#consulting training in florida
acrswastesolutions · 5 months
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Ensure regulatory Compliance Training & Consulting in Florida with Aces Waste Solutions in Florida. Our expert team provides comprehensive training and consulting services tailored to your industry's specific needs. Rely on us to navigate complex regulations, enhance safety, and streamline processes. Elevate your compliance standards with Aces Waste Solutions today.
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zschoolco · 6 months
Zschool - An Educational Consulting
Zschool embodies the future of executive education. Its systematic approach—rooted in strong partnerships with leading universities, vast corporate networks, and an inherent financial responsibility—ensures an unparalleled learning experience. Founded in 2015 by Jordan Zimmerman, the company’s programs are designed with targeted outcomes, helping students complete their courses with a vision and goals for the future.
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absofitlyweight · 7 months
The Rise of Online Weight Loss Consultants and the Evolution of Weight Loss Centers
In the era of digital transformation, the approach to weight loss has undergone a significant shift, with individuals increasingly turning to online weight loss consultants for guidance and support. As the demand for personalized and convenient solutions grows, the traditional concept of weight loss centers is evolving to meet the needs of a tech-savvy generation. In this article, we will explore the advantages of seeking a weight loss consultant online and how weight loss centers are adapting to stay relevant in this dynamic landscape.
The Online Advantage
Personalized Guidance: Online weight loss consultants offer a highly personalized approach to individuals seeking to shed excess weight. Through virtual consultations and assessments, these professionals tailor their advice to the unique needs and goals of their clients, ensuring a more effective and sustainable weight loss journey.
Convenience and Accessibility: One of the key advantages of online weight loss consulting is the accessibility it provides. Clients can connect with their consultants from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need for travel and fitting seamlessly into busy schedules. This convenience factor has contributed to the surge in popularity of online weight loss solutions.
Flexible Scheduling: Unlike traditional weight loss centers that operate on fixed hours, online consultants often offer more flexible scheduling options. This flexibility accommodates clients with varying work hours or those in different time zones, making it easier for individuals to stay committed to their weight loss plans.
Utilization of Technology: Online weight loss consultants leverage technology to enhance the overall experience. From fitness tracking apps to real-time progress monitoring, technology plays a pivotal role in keeping clients engaged and motivated. The integration of wearables and smart devices further facilitates the collection of valuable data for more informed decision-making.
The Evolution of Weight Loss Centers
Digital Integration: Recognizing the demand for online services, traditional weight loss centers are increasingly incorporating digital elements into their programs. This includes virtual consultations, online support groups, and mobile apps that provide clients with resources and tools to track their progress.
Hybrid Models: Some weight loss centers are adopting hybrid models that combine in-person sessions with online support. This allows clients to benefit from face-to-face interactions while still enjoying the flexibility and convenience of virtual consultations and resources.
Expanded Services: To compete with the accessibility of online consultants, weight loss centers are expanding their services beyond physical locations. This may include the provision of virtual classes, webinars, and on-demand resources to cater to a broader audience.
Community Engagement: Online weight loss communities have gained traction, fostering a sense of camaraderie and support among individuals on similar journeys. Traditional weight loss centers are recognizing the importance of community engagement and are incorporating online forums and social media groups to connect their clients.
The paradigm shift towards online weight loss consultants is indicative of a changing landscape in health and wellness. While traditional weight loss centers continue to play a crucial role, the integration of digital elements is essential for staying relevant in today's fast-paced world. The key lies in finding a balance that combines the personalized guidance of online consultants with the tangible support and community engagement offered by weight loss centers. As technology continues to advance, the future of weight loss solutions will likely be characterized by a seamless blend of online and offline experiences, ensuring that individuals can embark on their weight loss journeys with the guidance and support they need, wherever they are.
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kindallevolve · 10 months
The Impact of Coaching on Professional Growth
Transformational coaching & consulting in Florida has a profound impact on professional growth, empowering individuals to unleash their full potential. Through personalized coaching sessions, professionals gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development, setting the stage for transformative growth.
Coaching in Florida encourages self-discovery and helps professionals overcome barriers that may be hindering their progress. With the guidance of transformational coaches, individuals can set clear goals and create actionable plans to achieve them, fostering a sense of purpose and direction in their careers.
Additionally, transformational coaching instills confidence and resilience, enabling professionals to navigate challenges and seize opportunities with a growth mindset. The support and feedback received from coaches in Florida aid in refining skills, enhancing leadership abilities, and unlocking hidden talents.
As a result of transformational coaching and consulting in Florida, professionals experience accelerated personal and career growth, leading to greater job satisfaction, increased productivity, and improved overall success in their chosen endeavors.
