anambermusicbox · 2 months
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naw-naw-honeyimgood · 2 years
I do not hate Lan Xichen.
I don’t! He’s not actually a bad character, not a TERRIBLE brother, and there’s definitely worse characters you could stan (looking at you, jiang cheng, yu ziyuan, xue yang stans. looking at you with disgusted eyes)
He truly does care about lan zhan, which is good.
This is the part where you say “i’m sensing a ‘but’ here...” and I say:
I don’t want to write a character study. God knows that if I had the energy to write a whole-ass character study I’d write more of my fic ideas or wips. 
First of all: his trust in Meng Yao. Meng Yao is a character he trusts IMPLICITELY for only two reasons: meng yao saved his life once, and he wants to protect meng yao, coddle him, keep him safe (much like a baby owl or a kitten or a puppy). look at him! with his big eyes and his pouty “daddy doesnt wike me....” and his “er-ge, da-ge Yelled at me againnnn.....  🥺 “, he has DESIGNED his persona to be honestly So Fucking Pitiful that Lan Xichen can’t HELP but feel bad!
His first mistake with meng yao is letting these two factors overule a VERY important factor in “who to pick/trust”: what do your girls think. and also WHY do your girls think that (if is goes against what YOU think). Lan Xichen, unfortunately, does not have a group of girls to befriend who would take one look at that skeevy fucker and say “um. honey- no. that is like 8 red flags in one”, so we must look to his left at his oldest friend (besides his brother), Mingjue. Who HAS, in no uncertain terms, told him that meng yao killed someone, planned to blame it on someone else, then feigned death and ran away. 
Lan Xichen does not respond to this with “oh fuck well I was wrong about him then sorry”. he says “well it sounds like there was a misunderstanding! sounds like the person he killed deserved it, but he still shouldn't've killed him! hmm, we’re in harsh times- hard to tell who’s at fault” (apparently very easily ignoring the “blame some else, then feign death and run away” part) 
(part paraphrased from Chapter 50: Guile Part 3 of webnovel’s translation)
again, dont want a character or even scene study, so moving on-
there’s also a point to be made that apparently Xichen believed the “oh im so pitiful and sad 🥺 🥺 🥺 “ act even after meng yao went undercover as WEN RUOHAN’S head torturer and played the part so well he got close enough to gut him. like, props to meng yao for pulling it off,tbh, but xichen. you are SO fucking stupid. after that and pitiful act shouldve ALWAYS been recognized as an act but NOo.
Meng Yao literally gets away with murdering Mingjue because Xichen trusted him over Mingjue, and isn’t that just so fucking twisted. Xichen was probably Mingjue’s oldest friend too, and to know the last words he heard him say was telling Meng Yao to run while he protected him from Mingjue... fuck, i GET it why his DISMEMBERED body had so much fucking resentment. i GET it why Huaisang was pissed at him. FOR GOOD FUCKING REASON!
He also apparently trusted meng yao SO GODAMN MUCH that he went sharing all the details of LAN ZHAN’S personal life to him. fucking gossip. xichen i do not give two shits if you needed someone to talk to cuz you felt SO MISERABLE THAT YOU JUST HAD YOUR FUCKING BROTHER WHIPPED THIRTY-THREE FUCKING TIMES but that does NOT give you leeway to go crying to meng yao about “boo hoo wangji loved that terrible wei wuxian that i kept encouraging him to hang out with like five years ago. boo hoo he fought us to protect that terrible wei wuxian after wei wuxian survived an attack at that pledge conference we were at where we were pledging to kill him even after wen qing and ning gave themselves up. boo hoo we had to whip wangji thirty-three times because he fought us even though im the sect leader and i couldve vetoed any and all punishments. boo hoo that terrible wei wuxian didnt even love wangji back.” like FUCK. those are personal fucking details that only LAN ZHAN can and should share unless with his permission and he SURE as HELL did not trust meng yao, much less enough to air out all his fucking laundry. 
one of wei wuxian’s most integral character features is that he does not hold grudges. he does not expect and DEFINITELY doesnt demand apologies. and it makes him a very good character, very, hm, unique. it also pisses me off, though because I’M angry FOR him, and I WANT HIM to get his fucking apologies. 
