interiorleague · 1 year
I’ll try to keep this relatively short. My dad was hit in a near lethal car accident and is now almost completely paralyzed. He will no longer be able to work, will need to move to an accessible apt, and has a year of physical therapy ahead of him. 
We’re figuring this shit out day by day and are in the process of making long term plans to make sure he’s comfortable. We’re going to need all the financial help we can get. 
I’m doing digital and ink commissions, and commissions will be open for the foreseeable future. I won’t be able to fully start digital commissions until the 29th when I return to my apt where I left my tablet. I ask that anyone who commissions me be patient/have no strict short term time constraints. I’m really trying to not lose it and I promise you will get your art.
DM me to discuss commission details and please don’t take it personally if I’m short with pleasantries. I just need money and have been spending days in the ICU.
That’s it for now i think.
UPDATES/EDIT (June 23, 2023): i’ve made a p/ypal as well, p/ypal.me/cperplexa
(just make sure to NOT label it as a commissions/business transaction or paypal may freeze the money. Label it as personal and don’t put anything in the description that would make it look like a commission)
Also I am happy to accept donations through my accounts but I will eventually be posting a gofundme once we know more about our financial situation.
Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated and reached out for a commission. Drawing is a welcome distraction and I appreciate the kind messages.
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(Updates, July 5th 2023) Gofundme is up
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pendragaryen · 9 months
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Merry christmas, my dear friends, mutuals and followers and all the best wishes for the upcoming new year! 🧡🫶🏻🧡🫶🏻🧡🫶🏻🧡
The last bit of 2022 and the whole of 2023 have not been very kind to my family - and so I'm standing here today, looking back at the past 13 months and finding myself almost back and stuck in the emotional state that I had been in after the separation from my long time boyfriend/life partner in 2009... That was a very dark time. I was trying to live and breathe with a constant black hole in my chest and soul for a couple of years then... I felt so empty and lost. I had a very similar feeling for the span of a couple of months after I had been kicked out of my job in 2017. But nothing, and I mean it, nothing has the rug under my feet pulled away and made me hit rock bottom like the cancer illness of my sister, the death of my grandma and now the fact that my mum is diagnosed with a tumor in her spine, all in the span of just 13 months... Please, we all need some rest in my family so desperately. But now we're all very anxious bc of the surgery my mum has to go through at the 12th of january. It's a difficult surgery. No-one knows for sure at this point what kind of a tumor it is. It causes her legs getting more and more numb and if they don't do anything, the risk of her ending up using a wheelchair rather sooner than later seems very likely. If the tumor should be malignant (please, god, no, NO!) the consequences would be even worse bc it could've spread already... But the fact that the doctors pushed for a fast surgery likely speaks for the possibility that the tumor is benign and seated in just one place... Well you see, this really keeps me busy... We all hope desperately that she will get better after the surgery, and not worse... We have plans! We want to travel together again! To the Netherlands next! Or to Danmark!
Don't get me wrong, there HAD been good things that happened in the last year, not at least the fact that my sister is now considered as cured. We're all so relieved and thankful, I have no words for it! But then... the death of our grandma... and now the tumor and surgery of my mother... I feel like i'm trapped in a constant state of emotional stress, like standing in the dark and screaming into the void with nobody being able to hear me... I can't even begin to imagine how my sister must've felt or how my mum is feeling now. Sometimes I think I'm too empathetic, the way I suffer with and for my beloved ones... that can't be healthy. I'm so tired.
Sorry to bother you with all this. I'm not around here that often anymore. Sadly I have to say I lost joy in many things I once loved or loved to do over the course of the last years. I'm unmotivated most of the time. But now... I have to function, I have to be there for my mum. It'll take half a year at least for her to recover from her surgery (if everything goes well - fingers crossed please!!!) and so I have to be strong - and I WILL be strong! For her! For my family! I hope my sister will support me then... The relationship of her and our mom is a little difficult... Sadly. But she's working on it..
I said I lost the joy in many things I loved once, but one thing I'll never get tired of is, on the rare occasions I visit this site, to read you all at our weekly BFSN, to see the 100 fam still being so creative and devoted, so that our favorite show never really gets forgotten. Thank you so much for that! And please keep tagging me in things! I read you, look at your photos, and I smile, even though I may not answer. This little corner of our fandom is so dear to me, it's almost a little like homecoming when I log in here. A comfort place.
Thank you all for your kind, empathetic, couraging, and motivational words at the last BFSN. I appreciate each and every one of it.
I hope the year has been kind to y'all and that these christmas holidays and the new year will be filled with tons of health, luck and love for you and all of us! Here's to a well deserved rest for us all!
And may we meet again. Here and in words. Maybe one day in person? Who knows?
@sunflowerkru: @togetherkru @carrieeve @ninappon @roguetwelve @bellamyblake @jeanie205 @geekyogicheese @natassakar @heartbellamy @okmcintyre @immortalpramheda @igotbellarkeforthat @infp-with-all-the-feelings @isweartobreathe @kizo2703 @travllingbunny @bookwormforalways @lee-em-dee @julibernardo @broashwhat @its-tea-time-darling @delicatebluebirdruins (and each and everyone else I maybe forgot, please excuse me)
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qrowpilled · 2 years
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