#Xmen au anyone
murderedbyhomework · 4 months
Born from a conversation with a discord friend but, feihua x cherik from xmen. Like the similarities are crazy.
Di Feisheng as Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto. Their past is surprisingly similar, with Erik in the camps and training aka torture at the hands of Sebastian Shaw, and Di Manor and Di Feisheng learning how to fight. That aside they're both gay fashion icons, very blunt and goal oriented.
Li Lianhua/Li Xiangyi would absolutely be Charles Xavier. Both of them kind and compassionate, with a surprisingly cunning/sly fox side. Li Xiangyi and Shan Gudao as street kids sneaking into people's homes with lxy as a radar for how bad the consequences would be if they get caught, and they end up getting adopted by scientist couple Qi Mushan and Qin Po, who are their canon loving but dysfunctional selves. Li Xiangyi who starts to wonder if there's people out there like him and his shixiong, and going out to recruit Sigu Sect (Xmen???? Literally) and meeting Di Feisheng trying to kill the Di Manor master.
Other things feihua and cherik have in common:
Beach/sea adjacent divorce with a side of betrayal (mistaken in feihua's case but still)
Idealogical clashes (lxy/dfs mostly) but respecting each other
If your thing lasts longer than 10 years you're gay
Cuban Beach divorce is the cherik equivalent of the Donghai Battle, dfs gets his wish and kills the Di Manor master and also sgd who lxy doesn't know has contacted to government and is working with it (this is the only reason they'd have the fight lxy doesn't have the same objection against murder as Charles), Li Xiangyi who holds the Di Manor Master is place for dfs to kill like Charles held Shaw for Erik, lxy feeling his death and suffering severe damage for it. Lxy who tries his best to ignore the damage but the Sigu Sect members end up being killed one way or another and he doesn't see the point in continuing especially with his powers hurting him and draining his life whenever he uses them. Three years after the fight lxy fakes his death, starts living out his last years as Li Lianhua, and invents Bicha (aka the serum Charles was using) based on ideas he's heard dfs' allies talk about. Bicha is also slowly killing lxy, but it inhibits his powers from activating passively, and any active usage of his powers needs to be intentional and takes a lot out of his life force, so he decides it's better than his powers paining him every moment (powers that don't need effort to be used passively because Charles' telepathy is always activated).
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readingwriter92 · 1 year
me: I should see if I have anymore ideas for a bridgewater fic before the new season starts bc that trailer is getting me excited
also me: what if we wrote out an entire x-men au (bc we're still on that apparently) that's super self indulgent and you'll never get around to finishing???
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m00nz-writes · 4 months
have i made an x-men / stranger things crossover? yes. yes i have. and i am not ashamed of my wacky ways. it will happen again.
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musiclover638 · 2 months
Nightcrawler Fanfiction
Here's a few fanfictions with Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler as the main character. Since's he's not in X-Men '97 enough. These are one's that I have found over the years and enjoy quite a bit. Bonus, they are all completed. (Some are from Fanfiction.net and some are from AO3) These mainly range from X-men Evolution and the X-men movies.
Kurt of the Brotherhood Kurt is ordered to leave his home in Bavaria, and travel to America, to meet with his biological mother and the Brotherhood of Evil mutants. While he initially dislikes everything about the new life that was forced upon him, he does grow to like the X-Men, particularly a young female with the ability to phase through objects... https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10818048/1/Kurt-of-the-Brotherhood
Like Father, Like Son? Mystique stands on the bridge, holding the crying baby in her arms. The wolves had finally caught up to her. Taking a step back, she stumbles, and accidentally drops the baby over the edge! "NO!" She screams, turning around just in time to see a flash of red smoke, followed by the smell of sulfur. AU What if Kurt had been raised by his real father, Azazel? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10412314/6/Like-Father-Like-Son
Salem Bayville YAY! Productions presents: Salem Bayville Revised! Mutants are witches, witches are burned! The story of Kurt and Amanda's love, trialed by fire, memory loss, and...Azazel! You liked it originally, you'll love it now! See how Kurt & Amanda actually met & fell in love! Extreme detailed account! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8194381/1/Salem-Bayville
If I Fell Kurt's mysterious past finally catches up with him, but with these revelations comes a much darker foe. Will his fellow X-Men be able to save Kurt from his inner demons? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5375373/1/If-I-Fell
The Demon of Bayville – An XMen Evolution, Beauty Set in an Alternative Universe, with elements from both the X-Men Evolution and comic universe, the Demon of Bayville has become a creature of myth and legend. Kitty Pryde, a young and inexperienced X-woman is sent on a mission to destroy this creature. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6578172/1/The-Demon-of-Bayville-An-XMen-Evolution-Beauty
I'm Not a Demon, I'm Not What was the real reason Kurt didn't tell anyone he was a mutant in Day of Recovery? What if there was more to it than he just wanted to be seen as normal for a while longer? Here is what might have happened. No pairings. Violence in later chapters. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4258340/1/I-m-Not-a-Demon-I-m-Not I highly recommend this one. It's my favorite!
