gearbroth · 1 year
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assorted tf2 doodles :U
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DNAD Valentine's Week - Day 1: Attack
These two, please
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viscommblogs · 1 year
DNAD Evaluation
This brief definitely could've went better for many reasons. I definitely lacked experimentation throughout this and was too research-heavy because I wasn't too sure on what to do until the mid-point which meant I felt the time pressure to crack on and suddenly design something without exploring other avenues. But in a way this was good as it allowed me to educate myself and understand the topic at hand. And it allowed me to do a lot of contemporary research an look back at my sources for guidance when writing out text for both the app & social media side. I did do a lot of brainstorming of ideas which I simply didn't document as they were quick fleeting ideas with not enough backing. Next time I will try seek out help or try make up for time that was missed due to illness more. But I did try my best to try get back on track which I think started to improve towards the end unfortunately I was running out of time though.
I am happy with how this turned out I feel like it hit the brief of talking to those already engaged in the conversation while also reaching out to that new champion audience through offering them support. I feel the app speaks for itself in a way that it tries to reframe abortion as beneficial healthcare for all. If I were to go back though I'd definitely try to incorporate more of the benefits I displayed on the social media side in the application itself. The social media side of the campaign definitely needed to be highlighted more as a prominent feature seeing as that was what the brief was about. My presentation skills I feel were far better this time making something with a branded theme that ran across well.
I really did struggle with this brief so I'm just glad I ended up with something I feel is a good idea with a good brand.
I should've also done more research/shown evidence for the research I did near the end when I started to develop business cards and posters. Forgetting to do this at the end definitely held me back,
I would like to carry on practicing UI design as it seems like something I usually end up leaning into and maybe developing it more in the future.
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mj-thrush-gxn · 8 months
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DAY 5!
Baking!!! (demons too ig)
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y2ksnowglobe · 4 months
Imagining Teen Lark torn between taking Spanish for his foreign language because it would be an easy B+ or taking French because it's the language of the one country Henry is racist towards.
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apricior · 9 months
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itsbrucey · 5 months
Has anybody done a DnDads actor au bc I mean ...it's not only a fandom staple. But you literally have A CAST MADE!!! OF FILM PEOPLE!! GUUUUUUYYSSSSSSS LIIIISSSTEEENNNNN
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coolestclowns · 1 year
He thinks he's being cool and dramatic with his rival, but he's just fueling norms rivals to lovers ao3 fanfic inspo
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Textless under the cut!
For my lllooong time followers this is actually a redraw of one of my first oakworthy posts!!! You can see the LAME og here
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sapphickx · 1 year
bless ur heart will campos, you are solely carrying all the hopes and dreams of every oakworthy fan on your back. u gave us oakworthy kiss when the rest of the cast forgot hermie existed for the eleventeenth time.
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braindos · 1 year
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day 7 of the ship event
i want what they have
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s-38-n · 4 months
Okay, I’m actually doing this. This is an analysis of dndads and the theme of becoming your parents (cause definitely this is one of the most important topics of the show).  So I’m doing this family by family. (btw I’m choosing the colors for each family based on the vibes they have ig :]) Just to make sure
So we’re starting with the Wilsons. In season 1 it's really easy to pinpoint this theme, mostly because Darryl says it directly! When Scam likely asks Darryl why he is not a good dad, Darryl answers “because I try to be my dad. After I lost my dad, I tried to be just like him rather than the dad that Grant needs”. So directly as he says, Darryl tries his best to be like Frank even though yeah, that’s not at all what Grant needs. Darryl arc after all is a lot about learning to be what Grant needs as a parent and not what a perfect parent for Darryl is (aka Frank)
So we move to season 2. We can see that Grant didn’t become similar to Darryl and at least in Grant's words, Darryl was a great dad. The important part of this for this topic is the chat Grant and Link had when Grant was in real Earth at the start of the show. Grant is worried that Link is too much like him (probably with Link being a bit of an anxious kid at the start at least). He doesn’t want his son to become like him, not make all the mistakes he did, to become a killer. He tells his son to not become like him and love him less. The thing is, Link isn’t like Grant! Link hates the idea of killing and ends up resenting his father for the things he does, in some way, ironically, following what Grant told him to do at the start
We’re gonna move from your faults being trying to be too much like your dad to your faults being trying not to be like your dad in the slightest. Beary as a father is a controlling person, putting Hen in a high standard and trying to make him what Beary considers a perfect person. Henry hates it, moving to Earth lets him be his own person, not what Beary wanted. And Henry as a dad is the contrary to Beary, he is too leaning, not wanting to limit or not let his sons be free, just like Beary did with him when he was a child. Trying to be a soft dad instead of a strict dad. This kind of backfired; yeah, you could argue that Sparrow more or less became a loving kid that even though he is kind of violent he does it for the people that he loves. But Lark didn’t, mostly because of chance, the kid ended up hating his father and making his own way, a much more violent way
In season 2 we can see the effects of this separation in the kids. Sparrow is a lot like Henry, trying to be soft spoken (in a mean way), worrying about the rest and trying to have their feelings in consideration (for example when TJ died and Sparrow was trying to make sure the kid was okay), being a druid and a vegan (this is more of a joke, but I mean it’s a really good example of the teachings of Henry of loving the world and not hurting nature as much as possible…). And then we have Lark, him being direct, more violent, having collections of arms in the Oak-Swallows-Garcia house, eating meat… Both kids took completely different routes in adulthood though they stick together
Then we have Normal and Hero. Whose names show the role that they were given since birth. Hero being trained to be the chosen one (which kinda reminds me of Beary trying to shape Henry to be what he deems a perfect kid) and trying as much as possible that Normal grows up to just be a regular teen. This ended up meaning that the kids of the two inseparable twins almost don’t talk to each other for five years. But the funny part here is that the kids subvert the roles they have, Hero wanting to just have a regular life and Normal becoming one of the teens that are saving the world from the Doodler!
