#DEVASTATED when he dropped that he was getting married. hell on planet earth.
melto · 10 months
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Survival.”
I had a lot of fun writing this one. Honestly being inside his head is so much fun, and I hope you all like it  :). Hope it makes you laugh today. 
So, I survived….
Not sure how that is going to turn out for me, and as I wake up lying back down in the sand and my right hand chilled from the cool inland ocean, I begin to realize that the awful ordeal I had gone through wasn’t just a dream. At first it felt like it, warm sand below my back and cool water on my fingertips. Somewhere birds are chirping, and I lay there for a while simply soaking in heaven, that is until I hear the secondary explosion as one the aux engines which  jolts me upright sitting there covered in sand, my clothes singed, my arms aching from minor burns…. Completely alone.
Looking around I realize that this is not in fact earth, those are not, in fact birds, and I am not, in fact dead and being shown to heaven, but in fact much of the opposite. This is not earth, those look like tiny dinosaurs, and this is honestly, probably hell.
I take a minute to get my bearings before slowly crawling my way to my feet stumbling upright. The prosthetic takes most of the weight as I limp up the beach and back towards the wreckage of the command deck. I don’t expect to get much out of it considering that the entire thing is on fucking fire, but give me a bit of a break, less than a day ago I had been plunging towards a blakhole (or what I thought was a black hole that clearly turned out to not be) sure that I was going to die. In a way I was just a little pissed off. Don’t get me wrong, its not because I WANTED to die, I am actually one of the few humans on the face of the galaxy who enjoys living, but simply because I had accepted the fact that I was going to die. I had made peace with it, I had expected it, but instead I had been thrown into one of the worst warp experiences of my life, rattled around inside the command deck and then crash landed spectacularly onto an unknown planet.
I mean, it didn’t look like any place I Had ever seen before. Sure the sand and the ocean were almost natural, but tall, skinny, thousand foot trees certainly weren't, and neither were  the large shelled crustaceans shambling up the beach .
I sighed and sat down in the sand with a soft plop watching as fire continued to smolder at the wreckage of my ship. It was only now that I realized my shoes were  gone, and I could  feel the sand between my toes. 
Then the slight hissing hits me, and I turn to look down at my arm where a glint of bright silver catches my attention.
The iron eye suit.
I hadn’t had time to take it off.
I flexed my fingers watching the mid morning light run up and down the metal.
Ok, that was interesting.
Of course my dumbass had managed to take off the jetpack at some point….. shit.
I flopped back in the sand staring up at the sky. It was all coming back to me now, the entire ordeal from start to finish. The fight with the Kree, the space battle --that was arguably pretty fucking awesome…. Eat your heart out kirk-- and finally my destruction of the ship and my journey to the sort of blackish but not really, hole. 
It occured to me: Everyone thought I was dead.
That stopped my musings for a second. What would happen? They wouldn’t look for me…. Would they? Then again UNSC policy held that no man was considered KIA until there was a body. I would be pronounced missing in action though assumed dead.
Someone else would be given command, my ship would have to be repaired, and meanwhile the crew would be disbanded or sent on leave.
Katie, maverick, Ramirez, Krill, Conn, Narobi, Cannon…. They all thought I was dead.
Fuck… thinking about her made me want to cry. Like I am going to be honest here guys, when a dog dies in a movie or when a dog is sad in a movie because their human dies, I don’t give a shit about the human, but I will cry. I will cry like a weenie because the dog is sad. 
Like when all three of your brothers are sitting on your right hand side, and you have this magic ability to be water falling out of one eye while the other is dry  to save face with  your manhood kind of cry, no? Is that just me 
Then my family, my father, my mother, my brothers. What would this do to them? They'd be devastated sure… Imagining my mother hearing about my untimely death was heartbreaking, and I was worried more than ever about Thoams. His quiet struggle with heroin addiction, and his recent one year sobriety was a big step for him…. Would my death mean setting him back? Was I that important to him that something might happen? He never dealt with stress well, so what was going to happen.
And… Sunny?
I had saved her life, yes but what had I done to her in the process?  I had made her watch me die, unable to do anything. I had made her helpless, a victim of circumstance: something I knew she would never forgive herself for. I may have saved her life but…. I possibly ruined her in the process.
It's a good thing my brothers weren’t here because I wasn’t going to be able to do the one eye waterfall trick. This time it was going to be both eyes…. Still mad that that screwdriver hadn’t ruined my tear ducts too, I could have benefited from that.
I’d say I took about five six minutes to myself to be a pathetic bitch lying there in the sand feeling sorry for myself, and then I wiped my eyes manned up and got to my feet.
I looked around at the open planet and the smouldering wreckage of my once beautiful ship. There was only one option here. I had to find a way out, or at least a way to survive, so maybe one day someone might find me somehow…. Yeah yeah yeah I get it is unfounded optimism and it is totally not going to happen, but let a man dream a little.
I was going to have to channel the spirit of one of my childhood idols.
Mark Watney 
You know from that book about the guy who gets stuck on mars by himself for a year, the one that was made into a pretty good movie with Matt Damon. 
I liked both the book and the movie though they diverge a little towards the end:you know, because hollywood.
