#scripting ideas
lyrashifts · 5 months
SCRIPTING IDEAS! ─── hogwarts events.
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pumpkin carving contests (for house points).
themed herbology classes.
halloween masquerade ball.
costume contest (for house points).
waking up to candy beside your bed (house elves put candy beside your bed halloween morning).
haunted houses & mazes in hogsmead.
yearly winter ball.
mistletoe will appear above the heads of couples or people will crushes on each other (this could be so chaotic and i love it).
ice skating.
cookie baking contest (for house points).
valentine's day ball.
for older years, amortentia is made around this time.
divination love readings!!
school-wide easter egg hunt (for house points).
weekly house parties in the common room.
gryffindor hosts a 'welcome back' party but first years are encouraged to attend.
new year's eve ball & afterparty in the common rooms.
there's a harvest festival / carnival every autumn that lasts a few days.
bonfires on the quidditch pitch.
annual field trips to places in europe.
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daisys-reality · 30 days
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𝙿𝙰𝙲.𝟶𝟷𝟾 : 𝙱𝚞𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝚊 '𝙳𝚁 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏' 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚖𝚎! - 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚢 𝚆𝚎𝚋𝚝𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝙿𝚃. 𝟷)
Hello my fellow shifters 🌱 This pac reading is just for entertainment purposes and for everyone who plans on shifting to a DR that is fantasy/royal/webtoon/isekai-like + for those who want to get some inspiration on how their DR self should look like. Almost all of my DR selfs look different and I thought this would be a fun idea to get some inspo for future DR plans hehe. If you like to read more pac readings from me, feel free to check out my  masterlist as well! Also, I don't own any of these beautiful pics, they're all from pinterest.
🛑 This reading works a little different, so after choosing a main picture/pile, you'll have to choose some more numbers and they will be different for each pile. Please choose a number for each category and go to your pile:
EYE COLOR: 1️⃣ 2️⃣
HAIR COLOR: 1️⃣ 2️⃣
Eye color: 1️⃣ strong pink / purple 2️⃣ yellow/orange (tiger eye)
Hair color: 1️⃣ dark blue / purple  2️⃣ dark blonde
Overall vibe: Skin complexion on the paler side (regardless of skin color), creamy skin, round face, strong jawline, round/soft body type with good amount of muscles, short to medium height, darker hair (so here: dark blonde or dark purple/blue hair), emotional/moody, dreamy, affectionate, passionate, dramatic, attractive, psychic, serious, melancholic, burdened/exhausted by life in general or by responsibilities and contracts?, dark colored and black clothes, long dresses, pearl jewelry, big jewels, piercing eyes, strong intuition, powerful presence, being restricted by something or holding yourself back, composed anger, embodiment of karma, fearless gaze, sensual, devoted and eager for power.  
Eye/hair color combinations: 1️⃣1️⃣, 1️⃣2️⃣, 2️⃣1️⃣, 2️⃣2️⃣
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Eye color: 1️⃣ light green  2️⃣  black
Hair color: 1️⃣ light pink 2️⃣ icy blue
Overall vibe: Graceful, tall and slender, long legs, medium skin complexion (regardless of skin color), light colored hair, can’t stand still, arrogant/conceited, condescending, flat chested, cold, emotionless, hidden control freak, easily misunderstood, wise, tragedy as blessing in disguise, intriguing, willing to do the dirty work, you're someone who stands up for themselves, your words might sting, lowkey intimidating/scary to men, doll-like beauty, ribbons and frills, light-colored clothes, poisonous beauty, you’re like the poison that is being used as remedy to another poison, you bring balance and transformation into that world even if people can’t see it.
Eye/hair color combinations: 1️⃣1️⃣, 1️⃣2️⃣, 2️⃣1️⃣, 2️⃣2️⃣
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Eye color: 1️⃣ red 2️⃣  orange/hazel
Hair color: 1️⃣ blonde 2️⃣ brown
Overall vibe: Warm colored hair, dark colored eyes, tending more to be muscular built, good posture, strong/heavy jaw, positive and warm energy, Lion-like, majestic, medium height, strong body and mind, spiritual, cultivated, mesmerizing, capable, responsible, peace-maker & peace upholder, humble, nourishing, caretaker, hardworking, abundant, generous and supportive, at times resentful or feeling trapped, you're someone who works a lot behind the scenes and who likes managing, someone with a helper syndrome but at the same time suspicious of others, resistant to change, keen-eyed, all-seeing, full and healthy hair, wearing clothes that enhance your body shape and curves.
