rabdoidal · 1 year
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a clandestine meeting interrupted c. 1861. the ladies crowley and fell found conversing unattended in the parlour without chaperone nor candlelight, who both seemed flushed and annoyed to be found out by other party attendants
🖼️ kofi link in bio if you’re feeling generous 🖼️
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eidolons-stuff · 9 months
Yoko: "Why are you so homophobic!"
Xavier: "I'M NOT!"
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reisakumaproducer · 10 months
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I hope Enstars game MVs can improve on their expressions someday because one of Rock Roar anime mv’s strengths is its expressions. Not because they are cool to look at, but because they communicate how the characters are feeling towards the songs and eachother
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Take for instance Keito. In the anime, he sings the song with a angry expression. It’s because he is desperate. He needs his Deadmanz plan to work. He needs to use the great Rei Sakuma to succeed. He has a lot of stakes singing this and that’s why he looks so desperate. In contrast, Rei is more laidback. He has probably already figured out a loophole to Keito’s plan. He is performing like the talented idol everyone views him as
The in game mv softens Keito’s expressions. He looks more calm, similar to Rei
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Both Koga and Rei have moments where they have a wide-eyed grinning expression that fit the song they are performing. It makes it seem like Koga is mimicking Rei, the guy he looks up to. It also suggests that Koga and Rei are more inclined to perform rock songs like this given how their facial expressions work naturally with this song
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Also while not necessarily an example of facial expressions, I wish the in game MV had kept these moments in. Rei and Koga compliment each other in this performance. One of the few times Keito doesn’t have a tense expression in this mv is when he looks at Kuro. It makes sense given the future of the characters, but we actually get to see which set of characters work well with eachother before Deadmanz splits off. It’s a cool detail that I appreciate
Overall, Rock Roar in game MV could be improved upon if it kept the intense expressions the original had. They’re not just visually appealing, but they add a lot to the story of Crossroad as a whole
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cosmic-walkers · 25 days
I kinda wanna say something in contrast the Larys Strong and Hilary Mantel Thomas Cromwell comparisons but that post/topic is so niche that I find no point. However, I'll do it anyway - I also did really like and agree with that post btw, I just had some differing opinions I wanted to add.
That post went on to compare Larys Strong and Mantel's Thomas Cromwell, and how both their queens see them in a way, as less than human or less than deserving of decency or modesty.
The difference between the two is that Larys groomed Alicent into being that way, so he treats him a certain way based on him grooming her, whereas, Anne unmanning Thomas is mostly because of classism, and because she believes she is socially higher than him.
That post made a really good point about Larys being offended that Alicent took off her shoes in his presence. This is supposed to showcase how Alicent, usually an extremely reserved person as the queen, is usually modest. For her to undress around Larys pretty much shows how little value she sees in him; how she doesn't see him as an actual person that she has to even attempt to cover up around. This upsets larys because in reality, it questions his value in her eyes; he has been seen as less than nothing his whole life because of his disabilities, etc.
But Alicent, in my opinion, isn't doing that because she thinks poorly of him (well, she does.) She's doing it because she has been groomed by him to do that since she was a child. Keep in mind, in order for him to protect her and for her to get information, Larys would make Alicent show him her feet, and he would jack off in front of her to her feet....that is why she is so conditioned to take off her shoes in front of him.
Alicent has many groomers, Larys is one. And like all the men who have groomed her in her life, she has routines for them. she sees larys and well, she is used to taking off her shoes for him. she is used to him violating her in such a way that it is second nature.
in contrast, to Bring up the Bodies - by Hilary Mantel, Anne inviting Thomas to her room when she has no head covering on and she is in confinement (i think?), highlighting the fact that she thinks she is above him.
Socially, she is the queen, and even if she wasn't, she is still the daughter of an Earl. Anne very much knew she was above him, and in her mind, he wasn't worth her modesty because she didn't register him as a person, and Thomas knew that. And in the books, Thomas does resent the Boleyn's for this secretly (he resents them for a lot), despite being their ally, which is why he works to bring them down.