Baby Blue Marie wanted a baby, she just didn't expect to find one in the river. Baby!Kurt fic one-shot EDITED https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4370992/1/Baby-Blue
Gone Mystique can't get over the night when she dropped Kurt in the river. She visits her yearold son and secretly watches him, wondering if they belong in each other's lives. Just a short, cute little Kurt and Mystique story https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1744079/1/Gone
Spanish Moss This is a whumptober fic. Kurt Wagner has left home for the first time, to pursue a job with a Florida circus that from the outside, seems like a great deal. He'll get to travel parts of the world he's never seen before, all while performing aerial stunts as a flyer in the circus. Until he arrives and realizes this circus isn't as great as it seems. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50473174
It's Nice to Have a Friend Kitty's first days at the Xavier Institute: getting caught up on the sophomore English syllabus, awkwardly making friends with the German exchange student/fellow baby X-Man, and trying to figure out what strange blue creature is haunting the halls of the Institute at night. https://archiveofourown.org/works/23365669/chapters/55982974
this sky, too, is folding under you Nice things keep happening to Kurt. He wants to know why. https://archiveofourown.org/works/8657479
Human Touch An alternative beginning on how Apocalypse Kurt joined the X men. No pairings, just lots of friendship and cuddling https://archiveofourown.org/works/7701067/chapters/17546311 This one is surprising cute.
Like Looking into a Mirror With the rest of the Brotherhood gone or captured, Raven is alone when she gives birth to her son, a beautiful young boy with blue skin and yellow eyes - a boy who will never fit in with the wider public. So, she decides to leave him with a circus where he will be safe. For the next few years, Raven fights for her people and never looks back. That is, until the threat of En Sabah Nur and his horsemen once again reunites her with Charles, with Erik - and with her son, a member of Charles' new X-Men. And if there is anything Charles is good at, it's bringing lost children and parents back together. https://archiveofourown.org/works/32765203
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maedelin · 3 months
Negative Romys (bc I know there must be chill ones out there) @ Roguneto in Xmen 97: “NOOOOOO HOW COULD THE WRITERS DO THIS AND DESTROY ROGUE X REMY?! POOR GAMBIT!!!”
Me: *side-eying all of the Marvel material that clearly shows that Romy content severely outnumbering Roguneto content by a landslide and the same Roguneto content winding up being ruined anyway by later writers just because they can* “Ah, yes…poor Gambit…”
All jokes aside, I wonder if the Romys’ concern is that if Roguneto is positively received = somehow becoming canon in the comics later? Because I know Marvel (and DC) has a history of taking a few things that the movies/shows/ side comics have done that were well received by fans or were anticipated to be well received ahead of time by fans and sometimes the companies themselves and incorporating them into the comics later
(ex. X-23 from X-Men Evolution to actual comics, Tony Stark’s personality eventually just becoming Robert Downey Jr as a comic book character, Samuel Jackson!Nick Fury from Ultimate Marvel to MCU to secret son of original Nick Fury and goes by the same name, Magneto’s Helmet protecting him from telepathy in Xmen First Class Movie to comics, Comic!Rogue’s real first name being a combination of her movie self’s name and that actress’s first name, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver not being related to Magneto after all bc their movie selves weren’t, Gwen Stacy’s fun alternative existence as Spider-Gwen/Woman , Miles Morales’s (yay!) existence, Tom Hiddleston’s portrayal of Loki influencing the comic version of him to become a sad little meow meow, Age of Apocalypse’s version of Changling/Morph being brought into X-Men 97, etc)
, but if one truly counts all of the slight/significant changes Marvel Comics have made to the main timeline because of other material, it’s REALLY not a lot.
There’s no need for anyone who ships Romy (which I also ship in addition to Roguneto bc yay multishipping!) to feel threatened by potential romantic alternatives.
And just in case the romantic ships might be altered after all (not likely): if the Multiverse is a thing, maybe we consider it’s not the end of the world if the relationships in the X-Men animated universe is not 100% going to follow how they played out in the comics.
ALSO also, when all else fails, they can just develop their writing/art skills and make fix-it aus 😆
The chaotic neutral part of me actually kinda still hopes that enough people with get on board with Roguneto though so that the comics will see the enthusiasm for them and bring them back in the main universe and shake things up again or in one of the official alternate universes and give them the love and respect the pairing deserves 🤪
I really appreciate your comments. I suppose there could be concerns from the Romy contingent regarding this. Sadly, I think at this point corporate IP is too dedicated to keeping the status quo maintained as it is for the longest time.