There are a couple of problems with this plan of course…. Number one being that I am not a super smart engineer botanist. I am in fact, a fighter pilot, and a raging idiot. 
I mean granted I did go to that pilot training school where they drop you out into the forest for a month and tell you good luck, that sucked shit, so it's not like I am completely helpless but still.
However, luckily for me, unlike Mark, I don’t have to worry about air, or water. Granted I have to worry about food, but in a different way. I don’t know what here would be edible to humans, so I am going to have to read carefully. THere is also the issue of clean water which Mark never had to worry about, I do.
YEah, I get it, our circumstances are very different, but I think what I want to channel most about him is his attitude, nihilistically optimistic. 
I am going to survive this.
I look up at the sky watching as the planet’s rings glow dimly overhead through the blue atmospheric haze.
First thing was first, water, food and a weapon.
Fun fact about my model of ship:It is already ready for a scenario like this and has emergency packs stored under every seat of the bridge. Of course the problem there being the bridge is now on fire.
I walk over to the ocean and cut strips of my uniform to tie around my hands. I know it won’t give me much, ut it is better than nothing. Then I dunk myself in the water. It’s cold and causes me to shiver, but the air around me is warm, so I am not so worried.
I turn and head back towards the ship keeping a distance from the larger fires and heading towards the more smouldering ones. I don’t strike much luck to begin with, but eventually I manage to haul out one emergency pack from under one of the crew chairs. MY hands get a bit singed in the process, and the hot metal causes me to yowl like an angry cat and drop the case to the ground, but at least I have something.
I wait or it to cool off for a few minutes before dragging it back up the beach and sitting down to open.
I have a canteen (with purifier) one of those filtration straws, to make the inland ocean my cup, and a handy little device that analyses organic material and tells you if it's edible or not.
I love living in the future 
I also had emergency blankets, fire starting material, a knife, a flair gun, a radio. This was also along with a couple of other odds and ends like a compass, paracord,  first aid kit, inflatable life raft, a multi-tool , monocular, and a box of nails.
The first aid kit included, bandages, antibiotic ointment, antibiotics of the general: for whatever stabs or infects you variety, painkillers, a turnakit, sewing needle and thread, staple gun: sort of, gauze anti-inflammatories, and fuck yes, a razon a toothbrush and some toothpaste. 
If i ever got off this planet and back home I was to kiss whoever made this case, man woman does not mater, they are getting a kiss, cheek if they happen to be married of course, but if they really insist I um up for full mouth contact on the person who saved my life.
All jesting aside, this was good, and I first went to go get a drink of water.
HYdrations is important kiddos.
Next I had to tend to my injuries, minor burns and scrapes, bruises that I could do nothing about. Then it was time for a little shelter, which i erected with great ease between a couple of the strange tall trees, using torn up ferns to provide bedding on the inside and a canopy overhead.
I was feeling pretty badass right now, survivor style, though lets be honest, I was kind of lame since I had so much help from the magic box of wonderful mysticalities.
You know between this gox of medicine and the arc of the covenant, I would definitely pick this box first, for sure.
Took me a good day or two to get settled, and I’ll admit it wasn’t easy.
Gathering food was fine, I found some berries and fruits off of nearby plants, a couple of roots that were ok to eat, and even some of the crustaceans were palatable once I cooked them, using my fire pit and laying them out over a slab of discarded ship metal.
But there were a couple things I failed to think about.
A couple of things being 
1# there is no fucking TP on this planet, also I had to dig a hole for fear of accidentally giving myself cholera or some nasty thing on accident by contaminating a water supply.
2# bed uncomfortable 
3# no sunscreen 
4# After a couple days your really start to smell like ass, now hold on for a minute there, I am completely in the habit of washing my ass,I promise, but I am telling you unwashed human just  smells like ass, no way around it, greasy nasty sweaty stank.
The clothes don’t help obviously, and I found a way to wash the clothes by rubbing them in the sand and using some sweet smelling leaves.
OF course you know the problem with all that, right?
While on laundry day I am completely nude out in the sun on a tropical planet. If someone were to go flying overhead, they would see more than they bargained for, and way more than they wanted  as my pasty white ass flapped around in the breeze as they drove by.
A change of clothes was in order, so I spent the day, while my clothes were being washed, sitting on the sidelines using plant material, scraps and thread to pull together a rudimentary grass skirt/ loincloth of sorts
Now don’t think it didn’t cross my mind everyone.
I half expected god to descend from the sky and ask me what I was doing.
This whole covering your junk with leaves thing seems to be a theme for people named Adam  
And yes that was a biblical reference, I am in fact named after the first man, so this is a fitting bonding moment for me and my namesake.
The biggest issue of course is when everything slows down, late at night as I am trying to fall asleep, and I realize that…. I may be stuck here forever.
I will grow old and die alone on this island.
And no one will ever know. 
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forkanna · 4 years
WARNING: Miraculous and all related characters © Zagtoon. This story ©2020 to me! All rights reserved.
NOTE: This fanfic was commissioned by Anonymous. Happy Easter or something!
SIDE NOTE: Yes, I am alive. No, I do not have Covid-19; all good on my end and I'm being safe. I just have been wrapped up in a lot of other projects. Obviously my commissions are still open. But I promise-promise, other fics you may be daydreaming about will return. Soon!
