captainsupernoodle · 10 months
it's been a number of years since i was last watching dr who but i have been
* momentarily cut to me lying on the floor, wailing *
enjoying the 60th anniversary special!
the star beast - ten and donna had a great dynamic and i have season three on order at the library to recall just how good it is but hhhhhhhhhhooooooh boy. oh wow. the way they handled fourteen missing her. his expressions when they're in the bisected dagger drive. you can have as many rubber suit grasshopper men as you want if you have david tennet screaming about losing a friend all over again. aaaaaaaaaaah. a;lsjdlfs. hELP. the way tate delivers some of her lines just hits me perfectly. poking the meep in the eye and the absolute full-chested "WHAT the HELL." mad paddington. "i wanted to be kind, i wanted to be nice," THE WAY SHE USES HER VOICE. unparalleled. also the bit where the key thing she remembers about him - that she subconsciously tried to imitate - is his empathy and sincere desire to help. out of all the manifold elements and depths of him it's just. his sincere desire to help someone who's hurting. that sticks with her. WAH.
wild blue yonder - it's a war song but "it's jolly" and this has no parallels to a funny man in a suit swallowing thousands of years of trauma so he can laugh with people he only gets to keep for a year or two.
okay i need to stop thinking about that for a sec
the doctor/donna chemistry was FLAWLESS their one thirty-second exchange with isaac newton packed YEARS worth of comfort and joy into them bantering like that lskdjflskdj and then when they get out and he refuses to blame her for EXPLODING his NEW TARDIS and the way they have a spat that touches on real underlying pain and fear but then stop themselves and apologize.......both of them refolding their sweater/vest and crossing their arms as a comfort movement...i need to lie down. i know that's literally just the beginning of the episode but laksjdlfnslfljldsnvlksjdlfjiw
all of this is trying to distract me from the bit where HE WENT IN! FOR A HUG!!!!!! BECAUSE HE WAS JUST! HURTING! AND WANTED COMFORT FROM HIS FRIEND! AND SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM GOING TO SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anambermusicbox · 5 months
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evilminji · 2 months
Okay this is going to drive me INSANE. D:>
Dearly beloved, Phandom darlings...
I... I NEED to know. You don't UNDERSTAND!? Think about it. No, seriously. THINK about all those HIGHLY unrealistic, too good to be true, PERFECT looking meals. Animated shows n games etc where there are chefs who will "cook for Anybody!"
Now think about being 14 going 20. A teenager. A broke college student. Your fridge is empty and everything you touch? Comes back to LIFE. You're... you're just so hungry. Tired. Your bruises have bruises and you have a paper due tomorrow.
I kinda want to CRY.
Can only eat cup ramen so many times before you DO.
And this show? That commercial? Yonder cooking game?? Well... they did a REAL good job animating it. It looks so WARM. So FILLING and COMFORTING. You can practically SMELL it.
You look down at your sad, soggy, cheap but you can afford it, EZ Noodles and? Feel something BREAK inside. You... you KNOW you can travel inside technology. KNOW this. Have done it before. Why... why AREN'T you? You can't keep living like this.
You gotta TRY, right?
I? Wanna believe it TOTALLY works?? Because Ectoplasm is weird like that? And just shrugs? Says "actual food, the concept of food backed by electricity, what's the difference? Sure, we can fuck with this"? And so Danny? IMMEDIATELY fucking switches his diet.
Like? Dead stop screech, slam on the breaks, u-turn to take that last off-ramp. Type IMMEDIATE.
Grocery bill? No, no, you mistake him! No. NOW it's his "carefully researched for their cooking, games and shows" bill. Touch his collection and he'll FUCKING BITE.
They got sticky notes on the cases. Menus n lil fold out "grocery store" locations. He punched a dragon for this fruit. Mmmmm, home cooked meeeeeals~
Just? Weird Foodie Danny. Yes he DOES know what those steaks taste like. While YOU fuckers were staring at the cat girls bizangas, HE was eating granny cat lady's home made meatball stew! Ha! YOU FOOLS!
More then that? I want him to write reviews. Like "yeah, fight system was OKAY but- *5 hour glowing rant about the food, sounding like a food critic who'd actually fucking gone and loved it* " and people are like?? Who? Is this funky lil madman? This is hilarious?
I want it to be DPxDC JUST? So everyone slowly starts to play the game "Meta or Shtick?" Because no one REALLY knows who he is. This dude gets POPULAR though. For some reason can't be hacked (shame on you guys! Way to try and ruin the FUN!). And like? Eventually? Someone just fucking ASKS?
And Danny is like... " wouldn't YOU like to know, weatherboy?"
So everyone is like:
But hey... since they're already ASSUMING~? >:3c WHOOOOO wants to help him PAY RENT~? Let's VLOG this fucker! Wooooo! Say "hi" Catchef! *feline noises* like? It's like a let's play combined with a mukbang.
Teen Heros everywhere are FACINATED. Game developers are suddenly like? "If there's food. You BETTER make it look amazing. We want that weird YouTube twink to... whatever his powers are, our game! Free viral marketing!" Food channels? Rending their clothes, on their KNEES, please! PLEASE! Just ANSWER OUR EMAIL! Just ONE SHOW! A one off! Guest appearance!
We have MONEY!!!
All while Danny? Is finally happy with his life. Weird as hell. Harrasing the world. Good food on the regular. Gets to travel, kinda. Best of all? He's raising money from it! Can help people! Now... who wants salad?
@babbling-babull @hdgnj @hypewinter @legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @dcxdpdabbles @the-witchhunter @lolottes
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gracesimp · 10 months
I know
14th doctor x reader
Request/Summary: With the Not-Things, there's a lot of potential for angst and hurt/comfort, etc. Totally fine if you don't want to write this, but I keep imagining a reader companion who has been secretly pining for the doctor and the Not-Thing reveals their love for the Doctor while trying to prove itself and yeah
Wild Blue Yonder Spoilers.
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"You don't fool me," The Doctor says bluntly, looking at Y/n with his arms crossed and a grimace on his face. "You're not them, and I'd strongly suggest you stop pretending to be so before this ends badly." He threatens, voice dropped low into an hair-raising whisper.
"But I am! I'm me." They try quickly, tenuous pout on their lips and eyes full of tears. They place a hand to their heart, expression morphed into one of desperation. "Please, I swear! You have to believe me. After everything we've been through, you've got to know that it's me."
Scoffing and standing tall, eyes darkening dangerously, The Doctor shakes his head immediately. "Don't." He spits, taking a step forwards, so brutally it causes Y/n to step back in fear. "Don't you dare."
With eyes ingenuous and lips parted to allow shallow breaths to escape, Y/n responded quietly. "If I'm not me, then how would I know everything I do? How would I remember standing on the edge of civilisations, watching planets burn and being able to do nothing to help. Evil monsters - the ones that gave me this scar, remember?" They struggled, running a trembling finger down the little scar on their neck.
His face remains unimpressed. Blank. Angry.
"And how would I know how in love with you I am?" They whisper, swallowing thickly. "That thing may be able to fake being me, but they would never be able to fake a feeling as strong as that. Never."
It's silent for a moment, but then The Doctor's already dark manner growed into an appearance edging on detrimental. Without fear, he marched towards them, grabbing them harshly and restricting their movement.
A shriek left their lips, panting as they fought to escape his tightening arms. But then, their body fell limp, and they turned their head to look up at the doctor, smirk rising on the corner of their lips. "Got me." They taunt viciously then hissed as they kicked a way out of his grip.
Travelling with the Doctor, Y/n had grown accustomed to fear. The way blood would pump faster, the heart would bang harshly against the chest. It felt like it was going to burst out.
A few feet in front, the Doctor and Donna found sanctuary in the tardis. Unfortunately, Y/n was a tad slower. The two of them, Y/n and not!Y/n, exchanged a look before rushing into a full blown sprint.