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fox-bright · 5 months
OKAY SO I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THE WHOLE SENDING CREMAINS TO THE MOON THING If you haven't heard about it, a bunch'a dead people (cremated) (just a teaspoon or less of each) are going to the Moon, where they will stay forever. They left this morning, riding up on a United Launch Alliance rocket for Peregine Mission One, technically out of Pittsburgh, PA but launched as usual from Florida. There are five NASA payloads on the mission, so Science is Happening. That’s cool, I’m all for it. But I, and it turns out the Navajo Nation, are not very cool with the Elysium and Celestis parts of the deal, which is sending a hundred something dead people’s remains up there. I’m against it because while I’m all for scattering cremains in nature—returning your carbon to the cycle—and I’m all for cemeteries and tombs, this won’t be either; there’s not any breaking down, there’s not any cycle, and there’s no hallowed ground. The Navajo Nation, in the letter they wrote to NASA in December, is against it because to them the Moon is sacred. You don’t just drop corpses on sacred things, basically. They weren’t asking to stop the mission, just to be consulted about how to handle it with grace; their request was denied. NASA couldn’t have done anything for them, anyway, because this isn’t a NASA mission even if they’re sending payloads up. So the Magical Flying Husband and I good-naturedly Got Into It on the topic, on Saturday, and we still don’t quite agree. To my mind, it’s gross and tacky to throw a Space Rubbermaid full’a cremains up there. There were already the remains of one single person on the moon, as Eugene Shoemaker’s ashes went up with the Lunar Prospector thirty-something years ago. He was a scientist who trained Apollo astronauts about what to expect when they reached the Moon; a geologist with his eyes on the stars. Having him up there doesn’t oog me out. Having a bunch of randos who only get to go there because their families have the money for it, that oogs me out. And then there’s just the pure metaphysical aspect; we put gates around our cemeteries for a reason. We make specific places out to be the resting places of the dead, so that we can say here are the dead and here the dead are not. Most of the religions or belief systems which have the dead remain in the home, on altars or in special (holy!) rooms within the building, also have requirements for attendance on those lost relatives. Incense, prayer, attention. You can’t do that if you lawn-dart Grandma onto the Moon. So throwing a bunch of bodies into a place where they will never degrade, without marking out land as “this specific place is where our dead go,” is either a hugely expensive method of littering, or it makes the whole Moon into a cemetery.
So the MFH and I have this discussion, back and forth, and then we realize we don’t really have any data. How many people are going up? Who are they? What’s the deal? So I looked it up. There are two companies sending cremains on this trip, Celestis and Elysium. Both of them have (frankly, tacky) websites selling you the ability to send Grandma to the Moon.
Celestis starts you at about three thousand US dollars to put some ashes onto a payload that goes up, and then comes down again; the equivalent of tying her to an Estes rocket that you launch from the park, only this is a proper spacegoing rocket that gets up there. She just doesn't get to take the whole ride.
Further Celestis packages allow you to put Grandma into orbit, send Grandma to the Moon, or send Grandma out into Deep Space.
(Reading that aloud is the point where the MFH's ears really quirked. It is very difficult and very expensive to get something properly into Deep Space. That offering is bullshit, and can't not be bullshit, and this is where the MFH decided probably this whole thing was more than a little scammy.)
The Orbit Grandma package is particularly romantic; the orbit she'll be put into is a degrading one, so that after some time spinning around our gorgeous blue marble, she'll reenter the atmosphere and become a visible shooting star.
(The MFH said "Is there going to be a big enough payload to be visible with the naked eye? What amount of matter is required for that?" and then we had to do Math about it. Of course, it's not just Grandma who would be on that bus, it's another hundred people or whatever; the image appears to show a hundred or more thimbles of cremains stored separately in basically a large cube container. So maybe the size of a soccer ball? I think it would be visible. It is, however, impossible to say "look there, and you'll see Grandma!" so while it would be visible to someone, it's not going to be something you can make sure to see.)
Elysium offers all the same packages, with slightly different names. But unlike Celestis, Elysium has a little row at the bottom of the page with photographs of previous launches. They've done this before, they're saying, and Grandma is safe with them.
So I looked up the launches, and found a Wikipedia page on them. And oh my god. That's where my ears quirked, and then I started cackling, and the whole slightly-fractious discussion with the MFH absolutely dissolved into macabre jokes.
Because, yeah, there have been two previous launches. One of them failed to reach orbit. A payload of Grandmas was put onto the next one, to make up for the failure.
The second launch, which was to be a Shooting Star trip for the god knows how many people that the first launch failed? That one made it to orbit! All good, right? Now Grandma can orbit for a while, and then immolate for a second time, this one much more spectacular and high-velocity than the first?
Because of licensing issues.
