#DDD Eddie Munson
firefly-party · 10 months
Pickup Note
Get ready to rock and roll with a new steddie fanfiction by @thefreakandthehair & @sidekick-hero with art by me!!! - coming 2024
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Eddie, you and Gareth have worked very closely over the years with him as your second in command, so to speak. What’s it been like with Steve now stepping into the drummer role? Eddie: “It’s been… different. Definitely a big adjustment but you know what they say. The show must go on, and all that shit.” Steve: “I can’t speak for everyone— that’s Eddie’s job— but all things considered, the ship is still sailing, Gareth’s been super helpful, and I think fans have a ton to get excited about.”
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sidekick_hero - AO3
througheden - AO3
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dumbfuck-mojave · 2 years
Stills of Our Lives (Willow’s Wonderful 10K Celebration)
Prompt: Byers!Reader-  “Y/N and Johnathan started a photography club. Y/N goes into the woods to take some nature pics and finds Eddie there. He’s his usual self and says “let me be your muse” and poses dramatically. He’s surprised when Y/N laughs and actually starts taking pictures of him.”
Franchise: Stranger Things
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Reader
Also Featured: Jonathan Byers my beloved
Warnings: None :DDD
A/N: My obsession with butterflies lately? IDK they’re just cool. Anyways, this is a fic for the follower celebration @loveronlineee​ is holding!! Everyone go check out Willow’s blog, it really is a treat!! The Byer’s reader prompt just called to me, especially since I’ve been wanting to write a Byers!Reader for awhile. I know siblings fics can be a bit specific in terms of who can relate but, like all my other fics, this is written as vague in regards to the reader as possible!! So you can absolutely picture this as an adopted or found family scenario, Jonathan is referred to as “your brother” but aside from that yeah! I hope you enjoy, and if this isn’t your thing I hope you come back for the next one! Have fun!!
Word Count: 1,3333
@kaylawritesfics @skeletonsinthebasement @horrorstolemyheart @loveronlineee @f1nalboys @frogus <33
Support a disabled, queer creator here!
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The fall leaves crackle and crunch under your feet as you make the treacherous journey into the woods that half-circle the schools of Hawkins. 
Well, treacherous in the way of you forgetting your coat in Jonathan’s car, only to realize it was locked once you were already outside, and then almost getting hit by some idiot sophomore as you turned to go back into the school. That was enough for you to decide you could survive without it, a little cold wouldn’t hurt you, right? Now it was a decision you were starting to regret as the wicked breeze picked up, cutting into the skin exposed by your t-shirt like a thousand microscopic needles. 
Jonathan and you had started the photography club the school year prior, his junior year and your “should-have-been” senior year. There had been a photography club previous to yours, but at some point during your freshman year, it fizzled out; most of the members were juniors and seniors, who had long since graduated at this point, and what remained of the club slowly morphed into part of the yearbook committee. It made you a bit sad when it happened, you knew Jonathan would have adored the whole thing and the unique way it was being run, but he hadn’t seemed too bothered by it. You felt that was the introvert in him peeking through. 
What was now referred to as “Photography Club 2.0” came to be half out of you wanting to do something big for your senior year, and half Jonathan's own yearn to create a space that his interests could truly thrive in. He had really come out of his shell the past year or two, and while it was wonderful to see your brother blossom into a more confident individual, it also made you feel a bit stuck in time.
 During Will’s disappearance, your grades may have…slipped a bit, causing some lost credits as a result. Something the school did not think to inform you of until a few months before you were scheduled to graduate. So while Jonathan was growing into the best version of himself, you were a 19-year-old being forced to repeat senior year when you should have been in college, making questionable choices or stressing out over college level homework, not highschool level. 
Yeah, you were still a little pissed off. 
But it did give you an excuse to longingly stare at the other highschool holdback, so it may not have been so bad. 
The sunlight became spotty as you entered a particularly thick patch of trees, stopping occasionally to play around with the shadows and get a few diverse shots. You had been following a butterfly for awhile, having been able to get a few photos as it glided through the air, but you were really just passing time while you waited for it to land. Finally, your wish came true. With a new pep in your step, you slowly inched your way towards the rotting stump the insect had chosen to rest on, coppery wings fluttering to a stop. You just had to raise your camera and…. 
