#this is pure fluff
sillystappen · 13 days
Daniel is one year older than Max, they live on the same street and play in the park together as well as attend the same school (except when daniel moves up a year before max does).
When Max goes to secondary/high school (whichever you prefer) he gets all nervous and Daniel is all comforting saying that everyone is weird but Max is cooler because he shows it. If someone picks on Daniel suddenly theyre faced with a not as tall but very threatening Max and if Max gets worried about other peoples perceptions Daniel is there for him. In conclusion very cute stuff. Everyone viewed them as a duo, a package deal - there’s no Daniel without a Max and vice versa.
They go out together for pizza, spend summer days running around through a field, Max helps Daniel with his maths homework and Daniel helps Max with his English, they have sleepovers together, movie trips etc.
They have other friends in their respective year groups but everyone knows at the end of the day it’s Max and Daniel, Daniel and Max. Always has been. Always will be.
When they’re properly teenagers they actually get together (im thinking 16/17 years old) I like to think its at the park they met at, both sat on a swing as they talk. Daniel obviously tries to go as high as he can and Max just swings back and forth before both of them calm down into little rocks, their feet planted on the ground. They talk about nothing in particular and end but pushing their respective swings together, meeting in the middle. Cue very fluffy confession and then leaning back a little to kiss behind the chains of their swings.
And when Daniel moves to uni Max buys himself a rail pass to visit him as often as possible, and Daniel (thinking Max is so smart for having a rail card, he gets one too) comes back home every break, even if it’s just for a week. When Max goes to a different uni, it’s pretty much the same thing. Max visits Daniel, and sometimes Daniel visits Max, they go home for the longer breaks like christmas and summer but stay with each other for the shorter ones. Some of their uni mates didn’t believe that either Max or Daniel existed until they visit - which both of them found hilarious considering how much they have probably talked about the other.
But at the end of it all, they will always return to that swing-set in the park back home where Daniel drew M&D in a heart on one of the supporting poles and Max put little stars around it.
[If you want extra sap and fluff listen to some songs by late 00s/early 2010s boy bands such as One Direction, The Vamps, New Hope Club, 5SOS, etc to catch the vibes]
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lovinglyinlove · 2 years
osamu loves you with his entire being.
he loves you so much, he is willing to risk his perfect routine just for the sake of staying together a bit longer.
it's 6:00 and he needs to get up, he has to get up, but he doesn't want to. he tried to make an effort but one small glimpse to the side and his resolve fell apart.
your bodies intertwined together like the roots of a tree, so impossibly close, that osamu felt every breath you took. this closeness of your bodies made him feel secure. secure of everything, the little doubts, the comparisons, the what ifs.
it is early, but tiny rays of sunshine were starting to get past the white curtains. these beams of light were fragile, as if they were shy or afraid to interrupt the peaceful scene.
deciding that opening the shop a few minutes later than usual wasn't going to change much the flow of things (osamu tried to convince himself), he chose to use those extra minutes to observe you.
he followed with his eyes every feature of your face. your small eyelashes, the apple of your cheeks (one of his favourite places to relentlessly kiss), your nose and finally your lips. oh, those lips, they were definitely the bane of his existence. they were capable of healing him every time he felt blue and they brushed away every doubt of him no matter the size.
osamu hugged you even tighter. time didn't seem to exist in moments like this, he didn't care about his routine anymore or the fact that he would have to rush in the restaurant to have everything ready for lunch.
his heart felt content. right now, he didn't need anything else, he had you and that was enough.
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A/N??: my first unexpected work?? also, sorry if my english isn't perfect, it isn't my first language. and sorry it's super short.
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writingsfromhome · 2 years
Rules to Break
A/N: not much to say about this, just a super fluff first-impression one shot.
He noticed her the first time she came in, but only because she was holding a copy of his favourite book. She’d lain it on the countertop as she squinted up at the menu and asked him if they did an iced Americano.
“We do,” he wanted to ask her about the book but when she meets his eye he’s suddenly nervous. He could tell she was in a rush, after working as a barista for nearly two years Harry could tell that when a customer looked past you even when they looked directly at you…it was not time to engage in small talk. “Is that all?”
“Uhm yes,” she bites her lip and glances at her phone. “Will that be long?”
He was right, “I’ll get started on it now for you.” Harry’s coworker shoots him a look as she moves aside from the espresso machine. He was supposed to be on cash strictly. But Americanos were easy and there were only two people in line.
“Pretty privilege,” she mutters. She was always going on about how life was easier for pretty people. Harry didn’t disagree, but also thought she benefitted from the same thing. He thought it was smarter not to say anything lest she bite his head off though.
“Here you are,” Harry pushes the drink at the pickup counter. She looks up from her phone, book tucked under her arm.
“Oh! That was quick. Thank you,” she smiles at him and this time she looks at him. Why did she make him so damn nervous?
Harry saw her a few times a week since then, usually with a friend but there were some times by herself in the far corner of the cafe. Her headphones on and typing away furiously at a laptop.
He never denied he was a romanticist, he fell in love easily and always. It never stuck of course, he was in love with the idea in his head, and it was easy when you worked in a cafe that was a revolving door for interesting people carrying small pieces of their lives on show while he made their drinks or took their orders.
The danger came from regulars; he had a rule not to romanticize regulars. But it was a rule he had to break when it came to her.
Today, she orders her usual and finds the only available seat near the sink. It was exam season so the cafe was mostly filled with students. Which meant it was too busy for Harry to keep an eye on her, him and his two colleagues work around each other as they pump out drink after drink.
3 hours later, Harry takes his 15 minute break. She’s still at her table, a friend had joined her. They talk animatedly over whatever’s on screen.
While her friend scans the screen, she sits silently. Then her eyes flit up and find Harry’s staring. Shit. He looks down at the water in his hand, turns awkwardly, and shuffles to the break room. It felt like she’d broken the fourth wall…it was uncomfortable as Harry remembers everything he knew about her was her coffee order, a shared book interest, and fantasy. He had to stop doing this.
Harry avoids her general area as he finishes his shift. He takes lunch in the break room, and focuses on the customer in front of him. One after the other.
Close to the end of his shift he risks a glance that way, and he’s surprised to still see her there. She must have ordered something when he was on his break because a second drink and half-eaten sandwich sits on her table.
The woman herself is staring into space, Harry thinks she’s day dreaming but she could be deep in thought. Maybe there was no difference. She snaps out of her thoughts and glances back at her screen. She must have noticed Harry though because she looks back up to him. This time she smiles. Harry nods and turns back to pouring the espresso in front of him.
Why did he nod? Was that supposed to be cool? What the fuck?
This was getting ridiculous. It’s been over a month of romanticizing someone just because she came in with a book. For all he knew she was holding it for a friend. He had to get over this—this was why he had that rule. He could obsess over someone he’d made up in his head for too long if he saw them too often. He had to stop.
“Can I uhm, get you a refill?” Harry decides to approach her table. “Seems like you could use one?”
“Oh,” her voice is soft, surprised when he appears at her table. “As much as I’d love that, I think I’ve had enough coffee for today.”
“Oh,” well that didn’t go how he expected. This was the other part about Harry’s fantasies—the reality always let him down. “Okay.”
“Okay,” she laughs. “Sorry have I been here too long? Are you subtly kicking me out?”
“No!” Harry realizes she’s smiling about it a beat too late. God he was normally not this awkward. He forced a laugh. “You have been here for some time, I thought you could use a refill. What are you working on?”
“Oh this,” she tilts her screen down lower. Government secrets.”
Harry waits a moment, unsure if her deadpan was really good or she was joking. She cracks a smile though and he laughs.
“You’re quite a serious one then,” she opens her screen back up.
“I’m…I’m really not. I’m mostly an idiot, ask my colleagues.” Harry glances back at the other side of the countertop and risks sitting in the seat opposite this woman. “To be honest I think I’m just a bit nervous.”
