#DANVERSIISM -> More than blood it takes heart and courage to be a sparkly badass
movedto-mastcrmarksman · 10 months
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more tag drops // dynamics & people
@danversiism -> DANVERSIISM -> More than blood it takes heart and courage to be a sparkly badass // DYNAMICS -> DANVERSIISM -> Family is the people who you fight for and complain to
@darehearts -> DAREHEARTS -> Men go abroad to wonder at the circular motions of the stars and they pass by themselves without wondering // DYNAMICS -> DAREHEARTS -> From where I come from we take care of our own
@prcspcr -> DYNAMICS -> PRCSPCR -> If you are human you might as well face it you are going rub people the wrong way
@nyhura -> DYNAMICS -> NYHURA -> She is order and I am chaos we get lunch sometimes
@blindbastard -> SHIPS -> BLINDBASTARD -> A leap of faith is both blind and deaf
@mr-tony-stark -> SHIPS -> MRTONYSTARK -> Will you wait for me the way birds wait for the sun to rise? Will you kiss me as the sun rises?
@biitchcakes -> SHIPS -> BIITCHCAKES -> And her kisses on his skin felt like wisps of butterfly wings turn to a slow inferno
@amethystarrows -> DYNAMICS -> AMETHYSTARROWS -> When I am with you there is no place I'd rather be
@gammaragee -> SHIPS -> GAMMARAGEE -> It's in the eyes always in his eyes that danger and trust are held
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mastcrmarksman · 5 months
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@danversiism didn't ask for one of these, but I love these two so freaking much. So she's getting one anyways.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 11 months
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@danversiism -> [ continued ]
There is something to be said about the other side of the fence. Parts of it he will grumble about because he's Clint and he needs something to run his mouth over, complain about. There was good to this side of the fence, now he wouldn't say it had miracles or the secrets to a happy, good life. Well, it has some. It made some people in his life make more sense.
Clint knows that he has to get better at the talking bit, that's a thing about this side of the fence. It's a lot of talking, or at least for him if he wanted it to stick. Therapy, friends, and allies. Talk to them, that had made Kate happy with him. Others too. Talking about IT, the thing that he's now in an exclusive must-wreck-your-life-first club with Carol.
They knew about each other, the thing, and than better yet they know each other. It's the second more emphasized KNOW each other, that mattered to him right now. ❝ Believe it or not, I think I'm running out of jokes for that. ❞ He laughs, and then start to heave a sigh. Ahw shit, heavy topic.
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❝ C'mon, Cap, you're better than that. ⸻ but if he's at his girlfriend's place, well, I've been banned from showing up. ❞ And he's not poking either of those bears. Still, Carol's not a last resort or a next best thing. Sure, he could talk to Leonard like he would and he might, but well, Sparkle's in town.
❝ Carol, my. . . . my sobriety still feels fresh to me ⸻ did I tell you, or hear through the grape vine? ❞ His story wasn't like the flashier flyers, papers didn't write about the scent of booze. Although donning an old mask, engaging in guerilla warfare and tack on a bunch of criminal offenses. Oh, and waring an old Hawkeye suit to a rob a bank. Point made, and he's definitely stalling himself with what to say.
There's the urge, and it's here today. It's strong, but the cause has been bubbling over for years. ❝ You're better person to talk to with what's got me antsy, it's. . . . y'know, I am forty-four, oh that hurt to say, and I've been doing the purple tights hero act for. . . since my early twenties ❞ Or tried to until a certain Russian Spy got in the way, but he got to the Avengers eventually.
He takes another inhale, than let the breath out slow. See, Carol's a much better companion, she'll give the finer details of their lives. ❝ Just been thinking about what it all means, what it's worth ⸺ superheroes. ❞ HER. THEM. HIM.
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mastcrmarksman · 6 months
Send ☎️ And I Will Tell You:
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you chose this doofus in your life, carol; and now you have him complaining because he forgot to buy groceries and he wanted to make big breakfast. you know she gets the most frequent random thoughts texts. she's also on speed-dial now and often appears on his recent calls list.
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mastcrmarksman · 5 months
Send ✏️ for Clint to draw your muse (izzy is sitting idle at work)
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✨️ Captain Sparkle and her Flerken ✨️
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