phasewavesblog · 5 months
Currently working on my Flarence reference sheet :3
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sportsoracle · 2 years
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For more sports content like this follow oraclesportsnetwork on Instagram!
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hazeltongzhi · 3 months
Should whites be leaving the USA aswell to European countries?
The primary differences between place of deep and prolonged settler colonialism e.g. the usa or canada versus places like South Africa, Zimbabwe, or Palestine are that in the former, the settler colonial project is largely complete. First nations peoples have been genocided and driven to concentration camps, their land divied out to settlers. That's not to say the First Nations peoples cannot return to power and take their land back but to describe the present day situation. In the latter, however, it is far more recent and is still ongoing in israel's case. Thus, it can still be stopped and reversed. Second, in the forner countries apartheid is simply a venture rife with internal contradictions but which cannot be resolved without the full dissolution of said states and a return to majority rule.
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How about doing a cult au where reader is easily flusters and shy, and when their really embarrassed they turn into a small cute animal, I wonder how they react to that! Or reader can heal any wound, but it makes them really tired or have headaches that can last depending how bad the wound is. Or imposter au the reader is really laidback and cool even after all they went through and easily forgives them. Or soft cult au where reader doesn't see the others as servants, but as friends.
Miscellaneous SAGAU Concepts pt. 1
CW: Possessive behavior, cult AU, Violence/monster killing
Shy reader:
How is it that the gods of entire nations can’t catch a single bunny rabbit?
You couldn’t help but blush and curl in on yourself as Ei unabashedly praised your kindness. Venti insisted on writing poems and songs all about your greatness. Zhongi refused to leave your side
“It was nothing,” you mumbled but the archons wouldn’t allow such slander to be said about their creator, not even if it was coming from yourself.
You shrank until the world reflected how you felt, big and intimidating. You craved the comfort of warmth, your friends’ arms would be a nice comfort, but of all the people towering above you, they made you feel the most shy.
It didn’t take long for them to notice that their great leader had vanished.
You had started to notice they had gotten a bit more… aggressive– to say the least– in their methods of trying to capture you. Zhongli summoned his pillars of stone, that pulsed and shook the ground, to the point that you might as well have been floating in the air with how violently the ground pulsed and pushed you around. Venti summoned a full tornado that you feared would have ripped you apart and thrown you into Celestia if you had been a normal human. Ei mobilized her entire army as well as somehow managed to convince the members of the resistance from Watatsumi to take part in their search and hunt for you.
Nahida was the most successful out of them all, but you knew her tricks. You wouldn’t let her keep you trapped in a dream. She may have been the most gentle and understanding, but you could see she shared the same insane look as the rest of the archons.
The Tsaritsa was the most difficult to evade of them all, truly the most terrifying. As the goddess of love, she can feel every beating heart, whisper to them, and enlighten them. You sprinted on four legs, then flew on two wings, then swam as fast as you could. It was no use. She’s too powerful. Getting trapped in a blizzard in her domain was just barely worse than being on land being chased by Morax.
You can only run for so long, little rabbit. Your followers will catch you soon. They only see this as a test of faith, test of determination and devolution. They’ve all agreed that whoever catches you first will end up your most favored. They’re more and more motivated by their competitiveness and need to be loved by you.
Healer Reader:
Strike to kill. Do not let the creator know of the slaughter.
The archons insist that you reserve your healing powers. That no one, not even them are worthy of being healed by you, especially considering that it would mean you sacrificing your own well-being for that person.
Imagine their alarm when they find you gasping, bleeding, as you heal a lowly slime. They drag you away. Barely able to hide their jealousy of the puny monster for taking your attention and taking advantage of your powers.
Perhaps if they can’t stop you from using them, then instead they can redirect them to purposes truly worthy of your prowess.
Venti come to you, a few scratches and cuts sheepishly saying he tripping into some bushes in wolvendom picking some wolfehook berries for you. You smile softly and gently cup his cheek, swiping your thumb over skin that’s already smoothed over.
There. All better.
“Thank you so much, your diviness!”
You laugh and shake your head at the name. When will they just use your regular name?
Zhongli comes to you one night, poorly hiding his limp. He jokes that he must be getting old as he tripped on his way up the stairs to your room.
“Please, don’t waste your powers on me. I’d hate to burden you with unnecessary pain, great one.”
Zhongli, please…
You don’t have to say anything more as he relents, allowing you to heal his throbbing ankle.
He only feels a shred of regret when he sees you wince.
