#Daniel Grimwood
driftwork · 1 year
names, most surnames (2)
Allow me to apologize again for this partial list of names in the library,  titles available on request…
amis, acker kathy, ackroyd peter, abbey edward, aldiss brian, alcott louisa, m. anonymous, aldiss brian editor, ackroyd peter, allende isabel, acker kathy, adair gilbert, adams richard, asimov isaac, alcott louisa m., austen jane, azhayev vasili, asimov isaac, austen jane, ableman paul, amis martin, atwood marga,ret adams richard, abish walter, burroughs edgar rice, benn melissa, butler samuel, blyton enid, beckett samuel, beckett samuel, blyton enid, billington rachel, burnford. sheila, burroughs edgar r,ice bentley phyllis, burney francis, burroughs edgar rice, burroughs edgar rice, compton-burnett ivy, bryant arthur, burchard johann, bryant arthur, brame charlotte, bryant arthur, boll heinrich, buckeridge ant,hony boston l.m., buchan john, brightwen mrs illustrated by f carruthers gold, bronte charlotte, bradbury ray, banks lynne reid, barr pat, betto fre,i baxter stephen, banks iain, bronte charlotte, bryant arthur, banks iain m illustrated by nick day, bradbury malcolm, bell adrian, ballantyne r,.m. balzac honore de, benson e.f, barth richard, barrie j.m, bainbridge beryl, bronte emily, ballard j.g, bronte charl,otte borden mary, black lionel , bellow saul, introduced b,y j. michael walton wilde oscar, salgado gamini, ready stuart, besier rudolf, salgado gamini, euripides, euripides, williams t,ennessee sophocles, ionesco. eugene, ibsen henrick, marillier chri,stabel jonson ben, bennett alan, ionesco eugene, brenton. howard, stoppard tom, pinter harold, aristophanes, arnold mathew, daisenberger j.a., stoppard tom, eliot t.s., creeley rob,ert chaucer geoffrey - edited by walter w. skeat, cronin a. j., carr j. l., cooper edmu,nd colette, chevalier tracy, cosse laurence, christopher joh,n chatwin bruce, collingwood h, cather willa, cattieuchlan, crane stephen, calvino italo, collier eric, cela camilo c,ela crichton micheal, carpino f. brancaccio di, comrie margaret s., chabon michael, crofts freeman wills, carre john le, crace jim, michael co,x and r. a. gilbert cheever john, cardetti raphael, coolidge clark, chevallier gabr,ial coxe harmon george, cronin a. j., cheyney peter, conway hugh, cullum ridgwell, christian catherine, crace jim, crace jim, dickens charles, dickens charles, dunn nell, defoe dani,el bernheim emmanuele, doctorow e.l., chesterton g. k., donleavy j.p., bronte charlotte, duggan alfred, delany samuel r. - petaja emil, durrell gerald, dallek robert, dickens charles, dickens charles, dalby richard ed,. dickens charles, chang jung, delacorta, dickens ch,arles dickens charles, conan-doyle arthur, du maurier daphne, dostoyevsky f.m, durrant valentine, durrant valentine, donoso jose, delillo don, delillo don, defoe daniel, defoe daniel, duke neville, colette, camus albert, cheever john, egan frank, eastwood helen, england barry, duke of windsor, eden emily, egan greg, edwardson ake, franken rose, fowles john, frzer douglas, fielding henry, frankau gilbert, featherstone don,ald fyson j.g., fitzgerald f. scott, fyfield francis, fletcher h.l.v., ford madox ford, fuentes carlos, fuentes carlos, fossum karin, fielding henry, fielding henry, fox gardner f., forester c.s., flaubert gustave, forsyth frederick, fitchett w.h., faulkner willi,am gallico paul, garfeld leon, galsworthy john, gaskin catherine, goldring douglas, greene graham, fletcher j. s., goldsmith olive,r grey zane, faulkner william, grisham john, greene graham, green f.l., delany samuel r, fenn george manville, gide andre, grimwood jon courtenay , gordimer nadine, grisham john, greene graham, greene graham, grass gunter, galsworthy john, gray malcolm, gou xiaolu, goldsmith oliver, greene graham, harsch rick, hill weldon, hall radclyffe, hibbert christopher, hanley james, hemingway ernest, hardy thomas, horvath odon von, conan-doyle arthu,r scott-giles c.w., kollings ken, herbert a.p., houellebecq m,ichel hawes james, holt anne, hopkins r. thurston, huxley aldous, hawkins paula, holwell william, indridason arnaldur, inoue yasushi, ishiguro kazuo, houellebecq michel, hesse hermann, hemingway erne,st hamilton peter f., howard cecil, hyland ann, jewett sara,h orne - with a preface by willa cather joinville & villehardouin, jelinek elfriede, james m. r., jonke gert, moyle j.b.  (translator) - justinian, johns capt. w.e., jerome jerome k, jenkins elizabet,h jenkins elizabeth, james m. r., kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kerr j. lennox, kipling rudyard, kilvert rev francis, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kent nora, kipling rudyard, king stephen, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, khadra yasmina, khadra yasmina, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, lovell ann, koontz dean, lucas-philli,ps c.e. kafka franz, leyner marx, linklater eric, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kennard mrs. edward, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, leskov nikolai, leyner mark, lewis norman, carre john le, lee laurie, kilver francis - edited william plover, leyner mark, laver james, lear edward, lever charles, laing e.t., carre john le, longmate norma,n lane jane, lewycka marina, baker margaret, llwelyn davis w,eeks forestier-walker and bor wenstrom o. edmund and harlock walter e., rensschler eric, st. claire byrne muriel, day mabel  (edited by), linklater eric, linklater eric, linklater eric, martel yann, lewis c. s., lee laurie, longford elizabeth, lewis c. s., mason a.e.w, maupassant guy de, maclean alistair, masters john, reich-ranicki marcel, melwood mary, mathews basil, mackenzie fait,h compton maxwell  w. b., macleod m kathleen, mcwilliam candia, mee arthur, marquez gabriel garcia mendoza plinio apuleyo, maurois andre, maclean alistair, mankowitz wolf, masefield john, marryat captain, macnamara brinsley, morris william, murdoch iris, mandelstam. osip, morris william, murdoch iris, mustoe anne, morris william, morris william, bradbury ray, gifford barry, miller henry, maturin charles, millet lydia, mitchison naomi, michener james, mcewan ian, miln lousie, jordan mitford mary russell, menglong feng, munthe. alex, moran lord, nicholl charles, new yorker the editors, oppenheim e.phillips, o'neill jamie, oppenheim e.phillips, nin anais, nairne a, hughes-pa,rry j. powell anthony, ponsonby d.a., price anthony, pangborn edgar, pollard velma, priestley j.b, barry n. malzberg & bill pronzini, powell anthony, nabokov vladimir, porter sheena, peacock thomas love, pratchett terry ian ,stewart and jack cohen powell anthony, percy w. s., needham violet, raymond diana, russo richard, rice margery spring, rabelais, reed thom,as baines russ joanna, remarque erich maria, pearson hesketh, rezzori gregor v,on rolfe fr- frederick baron corvo, sayers dorothy l. sayers  (translator), renault mary, raphael frede,ric phillips adam, robertson e.arnot, pavic milorad, robinson heath, rendell ruth, read miss, robinson heath, rice elmer, rackham arthur, rutley c. bernard, renault mary, steinbeck joh,n smith alexander mccall, spyris johanna, sabatini rafael, spalding francis, stables gordon, camus albert, sinclair upton, stowe harriet b,eecher shem samuel, sienkiewicz henryk, swift jonathan, samuel maurice, scott sir walter, scott paul, stowe harriet beecher, scott sir walter, skinner john, sterne laurence, sewell anna, stevenson d.,e. sitwell edith, strang herbert, surtees r. s., sidney sir phi,llip stout william, sigurdardottir yrsa, solzhenitsyn alexander, scott sir walter, stephenson neil, self will, styron william, scott sir walte,r scott sir walter, scott sir walter, slavicsek bill, sebold alice, smith f seymour, slaughter frank, seth vkram, trollope jo,anna henry fielding, trevelyan g. m., thelwell normal, trevor elleston, thompson flora, thompson flora, tey josephine, tyler j.e.a., tutton diana, tuchman barbara, tolkien j.r.r, duke of windso,r wheatley dennis, wilkinson gerald, wells h.g, rawnsley