Chloe Bourgeois counted herself lucky that she had been on the way to the wedding of her one-time object of affection, Adrien Agreste, when she heard the outcry. The antics of Crepe Of Wrath had gone completely unnoticed by the future fashion magnate because she was too busy making sure her hair and makeup were flawless. If she was going to let go of Adrien once and for all, she was going to make sure he would know what he was missing when he glanced in her direction.
And now, some ninny was screaming and interrupting her mental preparations for finding someone new to crush on. Rolling down the window of her limo, she began to shout, "HEY! WHAT IS THE IDEA OF-"
Oh no.
What the hell was Marinette Dupain-Cheng doing flying through the air — especially in that billowy wedding gown, all white poofs and elegance? Maybe she would hit the pavement and become a greasy splatter. What else was going to lift her spirits than seeing her rival for Adrien's affections meeting an untimely demise?
But no such luck. Chat Noir sailed out of nowhere and snagged her out of the air before she could strike ground. Fine. As much as that would have simplified her life, she couldn't deny that in the back of her mind she actually was glad that she didn't witness one of her Françoise Dupont High schoolmates die - at least, right in front of her. That would have been gross.
Besides, Marinette might have deserved to lose Adrien, but not death. Even someone as irritating as her was a human being.
When the limo finally came to a stop in front of the church, she saw Marinette rushing up to the crowd congregated out front. There was some kind of discussion, tears were shed… boring. Because it wasn't about her. Just as Chloe opened her door to exit the limo, too impatient for her servant to do the honors-
Before she had enough time to do anything more than squeak out "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, just what on Earth do you-", she found herself being shoved backward into the vehicle again as a well-dressed bride climbed in after her.
"Chloe, I will let you put a picture of my underwear all over the internet if you drive away right now!"
Oh, that was too good to pass up. Chloe bade her driver to take off from the curb, even though a couple of fists had begun to pound on the windows just then. What did she care? Money would take care of their commoner fingerprints.
"Well, I did what you wanted, you insane pleb. When do you cough up payment?"
"What?" Marinette was still too busy gasping for breath and fanning her face, trying to evaporate the sweat that was beginning to break out all over her pale skin. Disgusting. "I… what do you mean?"
Rolling her eyes, the blond primadonna folded her arms over her slight chest. "Are you even stupider than I thought? The deal was that I helped you make a getaway from whatever, and I get to post nudes. Your reputation is history, Dupain-Cheng."
Drooping visibly, she whined, "Aww… come on, Chloe, have a heart. I just really wanted to get away from there, I…" Her eyes started to water. "He didn't show up."
He didn't? How horrible. Marinette must have been devastated. Well, Chloe was fresh out of hearts — at least, ones that bled for people who put themselves in situations like these by marrying someone who couldn't possibly love her when Chloe Bourgeois existed on the same planet. The way she saw it, the universe was correcting a cosmic mistake. "Boo hoo. Cry me a river. Start getting naked or I'll even make you take off your underwear."
"That's awful! And how are you going to make me do anything? All I have to do is jump out of this limo."
"Go ahead." Marinette tried. And failed. "The locks are controlled by my driver for safety reasons. Only I know the secret code to open them from back here. But don't worry; I will be very glad to kick you out. Just as soon as you live up to your end of our little deal."
The irritation in her rival's dopey face was priceless. Chloe lived for that. Even better when Marinette began struggling out of the wedding gown, grumbling and swearing under her breath all the while. Though probably not actually swearing; that didn't seem like the little goody two shoes at all.
However… the mayor's daughter's feelings begin to shift the more of Marinette's trim body she saw. Maybe she wasn't being entirely objective when she called her "ugly". Once the slip came off, Chloe found herself clearing her throat and looking away. Why? Wasn't this exactly what she wanted? To humiliate the object of all her rage and disgust?
"Okay, hurry up," the girl grumbled. "I just want you to drop me off at my place so I can forget this day ever happened."
When Chloe turned and raised her phone, she had been expecting to see something cute, like strawberry patterns or pink bows. Juvenile, like Marinette. Why was she so shocked to see the red-and-black lace? It wasn't that weird — especially considering it was supposed to be the brat's wedding night.
"Chloe? Um…" Marinette was shifting awkwardly, cheeks beginning to turn red. "Can you hurry up and take the picture, if you're going to?"
"R-right! Of course, let's make sure you're humiliated everywhere." But her finger hesitated over the shutter button. Why? She couldn't possibly have been feeling any kind of sympathy for this pustule on the face of society.
Nope. Marinette deserved it several times over. So she took a couple of pictures. "That's it… now turn around and let me see that nonexistent derriere of yours."
The absolutely flushed baker-slash-designer did as she was asked, her high heels clattering to the floorboard of the limo as she knelt on the seat. Hips shifting awkwardly from side to side. Chloe felt her heart racing now; this was obscene. And why on Earth was her body reacting to it? What was wrong with her?!
"Well? Did you get it?"
"Don't… rush me…" Click. Now she felt like a total pervert for taking these pictures, even though she knew the purpose was to humiliate this dunce whom had been a thorn in her side throughout her entire school career.
Wasn't it?