He dotes and fusses over you as soon as he’s healed. Insisting that you lay in bed and let him take care of anything and everything for you, as now you’re the one injured.
He’s excessive and overbearing.
It’s amusing to watch him buzz about like a bee.
You almost don’t recognize Ei when you find her out in the forest, covered in blood and monster dust. She’s completely unhurt. What monster could really contest her? But she isn’t immune to fatigue. She hasn’t slept much since you left to visit the other archons, eagerly awaiting your return to Inazuma.
You take her hand and almost collapse.
Ei… how long have you been awake? How long have you been fighting?
“Hm… not long. About a week now, I think?”
You don’t even have it in you to make your eyes go wide. Just leaning on her and frowning.
You need to take care of yourself Ei.
“Ah… you didn’t need to use your healing powers on me, Divinity. Let’s go back to the palace. I’ll carry you.”
You don’t protest. You neither have the strength nor mental will power to do so. You simple let her wrap her strong arms around your body and take off running through the trees and up and down the hills. She slows when you tug at her dress and tell her that the speed is making you dizzy.
You blush bright red, and tell Ei she can put you down now. You’re not sure you want people seeing you be carried by the goddess. You may be exhausted, but you humiliation will win out.
Of course this is the one time she doesn’t listen to your commands. Simply shaking her head and telling you that she doesn’t want to risk making your condition worse.
You hide your face in her dress and groan.
“Do you feel worse? Perhaps I will stop to buy you some herbs”
You shake your head. How much worse can this get?
Nahida suffers from an aching heart. Why can’t she remember what she misses so dearly? Why can she find nothing that can explain this void in her heart, like a window with a hole in it, sharp shards scraping at anyone who dares try reaching in to search beyond it.
You have to keep her in your arms, continuously using your powers to ease the pain. It hurts so much. It must be so hard for her to deal with it everyday. You want to do everything you can to help her.
Surprisingly it’s her that has to convince you to let her go, promising that she’ll be okay. Saying that if you can’t keep hurting yourself for her sake. And giving you her best smile when you insist that you can.
“I’ll be okay, I promise. I’m just happy I get to be with my creator. That’s enough to heal me, without any powers needed.”
Laidback/Soft reader (decided to combine them because i felt they fit well together)
Your casualness honestly doubles the archons’ stress levels.
They can’t seem to convince you that it’s beneath you to associate yourself with the humans and monsters. But you won’t listen.
You go climbing and gliding with Amber. Drinking with Kaeya and Rosaria (supervised by Diluc), and Beidou when you’re in Liyue. You insist that Jean takes you out, dragging her to the great tree and having her tell you Vanessa’s tale again and again. Helping Lisa carry her many heavy books, and insisting Eula teach you how to dance, even after you twisted your ankle.
You forgive them all so easily. You don’t take offense to Keqing’s standoff-ish attitude and skepticism, which ends up working in your favor as she comes around to believing you to be the ideal form of god. One that doesn’t not try to reach beyond their means, though perhaps a bit lazy in her mind.
You nearly give Zhongli a heart attack when you tell him you’re going with Yelan down into the Chasm. He tries to insist on going with you, ending up secretly trailing behind as you and Alatus and Yelan descend into the depths purely because you insisted on it.
(You take advantage of your title quite a bit, using it to get more than you probably deserve. You can’t help it, you always wanted to travel around Tevyat and now you can! But only if you tell your followers that you’re going to do it. If you ask, they’ll always tell you no. “It’s for your safety” they insist. But you don’t want to cower away. You’re going to see every corner of this world, if it’s the last thing you do).
Ei travels with you. Follows you, true to her name, like a shadow. She protects you from the lighting on the other isles. Technically she doesn’t need to fight the Nobushi, even they praise and honor your name, but she does. She will cut them down faster than you can blink, even at 100 yards away. Only if you tell her not to, will she stop her spree. But you won’t be able to convince her to not attack the monsters like the hilichurls and abyss hounds. They don’t deserve to be in your presence.
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attackfish · 2 years
Any more headcannons for the AU in which Zuko is Azula’s servant & Iroh is leading a rebellion rebellion? Thanks!
Continued from: [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], and [Link], [Link], and [Link].
1. Zuko is met at the shoreline by a heavily armed jerk in white and gray faceplint, carrying a great big club. An auspicious start, surely. But then an old lady shouts his name (which is Sokka, apparently), and he whines a bit and lowers the club, letting Zuko and his small crew past. Now that the guy isn't waving a club in his face, and he can get a good look at him, and now hes heard his voice, Zuko's pretty sure he's a kid about Zuko's age, which is a little weird feeling.
