#Daminette Dominance
wintermelonbear · 7 months
Just Another Picture to Burn
Summary: Just a cute little friendship between Jon, Damian, and Marinette. Can be read platonically or with some romantic inclination. Just two friends who want the best for each other and will celebrate each other’s milestones 
Sidenote: I haven’t written anything in years, but dragged my butt to write this for the MGI civil war so proceed with caution.
Sharp green eyes open up to the world moments before the buzz of a phone alarm signals the need to get up. Out of an abundance of caution stemming from his tumultuous upbringing the young teen scans the room for any signs of an intruder, most days this is a fruitless endeavor, but Damian could never find himself to drop this habit. He notes an envelope on his desk and reaches for the compressed bo staff under his pillow. As he approached the desk the only sound that could be heard was the light creak of the manor’s floorboards and low mumblings coming from the kitchen. A sigh of relief breaks this silence as Damian recognizes the gentle script sprawled across the front of the pale pink envelope spelling out “To Dami”. 
Cautiously he flips the envelope checking for signs of tampering. While the sentiment is nice, the choice to send a handwritten letter rather than a text was out of left field from his companion. He notes with a slight grin that she had used the wax seal he gifted her after the defeat of Hawkmoth. Sliding a batarang out from the underside of his desk he slices open the top of the envelope to reveal a piece of thick cardstock. At this Damian’s brow moves into a sharp arch, what could have been so important, yet so minimal that she had to portal over to his place in the middle of the night. Pulling out a piece of pristine white paper, he reads, "You, me & Jon. 7 pm CET. I already checked with your dad, so no excuses. Love, Mari”
Picking up his phone –the latest from Wayne Tech– he taps out a message to his top contact, “Spotted Menace”. A bright blue message populates the screen reading out, “An invite? To what exactly?” For emphasis, he adds in a raised eyebrow emoji then after some contemplation adds in a thinking emoji. Following that text, he quickly snaps a picture of the note to Marinette to confirm he received her letter before preparing for the day. 
Before leaving his room he picks up the envelope again, this time to admire her handiwork instead of ascertaining its threat level. Turning to the back of the envelope his chest puffs out a bit as he dons a victorious smile he takes in his handiwork. She had used the wax seal stamp he had gifted her on her 16th birthday. He hand-carved the image of a ladybug resting on a branch of plum blossoms, to signify her new beginning as a hero by choice and not by necessity after the defeat of Hawkmoth.
As Damian slipped into the driver’s seat of his sleek sedan he mused that 12-year-old Damian would be utterly baffled by the person he is today –apart from being the stronger member of the new generation of heroes, that has always been a given (Somewhere Jon is rolling his eyes). Honestly, when Damian first met Marinette he found her pathetic. She was just a worthless little girl who was gifted powers beyond her capability to wield, and he never hid his disdain for her. Thus, to young pre-teen Marinette the youngest Robin was just a massive dickhead who had no feelings apart from his superiority complex. He was an embodiment of torment; the worst parts of Felix and Chloe combined. Not to say that Damian is perfect now, but at the time he lacked the perspective he gained from his travels to and return from Lazarus Island. Now he has spent more time learning from others’ experiences, has gone through his first heartbreak after Flatline decided that time spent with him was distracting her from her personal goals, and all of that has taught him to care and have some level of empathy. He may not be like Marinette and Jon, ready to do what is right solely because they blindly believe in the goodness of others, but he understands that even if he may not find value in someone, that does not mean their life is worthless. 
The first time Robin acknowledged that despite Ladybug’s lack of technical combat skills, she had plenty of other skills that other heroes would be envious of, Nightwing attempted to give him a “bear hug” and Superboy nearly fell from the sky. What Robin to this day doesn’t know about that night is that his comm was connected to Ladybug’s and the reason she fell off the roof was not the attacker’s sharp jab to her ribs, but rather the shock of Robin giving her any form of praise. From then on Marinette decided maybe Robin was capable of growing a heart, and while it may have started as one-sided conversations with her rambling on about herself and basic topics of conversation – how’s the weather in the Gotham? It’s been warm in Paris! Did you see the new Mecha Strike game launch? What’s your favorite dessert? –  eventually, Damian started warming up to her. 
By the time the youngest Wayne snaps out of his reverie, the bell has rung signaling the dismissal of his second-period and the start of the school’s 20-minute break. Fishing through his pockets, and quickly unlocking his phone he finds several missed messages from Marinette, Jon, and their group chat “Talk Shit Get Hit”. After skimming through their private messages, Damian bites the bullet and opens up “Talk Shit Get Hit” to begin tackling the growing number of messages. Scrolling to the top of the chain of unread messages he sends Jon spamming the chat with unintelligible keyboard smashes followed by “MARI HOW DID YOU GET US OUT OF LIZZIE-SITTING DUTIES???”, Damian swears that the capslock on Jon’s keyboards must be worn down with his overusage. He reacts to the message with a set of eye emojis because there are very few people Diana trusts with her fussy toddler and he knows for a fact that she’s in the midst of an investigation into a rapidly expanding crime syndicate. As he scrolls further he is dismayed to find out Marinette cashed in this free day in exchange for a date night babysitting gig in addition to normal babysitting duties. Damian loves Lizzie like a younger sister and of course, wants her to be in the care of someone befitting of her status. Still, he has been yelled at one too many times for taking her on patrol with him, and sometimes bringing a 3-foot-tall sidekick with a tutu (courtesy of Marinette) kills his intimidation factor. Once he makes it past a wall of crying emojis and gifs of betrayal from Jon, the chat goes back to its normal contents, filled with reels shared between Jon and Mari, and complaints about their teachers. Jon eventually asks Marinette what she has planned for tonight that is worth the extra babysitting duties, but Marinette declines to answer and instead tells him to be patient.
After school Damian carefully considers his outfit but sticks with his classic black turtleneck and a pair of khakis, Marinette will call him boring but what does she know? She used to have a crush on a guy who exclusively wore a striped shirt with an open button-up and bright orange Converses. Once they became comfortable with one another Marinette made it VERY well-known that while she wished his civilian wear had more diversity and color, she found his original Robin suit to be a “crime against fashion and most people’s eyeballs”. Stating that only traffic lights would appreciate sharing a color palette with him. Damian argued that it’s tradition, while Marinette replied with “It’s fugly and you know it. Y o u! ditched the design in the first place”. Rolling his eyes, he heads to the window and yells out “Jon! I am ready!” and with a flash of blue and red Jon shows up at his window clad in a red hoodie and blue jeans. The Super family really needs to consider their civilian “disguises”. 
Swooping Damian up into his arm Jon bolts out the window and into the sky towards Paris until they reach a familiar flowered rooftop. After two taps to the trap door beneath them, the door abruptly gave way and Damian was met with a loud POP and confetti raining down onto him. Quickly Marinette busted out the door cake in hand and in unison started singing with Jon. While it was not a rare occurrence for Marinette to provide them with sweets at her residence, what was on the cake was the strange part. It was a picture of one of his earlier Robin outfits? One that after many earfuls from Marinette knew to be her least favorite, why would she put it on a cake?? 
“Happy outfit death to you! Happy outfit death to you! You no longer look like a traffic light! Happy outfit death to you!” Out of seemingly thin air, Marinette pulled out a lighter and lit the top layer on fire revealing a picture of his new outfit underneath. “You do not know how relieved I am that I do not have to be with someone whose color palette matches a kindergarten classroom rug, and not a cute one”.
Damian with a puzzled expression questions her, “Is this something to be celebrated? Besides that I changed outfits months ago”. Marinette looked at him mouth agape. “Close your mouth you will catch flies at this rate”.
Almost as if rehearsed Jon and Marinette reply in unison “What are you my maman/ma”?
After clearing her throat Marinette went to explain, “There are plenty of things to celebrate for your outfit change! You’re finding out the type of Robin you’re going to be, and I personally believe that is a worthy cause for celebration. Besides, after Monarch’s downfall, I was really struggling to figure out what to do myself. My whole world felt like it splintered into pieces, but you and Jon were there to help me figure things out when the consequences of my actions™ struck. I want you to feel empowered too, even if you don’t need it the same way I did”. With a smile Marinette brought out some forks, “Now let’s dig in”! If it made him uncomfortable how quickly his friends stabbed his frosting face with their forks, he didn’t let it show.
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Digital Art for the Maribat? Get In! Discord Civil War Event 2024 - Team Damian Dominance 2.0
Prompt Fill:
small drawing challenge, do your own version with your teams ship! 🙂
So...what happened here is uh... I was drawing over the original And that's why her eyes scare me But this is what I came up with I like that she looks disgusted tho Even though her eyes scare me I picked him as the kissy one because he's taller. But they both get knives for funsies. And if it makes you feel better about him being kissy and her being disgusted, call it a body swap au.
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Color Photo credit to myself Prompt Photo Credit Unknown (Provided on MGI Server)
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Daminette - Prompt Music
Too lazy to write this out, so bullet points!
Damian has been dating Marinette for a while but none of the Batfamily are allowed to research her because he wants to respect her privacy and doesn’t want his family meddling in his relationship
He has agreed to let Babs hang out with Marinette so she will block the other members of the family from looking into her
Alfred and Marinette bake whenever she comes over, with Damian just chilling in the kitchen, occasionally getting ingredients for them
Bruce knows Marinette exists and has given her the shovel talk much to the annoyance of Damian Marinette was scared for the rest of the day, Bruce Wayne is intimidating!
The other Batsiblings know of Damian’s girlfriend but do not know who she is, what she looks like, when she comes over etc.
So one day Marinette and Damian are hanging out in like the gym or some other random room and Marinette is teaching Damian Kpop dances
Damian isn’t a fan of Kpop but he listens to it to make his girlfriend happy
Marinette is a Kpop stan, she loves many groups and has memorized many dances
One day while they’re listening Marinette starts doing a dance and Damian asks what she’s doing and she answers doing a Kpop dance
One thing leads to another and Marinette is teaching Damian Kpop dances
Only they’re not alone
A sleep deprived Tim walks by the room they are in and has to do a double take that Demon Spawn is 1. With a girl 2. Letting said girl teach him a dance 3. Listening to Kpop 4. Smiling and laughing
Tim hasn't slept in a while so just to make sure he's not hallucinating, grabs the first person he can find to tell him he's crazy
This person just so happens to be Dick and Dick gets super excited that he has a chance to meet his little brother’s mysterious girlfriend
So he gets the rest if the family members to come watch as Marinette teaches Damian Everglow's Dun Dun and decides to record it as well
Its only after Marinette finishes teaching him the first part of the chorus that she notices his family and proceeds to squeak, turn a bright red, grab her phone and turn the music off, and hide behind Damian
Damian is not amused and his family knows this because he tries to run Jason through with his katana
Dick goes to introduce himself to Marinette and ask her what Kpop groups she likes, favorite songs, and dances she knows because of course he's a Kpop stan
Thats all I got because motivation is lacking and I need to sleep! So if this doesn't make sense blame my tired sleep deprived mind!
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mgi-events · 3 years
Hi everyone!
This post is to announce some regular stuff you need to know for our next event:
CIVIL WAR 2022 (Valentine’s Edition)
The event will be host from February 7th to 14th, teams can prepare as much as they want, but submissions have to be publish during that week for them to count.
It’s a content war, so please be nice to each other.
You can participate with whatever you can think of as long as it’s related to your pairing, the pairing doesn’t have to be romantic, If you want to make it platonic that’s okay with us too.
Some examples of participation are prompts, fics, art, doodles, recipes, tik toks, moodboards, playlists.
We’ll have a max of 20 memes per team this year. Even so, If you draw it yourself, they’ll be counted as art and won’t have a cap.
Example thanks to @thedragonbug participation in Civil War 2021
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There’s not a min or max of works, you can contribute as much as you can.
All submissions have to be send to my dms (issarockz#1822) along with your team, word count, and the link. (Link can be whatever you published your work, from tumblr to ao3 to even an actual server channel if you’re more comfortable that way)
Example thanks to @phis-corner participation in Trope Tussle 2021:
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Once they have been sent to my dms, I’ll publish them in the official event channel in the server and they’ll count as participation.