“You’re intimidating!”
“Me!? Oh my god nobody has ever called me intimidating!”
“Nobody’s ever called me serious!” Harry laughs.
“I guess we don’t know each other at all,” she shakes her head with a laugh. “Intimidating.”
“You come in here regularly and just type away at your laptop all seriously. Your government secrets intrigue me.”
“My government secrets huh?” She smirks and Harry blushes.
“Yeah,” Harry pushes on. “Obviously. What else.”
“So is it true about regulars, do baristas actually remember our drinks?”
“Yeah,” Harry’s relieved at the switch in subject. “Iced Americano, sometimes with an almond croissant.”
“Hey that’s me,” she grins. “I’m actually writing a…well it’s supposed to be a novel. Right now it’s a fucking mess.”
“That’s what my mum calls me,” Harry jokes. “But I’m sure your work is great.”
“Nah not yet,” she leans forward on the table. “Does your mum actually?”
“She’s said it once, last Christmas.” Harry wasn’t sure if this was oversharing but she nods for him to continue. “I graduated with all these distinctions and now I’m just working at a coffee shop. I think she’s worried I’m not going to do anything with my life.”
“It’s not all cracked up to be,” she rests her head on her hand. “I had a job right out of uni, hated my life for over a year before I just said fuck it and quit. I live at home again, like I’m a bloody teenager. But…I think I’m happier.”
“I’ll put you on a call with my mum, say that exact same thing to her. Please?”
The pair laugh out loud, any awkwardness from before completely gone.
“It’s like I’m so burnt out from studying and never getting a break. I don’t want one part of my life to just rollover into the next.”
“Yeah!” she agrees.
“And, she doesn’t think it’s a real job, but I model on the side. I actually like doing it with this job so-“
“Of course you do!”
“What?” Harry watches her lean back in her chair and cross her arms.
“I should’ve know you model.”
“You should’ve?” He can’t help but grin.
“Yeah,” she looks like she’s putting the pieces together about Harry. “Your government secrets no long intrigues me, I know what you use them for.”
The unexpected joke makes Harry laugh, a bit too loud. His team lead calls out his name and reminds him his break is about done.
“Sorry,” she whispers to him. “Didn’t mean to get you into trouble.”
“It’s alright.” Harry chuckles. “I’m off in a half hour anyway, I haven’t got much work to go back to.”
“Oh,” she nods stiffly. “Alright.”
“Okay,” Harry gets up. “I’ll see you around Iced Americano.”
“That’s an awful nickname.”
Harry just shrugs and gets back to work, which is mostly cleaning up at this point. He realizes he should have asked if she had plans, they could grab a bite to eat since he knows she’s been here most of the day. Maybe he should ask now.
Harry peeks over the sink but her seat is empty and everything is gone from the table. He glances around the room but she had left. Disappointed. He felt a bit let down.
On the other hand, he realizes that this was the first time someone in his head didn’t let him down. She was bright, and funny, and really nice to him even though he cringed at how creepy he’d been. The disappointment stabs at him again. Oh well. There was always next time.
Once his shift finishes, and he changes out of the T-shirt that smelled like burnt coffee beans, Harry says his goodbyes and leaves. He turns to the right where the bus stop is but pauses when he spots a familiar figure on the bench.
“I was going to go home. But then I decided I would wait out your shift. And then it felt weird to go back inside so…”
“Aren’t you cold?” It was a brisk December evening.
“Fuck yes,” she hops up and walks over to Harry. “D’you want to grab a bite?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” he couldn’t hide the relief in his voice. She had stayed.
“I know a good spot but it’s about 20 minutes walk?”
“I’m alright, I thought you were cold?”
“Not with company,” she threads her arm through his and they laugh at her cheesy response.
“It’s the company you make along the way,” Harry joins in.
They head in her direction and it occurs to Harry. “I don’t even know my company’s name.”
“Oh my god,” she laughs and sticks her free hand out to Harry as they continue walking. “I’m Y/N!”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Harry.” he shakes her hand and they laugh again at how weird they’re being.
“I know,” she smiles up at him. “Your name tag.”
“So I’m the only one who’s been in the dark.”
“‘Fraid so. Remember when you thought I was intimidating?”
“And you thought I was serious,” Harry laughs. She was an open book and he was always cracking jokes. How quickly they went from strangers to something else.
“We were naive then..but I’m still interested in this modelling you do. What’s it for?”
Harry explains his other job to her, the kinds of shoots he landed. What he was aiming for gig-wise. By the time they reach their destination Harry had asked Y/N about her novel and she was happily explaining to him what she wanted to write. He was happily listening.
Harry was glad he’d broken his rule because the mysterious girl in the corner of the cafe was splitting the mystery wide open. And turns out she was actually really cool.
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recurringwriter · 1 year
My little corn dog
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ingrid Brandl Galatea/Raphael Kirsten Characters: Ingrid Brandl Galatea, Raphael Kirsten Additional Tags: Pet Names, Archery, Developing Relationship, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Summary:
Dimitri sets Ingrid up with one of his gym friends. She's not sure at first, but soon discovers that Raphael has a lot more beneath his unpolished surface than she gave him credit for.
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nodominion · 1 year
Through the Eyes of a Child
[Lestat learns that Viktor has never been to a theme park and plans to rectify that. Also posted here.]
Befitting the station of Prince, Lestat’s rooms were the largest in the entire castle. He had several chambers and sections where he could get ready, sleep, bathe, and simply relax. As a result his rooms often became a gathering place for those who knew him best. He rarely dismissed anyone from simply using his space as a means to escape the chaos of the rest of the castle. 
On this night, both Rose and Viktor were holding books and each other’s hands, a fire dimly lit though it was unnecessary with the warm night. Spring was making itself known and with it longer days, the bane of all vampires, especially the young. It made their nights so short with having to sleep so early and rise so late. 
Lestat pretended that he was unaware they were both sitting there when he entered the room, gasping rather loudly and putting on quite a bit of theatrics to see his babies there waiting for him. 
“Look at the two of you! Both just reading and yet you both look so in love.” Lestat sits across from them, leaning forward to be as close to both of them as possible. 
Rose grins, unable to help it. “Aww, Lestat, that’s so sweet. But Viktor is doing research while I get to read for pleasure.”
“Oh? What are you studying, Viktor?”
“The history of toys. Apparently Rose is incensed that I have missed so many important childhood milestones.” Viktor sighs, shrugging lightly, clear that these missed opportunities are not considered as such by him. 
“Is that so? Rose had more toys than she knew what to do with.”
“Oh, come on, I wasn’t that spoiled. And if I was it was because of you, nothing else.” Rose lets go of Viktor’s hand to curl more in her chair, closing her book. 
“How could I not give you everything in the whole world? It is a shame that I will never see pure childhood joy from your eyes, Viktor.”
“Why would you want to? Children are needy and loud. Or so have all the ones I’ve ever met.” Viktor recalls a certain set of siblings on a train in England who had made the entire trip Hell. 
“Viktor, you cannot mean that. Children are a gift and you are both gifts in my life, and in everyone’s who loves you.”
“What I think Viktor meant is that we’re adults now, not children. He knows not all children are annoying. Right?” Rose looks to her husband, unsure if he did indeed mean it. 
“Perhaps not a full one hundred percent, but certainly close.” Viktor finally closes his book, clear that he won’t get any further in his ‘studies’ for the moment. 
“There are no absolutes in life. Let that be a lesson from your old man tonight.”
“Yes, Lestat.”
“Oh, come on, Viktor, no need to be that pouty. Lestat is right, you know. But anyway, Viktor never had any toys past his toddler years, and those were just to help develop his brain or whatever. He’s never even been to a theme park!” Rose throws her hands up in the air for emphasis.
“No! Is that true, Viktor, have you never experienced such a place? I have personally taken Rose to several in her youth, after closing hours. I can arrange such a night for you as well.”
