed you. Eun waited until you were halfway down the path before calling your name and you looked back and froze. “Shit” you said and D.O. saw where you were looking “do you want me to speak to him?”. You sighed “no just let’s stop and see what he has to say”. Eun caught up to you quickly and raised his hands “what no hello?”. “Hi Eun” you said and he looked you up and down “that’s a bit cold for a childhood friend”. You didn’t reply but he didn’t take the hint “you look good, have you lost weight?”. D.O. wanted to pummel him right then and there but as if sensing this you touched D.O.’s arm and looked at Eun “no I haven’t”. Eun looked you up and down again and made a surprised noise. “We’re going now, it was nice to see you” you said and turned to walk away. “So soon but we haven’t even caught up!” he called following you. “She said we’re done!” D.O. called but that angered Eun. “So who's this Y/n? Your boyfriend?" Eun replied. You shook your head and D.O. continued walking, ignoring him. "I don't owe you any explanation" you said and D.O. nodded "she doesn't, come on y/n" and he led you away but Eun followed. "If he's not your boyfriend then why were his hands all over you in there? If you're trying to make me jealous you should try harder" Eun called. D.O. shook his head "man this guy's an idiot". "What did you say!" Eun yelled and you tightened your grip on D.O.'s hand "come on let's just go back inside". D.O. was agreeing with you when Eun carried on. "I'm the idiot? You're the pathetic one y/n. Let's not forget you asked me out! You were the one chasing me Y/n. I have way more options than you and I was the best thing that ever happened to you but life finally started again when I was free of you". That's when D.O. lost it. "You have no clue what you're talking about! You came here, to her cousin's wedding to see her and she's the one who needs you?" D.O. asked yelling. Eun was slightly caught off guard by how D.O. had changed from a quiet sweet guy to a scary man ready to kick his ass. He went to reply but D.O. cut him off "no, you're done speaking and if you say another word I'll shut your mouth for you. Got it?" D.O. asked. You watched nervously, hoping D.O. wouldn't hit him if he made a smart comment but Eun was smarter than you gave him credit for. "Whatever" he muttered and walked away. Once he'd gone you felt better but turned to D.O. nervously. "Are you okay?" you asked and he nodded calming down "I'm fine...are you?". "I'm okay" you said cautiously and D.O. recalled your first impression of him and cursed himself for getting angry. "Y/n I'm so sorry for yelling at him like that and not just ignoring him like you said. I know you might think less of me now but I hope I can make that up to you". "Think less of you?" you asked “D.O. I couldn't think more of you! You defended me when you didn't have to and said things I wish I had the courage to say so thank you". D.O. blinked "you're thanking me? I was worried I'd made you nervous by raising my voice..." D.O. said but you shook your head "no I know you're safe so that didn't scare me". That was so nice for D.O. to hear he felt like dancing all over again. "But I don't think I want to go back to the party, so I'll head to my room". D.O. nodded "let me walk you" and you fell in step together. The hotel looked really pretty in the evening and the now quiet night made it feel like it was just the two of you in the world."Y/n just in case you aren't aware that guy is an asshole and you can do so much better than him. There are so many guys who would love to date you, who would treat you right and be there for you so please don't listen to that idiot". You laughed awkwardly and D.O. smiled "I'm serious! He didn't know what he was talking about, you were way too good for him". You didn't respond and when you turned D.O. realised you hadn't been laughing but were crying. "Ow y/n I'm so sorry..." he started when you cut him off "no it's okay. They're happy tears. Thank you. That was really sweet and I didn't expect it but I needed to hear that". "Of course!" D.O. said offering you a tissue and you took it. D.O. helped you sit down on a nearby bench and waited for you to stop crying. "I haven't dated since Eun and I've thought a lot of the stuff he said tonight about myself". D.O. shook his head furious "but none of that stuff was true! He was lucky to have you and you're far too good for him. Plus who cares if you chased him and it didn't work out? That just shows you're brave enough to go for what you want and make mistakes and that's one of the most admirable things in the world!". "It is?" you asked and D.O. nodded "totally...well that and not murdering a guy like Eun when you had so many opportunities". You laughed and D.O. smiled to see you looked happier. You both sat in silence for a while before you sighed "you know I just realised I've never asked about your love life, is it as bad as mine?". D.O. shrugged "well depends on what you mean by bad, if pretty non-existent counts then yeah it's bad". "You've never dated anyone?" you asked and D.O. paused "no there was one girl. We got together when we were 14, just kids really, and were together for 4 years...it got pretty serious but we were too young" he said "both of our lives were just taking off and we were changing as people. I wanted to keep trying but she broke it off and I guess the experience changed me. I'm of course glad when I look back on it, it was definitely the right thing to do but it made me more cautious and pessimistic. You might've realised I'm not exactly a ray of sunshine like Baekyun". You shook your head "you're plenty sunny to me, I always feel happy around you" and D.O. smiled "you do?". "I do" you nodded watching him and D.O. couldn't believe he had that effect on someone like you. You both stayed in that moment just gazing at one another for a few seconds before you blushed looking down. "Well I think whoever she is, she's probably kicking herself now to have lost you" you said and D.O.'s heart fluttered "thanks y/n". You smiled and gently squeezed his hand "thanks for telling me. I used to think you were so intimidating and scary and I'm so glad I got to know the real you". "I'm glad too" D.O. nodded "I know how I can come across so thanks for