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(image: two columns of text describing Elysium launches: ORS-4 Elysium Star I, launched on a Super Strypi, was destined for reentry failed to reach orbit.
SSO-A Elysium STar II, launched on a Falcon 9, was destined for reentry and made orbit successfully. "Orbit was to decay in 2 years, but satellite was locked into the Lower Free-Flyer dispenser due to license timing issues." )
Grandma is stuck in the dispenser. Grandma's in a gacha-gacha that just spins around and around and around and around, never releasing its prize to her glorious conflagration.
Because of licensing issues.
I'm siding with the Navajo Nation with this one, either way, but I have to wonder if those folks are actually getting to the Moon as planned.
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aromanticbuck · 4 months
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Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz, technology consultant
"You've got more tactical training than anyone else in this building." "Yeah. But I'm a civilian now. I'm happy behind my computer."
Things were kind of exactly what Mouse expected them to be when he got back to Chicago. It wasn't exactly a willing move, after they were almost blown up and stuck in hospital beds for weeks, but he got to go home and be comfortable afterwards, at least for a few years. He went back to a life where there were cameras pointed at him during every event, where he showed up to every fundraiser with a smile and coy comments about the absence of a lucky woman in his life. It wasn't perfect, but it was familiar enough that it was easy.
When he finally mustered up the courage to tell his parents why he never brought a date to any of those events, that ease was ripped out from under his feet. It put him in a cheap apartment with no working heater just before winter. It left him with a conditional meal every two weeks as long as he behaved while they were in public. It ended in a scene that he would have rather avoided, and his best friend finding out about a secret he'd been trying to hold onto so tightly...
Because the last time he told someone, he lost the only family he knew.
But that best friend was sitting by his bed when he opened his eyes a week and a half later, when he'd decided that the world he was living in wasn't worth staying in. That best friend offered a couch, in an apartment that wasn't freezing, and free food that didn't come with conditions. And he was allowed to stay as long as he needed to, or as long as he wanted, whether he got clean and functioned as a member of society or not. It was more support than he'd ever gotten from his parents, even with their seemingly endless bank account and time in the spotlight.
Living with Jay was good, and no part of him wanted to leave, so he didn't. As time went on, Mouse did get clean, leaving even the over the counter painkillers in the back of the medicine cabinet unless it was a particularly bad day. He got a job, and then another one when that didn't work out, and another, and another. When an old contact invited him to do something legal, doing minor repairs on ticket machines and printers at the airport, he found out he liked it. He'd missed working with technology, looking up information on Google to quiz Jay before a final not nearly as satisfying. And, even if he couldn't always work with machines, he could stay on at the airport and do odd jobs on the clock for whoever needed it.
He'd been fixing up a slow loading connection at a terminal desk when he actually made a friend that he didn't live with. Kim was a flight attendant, and she was friendly, and she'd brought him a silly little magnet from a layover in Florida to thank him for fixing the computer. And that turned into magnets from every layover, and coffee when she was in Chicago, and jokes that no one else understood, and a friendship that lasted beyond when she switched careers.
In fact, she was the one who recommended him when a tech position opened up with the Chicago Police Department. It was better than fixing ticket terminals and running from one end of the airport to the other just for ten minutes to eat an over priced lunch. It was regular hours, and a steady paycheck, and he didn't have to worry about not making his half of the rent just because everything at O'Hare happened to run smoothly for a week.
[ Jay ]
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zany-brainy · 1 year
Random Thoughts: I don't think Beatrice would travel (or at least wouldn't go globetrotting) after Adriel's defeat and Ava's departure. There's a few reasons.
Beatrice might be feeling more free to embrace who she is and figure out more about herself outside of her upbringing and role within the OCS but I don't think she'd want to go very far.
Perhaps when Ava told her to live her life she meant for Beatrice to travel the world, to climb mountains, and see sights. Maybe she wanted Beatrice to take a boat down the Amazon, to surf off of Bondi Beach, to meet Mickey Mouse in Florida, and swim in the Blue Grotto.
For Beatrice though, living right now means preparing and learning more in anticipation of the oncoming threat. And learning as much as she can about Reya, her realm, and any others that might be like her or Adriel. Hardest of all is doing all that outside of the OCS but in ways it allows her to pursue these goals in ways that her sisters might not be able to. It also allows her to remain in contact with Jillian Salvius, who distances herself from the OCS for obvious reasons. She's great help in directing Beatrice towards information and the former nun hopes she can help keep the grieving mother grounded.
For Beatrice, living starts small. She doesn't leave the country, too worried of being very far from her sisters. She also wants to learn more about the place she's lived for so long while locked away behind the literal walls of the Cat's Cradle and her own figurative walls. She wants to connect to people the way Mary made look so easy.