“Why? I do not see the appeal. I do not wish to be in tight spaces with sweaty mortals who will wait for hours for an experience that will only last minutes.”
“Oh, but that is the appeal! What time is it?” Lestat was already standing, opening a balcony door.
“Just before nine. Pretty early in the night.” It was Rose who answered, who also tugged Viktor to stand, pushing him towards the door. 
“Then we might be cutting it close, but it will be worth it. Will you be alright here, Rose?”
“I’ll be perfectly fine, Lestat. Go! Take him now before he has a chance to escape.”
Rose watches as Lestat holds Viktor close to his body, the two of them looking more like twins in that moment than any other. They take to the sky, and Rose looks as long as her preternatural eyes will follow before settling back in her chair to continue her reading.
While Viktor does protest to being essentially kidnapped by his own father, he does not squirm, not confident enough in his own burgeoning flying ability to be able to recover if he were to fall. Though he knows that Lestat would never drop him under any circumstance.
“On that you are correct, Viktor. I will not let you go. We do not have far to go, relatively speaking. I could fly us to Florida, but the sun is still up there. For now, we shall visit somewhere closer to home.”
Lestat had looked into his mind, and for some reason in this moment, that eases his worries. 
“Do you truly think that I have missed something by not having a conventional childhood?”
“You and Rose are practically the same age, from the same time. The way she is enthusiastic about her own childhood should show you that there is worth in her memories. Don’t just discount them simply because you did not have them.”
Viktor was silent for the rest of the journey, not one to speak unless he had something on his mind, and Lestat thankfully did not fill the silence with his own voice. Instead they sped through France, and while Viktor didn’t take his phone out for fear of dropping it, he could tell they were headed towards the direction of Paris.
The booms in the sky told him where they were headed as Lestat zoomed towards them, not afraid of the sound or the lights that accompanied them. They were in the middle of the fireworks, the fantastical castle below them, positioned so they could see the crowd all looking up to see the spectacle. With their hearing they could make out the music above the fireworks, though there were moments after each explosion where it almost felt as though they were going deaf. But their hearing returned as children’s songs accompanied the explosions that occurred all around them, the colors and lights seeming to be the only thing in the entire world. 
Their close proximity to the fireworks did worry Viktor, but he trusted Lestat to keep them safe, as he steered them easily out of danger. They wove between the cracks and lights with such expertise Viktor wondered if Lestat had done this before. 
I have not, mon petit, this is for you.
Lestat’s voice in his head left Viktor in awe. Lestat had dropped all of his duties to bring him here, to an elaborate nighttime spectacular, simply because he thought he ought to experience this for himself. With that he relaxed fully, giving into a part of himself he did not know existed. Though he had not grown up with these songs he knew some of them from the other students who were just as perplexed by his lack of pop culture knowledge as Rose. He was even able to hum a few of them he vaguely recognized, letting himself become overwhelmed by the show around them and below them. 
As Lestat watched Viktor’s demeanor change, he could see both the child Viktor was and the boy he had been once long ago. Viktor’s entire demeanor shifted, no longer acting on only the impulses in his brain, but now reacting with his heart. As a firework exploded above them Viktor grinned, and Lestat could feel tears in his eyes. His son who had he missed every milestone of was here in his arms able to be a child again. Or for the first time. And yet, there was enough resemblance between them that Lestat also saw himself reflected back in Viktor’s newfound youth. The boy who had been cast aside for doing wrong always, though Lestat never quite knew what he had done wrong. The boy who simply wanted to be loved, Well, he was here now, the man, and he would ensure that Viktor knew he was profoundly loved every night for the rest of his nights. 
The finale was close, and both could sense it by the awe in the crowd, who had been cheering were now silent. The wait seemed to suck them in as well, as Lestat lowered them just barely, still out of sight from the mortals, but closer to the castle. 
“On s'envole Peter! On s'envole!” The voice came from all of the speakers, and Lestat looked to Viktor with his own grin now, unable to help the smile as they flew higher out of range of the rather large fireworks that surrounded them now. Viktor’s worries were gone now, completely invested in this show and all of the spectacle he was experiencing for the first time. Though he doubted anyone on the entire planet had ever experienced a firework show in quite the same way. 
The crowd erupted in claps and shouts, but Lestat took them higher now, out of harm’s way as he knew the humans would be inspecting diligently after the show. Viktor looked as though he had seen a relic and actually believed it was real. Lestat hadn’t ever seen such an expression in his son, but he held him closer as he began to fly them back to the castle, though far slower this time, in no rush. 
“We fly away indeed. I take it you enjoyed that, Viktor?”
Viktor still felt unable to speak, the pure delight still coursing through him as though he was still human and had ingested far too much sugar. But he could not be rude and not reply to his father. “Yes, immensely so. I thank you for bringing me all of the way here even though you did not need to.”
“Nonsense, I had to in order to rectify a gap in your education. I believe we are both educated now.”
“Yes. I believe so.”
They recount their favorite parts of the show from their unique vantage point on the rest of the flight home, both enthusiastic about what they each enjoyed. When they land on the balcony they stay outside to continue their conversation, both heated and joyful. When Rose hears their infectious glee she locks them outside, glad they were able to bond as father and son for at least one night. 
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the-bi-space-ace · 2 years
It is Echo Fluff Friday!
Echo can't get out of his head while practicing how to scomp in so the batch helps out in the only way they know how. By being little shits.
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panravenc · 2 years
Chifuyu wakes up one morning in December and although he feels no different from the day before, a surge of excitement travels through his veins. He's never been one to put much stock into his own birthday―growing up with a single mother and no one else, not even friends, has made the day a recollection of favourite meals and wishes made to candles upon a raspberry cake―but it's different, now.
Since it's a birthday he spends by Baji's side.
A treat for Matsuno Chifuyu’s birthday!! He deserves it.
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the-spooky-alien · 2 years
This is my first time entering the Fictober challenge ! I'm so happy to try my hand on it :)
Fandom : X-Files with the prompt ''I chose you'' (because it fits MSR so well, doesn't it ?)
She found him, slumped in a chair, a vacant look on his face. Sadness was etched on his face, darkening his eyes and scrunching his forehead. He looked older than before. As if he really did relive all of these lives again.
When he asked her if being friend in other lives would have changed their partnership, she knew with certitude what to say. It was an evidence.
''Even if I knew for certain, I woudn't change a day.''
Mulder frowned. ''After everything we've been through ? All our losses, our pains and hardships... You wouldn't even change one single thing ?''
She pondered his question, tilting her head to the side. Fleeting pictures of her sister crossed her mind, followed by the wallows of her darkest memories, of water in a bath and a cramped trunk.
Wouldn't she do anything to have her sister back ? To erase Pfaster and his too soft voice from her mind ? To take Time's pen and rewrite her past as she would like it to be ?
Her eyes fell on him, on her partner in almost everything. He was staring at her, his body struggling to stay upright underneath the weight of a weariness born from living dozens of new lives in the span of a couple of hours. He looked beautifully vulnerable, a glint in his eyes that made her heart ache.
During their partnership, Mulder had become as indispensable to her as the air she breathed or the food she ate. He barrelled his way into her heart, crushed every single one of her defences until she couldn't distinguish where his presence in her life ended. Until she didn't want to tell where she began and he ended.
She wouldn't take the risk to change their friendship. Never, not even for her sister.
''I wouldn't.'' A look of disbelief flashed on his face but he didn't look away. He needed more than this. He needed her to be honest, and for once, she would allow him to get a glimpse of the thing beating wildly in her chest each time she was in his presence. ''I wouldn't change one single day spent with you because there's nothing I value more than working with you.'' Being with you, she said in her mind, unable to speak the words out loud.
''Why ?'' he asked, his eyes pleading with her for something to soothe the ache shining in them.
She couldn't not answer him.
