#Daenerys deserved better
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Daenerys Targaryen Wedding Cosplay Costume
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house-of-daenerys · 7 months
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Favourite Daenerys Braid!?
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carebooks · 2 months
the way i know that Dany haters are gonna go off about hotd basically confirming that Dany was in fact the Prince/Princess That Was Promised and go on a rant about Jon ffs
clearly they never read the books because part of the prophecy for TPTWP was that they were born amongst salt (Dragonstone during the storm) and smoke (Drogo’s pyre and the hatching of her children) and would then wake dragons from stone.
so yep, gee golly, i wonder who it could have been
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hey! Is it okay if you write something for Daenerys where reader is usually very playful and is suddenly scared of Dany? After the thing in King's Landing, R is very cold and overly polite with Dany, calling her "Your Grace" and flinching away from her. Happy ending and female reader please!
A Better World
Request: hey! Is it okay if you write something for Daenerys where reader is usually very playful and is suddenly scared of Dany? After the thing in King's Landing, R is very cold and overly polite with Dany, calling her "Your Grace" and flinching away from her. Happy ending and female reader please!
Hi! I am so sorry it took me so long to get to this request, I was so busy and then I took a break from writing. I wanted to make sure I took some time with this request when I started writing again, I love this one. 
This is my first time writing for Daenerys and Game of Thrones, thank you for sending this in. I love this request, I have so many thoughts about Daenerys’s ending, she didn’t deserve to die and I miss her. This is a little different from your request, but I tried my best to stick to it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!
(Warnings: mentions of death, murder, grief, execution, let me know if i missed any)
You had never known another woman like Daenerys.
Fierce, but kind, and undyingly loyal. She was strong, and brave, and everything the realm needed her to be. You watched in awe at everything she did. 
She often spoke of how she couldn’t do it without you by her side. From the desert wasteland after Khal Drogo’s death, to her dragons being stolen. From witnessing the deaths of slaves, to making decisions regarding the lives of those who betrayed her. 
There were countless times she thanked you for your ability to lift her spirits and keep her going. She loved that about you, how easily you were able to get her to smile and laugh, and keep her uplifted and driven.
When she and her armies secured Meereen after the attacks from the Sons of the Harpy, resulting in the death and near death of Ser Bariston Selmy and Grey Worm, she found the time to take you aside to confide in you. 
In her chambers at the end of the night, she laid in your arms with her head resting on your shoulder. 
“I don’t know how much longer I can do it.”
You sat up, looking her in the eye. “Do what, love?”
“Watch people die. Watch the people who put their faith in me suffer, because I cannot protect them.”
“No,” you quickly shook your head. “You cannot think like that. You saved these people. Without you, they would still be suffering, even worse than now. You freed the slaves, gave the armies something to believe in. Someone to fight for. You are doing all you can. You are one person, you cannot be expected to save every single person who looks to you for help.”
“Why should they follow me if I can’t save them? Why should you? I was so worried for you today, I didn’t know if you were safe or not.”
“I’m fine, see?” You said, dramatically showing her your arms and legs to prove you hadn’t been hurt. 
Daenerys tried to fight it, but a smile broke through, and yours grew at the sight of it. 
“There’s that smile.”
You cupped her cheek in your palm, running your thumb across her cheekbone. 
“People die every day, Dany. People get hurt. There’s nothing you can do to stop that. What you can do is lead these people. You can break the wheel, so that nobody else has to suffer in the ways you did. The people follow you because they believe in you…I believe in you. You’ll be the one to save us all. So please, do not worry about my safety, or whether or not I’m alright. I will always be alright if I’m around you. I may have my fears, but I have never once feared for my life when it came to following you.”
Sticking by Daenerys’s side for the better part of her adult life, the things that scared you were far and few in between.
You had watched her take cities and free slaves. You watched her command armies, getting the Dothraki and Unsullied to believe in her fight. She was fierce and relentless, never stopping until the work was done. 
You had watched her dragons hatch and grow into the beasts they are now. Others might shake in terror at the sight of them, but to you, they really were Daenerys’s children. You never feared them. They never hurt you.