Research and training still take up so much time. Especially when Jillian comes calling with a new invention or breakthrough she'd like Beatrice to consult on. But Beatrice finds time to connect. She teaches. Short lessons in self defense in the evening hours at a local dance studio. But it's between these responsibilities that Beatrice partakes and lives.
Little victories, as Ava liked to call them. Little rebellions as Beatrice still thinks of them. Her parents never allowed her many sweets when she was younger. Now Beatrice finds herself indulging in Bubblegum flavored, double scoop, sprinkle covered ice cream here and there. And yes, it mostly just enforces that Mint Chocolate Chip is her favorite but in her mind she can see the snarls her mother would shoot her if she bore witness to some of the overindulgent treats Beatrice had been sampling.
Impulse purchases weren't a consideration for Beatrice but after a particularly trying day at Jillian's lab, she finds herself buying a guitar. It only has a little bit to do with Ava once saying she'd look badass with one and a lot to do with her former classmates' insistence on the pointlessness of the musical arts. Beatrice is awful at playing guitar. Her fingers can't quite find the music and sooner than she'd like she finds herself hiding it in a corner of her apartment.
Silly nicknacks like refrigerator magnets, little figurine statues, and the like were mostly just clutter but Beatrice finds herself picking them up here and there. She holds onto cups and receipts from new restaurants and ships she visits. Mementos of where she's been. It's no great adventure around the world but each little new something Beatrice holds onto makes her feel like she's living a little bit more every day.
She moves cities every few weeks. New places and people, new opportunities, hopefully new leads. New receipts, a new magnet or shot glass. Beatrice still didn't drink but the glasses were small and inoffensive enough not to cause clutter.
She still mourns and still worries and prepares but in between these big responsibilities, the duties she retains in different ways than before. It's silly and insignificant but she lives in these little moments, growing and changing in little ways. Beatrice finds herself waking up later than she ever had in the past, 6:00AM. She doesn't immediately clean every dish the second it reaches the sink.
It's small and ridiculous but these changes were unthinkable to her before. It's not living big or loud or adventuring but for as small as each change is, it's something Beatrice never saw coming. Hell, she gets an Instagram just to take pictures of food and animals she comes across as back up for whenever she has to ditch her current burner phones. They're all little victories day in and day out as she works and trains and learns.
And one day, after what seems like far too long, Beatrice gets to share it all with Ava, whose eyes light up at all the funky shotglasses that line their cabinet. Ava, who insists on what restaurants and cafes Beatrice has to take her back to. Ava, who instantly takes over what she now deems as their Instagram account and shares all their victories going forward, little and big.
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onyxxwa · 19 days
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Are you seeking the ultimate beauty enhancement experience in Clearwater, Florida? Look no further than Onyxx Advanced Aesthetics, where Botox treatments await to transform your appearance! 🌟
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mariacallous · 9 months
WASHINGTON (JTA) — As the High Holidays near, Rabbi Mara Nathan doesn’t expect the recent wave of fake bomb threats directed at synagogues to significantly change the way she and her congregation worship together. 
After all, her synagogue will already have its usual, extensive array of security measures in place: from bomb-sniffing dogs and security checks for each attendee to coordination with the local police department and FBI office. But she said emotions were running high as news reports piled up about synagogues evacuated after facing threats, often while livestreaming services. 
“I think we’re on high alert,” said Nathan, the senior rabbi at San Antonio’s Temple Beth-El, a Reform congregation, “maybe a little more than usual.”
Nathan’s approach underscores how synagogues across the country have responded to the reports of rising antisemitism in recent years, and how a recent wave of nearly 50 spurious bomb threats is affecting — and not affecting — their procedures. The bomb threats, which have led to the evacuation of congregations from California to Florida, come after many synagogues have adopted a posture of readiness following the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and other violent antisemitic incidents. 
“Law enforcement and the synagogues have to respond to it because you don’t ever know when it’s actually going to be the real thing,” said Evan Bernstein, the CEO of the Community Security Service, which trains volunteers to patrol their synagogues. “When multiple things like this happen, people become numb and maybe won’t respond in the same way if, God forbid, something is legitimate.” 
That reality was laid out at a briefing on Capitol Hill Tuesday focused on securing Jewish institutions during the High Holidays, which begin with Rosh Hashanah on Friday night. The briefing focused on the false bomb threat incidents, which security consultants predicted would continue because they lead to significant disruption with minimal effort. 
“The increase in the bomb threats and the swatting incidents are designed to get a law enforcement response,”  Michael Masters, CEO of the Secure Community Network, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, using a term that refers to making prank calls in order to generate a police response. “They’re designed to create fear, they’re designed to create confusion.”