I agree with you, I see her relationship with Magneto as brief trysts in the mainstream universe, and an occasional AU marriage reveal. I think that Rogue and Gambit will remain a couple in the mainstream universe despite this current twist in the '97 series. There's too much time and money spent into the material, merchandise, and story that's been built for Romy in reality across various media, and in the perception of people's memories which sometimes have a rosy nostalgic glow. It takes a lot to re-educate an audience and I don't see corporations having that time and patience.
Jean and Scott will always remain together. Meggan and Brian are a duo for all time. Sue and Reed Richards are going to stay married.
No matter what, the story will always return to that. In this reboot, I think it's to give Magneto an extra angle and further reason to stay at the mansion if you leave in doubt his and Rogue's activities on and off camera.
I think my biggest complaint is how there's a circling of the wagons around Rogue when anyone (but particularly Magneto) is interested in her. It frustrates me because I believe characters should experience a lot of different relationships. It builds for a more well rounded person in reality, and a better character in the story. But with Rogue, why isn't she allowed to have other romantic encounters? Why must there be a strange arguments about age, about experience? These are traumatized beautiful people with fancy abilities in a soap opera. With capes. (And occasional opera gloves)
In short, I believe that instead of one ship, a character deserves an armada. I agree, alternate universe pairings would be fun too!
I too enjoy drama and can't wait to see how the show plays out this romance.
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mystiquesvendetta · 3 months
I am on my knees begging for a half decent photo of a young Michael Fassbender for inspiration for my xmen uni/college modern mutant activism au fic I’ve scoured the internet and Pinterest does anyone have one🙏🙏
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gerec · 5 months
Hello! Do you have a list of fics where the X-Men crossover with the Avengers? Thank you!
Here's a list of x-men/avengers crossover fics that was posted on the xmen fcff blog for you to review.
And here are some additional fics that you might enjoy! (Note that there are a mix of canon, powers and no powers aus on both lists).
Happy reading!
Runs In The Family by Anonysquirrel (chibirisuchan)
Alex knew his own reputation. Hell, he'd started some of his own reputation, because it kept some of the smarter thugs off his back. Everyone knew Alex's reputation. There was no way Hank didn't know his reputation, but he'd brought Alex into a house with some really expensive things and a lot of innocent little kids and his too-friendly, too-harmless dad.
But clearly Hank hadn't told his family anything about Alex, just like he hadn't told Alex anything about his family. At least, not about the brain-breaking parts of his family.
"I didn't know where to start," Hank said, for the dozenth time.
Featuring mpreg!Charles in a Kiss The Cook apron, overprotective!Erik in wet black leather, and baked goods. Lots and lots of baked goods.
I wanna hold your hand by sirona
No one understands what it's like growing up rich and yet more alone than anyone should be able to stand - except for people who grew up just like you, that is. In which Tony Stark goes to Oxford University and meets people and makes enemies and makes friends and changes people's minds and falls in love - amongst other tales of mishap and adventure.
Space Oddity by maimo, MonstrousRegiment, Pangea, Yaegaki (series)
Prince Charles Xavier is Deputy Commander of the TEF Heartsteel and the newest mission they've been assigned starts out less than desirable and quickly goes downhill from there. It's alright, though, he'll cope.
It doesn't help, though, that he's in unrequited love with his best friend and Commander of the Heartsteel, War-Prince Erik Lehnsherr.
The Consultant (aka A Westchester Telepath in the Avengers Tower) by lachatblanche
Prompt: "- not my field, but Tony says you've made great advances in our ability to detect and perhaps one day use wormholes, Ms. Foster," says the genetics expert SHIELD imported from London to examine re-captured Loki - Charles, maybe - but the approaching figure of Captain America is eclipsed by the towering, gorgeous mass of Jane's Asgardian on-again-off-again boyfriend; the only thing she hears is a sudden, "Oh! Oh, my," and she turns to see competition.
In which Thor and Jane Foster meet Professor Charles Xavier, telepath, SHIELD consultant and compulsive flirt, for the very first time.
It goes exactly as one might expect.
Under The Suit (We Have To Work Together) by helens78
In which Charles and Erik's X-Men team up with the Avengers, but Erik's distracted by the guy in the metal suit.
Neighbors by sav2014 (series)
The Xavier Household and the Rogers-Stark Household are neighbors.
Life of an Engineer by ximeria
The main story "Building Bridges", is the boy-meets-boy and falls in love (eventually), but it's also Erik's trials and tribulations working at Stark Enterprises, his slightly insane boss, his love life (Erik's, not Tony's), and life in general.