"Chloe, you really are the worst," she breathed, eyes brimming with tears as she looked off out the window. As if trying to distract herself.
"No, you're the worst." But the whole situation had her second-guessing herself so badly that she sighed and bit her lip. "Looking like that… making it weird."
"What do you mean, I'm making it weird?! You're taking pictures of my butt!"
"I-I am not!" She was. "Okay, but they're for blackmail purposes! Or something!"
"I thought they were as payment for the escape…?"
"Sh-shut up!" Sighing, she put her phone away, still staring at Marinette's pert little rear. For some reason. "I'm… oh, just get out of this limo before I actually do post these."
Marinette was clearly stunned when she turned and sat down, looking at Chloe. "Wait… I thought you already did. And whoa, why are you blushing?!"
"I'm not blushing, you're blushing."
"Well, yeah! But you are, too. Is everything alri-"
"Shut UP! Just shut up, alright?! Making everything difficult, always ticking me off and- j-just GO AWAY!"
Marinette started trying to struggle back into her dress, clearly panicked by the irate tone of her rival. And of course, she was so klutzy that every movement basically set her back to the start; she dropped her shoes, picked up her dress, slipped on her slip and dropped everything again. But something about the way she was crying and undressed, and the way she finally collapsed into sobs because nothing was going right…
Chloe… wasn't laughing at her. For some reason.
"It's alright," she finally sighed irritably, kneeling next to her on the floorboards and patting her shoulder awkwardly. "You can't help that you're stupid, and lame, and Adrien obviously realised he was making a mista-"
Her words cut off when she felt arms flinging themselves around her body. Marinette was sobbing into her shoulder. Just because of that insignificant shred of sympathy?! Clearly this dumb girl was overwrought, and not even the queen of the school could bring herself to push her away because the sobs were just so pathetic.
And… her back was really soft. She smelled sweet, like macarons and sunshine. Chloe felt her brow furrowing as she embraced her a little tighter.
"I'm sorry," Marinette finally breathed brokenly as she clutched at her back hard.
"W-watch it, this is a Versace blouse." She cleared her throat, petting over her soft raven locks. "It's worth more than your life, you boob."
"S-sorry for that, too, then. Aughhhh…" She drew back, swiping hard at her eyes. Why did she miss that hug already? "Thanks for getting me out of there, and like… p-putting up with my breakdown."
"This was bound to happen. But… yeah. Um, and you should get out of here before I change my mind."
"It doesn't matter," Marinette sighed as she started struggling back into her dress in the confined space. At some point, a foot smooshed into Chloe's face, and she sputtered and squealed words that were incoherent due to the high volume. "Ngh… you still have the pics, you can blackmail me anytime. Doesn't matter."
"Oh yeah? That's what's bothering you? Gimme your stupid phone, stupid."
Marinette did. And Chloe snapped a quick selfie from a very low angle and handed it back. The dumbfounded girl whispered, "Did you just… take a… a p-p-"
"I believe it is called an 'upskirt'," Chloe grunted, even as her cheeks burned brilliant crimson. "And you're such a goody-two-shoes that you would never post it anywhere unless provoked. So there; it's insurance. Get out of here."
They were quiet as Marinette finished dressing, though she still looked disheveled. The limo dropped her off in front of the bakery. Just as Chloe moved to close the door, the ex-bride suddenly asked a pertinent question.
"Wait - why didn't you just delete my pictures? Why take one of your underwear on my phone, instead, Chloe?"
"That's… I'm-" Why did she have to have a valid point? "DON'T YOU EVER SHUT UP?!" She slammed the door shut and snapped, "Drive!"
The answer, of course, was that she had no idea. But given the way that she kept taking out her phone to glance at Marinette's lithe form, Chloe Bourgeois had an inkling - one that she was going to stubbornly ignore until it went away. Hopefully.
"I hate you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng," the panicking princess muttered as her heart thudded loudly in her chest, thumbs caressing up and down the sides of her phone screen. "Hate you with a passion."
                                                 ~ Le Fin…? ~
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adventureswithten · 7 years
The Storm on the Horizon
“Are you sure this is proper dress?” You asked the Doctor, nervously tugging at the toga like fabric draping over your torso and legs. Granted it was a beautiful garment, reminiscent of a wedding sari in eastern India. A thin veil lay over your hair and the beads and gems sewn into the delicate fabric shimmered in the light of the console room. The Doctor swallowed when he took you into his vision and his Adam’s apple bobbed visibly. It was a very attractive characteristic you had picked up on.
“Oh yes! The TARDIS has never produced clothes inappropriately. Weeelll, there was this one time on Stratodrang but- that was my fault. Upset her a bit that time.” He answered tugging on his left ear thoughtfully. You grinned at him happily. He of course still wore his customary blue suit, with the matching red converse and tie. That was alright though. You preferred to blend in because you were human, but since he was a Timelord he tended to prance about as he pleased.
You were practically bouncing with excitement because he’d brought you to the planet Sundialsia to collect geodes and rocks with glimmering gems and special properties. Exploring with the Doctor had been nothing short of exciting since the moment you’d joined him and anytime you mentioned something you’d like to see or study he would whisk you off in his flying phone box to see it first hand. The things you had seen had filled your head with wonder and delight and left you insatiable for more knowledge, more sights and cities to behold. Being with the Doctor had been, wonderful. And somewhere along the way, to fell madly in love with him because how could someone not? He was amazing.