Example thanks to @flapdoodle-noodle participation in Civil War 2021
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The table with points won’t be public this year, we want you all to have fun and do the content you want to do because that’s what it feels right, not because it’s what gives you more points.
Collabs between teammates will count as extra points
As last year, we’ll publish a general prompt everyday, it’s just for inspiration, you are not forced to follow it and can be also used in the following days.
If you’re going to publish on tumblr, please add the tag #MGICIVILWAR2022 and tag us here in @mgi-events or with our main @illiteratefucks
More questions and extra info can be answered in my dms or in the server’s #askthemods
If you’re interested in participating but are not currently in the server, go visit and let us know, we’ll make space 🤍
Thanks everyone! With love, @issaxcharlie, @flapdoodle-noodle and @eggadoodle
Server’s link: https://discord.gg/fWNU4BnAxv
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judysupremus · 4 years
This is a short drabble I wrote early on in Use Your Brain, though I consider it more of a stand alone.
Fluffy with thoughts on miraculous effecting personalities.
Identities have not been revealed.
The bats had seen Ladybug and Chat Noir multiple times outside of akuma battles. There had been strategy meetings, spars, and small competitions to let off steam.
But they had not seen them quite like this.
Apparently, Mister Bug and Lady Noire were a regular occurrence. The bats knew that sometimes the two had to combine various miraculous but they had not seen the two swap their own.
Nightwing, naturally, had oohed and awed appreciatively. Red Robin was asking Mister Bug questions about how much the switch altered their powers. Red Hood was filming Robin and Lady Noire.
Lady Noire was teasing and flirting relentlessly with Robin. The flirting was nothing new. If the circumstances of them being around one another was not serious then they flirted like two young people do.
But Lady Noire was more lively and less embarrassed by being caught saying something suggestive. She'd wiggled her eyebrows, she stroked his hair, and she openly asked him to scratch her next to the cat ears on top of her head.
Lady Noire purred, cuddled, sassed, and laughed with great enthusiasm.
Mister Bug was more serious than what they were used to. He answered Red Robin's questions thoughtfully and thoroughly. He laughed good naturedly with everyone and did his best to keep Lady Noire from embarrassing herself.
This proved to be difficult, however. Lady Noire had deposited herself in Robin's lap and refused to budge. She sat sideways, one arm draped around his shoulders and the other stroking his cheek. If Mister Bug expected help from the poor guy himself, he was sorely mistaken.
Despite looking the perfect picture of a bird with thoroughly ruffled feathers and rosy cheeks, he wouldn't let anyone close to them. Robin kept his arms anchored around her waist and would only hold on tighter if someone called her attention away.
When the group met again, with Ladybug and Chat Noir, it felt a bit like whiplash.
Chat Noir was back to dramatics, jokes, and exchanging dares with Red Hood.
Ladybug was back to her considerate self. She radiated calm enthusiasm, thoughtful insight, and resumed talking tactics with Red Robin.
After sometime Batman breached the subject all the bats were dying to know more about.
"Does the miraculous really change a personality that much?"
Ladybug looked confused and tilted her head slightly to the side. Chat Noir chuffed and shook his head as he drapped himself over Ladybug's shoulders.
"Non. I can see how people would see it that way. You know us strictly as Ladybug and Chat Noir and while you know a great deal more than most, that view is limited. The miraculous can enhance certain personality traits.
Cats are playful and mischievous. Ladybugs are harder to know. But they are bright, unhurried, and dedicated."
"Every person is a different balance between these two specifically, as they are yin and yang. Civilian Ladybug and Chat Noir are the same. Without the miraculous it is a more subtle, recognizable balance.
The miraculous enhances the traits that are already fairly dominate in a person. It's what helps a guardian chose a holder. The black cat holder is already someone who is playful, optimistic, and is good at directing attention to themselves."
"And what about the Ladybug holder?"
"She is someone who is creative, a planner, and kind. When we swap miraculous the difference is strong because we are already deeply bonded to our own. But we are still ourselves."
"So, ok. Let's see if I got this. Ladybug is calm and collected, Lady Noire is playful and fun, and as a civilian she is a mix?"
"Correct. Chat Noir is playful and fun, Mister Bug is calm and collected, as a civilian he is playful and studious."
"Does that mean you weren't as genuine with all the things you said as Lady Noire?"
"Oh no! I meant every word, cherie." Ladybug wiggled her eyebrows at Robin.
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batsandbugs · 4 years
Daminette December Day 14
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A/N: Gasp! Twice in one day? Must be a holiday miracle! I swear I’m working on all the prompts they’re just going to be a bit out of order. Hope you enjoy this one. Thanks again @daminette-december2019-2020 !
Daminette December Day 14 – Heat
Softened sounds of partygoers and lively music broke through the charged silence of the night. The glistening lights of the chandelier faded away in the secluded hallway. But neither of those details mattered to the pair leaned up against a tapestried wall.
Marinette arched into Damian’s touch, as his mouth moved from her lips down her neck, sucking lightly on her skin. She gasped when he reached the crook of her neck. She buried her hands in his hair, ruining his perfectly slicked back style. She couldn’t wait to see it ruffled and mussed.
“You need to be quiet,” he whispered. “We wouldn’t want someone to find us.” She could hear the smirk in his voice, even as her eyes were closed and her head rested against the wall. Before she could respond he moved back up to her lips and the warm heat of his mouth overtook her again and she was lost in the moment.
It could have been minutes, it could have been hours, but both were too distracted to count. They hadn’t seen each other in weeks and had too much to express; much more than simple words could say. Marinette’s heels became unsteady as her legs trembled from Damian’s focused intensity.  She snaked her hand from his hair to around his neck and used a bit of her strength to hold herself up, as she kicked off the offending footwear.
The loss of a couple inches was noticeable, and Damian’s hands which had been gripping her waist, moved down to her bottom, and cupped it, pushing her against the wall even harder and lifting her up. He squeezed harder for just a second and pushed a searing kiss into her mouth. She wrapped her legs around his waist as the folds of her dress fell away leaving her legs bare.
“Comfortable?” he asked.
“Very.” Her voice a breathless whisper. “Can we get back to the kissing?”
In lieu of a response he dived back to her neck sucking light bites down her throat, she bit her lip to muffle the gasped moans that wanted to escape. He knew damn well where her weak spots were and going after them like this was a clear sign that he wanted a reaction. So, she was going to give him one.
She rocked her body into the hard grip he had on her and the responding groan was music to her ears. Fisting her hands into the smooth fabric of his jacket she tugged on it. “Take it off.”
Without bothering to put her down, Damian took his hand off her bottom and shed his jacket revealing a silk green shirt underneath. The silky fabric did nothing to hide the sharp lines of his body, or the radiant heat pouring off his skin. In the cool dim of the hallway, he was like a flamed light, and she was a moth too entranced to escape.
It was the work of moments to untuck the green fabric from his waistband and snake her chilled hands onto his chest. Damian drew her mouth into another kiss, and it once again became a battle both of them dominating for power with teeth and tongues. They gave up all pretense of being quiet and in between the muffled groans and gasping breaths. But trapped in their own little world, a pocketed bubble of heat and sensation, they didn’t care.
It took the large clatter of a falling tray to knock them out of their zone. The sound had come from the West Hall where the party was being held. The night silenced for just a moment before the murmurs of laughter and conversation resumed once more.
“Maybe we should take this to an alternative venue?” proposed Damian. “Such as my bedroom.”
Marinette bit her lip, enjoying the view of his shirt out of place and wrinkled and his hair all mussed up. “Sounds perfect but won’t your family notice. This is your Christmas party after all.”
“Well, they shouldn’t have scheduled it on the day of your arrival angel. They’ll just have to deal.” He finally let her down, and she slipped back into her discarded shoes.
“Shall we?” She placed her hand in his and they headed off into the depths of the house, glad to leave the crowded halls behind for the warmth of their own company.
Permanent Tag List 
@loveswifi​ @fusser90​ @animegirlweeb​ @ihavehomeworkbutistillhere​ @your-resident-chicken-nugget​ @nathleigh​ @moonlitceleste​
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miraculouspenta · 4 years
.. ... ......................
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Names are not real: Cat Robinson is @sunflowers-and-mooncakes​  Becca Rose is @miraculouslycurious​  Mel Lydia is @alittlemelody716​  Vi Robinson is @charme-de-malchan​  Ria Brooks is @blondie-4404​ Meg Wilson is @eggadoodle​ Nyx Chaos is @nyx-in-line​ Go check them out cuz they are awesome people! 
Without further ado, I present to you:
World Domination
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and literally every social media platform, was blowing up. Six of the most famous people in the world had just been seen walking out of a coffee shop, TOGETHER. These people had included; The Robinson sisters, Cat Robinson, the world's best fashion designer and Vi Robinson, world renowned chef, Becca Rose, an incredible actress, Mel Lydia, a talented photographer, Ria Brooks, author of multiple bestseller books, and Meg Wilson, an intelligent travelling teacher. But that was not the main reason people were going crazy. It was their t-shirts. 
Their t-shirts were dyed in ombre white to pink with the famed bat symbol from DC Comics on their chest, surrounded by flowers. At first, people hadn't thought much about it. They thought that it was a sign to show their support of DC. That is, until a Maribat fan had tweeted:
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People were quick to google what in the world Maribat was. To their surprise, it was a crossover fandom, a crossover fandom of DC’s Batman and Disney’s Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir to be exact. It wasn’t as big as the Batman or Miraculous fandom themselves, but it was by no means small. With over 1600 works on Archive of Our Own, this fandom had blossomed ever since it appeared 36th on Tumblr’s Top 2020 Ships. It was honestly sad how much hate this fandom was receiving. It was, is, a very supportive community with tons of amazing writers that had written plenty of equally amazing fics. 
Most fans of these famed people had been curious and started reading a fanfiction or two. Oh, how big of a mistake had that been. They became hooked. And as many members of this fandom say; ‘This fandom is a wormhole that once you get in, there is no way out.’ More people became members of this fandom and it grew enormous overnight. In a week, these six people announced that they would be doing an interview together. The interviewer, known as Nyx Chaos, was also famous. 
“So, there is a rumour that the six of you are a part of the ‘Maribat’ fandom, can you all confirm this?” Nyx asked during the interview. Meg said her signature “Heck yeah!” while others agreed with various ways of saying yes. Along with that, Becca also added, “It’s the reason we met actually.” 
“Yes,” Mel continued, “When we started getting famous, we ditched our false names in a discord server we were all in.” 
“I remember saying something along the lines of ‘I knew your writing style was familiar’ when Ria said her name,” Cat laughed as well.
“I have two questions,” Nyx said, “One, did the other people in the server immediately believe you or did they ask for some proof? Two, if that were true, how did word not get out sooner?” 
“Easy,” Vi stated, “These people are not idiots nor tabloids. They immediately asked for proof. We live streamed on discord, took selfies, and showed them our IDs, mostly our passports.” 
“As for the second question,” Ria followed up, “We have known our server members for a long time, we treat each other like friends and family.” 
“Aw, that’s sweet. However, I have a couple of questions once more,” the mischievous glint in Nyx’s eyes when she said that did not go unnoticed by our stars. 
“Does the server have a member with the tumblr page @nyx-in-line who is often joked as ‘the Goddess of Night”? Is there a member who people often joke as ‘the Princess of Innocence’? Does Becca often offer to make custom chibi artwork for anyone who wants to?” It didn’t even take the six thirty seconds to guess what Nyx was implying. 
“NYXIE?!!” Becca’s voice rang loud and clear. 
Nyx laughed, “The one and only.” It was safe to say that all seven had dissolved into laughter and giggles as they hugged each other. 
The Maribat fandom grew even larger. Cat started a Maribat line, Ria published a Maribat book which soon to hit the top charts, Vi had created a new sweet and sour dish - she named it Daminette because Marinette is sweet and Damian is a brooder like his father - Nyx talked about Maribat a lot on her show, Mel took multiple pictures with all the ship aesthetics, and Meg had students submitting Maribat fanfiction when she assigned them to write stories. Best of all, Becca got a part in a new movie. This is not surprising as she is an actress, however, after news had got out that Becca was casted, Disney and DC had announced they were doing a collaboration. They confirmed that Becca was casted as Marinette from the Miraculous Universe, and the name Batman had slipped. Fans went wild.