"it's me!" Not!Y/n yelled as they ran. Arm reaching out, harsh breaths leaving their lips. "I'm me!"
"No, they're not! I'm me!" They corrected before suddenly halting in their sprint, hitting the other's back as they face the Doctor in the tardis.
But the Doctor's eyes never once glanced at the clone. Always, they remained on Y/n.
"I-I don't know how to prove it.." Y/n trailed off quietly before groaning, running a hand down their face. "Oh, gosh! Why can't I think of how to prove I'm me?"
"You don't have to." He answered simply, grabbing their hand and tugging them into the tardis, the doors immediately snapping shut with a bang.
"No!" Not!Y/n screeched as the door closed. They hissed and growled viciously, snarling at the fading spaceship. In a futile attempt to get the ship to stay in place, their nails clawed pathetically at the wooden box, blue chipping off and dirtying under their fingernails. "No!"
"That was scary." Y/n began, walking into the console room, freshly showered and in pyjamas, hair damp and eyes tired from the day's events. This captured the Doctor's attention and he immediately looks up from fiddling with buttons and such, a tiny smile instantly forming on his red tinted lips. His cheeks turn a sweet shade of pink at the sight of Y/n in one of his old tops. "I mean, I was starting to doubt that I was even the real me. How can you be so sure that you know I am?"
"I know," He assures quickly, not missing a beat. "and I will always know."
Blinking swiftly and nibbling their lip, Y/n looks down to avoid his eyes as their own cheeks colour, heart beating promptly. "Oh."
"You know," He begins, deserting the button he had been messing around with. "the other you said something interesting."
"Oh? Really? And what was that?" Y/n mumbles softly, rubbing their sleepy eyes and letting out a yawn. Upon seeing this, the Doctor's eyes soften and he grins, walking over to them and cupping their cheeks in his hands.
"Doesn't matter." He responds in a gentle voice, leaning down to press his lips delicately to their forehead. "Go get some sleep, angel. We can talk tomorrow."
As always, not proofread cos I'm lazy 🙈
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signor-signor · 3 months
Trending 27th - June 2024
What gives you the motivation for not giving up on Wander Over Yonder?
Well, for starters, when Craig McCracken brought up the uncalled-for cancellation, he also brought up the existence of…
The Plans
Here’s what Craig said in his Tumblr post from March of 2016:
“About a year ago we presented a pitch for a season 3 arc that promised to bring our characters together in new, unexpected, and hilarious ways. And just as S2 evolved from S1, we had a really exciting approach to evolving S3 even further. We had plans for new characters, the return of old characters, and even a bit of backstory! We were all really excited about the new direction and so were our bosses at DisneyXD and TVA.”
“Unfortunately, the higher up bosses of bosses of bosses at Disney decided not to continue with the show. It's not that they didn't like Wander, they just felt that 2 seasons and 80 cartoons was enough and they didn't see the need to produce any more.”
“For the record, this decision had nothing to do with the ratings performance of S2. Truth be told, we were informed that we wouldn't be continuing before S2 even premiered.”
If what he said is to be believed, the mediocre performance of S1 on Disney XD made the “higher up bosses of bosses of bosses” think WOY shouldn’t continue after S2, so they decided to cancel it five months after the pitch, one week before The Greater Hater premiered. Big mistake. After nearly a decade, Craig still keeps the plans for S3 under wraps, but his talk of S3 is enough to pique my curiosity. He piqued it even more when he brought up Star Force Enforcement Force in 2021. Truth be told, he knows way more about that third and final season than he let on.
At first, I thought S2 would wrap up the show nicely. Boy, was I wrong - it wrapped up S2, but not the whole show. Once I checked out The End of the Galaxy, I knew right then and there that one more season was planned, because in the end credits, I saw…
The Cliffhanger
I will admit, I found the last couple of minutes anticlimactic. Dominator spurned Wander’s friendship, Hater is still cuckoo for conquering (much to Peepers’s delight), and the main four are practically back where they began. I reiterate, it wrapped up the season nicely, but not the whole show, because what I’m about to describe is indicative of the show’s unfinished business.
Dominator walks off in angry defeat, trying to peel an orange (or open a jar of jam if you prefer, assuming you looked closely at what she grabbed), and she grumbles, “They’ll get what’s coming to them.” Unbeknownst to her, she passes by a crash-landed space capsule with its door unhinged. Green lightning flashes, ominous Hater-themed music plays, and simian screeching is heard and fades into Hater’s evil laugh.
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How is this anything less than an indicator of unfinished business? If stopping the show here is not a bad move, I don’t know what is. I’m positive English primatologist Jane Goodall would not be pleased with the decision to leave an ape stranded in space with no one around to help him. The question remains: who would find that space ape? Wander and the passengers aboard the Star Nomad or Star Force Enforcement Force? Only Craig and those who worked on the pitch with him would know and so would the bosses of Disney XD and DTVA. There’s also something that was on my mind after I watched the season finale. I shall now tell you about…
The Missing Pieces
I’m, of course, referring to parts that were absent from the episode and left unexplained. We’ve got the other villains, most of whom were last seen in The Bad Neighbors. Emperor Awesome made a silent appearance in The Sick Day, and that was it. As a certain @koskela13 indicated in a post 8 years ago, the villains never mustered up the courage to help the heroes fight against Dominator. There’s also Buster, the planet-sized puppy dog whom the Ballzerians call home. Since Beeza and the Ballzerians were among the refugees, he had to have fled from Dominator’s galactic onslaught. I found long ago that he’s supposed to be all right, but where he is remains to be seen. Same goes for Janet the Planet and her moon, Maurice; however, it was said that they were on their honeymoon, hence their absence in S2. Another thing that I think was left out was Wander getting to sing/play his banjo. Think about it, if the crew had wanted to stop after S2, would they have had Wander perform a glorious reprise of an upbeat song right after Dominator’s downfall? That was never done. It’s pretty obvious.
Moving right along, another thing that keeps me motivated is…
The Fan Content
Over the years, I came across countless fan pieces to make the Internet aware of the show’s existence, such as @wanderin-over-yonder’s calendars. It’s possible to come up with WOY-related activities, original characters, and meta gags.
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Master Yisuko
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Dr. Otmar Vunderbar
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In case you haven’t guessed by now, the possibilities are endless.
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I would expand more on the Star Nomad, but I’m sure you can find the information in my previous posts. As long as we’re talking fan stuff, let me refer to…
The Supporting Characters (and their VAs’ Longevities)
Apart from the five major characters, The End of the Galaxy had at least ten other characters speak solo (King Bingleborp, Destructor, the Cashier, Prince Cashmere, Neckbeard, the Lost and Found Guy, the Black Cube, Mittens, Major Threat, and Michelle). All the others barely had a chance to shine. For that reason, I put my effort into showcasing as many of them as I could in my fan fiction, The Eye on the Galaxy. What’s more, some of those characters are performed by voice actors over the age of 50. Stella Starbella was voiced by June Squibb, who was in her mid-80s while WOY was running. Today, she’s a nonagenarian, and if her performance in Inside Out 2 as Nostalgia is any indication, it’s not too late for her to reprise her role as that character. We might have until 2030 to revive the show, assuming June lives to be 100.
By the way, Major Threat was said to become a recurring character in S3, and we’ve yet to see him actually interact with Wander long after he put his days of villainy behind him.
Now I wish to bring up…
The Luck of the Other Shows
A vague and unconvincing reason for WOY’s cancellation was that two seasons/80 episodes were enough. I mean, really? Disney never felt that way about Fish Hooks, which I believe has three seasons and 110 episodes. Also, they allowed Star vs. the Forces of Evil to run for four seasons, putting it well over 100 episodes. And how about Big City Greens? Although not as frequently brought up as Gravity Falls, Amphibia, or The Owl House, it recently managed to get a whopping five seasons. They’re treating it like it’s the new Phineas and Ferb, although there’s no merchandising or presence in the parks. When I compare WOY to the aforementioned shows, it’s clear to me that it had the worst of luck. Heck, I wasn’t even sure if those other shows had pitches for later seasons. We can’t stand idly by while the plans made for WOY remain shelved. It just wouldn’t be right, y’know what I mean?
