#Dani doesn’t deserve any ire
oksneasnake · 10 months
Good lord, who has been so mean to Dani lately that she’s feeling the need to quantify her questions??? We, as a fandom, need to chill the fuck out.
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kitten1618x · 5 years
GoT Afterthoughts ep. 08x01 ‘Winterfell’ (Part 1)
Whew! I’m sorry this has taken so long. I’ve got two munchkins home from school with a stomach bug, and they’ve been cutting into my rewatch and write-up.
So, a few things before we kick this bad boy off... I have not read or interacted much with anyone (except writing up that post yesterday about the opening creds) and I have avoided the discord server (even though I’m DYING to gush) as to not skew my own perception of the episode. Those of you who follow my blog know that I am partial to political!jon, but here’s your heads up for anyone else that just stumbled onto this recap. And with that...
We begin the journey of our last season similarly to the way we began our very first: An excited Winter Town boy frantically scrambling to find a better view of the royal retinue marching on Winterfell—complete with the same musical score. Let’s call that strike one against Jon and Dany, as we all know what a farce that first royal couples’ relationship was.
This boy, as he shimmies up a nearby tree, very much reminds me of a combination of both Arya and Bran in the pilot — Arya even spies him and smiles, as she stands watching with the smallfolk (a nice book nod). Her face at initially seeing her big brother Jon makes my heart skip a few beats, and I kind of got the feeling she was going to call out for him, but changed her mind. She looks down then, and I’m honestly so worried for their reunion because they have both changed so much, and Arya isn’t the same little girl he remembers.
Her smile fades as Jon and Dany pass her by, and the Hound comes into view. Her feelings with Sandor have always been complicated, but we don’t have much time to dwell on that, because Gendry rounds the corner and there’s a different kind of smile lighting up Arya’s face now—and I’m so stoked for their reunion, because it’s what I deserve. WE ALL DESERVE THIS OKAY?!?!?!
And what do we have here? Ahhhh yes, the typical D&D ‘cock’ and/or (in this case) ‘balls’ banter via Varys and Tyrion as they once again travel together in another wooden box. You know, we damn well better get the payoff to the jackass/honeycomb/brothel joke this season, or I swear by the old gods and the new that I’m blowing up the Sept of Baelor... oh wait.
Missandei looks visibly uncomfortable at the impassive stares of the Northerners as they ride by. However, Jon did warn them about the North—which he reiterates to a rather annoyed looking Dany, who no doubt expected a much more warmer welcoming for coming to “save the North”—but it’s pretty clear there will be no Myhsa crowd-surfing here.
A screeching overhead sends the Northerners frantically running for cover as a smug-looking Daenerys smirks proudly at the fear her dragon children instill when they split the skies above. Let’s be real here — that was no coincidence. Remember this?
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Dany is in complete control of Drogon, and let’s call a spade a spade: this was a cheap intimidation tactic driven by spite. And I honestly can’t even say I blame the girl, but it’s probably not the best way to make new friends, either—especially when they are all of the mindset that “a Targaryen cannot be trusted”. Just sayin’, Dany girl.
And we have Arya’s reaction to seeing Dragons for the first time as they soar high up over Winterfell and Sansa, who watches from the ramparts. Sansa’s reaction is quite similar to Cersei’s—as in, she really doesn’t have one. Someone please cue My Chick Bad by Ludacris!!
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Jon and Dany enter the courtyard and Jon springs from his horse to bring Bran in for a signature Stark squeeze and a forehead kiss (another season one callback). He proudly admires how Bran has grown and is now a man, only for Bran to answer with some vague and emotionless three-eyed raven shit, before staring down Daenerys while Jon moves to Sansa’s open arms.
*Perhaps no one informed Jon about Bran going all sentient-being?
I’m sure most of you already noticed that while this is supposed to be the same hug scene we were shown in the HBO teaser, it’s not the same shot, nor the same angle. In the teaser, Jon makes this soft face and goes straight to Sansa’s arms...
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But in the actual episode, Jon goes straight to Bran’s arms, and his expression is quite different...
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And in the teaser the hug is much longer in duration, and Sansa doesn’t look up at Dany until the end—still not relinquishing her hold on Jon.
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However, in the episode, we get a shorter version and a different angle, while Bran and Sansa simultaneously stink-eye Dany the entire time.
*please note Jon’s expression isn’t the same as it is in the hbo teaser—which begs to differ WHY they chose such a romantic shot of these siblings to hype the final season? I mean, I know why... do you? 😉
Annnnnnd moving right along. Jon asks where his darling baby sister Arya has gotten to, as to which Sansa replies “lurking somewhere” — which is an odd response, but I’m not gonna lie, it did make me chuckle a little. If I had to make a guess on this odd dialogue (other than the D’s just suck at dialogue sometimes), I imagine it serves the purpose of leading Jon to assume that the girls still have the same strained relationship of their youth.