But a huge theme we see play out in Mantel's Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies, is Thomas' class, and how other nobles, Anne included, see him as less than because of it. And when he is in their circles, it is an insult to them unless they can use him for their own needs.
The relationship between Larys and Alicent does mirror Anne and Thomas in a way, if you look at it as queen and advisors. Thomas does things for Anne, he does things for her family. He is very much seen as their attack dog in some instances, their errand boy, etc., he doesn't protest the role either because he does climb higher and higher into society due to his proximity to Anne until well, Henry tires of her.
But the main difference between Anne Boleyn and Alicent Hightower is that, Alicent's relationship with Larys is born from fear and grooming. Alicent was forced to marry a man twice her age, and she had no allies in court after. She thought Larys was an ally, but he exploited her just like her father and husband did. Which is why, she is literally conditioned to expose herself around him, even an as adult. Larys also has a huge amount of privilege over Alicent.
In contrast, Anne's nonchanlant attitude toward Thomas comes from classism, and the fact that she is in a class higher than him. More so, she knows she can use him and he will, for the most part, do what she wants him to do if there is some benefit there. There is an equal part, even though there is resentment - secret resentmen- on Thomas' side.
All in all, I liked the comparisons, I just wanted to delve deeper into it without polluting OPs post lmao.
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bluestockingbaby · 1 year
blorbo archetype: annoying men who know they’re annoying and can’t stop so they weaponize it
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sebbyisland · 4 months
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Sorry I’m still thinking about how they just revealed he has an undercut LIKE IT WAS NOTHING!!!! Anyways more thoughts under the cut
This chapter was and the prev was interesting because it confirms Maikeru has a plot-relevant relationship with his sensuality and beauty similar to Urara in that he takes different aspects of himself and tailors it to become a rakugo bombshell, but unlike Kaisei, whose sensuality is a tool but it’s not his real self, which is like a stray dog fighting to live. What’s interesting is that unlike Urara, Maikeru used to be pretty bad with people and maybe even unfriendly and too self-flattering, so his interest in “flashy” looks defining him plays into this. When blonde maikeru says “If Im not blonde, Im not me,” he’s making a playful joke obvi but it’s also serious—the way he stands out and it’s considered his main strong point is how flashy/attractive/charming he is, but people generally don’t like genuinely being around him, basically confirms that his “flashy“ self is less about him as a person and more about how he interacts with others. Blonde Maikeru isn’t REALLY Maikeru, but it’s the Maikeru he’s seen AS and embraces. Rakugoka Maikeru loves how rakugo lets you “do everything yourself.” Rakugo is evaluated you and your own skills, which is what was missing in his life as Blonde Maikeru. He’s still a performer at heart so that aspect of rakugo doesn’t bother him because it’s still ultimately on HIS terms. But people see this and assume it’s the other way around, that he treats rakugo like he’s still Blonde Maikeru. This is also why he’s gonna get Shin’uchi—he’s dead serious about this. He’s genuine. And he has the nin/rakugo ego to back it.
I’m SO curious what genre of rakugo he will pick. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a normal comedy, but also what if it’s a more dramatic or horror story?!?! AHHHH VERY INTERESTED IN WHERE THEY TAKE THIS CHARACTER TBH!!!! Maybe because Inalso want to see Issho Arakawa struggle with his ideals.
This also might be the moment Zensho Arakawa finally takes the L. He’s always been cartoon evil but this chapter reallt emphasized it. Zensho thinks he’s part of the other Shinuchi but I’m pretty sure they are all going to call him out during the evaluations and he’s gonna be the source of the drama that news stations will focus on in a form of poetic justice <3 basically I’m just super excited. I also wonder if Kaisei is watching all this unfold? He tbh might also try to be Shinuchi before this story ends.
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waugh-bao · 5 months
I know you don’t really like Mick’s solo output, but what do you think about Keith’s?
I have mixed feelings about it. If I were to rank all of the Stones solo musical ventures, it would definitely be Charlie > Keith > Ronnie > Mick. Which, naturally, was also Keith’s opinion on the matter:
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I’ve never been a fan of the Stones covers he did with the Winos, the tempos are always a mess and they drag.