giving me a chance I guess?". "You never need to thank me for that" you said "I wish I'd have done it so much sooner". D.O. realised you were still holding his hand and looked down. You followed his gaze and dropped his hand "sorry! The alcohol and weeks of wedding stress are kicking in. I'll leave now before I do anything else embarrassing" and you disappeared. D.O. however didn't find it embarrassing at all. D.O. woke up the next morning feeling great! Which was hilarious as all his members were clutching their heads and moving slowly, nursing hangovers. After last night D.O. was in pretty good spirits and he still got goosebumps when he thought about everything you'd said to him. However one thing was bothering him. He'd mentioned how after his ex he'd become more cautious but he meant what he said about admiring people who went for what they wanted. It applied to him so much that he felt a bit like a hypocrite and so he knew he had to tell you he just didn't know when. Luckily you had a car ride back together so he could work that out then. D.O. was coming back with you because he had to be in the studio later today while his other members didn’t. So they were going to go film something and do some sightseeing which D.O. was upset to miss out on that for work of all things but when he realised he’d be coming back with you he warmed up to the idea. He was waiting for you by the front of the hotel when you appeared. You came around the corner and D.O. paused at how beautiful you looked. Your hair hung loose and you had no makeup on at all. You looked so naturally radiant his heart skipped a beat as he took you all in. "Are you ready?" you called and D.O. nodded re-discovering the ability to speak. "Yeah let me just put my stuff in the boot" he said and hid his face behind your car. The car ride was the most fun road trip D.O. had been on. With the members, there was always someone who was too loud or an elbow in his side or someone who wanted to play music D.O. hated but there was none of that with you. The car ride was so peaceful and just proved to him how well the two of you got along yet again. D.O. realised he just loved being around you and enjoyed seeing you happy. He adored that he could now make you smile and it was pretty much on his mind constantly. You stopped off at a cafe on the way back and got breakfast. You were both pretty happy and made the waitress laugh several times at your infectious happiness. When it came to paying the waitress had clearly taken a liking to you. "It's on the house for the young couple" she said "how long have you two been together?". D.O. went to reply you weren't together when you spoke first. "6 months, we met at work" you said and the waitress grinned "I thought you had that honeymoon period glow! But to be fair 6 months is a little late for that so the two of you must just be the real deal". "We hope so" you nodded and the waitress smiled. "Well have a nice trip home, it was nice meeting you". "You too" D.O. said and he held the door open for you. The two of you got back in the car and D.O. paused "so she thought we were..." he trailed off but of course you knew what he was saying. "Yeah, I agreed in case she charged us for our bill. I love a free meal". D.O. took a breath "is that the only reason you said we were a couple?". You paused and turned to look at him "why? Would you like there to be another reason?". D.O. nodded "I would" sending a shiver down your spine. "You would?" you asked and he nodded not showing how nervous he was. "Yes, I'd like you to want us to be a couple because I want that...I like you y/n". You smiled "you do? I had no idea! Since I met you I've been so pleasantly surprised and I felt myself falling for you but thought I might've ruined it with my preconceptions". D.O. shook his head "you didn't ruin anything" and kissed you. Having a first kiss in car is slightly awkward because of the positioning. You both had to turn towards one another to reach but you managed. It wasn't the most comfortable position but neither of you cared. D.O. couldn't believe you were kissing him back and you couldn't believe how sweet D.O. was. Then D.O. tried to move closer to you and elbowed the dashboard sending a shooting pain down his arm. He cried out in pain and you jolted apart. "Are you okay?" you asked and he nodded sighing "yeah I'm fine..." then you both started laughing. Once you'd settled down you turned to D.O. "you sure you're okay?". He nodded "I'm better than okay" looking at you and you blushed. D.O. had to rush off to work as soon as he got back in the city but he hesitated to get out of the car “so are you free this evening for dinner?” D.O. asked “we can go to a restaurant or I can cook you something”. You smiled “I am but let’s go to a restaurant, I don’t want you to have to cook after working all day. I want to take care of you too” and D.O. went bright red making you chuckle. “How did I ever think you were scary?” you asked and D.O. smiled “I get why you did but hopefully I’ve gotten rid of all those thoughts now?”. You nodded “completely” and shot him a warm smile that made D.O. just want to kiss you all over again. The thought must’ve been contagious because you glanced at D.O.’s lips before sighing “so you should probably go before I refuse to let you”. D.O. smiled “I’ll call you as soon as I’m done with work?”. You nodded “can’t wait” and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. D.O. practically strut into work and smiled and greeted every single person he passed. His manager remarked he was in a good mood and he smiled “it was a good wedding!” and got ready to start recording but before he did he pulled out his phone and sent Kai a text which you ironically also sent Kai a few minutes later. 
Both of your texts were three words long. 
“You were right”.
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kjms · 10 months
𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐊 [ 𝐈 ]
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in the intricate dance of a friends-with-benefits arrangement, you and kyungsoo’s connection began as a wordless symphony of passion. however, once emotions started brewing beneath the surface, you knew that you could not come out of this relationship unscathed.