How to Get a Midgardian Boyfriend: a Guide by Charles Odinson by cachinnation
The king of all Asgard had three sons, and of the three Odinsons, one was golden and tempestuous and kingly, and the other two were right headaches. After Charles, Odin stopped bringing children home.
Mutant School AU by ximeria (series)
As teachers and role models for the rest of the school, Charles and Erik fail pretty spectacularly. However, in their own, slightly dysfunctional way, they work.
Modern day setting with a school run jointly by Brotherhood and X-men members, with Charles' father as the leader of one side, Logan the leader of the other, and Charles and Erik, who should be old enough to act maturely, just tend to... not.
Invictus by MonstrousRegiment
Charles, in the aftermath of an assault, and the psychological repercussions of lack of solace and support in those who are closest to him.
What's In The Cake? by Gerec
It's Tony's birthday and the team is having a party at the new Avengers Tower. Tony's best friend Emma Frost is there too, and along with Pepper have a special birthday present for their favorite genius millionaire playboy philanthropist - a giant birthday cake, complete with an absolutely gorgeous looking stripper.
Steve Rogers finds himself just a little bit in love.
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princematcha · 2 years
(till i) run with you
bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
contains: rdr gets called ‘girl’ once, no real gendered terms or pronouns other than that, rdr does wear a dress, mostly sfw save for some cussing and nsfw related jokes, drug mentions (mary wanna) and alcohol mentions(and usage??), everyone’s bi including rdr, rdr is in grad school and bkg has graduated, not edited 
a/n: sorry i listened to too many 60′s and 70′s songs and started thinking abt a band au, let’s say xmen days of future past au because i wanted to keep mina pink
wc: 2369 words
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Smoke billows out of your mouth as you stare off toward the pretty girl on the drums. Big pink curls held back by a black and white gingham hair band, hazy spotlight shining on her giving a halo. Sweat drips down the side of her forehead when she hits the hi-hat, you can see her arms flexing through her loose bell sleeves from across the bar.
She spins a drumstick on one of her pink knuckles, yellow irises flashing up to you with a wink. Normally you’d feel a touch embarrassed to get caught staring. You recognize most of the group from campus, anyone’s eye would get attracted to something nice to look at in class. Quickly looking away if any of them accidentally looked in your direction. But tonight you ash your joint in the tray on the tacky bartop next to you, smiling at her. You’ll have to thank Camie for the smoke-flavored courage.
Camie dances closer to the stage, her silk green slip dress swaying and rising along with her arms. A tactical, well-thought-out move. She told you she was trying to take one of the band members home tonight, “any one of ‘em will do, if I can get more though…” she winked before you left her dorm earlier. You think she probably has the blond guy on keys in her pocket. You should probably call dibs before she gets the girl too. 
As the orange embers creep closer to your fingers, you put out the roach and go back to watching the band. Looking at the stage is like peering through calcium-stained glass, a warm combination of smoke and the old spotlights from the theatre next door makes the whole room hot. 
The redhead looks like he’s putting his whole soul into the guitar, dark eyebrows furrowed and eyes squeezed shut. His sweat-soaked white button-up does nothing to hide the finely cut body beneath it. The greek god of a man, some textbook you read last week probably contained a sculpture resembling this holy display. Suspenders straining over his broad shoulders. Is it legal for an entire group to be this foxy?
Camie’s boy hasn’t stopped making eyes at her ever since she grooved her way to the front. A real pretty boy, you could see your hands running through his golden hair, see if that black zig-zag over the side was natural. You’ll see if Camie’s in a sharing mood tonight. Though you’re not sure if you are, you sure do love the drums.
Your eyes trail behind the greek god and land on the bass player. You’re not sure how you missed him, though the sticky sweet of Gimlet in your throat answers that for you. Bright, deep red eyes burn in your direction. Is he looking at you? Nah, you glance towards the top shelf bourbon and whiskey behind you, sweaty man probably wants a stiff one. 
And it might be the gin speaking for you, but it almost looked like he smirked when you met his eye. With the mean look and scrunched bridge, he also could’ve had an itchy nose.
Sweaty, but still– pretty. You didn’t think you could say pretty so many times in a song, but tonight’s full of firsts. Big calloused hands pluck at the strings of the bass, muscles flexing with every move. You’ve never seen a man look so beautiful in a tight orange sweater-tee, showing off a slim waist tapered into black slacks. 
Pink hair winked at you first though, and you’re a sucker for a drummer. 
(Unless there’s a compelling offer.)
When their set is over, Camie is quick to lay game down hard and sweet on the pretty boy from the keys. Denki, she purred to you as she passed, her hand squeezing your thigh before leading him to the end of the bar. Denki’s eyes glued to her the whole way down. 
You watch as the girl heaves a large case with ease on top of one of the speakers, deciding now is a good chance to talk her up.
