#Organisational training
kindallevolve · 10 months
How Leadership Coaches in Florida Are Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders
Leadership coaches in Florida are playing a pivotal role in sculpting the leaders of tomorrow. Through personalized guidance and transformative strategies, these coaches are equipping individuals with the skills and mindset needed to excel in an ever-evolving professional landscape.
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1. Nurturing Self-Awareness and Growth Mindset
Effective leadership begins with self-awareness and a growth mindset. Coaches facilitate introspection and empower emerging leaders to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.
2. Fostering Adaptive Leadership Skills
Florida's dynamic business environment demands adaptability. Coaches instill adaptive leadership skills, enabling leaders to navigate change, lead through uncertainty, and guide their teams to success.
3. Empowering Effective Communication
Clear communication is the bedrock of leadership. Coaches help individuals hone their communication skills, fostering an environment of transparency, active listening, and meaningful dialogue.
4. Cultivating Resilience and Emotional Intelligence
Leadership comes with its share of setbacks. Coaches in Florida nurture resilience and emotional intelligence, enabling leaders to manage stress, navigate conflicts, and make empathetic decisions.
5. Guiding Visionary Thinking
Tomorrow's leaders need visionary thinking. Coaches inspire individuals to think beyond the present, set ambitious goals, and align their actions with a compelling long-term vision.
6. Building Strong Team Dynamics
Coaches emphasize the art of building and leading high-performing teams. Through strategies like team-building exercises and conflict resolution techniques, leaders learn to foster collaboration and unity.
7. Driving Lasting Organizational Impact
Ultimately, the impact of leadership coaches extends to organizations and the broader community. As these coaches nurture competent and conscious leaders, they contribute to a more prosperous and forward-thinking Florida.
In the sunshine state, leadership coaches are not just mentors but architects of transformation. By guiding emerging leaders through a journey of self-discovery and skill enhancement, these coaches are shaping a generation of leaders poised to navigate challenges, inspire change, and drive innovation in Florida's evolving landscape.
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mynabirb · 3 months
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how does di fortress interact with the local economy and what the fuck do their logistics even look like, and other incredibly normal questions to be asking here at 3pm on a work day
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jonasiegenthaler · 9 months
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njd@pit | 30.12.23
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gayfour · 1 year
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They are trans boyfriends. Because I said so
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chrysopoeias · 11 months
I agree with Mustang using the philosopher stone on his eyes (and Havoc on his legs) makes sense for his character and the narrative etc etc.
But also consider this: If he is blind for a little longer than a couple hours he gotta hold hands with Hawkeye 🥺👉👈
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wobblydev · 1 year
Why is the IWW over a century old, and yet we still haven’t seen the One Big Strike yet?
a very good question. the answer is complicated and there are wobblies more versed in the nuances of the union's history, but i can sum it up briefly.
the early union, although very powerful in many industries especially timber and coal, were always split between ideological factions. the early days of the russian revolution would exacerbate this schism, weakening the union overall.
the nail in the coffin was dealt by the united states government in the form of the largest mass trial in american history which witnessed the dissolution of every existing IWW branch, the prosecution of all sitting officers and the passing of novel and sweeping anti-union legislation aimed directly at dismantling us.
for decades, the wobblies existed in a liminal space between legal and criminal. we organised locally where we could but membership dwindled to almost nothing.
due in large part to the crises of late stage capitalism, the union is enjoying a resurgence. membership ebbs and flows as new wobblies join up, burn out or get disillusioned, which is a sad symptom of organising.
to get on top of my little soap box, an actual general strike will require at least a decade of difficult, measured, calculated organising on the part of everyone in the union and then some more. it is possible however.
a strike the likes of which will actually swing the balance of power towards the working class will be met with violence from corporations and their state lackeys, for which we all must be prepared.
that preparation will require not just workplace organising but also community organising to build structures of support for the most vulnerable.
organising for real power is difficult and slow. some days i am optimistic we are making progress while other days i am afraid we are too scattered and beaten down. it all remains to be seen.
i recommend anyone with the inclination to improve the conditions under which we are all struggling sign up, get involved immediately by getting trained, and get organising.