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𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄: fwb to lovers, angst
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: infidelity, sexual content, lots of angst
𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆: mature
like i said on my other fic i'm originally posted this on my old account in 2018 and then i deleted, so now i'm slowly reposting all of my old fics. so, if this seems familiar, please know that i didn't plagiarise anything. but, seeing as i've developed as a writer, i did rewrite it to fit my current writing style, but the content is the same.
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Some would say you were friends with benefits, but you were hardly friends to begin with. There was no room to question the depths of your relationship, because it was purely physically. Greetings, sex, formalities, and then you went your separate ways.
At the beginning, there was an irresistible attraction that had drawn you together, locking your eyes in a magnetic embrace. You moved as one on the dance floor, his hands firmly grasping your waist, foreheads touching, your breath intermingling as your gazes delved deep into each other’s souls.
He’d told you that this behaviour was out of character for him, but Kyungsoo’s actions afterwards contradicted any notions of shyness. His boldness had no limits, as he pulled you into his lap, teasingly brushing his thumb against your thigh before capturing you in a breathless kiss.
Somewhere along the line, though, things shifted, at least on your end. His kisses that once only made your brain slightly foggy, began to ignite a fire within your chest. His touches felt like electric shocks, each graze sending shivers throughout your body.
You found yourself falling in love with tiny facets of him—the deep laughter that came forward whenever you cracked a corny joke, the crinkling of his eyes as he looked down, attempting to suppress laughter.
Among these memories, one image stood out: the intensity that overtook him as he hovered above you. Muscles tensed with each thrust, and every so often, he would whisper sweet words, his lips brushing softly against your neck. With each encounter, a new part of him captured your heart, yet whether you loved him entirely remained a confusing mystery that you were not willing to solve.
Nonetheless, as his lip traced your collarbone, your stomach churned, a turbulent mix of excitement and emotional turmoil. He had a hold on you like no other, a grip that left you questioning whether it was healthy for you to feel this way.
His tongue traced a path up your neck, pausing at the jawline before leaving light kisses on the corner of your lips. You held your breath, waiting for him to kiss you with the same passion that always put you at a loss for words. Instead, he stared into your eyes, sliding your bra strap down, a small smile forming on his face.
“What?” Your voice barely rose above whisper. You’d intended to ask a follow up question, but gasped as his teeth grazed your neck, followed by a tantalising swirl of his tongue.
He withdrew once again, fingers threading through your hair, lips meeting your forehead. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured. “Lie down.”
When it was all over, you lied there, a heaving, sweaty mess, your thoughts scattered liked leaves in the wind. Yet, amidst the chaos, one thought remained—how different your chest felt this time, how your stomach was tangled knot of emotions. You looked at him, his breathing ragged, and your unease deepened when he smirked, reaching up to caress your cheek.
Another thing to love: the way he looked after sex. His hair clung to his forehead, his chest heaved, eventually settling into a calmer rhythm as he fought to keep his eyes open.
It was sight you’d witnessed many times, and you cherished it more than words could express. But something felt strange, as if something was missing, but you couldn’t figure it out. You were content with your arrangement, excited even. It was a new experience that you loved.
You sighed and found comfort in the shower’s hot water, attempting to calm to your nerves. It offered some comfort, though not enough to get rid of the odd feeling in your chest. You stepped out, grabbed the towel that he left for you, and walked back into the room, water still trickling from your body as he sat on the edge of the bed in his boxers.
His intense gaze, reminiscent of your first meeting, held you captive. It was the same gaze that had made him even more alluring in your eyes. Yet now, it felt different—more like he was scrutinizing you, but not in a purely sexual way.
"What's wrong?" he asked, tilting his head. "You're not say much, or anything at all."
"I'm just not in the mood for talking. It happens," you liked, though it was obvious he was unconvinced.
"Is it?" He rose, positioning himself behind you, so close you could feel his breath on your neck. Moments later, he wrapped his arms around you, swaying gently as your towel loosened. "I don't know much about you, but I've gathered enough in these past four months to know something's on your mind."
His sudden closeness exacerbated her internal turmoil. Their intimacy typically disappeared as soon as the physicality ceased. If you were lucky, he might tap you shoulder before you left. But now, with him so near, his electrifying touch trailing up and down your arm, your heart raced uncontrollably.
"Come on, you can tell me what's bothering you." His voice turned soft and tender, an attempt to coax you into sharing. The problem was that you hardly understood your own emotions, let alone how to articulate them.
"Nothing, I promise," you replied too quickly, and he sighed, releasing you. "I'll be gone soon."
He observed intently as you dried yourself, put on your clothes, her movements slower than usual as you fought to regain your composure. His hand suddenly rested on your shoulder as she stashed her phone in her purse.
"Would you like to stay a little longer?" he inquired.
His question had a seemingly suggestive undertone, prompting you to make a joke out of it in the hopes of convincing him you were fine. "God, you've got the stamina of... well, whatever animal has a lot of endurance."
"I think humans technically have the highest endurance on average, but that's not what I meant," he sighed, scratching the back of his head. "It's nothing sexual, honestly."
You arched an eyebrow, puzzled by what other intentions he might have, given your past four months had been exclusively devoted to physical encounters. "Then what?" you asked.
"I might as well get to know the person I've been regularly having sex with," he shrugged.
You nodded slowly, taking a seat on the bed, arms crossed as you looked at him. A small smile graced his lips as he joined you one the bed, turning on the TV. Your focus wasn’t really on anything, except for the smile on his lips as he scrolled through movie options.
