#Daniel (OC)
ickynights · 11 months
◦ 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗗𝗮𝗺𝗻 𝗜𝗰𝗲 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 ◦
contents: emeto, slightly nsfw, brief (and i mean brief) mention of scat
Eating out had always been quite difficult for Daniel and Doyun. Most places don't offer gluten free options and when they do, they're either the grossest thing Doyun's ever tasted or they're completely mid and not worth trying again. So when Doyun's favorite restaurant announced a new limited time only gluten free burger he knew he had to try it out. Daniel was a little hesitant considering the ad looked a little sketch but there was no way Doyun was going to give this opportunity up.
Once they arrived, they were immediately seated and ordered right away. Doyun was practically jumping in his seat when their food came. His burger looked perfect and so did his side of french fries.
"See Daniel, It looks perfect!" Doyun exclaimed and smiled widely.
"It does look good. Try it, is it as good as it looks."
Doyun nodded and picked up the burger. The closer he looked at it the more he noticed the unusual smell admitting from the meat patty. It wasn't necessarily a bad smell but it also didn't seem like something you'd want to consume. Shrugging it off, Doyun took a big bite and tried to decipher how he felt about the burger.
Honestly it wasn't bad or anything but the patty itself wasn't that good and when he swallowed he felt his stomach rumble softly.
"Well how is it?"
Doyun didn't really care for the burger but he couldn't let him know that. He had to beg Daniel to come here and admitting defeat just simply wasn't an option in Doyun's mind.
"It's actually really good." Doyun lied and gave his best fake grin.
Daniel noticed how Doyun's lip twitched, the younger was clearly lying. "Are you just saying that so you can 'prove' you're right?"
Doyun gasped dramatically at the accusation. I mean yeah Daniel was correct but how dare he accuse Doyun of such a thing. "I'll eat the whole thing and prove to you just how good it is."
Daniel playfully rolled his eyes and went to start eating his meal, "Whatever you say..."
Doyun continued to eat his burger. The more he ate, the more he felt his stomach bloat against his jeans. It wasn't rare for Doyun's belly to get bloated after eating but it never really happened during the meal. Once again Doyun ignored his bodies natural warning and finished off his burger.
"See babe, it really was that good." Doyun said and patted his belly with a sly grin on his face.
Daniel was impressed that Doyun actually finished the whole thing. At first he started to believe the younger honestly did like the burger but once he saw him try to secretly rub his stomach, he knew his boyfriend was a hundred percent lying to him.
"I'm glad you liked it. Why don't we get desert then? You aren't too full yet are you?"
Desert was the last thing Doyun wanted right now but if he denied it Daniel would definitely know somethings up. "The apple pie sounds good."
Daniel raised his eyebrow but agreed. It seems Doyun was going to pull all the stops to prove his point, and Daniel wanted to test just how far he was willing to go.
The two ordered their treats and talked amongst themselves while they waited. Once the food arrived Doyun realized what he just set himself up for. The restaurant was known for their filling deserts and even without a rumbling belly Doyun could rarely finish one.
"I'm sorry baby my stomach's feeling a little upset. You wouldn't mind eating mine too? I don't want it to go waste."
Oh that asshole. Doyun knew exactly what Daniel was doing but still he refused to fall into the older's trap. "Of course I'll eat it for you. They both look so good anyways." Doyun fake smiled and picked up his fork.
He was only a few bites in when he felt his stomach start to gurgle thickly. He'd ate far more than his belly was used to and the burger from earlier was starting to slosh around almost tauntingly. This could be considered his last warning. One last plead from his belly, to please for the love of god, stop eating. Yet Doyun still continued till he was done with every last bite of the two pies.
Daniel watched in shock and mild pleasure as his boyfriend ate. He was truly committed to his act and Daniel had to hand it to him. Forcing down a less than mid quality burger, and two overly sweet apple pies- just so he could prove a point was almost as impressive as it was embarrassing.
"Wow babe, you must be full." Daniel joked and took a sip of water.
"Only a little. Honestly I could eat more but I should probably stop now." Doyun wanted to puke just saying that sentence but he had to make it somehow believable.
"You know we still have some ice cream left from last time." Daniel was truly starting to get evil. There was no shame in his game. If his boyfriend was going to go as far as he was Daniel might as well play along.
Ice cream would not only send Doyun over the edge but also make him nauseous and crampy the whole night. The mention of the sweet cream had Doyun's belly rumbling in horror. "I don't know if that's a good idea. I'm comfortably full and don't want to upset my belly." Doyun replied and rubbed his stomach.
"The drive home is long anyways. I'm sure your food will start digesting by then, so you'll have plenty of room by the time we get home."
Saying no was completely an option but Doyun still wasn't taking it as an option. "Hm fine. Just let me change first when we get to my apartment then." God Doyun hated his stupid ego. Why can't he just admit his belly is full and anymore food would have a large chance of being lost in his bathroom toilet.
The drive home was uneventful. Doyun was playing a game on his phone in hopes to distract himself from the angry gurgles that were rippling across his guts.
Daniel pretended not to hear them, and just turned the radio up when a particularly loud noise would admit from his boyfriends stomach.
When they got home, Doyun walked into his closet and picked out the loosest pair of sweatpants he owned and a stole a baggy shirt from his boyfriends side of the closet. Taking off his clothes made Doyun realize how much damage he’d really done.
His belly was puffed out and taunt to the touch. Doyun’s belly was normally flat but now it looked like he was ready to hold a gender reveal party. Even the his boyfriend oversized shirt couldn’t hide his belly. He had to roll the sweatpants under his bloat after he almost gagged when they pressed tightly against him.
Sighing quietly Doyun rubbed his belly and whispered an apology. “Trust me, we’re never doing this again.”
“Come on babe, you don’t want it to melt do you!” Daniel called out from the living room.
Doyun was almost certain his boyfriend had caught on to his lies. He’d always been very observant and rarely did Doyun get away with a fib. To be honest Doyun didn’t care if Daniel believed him anymore. While eating the second piece of pie, Doyun noticed how turned Daniel looked.
Last time they attempted something like this Doyun got way too sick to continue any real action but dairy didn’t effect him the same way gluten did and Doyun was sure something real was bound to happen tonight.
Now giddy with excitement Doyun quickly left the room and met his boyfriend on the couch.
“Isn’t that my shirt?”
“If you’re gonna force me to eat a bunch of ice cream, you could at least let me wear your shirt.” Doyun rolled his eyes and placed himself on Daniel’s lap.
“I’m just kidding baby. You look adorable.” Daniel wrapped his arms around the younger’s waist. He almost gasped when he felt how bloated he was. “Are you sure you want to continue? Seems like you’ve already put your belly through enough.” He put his hand under the younger’s shirt and rubbed softly over the swollen skin.
“I’m sure babe.” Doyun leaned back into his embrace. “You and I both know how much you’ve been waiting for this.”
“Don’t tease me baby.” Daniel warned and pushed lightly into Doyun’s lower belly.
Doyun cringed as his stomach gurgled in protest. The poor thing didn’t even know the hell it was about to be subjected too.
He would have felt guilty if it weren’t for the spoon that was shoved into his mouth. He swallowed the ice cream quick as another spoonful was being pushed into his mouth almost directly after.
Only a few spoonfuls in and Daniel could feel as Doyun’s belly started to switch from it’s loud gurgling digestion noises to a low and deep rumble.
They were half way in when Doyun suddenly lurched forward with a loud and guttural burp. “Need a break.” Doyun moaned and put his hand against his belly.
“You still have so much to finish baby.” Daniel attempted to convince the younger but the green twinge that tinted his cheeks told him it was best he didn’t push much further.
“My belly really hurts.” Doyun whimpered and leaned down to lay his head against the couches arm.
“Do you want to cuddle for awhile and let some of it go down?” Daniel asked and positioned himself to lay behind the younger.
“Please, feels like it’s trying to come up.” Doyun admitted and scooted further into Daniel’s hold.
“Shhh baby. Just let it digest.” Daniel comforted and rubbed soothing circles around his belly. The sounds coming from the churning belly sounded like there was an angry bear thrashing his way through Doyun’s body and Daniel wasn’t sure where exactly it planned to come out through. No matter where Daniel placed his hand, he could still feel the upset rumbles wrecking havoc in his boyfriends gut.
They were cuddled on the couch for a good thirty minutes when Doyun’s stomach rumbled harshly and a bit of sick splashed into his mouth. He slapped his hand over his lips and shut up.
“Woah babe, what’s wrong?” Daniel got up and held the younger in place.
“Gonna puke.” Doyun mumbled through his closed lips.
“Oh shit, um okay come on let’s go to the bathroom.” Daniel quickly pulled his boyfriend up and ran them to the bathroom.
Doyun instantly pulled the seat open and retched harshly into the bowl. A thick sludge of artificial green coloring and apple pie chunks came splashing into the toliet. Another harsh gag sent Doyun almost face first into the toilet but thankfully Daniel grabbed him in time. He only had a few seconds to catch his breath before a third wave took over him. Doyun lost his balance and fell back into Daniel’s hold.
Daniel gently sat them down in front of the toilet. “It’s gonna be okay baby. I’ve got you, don’t worry.”
No amount of reassuring phrases could make the nausea less intense and Doyun felt himself start to become delirious with how sick he felt.
“Hurts, want it to sto-“ Doyun was cut off by an unexpected burp that brought up more of his stomach contents.
Daniel cringed as puke sprayed all over Doyun and the front of the toilet. It was only a second later when Doyun’s belly decided to gurgle up another large wave of sick. Daniel attempted to move the younger towards the toilet but he wasn’t fast enough and his arm was now covered in vomit.
“Didn’t mean to.” Doyun sobbed and dry heaved into the bowl.
Daniel rubbed the younger’s back with his good arm and kissed the back of his ear. “It’s alright baby, I know you’re not feeling good. Just let it out.”
They sat a few more minutes but Doyun’s belly seemed to settle down.
“I’m gonna start the shower. We can take a warm bath after, I just wanna get everything off first, okay baby?”
Doyun nodded and flushed the toilet. His stomach was somehow still slightly bloated despite him feeling empty at the moment. He didn’t feel nauseous anymore but his lower belly was still rumbling and it was only a matter of time till it sent him straight back to the toilet but for a different reason. He really was in for a long and messy night.
At first I wanted this to be like a food poisoning type of fic but honestly i like stuffing style way more rn. Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading! <3
-not proof read-
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b0nbit3 · 1 year
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ah yes, the silly traumatized man
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whumpupthejam · 2 years
“He’s Out There” - Character Intros + picrews
ALRIGHT. I was gonna wait until I’d posted more writing of these characters, especially because I haven’t even introduced most of them yet 🤪
But I’m really excited abt these and I’m taking too long on the next pieces, so you’ll just get to know them a little now!
If you have any questions about them, or wanna see snippets/drabbles featuring any of them, my asks are open and I would kiss you on the mouth <3 (open to non-canon compliant asks/requests).
