#visual communications in context 2
leiajoydesign · 2 years
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Saturday 19th November 2022 - Scheme Card Design Developments
First step taken in designing my scheme card designs. Taking inspiration from the tradition layout and design of a credit card I have began implementing things such as a chip and contactless icon.
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eleristanton · 4 months
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// Changing Theme and Coding \\
I decided to change the theme for my website for one that fit my design better. However, there was some differences like having an upload date and author name on each page, however, I was able to remove those once I researched how use CSS to remove those objects.
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hannahlacey · 1 year
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I’ve created a story board to visualise the script, mainly creating compositions to make. This now allows me to make the actual layouts needed in 3D. I think this gets the point across easily without showing people using the products, as this seems unnecessary.
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structuredsucc · 11 months
So... what exactly are executive functioning supports...?
Planners, checklists, and reminders are definitely executive function supports, but they aren't the only things that are available. ...so, I've made a list of some examples. A thread (🧵)
Executive functioning includes so much, so executive function supports can be SO MANY things. Executive functions include decision making, working memory, task initiation, planning, prioritizing, many forms of self-regulation, and more.
So let's talk in broad categories
Category 1: Decisionmaking
Avoiding a decision altogether,
Choosing randomly,
Reducing the number of options to decide between,
Always doing the same decision (such as having a uniform for yourself),
Outsourcing decisions,
Having outside structure/expectations
Category 2: Working memory
Keeping things visible,
Collaborators who gently remind you of things,
Writing it down (i.e., notebooks, post-its, to-do lists, etc.),
External structure such as lunch hours,
Understanding why and how working memory fails
Category 3: Information processing
Avoiding weak processing areas (eg. reading for dyslexics like me)
Have information in multiple forms,
Make information processing context relevant,
Reduce incoming information or competing demands
Category 4: Task Management
Body doubling,
Transition time,
To-do lists,
Breaking tasks down (including people to help with that),
External structure for identify the next step,
clear, explicit instructions,
Schedules, planners, itineraries.
Category 5: Organization
Mind maps,
Notetaking templates,
Physical organizers,
Organizing methods (Kondo, Only 4 Things, etc.),
House cleaners, professional organizer, etc.
Clear bins,
An ability to toggle visibility
Category 6: Cognitive Flexibility
Transition time,
Pre-change warnings,
External support for identifying and reminding the new direction,
Context-based exemplars of similar change,
Visual schedules,
Reminders of when structure will start again
I've listed a lot of things here, but there are just so, so, so many more options.
Executive function supports can be ways that we think or approach situations (internal) or structures imposed on us by others (external). They can be physical tools that we can touch and interact with (tangible) or completely abstract ideas or approaches (intangible)
The big takeaways are that executive function supports can be any tool, structure, or communication that supports any of our executive functions.
Executive functioning struggles are core to the ADHD and autistic experiences (and secondary to other ND conditions). This means executive functioning takes a lot of energy for ADHD and/or autistic people, and the more support we have the more energy we can use for other things
So, yeah, planners, checklists, and reminders are definitely executive function supports, but so is a highschool bell schedule, hobby-related groups, professional services, and colleagues (consensually) harassing you to remember to send that email.
There are a lot of options!
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microclown · 10 months
I think, not everyone, but a lot of the people who are so hung up on the kiss aren’t thinking about it within the context of the narrative.
I probably won’t articulate this well, but the whole plot of season 2 felt like a direct, meta-y response to us, the fans, and our desire see Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship progress to something more.
Neil had established in the first season, they are already in love, so what is it really then that we want see? What is it that’s missing? That leaves us feeling unsatisfied?
What does love mean to you? What would it mean to Aziraphale and Crowley? What does a loving relationship look like, and how does one get there?
The methods Crowley and Aziraphale use to get Maggie and Nina together are common romance tropes in fiction. Crowley says “one fabulous kiss and we’re good!”
But rainstorms and dancing didn’t make Maggie and Nina fall in love. They were going to get there on their own, eventually, after a lot of open communication and working on their own personal growth.