''Because I chose you,'' she said simply, crouching beside him, a hand to his knee. ''Because I chose you, and I would choose you every single time, and I will keep choosing you.'' Mulder fixed her, his face torn between confusion and disbelief, because of course this sweet stupid man, who thought everything was always his fault, whose guilt churned permanently in his stomach, wouldn't believe her when it came to her affection for him. ''And apparently, for the sake of my point here, I kept choosing you in other lives too.''
He scoffed, finally looking away. ''You don't believe in this.''
''I don't,'' she agreed, tilting her head to catch his eyes again. ''But you do. And I would like to believe it too. That I would always choose you, choose your company, your friendship, no matter the circumstances.'' She feared for a moment her heart would jerk out of her chest, towards his own, reaching for the heart it yearned for. ''It's a nice thought to entertain, but in the end, the most important thing is that I'm choosing you, here, in this life, even with everything we've been through.''
Mulder said nothing for a moment. His eyes blinked away the moisture gathering there, again and again, until it was too much and it slipped out, rolling on his cheeks to end of the palm of her hands as she gently wiped his cheeks.
''God,'' he chuckled self-deprecatingly, ''I'm sorry for this. Sleep deprivation is one hell of a bitch.''
''It's okay,'' she said softly, stroking the rough skin of his unshaved cheeks. His head followed her warmth, eyes fluttering shut.
They stayed still, relishing the peace washing over them. The hours were ticking, and an impressive amount of work was waiting for them, but for this brief instant, they were safe in their bubble.
''I wished it was you,'' Mulder blurted out, his voice coming out hoarse. At her raised eyebrow, he deflected his gaze, his hands curling on his lap in a nervous habit of his. ''My soulmate,'' he added in a whisper, ''I wished it was you.''
Something expanded in her chest, bubbling inside her throat, shaky words tumbling out of her mouth. ''Fate is overrated, Mulder.''
He blinked, face blank. ''What ?''
She shook her head, hoping her cheeks weren't as red as they were warm. ''I'm sorry, I don't know why I said this,'' she muttered, suddenly hyper aware of her hands cupping his face. Underneath her palm, she felt his muscles stretch in a small, fond, smile. ''I suppose, what I meant is... I don't have to be your soulmate. You can-''
Her voice stopped working at the sight of him, watching her with twinkling eyes and the softest expression she had ever seen on his face.
God, he was beautiful.
''I can what ?''
Beautiful and a pain in the ass. He really was going to make her say it, wasn't he ?
''You can choose me too,'' she said, her voice barely audible over the rush of blood in her ears. She hoped he wouldn't hear the quite tremor in her tone, the barely concealed fear erupting in her veins. She was baring herself to his attentive eyes. Nothing had ever felt more nerve-wracking than his silence right now.
''Oh, Scully,'' he crooned finally, grinning, leaning towards her until his face was the only thing she could see. ''I already chose you. A long, long, time ago.''
Warmth bursted inside her whole body. She grinned, echoing the unbridled joy on his face.
''Well, then,'' she whispered, shivering when his breath hit her lips, ''if we've both already chosen each other...''
His eyes crinkled. ''I guess we have to settle the deal then.''
She tasted his smile when their lips brushed gently, as they chose each other once again amidst the chaos of their lives.
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kokokoula · 7 months
here's a thought:
tsukishima kei is mean. he complains that you talk too much, laughs when you flunk your tests, and insists that you're clingy. others wonder why you're even with him.
but they don't know that when he tsks at your rambling, he shifts one side of his headphones away to hear your voice. they don't know that even though he teases you for your low test scores, he would stay up late at night just to tutor you till you'd get it right. they don't know that after rolling his eyes at your affection, he places a chaste kiss on your forehead and hides his red face in your hair.
so when they say you deserve better, you laugh at their cluelessness and state with a smile, "he's more than everything i could ever want." and he falls in love with you all over again.
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gisellecnz · 2 months
Sometimes your eyes just start welling up with tears by just looking at Satoru—You watched him as he took a bite of a dessert, his eyes sparkling with pure joy at the taste. It was a sight so enchanting that you couldn't help but feel your heart swell with adoration. Why does the world treat him so cruelly? He acts as if he doesn't get treated as a weapon to the jujutsu society—this was all because he was given a power he had never asked for. And not only that, he always had the burden of the world on his shoulders ever since he was born. Your heart absolutely aches at the sight when you know he still puts an effort to put a smile on his face, when deep down he's been through so much pain. .... Oh, you've never felt so bad in your entire life. You'd give this man all the desserts he wants and spoil him with kisses and hugs.
Yet you didn't notice your tears were already streaming down your face as you looked at Satoru, having the time of his life chomping down on some dessert.
"This tastes sooo good!! Hey, sweets, you need to-.....H-huh!? W-whats wrong!? D-did you actually wanted this piece!?!? I'm so sorry!!! Don't cry!!" He panicked with the biggest pout on his face.
2K notes · View notes
katsukistofu · 2 months
peanut butter and jellyfish
contents ౨ৎ ⋆ h. shinsou x fem reader. 5k words — fluff. cursing. comforting insecurities. friends to secret lovers.
⭑ shenanigans with your not-so-secret boyfriend ft. sleepovers with eri, a cat eating pizza on you at 3am, your classmates being nosy, and an aquarium date.
note: your quirk is forensic sight! so ur gc name is the way it is bc ur eyes lol get it
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You choke back a laugh as a very focused Eri puts yet another sticker on Hitoshi’s face. 
Snacks and pillows are strewn around the inside of the blanket fort the three of you finished building moments before. Stiller than a rock, your calm best friend sits there cross-legged so that Eri can give him a makeover of unicorns, stars, and rainbows. 
“Do you think he looks pretty yet?” Eri tilts her head at you.
“Like a real-life princess.” You giggle. “Good job, Eri!” 
“Yay!” She happily high fives the hand you hold up for her. “Do you feel pretty yet, Hito-nii?”
“I feel so bonita.” Hitoshi deadpans, sending you two into another fit of giggles.
“You were pretty already, Toshi,” you coo, rubbing a thumb over the sticker of a cat making sushi on his cheekbone. Mr. Aizawa must have bought that one for her.
Hitoshi pretends to shyly gaze at you from under his long lashes. “Aw, really?”
His lips curve into a lazy smile, and a heat that you’re all too familiar with rises up your neck, you turn away–a little too quickly, to Hitoshi’s amusement.
“Nevermind you’re ugly.”
He laughs and the heat creeps up to your cheeks.
Such a simple sound, yet that soft, husky voice of his always manages to make your insides a mushy mess, even when you had painfully tripped over his cat, Celery, when he transferred and first moved into the dorms with your class.
The normally stoic, reserved purple-haired boy had doubled over with an uncontrollable wheeze, supporting himself on the sofa as your groaning self was sprawled across the floor. 
God, they were lucky they were both cute.
Yet, you couldn’t help but smile as he reached a hand out to help you up, the other still covering his mouth. 
That was the first time you made him laugh, and now, you’ve heard it so many times that you could finally stop counting on both your hands’ fingers but you still wanted more.
“Want me to paint your nails, Eri?” You ask, scooting over to your bedroom’s drawer. 
You open it, your own light blue nails painted a color that reminds you of the sea against the pastel pink of the treasure box you take out. It had a heart-shaped diamond on the latch. 
The heavy box was filled with a collection of nail polish the girls in your class usually used for their sleepovers as well, and new bottles, mostly varying shades of apple red, started mysteriously appearing the day after Eri said she had never gotten painted her nails before. 
“Yes!” Eri’s eyes sparkle. “Can I please have matchy nails with Hito-nii?”
“Of course, sweetie.” You smile. She was adorable. 
Hitoshi rubs the back of his neck. “You sure you want yours black this time, Eri?”
“Yes!” She huffs stubbornly. “Like dad’s clothes and those things under your eyes!”