Sundialsia was bright and shining like a dessert and breezy like an Earth beach. The Doctor held your hand in yours as he led you into the city, a bustling metropolis where you hoped you’d be gaining permission to explore the planet’s make up and rock habitation. Oddly enough, the walking creatures of orange and black stripes like tigers didn’t shock you at all. You’d become so accustomed to strange species and peoples you hardly blinked at the sight of anything or anyone strange anymore.
As you explored the city hand in hand the Doctor suddenly tugged you to a stop.
“Blimey, __________. You look really fantastic. Really really fetching.” He said calmly, the creases forming on his brow to let you know he was being sincere.
“I think you always look fetching.” You grinned. With a purse of his lips and a tug on his lapels he gave you that wicked sideways grin.
“I do, don’t I?” And with a cheeky wink you were headed to city hall.
Once inside the very modern, sleek mirrored walls of the City Hall building you noticed two lines forming behind giant machines that aliens were stepping inside of. Once within, a circle would spin rapidly around scanning the body. One had a sign for humans and another for aliens.
“Spose we better split up then.” You told him confidently. With one hand in his pocket he gazed seriously at both of the machines, seeming to weigh some pros and cons.
“Yeah alright. Can’t have you getting radiation poisoning in your little human cells.” He resolved and with a smile you made your way to the few humans in line. While you both waited for your turn to be scanned you made funny faces at one another, trying and succeeding in forcing the other to burst into a fit of giggles. You felt light and happy, and admired his tall lean form from the space away from him. He was amazing, and beautiful and you were forever grateful to be his companion.
It was once you both passed to the other side that everything changed. You watched as you were all gathered in a room together, still segregated humans and aliens. The Doctor stood just beyond a maroon roped area but he no longer looked as unburdened. Then, a name was called and you both watched as a human’s name was called and a young girl was carted off crying. This wasn’t just an entrance into the city, it was a marriage court. As you read the writing on the walls of the room you found it was law that anyone entering Sundialsia must be paired to a mate of the Court’s choosing.
You felt your throats seizing in panic and fear made your hands shake. But your Doctor, he looked furious, his ancient brown eyes had grown dark and imperceptible and his mouth was set in a grim line. Whatever he was thinking, it wasn’t good.
Still, you remained the optimist and best case scenario you and the Doctor would end up married and would go off exploring together anyway. Worst case, well you didn’t want to think about that. As time passed you realized there really was t going to be a best case scenario, because you were paired with a red muscled tiger creature and before you could blink he’d placed a tight, large collar about your neck and led you through the door, while you kicked and screamed.
“Doctor!” You yelled, but it was too late.
As he watched your pale little hand pulled away he felt his anger rising, a rage burning between his two hearts. He would forever here the echoes of your cry of his name, the panic and hurt in your voice. The fear . It gripped him like a vice and in seconds he had decided he would find you at all costs. No more Doctor. The Galifreyan soldier within was rising up and although he might get lost in it, as he tended to do, he would not lose you.
He stormed through the large door at the far side of the room, ignoring wayward glances and scoffs. So, no one on this planet entered without a mate? Well he hadn’t as of yet thought of you as such, but it was time he claimed what was his.
You were taken to a large farm, one with several other humans working fields all wearing the metal torques like he one around your neck. Walking upright you did your best not to trip, sure your new owner would simply continue dragging you along. You were frightened but hope in your Doctor kept your chin lifted in defiance. No one was your master, least of all this tiger man that looked like a demon with stripes. Still something inside told you to tread lightly, that he would probably not take kindly to your sassy and witty mouth and comments.
You were placed inside a room, the leash removed but collar still in tact. A small human male entered and began tugging at your dress.
“Wait! What are you doing?!” You yelled. The man looked up at you with sad despondent eyes.
“Prepping you for the mating ceremony.” And in that moment your stomach and feet fell away and you were good and sure you were about to faint.
Searching for any signs of his beloved companion the Doctor lay flat on his chest scouring the roadways for signs. He smile half heartedly when he found you’d left him a trail of breadcrumbs, well jelly beans as it were for him to follow. Some had scattered from heavy foot traffic but he could follow the trail deep into the depths of the city where a farm lay out in the middle. He was still angry, still boiling with rage and his hair trembled in the breeze as he began marching clear and straight to the large Greek mansion on the hill top.
As soon as he entered he heard a horribly cry, one that shuddered his ears and caused him to deepen the furrow in his brow. He knew that voice, the only voice he’d craved more than the sight of his home planet. He ascended the stairs two at a time and using his sonic he stormed inside of a large bedroom. His entire form shook at the sight before him and he nearly doubled over with the impact.
Seeing your Doctor again filled you with instant relief that quickly transferred into fear. His eyes took in the whip in your assailants hand, the bright red mark on your shoulder and the way you were trying to hold up your robes. He really did have a habit of arriving in the nick of time. Gone was the soft humor in his eyes, and his hair was more of a disarray than usual as he had been running his hands through it roughly. What put fear in your heart was the rage you felt storming off of him in crashing waves. He was down right frightening.
