itsirk-is-tha-opposite · 10 months
Me when I worldbuild some crazy stuff just for an ai chat bot
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starglitterz · 9 months
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❝ ‘cause i’m too spicy for your heart, ring the fire alarm! ❞ // attractive things the genshin men do
✧ feat ; al-haitham, ayato, childe, cyno, diluc, heizou, kaeya, thoma, wriothesley, xiao x gn!reader
✧ warning(s) ; fluff, suggestive, implied kamisato!reader for thoma’s, reader is shorter than ayato for his part, modern au for wriothesley, traveller!reader for xiao’s
✧ a/n ; yeah yeah i’m a slut we all know that already let’s move on 🙄 /lh i was brainrotting sm LOL i hope u guys enjoy! 
part one︱info︱part two
please reblog + leave comments ! it helps a lot w motivation <3
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✦ “are you listening?” AL-HAITHAM’s voice cuts through your messy thoughts and you scramble for your pen to scribble some nonsense and at least pretend you were concentrating. your eyes are glued to the paper in front of you, too embarrassed to meet his gaze after what you were daydreaming about him. without warning, he uses his index finger to tilt your chin up to face him with a curt “pay attention.” his green irises bore into yours, scanning them as if to discover why you haven’t been focusing and the intensity of his gaze makes heat rise to your cheeks. his actions clearly result in the opposite of the desired effect though, because it’s made you ten million times more distracted, too busy thinking about your tutor doing things that certainly aren’t academic.  
✦ there’s definitely something in the way that AYATO leans down to hear you better. it’s a simple gesture, but when he bends down to listen to what you’re saying, it proves that he’s putting in the effort to continue the conversation and is genuinely interested in your chatter. or even if it’s something like leaning against the door frame, a reminder of how idiotically tall he is, it always gets your heart beating quicker and you lose your train of thought. but maybe he isn’t as clueless as you think he is, because the smirk playing about his lips as he admires your flustered expression while you stumble over your words definitely says otherwise. 
✦ sometimes when you see CHILDE’s idiotic smirk, it takes everything in you not to punch it off his face. however, when he’s in the heat of battle, the way his lips curl just so as he lifts an eyebrow at his opponent daringly, almost as if he’s asking them “you really think you can defeat me?” you’d rather punch him with your lips. the sheer confidence he exudes as he fights, the casual manner with which he switches his bow to his hydro polearm, the easy grin dancing about his mouth – it’s incredibly attractive. 
✦ it shouldn’t be a big deal, but whenever CYNO wraps his arms around your waist from behind to pull you into his embrace, you swear your heartbeat accelerates to the speed of light. he’ll rest his chin on your shoulder too, and if he’s feeling mischievous (which is practically all the time), he’ll tilt his head ever so slightly so he’s at the perfect angle to press fleeting kisses against your neck. you can almost feel his smile against your skin as you shiver from the sensation of his warm lips. 
✦ DILUC is not one for grand public displays of affection. you don’t mind, you’re fine with it, but one day another patron at the angel’s share keeps flirting with you, and suddenly you feel the winery owner beside you, one arm snaking around your waist almost possessively. “it’s nice to meet you,” he murmurs to the other man in a tone icy enough to freeze over hell. his fingers tap a steady rhythm against your hips and you feel like his touch is branding you through the layers of fabric. it evidently gets the message across because the poor customer leaves immediately with his tail between his legs, and all DILUC does is squeeze your waist lightly and press a soft kiss on your forehead as a hint of a smug smile curves his lips. 
✦ being a genius detective and also just being really annoying are certainly not mutually exclusive, as HEIZOU continues to prove every single day. case in point; the way he’s proudly walking around the tenryou commission, the array of wine-coloured bruises you left on his neck last night blatantly out for display. the other inazumans who notice look scandalized, while kujou sara seems dangerously close to bursting a blood vessel. “heizou!” you hiss, pulling him into a secluded corner to scold him, “why didn’t you wear a scarf or something?!” the detective merely gives you his trademark grin and winks playfully, “why should i? it’s a mark of your love, i wouldn’t want to hide it~”
✦ one thing’s for certain whenever you talk to KAEYA – he will give you his undivided attention. you love that about him, but sometimes his piercing gaze is almost distracting, the varied shades of sparkling blue a stark contrast to the matte black leather of his eyepatch and often making you veer wildly off-track to whatever you’re telling him about. it only worsens when you catch his stare sometimes drifting to your lips, but he’ll shake his head as if jolting himself out of a reverie before he continues looking at you and nodding like he’s been paying attention this entire time. and if you call him out on it, he’ll just raise both hands in surrender, “sorry, babe, i can’t help it – you just look so kissable when you’re talking!”
✦ THOMA is an absolute softie, always making your favourite foods and spoiling you as the housekeeper of the kamisato clan. it makes sense that you’ve never realised just how strong he actually is. but then you catch a glimpse of him one evening after a long day’s work, and as he lifts up the edge of his shirt to wipe the glistening sweat off his face you think you could collapse. the gesture exposes his toned abdomen, muscles clenching as he lets out a soft groan, and the only coherent thought running through your mind is; why has he been hiding this the entire time?! maybe it’s time for you to switch the kamisato housekeeper uniform to a crop top… 
✦ WRIOTHESLEY is a gentleman who’ll never let you take a cab home alone, especially not after a long night out in the city. but as he’s pulling up to your house, your thoughts are definitely nowhere near appreciating how sweet he is, rather you’re admiring how close his muscled arms are to your face while his hand is on the back of your seat as he turns to check the rear mirror. from the passenger seat, you get the perfect view of his side profile, his chiseled features, the barely visible trace of stubble on his chin, his stormy gray eyes… he’s like the dark male lead of every romance manhwa. and when he catches you looking, he gives you a smile that’s almost teasing, “like what you see, beautiful?” 
✦ even though XIAO is the one who’s supposed to teleport to you whenever you call his name, you can’t help but find yourself gravitating towards him whenever he says yours. it must be how he utters it, softly, lovingly, almost reverent in his gentleness as if you’ll shatter before his eyes if he whispers it even a decibel louder. and sure, he calls you by several petnames (butterfly, dove), but the way your name slips past his lips like a prized jewel will always be your favourite. sometimes it feels as if your name is going to be worn out from how often people use it, begging you to help them with miscellaneous tasks and pushing you to exhaustion. but during those late nights at wangshu inn as you rest in his embrace, he whispers your name as if it’s a secret for just the two of you and the stars and you can’t help but think how lucky you must have been to be born with such a pretty name, created for your adeptus lover to murmur with so much affection lacing his tone. 
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GRR i lowk love this... hope yall do too! don't forget to check out part 2 when it's published as well <3
© starglitterz 2023. do not repost or modify in any way – reblog / follow if you enjoyed !
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dootdootwriting · 11 days
hii can you do where like the genshin impact boys lovers are like taller than them?
featuring: albedo, alhaitham, ayato, baizhu, cyno, diluc, gorou, itto, kazuha, kaeya, kaveh, tighnari, venti, xiao, zhongli, (separate) tw: light foul language (scattered throughout), mention of violence/fighting (childe), mention of chronic pain/illness (baizhu), haitham is autistic because yeah. type: fluff, sfw, hcs reader: tall, gn, no pronouns, no use of y/n a/n: i was GOING to do literally all of them but i gave up after tighnari sorry i just did NOT have it in me. if you want hcs of this same scenario with different characters, do feel free to request that!
also not using canon heights for this bc they don't . make sense to me so you get mY HEADCANONS. (close to canon at least i promise)
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not hard to be taller than him tbh, he's like 5'4
i can't see him particularly caring about height in an s/o, rather just personality. if he likes you, he likes you and that's really it, you could look like just about anything
you could be three feet tall and he wouldn't care as long as you were understanding about the unholy hours of the night he has to stay up to in order to do his work
he won't deny the fact that dating someone tall has its advantages, though.
for one example, he finds it particularly difficult when an ingredient he's trying to get to is too far up for him to reach
and yes, he could just summon his geo flower and have it elevator his ass up the tree or whatever, but it's so much more convenient AND so much more comfortable to just have you pick him up so he can get higher
also, it's insanely hot
probably would be into it
he's probably just a bit taller than average, i'd place him at about 6' or so
so it's not rare that he meets someone taller than him, it just doesn't happen every day
has no qualms about your height other than he finds it slightly annoying to look up at you when you're having a conversation
it's hard to be intimidating when the person you're talking to is looking down at you with an adoring smile, as you can understand.
other than that, if need be, he has the winery mansion adjusted to suit you
just some basic things like carving a bit out of a doorframe if you're prone to bumping your head on things. nothing too drastic
thinks it's hot
he's kind of a slut for people taller than him, i think. or just a slut in general maybe. either way, thinks it's hot
he's probably just a bit shorter than diluc, maybe at 5'11. diluc won't let him hear the end of it and it pisses him off
looks are the first thing he sees in a person. it isn't nearly the end-all be-all of choosing a partner for him (he really looks for someone with more mental acuity and wit), but it does play the part
being tall helps you with this
is the type to DEFINITELY be able to reach the top shelf and pretend he can't anyway so he can grin at you while you get things for him
did someone say short-ass twink?
he's like 5'3 sorry i don't make the rules. short.
so yeah, again, not hard to be taller than him.
he's so playful about it too
"oh nooooo~ they put the apples all the way on the top shelf so i can't reach them~ whatever shall i do!"
bitch, you can fly. be fr
it doesn't matter. if there's something you can do (even if he can also do it) for him because of his height, he'll bat his eyelashes and flash you a grin so you can't help but show off and do it for him
also makes sharing the bed a hell of a lot more difficult. venti already flails around all over the place, and having someone taller sleeping next to him...? forget about it. you're both waking up on the floor.
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probably like 6'1, and lanky too
there is no cabinet he can't reach, and besides he has changsheng to slither up in the rare situation that he actually can't reach something
however, the tables are turned on him completely when he's having a flare-up. a lot of the time, if he tries to exert himself reaching for something (or just getting out of bed at all), he'll dissolve into a fit of coughing and have to sit down
this is when having a tall partner really comes in handy, and you're more than happy to get him whatever he needs to help him calm it down
extremely grateful for your help, and lucky that he has you. anytime you get him something, especially when he's not feeling well, he'll thank you and give you a kiss
joining the "it's not hard to be taller than him" club at a whopping (not really) FIVE FOOT TWO
bro is SHORT short
this doesn't bother him as much as you think it might. in xiao's own words, "height has little effect on one's ability to fight," and therefore he can protect you and fight for you even despite how small he is
will pretend not to be thankful if you help him with reaching things, but instead sends you a short glance that only you can decipher as being grateful
going out with him is a little bit like walking with a small but on edge dog
i think in his human form he's about 6'3, but he gets to like 6'8 with his draconic features out. no, i'm not counting his horns, i think he actually grows when he relaxes and stops hiding his features
is impressed that you're taller than him, and, honestly, a little worried about your back
with this tall of a couple, he definitely has to adjust his living situation. for sure has his ceilings raised and doorways sanded so the both of you can fit
walking around liyue harbor with him is a SIGHT. two giant sized folks casually going out for a stroll along the waterfront, enjoying their date as if they aren't big enough for a seagull to accidentally fly into their faces
also likes having you do things for him. he's tall, he can do them himself, but he's lying if he says he doesn't like watching you reach to screw in a lightbulb or the like.
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he's probably around 5'11, so he's tall but it's not unusual for someone to be taller than him per se
he's kind of a cheeky lil bastard? he puts everything on ridiculously high shelves on purpose so that he can watch you get them for him
"oh, sorry to trouble you my dear, but it seems the brown sugar is just a few inches out of my reach. could i trouble you to grab it for me?"
"there are like eighteen other different shelves you could have put it on."
"are there? i hadn't noticed! oh, well :)"
also likes to show you off. pulls up to the function (important dignitary meeting) with his tall ass partner
little guy! he's probably around 5'4-5'5 so if you're even like average height you're probably a little taller than him
embarrassed about it, almost as much as he is about the whole tail cuddling thing
that isn't to say he doesn't love how gorgeous and tall you are (he does for sure!), he just is a little self-conscious about his own height
he WILL hide behind you if he sees yae miko approach. benefit #1 of having a tall partner: meat shield
also bonus for you: he is a dog, so when he wants you to grab something for him, he'll look up at you with the most adorable puppy eyes you've ever seen
good lord you must be insanely tall . i think he's probably around 6'3
the first time he meets you he's blown away. bewildered. incredibly flustered. possibly already in love.
he's used to being the tallest guy around, used to being the big guy in charge. so when he finds you, and has to look up at someone else for a change, he's stupefied (in a good way)
there are no shelves he can ask you to get things from that he can't already reach. instead, he likes to watch you just pick people up
he'll gather some arataki gang members and ask them to stand in a line and have you go back to back with each one just to measure how tall you are compared to other people
he WILL give bear hugs. if you're more lanky, they may break a few bones... so, beware of that
another almost short-stack, probably around 5'6
he hasn't ever really thought about his height, he isn't insecure about it or anything.
to him, your height is just another thing that he loves about you! he doesn't care much for physical appearance, it's what's inside that counts to him
and once he gets to know you, he finds everything about you stunning!
probably writes poems about how you look standing strong in the wind or something. really he'll write poems about you no matter what.
since you're taller than him, he enjoys being the little spoon. let him recite lines to you while you hold him!
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tall ass guy. prolly around 6'1
is surprised that you're taller than him, but other than that doesn't really care all that much
while he does care for physical traits such as height, he mostly values intelligence and wit, so as long as you can keep up with him in a conversation, you're good enough to date
he has parameters, you understand. you have to fit to a certain standard in a series of specific categories, including age, wit, compatibility....
he might be a little autistic.
my point is, height doesn't really factor in there
still enjoys being the big spoon, even if there's more of you or if you don't quite slot together ideally in that position
it doesn't matter if you're 8 feet tall, this guy Will hold you
putting him in around 5'5
despite his small stature, he's a force to be reckoned with. everyone around him knows it, even if he sometimes wishes they didn't care as much
has absolutely no trouble asking you to get things for him if he can't reach them. unbothered king.
this comes less from a place of him not caring about being short and more of a place of him knowing his limitations and understanding when he needs help!
doesn't really care about being shorter than you. well... unless you tease him about being short, then he gets a little miffed. he doesn't mind being the shorter one as long as he isn't just called short
doesn't mind being the little spoon if you suggest it
i wanna say he's about average height, 5'8-5'9 ish!
he's comfortable with his height. he doesn't really think about it very often
that being said, i do think he would be very into someone who's taller than him. i just get those vibes
PLEASE please lean in a doorway and look at him or something. he thinks it's so attractive
probably will ask you to reach up and get things for him just so he can like... poke you in the side??? for no reason?? while you do it
likes to show you off but is also shy about it. will hold your hand when you walk around in public but also really doesn't want anyone to notice. there are two wolves inside of him.
I AM A 5'6 TIGHNARI TRUTHER. idk. he gives 5'6 vibes and i don't know why!!!
honestly couldn't give two shits about his height. As long as he can get to the samples he's trying to study, he doesn't care!
Thinks every part of you is stunning, so to him your height is a part of that!
Looks come second to personality to him. This isn't to say he doesn't find you attractive, just that the second he actually starts to like someone all of a sudden oh, they're really pretty actually.
lowkey wants to do like, a family gene chart of you? He wants to learn everything about you, down to where all your different traits come from!
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zhxngii · 1 year
ー sweet little maid | genshin impact
⌗; ft. Ayato, Diluc, Childe, & Kaeya x afab reader
⌗; just a little brainrot about being a cute little maid for a few genshin men lmao
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                                ✰ MDNI. 18+ content ahead! ✰
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Ayato ★
He couldn't help but notice the small gestures and actions you make around him in comparison to the others, other than obviously how much shorter your skirt is which he can't seem to keep his eyes off.
The way you do such bold acts like bending over as you pick up an item you accidentally so happened to drop. It's so much easier when you two are not alone but now he sees how much shyer you are when alone with him in his office. He can't help but chuckle to himself.
Being on top of his desk was the least you could expect but you aren't complaining as he slides your now damp panties to the side. He wastes no time in filling up your needy cunt with his cock, setting a slow pace. letting out a whine as you've been waiting for this moment for god knows how long.
"oh my, what a naughty little maid you are"
Childe ★
This wasn't much of what he was expecting but definitely doesn't mind playing along. He likes just how adorable you look in the little outfit, such a cute little maid for him. But oh. Such a short skirt, the way the material of it rises up even more as you bend over a bit gets him pretty good.
It doesn't help either how you continue to call him master as you work your way around the place. Something about the way you say it just flips a switch inside him.
Since the ginger male is so needy of course the place he decides to just have his way with you is over the counter in the kitchen. Your hands hold onto the edge as he doesn't let his pace slip up for not one second, but you don't complain as he just feels so good inside you.
Diluc ★
Being a part-timer with diluc as your boss. You enjoy the fun you have here serving customers as well as wearing your super cute maid outfit during your shift.
Diluc doesn't admit it himself but he gets quite jealous seeing all the attention you get, hearing all the compliments and such. Oh how badly he wants to just tell everyone you're his and only his.
closing time, just over the counter where diluc serves his regulars drinks is the place you're bent over at. He simply just can't wait until he's at yours or his place to take out his frustrations on you. It's also not helping just how good you look in this outfit.
The only sounds being heard throughout the empty bar are your sweet-sounding moans and your cunt making such lewd noises around his digits. Ignoring the way you whine and pout so cutely at him, he knows exactly what you want but wants to hear you say it yourself.
"words baby, tell me. what do you want?"
Kaeya ★
As you're minding your business cleaning up the little mess within the hourse, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist. Immediatly knowing that it's kaeya you acknowledge his presence as you continue what you're doing.
He doesn't care what you're doing, rubbing his hands on your waist and pressing himself against you so you can feel him, hoping that you might give in and help him with his problem.