Together, after uniting the North, you had fought the Night King. You lost many, and feared for the death of friends and family, but you made it through.
You had watched both Viserion and Rhaegal die. 
In your years with Daenerys, their deaths were one of the only times you had been afraid to be around her. Watching her grieve was more than you could take. You watched her grow cold. 
But still, she was your Daenerys. Your girl, your Queen, your best friend. With you by her side, she made it through. Despite the rage and sorrow you knew she felt, she grew warm again, opening back up to you. You made it through together. 
You had fought through your fears together, and now, there wasn’t much you were truly afraid of. You had been through it all together, what was left to fear? 
The darkest day was when she rained fire down upon King’s Landing.
You watched in horror as she sat upon Drogon, seething as she listened to the city ring the bells in surrender. You knew that face. 
Missandei had been killed just days before, and Daenerys was devastated. That, on top of the North rejecting her as their leader, and the deaths of her dragons, it was more than she could bear. 
Instead of heading straight to the Red Keep, she set fire to the streets. The sound of screams filled your ears, people desperately trying to run away. Mothers calling for their children, crying when they couldn’t find them. 
Soldiers from the Keep were being slaughtered by the Dothraki and Unsullied, as well as any man who tried to stand in their way. 
Jon, who had been charged with keeping you safe in the unlikely event that you would need protection, kept you close by his side when the real chaos began. 
You were supposed to stay with Tyrion, but you couldn’t wait any longer. You wouldn’t stand by and let your people get hurt because Cersei was too prideful to save her own. You had gone down to the streets to try and reason with the soldiers fighting for Cersei to give up. The city was surrounded, there was nowhere for them to go, and it was a fight they would not win. All they had to do was wait for the bells to be rang, and that was it. 
Men and women screamed for the bells to be rang, begging and pleading with their Queen to surrender. Daenerys watched overhead atop Drogon, and you knew even when the bells were rung that it wasn’t the end. 
She first headed for the Keep, and you had a fleeting sense of relief that she was going to do the right thing. The people would be spared, and Cersei would die. That’s how it should have been. But people started running and screaming, and your heart sank from your chest.
Just as the men laid down their swords, and you were going to retreat to safety, fire filled the streets. 
Grey Worm commanded the Unsullied to kill the Keep’s soldiers, with the North men and Dothraki quickly following. Jon convinced a few to stay back, to not kill anyone, but quickly was forced to fight back when the soldiers swamped him and his men.
Jon immediately brought you to stand behind him, handing you a sword off a dead soldier. You knew how to use it, and you’d fight for your life, but you were scared. Even if you survived this, you wouldn’t survive dragon fire if Daenerys unknowingly turned your way on Drogon.
“Stay close to me! Don’t leave my sight!” He yelled, and you quickly nodded, following behind him.
Soldiers were burning in the streets. Mothers cried as they clutched their children to them, hiding in alleyways. Smoke and ash encased the city.
You killed any soldier that tried to kill you, but mostly watched in dazed horror as you followed Jon through the streets, running as fast as you could. 
Soldiers from your own side were murdering fathers in front of their wives and children, forcing them to run. Mothers were sacrificing themselves, giving their now orphaned children just enough time to escape. 
You could see it in Jon’s face that he was just as horrified as you, only killing when necessary. His men weren’t listening to him, and screams filled the streets. 
“Find somewhere to hide,” he told a woman who had narrowly escaped a soldier's wrath, motioning for her to get up.
You grabbed his arm, turning him towards you. “Jon, there’s nowhere to go.” 
He gave you a sad look, pulling you with him. “Just keep going.”
Ash filled the air, making it hard to see. Injured citizens were laid out all through the streets, screaming and crying in agony. Others called out for lost family, unable to find them. People were running, trampling over each other.
“We’re going to die here,” you said, narrowly escaping the buildings caving in. 
“She wouldn’t hurt you. Not you.”
You heard his words, but you didn’t believe him. An hour ago, you would have. But now, you were afraid. So afraid, and it was because of her.
