#DR scripting
cyb3rl0v · 22 hours
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My vibe (& me) in my fame dr
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saturnshifts · 2 days
Me in my Fame dr
Since "Dr stuff" won I'll be posting more stuff about my Dr! Tell me what you want next!
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Signature colors: red & green
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ophiespeaks · 2 months
shifttokers stop talking abt permashifting challenge GO!!!
like idgaf if you personally wouldn’t do it. that ain’t none of MY business. but stop telling other people what they should and shouldn’t do. “it’s an unhealthy mindset” my brother in christ people have murder drs we are focusing on the wrong things
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marumarielle · 5 months
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fordaaesthetic · 6 months
ok i read on shifttok a thing about being in a relationship in your cr and having an s/o or dating someone in your dr is cheating. BUT it’s like to completely different universes???? you aren’t even the exact person that your cr partner knows even if it’s still you. does that make sense? please give me your opinion lol
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shiftingwitholive · 6 months
AAAHHH I MISS MY BOYFRIEND (he doesn't exist in this reality)
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remzshift · 3 months
I’m not chill anymore I’m getting mad 😭 I need to fucking shift. GIVE IT TO ME PLSSSS
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sunsetshifting · 1 year
111 Things to Script For Your Desired Reality!
Now I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love looking through those ‘things to script’ lists!
Sooo I compiled 111 of my favorites, both from my own scripts and from a few misc. posts I’ve seen! Enjoy! <3
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(They’re also split by category, with 20 ideas in each of them! Categories include: Appearance/Body, Abilities, Social, Tech-Related, Safety, and Misc..)
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You always look good, no matter what you do (or don’t) wear.
Your clothes always fit you perfectly.
Your teeth are straight and white.
Your hair never looks/feels greasy or oily.
You don’t have to shave.
You don’t have a period.
You have a high metabolism.
You are extremely photogenic.
Your own Signature ScentTM (Mine is vanilla!)
Your side profile looks good.
Your lips don’t get chapped.
Your posture is consistently excellent, with or without effort.
You are unbothered by humidity or lack thereof.
You are unbothered by extreme temperatures in either direction.
You are generally perceived as attractive.
You cannot get pregnant.
You have clear skin.
Your makeup/nail polish always looks perfect.
Your glasses (if you have them) don’t fog up.
Your voice claim (or specifications!)
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You are more flexible than the average person.
You are very physically strong.
You are never out of shape.
Your lungs don’t get sore.
You have good physical balance.
Your stamina and endurance are very high.
Your lung capacity is very high.
You rarely ever get sore.
Your vision/hearing is perfect.
You are extremely agile.
You are immune to all poisons.
You have a greatly reduced gag reflex.
You have a good sense of rhythm and timing.
You have very fast reflexes.
Learning/studying is easy for you.
Your memory is fantastic.
Whenever someone tries to read your mind, all they hear is circus music.
Your voice never cracks when you sing.
You never get lost/know your way around the place you’re in.
You can sleep comfortably anywhere.
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Everyone is open to speaking with you.
You are very convincing.
You will never accidentally seriously offend someone.
You will not cry when people yell at you. (No? Just me? Alrighty.)
People find you naturally endearing.
People find your awkward moments cute or endearing.
You will never be misgendered.
People understand your sense of humor.
People don’t find your laugh annoying.
You never accidentally commit a social faux pas.
You will never be canceled on social media.
People don’t talk over you.
People feel safe and comfortable around you.
You look intimidating when you’re angry.
No one tries to break you and your S/O up.
Your S/O will never cheat on you.
People don’t spread false/damaging rumors about you.
You never get caught sneaking out of dorms/classrooms/etc..
You never get left on ‘read’.
Transphobia/Sexism/Racism don’t exist.
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Your phone will never die at an inconvenient time.
You always have service/wifi.
There are no ads on youtube/other streaming platforms.
You will never crack your device’s screen.
Your digital script (if you have one) is hidden/otherwise unable to be seen by anybody except you.
Other people cannot see your LIFA app (if you have one.)
Videos/music/movies/shows/etc. don’t buffer, and instead load quickly.
All your uploads/downloads are very fast.
Your files/documents/photos are always neatly organized.
You have infinite storage space on your devices.
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Animals naturally like you, and will never attack you, growl at you, or run away from you.
Flashing lights don’t hurt your eyes.
You cannot get frostbite or heatstroke.
You cannot get food poisoning, stomach aches, toothaches, or headaches.
You cannot get sick or nauseous.
You will never have digestive issues.
You do not reveal secrets or anything embarrassing when intoxicated.
You cannot become addicted to anything.
You will never be hungry at an inconvenient time.
You will never have to use the bathroom at an inconvenient time.
You will never forget your ability to shift, nor become incapable of shifting.
You will never be rendered mute or otherwise incapable of saying your safe word.
You are safe from human trafficking.
If you lose consciousness, someone will carry you to safety.
Your bones will never be broken and your muscles will never be torn.
Your organs will never be ruptured.
Your wisdom teeth are already out.
There will never be a fire inside wherever you live (unless it is within a fireplace.) Said fire will also never spread and burn down the location, nor any part of it.
You will never be sunburnt.
Your ears will never be hurt by loud noises.
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You have all your DR self’s memories.
You will never be homesick for your OR or any of your DRs.
Sentimentally valued personal possessions will never be stolen from you.
You are always calm and focused when shifting realities.
