#DEI Consulting in Florida
kindallevolve · 11 months
The Impact of Coaching on Professional Growth
Transformational coaching & consulting in Florida has a profound impact on professional growth, empowering individuals to unleash their full potential. Through personalized coaching sessions, professionals gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development, setting the stage for transformative growth.
Coaching in Florida encourages self-discovery and helps professionals overcome barriers that may be hindering their progress. With the guidance of transformational coaches, individuals can set clear goals and create actionable plans to achieve them, fostering a sense of purpose and direction in their careers.
Additionally, transformational coaching instills confidence and resilience, enabling professionals to navigate challenges and seize opportunities with a growth mindset. The support and feedback received from coaches in Florida aid in refining skills, enhancing leadership abilities, and unlocking hidden talents.
As a result of transformational coaching and consulting in Florida, professionals experience accelerated personal and career growth, leading to greater job satisfaction, increased productivity, and improved overall success in their chosen endeavors.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
Years after the death of George Floyd shined a spotlight on societal inequities, diversity professionals say some companies are turning their backs on the progress that's been made to address them.
Madison Butler is one of the many diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) professionals that companies previously brought on their payroll to ensure their business is equitable and accessible for people of all backgrounds.
But in recent months, Butler said she has found it increasingly hard to find work -- and she's not alone.
DEI positions have been disproportionately hit by layoffs across industries, but particularly at tech companies, which have faced financial challenges as sales slowed from the blistering pace attained during the pandemic.
When Butler reached out to DEI professionals who planned to hire her for consulting, she said companies have told her: "'Oh, this person is no longer with the company.' 'Oh, this person has been laid off.' 'Oh, this person no longer works here effective last month.'
Melody, who is using only her first name for privacy reasons, is also a DEI professional and said she was laid off along with others on her DEI team within just a few months of their hiring.MORE: DEI: What does it mean and what is its purpose?
"It's difficult to be somewhere for a brief period of time and feel like you didn't even have the time to make the impact you wanted to make," Melody told ABC News.
"The workplace is so full of human beings and we're not robots," she added. "We definitely need people at work who can help us feel like we belong there."
Nationwide call to action
George Floyd, a Black man, was killed by a Minneapolis police officer in May 2020 during an arrest. His death prompted a nationwide movement in which protesters demanded individuals and organizations alike take action in addressing societal injustices that impact historically marginalized groups.
To do this, some companies sought out the expertise of DEI professionals like Butler and Melody.
"We suddenly saw everyone coming out of the woodwork wanting to hire a lot of them, hiring inaugural DEI folks," Melody said. "And you had to wonder, like, are people actually ready for this? Or is this a trend that we're seeing?"
DEI initiatives are often intended to address workplace culture and conditions, such as inaccessibility in the workplace for disabled people, poor retention rates for workers of color and other inequalities faced by marginalized groups.MORE: Rise in anti-LGBTQ hate and extremism captured in new reports
From September 2019 to September 2020, job postings for diversity, inclusion and belonging positions on the hiring website Indeed rose by 56.3%, the company said.
A LinkedIn study found that chief diversity and inclusion officer positions grew by 168.9% from 2019 to 2022.
The rapid organizational movement toward addressing inequalities was initially exciting for DEI professionals. But in just a couple of years, that excitement wavered as growth rapidly fell apart.
"The honeymoon is over," Cecil Howard, a DEI consultant and former chief diversity officer at the University of South Florida, told ABC News.
"Right after George Floyd's killing, everybody who didn't have a diversity office quickly created a diversity office," he added. "A few years later, they started realizing, 'We checked the box and things are a little quieter now.'"
DEI begins to disappear
Starting in late 2020 -- months after the killing of Floyd set off a racial reckoning -- a host of companies escalated cuts of DEI professionals, a survey of more than 600 companies from data firm Revelio Labs found.
Last year, the layoffs accelerated significantly, the study found.MORE: Where guaranteed income programs are growing in the US
One in three DEI professionals lost their roles over a one-year period ending in December, the survey said. Over that period, the study added, non-DEI workers experienced a relatively lower attrition rate of 21%.
The job losses owe to several trends: a sluggish economy that prompted cost cuts, a softening of the scrutiny that held corporations to account over racial justice and a rise of conservative backlash against DEI, some DEI professionals told ABC News.
"In 2020 a lot of organizations reacted to the market, reacted to social events taking place without really having a clear understanding of what DEI is and how it should be enabled in business," Christie Lindor, a diversity strategist and CEO of Tessi Consulting, told ABC News.
"When things get rough, these are the areas that go," Lindor added.
Speaking to laid-off DEI professionals, Howard noticed job losses concentrated among individuals who criticized an employer's diversity-related policies or offered ambitious ideas for reform, he said.
"The separations weren't coming from organizations that were really serious about enhancing their culture," he said, describing a chilling effect for DEI professionals: "We don't need you to be a voice; we need you to be a face."
At the same time, conservative elected officials such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott began to target DEI initiatives.
DeSantis last month signed into law a bill that prohibits state or federal spending on DEI programs at public universities in Florida.
The acronym, DeSantis said, should be reinterpreted as "discrimination, exclusion and indoctrination."
In February, Abbott's office ordered state agencies to stop using diversity, equity and inclusion programs in hiring, calling them "illegal."
Abbott's chief of staff, Gardner Pate claimed these programs "proactively encourage discrimination in the workplace," and do the opposite of what they claim to do.
And in June, Abbott signed a ban on diversity offices in state-funded higher education institutions.
In a statement, a spokesperson from Abbott's office told ABC News that "the issue is not diversity – the issue is that equity is not equality, and DEI practices conflate the two."
The statement continued, "Some universities and woke professors have been using DEI to advance political agendas and exclude conservative viewpoints on college campuses. These efforts adversely affect our students, limit exposure to diverse thought, and destroy our education system."
DeSantis' office did not respond to ABC News' requests for comment.
Lindor accused elected officials like Abbott and DeSantis of "weaponizing" DEI for political purposes, calling conservative political attacks one of the "driving forces" behind cuts in the field.
Butler and Melody believe that anti-DEI policies intend to turn back progress made by marginalized groups toward equality.
"People fear losing power," said Butler. "So much of this work has to be centered around deconstructing things like white supremacy, deconstructing status quos. And those status quos and white supremacy protect people in positions of power."
Without these DEI policies, professionals fear that organizations may fall back into patterns that create unhealthy or exclusive work cultures that drive away diverse candidates, employees and customers alike.