“Fall back, Y/N. We have to go beyond the wall, we have to get out of the city. Fall back! Fall back!” He yelled to the surrounding people, pleading with them to follow him. 
You kept a hand tightly clutched to the back of his coat, not daring to let go. You followed where he led, trying to shut out the sounds of explosions, screams, and cries. 
The Dothraki went in to finish the job, killing any survivors the flames and wreckage missed. 
Within an hour, the fighting had stopped. 
There was so much ash in the air that it looked like it was snowing. You were choking on it, it clinging to your eyes and scratching its way down your throat.
Casts of people's incinerated bodies lay throughout the streets, small fires surrounding them. 
You and Jon hadn’t said a word to each other in minutes, both in shock. The silence was so loud it was beginning to hurt your ears. 
Tyrion led you through what was left of King’s Landing, before parting to go find his siblings, if that was even possible. 
Jon kept you by his side. Slowly, you walked together to the steps of the Keep, trying your hardest not to look at the dead children scattered in the street. There were a few survivors left in the city, dazedly wandering around.
You stumbled upon Grey Worm, who had Lannister soldiers in a line on their knees. He had sentenced them to die in the name of the true Queen. Jon couldn’t stop him, and you moved onward before the executions began. 
You walked through the army of Dothraki, and then the Unsullied. A banner with the Targaryen house sigil was hung over the wall. 
You climbed the steps with Jon, spotting Grey Worm at the top. Jon stopped halfway up the steps as he heard Drogon’s roar, turning to look.
You kept going. You were afraid that if you turned around, and you saw Daenerys atop Drogon, you’d never be able to get the memory of it out of your head. Your view of her would be permanently scarred. You heard the cheers of her army as she flew overhead, and you quickly climbed the rest of the steps, turning around at the top to face the armies. 
Daenerys suddenly walked through the archway, coming to stand at the top of the staircase. 
You shrunk into the corner, and were unnoticed by her. Jon took his place beside you, laying a hand on your shoulder. 
“Don’t be afraid,” he said quietly. “You’re safe now. It’s over.”
You nodded, watching as Daenerys addressed her army. First the Dothraki, and then the Unsullied. You had a vague understanding of each language she used, catching a few words here and there. You found it hard to pay attention to her speech, your new fear of her now outweighing your love for her. 
She spoke with a fury that you had once admired. 
But now, as you listened to her speak, you feared she was following in her house’s footsteps. She was supposed to be the Targaryen that changed everything. The one to save you all. Now, you weren’t so sure. 
Tyrion appeared, standing at her side. You only caught glimpses of their conversation, their voices drowned out by the cheers of the army. 
“I freed my brother,” you heard Tyrion say. “And you slaughtered a city.”
He removed his Hand of the Queen pin, throwing it down the steps. It grew quiet, and you anxiously watched as Daenerys commanded for him to be taken away. 
As Tyrion was led away, Daenerys finally turned around and spotted you. 
You must have been a sight to see. Covered in ash and blood, your clothes torn and your hair disheveled. A dead man’s sword, still in your grasp. You willed yourself not to shrink away from her gaze in fear, keeping your eyes on hers. 
She let out a small gasp, concern written across her face. Daenerys had never anticipated you getting hurt. You were supposed to stay outside the city and away from danger, yet here you were, lucky enough to have narrowly escaped death. 
A death that would have been by her hands. 
“Y/N,” she muttered, taking a step towards you. 
You took an involuntary step back, internally scolding yourself for showing weakness. Her eyes widened, and she gently took another step toward you. 
“What happened to you? Are you hurt?” She asked, softly cupping your chin and turning your head to get a better look at you. 
You gently pulled your face from her grasp, shaking your head. Your voice was small. 
“I’m fine, Your Grace. Just a few scratches. Jon was there to help me.”
Daenerys was confused by your words and distant tone. “Why were you here, I told you to—“
“I’m sorry,” you quickly said, taking a step back. “If you’ll excuse me, my Queen. I need a moment alone.”