As for the stuff that’s solely his, I think it’s a mixed bag. He’s genuinely very talented as a lyricist and I like the subject matter he tends to focus on, because it’s a lot about complicated and long term/older relationships, which isn’t necessarily a mainstay of mainstream rock. And I also enjoy his voice, he’s not Pavarotti or anything but he knows how to write for his own range and vocal quality.
That said, I feel like the music/band itself tends to be very hit or miss, and I actually tend to prefer the songs where it’s Charley Drayton playing drums instead of Steve, he’s got a lighter touch that suits Keith’s style better. I was at performance the Winos did at the Beacon Theater 2 years ago as part of Love Rocks NYC and for unexplained reasons (what I heard on the grapevine is that Steve and Charley had some kind of falling out related to Charley’s late wife) Charley wasn’t there. The choice of songs for the set kind of sucked and the replacement bass player was no good, but I don’t think that performance is probably representative of what they were like in their heyday in the late ‘80s/mid ‘90s. Still not thrilled with how much money I spent on a ticket for such a mediocre performance. Hozier and Mavis Staples were great, though.
His collaborations with Levon Helm and Tom Waits are both gorgeous and there’s some beautiful covers by him of Mingus and other artists floating around out there. It’s not *really* solo Keith, but for my money his best stuff in that realm will always be the songs he sings solo on the Stones records, particularly “Little T&A” from Tattoo You, “How Can I Stop” from Bridges to Babylon, “Thru and Thru” + “The Worst” from Voodoo Lounge, and “Slipping Away” from Steel Wheels. Also “Alteration Boogie”, even though nobody was ever kind enough to give us an official release.
Ironically, I listen to him most often when I’m exercising, especially running or doing boxing drills with a heavy bag. I will say that I have a special place in my heart for “Hate It When You Leave.” The lyrics are so him, of course, but it used to be a song that was perpetually on my playlist for nighttime runs in London, and I have many fond memories of listening to it while flying through the shittier parts of Shoreditch and Camden Town.
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GOD i was so fogged up by all the fucking horror of the new barry ep that in only just remembered that when fuches appeared all tatted up, my dad literally gasped and said “oh my god fuches got HOT” i was like omg? FATHER? he got all defensive like “what! he did! i’m not saying he’s HOT i’m just saying he GOT HOT, like that’s not my OPINION it’s just thats what the cinematic cues say, that’s what the audience is supposed to think!” i was like dad i DONT think that’s the point here. but i respect it 🫡
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ssvnormandie · 2 months
replaying rebirth + i'm at the therapy scene and getting a scene that i don't think i've gotten w eira and i'm obsessed w the idea of jack really hating the idea of being "fixed" but actually getting smth out of it and eira wanting to be "fixed" and getting nothing out of it
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ah, to pin a guy on the floor, straddling him, and see how he can't help but grow flustered about it💕
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mossfriendly · 1 year
Homosexual Queerplatonic Tentative relationships with friends are so much harder to let go of than ex partners I SWEAR all these folks will be forever burned into my heart
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Whereas the word whereas . . . is a qualifying or introductory statement, a conjunction, a connector . . . Whereas, I have learned to exist and exist without your formality, saltshakers, plates, cloth. Without the slightest conjunctions to connect me.
Whereas by Layli Long Soldier
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lemonsherbetsss · 1 year
Gonna share here,, cuz I love them lots
Also this is from my steel redemption au which I haven’t shared any context for on here but uhhhhh idk here’s this out of context I’ll share all the stuff another time ig if people want that but here’s this
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nyamcot · 2 years
Margaret and sereniti shaking hands for both being yellow and going through it
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cosmic-walkers · 2 months
do you prefer the tudors or wolfhall?
wolf hall if i wanna be sad and the tudors if i wanna laugh
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feartheoldblog · 2 years
garl and astraea as a representation of the implications of religious sexual repression makes so much sense……….. fan theories are so good once you get past the ‘____ is objectively evil/good!!!!!’ nonsense
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