But oh, not yet will he let you touch him, he'll have a bit of fun with you first before you both can get to the main course. You have all the time in the world now, why not take it slow?
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© zhxngii ★ Do not respost or translate.
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deus-lapidis · 2 years
How they sleep
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
A/N: old but gold, one of my favourites
This is a repost! Here’s a short explanation why
He slept curled into himself as if to shield himself in his sleep. Usually on his right side, sometimes on the left side, depending on the soreness of his body.
Very rarely sleeps on his stomach or back, though stomach appears more often. Gets uncomfortable if it's too hot, so he sleeps with the blanket halfway draped over him.
Either way he has really bad sleeping habits for a person that works so much in the winery and as batman for patrolling.
Didn't really sleep in because he never had any reason to do so? He just got up to work and go about his day.
In a relationship:
Almost always the big spoon, doesn't matter if you're taller or shorter than him. Snakes one arm around you, intertwining your hand with his, his head resting on top of yours. He likes holding you and just relishing in your warmth, determined to protect the light of his life.
Usually comes home quite late, so he's careful to not wake you up when laying down. Every night he plays the risky game of pulling you into his arms, but even when you do wake up, warmth spreads out in his chest when you just tiredly snuggle into him.
When you're absent:
Halfheartedly climbs into bed, tossing and turning a lot. The usual peace you bring him gone and leaving him worry about your well-being. Who knew that he could only barely go without your presence once he got a taste of it?
But the yearning made it all the better when you returned from your trip, smiling at him, while you two lie there in proximity and fall asleep in contentment.
On the side, right side to be precise. That's where his eyepatch is. Regardless of whether people would think it was an injury, fashion statement or a mysterious aspect of him, he somehow developed the habit of covering it when he sleeps.
Tucks his arm under his pillow and would flip his pillow to the cool side. Sometimes even clutches the blanket to his chest.
His sleeping habits aren't great, but they're not too bad either. A little inconsistent though. On some occasions he'll stay up until 3am, on others he's out at 11pm.
Does sleep in, it's a form of relaxation for him, maybe even revisiting a nice dream while the rest of Mondstadt slowly awakes.
In a relationship:
Definitely asks for cuddles and for you to come to bed with him, he holds it very dear. He wants to make sure that he's able to go to bed with you at all times and tells you beforehand if he won't make it home early enough.
He likes feeling your warmth, so usually your head on his arm or where it connects to his shoulder and your arm draped over his midsection.
When you're absent:
Adorably upset. Of course he can sleep without you, but having you there just simply enhances the quality of sleep (sources: trust me, bro). Has faith in you returning safely, but thinks a lot about you. Maybe even fiddles with something you once gifted him and pressing it to his chest while falling asleep.
Drags you off to nap in his office when you return. It's either you on his chest or him on top of you, burying his face into your neck to sleep.
I can see him sleeping on his stomach, knocked out, snoring softly with his cheek squished against the back of his hand.
Likes to burrito himself sometimes, cause it makes him feel like it's a warm embrace. Yes, Shnezhnaya did have heat sources and ovens, but he rolled himself into the blanket when he was little and never dropped the habit. (i could make this angsty but i won't)
Bad sleeping habits. *sprays water in face*
Busy harbinger go brrr and has totally tended his own wounds before just passing out on his bed on several occasions. (“What’s your night routine?” “Do you mean what style of wound stitching I do…?”)
Likes sleeping in but rarely does it, since he's always kinda busy.
In a relationship:
Whines for you to snuggle with him when he's in bed and you don't come in a span of 15 minutes. Very persistent. Will not stop until you come and give him affection. He's touch starved and shameless about it.
Usually pulls you on top of him. He's a big boy, so he just likes it when you're snugly pressed against him and he thinks you look cute whenever you look up to him. Gives you a small kiss before sleeping, always.
When you're absent:
Functions, but is grumpy about it. Would rather be sleeping with you. Who is he going to kiss goodnight now? His pillow?
Makes a mental note to tell you, that he doesn't want you to take long missions for a bit after this. He wants to have his angel safe and sound with him, sleeping in his arms.
When you do return he needs a refill of physical affection first (an Ajax would usually take about 2 hours worth of cuddles until fully charged) and definitely whispers to you, that he was terribly lonely. This time he gets a goodnight kiss from you :)
Slept on his back, pretty still actually. Sometimes he does turn a little, resulting in his hair fuzzing up a bit. Drapes the blanket over his body, arms securing it and that's literally it. Classic old man behaviour, right there. Has a little trouble falling asleep sometimes though, so he does sometimes shift to his side, just to flop back into his previous position.
Decent sleeping habits. But has restless nights where his memories haunt him. Sometimes he wanders around in his house or goes on a nightly walk if he's unable to sleep.
Doesn't really sleep in, because he likes to brew some tea early in the morning and enjoys hearing the world wake up.
In a relationship:
He's secretly a little clingy (just a little) and is always happy to pull you into his embrace. He likes looking at your peaceful expression, so he prefers facing each other with your arm draped over him, hand on his back.
Will run his thumb over your ribcage and rest his forehead on yours.
When you're absent:
I think he does the best out of all of them, because he does miss you, but it doesn't take him over.
Secretly hopes that you won't be leaving for another time and just stay in his arms, stay with him. Does get a little worried when he reminisces memories of cold, cruel people. May they be from the current time or his previous life as Morax. Usually tries to calm himself by filling his mind with nice memories of you and him together.
When you return he's overjoyed to see you're safe and back by his side. Laying there, face to face with the person he loves, he strokes your cheeks gently, pressing a kiss to your forehead before slipping off into peaceful slumber.
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lunargrapejuice · 1 year
oh, how badly i need you
surprising the boys with kisses &lt;3
diluc ragnvindr, kaeya alberich, kamisato ayato, alhaitham x reader
warnings: no pronouns used, some spicy kisses and making out but nothing explicit, mentions of reader being shorter than character, mentions of reader having pink cheeks in dilucs and alhaithams, previous sexual acitivies mentioned in kaeyas but again nothing explicit, my first time writing for ayato and i totally ran away with it klshsdjhljsv hopefully it is okay
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it wasn’t unusual for his looks to get the better of you, to distract you from even breathing. diluc was a gorgeous man. after all, it wasn’t just his money or family name that had made him the most eligible bachelor in all of mond but you had happily taken away that title and gifted him with others that were much more to his liking; your beloved, your one and only, your husband.
no matter how long you’d been with him you were certain he would always take your breath away, would always have you so needy for him though he didn’t do either on purpose. you craved his touch and more so than just the hand holding you were doing now even though you loved the way his large hand felt in yours, warm and protective as his thumb ran over your knuckles. but you never wanted to make him uncomfortable, knowing that he preferred your affections in the privacy of your own home so you tried to be patient, tried to ignore the way your lips tingle at the memory of his own pressed against yours, slightly chapped and oh so warm as they claimed you, reminding you just how special you were to him.
you couldn’t get the thoughts out of your head nor could you stop looking up at him. you drank in his defined jawline and long lashes. the way the city lights caught in his eyes and made them sparkle like burning rubies. how the fading sun, the sky painted with yellows and oranges, made his hair look like ethereal fire.
how were you to resist?
it all happened so fast- the tug on his arm and the quick footsteps he took to keep up with your own as you darted into the dark alleyway with him tow, the cold brick of the building cooling the fabric of his coat and seeping into his vest, your hands finding purchase on his chest. though there wasn’t much force behind it, at least not enough that could truly hold him down, he didn’t fight it.
“what’s wro-” his words die down and turn into a passionate rumble within his chest as your lips meet his, soft and sweet and only for him. 
he had briefly gotten a glimpse of your expression before his eyes fluttered closed under your affection, a flash of pink cheeks and a determined glint in your eyes. leading up to this, without knowing what was going on, all he could do was survey the area around you, the street still bustling with people, though in the alley their voices are quieter, much easier to forget because the moment your lips met his, his only thoughts were of you.
you lift on your toes to reach him, feeling the hard and skipping beats of his heart under your palm with each kiss you share and to provide you with better support, while also keeping you closely pressed against him, his hands resting on your hips, powerful fingers sinking into your soft skin.
truly insatiable is what you would have called yourself if you could speak as your tongue swiped across his bottom lip, begging for even more of him.
quiet and deep he whispers your name against your lips, the sound of it makes your entire being flush with heat, his grip on your growing more desperate as he keeps you pressed against him so there wasn’t a single inch between you. “not here,” and yet he kisses you again, unable to hold back from tasting you as his tongue slips past your lips. when he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting you still, he’s panting, those scarlet eyes dark and full of hunger. “not when i want you this badly.”
it was his laugh echoing through the halls of knights of favonius library that broke your resolve to leave him be while he was catching up with the paperwork he had been putting off. you were always so weak for kaeya, he constantly had you as melting putty in his loving and calloused hands, but this morning you found it exceptionally hard to resist him and ever since you parted this morning you had thought of nothing but those star flecked eyes and his beckoning soft lips.
peeking from the bookcases you had been between for the last hour as you attempted, and failed thanks to your run away thoughts of a certain knight, to find the information you were looking for you can easily spot his sapphire hair and cape that flows behind him. you feel your heart begging to race as you hurry to catch up with him, not knowing what your plan really was, only knowing you couldn’t stand to be away from him for a moment longer. 
of course he had heard you coming before you could even call his name, he was always one to be aware of what was going on around him - especially when it came to you, turning to meet you with an adorable smile on his face. archons, you are so in love with him. he doesn’t get a chance to say anything either before he’s being dragged by the grip you have on his hand down an aisle of books, to a place where it was only the two of you. 
it happens quickly, the way you lead him and press him between the bookcase and your smaller body, but kaeya easily keeps up with your pace and movements, like this was a dance you had practiced time and time again even though this was bolder than you normally were with him. 
“why hello there my snowflake,” he coos, teasing and light, gloved hands running up and down your sides. he relishes the way you grab onto him, your hand lost in the fir of his cape, the other pressing into the chest, your warmth seeping into the cotton and onto his skin. “what a su-”
it wouldn’t be the first nor the last time you stopped your beloveds words with a kiss but from the first moment your lips touched his kaeya could feel how these kisses were different from the others, needy and passionate; a kiss like you might never get the chance to do so again, though he would always be sure to shower you with love the moment you both returned home.
you stood on your tiptoes to reach him and when you wanted more of him still your hands found themselves lost in silken strands of blue hair to pull him deeper into your kisses. he hummed in pleasure and amusement at your advances, his skilled hands pressing into your plush skin, strong arms almost lifting you from the little ground you already stood on. easily he held most of your weight while keeping you pressed against his chest.
in sync heart beats permeate through the layers of clothes between you, echoing in the space around you, heaving chests so desperate for breath as you continue to share kiss after kiss, not wanting to pull away. even when you do, both of you fighting to catch your breath, he doesn’t let you pull away from him and his azure eyes sparkle in the light coming through the window above you as he catches butterflies inducing glances of glistening saliva on your lips.
fucking archons he loved the way you called his name like this, as if it was the only word you knew, breathless and full of adoration he hardly deserved. though he knows you think otherwise and he is beyond thankful for that.
“needy for me already doll? was last night not enough hm?” he teases, flashes of his chilled fingers running down your bare back last night flooding his mind. his grip on you tightens. “you know-”
using the support he gives you to lift on your toes to kiss him once more but this time light and chaste, sweet and smooth like honey. you drink in the way his messy locks look in the rays of sunlight, the way his dark lashes flutter close and a dark pink dusts his cheeks, the ever suave captain puddy in your loving hands. only you could do this to him. 
“i could never get enough of you kae.”
ayato was on to your neediness the moment you grabbed his arm for your walk to the tea house to meet ayaka and thoma, your eyes practically full of hearts when you looked up at him and smiled, pressing his arm against your burning chest. and he certainly thought you looked adorable attempting to hold back while you were in public, even though the way your body reacted to him, the way you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him, gave you away. 
of course he’d indulge you a bit, keeping close enough to feel your warmth - and he loved it too. but he also couldn’t help but tease you in the process. his lips ghosting against your ear as he leans in to speak lowly to you on your way to and during tea, the warmth of his breath on your neck. wrapping his arm around you to press you against him as he reaches for the sugar he could have easily asked you for, his pink lips only inches away from your blushing skin. 
he keeps your proximity close even after tea but continues his act of innocence as you continue to walk through the city and seems as though he’s ignorant of the way your eyes continue to find their way to his lips. but every time you’ve looked up at him, every bite of your bottom lip and when you thought he looked partially kissable, every deep breath you took to steady your eager heart and run away thoughts did not go unnoticed by him and patiently he waited to see when you would break.
you had almost asked to skip tea in favor of spending time in his lap with your lips lost within each others but you knew how much it meant to ayato to get to spend time with all of his loved ones within the little free time he already had. so you didn’t ask and attempted to hold in just how desperate you were for more of him. he was of absolutely no help, almost as if he had wanted to see you break and lose yourself to your need for him. he probably did and something about that makes you think that maybe you should give in. what would be the worst thing to happen?
okay maybe thinking like that wasn’t going to give you the courage to do what you wanted. he was the commissioner and had a reputation to uphold and as his beloved you had the duty to also maintain it but surely one kiss wouldn’t be all that bad.. or maybe you could even get away with a few kisses stolen in secret. 
without giving yourself much time to contemplate it, knowing you might talk yourself out of it if you did but also not wanting to wait a moment longer to indulge in him, the moment you spot a quiet place away from pry eyes you let your want for him take over and drive you to be a bit a daring.
almost too easily he follows your split moment choice to tighten your grip on his hand and lead him in between a building and a stack of tall crates. when you see the devilish smile on his lips as he presses you against the crates and towers over you, you knew he had known exactly what you were up to.
“quite eager today aren’t we darling?” he asks, the playful lilt in his tone and the scent of him, like cherry blossoms after the rain filling your nose making your knees feel weak as he cages you between his arms.
your cheeks burst with heat at the truth of his words and the vulnerable position you had found yourself in when you intended to be the one to get the upper hand and kiss him like you so desperately wanted. but when one of his hands finds your skin, a delicate touch under your chin as he lifts your eyes to his, you can’t bring yourself to care that you had been so obvious in your feelings for him the whole night.
you swear you could drown in the sea of violet that swirls with hidden need and you can hardly tear your gaze from his, even though it feels so intimidating at times, when he leans in close. close enough you can feel the radiating warmth of his lips near yours.
“it’s so impossible to resist you,” he whispers, low and husky before closing the little distance between your lips. 
his own desperation shows through his kisses, deep and full of tongue that lingers with the taste of the tea you shared not long ago; devouring and full of pent of love that you couldn’t show each other till now. it shows through the way he cradles your head with his fingers lost in your hair and the way he presses against you, only allowing space between you while you lift to reach him better. 
a whimper of his name escapes your lips when you finally part and he relishes in the way you continue to cling to him, your trembling fingers gripping tightly onto his lapel.
“you’ve been so good, y/n. be a little more patient for me, okay? i promise you can have me all to yourself soon enough.” but for now he’ll indulge you both in a few more kisses and the taste of your sweet lips.
it wasn’t all that unusual for your paths to cross without you realizing it; you running from place to place in the city and within the akademiya, all the while alhaitham stole admiring glances but you still hadn’t expected to run into him at port ormos while you were there for a commission. he was talking with someone you didn’t know and you didn’t want to disturb him but you still found yourself unable to look away from his handsome features.
your heart beats irregularly when you glance at his lips for far longer than you’d like to admit out loud, pressing your own together to relieve the pressure you are desperate to feel against them but it doesn’t do anything to even kind of replicate the feeling of his lips on yours. maybe you could find a moment to steal his time after he finishes..
before you know it, as your getting lost in your thoughts of how you could pull him from sight and share a kiss, all you can see is his back walking in the direction opposite of you, the stranger he was talking to before nowhere in sight.
even if you wanted to you couldn’t resist wanting to feel him, if only for a moment- for one kiss - and you let your eager feet carry you in his direction. his long legs take him farther and farther from you and as quickly as you can blink suddenly he is gone. a pout forms on your lips and your steps become more tentative as you search for him, not wanting to give up your sudden endeavor to be with him, just to suddenly jump at his voice calling your name from behind you.
your chest blooms with warmth seeing him leaning casually against a stack of crates, arms folded and a small smile on his face.
“following me now, hm?” his voice is as normal as ever but there's a playful teasing light behind the amber of his eyes.
“well, technically yes, but i have my reasons,” you give him an innocent smile as you close the distance between you, finding space between his legs for you to stand comfortably close.
“oh? what reasons would those be?” he asks but he already knows. the pink of your cheeks, the love in your eyes, the way you hold onto him. he knew and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel the same.
your movements are quick but meaningful, your hands gripping onto his folded arms for added support as you lift on your toes to reach him, pressing a sweet and slow kiss to the edge of his lips. it might have been enough to satiate you but the way the breath left his lungs and spilled past his lips, his arms unfolding to hold you closer to him, added fuel to the flickering flame of your desire for him. 
“just wanted you, ‘haitham,” you whisper against his lips, honest and full of need that brewed within you.
he may have known what you wanted from him even before you started to follow him but he still found himself incredibly weak, his chest full of butterflies flapping their wings against his rib cage, when he heard you speak those words. 
with one hand pressed to the small of your back, the other sprawling across your upper back before flexing and clinging onto your shirt ever so subtly, he held you impossibly close to him and didn’t hesitate to return to your kisses in kind. he was the first to deepen them, letting his tongue swipe against your bottom lip and press against your own tongue when your jaw slackened and allowed him to do as he pleased. 
your hands on his chest feel the rumble of his groan when you bite his bottom lip and pull lightly, teasing and fleeting before you kiss him sweetly once more. your shared kisses grow chaster and gentler with each passing dancing of lips until only loving pecks between heaving breaths remain.
his eyes are soft, lips pink and glossy when you finally pull away, never getting too far with the way he keeps you pressed against him even after your feet find flat around once more. toned muscles of his chest press against you with every breath he takes, his palpitating heartbeat echoing in time with your own.