Maribat has officially taken over the world.
803 words
This was soooooooo fun to write. Thanks to @lovemidnighteclipse12​ and @m3owww​ for beta reading it for me!
XOXO ~𝓔𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓷
Permanent Taglist:
@animegirlweeb​ @insane-fangirl-of-everything​ @nickristus-dreamer​@miraculouslydumb​
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fsketchart · 5 years
Daminette December - Tree
Okay so heads up, not really sure how much I like this one but I hope you enjoy?
Also @noirdots is the coolest person ever.
Damian's brothers tried to convince him of auditioning for the school play, and after about 43 hours and 17 minutes straight of pestering, Damian caved and auditioned.  He auditioned for the lead male role. This year, it was a play of Romeo & Juliet.
Except Damian didn't make the cut.
The woman running the play said he was too emotionless, and didn't have enough chemistry with the already casted lead female, Lila.  The woman instead gave Damian another part.
Damian was the tree for the play, and not even the lead tree role.  Just the background tree role.
Damian's brothers wouldn't stop laughing at him for two whole weeks.  Bruce tried to he reassuring but Damian could still feel the awkwardness radiating from his father.
Damian sighed and was in a mood for the rest of the week.  He wasn't expecting to land Romeo, but I mean come on, the tree?
Marinette missed the auditions and landed the role of a background tree.  Someone reprinted the audition casting call flyers and printed it out with the wrong time, about an hour too late for the lead roles.  By then, everyone already called dibs on all the good roles.
Marinette groaned and felt like crying.  Her parents were extremely supportive. Marinette just sighed.  At least she got to make a few costumes for the play. And God damn it she will make the most gorgeous tree costume if it's the last thing she does.
Marinette stayed up all night practicing her best tree poses and making the best costumes for her and the other background trees.
When the next morning came, Marinette came in confident.
The woman running the play gathers everyone and sorts them into groups the next day.  Everyone is working with their assigned groups to memorize their lines, something Damian scoffed at.
Marinette excitedly ran around finding her group, but realized there was only one other background tree.
Damian realized this too, and once more eye rolled at what a pitiful role it was.
Marinette is jumping with joy when she shows him the sketches for the tree design.  He flips through them and they discuss what they like in each costume.
Marinette and Damian begin spending more time together, spending after school at the bakery studying and, "reviewing lines."  Marinette tried to show Damian how to make some of the props for the play, and although Damian didn't enjoy making props that much, he did enjoy spending time with Marinette.  In his book, it was worth it.
When the time of the play finally came around, Marinette and Damian were assisting the other actors and actresses backstage.  Bruce and the others were in the audience willing to cheer on Damian, while Marinette's parents had a camera at the ready.
Backstage however, was a nightmare.  The cast was arguing amongst themselves, and even some yelling could be heard by the audience.
When a scene between Romeo and Juliet finally arrived, Juliet/Lila was waiting on stage, but with no sign of the actor of Romeo.  By then, everyone was panicking. The play director began screaming and ordering out for other actors to improvise in an attempt to steer the attention of the audience away from the missing Romeo.
Actors and actresses ran out on stage and began making up a random plot off of the top of their heads' to improvise while the director was trying to contact Romeo backstage.
"Ah thou Juliet, as stunning as the sun, as mysterious as the moon...we have...uh...urgent news of thee the people whom beg for you to uh...act accordinglyishfully," one actress said.
"Oh my dearest friend, do tell I the news of despair, for the heart of my own can not stand the concept of injustice.  Do pray tell me the news," Juliet said.
"Um, my lady, I am the troubled soul that must tell you that uh there is...um...a terrible... tragic incident?" Another actor said.
"Oh please do tell me, I can not reside in the dark for any longer!" Juliet cried.
The actors and actresses were clearly panicking and freaking out.  No one said a thing while everyone struggled to find an excuse. There was dead silence as the audience sat in visible confusion.  No one could find something to say.
Suddenly, Marinette and Damian ran out onto the stage.  Marinette and Damian held their hands together and yelled, "Stop!  For we, the rulers of...the land of the tree, forbid your love to Romeo!" The audience gasped.  Damian wanted to hang his head against the wall.
Marinette just panicked and looked over at Damian.  Damian nodded.
"You absolutely barbaric humans have destroyed our planet, and have polluted our ecosystem!  Your life makes us disgusted. For you have the audacity, and thy has the nerve to dare oppose us and our teachings!" Marinette yelled.
The play director was screaming backstage while cursing up a storm.  She was questioning if it was too early to retire.
"What my Queen here has stated holds the truth and the standards to which we shall act upon!  For you humans have been too...uh, ungroovy for far too long, and the we the trees have come collect your debt!" Damian yelled while awkwardly doing a tree pose.  Marinette copies his pose to assert their dominance.
"What can this possibly mean?" Lila asked.
"It means, DUCK!" Damian yelled as he ripped off one of the fake apples from his costume and chucked it at her.  Marinette froze as Damian looked panicked. Suddenly, Marinette joined in and chucked another at one of the other actors.  Then, it was war.
One girl threw an entire chair across the stage, while a little boy tried to sword fight Damian on the stage using one of the fake swords.  Another little girl tried to use one of the fake vases nearby to throw at Marinette while Marinette just continued to use the apples from the costume.
Eventually, Damian pretended to be stabbed by the little boy and fell to his knees.  He fake cried out dramatically and then fell over on the stage. Marinette pretended to weep for his passing and then dragged him off the stage.
Backstage, Marinette and Damian were cracking up.
Marinette was rolling on the floor.  "Ungroovy? Really, Dami?" She was hugging her stomach while Damian buried his head into his hands.  He sat on the floor beside her and smiled at her as she was still giggling.
Suddenly, the stage lights shut off as the director of the play told them the play would be on pause until the actor of Romeo would show up.  The kids behind stage were still giggling and reminiscing.
Marinette finally calmed down as she hugged Damian.
"You're the best, you know that?"
"Well... that's a *re-leaf* to hear." Damian wiggled his eyebrows.
Marinette giggled and hugged him tighter.
(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
@caffeinetheory @noirdots
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wintermelonbear · 3 years
To Love Again
Daminette Past/Referenced Adrinette
Past/Referenced DamiRae
Minor RaeGar
Team: Damian Dominance
Type: One-Shot
Prompt: Soulmates Word Count: 3484
Written for the MGI Civil War 2022! In which Marinette moves to Gotham and in the aftermath of their own respective break-ups Damian and Marinette learn that sometimes love is not enough.
… represents a narrative shift
To Love Again
When Marinette was 18 she needed to reset her whole life. Her parents were gone, an unfortunate car accident. Her partner, her former lover, her soulmate designated by the miraculous, her star in the night sky, Adrien was gone. His choice to leave was necessary; she entirely understood his choice. They brought out both the best and the worst of each other, a painful consequence of their disposition towards the miracle of creation and destruction. He needed to heal on his own, on his own two feet alongside his newly revived mother.
Seeing the city of love pass by her day by day on her own created a hollow space in her heart, and she needed out. Even she was not entirely sure why she chose Gotham, USA of all places. Jagged Stone had warned her of the dangers that lurked around every street corner. It would prove to be a place where her heart could finally heal, love, and be loved.
She was not expecting to find any romantic love in Gotham when all of her endeavors failed in the city of love itself, but the more she spoke to Robin the lighter her worries felt and harder she fell. Watching him fall in love with an unnamed civilian was a torturous pleasure.
Damian would meet Ladybug at her first official meeting with Justice League America (JLA) after her transfer from Justice League Europe (JLE) just a handful of weeks from when he met Marinette. Months down the road, at times he would wonder if he had met her first, if he could have loved her back.
Marinette had met Robin as Ladybug a few weeks into her Gotham centered life, and boy had she fallen fast. To her he was everything she was not and more. Robin was calm, confident, and collected; a natural born leader. To her Robin was much like herself as Ladybug, but unlike her Marinette side she figured out of the mask he was much more put together than herself.
They slowly got closer as she joined his team on more and more missions. Their conversations slowly shifted from battle techniques to memories of their favorite moves, and eventually towards their personal lives. They obscured as much as they could, redacting names, locations, and specific details for the sake of privacy. As he spoke about this girl from his university who held his heart in the palm of her hand, she could not help but envy the girl who put the look of utter admiration on his face.
Robin once asked her about Chat Noir; why he was no longer in her life. At that time the always strong Ladybug couldn’t help but to breakdown into tears as Robin held her in his arms, platonically Ladybug would ruefully note.
Between sobs Ladybug noted, “It’s too difficult to talk about without revealing his civilian identity, but it was a lot of things. There were definitely more impactful events that brought us to a full stop, but we could not be together. No matter what it felt like us being together would be the end of the world itself.”
Robin’s brows furrow together beneath the domino mask. He didn’t quite understand how she could come to that conclusion. “Isn’t love supposed to be good? Isn’t it supposed to save?”
Ladybug let out a soft sigh as her breathing evened out, “Sometimes Robin, sometimes love just isn’t enough. You loved Raven right? But your love wasn’t enough for her.”
Robin winced, his face morphing into a slight grimace at the thought of Raven galavanting about with Beast Boy on parole. “That was different, and besides…my love wasn’t enough for her, but maybe it will be for someone else.” His lips couldn’t help but softly quirk up at the thought of his budding relationship with Marinette. “Though I can’t imagine your love not being enough for someone, Ladybug. You are a hero who loves with your whole chest, you are Ladybug the savior of the city of love itself. I’m a boy who lurks in the shadows of his parents.” “You are so much more than that Robin!” Her eyes flooded with tears quickly met the white mech of his domino mask. She held back a sob and sniffled. “But you’re right we’re both great and we are both capable of great love. We just need people who will recognize that.” Ladybug wishes she could be that person for Robin, but she knows he already has another in his heart. He is just another person she cannot have.
Unbeknownst to many Damian Wayne was capable of love. He had loved Rachel Roth, and unbeknownst to Damian he would love Marinette even more.
It all began the day she walked through that lecture hall door; Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Paris, France. The blue-eyed blue-haired captor of Damian Al-Ghul Wayne’s heart. From the start she was beautiful to him, Damian may be stubborn, but not blind. Looks are not enough for love, but he would soon learn there was much more to her.
The day he met Marinette was like a whirlwind. He was fresh off a break-up with the girl he thought he would marry, a woman who was now in another man’s arms. Walking out of the lecture hall, having already forgotten about the mildly cute French student he had to witness Rachel walking around with Garfield Logan draped around her. Disgusting.
“I know that look. Heartbreak huh?” The bluenette from earlier inquired from next to Damian.
“Are you mocking me?” He was startled and agitated. Where had the girl even come from?
“Nope, just commiserating.” Damian quirked his brow unamused by her response. “I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a fellow heartbroken student” she said with a slight crooked smile on her face.
He simply offered his name in passing to get with only the slightest glance ever going Marinette’s way. “Damian.” “No last name?” Marinette scrunched her brows together because of his curtness.
“You don’t know? Stop fucking around.” His voice was filled with an agitation that Marinette could not understand the source of.
“I have no idea who hurt you to respond in that way, but why would I know your last name from your first? Merde, you Americans can be so self centered.”
Damian was taken aback, it appeared that she genuinely did not know about Damian Wayne of Gotham, the son of Bruce Wayne the millionaire philanthropist himself. He was intrigued enough to retort back. “Well then, Dupain-Cheng, you’ll have to earn the right to know.”
“You might have to give me a reason to.” Marinette was no longer sure if she shared the same curiosities. With one last glance she turned the corner to head to her next class.
Damian was surprised that she had, in fact, earned the right to know his last name. She proved herself to be a trustworthy and reliable companion overtime. Despite Marinette’s apprehension from their initial interaction she had decided that her Ladybug instincts rarely steer her wrong, and if she was initially drawn to him perhaps there was a greater reason. So she gave him another chance and totally not because she was the new loner from France.