Not one to stand by idle while getting eye-fucked from all directions (and not in a good way), Dany sashays over to be introduced to the stunning redhead Jon was hugging on, to learn she is (only) his sister (whew!), and the Lady of Winterfell. And with that said, I need to take a moment to address something to all the antis who will probably hop on this post (cuz I know y’all are there): Jon is NOT the Lord of Winterfell. Winterfell does NOT belong to him, not even as warden of the North, not even a little bit. He has no say, no ownership, no NOTHING on Winterfell. The only way he becomes the Lord of Winterfell is if he marries his cousin, Sansa Stark — which is just ONE of the many reasons WHY a marriage between them is advantageous. Tell your friends.
The tension kicks up a notch as the introductions proceed and Dany feeds Sansa platitudes of how beautiful she and the North are. Perhaps her words are meant to be kind, but after all she’s been through, Sansa is not here for the bullshit — remember how nice Miranda was in the beginning too? Besides, my girl’s jealousy is so thick, she’s almost GREEN. So, giving Dany a full-bodied once over, she haughtily replies “Winterfell is yours, Your Grace.”
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Before a full-blown catfight ensues, Bran throws some ice on the situation—and by ice, I mean ice dragon (harr harr harrrr). The wall has come down, and your dragon is one of them now, he informs Dany—whom of course is horrified by the news. (And probably by Bran too, as I assume she, like Jon, did not get the Bran is the 3ER memo).
We move into the Great Hall where we learn that Sansa has already made the intelligent decision to call all their banners to retreat to Winterfell as soon as they knew that the wall had fallen. Little Ned Umber isn’t really sure whom he’s supposed to address or how (bless his little heart), but in any event, he’s getting the horses and carts he needs to safely bring the rest of his people back to Winterfell. Jon tells the maester to summon the Nights Watch as well.
And of course you know little Lady Mormont has some shit to say. She’s not pleased with the turn of events and wastes no time voicing her opinion and stirring the ire of the Northerners. But hey,
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(Sorry, I couldn’t help myself).
But more on that later, because Jon looks really nervous as little Lyanna throws shade — and his first instinct is to turn and share a look with his sister, errr wife, cousin!, Sansa.
I feel like he was looking to her for support, but she’s got none to offer at the moment. So, he pulls himself together and tries to calm the dissent by giving another rousing ‘we need allies and I brought them’ speech, and he actually says something VERY interesting here: “I had a choice: keep my crown or protect the north. I chose the north.” I mean, he ain’t lying, and the best place to hide something is right in plain sight, after all—and of course nothing about that statement sounds political or off at all, does it? I mean, because the Dany stans/jonerii insist that Dany agreed and was FULLY onboard to come north before Jon bent the knee, so why would he say that, then? Go on, tell me...
Tyrion decides to throw in his unwanted .02 — simultaneously backing up Jon and feeding Dany’s savior complex (the greatest army blah blah blah — gods, I cannot wait until everyone sees how useless the dragons will be against the NK, especially when using them to roast the wights puts their own soldiers at risk). His words aren’t met with any gratitude when he also drops the bomb that another enemy house of the North is also on its way to Winterfell.
Sansa is taken aback but recovers quickly. Armed with her signature snark, she asks how they’re expected to feed the ‘worlds greatest army’ — something she did not prepare for — chased by a sassy, “what do dragons eat, anyway?”
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But wa-wa-wait, HOLD UP. Did Dany just— Did she just throw down the gauntlet?
Why, I believe she did, my friends! jskslkdlsksjsklslsljsllsl 😂😂😂😂
I can’t even with this episode, guys. It’s like I’m watching a medieval version of Melrose Place (google it, youngin’s) with Jane and Sydney throwing shots by the poolside!
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Okay, okay, but all joking and snark aside, Sansa has got a valid point. She isn’t prepared to feed all these extra mouths PLUS two fucken huge dragons. I mean, winter is here, and where could they possibly find enough food to sustain everyone? It’s almost as if the show is making it a point to remind us about the lack of food and where did we last see wagons loaded with food? Oh right, I remember...
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Put this one behind Northern Independence on the list of ‘Petty Things That Won’t Matter Because the AotD is Coming’ — you know, because who needs food to survive? And who the hell wants independence, anyway?
Moving right along, and holy mother, maiden and crone, this is getting long and I’ve barely scratched the first 15 minutes of the show!
You know what? Nevermind, I’m just gonna go ahead and publish this, and post the rest tomorow when I finish it — I know y’all are thirsty anyway. lol Forgive the sloppiness, as I did this ALL on mobile, and my paragraph breaks kept disappearing and arrrrrghh tumblr!
*Some gifs/images mine. The others were taken from google. Thanks if it’s yours!!