Eye/hair color combinations: 1️⃣1️⃣, 1️⃣2️⃣, 2️⃣1️⃣, 2️⃣2️⃣
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Eye color: 1️⃣ light pink 2️⃣  light purple/blue
Hair color: 1️⃣ red 2️⃣ white
Overall vibe: Curvy body shape but overall more lean, pretty waist-hip ratio, cute cheeks, a teasing beauty, perhaps a little fidgety or just nervous energy (?), a hard working person, robust or rough but more so in personality than in appearance, foreign or exotic looking, well traveled, a bit tired looking - perhaps your gaze/eyes but you have a youthful glow, you look like you went through a lot, perhaps that's also why you sometimes give off this ‘rough around the edges’ vibe, detail oriented, a little nit-picky, tendency to be a bit extreme sometimes, fearful vision of life, controlling, looking like someone who needs some time off because you're always overdoing it, organized and resourceful, very busy, someone who carries higher wisdom, perhaps religious or someone who deals with divine energy, someone who people wonder about who they really are or what they have in mind, you are someone who questions things a lot and you don't trust (opinions, informations) easily, there is also something innocent or pure about you, innocent arousal and naive sensuality, compelling and almost addictive to men and with other women there is always this unresolved tension, I see you long dresses with pretty low cut cleavage or turtle neck dresses with see through parts, very teasing dressing style, you might play around with different or even exotic styles, dresses with a tight waist cut or wearing corsets, and also something about cords, fans and scarfs (worn like a vest).
Eye/hair color combinations: 1️⃣1️⃣, 1️⃣2️⃣, 2️⃣1️⃣, 2️⃣2️⃣
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Eye color: 1️⃣ grey 2️⃣ dark grape purple almost black
Hair color: 1️⃣ dark brown 2️⃣ blue
Overall vibe: Piercing eyes, petite and dainty looking, short, baby face, innocent look, very feminine, childlike-charm, adorable, dreamy looking or the vibe of a daydreamer, naive, hidden depth, light hearted, soft beauty, does not fear darkness, patient, prudent, seeking growth, visionary, beaming smile, mystical, easy-going, clever, soft and frilly clothes, light or pastel colored clothes, many layers on the dress (=volumios dresses), hard to grasp, very perceptive, clothes and accessories with ribbons, dots, frills and lace, cute hair accessory, perhaps flower themed dresses, delicate jewelry, adventurous spirit, intriguing, someone who is able to deal with tragedies in a light hearted way, clean beauty, someone very tidy, fresh and eager energy, perhaps sometimes lacking a sense of self, very moldable identity, loves learning and very open-minded persona.
Eye/hair color combinations: 1️⃣1️⃣, 1️⃣2️⃣, 2️⃣1️⃣, 2️⃣2️⃣
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Eye color: 1️⃣ red 2️⃣ (apple) green
Hair color: 1️⃣ white 2️⃣ purple
Overall vibe: Round/soft body type, bold appearance, voluminous hair, intense eyes, attractive/alluring eyes, perhaps freckles, optimistic but also kinda nonchalant attitude, inspiring, shining beauty, tall, slightly arrogant looking, emotionless face/poker face, very good-looking, lush hair, no problem standing up for themselves, often clashing with other women and appearing bitchy to them, other women are often competitive around you, one of a kind type of beauty, dangerous like a panther, exotic jewelry, feathers, gold jewelry, there's something dark about you, some people could claim you’re secretly a witch, you seem powerful to others, a little rebellious as well, someone who causes chaos wherever they go, very brave, regal energy, god/goddess like or god-complex? lol, hard to get, naturally seductive, wide flowy clothes, showing skin, very luxurious clothing, intimidating, keen eye, a bit stealthy, someone who hates wasting time and energy (on useless stuff/people), easily bored, expansive presence, and wild passionate person, your the center of your own world, dangerous like still deep waters - which you shouldn’t underestimate...