"If we don't have employees that understand people of different cultures, different backgrounds – companies are going to find themselves losing good employees to discriminatory practices," said Brit Levy, a former DEI employee who was laid off from Meta.MORE: How Colorado Springs, with a history of hate, built LGBTQ safe spaces after the Club Q shooting
She continued, "It's going to be an uphill battle for retention. Employee morale is going to go down because now you have these employees that feel like targets they have targets on their back."
Companies choosing to slash DEI programs could face difficulty hiring candidates from underrepresented groups and understanding the needs of a diverse customer base, Lindor said.
"It's not just about being progressive as an organization," Howard said. "Start looking at the bottom line."
Some states that have banned workplace affirmative action -- a diversity initiative that allows employers to consider race as one factor in hiring -- saw that such bans negatively impacted diversity in the workplace, according to a Harvard study. The study analyzed the workforces of four state government following the ban and found that these states saw significant declines in the number of Black women, Latino men and Asian women working there.
Meanwhile, the number of white men in the workplaces increased, the study says.
Diversity has also proven to be good for business, according to several studies that indicate that companies that are more diverse are more innovative and in turn, more profitable.
Companies that fail to diversify could fall behind, especially in the tech industry, where a surge in the development of AI has heightened the importance of innovation, Lindor said.
"We're seeing more candidates who want to join companies that align with their values," Lindor said. "It's difficult for companies to authentically say DEI is a priority when they're cutting."
"We're going to start to see the results of that in the marketplace in the years to come," she added.
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A federal judge has suspended partial enforcement of Florida's "Stop WOKE Act," a bill backed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis that restricts how companies and schools discuss race.
DeSantis signed the bill into law in April. It would limit race-based teachings in schools, and the way that private companies carry out mandatory diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings. Companies that have 15 employees or more could face civil lawsuits if they're accused of violating the law.
In his opinion, Chief US District Judge Mark Walker blocked the employer portion of the law, saying it violated free speech. He compared the law to Netflix's blockbuster science-fiction hit, "Stranger Things."
"In the popular television series Stranger Things, the 'upside down' describes a parallel dimension containing a distorted version of our world," Walker, a nominee of then-President Barack Obama, wrote in his opinion. "Recently, Florida has seemed like a First Amendment upside down."
"Normally, the First Amendment bars the state from burdening speech, while private actors may burden speech freely," Walker continued. "But in Florida, the First Amendment apparently bars private actors from burdening speech, while the state may burden speech freely."
The Governor's press office didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. When DeSantis signed the bill into law he issued a statement likening the trainings and teachings to "indoctrination," saying, "no one should be instructed to feel as if they are not equal or shamed because of their race."
The law targeted what many Republicans call "critical race theory." Formally, critical race theory examines racism in US institutions stemming from slavery and the Jim Crow era. Democrats have argued it's mostly taught in law schools, and defenders of DEI trainings say they're necessary to prevent implicit bias, discrimination, and racism.
The term became more widely used after schools and businesses across the US began openly discussing and addressing topics of systemic racism following the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
In the wake of the murder, several large corporations issued statements saying they were committed to fighting racism and supporting social justice.
But Republicans have used the term "critical race theory" as a shorthand for race-based discussions and trainings that they say are tied to Marxism.
The Florida law, formally known as House Bill 7, says that schools and businesses can't implement policies or teaching materials saying that members of a specific ethnic group are inherently racist or that they should feel guilty for actions committed by their predecessors. They also are barred from promoting the view that people are privileged or oppressed, or inherently racist or sexist, because of their race or national origin.
Plaintiffs in the case were Honeyfund.com, a Florida honeymoon registry technology company, Ben & Jerry's franchisee Primo Tampa, and workplace diversity consultancy Collective Concepts and its co-founder Chevara Orrin.
The plaintiffs said in their lawsuit that Florida's law infringed on workplace training programs regarding diversity and inclusion, as well as trainings to prevent harassment.
Honeyfund said in its lawsuit that private employers should be able to "engage in open and free exchange of information with employees to identify and begin to address discrimination and harm" at their workplaces.
Shalini Goel Agarwal, counsel at Protect Democracy, one of the legal firms representing the plaintiffs, said in a statement that the law would have chilled "a wide range of speech in the workplace."
"We look forward to proceeding to trial, winning, and seeing this law permanently overturned," Goel Agarwal said. "It is a direct attack on American free speech values as well as on free enterprise in Florida."
Several other organizations including the ACLU, the ACLU of Florida, and the Legal Defense Fund filed suit against Florida's law on Thursday.
DeSantis is up for reelection in November and many believe that he'll run for president in 2024. During his tenure the Governor has embraced controversial culture-war issues, including a law called the Parental Rights in Education Act.
Dubbed by critics as the "Don't Say Gay Bill," the legislation bans discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity in schools, particularly in kindergarten through third grade. Critics say the bill may extend further because it contains ambiguous language banning such instruction "in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate."
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ear-worthy · 3 months
Impostrix Podcast: Helping You "Be Validated"
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One signal that a podcast is ear worthy and worth its weight in words is that it defies genre categorization. After listening to multiple episodes of the Impostrix podcast, the show could be classified as a business podcast, a self-improvement podcast, a career development podcast, an anti-racism podcast, a psychology podcast, and a BIPOC podcast. 
Amazingly, creator and host Whitney Knox Lee has managed to brew up a podcast with all of those genres and has excelled at every one of them.  I think Impostrix is so compelling because Ms Knox Lee has focused on Imposter Syndrome as one major consequence of centuries of chattel slavery, a century of exclusionary and vitriolic laws like Jim Crow, and the continuing undeclared campaign against BIPOC racial, cultural, and economic equality.
  Here's how Ms Knox Lee introduces herself: "I'm a proud Black American mom to two Black boys, a wife, an attorney, mediator, and anti-racism and DEI consultant. I'm also the host of Impostrix Podcast, where we share real talk about what it's like to navigate the professional world as a person of color. From imposter syndrome to racial toxicity, we cover it all. So join me and some amazing guests as we unpack the challenges and triumphs of being professionals of color."
Think about Knox Lee's self-portrait. She is a DEI consultant at a time when DEI is under attack by many politicians, social media trolls, and wealthy corporate leaders such as Bill Ackman and Elon Musk who have made posts on social media that decried diversity programs.
Since 2023, 81 anti-DEI bills that target programs at colleges have been introduced in 28 states and in Congress, according to a tally by the Chronicle of Higher Education. Eight have been signed into law, in states like Texas and Florida.
To Whitney Knox Lee's credit, she is undaunted in the face of these challenges. Read her mission statement: "Impostrix Podcast affirms the lived experiences of (smart, talented AF, and often over-qualified) people of color by challenging imposter syndrome narratives and validate people navigating racial toxicity in their career."