“Hey!” He protests. She shares a mischievous look with you and you both giggle, catching the pillow Hitoshi gently throws at you. 
“Oreo wouldn’t treat me like this.” Hitoshi reaches out to ruffle Eri’s hair and she squeals in protest, batting his hand away. 
Eri holds up the oversized panda plushie he was talking about. It was comically bigger than her, and you had to bite back a laugh.
The moment you two spotted it in the claw machine outside Shinsou’s favorite cat cafe near campus, you knew you had to win it to add to her ever growing collection of stuffed animals.
With a grin, you remember the huge sigh of relief Shinsou let out when it finally fell into the chute.
“Duh he wouldn’t ‘cause you’re his twin!”
Hitoshi mock gasps. “Take that back.” And tickles her neck, barely dodging as you throw the pillow he threw earlier back at him. 
Except much, much harder.
“Don’t worry Eri, I'll protect you!” You grab another nearby pillow and throw it at him, which he easily catches in mid-air with one hand like it was a frisbee.
“Aw.” You pout. Mr. Aizawa was training him a little too good now.
Eri pats your arm to console you. “It’s okay I appre-shee—apree-shee—“
“Appreciate?” You offer, and her face brightens as she nods.
“Appree-shee-ate. You. For trying.” She finishes shyly.
“Aw, thank you Eri. I appreciate you too.” 
Hitoshi’s eyes soften at the sight of you two. 
“What about me?”
You scowl. “You can go duck yourself, Toshi.”
“Love you too.”
Eri suddenly gasps. 
“Dad says that to Uncle Zashi too!”
Despite already knowing the answer, Hitoshi and you turn to look at her suspiciously.
“…Which one?”
As if he knows you’re talking about him, Aizawa yells down the hallway.
“Eri, brats, pizza’s here!”
“Can I have another hug?” Hitoshi asks coyly after class one day. 
The bell had just rung, and you roll your eyes at his leaning form on the wall of the almost empty hallway. 
Everyone was leaving for lunch.
Except you two, but that was Hitoshi’s fault.
“I just gave you one!”
“Oh no.” He places a dramatic palm to his forehead. “I think I’m going to pass out because of someone if I don’t get a hug in the next five seconds.”
“Greedy ass.” You sigh, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
He hides a grin, shuffling closer to close the gap between your bodies. 
Hitoshi smells like fresh linen with hints of sunshine, probably from his daily bike ride he took around campus before class started, and the coffee he brewed this morning. 
A sense of comfort settles into your bones as the familiar scent envelopes you, and you breathe it in. 
He softly tucks your head under his chin as you nuzzle your face deeper into his chest, your headache from taking the quiz in Ectoplasm’s class earlier now long gone.
“Did you know that when cats see that it's raining outside a window, they go to another window in the same room to check if it's still raining outside?” Hitoshi randomly whispers.
“I did not know that.” You giggle. His lips feel ticklish on your hair. “Does Celery do that too?”
“All the time.” Hitoshi grins. “I have a video from yesterday’s storm, I’ll show you in the cafeteria.”
“Ooh okay!”
He straightens, and takes your hand, your fingers easily lacing through his as you both start to head in the direction of the dining hall. 
When you trip over nothing, he snorts, already expecting it, and catches your waist before you take a fall that will be difficult for your ego and your knees to recover from.
“Careful,” he says as you clutch onto his school uniform in relief, and you swear that already deep, smooth voice of his drops an octave on purpose, almost sending you to the ground again.
Hitoshi’s thumb is still tracing small circles on the back of your hand as the both of you join the line for the traditional school lunch. You could try a different cuisine tomorrow. On today’s menu was miso seaweed soup with a side of grilled fish and a milk bread roll along with, of course, rice.
You feel a vibration on the side of your leg, and for the umpteenth time this school year you thank UA for adding pockets to the school uniform’s skirts as you slip your phone out. The jellyfish charm Hitoshi got for your birthday last year dangles from your case.
Surprise, surprise, it’s the class group chat.
-forklift uncertified -
it’s barbie bitch 
guysss guess what i sawwww
girl what 
u guys don’t get the vision
i saw it in a dream last night
the rock 
nah i get it dude
that would be so manly
ice spice 
I would not be completely opposed to the idea
it’s barbie bitch 
it’s even better >_<
it’s barbie bitch 
mochi cheeks
airpods with wires
i saw that
airpods with wires 
can yall not flirt before lunch 
next time i’m gonna throw 
up before i get to eat
sue you 
forensic balls [you]
a Baby :)
forensic balls [you]
yaoyao ur supposed
to be on my side </3
sorry my love i cannot 
deny the facts </3
Nahhh only shinsou can call her that guys ;))))
airpods with wires
wah wah wah
forensic balls [you]
one more word and i’m gonna change the gc name to fornite jiggle physics 
sue you
No thank you
my chemical romance
what a mad banquet of darkness
it’s barbie bitch
babe look me in the
eyes this isn’t like you 
forensic balls [you]
try me. 
forensic balls [you]
ok just bc u told me to 
i won’t now 
scotch tape 
dayum rip denks
forensic balls [you]
also not my fault u guys 
have early ass birthdays smh
shirt guy
Senior citizen core fr
forensic balls [you]
ily midoriya
shirt guy
ilyt pookie xx 
Girl u aint slick
shirt guy
You’re so late omg
bro has us on mute
shut up dunce face
How tf do I change my name
mochi cheeks
Bakugo it is fairly simple. 
First you click on your profile, then your personal settings. 
From there you press “Change Display Name” and you should be able to enter your name of preference. 
better than you
Thanks glasses ig
You are very welcome.
kiri the rock
nice one dude!
sue you
wow egotistical much
better than you
You wish yours was as big as mine
that’s what he said
it’s barbie bitch
omg it just hit me
it’s barbie bitch
the first person to 
finally get bitches in our class 
it’s barbie bitch
i’m so happy i could cry
sue you
yeah over the screen 
we're talking irl
leave me and my otome games alone
forensic balls [you]
forensic balls [you]
it’s barbie bitch
airpods with wires
first name basis is crazy
forensic balls [you]
fuck i mean *shinsou
scotch tape
y’all smell that
the rock
smells like sum bullshiiii
Could’ve fooled me
You aren’t??? :(
But I wrote a reminder to wish 
you two happy anniversary and 
even bought tea to celebrate!
forensic balls [you]
….for what date
April 1st :(
forensic balls [you]
airpods with wires  
@ it’s barbie bitch we can see u
across the cafeteria u are BAWLING
what the fuck
Hitoshi bites back a laugh as your widened eyes meet his, glancing up from your phone.
“Not dating, huh?” He grins.
You groan and pinch his arm. “I panicked okay! I didn’t know what to tell them.”
“Hmm, do you want me to?”
“I mean, only if you want to.” You shyly play with his fingers. 
“I kind of like us being a secret from them for a little longer. It feels… nice.”
Hitoshi smiles. “I know what you mean.” He wrinkles his nose. “Though they’re so nosy it looks like they figured it out already.”
“Pffft, yeah.” Mina could definitely sniff out a relationship from miles away, no matter how much PDA you tried to sneakily do in empty hallways.
Hitoshi squeezes your hand in reassurance.
“I like it too.” He leans over, and your eyes are forced to meet the dark violet of his.
The side of Hitoshi’s soft-looking lips, courtesy of the strawberry chapstick he stole from you before class this morning, quirk up as he looks down at you with soft eyes, the ones he reserves for you and random cats he sees on the road.
“Chapstick thief,” you mutter.
“Oh, you want it back?” Hitoshi grins. “Kiss it off me then.”
Your cheeks grown warm. “Not here!”
“Good,” He smirks.
“I prefer keeping you all to myself, anyway.”
“What’s wrong?” 
He’s crouching down so that your eyes have no choice but to meet his from your spot on the bean bag.