He loved movies, something that you realised immediately. He mumbled comments about each film he passed. “Boring… Cheesy… Stupid… Good, but not for now.” Your lips curled slightly at the sight of his slightly widening smile when he landed on a particular movie. “What kind of movies do you like?” he asked, turning his head towards you.
“I’m not picky, but I have a soft spot for romance,” you replied with a shrug.
He edged closer, raising an eyebrow, still perusing the movie choices. “I wouldn’t have guessed that,” he mumbled.
Confused, you asked, “Why’s that?”
“Well, because you seem comfortable with casual sex,” he shrugged. “But then again, you can’t judge a book by its cover.”
He had a point, but your current situation only started by chance. It had taken a month before you even decided to put a label on your relationship and lay down a few rules. Before that, it had been pretty much the same, but neither of you had been comfortable enough to discuss the circumstances.
He glanced your way for a split second, still navigating through movie options, and asked, “What’s your favourite food?”
“Pasta,” you answered. The smile on his face grew wider, making your stomach churn.
“Me too,” he declared. “One day, I’ll make some for you.”
Something dark gripped you, and you couldn’t help but voice your uncertainty. “What makes you think we’ll continue seeing each other much longer? I mean, you and I both know there’s nothing actually keeping us together.” As much as it hurt to acknowledge, your lack of emotional connection meant that he could easily drop you in favour of something or someone else. And since seeing Kyungsoo had become part of your weekly routine, it was a bit terrifying to think about.
He flashed a confident smile, countering your doubt. “Just a gut feeling.” His attention shifted to the movie poster on the screen, a vintage silhouette of two lovers. “Have you seen this movie before?”
A shake of your head confirmed your unfamiliarity with it, and he continued to deliberate while you tried to maintain a respectful distance. Not out of disgust to avoid becoming a shaky mess again. Your nerves had somewhat settled, and you wanted to keep it that way.
“I think you’ll like it,” he spoke softly, his voice carrying a tenderness. “Well, based on the little I know about you. It actually made me shed a tear the first time I watched it.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, shaking your head. “You just want to see me cry,” you mumbled.
He countered playfully, “Nope. I’d rather make you moan.” A chuckle escaped his lips, his full attention now on you. Jokes like that were common between you, and each time, they had a way of making you face hot. His gaze flickered back to the TV screen before returning to you. “Do you want to watch it?”
“Yes, but aren’t you going to ask more generic questions? Like my favourite colour, or my… favourite number?” Your words stumbled out, partly because you couldn’t think of any other generic questions he could ask, and partly because his smile momentarily stole your breath.
"Pink, and you don't have a favourite number," he replied almost instinctively. "You always have some shade of pink on you. If it's not in your clothes, it's in your underwear, sometimes even as simple as a hair tie." He paused, explaining his assumption. "You hesitated about your favourite number, so I figured it was a trap. No matter which number I picked, I'd be wrong. Of course, I could be completely off the mark."
You smiled, your heart quickening once more. "You're right about my favourite colour, but my favourite number is four," you confessed, giggling when you saw his mouth open. "Well, you got one right."
"I’ll take it" he grinned. "Now, let's watch this movie."
You focused on the movie but also monitored his every move, overwhelmed by his scent. It wasn't the most pleasant blend—latex and sweat—but knowing why he smelled that way stirred a whirlwind of emotions. It took a moment to refocus on the movie, and you were glad you did.
He was right again; the movie was breath-taking. By the end, you found yourself in tears, though that wasn't a rare occurrence, especially with romance films. You loved watching the intricate dance of people falling in love, but it was a double-edged sword, evoking your own longing for something similar. Yet you knew there was no room for love in your current arrangement.
Sighing, you wiped your tears as the credits rolled, feeling his pull as he drew you closer. His warmth, his scent—it intensified your emotions, and you couldn't explain why. A weight settled on your chest, and you knew you had to shake it off.
"It's alright," he whispered, his fingers trailing through your hair. "The way you're crying, you'd think this movie didn't have a happy ending." Laughter erupted from him, causing the bed to bounce with each burst. "But I don't blame you. It was beautiful, wasn't it?"
You nodded against his chest, sniffling as you tried to wipe away the remnants of your tears. Instead, he took it upon himself to perform the task, his thumb brushing against your cheek with gentle tenderness. He exhaled softly as he cradled you closer.
You couldn't figure out the source of this newfound intimacy, but you revelled in the warmth of his bare chest, the rhythm of his heart beneath your fingertips, and the sensation of his touch electrifying your body. It was a nice change from just sex. Sex was undeniably amazing, but spending time like this with him made you inexplicably happy.
Still, your chest remained strangely tight, especially as his thumb continued its soothing caresses. You sighed and pulled away from him. "It's late. I should go now."
He nodded and rose from the bed. "Did you have a good time?" he asked, studying you as you got out of the bed. "Overall, I mean."
You nodded, smiling at him. "Yeah, you always know what to do. The movie was really good too." With that, you left the bedroom, Kyungsoo following in your wake. “Black and twelve.”
You turned around, smiling as he raised an eyebrow. “Your favourite colour and number. You’re always wearing black, and I think you mentioned that your birthday is on the twelfth of January. And you don’t really put much thought into stuff like that, so you just say twelve is your favourite number for that reason alone.”