“What are ya drinkin?”
The sudden gruff voice next to your ear makes you jump, slipping straight off of the bar stool. You look to the side and the bassist is sitting on the rickety, rust-colored stool next to yours. And he dwarfs the seat in a way that makes it look a bit too small for him. It’s much darker on this side of the venue, not to mention he looked much smaller on that stage. Almost intimidating when he’s right in front of you.
He leans towards you, eyes like a lion circling- side of his mouth twitching when you move your head away from him but your feet force you to stand your ground, “Know what you’re smokin,” he chuckles, low and rumbly, “Good grass from what I can tell.”
You scoot back onto your stool, looking for any sense of composing yourself even as you can feel him picking you apart in his mind. You smile and hold his eye contact as you grab your glass, wet from condensation, and swallow the rest of the drink. “Nothing anymore,” you remark. You slip some green under the cup and turn back around to see if you can chase, but something is pinching the back of your white dress. 
You squint at him, “Let go, bass boy.”
He turns his head to the side, “Bakugou.”
“Excuse me?”
“Let go, Bakugou.” He says.
The name Bakugou does something for you. What was it? The disk jockey places a new record on the player as your brain flickers through the files that hold Bakugou.
He looks you up and down with little decorum as your thoughts stall, grinning when recognition snaps into place in your eyes.
First year of uni. Teacher’s assistant that everyone had a crush on. Mean as all hell, but a gift straight from God’s ass as a tutor.
The first time you got something below a B in your statistics course, you stared at his beat-up loafers while asking what days he has free TA hours because you were terrified to look him in the eyes. 
You turn to him fully and he releases you, waiting to see how you respond. 
“Bakugou?” You stare at him and he flicks his gaze over your face, “What the fuck?”
It’s been almost five years— still the hot TA in your mind though. Sitting in study rooms while he nudged you for the next question and you steeling your will to pretend he wasn’t the prettiest man you’ve ever seen. That’s fresh in your mind as well. Still true. 
God, he’s fuckin fit. 
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?” 
You move to snap at him, but falter when he takes your glass and tilts his head back to take one of the ice cubes. Watching as he swirls it over his tongue, then crunches it in his molars. 
“Ah,” Bakugou grunts, “Look who’s drinking hard spirits like a big girl.”
You find yourself sitting on the stool before you know it. 
(You’re too focused on the bartender stirring your drink with precision to see the drummer walk by with a wink to Bakugou and a brunette on her arm. He’s blushing when you glance back at him.)
You laugh as you press your temple to your palm, elbow sticking to the counter, almost empty drink in your hand. You don’t remember Bakugou being quite the conversationalist, but you have no complaints now. 
“How did you even recognize me?” You gesture to yourself, ice cubes swirling in the glass, “And then why would you come over, I don’t think I was that interesting to tutor— unless I was your worst student. Don’t answer that.”
He snorts at that, grabbing your drink out of your hand and placing it back on the wood, “Don’t sell yourself short.” Bakugou nods to the now empty stage, “And you weren't my worst, fuckin idiot on keys was hell on wheels to teach.”
You snicker and point loosely to distant corners of the bar, “I swear some other alums you tutored were here too.” 
You look over at him again, but he’s already facing you. Eyes on yours, but not in that burning, fiery way like earlier. It’s just warm now, something to swirl and get lost in. You find yourself leaning towards him but you swear it’s not because of him. You’re just a little tipsy, you think. Bakugou presses towards you as well, at the same slow drifting pace of the music. 
You stop when his knee hits the plastic leather of your stool, his figure nearly looming over yours. 
“Maybe I came over-”
“Because I never gave you back that watch?”
“—because someone wouldn’t stop eyefucking my band.”
You fling back like a rubber band when he whispers, spine straight as a rod. He smiles at your expression, a mean glint in his eye. 
“I absolutely was not.”
“Really?” He asks. You were never much of a liar. 
But there’s no point in not trying. “Really.” 
“So you weren’t hitting on Mina?” You stare at him so he tries again, “My drummer.”
You blink at him for a second before turning around and taking in the people you could see around the place, “Oh my god the drummer.”
He made you lose the drummer. Bakugou cackles like a hyena at your despair. 
(He buys you a basket of fries at the diner next door as an apology. Though he does eat half of them which lessened the sentiment in your opinion.)
You stare at the concrete of the paved paths weaving through the campus as you and Bakugou walk side by side back to the dorms. It’s quiet and shiny with early morning dew as you make your way back. 
He told you that he was walking you back to the dorms while you were hopping down the steps of the diner. You had no real complaints, you had a feeling that you might’ve woken up next to the university mascot’s statue if he didn’t accompany you. 