“Byers, fancy seeing you here!”
You whip around to face the voice behind you with a scowl. 
“Edward, I’m a bit busy at the moment.”
“Aw c’mon now, none of that.” Eddie laughed, plopping down beside you without much tact. 
“Listen, I will happily talk to you in a minute but right now I really need to get this shot.”
Eddie held up his hands in surrender as you turned back to the stump, ecstatic your precious muse hadn’t been scared away by the loud boy next to you. A few quiet shots later, you were sated with the quality of your photographs and straightened back up, holding a hand out to Eddie, who had taken to lying fully on the ground. You almost fell forward, having miscalculated his dead weight, but Eddie had jumped up to steady you and led you over to a different area, where tiny wildflowers dotted the ground, forming a ring around a pile of rocks. 
“Sorry about almost scaring away your bug, thought this would make up for it.”
“It’s alright, but I’ll play along if it means we get to stay here longer.” You smiled at him, readying your camera once more to capture the new scenery. 
Eddie kicked at the ground behind you, spraying up dust and staining the tips of his sneakers brown. 
“So, why that one?” He asked in a flat tone.
You raised an eyebrow, looking over your shoulder, “Why what one?”
“That butterfly, why did you like it so much?”
“It was a Swamp Metalmark, you don’t really see them around here, especially not this late in the year.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you knew that much about butterflies.”
“I like to know about the things I’m shooting.” Your brows furrowed, hands pulling away from the small plants as you turned to fully face him, “Dude, are you okay? You’re acting really weird.” 
Eddie seemed to panic for a moment before quickly regaining himself, striding towards you.
“Well, the real reason is…I want to be your muse!” His voice boomed as he leapt up onto the largest rock, a joking grin on his face as he struck a pose reminiscent of Hercules. You couldn’t control your laughter as you squinted up at him, a bright beam of sun casting down around him like a gift from Helios himself. You tilt your head, with the right composition-
“Alright, show me what you’ve got then, yeah?” You raise the camera up to your eye, the frayed strap rubbing against your skin as Eddie looked at you owlishly.
“Of course!” You replied, giggling, “You should really turn a bit though, so I can get you clearly.”
Eddie took a moment, still wide-eyed and seemingly frozen, but his mobility returned and he did as you asked, smiling with flushed cheeks. 
You didn’t bother keeping track of time after that, too caught up laughing and snapping Eddie as he came up with increasingly absurd poses. Back against the rock as he lolls his head back, acting like he’s dead with his tongue poking out, carefully crouching amongst the flowers and holding up the sign of the horns (that was your personal favorite), all the way up to where you are now, watching him jump out of a tree and land with a thud beside you. 
“That was fun!” He stated, huffing a little as he tried to catch his breath. You felt heat in your own cheeks as you looked at him, messy mop of hair and white pullover dirtied with leaves and small twigs. 
He looked lovely.
“Agreed, we should do it again sometime.” You responded, holding a hand out to him and wiggling your fingers as you backed up towards the entrance of the woods. Eddie’s eyes lit up as he took it, tightly holding on as he all but skipped ahead. 
By the time you had made it out of the woods, the sun was plunged deep into the sky, painting it with oranges and yellows. Jonathan sat against his car, looking down at his feet. 
“Shit.” You hiss out, having finally decided to check your watch. 2 hours. 2 hours since you were supposed to be back to get a ride home from Jonathan.
Eddie glanced over at you nervously until he deciphered what you were upset about, and then he laughed.
“I wouldn’t be too upset.”
“Why?” You ask as you start walking faster towards the car, Eddie struggling to keep up with you.
“It was his idea for me to follow you out here.”
You stopped immediately.
“It was what?”
“I mean, I was the one who asked him how to spend time with you, but the idea of suggesting ~wood photography~? That was all him, sunshine.”
Eddie beamed at you as you sighed, leaning forward to kiss his cheek.
“You’re a menace, Eddie Munson.”
“Your menace?”
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dimpledcherry · 2 years
Heart In Your Hands
Summary: Wayne walks into reader cutting Eddie’s fringe :DDD Pairing: Eddie Munson X GN!Reader Trigger Warnings: Zero :)))) Content Warnings: Playful bickering / domestic brainrot / gossiping!!!! / swearing / abortion mentioned in said gossip
ohmy- an eddie masterlist!!