I’ll start with the precious boy we all know and love and want to see destroyed:
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Full name: Marcus Pearce
Age: 22
Height: 5’10”
Mbti/enneagram: INFJ/4w5
Birthday: June 7
Actual favorite film (the picrew gave limited choices): Star Wars Ep. V
Primary Role: Whumpee
Fun fact: Marcus plays the violin and is first chair/soloist for his college’s symphony….or he was. :(
Also, he doesn’t really have a hand tat, I just thought it fit his aesthetic for the picrew, and he DOES have a half sleeve on his right forearm (easily covered by a tux when performing).
Caleb ~
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Full name: Caleb Levi
Age: 22
Height: 6’2”
Mbti/enneagram: ENTP/8w7
Birthday: April 25
Orientation: Bisexual/Aromantic
Actual favorite film: Best in Show
Fun fact: He is a criminal justice major with a minor in behavioral psychology. He’s basically super scary and super smart. Many find him intimidating, but once you get to know him a little bit, it’s easy to see he’s a big goofball teddy bear angel.
Caleb has been Marcus’s best friend since they were kids living in the same neighborhood. There’s nothing. Nothing Caleb wouldn’t do for Marcus.
Jake ~
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Full name: Jacob Settler
Age: 23
Height: 6’0”
Mbti/enneagram: ESFP/6w7
Birthday: March 2
Actual favorite film: He doesn’t watch many actual movies. He’s more of a TV show guy. Faves are Arrested Development and Downton Abbey (he used to hide this fact, but when he got to college he decided, what the hell! so he’s got refined tastes, sue him!). He also loves Napoleon Dynamite.
Primary role: Whumpee
Fun fact: He has two sisters, one older, one younger. Ever since his dad died tragically, he’s taken all the emotional responsibilities of father onto himself. His mom wishes he wouldn’t, but he feels guilt over his dad’s death. He tries to use humor to throw people off from the fact that he’s incredibly self critical and struggles with his mental health. He’s been feeling a little better since meeting Marcus and Caleb, but he’s in a pit he can’t seem to get out of. Really fun fact, right??
Elena ~
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Full name: Elena Sherwin
Age: 22
Height: 5’7”
Mbti/enneagram: ENFP/4w3
Birthday: October 19
Actual favorite film: Pan’s Labyrinth
Primary role: Caretaker
Fun fact: She has a beautiful singing voice. She hopes to be a film actress someday, but she’d also love to get to sing for the rest of her life.
The Man (+name reveal..?) ~
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Full name: Daniel Stane (alias?), (Other known aliases: Daniel Goran, John Landry, Elliot Golfinder, Barrett Cork).
Age: 51
Height: 6’1”
Mbti/enneagram: INFP/6w5
Birthday: February 5
Actual favorite film: *sigh.* It’s Pride and Prejudice (1995). Look I’m not happy about it either, but it’s true.
Primary role: Whumper
Fun fact: He has a cat. His name is Marcus—no I’m kidding, lol. The cat is very sweet. He doesn’t have a name.
p.s. while this picrew is ridiculously adorable, it portrays one body type. So just for the record! Marcus actually is a fairly skinny boy, Caleb and the Man are both reasonably buff, Jake is as well, but less so than they are, and Elena is mid-plus sized. <3
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rene-spade · 4 months
my man isn’t creepy! i | f1 grid
growing up leclerc au !
fem! leclerc! reader x f1 grid, leclerc family
part i: carlos sainz, daniel ricciardo, oscar piastri, pierre gasly & kika gomes
synopsis. when the youngest leclerc finds her partners’ ‘shrine’ of her, but she’s a leclerc so the red flags aren’t all that red
WARNING(s); i like em crazy y’all, obsessive/possessive behavior, implied stalking/shrines, unhealthy relationship dynamics, sexual implications but no smut
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carlos sainz.
“What is it?” You asked, head tilted to the side as you look up at your boyfriend. The Spaniard melted, muttering a curse to himself and running his hands through his thick hair. He felt hot, nervous for what the outcome of this discussion could be.
“Dios mío, ángel, it’s— it is not what you think— nothing bad. I am just embarrassed is all.” He reassured, big hands gripping at your shoulders. But he knew it was a bit bad, even his enabling family members were worried he’d freak you out if you saw. His movements were made to comfort you, but you could tell they were more self-soothing. Arthur had a similar habit whenever you got upset with him, too.
You only frowned, but it fueled Carlos’ panic.
“Mi amor, I will do whatever you ask-! You know this. I will let you in when it’s cleaned, I swear it.” He pulled you into his chest, arms fully embracing you. But you squirmed out of his hold, making him respond with an unhappy attempt to coo you back into comfort.
“You’re hiding something in there, Carlos. This is the first time I’m staying with you in your home since we started dating, let me see.” And at the sight of your big, beautiful, angry eyes, how could he refuse an Angel? With a twitch of his fingers, Carlos unlocked the door without any movement to push it open.
With a short huff, you pushed yourself through the door, only pausing at seeing at the sheer amount of merchandise that covered every surface. It was all you-themed, from posters and cut-outs, down to a body-pillow and even an outfit you’d only worn once for a runway show. There was a glass shelf with your old perfumes, newer ones too, and photos everywhere.
“Carlos….” You began, covering your mouth with your fingers and stepping further in.
“I know—! But I liked you so much before we started seeing each other and I- I am just a passionate man is all, my whole family says so—!” You cut off his red-faced rambling with a beaming grin.
“Ouah! I didn’t know you were a super fan before we met!” You giggled, mumbling to yourself in French about the various things he’d collected. “maybe you are a bit extreme, but it’s kind of cute, no?”
“¿En serio? Sí, mi perla!” He breathed shakily before grinning, “I should have known you’d understand! Mis hermanas se burlaron de mí, ¿sabes? But it was all silly…” (You’re serious? Yes, my pearl! My sisters teased me, you know?)
“What are you saying? Your sisters… something? I’m still learning, mon chéri.” You pout at him, in a much better mood now that you knew what your boyfriend was hiding behind the door he seemed so desperate to keep you away from.
He shook his head, hair messy after having run his fingers through it many times due to stress, “We should have dinner with them tonight while we’re still in Spain, I said. Let’s go back downstairs?”
“Why? Got anything weird?”
“Don’t say things like that, amor!”
♤ ♤ ♤
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daniel ricciardo.
“Shit-!” He jumped out of surprise, dropping the box he was reaching from the top shelf of the closet.
“Oh, I’m sorry, mon soleil!” You squeaked, jumping back as well. You hadn’t meant to scare him, but it wasn’t your fault he was so focused in the dead of night. You were just curious is all. The box he dropped was was rectangular in shape, but easily bigger than a shoebox. You shot him a sleepy grin, “What do you have there?”
He sighed, shaking his head, “Why are you up, sleepy girl? Get back to bed, I’ll be right there. Didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“I’m up because you’re up.” You wrinkled your nose, inching closer to him with a small blanket in your arms. You tried to get a glimpse of what fell out of the box, but Daniel wrapped himself around you so you couldn’t see. He wrestled the blanket from your fingers, careful not to be rough with long nails, and threw it over your head with smile.
As you wrestled, your boyfriend only laughed and placed kisses on any part of you he could without being hit by your flying limbs, “Pretty things like you should be asleep. Your brothers would kill me if they knew I disturbed your beauty rest.”
“Are you trying to hide something from me?” You pulled the blanket off your head, hair a mess.
Daniel froze, jaw clenching as he tried to hold a toothy smile. But he didn’t have it in him to lie to you. The moment was completely still, before you finally broke eye contact and crept passed him to see the mess on the floor. You could hear Danny gulp as you plucked the first item from the ground; a pretty, navy blue set of lacy underwear. Yours, yes. But from ages ago, you swore you lost them. Then there were a few pieces of jewelry, a lipstick tube, a silk scrunchie, a press-on nail, a red heel, and two pieces of now-hardened chewing gum. All yours from various points of this past year.
“Daniel,” no, not the first name, he begged internally, squeezing his eyes shut, deciding to just wait for the inevitable disgust and rejection. You never called him by his full first name, only sweet ‘danny’s his way, sometimes ‘mon soleil’ or ‘sunshine’.
“You know you can just ask for my things, yes? You don’t have to take.” You were looking right up at him, navy colored panties still in your hand like you didn’t even mind that he took them. His reasoning couldn’t have been pure, you know that.
You hummed, pulling at his fingers so you can shove the underwear into his balled up fist, “lá.”
“Perfect girl.” He muttered, pulling you back into him and dragging you to bed, “give me the pair you have on then, yeah?”
♤ ♤ ♤
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max verstappen.
It wasn’t always like this with you— you used to be just Charles “track terror” Leclerc’s pretty little sister, a little girl. But now it was years later and you’ve become something perfect and irresistible— something he can’t live without. He knows he’d resorted to some immoral, if not a little creepy, behaviors, but it’s not like he’s one of those guys that would ever hurt you. No, you’re a deity to him. He told his sister about his feelings at one point (even thought about showing her the shrine), but she told him— “This is all because you watched You!” The Netflix show that follows a stalker.
So he took down the shrine— moving most of it into his bedside drawer and the rest under his bed. But he realized he didn’t think it all the way through when he had you in his room for the first time; all pretty and perfect and curious.
“Good race, Maxie.” You hopped back onto the bed, your hair bouncing as you landed, “You’re so tense and for what, huh?”
Max had just a little bit of shame about the whole thing, but maybe not too much. I mean, his body definitely felt some kind of physical guilt or something if you’re judging him by the shaking and sweating— but his mind was happy. You were here with him in his home. In fact, the physical reaction might just be from seeing you curled up in his bed. But you’re close to finding out how… intense he was. (As his mother would say.)
“Sorry, lief, I’m just tired and you’re distracting me by being cute.” He smiled down at you as he began to change, “you need a shirt to wear?”
“Yes, s'il te plaît. Hey, can I put my bracelets in here—? oh!” He’d barely turned his back for a second, just long enough to remove his shirt, but that’s all it took for you to pull the drawer open and see the copious amount of photos of you (some edited to have him in them) and unsent love letters.
“It’s not a shrine— I’m not a creep! It’s just some things I made back before we got together—! You weren’t supposed to see them!” He was trying to shove some of the papers back in, but you were already skimming one of the letters.
“Mijn hart,” he winced at seeing the one you had— one of the more unhinged ones. The worst of it was in Dutch, so that worked out for him at least.
“Oh c’mon, Maxie! It’s kind of sweet! You had such a big crush on me! It’s a little hot, even.”
He grew even more red and fidgety at that, “Shit.”
You giggled at the words you could understand before he wrestled the page out of your grip. You grabbed him and pressed a kiss to his cheek before he could stray too far.
“From Max Verstappen-Leclerc, hm?”
♤ ♤ ♤
oscar piastri.