And “one fabulous kiss” won’t give us a happy ending. It won’t give us what we’re missing from Aziraphale’s and Crowley’s relationship. We as fans like to think that’s all we want, but is it really? Because the love is there! What we’re truly missing has more to do with internal growth and healing, communication, and working towards a true understanding of each other.
And I think that’s what we’ll get in season 3! I don’t know if we’ll get another kiss although I would love to see one but we will get a satisfactory resolution between two beings who are deeply in love.
As a side note, I don’t want to down play how fucking important it was to have them kiss on screen. As someone who has grown up watching queer coded relationships on screen and is exhausted from having everyone involved queerbait, or even outright ridicule their fans for seeing it that way, it is so refreshing to have a very visual, undeniable, romantic gesture. Because I know it really does take a kiss for some people *cough* my parents *cough* to see a relationship as anything but platonic. I’m so glad we got that undeniable validation before what I can only expect is going to be an epic third chapter!
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steelsartcorner · 16 days
If you wouldn’t mind sharing your secrets, can you drop a quick tutorial for the hades art style? You seem to capture it very well!
Hey anon! Thanks so much, I’m flattered you think so!
To be honest there's really no secret, just a lot of trial and error. I am an amateur, but I’ll point out a few of my observations of the amazing Hades team’s work that I attempted to incorporate into this Astarion drawing, especially SuperGiant Games art director Jen Zee. Everything below is just my layman’s observation of her much, MUCH better work. You should check her out yourself!
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First off, here’s a simple split out of the whole process (this will be long, more below the cut:)
Hades art is full of personality so the first challenge was to pick a pose that illustrates just one or two aspects of the character. For example, Dionysus from Hades 1 below has a languid, draping pose that reflects his chill-guy party vibes. Just looking at him you get an immediate idea of his personality.
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And as much as I love the later wet-cat version of Astarion as he matures as a person, for the purposes of illustration in this style I chose a pose and expression that leaned into his early, less complex, more wily self. The dagger, wink, jaunty hips and head tilt are meant to communicate, without additional context, that he’s both trying to be appealing and is not trustworthy. 
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Next is the linework and blocking! The Hades art team tends to use a combination of near-mono-thickness black lines, where exterior lines are thicker and interior lines are thinner or have no lines at all. They will often forgo an interior line to communicate form via color blocking instead. The style also makes heavy use of absolute black for the deepest shades, especially on more sinister characters or spooky aspects of a characters design. (See: Zagreus’ three dog head skulls and his red eye perpetually cast in deep shadow.)
It took some back and forth to find the right balance of black shading for Astarion. Too much and he looked too sinister and not approachable enough. Too little and he looked too innocent. 
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Picking a strong light source helped with determining the direction and placement of the shadows so that just enough was obscured/revealed. It also helps in differentiating forms from each other so that, for example, the arm doesn’t disappear into the chest and become unreadable.
Using heavy black shading was a particularly useful trick in Astarion’s case, because his camp clothes color palette is fairly monochromatic between his light hair, pale skin, and white/cream shirt. That much light color can easily blend in too much and become boring: the flats I used were slight variations of white, from a warm reddish-peach to a yellowy cream to a cool light gray for the dagger.
Last is color! In Hades 1 and even more so in Hades 2, the lighting schemes are deceptively complex. There are often multiple light sources and use of bounce lighting to add a lot of visual interest. For example, check out this lighting on Polyphemus from Hades 2:
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Not only does he have a cool moonlight hitting him from above, he also has a warm orange rimlight lighting him from the left, AND cool lavender bounce light bouncing off the ground and hitting him from below. All these combine and layer on top of one another to help emphasize the forms of the cyclop’s musculature and the textures of his sheep wool coat. 
I don’t think I was as successful in my own lighting scheme, because I’m an amateur, but I determined that the scene in which I was placing Astarion has a high sun and was outdoors. This means that the light hitting him from above would be a light, warm yellow and the bounce light hitting him from the left would reflect the nearby water and blue sky of the environment. 
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To achieve this, I made use of different layer modes in my art program (Clip Studio Paint) to apply purple shadows (via the Multiply layer mode) and highlights (via the Soft Light layer mode) in a light sky blue and a light yellow for the primary and secondary light sources.