“with the way you were devouring me with your eyes before, it made it hard not to want you too, love,” he admits far too casually for your liking, the admission of his need for you too and the sweet pet name making you ever weaker, and a bit embarrassed that he caught you staring.
 “you saw that?” 
“heh. yeah, you weren't very subtle sweetheart.”
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genshin impact masterlist | main masterlist
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eyenniie · 6 months
౨ৎ ; Cheerleader ♡
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Pairings : Tartaglia/Childe/Ajax x fem!reader
Warnings: nfsw, spicy but will possibly be in two parts (sorry bunnies), bimbo!reader, footballplayer!Ajax, cursing, modern!au
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a/n ; n js so yuu kno bunnies, this is my first time writing anything spicy so sorry if it's cheesy ml..♡
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It was a typical school day, well after school day.
Nothing out of the ordinary of course.
Ajax was sitting down around his many football friend, half lidded eyes seemingly staring at a particular girl dressed in a skimpy and revealing cheer uniform among her many friends, innocently enjoying being surronded by her cheer buddies.
(Y/N)'s friendgroup was the loudest among many of her other classmates in the classroom, without them the class would ve filled with a awkward quietude as they were possibly the only source of sound in that room.
Usually, they only ever discussed about cheer, whether it be practice or gossip about another one of the cheerleaders on the opposing team.
But on this very day, the girl's were discussing about a very different topic: If (Y/N) had gotten her first kiss, and most importantly, if she lost her virginity to anyone on the premisis.
The conversation had started off small and innocent, but turned into a big Q/A for poor (Y/N), she could only sit there and endure being asked questions on whether or not she had slept with anyone yet.
This had piqued the attention of a certain ginger haired classmate of hers, who may or may not have a big fat crush on her, and possibly a raging boner at the thought of her being fucked brain-dead by he himself—
"You'kay man? You look red— like, Diluc's hair red.." One of Ajax's friends said, Itto, who was sipping on some water before Diluc had slapped the back of his neck, causing the dude to start choking.
Diluc wore a scowl on his face, similiar to one of the more shorter players, who was also Aiax's bestfriend, Scaramouche.
Ajax could only give a forced, wry smile whilst crossing his legs to try and hide the tent building up in his basketball shorts.
"Nah, i'm fine, y'know.. Just really excited for this season's playoff's.." He could clearly feel the thick atmosphere inside the classroom, knowing his teammates do not believe his empty words that uttered his lips.
Kaeya knew about the ginger's crush on one of the cheerleaders, hell, everyone in his friendgroup knew about it. Considering it was quite obvious, Ajax would always get distracted by the sway of her hips during their practices— And to top it all off, that cheerleading uniform that the school provided, everytime he would get a good glimpse of her in that short miniskirt..
He couldn't take it, all Ajax wanted to do was fuck her behind the bleachers, rough and hard..
"We could all see the pathetic stares you give her Childe, man up and ask her out, you pussy.." A hoarse, rough voice spoke, his purple haired bestfriend had an shit eating grin plastered on his face.
Oh how Ajax wanted to bitch slap that look right off that cheeky little bastard's face, but he knew he'd only make things much worse.
Playing dumb was the only thing thht he could do in this moment, trying to save himself from looking like a lovesick puppy. "I don't know what you mean, ask who out?" Of course, no one believed him, it was quite obvious that his eyes were set on someone.
"Dude, even Itto knows you like (Y/N), and his IQ is lower than a donkey's.." One of his friends joked.
Itto, who was picking his nose a few seconds ago, slapped the guy's head in response to the small comment.
It was pointless for Ajax to fight back, of course, they were right after all, he did have a crush (and a raging boner lol) because of (Y/N), who also, had a huge crush on him.
Before Ajax could give his friend's another glare, a small object from (Y/N)'s desk hit the hard wooden floor with a small 'clink', wondering if he should get up and get it for her, Ajax wanted to see how thing's would play out.
"Oopsies!— Hold on I dropped something, ehe~!"
A certain high pitched voice rung out, It was (Y/N).. Who was know currently bending over to get the item she dropped, that same mini skirt barely covering her panties that were on full display for poor Childe..
"Oh my fucking god.." Childe muttered with widened eyes, thing's had gotten even worse for the poor ginger haired male..
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౨ৎ ; Pt.2 coming out soon luvs<3
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suntoru · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ I’M NOT A DERE, TSUN TSUNDERE ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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summary: how some of the genshin guys act with a tsundere reader <3
feat. albedo, diluc ragnvindr, kaeya alberich, childe, kazuha kaedehara, kamisato ayato, al haitham, heizou.
warnings: fluff, lots of teasing, flustered reader, a tinge of jealousy, cringeworthy moments
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─ ✰ ALBEDO finds himself fascinated with you, initially looking at you like an experiment. is there a certain reason you seem so embarrassed around him? you’re always distracted, maybe it’s the harsh weather of dragonspine making you turn red? he moves your hands out of your face, peering and inspecting you thoroughly, much to your chagrin. “s-stop that!!” you stutter, nervous at how close he is. he seems to stop around your lips, sharp aquamarine eyes piercing into them. but when it seems like he’s about to kiss you, he gently let’s go of your hands and writes down in his notebook. you feel a flurry of mixed emotions, is he doing this on purpose? you huff at the thought, grabbing your coat to make your exit, the light-blonde too busy studying his notes to notice. but later, when you curiously sneak a look at the book, you feel your face heat up. test subject needs a new coat. the weather seems to be too cold, as they are always pink and stuttering. although, the pink quite suits them.
─ ✰ DILUC, in the beginning, was quite confused by your antics. you say you don’t like him and act cold towards him, but there seems to be these rare moments where your act slips up and a silver of your true personality seems to shine through. he finds himself enamoured in you, craving to see what really hides beneath the surface. when he was overworking himself, sleeping for barely four hours a night, you sternly (with a blush) told him he needs to take care of himself, and you made him take a break and eat some food. for the first time in a while, he felt… like someone truly cared for him. he must admit, your behaviour seems to have grown on him, and he finds your act… cute. he subtly wants to get you to admit your feelings, just so he knows for sure, but until you’re ready, which may be never </3 he’ll wait until the ends of eternity for you. for now, he admires you from a distance, making sure to respect your space, although it seems you get blushy and defensive by just talking to him.
─ ✰ KAEYA, we all know is going to tease the living shit out of you. he lives for your flustered scowl, finding you so adorable it makes his heart fuzzy. when you insist that you don’t like him like that with a pinky blush coating your cheeks, he leans oh so closer, almost trapping you against the wall you were standing behind, whispering in your ear, “hmm, are you sure?” his charming smile is on full display when you push him backwards and start yelling at him. “w-who said you could do that, you idiot? do you want to die?” he also loves to make you jealous, flirting with other people at the angel’s share. he thinks it’s so cute how you pout like that, wanting to say something to him, but ultimately too stubborn to. when he returns, smirking at your defeated gaze, he tilts your head up with his fingers. “awww, is my angel jealous?” he coos as you tilt your head the other way in embarrassment. “how dare you? i would never lower my standards that far.” you snap back. his head bends down to meet yours, almost grazing your lips. “stop pouting, angel, or i’ll have to kiss it off your lips.”
─ ✰ CHILDE… oh dear. he treats you like a little kid, constantly doting on you even when you tell him to stop. he just can’t help it, you’re so precious he has to. really, it’s your fault for being so enchanting. he quite enjoys seeing your face turn pink because of him, he did it once by accident, and now, he can’t stop. if you’re shorter than him, he purposefully puts things out of reach, watching you struggle for a bit before walking in. he stands behind you, arms trapping you in a kabedon as he effortlessly plucks the item and hands it to you, a charming smile on his face. when you snap at him, saying you don’t need his help, he only smiles cheekily and pets your head affectionately. “mhm, you’re such a big girl/boy!” unleash your inner furry and bite him please if you want to get revenge, just make him jealous!! act all innocent and sweet with his friends, and be cold to him <3 it’ll drive him crazy, much to your amusement. but all of his poutiness ceases when he heard a genuine giggle from you. oh my… you truly own the heart of the eleventh harbinger.
─ ✰ KAZUHA is so patient, so loving… how could you not want to make this man smile?? >:( while he loves to see you flustered, unlike a certain someone, won’t do anything that’ll make you uncomfortable before he knows you like him back for sure. you drunkenly confess to him one day before blacking out, forgetting about the incident when you wake up in the morning, tucked into bed in your pyjamas. after that, he slowly tries to get you to lower your guard. when you talk to him, he makes his voice extra soft, trying to appear friendly and relaxed, hoping you’ll do the same. but even if you don’t, he doesn’t give up that easily. he reads you his writings, about a man who’s so deeply in love with a beautiful but oblivious individual, but they end up realizing their feelings. he sees your eyes shine in interest, tsundere personality seemingly melting away for that moment in time. he’s there to remind you, before trying anything romantically, he’s happy to be your friend until you finally give into your feelings.
─ ✰ AYATO finds comfort in your presence, he finds you to be a breath of fresh air, something new. from the start of his life, the very moment he was born, all he’s ever known was an obedient bow and a, “yes, young master.” but you… you don’t. you stick your tongue out at him, call him dummy, idiot, insults that could get you in serious trouble for offending a ‘royal’… yet you’re not afraid. his title means nothing to you, and for the first time in his life, he feels free. free from his duties, free from the burdens, and he can just be himself. and he finds himself falling for you, your stubbornness, pride, all of your flaws, everything. he often finds himself seeking you in his spare time, even if you brush him off with an annoyed but blushy frown. for the head of the kamisato clan, one must assume he wants great things. but in reality, all he really wants is just to make you smile once, on his own merit. and to others, he may be kamisato ayato, yashiro commissioner, but to you, he’s your stupid idiot <3
─ ✰ AL-HAITHAM is your arch-nemesis in the early stages of your ‘friendship’. in a sense, you’re just like him. you prefer to be alone, you aren’t a pushover… but most importantly, just like him, you have pride, and an ego you won’t put away just for anyone. at first, he hates you, you won’t back down and take no for an answer, choosing to argue for hours if it means you get to input your opinion, even if all he wants to do is go home and crash on his bed. but over time, he starts to notice the little things you do when you’re around him: dilated pupils, flushed skin, the slight stutter in your voice… he’s read about this once. according to the study of body language, the gestures you’re unconsciously giving off is a sign of attraction. over time, he starts to realize his feelings as well. he’s softer, more protective of you, everyone but you two in the akademiya notices it but you two. one day, he randomly blurts it out to you, and watches as your eyes widen and heartbeat picks up. “how d-dare you, no one would like such a stuck-up snob!”
─ ✰ HEIZOU’S a detective for archon’s sake, you can’t hide anything from him. he may be a carefree spirit, but that doesn’t mean he’s stupid. he knows all about your little crush on him, but he plays along with your act. he acts dumb, pretending to be clueless but then flustering you on purpose. when you toss him a boxed lunch carelessly that you spent hours making, saying how you just made a little extra, he thanks you for your generosity and shares it with the rest of the detectives. since you made extra, that means it’s for everyone, right? when you throw insults at him, he only looks innocently at you, endlessly apologizing and bowing down to you if he’s insulted you in any way. he calls you pet names, and when you blushingly tell him to stop, he calls you by your formal name instead. while he finds all this funny, rest assured he actually has feelings for you too. he’s just waiting for you to burst, so he can have sweet victory <3
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©hawkssimpsblog 2023. do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works on any platform.
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xiao-come-home · 2 years
Genshin men going through your period with you;
✰ Characters: Ayato, Itto, Kaeya, Diluc, Zhongli, Xiao, Thoma, Albedo, Kazuha.
✰ Words: 1,6k.
✰ SFW headcanons ; fluff ; no reader pronouns or gender specified, but the reader is implied to have an uterus.
Warnings: none. please tell me if you wish to get something added!
A/N: this is actually a request that i got a long time ago, im sorry! I decided to add a few boys as a compensation :) they’re a bit shorter tho! request at the end of the post.
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he’s probably the busiest out of everyone, so you definitely have personal maids assisting you as soon as he steps out of the estate; not that it makes him calmer, though. Even if he trusts his stuff a lot, he’d rather personally take care of you.
Ayato does have quite an experience dealing with periods, since he has his dear sister - which is also a perk! Ayaka is more than happy to spend time with you until Ayato gets home. And probably to share your pain together...
When your pain reaches the limit, he doesn’t hesitate to bring a doctor. And no, you can’t talk him out of it. And no, the doctor can’t leave the estate until your pain goes away.
Ayato is probably the most calm out of everyone as well - it’s somewhat reassuring though. His gentle smile gives you so much comfort, even more so when he lies next to you in bed and kisses your forehead, whispering that it’s all going to be okay while playing with your hair.
He’s attempted to make you a healthy soup once. Weirdly enough, it took him twice the time it should take to cook...
Thoma becomes your full-time bodyguard whenever Ayato leaves! Not that he minds, there’s always a lot to catch up with.
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oh lord.
he’s absolutely lost. especially for the first time. His usual, cocky behavior pops like a bubble, so now you have a beefy child that holds you squished against his chest for hours. also, he’s probably panicking more than you.
in solidarity, he’s crying with you. 
in a more serious tone, Itto’s really worried about you. As not only his life partner, but a member of the Arataki gang, he can’t stand seeing you in so much pain, yet he’s barely able to do anything, that really sets off his guilt.
Attempts to talk you out of your pain! Tells you various adventures that happened, how many times he’s gone to jail, and how Ms. Hina’s stand happened to be in possession of the Arataki Gang... Wait, what?
When no medicine or comfort works, he holds your hand very tightly, putting his head onto your shoulder - he gets unusually quiet, his brows furrowed; Itto isn’t mad at you - but rather, angry that you have to endure all of this. He’s feeling so, so dirty for just watching you suffer. This isn’t right.
Whenever you cry, he kisses your tears away. It’s definitely not enough for him, but as soon as he sees that you appreciate his presence in any way, he feels a wave of hope.
Asks Shinobu and Granny Oni for help! He does want to make you feel better, and being there for you is not enough for him. Even if it’s traveling through half of the Inazuma to gather special herbs Granny told him about, he’s gone in a second.
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the cavalry captain probably hates your period as much as you do. He especially isn’t pleased seeing you in so much pain, so he’s trying not to be as annoying as he usually is.
he’s trying to check up on you as soon as possible, occasionally - he even stays home, so he’s able to take care of you the whole time. Though, while at work - he’s feeling on edge, which is totally visible despite him trying to hide it.
Kaeya actually... Asks Jean or Eula for guidance. While they offer quite good advice, deep down - he feels a bit guilty for not being able to lessen your pain.
Even though it’s hard for him to compensate for your pain - he’s way more affectionate with you! He places gentle kisses on your lower stomach, gives you massages, or simply, just holds you in his arms.
Can’t sleep? Don’t worry, Kaeya can’t sleep while being aware that you’re in pain. He doesn’t mind staying up once in a while, so he’s trying to shift your attention from pain as often as possible - be that telling you stories about Klee’s adventures, gossiping, or simply just reading for you.
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similar to Kaeya, he wants to be available for you as much as possible - which, technically, isn’t needed at all, because he’s perfectly capable of recruiting new maids just to serve you.
heating pad? nah, he’s warming you up with his hand and pyro vision. don’t worry, he’s particularly gentle with that; he’s tested it on himself... once.
listen, this man is dedicated. whenever your pain is too unbearable to the point of insomnia, he’s making you various juices to try out. yes, so what if it’s currently 3:57am, Diluc is busy making you a new mango drink. Maybe a little half asleep.. but it’s tasty.
Being the Teyvat batman makes him barely sleep at night anyway, so he’s down to you being his taste tester. Or, perhaps, listening to his stories about beating some treasure hoarder’s butts. Or Kaeya’s...
Prefers to simply ask you what to do to make you feel better - after all, there’s no other person that knows you better than you yourself, right? He complies with whatever you say, as he doesn’t want to upset you - whether it’s him cuddling you until you feel a bit better, or just giving you space.
he’s actually willing to bring you the best doctor in Teyvat, regardless of the cost. Mora has no value to him, as long as you’re suffering; he does bring it up once in a while, hoping that you’ll change your decision and let him take care of you professionally.
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he’s probably seen it multiple times in his life - being a former god, the only question that arises is whether he handles the situation correctly.
BUT! He’s got so much knowledge, that at this point he’s testing on you what ancient method works best - seriously, ointments, compresses, herbal teas - the only downside sometimes is the taste... or smell.
During the most painful moments, Zhongli doesn’t hesitate to hum you a soothing melody, while having you sit in between his legs, leaning against his chest; he traces an invisible pattern on your thigh ever so slightly, hoping to get your mind in a warm place.
knowing probably a handful of excellent healers/doctors, he might get in contact with one, to get a bit more insight of it, or just for them to check up on you.
Brings you a bouquet of flowers! Zhongli always leaves them on the bed next to you; each bouquet is always different, whether the arrangement of flower species, or colors - but has a small, handwritten card that explains it thoroughly and why it reminds him of you.
I feel like he’d try to do a lot of “homemade” things together? Like cooking or baking - perhaps making you some sweet stuff, like chocolates. Though, mostly by himself, having you watch him or taste his goodies while being comfortable, wrapped in a blanket.
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he’s so, so sweet! his smile is enough to make you feel better :(
constantly checks up on you, especially whenever Ayato lets you stay at Kamisato estate. Literally, his free time is sitting next to you and knitting or talking.
This sweetheart prepares you many tasty dishes like soups or your favorites! Also, expect some tasty cupcakes when you wake up after a very needed nap, at least once a week.
Taromaru likes to spend time with you as well! The problem is, you can’t really understand his engaging conversations...