Eye/hair color combinations: 1️⃣1️⃣, 1️⃣2️⃣, 2️⃣1️⃣, 2️⃣2️⃣
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sunsetshifting · 1 year
111 Things to Script For Your Desired Reality!
Now I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love looking through those ‘things to script’ lists!
Sooo I compiled 111 of my favorites, both from my own scripts and from a few misc. posts I’ve seen! Enjoy! <3
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(They’re also split by category, with 20 ideas in each of them! Categories include: Appearance/Body, Abilities, Social, Tech-Related, Safety, and Misc..)
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You always look good, no matter what you do (or don’t) wear.
Your clothes always fit you perfectly.
Your teeth are straight and white.
Your hair never looks/feels greasy or oily.
You don’t have to shave.
You don’t have a period.
You have a high metabolism.
You are extremely photogenic.
Your own Signature ScentTM (Mine is vanilla!)
Your side profile looks good.
Your lips don’t get chapped.
Your posture is consistently excellent, with or without effort.
You are unbothered by humidity or lack thereof.
You are unbothered by extreme temperatures in either direction.
You are generally perceived as attractive.
You cannot get pregnant.
You have clear skin.
Your makeup/nail polish always looks perfect.
Your glasses (if you have them) don’t fog up.
Your voice claim (or specifications!)
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You are more flexible than the average person.
You are very physically strong.
You are never out of shape.
Your lungs don’t get sore.
You have good physical balance.
Your stamina and endurance are very high.
Your lung capacity is very high.
You rarely ever get sore.
Your vision/hearing is perfect.
You are extremely agile.
You are immune to all poisons.
You have a greatly reduced gag reflex.
You have a good sense of rhythm and timing.
You have very fast reflexes.
Learning/studying is easy for you.
Your memory is fantastic.
Whenever someone tries to read your mind, all they hear is circus music.
Your voice never cracks when you sing.
You never get lost/know your way around the place you’re in.
You can sleep comfortably anywhere.
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Everyone is open to speaking with you.
You are very convincing.
You will never accidentally seriously offend someone.
You will not cry when people yell at you. (No? Just me? Alrighty.)
People find you naturally endearing.
People find your awkward moments cute or endearing.
You will never be misgendered.
People understand your sense of humor.
People don’t find your laugh annoying.
You never accidentally commit a social faux pas.
You will never be canceled on social media.
People don’t talk over you.
People feel safe and comfortable around you.
You look intimidating when you’re angry.
No one tries to break you and your S/O up.
Your S/O will never cheat on you.
People don’t spread false/damaging rumors about you.
You never get caught sneaking out of dorms/classrooms/etc..
You never get left on ‘read’.
Transphobia/Sexism/Racism don’t exist.
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Your phone will never die at an inconvenient time.
You always have service/wifi.
There are no ads on youtube/other streaming platforms.
You will never crack your device’s screen.
Your digital script (if you have one) is hidden/otherwise unable to be seen by anybody except you.
Other people cannot see your LIFA app (if you have one.)
Videos/music/movies/shows/etc. don’t buffer, and instead load quickly.
All your uploads/downloads are very fast.
Your files/documents/photos are always neatly organized.
You have infinite storage space on your devices.
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Animals naturally like you, and will never attack you, growl at you, or run away from you.
Flashing lights don’t hurt your eyes.
You cannot get frostbite or heatstroke.
You cannot get food poisoning, stomach aches, toothaches, or headaches.
You cannot get sick or nauseous.
You will never have digestive issues.
You do not reveal secrets or anything embarrassing when intoxicated.
You cannot become addicted to anything.
You will never be hungry at an inconvenient time.
You will never have to use the bathroom at an inconvenient time.
You will never forget your ability to shift, nor become incapable of shifting.
You will never be rendered mute or otherwise incapable of saying your safe word.
You are safe from human trafficking.