"Here, we will talk self-advocacy. You will learn ways to overcome and leverage imposter experiences, and you will be better able to identify when and why your work culture is working against you. Find support, resist gaslighting, own your space"
The Impostrix podcast began one year ago and is into its second season. 
One of my favorite episodes is the August 1, 2023, show called "What is Imposter Syndrome, Anyway?" In a solo episode, Knox Lee draws on her personal experience to give examples of how imposter experiences show up for her and how it intersects with race. She goes on to detail the five types of imposter syndrome identified by Dr. Valerie Young: the perfectionist, the expert, the natural genius, the soloist, and the super person. Listen to the episode to learn more about these five types in more detail. It's fascinating and instructive.
Another episode of note is a recent one with Alexandria Miller of the Strictly Facts podcast. Miller is a compelling guest who enlightens listeners about "the Caribbean diaspora" who have shaped and enriched Black American culture. Alexandria speaks on the significant contributions of Caribbean people, such as historical figures like Marcus Garvey, Shirley Chisholm, and Malcolm X, whose roots and activism have been instrumental in the fight for equality and justice. 
In the show, even Ms. Knox Lee admits that she didn't fully comprehend the nuances of Black identity with respect to Caribbean culture.
In December 2023, Ms. Knox Lee presented a crossover episode with Tanya Ambrose from the Tea With Tanya podcast.  The show is an engrossing interplay with two successful Black women digging deeper into the imposter syndrome narrative, self-doubt and self-sabotage. They both share their experiences navigating and reframing imposter syndrome and overcoming self-doubt to enjoy their personal and professional lives.My favorite episode -- and the one in which I learned the most -- was the November 2023 show called White Dominant Culture in Every Seat: Navigating Complicity and Liberation. Here, she welcomes Kerrien Suarez, the president and CEO of Equity in the Center, and they delineate the definitions of white dominant culture, white supremacy, and white supremacy culture. It's an episode that spotlights Ms. Knox Lee's mastery as an interviewer, advocate, workplace advisor, and role model.
The episode models the key takeaways from the Impostrix podcast and Whitney Knox Lee's philosophy, which is, "Find support, resist gaslighting, own your space, and prepare to lead. Be Validated."
Ms. Knox Lee also actively engages with her listeners. She advertises an upcoming event on her podcast, and it is listed prominently on her website.   "Join Whitney and fellow Impostrix Podcast listeners monthly to discuss the theme of the month. This is a space for fellowship, and to relate to and learn with one another. We will draw from Impostrix Podcast conversations released during the given month. You are encouraged to listen to these episodes before attending, but this is not a requirement." I like the bifurcation of discussions for BIPOC and white folks. It is a realization that white-person empathy and actually living through the tribulations of being Black in America are divergent experiences.
  As the host, Whitney Knox Lee excels as a storyteller, lecturer, interviewer, and mentor. Perhaps it's her legal training and experience. Ms. Knox Lee can explain complex historical, cultural, racial, and socioeconomic concepts so they are relatable to her listeners. 
Her skills as an interviewer and as a solo narrator are rare in the podcasting world, where hosts tend to excel at only one of those skills. When I asked how did she become so adept at hosting a podcast, Whitney Knox Lee responded with unvarnished humility. "Am I?! Trial and error, I suppose. I am not a huge podcast listener, and I do what hosts are told NOT to do... I consider myself as my audience. So my conversations are very much aligned with what my personal interests and challenges are, and what my journey is." When asked, "What’s the hardest part of indie podcasting?" Ms. Knox Lee answers immediately and like many indie podcasters who wear multiple hats. "Doing EVERYTHING. Any one part of podcasting is difficult for me. Combining everything together feels like a full-time job without the pay. I task I like the least is social media marketing!"
When asked why she developed the podcast, Ms. Knox Lee explains, "Podcasts provide great eavesdropping space. An opportunity for people to sit in on conversations that they normally may not be privy to and just listen." She continues: "Here, there is no pressure to respond a right or wrong way. There are no expectations around my or your feelings, which also means it is a space where we (in this instance, BIPOC people) don't have to worry about caretaking white people. We also get to learn answers to questions we may be too embarrassed, afraid, insecure, or self-conscious to ask." Check out the Impostrix podcast. While the target audience may be Black women, the intellectual vigor of creator / host Whitney Knox Lee makes the podcast compelling listening for anyone --race, gender, political affiliation -- with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and an eagerness to make life better for everyone.
As Whitney Knox Lee stresses many times on her podcast, "Be validated."
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roysexton · 1 year
Thank you, Jeremy Barker and Above the Law, for this wonderful and thoughtful coverage of Legal Marketing Association - LMA International's #LMA23, notably our dynamite GC panel, moderated by conference co-chair Jennifer Petrone Dezso with panelists Descartes Systems Group's Peter V. Nguyen, Bates White Economic Consulting's Jodi Trulove, and Fender's Aarash Darroodi. Some great nuggets here for #lawfirm leaders, #attorneys, #legalmarketers, #businessdevelopment pros.
EXCERPT: Nearly 1,200 attendees packed the Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Florida, late last month for the Legal Marketing Association’s annual gathering.
The agenda was filled with programs exploring niche areas — ESG guidance for firms, the science behind rainmaking, and DEI communications best practices, to name a few.
A keynote by the author Laura Gassner Otting and networking events like an ’80s dance party helped round out the three days of professional offerings (and good vibes).
“The energy and sense of community at this conference was unique, motivating and palpable,” LMA President Roy Sexton wrote on LinkedIn.
One perennial LMA favorite is the general counsel panel, and this year’s drew inspiration from daytime TV.
Presented on a festival-style stage, “How to Win Big at the Legal Marketing Gameshow” saw Jennifer Dezso of Thomson Reuters leading three GCs through a wide-ranging discussion of what law firms are doing right and what they’re getting wrong.
If there was one clear theme throughout the panel, it’s that private practice lawyers who show curiosity about their clients will score big points with general counsel.
Peter Nguyen, GC of the Descartes Systems Group, described curiosity as the key differentiator in evaluating the law firms he works with.
“I want to have that engagement,” he said. “I want you to really understand — want to understand — what it is about my business that you can help us with.”
This curiosity is often central to the value law firms provide.
That’s because general counsel aren’t looking to just get answers to legal questions. They want guidance based on an organization’s unique goals and circumstances.
“Sometimes lawyers are a little hesitant to actually weigh in and give an opinion on what you should do,” said Jodi Trulove, general counsel at Bates White LLC. “We want you to tell us what you think we should do, but you have to understand us first.”