He hummed. “You’re right. You’re very observant.”
You nodded and continued walking, then paused at the door to put on your shoes, and turned to follow through with your regular procedure—a wave, a goodnight, and leave.
However, this time was different. He pulled you in by the waist, drawing you so close that your bodies melded into one another. His hands then climbed to cup your face, his gaze penetrating yours with soulful intensity.
As your heart pulsed in your legs, you sensed that he felt it too. His smirk conveyed his awareness. You hadn't prepared for this, so you weren't surprised when your body responded with a surge of nerves.
"You're really beautiful," he murmured. Before you could fully process the compliment, his lips met yours with a fervour that left your knees trembling. His lips were as soft and plump, and his kiss transported you to another realm. It erased your thoughts, leaving only the fluttering of your stomach and the relentless pounding of your heart.
Even after he broke the kiss, your mind remained a whirlwind. You marvelled at the breath-taking sight of his smile, his hands still at your waist. One hand reached up to tenderly brush his thumb across your nose, and an unintended noise escaped your lips.
He released you, opening the door. You stumbled out in a hurry, yearning to put as much distance between yourself and the perplexing intimacy as possible, eager to regain your composure and return to the façade of normalcy.
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decantingstxrs · 1 year
sneaking around was so sexy to you.
you loved waiting till your roommate left for classes to sneak into your other roommate’s room for some fun. was it the risk of getting caught? or maybe the fact that you shared this dirty little secret with just him? whatever it was, did it get you going.
luckily it was an early day. your roommate left for a grad school interview while your secret lover took a ‘sick day’ from work.
“so. i’ve got a couple quick questions for ya,” you ask, placing a hand on his chest. he eagerly responds to your body language, reaching behind to cup your asscheeks in his hands.
“how long do you think he’ll be gone?”
“i’d say a couple hours.”
“right. and how many rounds is that?”
“two, maybe three.”
“five if you can cum quick enough.”
“i’ll take that bet.”
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marshmallow-phd · 1 month
A Manor of Shadow and Blood
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won’t let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4
Leaning against the faded brick of the manor inspecting his cuticles was the one you remembered as Baekhyun.
"You've hardly cared in the past," Jongdae said drily. He shifted so subtly and minutely that you would have missed it if you hadn't been looking at him, silently pleading for protection. And, for some reason, he'd given it to you. That small shift was enough for him to come between you and Baekhyuon. 
"We haven't had this kind of excitement for a while." Baekhyun leaned to his left so he could see you. "Enjoying the moonlight?"
"That seems to be a normal activity in this place,” you murmured. Jongdae sent a rather pointed look in your direction. The message was clear. Speaking was not wise. 
The left corner of Baekhyun's mouth curled upwards. "Mind if I join you?" 
"You don't have an errand to run?" Jongdae raised an expectant brow. 
A deep, rumbling chuckle slowly escaped from Baekhyun's lips. He leaned forward menacingly. "Already done." 
Jongdae released a sigh full of resignation. His gaze moved to you. If protest was to be given, then it had to come from you. But fear kept the two-letter word from passing your lips. 
Gathering your skirt in your hands, you said nothing as you passed both of the men and continued on your walk. They quickly fell into step on either side of you. No one spoke, letting the silence become the norm as you took in the manor from a new angle. But it was difficult to focus. 
On your right, you could feel Baekhyun's closeness. One inch separated an accidental brush of fingers. The flutter of his loose sleeve continuously caught your attention. A wind had picked up, moving the distracting fabric even more. Giving in to your peripheral, you watched Baekhyun as he stretched his neck from side to side, his grin now gone. The long lithe fingers of his right hand gently massaged the soft skin. 
"Are you injured?" 
The idiotic question was out before you could think it through. Jongdae, apparently done with the protector role, shook his head with a huff and roll of his eyes. Baekhyun's earlier demeanor returned in force. No longer walking, Baekhyun shifted his body and gradually leaned in. 
"Why? Do you want to... take care of me?" 
"No," you said sharply, trying to make your voice a cracking whip. It was the wrong approach. His grin grew and something flashed behind his lips. Your eyes refused to leave his own. He came closer. No matter how hard you willed it, your feet refused to move. 
At the soft, confident call of his name, Baekhyun backed away, a rather... grumpy expression on his face. 
Junmyeon approached the group with his usual authoritative air, hands clasped behind his back and hair somewhat tousled. "Will I have to keep an eye on all of you at all times?" he asked in a very exasperated voice. His gaze narrowed in on Baekhyun. "Don't you have an errand to run?" 
Baekhyun straightened, gleefully replying, "Already done." 
Junmyeon didn’t waver. "Go find another." 
Slackjawed, Baekhyun glanced at Jongdae for a possible retort. When he gave no protest, Baekhyun turned to you, as if you would protest his dismissal. Quite the contrary, you were thankful for it. 
Knowing he'd lost, Baekhyun whirled quickly on his boots before stomping away. 
"Jongdae," Junmyeon moved in closer. "I'd like to speak to her alone." 
Not caring for this sudden dismal towards him, Jongdae shrugged and held the bag of buns out for you.
"No, thank you,” you said bitterly. He was abandoning you to the most terrifying wolf. The food already in your stomach churned and threatened to come up again at the thought of being alone with Junmyeon. What would he do with no witnesses to intervene?