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bffhreprise · 3 years
Best Friend For Hire Reprise, Entry 369
 Getting paid to play a video game was such a strange idea.  I still didn’t understand James’ angle in having us do this, but even playing with the character creation was getting me excited.  The possible hair styles alone seemed endless, starting with a basic look and following deeper and deeper advanced options to refine the style however I wanted.  I noticed that Babette was modeling her character after herself, but I didn’t want to be playing myself.  I wanted…
 I thought for a while, uncertain.  Then I came across a slider for creating and adjusting a widow’s peak.  I grinned to myself, wanting to create a form that screamed “vampired” to any who saw it.  He needed to be handsome, gaunt, and stern with black hair and pale skin.  His eyes… charming?  Piercing?  Hmm…
 Babette finished creating her character, Cogneur, before I was done with Ombre, but both of us easily beat Heloise.  She made small adjustments, stared for a while, and adjusted some more, acting as if we had all day.  With Dani impatiently making her character pace nearby, I doubted we had long at all.  If she complained to her dad…
 “Louise Labé?” questioned James as he came up behind Heloise.
 “A poet I like.” she replied, shrinking into her chair in embarrassment.
 “You didn’t!?” laughed Babette, shaking her head in disbelief.
 “Oh, let her be.” I ordered, knowing what my sister would say next.  “You never complained when she used to read to us.”
 “We were six!  I didn’t know poets were lame yet.” insisted Babette with a predatory grin.
 “Lame?” questioned Dani from where she sat.
 “I believe she means boring.” stated James disapprovingly.
 “Is not!” exclaimed Dani fervently.  “I love poetry!  I know hundreds!”
 “Not in any language they’d understand.” replied James as he stepped up behind her to pat her head.
 I nearly argued that he should try us, since we weren’t mere rabble that could barely handle one language, but James would know.  I suppressed a shudder as I remembered that James knew far too much, things that should have been impossible to discover.
 He turned to face Babette, saying, “Brandon might be the only one who agrees with you about poetry in this house.  Dejon might force you to read poetry for the rest of us if he’s in the mood.”
 Babette stared, the gears of thought were probably racing in her head.  “How?” she asked.  “He doesn’t seem that tough.”
 “Dejon doesn’t need to be tough.  If he tells you to do something, you’ll find yourself doing it.” James informed us.  “You really need to stop underestimating the rest of us.”
 Even as my sister nodded, I failed to suppress a snort.  That sounded like absolute rubbish.  No spell could… well… none that I knew…  I frowned, forcing myself to acknowledge that I didn’t really have a clue what was possible.  From what I “knew” before, no one could keep up with a Slayer, but James wasn’t normal.
 “Daddy, we should do a poetry reading!  Heloise and I could consult with Mila about which ones and musical background!” suggested Dani excitedly.
 “If you decide on a time, I promise to attend.” he replied, turning back to face her seat.
 She turned and grinned.  Then she started animatedly talking with Mila in some bizarre, practically musical language while still making her character pace.
 “What’s she saying?” questioned Heloise.
 “Just making plans.” replied James, his attention back on Heloise’s character progress.
 “What language is that?” asked Babette as she strained for more height without leaving her seat, wanting to watch Dani.
 “Nothing you need to learn.  Remember, the three of you are on a job.  You need to stay busy.” he admonished.
 “Sorry.” stated Babette, twisting back around to play the starter quests.
 I quickly joined her, not wanting his ire.  There was something strange about James when he was angry, something that made all three of us exceptionally uncomfortable.  Under our old boss, we had been yelled at plenty of times, even when we didn’t deserve it, but that terrible man couldn’t make us feel so… guilty.  A certain amount of fear toward James was natural, I was certain, but I didn’t really understand how James made us feel so terrible about our mistakes with so few words.
 Babbette and I had barely finished a quest when James left, despite Heloise barely joining us.  Dani didn’t seem to care what we were doing, too involved in her conversation.  At least, I thought she was too involved when her character showed up next to us.  I stared, watching in shock as her character grabbed mine, bending him down and biting into his neck.  Blood sprayed out as her teeth sunk into him, but the initial spray was brief, very brief compared with the long time they stood with her teeth at his neck.  When his body stopped shaking, she unceremoniously dropped him.  More blood sprayed as she took a dagger to her palm.  Then she bent down, forcing her hand over his mouth, and his body convulsed.
 Ombre was still convulsing when Dani’s Luxa turned her eyes on her next victim.  This time Dani started telling us at great length how difficult choosing the right animation was for her.  She had watched numerous vampires feed and adjusted some of the default animations to be similar to her favorites.  Hearing someone declare a favorite way for a vampire to feed just felt wrong.  Still, I didn’t really think Dani was nuts until she started telling us about our part in her plan to conquer the world.
 Staring around, I was fairly certain that I wasn’t supposed to be here.  I didn’t recognize any of the buildings, the people, or even the sky here.  I could imagine how the big, fluffy cloud would look if I was in my neighborhood, and I was certain that it would be far more peaceful there.  Why wasn’t I home?
 “Hello, Noelle.  Sorry for the wait, but you ended up quite far from the house.” came a voice from behind me.
 I didn’t recognize the voice, but the woman knew my name.  When I turned, I was amazed at how beautiful she was.  She had flawless skin, and I didn’t see any trace of makeup, though her lips were redder than normal.  Her eyes were a vivid green, seeming to sparkle in the light.  Her hair flowed in the small breeze, and only as I followed its length did I notice that she was a maid.  There was a maid who knew my name!