For law firms looking to demonstrate this trait to potential clients, the RFP process provides one big opportunity.
Fender’s general counsel, Aarash Darroodi, described receiving template-based RFP responses from law firms — an approach he called “fundamentally a mistake.”
Instead, he would like to see a law firm respond to an RFP with an offer to come look at the company’s operations in-depth, gaining a better picture of his organization before a proposal is prepared.
More ... https://abovethelaw.com/2023/05/why-curiosity-is-key-for-business-development/?fbclid=IwAR0mSJdUXabZLnlSmFRhxKi8M4zFxHX9TiR2q4AD3O_MYLSPv5gJUXLvKgo
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santamonicaday · 6 years
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kindallevolve · 11 months
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Leadership & Executive Coaching
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
University of Houston leaders announced this week they would close the school's Diversity and Inclusion office and LGBTQ Resource Center on Aug.31 in light of recent legislation passed to erode diversity programs and services in the state. Instead, UH is creating a Center for Student Advocacy and Community to comply with state law. The university's announcement comes months before the state law is set to go into effect on Jan.1.
Filed as SB 17, the law bans diversity, equity, and inclusion offices in higher education institutions and prohibits departments from implementing mandatory training that includes content or programs referencing race, color, ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation. The law passed earlier this summer in the 88th legislative session and was signed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in June.
With its Center for Student Advocacy and Community, the University of Houston is set to become one of the first Texas higher education institutions to make swift changes ahead of the law's effectiveness. Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Daniel M. Maxwell released an email statement to UH community members on Wednesday saying the new on-campus center will be open for all students regardless of race, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
"In preparation of this law going into effect, student affairs staff and administrators began working this summer in consultation with other departments and offices across campus to ensure that our programs, activities, and services satisfy the requirements of SB17," Maxwell said. 
BREAKING NEWS: Tropical storm Idalia to impact Cuba today then strengthen to major hurricane with potential landfall in Florida early Wednesday
University of Houston leaders announced this week they would close the school's Diversity and Inclusion office and LGBTQ Resource Center on Aug.31 in light of recent legislation passed to erode diversity programs and services in the state. Instead, UH is creating a Center for Student Advocacy and Community to comply with state law. The university's announcement comes months before the state law is set to go into effect on Jan.1.
Filed as SB 17, the law bans diversity, equity, and inclusion offices in higher education institutions and prohibits departments from implementing mandatory training that includes content or programs referencing race, color, ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation. The law passed earlier this summer in the 88th legislative session and was signed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in June.
With its Center for Student Advocacy and Community, the University of Houston is set to become one of the first Texas higher education institutions to make swift changes ahead of the law's effectiveness. Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Daniel M. Maxwell released an email statement to UH community members on Wednesday saying the new on-campus center will be open for all students regardless of race, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
"In preparation of this law going into effect, student affairs staff and administrators began working this summer in consultation with other departments and offices across campus to ensure that our programs, activities, and services satisfy the requirements of SB17," Maxwell said. 
"This center will make available wide-ranging advocacy, a support network for both undergraduate and graduate students, comprehensive basic needs services and resources, and facilitate a variety of events and programs to foster student success, achievement, and community building."
According to Maxwell, the center will specifically focus on academic access, leadership development, summer bridge programs, student success coaching, and various mentorship programs. The university released a draft policy on DEI initiatives and frequently asked questions about the law. The UH community is encouraged to give feedback on the plan and is open to input until Sept.20.
"They will be signed and finalized by University leadership shortly after the community review concludes," UH Senior Director of Media Relations Chris Stipes said in a statement to Chron.
In a meeting with the UH System Board of Regents, Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs and General Counsel Dona Cornell explained to board members what they are permitted to do or say under the law. According to Cornell, state leadership would audit higher education institutions every four years to ensure they comply with SB17, and the UH system itself would conduct its own self-auditing process. 
"You can't say, for example, 'commitment to diversity' in hiring," Cornell said. A few exceptions to the bill include academic course instruction, guest speakers, data collection, student recruitment or admissions, scholarly research, and more. Overall, Cornell described the law as "broad." 
"It is a very emotional issue for a lot of people, and I recognize that, so we really tried to work with each constituency, if you will, across the system," Cornell said. "There are some things that we will no longer be doing, but the large majority of the programming that we provide and the activities that we have will continue."
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chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
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Case Study: Always #LikeAGirl – Creative Advertising and Design Case Study | Awards 2018
From www.dandad.org – May 6, 11:07 PM
Case Study: Always #LikeAGirlAlways needed a way to appeal to a next generation of consumers in the face of growing competition from rivals that were gaining traction with Millennial girls via social media. The award-winning response was the Always #LikeAGirl campaign, that turned a phrase that had become an insult into an empowering message. Together Leo Burnett Chicago, Holler and Always scooped up a Black Pencil 2015 Award for their #LikeAGirl campaign. The BriefAlways’ commitment to empowering girls through puberty education dates back decades. Yet in 2013, P&G realised the brand’s purpose wasn’t apparent to the new generation of consumers. Always’ brand communications had remained focused on product performance, while its main rivals had moved on. The challenge was to build a fresh and more meaningful understanding of confidence which would resonate with the next generation of consumers….
A 5-Point Guide to Choosing the Right Social Channel for Your Campaign – Mayo Clinic Social Media Network. Marie Ennis-O’Connor
From socialmedia.mayoclinic.org – Today, 7:38 PM
In my webinar, How to Create an Awareness Campaign with Social Media, I outlined a step-by-step plan to create an awareness campaign from setting campaign objectives right through to measuring a campaign’s impact. Before you jump into the tactical details of your plan, you should take time for some preparatory research. In previous posts, I shared my tips for conducting a social media audit and advice on getting to know your audience better. In this post, I will share with you a 5-point plan to help you choose which social media channel is right for your campaign.
The Effects of Digital Marketing of Unhealthy Commodities on Young People: A Systematic Review 
From www.mdpi.com – Today, 7:51 PM
The marketing of unhealthy commodities through traditional media is known to impact consumers’ product attitudes and behaviors. Less is known about the impacts of digital marketing (online promotional activities), especially among young people who have a strong online presence. This review systematically assesses the relationship between digital marketing and young people’s attitudes and behaviors towards unhealthy commodities. Literature was identified in June 2017 by searches in six electronic databases. Primary studies (both qualitative and quantitative) that examined the effect of digital marketing of unhealthy food or beverages, alcohol and tobacco products on young people’s (12 to 30 years) attitudes, intended and actual consumption were reviewed.