But what about just being the opposite of your parents without even trying? I would argue that Ron represents the opposite of Willy. Ron being a good hearted man that even being a little dumb and weird just tries to be the best person and step-dad he can be (and he improves a lot at it during the story). While Willy is well, Willy, the opposite, evil and self centered and intelligent and basically the villain of the story. He tries to kill his own son, the person who represents the opposite of him. But we know that in this case, Willy's opposite is who ended up causing Willy's death, in part
For Terry Jr we’re moving to season 2. We can clearly see that Terry Jr ended up in Ron's position (a step-dad of a step-child who hates him) and kinda ironically Scary takes Terry Jr’s place for similar reasons (resenting her step-dad in part because it represents that her real dad won’t come back. Same as Terry Jr in season 1, or at least I think so). We can even see Scary seeing Terry Jr's diary and mentioning how it's funny that Terry Jr had a step dad that he hated (I dont remember the exact words) Sadly, we don’t get to see how their relationship could slowly become better like in season 1 with Ron and TJ
And last but not least, the family that is quite literally the reason this analysis exists. Let’s talk about just becoming like your dad. For what we can see, Glenn is literally like Bill, more a friend than a dad, not worried about the safety of his kid and putting him in dangerous schemes. And Nick seemed like he was going to become part of the pattern too. The kid literally tries to be like his dad as much as he can, he literally joins a UFC fight so his dad thinks he is cool, like Glenn is! But then the trial happens and Glenn is no longer Nick’s dad, instead, Jodie is. And then we have Nicholas, a little Narc that tries to be responsible and a goodie two shoes in general, just like Jodie. Nick/Nicholas is just someone who tries as much as he can to be just like the figure he admires the most, his dad. 
And we can see the same with Nicky in season 2! Anthony describes him like half rockstar half cop (I have being searching for the quote and I can’t find it but I’m pretty sure Anthony said it, so maybe I’ll find it in the future and put it in a reblog), that means half Nick, half Nicholas, or in a way that is thematically appropriate, half Glenn, half Jodie
And then we have Taylor, who is a bit different from all the comparisons I’ve been doing. Mostly cause he doesn’t want to be/is like his dad! Instead he wants to be like his mom! He is a momma’s boy after all. For what we know at least he is trying to be a voice actor, just like his mom (you could argue is to get closer to the anime world or nepotism, but I’m pretty sure is just to be like his mom)
But yeah, just to finish, obiously this is a theme of the show, after all is all about parents and their kids. But I just wanted to mention each example (even tho the teens ones are a bit of a reach. The dads and kiddads are more obvious at least to me)
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yippee-optimistically · 7 months
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DNDADS !!!! errrmmm idk been listening to it again. i started it like a year or 2 ago but fell off around ep 20? so been back at it. got up to 19 just now. smiling at you from my spot on the floor
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i-3at-s0ap · 12 days
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Welcome to peachyville!
(If you like the post, reblog too. I'm no longer asking politely)
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viscommblogs · 1 year
March 10th - presentation finish
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dontneedadispenser · 1 year
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Hey y’all! I’m happy to announce the DNAD Valentine’s Week 3! The theme is: 
The dates are February 13th-19th, 2023. To participate, please tag your posts as #dnadvalentines2023. To submit your prompt to either the TEAM FLUFF or TEAM ANGST competition, please add #dnadteamfluff23 and #dnadteamangst23. You can create for both teams / combine prompts / make your own prompts, etc. It’s free game! The teams are to track whether there will be more FLUFF or ANGST this Valentine’s season. 
This prompt week will be SFW and it is dedicated to celebrating all types of love (or angst). This means you can create pieces for characters that are romantic/platonic/familial, etc! OCs, sonas, and self-inserts are welcome! If it’s TF2, it counts! The event will also take place on twitter!
SPECIAL CREDITS TO @truekingpumpkin , @mysteryvhs, @thundah-from-down-undah, and @redwiddershins for providing spot art. 
The Prompts are as follows:
Tuesday (14th): VALENTINE’S DAY / FREE DAY
Thursday (16th): TIL’ DEATH DO US PART
Sunday (19th): BLESSED / FLY / FIRST or LAST / RUN / DAMNED
You are also allowed to create your own prompts / make things not related to the prompts! Just submit them via the hashtags. 
You are not required to participate in every day! You can do a couple days, one day, etc. You also can post late art to the event (be it on a different day, or after the week ends). I’ll be sure to follow the tag. If I miss your post and it’s been a few days, please tag me on the post or DM it to me directly on the blog.
OC/Sona/Self insert ships are also allowed. This means OC x OC, OC x CANON and so forth with sonas / self inserts are all appropriate. 
Problematic ships are banned from the event. This includes Sp*Scout, Classic!Heavy / Medic, and so on. If you have questions about a particular ship, please feel free to ask.
For questions about the event, please shoot me an ask or message here or reach out in the Dontneedadiscord TF2 Community. 
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lakes-mistakes · 1 year
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a drawing of some sad scary!! in honor of the angst that will probably happen this week 
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