"You will drop that now. And you will let everyone hear free.” He uttered, his voice authoritative and nearly void of all emotions. But in his eyes there was fire, hot burning fire like a thousand hells.
“And why would I do that?” Asked the tall and muscular tiger alien, arrogance raising his brows as he turned to lift the whip again. You braced for impact but the Doctor was having none of it. His hand was on the tigers claws and his teeth were gritted. He stood between you and the beast and it made you tremble with relief and awe.
"Because in the Doctor. And I will be your worst nightmare should you strike her or any other being again.” he uttered and the large tiger began backing away. His voice had been soft when he spoke, stoic and void of emotion. It was terrifying because the Doctor never threatened, never fought or brought battle with weapons with him. And yet, there was rage and danger radiating off of him like some kind of glowing laser beam and it was utterly horrifying and yet beautiful. The fire and ice in his words, the darkness of his eyes and the grit of his teeth made him nearly and entirely person entirely, gone was the silly playful Doctor and it’s place was a man driven to madness and emotional devastation. And all of this could be seen in those dark brown depths when he turned his eyes back to you.
With the same unwavering consternation he asked, “You alright?”. It seemed your vocal cords had foregone their abilities to conjure noise so wordlessly you nodded. Sure, your arm stung and you were a little shaken but you were filled with a strange mixture of relief and stark fear. But you yourself were not afraid of him, it was like watching a horror flick and fearing for the victim.
“Anyone no longer willing to be in your service I expect to be freed immediately. Take this as your warning because if I come back, and believe me I will, there will be more than Hell to pay. You know what I’ve done. Heard the stories. I am everything they say I am. The oncoming storm. And I will not be stopped next time.” He said again, keeping a fair distance from the creature as it cowered further from him. It seemed odd this muscled walking tiger shaking and whimpering in the corner before a man who seemed rather skinny and battered in an odd blue suit.
Without another word he strode purposely to you and took your hand in his, leading you out of the mansion and through the farm lands. For a long moment neither of you spoke but merely walked side by side. You couldn’t have fathomed what he was thinking or what went through his brain, you only knew that he was quite a force to be reckoned with, particularly so at this precise moment.
Back in the TARDIS he turned the knobs, flung levers and meticulously roared the console to life and with a shake you assumed you were back in orbit. Hands braced on the control pad he huffed heavily and chewed his lip. He was still shaking with rage and it gave you pause. How had you not known before what he was? You knew his time on Gallifrey was dark and difficult for him to talk about. It never had occurred to you why.
Finally you stood and braced a hand on his arm tenderly, and the moment those ancient brown depths met yours all the rage and violence drained from him. He seemed to be you Doctor again.
“Care to patch me up? My arm smarts bit.” You said, hoping that if he felt useful he might begin speaking again. Might help you understand what had just happened. With his brow furrowed he nodded and led the way to the infirmary. You sat down gingerly and carefully he began applying ointment to the place where the whip had brandished and angry red mark on your flesh. It upset him further, pained him to look at that mark.
“I’m so so sorry for this, _________.” He said, his fingers delicately brushing your skin, the burn fading almost immediately. You hated it when he said sorry like that, it meant he was taking blame all for himself.
“It’s not your fault. I’m just so glad you found me.” You answered. Carefully, he eased down to the gurney to sit beside you. His hands hung limply between his knees and he seemed deflated, as if everything over the course of the last few hours had completely drained him. It made an ache in your chest form.
“Blimey. I don’t like saying any of this. I’m not who you think I am. I’ve done things, terrible things. I’m the reason I’m the last of my kind. I watched the Last Great Time War. It was-” and he cut off and shook his head. Gently, you reached for one of his hands and he looked at you sadly, his eye brows low and his eyes looking despondent. With gentleness you touched his cheek just where those delightful freckles were barely visible.
“I don’t care about who you were. I care about who you are now. And you’re the Doctor. Healer. You’re my best friend, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You make everything worth while, and you’ve shown me the kind of person I want to be.” You told him, holding his cheek in your palm, the hairs of his sideburns brushing your fingers. And as you spoke your eye contact never broke, and as your words reached his brilliant ears and brain you realized that was exactly what he needed to hear, what he hadn’t been told enough.
“You are amazing ________. Just fantastic!” He said, in complete awe and with his vibrant white smile returning full force. In seconds, his long arms around your waist as he clutched you closely. He pressed a hand to the back of your head and held you close against his neck, and for a moment, it was only you and the Doctor, the only two in the universe.
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dreamworksworddump · 7 years
(Prince zuko) Prince Lotor/Lance. Basically non-messed-up-in-the-head-Lotor
Thanks for the prompt~
He wakes from the Cryo-pod with the taste of his last lover on his lips. Prince Lotor could not remember his name, only a single color: Blue, like water, and like the sky.
He stumbled into the arms of an unfamiliar stranger, their skin not a familiar shade of purple, but a warm brown. The smoothness of their skin confused him; the only people who knew of with skin that color and texture were the Alteans, but his father had declared war on them years ago; there was no way that one of them would retrieve him from his cryo-pod, unless they meant to kill him. Prince Lotor steadied himself, and looked up into the stranger’s face.