He gently pushes the switch in your hands down to your lap and pokes your thigh. You squirm away ticklishly. 
“Tell me.”
“No.” You huff, picking your switch back up. “I just wanna play Stardew, leave me alone.”
Your face flushes at the pet name, and he smirks. His secret weapon still works without fail. Hitoshi didn’t even need to activate his quirk to have you under his thumb. 
“You’re not going to feel better if you keep it in. Tell me what’s wrong.”
His nails are still pink, you faintly notice, trying to distract yourself from your very attractive, very insistent boyfriend in front of you with his comforting hands placed on your thighs.
You painted his left hand, and Eri painted his right at the last sleepover you had together. She had insisted that he should match nails with her this time, since she matched with him last week.
It was already terrible and impressive that Hitoshi was a people-reader, even worse that he knew what to do to make you fold so easily and open up.
Curse you Hitoshi, you and your disposition for healthy communication.
You should have never recommended that therapist to him.
“I don’t know,” you finally mumble. He tilts his head, showing you that he’s listening. 
“I just feel like I don’t deserve it.”
“Deserve what, sweetheart?” He asks. The softness in his voice is unbearable and what you've been bottling up for weeks finally spills out.
“I feel like I don’t deserve it when good things happen to me.”
Hitoshi blinks, then lets out a snort. Which turns into a full blown laugh coming from his chest.
You shove his face away and he falls on his butt, still chuckling. 
“You’re making fun of me!” You say indignantly.
“Sorry, sorry, I just–” He coughs, and takes a breath to recollect himself. 
“You say a lot of dumb shit and I think that's the worst thing I’ve heard you say.”
You pout. “I’m feeling very invalidated right now.” Hitoshi rolls his eyes, and his hands reclaim their spot on your skin, except this time he’s gently cupping your face in his hands. 
He’s not used to comforting people, but you can see that he’s trying.  
“You’re beautiful,” he whispers, and you inhale sharply. “You’re kind, you’re intelligent, and I see you try so hard everyday. You always do a good job when you set your sights on something. Why don’t you deserve good things?”
“I don’t know.” Your gaze is numbly pinned to the silver chain around his neck, the one with a little crescent moon on it that he wears everyday, not even taking it off when he goes to sleep. The one you gave to him. 
“That’s okay.”
His thumbs caress your cheeks, and you think you can breathe a little easier. 
“Let's think of it this way,” Hitoshi says, still cupping your cheeks, grounding you. “It’s not about whether you deserve it or not. Do you want it?”
You finally meet his eyes, and answer with a voice shakier than you’d like it to be. 
“I do. I want good things for myself.”
“Atta girl,” Hitoshi says with a proud quirk of his lips. 
You stare at him, your heart suspended in your chest, feeling better but still looking a bit unsure.
Hitoshi notices this from the way you start biting the inside of your cheek, and he leans his forehead against yours. You freeze. 
He smells like fruit, like freshly washed blueberries and those ripe strawberries in the kitchen in the dorm’s fridge. “That’s more than enough. We can work from there.”
There’s still a worried furrow between your eyebrows.
“Come on, sweetheart. We can go to the aquarium you love this weekend.”
He smirks as you perk up at that, drinking up the rare, shy expression suddenly on your face again, and leans down to your ear. 
“You’re so easy,” Hitoshi whispers. 
You grumble, you could hear that stupid grin in his voice.
“Sorry, I can't hear you with your face in my chest.”
You raise your head to glare at him and his heart soars. There was his girl.
God, his smug face was starting to irritate you more and more. "I said that if you were my husband I'd poison your tea!" 
“If you were my wife, I'd drink it."
-thot pockets -
it's barbie bitch
omg guess who i just saw 
cuddling in front of the tv
it's barbie bitch
dating allegation #1 
dating allegation #1 
[dating allegation #2 saved an image]
dating allegation #1 
dating allegation #1 
dating allegation #2
ok forensic penis
dating allegation #2
who changed my user
cuz u guys are NOT beating 
them :laughcry::laughcry:
ice spice
I am just confused as to why 
you two are sitting on each other 
ice spice
When the rest of the couch 
appears to be unoccupied
ice spice
Perhaps this is a new 
procreation method?
mochi cheeks
ice spice
dating allegation #1 
the rock
never change bro 
sue you
it’s barbie bitch
dating allegation #2
Whenever my eyebags get darker
dating allegation #2
Just know I blame it on all of you
“Celery?” You mutter, rubbing your bleary eyes. “What are you doing?”
“Mrow.” The cat continues eating the slice of… pizza? On your chest.
It looks like the one that you and Hitoshi ordered earlier after quizzing each other for Present Mic’s exam.
“I love you so much but I am so confused.”
You reach for your phone to text Hitoshi, your still-asleep hands fumbling a bit on the nightstand.
toshi <3 [12 hrs ago]
Tumblr media
you [12 hrs ago]
literally us <3
toshi <3 [12 hrs ago]
want to order takeout and 
watch ouran highschool after
we study for tmrws exam
you [12 hrs ago]
yes please omg
you [now – 03:24]
can u explain why ur daughter
is eating pizza on my boobs
at 3am
toshi [03:30]
toshi [03:31]
Not even five minutes later, he’s knocking on the door to your room. You open it, and the sight of a very sleepy looking Hitoshi greets you. His already unruly bedhead is even messier than usual and you’re pretty sure he’s wearing his shirt backwards. Did he put it on before coming over? 
You blink, long and hard, banishing the thoughts of a groggy, very shirtless Hitoshi lying in his bed, with the light of his phone screen illuminating his handsome features as he replies to your text. Those four hours of sleep must finally be hitting you.
Hitoshi sees you blinking, and takes it as a sign you’re still in shock at the pizza monster in your lap.
He gives an awkward pat to your shoulder in reassurance.
“I think this is just how she shows affection.” Hitoshi stares down at Celery fondly.
The way you stroke her fur so softly makes his chest feel warm and tingly.
“Does she eat leftover pizza off your chest at three in the morning?”
“Hah. She said she likes me better. ” You smirk victoriously. “Isn’t that right sweetie?”
The calico cat purrs as you scratch her ears, a bit of tomato sauce under her chin. Hitoshi exaggeratedly puts his hand over his heart at this scene of betrayal.
“Seriously? Celery, I took you off those streets and raised you like I was the one pregnant with you for nine months.”
“Mrow.” She bumps her head against your hand.
“Pfft, give it up Toshi. It’s time for you to hand over the adoption papers.”
Hitoshi rubs the back of his neck. “Or we could just share custody.”
“What?” Your cheeks grow warm. “You want me to be her mom?”
“I mean you kind of already are. Look at her,” he says, eyes softening as he looks at the two of you. 
Celery has her paw on your arm. After eating until her little tummy was full, she was already starting to doze off.
“She takes after me.”
You let out a derisive snort.
“Yeah you looked just like that after our binge marathon today too."
“Not in that way.”
He smirks at your confused reaction.
“Then what do you mean–”
At that moment, Celery decides it’s the perfect time to snuggle into your tank top, smearing what’s left of the pizza on her face all over it.
Hitoshi’s eyes widen. He laughs, covering his mouth.
You’ve never been so glad you chose to wear black to sleep.
“Trouble child, you’re here.”
“Hi Mr. Aizawa.” You roll your eyes. “When are you going to stop calling me that, it’s getting old.”
“When you stop getting into trouble.”
“Okay, that’s fair.”
“The kid’s almost ready.” He snorts. “About damn time. Been up since six.”
“He has?” Your eyes widen. “For what?”
Your teacher smirks. “Nerves. Isn’t this his, what, tenth time taking you out though?”
A flustered Hitoshi suddenly appears from behind him with a light pink dusting his cheeks and steers Aizawa back to the door. “O-okay dad that’s enough.” 
He’s cutely dressed in a soft-looking grey cardigan over a white shirt and black wide-legged pants. 