If you lose consciousness, someone will carry you to safety.
Your bones will never be broken and your muscles will never be torn.
Your organs will never be ruptured.
Your wisdom teeth are already out.
There will never be a fire inside wherever you live (unless it is within a fireplace.) Said fire will also never spread and burn down the location, nor any part of it.
You will never be sunburnt.
Your ears will never be hurt by loud noises.
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You have all your DR self’s memories.
You will never be homesick for your OR or any of your DRs.
Sentimentally valued personal possessions will never be stolen from you.
You are always calm and focused when shifting realities.
You cannot shift out of your DR randomly, and can only shift back to your OR when you have the intention to shift back (and have used your safe word/action), without any exceptions.
Bugs will never nest in places you don’t want them to. (Also, you’ll never be stung by them!)
You enunciate perfectly, whether singing or talking.
You are never late for anything.
You win every fight you’re in (unless you’ve scripted otherwise.)
You will always be able to discern between OR and DR memories.
You will know everything someone your age should know in the given setting.
You never stain your clothes with food or drink.
You are not easily set off (anger or frustration) by loud noises. (Personally, I really struggle with this, so it’s nice to script it out.)
Your socks/shoes never get soggy or wet.
You can always fit comfortably inside a bathtub. (SEVERELY underrated addition.)
You never have to break in shoes.
You never have to deal with lice/fleas.
You have no problems with walking/running/fighting in heels.
You never have unflattering photos taken of you.
You don’t remember any of the ‘scenarios’ you’ve scripted.
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Secret Final Category:
You are a master shifter! Motivation is key, and it’s important to remember just how incredibly powerful you are!
Thank you for reading to the end, and happy shifting!
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shifting-questions · 15 days
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𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
I’ll experience everything that I haven’t experienced!!! Just thinking about it makes me so giddy and hyped up!
Topic: What's it going to be like my childhood on my DR. And rant about why others would like a traumatic upbringing
I’m going to heal my inner child there, I’m going to have a tons of fun! I maybe should start scripting where I would like to go or what I would like to do with friends. Something like a bucket lists!!! Maybe even share the script or bucket list here! AAAAAAA y’know the feeling when we were in highschool, and the next day is the field trip, and you’re just so excited that you can’t sleep??? I feel like that whenever I think of my DR, and yes I will shift there as a kid. Has anyone here shifted as a kid? TELL ME! I’m like those characters in manwha, the isekaid genre, where they are reborn or transported into that body of a child, little did others know that inside that child is an actual adult.
I just remembered that, people would literally script that they have a dark upbringing, adding traumas and such, even going beyond as having a crime as such. Like? Dude why? Like literally why? “For the plot” whaaaat?. Imagine, you get a CHANCE to live and you still want those traumas and upbringings?
Traumas. Are. Not. Just. For. Children. Or even in teen years. We can still gain traumas when we are actually living in our DR, on whatever age you are currently in. And I remember on shiftok they said something like “ ‘cuz I want my comfort character to comfort me yadayadayada” Gurl? 👁️👄👁️ Why not comfort THEM instead?
But I also think that maybe I'm not seeing the bigger picture. Because in the end, it's your DR. And you are responsible for whatever you script for. What I mean by this is one will go off on a ki̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ s̶p̶r̶e̶e̶ or they scripted that someone is going to die. Those kinda stuff. But I'm open for your insights if you think otherwise, but I would not respond if I'm don't feel comfortable.
𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒐 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒔
~ 𝑰𝒛𝒂
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valeriasdream · 21 days
My old laptop died back in December (thankfully I manifested a new laptop the same week so no big deal) but I LOST ALL MY OLD SCRIPTS EXCEPT THE ONES I HAD SAVED ON GOOGLE.
it's been 4 months and i'm still trying to revise all my scripts on google docs and I completely lost some of my scripts from my old computer 😭💔
anyway I am almost done going through them all so i feel a bit accomplished. :)
this is your sign to back up your scripts if you haven't already lol (I mean you don't REALLY need them but if you're forgetful like me, you will forget things you scripted... but i mean it's not required or nothin, your subcon knows everything.)
yeah anyway. i was given roses today. it's a good day. 👍🏻
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eddieisashifter · 2 months
Scripting that we have sing-alongs at Camp every night (led by different cabins but usually the Apollo kids) and one of the songs is The Campfire Song from The Lightning Thief Musical
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st4rshifts · 1 month
this is your sign to script in pets for your dr school, camp, workplace, town, ANYTHING!!! it's so so cute, trust me
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you have a box of all the things you've lost over the years
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My One Piece traveling log/journal
I plan to put all of my core memories of the journey/adventures that we´ve been through so far.