In the end of the story, when i finish end to end, I look at Xichen and feel... disgust. Pity, but not in the PITIFUL UWU  🥺  way, just “wow, that guy is just... useless.” In the end, Xichen has sentenced himself to an indefinite seclusion. He feels Very Bad and his worldview is... shaken, to say the least. “Aw, poor Xichen,” maybe im supposed to think. “poor poor xichen, he trusted the wrong person, meng yao broke his heart... poor xichen......  🥺” 
I do not think “poor FUCKING xichen”
he is in a hell of his own fucking design. who asked him to seclude himself? who does he help by being in there? what does he accomplish? 
He never apologizes to huaisang. I don’t care if he figured out that huaisang made him stab meng yao to fuck with him- he didnt even kill him. xichen is still the fucking reason meng yao could kill mingjue.
He never apologizes to wen ning and SIZHUI for the fucking GENOCIDE he aided and participated in. 
He never apologizes to LAN ZHAN, whose laundry has now been spread to not only bitch-faced uwu   🥺, but to lan zhan’s future-husband w/o lan zhan’s consent, and also random jin cultivators, random MONKS, and a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD!!! never apologizes for the HYPOCRISY of trusting MENG YAO and punishing lan zhan for trusting WEI YING!!!
and he never fucking apologizes to Wei Ying.
Maybe he does feel sorry for his actions hidden in that fucking house of seclusion. in fact, he probably does, probably feels VERY SORRY. is probably thinking to himself “oh im such a terrible person  😭 i trusted the wrong person and betrayed so many people  😭 i dont deseve to live  😭” which is exactly the kind of bullshit that you DONT fucking want in an apology. 
I hate that Lan Xichen never apologized to Wei Ying. And I also hate that Wei Ying wouldn’t even let him apologize, would just be “oh no worries”
I want Xichen to apologize. And I want We Ying to say “hm. No, I don’t think I’m ready to forgive you just yet.”
#lan xichen#zewu-jun#grandmaster of demonic cultivation#mdzs#i also distinctly HATE reading xichen telling wei ying off for hurting lan zhan's feeling in fics (and in canon but it is PREVALENT in fics)#bcuz most of the time the misunderstanding is#like canon#lan zhans fault#literally all lan zhan talks to wei ying about after yiling patriarch debuts is how dangerous it is#how bad it is#how he should come back to gusu for cleansing#of COURSE they argue all the time about it!#lan zhan couldnt ONCE say he was honestly worried about wei ying? honestly concerned?#this is book canon btw so there was none of that cutesy zhiji stuff#wei ying literally dies thinking that lan zhan hated him#that speaks on a fundemental level that lan zhan fucked up#so blaming wei ying for that miscommunication is SO fucking scummy#this entire rant was brought upon by a spy fic#where apparently the end twist was that meng yao#who works in the same agency as wwx lwj lxc etc#was a TRIPLE AGENT????#working with the GOOD agency to bring down jin guangshans agnecy#but ofc he had to prove himself useful to jgs so he hindered and interfered w/ missions of good agency#and good agency was suspicious so#FOLLOWING BOOK CANON- he frames wwx#which wasnt surprising#what WAS surprising was that XICHEN was fucking WORKING WITH HIM#lan zhan goes to xichen's office like 'hey i know ur necking with your secretary and i think he's the one who leaking info'#and xichen fucking STRAIGHT-FACED CALLS WEI YING IN AND FIRES HIM#WITH LAN ZHAN IN THE ROOM
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Anon #1 asked: heyyyy, im so happy to see that you’re back, i missed u a lot❤️ i wanted to request 52 and 71 with angel reyes
@aquamento asked: hey hey miss arizaaaa i could i request prompt random 4 and prompt fluffy 73 with angel reyes?❤️
Anon #3 asked: just saw that you’re taking prompts again !!!!!!!! yaaaaay i wanted to request 58 & 65 with angel thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu💖
71. “Yuw butiful”. “Are you drunk?”
52. “Let me take care of you”.