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“Can’t I just grab a hoodie, Osc?” You questioned as he held you in place on the counter, from his spot between your legs, still in his race suit.
“You don’t need one, Lovey, it’s hot.” He pressed himself into you so he could feel you breathe better. You’d asked for a jacket the moment you’d entered his freezing trailer just after the race. He saw you go for the closet and quickly redirected you onto the counter.
“Non, you’re hot because you just raced in a little car for hours and now you’re all over me. I am normal temperature.”
“Then get closer, I’m hot.”
You huff obnoxiously like the pretty spoiled girl you are and Oscar can feel the rush of serotonin he got just from the sound. He knew this is the part where you’d get cute and pretend to pick a fight, his sweet thing. But bad timing— he’s desperate to hide his secret now.
“I can’t get any closer to you if I trieddd. What? You have a girl hiding in that closet? Hm?” He scoffed into your shoulder, but stiffened, knowing just what was behind that door.
You gasped dramatically, likely playing it up to get what you wanted (a tactic you used with your brothers, Oscar noticed), “You do! Irréelle!”
“I don’t!” His face shot up from your shoulder, brows furrowed, but he didn’t let you go, “You know I don’t like any other girls!”
“Then you need to show me so I can be sure! And I’m still cold.” You crossed your arms and pulled your knees together to get him to back up.
“I can’t.” He choked out. “There’s— it’s just— I have this thing—”
You hopped down and booked it across the trailer before he could reach out and stop you, yanking the door open to see what your new boyfriend was hiding.
You breathed out a dramatic sigh of relief at the sight, “Goodness, Osc.” Rather than finding a person, you instead found some sort of… collection? Collage of yourself and your things? Photos mostly, magazines, and lots of hearts drawn on articles about you.
Oscar grabbed you by the shoulders and quickly spun you around into him, slamming the door, “You saw?”
Looking up at him with big eyes, you nodded, “Yeah, why? You really like me that much?”
“What? Yes— yeah I do. You—? Okay.”
♤ ♤ ♤
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pierre gasly. | kika gomes.
“I’m prepared to blame you for this if Charles finds it.” Pierre breathed, looking at the start of his girlfriend’s collection of your things. Kika scoffed, a smile playing at her lips as she re-organizes your makeup. Mostly lip balms, you’d let her borrow some of your things, not knowing she wasn’t going to give any of it back. Kika even managed to get a few skirts from you as well. The small framed photo of you sitting in her vanity was just a personal touch.
Pierre would be lying if he said he wasn’t impressed, but he could say he wasn’t surprised. He and Kika were a good couple, a good duo in general, but especially when it came to drawing you in. Because Pierre was such a good friend to Charles, it came pretty easy; Charles was easier on him around you. Unfortunately, that grace didn’t extend to Kika just because they were dating. Charles had something of a sixth sense for when pretty girls liked his pretty sister; so he was on to Kika. Where at the beginning it was nothing to get you alone with them, it was now next to impossible.
“Pierre? Kika? Are you home?” Wow it’s like they could hear your pretty voice— oh wait they gave you a key. To their apartment. In Monaco, where you live and you can really just waltz in and see all of the things they took (—yes they, Pierre is a thief too—)
Like two naughty school children, the couple shot up to cover what they’d done before you could reach their bedroom. This was their fault naturally, none of yours at all, they were the ones who encouraged you to come over whenever physically possible.
“Grab everything and I’ll distract her!” Kika whispered, rushing to slip out of the room.
Before the ‘not fair-’ could slip from his lips, his girlfriend was off to catch you, brushing passed him and leaving the door cracked. He could hear your surprised greeting, a cute squeak escaping you, before Kika saying something like ‘Oh, Pierre is busy now’, then silence. Pulling the handle back just an inch, he peaked outside to see Kika’s lips not even a centimeter from your own, her hands gripping your jacket for dear life.
“Oh, pretty girls, ce n'est tout simplement pas juste.” Slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it. Your eyes shot to his, but Kika’s remained trained on your face. After just a second, your gaze drifted to Kika’s vanity behind him.
The couple froze, you saw. Pierre pulled the door shut behind him as Kika’s mouth opened to form words.
“Oi! Get your hands off my little sister, huh? Démon impoli et pratique, seriously.” Charles slipped into the living room from the front hallway, having obviously accompanied his little sister in her visit.
“Non, Charlie, Kika helped me when I almost tripped.” You smiled at your brother, quickly covering for them, “I was just coming to see if I could get my jean skirt back?”
You looked up at her so sweet and she thinks you’re blushing—“Oh.” She squeaked, “yes, no problem. Pierre.”
“I’ll get it for her, mate.”
“surveille ta copine. je ne suis pas aveugle, mate.”
♤ ♤ ♤
Your man (s girlfriend) is definitely creepy, girl.
note; I made kika and pierres a lil longer bc they’re two ppl so yeah ft charles
thinking part ii with lando, mick (ft the schumachers), lewis, lance, alex & lily, george and carmen?
- ren
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the-offside-rule · 4 months
Daniel Ricciardo (RB Visa) - Lover
Requested: yes
Prompt: Daniel and international popstar Y/n accidentally get married in Vegas
Warnings: nope
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Daniel woke up in his hotel room with a pounding headache, groaning as he tried to open his eyes but being blinded by the sun coming through the windows each time. He turned around, cursing to himself before his eyes widened. Y/n, the Y/n lay beside him, in just a bra. While they had met several times before and hung out with similar people, this was the last person he expected to see in his bed the morning after a race weekend. He began questioning what had happened? What had he done? Or more importantly, who had he done? Whilst Daniel sat thinking about what to say to her when she woke up, he ultimately decided to order room service and go to the bathroom to actually think.....and maybe throw up.
Y/n was awoken by a door closing quite loudly. She jumped up, looking around, her eyes had grown wife as she realised that she wasn't asleep in her room, she was in someone else's. She heard footsteps coming and turned to see who it was. "Uh... morning?" Daniel croaked, his voice scratchy from the combination of dehydration and excessive partying. Y/n grabbed the bed covers and pulled them up over her chest. "What the fuck happened?" She mumbled to herself. "Yeah, I said the same thing."
Daniel scratched his head, replying, "I wish I knew. It's all a bit of a blur." Suddenly, his eyes widened as he noticed a shiny object on his finger. "You don't think this would have anything to do with it?" He lifted his hand to show Y/n, before she looked down, spotting the matching ring. "I got married in Vegas." She was so unbelievably angry with herself. Since she was a child she dreamed of this big extravagant wedding and now she just got married in Vegas?
She looked over to Daniel as he burst into laughter. "Well, you can't get rid of me now." Daniel chuckled, his Australian accent making the situation even more absurd. "Daniel, this is not funny, I'm going to get into so much shit!" Y/n said. Daniel turned to open his big bottle of champagne as Y/n continued her rant. "You're having champagne? At this time?" Daniel walked over to the bed with a glass and sat down, handing it to her and pouring her a glass. "Why are we still here? We should go get divorced!" Y/n implored him. "You need to know where you got married first." Daniel replied, drinking the champagne from the bottle as Y/n looked on. She downed the glass quickly before grabbing the bottle from Daniel. "I need more than a glass." She mumbled, amking Daniel laugh. "I don't know why you're so upset, I'd make a great husband."
"Daniel, can we just think about what happened and then we'll get down to the details of whether or not you're a good husband?" Daniel nodded before Y/n began to think. "So chief, what happened last night?" Daniel asked, rubbing his temples in an attempt to alleviate the throbbing ache. Y/n shook her head, her expression mirroring his confusion. "I don't really remember much. We were at that bar, right?" Daniel nodded slowly, bits and pieces of their escapades starting to trickle back into his consciousness. "Yeah, we were celebrating... something." He lifted the champagne tp his lips once more before handing it over to Y/n. She frowned, trying to recall the reason behind their impromptu celebration. "Was it the points you scored? Maybe my new song got number one?"
"Maybe we just got fucking wasted." Daniel shrugged, before Y/n slapped his bare chest, making him wince in pain. "Oh, shit. I'm sorry." Y/n said. "I vaguely recall a dance-off and a questionable karaoke rendition of 'I Will Survive.'" She ran her fingers through her hair. "Oh, great," Daniel chuckled. "Classic Vegas moves." As she continued on with the possibilities, Daniel looked at the crumpled looking paper on the night stand. Daniel unfolded it tentatively, his heart sinking as he read the words scrawled across the page: Marriage Certificate - Daniel Ricciardo & Y/n Y/l/n - Las Vegas, Nevada.
Y/n's hand flew to her forehead as the reality of their situation sunk in. "Oh my God... we actually got married." Daniel let out a chuckle laugh, his mind oscillating between disbelief and amusement. "I know. I would have actually gotten you a nice ring. Maybe an expensive one?" Y/n slapped his chest again. "Yeah, it's still sore when you do that."
"Sorry, but you need to stop joking about this. It's serious!" She said. "It's really not. No one even knows." She looked to him. "We were clubbing with other drivers, surely one of them were there. Daniel went to turn on his phone, but it was dead. "Must have been to occupied to charge my phone." Daniel joked. "Yeah, getting married." Y/n replied, charging her phone. "I was thinking of starting our honeymoon." He gasped. "Are we going to have a baby Ricciardo?"
"No!" Daniel arched a brow. "Excuse me, but you would be lucky to have a child with my genes." He said, pretending to be hurt. "Yeah, and your humour." She rolled her eyes. "See? Dream team." They sat in silence for a few minutes. She expected a call from her manager at any given second. He was going to kill her. Daniel noticed how tense she was getting and turned to Y/n, holding out his hand. "Well, at least we've got one epic story for the grandkids." Y/n chuckled, taking his hand. "Yep, and a marriage certificate to prove it."
"If our managers don't call us in the next hour, they won't know and I say we go get divorced." Y/n thought about it for a moment. "I mean, if they don't know why bother? The point of us divorcing is so they get off our backs. Plus, it's broad daylight. If people see us going to the Chapel, people will find out." Daniel nodded. "So we're staying married?" Y/n smiled. "Of course. You're like the best husband I could have asked for." Daniel squeezed her hand. "Well, I say we head to the airport and get out of here." Daniel suggested, getting up. "Or we could enjoy our honeymoon with some movies?" He chuckled and sat back down, grabbing the remote control and turning Netflix on. "Sounds good. Can I?" Y/n nodded, allowing Daniel to wrap an arm around her as she leaned into him. "You're coming to Abu Dhabi, though." Daniel said. "Duh. You're going to go to the last race without your wife?"