I´ve plan to shift - after we defeated Arlong -> Before we enter Grand Line
So, I decided to re-watch some of the Episodes and write some notes/memories on our road.
+ I added pictures (in my DR these would be messy sketches)
I thought this would be a cool idea to write it in POV of my DR-self
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Places you should shift to because why not?
Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse
Among us (but with humans)
Arthur (yes I mean the old pbs show with the hampster
80/90s highschool with MCYTs as students
broadway actor
ever after high
monster high
h2o just add water
Teen band
k-12 (like, the Melanie Martinez movie)
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localapparently · 4 months
/ orv epilogue + sp identity spoilers , cw blood
!! Please do NOT reupload my comics / works anywhere !!
(Read right to left)
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lyrashifts · 5 months
SCRIPTING IDEAS! ─── significant other / love interest
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any relationships you're in are healthy and you're never pressured to do anything you don't want to.
your s/o is loyal, and will never cheat or consider cheating.
you and your s/o love each other equally.
your s/o has good hygiene.
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ice skating in the winter (if in a cold place).
dancing in the rain.
sending one another love letters and poems.
giving one another annotated books (bonus: annotations are things that remind them of you / remind you of them).
waking up at night and stargazing.
reading to one another until one of you falls asleep.
touching knees under a table but not moving your legs away.
waking up early to make breakfast for your s/o, and them hugging you from behind in the kitchen and planting kisses on your neck.
making flower crowns for your s/o in the summer and / or teaching them how to make flower crowns.
late night study dates in the library.
sharing an umbrella.
going to theaters, bookstores, and music shops together.
getting stuck at the top of a ferris wheel together.
long, random and deep conversations.
snowball fights that end with the both of you lying in the snow laughing together.
secretly holding hands under a table.
angsty love confessions in the rain.
borrowing (stealing) your s/o's clothing.
dressing up for halloween together.
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your s/o understands your emotions and knows how to comfort you.
your s/o shares many of your interests.
your s/o supports and respects you no matter what.
your s/o is honest with you.
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girl-bateman · 1 year
I guess that this is as good of a time as any to remind people that WRITERS MAKE THE STORY!!!! I cannot count how many times I see posts praising tv directors for things that are simply not their doing. That iconic line of dialogue? Yeah a screenwriter wrote that. The characters you love? Screenwriter. The places, the plot lines, the developments? Writers.
A show CANNOT happen without a script because a script is necessary for EVERYONE to do their job right. It dictates what set to look for/create, the filming schedule, the casting calls, the costumes and so on. It's not just words on a paper, its the backbone for all of production and it deserves to get recognised as the integral part of tv and film as it is.
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sunsetshifting · 1 year
Desired Reality Idea Masterlist
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So, you’ve decided to shift realities. But where to?
(Don’t forget to script safety wherever you go, ESPECIALLY for your the dangerous DRs!)
(As well, I do not recommend that minors age themselves up significantly just to go to more ‘mature’ DRs. Please, consider your mental health and development before you consider shifting to someplace where you may be traumatized unnecessarily.)
That said, here’s a list of Desired Realities to consider! I’ve searched quite a few lists myself, and figured I’d compile all the ones I found most appealing here! If you have any more ideas, then feel free to send an ask/leave a reply and I’ll be sure to add them!