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Eddie and you had found your evening drawing to a steady close: the day had been a light one, nothing much completed than school and dinner eaten. The two of you rather enjoyed your days rolling by slowly enough that you could afford to be bored. 
The trailer you’d situated yourselves in was filled with a steady hum of guitars and the bass of drums, the light of the kitchen lit the majority of it, Eddie’s bedroom light adding to it too and the light pattering of the boy in the shower completing the homely feel. 
Waiting for him to return, you busied yourself making a coffee, dotting back and froth from the stove to the fridge. Lost in your beverage making, you’d not heard the shower shut off or the bathroom door open and close again. The feeling of two warm arms around you causing you to jump slightly, but once your brain had registered who they belonged too, you relaxed back into him, he began swaying you slightly,
“Whatcha making?”
“A coffee, you want one?”
“Nah,” He rolled his head on to your shoulder, “I’m awake enough as it is.” He delivered with a weak laugh.
The drops of his wet hair making you shiver, “Ed, you getting me soaked!”
“Not the first time I've heard that one,” You swatted his arm, turning to face him, looking at him disapprovingly, “Am I wrong?”
You noticed: his minty fresh breath complimenting the sharp smell of his body wash; how he had small dents and scuffs along his jawline; the way his curls sat somewhat more defined when wet: and how his fringe was covering the tops of his eyes. “How do you even see under that thing?” 
He moved backwards slightly seeing you turn back to the stove preparing your drink. “I kinda don’t,” He lent himself on the counter, arms folded over his chest, “But you get used to it. Wayne was gonna help me cut it a few days ago- but he’s been busy- wow, I feel like I aint the old man for a week-” You must’ve frowned at him, “He’s a busy man at the moment. Do you think- Oh my god I bet he’s got a secret girlfriend!-” His eyes went huge as his brain struggled to keep up with his mouth. 
You laughed at his rambling, sipping the drink, leaning on the Fridge opposite. “That’s a big assumption fora man we both know can’t tell the difference between a daisy and a rose-”
“They’re both flowers aren't they?!” Eddie butted in knowing what you were about the bring up.
“One is s white and open and the other is long and closed! They-” You waved your cup as you spoke,
“They're the same thing!” His voice was a slightly higher pitch and curved in a laugh.
“In no way are they the same thing!” The two of you playfully bicker recalling a previous memory of Eddie once buying the wrong flower after Wayne wrongfully directed him. 
He lent towards you, coming into your personal space. He took the mug out your hand, and propped it down behind you, his free hand holding your waist. You let yours sit over his shoulders. Once the mug was out of his hands, he brung himself to your lips, giving you a love ridden kiss. It was a long kiss, but it was as vulnerable as you two could get stood in a kitchen at 11pm. 
You pulled back smiling at each other, your eyes paying attention to the closeness of his lashes and fringe. You squinted at him, thinking, pushing his fringe off his forehead. He squinted back as if to ask ‘you okay? what you thinking?’ “Do you want me to cut it?”
“Your fringe? You don’t have to say yes, I know its a you n Wayne thing-”
“Would you really?” His eyes lit up, you nodded, “Thank you!” He gave you a big dramatic kiss, making you laugh. “You do not understand how much it’s been annoying me!” Eddie pushed himself out from your grip, Turing around the rummage through a top draw, “Honestly, I was thinking of doing it myself-”
“Why didn’t you just ask me to do it, if you wanted it done so badly?”
“I didn't expect the old man would be so busy with his secret girlfriend-”
“Hey, we don’t know that yet. What if he’s just seeing old friends?”
“New friend. Girlfriend.” He said in a way that corrected you, spinning back around with a pair of scissors in his hands, holding them out to you.
“You’re relentless,” You laugh, shaking your head. He leaves to go get the bar stool, placing himself on the Lino of the kitchen, as he sat down facing you, you both smiled dumbly at each other. 
“Don’t mess it up y/n, this is my best feature-”
“You don’t trust me?” You fake gasped, “I’ll have you know, Munson, I've been cutting my fringe since I was 7..”
“Fuck off you've had one for that long!”