You rushed off before she could say another word, finding an alleyway to duck into. You collapsed against the wall, taking deep and erratic breaths. How could this have happened? Why didn’t she accept the surrender?
It was just that morning that you looked at the woman you loved with nothing but pure adoration in your eyes. Now when you looked at her, you felt fear strike in your heart. 
You thought through the events of the day. You watched her burn a city to the ground, with everyone in it. You watched soldiers from your own side slaughter innocent mothers and children. You heard cries for help as Drogon flew over the city, incinerating everything in his path. 
This was not the first time Daenerys chose the violent path. She murdered the slavers of Astapor. She crucified hundreds of Meereenese nobles. She burned the Dothraki khals alive. And who could argue with that? You were by her side for all of it, and you justified each one. They were evil men doing evil things, they deserved to die. They didn’t deserve her mercy, they deserved the gruesome deaths they got. 
But after so many liberations, the bodies began to pile up. The streets were filled with blood and ash, and who was left to rule over all of them now? Your Queen.
She freed the people of Meereen, Slaver’s Bay, and now Kings Landing. She freed them, and she would continue liberating people until the entire world was free. 
At its core, it wasn’t a bad idea. Daenerys has a good heart, you knew that much. She was doing what she genuinely believed was right. Freeing people, you agreed with. Breaking the wheel was a necessary step. But the methods in which she did and would continue to do it weren’t excusable, even by you. 
To her, it seemed as if building a better world, and burning it to the ground, were one in the same.
Fire and blood was in her nature. You hadn’t decided if that was a good thing or not yet. 
A few hours later, you were called to the Red Keep. 
Daenerys had requested your presence. Grey Worm led you to the throne room in silence, opening the door and guiding you in. 
“That will be all. You may leave us,” Daenerys said, and he closed the door behind you. 
She was standing before the Iron Throne, running a hand along the melted down swords. She hadn’t turned to look at you yet. 
“Tell me,” she said, her voice soft. “What were you doing in the city? You could have been killed.”
You fought the urge to scoff at her, fiddling with your hands in front of you. Biting your tongue, you answered. 
“I’m sorry, Your Grace. I didn't mean to upset you.”
“Your Grace?” She asked incredulously, turning around to face you. 
You held your breath as she stared, feeling like her eyes were piercing straight through you. 
“Is that not what you want to be called, My Queen?”
“Not by you. You’ve never referred to me as such. Why now?”
You chose your words carefully, keeping your gaze on the floor. “You have the throne now. You have control of the realm, you are now its ruler. As Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, is it not my place as a subject to refer to you as such?”
She ignored your answer, asking again. “Why were you in the city?”
“I couldn’t stand by any longer. The city had fallen, but the bells hadn’t been rung. If there was any chance that I could convince Cersei’s soldiers to stand down and give up control, I had to take it. I followed Jon’s men to catch up with him, and just as the soldiers laid down their weapons, the fires started. The fighting followed. I had no way of getting out of the city on my own, and so I stayed with Jon.”
You heard her approach you, faintly flinching as she got close. 
“Look at me,” she commanded, her voice quiet. “Y/N…look at me.”
Reluctantly, you glanced up to meet her gaze. She reached out, taking one of your hands. You stiffened, but didn’t pull away. You felt tears stinging your eyes, and willed them not to fall.
“Why can’t you look at me?” She asked, squeezing your hand. “Do you fear me?”
It was silent for a moment. You looked into her eyes, feeling a twinge in your heart. 
“What if I do?”
A look of sadness set on her face. It pained you to see it, so much so that you almost gave in to her touch.
“Have you been down there?” You asked, growing angry. “Have you seen all that you’ve done?”
“I did what was necessary–”
“No!” You said, cutting her off. “No. You did what was easy.”
You watched as her jaw clenched, and she dropped your hand. She moved to turn around, but you grabbed her shoulder to stop her. She looked at you in shock, but didn’t say a word.
“I could have died, Daenerys. Do you realize that?”
“I would never hurt you–”
“But you did! I was lucky compared to most of the people down there. I’m still alive. I didn’t lose anyone. I can’t say the same for anyone else. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared. When I heard the bells toll, and the city had surrendered, I felt relief. You were supposed to go for the Keep! This was just about Cersei.”