2. Before they landed, Zuko had been so worried. He was wearing his best silk tunic, which barely fit over his quilted wool and down jacket (and no matter how much he wore, he still ad bits of his skin exposed to the air, and they hurt) but even his best tunic was fraying at the seams, and had a patch on the left shoulder, almost invisible, but not quite. But then he saw the village he had come to, the tents and tumbledown walls, the desperate repairs, the pinched looks of anxiety, and the little boy Avatar, struggling not to be hidden by anxious villagers, women, children, and the one teenage boy. All of his diplomatic knowledge flees his head, and he hastily says, "I'm prince Zuko, and, uh, I brought gifts?"
3. He could have picked a lot worse things to say. An old woman steps forward and introduces herself as Kanna, mother of the chief of the whole Southern Water Tribe. She ushers them into a low domed building made completely out of ice, and when she sees his crew shivvering, she seets them close to the pottery braziers to warm up before going to fetch the gifts. She tells them if they don't mind wearing women's clothes, she can see if anyone will let them borrow some spare parkas to wear while they're here. Zuko feels like a child, but that's hardly Kanna's fault.
4. What were once humble trade gifts are now the height of luxury, thanks to long term deprivation. When he and his crewmen bring in the gifts, several trips worth, they are very welcome indeed. The old women, who must have been able to remember when trade goods had still come from the Earth Kingdom, or even smuggled in from the Fire Nation, cluck appreciatively at the tea and spices, and the iron goods, and Kanna breaks off a piece of rock sugar for each of the village children. The rest, Kanna sets aside, to be divied up between all the Southern Water tribe, including the other villages, who will be coming, just as soon as the news reaches them. Zuko feels simultaniously overwhelmed, and also, a little less terrified. Or, differently terrified.
5. They all eat together that night. It's not a proper feast, that will wait until the rest of the villages can get there, but the whole village is there, and everyone brings food from their own homes, and passes it around. Zuko notices the young Avatar, who he's supposed to be there to see, grimacing at each of the dishes that pass him, picking through to find anything that isn't meat. He sidles over to tell him they have rice, beans, dried seaweed, and tofu on the ship. It's not much, just ship supplies, but he can send some over if they can exchange it for meat, so they have enough food to make it home. The young Avatar, Aang, looks at him with such gratitude that Zuko walks on air for the rest of the evening.
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
I huff about the Wrath of the Rock thing mostly bc if I started talking about how badly contracts were done in Liyue I'd never stop lol. What he did with Wanyan was the most in-your-face about it and had me FUMING, yes, but I honestly really want to know what the adepti are getting out of their contracts and why exactly they still had to hold up their end of the bargain when the contractor was supposed to be dead. Like? A contract really is supposed to benefit both parties? What service has Zhongli been providing? NOT kicking them out of Liyue's mountains or something? Is he a landowner? And Xiao's contract is just downright exploiting him - I'd think the translation mistook "contracts" for "oaths" somewhere but no, Yanfei exists.
And I was curious bc I distinctly recall a Liyue NPC praying to Barbatos....checked, her name's Chishui! And she says though it's tradition in Liyue to worship the Geo Archon the winds are what truly determine whether her sailor husband is safe, though she admits it's rare (unsure if she means liyue locals praying to Barbatos or locals praying to another god in general). She says any god will do as long as they keep her husband safe though, so maybe she just has either less patriotism or more common sense idk.
Gahhh unreliable information is so annoying. I remember thinking when I started playing that maybe humans already had their own "type" and their ruling archon just neutrally crystalised it, given it IS supposed to be their own ambitions and all. As it is, now I don't trust anything about vision lore bc I know it's going to get dashed later on rip
Hahaha................. yeah.
But yeah.
In general, one of Genshin's biggest missed opportunities is arguably doing nothing with their gods' supposed ideals.
Mondstadt is freedom town, so that's nice, but there's no actual commentary on freedom, even though there's potential for something juicy with how they walked themselves into the Aristocracy entirely on human free will. Liyue is uh contracts, but "contracts" can mean any of like three different things minimum, with no distinction or examination of any of them. Inazuma tried, but they did not connect Yoimiya's musings, Ei's misguided grief nonsense and then the uuuh revelations (?) she had when communing with her dead sister's spirit inside a magic that went back in time for some reason (???) particularly well. And Sumeru is just a joke, they don't even try.