Though now you’re not sure how to feel. The warmth radiating off of your cheeks and the man next to you makes you feel like you just finished a nice date. But that wasn’t a date. That was just- That was-
It was two old fri- Hm. Acquaintances? Associates? Teacher and student? That one makes you feel off. Teacher’s assistant and pal. You cringe. Pal?
Rattling off different ways in your head to define your relationship with Bakugou, you don’t notice him slowing down near your dorm building. He clears his throat when you’re a few feet ahead of him. 
“Oh!” You turn. 
You stare at him as he stands under the streetlamp in front of the dorms. The background seems to crumble away the longer you take him in. The soft light blond of his hair looks heavenly at this time between night and day. Cold air nipping at his cheeks. He looks heavenly in this time between night and day. 
You’re not bold or sober enough to invite him up. 
So you guess this is goodbye for now. 
“Breakfast tomorrow.” Bakugou pushes the words out of his mouth like they are boiling on his tongue. 
“What?” You rub your eyes to see if that will help you hear words that have already been said. 
“Hell. What day is it now? Today? Tomorrow? I don’t fuckin know when. As soon as possible.”
You’re not sure but you love whatever day today is.  
“I just,” you watch as he rocks from foot to foot, hands in his pockets. You never thought you’d see a nervous Bakugou. “It’s been a while and I-” He starts walking over and stops right in front of you. You’re too busy taking in the sight to even think of moving. “I just gotta see you again. If you’re okay with that. If you want.”
Something roils over in your stomach mixed with confusion. He’s gotta see you again?
If you were sober, you’d see the precious, delicate moment in your hands. A version of Bakugou you only ever got glimpses of when nights got a little too late in the library, when he came over to your dorm and you made him his favorite tea, keeping company and telling stories from your classes while he graded assignments. If you were sober you’d see the glimpse become a moment, enveloping the man as he is. 
But you aren’t. 
“Are you sweet on me?” You crinkle your nose and wag a finger at him. 
Bakugou is perplexed, with a hint of bewilderment. “Am I sweet on you? Are you- What! What else would I- A whole year of- How did you lose more of that brain the longer you were in school?”
You were too lost in how he interrupted himself several times, “What?”
“Yes,” He grits out, “I am.” Bakugou turns you around and starts pushing you toward your dormitory’s front door. 
“And I am going to be here in the morning to remind you because you’re drunk. And you’re not gonna remember a goddamn word I say, so listen to me when I say:”
He stops you abruptly and spins you around, hands warm on your shoulders, “If you say yes, I am taking you out and you’re going to fall the fuck in love with me and I am going to occupy all the empty spaces in your mind to make up for the years you put me through.”
You blink up at him. 
Bakugou grabs the key ring out of your hands, reaches behind you, opens the door, and walks you backwards inside. Placing the key ring back into your hand, he walks back to the door and gives you one look before he closes it, “It’s only fair.”
(He was right and you did wake up with very little memory of the night before. Breakfast with him was amazing though, good god the man can cook. So sweet of him to offer. You spilt hot coffee on your lap when he asked you to get dinner with him while he washed the dishes. You said yes.)
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I am so curious about what your thoughts are concerning what happens after the reader, Logan and Victor break out in the feral experiment au 👀
do you think Victor eventually gets to the point where he shares a leadership/second in command sort of relationship with his brother and they get to be a little messed up family unit that will destroy anyone who comes by
Does Victor sort of treat the reader and Logan with the same protective streak that totally isn't related to them being so mistreated within the au. He doesn't ever let go of control of being a leader in fear of 'going soft' and having it be possible that Logan + reader would be captured again
🩷🩷🍀🦦 thank you for giving me so many ideas to think about when it comes to platonic xmen yans🙏
That's a really good question! May I call you Lucky Otter Anon? But this is a good question-
I can see this going either way, but it depends. If Logan starts to reconnect with Victor, and eventually stops trying to run, and even helps keep Reader with the two of them, then i can see Victor giving up most control over him and trying to be a team rather than the sole leader of their f*cked-up little family. If Logan keeps fighting him, or refusing any drugs or medical attention given to him, keeps trying to run, and actually attempts to take Reader with him, then Victor will decide to keep full control. He might loosen his hold in the future, but he wants Logan and Reader to feel better, yet wants them reliant on him while they heal. He wants a family, he wants to reconcile, but he won't get anywhere if his brother is too stubborn or if anything happens to him or Reader. So the best he can do is take care of them (forcefully, if he has to), and hope they start seeing him as trustworthy, or as their brother/dad/uncle...
(Woooooo! Someone finally asked about that AU! Thank you thank you thank you! I love answering questions for all of you!)