This had to be the most boyfriend he’s looked, ever, and he looked very boyfriend all of the time. 
“Hitoshi?” You do a little twirl for him in your own outfit. “Fire or nah?”
He looks up from his phone, where he’s googling the bus route to the aquarium, except his eyes linger. Without skipping a beat, he responds.
“Toshi, you’re staring.”
“Of course I’m staring.” He says it with a tone like 'what else would I be doing?'
You shyly fidget with the edge of your shorts. “Why?”
“Because you’re beautiful.”
Hitoshi reaches out a hand, like he hasn't just casually left you breathless, and his own eyes soften as he notices your starry-eyed look. 
“Let’s go, you crybaby.”
“Damn. I was going to say you look handsome too, but I don’t remember being the one who sobbed my eyes out watching Your Name last night.”
The tips of his ears turn red.
“Shut up.”
“Was like our fifth rewatch too.”
“Shut up before I kiss you.”
"Is that a threat or a promise?"
‧₊˚ 🐚 ✩ ₊˚ 🌊 ⊹ 𓇼
Hitoshi’s lips twitch as he sees your eyes light up at the sight of the sign pointing in the jellyfish exhibit’s direction. “You’re adorable.”
“Thanks.” You grin. “You’re slow.”
You take him by the arm, your brain faintly registering how muscular his bicep is despite holding it so many times, and drag him along. 
In their tanks, the glow of the moon jellies fills the darkness in front of them as other visitors murmur around you two in awe. Blue light reflects off the water and through the glass, illuminating your boyfriend’s dreamy features and you can’t help but admire how pretty he looks.
Hitoshi turns from watching the jellyfish to face you, fingers now lacing through yours. You don’t look away. 
A soft smile flickers across his face when he catches you staring at him.
“This reminds me of when we first met.”
You smile. You remember. He was the one Mina relentlessly teased you for staring at, which you completely denied at the time.
“Why’re you so thirsty?” You remember her whispering into your ear at the Sports Festival in your first year. The both of you were sitting in your class’s designated spots in the stands.
Your eyes had widened, scandalized. 
“I am not!”
“Please. You’re totally staring at him.”
“Shinsou Hitoshi.” She grinned. “Cute, right?”
Of course she paid attention when they announced his name specifically. 
You could never remember anyone’s, and she probably saw you looking at his picture for a little too long when it appeared on the Jumbotron’s screen, announcing that his match with Oijiro was about to begin. 
“Not really,” you lied, a bad attempt at feigning disinterest. 
Like your eyes hadn’t been trailing down his lean figure the moment his next match started. 
Or noticing how attractive it was the way he casually folded his arms when he taunted Midoriya, or wondering in your mind if his perpetual bed-head was as soft as it looks. 
Mina turned to you, smirking at your slightly dazed expression.
“Really? Then you wouldn’t mind if I told him you had some questions about his quirk and wanted to talk about it after this, riiight?”
“What?” You shake your head furiously. “I mean his quirk is really interesting but–ugh Mina, no!” 
“For the plot!” She waggled her eyebrows.
You nudged her knee with a huff. “I’m breaking up with you.”
“Nooo, I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” Mina eyed you cheekily. “I won’t call him over.”
“Oh thank god.”
“But only if you admit he’s your type.”
You groan. “Okay fine. I think he’s hot, happy?”
“Very.” Your best friend laughs, pure happiness indeed written all over her face. You can see the matchmaking gears already turning in her head. “I just know you too well, babe.”
You roll your eyes. “Sometimes I really wish you didn’t.”
“Come on, you guys would be so cute together though.” She sighs dreamily. “Forensic sight and mind-control? Plus you’re both hot as fuck? Talk about a power couple.”
“....I think I’m going to go sit with Yaomomo instead.”
Recalling the memory, you laugh. “I know, we kept accidentally making eye contact after your second match because our seats were right across from each other.”
“That awkward prolonged eye contact in the stands might’ve been how I started crushing on you.”
You smirk. “You had a crush on me? That's so embarrassing.”
“I know.” He rolls his eyes, softly tucking a stray hair behind your ear. “Worst decision of my life.”
You hold Hitoshi’s hand tighter as you step closer to his side to get a better view of the tank. 
“Glad the feeling is mutual.” 
You spot it before he does.
“Oh my god Toshi. We need to get this for Eri.”
He spins around from the collection of the aquarium’s official shirts for sale, a shirt with a print of a whale shark in his hands. 
“Wha–oh my god.”
Hitoshi stares at the giant penguin plushie you’re holding in front of you. 
It was bigger than you–no, bigger than him even.
“Not sure if it’s going to fit on the train home, but we’ll make it work.”
"Can you teach me how to draw a unicorn too, Eri?" Hitoshi asks.
You had already asked Eri before him seconds ago so you stick your tongue out at Hitoshi, mouthing ‘copycat,’ and he tilts his head down to quickly kiss your neck, making you giggle. 
He still has a pink bow wrapped around his bicep from when you three played dress up an hour ago, and you fight the urge to laugh again at how silly he looks.
Eri is too focused on her drawings to care about either of you, and after she scribbles around a little more, she turns to face her older brother.
“Yeah!” She hands him a red crayon. “Okay, so first you draw half of a circle.”
Hitoshi follows Eri’s instructions.
He lifts his hand, which nearly covers the paper, to reveal a red ‘C’ that looks like it got run over by a truck.
“No, no not like that! Erase it.” She frowns disapprovingly, hands on her hips. “You’re really bad at this Hito-nii.”
“Please Eri-sensei. I'm trying my best.”
“Try harder!” She turns away with a huff, then peers over at your paper. 
“Ooh yours looks so good!” Eri claps, and you smile proudly. 
“It’s all thanks to you, Eri.” You reach out to fix her pigtail that was starting to slip out of the cat-patterned scrunchie, and she giggles, holding still for you. 
Hitoshi grumbles. “This smells like favoritism.”
“That’s ‘cause your unicorn looks Celery’s poop!” Eri chirps. Then she runs away to the kitchen right before you double over in laughter at Hitoshi’s extremely offended face, clutching onto his broad shoulders for support. 
“She said your drawing looks like shit!” You snort, and he groans.
Celery’s ears perk up in Hitoshi’s lap and she meows, looking in your direction. You hold out your arms. “Celery, you want uppies?”
She ignores them and decides to sit in your lap instead, purring softly.
“Yeah? And then what?” You coo, gently rubbing her fuzzy forehead, and her eyes close in contentment.
She mewls again, pawing at your sock and you laugh.
“Okay, okay I’ll tell him.” 
Looking up at Hitoshi, he tilts his head the same way Celery does when you talk to her. 
You bite back a laugh, you’re not sure who’s the cat in the room at this point.
“What did she say?” He asks you curiously.
All you do is blink slowly at him in response.
Hitoshi’s brows knit in confusion.
Then his eyes widen, a soft pink starting to color his cheeks.
Shyly, he slowly blinks back.
Suddenly, the gray-haired girl comes back from the kitchen, apples Aizawa sliced like rabbits for her on a plate in her hands. 
You’re still slowly blinking at each other as she walks through the door.
Eri looks at the both of you weirdly.
“What are you two doing?”
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teehee hitoshi’s the pb to ur jelly(fish) get it
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dinogoofymutated · 4 months
may i pretty please request a wolverine x reader where he gets super clingy when he’s tired and he’s just so soft with the reader following her around like a little puppy until she agrees to go to finally go to bed so they can cuddle and sleep and it’s just 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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Wolverine/GN!Reader THIS!!! I absolutely love soft Logan and having this big, rageing machine of a man turn into an absolute puppy when he's sleepy and in love UGH. I need him to be real RN so we can go get married and live happily ever after in the mountains I stg Sorry that this one is kinda short. It's really fluffy and I hope yall enjoy! TWs: None! Reader is written pictuing fem but no pronouns mentioned.