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lakeglitter · 2 months
it's so embarrassing when you're reading a book and one of the secondary characters has been basically made in a lab just for you. i'm sitting on my couch, giggling to words on page and kicking my feet up. everyone look away
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foreignobjecticus · 21 days
Not flying to Scotland tomorrow because weather's bad; flying to Isle of Wight instead. Haven't drawn up my flight plan yet and I've got all this work that's supposed to be done tomorrow and I intended to do it tonight but I have a stomach ache :/
All of this is entirely my fault for doing wayyyyyy too much lately. I'm so tired lol
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synthetic-rust · 1 year
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Phone sketch from a day or so ago
Sorta vent art, sorta not, not really sure how to describe it
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kindallevolve · 11 months
How do I become an organizational change management consultant?
Becoming an organizational change management consultant requires a strategic approach and specialized skills.
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Firstly, obtain relevant education in business, management, or organizational psychology. Pursuing courses or certifications in organization consulting training enhances expertise. Gain practical experience through internships or entry-level consulting roles. Develop strong communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills, essential for guiding organizational transformations. Network with industry professionals to gain insights and potential job opportunities. Establish a personal brand by writing articles, attending conferences, and showcasing expertise on relevant platforms.
Finally, seek advanced certifications in change management to stand out in the field. With determination, continuous learning, and a passion for driving organizational success, one can become a successful organizational change management consultant, influencing positive transformations in various businesses and industries.
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eleceed really missed an opportunity with that analytical thinking guy from earlier. I know he's unaffiliated but imagine the potential of someone with insanely developed analytical thinking skills and force control. they could play a really important role as a strategist for the groups or even just as a lone-wolf figure. or imagine them double-wielding with another power like fire or something in a duke kind of manner. they would be unstoppable I swear
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queerbluefae · 8 months
My adhd mum: im surprisingly good at getting up in the morning and being on time for work even tho I have adhd :)
Me who has been consistently waking her up on time since I was a child bc she "didnt hear her 5 alarms" & has had to redirect her attention to getting ready and out the door when she inevitably gets sidetracked by taking each individual hair off the hairbrush: *looks into the camera like im on the office*
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whoatemyshoe · 3 months
"just google it" "do your own homework" "google is free" "find it yourself the information is out there"
but they are. they are asking people who have that information, for the information. they are doing their homework by reaching out and asking people questions. just because it's not typed on a search bar, doesn't mean it's any less of putting an effort to finding things out.
like i'm sorry people in the past refused/ridiculed you when you asked them for help. doesn't mean you have to be like them tho. why is learning through human interaction rejected in favour of isolated learning?