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poor thing thinks that if you’re already in so much pain, then his karmic debt won’t make it any better - therefore, he avoids you (unwillingly) until persuaded otherwise.
keeps you company when you don’t sleep! he knows you need a lot of rest right now, so he shyly sits next to you on your bed with you in his arms. Tries his best to initiate small talk or just lets you listen to his heartbeat.
brings you qingxin flowers. sounds familiar...
whenever you need any supplies, Xiao visits Liyue harbor and grabs them for you. Please appreciate it. He’s trying really hard.
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this man is DETERMINED, and I mean DETERMINED A LOT to find a cure for your horrible pain.
makes you breakfast before leaving to Dragonspine :(
Though, whenever he’s at home with you, he likes to draw you a lot - often wearing different clothes, visiting places you haven’t been to yet, or including magical scenery. You lying still on the bed helps him a lot.
sometimes you’re left alone with Klee when Albedo leaves to bring you the necessary stuff - Klee, after a solid explaining from your lover and noticing by herself, tries not to be a bother too much and just enjoys her time with you! Be it showing you her drawings or even napping together. It truly gives Albedo a big smile on his face when he’s back.
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he. he precious. must PROTECT
Kazu wants you to feel the most comfortable you can during that dreadful week, so he fluffs up your pillows, covers you gently with a duvet, and gives your nose a kiss before joining you shortly after.
Reads you his poems, sometimes even writing haikus with you. 
He’s also willing to cook you some light things to make you feel better! If you like fish, he’ll gladly prepare his special grilled fish to eat together.
he’s just. so gentle. treats you like glass and wants you to feel at least a bit better by having him by your side :(
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himbofan · 6 months
genshin characters' bodies headcanons
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ok so we all know that genshin impact's in-game models leave much to be desired, soooo I wanted to explain some of the headcanons I have about characters’ physical features that don’t really get explored in game :) aka genshin but with actual body diversity lets goooooo (no this does not include genitalia) 
I’m using Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r foundation shades to describe skin tone (you can go to their website here for references!)
cw: description of body parts, mentions of scars/past injuries, sfw
characters: diluc, kaeya, childe, beidou
word count: ~1k
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Diluc Ragavindr 
this man is BUILT! 
thick muscular tree trunk arms and legs to support that giant ass claymore he swings around; and a wide, muscular back spread
He has a lot of muscle but he’s not super cut, there’s a slight layer of fat over it all so he has that soft but bulky build (and big tiddies)
big, strong veiny hands with thick fingers that aren’t stubby but not slender, he simply keeps his nails short but doesn’t do any fancy upkeep
I imagine him to be around 5’10” because I like to think he’s a little shorter than Kaeya (who totally makes fun of him for it)
he probably has some old scars on his arms and legs, which he pays little to no mind to
he has a tall nose bridge and a strong brow so it looks like he’s always scowling even if he’s not (no more alien bug eyes lmfao)
He has naturally pouty lips, but when he smiles (which he rarely does) he looks absolutely angelic
Fair skinned but with a warm undertone (fenty beauty shade 105), it’s hard to get him embarrassed but if you do, he blushes easily
The fluffiest hair you can imagine, its so soft and so pretty but he doesn’t really take special care of it so it’s usually just thrown back in a ponytail
He has a fair bit of body hair on his arms and legs, and if he doesn’t shave for a couple days he gets stubble on his face
Kaeya Alberich
Long, lanky and slender, but still muscular
He’s got toned arms and legs from being a Knight of Favonius but he’s not as stocky as Diluc, it’s more like a lean fit situation
His hands are big but his fingers are more slender and elongated
He takes care of his nails and lets Klee paint them sometimes :)
He has a slightly crooked smile that’s oh so charming, but it never quite reaches his eyes
He has the most beautiful long fluttering eyelashes and kissable lips
I imagine Kaeya to be about 6’2” or so, most of that height is from his long ass legs
He also has miscellaneous battle scars but he prefers to keep them hidden so people don’t ask too many questions about his past
Wide shoulders but a narrow waist (for other men to grab)
Much darker skin than the in-game model, and I think his undertones are cool (fenty beauty shade 340 or 450 I can’t decide)
His hair is also fluffy but the strands are longer and coarser than Diluc’s so it falls more evenly; also his hair is wavy when brushed out, but when he wakes up it forms into curls naturally! I also imagine him to take better care of his hair than his brother
Has less body hair than Diluc and cannot grow even facial hair to save his life (he prefers a clean look anyways)
he’s very muscular and cut from years of nonstop fighting, literally a greek god
He could crush your head between his thick thighs like a watermelon
He’s pretty damn tall, standing at around 6’4” or so, pretty even proportions
This man is pasty af!!! His undertones are cool and his skin has a pink, rosy glow (fenty beauty shade 100)
He cannot get a tan to save his life, instead he gets a shit ton of freckles all over his face and body, the freckles fade in the winter but they’re always slightly visible
His body is absolutely covered in battle scars because he’s so reckless, but he wears them with pride as proof of his training and skills
He has a scar on his forehead that cuts through his eyebrow, giving him a permanent eyebrow slit
His hair is the exact consistency and color of Ed Sheeran’s
His nose has a bump in the middle and it’s a little crooked because he broke it and it never healed properly (he doesn’t care to get it fixed)
His neck is thick and he has a prominent adam’s apple
Slightly thinner lips that are a pale pink, they naturally rest in an easy smile to juxtapose his dead eyes
He has small dimples on both cheeks when he smiles
MUSCLE MOMMY, I’d like to think shes in her late 30’s or early 40’s
She has an overwhelmingly large presence, immediately taking over the aura of any room she enters
She has a wide, muscular back rife with scars that she flexes when she’s drunk
She’s pretty tanned from being out on the sea all the time and has a warm undertone (fenty beauty shade 255)
Could also crush your head with her thick thighs or biceps (her lat spread is insane)
Definitely has washboard abs, a perfect 6-pack
She’s pretty tall, around 5’11”
Blunt and thick fingers, she doesn’t bother with fancy nail care but keeps them tidy
Her hair is very coarse, straight and thick, the kids in Liyue Harbor try to play with it using clips and braids but they always fall out because her hair is so resilient
She has deep set smile lines and crow’s feet from many years of hearty laughter
Her eyes are monolid; technically speaking it’s just one eye since the other was lost in a vicious battle a long time ago
She has a long scar running over her lost eye from her forehead to the middle of her cheek, and another smaller scar on the corner of her lips
Her nose is rounded at the end and also used to be crooked from a fight, but Ningguang made her fix it because a deviated septum is bad for breathing
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a/n: this was soooo much fun i have so many more ideas for other characters but lmk who you wanna see next :3
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wri0thesley · 3 months
Consider: you work in the Angel’s Share. Because you’re curvier than the other wait staff the uniform cut comes up a lil bit shorter than the others, but it’s still within what you’d consider decent so you leave it be. Until one day someone orders something from the top shelf and Diluc is busy with another customer so you stand on your tippy toes and reach your hands above your head to grab it and without you knowing suddenly that skirt doesn’t cover quite so much when Diluc turns to see… (maybe the customer who ordered it even did that on purpose and he has to handle their leering at you) 👀
[rapturous applause]
it's . . . difficult. you're the first really curvy waitstaff that the tailor has had to dress, and they didn't realise that the adjustment needed to be more than just 'make some bits wider' - it's a common problem, you've found, with sewists who aren't used to sewing for bigger bodies! but it's basically decent, and you hate to cause a fuss, so you just sigh and smile and try and remind yourself not to bend over--
but it's not only bending over that causes a problem. and you have never thought about yourself as being attractive to a man like master diluc (!), so you don't notice the guilty way his eyes linger on you whenever the two of you have a shift together. you do notice the way a couple of the regulars like to peer down your too-low top or lean down a little further in their chair as you walk away (the cavalry captain and the bard with the braids are particular offenders of these) - but it increases your tips, and hey, you've gotta make a living!
only one night kaeya is leaning across the bar and pointing at some forgotten top-shelf wine and poking gentle fun that you can't reach it, so you end up placing your hands on your hips and huffing out that you'll show him, and as you turn around and get onto the tips of your toes . . .
there's a warm, large presence behind you. a hand grabs the bottle you're looking for. master diluc stands there, his breath coming a little fast, his cheeks a little bit flushed.
"sorry," he mumbles. "thought you needed some . . . help--"
and as he turns to kaeya and slams the bottle down, he gives the captain the biggest scowl you've ever seen from your boss.
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yaeran · 1 year
business trip ★ genshin
how they are after returning from a long leave.
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childe is no stranger when it comes to leaving for a long time so it was just something you had to get used to. it’s not like you minded it yet he always fills a mental jar with sorry’s whenever he leaves.
but he comes back with nothing but piled up love to drown you in. he’d ask what you want to do that day he returns whether it’s stay at home or go out and comply with whatever you want as a way to make up for loss time, at night his grip around your body is tighter than before.
diluc was never the type to travel, furthest travel he makes at best is dawn winery to the city centre of monstadt. so him being elsewhere was weird. he’s the type to write letters at the same time he might forget to send them so when he returns that’s when you also receive the letters—
when he comes home he just kisses you as he puts the body weight of his that you can manage to carry. he’s alot more touchy and vulnerable. he’s on your side a lot more like when you’re doing your work outside he’ll pay visits to you or if you work from home he’ll rest his head in your lap, he treasures your company so much.
kaeya would be so nonchalant when he returns like “hey yn what’s for breakfast today” like? okay? but also the dining table would be covered in gifts he bought from his trip. you for some reason have to bring up how was the trip on your own. “oh yea i went on that.” and then he’d give his opinionated asf opinion while having breakfast, while holding your hand as you sit across from him.
he then gives you a very detailed reasoning to why he bought certain gifts and how everytime he thought of you he’d instantly buy it. “this figure looks funny like you. so i bought it,” and then it’s the most cursed thing you’ve seen but anyways, you guys have matching keychains now.
albedo would reassure his love to you through letters, sometimes he’d just send paintings of the sights he’s seen. when albedo comes back he’d explain the paintings and would talk about the things you both could do if you go there together.
zhongli would’ve convinced you beforehand to go with him but you were always too busy. when he comes back he’d greet you with a kiss on the forehead and prepare some tea so that you two can catch up on each other. he’d then show you pictures of stuff you missed out on, teasing you to the fullest. he’d specifically show pictures of food or cute animals, all to spite you.
xiao would jumpscare you,, accidentally when he comes back. he never gave you an exact date of when he’d come back. before you left you had jokingly told him to bring a souvenir and he took that seriously. he’d bring you home a statue of the archon if you want him to. when you see him tho you just look forward to hugging him and that’s all he needed after a long period of time without you.
itto would forget to bring you a souvenir— and he’d beat himself up about it cause he really wanted to get you something like it was his top priority but a priority that slipped his mind a little too often.
nevertheless the night he came back was a night of him pampering as soon as he’s in the door he carries you bridal style and crashes into your bed that you swear will break the more he does that movement. as you lay in his arms he tells you all the things he did when he was gone.
kazuha counts down the days before he comes back home to you. he tries to make the wait feel shorter but it’s not really helping— but he comes back and he shares all his stories with you even picking up a few tunes he heard while he was there and performs a bit for you. he then asks you what you’ve done while he was gone as he tucks your hair behind your ear.
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i should play sumeru i don’t know shit about it but i wanna write about my baby girls alhaitham and kaveh— plus cyno sounds so funny dude
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lemonykoo · 1 year
get well soon, dear!
Includes: Childe, Diluc, Kazuha, Kaeya, Thoma, Albedo, Xiao, Aether, and Tighnari
Genre: Fluff! Established relationships. Gender neutral reader (if I did use she somewhere, just let me know!)
Word Count: 620-660+ for each character (I expected them to be shorter, but I got a little carried away)
Notes: Bullet imagine of how some of the Genshin boys would take care of their sick or unwell lover! Mentions of being sick, not being able to swallow pills so Childe hides them in your food, vomiting is said once in Kazuha’s, you have a stomach bug in Kaeya’s so vomiting is mentioned, etc.
We all know this man, despite being a super scary harbinger, can be the perfect house husband. Honestly, the duality of Childe’s personality is probably what drew you in in the beginning.
So, whenever you catch a cold or some other illness while spending some time with him in his home nation of Snezhnaya, you won’t have anything to worry about while you’re under his care.
He’s had to take care of his sick siblings before, so this wouldn’t be his first rodeo. As soon as you complained about a sore throat or when he noticed you shivering despite being under the warmest blankets ever made, your fiancé would step up to the plate of making sure every need you had would be taken care of before you were even aware you needed it.
Childe can cook, so he’s going to whip up all the recipes his mom would make him when he was sick as a kid. He knows that having a sore throat may call for a softer diet, so he’d fix you several hot soups to cater to your ailment.
He’d constantly check how many tissues you had left so you’d never run out and he’d always ask if you were comfortable or if you needed more blankets, another pillow, etc.
(Or someone to snuggle with!!)
(Honestly, you didn’t even have to ask for that, since he was already all over you, peppering kisses all your face as he wished you to get better soon in between each one.)
(No, he didn’t care if he was a greater risk of getting sick now, he was going to do everything in his power to make sure that you had no worries while you were sick.)
If you’re like me and have some irrational fear (which it’s totally not irrational) about swallowing pills, do not fear! Childe’s younger siblings have prepared him for this, too.
At first, the standard answer to solve this problem would be to just dissolve your pills, or crush them up and put them in water. However, after watching you gag from the awful taste one too many times, Childe had to come up with another solution. He had tried to put something sweet in the water to give it another flavor in hopes of overpowering the awful taste of medicine, but it was no use. There had to be another way for you take your medicine without feeling any worse.
He’d come in with Mint Jelly, a dish you secretly loved but didn’t have often. “I thought I’d give you a treat to help you feel better,” he’d shrug, placing the dish on the bedside table while you sat up against the headboard. You were used to him coming in with both your medications and your lunch at the same time, but seeing him with only your lunch piqued your interest.
“Where is my medicine?” you asked, taking the plate and placing it your lap.
“Oh, I thought I’d let you eat this first. It would be better not to have the aftertaste of crushed up pills ruining the taste of one of your favorite foods!”
Of course, the trick to the whole ordeal was that he had hidden your pills inside, hoping that they’d go by undetected and you’d swallow them with no problems. And when you placed an empty plate back on the bedside table and thanked him for such a yummy meal, Childe couldn’t help but feel accomplished.
Unfortunately, he’d have to come clean about his doings and his efforts would most likely be unsuccessful in the future (he could see you looking for them in your food later), but hey, he’s trying, alright!
He just doesn’t want you to be in more discomfort than you have to be :(
If he’s able to, Diluc is going to be by your side every second until you’re feeling 100% better again. This would be in a perfect world, though, and Teyvat is not exactly perfect, so Diluc would be unable to care for you all the time as he wishes he could.
This just means he leaves you in the hands of Adelinde while he’s gone, because he knows that she’ll take care of you in the way that you deserve, no matter what your illness is. She had always done the same for him and Kaeya when they were under her care, so he knew she was more than capable of doing the same for you.
Diluc would have to leave during the day to take care of business elsewhere, and when he’d leave, he’d depart with a promise that he’d return soon (before semi-pleading with Adelinde to make sure you were okay, even though that was completely unnecessary since she was going to, anyway).
Once he came back, though, only you would be on his mind.
Diluc would walk into the Dawn Winery and say nothing to his staff as he headed straight to your shared bedroom, stripping off his coat as he did so. Moco and Hillie would whisper how endearing it was for him to have his attention on nothing else but you – out of his hearing range, of course.
Upon entering the bedroom, Adelinde would grin and give him a summary of what you had eaten, what medications you had, and how you had been feeling while he was away, or the lack thereof, since sometimes you would feel too bad to do much anything but sleep.
With Diluc back, though, you’d be placed back under his loving care. If he still had paperwork to deal with, he’d handle it beside you in bed instead of downstairs in his office as you slept soundly beside him, curled up into a little ball with your head in his lap. This was so he could keep an eye on you, and if you needed him, you wouldn’t have far to go to find him.
He’d cuddle you and read to you since your brain couldn’t focus enough to do that yourself. He’d braid your hair while you slept and would frequently check your fever like a worrying mother since he wasn’t always sure what to do. Seeing his sorry expression whenever he pressed the back of his hand to your forehead always made your heart warm.
If you had a terrible sickness, one that caused your body to ache all over and rendered you miserable, Diluc would put all of his duties on hold to stay with you. There was no way he was going to leave you alone to feel this terribly by yourself. These types of sicknesses would make you cry because of how bad you felt, and it pained your husband to see you in such a state. He’d hold you close under the covers as you shivered from your fever, placing soft kisses on your forehead and whispering comforting words of affection.
And rest assured that if you ever asked him something while you were under the weather, he’d comply immediately. If you asked him to get you a treat (because sweet treats always made things better), he’d already be halfway down the stairs before you could get the rest of the sentence out of your mouth. If you needed another blanket, he’d bring back five. If you needed someone to hold you and talk to you since your sickness prevented you from falling asleep at night – well, that’s a silly thing to ask for since Diluc was already there at your disposal <3.
You were on your first voyage upon the Crux with Kazuha, courtesy of Beidou peer-pressuring him into convincing you to come aboard for once. She didn’t know much about you, but she could pick up on that you were too shy to ask if you could go on your own.
(Not only was this just allowing her to meet the special someone Kazuha couldn’t stop talking about, but it was also so Kazuha could stop talking about how much he missed you when he left.)
You had been enjoying it for a little bit, until suddenly you disappeared and Kazuha couldn’t find you anywhere. It wasn’t until one of the kids on the ship asked what was wrong with you that he found you in a shady corner, knees pulled up to your chest and your face as white as the snow in Dragonspine. One look at you and he could tell you were seasick. After all, this was your first boat ride. You hadn’t become accustomed to the swaying feeling of being on a ship, so it was expected for you to become this way.