Your acidic response slid right off of Jongdae. Swinging the bag by his side, he walked away without a second thought for you.
"There's still some path around the house,” Junmyeon said, suddenly appearing by your side, his elbow offered out for you. When you didn't accept his elbow, he took possession of your hand and held it hostage in the crook of his arm.
You would be going with him whether you found it agreeable or not. 
"I want to apologize for keeping you here," he said rather cooly, as if he were apologetic about missing dinner.
You scoffed at the heartless comment. "The only true apology would be to let me go."
"That was my original intention." 
You stopped just before the turn around the corner. With the hold he had on your hand, Junmyeon's steps also came to a halt."You– You were going to let me go?" Your throat constricted. What had happened to snatch your freedom away so quickly? "Then why keep me?" 
Junmyeon sighed and forced you to continue the walk. "We took care of you for the days you were sick with fever and realized we've been missing a feminine touch around here. It brings out the better sides of us." 
You didn’t believe him for a second. "The better side of you? I hate to see the lesser side." 
He leveled his eyes with you, his features hardened like stone. "No one is to touch you." 
"Really?" You scoffed. "Should I list the few incidents just in the past twenty-four hours?" 
Junmyeon’s eyes flashed. "Sehun has been reprimanded. That won't happen again." 
"And Mr. Yixing?" 
"Mr. Yixing? What about him?" He blinked, confused.  
"He was in my room last night." 
"What!" His voice cracked like the lightning before the storm rolled in. You flinched at his severe reaction. Realizing your face was full of fear, he composed himself. His voice came out more gentle. "He will be reprimanded. No one is to go into your room without permission." A frown knitted his brow. "Is that why you fortified the door?" 
You swallowed, forgetting that he had tried to enter earlier this evening. "Yes. Yes, it is." 
The way he nodded gave you reason to believe that…. Well, that he might actually be listening. 
"No one will ever enter your room without permission again," he promised. His leveled gaze made you believe him. 
"Even you?" you asked. 
His throat visibly constricted, but he didn't argue. "Even me." 
As relieved as you were for that promise, you couldn't be entirely ecstatic. "Why keep me here? 
The earlier coolness and arrogance of his demeanor had washed away. "I told you. We need a companion."
"We?" You pulled away from him, disgusted. For reasons unknown, he let you slip from his grasp this time. "I'm not something to be passed around for you all to play with." 
"Of course not." A ghost of a smile began to cut in the corners of his lips. "You'll choose. In time. Whoever you wish, we are at your disposal. Until then, you’re all our guest."
"That doesn't make any sense,” you pushed. "You're all fine gentlemen." In looks anyway. Manners was an entirely different  discussion. "Surely by the end of the season in town, you can all find a suitable wife." 
"We... have our reasons," he said slowly. "Your traditional ways aren't suited for us." 
"My traditional ways?" What could that possibly mean? 
Junmyeon didn’t explain. He merely took your hand and pressed cool lips to your knuckles.
"In time, you will come to see the truth. Until then, no harm will come to you." He turned your hand over and gave another kiss to your wrist. Letting you go, he walked away, his promise still lingering behind. 
On the edge of the gardens, a small swing made of a simple plank of wood and two long ropes hung from a mighty tree. It whispered a minute comfort. Not having been on one since your childhood, you were wary of sitting on the sun faded seat, unsure if the fringed ropes would hold your grown woman weight. 
There was no governess or wealthy aunt around to warn you of snagging your dress with such unladylike behavior. With cautious movements, you slowly turned and sat on the swing. The ropes didn't snap. 
Not wanting to test your luck, you didn't push yourself into full motion. No, you simply kept your toes on the ground, shifting only slightly from side to side. 
It was peaceful here, in this tucked away corner between the manor and maze-like hedges of the garden. No one else seemed to be around and that allowed you space to think. This was to be your home for... a longtime, it would appear. The negatives were more than obvious. So much that dwelling on them was pointless. That meant you needed to try and find a good thing in this situation. 
Your aunt. 
Well, that was easy. 
While she wasn't really a terrible human being, having to serve as her companion wasn't pleasant. Every whim of hers had to be met, the truth of your dowry hung over your head. And she could be as demanded as the Queen. Her holiday was not to be your holiday. 
And then there was the matter of your future. 
It wasn't that you didn't want to get married–you did. But you wanted love, passion. You wanted fire in your blood and yearning that could never be quenched. You wanted to know what it was like to be desperate for another person’s touch. Someone who looked at you with a gaze that sent your heart racing. Perfectly adequate was not what you wanted. 
Perfectly adequate was what your aunt was planning for you. Perhaps even less than adequate.
The rustling of nestled branches pulled you from your depressive, lonely thoughts. Kyungsoo had emerged from the garden hedges, his boots crunching to a halt on the rocky path. He stared at you with a horrified expression. The first bit of emotion you'd seen from him and it was accompanied by widened eyes and tightened lips. Was there something wrong with you merely sitting here? 
The one called Chanyeol appeared behind him. His gaze was more on the friendly side, something resembling a smile sent over to you. He took a step to start your way, but Kyungsoo grabbed a hold of his sleeve and dragged him away.
"Don't mind Kyungsoo, he avoids us all at one time or another." 
Jongdae suddenly chopped from the branches, landing on his feet beside you. Standing from the seat, you glowered at him. "You've come back, have you?" 