“Um, hi. Hello.” The stranger said. Lotor studied his face until he was sure that he lacked the pointed ears and facial markings that all Alteans shared. Good. Then he wasn’t here to assassinate him. It was then that it occurred to him that his was the first voice that he’d heard in- wait. How long had he been in cryo-sleep? “The name’s Lance. I rescued you, and now we need to go.”
Prince Lotor barely hears him. He pulls away from Lance’s arms and turns back to the Cryo-pod. The display is cracked, barely readable except for a single row of numbers: 10,000. He backs away from the pod, as if he can escape the numbers. He trips over the boy that saved him, falls right back into his arms, but he doesn’t care.
Everything that he has known is gone. Everyone he has ever loved is dead. And he’s been asleep all the while.
Lance cracks jokes on the way back to the castle, not because he think’s that Prince Lotor will appreciate them, but because he has no idea what else to say.
“Y’know, there was a-” Lance begins to tell another half-hearted joke.
Prince Lotor cuts him off. “I appreciate what you’re doing, Lance. But I’ve just learned that I’ve been asleep for the past ten thousand years, while my father enslaved the majority of the universe. I’m not exactly in the mood for humor.”
Lance nods. He gets how Lotor feels; although his homesickness will never be as devastating as Allura’s or Lotor’s, he knows it well.
“That’s cool.” Lance wonders how much he remembers of the time before the war. Allura had barely told them anything, and while he never pushed it, he was curious. “What do you remember, before the pod?”
He nears the castle, and the gates open for Blue. Prince Lotor’s eyes go wide at the sight. “I remember my father promising to burn Altea, and...someone important, leaving me.”
He wonders who the ‘someone’ was, but Lance knows by his tone that it’s best to leave it. He still has to meet the others, who’ll have way more questions for him; there’s no need for him to be questioned twice. And wait- burn Altea? How the hell do you burn a planet? He must’ve said it aloud, because Lotor quickly answers.
“You’ve seen what my mo-” He cuts himself off. “What Haggar can do with enough quintessance available. It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either.”
Lance nods, and pretends as if he understands. He lands Blue gently in the hangar and they leave Blue in an uneasy silence. Lotor walks through the castle with purpose, as if he knows it well. He probably does, Lance amends. Allura had said that Prince Lotor had been her friend before the war. She had also said other things, things that Lance hadn’t exactly listened to but now he kinda wished that he had. Maybe something that she had said explained why he looked more human than Galra.
The only similarities that Lotor have with his father are his skin, his ears and his glowing eyes. Long white hair, pleasantly humanish features; these aren’t traits that Lance has seen on any other species except for Alteans and Earthlings. He wonders if his mother was Altean.
As Prince Lotor and Allura meet again, both of their faces light up with a weary kind of joy, Lance can't help but wonder if Lotor will like him. Even though he's a stranger, there's something about him that makes Lance want to be liked by him.
Prince Lotor stares wide eyed, as Allura shows picture after picture of the various planets that his father has destroyed. His hands shake, but he says nothing until the last picture is replaced by black.
“He never said-” He begins, his voice unsteady. He takes a deep breath, straightens up. A Prince should not show weakness, he thinks as he begins again. “My impression was that we were to prevent war, not cause it.”
“We thought the same.” Allura replies, her face grim. “That’s why we weren’t prepared.” She places a hand on his shoulder, and Prince Lotor can’t help but think of those times before the war, when they snuck out of general meetings together, or hid in the corners of ceremonial events, out of the gaze of their overbearing, but well-meaning parents. They had been close back then; though they had been raised as betrothed, they had been as close as brother and sister. At least, they had been until the months leading up to the war.
“I suppose there is an upside.” Prince Lotor says, a wry smile overtaking his blank expression. “We won’t have to get married after all.”
Although Allura’s laughter is more than worth it, the confused and surprised expressions of the Paladins make the joke so much sweeter. One paladin in particular, the blue one, catches his eye. The way he laughs, it’s familiar, in the same way that the halls of the castle were; enough to ghost his way around, but not enough for him to ever recognise where he was.
The moment was over as soon as it came, and Allura returned to the task of teaching him what atrocities his father had done.
“For the ‘Defenders of the Universe’, you are quite bad at defending.” Prince Lotor says, humor leaking into his tone. He lowers his sword, and pretends to lean on it as Keith catches his breath.
Lance laughs. “Guess someone can beat Mullet hand-to-hand.” Both he and Hunk are not melee fighters, but they both have to admit that watching Keith and Shiro take on Lotor is interesting. Keith glares at Lance, and straightens up, sliding into another defensive stance.
“I can win, I just-” Each word is punctuated with a deep, heaving breath. Lance wonders if Prince Lotor will accept his challenge, and beat Keith again. For someone trained in swordfighting, defeating Keith, a novice, is as simple as breathing; if he were to fight him, only to ‘lose’, they would all know it, and it would only embarrass Keith more. But on the other hand, it would prove to his audience that the trouble they took to find him was worth it.
Lance has to admit, it surprises him when Prince Lotor shakes his head.
“You can try again tomorrow.” He says dismissively.
Keith gapes at his blatant dismissal, and all of the fight leaves him in a single, deep exhale. “What?”
“You can try again tomorrow.” Lotor repeats, sheathing his sword and returning it to the rack near the door. He leaves without a second glance as they stare after him, a faint smile gracing his mouth.
