#Dalmatian bellflower
k-star-holic · 7 months
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Ahn Eun-jin and Namgoong Min, in reality, Dalmatian bellflower was beautiful!
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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kimtaku · 11 months
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7/10 탄생화 달마시안 벨플라워 (Dalmatian bellflower)
학명 : Campanula portenschlagiana
​캄파눌라 포텐슐라지아나 / 포텐슐라기아나 / 포르텐슐라기아나
일본어 : 오토메 기쿄 / オトメギキョウ (乙女桔梗/을녀길경, 처녀/소녀 도라지). 보통 벨플라워(ベルフラワー)라고 한다.
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inmateofthemind · 2 months
Have Some TWST Fan Lore Part 2: Corlux Key Seminary
Quite literally the largest of the arcane academies, acting as an "all are welcome" paramilitary institution for mages of all sorts. It is revered for its music program, particularly its marching band. - the description that would be on Corlux's in-game info card if it were canon
A Very Brief Background
According to legend, Corlux Key Seminary was originally opened by a collective of special forces mages led by a wizard of power so fantastic that he could supposedly create living worlds out of paint and paper. These mages guarded their kingdom of light with such ferocity that they were referred to as 'living locks', which was fairly ironic considering their weapons were shaped to resemble keys.
With that said, however, the lead mage truly believed that people of all talents and backgrounds were welcome to their land if their hearts were 'pure'; after all, unconventional talents had been proved to win the day over and over in the long lens of history. As such, Corlux Key Seminary was created in honor of that wizard and his friends by offering a variety of programs for students to harness their skills.
-------------------- Current Staff {pronouns} (Twisted From)
Headmistress: Evangeline Lighthaven {she/her} (twisted from the Blue Fairy of Pinocchio)
Deputy Headmaster: Sir Shy {he/they} (twisted from Mad Madam Mim of The Sword & the Stone)
Literature and Drama: Godehard Norris {he/him} (twisted from Mother Gothel of Tangled)
Science: Maureen Desrosiers {she/her} (twisted from Maurice of Beauty and the Beast)
Social Studies: Saylor Anker {she/her} (twisted from Captain Hook of Peter Pan)
Mathematics: Jóna Quasar {they/them} (twisted from Dr. Delbert Doppler of Treasure Planet)
Foreign Languages: Augustus Scholaris {he/him} (twisted from Dr. Milo Thatch of Atlantis: the Lost Empire)
Physical Education: Babur Shah {he/him} (twisted from Shere Khan of Jungle Book)
Music/Band: Inti & Wayna {genderfluid & he/him respectively} (twisted from Yzma & Kronk of The Emperor's New Groove)
Teacher's Assistant: Solfilius Bellflower {he/him} (twisted from Rapunzel of Tangled)
'Jacks of All Trades' Grunts: Carnelian & Saul {both he/him} (twisted from Jasper & Horace of 101 Dalmatians)
all staff members created by @inmateofthemind
Students of Note, sorted by school year at time of 1st Arcane Exchange
Orpheus Fairbairn {he/him}* (twisted from King Stephen of Sleeping Beauty) created by @inmateofthemind
Helena Jupiter {she/her} (twisted from Hercules of Hercules) created by @ramshacklerumble
Caelum 'Cal' Sokół {he/him}* (twisted from Jim Hawkins of Treasure Planet) created by @inmateofthemind
Klaus Hasencamp {he/him} (twisted from The White Rabbit of Alice in Wonderland) created by @simons-twsted-children
Puck Pratt {he/him, trans}* (twisted from Peter Pan of Peter Pan) created by @inmateofthemind
Fiamma Trein {she/her} (twisted from Cinderella of Cinderella) created by @inmateofthemind
Penny Chase {she/her} (twisted from Copper of The Fox and the Hound) created by @inmateofthemind
Ruby Del Zorro {she/her} (twisted from Tod of The Fox and the Hound) created by @inmateofthemind
Kentigern Vaughan {he/him} (twisted from Wart of The Sword in the Stone) created by @inmateofthemind
*= does not participate in the 1st Arcane Exchange
Kallisto Shroud {she/her} (twisted from the Muses of Hercules) created by @cyanide-latte
Tidbits & Trivia
Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy can bicker about having the power; Corlux Key Seminary is content to boast about having the numbers. There are a grand total of twenty dormitories across the entire campus, though the joke among students is that there are actually twenty-three. This is due to some of the dorms having gotten a rebranding of name some years back, but people will use the new and old names interchangeably. It isn't uncommon for freshmen to be deliberately told to retrieve something from one of the dorms using the old name for it so that they will wander around for hours trying to find it.
Corlux Key Seminary is located in the far north of the Shaftlands; not exactly neighbors with Harveston, but close enough that the more troublesome youth of the town are threatened with being sent there if they don't shape up.
Corlux's inclusivity even goes as far as the dress code; as long as the students are wearing academy-issued attire and it's properly clean, they're golden as far as the rules go. This is actually a selling point for students who are exploring their gender identity, or even just for people who want to wear quote-unquote 'gender-specific attire' just for the sake of comfort. Rather recently, one student even turned down their invite to Royal Sword Academy specifically because 'they don't allow guys to wear skorts/skirts there; hard pass'.