She was a bit surprised at the realization that he was the son of Bruce Wayne, how was she supposed to know that he was that Damian Wayne! Her face paled a bit at the realization that she had offended, and still frequently teases the son of a man who has the power to ruin her livelihood anywhere in the world. Upon seeing her reaction, as if reading her mind, Damian’s furrowed brows quickly relaxed as he let out a sigh and a quick eye roll crossed his face. “No you don’t have to treat me any differently than you have. My father isn’t going to ruin your life if his son could not handle some teasing from a girl who doesn’t even reach my shoulders.”
Marinette’s pale face quickly reddened as she smacked his side. “Hey I thought we agreed not to talk about our height difference. I already know I look like a garden gnome next to you.” “I believe Todd would say you look more like a Pixie.”
Their conversations started off quite mundane from topics like the weather and coffee to conversations about their coursework, and eventually to matters of the heart. Damian found it surprisingly easy to open up with her, perhaps because of how open she was with her own life minus her life as a hero but he doesn’t know that yet, constantly rambling about even the smallest details. He found that he actually didn’t even mind her constant chatter. Despite how different it was from the time he had spent in comfortable silence with Rachel, he found Marinette’s rambling to be pleasant in it’s own way.
He was taken aback when his initial background check for her had shown her connection to the villain Hawkmoth of Paris. He wasn’t sure how to bring it up to her, but he knew it was something he would have to do if he was ever going to make her a larger part of his life. He definitely never quite got a villainess vibe from her, but one could never be too sure and he would never endanger his family by bringing in someone with possibly terrible intentions into their manor.
Eventually Damian had lucked out, Marinette had brought it up on her own while they were having lunch at Pamela Isley’s garden. “Do you still love her, Rachel?” Damian was a bit caught off guard, and tried his best to not choke on the flatbread in his mouth. He pushed the bread around a bit, gaze shifting around, and finally landing on Marinette whose gaze was on a fashion design assignment on her tablet. If he was uncertain of his feelings before seeing the way the sunlight illuminated her skin and brought out her freckles really did push him over the edge. “Actually..I don’t think I do anymore. At least, not in the same way. Do you still love him? Your ex.”
“Yeah, I think I still might. I met someone recently, but it will never be the same. Not in the way that I don’t think I could love again, or that no love will ever be greater, but I am not sure if I will ever stop loving him.” Damian wouldn’t care to admit it at this point in time, but his heart sank a little at her admission that she still loved him. Another part of his heart was elated at the possibility of him being her recent acquaintance.
He couldn’t get too caught up in his emotions; this was his chance to push further and appease his curiosities. “If you loved him, then why aren’t you with him? Did he leave you? You never did tell me even though you already know about how Rachel left me because she realized her love for Logan.”
“Sometimes love is not enough. Nowhere near enough actually. He didn’t quite end it, but neither did I. It was a natural consequence of a lot of things. Do you know about the Akuma attacks in Paris from the last few years? The ones that were just resolved a year or two ago?” “Of course I do, it was international news. Supernatural crime in France isn’t as common as in America. I think you’ve also mentioned it before in your tales about your former classmates.” It may have been a small lie, but Damian had seen some smaller news outlets cover it and had seen the reports on her classmates and connected the dots on his own. Marinette could be forgetful so he wasn’t too worried about her figuring out his bluff.
“Oh have I? Well anyways that makes it easier. My boyfri- no sorry my ex’s name is Adrien Agreste, the son of Hawkmoth. Of course I didn’t know this, nor did he, but the outcome of his actions that fractured us. We just…” she trailed off for a bit, “weren’t quite the same afterwards. I wanted to be there for him, but he needed time. Seeing me reminded him of all the destruction his father caused.” She wished that she could tell Damian about her double life as Ladybug and how everytime Adrien saw her he couldn’t help but think about his dad and what they had to do for the sake of the world, and how every time she looked at a ring or even smelled the scent of camembert she wanted to burst into tears.
Damian’s eyes narrowed. “Why did seeing you remind him of his father’s actions?” Damian didn’t want to question her goodness, but this statement was a bit fishy. What was she hiding? Was she an associate of Hawkmoth that went undetected? He doubted those possibilities, but it was best to leave no stones unturned. Seeing Marinette’s slight flinch he tacked on a quick “if you don’t mind sharing that with me” out of politeness. Of course he would strongly prefer it if she would confirm or deny any involvement with Hawkmoth, but he would understand if it was still too difficult to talk about.
It had taken over 5 months for Marinette to get Damian to open up more about Rachel. Anything she had learned about them prior to that was merely from her observational skills, something Damian noted was also above average, but he attributed that from her years of working with the upper class in her commission work. One had to understand how to read others in order to survive in high society, especially in Gotham.
“It's not that I directly remind him.” Marinette quickly swallowed this bitter lie. “It’s more like I remind him of that time period. He tends to avoid a lot of people from our lycee.” This was more so out of shame, but Damian didn’t need to know that. Damian nodded along. It was an acceptable answer. He should stop now, he knows this, but he can’t help himself, “do you think you would still be with him if he didn’t choose to leave you?” “Perhaps…maybe in another world where villains are just that and not people we love, where our heroes are just that, heroes.” and not kids being forced into a war Marinette mentally added. With that Damian reached across the table they were sitting at and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
“Thank you Marinette. I know that was hard to share.” It was a small comfort she has offered him before, and he was determined to return the favor. At that Marinette released a gentle sob that quickly turned into a river of tears as Damian rubs her knuckles and shoulders. It was a cry she could not afford after the initial fall out; feeling too guilty over her direct involvement over Gabriel’s arrest despite Adrien insisting, mostly convincingly, that it was no one’s fault other than his father and Nathalie.
That day Damian fell a bit more in love with this strong, yet vulnerable girl.
However, the closer Damian and Marinette got, the more Damian realized he was in love, and the more Marinette was convinced that she could never love him. Their circumstances and him as a whole were too similar to Adrien. She would not let herself get hurt once more.
The day their identities were revealed to one another was a day of emotional turmoil and utter chaos. It had been mid-battle against the crime syndicate of America. While Damian had gone toe-to-toe with some of the villains, this was an entirely new set of adversaries for Marinette. Unaccustomed to Ultraman’s lasers, she had gotten too comfortable fighting long-distance with him and was too slow to dodge the incoming lasers. While the other members of the JLA, and associated teams like the Teen Titans covered for her, Robin quickly swept in and evacuated her into a nearby standby jet that was acting as a makeshift medical wing.
As he laid Ladybug onto a medical cot, she quickly gripped his arm. “I need you to do me a favor” she let out a groan and grimaced “please.” Robin quickly grabbed both her arms and scolded her “Stay still I know you’re not used to injuries like this, but any sudden movements could mean the end of your life here. I need you to calm down.”
“I’ll be fine if you do this one thing for me.” “Now is not the time to ask for a favor, Ladybug. There is a battle out there and I need to treat you so I can go back and you can rest without dying here.” “I will be fine if you just check in my locker. The combo is 04 10 00 ,there is a bag in there and in that bag is a tablet. If you bring me the tablet I have a spell I can use to heal myself, and another spell I can use to boost everyone’s powers.”
Without another grumble Damian quickly set off to the side of the jet, making haste to ensure Ladybug would not bleed to death in the time it took to grab her bag. As he pulled out the tablet his face paled. He would know those handmade stickers, and minor dents and scratches from his favorite clumsy girl anywhere. “M-Marinette..no no…no she can’t be.” His mind was racing. She can’t be here, it's dangerous. She couldn’t have been fighting alongside him all this time. Marinette was supposed to be safe in her apartment away from the chaos and destruction, not in the heart of it all. Yet here she was, possibly bleeding to death in his family’s jet. He didn’t have time to be distracted by his thoughts. Quickly, he ran back to her. He knew he was making a big mistake, but he couldn’t let her not know, and risk facing her anger in the aftermath. He needed to let her know that he knew about her identity. Growing up in the league of shadows Damian had developed a few…unique skills. Amongst them, voice mimicry. In order to obscure his identity, he had developed a set of tones and speaking patterns for when he suited up unique from his own as Damian. He let all of that drop in hopes that this one word would let her know all that she needed to. “Marinette.” Her eyes shot wide open as her head snapped to him. “No..you can’t be. Damian? Is that really you?” When he nodded in response she couldn’t help but groan out, “Oh god not another love square!”
“A what?”
“I’ll explain later we have a fight to win, but the fact that I was in two of them? Outrageous?”
Marinette would not lie; knowing Damian was Robin made her love life somehow much more complicated. Sure now she knew that the guy she was enamored with held her in the same regard, but this situation was too familiar for her liking. Now she sat across from him on a jet heading back home having to make decisions.
“He was my other half Damian, but because of that we brought out the best and the worst of each other, Damian, and I’m scared. You are so much like him. What if we hurt each other? Can either of us handle becoming any more fractured?” Damian was a bit shaken at seeing this side of Marinette. To him she has always been the more emotionally open one of the two, always so brave with her emotions, wearing them on her sleeve like a badge of honor. Now here she is in near tears, running away from those emotions.
“Marinette. To be hurt by you would be an honor. While it's cliche you had once told me as I mourned my relationship with Raven that it was better to have loved and lost than to have never loved before. We have already begun to love so we might as well see it through. It could hurt, I know that, but I think we are worth any possible hurt.”
Marinette would find that love didn’t have to hurt, and that finding your other half could mean finding someone who balanced your flaws rather than amplifying them. It turns out that Damian was exactly who she was looking for. Adrien would always be a part of her past, and hopefully part of her future once he heals from their traumatic past, but they could not be together like she is with Damian. Damian is someone who could help her stand on her two feet instead of teetering around unbalanced. Around him she could cry unabashedly, but also be a positive force in his life. Instead of feeling like one half of a pair; she felt like a complete person.
Damian learned that it was true, sometimes love wasn’t enough, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t enough. He would realize Raven didn’t leave him because she didn’t love him as a person, and that loving someone else more didn’t invalidate how she had felt about him. He now had Marinette, who not only loved him, but took the time and effort to show that love. She showed Damian that it was possible to love another, but still choose to be with him. She chose his love; she chose Damian, and that was all he could ever ask for.
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rosesgonerogue · 5 years
Daminette December Day Ten
Marinette was used to people being fascinated by her baking technique. She herself remembered the childhood wonder at how her parents were able to turn eggs and flour into ornate cakes and delicate pastries. It was a thing of beauty to watch, after all. She just wasn’t used to this level of enthusiasm from a grown man. 
Marinette had first noticed him because of his dominating presence-- when he walked into a room, everyone noticed. He was massive, almost as tall as Papa, and intimidatingly buff with black hair and a single white streak. But his eyes fixated on her baking, and they hadn’t strayed from her once. It would have been intimidating if it hadn’t been for the sheer childlike wonder in his eyes. 
The man had been in there for at least an hour when the door crashed open to a boy around her age cursing in a variety of languages before spitting, “Todd! We’ve been looking for you for hours! What the--”
“Hush, your foul language will ruin the fluff,” the large one said, putting a hand over the boy’s mouth. 
“I-is everything okay over there?” Marinette asked hesitantly.
“Fine, just keep doing what you’re doing,” the big one said, despite the squirming boy in his arms. 
A little unsettled, Marinette turned back to her baking, yet another tray of meringue shells for a massive order. While she wasn’t looking, the smaller one broke his way free. “We’ve been looking for you for hours, Todd! Father gave you a single job, and instead you come in and harass this poor girl! We’re going, now.” 
Marinette tried not to look at the two as they left, mostly because she didn’t want to be called in as a witness for whatever methods the smaller one was using to get the other man out of the bakery. 
The two were soon forgotten, though, as Marinette and kept preparing for the huge gala her family was catering tonight. Her parents were delivering the less delicate things like the croissants and macarons, while she finished making what couldn’t be made days ago. The rest of the day was a flurry of flour and pastries, until it came time for the actual gala. 
It took everything in her, but Marinette went the entire gala without tripping or spilling anything on anyone, not even herself. She couldn’t remember who she had served or spoken to, but no fiascos had taken place!