“Tell me of Earth.” Lotor says, not quite able to remove the order from his tone. Thoughts of his home are still on his mind, and he sees them in a blue hue. Blue, blue, blue. That color keeps coming back to him. He wonders if that's why he's drawn to Lance; he personifies the color so well.
Lance looks up from his food. Grey noodles slither off of his fork and back onto his plate as he slurps those hanging out of his mouth. “You want to know about home?” He clears his throat. “My home, I mean.”
Lotor nods. “I'll probably never see mine again. I'd like to hear about yours.”
Lance drops his fork onto his plate. Sauce splatters onto his shirt, and he dabs it absently with a napkin. “Earth is...it's…” He looks up from his shirt and meets Lotor's gaze. “I have a big family there. Four sisters, two brothers. Michel and Marina are gonna go into the Garrison soon, and Sean’s getting married soon. Or I guess he already has.”
“What's it look like?”
“It's mostly green. Most of the plants there are green. Where I live, there’s this forest- it's got a lot of these really tall plants called trees, right outside my house. I used to walk out there to do homework, and I'd get lost every time.” Lance smiles as he talks, and although Lotor has no idea what ‘homework' is, he enjoys watching him look so animated. “What about you? What do you miss about home?”
Lotor isn’t exactly sure what to say. He misses the Ranshin flowers that used to bloom every fourth quadrant, and his room in the castle. He misses his view of the capital from his window, especially at night when it’s all lit up. But mostly he misses his lover, whoever he was. Prince Lotor still can’t figure out who he was, but he thinks that he could’ve been the previous Blue paladin. He notices that Lance is still looking at him expectantly, and realizes that he still hadn’t answered him. “I miss the flowers.” He manages, pushing his plate away from him. “Thank you.” He says, meeting Lance’s gaze. His eyes are a brilliant blue, similar to the color of a quwati swimmer’s scales. Lotor imagines that he could get lost in them, if he allowed himself.
“For what?”
“For sharing a bit of your home with me.” Lotor stands, returns the plate to its cabinet where it will be cleaned and stored. “I can’t imagine that it’s easy living with someone with the same face as your enemy.”
Lance shrugs. “Meh. Keith’s half-Galra too. I’ve learned not to judge by appearances.”
“Still, I appreciate it.” He brushes his hair away from his face. “You. I appreciate you, I mean.”
Lance looks so surprised, it’s almost comical. “Um...thanks.”
They return to their comfortable silence.
Lance isn’t sure what it is about him that makes Lance wants to hang out with him. By all means, he should be avoiding him cordially, just like Keith and Pidge are. It’s just, there’s something about him that makes him alluring, like a moth drawn to a flame. Although he can’t deny that Lotor is definitely his type, he knows it’s not just his looks. Hell, if looks were the only criteria, he would’ve asked Keith out a while ago. He’d like to say that it’s his personality, but to be honest, Lotor’s an enigma.
He’s nothing like a Galra should be. Kind enough to not humiliate Keith in front of his friends, sensitive enough to still feel homesick, compassionate enough to care about the planets that his father has destroyed, and humble enough to feel shame for it. And yet, he corrects them every time someone drops his title of ‘Prince’, and isn’t afraid to show where he excels. He’s a strange mix of an entitled rich boy, and a hurt teen. He’s hard to define, Lance thinks as he passes into the kitchen.
It’s become their ‘thing’ to wander into the kitchen at the same time every night, long after the others have fallen asleep. While Lance had at first come for the solitude, he found that he enjoyed Lotor’s company just as much. He didn’t put as much of a strain on him as Keith did, and while hanging out with Pidge or Hunk was fine, even they got tired of him eventually.
“Hey.” Lance yawns as he slides into his seat. Lotor is already sitting beside him, two steaming mugs set before them.
Prince Lotor takes a sip of his drink, and brushes away his hair as it falls into cup. “You should be sleeping.”
Lance tries a sip of the drink. It’s bitter and strong, like really bad beer. He swallows it without making a face, and is incredibly proud of doing so.“Probably.”
“You’ll regret this tomorrow.”
Prince Lotor sighs. “And I’ll regret letting you stay up when you start complaining tomorrow morning.”
Lance laughs and leans back in his chair, putting his feet up on the table. “You’ll live.”
Prince Lotor slipped his hand into Lance’s as his took another sip. “You don’t like the drink, do you?”
Maybe it’s like beer; you have to have more than one sip to get used to it. Lance tries another sip. Nope. Definitely doesn’t taste any better. “It’s great.”
“Really?” Lotor rubs his thumb over the back of Lance’s hand. His fur is so soft, for a moment Lance forgets his answer.
“No.” Lance says with a laugh. “It’s terrible, but I’m still gonna drink it.”
For a moment, Lance thinks that he knows what it is that makes Lotor’s company so appealing; he makes him feel wanted, as if he could sit there and listen to him talk all night, without complaint. And that is exactly what he does.
(This story probably isn’t the best but I’ve been working on it since yesterday and I really wanted to publish it. I love the idea of a Zuko arc for Lotor, even though I couldn’t really write it like you wanted. There may be more about this idea later, but for now, enjoy.)
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