As Corlux is currently under the reign of a fae, all students are granted protection from minor cantrips and spells by what is referred to as a 'pulchra osculum' ('beautiful kiss'). This is a TWST-fan!verse term created by myself which I will explain at a later date, but the basic idea is that it's a minor protection spell.
Corlux is officially listed as paramilitary due to their structure not being fully comparable to a traditional military school, though there is a kind of 'honors program' sponsored by official military institutes from across the nations to help those with serious aspirations for the armed forces. The way to distinguish those students from the general populace is an armband emblazed with a specific crown modeled after a symbol worn by a legendary 'Keywielder', as the military-aspiring students are called.
Even if students do not choose to enlist into any kind of military service upon graduation, they will receive top-of-the-line training for a variety of careers. As mentioned previously, one of the school's most famed aspects is their marching band that has seen several of its former members go on to be professional musicians of some kind.
Author's Notes
As previously mentioned, Corlux Key Seminary is an arcane academy created by yours truly to serve...well, a lot of purposes, actually;
Play around with the idea of what a TWST military school would look like while also having a bit of flexibility for fun
Give the girlies/girlie-identifying folks of TWST a place to be educated since there don't seem to be a whole lot of those in canon (at least from what I've seen)
Place a few extra Kingdom Hearts references into TWST (you mean to tell me that four of the Great Seven are the villains of the Princesses of Hearts, with one of those Seven even being Maleficent herself, because of sheer coincidence? I think NOT, friend!)
Because this is a fanverse for a piece of media, which means we live by the credence 'I did it because I could' xD
This is all in good fun between a small group of friends who are doing something fun with a game we all enjoy. Just let us have our thing and feel free to engage if you like it :)
Taglist: @cyanide-latte @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @ramshacklerumble (let me know if you also want to be tagged)
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pers-books · 1 year
Went on two walks today - one short-ish, the other nearly 2.5 miles (because fuck it, the sun was out and despite the NE wind trying to blow a fucking gale, it was WARM!) and I saw many flowers:
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Dalmatian Bellflowers growing on/through a garden wall.
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Cornflowers and Daisies growing behind someone else’s garden wall (someone took No Mow May *very* seriously this year and they’re apparently going with Let It Bloom June, too!)
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Red and yellow Roses growing in the flower bed of the Bowls Club.
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A different flowerbed also at the Bowls Club. I’ve no idea what these flowers are as they’re too distant to ID.
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Iris Hollandica (left) and Mexican Orange Blossom (right).
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Lithodora (foreground left), Iris Hollandica (centre), and Allium Atropurpureum (right).
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gachacoins · 1 year
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ウィンターワンダーランド (by Dalmatian Bellflower)
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octocurse · 5 months
FUN FACR !!!! Bell is named after the Dalmatian Bellflower
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frank-olivier · 2 years
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Wednesday, May 18, 2022
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markunsan · 6 years
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Dalmatian bellflower
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karanashi · 7 years
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bon-uoq · 3 years
Silent Princess: real world counterparts
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Borage (Borago officinalis)
Etymology: while the origins of the genus name are unclear, ‘borage’ can be considered a bastardization of ‘corago’, translating to courage (Portugese) or “to act on/from the heart” (Latin). Alternatively, the Celtic name for it - barrach - means ‘man of courage’.
Symbolises: Courage, strength of character. The flower was also used in magic to ensure the peace and tranquility of a place and ward off evil.
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Bearded Iris (Iris germanica)
Etymology: The name comes from the Greek word for rainbow, and with that, the Goddess of the rainbow, Iris. She could travel between the material and spirit realm, and would relay messages from Zeus and Hera to earth. Symbolises: Wisdom, nobility, faith, valor. Because of the flower's namesake, it also symbolises (divine) messages.
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White Lily (Lilium candidum)
Etymology: The name for the lily genus, Lilium, was derived from the Greek term ‘leirion’, which in turn traces back many millenia to one of the first words for flower. Symbolises: Purity, hope, rebirth, renewal, passion and drive, royalty/regal bearing.
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Dalmatian Bellflower (Campanula Muralis)
Etymology: The name of the genus, Campanula, is Latin for bell. This name naturally comes from the bell-like shape of the flower. Symbolises: Gratitude, humility, everlasting love.