73. “Want to share an ice cream?”
4. “Where the fuck is my shirt?”
58. “It’s cold, hold me”.
65. “Read for me, I love your voice”.
Word Count: 1.4k
Author comments: This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @angels-reyes.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Someone starts to hit your door angrily and with some kind of desperation, using the palm of a hand and not the knuckles. Placing the bowl of ice cream on the table, you walk towards the entrance, unlocking the door to open it. Angel is there, staggering and carrying a bottle of tequila in his right hand. He smirks at you, brushing back his hair with the ringed fingers, resting his body against the frame.
“Yuw butiful”.
His voice sounds proud, pointing you with the right forefinger, about to let the bottle fall down but holding it up masterfully before spilling it to your feet.
“Ain't gonna be a cowboy anymo'”.
“You mean… a coward?”
“Ya', that's wha' I said. A cowboy”.
“Are you drunk?”
“Who knus, querrrida?” Angel hiccups, covering his lips with a fist for a second.
“Okay, big guy… Let me take care of you, ain't gonna let you drive back home”.
“Yu ma hom, mami”.
“Sure…” Rolling your eyes, you palm his back as he comes into the house.
After closing the door, you take out of his hands the tequila, leaving it over the auxiliary table in the hall. Then, you proceed to take off the kutte, until he grabs your wrists.
“Wo, mami, tak'it'slowwww… Guv me a kiss fir—first”.
“If you don' let me go, Angel, I'll kick your ass into a cold shower”.
“Da'ya like ma ass?”
“Do you want me to call Bishop?”
“NO, NO, NO, NO. SHHHHH… no”. He places a finger on your lips, pressing them to make you shut up.
“Good. Now, give me the kutte”. You demand pulling away his hand from your face.
He obeys like the good boy he really is. Then, he takes off his boots using his heels and supporting his body against the wall. Angel is drunk. Too drunk that he can't even speak well. And looks so funny and adorable trying to flirt with you. You are finding it too difficult not to tease him, when you watch him walking, stumbling over his own feet, to the sofa before falling down on it with a heavy sigh.
Raising up both eyebrows, containing a loud laugh, you come closer palming his back.
“Hey, make me some space… You're bigger than my sofa”.
“Da'ya wanna know wha mo es' bigge?”
“Fuck, no, Angel”. You can't help but break in laughs finally, sitting in a corner of it when he decides to rest his head on your lap.
“Wha ya wa doen?”
“Watching a movie. Want to share an ice cream?” You ask, taking the bowl with both hands.
“Wa flivo?”
“Foc is tha?”
“Ok, try it”.
You offer him the spoon right to his mouth. He licks it, like a dog, before spitting it over his shirt with a disgusted sob. You laugh again while he complains and curses in a drunk spanish, until your neighbor hits your wall.
“Di ya col Bichop?”
“No, Angel. I didn't call Bishop”. You chuckle putting down the bowl over the floor to get up. “You look like a baby”.
“I can be whatava ya wan, mami”.
“Take off your shirt, before you… stain it all”.
“Ef ya wanna see ma nakid jast tell me”.
“Por Dios, stop talking, Angel”.
“Shot ma ap”.
“Yeah, I wish I could really shoot you right now”.
Having to help him, you undress the old Reyes, throwing down the shirt. And before you can press the play to continue with the movie, he grabs your arms to hug himself with them.
“It's cold, hold me”.
You try to get comfy by lying your body down under Angel's, and resting his back on your stomach. He has his eyes closed, with his callous hands touring your knees and your legs from top to bottom. You know how drunk he is, and you're not going to take any advantage, but you like him too much just to not feel anything right now. Your fingers do their work too, watching the film oblivious on the TV, stroking his bare chest with ephemeral caresses.
Under his warm skin you can feel his heart beating quietly, just like his breath. You're not sure if he's sleeping or if he's resting his mind, but he jumps a little between your arms when your phone dings.
“Wasap? Wha's tha'? Where the fuck is ma shirt?”
“Oh, Jesus Christ…” You're laughing again, bowing on the table to take your phone.
“Who is? Ya bofren? Lemme fack hem up”.