 “This way, Noelle.  I needed to park a block away, since I took one of the company limos to fetch you.” she told me, motioning for me to follow her.
 I did, admiring how she seemed to float along without a care about the people staring at her.  Did I count as staring at her?  Who was she?  Did I know her?  I kept following her, remembering that was my task.  “Wow.  A limo!” I exclaimed excitedly.  “Do you think there’s a movie star nearby?” I asked, knowing that they sometimes came to the city.  “Maybe a singer!”
 To my surprise, the maid opened the door, curtsying as she motioned for me to enter.  Was I meeting someone important?  No one was inside when I stepped into the limo.  The seat was soft and wrapped around a low table.  There was fruit and water.
 “Oh!  Hello!”  I exclaimed when I turned, drawn to the sound of a shutting door.  A maid was sitting next to me, smiling.  “Wow.  I’m dressed up.  Sorry, but I’m a bit forgetful.  What are we doing?”
 “Hello, Noelle.  I am Mila.  You took the wrong bus by accident, so Mr. Somerset allowed me to fetch you, though he hasn’t been informed yet.  You have a job interview with him today.” she replied with such a kind smile.
 “I have a job interview!?” I asked excitedly.  When she nodded, I said, “That’s amazing!  Jamie will be so happy.  She worries about me.”  Realizing that I wasn’t certain where we were going, I cautiously asked “Are we friends?”  I liked this woman, but even I should know the names of my friends.  I didn’t remember Mila.
 “I am quite certain we will be, but we have just met.  Would you like some refreshments?” she asked, motioning to a small table with fruit and water.  “If you would prefer something else, there are crackers available, some cheese, and a few types of rolls currently stocked.  I typically take better preparations, but I really did believe you were going to step onto the right bus and hurried to get here when you didn’t.”
 “I’m so sorry!  I’m usually okay at busses.  Where was I supposed to be going?” I asked, sad that I made this nice lady go out of her way.  “Oh, no.  Sorry.  I forgot your name.  I have trouble remembering things.  Would you mind telling me?”
 Thankfully, she wasn’t angry, still smiling politely.  When she told me her name, I repeated it to myself aloud and then in my head, over and over, taking a slice of apple from a plate she held up to me.  Then I drank some water.  Oranges!  I love oranges.  I ate an orange slice as I listened to Mila tell me that I was on my way to be interviewed.  I had a job interview!  That was nice.
 “Where are we?” I asked, taking in the beautiful fountain and sculpted bushes along the drive.  There was a huge building here with a fanciful facade.  “So pretty…”
 “Yes, the master is quite fond of his estate.  You are here at Somerset Estate to meet James Michael Somerset III, so you can have a job interview with him.” explained Mila with such a kind smile.
 We walked through two sets of double doors, and I stared around at the lofty, painted ceiling as well as the twin staircases rising to a second floor.  Even the walls were decorated here, engraved wood with lovely paintings.
 When I started turning up to look at the ceiling again, my eyes caught a boy, a very handsome boy with blue eyes and chestnut hair.  “Wow.  When did you get there?” I asked in surprise.  He was very tall.
 Smiling down at me, he asked “Noelle, why are you here?”
 “This kind lady found me and brought me here.  She said I was supposed to… er... “
 “Have an interview.” stated Mila.
 “Really!?” I asked in surprise.  “I should’ve dressed up!” I looked down, surprised to find myself wearing my favorite green dress.  “Oh.  I did!”  Grinning, I looked up to the boy and asked “Isn’t this great!?”
 “Marvelous.  Let’s get you upstairs for the paperwork.  Your sister will be thrilled to hear you’ve found a job.” stated the boy, still smiling.
 “I have a job!?  That’s wonderful!  I knew I needed to come here.” I acknowledged, following behind him.  Then I realized I had forgotten something.  “Wait.  You have a name.  Did you tell me?”
 He turned around, saying, “James Michael Somerset III.  Welcome to Best Friend For Hire.”
 I repeated his name several times and kept repeating it in my head.  “I got it.” I assured him, happy as his smile widened a little more.
 I was introduced to someone in a kitchen, but I couldn’t remember his name, too distracted by the taste of the most marvelous cookies.  There were more beautiful hallways, paintings, vases, and sooo many stairs.  Then there was a fancy room that looked like a peaceful forest where Mila told me about legal stuff.  Sometime later, I was being taken home.  Mila informed me that I had a job and encouraged me to remember, so I could tell Jamie!  My sister was going to be so happy!
0 notes
noentiendo-nada · 6 years
más 2017
April 19, 2017 at 11:51 pm
Hay días en los que me acuesto a dormir y estoy tan felíz y tan agradecida que sólo puedo llorar 
No se ni cómo manejarlo, solo sé que estoy demasiado agradecida y que esto es magia y gloria y amor
April 22, 2017
I will not blame
You for the bad decisions you make in my dreams 
I will not get mad at you about everything when i am only really mad at you about one thing 
April 29, 2017
Muerte subita 
Por que? Por que yo te diria "nooooo quedate"??? 