UNIBO – Master in Politiche Sanitarie: Il ruolo dei social media nella comunicazione per la salute.
Collegarsi: la sanità mobile (mHealth)
From eurohealthnet.eu – Today, 6:41 PM
Il seguente Policy Precis fa il punto sulle politiche e i programmi europei inerenti la cosiddetta sanità mobile (mHealth) e sull’importanza che questa assume rispetto alla riduzione delle disuguaglianze di salute. Sono indicate buone pratiche e suggerite strategie di sviluppo.
Forum della Comunicazione  Milano, 7 giugno 2018
From www.forumcomunicazione.it – Today, 12:13 AM
OPPORTUNITÀ AUMENTATE #forumcom18 Questo il tema ufficiale dell’undicesima edizione del FORUM DELLA COMUNICAZIONE 2018 La nuova sfida è sull’intelligenza esponenziale. Intelligenza artificiale, realtà aumentata: la trasformazione digitale che stiamo vivendo è talmente veloce da non essere neanche percepita. Quanto l’Uomo con la sua intelligenza riuscirà a trarre vantaggio ….
ICAR 2018 – Social marketing: strategies and tools to promote HIV prevention 
From www.icar2018.it – Today, 5:44 PM
“Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research” Roma, ERGIFE Palace Hotel, 22-24 maggio 2018
Università: 10 opportunità di salute. Didattica ricerca e… responsabilità sociale
From marketingsociale.net – Today, 12:43 PM
Per abbonarsi: “La Salute umana” pubblicata a cura del Centro Sperimentale per la Promozione della Salute e l’Educazione Sanitaria – Università degli Studi di Perugia tel. 075 585.7357 / http://cespes.unipg.it
“Il fumo brucia il cuore”. L’installazione che scoraggia l’uso di sigarette
From www.youtube.com – May 6, 10:56 PM
www.siciliatv.org – “Il fumo brucia il cuore”, singolare installazione nella sede dell’ASP di di Agrigento
Public health use of digital technology to advance health equity
From nccdh.ca – Today, 7:50 PM
Social media has become an ever-present aspect of life. Public health can increase its influence and impact on the social determinants of health and health equity by harnessing social media. The NCCDH conducted surveys in 2012 and 2016 to assess how public health used social media and other digital tools for knowledge translation, relationship building, and specific public health roles to advance health equity. A version of this report is also published in the Journal of Public Health Policy: Ndumbe-Eyoh, S. & Mazzucco, A. Social media, knowledge translation, and action on the social determinants of health and health equity: A survey of public health practices. J Public Health Pol (2016) 37(Suppl 2): 249.
L’evoluzione della Rete Oncologica Piemonte-Valle D’Aosta. La comunicazione alla base del processo della clinical governance – A cura di Loredana Masseria
Web 2.0 e Sistema Sanitario Italiano. Analisi sull’utilizzo dei Social Media all’interno delle Aziende Sanitarie Locali – Claudia Maria Pecorari
Guide Fact Sheet: Health Literacy – A critically important, often overlooked, determinant of health
From www.whcaonline.org – Today, 7:45 PM
Health literacy is the capacity to obtain, interpret and understand basic health information and services and the competence to use such information and services to enhance health. People’s health behaviors and choices, and ultimately health and well-being are significantly shaped by the ability to obtain, process, and turn good information into action. Health literacy reflects the dual nature of effective health communication. Health literacy is functional. It occurs when skills and abilities to get and use information are aligned with the complexity/clarity of demands/tasks required for health. A health literate population is one where skills of the public are concordant with the demands of tasks required for health.
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This content was originally published here.
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nicolesrollins · 7 years
Welcome our New Italian and Colombian Agents!
Worldwide Properties is pleased to announce the addition of our two newest luxury real estate team members from Italy and Columbia: Chiara Cammarota and Alejandro Munoz.   These two Miami luxury real estate specialists bring a true passion and dedication to the real estate industry while expanding Worldwide’s reach to the Italian and Columbian Markets.
Chiara Cammarota
Originally from Italy Chiara Cammarota has called Miami Beach home for the past decade.  Over the years she has deepened her love for the city by working in the field of tourism and real estate which has allowed her to develop an extensive knowledge of the city of Miami Beach and its surroundings.   The same commitment and professionalism led her to Worldwide Properties to pursue her goals of helping clients efficiently and effectively navigate the Miami Beach real estate market. Chiara would love to be your real estate insider and eyes and ears here in Miami guiding you every step of the way.  Chiara is fluent in Italian and Spanish to assist you will your real estate needs.
Di origine italiana, Chiara Cammarota, risiede a Miami da ormai più di una decade.Nel corso degli anni ha approfondito la passione per questa città con impegno e dedizione, lavorando nel settore del turismo e dell’ immobiliare che le hanno permesso di sviluppare una conoscenza estesa di Miami Beach e dintorni. Lo stesso impegno e professionalità l’hanno guidata verso la famiglia di Worldwide Properties, dove da poco e’ entrata a farne parte, per perseguire I suoi obbiettivi e aiutarVi nel conseguimento dei Vostri nel modo piu efficiente e piacevole possibile. Chiara e’ fluente in Italiano, Inglese e Spagnolo ed e’ lieta di guidarvi ed assistervi in ogni tipo di esigenza concernente la Vostra proprietà o del mercato immobiliare locale.
Alejandro Munoz
Alejandro Munoz also recently joined the Worldwide Properties team. Alejandro’s educational background in Accounting and Finance from Boston College and experience working as a management consultant for over 10 years provides his clients’ an edge when navigating the Miami real estate market.  Alejandro brings to the table a keen sense of professionalism and a passion for ensuring complete client satisfaction. He also has several years of experience working in various countries throughout Latin America, especially Colombia, where he resided prior to relocating to Florida. Alejandro has now called Miami Beach home for the past six years and is eager to collaborate with you regarding all of your real estate needs.
Alejandro Muñoz es el nuevo integrante del equipo de Worldwide Properties. Su formación en contabilidad y finanzas en Boston College, y su experiencia profesional como consultor por mas de diez años en empresas reconocidas, le permite a Alejandro conseguir una ventaja al momento de navegar el mercado inmobiliario en Miami. Adicionalmente, Alejandro cuenta con una solida trayectoria trabajando por Latino América, particularmente en Colombia, donde vivió antes de radicarse en la Florida. En la actualidad, Alejandro vive en Miami Beach y está dispuesto a ayudarle con todas sus necesidades de propiedad raíz.