I ran into trouble with the blade, because it was also a light metal in an already light-color-heavy color scheme. At first, it was blending in too much and hard to read. So I decided to give it a bit of a magic teal glow to help it stand out, which meant adding a few specks of magic light reflecting back onto the face and clothes as well. 
Speaking of, Hades style art makes extensive use of adding little speckles of high-saturation color to add visual interest and cohesion. See this Zagreus portrait which is primarily made of grays, a tan bone-color, and reds: 
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But sprinkled in are neon teal and magenta that don’t relate to the lighting at all. It’s just there to break up the blocks of color, bring unique colors like his green eye into the rest of the portrait, and direct the viewer’s eye. These highlights are slightly less bright in Hades 2, but still there, such as in this depiction of Apollo, who mostly glows with a warm sunlight but also has random pops of sky blue and green flecking his armor and hair.
The pops of color are often placed more centrally on the figure to keep your eye on the important parts of the portrait, like near Apollo’s face and on his armor. The color pops aren’t as frequent at the extremities; too much on the arm and your eye would be drawn away from his face.
I took a similar approach where I grabbed some of the brighter colors (like Astarion’s red eye, and the teal glow of the dagger), to add dabs of color that normally would not “make sense” from a lighting perspective, but add a little visual interest:
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Also I totally studied their approach to Apollo’s curly hair to create the impression of Astarion’s curls!
Anyway, I think that's all I got for now, I hope this helps! There's more but this is already REALLY long so I'll stop here. In the end, it's really just a process of observation and replication of things you love in artwork you admire. Give it a try, it's a lot of fun :)
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raayllum · 7 months
anyway one thing i think TDP does very very well is how it uses visual storytelling so strongly to indicate character mindset(s) and progression
Claudia's hair is the most obvious example - we don't need to be told she did something fucked up in 3x09 to bring her father back, because as soon as we see more white hair we know, from context and worldbuilding clues, that she did. It allows a lot to be communicated but not directly told, and it carries weight accordingly
Then there's more subtle ones - the sun being behind Janai when she steps up behind the horn ruins vs Karim not having one, because she is the true and fair queen and he is not, as well as her being right in how she handles matters legally and him being wrong in how he handles matters (il)legally.
There are also examples of Rayla's S1 binding - she's literally uneven/unsymmetrical and subsequently off-kilter - as a chain she has to be freed from, and how Callum has the golden bars around his wrists in his arc 2 design that also look like he's wearing permanent quasi-chains (because of course he is)
The crown of Katolis is a literally broken circle/chain, Aaravos walking around being literally heartless, how certain spells appear and a perpetual emphasis on circles (people being surrounded, objects, etc.)
There's a lot being communicated and is one of the reasons, I think, the show is so rich because our brains take it in subconsciously if nothing else, and then we can notice it more consciously on rewatches and subsequently appreciate it, and it just adds to how many layers are on screen at any given time
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txttletale · 7 months
Can you give your thoughts on the general character art design of Hades? It's always seemed kind of off to me and you seem to have good enough media opinions to put the reason why into words
i mean, first of all, i think that they suffer just from being The Greek Gods and therefore just having the most barebones basic designs that those archetypal characters get in pop culture. like look at zeus:
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like. this is Zeus. there are some interesting flairs here with the lightning crown and cloud beard but like. It's Zeus. the visual language here is not communicating anything more interesting or unique or vivid than It's Zeus. contrast, like, rukey from pyre:
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look at how much fucking personality is conveyed by this little freak. the fucking moustache! the fancy little cloak but the messy dog hair. the playful expression, the gold tooth, the glint of cunning in the eye, the raised little paw. you look, at this guy and get an immediate idea of what and who he is.
i also hate how 1. shrinkwrapped and 2. fucking grey and ashy every single character in hades is. like look at zeus's muscles up there this man is fucking dehydrated and like. why does athena look like this
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she is grey. she is so fucking grey. this is a vampire. this is a woman made of ash.