Leaders of the Secure Community Network, which coordinates security for Jewish institutions nationwide, told members of Congress and their staffers at the hearing that the bomb threats have become a popular tool for extremists. SCN and its partner organization, the Jewish Federations of North America, organized the 90-minute briefing. 
“They actually targeted a livestreaming of the service so that they can witness the police coming in and disrupting the service during this swatting session,” said Kerry Sleeper, a former FBI assistant director who is now a senior adviser to Masters’ group, referring to a bomb threat during services in July at Beth Israel Congregation in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 
(The Ann Arbor synagogue has for years been the target of anti-Israel and antisemitic protesters. Courts have rejected attempts by some of the congregants to stop the protests.)
“Here’s one my fren [sic] did yesterday,” said a message on Telegram, a social platform popular with extremists, which was attached to a video of a rabbi conducting services. “It’s funni [sic] bc when we swat them they have to shut down the synagogue for the day.”
One long-term result extremists are hoping for would be to inhibit Jewish expression, Sleeper said. “The question has to be obviously, do you have the comfort, the security to enter into a house of worship after there’s been a bomb threat or the threat of a shooting?” he said.
Masters said that ahead of the High Holidays, when sanctuaries see their highest attendance of the year, synagogues need to review security procedures in order to avoid panic if a threat is received.
He described methods that could head off panicked reactions during High Holiday services, including making contact with the local police department, reviewing an orderly evacuation plan and ensuring that police have officials in place to report whether an attack is indeed underway.
“In many jurisdictions, law enforcement is very proactive about sending someone to the synagogue, or at least doing a drive-by so … they know whether something or not is happening,” he said. “Having a point of contact at the synagogue that the law enforcement knows who they’re supposed to find, so they can do a coordinated response.”
The briefing also focused on a proposed increase of federal grants to protect synagogues and other religious institutions. The 18-year old program has grown exponentially in recent years as threats against Jewish and other institutions have increased, and there is an effort underway to raise funding from $250 million last year to $360 million.
“It is truly indispensable to the physical security of churches, synagogues, mosques, and all other faith based places of gatherings across the country,” Eric Fingerhut, CEO of the Jewish Federations of North America, said at the briefing. “There’s not a security camera or secure door that isn’t in some way costly and needing the help and support of these resources.”
Fingerhut added that Jewish federations have collectively spent hundreds of millions of dollars to enhance security for local institutions. 
Sen. Chris Murphy, the Connecticut Democrat, said the briefing exhibited “the panoply of efforts we need to undertake in order to decrease the risk of physical harm to those who are in Jewish communities, for those who are showing up in synagogues, Jewish day schools.”
Increased preparedness due to the bomb threats is one of a few ways synagogues across the country are girding up ahead of the High Holidays. In New York City, the Community Security Initiative, which helps coordinate security for local institutions, is funding the purchase of one new patrol car each and other resources for four Jewish civilian security patrol groups that operate in heavily Orthodox neighborhoods in Brooklyn, where a rash of street-level incidents have added to safety concerns. Last week, Bernstein’s Community Security Service launched a partnership with the Orthodox Union, an umbrella group with hundreds of member synagogues nationwide.
The bomb threats have reverberated across the country. At the Chicago Loop Synagogue, president Lee Zoldan told JTA that local law enforcement — with whom Zoldan said the synagogue has a “very good relationship” — often keeps a presence in front of the building, which is located in downtown Chicago.
Zoldan said law enforcement officers are aware of the recent wave of bomb threats and that the synagogue has shared its holiday schedule so that police know when people will be in the building. In addition, a few months ago the synagogue purchased a metal detector, and is considering asking worshippers to be screened upon entrance for the High Holidays. Zoldan said the measure was a response to the rise of antisemitism in the United States, rather than any specific threat.
“Anything we can do to enhance security, we are going to do,” she added.
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reasoningdaily · 11 months
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Two Florida cops — a lieutenant and a detective sergeant — allegedly handcuffed and jailed their 3-year-old son to “discipline” him for having difficulties with potty training.
Daytona Beach Shores police Lt. Michael Schoenbrod told a Department of Children and Families caseworker that he took the boy to headquarters in October and put him behind bars, the News-Journal reported, citing body-cam video.
The child was jailed twice, the first time on Oct. 5 and again the following day, when he was also cuffed, according to the outlet.
“He was crying. I was getting the response I expected from him,” Schoenbrod told the caseworker, the footage from a Volusia County sheriff’s deputy reportedly shows.
He said his son promised to never poop in his pants again after his time in the slammer.