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lecsainz · 6 months
˒ ⌕ masterlist . . .
parings: daniel ricciardo x businesswoman!reader
summary: that one where you're a businesswoman and get invited to an f1 event, ending up meeting your future boyfriend.
an: I've missed writing smau too, I think this december I'll be able to write more because guess what, finally my exams are over.
type: fluff ಇ
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liked by dualipa , barzal97 and 764,648 others
yourusername u must be confused. get yours in december 16th www..yourbeautysite..com
user1 y/n is so iconic with her promotions
⤷ hockeyfan2 WE LOST HIM 😭😭😭
⤷ yourusername we are just childhood friends
ynfan send me one lipgloss please mom 🥺
kyliejenner looking forward to our colap girl!
liked by yourusername and 33,781 others
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liked by oliviarodrigo , danielricciardo and 4,679,301 others
yourusername my last weekend! ps: i don’t understand anything about this sport don’t blame guys I just girl that receive a request for one date 🤫
danielricciardo you look pretty with my helmet 😉
⤷ yourusername I swear it wasn't me who knocked it over!
⤷ danielricciardo I know it was Yuki, he got nervous with you around.
⤷ yourusername omg hahaha, how cute! send him a kiss from me
⤷ danielricciardo and don't I get any love?
ynfan8 the lipgloss omg she is a genius!
⤷ ynfan it’s a new flavor? cause a never see in that color 😭
dannyfan it’s that daniel’s car? OMG ITS!
user9 what’s your favorite team?
yourusername redbull 😎
liked by danielricciardo and 197,276
yourinstagram - 2hrs ago
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seen by danielricciardo , landonorris 7,628,910 others
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liked by gigihadid , danielricciardo and 5,819,791 others
yourusername he likes buy me flowers.
yourbestie please answer my messages bitch!
⤷ yourusername already going or not 🤩
user9 I can’t believe that she’s not single anymore 😭😭😭
ynfan ok it’s matt or daniel?
⤷ ynfan6 I think daniel!
⤷ hockeyfan matt and y/n are just best friends
landonorris I know who are this guy lalalala
⤷ charles_leclerc since when you and y/n are friends?
⤷ pierregasly I want to know too!
⤷ landonorris ever since y/n went to a race for the first time
⤷ yourusername lando has told me all about the gossip from the paddock.
⤷ landonorris speaking of which, I'll call you now to give you the updates from this week.
⤷ yourusername I LOVE IT.
danielricciardo I have this same shirt 🤔
⤷ yourusername oh you have a GREAT style 🤭
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liked by yourusername , landonorris and 13,728,991 others
danielricciardo love my girl to the moon and to saturn
charles_leclerc pff, you guys make a cute couple
barzal97 taking care of my best friend, racing driver.
⤷ danielricciardo sure thing, hockey guy!
user2 can't wait to see the outfits she's gonna rock at the races.
landonorris y/n didn't tell me you two were announcing today 😭.
⤷ yourusername I don't spill all my life to you, lando.
⤷ landonorris why not? I t hought we were best friends 😭
ynfan8 my favorite couple.
yourusername love you loads
⤷ danielricciardo I know 😎
⤷ yourusername oh god 🤦🏻‍♀️
f1fan7 I LIVED to see y/n and daniel together
yourbestie can you introduce me to lewis hamilton, best friend?😇
⤷ yourusername I'll try 😝
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ashipiko · 1 month
You’re so delicate, so in the bubble ♪
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sebscore · 1 year
gen-z driver getting interviewed by jenson and all the drivers making fun of her for stumbling over her words
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pairings: jenson button x driver!reader / daniel ricciardo x driver!reader / sebastian vettel x driver!reader
warnings: I don’t think there are any (?).
author’s note: been wanting to do this one for a while now, I’m not totally proud of it, but wanted to share it anyway! hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think of it!
• • • • • • •
“Yeah, no points today, but I’m confident we’re able to bounce back next weekend.” Daniel answered Jenson’s question on how the race went.
The Sky F1 booth was crowded with Jenson Button, Martin Brundle and Natalie Pinkham interviewing both Daniel Ricciardo and Sebastian Vettel.
The three presenters nodded as his answer. “Seb, how about you?” Natalie turned the question to him.
“Eh, I think we could have scored more points today, we lost a lot of ground,” he had the urge to roll his eyes at the reminder, “the pace was good, so we can take that to the next race.” He finished up, politely.
Martin was about to change the subject, but Daniel pointed to something behind the camera which caught everyone’s attention. “Look who it is!”
“Y/N! Come on up here!” Natalie called the young woman over, who was visibly embarrassed as she simply wanted to pass through to go to her team’s hospitality.
The driver shook her head, waving her hands that she wanted to leave, but no one was having it. “I’ll let you stand next to Jenson, Y/N!” Daniel grinned from ear to ear.
One of the producers handed her a mic and she was practically pushed onto the small podium by her PR assistant.
Y/N quickly greeted everyone, giving Sebastian and Daniel a side hug. She wanted to stand in-between her two colleagues, but they moved themselves so she was right next to Jenson.
Her “crush” on the former World Champion had been a running joke ever since she was a rookie. It started with an old interview of an 11 year-old Y/N saying that one of her life goals was to marry Jenson Button.
“Y/N, you had a much better race than your friends over here, P4, how are you feeling now?” Martin asked her.
She took a deep breath before answering. “Uh, too bad to miss the podium, especially cause the gap was very small. I’m excited for next week, though and, uh, yeah.” She awkward wrapped up, a bit too flustered with her close proximity to the Brit next to her.
“Besides the top 2, it was a very close race today and I think you did everything you could, so well done.” Jenson complimented her, looking directly at her.
Y/N nervously avoided his eyes, deciding to focus on something in the far distance. “Oh, uh, t-thank you.” She stuttered.
The red tint on her cheeks and ears didn’t go unnoticed. “She’s gone very red.” Sebastian teased, pointing at the younger one.
Everyone at the panel turned towards her and chuckled at her trying to cover her cheeks. “A small tomato.” Martin joked.
“It’s just very warm here.” Y/N defended herself, but everyone knew it wasn’t the weather.
Daniel nudged her shoulder. “She’s been very sad the past few weeks, cause Jenson announced he’s getting married soon.” The Australian continued the teasing.
Her hands covered her face again as everyone laughed at her despair. “Poor Y/N, she wasn’t able to fulfill one of her dreams.” Natalie commented, a bright smile on her face knowing the viewers were loving this.
“She still has time.” Daniel added, having too much fun at the moment. “You have a few more months.” He glanced at her.
“Shut up, Daniel!” Y/N jokingly slapped his arm to everyone’s amusement at their banter.
The McLaren driver simply laughed as he put his hands on both of her shoulders. “I’m trying to be your wingman here.”
“I don’t think she needs one.” Sebastian said into the microphone, looking at the pair.
“Y/N, do you often take Daniel with you when you’re looking for a potential partner?” Natalie asked her, although it was obvious she wasn’t looking for a serious answer.
The young driver jokingly rolled her eyes. “Not anymore, he scares everyone away with his weird noises.” She teased the Australian back.
“I think they’re very effective!” Daniel argued.
“They’re effective if the purpose is to keep me single forever.” Y/N but back.
The two went back-and-forth with each other for a few more minutes. Sebastian and Jenson watched in amusement, while Natalie and Martin tried to subtly interrupt so they could wrap up the segment.
“Any plans left for tonight or straight onto the plane?” Martin asked them.
“Plane!” Sebastian and Daniel chorused. Jenson glanced at the girl next to him. “And you, Y/N?”
“I’m gonna dig a hole and throw myself in it after we’re done here.” She answered, her monotone voice making everyone laugh at her answer.
Daniel couldn’t help but throw one last remark at her. “You probably want Jenson to join you in there.”
Y/N waved at the camera as soon as the words left his mouth. “Goodnight, everyone!” The whole panel cackled as they watched her leave. “See you all next week!”
She walked off the platform and gave the microphone back to the producers. Y/N waved at everyone from behind the camera, not wanting to be rude and leave without a proper goodbye.
“She’s going to dig that hole now.” Sebastian commented, a grin on his face.
Jenson chuckled. “She’ll probably throw Daniel in it instead of herself.”
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taglist :: @i0veless @missskid @missthem @rosesintj @evans-dejong @thehistoryone @dreamycloudsworld @formulazeesworld @muushmeg @topguncultleader @the-great-adventures-of-me @love13tter @xcharlottemikaelsonx @kiwisa @starkwlkr @nora_moon @princesselle2111
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daddyricsdoll · 3 months
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@d3kstar @fakehappy27
Thank you so much 💗1k ✭ Celebration!!
“Oh carino…” Carlos whispers in my ear, nose dragging along my hot skin. “You make me so insane.” His big hands grabbed my hips and pushed me further against the wall, taking away all my power and leaving me vulnerable to him.
Carlos’s mood already on a high since achieving a podium on the first race. Which left me with a need to give him a more intimate celebration. Going beyond the heated make outs and fingering. And venturing toward the only thing we haven’t achieved. 
I hadn’t even told Carlos what I hoped he’d do, but yet he showed a hunger for me that couldn’t be healed with a touch of fingers, but instead, his little virgins tight hole. 
A moan escaping my swollen lips and encouraging a groan to leave the Spaniards mouth. 
“Let me take your innocence hermosa.” Carlos grabs a hold of the end of my short dress, waiting for me to nod before he starts pulling the flimsy fabric up. Lifting my arms up and hearing the groan that flees between his plump lips. The cool air of the room brushes against my nearly bare body. Now only wearing light pink lace. 
Carlos does an easy job of ripping my lingerie, now revealing my pebbled nipples and core that gradually gets wetter and wetter by the second. “I don’t know how I held back so long.”
He takes a deep breath, holding my face and indulging both of us in such a love and lust inducing kiss. Only breaking the kiss to spread my legs and start rushing to undo his belt. Sliding it between each hole and throwing it to the floor before unbuttoning his trousers and leaving them to lay beside his belt. Leaving me with the outline of his dick through his boxers. My mouth opened and pussy throbbed at the thought of his size. Watching his hands pull the waistband down and expose his cock. Bobbing up and hitting his toned stomach. 
I didn’t know if he could fit, his fingers already being a stretch I’m not fully accustomed to. 
Carlos clearly ignores the worry on my face as he lifts one of my legs and pulls my body closer to his.
Holding his dick by my entrance and mixing his precum with my arousal to make it an easier job. My fingers make bruises into his shoulders as I grip him tightly, waiting for his inevitable push. “Fuck, don’t worry carino, I’ll make it fit.” Pushing himself in, inch by inch. Both of our breathing, uneasy and heavy. Pain sears through me, and just as a broken scream tries to leave my mouth, Carlos forces two of his fingers between my lips. Allowing my teeth to bite into them as he tries to distract the pain with pleasure. Other hand, rubbing my clit. 
I try to moan out his name, but it comes out muffled as Carlos gags me with his digits. Cock nearly bottoming out and already hitting my g-spot. 
“Te voy a abrir con mi verga.” (Gonna open you with my cock) Carlos starts moving again. Making small thrusts that eventually get bigger, and bring tears to my eyes. Finally managing to hold himself back as I endlessly clench around his dick. Carlos’s thrusts become rams and he treats me with only petite sprinkles of care. Just the way I would’ve begged him for. Satisfaction sparking through me at each rough snap of his hips. Hair perfectly falling and sitting in front of his mesmerising eyes. His stare not the usual one I’d disintegrate into, but grow more flammable. Turning the heat inside of me enough to make us both burn. 