“Cersei gave me no choice!”
You shook your head. “There’s always a choice, Daenerys. I watched innocent men, women, and children die today. Either at the hands of your soldiers, or from the fire and destruction you rained down upon them. I killed men today. I ran for my life for hours through the streets. I would have died if Jon wasn’t there to protect me. When it was all over, we walked by complete and utter destruction. Families burned to ash. Children…burned to ash. You once told me you had no interest in being Queen of the ashes. Has that changed?”
Daenerys took a step closer to you, laying a hand on your cheek. “I did not intend for you to get caught in the crossfire. You must believe me, I would never put you in harm's way. I’d never forgive myself if you had gotten hurt.”
You pressed your face into her palm, feeling fresh tears spill onto your cheeks.
“I understand that this city is corrupt. And I know how hurt you are, I know how much you’ve lost. Jorah, Missandei, your dragons, the North’s support. There’s nothing I could say that would make that any better. I know how much you’ve had to grieve, and I wish that I could take that pain away from you…but you punished a city for it. This throne, it has corrupted you. It’s made you lose your way. Dany, I know your heart is good. I know that. But I will not stand here and justify what you did today. How can you?”
Her face crumpled at your words, and she sank to the floor. You slowly followed her, kneeling at her side. 
“All my life, I’ve waited for this moment. I’ve sacrificed so much, Y/N. I’ve seen too much suffering at the hands of people like Cersei Lannister. I will not stand idly by when there is something I can do to change that.”
“I would never ask you to. I understand the world you’re trying to create, Dany. You have done so much good already. Freeing people, killing tyrants, and that is how it is supposed to happen. I have stood by your side and supported you through it all, have I not? But this is too far. Please tell me you see that.”
“I never meant for it to be this way. I never meant for you to get hurt.”
You nodded, taking her hands.
“I know that. But hear me now, and hear me well. You are not your Father. You are not him, or your brothers, or any other man that has come before you that has been responsible for the suffering of countless others. There is this rage in you, one that I think has been brewing for generations. Don’t let it control you. You are stronger than it. Be better than the ones who came before you.”
She clung to your hands like she was too afraid to let you go. “I don't know if I know how to do that.”
“I’ll help you,” you said, squeezing her hands. “We all will. I won’t lose you, Dany. Not after everything. But I will not stand by your side any longer if continuing down this path is what you choose.”
“I did what I thought was right,” she whispered, and you felt your heart crumble at her words. “I’m so sorry.”
“I know you did. That’s why I love you so much. You’re my best friend, and My Queen. I’ve watched you for years, in awe of you every day. You’re strong, and you’re driven, and you’re brave. You care about people, and you’ve saved so many. You’re good, Daenerys.”
Tears streamed down her cheeks, and you quickly wiped them away.
“I believe in you, Dany. I believe in your fight. But what happened today is not the way. This rage that is inside of you, in some ways, I admire it. But it is controlling you. If you truly mean what you say, then we must do better. Building a better world means protecting those who cannot protect themselves.”
She listened to your words, and sat for a moment in silence. After a moment, squeezing your hands, she stood and walked to the edge of the room where the wall had fallen. She let out a shrill whistle, and Drogon appeared from below. 
He crawled inside the keep, facing his Mother. She turned to you, giving you a sad smile, before turning back to Drogon.
Standing tall, letting out a roar, Drogon set fire to the Iron Throne. 
You shielded your face from the heat, watching in shock as he melted the throne down into nothing more than a pool of steel on the floor. Daenerys backed up, stopping when she stood by your side. You reached for her hand, gripping it tight and intertwining your fingers. 
Daenerys never ceased to surprise you. She was the strongest person you had ever met. She waited years to sit upon the Iron Throne, and had given up so much of herself for it, only to burn it to the ground when it really mattered. 
Your Dany was good, and she would not let herself be controlled by the demons that controlled the very men she sought to overthrow. The wheel would be broken, that was a dream she’d never give up on. But it would be broken by justice and mercy, not fire and blood.