“I was going to tell you I felt bad, but then I thought you’d think I was… I don’t know… stupid,” you murmured, your voice quiet. As soon as you realized that the dizzy feeling you were experiencing wasn’t normal, you had separated yourself from your boyfriend to hide yourself somewhere so as not to worry him, or draw his attention away from what he had been doing.
“I wouldn’t think you were stupid,” Kazuha chuckled, brushing a strand of hair away from your face and tucking it behind your ear. His smile was kind as he took your hands into his. “This is very common, so don’t feel bad. Why don’t we try to find a better spot to rest in, hm?”
“As long as it’s not up there,” you said, pointing up to the crow’s nest, causing him to laugh. You had gone up there earlier with him and that was probably where you began to feel your stomach churn with the waves as you looked upon the sea around you. “No, dove, we won’t go up there.”
You did feel bad for already dampening your trip, and when Beidou asked if you were okay, you felt worse because you thought that maybe she hated you for putting a damper on things. But Kazuha reassured you that nobody was upset with you, and nobody would be upset with you. Everyone gets seasick at some point!
He’d find the perfect spot for you to lounge at, someplace out of the direct sun so you could prevent yourself from getting overheated as that would just make matters worse.
Kazuha would stay with you until you felt better, sitting beside you with an arm around your waist to reassure you that he was there if you needed him. You’d rest your head upon his shoulder and listen to him recite verses of poetry he’d think of on the spot to cheer you up. If you decided that your little spell was over, he’d help you get up and would most likely keep his arm around you while you walked around the ship, just in case you felt sick again.
After your first incidence of seasickness, he wouldn’t leave you alone. The last thing he wanted was for you to vomit or worse, pass out, all by yourself. He knew you too well, first of all; if those things were to happen, you’d probably jump ship out of embarrassment and swim all the way back to Inazuma before anyone realized you were gone. Besides, if something happened to you while he wasn’t there, how was he supposed to take care of you? That was literally his job, after all.
Kaeya found it very suspicious that he hadn’t seen you around work yet. When he had left that morning, you said you would come in later since you felt nauseous. He didn’t think anything of it, really, since he had just woken up and felt half-asleep still himself. He remembered telling you that he hoped you felt better and to come see him when you arrived before giving you a couple goodbye kisses before he left.
But now at noon, you hadn’t done as he had asked and he hadn’t even seen you around when he made some rounds around the halls. On a normal day, you could be seen walking around the halls, visiting with other knights, or even browsing the books in the library on your off-time, but there had been no sign of you. Concerned, he asked around to see if maybe you were just avoiding him (perhaps he had stolen all the covers from you last night and you were getting payback?). All the knights he had denied seeing you, Lisa sighed and said she hadn’t see you all day, even Klee seemed a bit down that you hadn’t come and given the young girl her daily hug she always received from you. Finally, when he asked the Acting Grand Master if she had seen you only to met with a shake of the head, Kaeya knew something was up.
Once home, the Calvary Captain was met with a quiet house. He noticed your keys were still by the door with other things you’d always take with you when you left the house, so you must still be home. And when he entered your shared bedroom, he discovered you sleeping peacefully. Only, there was a bowl on the floor by the bed and a bottle of medicine on the bedside table.
He didn’t want to disturb you, so he left you, carefully cracking the door behind him so you could have more privacy. He wouldn’t be going back to work, though, since know his duty was to take care of his spouse! Jean would just have to give him a free pass for the day. Husband duties, what can he say?
After being home for a bit, he’d hear you stir in the bedroom before he’d hear the awful sound of you throwing up. He’d immediately come in, surprising you as he asked if you were okay.
“I didn’t know you were home,” you’d state, your voice hoarse as you sat up to view your husband.
“Well, of course. You never showed up to work, so I had come check on you,” Kaeya said, coming to take the bowl you had thrown up in to dump it out in the sink. “I thought maybe you were just mad at me for stealing the blankets last night.”
You’d grin before saying that you must have a stomach bug since you had been throwing up all day. Kaeya wasn’t exactly an expert on how to care for a sick person, but he did know that you probably needed to stay hydrated considering what was going on. On top of making sure you always had water at the ready, he would frequently check if you needed anything else. However, you were mostly asleep so there wasn’t much you asked for.
But he was still there, just in case!
“You know,” you started after Kaeya handed you dinner-in-bed, “you’re probably going to get this, too.”
The cryo user scoffed, rolling his eyes a bit. “What, no way,” he sarcastically said, smiling a bit. “I guess that means you’ll just have to take care of me when the time comes,” he sighed, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head.
He really didn’t mind, though. He’d risk getting sick a thousand times over and over again just to make sure you were given the best care while you were sick.
After all, those are his husbandly duties!
You had gone to bed one night feeling a bit more tired than usual, but you had just chalked it up to be that maybe you had worked harder than you normally do. However, when you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and a burning fever, you knew that it was more than just you being tired – you were sick.
“Oh, dear,” Thoma cooed after pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. “You’re burning up, y/n. You must have caught that cold going around.”
Just like Childe, we all know Thoma is also a house husband, which means he’s going to dote on you all he can and give you the best care while he’s at it!
You continued to lay in bed while your husband fished through cabinets and drawers looking for any medications that might help you feel better. He came up partially successful, bringing you some medicine that would help relieve your headache. He got you a glass of water and watched you take them before asking if you wanted to join him at the Kamisato estate while he worked so he could keep an eye on you while also working.
You politely declined, explaining that you’d rather not risk the chance of getting anyone else sick and you saw how disappointed your lover was. His green eyes were filled with concern as he thought about his options for the day. His upmost priority was you, since you weren’t feeling well in the slightest and it wasn’t in your best interest to be left all alone. Besides, if Thoma had to miss a day of work for this, he was sure the Kamisato siblings would understand and not berate him.
“Well, I guess I’m all yours today, then!”
He’d fix you yummy, comfort foods to make your miserable sickness more bearable. He kept a very close eye on you, keeping track of every symptom as it came and went and also the exact minute you took your medications. This wasn’t exactly hard for him to do, since ninety percent of his time was spent in bed with you, holding you close as you trembled from your fever.
You’d try to tell him to go elsewhere in the house since you knew he wouldn’t leave altogether, because you didn’t want him to get sick, too. But he didn’t mind! All that mattered to him was that you were taken care of and given the treatment you needed while you were under the weather. He knew he’d probably get sick, anyways, but that would have to dealt with when it came.
When he had to run an errand, whether it be to get more medicine or pick up ingredients to make another dish for you, he’d make sure you were okay before he ran off. This meant that he’d tuck you under the covers tightly, making sure you were comfortable and weren’t in immediate need of anything since he wouldn’t be back for little bit. Thoma didn’t want you to get up and tire yourself out over something while he wasn’t there.
Yes, he knew you could take care of yourself, but you were sick! This was not the time to show your independence! Let him take care of you like he was made to do <3
(If you tried to get up and get something yourself, Thoma would lightly scold you and tell you get back in bed while he took care of what you needed. “You’re supposed to be taking it easy while I take care of you! You need to rest so you can get better!”)
At night when you’d finally fall asleep since your pounding headache made it hard to, Thoma would stay awake in case you woke up and needed him. But, after a long day and making sure the love of his life had every need of theirs met, he too would drift off to sleep, holding your body closely to him.
You were one to keep working, despite any ailments or injuries trying to hinder you from doing so. So, when you showed up at the Chief Alchemist’s lab in Dragonspine, all he could do was sigh when he saw your sorry state before guiding you to the fire he had built and instructing you to stay there while he found you something to help you feel better.
“So, despite having a burning fever and being barely able to breathe, you travelled all the way here just to bring me these little vials?” Albedo asked, stripping himself of his jacket and wrapping it around you as you sat on one of the chairs around the fire.
“Sucrose said you needed them, but she was busy at the moment and wouldn’t be able to bring them to you,” you explained, hugging his jacket closely to you. “I thought I could help.”
You heard your boyfriend hum as he searched for the medicine he was looking for. “I appreciate the thought, but I can’t see Sucrose letting you get away with that.”
“She didn’t,” you said before coughing. “I took it while she wasn’t watching since she said she wouldn’t allow me to because I’m sick.”
Albedo, grinning a bit at the thought of you doing that, came over to you, holding out the medications you needed to help ease the discomfort you were experiencing. “I gathered as much. I hope you’re okay with staying here for the rest of the day, because you’re not leaving until I do.” Before you could interject, he added, “And you’re not sneaking out while I’m not watching, either.”
Albedo wasn’t exactly doting on you the whole time you were in his lab. He left you to your own devices by the fire most of the time, only coming over to give you medicines when it was time and to press his hands to your forehead to see how your fever was doing. While he was at his desk, though, he’d occasionally ask over his shoulder how you were feeling and if you needed anything. If you stated that you were feeling hungry or cold, or needed something else, he’d get up immediately from his workbench and fulfill your needs with no complaints.
What you didn’t see was his anxious glances toward you every ten seconds, making sure you weren’t dead or doubled over in the fire. Even if he wasn’t at your feet begging to be given some sort of instruction on how to care for you while you were sick, that didn’t mean he wasn’t worried about you.
However, when you had fallen asleep without him knowing and he turned to see you on the ground curled up into a little ball, he had to admit that you gave him a bit of a scare. Despite being in the middle of something, he dropped what he was doing and rushed over to make sure you hadn’t kicked the bucket while he wasn’t watching. Discovering that you were just sleeping, though, he took the time to make you a small cot and moved you to that instead of the stone floor of the lab.
Next time you decided to pull something like that, though, he’d appreciate you telling him you were just laying down since the chair was too uncomfortable to sleep in.
If you were still asleep when he decided his work for the day was done, Albedo would probably make the decision to stay in the lab for the night with you instead of waking you up to go back home. He had plenty here to take care of you, but in the morning he was taking you back home, even if he had to carry you.
Xiao never had any reason to understand why humans get sick, how to care for them when they are sick, or what to do when they do get sick. He himself could not experience this phenomenon and as far as he was concerned, he would never have anything to do with humans so why would he need to take the time to learn about human sicknesses and the like?
Of course, that all changed when he came back after a short, two day departure and found you in one of the worst states he could ever imagine. If you weren’t so sick, you probably would’ve laughed and asked to take his picture when you saw the, well, appalled expression he wore when he saw you. Quite frankly, the first thought he had was that you were dying, but you didn’t seem like you were dying, so the poor adeptus was just very, very confused.
The day Xiao left, you had woken up with a terrible headache and luckily, you were close to Verr Goldet so when you hadn’t greeted her at your usual time that morning, she knocked on your door to check on you. Instead of finding you oversleeping, though, she found you feeling miserable with a fever through the roof.
When Xiao came back though, you seemed to be at the height of your ailment, with the same fever, but with body aches and chills, as well as a cough that surfaced every now and then. You felt so bad, you were close to tears and upon seeing you in such a sorry state, Xiao realized he was actually worried about a human for one of the first times ever.
“Why didn’t you call for me?” he asked quietly, stepping toward you cautiously as he tried to understand what was going on. Despite being in your room at the Wangshu Inn, he felt like he was in a new place altogether, trying to get a grasp of this new environment.
“Because,” you started through a fit of coughs, “I’m just sick. There’s not much you can do about it.” And that was the truth of the matter and Xiao understood that because unlike demons and monsters, Xiao can’t exactly beat your sickness to death and make you feel better.
Still, he wishes he could do more.
He just feels so useless seeing you writhe in pain in bed while he just has to stand there and watch you. If this was any sort of mortal danger, he could take care of you in a heartbeat. Alas, not everything had a simple solution.
So, in an effort to try to take care of his lover, he’d carefully watch Verr Goldet’s actions when she’d come in to help prepare your medicine. It didn’t take long for him to pick up on it, so the next time she came in, she’d find Xiao doing it for her.
His hands were always careful. He’d gently caress the skin of your forehead while you slept, inwardly grimacing at how warm you were. He had watched Verr Goldet place cold rags on you to help, so he’d gently lay them on your head and if you stirred, he’d mentally curse himself for disturbing you. He had heard the inn keeper say that you getting lots of rest was important to your recovery and he didn’t want to prolong your suffering by waking you.
He still wasn’t used to affection and showing his love for you, so while you slept he’d keep watch over you from the window, ready to help you at a moment’s notice in the event that you needed it. While you were awake, he’d talk to you quietly or sit on the end of the bed to keep you company.
After watching you go through this, he was definitely ready for the next time it happened. (Though, after seeing how dreadful it was, he hoped that there wouldn’t be a next time.)
Normally, you were always up for a new adventure every day. In fact, it wasn’t uncommon for you to wake up before Aether, bursting with excitement of a new day to discover new people and places.
Today was not one of those days.
You did wake up early (not before Aether, though) and you started off strong, but almost as soon the journey for the day began, you felt awful.
A pounding headache pulsated in your cranium and you felt sluggish as you walked down the dirt path with your blonde lover and his floating companion.
“Paimon thinks something might be wrong with y/n,” Aether’s companion whispered to him, causing him to stop and realize how bad you were lagging behind. He could hear you heaving for breath as you tried to keep up, which was very uncharacteristic of you. Seeing how pitiful you looked, he ran to catch up with you and just in the nick of time to catch you before you collapsed.
“What’s wrong with them?” Paimon asked, watching Aether anxiously lay you down in the grass in a comfortable position. “I don’t know,” he responded, seeing how out of it you seemed, though something told him you were just sick and your body needed to rest instead of go on any new adventure for the day.
“Y/n,” he cooed, gathering things from his inventory that might help you feel better. “Are you okay? What’s up?”
“My head hurts,” is all you could mutter, causing the boy to look upon you sadly but endearingly. “Don’t worry, love, I’ll take care of you.”
“And Paimon!” Paimon interjected, placing her hands on her hips.
With all the plants and other things Aether had collected over his journeys, he had plenty of things that could potentially help you feel better. The only thing was that he wasn’t exactly sure where to start. Him and Paimon would go through everything, trying to recall what they had seen or heard others using, like Tighnari or Baizhu. While this was going on, Aether kept his hand in yours, reassuring you that he wouldn’t be leaving you to face this alone.
The verdict ended up being that neither Aether nor Paimon had any clue as to what to use to help you, but what they could do was make sure that you took it easy for the rest of the day! That being said, Aether hoisted you up into his arms and walked back to the inn you three had been staying in to ensure that you wouldn’t have to wither away under the hot sun like a parched plant. All the way there, he’d murmur little statements of his love for you and how he’d make sure you would feel better in no time.
Once back, he got you tucked back into bed under the soft covers of the inn’s room with a promise of being beside you the whole time. He was as your disposal, so whatever you needed or wanted just let him know! He’d want to cradle you and braid you hair while you laid there pitifully, but he didn’t want to disturb the rest he knew you needed.
Instead, he settled for sitting in the bed beside you, to be near but also not distracting you from sleeping. Even Paimon would be careful of talking too loud or causing any ruckus in the room. They both really care for you and wanted to ensure that you’d be feeling better so you could join them once again!
Even if you did feel 100% better the next day, Aether would probably still be worried and suggest that you two just have one more day of rest before you went out again. “Just think of it as… a cuddle day! Yeah, a cuddle day.”
Who were you to complain about that?
Being sick? Around Tighnari? Who better to be around when you’re under the weather?
This time, though, it was sudden, taking the both of you by surprise.
First of all, you hadn’t seen the forest watcher all day, since he left before you woke up and when he came back, he was instructed not to disturb you since you had some work to get done.
And it wasn’t because you were incapable of getting any work done with him around, but more often than not, you would find yourself getting distracted and giggling with him rather than completing any tasks you had at hand. Today, though, you needed to complete some data sheets for the research team you were working with before you could find Tighnari and bother him with his work.
It was a little after lunch time when Tighnari heard quick footsteps approaching him. “Master Tighnari!” Collei exclaimed, rushing to meet him, her voice urgent. “I was sent to tell you that-”
“Y/n seems to be sick,” another forest watcher ended. He was part of your research team and he was the one to find you sniffling over your work. “And she won’t stop working even though we told her to take a break.”
Tighnari sighed, though he wasn’t annoyed. This was very like you. “Alright, let’s see what we can do.”
As expected, you immediately tried to say that you weren’t sick, but your congested voice, runny nose, and cough begged to differ. “I have to finish this,” you managed to choke out before being sent into another coughing fit. You tried to slap your boyfriend’s hands away as he reached for your papers, only for him to gently push yours away as a response.
“Well, I’m sure someone else can finish it while you’re out of commission,” Tighnari answered, quickly gathering up your notebooks and papers and handing them off to Collei who gave them to one of your research partners. He placed a hand on your arm and gestured off in the distance toward his home. “Let’s go get you some medicine so you can start feeling better.”
Obviously, since you were with Tighnari, you were going to be given the best treatment the forest could give you. After he gathered some plants and herbs that would begin to help you feel better, he instructed you to lie down and take it easy. With how congested you were, it was hard for you to doze off at first, but Tighnari kept you company until you did. When you finally passed out, he stayed outside the door so he would still be close in the event that you needed him, but he wasn’t directly hovering.
He’s going to be strict with your medicines and healing regimens. The medicine tastes bad? He’s sorry and he’ll try find something to make it better, but you’re not getting out of taking it. You don’t feel like eating? He understands, but you need to, so he’ll make you easier dishes to eat.
But he’s definitely very caring and loving to you the whole time. At night when you can’t sleep, he’ll hold you for a while until you drift off. He’ll play with your hair and pepper kisses on the top of your head while you rest. If he’s out of the house and hears you call for him, he’ll immediately drop whatever he’s doing and check on you and he’ll 100% bring you whatever you’re asking for.
(Unless it’s your work, then you might as well forget about it.) (You probably won’t be seeing it again until you’re feeling 100% better.) (If you convince someone else to get it for you, he will personally fight them for complying knowing you were in no shape to work.)
“Do you really think you’re in the shape to write out all your research? And if you are, do you think the Academiya wants your papers covered in snot?”