The feeling of his cock, such a sensual ache. And as Carlos moves in and out I can only imagine how my slick covers his shaft. How tight I must be and how close he is to exploding. 
Bringing me back to the tight feeling in my stomach. A knot that just needs to be solved. And just as Carlos hits my g-spot with precision I ultimately let go. 
Digging my nails into his tan skin and creating crescent like shapes. My climax topping every other one that he’s brought me to. But my body doesn’t relax yet, still clenching and throbbing just waiting for Carlos to release. Hearing the way his grunts sound closer to moans and his dick starts spasming. 
Exploding and covering my walls with his cum. Marking me from the inside and out.
“Fuck Carino… I need more.”
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ickynights · 9 months
Sketchy Seafood
"Doyun, are you sure about this place? I mean, it looks a bit sketchy," Daniel hesitated, peering through the restaurant's dimly lit entrance. He couldn't help but feel a wave of uncertainty wash over him as he watched the worn-out sign and flickering neon lights.
  Doyun couldn't help but roll his eyes at his boyfriend's overdramatic response. "Can you just trust me for once?" he retorted, as he grabbed Daniel's hand and began to pull him toward the entrance. "I know it might look a bit dingy, but the Yelp reviews are incredible, and my cousin said it's the best Korean food in town. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, babe."
  Daniel nodded reluctantly but he knew Doyun was right. Perhaps the owners just used all their resources on the quality of the food instead of their restaurants aesthetics. It didn't really matter to him how the decor was set up, as long as the food was authentic and tasted well, he could ignore just about anything.
  As they settled into their seats, Doyun couldn't help but notice the lingering fishy aroma in the restaurant. It wasn't entirely unexpected, given that a majority of the dishes listed on the menu were seafood-based. Still, the pungent scent had an unsettling effect on his stomach, making it churn with a hint of discomfort.
  But he wasn't going to let some scent get in the way of his date. So what if the scent was bad, the neighboring tables seemed to be devouring their dishes just fine.
  The food arrived at their table surprisingly quickly. Daniel chose to stick with his go-to favorite, Galbi-jjim (braised short ribs), not wanting to take any risks in a place he still considered somewhat suspicious.
  Doyun, on the other hand, decided to step out of his comfort zone and ordered Nakji Bokkeum, a spicy stir-fried squid dish he had never tried before. Normally, he was quite cautious about trying new things considering his testy stomach, but he loved eating squid plain and it had never been a source of concern for him, so he figured it was a safe bet.
  As Doyun took the first bite of his meal, he couldn't help but notice that something didn't taste right. The squid, while tender and cooked to perfection, carried an unfavorable flavor that made his taste buds cringe. It was a unusual flavor that he couldn't quite place. He was no stranger to plain squid but perhaps the sauce was making it taste bad? Whatever it was, it surely didn't taste well at all.
  He glanced over at Daniel, who was thoroughly enjoying his food, and hesitated for a moment, debating whether to voice his concerns or not. Maybe he just let his boyfriend's words get to his head. It wasn't fair to consider something off tasting if he hadn't actually tried it before.
  "You were right, baby, this stuff is amazing," Daniel said with a warm smile, taking another bite of his Galbi-jjim. "How's your food? The spice isn't upsetting your stomach, is it?" Daniel asked, noticing the younger had barely touched his plate.
  "My food is good too, I think I'm still a little full from lunch though." Doyun awkwardly replied, trying to lie his way out of being wrong.
Daniel noticed a hint of discomfort on the younger's face but decided to ignore it for now. "Your mom really did make a lot of food earlier. I'm surprised she even let us eat out tonight; I thought she was gonna cook for us this whole trip. Honestly I wouldn't mind if she-"
Doyun struggled to concentrate on Daniel's
conversation as the all-too-familiar unsettling sensation continued to bubble in his belly. The
combination of the unfamiliar dish and the rice porridge he ate earlier churned uncomfortably within him. Despite having eaten only a quarter of his meal, Doyun feared that if he took another bite, his stomach might not be able to hold back, and an unpleasant outcome might be inevitable.
Doyun discreetly pushed his plate aside, his appetite vanishing under the weight of his discomfort. He didn't want to draw attention to his growing nausea, especially not in a place he had chosen for their date night. Instead, he focused on listening to Daniel's blabbering, hoping that the queasy feeling in his stomach would eventually subside soon enough.
The night went on for what felt like forever in Doyun's opinion. Daniel insisted on getting desert, even somehow coaxing Doyun into trying some. The banana flavored ice cream was delicious but even just a spoonful was enough to set his stomach off.
As they settled into the backseat of the taxi, Daniel couldn't help but notice how bloated Doyun's stomach had become. Even though he was wearing Daniel's oversized hoodie, a subtle curve was unmistakably poking through the fabric. A pang of guilt washed over him as he realized that he should have paid more attention to the warning signs earlier in the evening.
"Are you feeling alright, love?" Daniel asked, his voice a gentle whisper, not wanting to draw attention towards themselves.
Doyun replied in a hushed and somewhat uneasy tone, "Not really, I don't think my food was made right. I thought it was just the spice, but I'm feeling pretty nauseous now."
Daniel frowned and reached out to hold Doyun's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Just try to relax for now, love. When we get back to your mom's place, I'll make you some tea." he murmured, his thumb gently caressing Doyun's hand. "Hopefully that'll help settle whatever's going on in there."
Doyun offered a weak but appreciative smile. "Thank you, babe," he whispered, leaning his head on Daniel's shoulder as they continued their way home.
The moment they arrived home, Daniel took charge, gently guiding Doyun to the guest room. He gave him a reassuring smile and said, "Why don't you put on your comfiest PJs, and pick whatever tv show you want to binge-watch tonight? I'll make that tea for you, and you can just relax and take it easy."
  Doyun nodded and wasted no time in getting ready for bed. He threw on the first pair of pajamas he could find, and settled into the bed, putting on a random variety show that he knew him and Daniel loved watching.
  Daniel returned to the guest room with a mug of tea and a pack of pills. He sat them down on the bedside table and explained, "Your mom says these pills should help calm your stomach if you aren't already feeling super sick." Careful not to jostle Doyun's stomach, he gently climbed onto the bed, sitting close to his partner.  "She also said the restaurant we went to is known for bad seafood so you probably have some form of food poisoning. I guess your cousin must have gotten lucky when she went."
  Doyun wanted to puke at the mention of bad seafood, "Never let me pick a restaurant again." Doyun groaned and curled into himself; the memory of the unsettling dinner was still too fresh in his mind, and he wished he could erase the experience entirely.
  "Just make sure to do more research next time," he teased, before wrapping his arms around Doyun's waist and pulling him closer. He planted a soft kiss on Doyun's forehead and continued, "Don't dwell too much on it, baby. We still have a week left here, and I'm sure we'll find much better places to eat. Besides, it's the time we spend together that matters most, even if that time is me making sure you don't fall asleep on the toilet again."
    As the night wore on, Doyun and Daniel found themselves growing drowsy in each other's arms. The soothing embrace and the comforting ambiance of the Doyun's childhood room made it easy to for the two to succumb to sleep. They drifted off together, tangled in each other's warmth.
  Doyun, however, was growing increasingly restless as the night progressed. His stomach seemed to have a mind of its own, gurgling loudly, and the cramps he experienced became more frequent and painful with each passing moment. The few sips of tea he had managed to drink earlier offered no relief, and only upset his tummy further.
  The constant turning and the increasingly loud noises coming from Doyun's direction, eventually stirred the older out of his sleep. He blinked his eyes open and, with a concerned frown, noticed Doyun's discomfort, "Love, are you okay? Your stomach sounds really upset." he asked, gently reaching his hand out to touch Doyun's shoulder.
  Doyun turned to face Daniel, eyes welling up with tears, "Feels like I'm gonna puke." Doyun whined, digging his head into the crook of Daniel's neck.
"My poor baby," Daniel whispered, he slid his hand under Doyun's shirt, fingers lightly tracing circles on his belly in a soothing, caressing motion. "You wanna try going to the bathroom, love?" Daniel suggested, "Maybe getting it all up will bring you some relief."
  Doyun nodded weakly and slowly sat up, allowing Daniel to guide him towards the hallway bathroom. With each step he took, Doyun could feel the contents of his stomach slosh dangerously, as if it was threatening to come up any second.
The moment they entered the bathroom, Doyun's stomach had reached its breaking point. As he sat in front of the toilet, a loud belch escaped him, a precursor to the discomfort that was about to unfold. Then, without warning, a thick stream of vomit erupted from Doyun's mouth, splashing into the bowl below. He barely had a second to catch his breath before a second wave of nausea overtook him, sending him retching into the toilet once more.
  "It's okay, love. I'm right here," Daniel murmured, his voice a steady and calming presence. He was used to taking care of Doyun but something about the unfamiliar surroundings was making him feel uncomfortable. He had no time to feel uncomfortable, as his boyfriend was seconds away from collapsing into the toilet.
  After what felt like hours, Doyun's belly finally decided to give him a break. Completely exhausted and drained, Doyun allowed himself to fall back into Daniel's embrace, "I think m' done." Doyun mumbled, snuggling into Daniel's shoulder.
   Daniel held Doyun even closer, his arms wrapping protectively around him as he whispered soothingly, "It's okay, love. You're done for now." He pressed a gentle kiss to Doyun's forehead.
   With Doyun nestled in his embrace, Daniel gently stroked his partner's tummy. Doyun's shallow breaths gradually deepened as he started to relax, his body beginning to recover from the physical strain.
  "You think you're ready to go back to bed, baby."
  Doyun nodded weakly still too exhausted to form any real response. Daniel scooped Doyun into his arms and carried them to their room, making sure not to jostle the younger's stomach. 
  Once they were back in the comfort of their room, Daniel gently settled Doyun onto the bed, making sure his partner was comfortable. They cuddled closely together, and Daniel's touch became a soothing presence as he rubbed gentle circles onto Doyun's lower belly.
  "Try to get some sleep, love." Daniel whispered softly, his voice filled with tenderness. With his free hand, he gently stroked Doyun's hair, a comforting gesture that had always had a calming effect on him.
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b0nbit3 · 10 months
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The doomed
Did this one fast, it kinda looks weird, but still liked it! :D
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dumbseee · 11 months
F1 au/fic: in which, daniel attends the met gala and meet his ultimate crush, y/n l/n.
daniel ricciardo x actress!reader.
fc: jasmine tookes.
note: the timing is terrible
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when you finally finished your interview with emma chamberlin, you saw in the corner of your eye a man looking at you, smiling from ear to ear. you didn’t recognise him but by his looks you knew he was someone important. you walked up to him and smiled back, his cheeks were red and he struggled to hold your gaze now that you were in front of him.