When it was over, she turned to you. “I won’t be weak. I won’t allow the evil of this world to continue. Sometimes, fire and blood is necessary. It is the way, for those who deserve it. But it won’t control me. I won’t be cruel. I won’t kill those who don’t deserve it, and I’ll protect those who cannot protect themselves. You were right. I don’t want to be Queen of the ashes…I want to be Queen of the free. I said that I wanted to leave the world better than I found it, and that is what I intend to do.”
You smiled, bringing her into your arms. “I’ll follow you every step of the way, My Queen. As long as it takes. We’ll do it together.”
A/N - Hi! Thank you again for being so patient. If you couldn’t tell, I love Daenerys, and I miss her so much. She deserved so much better. Anyways, I hope you liked it, let me know what you think!
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 6 months
What makes Sansa more femenine than Dany? The fact that Sansa has no power? Why is power something considered masculine?
Food for thought.
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kingofthelizardpeople · 9 months
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Visual description of how I write Yandere Daenerys stories. I will never not write her as a Targaryen dom mommy
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gojosneck · 7 months
Every time I see any GoT edits, especially the ones with Daenerys, I always think about how the writers of the series got everything wrong about her character. I swear to God these mfers don't even know how to write a female character and how they reduced her to a h*micidal m*niac when in fact she's not like that. They literally have no idea about her entire story
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satanlyedit · 2 months
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Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen in HOTD
If you like the psd, you can grab it it from one of these links:
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Buy me a KO-FI
☾ PSD by Satanly.
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mursartifice · 8 months
azor ahai, mother of dragons, stallion who mounts the world, the great empress of the dawn.
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agir1ukn0w · 2 months
hotd showrunners referring to daenerys as “hope”🥹
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
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༺ 𝔇𝔞𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔰 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔶𝔢𝔫 ~ 𝔐𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔣 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫𝔰 ༻
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Missandei and Grey Worm on Viserion and Rhaegal Custom Funko Pops
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house-of-daenerys · 7 months
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Emilia Clarke at the Loewe Fashion Show in Paris.
She’s So Pretty! 🥰
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carebooks · 2 months
reasons for why the North would bend the knee to Dany:
Before Robb gets called King of the North, Greatjon Umber tells them it was the dragons they bowed to, now all the dragons are gone, why should they have to bow now to stags or lions?
Torrhen Stark, the King Who Knelt, was one of the few monarchs who bent the knee because he would rather his people live and hate him than sacrifice half of them only to bend the knee later.
Jon’s arc with the Free Folk and Mance Rayder, how he ‘spent too much time with them and now he’ll never kneel again’ is brought up by Tormund in the penultimate season. Tormund also says “how many Free Folk died for his pride?” Leading Jon to bend the knee to Dany later on. Yes I’m aware season 7 & 8 sucked but Tormund made a good point about this.
Even if Jon wasn’t KOTN and Sansa was called QOTN or just Lady of Winterfell, they would eventually come to the conclusion of kneeling because Dany’s armies are huge— and oh yeah she has three fucking dragons. They would repeat their ancestors actions but at least benefit from the dragons on their side.
This video:
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rhaenysdagger · 1 year
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Daenerys Targaryen ✨
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yandere Daenerys Targaryen pls?
Y/N hastily walks across the halls of Kings Landing, bare feet against the cold stone, arriving at a bigger wooden door. They knock and after what felt like eons to them, it opened
Daenerys: What are you doing he-?
The mother of dragons couldn't finish her sentence before Y/N wraps their arms desperately around her
Y/N: I'm sorry your grace! I'm sorry for disobeying you. Please forgive me!
As Y/N continues muttering 'I'm sorrys' into the crook of Daeny's neck, guards approach ready to take them back into custody, but the queen waves them silently off. Only speaking once they're gone...
Daenerys: I'm glad you've learned your lesson love. You want to stay by my side again?
Y/N eagerly nods
Daenerys: Good. However, don't think you get off without a punishment for running out of the dungeons
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