furthermore i find what they did with the greek gods wrt to making them a few different races to be a cowardly half-measure. like--the idea they forwarded in interviews that greek gods are 'global' and should represent the whole world are, quite frankly, just bullshit! i dislike this universalization of a mythology that is very very very tied to a particular culture and time and place because it is just another shape of the attempted universalization of the 'Western Canon', the removal of these things from historical place and context to make them abstract ideals that can be imposed upon the whole world because they 'transcend culture' while really they have just been incorporated into a dominant culture.
but, like, most frustratingly--there is a like huge wealth of cultural variety to be found in greco-roman myth. versions of these gods were worshipped in north africa and egypt and west asia and even as far as india. but, like, the commitment to multiethnicisim is purely surface-level, so they don't employ any of the iconography or look into these non-european syncretic depictions of these deities. they just take all their design cues from the tired pop-culture versions of purely greek aesthetics. imagine how fucking interesting the character designs for hades could have been if instead of making dionysus a person of colour and calling it a day, they represented a specifically indo-greek dionysus!
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first after the conquests of alexander and once again after the expansion of the roman empire, these sorts of syncretic beliefs flourished throughout the mediterranean. if you really want to write a greek mythology story without a cast of white guys then give me Zeus-Ammon, god dammit!
anyway yeah the fact that all of hades' characters look like they're severely hydrated and their roof just caved in on them is weird and bad and other than that they're for the most part just deeply generic Greek Gods with what feels like very little care or innovation or personality put into their designs compared to characters from transistor or pyre. shomar shasberg and manly tindenstauf each have more unique visual personality than every hades character combined
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
I know a few people already mentioned Dick hallucinating Jason visually but imagine Dick hallucinating Jason via sound. Like, he doesn't see him, but he can hear him calling and chirping for him. Dick would be so distraught and upset that he can hear him but can't find where the chirping is coming from. I'd also imagine it would be a specific type of chirp that Jason would only use when he's in trouble and in need of rescuing.
Hope you don't mind me adding more angst into this <3
So I think I mentioned this once before, but the chirping and hooting sounds Dick and Jason (and also Bruce now, to an extent) make aren’t an actual language. It’s more of a guesswork thing. There are some sounds Dick only makes when he’s calling to Jason, so Jason knows it’s a kind of “look at me/pay attention” kind of thing. Likewise, Jason only makes his “baby cheeps” when he’s with Dick and is feeling happy/content.
There are hundreds of personalized calls between them now. Many of which Dick taught Jason, and some that they’ve come up with together while surviving on the streets. But basically most calls would “translate” to certain catch phrases, greetings or supplications. And for Jason, using “owl speech” is sometimes easier than using human words when communicating his emotions. In those instances, Dick is the one who has to translate for him if they’re taking to Bruce or Alfred lol.
Ok, getting side tracked again.
So basically you’d be absolutely right to assume there’s a bird call only Jason makes that’s meant to alert Dick 1. To his location, and 2. that he’s in danger/scared/hurt.
I’d imagine that, immediately after his death, Dick would hear these calls absolutely everywhere and frantically search for Jason, long after he remembers that his owlet is dead. Similarly to how humans sometimes think they heard a familiar voice calling their name or something. Very heartbreaking in a context where that person is dead. 😔🦉 🥀
(Yes Dick is kind of going insane with grief)
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viscommblogs · 1 year
March 15th - Web portfolio
My first attempt at making a homepage was to make a main slider showcasing the best images at a larger scale but a lot of plugins don't integrate with laytheme making this difficult. Being unsure with this I'm just going to make something simple for the moment.
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leiajoydesign · 2 years
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Friday 4th November 2022 - Instagram Assets Developments
Further colour experimentations for my instagram assets.
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eleristanton · 7 months
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//15 Minute City Final Presentation \\
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hannahlacey · 2 years
Process book binding
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I am really upset with the outcome of my process book as the printer ruined so many things. Firstly, the colour was completely changed for my cover (as the printer was running out of ink), the images were all completely the wrong colour, and there was a divide in colour on some of my images. Alongside this, the printer shifted, and ruined my margins. 
Alongside this, I had to use a much smaller thickness for my process book cover as the 220gsm didn’t work in the printer. I feel really disheartened because this wasn’t in my control.