Marinette was ready to declare the night a success as she cleaned up. That is, until she tripped over her own feet carrying the large (expensive) punchbowl that was still decidedly full of punch. She prepared herself for the fact that she would be buying a new punchbowl with her commission money when a strong arm snaked around her waist, keeping her and the punchbowl upright. 
“Are you okay, Miss?” A deep voice asked very close to her ear. She shuddered just a bit before daring to look up at her savior. 
Piercing green eyes stared back, surprise bringing a certain light into them. “You’re the girl from the bakery. I meant to apologize earlier for my brother’s behavior.” 
“No, not at all!” Marinette said frantically, a bit of punch sloshing back and forth. “It’s not a problem, he was just fascinated by the meringue shells I was making.” 
“Let me help you with that,” the boy said, finally (dang it) moving his arm from around her waist. He took the punchbowl from her hands with a small smile, and Marinette felt her heart stop for a moment. “I’m Damian Wayne, by the way.”
“Oh! My Marinette is name!” she said hastily before shaking her head. “No, I mean… ugh, I’m the worst, I can’t even--”
“It’s fine, Marinette. You’ve already had a long evening, I understand. It really is nice to see you again. While you’re here, can I ask you for a favor?” 
“Yes?” she squeaked. 
“Could you maybe show me around Paris sometime in the next few days? If you have time, that is. I want to explore the city a bit.” 
Damian was… Oh lord, was this flirting? It must be SUPER blatant if Marinette was picking up on it. She didn’t think her heart could take it, this would be her end. Goodbye, cruel world. 
She stared at him for slightly too long before finally remembering herself. “Oh yeah, I should have time for that.” 
Behind them, Jason was finally trying one of the meringue shells he had been so fascinated by. “Mmmm, fluffy, just like I thought it would be.” 
@daminette-december2019  @cravethosecrazysquares @krispydefendorpolice @thesunanditsangel @sonif50 @kris-pines04 @persephonebutkore @tbehartoo @corabeth11 @caffeinetheory @drarryismylife101 @bluerosette23 @weird-pale-blonde-person @mystery-5-5 @heaven428 @thethirdwheelfriend @thetinymoonflower @interobanginyourmom @chocolate1721 @akana-sama @skyel0ve @katiegardneriscoolerthanyou
So I’m roughly an hour late on this one, but it’s finals week and I still wrote it, so I’m giving myself a pass. Hopefully the one for tomorrow will happen earlier in the day, but I still have one more paper to write, and it’s my biggest one yet. Wish me luck!
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Master List
It was Dick’s turn to zeta to Paris and grab Damian today. He once again looked up and found Damian on the Eiffel tower, sitting there staring at the stars. Tears streamed down his face, that he would immediately brush off before any others saw. But the evidence that stained his sleeve, cheeks, eyes, and his whole being could not be covered up. 
Just as he was about to make his way up the tower to get him, try to calm him from another nightmare he probably had, he saw another figure sit themself down near Damian. Upon closer inspection, it was Marinette’s childhood friend, Kim. 
He made it up the tower just in time to see Damian break down and pull his knees to his chest, face in his knees, his body shaking from how hard he was sobbing, with Kim rubbing circles on his back. At that moment, he knew it was best if he stayed put. 
“I miss her too, but if Nette is anything, she’s stubborn.” Kim spoke softly, still rubbing circles into Damian’s back, “I doubt she’s in heaven or hell or any afterlife up or down there. I bet she’s still here watching over everyone, probably haunting some people too.” That got a chuckle out of Damian, if only a small one. 
“She d-didn’t deserve what h-happened to her.” Damian said softly, his voice was raspy from all the crying, and he hiccuped every now and then.
“She didn’t. No one deserves that.” Kim paused, unsure of how to continue. Comforting people was not his forte, so he thought about what Marinette would want, “But she wouldn’t want you to spend day after day crying and wasting your life because she’s no longer in it.”
"H-how would you know?" Damian rubbed some snot onto his sleeve absentmindedly.
"I've known Nette since we were 3, I know many things about her Damian." Kim handed him a tissue out of nowhere. "One thing I know that she would never want, is for people to waste their time crying over something from the past, something they can't change. She would want them to look forward to the future, even if it's without her."
Damian stayed silent for a long time, so long Dick was about to make his presence known, but then he started talking, hiccups and hesitation gone from his voice, "She said her favorite place in all of Paris was here. She loved gazing up at the stars, they were her favorite thing in the sky. Unlike the sun they didn't overpower everything else in the sky, or make you want to stay inside when it's too hot. And unlike the moon they don't disappear unless you're in the wrong place." He paused, thinking over what he was about to say next, "She liked to say that each star was special to someone somewhere. Her special star was that one." He pointed to a star to the right that was a little more separated from the other stars, but it still glowed brightly in the night. "She was always too embarrassed to tell me why though."
"That's where I come in." Kim grinned proudly, like he had just won the lottery, in a quieter voice he began to explain, "While it may be hard to believe, when we were younger Nette was the "loner" out of all of us." He made air quotes with his fingers when saying the word, "Nino had joined the art club, I had joined a few sports teams, but Nette always kept to herself. Not saying that as a bad thing that's just how it was back then." He seemed to think of a way to phrase his words, probably so he wouldn't accidentally offend Damian in his sensitive state, "One day while we were hanging out on her balcony she pointed up to the sky and told us, 'You guys both choose a star and I'll choose a star.' That's all she said, me and Nino were used to her crazy shenanigans so we didn't think much of it. I chose that star," He pointed to a star that was close to Marinette's star, but still had many stars surrounding it. Near all the others it didn't glow as brightly,  "And Nino chose that star." He pointed to a star that was also close to Kim and Marinette’s star but also close to the other stars, directly in the middle of the two groups, however it was much dimmer than Marinette and Kim's stars.
"What is the point of all this?" Damian interrupted, his voice gaining its annoyance back but couldn’t cover the curiosity it held.
"I'm getting there, okay? Anyways we both told Marinette the stars we picked and she asked why, we both didn't really have an answer. So she answered for us, she was always good at reading people." He gave out a small chuckle, and Damian cracked a smile, a small one but still a smile, "I chose my star because while I'll always be close to her, I like having a big group of friends, specifically where I'm in the center, but allow others to shine. Nino chose his star because he'll always be in between me and Marinette and his other friends, as you are aware. He never really shines, always one to follow the group, but when he does, he shines brighter than all the others."
"You really have all of this memorized?" Damian commented.
"It's just one of those memories you never forget. It's stuck in your head for no specific reason." Kim turned back to face him. "So then we asked what star she chose and why, she pointed to her star. Then said 'I think despite me maybe having friends in the future, deep down I'll be alone, deep down I won't have many people by my side. Maybe I'll only ever have you guys, but I'm okay with that.' And that was what it was like for a while, until everything happened."
"So she chose that star because she was a loner?"
"That's what she says, but knowing her it's probably deeper than that. So here's my theory, she always knew deep down that when it came down to it, not a lot of people would be on her side, so instead of taking chances with other people she kept to herself. But while me and Nino sometimes depended on other people to help us shine, or they outshine us, Marinette didn’t need anyone to help her shine. Or outshine her for that matter. She always worked better independently, for certain things of course."
After Kim's explanation Damian sat there in silence, Kim waited in the silence as well, and Dick didn’t dare break it. After what seemed like an eternity Damian finally spoke, “Thank you for that Kim.” 
Kim smiled at him, glad that his story had helped, “Anytime Damian, I know how much she meant to you.” He stood up, preparing to get down from the tower, but turned one last time to look at Damian, “If you ever want any more stories like that, or just about her, you know where to find me.” And with that he started his trek down the tower, because he wouldn’t be Kim if he used the elevator. 
After a moment of silence Damian started to get up, speaking as he did, “I know you are there Grayson, you can come out now.” 
Dick came out from where he was hiding, at least having the decency to look ashamed for eavesdropping, “Sorry Damian, I didn’t want to interrupt but we gotta get back to Gotham.” 
Damian brushed past him as he headed for the elevator, “Tt, Let’s just go.” 
They took the zeta tubes back to Gotham where Damian, surprisingly went straight to bed. This left the others feeling worried. 
“Who’s going to be on nightmare duty tonight?” Tim asked, even he was worried for Damian, Marinette’s death had been the hardest on him. 
“I can do it.” Dick volunteered. 
“Are you sure Dick? You already took the ‘Fetch Damian from Paris shift’. Maybe someone else should take this one.” Steph suggested. 
“No I’ll do it. I honestly don’t think he’ll need it tonight but just in case. Plus I know some things you don’t.” And with that cryptid message Dick left to go stand guard near Damian’s room. Leaving the others to wonder what on Earth happened when Dick retrieved Damian that he had information that could help him and his nightmares. 
Damian had thankfully not had another nightmare that night, but his dream was still strange. 
As he drifted off to dreamland he suddenly appeared to be sitting on something, upon closer inspection it seemed to be a star. Suddenly he heard giggling and turned so fast that he almost fell off the star. 
Sitting on another star not so far away from him, was Marinette, still looking as beautiful as the last day he saw her. “Hi Damian.” Damian wanted to believe that she was here, but he saw her dead body, he knew that she was dead. 
“You can’t be here. You’re dead.” He stated like he was stating a fact, his voice cold and without feeling, that was the only way to stop the tears from flowing. 
“I am dead Damian. But Kim was right you know, I’m much too stubborn to leave Earth, especially without making sure that everyone I left behind would be okay.” She started floating over to him and that’s when Damian realized this must all be a dream, his mind trying to convince him that Marinette was still here. 
“This is a dream you can’t be here. You’re not actually here, just my mind trying to convince myself you are here.” 
Marinette smirked at him, one of those playful smirks that she always flashed when she knew something he didn’t, “If that’s what helps you sleep at night, then go ahead and believe that.” 
After a few moments of silence he spoke up, “Did Kim really know you better than I did?” Damian’s voice was soft and vulnerable when he spoke. 
“Both of you knew me very well. I think the grief is just clouding some things for you.” Marinette softly smiled at him, “Kim did make a very good point though Damian.” She waited for him to face her before she spoke again, “I don’t want you to stop living your life just because I’m no longer in it. You have so much to live for, and in order to do those things you can’t keep wishing I was there to do them with you.” 
“But how am I supposed to forget you?” 
“Not forget Damian, move on. Be able to accept the fact that I’m not gonna be here any more but that doesn’t mean that you have to stop living your life.” 
“I’m gonna miss you.” He reached out and grabbed her hand, as a sort of reassurance that she was here. She held both his hands with her own.
“I’m gonna miss you too. But I’ll always be here, watching over you and making sure you don’t get yourself into trouble.” 
“So is this goodbye?” 
“Yeah this is goodbye, but promise me something okay?” She brought him into a hug as the tears that were trapped in her eyes finally flowed free, “Do not, under any circumstances, stop living your life because I’m not there with you. Alright?” She pulled a tiny bit away from him so she could look him in the eyes. 
“Okay, I won’t.” 
“You promise?” 
“I promise.” 
“Good now I believe it is time for you to wake up now.” She grinned at him, despite the fact that tears still fell from her eyes. 
“Already?” Damian asked as tears escaped his own eyes. 
“Yeah,” She pulled him in for one last kiss before pulling away and smiling at him, “Goodbye Dami, I better only see you in like 70 years.” 
“Yeah, goodbye Mari.” 
Damian woke up with a small smile on his face as he clearly remembered the dream he had last night. That smile quickly turned to a frown as he remembered that it was just that, a dream. 
He got dressed and made his way to the dining room only for Alfred to drag him to the kitchen before he got there. His protests died in his mouth when he saw what was on one of the kitchen counters. Flour was all over the counter but in the spaces there wasn't flour there were words. 
'It wasn't a dream Damian, don't worry, you're not crazy.'
He sank to the floor and cried again, this time it was happy tears though. For now he knew that while she wasn't here with him, he at least got the opportunity to say goodbye and know that she would still always roam the Earth and watch him and others. That was good enough in his book.