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trillgutterbug · 1 year
anyone got any (non au) cherik fic recs they want to throw this way? 👀 @twobrokenwyngs and @jerottblyth and i are doing an xmen marathon rn for thirst purposes and we NEED FICS. IT’S A MEDICAL EMERGENCY
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deitysmuses · 2 months
I want to do an au with the current events of the new Xmen 97 cartoon. Anyone interested?
Muses available
Madelyne Pryor
Emma Frost
Wanda Maximoff
Eve Byrd
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itsmrvlxh50 · 3 months
The WIPs I am allowed (by myself) to tell you:
Hurt and kidnapped!Erik with Cherik and Dadneto
Football Cherik AU (for anyone’s confusion, I am from Greece, when I say football I mean football, where you kick a ball with your feet)
Brooklyn 99 AU with Erik as Holt and Charles as Kevin and the xmen as the team
That’s all, I have more but I fear that if I announce them, I will never get back to update them.
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xmendieverse · 6 days
good god i've had an epiphany
as far as i know, we've always seen rogue with a "oh my powers are a curse i can't touch anyone crying weeping sad" but what if her story was like,,, a medusa retelling???
think about it. instead of her powers showing up when she kisses cody or whatever, the first time we see her abilities, they show up right on time to protect her? so instead of her viewing her powers as this thing prohibiting her from having "normal" relationships, she views it as a blessing, and she's able to use it to (at least in my head she would) prey on predators??
and then if you wanna get REALLY deep into it, could captain marvel be some sort of perseus to her story? someone trying to stop her, but the plot twist is that this is a story where medusa kills perseus instead.
especially if you consider her background with the brotherhood, she could be a crazy antihero in the beginning.
idk im just like. really invested in this now, this would be such a different story from the one we're so used to seeing her portrayed in, especially with xmen 97 portraying her powers this way and the movie franchise.
let me know if you would read this au. in. in my book. like. like should this be the plot line i pursue with her. because im like. i love some female badassery. some feminine rage. good shit.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
List of all the comics I’ve made! In case anyone is interested in reading them 🥺👉👈
🌸- to do
💀- abandoned
❤️On the Run: Izuku is a vigilante with a healing quirk running from the commission
❤️ Ghost Hero: Danny phantom in mha universe
❤️Stowaway: Izuku is five inches tall and living in aizawas walls
💀Ghost Police: Deku is a police officer who can see ghosts and is partnered up with pro hero Bakugo
❤️Quirkless Future: Pro Hero Izuku gets time traveled back into his 14 yr old body and decides to reject OFA
💀Kitten Deku: Deku has a cat morph quirk and is stuck as a kitten in an alley where pro hero Eraserhead finds him and takes him home, later on he finds out that Izuku is not a cat but a small child
💀Monster Deku: Izuku has a monster quirk and is kidnapped and tortured for years until Eraserhead finds and adopts him! Similar to Kitten Deku but Bakugo is not an asshole in this one 🙂
❤️Rewind: Izuku is a homeless teenager who stumbles upon Eri and gets rewound to age seven! They try to survive on the streets and avoid Overhaul, but Eraserhead finds them and takes them home!
💀Choose Your Own Adventure: Patrons get to vote the next outcome! So far Deku is hit with a quirk that makes emotional pain feel physical and bakugo is getting consequences for middle school!
💀Zombie Deku: Deku gets hit with a quirk that makes him into a zombie (minus eating brains part) and Kacchan blames himself for deku's 'death'
🍄Mermaid Deku: Based on fanfic called 'A fishy Situation' on Ao3
❤️Spider Deku: Deku goes to I-Island on a summer internship before UA and gets into a spider lab accident that ends with him getting a quirk! He joins the hero course and then is targeted by the league :3
❤️Hacker Deku/Over the Firewall: Depressed Deku becomes a vigilante through hacking! He meets Dabi and Eraserhead, and they end up saving the poor kiddo from himself ;-;
💀Fanboy Deku: Pro hero Bakugo is being followed by a smol quirkless child and he is not ready to be a parent
💀UA Faculty: Inspired by Tik Tok staff ocs, discontinued
💀Second Chance: Pro hero Deku dies, four years later he wakes up in someone else's body! Somehow, Todoroki seems to recognize him. Inspired by MDZS
💀Split Todoroki: Todoroki is split into three different people based on three emotions, joy, anger and sadness!
❤️Fusion AU: Deku has a fusion quirk and was thought to be quirkless until entrance exam when he fuses with uraraka
🍄Prosthetic Deku: Deku gets an arm and a leg blown off in an explosion, also saving Kacchan in the process, then he gets kidnapped! Finished! Should be on Instagram and Patreon
💀Bakugo Adventure Comic: Discontinued out of spite
🍄Villain Deku: Instagram only, deep down in the depths of when I was in high school, Deku gets kidnapped and brainwashed into villainy!