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eperezart · 2 years
Intervention + Interpretation final outcome
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I took a break with redesigning my promotional designs for my typeface as I spent so long looking at the posters I found it hard to make them into a stronger design without over complicating things or scraping what I already have. After completing the 15 minute city project I went back to my typeface and redesigned the layout of my promotional aspects. No longer making it an outline and instead filling the font with white so that it stood out from the dark background. I also fixed the sentence on the poster as it was two different fonts. 
Overall this project turned out a lot better than expected. I found designing a typeface that was unique and creative really hard. It was also difficult in regards to using programs that I had not used much of in the past. Filling my font with a color made my font a lot stronger and I am a lot happier with the outcome now that I am getting a fresh look. 
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andy-wm · 8 months
I have thoughts about the Tiktok JK deleted
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<<I realise its a few days ago now and you might be wondering 'what tiktok?' but I've been writing in snatches when I have a few minutes so it took a while. Anyway, here it is...>>
A few posts I've read have suggested JK did the silly>sexy Tiktok challenge backwards. That he did sexy>silly instead. That he was being random and funny.
I disagree.
What he did was unexpected, a little left of centre, and for the people who can read subtext, not random at all but very very clever.
I'll tell you why, (It may not be what you think) but first I need to vent about two things:
1. Give the man some credit. He knows what he's doing.
There are some who love JK but who see him as a naive innocent. He is not. He isn't a child or a himbo.
Saying he did the challenge just because it's trending, and he reversed the order of the content for a bit of a joke, is insulting to him as an artist. It would suggest he has no forethought or understanding of himself or his (global) audience, and his decisions are made on impulse with no idea of the consequences.
He's very intelligent and has plenty of experience with digital media and creating content. Besides being involved in producing complex visual narratives as part of BTS for the last ten years, he has directed and produced seven highly polished and professional GFC videos. And don't forget the MVs for Life Goes On. For the October issue of Vogue Korea he took on the role of Creative Director. That's a pretty big deal. So we can assume he knows what he's doing.
If he produces content in a particular way, it's because it enables him to communicate what he wants to communicate.
2. You may not understand the message. That doesn't mean there's nothing to understand.
A heads up to people who can't work it out... your inability to grasp meaning doesn't equate to 'no meaning exists'. Suggesting that people who recognise what he's doing are reaching or delusional is an insult to both the audience who can read this situation, and to Jungkook, who is sharing his message.
Consider a system of writing you can't decode. Lack of comprehension doesnt mean the writing is meaningless, it means you don't understand the language.
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Even if you believe you understand what's being said, please recognise that context may play a role too, that it could reveal a richer and deeper message. Don't just assume the easiest (laziest) interpretation is correct.
(You may have guessed, someone suggested I was 'behaving like the cult' when I pointed out that JK's tiktok was more than being funny ... and now I'm mad 🤣)
Vent over. Now back to he topic at hand...
What was he was really doing? And why is it not at all random?
Let's take a step back to recall what army has been saying about this...
Almost every interpretation i read suggests he reversed the order (silly>sexy becomes sexy>silly). The reason given is that his tiktok only makes sense if the order is reversed, and this idea is backed up by the caption saying "I go the other way".
But the 'reversed order' theory is based on a hereronormative perspective of what's sexy (and a stereotypical perspective of silly.)
So consider the content of his tiktok from a queer point of view...
For a man in a relationship with another man, the idea that he's with all those women is silly.
It's silly to believe he's got a girlfriend - or several. It's silly to think the womens' names in the song are relevant to him.
He posted this tiktok at a time when he's releasing music that fits the western pop norm of boy + girl, and when rumours of him dating several women at once are rife. The timing is not a coincidence and nor is the choice of background song for this.
All these assumptions and rumours are pretty silly, JK is telling us.
Now let's talk about the second part, the sexy part. Yes it may look silly on the surface, but we have seen him and Jimin make dorky faces at one another when they're flirting. It seems to be the visual equivalent of calling Jimin 'Jiminssssi'.