Forgot to tag the people who helped me! @ramos123 @nightlychaotic @boldlyanxious
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mgi-events · 3 years
Remember that submissions with this prompt will give you 15 extra points ❣️ Happy CW2022! -Issa
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miracle-sham · 5 years
My Miraculous Ladybug Aus.
I've finally decided to turn some aus I have floating around in my head into fics/ficlets.
I've currently got six aus planned, none have been written up yet since they are all still in the planning/brainstorming stage but I hope to be able to write them all up eventually.
My Aus:
Cry a Tear of Luck (CaToL), Adrienette, Unwilling Villain/Enemies to Lovers Au, Multichap.
Sing Me the Song of My Soul (SMtSoMS), Lukanette, Soulmate/Soul Song/Fake to Real Dating Au, Oneshot.
Bleed a Drop of Luck (BaDoL), Gen/Maribat, Unwilling Villain/Enemies to Friends Au, Multichap.
May This Spirit Protect You (MTSPY), Daminette/Maribat, Soulmate/Soul Familiar/Enemies to Friends to Lovers Au, Multichap.
Ink That Glows and the Hearts it Froze (ITGatHiF), Daminette/Maribat, Soulmate/Soul Tattoo Au, Multichap.
Street Cat—Alley Bat (SCAB), Maribat, Villain/Kwami Swap Au, Multichap.
Au Summaries:
Cry a Tear of Luck (CaToL). - Kidnapped as a child by an organisation hellbent on collecting all the Miraculous for world domination, Marinette wants nothing more than to escape their hold and bring their plans crashing to the ground. But with no support network, she's stuck. However when Hawkmoth, a liar of a new recruit, public school, and being forced to be a villain and fight the heroes gets thrown into the mix, Marinette quickly finds that she's not as stuck as she thought she was. Instead her plans to escape just got a whole lot more complicated.
Sing Me the Song of My Soul (SMtSoMS). - In a culture where soulmates are everything, Marinette struggles to deal with her lack of a soulmate. However upon meeting Luka and realising he was also lacking in the soulmates department, the two agree to pretend to be soulmates to escape the stigma and pity associated with not having a soulmate.
Bleed a Drop of Luck (BaDoL). - With her parents assassinated and their Patisserie burnt down, Marinette is kidnapped by the assassins responsible. Manipulated and trained into becoming an assassin alongside friend and fellow kidnapped orphan, Kagami; the two barely remember a life without bloodshed. Secretly they wish to be heroes, and perhaps with some help from some friendly bats, birds, and miraculous animal themed heroes, their dream could be achieved.
May This Spirit Protect You (MTSPY). - Everyone receives a Soul Familiar twenty four hours after being born. The familiar belongs one's soulmate and is a reflection of their soul, hence the name. As a child, Marinette quickly becomes fed up with her Soul Familiar's constant aggression, mischief, and territorial nature. As a child, Damian refuses to let anyone know he has a weaknesses as big as a soulmate. And so both children renounce their Soul Familiars, leading irritating side affects and consequences. When they inevitably meet, will they be able to put aside their differences and become friends (maybe more), or will they hate eachother too deeply to even tolerate the other.
Ink That Glows and the Hearts it Froze (ITGatHiF). - Marinette had originally crossed paths with her soulmate at a gala that her parents were catering for. Despite having crossed paths, she didn't found out who it was and so resigned herself to the fact that it was unlikely she would ever find her soulmate again. But fate has a funny way of making things happen, such as a month long school trip to Gotham where the first two weeks would be spent as a class tourism trip, and the second two would be spent as exchange students staying with host families.
Street Cat—Alley Bat (SCAB). - After disaster strikes, Marinette is forced to flee Paris with a handful of stolen Miraculous. Scared and alone, she winds up in the unfamiliar territory of Gotham city. But luckily for Marinette, she catches the eye of someone who's willing to take her under their wing—or paw in this case.
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strawberry-lemonade · 5 years
guys on pc you can literally copy entire posts that are side by side, look
Daminette Day 15: ‘If Only’
This one’s going to be a little sad. Be mentally prepared!
Damian rarely hesitated.
But because he did, he was going to regret it for the rest of his life.
And overtime he gazed wistfully into the distance, a single thought crossed his mind.
If only he had said something.
24 December,
One day before Christmas. Christmas Eve. Yes, the time of the year where snow was everywhere and Gotham became black to white. Well, maybe grey. Okay. Irrelevant.
“When’s Marinette arriving?” Jason whined, leaning against the chair. “I can already barely taste her macarons on the tip of my tongue.”
“Oh shush, Jason. Damian’s nervous enough. Be quiet.” Dick chastised, sending a worried look in the green-eyed boy’s direction, to which the boy ignored. He didn’t need pity. He wasn’t nervous.
Okay, maybe he was a little nervous.
Maybe very nervous.
But Grayson didn’t need to know that.
“Guys!” The bright voice of the bluenette shot through the sitting room, and she beamed at all of them, her arms full off bags filled with presents.
“Mari!” “Cupcake!” “Nette!” His brothers greeted her happily, immediately getting up to hug her or kiss her cheek.
“Hey.” He murmured. “Happy Christmas Eve.”
She smiled brightly at him- If only that smile was reserved just for him. Perhaps.
“Could I talk to you for a moment?” He asked, scratching his head.
“Of course!”
He lead her out of the sitting room, into the hallway. She looked patiently at him, waiting for him to speak.
I like you. He wanted to blurt out. But he just… Couldn’t.
“Your scarf… Looks weird with your coat.” He ended up saying. He wanted to kill himself when he saw her face drop. Was she expecting something else?
“Um… Damian? I…” She looked like she wanted to say something, but-
“You should take your scarf off.” He interrupted, immediately seeing the effect his words had on her. No, no, no! He wanted to cry. That wasn’t what he meant.
Her face fell, and he suddenly felt like he had crushed her heart. She headed to the front to set down her scarf, and when her back was turned, he mouthed to himself, I love you.
He was a mess. He had returned to the sitting room after, only to find that Mari had went out for a quick walk.
“I’m thirsty.” He announced, ignoring the weird looks Tim and Dick were giving him.
How was he going to tell her? Just- I like you? Love? No, would that be too… Sudden? But would she think that he was insincere? God, he had never been this nervous in his entire life.
“Need water for nerves, master Damian?” Alfred asked coolly, already handing him a glass, to which he took gratefully. Once he’d finished, Alfred took the glass from him, washing it up quickly before gesturing to a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on the counter. “I had that prepared, just in case you forgot.”
Of course! How could he be so stupid? Flowers were essential. Yes, he could give them to her, explain what he actually wanted to say, and then… He nodded gratefully at Alfred, thanking god that the great man named Alfred Pennyworth was the Wayne’s butler.
“Thank you, Pennyworth.” He smiled softly, caressing the roses. The silence fell in the kitchen, and then Alfred gave him an encouraging look before turning back to the dishes.
“Now get going. I don’t want you breaking any of my dishes before Christmas dinner.”
Damian took the flowers out, avoiding the sitting room where his brothers were, and headed out to the front door. Slowly trudging towards the gates, he caught sight of a particular bluenette and… Was that Couffaine?
He was holding a small rose, ten times smaller than the bouquet he had in hand. The turquoise eyes of the boy were shining with affection as he spoke to the bluenette, who blushed more and more by the second, and Damian was confident that it wasn’t the cold causing it. While he was far away, Damian could distinctly lip read the words that Couffaine spoke.
‘Will you be my girlfriend?’
He was supposed to be the one saying those words.
Not Couffaine.
He was supposed to be the one giving her flowers.
Supposed to be the one who blushed as he took her hand in his.
Supposed to be the one who kissed her softly as the first snow of Christmas Eve fell.
Supposed to be the one who flicked a snowflake off her nose as she giggled with a smile only for him.
He dropped the bouquet in the garden, letting snow collect on it, the roses’ bright red slowly giving in to white.
If only he had made a move sooner.
Sitting in the fairy-tale like setting, he felt a pang of guilt shoot through him.
He watched as his own father lead the bluenette down the aisle.
He watched Couffaine standing on the podium, eyes softening at the sight of the beautiful girl walking towards him, the white dress draping against her skin perfectly.
He watched them hold hands, both answering an eager ‘Yes!’ before dipping in for a passionate kiss.
Would he have been the one marrying her, if he had made a move sooner?
Would he have been the father of their two kids?
Would he have been the love of her life, if he had been the one to ask her out that Christmas Eve?
If only.
really sad
I'm sorry damian
Damian wayne mlbdc
marinette duping cheng mlbdc
luka couffaine mlbdc
in this one
but it was so sad for damian
oh my precious child
97 notes  
Daminette December Day Ten
Marinette was used to people being fascinated by her baking technique. She herself remembered the childhood wonder at how her parents were able to turn eggs and flour into ornate cakes and delicate pastries. It was a thing of beauty to watch, after all. She just wasn’t used to this level of enthusiasm from a grown man.
Marinette had first noticed him because of his dominating presence– when he walked into a room, everyone noticed. He was massive, almost as tall as Papa, and intimidatingly buff with black hair and a single white streak. But his eyes fixated on her baking, and they hadn’t strayed from her once. It would have been intimidating if it hadn’t been for the sheer childlike wonder in his eyes.
The man had been in there for at least an hour when the door crashed open to a boy around her age cursing in a variety of languages before spitting, “Todd! We’ve been looking for you for hours! What the–”
“Hush, your foul language will ruin the fluff,” the large one said, putting a hand over the boy’s mouth.
“I-is everything okay over there?” Marinette asked hesitantly.
“Fine, just keep doing what you’re doing,” the big one said, despite the squirming boy in his arms.
Keep reading
87 notes  
Teen Titans AU Part 6
Hi! I’m so excited I was able to update at the end of the day today (phew barely made it). Hopefully you like this chapter, it’s mostly setting up for the plot (and climax soon) but I also added some Daminette fluff. Here you go!
“Are you kidding me Kori?!” Asked Damian, “We’re not going back to the tower! We have to find Deathstroke!” Starfire shook her head at Damian, internally she was freaking out, she even wished Dick was here to help her lead this. “Damian, if we go now we’ll be underprepared and Slade is aware of your rashness, he’ll be expecting us. We’ll be pummeled and Marinette will go back with that psycho.” Kori responded. Jamie nodded at Starfire’s statement and sat down on the couch with Garfield. Team meetings normally weren’t so tense and they probably wouldn’t have been if Marinette was there to keep the peace, but Kori sent her to her room. The poor girl had gone through enough and she needed sleep. Damian and Jon were understandably furious but Jon saw Kori’s point, “She’s right you know.” He turned to his friend, who had his normal annoyed expression. Jon continued, “If we try to find them now we’ll be going in blind. I don’t want to send Mari away, but they know she’s here. What should we do Starfire?” Kori thought about it, “I-“ she was interrupted by a scream, Marinette’s scream. “I’ve got it.” Damian said running as fast as he could to her room after checking the camera they put in her room just in case. Nobody was in her room, she was just having a nightmare. Damian understood, sometimes he’d have nightmares about his grandfather. But Ra’s wasn’t coming back unlike Marinette’s tormentor. He quickly opened her door and tapped her until she woke up. “Did-did I do it again Damian?” She said with tears in her eyes. “Don’t worry Marinette, he’s not coming back. And if he does I’ll kick his ass, I’d die before I let anything happen to you.” He whispered into her ear. He felt relieved that the other Titans were in a meeting and couldn’t hear him talk to Marinette. He squeezed her tightly as she sobbed into his arms. “Dam-Damian?” She said looking up at him staring at him with her wide blue eyes. He couldn’t do anything when he looked into her eyes, he was intoxicated. Bluebell eyes continued to stare at him and he looked back at her with his piercing emerald ones. “Yes malak*?” She breathed deeply before asking, “Could-could you stay with me tonight? I feel safer with you.” Damian couldn’t say no to her, he already knew that, “Yes, I will.” He remembered he was a gentleman though and added, “Where would you like me to sleep?” Marinette paused and gathered up some courage, “could you stay here?” She said motioning to the bed she was on. “Are you s-sure?” Damian asked. He didn’t know what to make of it, he knew he would never take advantage of her, but he was surprised that after the Agreste kid she wasn’t afraid of sleeping in the same bed as a boy. Marinette nodded, “I-I am. I trust you Damian.” Damian nodded back to her and laid down. He didn’t mention that she had also trusted that idiot cat partner of hers, but he knew he would never hurt her and if he did, even just emotionally, he would never forgive himself. Damian held marinette as she slowly drifted off to sleep, he ruffled her hair soothingly, “I swear nothing will ever happen to you as long as I’m alive.” He whispered and he too, fell asleep.