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    You woke up a little while ago with the striking revelation that you had completely forgotten to finish grading exams. Sure, you could have waited till the morning, but you had become restless. At this point, the only thing that was gonna help you fall back asleep was to just get it over with. 
   You let out a sigh as you finish another exam, moving on to the next one in the stack. You remember when you had first joined the X-men, expecting it to all be adventures and saving people from immediate threats- you never would have expected to be where you are now. The thought makes you laugh a little bit. You, a teacher? Oh, how times have changed. For the better, but changed nonetheless. The door to your classroom creaks open slowly, and you look over to see Logan. His eyes are half closed as he shuffles over to you, leaning over the back of your chair to wrap his arms around your shoulders and set his chin atop your head.
    “Come back to bed, baby.” Logan rumbles. You rub one of his arms back and forth with one of your hands as you continue to write with the other.
    “Sorry, did I wake you up?” You ask. Logan only hums from above you, adjusting his head to press his cheek against your hair. You know what he means, even if he won't admit it.
    “Okay, well just give me a moment and I’ll get back in bed with you, okay?” You tell him, admittedly feeling a little guilty for disturbing his sleep. Logan doesn’t respond, and instead begins to move to the other side of your chair.
    “Logan?” You call his name curiously as he begins to sit down on the floor next to you. He huffs as he leans his head against your thighs, practically using your lap as a pillow.
    “I’ll stay here, thanks.” He says, and you can't help but laugh a little.
    “Logan, There is no way that’s comfortable.” You protest, but he simply shrugs, closing his eyes as he nuzzles into your lap.
    “ ‘ve been through worse.” Logan sighs, and you swear you’re smiling so hard your cheeks hurt. You can’t help but shake your head at him anyway, writing a graded letter on the latest exam before moving it over again.
    “You’re actually ridiculous, you know that?” Logan only hums in response to you, his breathing beginning to slow as you run a hand through his hair. The two of you sit like that for a while, and although you do feel bad about how uncomfortable it must be for him to sit down there like that, Logan doesn’t complain. You rub your eyes when you’ve finally finished grading the last exam, setting it neatly on your desk with the others. You’re ready to finally get up from that god-forsaken seat, but the weight in your lap is keeping you from doing so. When you look down, it’s clear to see that Logan has fully fallen asleep in your lap. You try to keep yourself from smiling too hard as you brush your hand across his shoulders and try to wake him up. 
    “Logan.” You call for him gently, and all he does is grunt in a sleepy way. “Come on, I’m gonna get a glass of water and then I’ll meet you in bed.” You shake him just a tad bit rougher, and Logan grunts again, slowly blinking his eyes open as he sits up. You run your hand through his hair one more time before standing. You wait for him at the door of the classroom, giving him a kiss on his cheek before you turn in the opposite direction, headed towards the kitchen. At first, you think you’re hearing things, but after a few more heavy steps from behind you, you turn around and are face to face with a sleepy, grumpy, Logan. You look at him in disbelief. 
    “I’m not going far. I’m just getting a drink and I’ll meet you in bed?” You can’t believe that he’s still trailing behind you, looking like a lost puppy. He almost pouts at you. Logan Howlett, the one and only Wolverine, pouting at you over something so silly.
     “Lo. You cannot be serious.” You say, once again trying your best not to laugh. Logan huffs at you, walking forward to take your hand before he’s leading you to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
     “You’ll get over it.” He grumbles. The walk to the kitchen to get water is just as quick as you thought it would be, if not a little longer due to Logan being stuck to your side the whole time, being built wide like a fridge and being in the way no matter what with how close he was. He’s got his arm draped over you on the way back to bed, refusing to be less than three inches away from you at all times. You hardly have time to lock the door to your shared room before he’s grabbing you by the waist and tugging you under the covers. God, he was so ridiculous like this and you love him so much for it. It takes a moment for you to get settled under the covers, Logan’s hold on you being equivalent to being held in a steel cage and leaving very little room for movement. 
    When you turn to tell him goodnight, he’s already fast asleep. You lean in and kiss him goodnight anyway, and you swear that you see him smile unconsciously before you tuck yourself into his chest, finally resting in his comforting and secure arms.
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lucabyte · 5 months
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"So what's the weirdest possible first (second) impression Loop could make on the party in postcanon?" "Yeah, that, probably."
+ Bonus
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theyre just standing there in direct party order while this happens. normal tuesday.
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classy-thief · 7 months
First chilly day
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🌻 part 1!
I'm making a comic!
this takes place some time after the movie and the boys are finally leaving the lair for some much needed fresh air :D
First | Next
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yuviur · 1 month
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Summer vacation, 4am.
Tons of easter eggs in this one! Click the image to find them (and for better quality ofc)
Close ups and process shots under the cut, description in alt text
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kalivodas · 18 days
listen i just had to i have such a fundamental feeling for that bear of a man
part 1
warnings p in v nasty nasty talk he calls you kiddo but come on now
IT’S YOUR FAULT. at least that’s what he tells you, coos into your ear as the wet of his mouth finds refuge against your throat. his beard tickles, but his tongue sears.
“you started it, kid,” he grumbles to the fever-ridden air between you. his truck was hot, fog pilled on the windows. (jesus, you were fucking in the parking lot of a home goods.)
he places a palm on your back, arches it up nice and pretty for him, and teases the head of his cock against you. you hear his breath hitch when he meets nothing but wetness.
“please,” you whine, and you feel goosebumps prick your skin at the rawness of your voice.
“beg for it, lovie,” he urges.
your hips buck, grinding into him aimlessly as he pulls away from you. a man who would stick his dick in you in the back of a shopping plaza, but a man with restraint, nonetheless.
somewhere between the high-pitched whimpers of oh, fuck you and god, please please please just put it in and fuck me, john, please baby, need you bad (it was absolutely this one), he bottoms out inside you.
you feel his hips shutter against you. your lungs fall empty, a pathetic, breathless thing falling from your mouth. when you find your air, catch his cock in a vice, he completely draws from you.
“stop being mean,” you grit, bite at him, and your back heaves when his teeth sink into your shoulder.
he grins. you feel it. “why dontcha’ just be quiet honey? just-“ he jams his length into you, face splits impossibly when he hears a squelch. “let her talk for a little bit, shut that pretty fucking mouth.”
before you get to rebuttal, or a form a decent thought in the mush that was your head, his palm finds the fat of your hip. he squeezes there, hums when you whine, and places a hefty palm on your ass. he lets the other hand snake around, enveloping your mouth.
“fat babies, huh?” his pelvis all but snaps against you, and you bite against his hand when his balls slap your clit. he feels you squeeze him, like a fucking vice, he says, and one of his hands slide to your shoulders.
he pushes you down, cheek flat against the leather of his backseat, and pistons down into you like he got paid by the damn hour.
“i’ll give you a fucking baby.” his chest shudders, you swear you feel the hair of it prick your back. your bear.
“fill you the brim, jesus, i’m gonna make you a mama,” he grunts, and you can hear the brute of him shatter. his words come out slurred and broken, lungs taking in air almost viciously.
your hips lock beneath him, and you paw the hand on your mouth away. “knock me up,” you beg him. “please, gotta be— fuck, gotta be full.”
you’d put twenty bucks on the bet that he whimpered.
“i’m gonna’,” his hands find the pudge of your thighs and he tightens his fingers on you like you might slip out of them. “gonna’ make you all fat and pretty, kid.”
he cums then, hot spurts of him filling your tummy. he peels himself away from you, and has to bite away a smirk at the spent, sweaty state of the two of you.
“no more house shopping for you, mr. price,” you coo up at him, but your body hasn’t moved. in fact, it sounds like your fighting your lungs to breathe.
he laughs. “yeah baby, that’s the problem.”
a / n dedicated to @pricegouge only ur tags awakened something
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