movielosophy · 11 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook | that's not a lie
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la-muerta · 1 month
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Title: again and again we look up to the moon // 细算浮生千万绪
Fandoms: 莲花楼 Mysterious Lotus Casebook (TV)
Warnings: Rated E.
Relationships: 笛飞声 Di Feisheng / 李相夷 Li Xiangyi
Summary:  One different decision, and the bicha poison in Li Xiangyi's body flares up just before he is supposed to meet Di Feisheng on the ship in the East Ocean.
Everything unravels.
[Written for @sweetspicybingo's Hurt/Comfort Bingo 2024]
Chapter Two: 处处莲花开 When was the last time he had spoken properly to A-Mian, even when they practically lived under the same roof? He'd have to make it up to her, but with his current situation, that would have to wait. And as if thinking about her had worked some kind of magic, Li Xiangyi suddenly noticed a letter addressed to him in A-Mian's handwriting, a letter he vaguely recalled seeing on his desk a few weeks ago but had apparently gotten lost amongst all the other letters he received every day. "Where are we going, anyway?" Li Xiangyi asked, fishing out the letter from the stack. "To speak to the person who was tasked with conducting a thorough examination of Shan Gudao's body," Di Feisheng replied.
[Read on Ao3; currently 7,408 words]
This chapter covers the square: "do you want to talk about it?" (bingo card under cut)
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murderedbyhomework · 4 months
Born from a conversation with a discord friend but, feihua x cherik from xmen. Like the similarities are crazy.
Di Feisheng as Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto. Their past is surprisingly similar, with Erik in the camps and training aka torture at the hands of Sebastian Shaw, and Di Manor and Di Feisheng learning how to fight. That aside they're both gay fashion icons, very blunt and goal oriented.
Li Lianhua/Li Xiangyi would absolutely be Charles Xavier. Both of them kind and compassionate, with a surprisingly cunning/sly fox side. Li Xiangyi and Shan Gudao as street kids sneaking into people's homes with lxy as a radar for how bad the consequences would be if they get caught, and they end up getting adopted by scientist couple Qi Mushan and Qin Po, who are their canon loving but dysfunctional selves. Li Xiangyi who starts to wonder if there's people out there like him and his shixiong, and going out to recruit Sigu Sect (Xmen???? Literally) and meeting Di Feisheng trying to kill the Di Manor master.
Other things feihua and cherik have in common:
Beach/sea adjacent divorce with a side of betrayal (mistaken in feihua's case but still)
Idealogical clashes (lxy/dfs mostly) but respecting each other
If your thing lasts longer than 10 years you're gay
Cuban Beach divorce is the cherik equivalent of the Donghai Battle, dfs gets his wish and kills the Di Manor master and also sgd who lxy doesn't know has contacted to government and is working with it (this is the only reason they'd have the fight lxy doesn't have the same objection against murder as Charles), Li Xiangyi who holds the Di Manor Master is place for dfs to kill like Charles held Shaw for Erik, lxy feeling his death and suffering severe damage for it. Lxy who tries his best to ignore the damage but the Sigu Sect members end up being killed one way or another and he doesn't see the point in continuing especially with his powers hurting him and draining his life whenever he uses them. Three years after the fight lxy fakes his death, starts living out his last years as Li Lianhua, and invents Bicha (aka the serum Charles was using) based on ideas he's heard dfs' allies talk about. Bicha is also slowly killing lxy, but it inhibits his powers from activating passively, and any active usage of his powers needs to be intentional and takes a lot out of his life force, so he decides it's better than his powers paining him every moment (powers that don't need effort to be used passively because Charles' telepathy is always activated).
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bbcphile · 6 months
For the fic writers ask meme: 17 and/or 37
Thanks for the asks, @the-surreptitious-albatross , and sorry it has taken me some time to respond!