Schoenbrod admitted that he also had resorted to the jail tactic about nine years ago, when he disciplined his then-4-year-old son for hitting a girl in preschool, the newspaper said. Lt. Michael Schoenbrod and Detective Sgt. Jessica Long, of the Daytona Beach Shores Police Department in Florida, allegedly placed their 3-year-old son in jail twice after he had potty-training accidents.Daytona Beach Shores Department of Public Safety
“I took him to the jail and he sat there. And I watched him … and he was crying and everything, and to this day, if you mention, like, that incident, he’s just like, ‘I would never do that again.’ It was effective,” Schoenbrod told the caseworker.
“So that’s why I did it with this. He didn’t hit anybody, but I figured the same thing, discipline. And he didn’t want to go back, so …,” the lieutenant added, according to the report.
It was not immediately clear whether Schoenbrod and Detective Sgt. Jessica Long faced discipline, according to the News-Journal, which said it obtained copies of memos from Public Safety Director Michael Fowler informing the couple about a probe.
The top cop told the paper he would consult with the city attorney before commenting.
Schoenbrod and Long — who live together and have the child together — and their attorney, Michael Lambert, have not responded to the paper’s requests for comments. A Department of Children and Families rep acknowledged a request for comment but did not offer one.
“It’s just disgusting that somebody would drag our family through the mud like this,” Schoenbrod said in the video, while Long could be heard calling the investigation “insane,” the News-Journal reported. Detective Sgt. Jessica Long, the child’s mother, also reportedly faces a professional standards investigation.LinkedIn / Jessica Long
Meanwhile, City Clerk Cheri Schwab said a judge has sealed the records in a March 24 case that lists Schoenbrod “et al.” as plaintiffs and the State Attorney’s Office “et al.” as defendants.
The couple also filed a separate case against State Attorney R.J. Larizza on May 18, but the initial filing and several subsequent motions have been marked as confidential, according to the News-Journal.
Antonio Jaimes, an attorney with the Volusia County Clerk of Court’s Office, told the outlet that the cases “are confidential due to motions for confidentiality filed within the cases.”
But Michael Barfield, director of public access initiatives for the Florida Center for Government Accountability, argued that the internal-affairs documents should be made public.
“A pending motion to determine confidentiality of court records does not have any impact on the city’s IA (internal affairs) investigation,” Barfield told the News-Journal in an email.
“A party cannot make a record that is subject to production under Chapter 119 (of the state public records law) confidential by merely filing a lawsuit requesting confidentiality and then not setting a hearing on the motion,” he added.
A Florida Department of Law Enforcement spokeswoman said she has forwarded a request from the paper about any completed investigation to the public records department for processing. The Daytona Beach Shores Department of Public Safety building.City of Daytona Beach Shores
Former city attorney Lonnie Groot also has reportedly sought records about any officer placing a child in a jail cell, as well as investigations into “alleged child abuse by an officer.”
“This whole matter just does not pass the basic smell test from a transparency and governmental openness perspective,” he wrote City Attorney Becky Vose, the outlet said.
And a former South Daytona police officer who describes himself as a civil-rights activist said that when he requested the findings of the professional standards probe, he was provided an estimate of $3,398.40 − about 40 hours of work at $84.96 per hour — to review and redact the documents. 
“It’s a severe matter of public interest when you have strong allegations of that kind,” Dickinson told the paper. “Rumors are being brought to you by fellow law enforcement … and you want to make sure the stuff they’re saying isn’t true.”
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
University of Houston leaders announced this week they would close the school's Diversity and Inclusion office and LGBTQ Resource Center on Aug.31 in light of recent legislation passed to erode diversity programs and services in the state. Instead, UH is creating a Center for Student Advocacy and Community to comply with state law. The university's announcement comes months before the state law is set to go into effect on Jan.1.
Filed as SB 17, the law bans diversity, equity, and inclusion offices in higher education institutions and prohibits departments from implementing mandatory training that includes content or programs referencing race, color, ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation. The law passed earlier this summer in the 88th legislative session and was signed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in June.
With its Center for Student Advocacy and Community, the University of Houston is set to become one of the first Texas higher education institutions to make swift changes ahead of the law's effectiveness. Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Daniel M. Maxwell released an email statement to UH community members on Wednesday saying the new on-campus center will be open for all students regardless of race, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
"In preparation of this law going into effect, student affairs staff and administrators began working this summer in consultation with other departments and offices across campus to ensure that our programs, activities, and services satisfy the requirements of SB17," Maxwell said. 
BREAKING NEWS: Tropical storm Idalia to impact Cuba today then strengthen to major hurricane with potential landfall in Florida early Wednesday
University of Houston leaders announced this week they would close the school's Diversity and Inclusion office and LGBTQ Resource Center on Aug.31 in light of recent legislation passed to erode diversity programs and services in the state. Instead, UH is creating a Center for Student Advocacy and Community to comply with state law. The university's announcement comes months before the state law is set to go into effect on Jan.1.