"hi! first time here?" you asked, waving at him, "i’m y/n l/n." he smiled again and scratched his neck. "is it that obvious? and i know, i’m kinda your biggest fan, daniel ricciardo it’s nice meeting you." he shook the hand you were giving him and gave it a gentle squeeze, you didn’t fail to notice how big his hand was and how it engulfed yours. you laughed and put your hand against your heart. "oh really? what is your favorite work of mine?" you asked him, genuinely curious. you didn’t know why but you were drawn to his energy. he looked up and thought for a second before answering. "there is too many, but i really liked you in the marauders, couldn’t think of a better actress to play dorcas." you laughed and thanked him. "to be honest, it’s not my best work." he looked at you like you just said the most out of pocket thing in the world. "excuse you? you were amazing! you perfectly portrayed dorcas and the way you showcase emotions just with your eyes is just incredible! seriously you’re one of the best actresses out there and i-…" his eyes were full of sparkles, like a kid talking about his favorite football team, he stopped himself when he saw you look at him with a huge smile. his cheeks were even redder and he couldn’t look at you anymore. "i talk to much, right? i’m so sorry, i do that a lot." you brushed him off and patted his shoulder. "daniel, you’re adorable." he smiled fondly but before he could speak again, your agent came to you. "we have to go y/n, donatella is waiting for you." you nodded and waved at daniel. "it was great meeting you daniel, i hope to see you again soon!" he watched you leave and couldn’t wipe off the smile on his face, he knew how good looking you were but seeing you and talking to you in real life was different. from that small interaction only, daniel knew how much he was infatuated with you.
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liked by danielricciardo, daniel.jpg, blakelively and 5 681 972 others.
y/n: you guys know how much i love going to the met gala, but this year was even better. thank to anna for inviting me again this year, and i hope to see you again next year! huge thanks to donatella for customising this dress for me, you’re a legend.
donatella_versace: donatella VERSACE 💜
zendaya: i’m on the floooor girl
fan1: not daniel liking with all his accounts
fan2: the queen of the met
fan3: the dress looked so good!
fan4: y/n never misses
fan5: who’s daniel?
fan6: @.fan5 y/n’s future husband
liked by danielricciardo.
view all 57 899 comments.
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liked by danielricciardo, daniel.jpg, selenagomez and 3 792 000 others.
y/n: we worked so hard on this one so i’m glad it’s finally out! the batman is out in all theatres so grab your pop corn and go watch it!
selenagomez: such an icon
fan1: y/n as catwoman is something i HAVE to witness with my own two eyes
fan2: y/n and robert pattinson flirting in imax is going to be the death of me
fan3: i hope daniel can fight because y/n and robert’s chemistry is insane
fan4: @.fan3 leave daniel out of this they’re not even friends
fan5: @.fan4 yes they’re not friends, they’re soulmates.
fan6: i understand daniel’s obsession tbh look at HER
fan7: y/n better get her emmy after that movie
view all 34 899 comments.
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liked by danielricciardo, dualipa, taylorswift and 4 782 929 others.
y/n: appreciation post for my number one fan, danny ric. i suck at love confessions so just listen to daylight by my good sis taylor swift <3 (idk why he loves taking pictures of me but he’s ALWAYS pointing that camera at my face)
danielricciardo: that’s because you’re my favorite view, my love.
liked by y/n.
fan2: daniel really went from watching her from afar bc he was too shy to talk to her to him being her bf
fan3: my favorite couple
fan4: don’t EVER breakup
taylorswift: you guys are so cute 💜
fan5: daniel is the perfect man for y/n tbh
view all 68 99 comments.
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rene-spade · 2 months
Ok but how are the crazy f1 dads with their daughters dating? Who on the grid do they like?
oof this is a loaded ask bc they really are all out of it 😭 they just love their babies fr
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dad! kimi | growing up räikkönen!
FIRST OF ALL kimi doesn’t really vibe with most people in general, let alone anyone who’s trying to get with his little lumienkeli. kimi was lucky to raise a little girl similar to him, who listens when he places a no dating rule lasting until she’s 21 (as far as he knows anyways). despises the guys on the grid trying to get with her; he was one of them once so he thinks of them as animals, especially leclerc who’s known for his brow-raising dating life. also hates pierre but he already didn’t fw him bc he’s french. he is SLIGHTLY more easy going with women around his daughter so any grid guys with girlfriends might have an advantage. he finds that he wants the im-a-dog-and-ill-do-whatever-my-girl-says type for his daughter, but he dislikes unintelligence. he does not like anyone on the grid, but he best tolerates:
mick schumacher!
oscar piastri (+lily)
he vibes with kika okay but hates pierre 💀
bonus! he actually really likes max but his hate/distrust for jos overpowers that so he’s not letting that happen
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dad! jenson | growing up button!
OK SO JENSON is a bit less intense than kimi, however he is much more publicly affectionate with his daughter which means that he has definitely gone on public rants about how no man is good wen enough for his baby. that being said, he is a decent judge of character so he doesn’t hate anyone on the grid. but he gets real serious when he notices people hitting on his baby. this is mostly bc he was def a whore when he was younger so he isn’t quick to trust guys who are living the same lifestyle he was. he kind of turns on dad-mode when he notices anyone eyeing her up. but alas, he raised his own mini-me, who attracts just about everyone, and who likes to flirt back. it takes warming up to, but he can see himself fine with most of the drivers. he most prefers people who are friendly and who didn’t act like him when he was in f1 like:
george russel
daniel ricciardo
lando norris
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dad! fernando | growing up alonso!
NANDO IS DEFINITELY one of those guys who thinks he’s a “cool dad” bc he’s a young father and his daughter is his best friend. but in reality he’s one of those intense, fiercely overprotective dads who have impossibly high expectations for his daughters partner. 100% the type to punch a mechanic for saying gross things about his princesa. he’ll be calm and in a good mood then someone on the grid (or any man ever) mentions his daughter and he’s like 😐. UNLESS! it’s carlos. carlos is the only one who meets his standards, sorry to literally everyone else. but even with carlos, he can be a little stern just to get his point across about not messing with his only child. he just feels the need to personally approve of his daughter’s partner bc he’s hyper-paranoid about someone hurting her. his list looks something like:
carlos sainz!!!
that’s it
i mean if you put a gun to his head maybe max bc he’s a winner but he needs to learn to speak spanish so-
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dad! jos | growing up verstappen! unfortunately
FUCK JOS VERSTAPPEN obviously, however this man is one crazy dad who we have to discuss. his love for his youngest daughter is wild and unpredictable, and it’s very different from the way he treats his other children. his baby has some extreme one-sided beef with him that he’s smart enough to know about, so he isn’t too forceful about bonding, it’s definitely more desperate since max found success in f1 and she sticks with her big brother now. her entire life, he’s never allowed her to date, and when he found out about her first secret bf, he got arrested for trying to kill the kid so. he has IMPOSSIBLY high standards for his daughters partner and definitely wants her to marry within the f1 community, but he hates losers and despises half the grid.
suddenly he’s charles leclerc’s biggest fan !
lewis hamilton but he’ll never admit it
MAYBE carlos sainz
bonus! max obvi likes daniel ricciardo best but jos doesn’t fw him like that
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thepersonnamedsam · 3 months
the boyfriend - the genz!driver
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pairing: 24!grid x the genz!driver, gzd x the boyfriend
summary: the grid finds out about the secret boyfriend of the genz!driver
word count: 1.8k
warnings: not proof read
note: i got so many requests about the grid finding out about a boyfriend, i decided not to use anyone famous, as i do think our beloved driver would want to have a private relationship.
maybe the boyfriend will make more appearances? that’s up to you, so let me know :)
masterlist / taglist
Maintaining a relationship outside of F1 was hard, but it was much harder for the only woman on the grid, who’s relationship status was all the media could think about.
But, the young y/n made it work. He wasn’t famous, by any means. He was just some young man from her hometown, whom she knew most of her life, but never thought about dating. But here they were, giggling over some memories and sharing drinks.
His blue eyes were staring deeply into hers and she felt chills rising over her whole body. He made her feel normal. Yes, that’s the word she would describe this whole relationship, normal. She loved him truly and was so glad to have him all to herself.
He knew about her job, of course, how couldn’t he? But he wasn’t jealous, nor was he angry about all the travelling and the media, he just wanted to see her succeed.
He was her safe space.
She swore to never tell anyone outside of family about him. She wanted him all to herself. The media, the world, can’t know about her little happy bubble. This was all for herself. Some would call y/n selfish, but she was just enjoying the time outside the spotlight.
What she didn’t think was the boys catching on to her love sickness. Lando in general. She thought that boy was as oblivious as HeyHey the chicken. But he caught onto the demeanour change of the young woman.
„What’s been going on with you?“, he asked her before the Australian race. The young driver looked up to the papaya coloured boy. „What do you mean?“ - „I mean, you have been smiling at your phone, who you smiling at? You don’t have any friends outside F1, sorry. And you haven’t been mean to any of us this weekend, not even Pierre.“
y/n shrugged her shoulders and just looked at her best friend. „It’s not that important“, she said. „Do I have to call Seb?“ - „No, don’t call Seb, I‘ll tell you, if you don’t tell anyone else!“
She didn’t want Seb involved in any of this. Not because she didn’t want to see Seb again, but he would overreact like hell.
So, when the race started on Sunday and her boyfriend got up in the early mornings to send her a sweet good luck message, she was racing for a podium. With Max out of the race, chances weren’t even half bad.
She knew the two Ferraris in front of her wouldn’t budge and her car wasn’t fast enough to even reach them. But it would be enough to reach the third spot on that podium.
With Lando right behind her, she felt this was a perfect first podium. Sharing it with the two Ferrari boys and Lando right behind her. All that was missing was him.
He was sitting in front of the TV cheering for his girlfriend and waking up the whole household when she crossed that finish line as third. Oh how he wished to be there with her to celebrate that first podium. But he was back home.
y/n was screaming. Her coms had been deactivated, so no one would have serious damage. She was so happy. The first podium ever for her.
She parked her car on the significant spot and jumped out of it, standing on top of her halo. Hands thrown up into the air. It was a feeling she’d never forget. When she got down, Carlos and Charles were waiting for her. She squealed and jumped into their arms.
She made history.
And when she stood on that podium, looking straight into the camera, she blew him a kiss, knowing he’d watch her.
Later that evening, the grid went partying. They found this exclusive club, thanks to Danny, and just let it all out. Even Max was there, he couldn’t let the opportunity go to celebrate the young driver.
„You have to call him now!“, shouted Lando. „Lando!“, she shouted back. „Who do you have to call? We’re all here?“, Danny asked y/n. „No one“, she tried to cover up Landos mistake.
„Who’s ,him‘?“, asked Fernando. „I heard the milk boy clearly, who is he?“
„I’m sorry y/n, I didn’t want spill your boyfriend“, Lando apologised. The young driver just groaned, how can one be so stupid?