You nodded triumphantly, “My experience should out weight your worry.” You kissed his forehead, “Plus, I love your hair too much to let you walk around not looking pretty.” 
“Am I nothing but my hair?” He found himself parting his knees so you stood comfortably between them, his hands on your thighs, you shook your head.
You pulled some clips from your own hair to part his, sectioning a small triangle for where his fringe was naturally, “You want it above your eye brows still?” he nodded, his eyes glued to your face and you worked on him, tongue sitting between your teeth. His thumbs rubbed small circles on your legs. 
The closer the scissors got the the boys face, you noticed him tensing, “Eddie.” You offered rather bluntly, “Chill out, babe.”
“I’m so chill. Completely relaxed. Never been more relaxed in my life.” 
You chuckled as his false persona, “You gotta trust me,” You ducked down and  kissed his lips. 
He huffed out a large sigh, “I trust you.”
After you made your first cut, you pulled back to evaluate your work. Eddie jokingly plastering a dorky smile on his face. “Stop-” you tapped him, “you’re moving your eye brows.” He began to move his brows up and down to spite you, “Eddie-” You were laughing at his antics. 
unbeknownst to you both, a familiar car had pulled up outside the trailer. Wayne found himself mentally noting that you were here - your car being parked next to Eddie’s van - and also hoped that today wouldn’t be the day he walked into anything. 
walking up to the door, he could hear 2 very distinct belly laughs and squeals from inside. He put his key in the door as quietly as he could, not wanting to disturb the wonderland you’d both created.
It softened Wayne’s heart to see and hear you two interacting, for Eddie to have found someone so caring and that loved his despite his bad boy exterior made Wayne glad he was his boy. And to see Eddie able to love someone so carefully and wholly after his awful initial experiences of love, that caused Wayne a chest shattering amount of pride. 
Opening the door, he peered through to see a site that almost brung him to his knees: Eddie sat on a barstool, face directly sat froward, his hands lost in the space between his legs and you, stood in-between his knees, centimetres from his face, his chin in your hands, scissors held in the other while your finger moved and pulled around his hair. The both of you lost in some slightly too loud, slightly too dramatic gossip catch up.
“And I was like:” You continued looking around to see any pieces that needed recutting, “ ‘you gotta be joking, aint no way you can’t be pregnant!’ “
“Was she?”
“Fuck off!”
“No shit!” You rebrung the scissors up, “Hold still.” 
After the cut, and the jaw dropping silence that resembled a paused tv, Eddie hit play, “ And im guessing now she won't talk to you now?”
“That's so childish, you were tryna help her out?”
You stood up slightly, “Shake your head, for me.” Eddie shook like a dog, “Thats all I wanted to do! Can't believe i’m the bad guy for not wanted a friend to be pregnant at 19.”
“She’s getting rid of it though, right?” His voice dipped slightly as you got closer again,
“Ya see thats the issue- I don’t think she is!”
Out of shock, he throw his hands to your biceps, pulling himself back a bit and sitting up, “Okay, is she out of her mind?!” 
“Thats what I thought!” You were both getting loud and animated in your shock.
“She’s going to regret that-”
“Apparently less than she’ll regret an abortion-” You were back in his personal space, doing once final sweep through, “I don't see the issue - don’t want the kid? get rid of it. easy as- nobody’s gotta know.”
“Word spreads fast around here.” He murmured this due to your closeness.
“I think we’re done.” you noted, ruffling his hair, “As I said, though, tell nobody. like literally ‘oh i’m going across the state to see my aunty’ .... nobody gotta know you offed a child.” Your wording caused Eddie to laugh dramatically. 
As the whole ordeal fell into reality, Wayne found himself unable to move, unwanting to interrupt. He fell in love watch the two of you interact with one another, he felt it to be some sort of privilege to be able to watch form the side lines. 
“Can you not talk any sense to her?”
You removed yourself out of Eddie’s legs, “Very hard when she won’t give me any time of day-” returning to the counter to swap out the scissors for your last drags of the coffee. “won't answer my calls, won't answer the door, I go to see her at work, she completely ignores me!”
Eddie moved around, brushing the chair down and putting it back in its place, “Hopefully she comes round. She’s gotta know that-” He stood up fully, making his way over to the sofa. Upon his turn, he was greeted with his uncle leaning against the door with a small smile on his face, “Jesus Christ!” He clutched his chest, “How long you been stood there for!?” Eddies yell caused you to shot up, the sight of Wayne announced too made you jump.