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Animal Crossing
Any of Pacthesis’ dating sims (just seems like it’d be a wild time)
Blooming Panic
Cinderella Phenomenon
Detroit Become Human
Diabolik Lovers
Fire Emblem
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Genshin Impact
Honkai: Star Rail
Obey Me
Pixie Hollow
Resident Evil
Seduce Me
Silent Hill
Stardew Valley
The Last of Us
Undertale (or any of the AUs)
Welcome Home (not a game, but it is interactive in some ways.)
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Attack on Titan
Black Butler
Death Note
Demon Slayer
Fairy Tail
Fruits Basket
Hetalia (or 2p!Hetalia)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Little Witch Academia
My Hero Academia
Sailor Moon
Sword Art Online/Alfheim Online/Gun Gale Online
The Promised Neverland
Tokyo Ghoul
Ouran High School Host Club
Yuri on Ice
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Any Studio Ghibli movie
Barbie (any of them)
Corpse Bride
Disney (any of them)
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
The Pirates of the Caribbean
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Adventure Time
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Ever After High
Good Omens
Gravity Falls
Monster High
Once Upon a Time
Rick and Morty
Star Vs. the Forces of Evil
Steven Universe (or Future)
Stranger Things
Teen Wolf
The Legend of Korra
The Owl House
The Umbrella Academy
The Vampire Diaries
The Walking Dead
Winx Club
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Alice in Wonderland
Harry Potter
Maze Runner
Percy Jackson
Pretty Little Liars
The Hunger Games
Alt. Reality:
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Fame DR
Improved version of your OR
Kpop Idol DR
Royalty DR
Streamer DR
SMP Server DR
A reality where none of your favorite shows were cancelled!
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torvagatai · 6 months
I really do think this is the beginning of the end of Netflix book adaptations. What author is going to sign with Netflix over any of its competitors, knowing that they'll likely be cancelled early without closure? Or, even worse, that their story will be scripted but never made and the rights never sold on? Far better to accept a lower deal from a smaller streamer, but earn more publicity through more seasons and know that your story will be treated properly and see the light of day.
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dreamlifebunny · 6 months
dream life daydreams: being with your sp!
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an “imaginal act” is a scene you play out in your imagination that implies your wish has been fulfilled. the scene can use any of the five senses, and can be as long or as short as you want; what matters is the feeling that it evokes in you! i like to refer to my imaginal acts as “daydreams,” because the word reminds me of when i was a creative child who’s imagination was limitless.
instructions: take these imaginal acts and put yourself there in imagination! tweak the details to match your desires, personal details, and preferences, and use the senses that you have in your imagination to fully immerse yourself.
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imagine picking up your phone like you always do throughout the day and seeing your background light up; it's a picture of you and your sp holding hands that you took last month on a date. your sp has the biggest grin you've ever seen, and is looking at you with eyes filled with love and adoration for you!
or, the inverse: imagine your sp passing you their phone to take a picture of them or to show you a text they got, and seeing their background is an adorable picture of you that they absolutely love looking at every day!
imagine you and your sp are out with friends at a party or event. both of you are doing your own thing, talking to friends and making the rounds, but both of you are still in the same room and nearby. while you go to the entrance of the room to get a drink, you overhear your sp's voice as they talk to one of their friends: "seriously, being with (your name) has been the best thing to have ever happened to me. they make my life so much better, it's seriously crazy for me to believe that they wanted to be with me when i've been pining after them for so long." you can hear their friend congratulate them, telling your sp, "i haven't seen you this happy in forever!"
imagine your sp sitting next to you and reaching down to intertwine their fingers with your own. their thumb traces back and forth over your thumb, slowly and thoughtfully. notice how their hand feels; are their hands soft or calloused? are their fingers warm or cold? do they hold your hand tightly, or in a soft and gentle grip?
imagine your sp going in to hug you, and their soft and familiar scent fills the air and warms your heart! what do they smell like?
imagine your sp cooking your favourite food and eating it together; do they do the recipe justice and impress you? is it the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten, but was made with love?
try picking one of these scenes and incorporate all five senses instead of just the one mentioned! does it feel immersive?
try imagining these scenes with your comfort characters instead of your sp! you can manifest fictional characters the same way that you'd manifest any sp; give it a try and have fun!
love, bunny 💕
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