These seem to be basically just buzzwords that exist for flavor, rather than any real meaning.
I feel like part of the supernatural contracts in Liyue might relate to the weird third party racism that archons engage in for the sake of humans. Like how the oni had to do some weird dance to live with humans and how Azhdaha basically has no rights because won't you think of the humans. Adepti originally start out with a flavor of being fairly alien in their thinking and don't interact with humans well at all, so them having a contract that forces them to prioritize humans is potentially meant to make sure they kill fewer people.
In that sense, the service Zhongli provides is that he doesn't execute all their asses for imprisoning random people in amber and shit like that, I guess?
But they really did not keep any of this consistent.
Which isn't surprising. Genshin never cares about consistency, which is why its lore might be cool but its worldbuilding is pretty awful.
In regard to worshipping foreign gods, its presumably possible. I do recall there's a Sumeru NPC who also prays to Barbatos, though other NPCs near him didn't seem thrilled with that. On the whole, Genshin is hardly going to ever create a tense enough situation where there's acknowledged religious or national fervor that could lead to people getting genuinely targeted for acting in a way that's not seen as socially acceptable. But logically speaking, it's not even just plain "following a minority religion" deal, these gods are also the government and immediately present divine rulers. Barbatos isn't around and Morax is pretty chill, but like imagine if you want to make a shrine to a different god next to your house. How is that going to go over? If you apply just basic "how humans act about things" from the real world.....
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gonehollywoodrp · 1 year
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Here on St. Croix, the largest of the US Virgin Islands, you will find all the beautiful offerings of a Caribbean island, plus friendly people, positive vibes, and experiences you won’t find anywhere else. The diverse landscapes allow for a wide array of activities for both visitors and residents.
Scuba Diving: Have you ever wanted to try scuba diving so you could see the underwater world up close? It is a whole different world below the surface, and it is truly amazing! If you want to try scuba diving, then Discover Scuba is a great option for you. Discover Scuba Diving will allow you to swim with the throngs of tropical fish along St. Croix’s colorful reefs under the supervision of a instructor after just an hour or so of training.  Not only will you have an opportunity to feel the thrill that comes with descending down to the reefs and exploring their abundant marine life, but you experience the excitement that comes with breathing underwater.
Yoga: The beauty of yoga is that can be practiced almost anywhere, and by anyone. Here on St. Croix, there is a thriving yoga community and classes are offered island wide for every level of yoga practitioner. Take advantage of some of the yoga classes offered on this beautiful island to achieve balance for yourself, and to refresh your body, mind and soul.
Kayaking: Kayaking St. Croix is a great way to explore the local waters, either on your own or with a tour group! Guided tours of Salt River National Park and Ecological Preserve offer a unique combination of ecological, cultural and historical highlights including Columbus Landing. For a once in a lifetime experience, kayak through one of St. Croix’s two bioluminescent bays at night and see the water light up with glowing jellyfish, dinoflagellates and glow worms.
Horseback Riding: Paul & Jill’s Equestrian Stable and Farm welcomes both beginner and expert riders. Trails crisscross through the valley and meander through the edge of the rainforest, alongside country pastures and plantation ruins, and through a forest of indigenous trees. Some culminate on green hilltops, revealing the town of Frederiksted, the blue Caribbean waters, and a myriad of intriguing plants and trees. You’ll even get to ride along a picturesque white sand beach nearby!
Sweeny’s Tours: The highlight of your vacation will be a historical, narrated, sightseeing tour of St. Croix from the back of an open-air bus. You will see St. Croix's best heritage sites including the Botanical Gardens, a Danish Sugar Cane Plantation, and more. 
Food Tours: This guided food tasting & cultural walking tour in Downtown Christiansted is a unique Crucian foodie experience allowing guests to enjoy six exclusive tastings of authentic local cuisine, and taste firsthand why St. Croix is considered a premier culinary destination in the Caribbean. Learn about the island's seven-flag colonial history, its Danish architectural influence and how sustainability & agriculture are the backbone of the island's cuisine.
Ziplining: Welcome to the family-friendly, unforgettable adventure that is Carambola Zipline! Our eco-friendly canopy tour provides an immersive interaction with nature taking you through the lush rainforest of St. Croix and across the Carambola Valley overlooking the Carambola Golf Course. Take in the breathtaking views of St. Croix and all of the Virgin Islands as you soar through the St. Croix sky.