„Boyfriend?!“ „You have a boyfriend?“ „Wtf, y/n has a boyfriend?“ Was heard throughout the club.
The young woman sighed, „Yes, I have a boyfriend, is that so surprising?“
„It’s not that, y/n, promise, it’s just so weird seeing you all grown up“, Lewis said to her, „Who is he, what’s his name, what does he do, hm? We want to know all about him and why you haven’t told us about him.“
„Okay, so…“
And she told them everything, how he was a childhood friend, how they met in school. How they met over winter break she spent at home in her local food shop and how they instantly clicked again. How she asked him out on a date and the rest of it was history.
„I still don’t understand why you didn’t tell us?“, Danny sounded hurt and y/n‘s heart broke into a little million pieces. „I just wanted him on my own, I knew if I told you guys, you’d wanted to meet him, which means taking him to a race, which then means he’d be seen by the media and the whole world. I like having a normal relationship with him. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys, you are my family too after all.“
„It’s okay, little one“, Nando patted her on the back to console the young driver, „Next time, just tell us, we won’t judge.“
„I actually hope, there won’t be a next time…“
„Oh, y/n, I hope for you that there will be a next time. Enjoy the butterflies that come with love. He’s the first one and will always remain the special one, but believe me, there will be others waiting there for you“, Daniel said with a slight laugh.
„You can’t say anything sentimental without your signature sentence, can you?“, y/n laughed. Daniel just shrugged.
„Call him!“, Lando said, once again. „Okay, okay, I will“, y/n finally gave in.
His phone rang with your face on the screen. He happily picked up, expecting his beautiful girlfriend on the other side in her hotel room. What he didn’t expect was his girlfriend trying to fit 19 men on her display.
„Hi baby“, she said happily. He could make out, that she was tipsy if not already drunk. „Hi my love, congratulations on your podium, you did so well, sweetheart.“ - „Thank you, I’m so happy! But, there are a lot of people who want to meet you, actually. Meet the grid!“
Her boyfriend watched the men on the other side of the screen fighting to reach for her phone. „Boys, one at a time, he’ll be overwhelmed“, she giggled.
Lewis was the first one to grab her phone and started his parent-ly rant about not hurting the girl or he‘ll show up with Roscoe. Her boyfriend nodded and promised the older driver to never hurt her.
Daniel was the second one and demanded he tells him a joke. „Uhm, okay, why do cows wear bells?“, he asked Danny. „I don’t know, you tell me.“ - „Because their horns don’t work?“ Daniel snorted and gave her boyfriend a thumps up. „I like him“, he then whispered to y/n.
„How much do you like her?“, Charles asked the poor boy. „I like her like the earth loves the sun, how without it no life would ever grow again.“ Charles looked at the young man and was deeply impressed. „Okay, alright, I guess that’s enough?“
And when Oscar got the phone, all he did was say ,hi‘ and pass it to Zhou. The latter wasn’t even sure what he wanted to say. As he didn’t know the young driver very well. But he did as everyone did and threatened the boyfriend.
Valterri, Esteban and Nico just made a ,dad stare‘ as they would call it. And Carlos said some sweet words about her.
It went on and on until Lando got the phone last. He ran away with it and tried to speak with him privately.
y/n laughed, but wasn’t sure what he was gonna tell her boyfriend.
„Don’t worry, Lando won’t do anything stupid, well, maybe he will, but he won’t cause any harm. You know him“, Oscar reassured her. „I know“, she sighed, „But I’d still like to know what they’re talking about.“
„You know, one time she had to get her wisdom teeth removed and it was so funny seeing her on anaesthesia, oh my god, you should’ve seen her!“
„Oh and there was one time, she crashed because of an engine failure, and she was so sad, but she looked so cute, I swear, like a little baby!“
„Man, are you sure you’re just best friends? You’ve been talking about her like you love her“, her boyfriend said timidly.
„Of course I love her, but she’s my muppet, I couldn’t ever love her like you do, I see it in your eyes, the eyes chico, they never lie“, he giggled.
„I uhm, how did you know? I haven’t told her yet, so please don’t do it for me“, he begged. „I won’t, but no promises, I’m real bad at keeping secrets, to be honest“, Lando tried to promise.
After a while, he handed the phone back to y/n. „Here you go, be lovesick with your boyfriend“, he said in a sing-sung voice.
„Thank you, Lando“, she smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheek, „Thank you to all of you for being so accepting and understanding.“
„We wouldn’t do it any other way, y/n“, Pierre said. „But if he hurts you, we will collectively show up to his house and we can’t promise anything“, Charles threatened.
„Oh guys, I love you all so much, but please don’t hurt my boyfriend.“
„No promises“, Nando whispered darkly. „What was that, Nando? Did you say anything?“, y/n asked him. „No, cariño, nothing at all, we love you too.“
Later, late at night in Australia, y/n‘s boyfriend called her again.
„You know, they all threatened me and I actually got scared. Uhm, Fernando, was it? He is so scary. I thought he was a big old softy, they was you talk about him and his Taylor Swift obsession, but man, was he scary.“
y/n giggled and said, „He is a big softy, he just doesn’t show it that much. What did Carlos say to you? I didn’t understand what he was saying.“ Her boyfriend smiled lovingly at y/n. „Nothing important, just how you bring light into their life’s and how happy they are for us.“ - „Awww Carlitos, I have to thank him the next time.“
„You know, I do think Lando is in love with you, if I didn’t know how much you like me, I would feel threatened“, he laughed lightly.
„I don’t just like you, I love you.“
„You do?“, his heart was racing, just like she was every other weekend. „I love you too.“
„But I swear to god, if they threaten you ever again, I will purposely crash into them at the next race.“
@ironmaiden1313 , @hiireadstuff , @biglittlesecret, @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun , @teti-menchon0604 , @vildetry06 , @bibissparkles , @aurora-maria , @lunnnix , @sya-skies , @Buckywifeyy , @dakotali , @rechtrecht , @noncannonships , @1eclerc16 , @pitlanebabe , @sopheeg , @avengersheart , @thatsadsmallchild , @peachiicherries , @idkiwantchocolatee , @callsign-scully , @mehrmonga , @badbatch-simp24 , @lissyontour , @din0nugs , @elliegrey2803 , @gay-for-victoria-de-angelis , @10vely-yutazen , @daggersquadphantom , @azriel-the-shadowsinger , @i-love-scott-mccall , @darleneslane , @mikauraurr , @heartmetaphor , @ellswilliams , @thxtmarvelchick , @nataliambc , @dontjudgeabookbythecover , @hockeyboysarehot , @thehistoryone , @zimm04 , @woozarts , @mellowarcadefun , @deephideoutmolkshake , @grimeslvrr , @tallrock35 , @namgification , @pear-1206 , @trouble-sistar , @jxnellat , @littlesatanicassholebitch
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thatsdemko · 9 months
distraction - d.ricciardo
a/n: just something cute idk
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it’s a page turner. you hadn’t been able to put the book down since you’d settled into bed and picked up the book. you’d flipped page through page begging for more as the author reeled you in—
“hi.” the sound of his body thumping against the bed and the pull of your book from your hands makes you pick your head up. your eyes tell him all he needs to know that this was not the time. the book in your hands was not to be messed with despite his growing boredom laying beside you.
“I’m bored.” he says putting an emphasis on his current state. he kicks his legs against the mattress a couple of times like a kid with a tantrum making you slam your book shut.
“I have five pages left can you let me finish?” you shoot him a pointed glare that zips his lips and has him nodding his head for you to finish. ever since his injury and having the slightest taste of driving again, he’d become the opposite of what he once was. the Daniel ricciardo who was once so patient it shocked you, was now the most impatient man.
he stares up at the ceiling, feet clinking together it’s almost like on purpose he’s doing this to make you read faster. he’s had so much to share, so much on his mind, and your reading pace was as slow as sloth. five pages could turn into five years, and Daniel didn’t have that time.
“oh my god what? what is it that cannot wait.” you slam your book down onto your nightstand table and turn to face him. his innocent smile and apologetic eyes force you to swallow your anger, how can you be mad at such an adorable face?
“I love you.”
letting out a rather annoyed sigh you move closer to him and press a gentle kiss to his lips, “I love you too, but I really loved that book more.”
a gasp escapes his lips, his hand pressed to his chest in utter shock, whether he’s faking it or not, you can’t tell.
“you vowed to love me!”
“well I also vowed to finish this book before the book club meeting tomorrow! you’re distracting me!” you toss back over to your nightstand and pick up your book to finish the final couple of pages when Daniel rips the paperback from your hands.
“what’s more lovable than me?” he turns to the first page and you can tell he sees why. you can see his smile soften, his eyes grew attentive, and his fingers itch to turn the next page.
“let me know when you finish—“ you attempt to grab the book back, but his hand pressed against your chest is all you feel as he moves himself further away from you.
“ssh I’m reading.”
tags: @oconso @xcicix @imsorare @weasleyswizardwheezes-blog @monzabee @lpab @frreyaa @motorsp0rt @lovelytsunoda @smoothopz @jaehyunluvcult @iloveyou3000morgan @lunnnix @leclerc13 @ihrtdan
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It's just an inchident | LN4
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
Synopsis: you love dotting on Lando
Lando doesn't appreciate you over-feeding him.
Warning(s): Takes place during the car crash at the Vegas GP. Lando is self-critical. Toothrooting fluff, isn't that what you call it? High Lando, don't ask me, but he gave me high vibes in those photos after the crash (hope he's feeling better tho. 🥹) Hints of reader being a foreigner (dunno if this should be put as a warning!)
Author's note: I don't know anything about health care or medical field, so just excuse my lame ass medical justifications. Also some of the comments mentioned in the Smau and the story line are 100% from real life.
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"Oooh, yellow flag at turn 14"
"It's a red flag now."
"Is that an accident or .... oh it's an accident.
"Oooh my God. Is that Mclaren?... It's Norris."
"That's lando Norris. Oh my... what an ..."
You heart was beating so loudly in your chest as you kept monitoring the small screens closely waiting for Lando to get out.
Eyes wide, hands covering your mouth to prevent yourself from screaming as you looked at his engineer. "Is he okay?" His engineer was trying to reach him "Lando are you okay?" There was no answer for a few seconds. The cameras of the F1 monitoring your response to the accident closely. Just when you were about to lose it, take off your headset and run to the crash site, lando's mic started working. "I'm fine" you immediately looked back at the screen, not believing him because it showed; it was obvious in his voice that he was not fine, the way he grunted in pain and how his hand was shaking when using the buttons on the wheel of the car, all of it told you that he was not fine.
You were still frowning deeply when they replayed the moment the car was almost on fire and how he was trying his best, very quickly, to control the steering wheel, but in vain. You felt helpless watching as you tried to imagine the gravity of it and how he must be feeling right now.