You cannot shift out of your DR randomly, and can only shift back to your OR when you have the intention to shift back (and have used your safe word/action), without any exceptions.
Bugs will never nest in places you don’t want them to. (Also, you’ll never be stung by them!)
You enunciate perfectly, whether singing or talking.
You are never late for anything.
You win every fight you’re in (unless you’ve scripted otherwise.)
You will always be able to discern between OR and DR memories.
You will know everything someone your age should know in the given setting.
You never stain your clothes with food or drink.
You are not easily set off (anger or frustration) by loud noises. (Personally, I really struggle with this, so it’s nice to script it out.)
Your socks/shoes never get soggy or wet.
You can always fit comfortably inside a bathtub. (SEVERELY underrated addition.)
You never have to break in shoes.
You never have to deal with lice/fleas.
You have no problems with walking/running/fighting in heels.
You never have unflattering photos taken of you.
You don’t remember any of the ‘scenarios’ you’ve scripted.
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Secret Final Category:
You are a master shifter! Motivation is key, and it’s important to remember just how incredibly powerful you are!
Thank you for reading to the end, and happy shifting!
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cyb3rl0v · 22 hours
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My relationship and s/o in my fame dr
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ophiespeaks · 3 months
some of y’all’s shifting advice is ASS let me be so real with you. “you’re the only one stopping yourself from shifting!!!” BITCH. you don’t gotta tell me i FUCKING know. eat cement.
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Never thought I'd get to a point where I'd miss a man, but here I am 👍
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sirenesolace · 6 months
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noun — discernment describes a wise way of judging between things. “if it doesn’t apply, let it fly”
with the rise of manifestation and astrology contents, it is important for us to use discernment in order for us to not feel overwhelmed.
N.B —I’m mostly going to be focusing on manifestation for this post because enough astro blogs have COUNTLESS of disclaimers about taking birth chart placements with discernment.
I decided to make this post because i think a couple days ago i saw a post that read “Robotic affirmation and void state are the only techniques that actually work” and DISCLAIMER: ALL TECHNIQUES AND STATES MANIFEST INSTANTLY AND EASILY. manifestation techniques and states are tools. they do not manifest, YOU do. you must embody the things that you want. affirmations/subliminals/visualization/scripting/states/ect… are REMINDERS of all the things that you already have.
the speed of your manifestation is usually determined by your self concept and your beliefs (again you).
“why is it easy for me to manifest a penny but i can’t manifest 10k?” that’s because you have deep rooted limiting beliefs about money. How many times have you heard “money is the root of all evil” “money doesn’t grow on trees” “you have to work super hard for money” “money doesn’t come easily” ? exactly, and we both know that with repetition thoughts can become facts.
(Don’t worry, you can always use revision in order to get over those limiting beliefs!)
— Hélène🪼🌀
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vroomvroomwee · 1 year
As a socially anxious person I can safely say that no awkwardness in the history of human kind is as intense as the awkwardness when having to write a script for your DR in BROAD FUCKING DAYLIGHT
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shiftingwitholive · 5 months
heres the script! i have to paste it as one big block of text because of how tumblr works, but you can just split up the lines.
[DR Name] ☆-Basics-☆ Name:☆ Nicknames:☆ Age:☆ Birthday: ☆ Gender:☆ Pronouns:☆ Sexuality/romantic orientation:☆ Height:☆ Allergies:☆ Genetic/Medical conditions:☆ Ethnicity:☆ Nationality:☆ Accent:☆ Languages spoken/read/understood:☆ Language DR is in:☆ Relationship status:-Appearance-☆ Faceclaim:☆ Hair colour:☆ Hair texture (curly,straight,etc):☆ Hair length:☆ Skin tone:☆ Eye colour:☆ Fingernails:☆ Jawline:☆ Body shape:☆ Tattoos:☆ Piercings:☆ General Aesthetic:☆ Extra things (any freckles,scars,etc):-Personality-☆ How you present yourself:☆ True personality:☆ Fears:☆ Likes:☆ Dislikes:☆ Skills:☆ Sense of humour:☆ General energy levels:☆ Music taste:-Backstory-☆ Your past:☆ General past of the world:-Relationships-☆ Friends:(repeat for each)☆ Name:☆ Age:☆ Gender: ☆ Pronouns:☆ Sexuality:☆ Height:☆ Ethnicity:☆ Nationality:☆ Single or taken?:☆ Appearance:☆ Personality:☆ Music taste:☆ Clothing style:☆ Living situation:☆ Past:☆ Family:(repeat for each person)☆ Name:☆ Age:☆ Gender: ☆ Pronouns:☆ Height:☆ Ethnicity:☆ Nationality:☆ Appearance:☆ Personality:☆ Music taste:☆ Clothing style:☆ Past:☆ S/O:☆ Name:☆ Nicknames:☆ Age:☆ Gender:☆ Height:☆ Appearance:☆ Personality:☆ Music taste:☆ Clothing style:☆ Past:☆ How you met:☆ How they show affection:☆ a space for you to scream about how much you love them:-Home-☆ Bedroom:☆ Bathroom:☆ Kitchen:☆ Living room:☆ Garden:☆ The house itself:☆ Some general town pics:-Any extra details-
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fordaaesthetic · 6 months
am i the only one who scripted her dr scenario as my dr self and it’s like i wrote in my secret diary???
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akamehiro · 20 days
for those who do script,
what’s the first thing you IMMEDIATELY script ??
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