It's just another way they create distance and avoid 'getting caught'.
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Maybe sexy for Jungkook actually is lying on the couch in your sweatpants making corny faces at your boyfriend.
Remember that he puts out 'stereotypical sexy' on command as part of his job so maybe that doesn't feel very sexy to him. Maybe that's work.
In my view (I know this is subject to interpretation) they've been together for years now. This is not the first flush of love. When you've been with a partner for a while, sex is (hopefully) more fun and less serious. Maybe it's about having the confidence to be wholly unselfconscious.
(My partner makes a Pepé Le Pew face at me when he's goofing. No, i don't know why either... 🤣🤷)
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But wait, what about that caption?
What about 난반대로 간다?
My beautiful Korean friend (who sadly has zero interest or care about jikook) confirmed the literal translation:
"I go the other way"
"I take the opposite direction".
It's not "it goes the other way" or "this goes the opposite direction". He's referring specifically to HIMSELF.
Jungkook goes the other way.
But it's more than that according to my friend.
It's a bold statement:
"I don't follow the mainstream."
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It reminds me of his tattoo ...
He doesn't do things just because everyone else is doing them.
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"I don't follow the mainstream."
This is where it gets interesting.
Then why would he do something as mainstream as a trending tiktok challenge? Especially something as vapid as this challenge?
And why would he tell us DURING that Tiktok challenge that he DOESN'T follow the mainstream?
And then delete it.
Creating content takes time.
And we know he's a busy man.
He's about to release an album. He's doing live performances. He's prerecording for music shows. He's overseas right now... for the fourth time in a month! Does he have time for this??
And he DELETED it...
Did he just WASTE all that time?
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No, he did not.
He deliberately chose to do this.
He did it knowing ARMY studies every action, every video, and every media release.
He did it knowing ARMY would already have copied the video before he took it off his profile.
He said on Stationhead that he knows ARMY has it, and is sharing and posting it. He's FINE with that.
So he took the time to create and upload that video. He wants it out there.
He just doesn't want it on HIS page. That's an important part of the story.
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So lets go back to the caption.
"I take the opposite direction"
"I go the other way"
"I don't follow the mainstream."
*Said boldly* remember. It's a loud statement, captioning an otherwise pointless very mainstream trending challenge.
So if he's not referring to tiktok itself, or to uploading challenges, what could he be referring to?
There's only one thing left: Himself.
I take the opposite direction
I go the other way
I don't follow the mainstream
Essentially... I swing the other way.
There's no way a queer man would make that statement and not fully recognise the message he's sending.
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As for deleting the video, I'd say he knew it was too risky to leave on his profile, being a celebrity in Korea. He's managing his brand. Deleting it also gives him plausible deniability. He can say he made an error. As I said, he's very intelligent. He knows ARMY will see it and share it. He knows that those of us with a queer eye will hear the message loud and clear.
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 And we do hear it. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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What It Is to "See" in Trigun
"You can really lose yourself in that blue sky... Ah... There I go again. Rem... It's silly, isn't it... that I'm still thinking about... how I want to show it to you."
The theme of sight, showing, and eyes comes up quite a lot in Trigun. This isn't exactly an in-depth analysis, more just an examination of what "seeing" really is, at least in the context of this manga.
A notable recurring thing that happens in many of Knives' scenes is the obscuring of eyes and faces, either others (Vash, usually) or his own.
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[ID: Two panels from Trigun Maximum Volume 7. One is of young Knives, his hand obscuring most of his face. His thumb is bleeding from where he's bitten it, and it streaks blood next to his open left eye. The other is also of young Knives, his face shadowed dramatically. His right eye is closed and crying. His left is wide open, ringed in darkness and blood from where his thumb has trailed down his face. End ID.]
The obscuring of one eye in the scene where Knives decides to crash the ships makes it so he only looks through one of his eyes - or, like he is only seeing one perspective, or one side to things. Knives, in his fear and anger, blinds himself to seeing anything other than what he already expects. In the second image, he is torn between a closed crying eye and a wide open one, dragging blood down the side of his face. He chooses the path of blood over tears, and refuses to change this from this point on.