May 2, 2017
Yo: "hoy me voy a acostar temprano por que ME LO MEREZCO" 
Yo, acostada lista para dormir: "si me lo merezco verdad?"
**saca los libros y sigue estudiando**
May 7, 2017
People will tell you that you deserve a guy who.... 
But you don't 
Nadie es mas importante que unl mismo
Nadie va a hacer eso por uno 
And that's okay
May 11, 2017
Estoy viendo a unas muchachas amigas en dennys que vinieron a comer hamburguesas y papas!!! No son de esas amigas de "ensalada" y esas mierdas!!! 😍😍😍
When did you stop caring?
When did you stpo noticing?
May 12, 2017
No tiene ue pagar miles de dolares para alejarme.. ya lo logro
// cuando mami me exilió a mi cuarto a estudiar (en vez de estudiar en la mesa) me dijo que estaba pagando miles de dólares para remodelar la casa.. esta fue mi respuesta por dentro
May 13, 2017
Que rajado que aveces uno se guarda demasiado las ganas de llorar.. venía así como desde el domingo pasado, como que me daban ganas ocasionalmente de la nada pero la situación no me permitía desahogarme, y siempre pensaba "cuando llegue a la casa" 
Luebo iba sola en el carro o llegaba a la casa pero tenía cosas que hacer y no podía sacar el tiempo, o justo antes de dormir prefería descansar que ponerme a pensar en las mil cosas que me estaban afectando 
Y ayer llegue finalmente a mi casa despues de un largo día y mi mamá dijo que iba a contratar una diseñadora para la casa, que ibamos a cambiar todo 
Y que iba a cambiar la luz del comedor, por que "la ODIA", la luz con la que estudio todos los días, la luz que pusieron para mí, por mi bien, por mis estudios, para no tener que estudiar encerrada en el cuarto sino en la mesa, en un área común. Ya que es algo de todos los días a toda hora cuando estoy en la casa jajaja 
Se imaginan pasar todo el tiempo que paso en esa mesa, encerrada en mi cuarto para poder tener buena luz? 
Si ahora comparto poco o casi nada con mi familia, si no estudiara en esa mesa sólo los vería en actividades familiares, una o dos veces al mes 
Además ELLA NUNCA ESTÁ AHÍ. En esa mesa. A ella le llevan/se lleva su comida a su cuarto. A mi hermana le da igual. La luz se puede graduar para no ser tan fuerte. No es tan terrible 
Pero di equis. Enciérrate Ale, deporsi a nadie le importaba  
May 15, 2017
Hoy en serio me distraje, me olvide de todos los problemas y situaciones y no pense en nada mas que en TI. 💘 gracias por hacerme olvidar 
May 22, 2017 (11:18 pm)
No se como uno se puede dormir así 
May 28, 2017
Ojala gaby y camacho me sigan invitando a hacer cosas cuando dani no este 
June 2, 2017
Ayer me rei tanto con daniel r 🍭🍭🍭 en medio de todo, desahogarse llorando o desahogarse riendose. Es necesario
June 6, 2017
No es por desearle el mal a nadie pero me encantaría ver a un carro irse en la cuneta de la entrada a la 27 
June 9, 2017
De todas las cosas que se podia meter por que putas escogio una yuca??? Toda aspera mae ouch
June 11, 2017
Yo solo quiero que te cuides 
Porque algun dia ya no voy a estar para cuidarte 
June 30, 2017
"Oh how I wanted to say that I missed him. 
How I wanted to call him and start a stupid conversation the way we used to do. How I wanted to ask him something ridiculous like did he like cats, like what did he think of the colour blue, like did he still love me, like did he ever? Did he ever love me at all?
And how I wanted to sit on his bed and rest my head on his chest and listen to the sound of his heartbeat. Or sit on the floor of his room and let him kiss me and let him kiss me and let him kiss me again. 
Or, oh, how I wanted to go back to the beginning, to the first day when he approached me. How I wanted to leave so he’d never told me his name and I’d never told him mine.”
“I want you to know that - 
i. It doesn’t matter that we ended. Life moves on. People forget. Friends become strangers. The ones that you love(d) change. 
ii. That doesn’t mean I didn’t love you. I did. In my own convoluted, messy way. I did. 
iii. I’m sorry I couldn’t heal the wounds in your chest, I tried. I’m sorry for creating them. I never knew that I was capable of hurting anyone like that until I hurt you. 
iv. But… I know that war is never one sided. Sometimes, sometimes I feel like I lost a limb in that battle too. 
v. When it comes down to it, I’m grateful for our moments of silence, our moments of peace, interspersed with laughter. I’m grateful for your kindness. 
vi. Maybe I’ll never stop writing about you. 
vii. But you should probably stop reading what I write. 
viii. The truth is that some nights I still feel unbearable. But I’m getting there, I’m getting there. Most days now, I feel alright.”
Sue Zhao // A Letter (via blossom fully)
“I hope we last. I hope we do.