Now take little bit of each... - the sepals and petals of the borage flower - the dual petal color of the iris - the petal curl and stamens/pistils of the lily - the general shape of the bellflower
et voilà
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k-star-holic · 3 years
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Irene, the daily life is pictorial...mimoDalmatian bellflower burst
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damxkitten · 3 years
Louis details as flowers meanings
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dalmatian bellflower - nose
symbolizes delicacy
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white and blue lilacs - eyes
white:symbolize purity and innocence
blue: symbolize happiness and tranquility
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purple dahlia - curves
symbolizes grace, beauty and perfection
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yellow acacia - hands/arms
symbolizes : warmth, power, renewal, fortitude and pureness
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light pink acacia - lips
symbolizes sweetness, beauty and desire
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ghostsandgod · 3 years
172/365 - Dalmatian Bellflower by Tomos Kay Via Flickr: My Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/tomoskayphotography/p
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ahamiltongarden · 5 years
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Spring is a wondrous time in the garden as everything is newly and perfectly formed. A miracle that comes once a year. Most insect pests haven’t woken up yet and the ground is very moist from the winter rain. Weeds are easy to pull out as are any unwanted plants that have self seeded. Our garden is increasingly inhabited by the latter and I am happy about that as their repetition gives unity to the overall scheme and their presence inhibits weed growth. From the top, Dalmatian bellflower, a most obliging plant, the long garden of roses, tree peonies, bulbs and perennials, the square herb garden with its bay tree, the perennial hosta ‘June’ which grows in a pot in semi-shade, white Parma violet ‘Count de Brazzi’ and mauve and white Parma violet ‘Lady Hume Campbell’ creeping over the rocks under the elm, blue perennial bellflower with the leaves of the golden daylily and lime euphorbia palustrus behind, silver spotted lungwort with its blue flowers, and a low growing comfrey from Lambley Nursery.
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chandesign · 2 years
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Dalmatian bellflowers had so much fun that time passed too quickly.
花言葉は「楽しいおしゃべり / have a pleasant chat」
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hoergen · 4 years
♲ Friendica News ([email protected]) 2019-12-23 19:30:28:
Friendica 2019.12 released
Wrapping up for the end-of-the-year? We too; and therefore we are happy to announce the release of Friendica “Dalmatian Bellflower” 2019.12. This release bundles up some bug fixes, but mostly enhancements to existing features and adds some new ones as well. For a full list of changes, please have a look at the CHANGELOG file in the repository. For a short summery, the highlights are:
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The titles of all the pull requests of the 2019.12 release summarized as word cloud.
The ACL dialogue introduced in the 2019.09 release on the new compose page for the frio theme was now adopted to all themes.
The handling of reshares was made more native for the federated platforms and federation with Diaspora*, Mastodon, Pixelfed and Peertube was improved.
The API was improved and got some new endpoints to improve the experience of using Friendica with mobile apps like Fedilab.
Postings can now be pinned to your profile wall and
if you like, you can connect to Discourse forums via email.
Thanks to all the people who have made this release possible!
How to Update
Updating from old Friendica versions
If you are updating from an older version than the 2018.09 release, please first update your Friendica instance to that version as there were several important changes in that version. Please note, that we moved the shipped .htaccess file to .htaccess-dist in the 2019.01 version. Make sure that you have saved a copy of the file if you made any changes to it, so that you can copy the file from the backup after the upgrade. Please further note, that since Friendica 3.6 we use Composer for dependency management. If you are updating via git, you have to remember to update the dependencies as well. Furthermore, we raised the minimal requirements with the 2019.06 version to PHP 7. Before updating please ensure that you are using a supported PHP version on your server. We suggest PHP 7.2 or later.
Pre-Update Procedures
Ensure that the last backup of your Friendica installation was done recently. While testing, we did not encounter problems, but better safe than sorry.
Using Git
Updating from the git repositories should only involve a pull from the Friendica core repository and addons repository. Remember to update the dependencies with composer as well. cd friendica git pull bin/composer.phar install cd addon git pull If you want to switch the branch (e.g. if you helped to test the release candidate) please do so after the pull using git checkout master (or develop). Be aware that the .htaccess file was removed from the git repository in the 2019.01 version. You might have to restore yours from a backup (if you have done local changes) or from the .htaccess-dist if you had not done it before.
Using the Archive Files
If you had downloaded the source files in an archive file (tar.gz) please download the current version of the archive (friendica-full-2019.12.tar.gz and friendica-addons-2019.12.tar.gz) and unpack it on your local computer. As many files got deleted or moved around, please upload the unpacked files to a new directory on your server (say friendica_new) and copy over your existing configuration (config/local.config.php and config/addon.config.php) and .htaccess files. Afterwards rename your current Friendica directory (e.g. friendica) to friendica_old and friendica_new to friendica. The files of the dependencies are included in the archive (make sure you are using the friendica-full-2019.12 archive), so you don’t have to worry about them. Please be aware of the changes in the configuration format in the 2019.03 version. You should follow the instructions linked from your admin panel as soon as possible to move your configuration to the new location.
Post Update Tasks
The database update should be applied automatically, but maybe it gets stuck. If you encounter this, please initiate the DB update manually from the command line by running the script bin/console dbstructure update from the base of your Friendica installation. If the output contains any error message, please let us know using the channels mentioned below.
How to Contribute
If you want to contribute to the project, you don’t need to have coding experience. There are a number of tasks listed in the issue tracker with the label “Junior Jobs” we think are good for new contributors. But you are by no means limited to these – if you find a solution to a problem (even a new one) please make a pull request at github or let us know in the development forum. Contribution to Friendica is also not limited to coding. Any contribution to the documentation, the translation or advertisement materials is welcome or reporting a problem. You don’t need to deal with Git(Hub) or Transifex if you don’t like to. Just get in touch with us and we will get the materials to the appropriate places. Thanks everyone who helped making this release possible and have fun!
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