Angel begins to throw up some punches to the air, as if he was boxing, making you frown and wrinkle the nose. Bishop is asking you if Angel is there, because he spent the night telling them that he was going to propose to you. You're blushing so fast that even the drunk man notices it.
“Tall ya bofren to fack hem, am ya bofren now”.
“Is your jefe, asking for you”.
“Read da text. Read fo me, I luv ya voice”.
“No, Angel. You should sleep”.
“Bu here with ya”.
“Angel, you weigh a lot”.
“Da'ya wan—”.
“Fuck, no. Stop”. You laugh again, trying to get up while he clings onto your body like an octopus. “Angel, please… Let me go”.
“No…” He sobs once and again, grabbing you stronger. “I came wolken from da club, don' go, plez”.
“Oh, shit… Let me… lie a little comfy at least”.
And he does. Of course he does, after walking for almost one hour to your house, even if it is no more than ten minutes away. Molding your body to his, you turn off the TV, placing your head over a cushion. You fall asleep sooner than you thought you could do it, with Angel resting peacefully on your stomach.
But when your eyes open up again, he's not there anymore. Not even his boots. Not even his kutte. For a second you think that maybe it was a dream, but your shirt smells like him too much. You sigh heavily putting your gaze on the rooftop. He was so close. So close of asking you out that it hurts a little to know that he probably won't remember what happened.
The doorbell ringing pushes you back to reality, getting up from the sofa and having to stretch your back and arms, before starting to walk towards the hall. Somewhat upset you open it, having a flashback of last night. Angel is there again, holding two cardboard glasses of coffee and a small bag.
“I think I owe you an apology”. He's trying to not sound ashamed, but he looks too adorable to think about it.
“Yeah, maybe…”
“I shouldn't have come… drunk. I just…” He purses his lips wrapped in a bundle of nerves, offering you what seems to be breakfast.
“You just what?” You ask then, holding it and leaving him enough space to come in.
“I like you”.
“Should I say that I didn't notice it?” You're holding a sarcastic laugh in your throat, closing the door and leading your feet to the living room.
Angel shakes his head following you, until he's finally in front of you again.
“Listen… I don't know what I said last night, I don't know what I did. I just… woke up without my shirt and betwe—”.
“You spit my ice cream all over your shirt like a fucking five years old eating… baby food”.
“Oh, shit…”
Now, he's more ashamed. Angel covers his face with both hands, drowning there a growl. And you can't help but break in laughs shaking your head.
“Then you… begin to… punch the air 'cause you thought my boyfriend texted me. I don' know, maybe you were feeling like the fucking Conor McGregor”.
“Oh, shit…” He repeats, looking at you between his fingers. “I'm so fucking sorry, I swear”.
“Was a… curious night. I had so much fun”.
“Fuck, I swear I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I only... remember to tell Bishop that I wanted to propose to you”.
“Yeah, he texted me. I just hope you won't do it”.
“Angel, the only night we have spent together, you were drunk. I'm not gonna marry you”.
“Not now, but one day”.
“Ahm… yeah, Angel. Not now”.
“But you want to marry me”.
“Maybe. One day. But we can start for a date”.
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mingjue · 4 years
another sangcheng cuddling bit :) set in early nights, but this wont be in their version of it i think
(requested by @adhdgays )
Arguing with his older brother was probably the most mentally draining thing Huaisang could go through. Both of them were stubborn. Both of them hated admitting they were wrong-- especially Mingjue, even if they knew they were wrong. Once they got a story or point they believed, they stuck with it even when proven wrong. It was annoying and tedious, but the one thing he could be thankful for was Mingjue refraining from yelling at him.
He’s gotten close though, if slamming the front door so hard it broke the metal frame said anything.
Nie Huaisang always took the bullet train straight to Lotus Pier right after these fights. Sometimes he would text Jiang Cheng to let him know he was coming-- sometimes he didn’t. He wanted to talk this time, because sitting in a train for two-ish hours being left to his thoughts wasn’t the best.