"If Junmyeon wishes to speak with you alone, then I'll give him that wish." His tone suggested that Junmyeon's wishes were met more like commands. 
"Well," you huffed, "then please obey my wish to be alone right now." 
Jongdae bowed deeply yet mockingly. He stayed behind, watching as you retreated back into the house.
Shoving the door closed, you leaned back against the wooden barrier that separated the main hall from the outside world. Only a few days ago, you had stumbled through those very doors, desperate for sanctuary. As insane as it sounded, perhaps you were given a bit more of a sanctuary than you had asked for. 
With a new resignation, you continued forward until you reached the main parlor on your left. 
The room was empty. Signs of recent usage were scattered amongst the furniture. Red stained goblets, chairs pushed away from the card table, a blanket half falling from an armchair. Thin slivers of moonlight broke through the heavy curtains, cutting across the floor like knives shattering the darkness. 
You stepped in further, drawn in by the grand piano off in the far left corner. It was so large it took up nearly a fourth of the room. Its black coat shimmered, even with your dull eyes. Someone loved this instrument, that was certain. They kept it polished and tuned. The ivory keys beckoned to create music. 
But you didn’t know how. Of all of the lessons to educate you that you latched onto, the piano had not been one. Still….
You jumped at the piercing sound of the plucked cord, a quiet gasp passing your lips. Your finger had pressed down on its own accord. Eyes frantically searched behind you, but none of the men appeared. You brushed your fingers along the keys, astonished by their softness. If only you could play the songs you knew in your heart. 
A hand suddenly covered yours. Several keys screeched at your second jump. 
Chanyeol didn’t apologize for scaring you or say anything gentle at all. Your mouth went dry in worry as he removed his cool hand from yours. You watched as he rolled the sleeves of his black silk shirt up to his elbows. He didn’t look up at you. He sat down on the bench and began to play. 
For a moment, you simply stood and listened. But you needed to be closer. Closer to the music, to the beauty that was being created before you. The remainder of the bench was under you before he could second guess. Your eyes fluttered close as the notes drifted up from the piano and wrapped around you, protective, whispering sweet nothings in your ear like nothing you had heard before. They were a lover, a comfort. You could lose yourself in that melody forever. 
The song too soon faded to an end. Your eyes remained closed, desperate to hold on. 
“Did you like it?” Chanyeol whispered. His deep voice was so low you almost missed it. All you could do to answer was nod. Coldness touched your cheek. Your eyes snapped open. 
Chanyeol was only an inch or so away, his dark eyes staring not at your own gaze, but lower. He ran his tongue over his lips. All you could do was breathe. 
You'll choose. In time. Whoever you wish, we are at your disposal.
The fingers against your cheek drifted down and brushed against your collar bone. 
In a blink, he was gone, only the ghost of his touch and the echo of the melody left behind.
Your breath quickened in panic. Jumping from the bench, you ran out into the hallway. The barely visible back of Chanyeol was on the edge of darkness. 
“Wait!” you called out to him. “Mr. Chanyeol, wait!”
He paused. Then slowly turned around so his face, half covered in shadow, was to you. 
“Play it again,” you begged. You wanted to hear more. Needed to hear more. And, he didn’t scare you. Not in this moment. You had been wanting to discover a story for yourself that you had read a thousand times. Perhaps, this could be the beginning. 
A shining smile growing on his face, Chanyeol nodded and came back to you for another song. 
Chanyeol played for hours, never tiring or stumbling over the keys. Every note came from within himself. He never pulled out a single piece of sheet music. Each time one song ended, he paused only long enough to seek approval from you for another before beginning the next. 
For most of the concert, you sat in silent appreciation, but occasionally, you risked speaking to ask about the piece he was currently playing. Nearly all were his own compositions.
"How have you had time to write all of these?" you asked as the newest song came to a close. 
His fingers paused on the last keys, elongating the notes in a way that felt out of place. Throughout his playing, he had looked at you to gauge your reactions. But now he kept his eyes on the instrument, his brow furrowed. 
"I've had a lot of time," he said quietly. "All the time I could have asked for." He lifted his hand from the keys and stretched his fingers, curling them inward and then back out again. 
You laughed light-heartedly." You look hardly eight and twenty,"
"Have you been composing your whole life?" A forced smile pulled tightly at his lips. 
"For a very long time." 
You frowned at the cryptic answer. But your stomach prevented you from pushing another question onto him. The gurgling sound was soft, but enough to bring your hand to your stomach. 
"Oh, that's right," Chanyeol chuckled softly. "I forgot you have to eat." 
"Yes, I do that on occasion." The memory of his lack of dinner the other night brewed in your mind. And he said “you have to eat”. Not “we”. Was it merely a slip of the tongue? "Will you show me the kitchen?" 
"The kitchen?" he echoed. 
You nodded. "Yes. I don't need a full meal. Some bread, cheese, and salted meat would suffice." 
"Oh, erm." He stood from the bench somewhat clumsily. "Actually, you stay here and I’ll fetch you some food." 
He was gone before your tongue could click on the “T”. 
"Well, humph." That was abrupt. It wasn’t as if you had asked to see the coffers. You merely asked to go to the kitchen. 