The morning sun peeked through the windows of Titans tower. The team, aside from Damian and Marinette were awake for most of the night. Garfield turned on the TV to see if there was any news about the whereabouts of their blonde model. If this kid was really as famous as Kori had mentioned he knew there’d be news about him, and sure enough an anchor with dark hair and chocolate skin was talking about it, with a picture of the smiling blonde model on the TV.
“If you have any tips about where Mr. Agreste might be, call this hotline right now. Now to Mindy with an interview with one of Adrien Agreste’s classmates.” Lila and the interviewer panned onto the screen as Jon walked in. Lila spoke in perfect but choppy English,
“Oh I just hope he’s found soon! I don’t know what Id do without him, we’re such great friends, unlike some people…” The interviewer took Lila’s bait, “Who would be ‘some people’?” Lila put a hand to her head dramatically, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She’s been obsessed with Adrien since day one, she probably kidnapped him, or worse. She was always so jealous that he’d rather spend time with me instead of-“ Jon growled at the liar on TV, “Turn it off.” He told Gar. “But-“ “Turn it OFF!” Jon yelled. Garfield obliged and the other Titans trickled into the room, except for Marinette and Damian, they were still fast asleep. “Should we wake them?” Tara asked, motioning towards the camera that was taping Marinette’s room. It showed the bluenette and Damian sleeping side by side, with Marinette’s arms placed on Damian’s chest. “No.” Kori said, if the stakes weren’t so high she would even call the display cute, “They deserve a little rest.” Tara nodded and sat next to Gar on the couch. The two had gotten much closer since Marinette arrived, Gar had even told Jamie that Tara and he had kissed. Jamie wasn’t sure what to make of it, but he was happy for his friend. The team sat on the furniture as Starfire got up to make breakfast.
Damian was awoken by the ringing of a cell phone in his pocket. “Just five more minutes.” He heard Marinette mumble. Adorable, he thought. He slowly got up from the bed and answered the phone. “Yes Alfred?” He said in a hushed whisper, as to not wake up Marinette. She sat up anyway watching Damian speak. “No? Is anyone hurt? That’s good. Yes, I think that would be a good idea… today? In TWO HOURS?! Yes, yes sorry Alfred. I’ll be there, do you mind if I bring a friend? Good. We’ll be there.” After hanging up Damian sat on the bed stroking Marinette’s soft, beautiful hair, “My family has offered us their house in Gotham for the time being until we have a good plan to find Deathstroke and Agreste. They could use a little help with Gotham villains, and I think a change of scenery might be good for you anyway…We’d leave in two hours, on a plane. Is that ok?” Marinette nodded, she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little happy about going with Damian to another place, far away from Adrien. She thought it would be a good distraction to meet his family. “Ok, malak. Unfortunately you’ll have to get changed and we’ll have to leave almost right away.” Marinette looked puzzled, “Damian? What does ma-malak mean? I heard you say it last night too but…” Damian chuckled a little, “It means angel in Arabic. (*courtesy of google translate) You don’t mind me calling you that do you?” He asked, suddenly self conicous. He only called her that because he thought it described her perfectly. Marinette blushed, “I don’t mind, not at all! I-I-I ummm. CHANGE! I should change!” Damian held in a smile as the bluenette sprung out of bed and ran to her bathroom.
When Marinette was safely in her bathroom, she pulled out clothes from her closet (don’t question it) and woke Tikki up from her makeshift bed in the closet (Tikki wanted to let Mari have some space). “Oh my gosh Tikki, I’m hopeless.” Tikki giggled, “Is this about Damian?” “What how’d you know?!” “It’s obvious, you look at him lovingly, he actually smiles around you…” Marinette turned fifty shades of red, “I- uhhhh. I’m going to change now!” She shut the closet again and changed quickly into some warm clothes, she didn’t know a lot about Gotham except that the weather was generally colder there. She opened her closet once more and pulled out some luggage and packed as fast as she could. She took her purse and motioned Tikki inside. She grabbed her luggage and walked out of the bathroom. She didn’t see Damian, so she assumed he went back to the main room. She headed there too. The Titans had congregated in the main room when they got wind that Damian and Marinette would be in Gotham for a while. Jon didn’t want her to leave but he knew it was safer since only the team and the batfamily knew about them leaving. He wanted Marinette to be safe above all else.
Damian had packed and gathered in the room at record speed, Marinette was close behind. “So I guess you heard…” she said. The team nodded. Marinette was never any good at goodbyes, even temporary ones. Damian looked at his watch, they would have to leave soon if they wanted to get to the airport on time. “I wish you all the best in Gotham, you two.” Kori said. “You’re going to love Gotham,” Garfield jumped in, “Very inspirational.” Marinette nodded, it was awkward, these people had seen her at her worst and seen her laugh so hard she cried. She took a deep breath, “I know it’s only temporary but I’m going to miss all of you so much.” Jon sighed, it was going to be even harder to let her leave. “Don’t worry Mari, we’ll chat all the time. Maybe video calls?” Jon looked at Damian for his approval and he nodded. “I’m sorry Marinette, I know it’s not ideal but it’s the best temporary fix we have while we come up with a plan to beat Slade and Agreste. Plus, I’m sure my family could benefit from the help of a certain spotted heroine.” That made Marinette smile slightly just like Damian thought it would, nothing cheered her up like helping others. Jon pulled Mari in for a tight hug, Garfield, Jamie, Kori, and surprisingly Raven followed suit. Tara stood by Damian and when Marinette was released from the group hug she walked up to her and gave her a small farewell and good luck hug, nothing long but Marinette could tell she cared. Damian said a quick goodbye to his team and walked out of the tower, luggage in hand, with Marinette.
Damian took the Titans smaller car that was used for personal reasons, not Titans business and drove off as the two heroes waved goodbye to their friends. Marinette looked at him as he drove, she was content to let drive in silence, it felt like she didn’t need words at all with him but then she suddenly remembered, “Damian, what villain does your family need help with?” Damian sucked in a bit of air, “The Riddler and his son, normally they’re not much of a threat, but they’ve escalated and are appearantly planning something big. My ‘sisters’ are on a girls trip so my father asked for me to come back and help.” Marinette nodded, “it’ll certainly be a desired pace from Adrien.” She seemed to wince at his name, “and I can’t wait to meet your family, if they’re as g-g-great as you I’m sure I’ll love them.” She blushed. Damian blushed too, she thought he was great! He pulled himself out of his thoughts with a coughing fit, “We’re here.” Damian said pulling up at a small airport. Damian stepped out of the car and opened the door for Marinette, causing a whole new wave of blushes. They walked into the airport together and when they were cleared through security, traveled to the gate just in time for boarding. The Wayne’s had bought them tickets in first class that were next to each other. A TV and a small set of earphones were attached to the back of the seat in front of them. Marinette took the window seat and looked out the window as the plane started to take off, she looked slightly nervous. “Is this your first time flying malak?” Damian asked. “Y-yeah, at least for the first time when I was awake.” Marinette responded. Damian placed a hand over hers, “Is this ok?” He asked. Marinette smiled, “Thank you.” They sat in a comfortable silence for a while until they experienced turbulence. Marinette shut her eyes tightly and Damian came up with an idea. “How about we watch a Movie? It’ll get your mind off the flight.” Marinette nodded and reached for an earbud as Damian reached for the other, their hands touching briefly sending sparks and blushes through the teens’ bodies. They placed their respective earbud in and Damian searched for a movie. Marinette saw her favorite on the dashboard, “How about Enchanted?” Damian looked puzzled, “Sure. I’ve never seen it but-“ Marinette looked at him with wide eyes, “You’ve never seen Enchanted?! That’s it we’re watching it.” Marinette pressed a thumb to the movie and it started to play. Marinette seemed pretty engrossed as the movie went on and Damian found himself looking more at her than the movie. Soon it was over though, and they landed. “You were right Damian, that helped a lot.” She said looking gratefully at the dark haired boy. Damian gave her a slight smile, it was nearly impossible not to smile when she was around. Damian took her hand gently and led her off the airplane, she was awed by the sight of the city and thought of new sketch ideas right away. Gar was right, the city was inspirational. Damian looked at her and her dumbfounded expression and smiled a bit more, “Welcome to Gotham Marinette.”
Tag list:
@zebrabaker (sorry I don’t understand why it’s not working).
damian wayne
marinette dupen chang
teen titans au miraculous
117 notes  
A message to Anti’s
From your friendly Maribat server under the cut.
Fair warning, this is salt and while this may be fanning the flames a bit, I frankly have no sympathy for any anti browsing this tag that comes across this. So while I’m responsible for tagging this correctly and with only two tags and this warning I think I have, you’re responsible for curating your own online experience! If you’re old enough to be on Tumblr you’re old enough to take accountability for what you read.
This is meant to show you our prospective. It is not in any way a callout post directed at anyone in particular. DO NOT TAKE THIS AS A REASON TO HARASS ANYONE OVER THEIR OPINIONS. We can all stay happily in our own lanes.
Daminette shippers have been getting a lot of harassment lately, frankly the bullying is outrageous so while I myself have really outgrown the stage in my life where I give a fuck about anons who tell me to kick the bucket, several of the people in the fandom aren’t so for simplicities sake every name is blacked out save my own.
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anonymous  asked:
Are there any relationships in the pack besides Marinette/Damian?
Yessss! While PACK AU is not very focused on romantic relationships, there are still couples.
They are: Daminette, Chlogami, Kimdine and Lukadrien (which I am wondering if it turns into a poly with Jon later).
Max is Aromantic Ace!
pack au
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anonymous  asked:
Can you do Angst 11 with Daminette please?
Not gonna lie I’m reallllly proud of this, favorite one yet.
Marinette sat alone at the coffee shop. She stirred the coffee she bought and sipped it every so often. She noticed the pitying looks the baristas gave her, and even some customers. She didn’t care.
“You still waitin’ for him doll?” A caramel skinned beauty asked in a New York accent. Marinette smiled weakly, “Oui, I’m sure he’s just late.” The barista gave her a hopeful smile before going back to her station.
The bell jingled which caused Marinette to perk up. Instead of her Dove she saw a lanky teenage boy. She slumped in her seat and began to drink her coffee again. This time when the bell did it’s signature chime Marinette didn’t look up. She heard the scraping of a chair which caused her to stop drinking her coffee and look across from her.
Damian, her Dove, was finally there.
“Nobody’s seen you in days.” She stated dryly. Damian sighed, “I know Beloved. I’m sorry, I was just-“
“I’m your fucking wife Damian.” Marinette hissed. She took a long swig of her coffee, liquid courage if you will. “You didn’t even tell me you were leaving.”
“Angel I’m sorr-“ Damian softened when he saw the bags under his Beloved’s eyes.
“Godammit Damian,” she said as tears welled in her eyes, “You don’t know what it’s like wake up in an empty bed and be wondering what happened. You’re a son of a wealthy man, fuck you’re a vigilante!” Marinette whispered before returning to her normal volume level, “So many things ran though my mind, were you in danger, was somebody else, fuck, could you be dead?!” She choked up and rubbed her eyes with her sleeve before taking another sip of coffee. Damian reached out to Marinette.
“You know my life Angel. I should’ve told you, I’m not going to try to justify myself. I know you retired a long time ago, but for me, I don’t think I ever can. I know it’s not ideal, I know I’m not ideal, but I also know I love you. I love you more than words can express, and I can’t promise you much but I can promise I’ll never leave you.” Marinette started to cry as she stood up from the table and Damian wrapped her in a hug. “Oh Damian,” she sobbed and embraced him, overwhelmed with love.