But if we don’t, this is how I want you to remember me:
I want you to remember me curled up, listening to the sound of your heartbeat and tracing maps across your skin. Remember me laughing at your jokes, even the stupid ones. Remember me in hysterics for absolutely no reason and in tears because one time you made me so sad neither of us thought I’d recover. Remember me brave, that time you held my hand and I thought I was going to die; remember me scared and gentle and delicate and breakable - only for you though, only for you.
Remember me happy, and all the ridiculous ways I tried to get your attention. Remember the way I was too stubborn to talk to you and how absolutely insane it drove the both of us. Remember all the firsts and how they were so delightful we went back for seconds and thirds and fourths. Remember the songs you couldn’t stop listening to and the childish dreams you allowed yourself about the future. If it’s any consolation I allowed myself to have them too. 
If it comes to it I don’t want you to remember the ending. 
Remember the beginning. Remember the first time you knew. 
S.Z. // Excerpt from a book I’ll never write #132 (via blossom fully) 
July 5, 2017 
Te hice enojar. No era mi intencion.. la verdsd debi pensar mejor que decir y como decirlo para que no lo interpretaras mal. Pero too late. En serio no era mi intencion
Me encontre las vans negras del cole, cuando me las compre te enojadte y me
Dijiste que tu habias querido comprarte unas.. conectados siempre
Te acuerdas cuando me compre el bulto hurley blanco y celeste con rayas rojas? Y tu como 🙄 ALE, yo lo queria!!!! Ji
Se me olvido contarte que en la presentacion antes de salir dijeron "mierda mierda mierda!" Como
Cuando antes de un partido uno grita "I C S!!" Como "VAMOS EQUIPO"!! Pero era "mierda!!!"
July 11, 2017 
Ayer soñe que iba al super y compraba muchas cosas, gastaba mucha plata
Luego mami volvia a ir y otravez compraba muchas cosas (yo le echaba mas al carrito) 
Compraba un powerade y algo de shrek no se si eran galletas o cereal
Se iba la luz en el super era todo raro
Mami cortaba una maceta y habian pinturas de uñas, una de escarcha azul super pola pero yo la queria y me la compre
Y la rata nos daba ride a la casa de majo (no se con quien estaba yo - o no se si ibamos majo y yo para la casa de kris) 
July 19, 2017
Nunca me enseñaste a chiflar 
July 21, 2017 at 2:30 am
Nos vwmos mañana?? O la cago? Mejor no?
// un día que fui a la calle con Emi apenas volvió de Aus
July 21, 2017 at 2:46 am
Hoy estaba haciendo la tipica voz que uno hace cuando imita a alguien y luego tuve que explicar lo que tu haces con las manillas cuando me estas imitando a mi jajajaja
Baile demasiado con michi 
La pase muy bien y muy mal
Bien porque la musica era muy muy vieja tipo "ven bailalo" y wow baile dem. Estaban maria y las amigas y wow.
Mal porque sabia que estaba aparentando que la estaba pasando rajado cuando en realidad.. Solo queria venirme a mi casa a llorar
July 21, 2017 at 1:34 pm
Que hay que hacer para tener un numero como 800 alejandra?? 
Que jeta que se fuera tanto tiempo
Porque ahorita estamos hablando y siento que no ha pasado ni un dia
Todo sigue exactamente igual 
/(emi <3 )
July 29, 2017 
Te dedico one man can change the world
Viendo twitter
El cursor parpadea  
Y no se que escribir 
No era que me ibas a avisar? 
Solo quiero sentir algo
Es porque usted odia las despedidas? Entonces lo mas facil era solo desaparecer sin decir nada? 
Pero no era que me ibas a avisar? Me lo dijiste demasiadas veces
It's ok ya lo habiamos hablado muchas veces. Entiendo esto 
Pero no me lo esperaba así
Siempre me contabas historias de los raperos 
Eso me gustaba
Route 66
Las vegas
Punta arenas chile
Cinque terre
The cat in the hat
August 8, 2017
Viernes qe sali a vacas
Sali del examen y multi a comprar las entradas mcflurry fume
Sola camine por ahi jajajaj 
Lleguee en uber a vertigo, llegaron fede coco y pau, fyaahh cansado pero tuanis 
Castillo con chaluteam, como en los viejos tiempos 
Cenamos toda la familia de despedida de dani ❤️ 
Nos levantamos supeerrr tempranooo, monteverde ❤️ llegamos hambrientos, caminataaa y fotos y vista rajada!! Fumamos dems jajaja oreos ychalus, vimos the avengers, siesta, shower, dormir deliciosoooo o o o 😍😍
Lunes nos costo dem levantarnos estaba deli :( desayuno PAQUE del hotel jajaja 
Vuelta, calle con em y los de indu
Santos con majo y nicky pecera jajaja.. equis la verdad. michi <3 
Salimos a fumar y no nos dejaron entrar jajaj pleeebeyas 
Telas workout? Creo? 