Filed as SB 17, the law bans diversity, equity, and inclusion offices in higher education institutions and prohibits departments from implementing mandatory training that includes content or programs referencing race, color, ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation. The law passed earlier this summer in the 88th legislative session and was signed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in June.
With its Center for Student Advocacy and Community, the University of Houston is set to become one of the first Texas higher education institutions to make swift changes ahead of the law's effectiveness. Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Daniel M. Maxwell released an email statement to UH community members on Wednesday saying the new on-campus center will be open for all students regardless of race, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
"In preparation of this law going into effect, student affairs staff and administrators began working this summer in consultation with other departments and offices across campus to ensure that our programs, activities, and services satisfy the requirements of SB17," Maxwell said. 
"This center will make available wide-ranging advocacy, a support network for both undergraduate and graduate students, comprehensive basic needs services and resources, and facilitate a variety of events and programs to foster student success, achievement, and community building."
According to Maxwell, the center will specifically focus on academic access, leadership development, summer bridge programs, student success coaching, and various mentorship programs. The university released a draft policy on DEI initiatives and frequently asked questions about the law. The UH community is encouraged to give feedback on the plan and is open to input until Sept.20.
"They will be signed and finalized by University leadership shortly after the community review concludes," UH Senior Director of Media Relations Chris Stipes said in a statement to Chron.
In a meeting with the UH System Board of Regents, Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs and General Counsel Dona Cornell explained to board members what they are permitted to do or say under the law. According to Cornell, state leadership would audit higher education institutions every four years to ensure they comply with SB17, and the UH system itself would conduct its own self-auditing process. 
"You can't say, for example, 'commitment to diversity' in hiring," Cornell said. A few exceptions to the bill include academic course instruction, guest speakers, data collection, student recruitment or admissions, scholarly research, and more. Overall, Cornell described the law as "broad." 
"It is a very emotional issue for a lot of people, and I recognize that, so we really tried to work with each constituency, if you will, across the system," Cornell said. "There are some things that we will no longer be doing, but the large majority of the programming that we provide and the activities that we have will continue."
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jdvcolours · 1 year
Jacqueline Cochran with her modified Northrop Gamma 2G racing plane in 1939.
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Cochran grew up in poverty and never really had any formal education. Born in Florida, she moved to Georgia at age 8 and married Robert Cochran at just age 14. In 1921, at age 15 she had a son, Robert Jr, who died in 1925. The two would divorce in 1927.
Initially training as a beautician, she took her first flying lessons in 1932 and gained a license in just 3 weeks. She would study as a navy pilot while simultaneously organising a cosmetics firm, which would grow until she eventually sold it in 1963.
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In 1935 she was the first woman to ever enter the Bendix Transcontinental Air Race, coming third in 1937 and first in 1938.
In 1941 she would pilot a bomber across the Atlantic to the UK and become a flight captain in the British Air Transport Auxiliary. In July 1943 she would transfer to the US equivalent and become the director of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs).
In 1945 she would be the first female civilian to be awarded the Distinguished Service Medal and in 1948 was commissioned as a lieutenant colonel in the USAF Reserves. By 1953, she would be the first woman to break the sound barrier, and in the same year would set world speed records for 15, 100, and 500 km courses.
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Between 1959 and 1963 she was also the first female preseident of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, and conducted into the International Aerospace Hall of Fame in 1965.
She continued to break her own records, reaching a maximum height of 16,841 metres (55,253 feet) in altitude and hitting a speed of 2,300 km/h (1,429 mp/h). Promoted to full colonel in 1969, she would retire in 1970. She would remain as a NASA consultant after her retirement.
By the time she died in 1980, she held more speed, altitude, and distance records than anyone in the world.
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kindallevolve · 11 months
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A federal judge has suspended partial enforcement of Florida's "Stop WOKE Act," a bill backed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis that restricts how companies and schools discuss race.
DeSantis signed the bill into law in April. It would limit race-based teachings in schools, and the way that private companies carry out mandatory diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings. Companies that have 15 employees or more could face civil lawsuits if they're accused of violating the law.
In his opinion, Chief US District Judge Mark Walker blocked the employer portion of the law, saying it violated free speech. He compared the law to Netflix's blockbuster science-fiction hit, "Stranger Things."
"In the popular television series Stranger Things, the 'upside down' describes a parallel dimension containing a distorted version of our world," Walker, a nominee of then-President Barack Obama, wrote in his opinion. "Recently, Florida has seemed like a First Amendment upside down."
"Normally, the First Amendment bars the state from burdening speech, while private actors may burden speech freely," Walker continued. "But in Florida, the First Amendment apparently bars private actors from burdening speech, while the state may burden speech freely."
The Governor's press office didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. When DeSantis signed the bill into law he issued a statement likening the trainings and teachings to "indoctrination," saying, "no one should be instructed to feel as if they are not equal or shamed because of their race."