 Worldwide Properties is excited to have Chiara and Alejandro as part of our Miami Luxury Real Estate Team and we wish him great success!
from Worldwide Properties - Feed http://ift.tt/2nACXAQ Welcome our New Italian and Colombian Agents! published first on https://worldwidepropertiessouthof5th.blogspot.com
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walterfrodriguez · 7 years
Welcome our New Italian and Colombian Agents!
Welcome our New Italian and Colombian Agents!: via Worldwide Properties - Feed
Worldwide Properties is pleased to announce the addition of our two newest luxury real estate team members from Italy and Columbia: Chiara Cammarota and Alejandro Munoz.   These two Miami luxury real estate specialists bring a true passion and dedication to the real estate industry while expanding Worldwide’s reach to the Italian and Columbian Markets.
Chiara Cammarota
Originally from Italy Chiara Cammarota has called Miami Beach home for the past decade.  Over the years she has deepened her love for the city by working in the field of tourism and real estate which has allowed her to develop an extensive knowledge of the city of Miami Beach and its surroundings.   The same commitment and professionalism led her to Worldwide Properties to pursue her goals of helping clients efficiently and effectively navigate the Miami Beach real estate market. Chiara would love to be your real estate insider and eyes and ears here in Miami guiding you every step of the way.  Chiara is fluent in Italian and Spanish to assist you will your real estate needs.
Di origine italiana, Chiara Cammarota, risiede a Miami da ormai più di una decade.Nel corso degli anni ha approfondito la passione per questa città con impegno e dedizione, lavorando nel settore del turismo e dell’ immobiliare che le hanno permesso di sviluppare una conoscenza estesa di Miami Beach e dintorni. Lo stesso impegno e professionalità l’hanno guidata verso la famiglia di Worldwide Properties, dove da poco e’ entrata a farne parte, per perseguire I suoi obbiettivi e aiutarVi nel conseguimento dei Vostri nel modo piu efficiente e piacevole possibile. Chiara e’ fluente in Italiano, Inglese e Spagnolo ed e’ lieta di guidarvi ed assistervi in ogni tipo di esigenza concernente la Vostra proprietà o del mercato immobiliare locale.
Alejandro Munoz
Alejandro Munoz also recently joined the Worldwide Properties team. Alejandro’s educational background in Accounting and Finance from Boston College and experience working as a management consultant for over 10 years provides his clients’ an edge when navigating the Miami real estate market.  Alejandro brings to the table a keen sense of professionalism and a passion for ensuring complete client satisfaction. He also has several years of experience working in various countries throughout Latin America, especially Colombia, where he resided prior to relocating to Florida. Alejandro has now called Miami Beach home for the past six years and is eager to collaborate with you regarding all of your real estate needs.
Alejandro Muñoz es el nuevo integrante del equipo de Worldwide Properties. Su formación en contabilidad y finanzas en Boston College, y su experiencia profesional como consultor por mas de diez años en empresas reconocidas, le permite a Alejandro conseguir una ventaja al momento de navegar el mercado inmobiliario en Miami. Adicionalmente, Alejandro cuenta con una solida trayectoria trabajando por Latino América, particularmente en Colombia, donde vivió antes de radicarse en la Florida. En la actualidad, Alejandro vive en Miami Beach y está dispuesto a ayudarle con todas sus necesidades de propiedad raíz.
 Worldwide Properties is excited to have Chiara and Alejandro as part of our Miami Luxury Real Estate Team and we wish him great success!
Welcome our New Italian and Colombian Agents! published first on https://worldwideproperties.tumblr.com/
0 notes
worldwideproperties · 7 years
via Worldwide Properties - Feed
Worldwide Properties is pleased to announce the addition of our two newest luxury real estate team members from Italy and Columbia: Chiara Cammarota and Alejandro Munoz.   These two Miami luxury real estate specialists bring a true passion and dedication to the real estate industry while expanding Worldwide’s reach to the Italian and Columbian Markets.
Chiara Cammarota
Originally from Italy Chiara Cammarota has called Miami Beach home for the past decade.  Over the years she has deepened her love for the city by working in the field of tourism and real estate which has allowed her to develop an extensive knowledge of the city of Miami Beach and its surroundings.   The same commitment and professionalism led her to Worldwide Properties to pursue her goals of helping clients efficiently and effectively navigate the Miami Beach real estate market. Chiara would love to be your real estate insider and eyes and ears here in Miami guiding you every step of the way.  Chiara is fluent in Italian and Spanish to assist you will your real estate needs.
Di origine italiana, Chiara Cammarota, risiede a Miami da ormai più di una decade.Nel corso degli anni ha approfondito la passione per questa città con impegno e dedizione, lavorando nel settore del turismo e dell’ immobiliare che le hanno permesso di sviluppare una conoscenza estesa di Miami Beach e dintorni. Lo stesso impegno e professionalità l’hanno guidata verso la famiglia di Worldwide Properties, dove da poco e’ entrata a farne parte, per perseguire I suoi obbiettivi e aiutarVi nel conseguimento dei Vostri nel modo piu efficiente e piacevole possibile. Chiara e’ fluente in Italiano, Inglese e Spagnolo ed e’ lieta di guidarvi ed assistervi in ogni tipo di esigenza concernente la Vostra proprietà o del mercato immobiliare locale.
Alejandro Munoz
Alejandro Munoz also recently joined the Worldwide Properties team. Alejandro’s educational background in Accounting and Finance from Boston College and experience working as a management consultant for over 10 years provides his clients’ an edge when navigating the Miami real estate market.  Alejandro brings to the table a keen sense of professionalism and a passion for ensuring complete client satisfaction. He also has several years of experience working in various countries throughout Latin America, especially Colombia, where he resided prior to relocating to Florida. Alejandro has now called Miami Beach home for the past six years and is eager to collaborate with you regarding all of your real estate needs.
Alejandro Muñoz es el nuevo integrante del equipo de Worldwide Properties. Su formación en contabilidad y finanzas en Boston College, y su experiencia profesional como consultor por mas de diez años en empresas reconocidas, le permite a Alejandro conseguir una ventaja al momento de navegar el mercado inmobiliario en Miami. Adicionalmente, Alejandro cuenta con una solida trayectoria trabajando por Latino América, particularmente en Colombia, donde vivió antes de radicarse en la Florida. En la actualidad, Alejandro vive en Miami Beach y está dispuesto a ayudarle con todas sus necesidades de propiedad raíz.
 Worldwide Properties is excited to have Chiara and Alejandro as part of our Miami Luxury Real Estate Team and we wish him great success!