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floatmeintothesun · 2 years
Genshin Impact men as older brother figures: Headcanons
Includes: Kaeya, Scaramouche, Diluc, and Xiao
Tw: none
-Teasing. Straight-up teasing. You're never going to get away from it, so don’t even try. I mean, come on--It’s Kaeya, what did you expect? He will keep it to a degree where you know that he’s only poking fun at you, however.
“Oh? A hug? Aw, did you miss me that much? You're too cute. My heart can barely take it.”
-He’s a doting older brother figure, if not incredibly mischievous. I feel like he’s the type to drag you everywhere and invite you to hang out in his office when he’s not working. If you're lucky, he’ll probably try to teach you how to wield a sword or even spar with you.
(Does he let you beat him sometimes? Yes, but he’ll tease you about it so much it probably won’t feel too much like a win.)
-Also, be ready for hugs! Are you feeling down? You're getting a hug. Did you see something that you didn’t like? Hug. Did you get injured somehow? A gentle scolding, then you get a hug. He’s worried that you’ll slip through his fingers, just like everyone else he’s ever cared about, so he’ll try to remedy that feeling by physical touch. So don’t be afraid to initiate hugs by yourself, he’d love it. He’s a very touchy person, so if that’s your thing, you two are a perfect fit!
(If it isn’t, he’ll respect your boundaries, but might ask for hugs occasionally.)
-He’s mildly protective. He knows you can probably fend for yourself but still--he will step into any situation where you feel or show that you are somewhat uncomfortable.
“Ah, just a second. I’d like to speak to my darling little sibling. Huh? No, I’m sure what you were talking about isn’t important at all. Completely irrelevant, even. Please leave, so I may enjoy some quality time without your…unpleasant presence.”
-Ok but I wanna say that he’s like a…sort of bodyguard? I mean that like, idk, he doesn't like (see: absolutely hates) the thought of you being taken advantage of by someone else so he’ll try to ward off any potential suitors vying for your attention.
-Like, if he sees someone else hitting on you, they’ll definitely be subjected to a very cold and insincere smile that just generally warns others against doing it again. If they're persistent…well, let’s just say that he’ll replicate their stubbornness tenfold. 
-Expect a casual arm slung around your shoulder if you're as tall as him, or both arms folded on top of your head while he looks down at your pursuer if you're shorter. Besides, who’s going to go against the Calvary Captain himself? 
-Will Kaeya engage and pull you into various antics? Yep, probably. Will he make sure that it’s all lighthearted and fun as long as you're here? Yep, definitely. 
-He’ll be one of those siblings who acts a little aloof while caring immensely about your wellbeing, hidden under his usual teasing facade.
“You look thinner today--don’t tell me you aren’t eating. Did you skip breakfast? That won’t do--come along, we’re going to the Good Hunter. Why? Well, I can’t have a stick for a little sibling, can I?”
-When you're feeling sad, he’s good at comfort. He’ll listen and add his own commentary when he feels that it’s needed and as mentioned earlier, is completely willing to hug you if you need it. In fact, being a cryo user, his hugs are cooler than a normal person’s, so in the summer, it’ll definitely feel nice. In the winter…he’s a bit sad that you won’t ask for them as much so bear with him if he’s more clingy during that season.
(Can you tell that I really like physical affection? ;-;)
-Pretty chilled out, most of the time, UNLESS you have managed to get injured. Whether it be from training, or a run-in with monsters, anything, he’s there to wrap your wounds, hug you,  and then flick your forehead especially hard for worrying him. 
-Then he’ll subtly hover over you and make sure you don’t get hurt even more but, like, very sneakily, to the point which you won’t even notice his behavior until he becomes more relaxed and lets you go off on your own without his supervision.
“Nope. I’m not letting you cut your own bread. Why? Because I want some too, y’know. You’ll eat it all by the time I’ve blinked twice.”
(No, he just doesn’t want you holding a knife while your hands are bandaged lest you get even MORE hurt somehow. He’ll deny it if you ask him later.)
-He’ll let you sit in his office whenever you want, even when he’s working, as long as you stay quiet. If you fall asleep while waiting for him to finish, he’ll wrap a blanket around your shoulders and let you sleep.
-Tell him you love him (platonically), and he’ll pause for a second trying to process what you just said in genuine surprise. The result of that is an extra clingy and sappy Kaeya. He might drape himself over you just because he wants to be near you. Or just casually lean against you, using you as a sort of crutch or something.
-Would he let you try alcohol? No. At least, he won’t let you drink huge amounts of it. Maybe a little sip of the most watered-down wine you've probably ever tasted because he’s a responsible person underneath his mask of apathy.
-All in all, he’s a very sweet older brother figure, although he doesn’t show it often, keeping it buried under a layer of his usual barbs and teases. Just know, he’ll always be looking out for you--betrayal is a sore spot for him so he tries to show that he’ll never intentionally hurt you. 
(He doesn’t want the same thing that happened to Diluc to happen to you. He’ll keep you as close to him as he possibly can, while life is good. Maybe, when he finally feels that you are ready for it, he’ll tell you about his past and his history.)
-Ouch. That’s all I’m going to say for when you first meet this guy. Ouch, very ouch. Scaramouche has a sharper tongue than anything--even the sharpest sword can’t compare to his cutting words.
(lol idk if this is actually true, but I’ll take my soft Scaramouche agenda to the grave with me. PLUS I SAW ADORABLE SCARA AND QIQI ART ON TWITTER AND AGHGHGJG I LOVE  IT)
-Lmao, good luck getting through his defenses and worming your way inside his heart, but when you actually do manage it…an absolute softie with you. Anyone else, they're nothing more than scum made to be walked all over by his sandals. 
-He’s like a cat. A very demented cat. If you spend enough time with him and put actual effort into seeing past his incredibly grumpy exterior, then you’ll find that he’ll tolerate your presence. Scaramouche won’t talk to you like he does with his subordinates and really…kind of dotes on you in his own way.
“I saw this bracelet on the ground and it reminded me of you. It’s absolute filth so it’s fitting that you would like it.”
(Sir you cannot tell me you found this gorgeous bracelet on the dusty ass ground. It doesn't have a single speck of dirt on it.)
- He doesn’t really mean it when he insults you or anything. If you read between the lines, his messages are actually quite sweet. You just have to dig deep. Really deep.
-Tsundere. A total tsundere, there’s simply no way around it. He’ll give you little trinkets or food he finds interesting, disguising the actual reason for giving it under excuses.
“I got dango from one of the stalls and the idiotic wench manning it gave me two. I’m not going to eat it, so take it. I’ll throw it away if you don’t.”
“I can’t believe that they thought I’d use something as useless as this. You can have it--it serves me no purpose whatsoever.”
“I have no need for your…physical affection. Hey! I didn’t say I wouldn't let you hug me! I know your puny mortal needs have something to do with… hugs. Be grateful I’m letting you do this.”
-His hat is big enough for the two of you to huddle underneath. He’ll let you wear it if he’s feeling nice and if you beg him enough. Actually, if you beg enough for anything, eventually, he’ll cave underneath the weight of your requests. You just have to beg a lot--like a humongous amount of begging. 
-You managed to win over his favorability with determination (lots of it), so why shouldn’t you be persistent enough to ask him for things over and over?
-He’s actually incredibly protective of you. There’s someone following you home? Well, their head now exists somewhere far away from their body. You got hurt today? After making sure you're fine, he’s going to find the culprit and brutally introduce them to his friend, death. You get made fun of? Looks like that person no longer has a tongue to make fun of you with. 
-He won’t let you see the extent of his work with the Fatui, but he will tell you that he does regularly murder people, and you're fine with that, cool! He’s relieved as well! When he enacts his plans to break away from the organization, you're coming along with him, although it’s highly likely that you’ll be dropped off somewhere safe while he…ahem…becomes a god.
-It doesn’t work but rest assured. As soon as he recovers he’s coming back to get you. Maybe the two of you will go on adventures together.
(There’s no way in hell that he’ll ever leave you as the world did to him.)
-I don’t think he’s too much of a touchy person but he will accept casual physical contact, such as hugs or maybe leaning against you when he’s feeling lazy. Maybe he’ll tell you that he absolutely despises it, but really, he doesn’t mind it too much.
-If you tell him that you really appreciate him he’ll grace you with one of his incredibly rare smiles. So make sure the scary short man has all the words of affirmation you can possibly give him--it reassures him that you won’t disappear and betray him like everyone else has. 
-If you had any intention of leaving him, it’s gone now. Scaramouche is the type of person who might break if he suffers just one more of the things he hates. Please don’t leave him, he’ll shatter under the weight of every betrayal he’s suffered.
-Sad boy, give him hugs. Don’t let go, it’ll make him feel so much better. 
-He’s a bit softer since being defeated (see: getting his shit rocked) by the Traveller, so he’ll welcome any affection you show him readily, although he will make excuses when he wants to do the same to you.
“...You have something on your shoulder. Come over here, I’ll get rid of it…no, this isn’t a hug. You're just making things up.”
(It’s totally a hug.)
-He’s not too good at being an older brother figure, but he’s learning, slowly but surely. He’s trying his best to make sure you have a better life than he did and damn it, the world will end before he deserts you.
-His comfort level is…mediocre, but he does his absolute best to try to make you feel better, in his own roundabout way.
“Stop crying. It’s…unbefitting of you. No, wait, that came out wrong… Just come over here alright? You don’t need to cry when you’ve got me. We’re stuck in this together, whether you like it or not--so suck it up.”
-You’ve somehow, by the grace of the gods, earned the title of being his family and that means you're stuck with him forever. Like a cat, you feed one day and it just keeps coming back for more. I hope you don’t mind because he’s fiercely loyal to you.
-I’d say that he’s a bit…rusty when it comes to emotions. Bro legit does not know how the fuck they even work sometimes, but he’ll try to make sure that you know that he cares about you deeply. He comes across as gruff and even grumpy most of the time, even though it’s probably not what he actually feels.
-Istg, 99% of the time he looks as if he might punch someone if they dare come up and talk to him. Plus, the claymore he sometimes hauls around Monstadt is also incredibly intimidating. 99% of the time he’s probably thinking the exact opposite of what people assume.
-Diluc is what you call, emotionally constipated. He’s got a bad case of RBF, so kudos to you for approaching him and getting close enough to see that he’s actually a nice person. He naturally slips into the role of an older brother, although he might come off as awkward when he tries to convey that to you.
-He’s a total sweetheart. Kind of. He won’t let you come along when he slaughters encampments of hilichurls but if he gets hurt, he trusts you enough to bandage whatever wounds he could have procured from his patrols. 
-Sometimes that just leads to both of you sitting on comfortable seats (or the floor) and literally just talking about everything and nothing at the same time. Like, just random ramblings and stuff and somehow that just leads from topic to topic. 
(Although it’ll probably only be you talking about everything, don’t worry. Diluc will definitely listen while you speak and sometimes, he’ll even share some of his own experiences.)
-They're rare, but he will have them with you, and it will guarantee that you strengthen your bond with him. It’s just that he has to do work often, or is exhausted by his nightly routine to go out and kill monsters.
He’s very protective of you. He’s had too many of his family members get hurt because of him, so he’s incredibly careful with the way he treats you. That extends to being extremely overprotective when someone shows obvious interest in you and he doesn’t approve. 
“So…you have a crush on my little sibling?... You are unfit of being in any type of relationship in the first place. What makes you think you have a chance?”
-I feel like you have to be the one who has to drag him off to bed so that he doesn’t overwork himself like an idiot.
“...Just let me finish signing this document. I need it to help with the trade of the Dawn Winery’s alcohol production in Liyue.”
(Bitch, that’s what you said 30 minutes ago. Sleep.)
-This guy is touch starved, glomp him or something, he won’t complain. He’s strong enough to hold you up when you do this, don’t be shy. He likes physical touch but for the love of god, he will NOT be the one to initiate it. He won’t ask for anything at all and it’s usually a little difficult to tell if he wants a hug or not.
-Here’s an easy way to tell: Diluc just stares. He stares at you for like, long minutes on end, until you put it together that he wants something like a hug. 
-It was weird at first, but now it’s kind of endearing now that you actually know he’s doing it.
-He’s one of those people who gives you a nice, little head pat whenever he feels that he needs to, which is sweet. Although sometimes it’s natural and others it’s a little awkward, but then again, almost everything that’s related to emotions with him is awkward.
(You get extra brownie points if you reach up and pat his head too. He’ll blink confusedly for the next two seconds while mentally bluescreening.)
-He’s surprisingly good at comforting others, seeing as he’s somewhat oblivious to emotional cues. He’ll listen and be there for you, like an anchor to tether you down. His presence can have a rather soothing effect as well.
-Would he let you braid or do his hair? Maybe, if you're lucky and he wants to spend some time with you. His hair is silky and incredibly thick. It’s the best kind for learning how to do different hairstyles since it’s longer. 
-He tries to be as open with you as he possibly can and absolutely hates lies for…reasons. Please don’t lie to him, he’ll be sad. 
-If you get hurt then oops. Looks like your outside privileges are revoked until you recover! Lmao, he’s going to force you to stay at his home while you recuperate from your wounds. Will he be there to make sure that you actually rest? He’ll damn well try and it’s highly unlikely you’ll escape from your bedrest until he deems you well enough.
“I don’t care if you told the bakery you would get sweet flowers for them. Your leg is injured and I don’t need you messing it up while you heal--stay in bed. I’ll get them for you, and in return, JUST STAY THERE AND DON'T MOVE--”   
-To be fair, he doesn't need you running around, bleeding out slowly and painfully. LIKE A CERTAIN BLUE-HAIRED IDIOT. I have a headcanon that Kaeya consistently neglects the fact that he’s injured and brushes off the fact that he’s hurt in order to finish more work, which definitely stresses the hell out of Diluc. So he’ll try to make sure that you're fine, to try to ease his anxiety about the both of you.
-Slowly, as time goes by, he becomes more comfortable with you. He’ll bring you small little presents and he’ll let you sit behind the bar in the Dawn Winery when he’s there. Diluc will even let you assemble your own drinks too, granted if they're non-alcoholic. 
-He won’t let you taste alcohol until he’s sure that you're responsible enough and even then, he’s going to supervise you, just in case. Bro does not want you to be drunk while he’s not there. The thought of someone advancing on you while you're intoxicated makes his blood boil.
-I say he’s a good older brother figure, in all. He’s a little guarded, and it takes a while for him to actually open up to you enough to consider you as a part of his family but when he actually does, you two are going to be like two peas in a pod.
-(Bonus: Diluc and Kaeya reconcile because of your proking and prodding of both of them. This just means that there are no longer any misunderstandings between them. Both will definitely spoil you while running a friendly competition on which one of them can earn the most of your attention.)
-Look, I wanna know how you managed to befriend an Adeptus to the point of being considered his little sibling. This guy is even more emotionally constipated than Diluc. Don’t let that deter you from trying though!
-Maybe he saved you from monsters and you try to thank him by repeatedly bringing him almond tofu and chatting. Maybe you find him on the roof of your house and you sit next to him every night he decides to visit. Maybe you intentionally seek him out and use your determination to get closer to Xiao, idk. Take your pick of any of these situations.
-Either way, you’ve managed to make him care about you deeply, even though he flat-out refuses to show it. (In actuality, he just doesn’t know how to tell you that you matter to him a shit ton, so he settles for sticking to your side and coming whenever you call for him.)
-Oh, btw, he’ll tell you straight away once he’s comfortable enough to just call out his name whenever you need him. Whether it’s just for something small or something that’s important, he’ll arrive whenever you ask. He might scold you a little if it’s for something he deems as unimportant but he doesn’t actually care too much.
-To him, it’s reassurance that you actually want him around and don’t mind his presence. Which, of course, you don't, he’s an awesome Adeptus, how dare you even think otherwise??
-But in all honesty, he tries to make sure that you're safe and fine, even subconsciously. Like in the back of his mind, he’ll wonder if you're okay and if you call for him while he’s thinking about your safety, he’ll arrive even faster than normal.
-He’s not too big on physical contact or cuddles, but he’ll grudgingly accept them if you're the one giving. It makes him feel bubbly inside and it’s somewhat unfamiliar to him, so he just avoids the feeling all together.
-He’s protective, but he’ll try to keep his distance from you because of his karmic debt. He despises the thought of you being hurt by him or his karma, so at first, once he actually realizes that, oh shit, I really care about this human, he’ll start to distance himself away from you. 
-Then you have to hunt him down and tell him that you love him (platonically) and would still stay even if his debt harms you.
-If he sees someone that you're clearly uncomfortable with keep trying to engage you in any type of way he will go down to you and threaten them a little. He’d do more if his contract with Rex Lapis permitted it but he swore to help all humans, which means that he isn’t allowed to actually hurt them.
“Stay away from my little sibling. I’ll rain hellfire down upon you if this continues.”
(Well…he’ll only threaten murder to the point of them leaving you alone. How sweet--it’s his own way of showing his care for you.)
-Even though he doesn’t like big crowds of people, he will go with you if you want to go to festivals in Liyue, just to make sure you're alright. Sure, he’ll look grumpy and brooding the entire time, but he uses this time to grudgingly get closer to you and ward off any potential suitors vying for your attention.
-If you get hurt, he’ll start blaming himself for not protecting you better, even if it’s only a shallow scratch. In his eyes, you are something pure, not meant to be harmed in any way at all. Compared to himself, which he sees as disgusting and shameful. He’ll visit you all the more when you're wounded, which means that you’ll practically have a shadow following you everywhere, ready to step in and help you at any time.
-Xiao appreciates it when you spend time with him, like sitting together under a large tree, hiding from the heat of the sun. Or even just chatting aimlessly on the roof of your house in the middle of the night. Or even sleeping on his shoulder while he keeps watch. Whatever it is, he makes sure to cherish every moment, because he knows how short mortal lives really are.
-Tell him that he’s the best older brother in the world, he’ll blush in embarrassment and scold you for being so shameless. Inwardly though, he’ll feel all warm and happy so give him lots of reassurance that you really do care about him, just as much as he does for you.