One more thing…
The Other Fandoms of Shows With Unfinished Business
I’ve noticed the presence of fans of shows that still have more to tell, including, but not limited to, Sym-Bionic Titan and Glitch Techs. One show that’s being resurrected as we speak is Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM), which ran in the 1990s for a measly two seasons and, just like WOY, was left on a cliffhanger (in this one, Snively re-emerges in a different outfit and is raring to take his uncle’s place and put a stop to the Freedom Fighters, and behind him stands Naugus, who somehow managed to escape the void). Fortunately, a group called Team Sea3on are working on a S3 premiere titled “Return to Robotropolis.” You can find this group on just about any social media platform - their determination to right the wrong done to the show is truly inspiring.
Did I mention shows like Hey Arnold! and Samurai Jack got closure after years of being neglected and incomplete? The same thing could happen to WOY if we persevere. Invader Zim, which also only got two seasons, got its overdue closure (I think) in the form of a Netflix-exclusive movie. If a season is too much work, fewer episodes or a two-hour TV movie should suffice.
And I think that’s about it for now. I hope all this information was enough to keep you all motivated! Fight on for fairness, my friends, and to those of you who think of The End of the Galaxy only as a SEASON finale, I thank you.
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
Hello, I saw that you were writing for Welcome home and was wondering (If you took requests for it) if you could possibly do a possessive/obsessive (if you want to do Yonder you can!) Wally Darling x reader where the reader has a bird, when weird things start to turn up and objects start to disappear- the comfort of their home grows sour- they end up questioning themselves on what is happening and that they may have a squatter or even a stalker/ intruder who enters the home when the are either away, at work or asleep till the bird starts screeching out "Darling" in the middle of the night and would freak the hell out when ever the reader has Wally or he gets anywhere close to the doll/ puppet?
(Browny points if Reader sees Wally as a comfort object/stuffy)
I thought it would be a cool lill thingy.
If not that is A OK! I only wish for you to be comfortable!
I LOVE THIE IDEA And birds <33 Tysm for the request! And don’t worry I am comfortable with this request tysm for asking either way. Also the bird is a parakeet but I just like the word budgie more! It sounds just sooo cute and fun to say! Hope you and everyone are having an amazing day/night
Warning ⚠️ angst, bad home life, panic attack description
( I might have gone a little overboard with this one so there are some warnings. I’m sorry but the angst gods told me to make ppl cry a river and I had to please them)
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“ Aren’t you just sweet?” You cooed out to your little budgie Bean as they nuzzled your face.
“Sweet bird! Sweet bird!” She squawked in agreement.
She was a little green budgie you had recently gotten from the pet store after months of saving. Bean was your dream pet. As a child you would always beg your parents for a budgie and constantly tell them everything you knew about them. But finally after moving out you had finally gotten your dream bird. And they were most definitely worth the wait from how sweet they were. Just a little cuddle bug and sometimes a mischievous little thing. For they had made it a habit of stealing some of your things to make a nest. It was cute but you needed your things back for your work.
After a month of having bean things started to feel odd. Not odd as in pigs flying but as if you were being watched. You knew it wasn’t bean because you would leave her beside one of your windows to have some sunlight in your kitchen. You would move her little “ house” to your room during the day. But at night you would move it to the kitchen due to her squawking a lot. At first it confused you why she would constantly squawk at night, but you thought it was maybe because of some of your room decor scaring her. Once you moved her out of your room to the kitchen she had finally stopped. Poor baby scared of something in your room. You just wished you knew what it was.
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You cuddled your Wally plush sighing as you stretched to go see what Bean was screeching about. Your budgie had been constantly almost every night yelling for you. It was concerning. At first you brushed it off as then just having separation anxiety but you were wrong. You needed sleep for work but your small bean came before that. As you went to the kitchen you hurriedly gently got them out of their cadge to comfort them. This wasn’t good. It’s a well known fact that birds could be scared to death. You might have to sadly get rid of Bean if this kept happening. You loved her but you didn’t want her to die because you couldn’t bear to part with her. You gently scratched the top of their head to soothe them.
You had brought them back in your room where Wally sat on top of your bed still. As soon as you got in there with Bean they started to freak out squawking “ Darling! Darling!”
Oh shit! They were scared of Wally. You placed them into their cadge before gently putting Wally away under your bed. They soon stopped calming down finally.
“ Poor baby. I’m sorry I didn’t notice.” You said to the bird.
You felt horrible for not noticing Beans distress over the puppet. How could you not have noticed for so long? Poor Bean.But you still wondered why they would freak out even when in the kitchen. Must be cats or something you thought as you cradled the tiny bird. Seeing them finally ok. Your tired brain had time to wonder what was bothering them in the kitchen later since it was late and you had a shift at 5 in the morning you needed the sleep. Yawning as you pet their fluffy green feathers for the last time before putting them to bed. You went to your own plopping face first onto the bed before snoring the night away. While a certain pair of eyes glared at the finally peaceful bird.
This isn’t going to well at all
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“Yeah you know that Wally plush I have? Yeah turns out Bean was just very scared of it.” You told one of your friends as you gave in another order of food to the back.
“ I wouldn’t blame them! That thing is creepy and how long have you had it for again…oh yeah 12 years!” They announced while you rolled your eyes before walking off to your next table.
It’s only been 12 years plus Wally is in very good condition because you may or may not have studied a lot about how to keep plushes in good shape for years. But that doesn’t matter! Wally was just a toy you always had. It felt as if he was always there for you. Listening to your frustrations, rants, bottled up feelings, and even helped you go through the worst year of your life.
Wally was given to you when a friend of yours had noticed you’ve been on the brink of harming yourself for a while. Your home situation wasn’t that good. And they had become worried, so on they gave you Wally. And you just felt a bit of a connection with the doll. It could maybe be that his eyes always looked like they were at attention every time you needed just somebody and Wally turned into your somebody. Sure plushies didn’t work for everyone but Wally did for you so whatever.
As you brought another ticket to the kitchen you had noticed a familiar color of blue poking out of your bag. You rushed to it flipping the top over to see Wally still staring at you with his smile and wide eyes at full attention as always.
“ How did-“ you muttered before being caught off by your boss yelling “_____ keep it moving!”
You hurriedly nodded as put the plus as gently as you fastly could back into your bag. This was the second time you accidentally brought him to work with you. It might have been from habit of always carrying him around but you don’t know you your anxious brain would bring him. You were now scared of being him anywhere except around the comfort of your home. For the fear of losing him, getting him dirty, one of his stitches coming loose, or even one of the cute buttons on his blouse popping off.
You must have just been so rushed today from your lack of sleep and accidentally put him in your bag as you were moving it out from under your bed.
You failed to once again notice the hateful glare threatening your boss as they still had their little yellow head poked out the bag.
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Finally after finishing your shift you were called to your bosses office. You dreaded being fired is he going to fire you? Is he sick of you bringing your plush to work by accident. You don’t get that distracted by Wally right? Right?
“ Do you know why I called you here?” She asked while her arms were crossed.
“ No ma’am…am I going to get fired?” You hesitantly asked.
“No _____ but. You need to stop bringing that thing to work! It’s been a distraction to you everytime! This is the second time I’ve had to give you a warning the next time I have to I’ll be letting you go. Do you understand?” She sneered clearly once again upset with your performance at work.
“Yes…Yes ma’am I promise next time to be sure they’re not in my bag before leaving for work.” You promised.
“Thank you _____. But don’t forget that I will fire you if you also continue to daze off during your shifts too.” She remarked as you nodded before turning your back to get out of there.