0 notes
kindallevolve · 1 year
Leading DEI Consulting Firms: Shaping Inclusive Cultures for the Future
In an era where diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are critical drivers of success, DEI consulting firms in Florida are at the forefront of shaping inclusive cultures for the future. These leading firms are instrumental in guiding organizations towards creating workplaces that value and embrace diversity.
DEI consulting firms in Florida offer a wealth of knowledge and expertise in cultivating inclusive cultures. They assist organizations in developing comprehensive DEI strategies, conducting assessments to identify gaps and opportunities, and implementing tailored programs to promote diversity and inclusion at all levels.
These firms understand that inclusive cultures go beyond mere representation. They work closely with companies to dismantle systemic barriers, foster belonging, and cultivate equitable practices. By emphasizing the value of diverse perspectives, these firms enable organizations to leverage the power of inclusion to drive innovation, collaboration, and overall success.
In partnering with leading DEI consulting firms in Florida, organizations demonstrate their commitment to creating sustainable and inclusive cultures. Together, they shape a future where diversity is celebrated, equity is prioritized, and inclusion is woven into the fabric of every organization, setting the stage for long-term success.
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kindallevolve · 1 year
Breaking Barriers: DEI Consulting Solutions for Florida Businesses
In a world that increasingly values diversity and inclusion, businesses in Florida are recognizing the importance of DEI consulting to break down barriers and drive positive change. DEI consulting in Florida offers tailored solutions to help businesses foster inclusive cultures, enhance employee engagement, and build stronger, more resilient teams.
DEI consultants in Florida work closely with organizations to identify and address systemic biases and barriers that hinder progress towards inclusivity. They provide comprehensive assessments, develop customized strategies, and implement targeted initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels.
These solutions encompass a wide range of areas, including recruitment practices, training programs, policy development, and fostering inclusive leadership. DEI consulting empowers businesses to create safe spaces for open dialogue, challenge unconscious biases, and promote equitable opportunities for all employees.
By investing in DEI consulting, Florida businesses can drive innovation, boost productivity, and attract top talent. A diverse workforce brings a multitude of perspectives and experiences, leading to more creative problem-solving and better decision-making.
Moreover, embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment aligns with the values and expectations of customers, clients, and the broader community. Companies that prioritize DEI demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility and equality, enhancing their reputation and brand image.
DEI consulting solutions are essential for Florida businesses seeking to create a workplace where every employee feels valued, respected, and empowered. By breaking barriers and embracing diversity, organizations can unlock the full potential of their workforce and cultivate an environment that celebrates differences, drives collaboration, and fosters success.
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chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
Italian Social Marketing Network Newsletter 155
Italian Social Marketing Network   Newsletter 155
by Giuseppe Fattori
Powered by
Social Marketing Conference  June 27-28, 2018 University of South Florida
From www.youtube.com – May 6, 10:51 PM
Philip Kotler: Marketing Strategy
From www.youtube.com – Today, 1:10 PM
Philip Kotler is the undisputed heavyweight champion of marketing. He’s authored or co-authored around 70 books, addressed huge audiences around the world and consulted some of the biggest brands. In this video, he shares his insights with the London Business Forum.
TIME – Finding home. First Prize at World Press Photo in the Innovative Storytelling category.
From marketingsociale.net – May 6, 11:33 PM
Since September 2016, TIME has been following three Syrian refugees as they prepared to give birth and raise a child in a foreign land. All of the women learned of their pregnancies on the road and none expected to deliver in a refugee camp, far from the homes they fled in Syria. These women are among the more than 1,000 refugees who gave birth in Greek refugee camps in 2016 alone. As babies, born of no nation, take their first steps, they face an uncertain future. Their parents continue their search for a home in a world that is increasingly hostile to refugees. Follow us as the story unfolds daily on Instagram, watchHeln’s First Yearand see the journey mapped across the globe on Google Earth. Click here to find out how you can help. This daily struggle plays out against the backdrop of Europe’s newest experiment to integrate hundreds of thousands of refugees, some into countries that have very little experience with outsiders. With our year-long multimedia project, “Finding Home,” TIME brings you their stories. PHOTOGRAPHS BY LYNSEY ADDARIO | REPORTING BY ARYN BAKER | VIDEO BY FRANCESCA TRIANNI
Case Study: Always #LikeAGirl – Creative Advertising and Design Case Study | Awards 2018
From www.dandad.org – May 6, 11:07 PM
Case Study: Always #LikeAGirlAlways needed a way to appeal to a next generation of consumers in the face of growing competition from rivals that were gaining traction with Millennial girls via social media. The award-winning response was the Always #LikeAGirl campaign, that turned a phrase that had become an insult into an empowering message. Together Leo Burnett Chicago, Holler and Always scooped up a Black Pencil 2015 Award for their #LikeAGirl campaign. The BriefAlways’ commitment to empowering girls through puberty education dates back decades. Yet in 2013, P&G realised the brand’s purpose wasn’t apparent to the new generation of consumers. Always’ brand communications had remained focused on product performance, while its main rivals had moved on. The challenge was to build a fresh and more meaningful understanding of confidence which would resonate with the next generation of consumers….
A 5-Point Guide to Choosing the Right Social Channel for Your Campaign – Mayo Clinic Social Media Network. Marie Ennis-O’Connor
From socialmedia.mayoclinic.org – Today, 7:38 PM
In my webinar, How to Create an Awareness Campaign with Social Media, I outlined a step-by-step plan to create an awareness campaign from setting campaign objectives right through to measuring a campaign’s impact. Before you jump into the tactical details of your plan, you should take time for some preparatory research. In previous posts, I shared my tips for conducting a social media audit and advice on getting to know your audience better. In this post, I will share with you a 5-point plan to help you choose which social media channel is right for your campaign.
The Effects of Digital Marketing of Unhealthy Commodities on Young People: A Systematic Review 
From www.mdpi.com – Today, 7:51 PM
The marketing of unhealthy commodities through traditional media is known to impact consumers’ product attitudes and behaviors. Less is known about the impacts of digital marketing (online promotional activities), especially among young people who have a strong online presence. This review systematically assesses the relationship between digital marketing and young people’s attitudes and behaviors towards unhealthy commodities. Literature was identified in June 2017 by searches in six electronic databases. Primary studies (both qualitative and quantitative) that examined the effect of digital marketing of unhealthy food or beverages, alcohol and tobacco products on young people’s (12 to 30 years) attitudes, intended and actual consumption were reviewed.
UNIBO – Master in Politiche Sanitarie: Il ruolo dei social media nella comunicazione per la salute.