“Long enough to know someones dumb for being pregnant- Which isn't your two’s decision to make.”
“She’s 19! She works in the gap on minimum wage. Still lives with her parents, cannot drive?” You started
“How does any of that sound smart to bring a child into?” Eddie finished. 
Wayne laughed at the way the two often shared one brain, he shook he head. “Hair looks nice, Son.” He nodded at the boy, who feel dramatically on the couch. “You did a good job.” Wayne made his way over to you, bringing you in for a hug hello.
“I know it’s a you two thing, I hope I didn't over step.” You replied into his chest.
“Over step? Don’t be silly, doll.” He paused, lowering his tone after looking at the boy in question, who staring up at the ceiling with his feet on the back of the cough. “It's nice to see he’s got someone else he can trust.” The both of you knowing he wasn't only talking about the hair.  
you smiled at the man, understanding him perfectly. “There’s coffee made, but it maybe a little cold now-” 
“Oh You know exactly what a man needs.”
“So!” Eddie shouted from the sofa, pulling himself up, and leaning over the breakfast bar, face held up by his hands, “What did you do tonight?” He wiggled his brows.
“Don’t do that Ed, the wind may change- And I went to see some old friends.” 
You lent out behind Wayne into Eddie’s vision, shrugged at the boy, “Bullshit!” He called aggressively, walking around the kitchen the stand next to Y/n. Wayne raised a brow, “You’ve never gone out to see ‘old friends’ till this late a night!” He made air quotes with his fingers, “And you don't have old friends, everyone you know still talks to you.” He had his arms crossed.
“Not everyone, boy. Why’re you so interested anyway?”
“You've got a secret girlfriend.” Eddie delivered rather matter of fact. You giggled at his cockiness. 
“Me? At the age I am? You're pulling my leg!” Wayne shook his head laughing. 
“You did smell like perfume when you hugged me.” You butted in, shyly. 
“Say that again, sweetheart,”
“Wayne smelt of perfume?”
“You hear that, old man?” He raised a brow, Wayne walked off down the hall. “Where are you going? We aint done here?” Eddie shouted,
“Wayne I wanna know what perfume! It smelt nice!” you joined in.
The elder man took himself into the bathroom, “You two are as bad as each other.”
“SO IT WAS A GIRL!” The two of you shouted in victory. 
“Oh my god, I bet shes pretty!” you murmured to nobody in particular. Eddie turnt to you, raising a brow, not understanding your too obvious statement. “No way someone smells that pretty and doesn't have the look to match!” 
He huffed a laugh at your excitement, pulling you in for a bear hug. “I hope she can cook.” He whispered daydreamy. He let his head rest on top of yours, “Thank you for doing this.”
“You’re more than welcome.” You learnt up and kissed the base of his neck. “Never too far away to help.”
He knelt down slightly, catching you in proper kiss, “Lemme give you a proper thank you.” He picked you up by the backs of your thighs, marching you into his room, his actions pulling all sorts of laughs out of you.
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lady-morrigen · 3 years
while not all of my work is rated M or E, this blog is 18+ only - if you are a minor, this is not a space for you. proceed with caution and remember that only you are responsible for your online experience.
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most fic is x fem!reader unless otherwise stated (no use of y/n). however, this account will focus on oc fic moving forward.
requests info | ao3
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allaegon prompts [aegon ii targaryen x oc allana tyrell]
(more) allaegon prompts [aegon ii targaryen x oc allana tyrell]
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two queens (in a king sized bed) - a gift for @corrabell
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Be Kind, Rewind
Dancing in the Dark (nsfw) - Steve Harrington x femreader x Eddie Munson collab with @vampire-exgirlfriend
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“This was our forever” Prompt
Making the first move headcanon
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Right Now You're Mine (nsfw)
The Hollow House - dark prompt fic for @liz-allyn’s 900 follower celebration
As Natural as Breathing (nsfw) - a DDD gift for @mortwig 💙
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Pedro Pascal Character Masterlist
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Miscellaneous Characters Masterlist
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support your creators/18+ & daisy chain dividers by @saradika
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