Jiang Cheng had been asleep when he texted him, so his reply came late. He didn’t mind. He actually felt a little bad waking him up so late. At the moment it was pretty much 1 am, anyways. But Jiang Cheng started texting him back, starting a small conversation. 
NHS: i’m gonna be there in about 15 mins i think JC: o i should.  come pickbu up then NHS: nonono i can walk bby NHS: u’re too sleepy :/ JC: nah JC: it windyas hel right now i don t wan u getting sick. NHS: u literally can’t type rn i’m walking. it’s a ten minute walk anywyas shut up JC: :(
Huaisang bit back a smile at that.
JC: if yu get sick in going to thro ubback to qinghe i caNNOT get sick NHS: i’m gonig to get you sick >:) JC: no. ffs
The smile finally broke through, and he covered his face with his hand instinctively. 
Nie Huaisang entered the home as quietly as he could, locking the front door once again behind him. After . . . Zixuan’s death, Jiang Yanli and her son was living with Jiang Cheng. He didn’t want to disturb them.
He took off his jacket and put it on one of the jacket hooks, kicking off his shoes at the step, but kept the bag he’d been holding-- he packed a bag intending to stay tonight, and tomorrow night. 
Not particularly being fond of how dark it was, he didn’t linger there for long. He made his way to the hallway of bedrooms and went straight to Jiang Cheng’s. Even if he didn’t need to, he knocked before opening it.
“Why should I not attempt to beat Mingjues ass right now,” He was greeted by a slurring voice coming from Jiang Cheng, who shut off his phone and tossed it to his nightstand.
“Because he’s probably twice your weight,” Huaisang hummed-- and suddenly tears pricked his eyes. He shut the bedroom door behind him, letting his bag fall to the floor before he walked over to the bed. He fell onto it beside Jiang Cheng, pulling the half asleep man into his arms to nuzzle the back of his neck, “It’s kinda my fault the argument happened anyways.”
Jiang Cheng hummed and settled against him, hands gently gripping his.
“What happened?”
“I . . .” His voice finally wavered, the guilt he felt when he first boarded the train hitting him immediately, “You know how he’s been having these like . . . breakdowns more frequently?”
“We were already arguing about that, right,” He hugged Jiang Cheng tighter, “And he was getting pissy about me wanting to talk about it in the first place, because Lan Huan’s been bothering him about it, but it all escalated--” He furrowed his brows and blinked at an attempt to hold back tears, “God-- basically I told him he’s acting like dad--” Jiang Cheng muttered a quiet, ‘oh damn’, “--and I was getting tired of dealing with him.”
Nie Huaisang flinched with a guilt-ridden sob and buried his face into Jiang Cheng’s neck. At that, he turned in Huaisangs arms to hold him in a tight hug, so his head was now at Jiang Cheng’s chest.
“. . . That,” Jiang Cheng paused, “You’re right to be annoyed with him, baby.”
“I shouldn’t have said that,” Huaisang cried, “Our dad was a piece of shit.”
“I know.”
“A-Cheng I made him cry.”
They both stayed quiet for a moment. Huaisang nuzzled into Jiang Cheng’s chest while he slowly rubbed his back.
“Is he still at the house?” Jiang Cheng asked a few minutes later, gently kissing Huaisang on the top of his head.
“He left before I did.”
“And he isn’t on good terms with Lan Huan right now.”
“I don’t know.”
Both of the men flinched when there was a soft knock at the door.
“Yeah?” Jiang Cheng grunted, then the door silently opened.
“Are you alr-- oh!” It was Jiang Yanli. Nie Huaisang turned to look at her but immediately turned away again-- he was still crying, “I didn’t realize A-Sang was here, sorry.”
“No you’re fine, did we wake you?”
“A-Ling woke me first, but you’re fine,” She paused, “There’s leftover soup I can heat up for you two, if you need.”
“Shijie, it’s almost two AM.”
“I don’t mind.”
Huaisang sniffled and brought a hand to his face to rub at his eye, “Thank you, I don’t know if I can eat right now though.” Jiang Cheng hummed in agreement. 
“Alright,” She stepped out of the doorway, “Be sure to get sleep, okay? Goodnight.”
Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng said goodnight in unison as she shut the door. 
“. . . Your sister is so nice, A-Cheng,” Huaisang mumbled, “Mingjue would smother me in a hug before telling me to get over it, then never talk about it again.” Jiang Cheng scoffed in a laugh.
“At least he’d hug you.”
“Yeah,” He frowned, “. . . I hope he’s okay.”
“I’m sure he is,” Jiang Cheng backed away to look at him, “I don’t think anything could really fuck him up this late.” Huaisang hummed.
They were quiet for a little longer. Eventually, Nie Huaisang prodded him to turn back around so he could hug him from behind again, poking at his chest and belly to tease him as he did. 
Before he could really get settled though, he huffed upon realizing he left his phone in his jacket pocket.
“I need to go get my phone,” He said, “In case Mingjue texts me or something.”
“He can text my phone.”
“He’s not going to, you know that,” Again he sniffled before placing a kiss on Jiang Cheng’s neck, just below his jaw, “I’ll be right back.”
He went to grab his phone as quickly as he could so he could rush back to Jiang Cheng’s room. As he did, he unlocked his phone, and sure enough there were texts left by Mingjue, and surprisingly Lan Huan.
NMJ: where are yuo. NMJ: Sangsang. NMJ: are you at Wanyin’s. NMJ: if you are asleep text me when you wake up ok. NMJ: or call me. NMJ: im sorry.
LXC: Do you know where your brother is? I can’t get a hold of him. Sorry for texting you so late :( LXC: Never mind, he showed up at the hotel. I hope you’re doing okay! :(
Huaisang frowned. Mingjues were sent just a few minutes ago, but Lan Huans were sent almost 20 minutes ago. Entering Jiang Cheng’s bedroom once again, he went to text Mingjue.
NHS: i’m at jcs da-ge
“He texted you?”
“Yeah, him and Lan Huan.”
NMJ: good. NMJ: im with A-Huan right now. NMJ: lunch when you get back. ok NMJ: ? NHS: ok NMJ: ok. goodnight Sangsang. NHS: goodnight
Huaisang sat down on the bed, “I think he’s going to act like nothing happened.”
“Don’t let him,” Jiang Cheng grunted, “Obviously you two have shit to talk about.”
“Yeah,” He sighed deeply and turned off his phone, setting it next to Jiang Cheng’s, “He wants to go for lunch. I’ll talk with him about it then,” As he spoke he turned around and laid next to him, once again pulling him into his arms. He nuzzled him before pressing a few more kisses along his neck-- which made Jiang Cheng raise his shoulders at being tickled, “Can I stay tomorrow night?”
“You can stay as long as you want,” Jiang Cheng grabbed his hand, “It’s stupid coming from me of all people but don’t try and avoid talking to Mingjue.”
“You’ve always been a bit of a hypocrite A-Cheng.”
“Oh fuck off,” He chuckled. Huaisang leaned over and kissed him on the corner of his lips with a small smile.
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kyungsoopilates · 6 years
THIS TOOK WAY TOK LONG I’ve been working on this for like 3 days i keep GETTING SIDETRACKED
85 Questions
Rulserinos: Answer these 85 statements about yourself and tag 20 people. (das a lot)
I was tagged by @vroomvroombaek 😭 i lOve you too wow hI 👋🏾
1. Drink: Kiwi strawberry Sparkling Ice (gud shit right here im telling you)
2. Phone call: my momma
3. Text message: a friend
4. Song u listened to: Cherry Bomb 🍒 💣
5. Time you cried: uhhh like two weeks ago
6. Dated someone twice: I m pure ive never dated anyone
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: ^ see the last one
8. Been cheated on: ^ 🤷🏾‍♀️
9. Lost someone special: 🤔 don’t remember
10. Been depressed: not to be depressing but depression is a constant thing 🏃🏾‍♀️ can’t get away from bitch shes clingy af
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: ooooooh boi I love a good margarita, never got piss faced enough to throw up tho sorry
Fav Colours..
12. LavENDER
14. whiTe and just pastel soft colours
In the last year have you?...