ATV Driving: Want to take a break from the water? Try an ATV off-road tour of the rainforest. Visit historic ruins and breathtaking views on an off-road experience not accessible with your rental car. Drive one of our ATV's on a guided excursion along mountainous trails above the north shore and descend through the Sub-Tropical Rain Forest of St. Croix.
Casinos: Feeling lucky? Then head to one of St. Croix’s two casinos and put your luck to the test. Caravelle Hotel & Casino and Divi Carina Bay Casino offer the latest casino games, along with great drinks, special monthly promotions, player’s club rewards and even live entertainment.
Jet Ski Tours: West End Water Sports offers some of the best jet-ski tours on St. Croix or anywhere for that matter! All tours can be completely tailored to each group. You can do some extreme wave jumping or calm water cruising and everything in between. Covering the entire west end of the island you can cruise around Sandy Point, famous for the filming of the last scene in the movie‚ “The Shawshank Redemption”, and/or cruise around Hamm’s Bluff and play in the deep blue water of the beautiful north shore. We can even stop and snorkel above a ship wreck!
Hiking: The Annaly Bay tide pools are a series of large, naturally formed pools found on St. Croix’s beautiful North Shore. While accessing these pools is a bit of a challenging hike, it is worth every single step. On your way to the tide pools, you will hike through a portion of the island’s rainforest and enjoy breathtaking views of Carambola Beach Resort, Davis Bay, and the seemingly endless Caribbean Sea. Plan accordingly, and the Annaly Bay tide pools will be a day of scenic hiking, playing in the refreshing Caribbean waters, and soaking up natural beauty that you will never forget.
Dance Classes: Whether you want to learn a special first dance for your wedding, or you want to salsa at social events, St. Croix Ballroom & Latin Dance Studio (SCLBD) is the place for you! Their program makes it easy to learn and understand how the different ballroom and Latin dance styles use the same basic types of steps.
Spas: Spa and massage services on St. Croix are tops in the Caribbean. Services include massages by the beach, skin care treatments, waxing, body polishes and wraps to ease tired and sunburned skin. All filled with tropical aroma of mango, frangipani and pineapple! Enjoy a rejuvenating and healing deep tissue massage, Ayurvedic massage or reflexology treatment as well. Don’t forget to take care of your tips and toes with a soothing manicure or pedicure. Any and all packages can be solo or done as a couple. Treat yourself to a full or half day at the spa! You deserve it! Gentlemen, this is not just for the ladies! You’ll feel like a new man.
Boutique Shopping: While shopping for new wearable fashions can be fun, St. Croix also offers some beautiful and unique home décor and accessories inspired by island living. You will find one-of-a-kind furnishings for both indoors and outdoors, brought on to St. Croix from exotic destinations like Bali. You can also find locally painted art, carved bowls, glass display cases full of seashells, and other accessories that will allow you to bring the feeling of the island into your home. You can also shop for beautiful throw pillows, textiles, and table linens made from effervescent designs that make each piece a true work of art.
These activities are simply suggestions, and you can always visit the website to see what else is available and plan accordingly!
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Dry Season Or Wet Season- Which Is Better For Tanzania Safaris
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Tanzania, with its diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes, is a dream destination for wildlife enthusiasts and adventure seekers. But when is the Best Time To Visit Tanzania?
The answer depends on whether you prefer the dry season or the wet season when choosing the best Tanzania Safari Packages. In this blog, we'll explore the advantages and considerations of both seasons to help you decide which is better for your safari experience.
Dry Season in Tanzania: June to October
The dry season, spanning from June to October, is often considered the Best Time Of The Year To Visit Tanzania due to several advantages.
Pros of the Dry Season:
Optimal Wildlife Viewing: During this period, the wildlife congregates around water sources, making it easier to spot Tanzania Wildlife.
Mild Weather: The dry season offers pleasant, cooler temperatures, which are more comfortable for outdoor Activities In Tanzania.
Less Mosquitoes: Fewer insects mean a lower risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases like malaria.
Peak Season for Safaris: Many tourists prefer the dry season, so it's a great time to meet like-minded travelers and share your experiences.
Cons of the Dry Season:
Crowds: While the dry season is popular for Safaris In Tanzania, it also means more tourists, leading to busier national parks and accommodations. So, booking in advance is advisable.
Higher Costs: Due to the higher demand, prices for Tanzania Accommodations and tours are usually higher during the dry season.