“...How brazen can you possibly be?... No, I’m not red, your mind is playing tricks upon you, but…thank you. I--never mind.”
-If he feels lonely, he’ll subtly be more clingy the next time he sees you. Like a quick little tap of his fingers against your arm to get your attention or more physical contact. Maybe he’ll make an excuse to stick to your side as long as he can afford, trying to tell himself that it’s for your own good.
-He will let you play with his hair when he feels somewhat tired. He doesn’t actually sleep--it’s more of a light doze--but he will tolerate you combing your fingers through his silky hair since it feels nice for him. You've done it so many times that it’s practically habit for him to lay down next to you and expect you to start running your hands through his locks. 
-If you don’t, he’ll nudge your hand a little and glare at you until you comply with his wishes.
“...Hey. would you start…doing your thing already? What? Of course you know what I mean, you've done it so many times before. Huh?... You're just messing with me, aren't you?”
-OUGFDSEFG we love him.
-His comforting skills are…the same as Scaramouche’s but he tries. Don’t hold it against him if he just stands to the side, patting your back awkwardly, silent wishing he had the power to make you feel instantly better. He legit has spent so much time avoiding humans that he doesn’t even know how they work anymore.
“…hey. Don’t cry, I’m…sure everything will turn out alright. Huh? You weren’t crying? Well, just feel better, okay?…I don’t like seeing you sad.”
-All in all, he might fumble around with his emotions but ultimately will do anything to ensure your happiness and safety. Plus you can brag about having touched an Adeptus’s hair and survived to tell the tale! Honestly, he’s a real sweetheart who really cares about you. Spend some time with him, and share a plate of almond tofu, he appreciates it.
AN-ok I’m done. If u want to ask me to write anything, I am currently taking requests, HOWEVER, it’ll take me a while to actually post anything else, so please be patient! Please don’t steal my work!
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kaeyachi · 1 year
Years ago, when Diluc left, Kaeya was shorter than him.
He has always been shorter than Diluc, from the moment they met when Crepus rescued a shivering Kaeya from the storm till the night Diluc ran off to search for answers in the freezing climate of Snezhnaya after scarring the younger one's face.
Diluc, for the longest time after his return to Mondstat, thought that Kaeya was still shorter than him. Kaeya was more outgoing, confident, flamboyant, different, but him being taller than Kaeya seemed to be a fact in his brain that wouldn't budge.
However, one day, in the middle of a disagreement with the younger, did he realize that Kaeya had grown taller than him.
For a moment, he was pissed. How the hell did Kaeya grow taller than him? That doesn't make any sense!
But then he thought oh. Kaeya was now taller than him. He wasn't there to see him grow taller.
He wasn't there on Kaeya's 18th birthday. He wasn't there to celebrate with Kaeya on his promotion to cavalry captain. He wasn't there to see when Kaeya grew independent and made a name for himself.
Diluc stares at Kaeya. He still looks the same, more jaded, but still the young boy who followed him around when they were younger, but when did he grow older too?
Where did the time go?
Kaeya later forms a snowball to hit him on the face with and Diluc, while sputtering and fuming, can't help but feel relieved that some things never change (even if that unchanging thing was Kaeya's mischievous tendencies)
-aka diluc experiencing what older siblings experience when they go home after a long time and they see their siblings are now grown ups, but they can't make sense of it because in their eyes, theyre still the little baby siblings to them-
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aquatik · 1 year
guardian knight , cyno 𓆝
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synopsis from the marine lover -> the seasonal winter ball is upon your region, as it’s princess, you must attend but this year there’s a few twists involved or my piece for @2022gisecretsanta​! this one goes out to you, @mestiako​, i hope you enjoy and pardon me for being late </3
phylum echinodermata -> genshin impact - sumeru
characters -> cyno x reader, nilou, yae miko, kaeya, tighnari, collei and dottore(🧍) make an appearance. diluc, ayato, tohma, and scaramouche are mentioned. sidnei is a made up character here!
word count -> 6.7k 
content -> one shot; fluff, royal AU - female reader
water levels -> all safe, warnings — dottore. just dottore. 
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your family famously holds two balls, one in the winter, and one in the summer. currently, your retainers are preparing you for the winter ball. this year, there’s more excitement, for the public at least. now you’re at the age where you are supposed to find someone to be betrothed to, and at tonight’s ball, you expect the flocking of men trying to win your hand. you aren’t excited.
“princess, is something troubling your mind?”
“nothing at all,” you sighed.
one of the ladies who was doing your hair but the brush down, and began to gush, “i bet you must be excited! you’ll be getting loads of men coming up to you today!”
“how excitingly wonderful,” you said, sarcasm seeping through your teeth.
“maybe lord ayato will ask for your hand,” she continued.
“or perhaps the duke of mondstadt, diluc!” another one piped in. they continued listing nobles that had confirmed attendance, your annoyance grew further.
“that’s enough you two, please leave the princess alone and quit pestering her,” your lady-in-waiting, nilou, said.
“nilou,” you sighed thankfully as the two maids finished their touches, delicately placing the small crown upon your head, and left the room. even when they left, you could still hear their whispering gossip.
nilou shook her head as she watched them walk away, “in your presence nonetheless.”
“it’s bound to happen, certainly won’t be the last i’ve heard of it.”
“has your father talked to you about, you know, this,” she hinted.
“no, he hasn’t actually. you know he’s always been more lax with traditions.”
“relaxed enough to let you be with him,” she giggled, placing her hands on your shoulders and looking at you through the mirror, her bright hydro vision shook at the movement.
“nilou…” you mumbled, casting your eyes to the side.
she giggled, “just teasing.”
just as you were gonna retort back to nilou, there’s a knock at your door, “princess, the ball is about to start, are you ready?” one of the maids spoke.
“yes, i’ll be right there,” you said, standing up. “how do i look?” you asked nilou.
“perfect like always,” she smiled. you thanked her and walked towards the door.
“please, pardon i wasn’t here to help you get ready, my lady,” the familiar lady bowed, “i was tasked by your father to help arrange the ballroom.”
“sidnei,” you smiled. she had been your head caretaker ever since you were born, like a mother to you since you never knew yours. “i’m glad you’re here now.”
“allow me to walk you, you look stunning tonight, as always.”
you thanked her, and began walking, “speaking of which, where is my father?” you asked.
she nervously laughed, “you see, he’s busy currently, he won’t be able to walk you tonight.”
“i see…”
“however, sir cyno will be walking you,” she said, with a knowing smile, as you both turned the corner.
“the king personally appointed him.”
“you cannot be—“ you said, before you look away from sidnei to meet his piercing red eyes, standing in wait for you, your royal knight, cyno.
he was shorter than most, shoulder length white hair tied back, and ruby eyes. just from appearance, most would assume he’s a mediocre knight at best, but cyno one of the kingdom’s last lines of defense, the best of the best. and he’s your personal knight, ever since you both were young. even if officially he’s called your knight, you honestly consider him your best friend.
at least you thought you did until a while back, you realized slowly yet quickly you were developing feelings for the man. you’d seen him grow into a respectable man. many do fear him, but with you, you get to see the side of him that loves telling jokes, that is infatuated with card games, that just has a hard time forming thoughts into words. the man you know as cyno, not as the royal knight of the princess.
that’s why, you can’t help but feel this way. long before you know it, sidnei is gone and you’re left with cyno.
“if it makes you uncomfortable, we can find someone else,” he said, breaking your train of thought.
“no! it’s alright, i wouldn’t have it any other way,” you smiled, walking up to him.
“are you sure, your highness?”
you looked into his eyes, giving him a knowing stare. it took him a second, but once he understood he argued, “i will not—“
“you will or we won’t be moving from here,” you said, crossing your arms.
he sighed, “are you sure, [y/n]?”
“yes, i’m sure, cyno,” you smiled.
he coughed into his arm, “then, may i?” he said, extending his right arm to yours. you nod and take his hand, wrapping yourself around it as he walks you towards the ball. “nervous?” he asked you.
“not really, i just want to get the night over with.”
he hums, “i see.”
“what will you be doing?” you asked.
“pardon, me?”
you sighed, “who else would i be asking?”
“it was meant to be a joke…” he mumbled as you sighed once more. “i’m on duty tonight, i’ll be keeping guard. there’s a lot of foreign diplomats visiting tonight.”
“i see.” you nodded. you noted he had his electro vision near the sheathed weapon, a clear sign he was on duty and he wasn’t lying. “won’t you be enjoying the ball tonight?”
he pondered for a moment before shaking his head, “no i won't.”
you looked over at him, wondering what to say. he’s a hard worker, barely taking time off. even if you wouldn’t be enjoying your time tonight, maybe he could enjoy it for the both of you. alas, you couldn’t come up with something fast enough as you were about to reach the door. two knights were waiting. they salute the both of you, wishing for a successful night. you thanked them, while cyno opted to nod.
cyno led you through the door and to the stairs, you caught a glimpse of your father sitting at the throne above, a smile casted your way when he saw you. you take another glimpse downwards, you could hear the murmurs of the crowd, and you weren’t sure if your eyes were playing tricks on you, or was it seemingly a larger number of people this year?
“…we now introduce the princess, [y/n] of sumeru, and her loyal knight, sir cyno.” you heard your father’s primary royal advisor announce only thanks to cyno gesturing you to take your bow. he leads you down the last flight of stairs before taking your hand to your fathers, who had come down from the upper level, before taking his position at the right hand side of the staircase.
“thank you, cyno,” you smiled. he returned one of those rare smiles to you, and nodded.
“would you care to dance with an old man such as your father?” he joked, extending his hand to you.
you softly laughed, “it’s always a pleasure to dance with you, father.”
he led you towards the floor, the orchestra taking its cue to begin the soft serenade of the strings and woodwinds alike. typical. it was the song you always danced to with your father, without fail. it was a variation of a lullaby he used to hum to you when you were younger, not so much now due to royal duties, but you still hear it once in a while when you walk past his office.
“to think,” he begins, “perhaps next year, i won’t be having the first dance with you anymore, my little girl could be whisked away right before i know it,” he said with fake tears laced through his words.
“father…” you whined as he softly spun you, allowing you a momentary glance at cyno.
“i know, i know. i just want you to know, when the time comes, find someone you truly love. we’ve always stood for these ideals.”
you scoffed, “you sound as if i am to be wed by the strike of midnight.”
“who knows, maybe you will,” he heartedly laughs.
“in some wild fantasy,” you laugh as you take the final bow. the crowd around you begins clapping, as your father leads you to them.
“i do have some business to attend to, concerning some of the nobles from snezhnaya. please, enjoy yourself little one. try not to get married and leave this old man behind,” he jests as he walks off before you can say anything.
“princess, you looked enchanting as always,” nilou said, walking up to you. before you could respond, she perked up, “please excuse me, i believe that’s lady eula. it’s been a while since i've seen her, i’ll be back!”
an attendant passes by with a platter of drinks, offering your favorite to you. you thank him and take the glass, softly swirling it in your hand. snezhnaya and sumeru currently were in the middle of a political conflict, your father wished not to involve you, but you understand that it’s majoridly about the akademia, one of this nation’s greatest achievements. the situation was tense, your father was going to cut off the amount of control the snezhnayan court had over the akademia, but it would cause several issues, worst would be a war, but it was definitely plausible. you wanted to help your father, you truly did, but what could you do?
“mora for your thoughts?” you hear a woman’s voice say, sly in her tone. you turn your head to see the duchess of inazuma, yae miko smirking at you.
“lady yae, my apologies,” you said, fully turning towards her.
“none of that little one, i spoke out of line,” she bows.
you spoke, “i hope everything is well overseas, i’ll see it soon visit, the nation of electro is always a pleasure to see.”
lady yae smiled, saying how she wished their region had a more respectable young royal such as yourself.
“speaking of, you do know i’m obliged to ask, wouldn’t you be interested in our princes’ hand?” she hums, laughing when she sees you glancing away. “that brat really won’t ever find someone, now will he,” she sighed.
“are you allowed to speak of the prince in such a manner?” you asked.
“but of course i am. who do you think taught him the sliver of manners he knows?”
you nodded, “right, of course.”
“well then, if it isn’t the prince, might you be interested in lord ayato? or perhaps, you’re interested in the kamisatos’ lord-in-waiting, tohma?” she teased.
“lady yae!” you softly scolded as she laughed once more.
“so much for trying, could’ve made an amazing story. i better get back to making sure the prince doesn’t offend any nations, heavens knows what happened last time.” she says, walking towards a small commotion at the right hand side of the ball.
“why if it isn’t the rambunctious princess? i’ve got to say, you seemed to have mastered waking in those heels, i remember when you’d trip on flats,” a familiar voice spoke.
“kaeya!” you smiled, the marquees of mondstadt, kaeya walks up to you. you had known him and his brother, diluc ever since you were little, but after their fathers death things changed for them, subsequently you lost touch.
you both caught up, exchanging pleasantries and stories on either side. it was nice to speak with a familiar face after so long.
“kaeya, where might diluc be?” you asked him, as you hadn’t seen the red haired man tonight.
“not quite sure myself. why are you asking? looking to court him?” he mused, slightly leaning down to meet your face.
“of course not!” you argued, swatting his forearm, before you could retort, he teased once more,
“or could it be that, you’d be interested in me?” he asked.
you broke eye contact with kaeya to glance to your right, cyno was still there, keeping watch as he’d been doing. you weren’t sure if it was your imagination, but you swore you saw him make eye contact with you. you heard kaeya click his tongue, a habit he had once he realized something, and you quickly turned back to him.
“sir kaeya, with all due respect—“ you began before kaeya softly shushed you.
“i understand, i understand.” he sighs, fake sadness laced across his tongue, “i do value when a fair maiden stays true to her ideals, just like when we were younger. i remember it like yesterday, saying how you’d never marry one of us since we were like siblings after some nobel had spoken out of line. do take care, princess. i’ll be off looking for my—or should i joke, our brother to make sure he doesn’t get his hands full with, a few special guests.” he smiled.
you returned the smile, softly laughing as you caught onto his sarcasm through the whole questioning. he bowed and was about to walk away to take his leave, another male voice entered the scene.
“if i may, i’d love to speak to the princess.” a masked man says.
“who might you be?” kaeya said, smiling but slightly pushing you behind him, leaving you confused.
he chuckled, “do pardon me, where are my manners. my name is il dottore, marquess of shneznaya. it’s a pleasure to meet you, your highness.” he said, taking a bow and your hand, pressing his lips against the back of your hand.
“i leave you in his company then,” kaeya seethes as he walks away, having no other choice as he was supposed to take his leave already, evident by the glare the marquess had been sending kaeya’s way..
“lord dottore, the pleasure is all mine…” you said, nerves beginning to swarm you, from both the odd reaction kaeya had, as well as the fact a shneznayan diplomat wished to speak with you directly.
he laughs, his singular earring swings back and forth, “now now, don’t seem so tense your highness. i assure you, the political standing between our nations musnt spoil our conversation.”
“i appreciate it.”
“i must say, you look rather divine tonight, as you always do,” he says, smiling as it’s only his upper face covered by the mask.
you returned the smile, a lot smaller than his, “thank you, i’d love to complement you as well, but i only have a smile to go off.” you said inquisitively, hoping it would spark a conversation to avoid the awkward pleasantries. how wrong you’d be.
“i assume you mean my eyes? they are indeed covered. say, wouldn’t you like to see the rest of my face.”
you hummed, “i suppose so.”
“i’d allow you to see my whole face as many times as you’d like, if we were wed.”
you nervously laughed, “i suppose i’ll never see your face then.”
“oh? why’s that?” he asked. an attendant walked by and dottore placed his empty glass on the tray. his now free hand takes yours and presses yet another kiss against it, this time taking it and placing it against his cold, metallic-like cheek. “what if this is my proposal to you?”
you remove your hand from his grasp, “i call your bluff.” you scoffed.
“wrong call,” he eerily smiles, “it’s true, i wish to marry you. think about it, we’d tie the knot, not only between us, but out nations as well, ending this vicious cycle that you and i both know will only end in a war. i know you’re smart enough, your highness.”
“i believe our nations can come to an agreement without this sort of thing,” you argued as he clicked his tongue.
“you’re breaking my heart,” he cackled, “who said i only wanted to marry you to help our nations, i could care less. i meant it when i said you’re divine, i’m infatuated by you.” he said. if it weren’t for the underlying creepiness in this strange speech, anybody would’ve thought it was a sweet, heartfelt confession. you were beyond creeped out though.
“how could i even consider a marriage proposal from someone i just met, i barely even know you.” you claimed, instinctively taking a step back, eyes wandering around the room, hoping someone you knew was close by, if cyno was close by. alas, you couldn’t find anyone in the short seconds you had.
“if i told you more about me, would you consider my proposal?” he mused, taking a step forward towards you.
“i suppose so…” you mumbled, reminding yourself you have an image to uphold as this regions princess and you couldn’t just yell out what was on your mind.
“then allow me to share some more, personal details about myself. some call me, the doctor.” he smiled.
“the doctor?” you gasped, eyes widening ever so slightly.
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you’ve been out to the main plaza before, but only a few times have you visited farther away villages. a few months ago, you headed out with cyno to gandharva ville for the first time. your father had come down with a unknown sickness, right when the ties with snezhnaya began to sever, and cyno had recommended a doctor who could help. even against the insistings of the court and cyno, you accompanied him. after all, you’d be saftest with your guard, you argued.
begrudgingly, he took you along in a disguise, and you met tighnari. you learned they were friends, good ones too it seemed. you learned tighnari was recommended to become a royal medic, but he refused, stating how his research was better out here in gandharva ville. he learned of the conditions of your father and agreed to head to the castle, but on the condition he was able to give treatment to his current patient.
you had suggested for the patient to come with you guys, only to earn a modest scolding on the dangers of doing so. smiling at your own lack of medical knowledge, you apologized where as he sighed. you concluded that the treatment wouldn’t take longer than a few hours, not ideal, but you understood.
out of curiosity, you asked about the patient. unexpectedly, cyno was the one to tell you about her.