Collegarsi: la sanità mobile (mHealth)
From eurohealthnet.eu – Today, 6:41 PM
Il seguente Policy Precis fa il punto sulle politiche e i programmi europei inerenti la cosiddetta sanità mobile (mHealth) e sull’importanza che questa assume rispetto alla riduzione delle disuguaglianze di salute. Sono indicate buone pratiche e suggerite strategie di sviluppo.
Forum della Comunicazione  Milano, 7 giugno 2018
From www.forumcomunicazione.it – Today, 12:13 AM
OPPORTUNITÀ AUMENTATE #forumcom18 Questo il tema ufficiale dell’undicesima edizione del FORUM DELLA COMUNICAZIONE 2018 La nuova sfida è sull’intelligenza esponenziale. Intelligenza artificiale, realtà aumentata: la trasformazione digitale che stiamo vivendo è talmente veloce da non essere neanche percepita. Quanto l’Uomo con la sua intelligenza riuscirà a trarre vantaggio ….
ICAR 2018 – Social marketing: strategies and tools to promote HIV prevention 
From www.icar2018.it – Today, 5:44 PM
“Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research” Roma, ERGIFE Palace Hotel, 22-24 maggio 2018
Università: 10 opportunità di salute. Didattica ricerca e… responsabilità sociale
From marketingsociale.net – Today, 12:43 PM
Per abbonarsi: “La Salute umana” pubblicata a cura del Centro Sperimentale per la Promozione della Salute e l’Educazione Sanitaria – Università degli Studi di Perugia tel. 075 585.7357 / http://cespes.unipg.it
“Il fumo brucia il cuore”. L’installazione che scoraggia l’uso di sigarette
From www.youtube.com – May 6, 10:56 PM
www.siciliatv.org – “Il fumo brucia il cuore”, singolare installazione nella sede dell’ASP di di Agrigento
Public health use of digital technology to advance health equity
From nccdh.ca – Today, 7:50 PM
Social media has become an ever-present aspect of life. Public health can increase its influence and impact on the social determinants of health and health equity by harnessing social media. The NCCDH conducted surveys in 2012 and 2016 to assess how public health used social media and other digital tools for knowledge translation, relationship building, and specific public health roles to advance health equity. A version of this report is also published in the Journal of Public Health Policy: Ndumbe-Eyoh, S. & Mazzucco, A. Social media, knowledge translation, and action on the social determinants of health and health equity: A survey of public health practices. J Public Health Pol (2016) 37(Suppl 2): 249.
L’evoluzione della Rete Oncologica Piemonte-Valle D’Aosta. La comunicazione alla base del processo della clinical governance – A cura di Loredana Masseria
Web 2.0 e Sistema Sanitario Italiano. Analisi sull’utilizzo dei Social Media all’interno delle Aziende Sanitarie Locali – Claudia Maria Pecorari
Guide Fact Sheet: Health Literacy – A critically important, often overlooked, determinant of health
From www.whcaonline.org – Today, 7:45 PM
Health literacy is the capacity to obtain, interpret and understand basic health information and services and the competence to use such information and services to enhance health. People’s health behaviors and choices, and ultimately health and well-being are significantly shaped by the ability to obtain, process, and turn good information into action. Health literacy reflects the dual nature of effective health communication. Health literacy is functional. It occurs when skills and abilities to get and use information are aligned with the complexity/clarity of demands/tasks required for health. A health literate population is one where skills of the public are concordant with the demands of tasks required for health.
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This content was originally published here.
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santamonicaday · 6 years
Target Pharmacy Santa Monica Blvd
Year spawr bids
Santa monica outdoor advertising
Store locator. store hours
Locator. store hours
1800 target store locations
Search the world’s information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
Vw Santa Monica Santa Monica Song year spawr bids BYE TO ‘SKYE’, BUT ‘IT’S BEEN FUN’ CLASSIC favorite accelerate works IN 59:80 JACKPOT IN 20 CENT RAINBOW PICK 6 AT $750,000 SPAWR SAYS FAREWELL TO BARGAIN claim skye diamonds The next two weeks will be bittersweet for Bill Spawr. Reaching Out to Help the Homeless “Willy” was one Santa Monica Song Year SPAWR BIDS BYE TO ‘SKYE’, BUT ‘IT’S BEEN FUN’ CLASSIC favorite accelerate works IN 59:80 JACKPOT IN 20 CENT RAINBOW PICK 6 AT $750,000 SPAWR SAYS FAREWELL TO BARGAIN claim skye diamonds The next two weeks will be bittersweet for Bill Spawr. Reaching Out to Help the Homeless “Willy” was one of the very first Santa Monica Blvd Song Once a year James and the honky tonk palominos play this. afternoon event at the Fairhaven Cemetery. This is a chance. to bring out the kids and whole family and bring a blanket and Income Tax Consultants Santa Monica glass doors santa monica outdoor advertising And billboards santa monica watch Buceta loca de tesao video Erewhon Santa Monica Citron Santa Monica This is the official web site for the mater dei high school Class Of 1978 pop information ca-2008-863 lamont Family Apartments 7022 Di Giorgio road ca-2008-865 sunset street apartments 3655 sunset Blvd. Sunset Street Housing Partners, L.P. Income Tax Consultants Santa Monica Glass Doors Santa Monica Outdoor Advertising And billboards santa monica Santana Mclaughlin Santa Monica Civic 1973 THE BigO AUDIO ARCHIVE These recordings are part of the BigO Audio Archive covering albums that circulate among collectors and music fans. Santa Monica Song Year SPAWR BIDS BYE TO ‘SKYE’, BUT ‘IT’S BEEN FUN’ CLASSIC favorite accelerate works IN 59:80 JACKPOT IN 20 CENT RAINBOW PICK 6 AT $750,000 SPAWR SAYS FAREWELL TO BARGAIN
Wi-Fi-FreeSpot Directory – locations that offer Free Wi-Fi. Every attempt is made to keep this Directory accurate. If you want to Add or Remove a Free Wi-Fi location please fill out the Form. Read the Interesting Faqs to learn more about using Wi-Fi-FreeSpots.. United States – Florida. Check the Panera Bread site for an updated listing of Florida locations with Free Wi-Fi.
Door Repair Santa Monica Santa Monica Blvd Song Once a year James and the honky tonk palominos play this. afternoon event at the Fairhaven Cemetery. This is a chance. to bring out the kids and whole family and bring a blanket and Income Tax Consultants Santa Monica glass doors santa monica outdoor Advertising And billboards santa monica watch Buceta
Find a Target store near you quickly with the Target store locator. store hours, directions, addresses and phone numbers available for more than 1800 target store locations across the US.
from Upper Monica Santa West https://santamonicaday.com/target-pharmacy-santa-monica-blvd/
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