“You know, once you said you’d never leave me.” Marinette said plainly as she sat in the dewy morning grass picking at the flowers. “You told me you loved me, and then you said you’d never leave me.”
Marinette took a deep breath before facing Damian.
“You’re a fucking liar.”
Here lies Damian Wayne: Devoted husband and brother
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some of y’all call yourselves daminette stans but do y’all wake up at 5:30 am everyday to catch up on daminette fics? YA I DIDNT THINK SO .
i am obsessed
im joking pls daminette stans
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anonymous  asked:
why is Adrien an omega and Marinette an alpha?
Because I wanted something different from the traditional omega x alpha.
We have a “traditional” omega x alpha couple that is Lukadrien (who will probably become Jonlukadrien).
And we have a non-traditional alpha x alpha couple that is Daminette.
Chlogami are betas, Kim dates someone out of the pack and Max is not interested in dating/romance.
So besides all the “ABO it’s only for miraculous bearers” I also have a nontraditional abo.
Now other than that, I also believe that Adrien (if the abo were a reality on the show) would be an omega. An omega prime (maybe) but an omega. I can’t see Adrien as an alpha in any reality of the plot. It does not enter my head.
Marinette I can see it as omega, but she always gave me an alpha idea despite her anxiety and being clumsy.
pack au
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Daminette December day 17 baking
@ozmav @maribat-archive @daminette-december2019 @ladysblackcat @thesunanditsangel @caffeinetheory @yamadochie @captainmac6 @theatreandcomicfreak @sonif50 @emjrabbitwolf @vixen-uchiha
Damian was brilliant at everything and anything he put his mind to.
He was an amazing swordsman, had excellent balance, a master with animals and professional with a paintbrush.
So it was not a surprise that he was also good at baking. You never knew what you would need as a cover.
However, when it came to decorating the cake, he was only good at basics.
The stuff Marinette was doing, he struggled with.
At least he was still doing better than Grayson.
His cake was at least still masterful if simplistic. Buttercream wrapping around the cake was smooth and bubble free, with sharp straight edges at the top to show his steady hands.
Damian was unsure who had more icing on them, Grayson’s cake, or Grayson himself. But if the bright smile on the eldest brother’s face was anything to go by, he didn’t care for how poorly his decorating and baking went, just that he did it. Drake’s cake was also simply decorated, though he attempted with brown edible paint to paint coffee beans onto the icing around and on the cake, and had actually come off really nicely. Marinette’s cake looked like it belonged in a cake shop with the icing on the sides, and the carefully iced flowers and all neat and pretty, Damian approved of her skills that come from being in a bakery her whole life.
Todd however, shocked Damain with his cake that looked as if it should stand alongside Marinette in the cake shop window! It had chocolate dripping down the sides, buttercream iced around on top in small decorative measures, fruit and cocoa powder. Todd had grinned at his look and spoke smugly,
“Alfred and I bond over cooking and baking. It’s a nice way to just get out stress or anger actually.” Damian proceeded to sulk until Marinette kissed his cheek.
“It’s okay dove. You’ll get better at it with practice. I’ll help you learn. And failing me, we’ll talk to my parents, the experts in creating eye pleasing goods for a living.” He gave a smirk as she soothed him and turned to Todd as if to challenge him.
“Decorations mean nothing if it tastes nasty. Let’s test that!” The boys happily dug into their cakes claiming their own to be best while Marinette rolled her eyes. Damn her boyfriend accepting nothing but being the best, even over matters that didn’t matter.
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All I Want For Christmas is You
Day 3- Decorating.
Ahhhh sorry I haven’t done one yet, I’ve been a little busy! This is just a short little blurb today!
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wintermelonbear · 3 years
Into the Lion's Den
Team: Damian Dominance
Type: Fic Outline
Word count: 1827
“Fu had warned me,
Su Han had warned me,
and yet here I am standing in the lion’s den”
A/N: Hello hello here’s an outline of a daminette fic I would love to write if I had the time or talent Obligatory Note: written for MGI Civil War 2022!
There were three types of people to Damian wayne: the fearful, the ignorant, and the loyal.
The fearful consists of those intimidated by his wealth, power, and physique; those who averted their gaze in the hallways. To the fearful Damian was less Damian and more of a frightening Wayne, one unafraid of using his leverage in Gotham society to shut down the woefully ignorant. This group knows not to cross him, and for this reason Damian much prefers this group over the ignorant.
The ignorant constantly clung to Damian, trying to become someone to a man they knew nothing about. The girls who cling to his arm at any chance and the boys who try to start small talk with him see neither Damian nor Wayne in him. They see a prize to be won. They acknowledge his wealth and status, but in a way where it has become all consuming, overcasting any hint of Damian’s personality in the process. Growing up a tool to the league, seen as an heir and not a person, Damian has had enough of being an object.
Those loyal to him shaped Damian into the man he is today. He is not the same boy he was at 10, attempting to kill Grayson, rather now he would kill for Grayson even if his father forbids. Damian has grown to love and understand the meaning of being a part of a team and a family. From being saved mid mission gone awry by Jon or even Tim –no matter how much Damian still struggles to admit needing help to his extended family– to babysitting young Mar’i or Helena. He has learned how to cherish and be cherished by those around him. This is not to say Damian has become easy to love or agreeable even. While he has learned to let people in overtime his walls are still as high as Notre Dame itself.
Marinette’s world was much more black and white than Damian’s. To her everyone was either an enemy or ally, a toxic trait only reinforced by her role as a hero. Sure people could change, but change is not easy. It is a long and treacherous role from enemy to ally.
At 12 she had been chosen to be Ladybug, super heroine of Paris. In the following months she would be reunited with a man who apparently did know how to cross the streets.
At 14 she became the guardian of 19 small gods, almost entirely unprepared. She then learns she is not the only young guardian after becoming acquainted with others like Fei and Jessica.
At 15 after a year of struggle The Temple of the Miraculous, renamed as The Order, sends her some guidance in the form of Su-Han. They struggle to understand each other at first, but they acknowledge that the other will do anything to protect the miraculous from the hands of evil.
Master Fu and Su-Han had vastly different teaching styles. Fu encouraged Marinette to dive head first and be experimental with her role as Ladybug and Celestial Guardian of The Order. Su-Han was much more rigid in his teachings, focusing on the fundamentals, discipline, and tradition. As a guardian Marinette was somewhere in the midpoint between the two. She understood the importance of learning the basics, but sometimes rules need to be broken, and as a soul of creation her desire for innovation was never ending.
One thing Fu and Su-Han shared in their teaching was their fear of The League of Shadows. Between the temple and the league prior to Feast there was an on-going feud for control of the miraculi. In a way Fu’s mistakes were a blessing to The Order as The League, for all they knew, were still under the belief that the majority of the miraculi were gone.
From the age of 12, under the influence of these men, Marinette was taught that any members of the league were her enemies.
At 17 she had won against Hawkmoth, but lost her partner in the struggle. He now lies comatose alongside his mother in the annex of The Temple.
At 18 she meets Damian Al-Ghul Wayne and unexpectedly he turns her life on its side.
Her loyalty to the Miraculous would send her to Gotham, New Jersey for a couple of years. Gotham, the home of four league affiliates, including the demon head’s heir himself, Damian Al-Ghul Wayne. In this city and the others in surrounding states lay dormant miraculi put on display in Museums. The Order had tasked her to uproot herself and recover the Miraculi in America in a bid for grand guardianship.
She convinces her parents to let her move to the most dangerous city in America for Gotham University’s mixed business and fashion design program. Her parents insist on helping her with the move, but Marinette convinces them to stay and man the bakery, insisting that she has learned to be vigilant in the years that Paris was plagued by Hawkmoth’s reign of terror.
Their first interactions:
Damian and Marinette first cross paths at the botanical garden run by Dr.Pamela Isley herself. There is an attack, a cloud of toxins hangs in the air, and conditioned from years of vigilantism Damian wraps his hand around Marinette’s mouth in an attempt to protect a civilian, from his viewpoint most likely a tourist, from the toxins. Marinette, who has been raised to avoid any member of the League, is confused and panicked, emotions that are only intensified by the paralytic toxin she has inhaled.
Damian is unable to speak with his other hand around his own mouth and he tries to signal to Marinette that they need to get out of the area, and quickly. Marinette, unable to think clearly under the effects of the toxins, believes that Al-Ghul has sent his heir to kidnap her and begins to thrash against him. Despite her resistance Damian knows his father would never forgive him for letting a civilian throw themselves into danger and he quickly makes a mad dash towards the exit with her in his arms and quickly delivers her to a nearby ambulance before dashing off to join his siblings in the fight against Poison Ivy.
At the hospital following the attack Marinette, not wanting to seem suspicious for fighting a millionaire’s son for seemingly no reason, and also because of her guilt, ends up searching for Damian in order to apologize. He accepts her apology because he assumes it was from the influence of the Poison Ivy’s toxins.
The relationship building phase:
The second time they crossed paths was in their introductory business course. Where Damian and Marinette are partnered together. Overtime Damian notices her hesitance around topics concerning him, his father, and his older siblings Jason Todd and Cassandra Cain. At first he brushes it off as her being amongst the fearful, but then he begins to observe her actions around those considered traditionally scary, and notices her lack of fear. This confuses him further when he sees her caught up in villain attacks remaining remarkably calm.
He wants to get to know her better mainly because of his unresolved trauma of being seen like a monster in his earlier years instead of being seen as a kid.
Group Project Sub-Arc:
Fu had warned her, Su-Han had warned her, and yet here she is standing in the lion’s den itself, the Wayne manor’s living room.
She had been invited to the manor for their group project and could not find a way to worm her way out because all other coworking spaces like the cafeteria, local cafes, and library were closed early due to covid protocols, and her apartment had 19 or so little gods roaming around at all times. She runs into Jason and mildly freaks out. Jason is surprised by how scared she was of him considering her interactions with Dick, Tim, and Alfred moments early. He also has a moment of considering whether or not the Lazurus pits are still guiding him towards the path of being a monster.
Ladybug and Robin meet:
Since Marinette knows that Bruce Wayne is associated with the league of shadows she also knows that he is Batman. That means she knows that Damian Wayne is Robin. At this point she knows Damian a bit better and is a bit apprehensive about whether or not he is actually evil, and so she’s extremely cautious around Robin, but she is also professional.
As Ladybug and Robin they are work colleagues, occasionally fighting crime together with polite, curt conversation.
As the guardian, Marinette stands against Batman’s team as she steals the miraculous from various history and art exhibits as well as from private collections. They have a dynamic similar to Cat Woman and Batman.
The aftermath: At some point Marinette realizes that Damian Al-Ghul Wayne can’t be that evil, nor is most of his family, and what is that oh fuck she’s in love. She has known him from various sides: as a fellow hero, as a civilian, and as a villain.
She got to know him more and his struggles with his maternal family. Eventually she patches things up with him and they get together in their civilian lives. Damian still doesn’t know that she is Ladybug and the guardian. He also doesn’t know that she knows he is Robin.
The Reveal:
As the guardian Marinette is running from the batfam after her latest heist. In order to escape she decides to jeopardize her role as the hero Ladybug, and transform into Ladybug to escape. This is a failure and they still manage to capture her. After some time her transformation gives out, unveiling Marinette, a girl the family thought they knew well, was not only Ladybug, but also the mysterious guardian.
There is initially a lot of yelling especially between members of the batfam who are split between whether she is evil or good. Damian, personally, is a bit overwhelmed by this and can’t make a decision on either stance. Marinette eventually convinces them to give her the chance to explain and she walks through her entire journey as a hero from her recruitment at the age of 12, something the older members of the batfam wince at, to her current role as guardian. This opens a new can of worms as Marinette admits to them that she knows about their involvement with the league and that was why she was wary of them. At first those who were formerly associated were taken aback, but they understood. She couldn’t have known how they currently felt about the league without knowing them personally.
Bruce helps Marinette legally obtain the remaining miraculous using the influence of his money, Diana Prince’s role as a historian, and a couple of pseudonyms, and for once in her life Marinette has a bit of peace and normality, well minus the near weekly villains, but that was essentially her new normal.
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