Maria a lindora por el famoso postre, luego a cenar con mami sake 😛Con majo caro y maria a la fiesta de mafu super tuanis honestly jajaja mica y fumaderaaa🤘🏽
Orotina con kris nicky y majo. Majo en mi carro obveeoo ibamos fumandola bomba 
Punta a mantas por la fucking marea jajaja almorzamos pitas capresse rajadassss fumamos en el atardecer, spot rajado que me enseño dani 😛😛 en la noche solo DORMIMOS jajaja 
Punta en el dia de nuevoo, pero llovio entonces nos devolvimos early. Igual estuvo delicioso!! Llegaron caro vale j y luci. Se fueron kris y nicky 
Fuimos a punta a la casa de los amigos de pao. Tomamooosss mucho "montarse al bus" y shots de vainilla nombres
LUNES llegaron los anglos: jan, fede, fernandez, paul, beto. mica all day, cami y adri.. yo la pase increeeiblee la verdad ❤️ se quedaron a dormir 
MARTES ellos jalaron temprano, las chicas fuimos a almorzar a jaco sushi deliciosooo y llegamos a la casa y no queriamos irnos jajaja la Estabamos pasando rajado.. increibles vacaciones
Desayune saul con cami arce😛 escazu centro por maquillaje y varas. Pasarela LOZA con pau jimenezz estuvo vacilon.. los modelos jajaj
Salida de despedida de maria en santos, estuvo vacilon medio equis la verdad. Ary y nana 💘
Calentamos donde vivi ramirez con #freeAnuel, FAUNA, casa los marin con tebi jajaja mica mica mica 
Yoga de un gomonnn jajaja 
Macha paso por mi NO SABIA QUE PONERME!! Cumple cris vargas y fiesta daniel soto. Di me mori ranche la vida con baulaboy NUNCA me vuelvo a cruzar 
Di ni de goma jajaja lo vomite todo.. casa tito a visitar y cine magaly con pa y lari. Me
Dormi en el cine jajajaja 🙈 llegue a la casa a chillear un pichazo deli. Creeo que me
Empece dreamland? 
Lunes acomodar cuarto, telas con PABLO😍y casa abue 
Martes mandados y vueltas con abue. Casa depilar n shit y OROTINA con anglos, mica 
Miercoles mica de dia y atardecer RAJADO vinieron juli luci y fa. Muchos durmieron toda la tarde jajaja y se fueron. A dormir ubilla vale j garcia y torta. Mica termino a las NUEVE AM OK 
Jueves nos levantamos tarde ordenamos sol rajado, atardecer en mirador de jaco, vuelta silenciosa jajaja 
August 23, 2017
Que banco ss ud 
Si ellos alquilan 
Situaciones economicas
Mala connotacion 
Cuenta del indoor de los papas 
Me senti como una spoiled brat
Lo aue me paso hoy en serio en el momento fue talvez un impulso pero realmente fui demasiado valiente de seguir con mi dia haciendo mis cosas aun despues de lo que paso
/ se me pasó la regla Y ANDUVE ASÍ POR TODA LA BIBLIOTECA SIN SABER y tenía presentación. SHIT.
September 8, 2017
Alejandra fosas de frijol
Chica wow
Por lastima
Dj jeremyz
Efecto anteojo
October 17, 2017
If I had it my way I'd roll out of bed
Say bout 2:30 mid day
Hit the blunt then, hit you up to come over to my place
You show up right away
We make love and then we fuck
And then you'd give me my space
October 28, 2017
Georgia on my mind
Hablar por teléfono > 
- las empleadas
Me la paso encontrandote entre mis sueños
October 29, 2017
finally found the love i was looking for tucked between my own ribs
Hablar llorar enfrentar.. sounds like you just pulled up to liberation station
November 3, 2017
Dar la mano si es un big deal 
Ayer estaba demasiado tapiz, la estaba pasando demsiado bien, a mela la recogieron los papas e ibamos el, yo y dos amigos en el carro de el porque nos iba a dar ride a todos. Y le agarre la mano. 
Como si fuera lo mas normal del mundo, ibamos caminando al carro y le agarre la mano y caminamos asi y yo en el momento ni pense en eso, solo lo hice. Fue lo mas normal y natural del mundo 
Y luego me dijo, hey que cosi darme la mano cuando ibamos caminando al carro!!! 
Y yo pense FUCK. Que es eso? Solo lo hice demasiado natural como.. como si fueras tu. Y me acurruco como si fueras tu. Dejo que me peinen y me chineen como si fueras tu. Que me abracen cuando estoy triste o estresada, que me traten de poner feliz.. como si fueras tu 
Ahora quien me manda mensajes de suerte en el examen, audios preguntandome como estuvo mi dia, como me fue con tal cosa, que si ya vi tal cosa.. son otras personas. Son dos, tres, cuatro personas. Y aveces tu tambien estas ahi.. pero ahora eres otro 
Yo no quiero que sean todos esos. Quiero que seas tu. Pero no asi.. asi solo siento que son un monton, que las historias que cuento estan regadas entre toda la gente con la que hablo, no hay una persona que conozca todos mis pensamientos e historias porque me reparto entre miles.. y eso esta bien, porque no dependo de solo una, pero.. no se 
Llega al pubto que los confundo y luego no me acuerdo a quien le conte cual historia 
No se.. solo es diferente y raro y shocking mirar atras y ver la diferencia 
No se porque me ataque así
lo que me quedó de Girls Trip es que "You can't have it all" y que hay que buscarse unas buenas fichitas para sobrevivir. muy buena 
November 4, 2017
Tu abuelita manda audios?