Dry Landscapes: The once lush landscapes become parched, which may not be as visually appealing to some visitors.
The Wet Season in Tanzania: November to April
The wet season in Tanzania spans from November to April, and it offers a different, yet rewarding safari experience:
Pros of the Wet Season:
Green and Lush Landscapes: The rains bring life to the savannah, turning it into a green paradise. It's a fantastic time for photographers as landscapes burst with vibrant colors.
Baby Animals: The wet season is the calving season for many animals, including wildebeest and zebras. This means the chance to witness adorable baby animals taking their first steps.
Lower Tourist Numbers: Compared to the dry season, the Wet Season In Tanzania sees fewer tourists, allowing for a more tranquil safari experience.
Reduced Prices: Tanzania Holiday Packages are often more budget-friendly during the wet season.
Cons of the Wet Season:
Muddy and Unpredictable Roads: The rains make roads within the Tanzania National Parks and reserves muddy and less accessible. Game drives might be limited to well-maintained tracks.
Insect Activity: The wet season sees an increase in insect activity, including mosquitoes. It's essential to take precautions against malaria and insect bites.
Intermittent Rainfall: While the wet season offers lush landscapes, it also means sporadic rainfall, which can affect the timing and enjoyment of your safari activities.
Tips for Choosing the Right Season
To help you make an informed decision, here are some tips for choosing between the dry and wet seasons for your Tanzania safari:
If You Prefer the Dry Season:
Book your Tanzania Tours And Packages well in advance to secure your spot.
Be prepared for larger crowds and higher prices.
Pack light, breathable clothing and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.
If You Prefer the Wet Season:
Embrace the beauty of the lush landscapes and be patient when it comes to wildlife spotting.
Consider taking a birdwatching tour to make the most of the migratory species' presence.
Plan for potential rain delays and pack waterproof gear and an umbrella.
Tanzania's Safari Magic: Dry or Wet, It's Fantastic!
In a nutshell, choosing the Best Time To Visit Tanzania between the dry and wet seasons ultimately depends on your preferences and priorities. The dry season offers optimal wildlife viewing and mild weather but comes with crowds and higher costs. On the other hand, the wet season provides lush landscapes, fewer tourists, and lower costs but can be challenging for wildlife spotting.
Whichever season you choose, Tanzania promises a unique and unforgettable safari experience, rich in natural beauty and diverse wildlife. So, consider your priorities while planning your Tanzania Safari Packages, no matter what the season is.
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xtruss · 2 months
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“War Criminal and Genocidal Joe Biden” Picked Kamala Divi Harris For VP Because “Beau Biden” Had An Affair With Her @dom_lucre
Between 1994 to 1995 Harris, 30, was dating 60-year-old Willie Brown, who was married. In his capacity as a Democratic Speaker of the California Legislature, Brown appointed her to two political posts - first to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, and then to the Medical Assistance Commission. The position paid over $70,000 per year, $120,700 in current money, and Harris served on the board until 1998. The medical commission met twice a month, and Harris, missed about 20% of the meetings each year, according to commission records obtained by the Washington Examiner. "Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker," Brown wrote. Harris: "I refuse to design my campaign around criticizing Willie Brown for the sake of appearing to be independent when I have no doubt that I am independent of him - and that he would probably right now express some fright about the fact that he cannot control me. His career is over; I will be alive and kicking for the next 40 years. I do not owe him a thing. Brown is an albatross hanging around my neck. Willie Brown is not going to be around. He's gone — hello people, move on. If there is corruption, it will be prosecuted. It's a no-brainer, but let's please move on."
"I was prepared for them to come after me, but I wasn't prepared for the person coming at me the way she came at me," Biden told CNN. "She knew Beau. She knows me." Beau was Kamala's beau: Harris: "There were times, when I was getting hot, that Beau and I talked every day, sometimes several times a day," Harris writes. "We supported each other." Hunter had already been kicked out of his marital home with estranged wife Kathleen over his heroin addiction - says he became "close" with Hallie, Beau Biden's wife, after a 2016 trip with her to the Hamptons and began spending most nights at her house while "sharing a very specific grief" over Beau's 2015 death. Yeah I'm sure there was plenty of moaning goin' on. But there has been speculation that while Beau was dying Hunter was having an affair with Hallie. This indicates there was something amiss in Beau's relationship with his wife and he may have looked to Harris for sexual gratification right out of the Kamala Sutra. "On other occasions, Harris and her team would fly to Washington to meet with Biden and his assistants. By the time Beau Biden died on May 30, 2015, at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., his closest staffers had compiled a list of roughly 60 people they thought should know about his passing first. Harris was high on that list." Why fly to D.C?