#my posts#rants#im part of the organising team for the women's march in my city#and someone interested to join the march was asking public transport directions to the march#the immediately response from the social media team in our group chat was to berate that person for being lazy/not doing their homework#like sure the transit map is available on the website#but anyone who takes public transport in my city KNOWS that the trains and maps are unreliable in so many ways#i was exploring a different line yesterday and got on the wrong train despite being on the correct platform#and i take public transport regularly and have a good sense of direction but the public transport here isnt designed to be user friendly#if they had to ask which line they should interchange at you KNOW they are clueless and probably terrified of the public transportation her#and yet as organisers they refuse to make it easier for people to participate at a march no one owes us to attend#they just gave them a link and asked them to figure it out themselves#i am very familiar with that route and i just KNOW the interchange is confusing and large enough that beginner commuters will get lost#and you know what could happen if someone struggles to navigate public transport? they probably would just go home instead#they blame the education system for producing youngsters who are spoon fed#girl the older generation said the exact same thing about your generation pls#your misdirected anger is being projected at the victim of this system instead of at the actual problem#which is what i've been observing from career activists around me and more#you claim to fight for the people#but the very people you're fighting for are asking you for help#yet you refuse to help them unless it's through significant policies or drastic systemic changes#your fight is conditional and only convenient for you but you refuse to admit it and then pretend the opposite#the moment they decided that they would 'teach them a lesson' indirectly by forcing them to figure out their own routes#they've already fallen into that activist trap of thinking they are above everyone else and that they are here to teach people how to#be a better person according to their standards because they know better by being more involved in activism and are better educated#instead of putting themselves in the girl's shoes and not assuming the worst of people as the default#maybe that girl is new in town and is unfamiliar with public transport here#maybe they had a bad experience getting lost before and wanted someone experienced to share some commuting tips to avoid getting lost#maybe she would rather pull her teeth out than try to figure out the route with unreliable mountains of information online#maybe she has executive dysfunction that makes filtering through tons of information to find that ONE route very daunting
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deus-ex-mona · 9 months
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it sure has been quite a week
#g o d this week was such a mess™️#i kicked off the week wrong (as always) with ~3h of sleep bc i can never fall asleep on monday nights (sadge)#and ofc i had to do 2 workstations’ worth of work bc lack of manpower lmao#then on tuesday i had yet another family dinner to say goodbye to my bro (lol)#even though he’d already been treated to at least 3 other meals by that point (lmao)#i still think my dinner treat from a few weeks back was the best though~~~~~~ a 4 course sky dining meal def tops any restaurant right~~~~~?#and on suiyoubi (my dudes) we boated him off to military training island for his mandatory enlistment. that sure was. an experience.#i still kinda regret finishing my meal at the military cafeteria place thing though… i was the only one at the table who finished it :(#even my big eater of a bro couldn’t finish his :(#and my mother has been making fun of me for finishing the (allegedly) huge portioned meal ever since :(#she keeps joking about enlisting me bc army food ✨clearly✨ suits my tastes :( ​truly sadded.#anyways it was back to work on thursday. which sucked. ofc. also bc i’d overslept by half an hour and had to rush. lmao.#anddddd on friday. my boss told me that i’d missed out on submitting one worksheet thing of results#even though i c l e a r l y remember doing the test it was for (and organising all of the worksheet things for the matter)#so my coworker and i just watched her sift through the stack of worksheets… only for her to actually find the ‘missing’ piece of paper#she then said ‘ok found it sorry’ so my coworker and i just went ‘(ʘ‿ʘ) okayyyyyyyyyy’ p. sarcastically and left her office#and ofccccc there was work on saturday too. yay. went to the pkm centre after that thoughhhh#which was fun yes. but. they didn’t have ✨c h a i r d e o x y s✨ on sale :(((((#they stopped selling goomy earrings and that huge plush too :( and the smaller goomy plushies for the matter :((((#i realllyyy should’ve bought the goomy earrings while they were still available… even though they were like 8 bucks per stud#my goomy plushie collection remains unexpanded :( my jigglypuff collection grew by 1 though~~~~#so now i have 3 official jigglies of varying sizes and 1 bootleg jiggly that looks. pretty horrifying in bad lighting actually#p. sadded by how my family calls my taste in pkm boring though… ‘it’s either jigglypuff or that purple thing’ they say… :((((#aaaaaa i wish i could’ve bought that super cute plush of goodra holding a happily smiling goomy i saw on my trip…#it’s too bad that the plushies (there were like 2-3 of them) were locked inside a display cabinet :(((( it was so cuteeeeeeeee#though my fam would’ve made me put it back if i’d even managed to get it out back then lol. ‘that purple thing again?!’ they’d prolly say…#anyways. this sure was a week. im so tired. help#no clue how i should spend the rest of my night tbh… maybe beach sisters time? hmmmmmm. oh wells.#‘dai’ly shitpost of the day
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cowboysmp3 · 6 months
it is so incredibly hard to not book/organise things prematurely for my move bc i don’t want to accidentally send post to my airbnb way early before my stay BUT ALSO GOD !!!!!! I WANT TO SORT THINGS
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