The law targeted what many Republicans call "critical race theory." Formally, critical race theory examines racism in US institutions stemming from slavery and the Jim Crow era. Democrats have argued it's mostly taught in law schools, and defenders of DEI trainings say they're necessary to prevent implicit bias, discrimination, and racism.
The term became more widely used after schools and businesses across the US began openly discussing and addressing topics of systemic racism following the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
In the wake of the murder, several large corporations issued statements saying they were committed to fighting racism and supporting social justice.
But Republicans have used the term "critical race theory" as a shorthand for race-based discussions and trainings that they say are tied to Marxism.
The Florida law, formally known as House Bill 7, says that schools and businesses can't implement policies or teaching materials saying that members of a specific ethnic group are inherently racist or that they should feel guilty for actions committed by their predecessors. They also are barred from promoting the view that people are privileged or oppressed, or inherently racist or sexist, because of their race or national origin.
Plaintiffs in the case were Honeyfund.com, a Florida honeymoon registry technology company, Ben & Jerry's franchisee Primo Tampa, and workplace diversity consultancy Collective Concepts and its co-founder Chevara Orrin.
The plaintiffs said in their lawsuit that Florida's law infringed on workplace training programs regarding diversity and inclusion, as well as trainings to prevent harassment.
Honeyfund said in its lawsuit that private employers should be able to "engage in open and free exchange of information with employees to identify and begin to address discrimination and harm" at their workplaces.
Shalini Goel Agarwal, counsel at Protect Democracy, one of the legal firms representing the plaintiffs, said in a statement that the law would have chilled "a wide range of speech in the workplace."
"We look forward to proceeding to trial, winning, and seeing this law permanently overturned," Goel Agarwal said. "It is a direct attack on American free speech values as well as on free enterprise in Florida."
Several other organizations including the ACLU, the ACLU of Florida, and the Legal Defense Fund filed suit against Florida's law on Thursday.
DeSantis is up for reelection in November and many believe that he'll run for president in 2024. During his tenure the Governor has embraced controversial culture-war issues, including a law called the Parental Rights in Education Act.
Dubbed by critics as the "Don't Say Gay Bill," the legislation bans discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity in schools, particularly in kindergarten through third grade. Critics say the bill may extend further because it contains ambiguous language banning such instruction "in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate."
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sheldricklawfirm · 11 months
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yu-noji · 1 year
Sunrooms Jacksonville FL: How to Get the Perfect Sunroom Addition for Your Home
Adding a sunroom in Jacksonville FL to your home is an excellent way to add more light and space. Sunrooms give homeowners the chance to have a great view of their backyard, garden, or pool while remaining comfortable, inside the home and out of the elements. Whether you are looking for a Florida room to replace an existing porch or patio, an additional living space, or just an extra room to kick back and relax, a sunroom can be the perfect addition to your home. At Colonialco.Com, we understand the importance of giving our customers the perfect sunroom to suit their needs, which is why we want to discuss the steps you should take to get the perfect sunrooms Jacksonville fl addition for your home.
Getting The Right Sunroom Fit
The first step in getting the perfect sunroom for your home is to get the right sized sunroom for your space. When deciding what size sunroom you should get, it’s important to account for the size of your property, where it should be placed, and what it is that you wish to use it for. The size of your sunroom should also be able to accommodate any type of furniture you would like to place in it, plus any guests you may want to invite.
Choosing Your Design Style
Once you have determined the size of the sunroom you need, the next step is to choose a design style for your sunroom. With Colonialco.Com, we have endless style and color combinations that fit any budget and taste. Our team of experienced professionals will work with you to ensure that your sunroom reflects your lifestyle and your home’s existing look. Whether you’re looking for a traditional glass-paneled sunroom or something more modern, we have the perfect design for you.
Meeting Electrical & Structural Requirements
The next part of the process is to make sure that all relevant electrical and structural requirements are met when installing your sunroom. Since sunrooms need to withstand the harshest of Florida weathers, draining systems must be in place, allowing any water that enters the sunroom to flow out easily. In addition, sunrooms need power to run lighting, and must be installed with specific building codes in mind. At Colonialco.Com, all of our sunroom installation teams are highly trained and knowledgeable in the electrical and structural requirements to ensure you get a safe, yet classy, sunroom addition.
Getting the Perfect Sunroom For Your Home
Having the perfect sunroom addition is not just about size or color, it comes down to making sure you have met all the requirements that come with it. At Colonialco, we offer exceptional customer services and are proud to be one of the leading sunroom installers in Jacksonville FL. So, if you’re looking for the perfect sunroom addition to your home, contact our team for a free consultation today.
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