"Y/n" you looked away from the screen about to ask them where Lando is, so you can go see him. "Y/n, they're going to take lando to the medical centre." You were about to panic even more when his engineer assured you. "It's just for check up, don't worry. They said he's fine. They just want to make sure," you nodded; however, this didn't calm you one bit. What if they checked and turns out there's actually something to worry about?
You grabbed your jacket and bag and headed to the hospital right away. His coach, Jon, went with you to the hospital. You were anxiously waiting in a room until they rolled lando on a bed into the room,with machines and wires attached to his upper body.
"Hey baby" he dragged the last syllable, which made you look at him funny then turn to the doctor. "Ugh, he's on some medications to get him relaxed,he was shaken up from the whole thing." You looked back at poor Lando to find him nodding in agreement with the doctor. "Okay, then I'll leave you to it, he shouldn't be staying for long anyways. We will keep him for like an hour maximum to make sure there are no side effects after the accident."
"Why does he look ... loopy?" You gently hit Jon's shoulder who chuckled lightly at your cute way of reprimanding him. You shook your head as you sat next to Lando. "Are you okay, baby?" He nodded looking up at you like a baby that needs attention. You chuckled at his behaviour he was definitely acting loopy.
"Does anywhere hurt?" You inquired trying to get him to talk. He nodded. Your face fell for a second, worried that the doctor might have missed something when checking on Lando. "Where?" You scanned the rest of his body quickly before looking back at him for an answer. "Here" he said pointing at his heart. You frowned in a are-you-serious-mannar that got Jon erupting in laughter at Lando's lack of awareness due to the meds. "Shut up!" You said shaking your head as you looked back at lando who was all pouty, yet had this look in eyes that was expecting something from you.
"No, lando. I am being serious." You held his hand while the other played with his hair which got his eyes fluttering a bit. "Is there anything that's hurting you?" You leaned into him whispering. He huffed in annoyance. "YES, yes there is. Your lack of affection is hurting me woman. Just give me a kiss and I'll feel better." You were surprised with his behaviour, what kind of meds did the doctor put him on?
Again you heard Jon try his best to supress a laugh, but you ignored him this time, rolling your eyes. You were really worried, usually when things like that happened during a race, Lando doesn't take it easy on himself and he jumps right away at any opportunity to criticise his performance;however, you were thankful that the meds have eased his nerves a bit for him to actually think about what happened. "Am I going to keep on waiting for too long?" The bratty side was starting to show which made you laugh.
"What are you laughing about?" He asked in amusement totally unaware of the presence of his coach in the room as well. "Nothing,... you're just ... I don't know. You're acting like a baby." You answered between fits of laughter. "Yeah, but I am your baby right?" His tone completely changed from sassy to worried which made you look at him in awe. You couldn't deny him any longer, honestly who would? You leaned into him slowly only to see him close his eyes really fast preparing for your kiss. This made you find difficulty in holding your laughter back, but lando has had enough so he pulled you in for a kiss that literally almost took your breath away. His hand was warm over your cheek. He let go and removed his hand from your cheek and leaned on his back to rest, leaving you speechless. "Wasn't that hard was it?" His sassy side was back.
You blushed while laughing, which in return made lando beam at you in happiness. You rested your head on his shoulder, "I was so worried about you." You said. "I know, but I am fine now" he said planting a kiss on the crown of your forehead. You tried to shake away any thoughts of a more aware lando that you will definitely have to deal with later as you lost yourself to sleep.
True to his words, the doctor returned back with the news of releasing Lando from the hospital. You were helping lando put on some clothes since he hadn't changed out of his race suit, yet. He was pulling his grey hoodie over his head when he winced, "What's wrong?" You asked, concern evident in your voice. "Nothing just remembered I have to comment on the crash." It was evident from his tone that he was starting to sober up from the meds. You dreaded what he was going to go through. "Lan, please take it easy on yourself,hm?" You said patting his cheek before giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek. He nodded with sleep glossing over his eyes, he must be really tired; he also didn't get to rest well because of the jet lag.
"Lando, lando, lando"
There were some reporters waiting outside of the medical centre for lando as you both exited along with Jon and the security team.
"Lando what do you think of today's incident?" One of them asked putting the mic as close to Lando as possible.
"An unfortunate end to our Las Vegas GP weekend," he said. "I just bottomed out on the restart, lost the rear and hit the wall. Not the way we wanted the weekend to end, especially considering the pace looked promising on Oscar’s side."
Jon queued that it was time to leave, so lando gave them a final word before heading off.
"Big thanks go to the medical staff for checking me over, and to the team for the work they’ll now put in on the car. One week to reset and go again for the season finale in Abu Dhabi.”
"Of course, thank you for you time Lando. Hope you feel better, mate." Lando nodded as he got escorted away and into the car with you. He rested his head into your lap the moment he got into the car.Your hand immediately took place between his soft curls. Lando hummed quietly dozing off to sleep since he was super tired.He had to be woken up again when you both arrived at the Hilton. He refused to let you go, even during the lift ride, almost most of his weight was on you as he leaned into you. You reached your room quickly, and helped him into the bathroom. "Lando, baby please wash up first while I get you something to eat yeah," you gently requested of him before you let him go. He wanted to protest, but you were not hearing any of it; not only was he jet lagged but he hadn't had any proper meal today.
It seemed that Lando opted for a quick shower since you heard it running as you changed out of your clothes. He finished by the time the food arrived to your room. You both ate in bed under the covers, the t.v on for background noise, none of you paying attention to it. You tried to talk with him, not wanting to leave him to his harsh and self critical thoughts. "feeling better,baby?" Lando nodded quietly munching on his fries as your fingers coiled his curls in place. You didn't miss the way a small smile made its way on his lips, he loved it when you played with his hair. It just made him weak.
"I am sorry you couldn't be proud of me tonight. You didn't even get to enjoy the race." You frowned at his words that he said after a few seconds of silence. "Lando," you placed your plate aside and turned to him fully so you can face him. "You know that you always make me proud. Always. No matter what the result is." You looked into his eyes to show him how sincere you were. "Lando, even if you weren't an F1 driver, I'd still be proud of you no matter what." You tried to comfort him. He didn't deserve it. What happened wasn't even his fault, and Andrea mentioned this to the media, as well. "All I could think about when that accident happened was your safety." You almost teared up thinking back to how he must have felt in that moment and the panic that showed through his hand and head movement, how he must have been taken aback by it all. "Baby, don't cry now," he said, putting his plate aside as well. "No, Lando, don't. Because it really tears me up inside how you can be so judgemental towards yourself," you said, gently moving his hand away from your face that was trying to wipe away your tears. "Baby, you're amazing, and I am sure that one day you'll be as amazing as all the drivers you have ever looked up to and even more. I just know it. Just please don't do this to yourself. It's always a team effort, not just one person, and I know that you always give it your all, so just please don't be so harsh on yourself because you don't deserve it." Lando nodded as he came closer to give you a hug. "I am sorry, I didn't know I was being such an ass." He said. "You're not being an ass to me. You're being an ass to yourself, and I really hate it when you do that." You sniffed, hugging him back and hiding your face in his neck. Warm breath teasing his neck, which made him giggle a bit, made your heart flutter. "Ah, how did I get so lucky," he said under his breath, but you heard him. "I love you so much." You said, looking up into his pretty eyes. "I love you too, baby." He said before kissing you.
"Now, eat." You said gesturing with your head towards his plate. "Nah, I wanna cuddle instead."
"Lando, eat first and then we can cuddle."
"Ugh, fine. So bossy," he muttered.
"Ugh, so sassy." You copied him as he gave you a side eye.
You both erupted in laughter. "Love you," he said focusing back on his food.
"Love you to the moon and back," you said
"Love you more,"
"No, I love you more,"
"No, I love you even mo-" he was not giving up, but you had to make sure he was well fed. "Lando, finish your food, or I swear to God..."
"Fine, fine woman jeez... why can't you just reciprocate my love," he mumbled again.
"I am eating, I am eating, see," he said with a mouth full of fries. You laughed and shook your head. How did you even end up with this dork, you thought.
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Liked by Your Username and 1,950,465 others.
Rough day. Big impact. But feeling okay! Thanks for all of the messages ❤️ See you next weekend
Mclaren: 🧡🧡🧡
Zedd: Glad you're alright brother!❤️
Charles_leclerc: Feel better mate!
Maxverstappen1: why do you look like you're high?
↬Your Username: that's because he was indeed high 🥴
↬Landonorris: I was not 😳😳😳
↬Your Username: yes, you were. I have proof. Jon has a video of you.
↬FanUserName1: I wanna see it sooo bad.
↬FanUserName2: me too.
↬Danielricciardo: me three. 👀
↬Landonorris: Fuck off, Daniel.
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Liked by landonorris and 1,783,631 others.
He's feeling better and that's all that matters. Always proud of you, love.💋
Carlossainz55: yeah, right feel better, love 💋🙄
↬Your Username: Carlos, I swear to God, i will not tolerate the attitude just because you're Latino.👊🏼
↬Carlossainz55: oh no I am so scared. 🙄
↬Your Username: @iamrebeccad come get your boyfriend.
↬iamrebeccad: Carlos, I've had enough. Honestly stop it. I have to run around in the comments to stop this nonsense more than I run around from one city to the other for your races.🤦🏻‍♀️
↬Carlossainz55: mi amour, not you too.🥲💔
↬iamrebeccad: feel better guys, hopefully it won't happen again.🥹 @landonorris @/your username.
FanUserName1: oh my God, Rebecca dragging Carlos through the comments.😂😂😂
adam_norris_pure_electric: ❤️
*your username and Landonorris reacted to this comment *
FanUserName2: take care of him please.🥹🙏🏼
FanUserName3: We love you landinho, get well soon 🇧🇷 💛💚💛💚
OscarPiastri: Feel better, Lando🥹
↬Your Username: dw, I am taking good care of him.😁
↬LandoNorris: yeah, she's keeping me well fed.
↬FanUserName4: I knew it!! y/n's type of love is acts of service. Imagine her feeding lando and how she would act if he said that he's full.
↬FanUserName5: I don't wanna know tbh. The paps got a photo of her this one time when he refused taking any more food when they were out on a date,and she looked like she was one minute away from smashing the plate over his head.
↬Your UserName: in my defense he was not eating well, and I couldn't leave him like that without food.🤷‍♀️
↬LandoNorris: WITHOUT FOOD?!!😳😳😳 Babe you made me eat my whole plate and half of yours, i wouldn't count that as no food.
↬Your UserName: Sweetheart, back in my country this counts as a little girl's appetite.
↬Danielricciardo: hahaha she just roasted you on national t.v.🤣🤣🤣
↬LandoNorris: @Heidierger_ come get your bf. 😑
↬FanUserName6: What's with athletes having their gfs come collect them from this comment section ?! 😂😂😂😂
Mclaren: Take a deserved rest. We still have Abu Dhabi coming up. 🧡💪🏼
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