Their business could have been conducted over the internet or telephonically?
Garbology: the Hallie / Hunter gun incident. @dom_lucre
Kamala wants to have Congress decriminalize prostitution under federal law which means decriminalizing the White Slave Act so bringing children across State line for the purpose of child prostitution will not be a crime. She claims decriminalize, not legalize, but it's just a matter of semantics.
New Sequel
— Carlos Latuff | July 26, 2024
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Cartoon: Carlos Latuff, Global Times
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delphiwatersports · 3 months
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Explore Arikok National Park on a guided horseback riding tour, spanning 34 sq km of diverse ecosystems from desert landscapes to coastal cliffs. Discover wildlife like burrowing owls and iconic divi-divi trees, with visits to cultural sites like Fontein Cave. Enjoy safety, education, and scenic views, immersing in Aruba's natural beauty.
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phasewavesblog · 5 months
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Flarence says "Nuh-uh!" - Gonna start posting more of my OC art on here :3 This is my main character Flarence Fermata, he's just a silly goofy dude
The silly goofy dude in question: "The horrors, oh god the horrors-" - It's my intention to make a Webcomic about my characters, I've been writing this series for around 10 years now and it's about time it's seen the light of day lmao
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sportsoracle · 2 years
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For more sports content like this follow oraclesportsnetwork on Instagram!
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christianityoriginal · 4 months
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*#breakingbad #iamthedanger #sonofgod #augustus #caesar #JesusTheChrist #thetrueemperor* In 42 BC, Julius Caesar was formally deified as a god "the divine Julius" (divus Iulius) after his assassination. His adopted son, Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD, during the decades just before Jesus started his ministry) thus became known as divi filius (son of god). Augustus Caesar, promoted himself as the Son of God by means of propaganda (Eg. *Coins)* through the ends of the Roman Empire, including the Roman-occupied nation of Israel. 'At daybreak the council of the elders of the people, both the chief priests and the teachers of the law, met together, and Jesus was led before them. “If you are the Messiah,” they said, “tell us.” Jesus answered, “If I tell you, you will not believe me, and if I asked you, you would not answer. But from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God.” *They all asked, “Are you then the Son of God?”* He replied, “You say that I am.” Then they said, “Why do we need any more testimony? We have heard it from his own lips.” Then the whole assembly rose and led him off to Pilate. And they began to accuse him, saying, *“We have found this man subverting our nation. He opposes payment of taxes to Caesar* and claims to be Messiah, a king.” Luke 22:66-71; 23:1-2.
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stockgro · 4 months
A Closer Look at The Share Prices Of Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company And Divis Laboratories
The health industry is of the utmost importance to any nation, not just from the wellness index viewpoint, but also from the economic condition viewpoint. It enumerates the quality of life, working conditions of individuals, affordability and availability of healthcare, and so on. With such a profound impact on society at large, it is obvious that the health industry and pharmaceutical companies also have a crucial share in the stock market. 
Those wanting to shortlist their selection for investing in the shares of healthcare background may find two prominent names under the spotlight, i.e. Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company (SPARC) and Divis Laboratories. 
Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company (SPARC)
It is the research and development arm of the eminent Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited. Having countless breakthroughs in health, therapy, wellness, and medicine under its hood, SPARC has been in the limelight throughout the time. However, with inevitable challenges, its share value has also seen some adverse positions, making its journey marked by highs and lows.
As a probable investor, one must check with the following factors influencing SPARC's share price.
Pipeline Projects- Advancements in the healthcare industry are responsible for the sustenance of pharma companies. Thus, SPARC's share price is also influenced by its projected developments, research projects, and clinical trials. Positive outcomes may henceforth drive bullish sentiment among investors.
Regulatory Environment- Since the wellness of billions of people is in the hands of pharmaceutical companies, their products and services must be strictly regulated. This is why even SPARC has to undergo stringent regulatory measures for drug approvals, etc. that ultimately affect the company's share price.
Competitive Landscape- Like other industries, competition persists even in the pharmaceutical industry. Research, developments, pricing, product strategy, and other operational activities of competitors may influence the share price of SPARC. Thus, investors closely monitor its competitive positioning. 