Many times at home you had prepared your own midday meal. There were obviously no servants around here. What could be wrong with you entering a measly kitchen? You had half a mind to go try and find it yourself, but... you were hungry. And if you got lost, it could be a decent amount of time before you were able to eat. You could always search another time. 
Standing up from the bench, you wandered over to one of the tables still holding a dirty goblet. Remnants of deep red wine stained the inside of the glass.
At first glance, the drying liquid looked like any dry red wine you'd seen a hundred times. But there was something odd about the way it coated the glass. The thick red stain it left behind....
You wiped a finger around the inside and brought the coating closer to your vision. There was a stickiness to it that was different from your previous experiences with spilling the nightly drink. And the color... it was richer, more striking red than a deep purple. A color you had seen time and time again. You pressed the finger to your tongue. And immediately spat the taste out. 
It was undeniably blood mixed in the wine. What the hell were these men? 
"Do you insist on being everywhere?" 
You stumbled back from the deep voice, your hand colliding with the goblet. The delicate cup flew off the table towards the hardwood floor. Before it could shatter As a million pieces, a hand snatched hold off the goblet. 
Kyungsoo didn't replace the goblet onto the table. He stared at you with a hardened expression. His dark eyes like hickory seemed filled with shadow. 
"What are you?" you whispered, your heart beating so fast it was traveling up your throat. 
Blood, reflexes, cold breath. 
Things that weren't human yet familiar to you anyway. Somewhere in the back crevices of your childhood. 
Kyungsoo leaned in, forcing you back until you stumbled into one of the chairs. 
"What are we?" he scoffed mockingly. His top lip curled upward, revealing unnaturally long canines. "Figure the monster out for yourself." 
Fear charged through you like a prized stallion. You scrambled past him to get away, tripping over the hem of your dress as you fled. Chanyeol reappeared in the entrance, two others by his side and a tray of the exact morsels you had asked for laid out in an intricate picture in his hands. But you didn't pause long enough to appreciate it. You ran from the room, their confusion in your wake.
You ran until you reached the sanctuary of your room. You shoved all you could in front of your door to keep them out, keep them all out. 
Reflexes, grace fullness, nighttime. 
Blood, cold breath... fangs. 
Not human. 
That was what Kyungsoo had said. Had called himself. You were in a house of monsters. But what kind of monsters? 
Gathering the blanket from the floor, you crawled onto the bed and buried yourself under the fabric shield. Immediately, the air grew hot, but still you folded in on yourself, your arms tight around your shoulders. Eyes squeezed shut, you wondered how you ended up here, what you had done to deserve it. 
You prayed silent prayers that you make it simply through the night.
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justwritedreams · 1 year
A headcanon of Kyungsoo realizing he has feelings for the reader
I'm enjoying that you're asking members that I haven't written yet CONTINUE!
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Author: Maari
Warnings: minor errors probably because i wrote it in the break of work
So you and him have been friends for a long time
You have a lot in common
Enjoy having in-depth conversations on a variety of topics
You like to do the same things
And you are each other's excuse to get away from noisy and crowded places
And one day, you managed to escape from a club
How had you ended up there? Ask his extrovert friends
None of you wanted to go but it wasn't like you could say no
Thank you Chanyeol 🫡
So when you accepted his ride, you could finally breathe a sigh of relief as you got into the silent car
Both of your heads ached from the loud music
And you were so sleepy that you leaned against the car window even as he was driving
"I thought you couldn't get away from Baekhyun" he chuckled
And you, of course, laughed along, looking at him
He was so focused and so handsome
"I didn't remember he talked so much, I thought you were going to leave me there" you said and his laugh increased
"Don't think it didn't cross my mind"
And you were like 😲
Your plan had been simple:
The two would take a 5 minute break to go to the bathroom but actually you would run to the door and leave the place
But Baekhyun delayed you because he kept telling you how sad he was because his girlfriend had gone on a business trip
Although far away, you could see Kyungsoo's bored face in the middle of the crowd, waiting for you 🤣
But it wasn't like you were going to argue with him because
You would do the same lol
You just smiled and closed your eyes, too tired to talk
And he not only understood, he respected 🥺
And when he turned to face you real quick
He never noticed before how you had a glow of your own
He frowned thinking it was some illusion in his head
Or that kind of intrusive thinking that no one has control
He dropped you off at home and you invited him in
And he was more worried about you because you had worked a lot during the week
And on Friday you looked like a zombie, you were so tired
So he accepted
He felt good in your house, it was quiet, it brought peace
You lay down on the couch and he helped you take off your shoes
As he already knew your house, he went to get a blanket so you wouldn't be cold during the night
And when he came back, you were already asleep
Sounds cliche, right?
But well, the time he put the cover on you
He couldn't help but push the hair that fell into your eyes
And it was only then, watching you sleep so serenely that he felt his heart warm
Anxiety in the stomach that wasn't bad at all
And an involuntary smile appeared on his face
And when he leaned in to kiss you
He was like oH 😳
He straightened up again but brought his hand to his mouth.
Not believing that he had almost done that because
Damn, was he in love with you?? Since when?
He was always very clear about what he felt, what he thought...
And he just now noticed that he likes you?
Poor baby left your house so confused he couldn't even remember where he had put his car keys 🤣🤣
But he wouldn't be the only one confused
Because good luck if you think he's going to leave things the way they were
Expect a very sincere confession 👀
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