All the while this time the doll sent a silent threat to your boss. Mortifying her.
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Finally home you started to feel as if something was off about it. As you went to see where Bean was they were fast asleep behind their little toy. Yu stared in awe at how cute they were before silently putting some food I. Their cadge when they wake up. Their water was still full and you cleaned it yesterday so they’ll be fine.
You headed off to your room know Bean will alert you when they awake. As you got to your room to try and find some of your pens you noticed they weren’t there anymore. It was odd because you hadn’t had a break to use them in a while so how are they suddenly gone? You then looked for your headphones nowhere to be seen. Even looking for just a hair brush no where to be seen. That’s odd very odd. You used your headphones and hairbrush this morning. How could they not be there. This was creepy. You then looked for one of your oversized shirts once again no where to be seen. All of them except your blue and rainbow one could be seen. You then headed to your bathroom. Toothbrush, perfume, and even retainers gone. What the fuck. What the actual fuck this doesn’t just happen no. Bean couldn’t have done this because they were in their bird house all day. And you knew how to unlock it so… Is there someone in your apartment?
No there can’t be the window is shut, every door still shut, your front door locked, and everything was still as neat as you left it. Do you have some kind of creepy stalker in your house? No no! This can’t be happening you might have just misplaced them? Right you are just forgetful! No one can be in here you live alone with Bean. What if that’s what’s been causing her to squeak out every night. Were they trying to alert you? No, if someone was in here they would have still be screaming out.
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You felt too hesitant to go to bed. The lingering question if some stranger being in your house scare you to the bone. You cuddled your Wally plush close to you. Scared. Being full of all the dreadful thing someone could do while you slept. Or even the horrific idea of what they could do to you. Were you just paranoid? Is everything off and you misplaced them all. You didn’t know you were just scared. Tomorrow was your off day and you for once wished it wasn’t just not wanting to be in here right now but at the moment you had no where else to go. You couldn’t sell your house and clean it out because that would take months of work you didn’t have time for. You just wanted to sleep for one night with bean not disturbing you. Why must the world be so cruel with its ridiculous powerful anxiety prone ways of giving you a panic attack? Why does everything go wrong for you? You just wanted to live a good rest of whatever life you had once free from the old place you called home not worried about some stalker.
You held your breath trying to hear if anyone was there. Even as your eye’s watered you still tried to keep it in. But eventually after 5 hours of keeping your eyes open they eventually closed drained from work and too many all nighters.
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You woke up with Wally’s head now onto oof yours in almost a hugging position. And a few loud squawks coming from the kitchen. It was 2 pm now. Geez you slept for that long. You hesitantly got up looking around to see anything misplaced. Thankfully nothing was gone or placed somewhere else. You went to the kitchen the atmosphere of your home still as sour as it was when you came in you had seen Bean happily fluttering around wanting you to hug him. Even going as far as to demand them.
“ Hug and Kiss! Pretty bird! Hug and kiss pretty bird!” They chanted making you chuckle.
This is what you needed just this little distraction. Maybe you were just paranoid now seeing your two shirts on the laundry machine. As you turned around with Bean placed o toy our finger to get some food your hopes once again came crashing down. After they seemed to look up a heart gaped apple now laid on your counter white a yellow note beside the now sticky knife.
“ A sweet for my sweet <3”
No no no no no! No! This isn’t happening! No this wasn’t! Why does everything just go wrong for you? You needed to get out of here now. As you hurriedly for yours and beans things you tried to open the door only for it to not budge. How could it lock from the outside the only way to unlock it was in here. You set Bean aside as they tilted their head in confusion. You then started to aggressively try to pry the door open. Even going as far as to beat on it. After an hour of doing this till your throat was sore you stopped.
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You were now trapped with some sociopath. You started to hyperventilate sinking down to the floor crying. You didn’t know what to do! Your phone is gone. Because as you hurriedly got everything you noticed it wasn’t on your nightstand.
You felt helpless and trapped. Bean was event running low on food. You don’t want to be here. You just wanted some peace. You’re scared and overly anxious. You’re pretty sure you might have a panic strake from the rapid beating of your heart, the ache in your chest making it too tight to breathe and the endless flow of tears. As you shake out Bean worriedly plops on top of your head while you shaking figure tries to calm down.
“ Pretty bird! Wanna kiss? Mwah!” They squawked placing a gentle constant mwah with every kissing peck of theirs.
“ Oh pretty birds so sweet.” You cooed slightly calming down as the ache in your chest still left you gasping for air.
Just as you were starting to calm down a loud potter patter started to be heard across the floor.
“ Darling! Darling!” They panicked.
You went pale now knowing who your captor was as the familiar wide eyes and wide smile peered down onto you.
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Tysm for reading! Hope you enjoyed! I’m almost done with some of my requests so hope you enjoyed this one. And whoever requested this hope it lived up to your standards! Anyways hope you all have a good day or it gets better!
Sincerely -Cup1dT3a 💌
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degloved · 10 months
Heyyyy!! I love your hoffstrahm fics, can't get enough of them, the way you do them specifically. Was wondering if you at all took writing requests/prompts? If so, I've been thinking SO hard about a Strahm-lives scenario in which he gets Hoffman out of the bathroom. Doesn't have to be huge!! Just wondered about your take on it. -👾
i won't lie this has made me more excited than i can say !!!!!!! what do you MEAN people want more of MY hoffstrahm. god that's crazy. anyway!! absolutely anon, wrote a little drabble here just for you. hope you like <3
‼️ for the record, there isn't a saw prompt in the world i won't do. btw. if you send in any. for the record ‼️
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He'd driven past the house once, twice, three times now, in the past few days. It had to be joke. It'd be ridiculous to think otherwise.
Peter had thought it a joke at first.
A perfectly plain, unremarkable envelope—no return address—and within it, an equally plain, unremarkable piece of paper. Scratched into it in ballpoint pen, a set of coordinates.
The perfectly plain, unremarkable brownstone occupied a plain, unremarkable street corner. Its plainness and unremarkableness set Peter’s teeth on edge. He knew what kind of darkness, ugliness, lay behind those walls—so visceral, his skin crawled on approaching. It didn't sit right with him, not at all, that this shouldn't be reflected on the outside.
He wasn't sure what to expect upon entering.
A newly restored, freshly refurbished, entirely inoffensive interior wasn't it.
Meandering from one room to the next, he called to mind old crime scene photographs.
Here, Xavier Chavez tossed Amanda Young into a pit of needles. There, Laura Hunter fell victim to sarin gas permeating the air. Over yonder, Addison Corday slowly and painfully bled out.
No trace of them left behind. In their stead, an IKEA coffee table bearing a grossly fake plant—and more along those lines. Inexplicably, it angered him.
No matter.
He was drawn to the basement.
He wasn't going in blind, to tell the truth. They'd been hot on Hoffman’s trail for weeks—till the trail, suddenly and without explanation, ran cold. Call it a hunch, but Peter had been with the feds long enough to know when one ought to put two and two together.
The doors, although robust and seemingly heavy, weren't difficult to pull open. The accompanying screech was deafening. The stench might’ve made a lesser man empty his stomach.
A flashlight had been a good choice. Peter flicked it open, unleashed the military-grade light into the decrepit old room, watched it flood and seep into every nook and cranny. (For better or for worse—some things might’ve been better off remaining hidden from view; Peter wrinkled his nose at Gordon's foot.)
Hoffman sat there, a lifeless pile of limbs slouched against some piping. Peter couldn’t tell, not from that far off, whether he was even breathing.
He wasn’t sure which to hope for.
His boots click-clacked against the slightly sticky tile. Hoffman stirred.
His eyes, blue and tired and bloodshot, lingered on Peter. Alert but unseeing, cloudy and unfocused. How long has it been since Hoffman had been left down there?
A while, surely.
Peter could pinpoint the exact moment things snapped into place. Hoffman jerked like a kicked stray, a weak hand reaching out before again collapsing by his side. "Strahm?"