In closing, Sun Pharma Adv has demonstrated resilience and growth through innovation, partnerships, and licensing agreements, making the sun pharma adv share price INR 217.50 INR, a +2.95 (1.37%) currently.
Divis Laboratories
Being in operation since the 1990s, Divi's Laboratories is reportedly the fourth largest publicly listed pharmaceutical company by market capitalization, in India. Its active work in manufacturing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and intermediates has hoarded the company ample appreciation in the healthcare industry. 
Quality and innovation have been its hallmarks for which investors show keen interest in its financial performance and divis lab share price; some governing factors are as follows.
API Demand- Since Divis Labs supplies APIs to pharmaceutical companies globally; its share price gets highly impacted by the demand for its products. In turn, such demand is closely tied to factors including healthcare expenditure, availability of generic drugs, and outsourcing by MNC pharmaceutical firms, influencing Divi Lab’s share price.
Expansion Plans- It is imperative even for the pharma companies, including Divis Labs to aim for expansion of distribution network, manufacturing capacity, and product diversification as it signals growth trajectory to the interested investors, leveraging the value of the share. Contrarily, setbacks in expansion projects may dampen the spirits of the existing and prospective investors.
Supply Chain- Divis Labs is known for its distribution network extended to international areas as well. However, their pharmaceutical supply chain can get disrupted owing to usual factors such as geopolitical developments, trade policies, competition emergence, disruptions in the supply of raw materials, etc., affecting their share price.
As per reports, the divis lab share price has lately come down to INR 3,883.15, a -28.35 (0.72%). However, the growing demand for APIs cannot be overlooked, paving the way for a higher value of its share in the market.
For more information on Divis Lab and sun pharma adv share price, you may read the latest updates published on StockGro. 
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marketinsight1234 · 5 months
Carotenoids Market Size, Share, Types, Products, Trends, Growth, Applications and Forecast 2023 to 2030
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The Carotenoids market was valued at USD 1.63 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 2.19 billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 4.3%.
The carotenoids market encompasses a wide range of industries, from food and beverages to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Carotenoids are natural pigments responsible for the vibrant colors seen in many fruits and vegetables, and they also have antioxidant properties that offer various health benefits. The food and beverage industry is a significant consumer of carotenoids, using them as natural colorants to enhance the visual appeal of products. They are added to a variety of food items, including juices, dairy products, snacks, and confectionery, to impart shades of red, orange, and yellow. With consumers increasingly favoring natural ingredients over synthetic ones, the demand for carotenoids in this sector is expected to remain strong.
 Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
Leading players involved in the Carotenoids Market include:
Allied Biotech, BASF SE, Dohler GmbH, FMC Corporation, Sensient Technologies, Chr Hansen Holdings A/S, Kemin Industries, Algatech Tech, Novus International Inc., DDW The Color House, Lycored Ltd, Fuji Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., E.I.D. Parry, Divi's Laboratories, Farbest Brands, Deinove SAS and others Major Players. 
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years.
If You Have Any Query Carotenoids Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Carotenoids Market:
By Type
By Source
By Application
Animal Feed
Food & Beverages
Personal Care & Cosmetics
Dietary Supplements
An in-depth study of the Carotenoids industry for the years 2023–2030 is provided in the latest research. North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, the Middle East, and Africa are only some of the regions included in the report's segmented and regional analyses. The research also includes key insights including market trends and potential opportunities based on these major insights. All these quantitative data, such as market size and revenue forecasts, and qualitative data, such as customers' values, needs, and buying inclinations, are integral parts of any thorough market analysis.
Market Segment by Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Reasons for Acquiring this Report:
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Access a detailed breakdown of the Carotenoids Market Growth 2023-2030 market worldwide, including product variations, use cases, technologies, and final consumers. Allocate resources effectively by anticipating demand patterns for emerging products. Stay ahead in product development by understanding market dynamics and consumer preferences.
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Utilize market breakdowns to target specific segments, optimizing sales strategies. Address challenges and capitalize on expansion opportunities highlighted in the report. Mitigate threats effectively with a comprehensive understanding of market risks.
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Analyze primary drivers, challenges, restrictions, and opportunities in the global Laboratory Clothes market. Develop effective strategies by gaining insights into market dynamics. Allocate resources based on a thorough understanding of market conditions.
5. Competitive Intelligence:
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Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyse extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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bijouxbyandrea · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Postcard Vintage Motel Petty Adjoins Park on US Highway 54 Carrizozo New Mexico.
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