bornulhuu · 7 months
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Map of the setting to which all the recent dragons belong too. It is a world of fantasy and wonder, dangers big and small. With many species of dragons
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dragon-ball-meta · 11 months
Neat detail in the trailer: The earth seen from space has the actual DB continents on it, unlike some shots of Super that had more realistic continents at times.
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It does indeed.
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retrocgads · 7 months
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UK 1987
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wyrmoftheweb · 7 months
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Maggrith, Dragon World 1's (I'll replace that with the name of it when I name it) most well known historical humanologist. It is known as the first magician to transform itself into a human for research purposes and to more easily make contact with the wary aliens after their crashlanding on the Sulfuric Sea.
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ask-a-bot · 1 month
Ack! I’m terribly sorry, Megs! I should have considered the fact that subjects pertaining to Cybertron can be sensitive and hard to talk about. I apologize.😔😣
I’m going to have to agree with you, Prime. It’s difficult to choose just one favorite. I personally have a couple of favorites, like horses, dogs, foxes, wolves, lions (especially white ones), and the tigers!
Ratchet and Ironhide introduced Western stuff to you? Really? Was it through old movies?
A dragon world??? Kup! That sounds EPIC!!! Did you also name that world? We’re those dragons friendly?
Snf. It is my own fault. Ksch-kssch-kssschooooschhh! Snf. My apologies. I started the war; now I have to live with the regrets.
I think I like all animals. Except metallic mosquitoes and wasps. Snf. They're... pests. We have a Highland tiger hanging around here. They're just a little bigger than your house cats and Megatron was delighted when it turned up. Snf.
Ratchet in particular likes Wild West movies. He hates musicals, yet he enjoys Calamity Jane – need I say more?
I like Calamity Jane.
Not you too! Hahaha! Yeah, it's a good movie. I didn't mean it's a bad movie or anything like that. I just find it funny that he likes a musical when he usually complains when somebody wants to watch one.
I think I want to look that up. It must be good!
OK, dragon world! I named it Lavascale. Not overly original, but... who cares? I'll see it on my map and know exactly what it is. I've promised I'll take Rod there when he's older. Some dragons were friendly. Others... not so much.
I would like to see it myself, if I may.
Why not?
You don't look well, Megatron. Maybe you should lie down or put your feet up for a while.
... Perhaps.
Come on. I'll cuddle up with you.
Good. I'll get you some drinks and snacks.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 6 months
Been thinking about that AU all day. The one in which I gave Hiccup a scar across his face, the other other post-apocalyptic one that I said was going to have elements of magic in it.
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tippett-in-a-robe · 1 year
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More on my little speculative dragon world:
This is an unnamed female Dragon with some popular (and unpopular) body modifications and dress wear.
Though considered very fashionable, Dragons normally don’t wear super baggy clothes (yes, some Dragons like to wear clothes) since it can interfere with flight, and therefore isn’t the most popular casual garment. Baggy clothes are also mostly worn by the rich and famous, and by Dragons who still practice older traditions.
The mohawk is a removable accessory that is held in place by those orange bands around her neck. That is a more popular garment to wear than the baggy clothes. Different “hairstyles” are available in many fashion stores (mainly their version of malls) which cater mostly to teens and young adults. There is some stigma against these garments, for they are most popular amongst the teens and young adults, and are therefore associated with rebelliousness. So basically, anyone with these “hairstyles” on are considered to be a punk-ass by the older generations. 😂
The rings around her fingers, and her earrings are also rather popular accessories amongst Dragons. There are a plethora of variations, but anything low-hanging like a human hoop earring are basically unheard of. Again, that would interfere with flight by mainly being extremely annoying. The nose ring she has is considered strange and is unpopular for that reason.
That little gold nose-bridge thing with the whiskers attached to it is also not very popular, for it would fall off too easily in flight. Though, many like the look, and choose to wear it on the ground, and take it off when about to become airborne.
Dragons are very prideful of their horns, and treat their horns almost like how a human usually treats their hair: with tremendous care. Dragons often regularly get their horns polished at designated beauty parlors for horn-care and fashion. Usually just a good polish is good enough for them, but others like to decorate their horns. This dragoness has had some major modifications done to her horns.
Normally, dragon horns naturally look like this:
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But, some prefer attachments much like the green dragon featured above. The three extra “horns” are screwed into the actual horns, and are glued around the edges, then smoothed. The green zig zags are actually carvings carved also directly into the actual horn, and the three molds. The gems are also directly imbedded.