His voice was hoarse; beyond that, really. It crackled around each syllable forced up his raw throat. A haunting realization rattled through him: Hoffman must've screamed. He must have screamed for a long time.
"Yeah." Peter’s mouth was dry.
Peter wasn’t sure what had finally dragged his ass out here, to this accursed house and its rank basement bathroom. He'd have claimed revenge initially, or perhaps that deep-seated drive to see justice through. As it was, none of that seemed to matter much at all. Maybe he'd enact all those fantasies later, but...
For the moment, he found himself rather overcome with the singular desire to haul Hoffman to safety. (Certainly a strange sensation overall.)
Interestingly, instead of reaching for the bolt-cutters hanging off his belt, he reached for Hoffman’s dirty, grimy, cold face. Heaved a sigh upon feeling familiar skin beneath his fingers. (Godamn him to hell. Goddamn Hoffman, too.)
He sniffled—Christ, he sniffled.
"Been a while," he muttered into the pocket of air between them, running his thumbs over Hoffman’s cheeks.
Hoffman smiled an ugly, lovely smile.
Old habits and their hard deaths, and all that.
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c0smiccom3t · 5 months
I did not decide on a final design yet, but heres my shred force oc (take this as a concept design)
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And some info!
A robotic mouse-like creature based off Plasma orbs and Boomboxes/Stereos, which of course, has in their system (example: Plasma orbs for ears that turn into stereo speakers.
Nordic Bunny's second-in-command and part-time sergeant of his army.
This little fellow is not such an easy enemy to defeat despite being the villain's lower-grade assistant. They have the power of electricity on their side, which helps them to eletrocute enemies and not only turn out the power in the city but to also steal it, gaining energy. They also use their voice volume and ears as weapons, summoning eardrum shattering soundwaves and use their voice to scream extremely loud as a call for back-up, a sign to attack and as a way to stun their enemies.
Speaking of enemies, The Shred Force doesn't really understand them much. Hank picks on them for being too small and a sore loser but Ronny just doesn't mind them, he just knows the little dude will lose just like their boss does, especially when he's not present considering they go solo to face those kids. Heck, Hank has the tendency to call them "Pip-Screech" (Even Ronny agrees, not always but sometimes), a nickname Maddeodent ABSOLUTELY hates (like how Megavolt from Darkwing Duck hates being called Sparky). They won't stop at nothing until they succeed in getting the Shred Force captured and brought to Nordic Bunny himself.
Now, as for N.B... They LOVE the guy! Not in a romantic way obviously (at least not yet. or never.), but they think he's awesome and will help him no matter what. Whether its about carrying him, making him lunch, polishing his boots and what else, Mads is incredibly loyal to him and would do anything even if it could risk their life (not by extremely dangerous situations, even though they'd do it for granted anyway)! They love to be his little shoulder companion. But out of the two, Maddeodent has got more brains, making them a Ditzy Genius and often his voice of reason. The two have a pretty complex relationship, making them seem like they're actually friends, maybe they're his... Only friend? Who knows. Think of Commander Peepers from Wander Over Yonder and Zim from Invader Zim, mash them together, keep the assistant title, and you got this electric little robotic rodent ready to rumble!
Though Loud, Energetic, loyal, persistant, mischievous, troublesome and much of a sore loser, this little mouse will make sure that the Shred Force will be done for so Nordic Bunny can take over the Earth!
But yeah, once again, design not final. i need color palette ideas...
EDIT - VOICE CLAIM BECAUSE I FORGOT: Tom Kenny (Commander Peepers from Wander Over Yonder) & Jessica DiCicco (Evil Pea from Supertato, MINUS the british accent)
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The golden hour on the low road to Taos. Photo: Chuck Carl (July 15, 2023) :: [Robert Scott Horton]
* * * *
"Beyond the wall of the unreal city, beyond the security fences topped with barbed wire and razor wire, beyond the asphalt belting of the superhighways, beyond the cemented banksides of temporarily stopped and mutilated rivers, beyond the rage of lies that poisons the air, there is another world waiting for you. It is the old true world of the deserts, the mountains, the forests, the islands, the shores, the open plains. Go there. Be there. Walk gently and quietly deep within it. And then -
May your trails be dim, lonesome, stony, narrow, winding and only slightly uphill. May the wind bring rain for the slickrock potholes fourteen miles on the other side of yonder blue ridge. May God's dog serenade your campfire, may the rattlesnake and the screech owl amuse your reverie, may the Great Sun dazzle your eyes by day and the Great Bear watch over you by night."
 - Edward Abbey Beyond the Wall: Essays from the Outside entheognosis
[thanks whiskey river]
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entheognosis · 1 year
Beyond the wall of the unreal city … there is another world waiting for you. It is the old true world of the deserts, the mountains, the forests, the islands, the shores, the open plains.
Go there. Be there.
Walk gently and quietly deep within it. And then — May your trails be dim, lonesome, stony, narrow, winding and only slightly uphill. May the wind bring rain for the slickrock potholes fourteen miles on the other side of yonder blue ridge.
May God's dog serenade your campfire, may the rattlesnake and the screech owl amuse your reverie, may the Great Sun dazzle your eyes by day and the Great Bear watch over you by night.
Edward Abbey
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sonicasura · 1 month
Sonic/ Pokemon
Crash Landing Hello's
The expansive wild blue yonder, no matter the world, it always felt great for Trainer to soar high above the clouds with there Pokemon. Speaking of there family, Pidgeot who Trainer is currently riding with, is taking in the fresh air happy to be in the skies with Trainer. Corviknight was right beside them acting as a sort of lookout for anything dangerous, but they too are enjoying the flight. Charizard was currently doing barrel roll and somersaults enjoying the scenery and space of the lands below as they did. Then therenwas the last Pokemon that joined them on this flight Gligar. A Pokemon that was strong yet had a pension for crying wanted to join the group on the flight after Charizard suggested it. Gligar had wanted to get better with there flying abilites and impress some of the best flyers in Trainer's team. Trainer of course let them tag along as Gligar gently glided at Trainer's side.
Trainer: You are doing great Gligar, I know pretty soon you will be an Ace Flyer!!!
Gligar cheered in happiness at the praise they were given and kept up pace with all the others. It was a pretty nice flight for everyone however that came to a screeching halt when a sudden a gale picked up through the skies and ended up causing everyone to restablize themselves.
Gligar however completely lost there balance and ended up crashing down towards a nearby town.
Trainer: Gligar!!! Everyone quickly!!! Dive down and catch Gligar!!!
Everyone quickly bolted down towards Gligar who was trying too restablize themselves.
Knuckles was currently glideing around the city, making sure that there were no more badniks around the city perimiter.
Knuckles: Well that's the last of those tin cans, though the robot attacks have been increasing in frequency lately I won-
A loud cry ringed out above Knuckles and when he faced to meet it, his eyes nearly popped out of there sockets.
Knuckles: WHAT THE!!!!
if Knuckles was going to say more he didn't have the chance too as Gligar ended up crashing into him and causing the both of them to hit the ground.
Knuckles: Ow what the?! Hey what's the big idea you....pink...scropion???
Knuckles after he got up and rubbed his, began to shout at the person that crashed into him, only to be befuddled by the creature in front of him.
Knuckles: Oh...Um...Who are you!?!?
Gligar who had just gotten up from his crash position, answered the echidna.
" Gligar"
The small Pokemon said with gusto while pounding his pincer to his chest.
Knuckles: Well listen hear Gligar what's the big idea crashing into me like that?! What are you one of the Doc's mercenaries or something, cause' if you are I have no problem laying down a smackdown!!!
Gligar quickly began shaking there claws in front of them to try and calm the current situation down and began speaking
" Gli Gar Gar Gligar!!!"
Knuckles: Spouting jibberish at me won't help you now talk or-
Trainer: Gligar are you ok!!!