🍄Bunny Deku 1: Deku is turned into a bunny and bakugo is turned into a dog and they get kidnapped
🍄Bunny Deku 2: Deku is turned into a bunny and kidnapped, then todoroki gets turned into a cat to infiltrate and break him out
💀VLD/BNHA Crossover:​ Instagram only, Deku meets Lance on a foreign planet, soon after Keith and Bakugo show up, as well as Catra from She Ra before it was discontinued
❤️Phantom in Gotham: Dp x dc fanfic on ao3
❤️ Demon of Gotham: Nightvmcrawler from xmen evolution gets adopted by Jason Todd, DC x X-men fanfic on Ao3
💀My Princess Academia: Disney Princesses as MHA
🍄 Plantzuku! Izuku dies and becomes plant person so aizawa adopts him
❤️Cat Cafe: Izuku has a cat morph quirk thanks to afo and hangs around a cat cafe until aizawa kidnaps him for dad purposes
❤️Unachievable: Bakugo drives deku to sewerslide but finds out izuku has a death quirk that brings him back to life. bakugo has to help izuku get into ua and try to keep him from killing himself at all times, patreon fanfic
❤️Mothman Au: Shinsou finds mothman in his treehouse but it turns out to be feral mutant quirk izuku
❤️Healer Deku: choose your own adventure where izuku was sold to the commission and got a healing quirk but ran away and lives as a vigilante and coffee shop employee
❤️Invader Izuku: Izuku is Dib reincarnated and he and Zim go on adventures
❤️Remembering Robin: Dick grayson reincarnated as Izuku decides to be a quirkless hero
I think I’m missing a few but these are the ones I remember. Most of these are on my Instagram but all are on my patreon @piedpiperart
I will be slowly posting them here too, it’ll just take me a while 😩😅
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bronzeagepizzeria · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Lol I did this a while ago but why not!! Thanks for the tag @mulderscully <3
How many works do you have on ao3?
28. I had more but sometimes when I dislike a work enough I simply delete it
What's your total ao3 word count? 132,139
What fandoms do you write for?
doctor who mostly, although i dabble in harry potter and xmen
Top five fics by kudos:
Of Thorns and Roses (ten/rose; historical au)
A Hundred Visions and Revisions (tentoorose; 60th rewrite)
The Surrender (ten/rose; shag or die)
One Day Closer To Death (ten&rose; post JE reunion)
Dimorphous Expressions of Positive Emotion (tentoorose; babyfic)
Do you respond to comments?
i do, yes
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i want to write so much more angst but i think One Day Closer To Death has around 30+ people telling me they cried so that makes me very, very happy :) Window of Hope (HP) was pretty sad, too, imo
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ahh. everything i write with tentoorose is usually happy. the sappiest ending is probably (Accidentally) Welcome To The Rest Of Your Lives which features the birth of Mia <33
Do you get hate on fics?
no but i have gotten some weird comments
Do you write smut?
a little bit. wouldn't say it was my forte though
Craziest crossover:
haven't written one yet but i keep thinking of an cherik/tenrose beach overlap, lmao. no idea who would even read that
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nothing that i've posted, but i love the idea of doing it. takes so much off the pressure off imo
All time favorite ship?
tentoorose bby!!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
promising myself i'm not starting any more longfics until i finish Quid Pro Quo (ten/rose; fake dating)
What are your writing strengths?
i think i understand characters pretty well. i think my dialogue is pretty believable too
What are your writing weaknesses?
i'm a very slow writer and i struggle to fill in the space between dialogues
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i'd never do it, i don't think
First fandom you wrote in?
posted? doctor who. just wrote for myself? rpf lmao
Favorite fic you've written?
oof. i think A Life Out Of Balance is off to a pretty good start at the moment. I just gotta update soon!
tagging: anyone who wants to!!
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softdedue · 8 months
Wip game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @dreamerinsilico
Tagging: @sebastianfantastic @oliverniko @onyxedskies @indigowallbreaker @janiemogami @elijah-terry and anyone else who writes and wants to do it!!
I don’t really have a “wip folder” lol just an “unfinished works” folder so ill try to weed out the entirely abandoned but no promises
In reverse chronological order:
nerve damage thing
vampire au
indissoluble bond
up in our bedroom after the war (ooh she’s got a real title!!)
dentist au
Document 1
(You can tell which of these I was real excited about when I started them lol but alas DRAG RACE BITCHES!!!!!! has sat untouched for the last two years. Most of the others who had titles like that as wips have been finished you see) (also all of these are actually titled “title-ship-fandom” which is especially funny in the case of Document 1, who is saved as “Document 1 - hilmari - fe3h” lmao. In the abandoned category I have one that’s “shfkdjsbs - cherik - xmen” bc I may be a messy bitch but I am organized)
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