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I usually write the scenes in order, from start to finish. The closest I come to doing things out of order is that sometimes I will jump ahead and do a detailed outline of a later chapter if I think of ways I want it to be in conversation with an earlier one (eg. if there are interesting parallelism, or thematic commonalities), and often my outlines start with bullet points and then end up basically being very rough drafts, complete with pages of dialogue and the emotional beats or notes on where to add descriptions. And I guess with my current long MLC fic, I wrote a few drafts of the first few chapters, then did 15k of outlines/incredibly rough drafts for later chapters, and then the other day realized what was bugging me about how I had written the first chapter, so I went back and completely rewrote it. So I guess in that regard, I jump around, because I might go back and totally reconceive of a chapter based on something I want to do with character development later. (This is why I don’t post fics on AO3 until they’re done; I do a truly absurd amount of rewriting.)
37: Talk about your current wips.
I’m honored that you want to hear about it! I actually have 4 for Mysterious Lotus Casebook fics (3 with absurdly detailed outlines, but only one that I’m actively drafting), so for now, I’ll just talk about the one I’ve worked the most on. 
Post-canon (OT3) Beach fic:
tw/cw: suicide attempt, off-page non-consensual medical procedure
When Li Lianhua’s shiniang tried and failed to sacrifice herself to save Li Lianhua against his will, he fled to the Donghai beach, intending to die before she could catch up with him because he can’t endure the idea that someone else he cared about might die for him. Di Feisheng and Fang Duobing find him first and save his life for the moment, but are horrified to discover the truth that Li Lianhua can’t lie his way out of: that the damage from the survivor’s guilt of everything he’s been through is just as dangerous as the damage from Bicha poisoning. With each of them reeling from the traumas of the past year (Li Lianhua from Shan Gudao’s betrayal and now medical PTSD from his shiniang’s procedure, Fang Duobing from almost losing Li Lianhua and being terrified to let him out of his sight in case he goes straight back to the water, and Di Feisheng from the abuse at the hands of Jiao Liqiao), they have to figure out how to face everything they pushed aside to save the country, and in the process, learn that the hardest battles aren’t fought with swords.
To read an excerpt, follow this link: (x)
I was going to write up synopses for the others, but I’m out of energy (and don’t want to sit on this ask for another week or so to write them out), so I’ll just do quick teaser/keyword summaries for the others:
Missing Scene Fic: Di Feisheng’s first night in Lotus Tower (featuring him finding the Yinzhou armor being used as a potholder, his feelings on having his meridians and qi blocked, and helping LLH after a nightmare so it doesn’t wake up FDB and give away his identity.)
Pre-Canon: Yinzhou armor backstory, Sigu sect waterfall spars, and LXY/DFS first time; set the evening after Shan Gudao resigned from the Sigu Sect
5+1: FDB and DFS sharing the Lotus Tower guest bed (from FDB’s POV, covering the entire show + post canon)
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movielosophy · 11 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook | A Fei, why did you provoke the trees?
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movielosophy · 11 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook |busy living a good life
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movielosophy · 11 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook | Don't die
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movielosophy · 11 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook | pay back
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movielosophy · 11 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook | "Look for Li Lian Hua"
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movielosophy · 11 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook | Do you think you can order A Fei around?
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movielosophy · 11 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook | A Fei, you ruin the man's suicide agenda
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la-muerta · 22 days
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Title: again and again we look up to the moon // 细算浮生千万绪
Fandoms: 莲花楼 Mysterious Lotus Casebook (TV)
Warnings: Rated E.
Relationships: 笛飞声 Di Feisheng / 李相夷 Li Xiangyi
Summary:  One different decision, and the bicha poison in Li Xiangyi's body flares up just before he is supposed to meet Di Feisheng on the ship in the East Ocean.
Everything unravels.
[Written for @sweetspicybingo's Hurt/Comfort Bingo 2024]
Chapter Three: 英雄难过美人关 "Zunshang?" That was Wuyan's voice. Someone was leaning heavily on his back. Di Feisheng had been forced to sleep in close quarters with other people in his youth before he became the leader of the Jinyuan Alliance, out of practicality or necessity. But it was his habit to always sleep with his back to the wall, never to another person, and never so deeply that Wuyan had to wake him. "Zunshang?" Wuyan said a little louder, but didn't dare to touch him.
[Read on Ao3; currently 10,679 words]
This chapter covers the squares: "I said no!" (bingo card under cut)
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