So, basically you have to be quite sure that what you want to do to your horns… is what you want to do to your horns, because they are far less expendable than hair. (Their horns do not grow back if they break).
At least the dye used to color the horns is far easier to take off than hair dye! XD
She also obviously has some markings near her eye, and that’s just a type of body paint/makeup. The colors that she is wearing are made to resemble the colors of her planet, and the stars in which it orbits. Green and purple are the two most common colors of flora on the planet, and red and yellow are the colors of its two suns: a main sequence star (like our own), and a red dwarf. Dragons who wear these colors together are considered spiritual, and nature-lovers. (Her green body and very rare purple eyes are her natural colors).
Alright, that’s it. Sorry for this info dump, guys! 😅
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lacunasbalustrade · 1 year
World Existence Reasoning
neutral evil / good / neutral
chaotic evil / good / neutral
lawful evil / good/ neutral
I took all the Buddyfight players and tried to find their consistent traits (a world personality test lol) based on the worlds they played and what they shared with the players of the same world ~
choose the worlds you feel affinity with and tell me if it applies!
1. dragon world
gao • tenbu • tasuku • noboru • shadows • tafudo • yuga
- to alleviate their own sense of unworthiness
- overcoming obstacles
- aimless ( dependent variable )
2. danger world
rouga • doai • brutal • banjoe
- to obtain self fulfillment
- by exerting might in whatever means
- will (neutral evil)
3. ancient world
genma • dai kaido • daijirou • masato
- to have pure ability to make others happy
- being unbeatable
- loyalty (lawful good)
4. legend world
shosetsu • terumi • raremaro • keisetsu • alexandre
- to obtain authority in worth from other people
- sacrifice of those around them
- insecurity (chaotic neutral)
5. katana world
zanya • jin • kanehebi • sakate • kanesada
- to protect whatever you hold dear the most
- old fashioned standard of loyalty
- fealty (chaotic good)
6. dungeon world
kazane • noboru • kiri • mel
- coming to terms to being weak
- didn't react and were the centrepiece/ wallflowers
- cowardice (neutral good)
7. star dragon world
tasuku • sofia • suzaku • kanata • seiji • subaru
- to humble their ego
- stubborn denial resulting in inaction
- pride (lawful evil)
8. darkness dragon world
davide • shido • gaito • light
- to protect what matters to them
- corrupted view stemming from being helpless
- yandere (chaotic evil)
9. hero world
paruko • captain answer • mukuro • j. genesis • mamoru
- reconcile their identities with everyone
- they transitioned from one identity to another
- recognition (lawful neutral)
10. magic world
tetsuya • suzuha • silhouette dude • grimoire • note
- to express their emotions to the audience
- through performing
- connection (neutral neutral)
11. divine guardians
ageha • guru
- to fake their true feelings
- through performing
- instagrammable ( dependent variable )
12. searing executioners
random dude • guru
- honestly trying to win something
- through fighting at full strength
- foolishness ( dependent variable )
13. Dragon Ein / Zwei / Drei
- unique passion for what he does
- through over zealous righteousness (ahem ahem)
- childishness ( stu-pid! )
14. the chaos
WISDOM (not)
- accomplish what was expected of him
- through callous destruction
- burden ( psychopathic )
15. godclock
Kei Jinguji √
- for things to remain the same
- through literal time rewinding
- paralysed ( dependent variable)
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tlovemi8 · 7 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Expertise can't help you here.
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prideprejudce · 3 months
"are you team green or team black on house of the drago-" i'm on the girls team. all the women on the show deserve to be picked up and transported to a place far far away from the pathetic little men on this show. all of the girls are valid and right. i will defend all of them to the death
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criston-cole · 2 months
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I am at last myself. With no ambition greater than to walk where I please and to breathe the open air. To die unremarked and unnoticed and be free.
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retrocgads · 7 months
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UK 1987
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wyrmoftheweb · 11 months
btw in my dragon aliens world magic is a big thing and so if you're human you don't necessarily have to stay that way. shapechanger magic is difficult so it's usually only performed by experts but they can and will turn humans into dragons and vice versa!! and also everything in-between, so people can just get dragon traits they want and vice versa. humans generally love horns, tails, wings, and dragons tend to have an affinity for human hair and eyelashes and omnivorous digestive systems
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romancemedia · 3 months
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🌈Happy Pride Month (2024)🌈
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flufflyskrill · 9 months
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the twitter art meme 🛸🐉
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