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[ID: A panel from Trigun Maximum Volume 13. A younger Legato leans over with a stricken expression. His right eye is obscured by his hair as tears spill from his right. End ID.]
As a bonus note, Legato's hair often conceals that same eye that Knives has obscured on himself, perhaps a visual representation of not only him also seeing only one path forward, but also that his path is one of devotion to Knives. Elendira's hair does much the same.
We also have the cult known as the Eye of Michael - "Eye", which counter to its name, actually blinds its disciples into again, only seeing one perspective - looking through only one eye. Half of Chapel's face is frequently shadowed. In the "shoot" scene, only Wolfwood's left eye is fully visible - as, even though he makes a definite point, he himself is genuinely rather hopeless at this point, only seeing one path and one perspective.
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Maximum Volume 2. From a slightly overhead perspective, Wolfwood pulls the gun Vash is holding and aims it at his own head. Only his left eye is visible. End ID.]
It's why it's pretty significant that we start to see both his eyes in Volumes 9 and 10, and why I think it matters that he died with his eyes open.
Livio and Razlo are interesting in this regard too. Split between the two eyes, Livio with his obscured right eye and Razlo with his exposed left. When Livio cuts his hair, his eye becomes more visible, like something of a balancing - but it doesn't end there. Throughout the fight against Elendira, when the two are working together, both their eyes can be seen. They even do a switch, with Razlo being shown on the right, and Livio on the left, as if to show, through their conversation, that they have learned to see each other's perspectives better, and work as a team - they have learned to "see through each other's eyes".
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[ID: Two panels from Trigun Maximum Volume 13. The first is Razlo shown from the right, eye wide and grinning as he rushes forwards. The second is Livio shown from the left, sweating in exertion. End ID.]
Speaking of seeing through other's eyes, we have Hoppered and Meryl's unwilling vision of Vash's memories, which, while incredibly traumatic, also gave them a new perspective they otherwise couldn't have had. This moment is actually key for Meryl to understand Vash as a person on a deeper level, to communicate what she knows about him to others, and to understand why he felt like he had to do everything alone... so that she could make it clear that he no longer had to.
Meryl and Vash, in particular, share in that painful past, and have come to the same conclusion about it - things take time to heal, but it's always worth it to try, and to work with others to bring a brighter world about.
This "seeing the world through another's eyes" is a running theme all throughout the story, and it's the reason for the first quote at the beginning of this write-up.
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Maximum Volume 7. Young Vash stares, eyes wide, as Rem cries and says to him, "Let's see the world together, let's walk through it together. Because the world... I swear, it's not just full of worthless people." End ID.]
Vash doesn't just want Rem to see the beautiful blue sky, he wants to see it with her, because that was what he needed when he was a young kid, fresh from the trauma of discovering Tesla, and unable to see the good in the world all alone. He needed another perspective, someone who could show him something other than hopelessness and fear. Instead, he had to force himself to search for it alone.
When he wants to show Rem that blue sky, it's because he wants to show her he's found something worthwhile and good. Just like she promised. It's not all awful.
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Maximum Volume 10. Amidst two panels of Vash's outstretched hand and Wolfwood falling towards him, on a white background, he thinks "That's why, after everything's been said and done, I wanted to see tomorrow with him. Isn't that right... Wolfwood?" End ID.]
When he wants to "see" tomorrow with Wolfwood, it's a promise of sticking together and of continuing to offset each other's perspectives - they trust each other to be their other set of eyes that makes seeing the hope in the world, and other pathways and options and interpretations different from their own just that much easier. Vash sees a future and a hope outside of fighting Knives through Wolfwood, something he previously could not do.
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Maximum Volume 14. Ethereal looking feathers fall over a crowd of civilians, who look upwards at them with varying expressions of shock and curiosity. End ID.]
And when the Plants share their memories with humans, and the humans respond with tears, it's the ultimate culmination of what it is to "see" in Trigun - to see is to understand another's story and their personal plight.
To see is to understand is to hope for the better for yourself and for others, and that puts you on the path to slowly but surely healing. To making a change for the better, to finding that light in the dark. That blank ticket.
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