ultimamente me pasan cosas malas y me digo a mí misma: karma's a bitch
November 7, 2017
“el ser más despreciable de la geometría, el acutángulo”
November 8, 2017
Llore todo el vuelo viendo por la ventana
November 9, 2017
my man is my man is your man heard it's her man too
November 10, 2017
Abuelita esta borracha y dice: "estoy jumeada, que rico" 
Si es alguien que me cae bien puedo hablar con el cagarme de risa y luego apretarmelo 
Si no meda nada de que hablar la verdad paso jajajaja 
November 14, 2017
mi amigo de la u en las últimas semanas: 
"Ale, ¿a qué hora te dormiste anoche?"
"Wow Ale a ver sus ojeras"
Hoy me dijo: "Ale, ¿cuándo fue la última vez que dormiste bien?" 
November 17, 2017
me tome esta foto porque voy manejando escuchando taylor swift viendo el atardecer un viernes con "clima de diciembre" sin planes sin carreras y con todo un fin de semana por delante...
Y es de esos momentos pelicula en los que todo esta bien por media hora y a uno se le olvida todo lo demas y si.. este es uno de esos. 
queria guardar el momento 
call it what you want 
November 19, 2017
hoy conoci a alguien que ama tamto las oreos como yo
“solo porque pienso que aveces necesitas un recordatorio de que sos una buena persona y que alguien te quiere” - basurita en el ojo
November 25, 2017
Esa ogra estudiosa, yo le hablo y le hablo y no se distrae
“si hubiera perdido la billetera no hubiera malrideado porque perdi la billetera, hubiera malrideado porque no hubiera podido comer mcdonalds “
November 27, 2017
Me emborrache twntowue me tuve quevenir a mi cuarto a dormir y son las12:26
This was the year i didnt see coming
Told the moon i was sorry - this is now my time in the sun 
El numero es... *voz del ICE*
/ Lista de amigos con los que hablo siempre:
Fede Lizano
Daniel R
November 30, 2017
Nada mas emocionante que cuando el crush eterno de toda la vida de uno le likea una foto jajajaja 
December 1, 2017
Usted sabe lo que es llegar a un bar y pensar: 
A guilas como ESAS llegaba mi NOVIO  a apretarselas 
Y a mi no me ha caido ni medio culo decente??? 
Usted se cago en mi vida
En mis salidas
Ya no puedo salir sin pensar que alguna de estas tierras se esta apretando a mi exnovio 
Y que yo, por tener buenos standards, estoy aqui, llorando en el baño 
Y di ale para que ser normales si podemos ser diferente a los demás ❤️
December 2, 2017
Love u alita 😘 sos de la fam
- aldo, después de llamar a dq por FaceTime en una fiesta y pasármelo
December 3, 2017
jale pegados al parque de diversiones
de los conciertos más tuanis de mi vida y no me sabía ni la mitad de las canciones... ojalá hubiera nacido 10 años antes!!  (Hombres G, Enanitos Verdes)
mi papá nos ha llevado a los conciertos que le gustan desde que tengo memoria y ayer me di cuenta que de eso se trata, compartir las cosas que nos hacen felices con las personas que nos hacen felices 
compartiendo cosas que lo hacen felíz con las personas que lo hacen felíz #pagrus 
December 14, 2017
Cuando jugabamos beerpong habia un momento de "pep talk" de vamos ale tu puedes
December 15, 2017
Ser tan honesta y mandarle:
Gracias a vos!! La pase rajado 😊
Jajaja la ale pegada quiere escribir: sean directas guilas!!! Digan lo que sienten sean ustedes mismas!!! (La ale consejera, como la que dijo "que rico decir lo que uno siente sin pensarlo tanto" - tambien estaba pegada?!) 
Pero la otra parte es como: ale por ser vos misma es que sos una zorra y te estas apretando a todos. Cálmate
Nuñez - Pino - Daniel - Tavo 
Honestamente cuando no me habló en todos estos dias yo pasaba re-leyendo las conversaciones, pensando "aun no me ha hablado :( " 
Jaja y luego ecribi eso. “Si usted lo quisiera ya lo hubiera intentado.”
Porque me hace falta 
Y yo misma me pregunte, en serio PARA QUÉ quiere que ke habke?! 
December 18, 2017
“Eso cualquiera me lo puede dar
Prefiero esto mil veces” - ávila
Derek y la colonia jajajja
Escaleras el dia que fuimos al teatro jajaja ISH cuando nos volvimos a ver 
Eso fue antes de enfermarme y los pañitos humedos
Si yo fuera gay a mi me gustarías vos
December 30, 2017
Sebastian y stefano sandino, los gemelos que son iguales a DQ
December 31, 2017
Te esperé
Y aquí termina la espera
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