“her name’s collei. she’s a young girl, about 11 years old. she’s…” he stopped before continuing, “she’s a victim of the doctor. some crazed lunatic taking children and experimenting on them for his nation's gain. from my intel, it seems that the bastard is from snezhnaya.”
“goodness…” you whispered. this was the first you had heard of such thing, and by the look on cyno’ s face, it seemed like it wasn’t something he wanted you to find out of.
tighnari spoke, breaking the silence, “the good thing is that she’s recovering well ever since cyno brought her over a few weeks back. she just had a major flare up this morning, and i just need to make sure she’s stable to—“ he spoke before cutting himself off.
“collei, what are you doing out of bed?” he softly scolded as she peeped out of the door.
“i thought…i thought i heard him…” she says, taking a step outside.
tighnari was going to step towards her to help calm the little girl down but you beat him to it. you took cautious steps and lowered your hood, you could already hear cyno scolding you, but to your surprise, he stood silent, only standing guard in case something happened.
“everything is going to be okay,” you softly said, kneeling to her level “he isn’t here, he won’t hurt you anymore.”
“aren’t you the…”
you shook your head, “nevermind that, what’s your name?”
“it’s collei,” she answered.
you smiled at her, “it’s lovely to meet you collei, is there something you’d like to do? i’m sure you must be tired from laying in bed.”
“can we get zaytun peaches?”
“i don’t see why not, why don’t you go get ready? i think tighnari is about ready to give you your medicine anyways.”
she nods and goes back inside, you turn to tighnari who had previously been bickering with cyno while you talked to collie. he excused himself and walked inside to give collei her medicine, while cyno gave you a blank stare.
“what’s wrong?”
“your highness,” he began, “have you ever…picked zaytun peaches yourself?”
“no, but that’s why i have you to—“
“good. because then you’d be hunting your own kind.”
you tilted your head, softly beginning to laugh, “i’m sorry?” you asked.
“because you’re a peach. do you get it?” he deadpanned. “i can explain it if you don’t understand. you see, when people say you’re a peach, it’s to say…”
this time, you began laughing. partially because of the joke, but mainly it was due to your knight's execution of the joke. at the sound of your laughter colored your cheeks, and while you didn’t notice, cyno allowed himself to fondly look at you and smile, a similar color painting his face as well.
“that was terrible. never say that again, cyno,” tighnari said, exiting the small hut.
“now, now, everyone has different tastes. are you insulting the princess’s taste,” you joked as tighnari looked away, mumbling something along the lines of ‘how was i supposed to know.’
“truly, i do apologize, princess. collei got the last of her medicine, we can head out if you’d like.”
“please, don’t worry about it, my knowledge in medicinal science isn’t great, i should be thanking you for teaching me, i see why cyno recomended you.” you said as you began looking around the area, “however, we can’t leave now, i did promise collei we’d pick peaches together. my father isn’t in critical condition, we have a few moments to spare. do you happen to have a basket?”
“you’re just as kind as he—i mean, as they say. i’ll grab you one. in the meantime, i’ll get my materials ready.”
you thanked him as he walked back to the small hut, and out came collei with a small basket. the three of you began to head towards an area of the forest, per cyno’s lead. collei asked you questions every once in a while, and you’d gladly respond.
at one point, she wandered off a little ahead to grab some harra fruit she had seen in a distance. you and cyno stayed behind, but still watched her.
“she’s taken a liking to you rather quickly,” he spoke, looking over at you. a faint look of jealousy washed over him.
“i guess so, what's with that look?” you laughed, poking at him.
he stopped to think for a moment then responded, “nothing, it’s just it took collei a while to like me, and she took a liking to you rather quickly.”
“aww, are you jealous?” you teased. you had expected him to remain silent, like he usually does whenever you bother him, except he surprised you.
“a little, but not really. you’re a wonderful person, it’s no wonder why she felt comfortable around you so quickly.”
you looked into his eyes to see if there was any hint of sarcasm in his statement, but there wasn’t. “cyno…” he coughed to break the silence, looking over at collei who had now resorted looking around for sumeru roses.
“since when have you known about this, the doctor i mean.” you asked, looking away from collei to glance at cyno’s expression.
he sighed, “i figured you’d ask.” he began to explain in more detail what had happened. you learned that she’s from sumeru, she suffers from eleazar. her mother couldn’t cover her treatment, but a sponsor under the name of the doctor said he’d have her treated, with no expenses. only condition is that she’d need to travel to schenzaya. from then on, she was experimented on using ancient relics. cyno had gone to mondstad for not only an expedition, but because an old alma mater had requested for his assistance. he was able to bind the ancient spirit, but it took a lot out on the poor girl.
“why didn't you tell me? you told me about everything that happened on the expedition to mondstat except this,” you argued, not loud enough to disturb collei but enough to get cyno’s attention just how upset you were.
“this is far from your realm of responsibilities, it would’ve just been a burden to add onto you.”
“as far as i'm concerned, i’m the princess of sumeru. it's my duty to make sure my people are safe, and she’s a child of sumeru who was gravely hurt, more than words can describe. this is unacceptable.” you firmly reprimanded. cyno looked shocked for once, but quickly composed himself. “we’ve always worked together, we’ve been a team since forever, cyno. my position means nothing to me when i’m with you and you know it.”
“…i didn’t know you felt that way.” he says.
“of course you knew, you just chose to ignore it at times. i’m not made of glass, you know.”
“says the one who would always complain about not having a vision when we were younger.”
you blushed, “not the time.”
he chuckled, “you’re right, please accept my apologies, for everything. i promise, i’ll let you know if i learn something new.”
“that’s more like it, there’s the cyno i know,” you smiled. “it’s settled then, we’ll find out who the doctor is and take him down, together!”
you smiled at him and he nodded, you took his hand that was in a fist and forced his pinky finger out, hooking yours onto his, intertwining them together. he looked bashful, is what you could describe. you imagined it was because he must’ve thought you were acting childish.
“i’m done, this is for you!” collei says, coming back with a small padisarah and handing it to you.
you smiled as you took it, releasing your hand, rather, your pinky from cyno’s, “thank you collei! i’ll cherish this because it came from an amazing friend!”
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“please, excuse me, lord dottore, i must attend to the other guests,” you said, looking around for a way to leave, for someone, anything.
“why so frantic, your highness?” he questioned, leaning down to your ear, “i do think i’d be wise for you to consider this…proposition of sorts.”
“i’d be best for you to—“
“to? what’s this, the princess is threatening me, shneznayan diplomat? on what grounds.” he said, roughly grabbing your forearm, pulling you towards him. “i suggest you chose your words carefully. who knows what could happen to this precious kingdom. perhaps you’d be better off accepting my proposal, you’d have an…immunity of sorts.” he laughs as you rip your arm from his grasp, running towards the back garden.
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do you inform cyno now? or even your father? accepting his proposal would put an end to all the political issues your father was facing, but it meant sacrificing your happiness, the safety of your people. who knows what would happen with a crazed lunatic like him ruling, yet again, look at the power he has already, to harm such a large number of people just as a marquess. you couldn’t, you’d be betraying collei, and all his other victims from not only your nations but others as well. but not accepting would also put your people in danger.
“i knew you’d be out here,” you heard a male voice speak. you sighed loudly.
“lord dottore, how many times do i have to tell you, i’m not interested. please leave before i—“ you said before gasping, “goodness, cyno you scared me.”
“what was that about someone pestering you,” he said, bringing his hand to the sheathed weapon on his hip, the purple vision beginning to spark.
“no, no, no need for that,” you said, placing your hand against his, both of your movements momentarily ceased. soon after, he quickly kneeled one leg on the ground, like he does on royal duty.
“your highness, what are you doing out here?” he asked.
“cyno get up,” you commanded as he rose, “i just am outside, no particular reason for it. and could you quit it? it’s just the two of us, no need for the formalities.”
“you seem to forget that tonight is an official event, i can’t toss aside formalities.”
you stepped forward and pinched his cheek, you heard a soft ‘oww’ released from his lips, you were sure it didn't hurt, he probably did as such to make you feel better. wouldn’t be the first time he’s done so.
“i understand that, trust me.” you sighed, “but it’s just the two of us, lighten up won’t you?”
he hummed before asking, “‘s something plaguing your mind?” he asked. you internally groaned. he’s good, you’d expect nothing less from the man who’s been by your side for who knows how many years.
you thought about it for a moment before shaking your head, this isn't the right time, or is it? you weren’t sure, but you had to respond before cyno became suspicious. “i don’t know, i’m just overwhelmed. i think i need to dance to clear my mind,” you said absentmindedly.
“then let me take you back inside, i’m sure there’s plenty of nobles who—“
you shook your head, “no.”
he raised his brow at you, “no? didn't you just say…?”
“i’m aware of what i said,” you sighed, “but i want to stay here.”
“allow me a moment then, i’ll find someone to come out here and dance with you—“ he said as he turned around, beginning to head back inside.
“no!” you shouted, grabbing his wrist. he looked confused, and you looked at him through your eyelashes, “i’d like for you to dance with me, cyno.”
he stared at you for a few seconds before coughing, “princess, i’m aware some of my jokes aren’t the best, but you’ve got me beat here.”
“what part of what i just said sounded like a joke? i’m serious, i wish to dance with you cyno.”
“and i refuse.” he says, crossing his arms.
now you are the one to raise your brow, this time in amusement, “are you telling me no?”
“indeed i am,” he grunts.
“we’ve danced before you know.” you said, “you’re the one who taught me for my debutant.”
“its…different now.” he said, looking up to the moon.
you stood in front of him, using your hands to bring his face down, “how is it different now?”
“you’re a lady who is supposed to be finding someone to be wed to, we aren’t children anymore.”
“i don't care about that, and you know it. cyno, i truly just want to dance with you.”
“i…” he said, finally meeting your eyes.
“please?” you asked, on the brink of giving up.
that was until you felt a pair of hands reach your waist, and your feet forcibly began to waltz. you look up at him to see the moonlight hitting his face in just the right way, enough to visibly show the pinks of his cheeks.
“please, tell me if you wish to stop,” he muttered, meeting your smiling face.
you hummed, placing your hands on his shoulders, “i doubt i will ever want to stop.”
the soft waltz became more grand, he led you through the garden gracefully, perfectly weaving through the bushes of sumeru roses before staying in place and swaying. this reminded you a lot of a few years back, when you were practicing for your debutante, except this time there was no heels stepping on the poor young man’s feet. this time, it was a graceful dance between you and the man you harbored feelings for.
“i take it back.”
“what? we can stop if you wish—“
“no, i mean what i said earlier. when you asked if i was nervous and i said i wanted this to be over with. i don’t wish for this night—well, for this moment to end.”
“you know we mustn’t,” he softly says.
you lean your head to his chest, continuing the soft swaying, “indulge me this once then, please.”
“is that an order?” he laughs.
“if it makes you stay, then yes.”
“i would’ve stayed regardless…” he whispers, low enough for it to be carried away by the midnight wind, but loud enough for you to hear, it too carries away the worries littering your mind. i’d be an issue to resolve tomorrow, you decide.
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“good morning!” you hear a cheerful voice sing. “you better wake up before i splash water on your face~” you heard the voice tease.
“nilou, please, it’s archons knows what time it is,” you whined as you sat up.
“now, now, none of that, you have to tell me what happened last night.”
you turned to her as you tilted your head. surely it wasn’t about the marquess, was it? “what are you talking about, nilou?”
“i’m talking about the dance, obviously!” she exclaimed, sitting down with you. “sir cyno brought you hear, claiming you had fallen asleep. but i heard that you were dancing with someone~” she teased as you blushed.
“it was cyno, wasn’t it,” she gushed, as you looked away, “it totally was!”
“nilou! not too loud, you’ll get him in trouble.”
“so it was him! was he the same one who proposed?” before you could ask what was she talking about, one of your attendants walked in the room.
“princess, your presence is called for in the main throne room by the king. please, allow me to assist you in getting ready.
“alright then, where’s sidnei?”
the maid looked around nervously, “she’s…she’s somewhere. we aren’t exactly sure where, this is also the case with a few other staff members.”
what was going on.
nilou walks you to the main throne room, this time she was silent, sensing you were tense. thoughts raced across your head, did your father find out about the dance you shared with cyno? was he okay? what about sidnei and the other staff, where were they? and, what happened with dottore, or rather, the doctor? you had planned on investigating further on his actions, but everything was happening so fast.
your last question was answered as soon as you entered the throne room, and the man was standing before your father.
“my beautiful daughter, you didn’t tell me!” he exclaimed when he saw you enter the room.
“father, what are you talking about?” you asked as he walked up to you, engulfing you in a hug.
“why don’t be silly, lord dottore is asking for your hand in marriage! you’d know this better than i, after the dance you both shared, so he was telling me.”
you briefly heard nilou gag, mumbling disappointedly.
“he did what…?” you asked your father, his expression being the polar opposite of yours.
“please, your majesty, allow me to ask properly,” he says, taking your hand and kneeling on one foot, pulling out a box. “princess of sumeru, will you marry me?”
gasps flooded the room with the few in the room, applauds began to echo, and you could hear the distinct sound of your father sniffling. you glance around to see everyone happy, nilou looked disappointed and was the black sheep in this crowd, alongside you. you look down at the man currently kneeling in front of you, that eerie smile painted across his face.
“i…” you stuttered, unsure what to do. lucky, you wouldn't have to decide what to do.
only a few were able to hear the footsteps, and only another handful saw the purple sparks of electricity fill the room, but everyone saw the fist of the princess’s guardian knight connect with the marquess' jaw, knocking him to the ground. the mask now forgone to the ground, splatters of blood stained the carpet below him that matched dottores eyes. if you were to make the comparison at this moment, his red eyes were blood crimson, while cyno’s eyes reminded you of rubies.
gasps yet again filled the room, whispers exchanged as the only clapping now belonged to nilou, before she ceased her excitement.
dottore groans, attempting to sit up only for cyno to throw a spear—his preferred weapon—right next to his face, grazing the man’s face, yet again more blood. he then rushed forward, holding the spear down.
“cyno!” you gasped.
“cyno!” your dad yelled, voice filled with rage. it was rare to hear the king upset, and whenever he was, all you could do is pray for the unfortunate soul that the anger was targeted towards. “explain yourself! this is treason!”
“forgive me, your majesty, but this man is placed under arrest in the princesses orders,” he said, as everyone gasped once more
“arrested?” dottore maniacally laughed, “my fiancée wouldn’t do such a thing, i’ll have a war waged—“
“you dare make such baseless threats after you threatened this nation's princess on her own land? you’re lucky i didn’t take action last night, but today i won’t be so merciful.” he began, his spear becoming engulfed with electro.
your eyes widened, had cyno really seen everything that happened? at what moment or even where was he, you couldn’t see him at all.
“this man has gone mad!” dottore yells, “your majesty, you see, my suggestion isn’t so far fetched after all, he’s going to spread this madness to the princess.”
“the only one spreading madness here would be you, doctor!” you yelled.
“how do you know about that?” your father asked, more so rhetorically.
cyno continued, “you thought we wouldnt have noticed the missing number of attendants, especially sidnei? the princess’s personal attendant? what a fool you are. we have the reports on certain wine barrels that were contaminated by a poison coming from your region, as well as the personnel serving them. everything ties back to you. however, this is an open investigaton, im typically not allowed to arrest you in those cases, but not only did you verbally threaten the princess, you manhandled her. in front of thousands nonetheless.”
“what about the dance from last night?” the king asked.
both you and cyno coughed, but he continued speaking, “…it was i who was dancing with her.” the room was silent once more until nilou softly squealed, whispers filled the air once more.
“my daughter, is this true?” your father asked, turning towards you.
you looked over at cyno, his eyes shining with determination. you nodded, signaling you’d follow his lead.
“yes father, everything sir cyno said is true. that man on the ground is the doctor, the crazed lunatic who’s been experimenting on our people. i had cyno investigate further after he insulted me last night, and i issued the arrest order. such filth cannot be left unattended to.” you said, your stance radiating a commanding force.
“and the dance?” nilou chimed in, before one of the attendants slapped her hand across her mouth.
you sighed, “yes, the dance too,” you said bashfully.
“that does it then, guards!” your father snapped his fingers, “il dottore, marquess of shneznaya is to be arrested immediately, as per the princess’s orders!” your father commanded. as guards took dottore away, he yelled curses until his voice ran dry.
“princess,” cyno said, kneeling before you. “please, excuse me for my actions. and lack of actions last night.”
“cyno, please stand.” you said as he rose to his feet, “thank you for trusting me and for letting me help even if it was a little. please, allow me to apologize for not telling you last night.”
you turned to your father, “and to you as well, i should’ve told you both sooner rather than now.”
cyno was the first to speak, “you helped a lot more than you can imagine, my lady. you got the doctor to reveal himself. and we're a team, aren’t we?”
“that we are,” you smiled.
“so, who’s gonna court who?” your father mused.
you exclaimed, color painting your face, “father!”
he laughed as your father’s royal advisor sighed, “i thought the choice in dottore was weird, but who was i to judge who you loved?” he asked turning to cyno, “i was rooting for you the whole time, son?”
“…thank you?” he responded, visibly and understandably confused.
you sighed at your father and turned to cyno, “you know last night, i only wished to dance with you.” you smiled at cyno, walking up and kissing his cheek, “thank you.”
“it’s always my pleasure, princess.” it was an address you were used to by many, but this time it felt different given the circumstance.
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glass bottle message -> this was NOT supposed to be this long LKJAKBJB but i really hope you enjoyed, and to anyone else reading! thanks kat for pushing me, love you the most stinker @lovely-josuke​
also the fact i had to rewrite the whole thing because google docs didn’t save it 😔💔 regardless i love how this turned out hehe
requests are open, but please check the rules :)
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