Trainer ended up landing next to Gligar with Pidgeot, with Charizard and Corviknight quickly following. Trainer immediately went to Gligar who ran towards them and jumped into there arms. Knuckles who stood there stupidyed asked what in the world was going on here? Who is Trainer? Who is the scropion? What are those strange creatures? After one long explanation Knuckles had his answers.
Knuckles: Ok, so I have everything completely understood. Your name is Trainer and these creatures are called Pokemon. All of you are from another world were there are tons and tons of different Pokemon and humans live together with them and you are hear seeing and exploring are world on am adventure. Did I get everything?
Trainer: Yup!
Knuckles:..... I would say that's all just one big story, however I have been too strange worlds and seen ancient creatures myself so I believe it. Though I gotta ask why did Gligar crash into me?
Trainer: A rough wind current messed with Gligar's glideing and sent him tumbling down.
Knuckles: Ah, a fellow glider I see! Well if I ever cross paths with you again along with Gligar I be happy too give some glideing lessons!!!
" Gli Gar Gar Gli"
Trainer: Gligar says that he would love to learn from a pro!
The conversation shortly ended after that and Trainer and the crew took back off to the skies, and Knuckles looked at them disappear into the wild blue a thought bounced in his head.
Knuckles: * Thoughts* Hopefully next time we meet I can ask what those strange gems they had on there hand were and why they give me such a similar feeling to the Chaos and Master Emerald....
Knuckle would sense the strange aura from the Mega Stones and Z-Crystals on Trainer. Also the offer to help Gligar with their gliding skills sounds so cute. Knuckles may seem rough but he's a pretty nice guy.
I can see him and Trainer talking about different cultures from time to time. Knuckles would be interested to hear there are Pokemon who also take guardian roles such as the Tapus for instance. He's quite happy to have someone that is respectful to his rules and culture. Knuckles deserves a break from people messing with the Master Emerald or causing a ruckus on Angel Island.
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dira333 · 1 year
Nightmares and Lullabies
Thor x Reader
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“Did you have nightmares, when you were a kid?” You ask Thor one evening as you’re staring into the flames of a bonfire.
It’s almost dark now and a few stars are already visible from where you sit, perched onto a tree log.
He doesn’t answer right away and you’re not sure if he’s understood. He’s trying, he’s learning, but his home is not like yours.
“You know, when you’ve had too much sugar before bedtime or when there was thunder outside - okay, maybe thunder is not scary for you,” he laughs softly at that and you snuggle a little bit closer to him as you speak on, “But you had dreams that made no sense but you felt afraid nonetheless, or maybe they made sense, in a wicked kind of way. I remember that I once dreamed I was being chased by a giant chocolate cake that tried to eat me. I was terrified.”
Thor laughs again, a booming, loud laugh and you laugh with him, because the story makes everyone laugh. It’s one of your favorite.
“I’ve never dreamt of terrifying chocolate cake,” he tells you and you smile up at him, “But you had bad dreams?”
He nods slowly. “I don’t think any men in Asgard has ever confessed their childish nightmares before. You are very convincing.”
You laugh softly and peck his cheek. “If it helps, I’ll love you even more, now that you’ve confessed. What did your mother do, when you had a nightmare? Did she sing you lullabies, like mine did?”
He nods again. “It seems to be a common thing.”
“What are your lullabies about? Will you sing me one?”
“You are very curious,” he states with a smile, “I’ll sing you mine, if you sing me yours.”
And you sing, the two of you, soft words, breathy rhythm, as more and more stars appear above you.
And as you fall asleep, Thor’s voice is still in your ear, the foreign but still so calming words in your mind.
The sky is dark and the hills are white
As the storm-king speeds from the north to-night,
And this is the song the storm-king sings,
As over the world his cloak he flings:
“Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;”
He rustles his wings and gruffly sings:
“Sleep, little one, sleep.”
Months pass.
There are days and nights you spend alone, worried for his safety, hoping for his return and there are nights where he’s close and your heart is at rest.
Months pass and you try to remember the song he’s sung for you, only ever able to piece together the first verse of the asgardian lullaby.
And then he’s back again and you sleep, your back pressed against his chest and there’s noise outside, not yet the thunderous sounds of a rainstorm, but the screeching and howling of the wind in the trees.
And the noise carries on, slips into your dreams like a determined cat, and the peaceful dream you’ve had morphs into something dark, and gritty and scary, gripping your mind with its claws and all you feel is fear.
You wake to a voice calling your name, confusion and tears staining your cheeks.
Thor looks at you with worry in his eyes, but you’re unable to speak.
He cradles you close and sings instead and the familiar tune and his strong voice scare away the darkness and the fear that had been haunting you.
On yonder mountain-side a vine
Clings at the foot of a mother pine;
The tree bends over the trembling thing,
And only the vine can hear her sing:
“Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;
What shall you fear when I am here?
Sleep, little one, sleep.
Years pass.
You sing lullabies to yourself, the one from your past to remember who you are and the one from Asgard to remember Thor.
Years pass and even though he’s never quite with you and never quite gone, chasing something he doesn’t really talk about, there’s no denying the love you feel for this man. You could settle for a safe choice, for someone who comes home everyday, someone who is human, but, you never really consider choosing someone over him anyway.
Years pass and Thor loses his brother a second time, only to find him alive once again.
Years pass and Asgard falls and you find yourself with Thor but in a place that isn’t Asgard and it isn’t earth either, just something in between, with Thor as it’s king.
He’s wiser now but he has payed a prize for this wisdom.
When he kisses you, he kisses in a softer way, as if he has realized that pretty things can break.
You find him staring into the mirror, trying to catch what has changed, but unable to piece it together, because it’s more than losing an eye and cutting your hair.
You hear him whispering in his sleep, frantic and scared, waking when you touch him and denying that his dreams are dark and bitter and probably more realistic than he wants to let on.
But if he is stubborn, you are as well.
And when he falls asleep, you cradle his head in your lap and stroke his cheek like his mother used to do and you sing the words he used to hear, willing it all away.
The king may sing in his bitter flight,
The tree may croon to the vine to-night,
But the little snowflake at my breast
Liketh the song I sing the best,–
Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;
Weary thou art, anext my heart
Sleep, little one, sleep.
And Thor sleeps, peacefully for once and that is all that matters for now.
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meowmeowmeow9 · 1 year
a work in progress i’m posting to force myself to finish the rest. enjoy
A young minstrel opened his eyes. Lashes parting, light crackling through - it was like the sun itself had made its way inside his eyelids. He shrunk under the shrieking and squawking of birds, screeching of wind, and the commotion of leaves on leaves battling each other against the draft. It wasn't until he could feel the slicing blades of grass on his cheek that he’d begun to cry. Whirlpools, twisting and pulling, spinning his head like a pinwheel on a freezing, stormy day, he could feel himself being sucked deeply into new, foreign lands. Trees grew so rapidly in his mind that roots tore through its soil, and the plates of the earth beneath him shifted; mountains towered above the clouds, sending raging boulders in a landslide down steep rugged terrain; they wailed as they hit the ground.
The minstrel tried to understand. He cried, so much he’d almost convinced himself his cheeks had become one with the tears, that his face mended into rushing water, and would turn into a resource for the angry grass.
Just then, the light started to dim. He was no longer blinded by the sun’s aggression, or deafened by nature’s grief. Slowly developed was his ability to see. He was overwhelmed by infinite saturation: deep greens and cold blues, intense grays and whites. Blobs of color molded and morphed into shapes: the light, swaying grass that whispered to joyous dancing leaves; mountains miles high with gallant, intimidating boulders rested non threateningly upon them; a tree hung lazily over his head. In it, he could see a nest, which an attentive yellow bird fluttered quietly into. The sun caressed his face in small specks of light peeking between the branches.