15. Made new friends: yah
16. Fallen out if love: nope
17. Laughed until i cried: i laugh until I can’t breathe never cried 😂
18. Found out somebody was talking about you: nobody but my momma
19. Met someone who changed you: not in the last year more like last 3
20. Found out who your real friends are: ^
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list: did i mention im p u r e
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl: like 75%
23. Do you have any pets?: no :(
24. Do you want to change your name?: kinda... nObody calls me by my real name except my parents occasionally
25. What did you do for your last birthday?: i think i got drunk i forgot
26. What time did you wake up today?: 11am
27. What were you doing at midnivht last night? Sleeping 😂 scandalous
28. What is something you can’t wait for?: my next pay check 🤭
29. What are you listening to rn: my shower 🚿
30. When was the last time you saw your mom: half an hour ago
31. Ever talked to a person named tom: yep yep i have a friend named Tom
32. Name something that gets on your nerves: people who fail to realise how much their words and actions can affect other peoples spirits 🌞
33. Most visited website: tumblr 🤷🏾‍♀️
34. Hair colour: dark brown
35. Long or short hair: my hair is short but i like it long
36. Do you have a crush on someone: nope
37. What do you like about yourself: myyyy mental strength?
38. Want any piercings: i want my nostril redone, Kinda want a medusa as well
39. Blood type: A+
40. Nicknames: from my family its Bird 🦅 and my friends call me Stan/Stanny
41. Relationship status: single
42. Zodiac: Aries sun, Pisces Moon and mercurY
43. Pronouns: she/her
44. Fav tv shows: Stranger things, any kind of space documentary or those horror ghost story shows
45. Tattoos: i have a cross on my wrist, im not super religious just cause. Hoping to get a sternum tat eventually
46. Right or left handed: righty
47. Surgeries: had one last year in October, had my gallbladder removed
48. Piercings? My ears and my septum :)
49. Sport: gross, tennis is cool tho
50. Vacation: 😤😔 I don’t GET VACATION I HARDLY LEAVE MY H O U S E
51. Trainers 👟: Puma or Nike mostly ooor Adidas I really want some Fila Disruptors 😭
52. Eating: none
53. Drinking: watahhh
54. Im about to watch: myself be locked out my house for an hour (I DONT HAVE MY KEY IM AVTUALLY IN MY C A R)
55. Waiting for: CHRISTMAS 🎄
56. Want: to move outta my family apartment
57. Get married: yus
58. Career: something related to art or graphic design
59. Hugs or kisses: h u g s
60. Lips or eyes: lips and TEETH im awful at eye contact so beware of your teeth and breath 😂😭
61. Shorter or taller: i guess taller but not TOO tall
62. Older or younger: 😈...jk definitely older i cant deal with the youngins now a days
63. Nice arms or stomach: if you can’t snap my neck with your bare hands I don’t want chu🤷🏾‍♀️
64. Hookup or relationship: relationship
65. Trouble marker or hesitant: hesitant for the rest of my life 😔
Have you ever...
66. Kissed a stranger: uhh
67. Drank hard liquor: yep
68. Lost glasses: lots
69. Turned someone down: no
70. Sex on the first date: im p u r e
71. Broken someones heart: probably my parents tbh
72. Had your heartbroken: mmm kinda
73. Been arrested: not yet
74. Cried when someone died: yep 👍🏾
75. Fallen for a friend: 🙃
Do you believe in..
76. Yourself: 😃 to an extent yes
77. Miracles: yayaya
78. Love at first sight: nah
79. Santa 🎅🏾: the concept is nice but no
80. Kiss on the first date: cheEk kiss 😙
81. Angles: sure
82. Best friends name: Lamiae (Don’t ask me how you pronounce that because its been 3 years and a still canNot)
83. Eye colour: brown
84. Favourite movie: not a huge movie person but i gotta say 형 one of the only movies ive sat and watched more than once
85. Favourite actor: 제 아이가 도경수 😭 my baby b o i
And i ill taggggg
@cherrysooda @monicaexol @kyungsoobery @kyungsoorose @spicydyo I Licherally blanked as soon as it was tome to tagged so everybody else yall do it too.
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