Next came his smell. He breathed in the dry heat of the surrounding underbrush, inhaled wafts of sweet cinnamon tree sap. But what was it, he wondered, that smelled so familiar? It was like the warmth of a childhood blanket, the notice of a mother’s call. It smelled like comfort and sleep, like the peace of a cat’s purr. He felt drawn to it. He felt that if he didn’t choose to go, the universe would pick him up by the waist and take him there.
He sat up and examined his surroundings, searching for the source of the smell. Over yonder, he noticed a dirt path winding through the grass into the distance. He sloppily crawled to a stand, but quickly collapsed beneath himself. Inconveniently, he’d decided all fours were good enough, and pulled along the dirt trail after the welcoming aroma. As he crept closer, the boy got a better look at the homely estate. Sunlight gleamed on the dancing water of a small pond beside vibrant green gardens, bursting with the jovial sway of purples, blues, and pinks, all flagrantly smiling through their petaled faces. Smoke billowed righteously from the mouth of a bricked chimney. The dirt path was softly paved around the curvature of the building, and as he creeped around a corner he beheld the sight of a woman.
She strolled the gardens; the young little minstrel was drawn to her instantly. He was shocked by her glow, as if he was witnessing the stars and the sun walk the Earth - and the tune she hummed was disrupted by a rash gasp from the minstrel's throat. The woman looked his way, and his heartbeat resembled that of a hummingbird.
“Well, well,” she acknowledged pleasantly. Lightly, she strode to him, and the minstrel was convinced she walked on the air. Her dress lingered behind her. Is she afloat? he wondered, Or simply heavenly?
“Young one,” she started, cupping his cheek, “so soon?”
He gave a confused expression in response.
Her smile warmed. She traced his face with her fingertips, as if admiring artwork. “Get up,” she directed.
Remembering his failed attempt to walk the first time, the minstrel tensed. He tried again: he wobbled and wavered, and he made it halfway, but just couldn’t do it. He flopped back to the ground like a newborn fawn.
“I can't.” he murmured.
“You’re not ready. That’s okay." With her arm, the woman gestured behind her to present him with a variety of gallant steeds, all diverse in color, size and shape. The builds of their faces each told a different story. The minstrel was almost overwhelmed by the number of options.
“That one!” he declared. His finger pointed to a tall, slender-legged stallion. Its mane was long and smooth, resting over the shape of its shoulder, dipping into its chest. It stood confidently, showing no care to hide its authoritative disposition. Its strength was not threatening. On the contrary, it felt protective and safe. With a muscular build, it had a commanding, yet dependable presence that the minstrel wanted to be near.
And so, with a beckoning call and a grip of the minstrel’s sides, the woman effortlessly lifted him onto the dappled gray of the horse’s back. They fit together perfectly.
“Come,” she waved.
A vast, golden field. The grass, now dry, still granted a bucolic sway under warm and mellow breezes. One could hear the crunch of each step of the stallion’s hooves, and the rustle of the soft, crowded blades as they brushed against the woman’s torso. The sun shone distantly as the evening neared, yawning and stretching over the great valley. The tall mountains were now lowly peaking hills, rolling over each other, as if sculpted by waves of the ocean.
The minstrel watched the woman walk before him and the stallion. He examined her hair as it bounced lightly within her movement. With every blink, she appeared to him differently. Her hair became a different length, a new color. Her skin took on a new pigment with every second he stared, and, on occasion, she even appeared to him as a man.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“Who am I?” the woman parroted. She turned to speak as they walked. “Who are you?”
“I'm a boy.”
“No. I asked: who are you?”
He began to get frustrated. “A kid.”
“Then that is who I am,” she replied. “I'm just a boy, and a kid.”
The minstrel frowned at her slicingly. She smiled in return. “You are not your material aspects. You are much more than that. You are you.”
“And who is that?”
“There’s no real answer. The self can hardly be properly described in words. Who you are is an experience, a feeling, and a sight to be seen. You’d best not bother trying to help the world understand you, if the world is not willing to discover you itself.”
He decided not to think on that. Instead, he asked: “Why am I here?”
The wind sang, and he could feel it play in his hair. He felt the touch of the flurry as it danced up his back and slid off of his shoulders. He felt the beat of his heart in his chest as it circulated every drop of warmth, of life, throughout his form, and it was then that he noticed his own qualia. The sensation of breathing as the air chilled, the feel of the stallion under his legs - was any of it real? His feet were so far away. His head bobbled if he did not hold it up. He looked ahead. In the distance, he saw more hills, no different from the others. However, they’d given him a feeling. A strange, foreboding sense. He could feel them reaching out for him with wintry, cold arms, ready to snatch him up and away from the sunny paradise he’d found himself in.
He looked back at the woman. She was facing him now, walking backward. “You have a song,” she doted, “you are meant to share it with others like you, and others unlike you.”
“Why share a song with others when I can hum my tunes with you?”
She sighed. In jarring synchrony, the world sighed with her half-heartedly. The boy was curious if she’d had this conversation before. He wanted to ask her. He wanted to ask her if he had any choice in it all. He wanted to ask if trying to stay would be betting on a losing horse. He even considered asking if she’d go with him. Instead, he pondered the thoughts alone in his head. Not because he was afraid, but because it’d occurred to him that his mind was his own. With limitless potential, he could have thought anything without anyone else knowing. Now that he’d realized it, the minstrel started to think up all kinds of things. He imagined that circus elephants on bright red balls and tigers jumping through hoops paraded around him. Ballerinas did pirouettes on top of flaming stages. Rocket ships blasted into the sky. Dragons soared among the clouds, roaring their fiery breath over forests. He imagined that he was in a blanket, and the woman held a storybook, reading him quietly to sleep.
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crimsonfacets · 2 years
runaway laundry! // starter for @vermilionxwhispers!
Winds swept strong and taut across Phantomhive Estate, pulling at the garden and tugging a few petals lose, and threatening to yank the laundry from the line as it whipped and clapped about. Mey-Rin struggled today; if it wasn't her hat nearly being ripped off her own noggin and lost to the sky, it was the fact she was getting beaten in the face by one of the young Lord's shirts and buttons, obscuring a vision that was already plenty obscured by her prescription eye glasses.
She was doomed to fail. She refused to admit it, but deep down her stressing gut knew something was going to go wr--- and there it was. The Earl's blanket ripping clear off the clench as she wrestled about with blouses, taking flight across the lawn like an erratic magic carpet given flight for the first time in ten thousand years.
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"GETBACKHEREYOUDEVIL!" The maid screeched, arms flailing in desperate attempt to free herself from the wicked laundry to give chase! But no, the blanket had better ideas in mind --- it was going to SMACK right into the poor assistant of the Undertaker off over yonder, who had gone completely unnoticed before! Possibly in no small thanks to her gift of stealth?
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signor-signor · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
June 27, 2022.
Six years ago, The End of the Galaxy (the SECOND SEASON finale) premiered. We viewers were on the edges of our seats wondering what would happen to the main four and the rest of the inhabitants after Dominator seemingly laid waste to the galaxy. Of course, we found that Hater triumphed and put an end to her onslaught once and for all. He’s the hero in the eyes of those who joined in the fight against Dominator (and perhaps those who simply sat it out), but that’s not to say he had no intentions to conquer the galaxy afterwards like he and Peepers mentioned earlier. Plus, he still denies being Wander’s buddy, so his journey to becoming a full-fledged ex-villain like Major Threat is far from over. And who could ever forget the elephant in the room that is the downed space pod with green lightning and simian screeching in the end credits? This is clearly indicative of unfinished business. It’s enough to motivate me to take action and also to make me ask Disney time and again, “Are you sure 2 seasons are enough for this show?”
Three years after the show got kicked to the curb, Lord Hater already had it with more popular shows getting all the love and with the fact that the show from which he originated didn’t get enough love to compel Disney to give it a third and final season. So what did he do? He tried to escape with futile, yet humorous, results. Today, he has gotten more bitter every time a show that came after Wander Over Yonder exceeds two seasons. If he had one reason for letting the show get one more season, apart from getting the chance to conquer a galaxy of recovering planets, it would be so he could rub it in the faces of the other villains, especially Emperor Awesome, all of whom never appeared in the season finale. He’d be more than willing to give Disney’s higher ups a piece of his mind for giving shows like Star vs. the Forces of Evil, the Tangled series, revamped DuckTales, the Big Hero 6 series, Big City Greens, and the recently concluded Amphibia at least 3 seasons in the streaming era regardless of their premiere ratings and failing to do the same for WOY.
Let’s scope out what’s going on inside the DTVA vault, shall we?
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For those who are completely unaware, Craig McCracken and his WOY crew made a pitch for S3 in early 2015 (around February, I think). Craig knew exactly what was planned, as did @suspendersofdisbelief, @benbalistreri, @owner-of-wendys, @atalkingmagpie, and more. They were excited about it and so were the bosses of DTVA and Disney XD. Apparently, the love WOY got from its fans, including me, just wasn’t enough to convince the “higher up bosses of bosses of bosses” there was a need for a third and final season, so they rebuffed it and decided to cancel the show one week before S2 premiered.
Furthermore, the new characters who make up Star Force Enforcement Force remained under proverbial wraps for years until Craig mentioned them when he talked about Earth Force Enforcement Force from S1 of Kid Cosmic. The team name and the number of characters (3) are known, but not their appearance, which is why I depicted them covered in sheets. You probably don’t know how long Hater’s wanted to do away with characters from popular/lucky shows, including Paul Rudish’s take on Mickey and his friends. Fortunately for those characters, SFEF are there to keep him in line while WOY is still incomplete. If there’s something I learned from being part of a fandom, it’s not right to blame popular shows for the misfortune of other shows. It’s not their fault.
The takeaway from my comic: Don’t attack other shows no matter how popular they are and be knowledgeable like Peepers (without the pessimism) and persistent like Hater (without the violence). Believe you me, Hater would not have violent tendencies if WOY had that third and final season. That, and Peepers would burn the book by Phan “Dizz” Gnee, We’re All E.A.R.S. (Executives Against Reviving Shows).
Also, here’s my portrayal of SFEF in case anyone missed it.
See the full post
41 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Wander fans will have to wait again because Craig is now revisiting two familiar shows at his alma mater. What he said earlier is true. Studios want pre-existing IPs. Still, even if he doesn’t return to Disney for WOY’s 10th anniversary, we fans will support his work all the same and we’ll have more time to keep sending the message to Disney until we get the answer to the 6-year-old question: What is S3 about?
More details here (the author foolishly misspelled Wander in this article, but you get the idea):
47 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Welp, this is the week when Kid Cosmic returns and comes to an end on the same day.
To all you Wander fans out there, unless you have comments that have NOTHING to do with bringing back WOY, you’d best keep your mouths shut. We wouldn’t want anyone whose hearts are in the right place to be pelted by flaming sacks of can’t do-do, now would we?
If the finale has any Easter eggs like @owner-of-wendys said, we’ll just analyze them.
56 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
*Please disregard this post*
As previously established, Kid Cosmic’s third and final season comes to Netflix this February on Thursday the 3rd.
Don’t think Craig McCracken will have WOY’s third season on his mind after KC is over, ‘cause the faith he had in the show’s return probably got pounded out of him in the past few years. It happened to Craig Bartlett and Genndy Tartakovsky, but look at what happened to Hey Arnold and Samurai Jack after years of negligence.
What I’m saying is, now that Craig is all done with Kid Cosmic (third and final season comes out on February 3rd), let’s take this opportunity to bombard Disney with politely-written letters and emails convincing them to let him work on that third and final season of Wander Over Yonder (or maybe just a TV movie) exclusive to Disney+ so he can finally wrap it up the way he and the crew intended.
Sure, he may already have recently pitched a number of projects to Netflix, but there’s probably a small likelihood that Disney will ask Netflix to borrow him for just a short while before the next Netflix project gets put into production, in which case it couldn’t hurt to send messages to Netflix. Besides, Wander’s 10th anniversary is next year, and since it takes 15 months to make an 11-minute cartoon, somewhere between February and May would be an excellent time to put the plans for S3 into effect.
This is where we make our stand and let Disney know there IS still a need for just a little more “sunshine banjo face.” After what this country and the rest of the world have been through in the past 22 months, we Wander fans deserve to know what happens after S2. One more season or TV movie is all we ask for. To see the show have its cliffhanger resolved. To let Craig reveal what he planned for S3. To get a sense of closure. That’s the gist of SaveWOY.
65 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
As of today:
The Powerpuff Girls: 100% complete
Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends: 100% complete
Wander Over Yonder: 70-75% complete
Kid Cosmic: 100% complete
162 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
How about that! Even numbers!
Now, you’re probably wondering why I keep talking about Wander Over Yonder. It’s still both underappreciated and incomplete story-wise. Also, if I gave up on talking about it, who will keep it from being pushed further into obscurity by overappreciated shows? Basically, Wander without Star Force Enforcement Force’s introduction or Lord Hater’s history is like Kid Cosmic without Papa G’s past, Fantos’s fate, or (spoiler alert) Mo’s Oasis Café becoming a hot spot for the visiting extraterrestrials. KC, by the way, won two Emmy awards - one for background design (kudos to @skulptduggery) and one for character design. Craig McCracken himself couldn’t be any prouder. I’d tag him for the character design part, but for some reason he stopped using Tumblr years ago.
This coming year will see not only Craig continuing to develop the revival of The Powerpuff Girls as well as a retooling of Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, but also the 10th anniversary of Wander Over Yonder (talk about a missed opportunity). To those of you fans who are still sticking around and those of you who gave up and moved on, I realize the SaveWOY campaign’s efforts have been nothing short of fruitless, but we don’t want the higher ups to think we stopped caring and we don’t want to give them the impression that WOY is better off stopped after two seasons, not while that cliffhanger is still unresolved. Still, I suppose it’ll take Craig about 2-3 years to finish his CN shows, and if that’s the case, we should have a shot at persuading Disney to let Craig finally end WOY his way. If that happens, we’ll probably have to find replacement voice actors for those over the age of 70, including June Squibb (Stella Starbella), who is a NONAGENARIAN. April Winchell and Tom Kenny are currently in their early 60s, but we don’t know how much longer they have to live, so time is of the essence.
This year, we must do what we can to acknowledge S3’s existence and make Disney and social media more aware. Remember, when the 10th anniversary comes up, go big or go home.
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inimikal-archive · 2 years
victor has taken to climbing on wesker's shoulders, screeching gleefully. charlotte is fretting in the background, shouting at her brother to leave the poor man alone.
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His  whole  body  becomes  stiff  with  this.  It  takes  every  ounce  of  him  not  to  grab  the  boy  &  throw  him  like  a  bizarre  animal  into  the  vast  yonder,  not  caring  how  or  where  he  landed.  But  here  in  this  strange  world,  Wesker  was  not  attempting  to  make  any  unnecessary  enemies.  Besides.  The  girl  had  been  ...  Amicable  enough.  He  felt  he  owed  her  some  sense  of  civility.  &  this  ...  boy  seemed  to  be  having  a  jolly  good  time.  So  jolly  he  couldn't  be  the  one  to  spoil  it,  could  he ?  
Muscles  tense,  he  turns  to  face  her,  his  discomforted  demeanour  halfway  like  a  cat  who  had  just  had  a  bucket  of  water  dumped  over  it  &  a  deer  who  had  been  frozen  in  headlights.  
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❝  Charlotte,  dear,  would  you  mind  "helping"  your  ...  Companion  to  dismount  me  at  once.  ❞  At  this  moment,  he  realised  he  didn't  know  who  Victor  was;  he  hadn't  looked  that  far  into  it.
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