c,.f. and wright robert white patrick, winchester simon, waugh evelyn, wodehouse p.g,. walsh j. m., welles orson, wood mrs henry, wren p.c, waugh auberon, white. t. h., white t. h., westo kjell, webster jason, wain john, quin b. g., westall rob,ert white t.h, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, westerfield sc,ott wodehouse p.g, zweig stefan, wodehouse p.g, urquhart r.e., wyndham john, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, waugh evelyn, wallace edgar, vine barbara, white patrick, virgil, vesaas tarjei, varesi valerio, vine barbara, updike john, young francis brett, vaizey george, wilde oscar, verne jules, wheatley dennis, updike john, markham mrs, vine barbara, vine barbara, kilvert rev francis, kilvert rev francis, new towns act 1946 -, leyser henrietta, perry anderson malcolm bull jan breman rob lucas david simpson rachel malik alexander zevin marco d'eramo, shaw george bernard, shaw george bernard, shakespeare william, shaw george bernard, shakespeare william, shaw george bernard, shaw bernard, shakespeare william, shaw bernard, shakespeare w,illiam shaw george bernard, shaw bernard, shaw george bernard, shaw george bernard, shaw bernard, sturgess keith (edited), euripides, matsumoto ,seicho lewis naomi, lang andrew, goethe, aristop,hanes pevsner nicholas, alvarez a., de la mare walter, larkin phillip, townsend sue, kyd thomas, euripides, lawrence d,. h. anderson w.e.k., marvell andrew, allan c.f., de la mare ,walter illustrated by edward ardizzone mitchell tony, plath sylvia, hobbs jack and hobbs margaret, spender stephen, whittier john greenleaf, millay edna st. vincent, bridges robert, steakley james , arkell reginald, thompson francis, arkell reginald, townsend sue, stamp l. dudley, keats john, farmer john s. , gollancz sir isr,ael and  day mabel and serjeantson mary s hood thomas, milton john, walsh michae,l (editor) barkow al, british sociological association, burgess tyrrell, bentley michael, braudel fernand, de botton alain, ardrey robert, barrow r. h., bennett joan, aylward j. d., albert marvin h., alford violet, ali ayaan hirsi, cookson mrs. nesfield, cecil david, cudlipp hugh, conway gregory j., ccta, beard patten, clarke mike, deighton k, doyle clare, cottrell leonard, the ecologist, ellis chri, furmston m.p. and simpson a.w.b, elton lord, arellano ro,bert williams reese, brandys kazimierz, rich adrienne, lee laurie, khorsandi shappi, midgley mary, blackburn robin , butler samuel, butler samuel, burroughs william s, brooke nichlas, d.s.pugh d.j.hi,ckman c.r.hinings moliere, hamilton ronald, hill christopher, hackforth-jones g,ilbert hartley john, hervey h.e., kynaston david, herrmann paul, gregory otto, clay a.j. mackenzie, gombrick e.h. and kris k, kingsmill hugh, lloyd christopher, jarvns matt, labour party research department, jacob e. f., krake ken, longmate norman, golding louis, jackson major ,donovan james philip, lethbridge t. c., liechti elaine, ladurie emmanue,l le roy morris desmond, malina f.j, p.m., mundy, john h. carroll noel , middleton john , perniola mario, maxton james, paz octavio, menzies gavin, plaskitt harold and jrdan percy, woodward c. vann, rowntree b.seebohm and lavers g.r., weill herman n., wellman paul i, victor weybrigh,t and henry blackman sell scruton roger, smith j.c., taylor g. rattray, the times, thompson james westfall, taylor arthur, kulke hermann and rothermund dietmar, thomas mary, diamond jared, bacigalupi paolo, johnston william r., woods william, woodward sir llewellyn, shaw josephine, williams christopher, sidebotham helen m., williamson james a., tuchman barbara, smith wm. dr. (on the plan of), tafuri manfredo, bussi michel, rose richard , rawlinson george, rayner robert m., tisserand robert, ibsen henrick, ackroyd peter, powys t. f., sansom william, byatt a.s., bertrand a. and guillaumin a., bryant arthur, palgrave francis t., trewin j.c, morton a. l., mathews hazel, c. johnson a. h., gregory e. w., brogan d.w, tuchman bar,bara howard elizabeth jane, howard elizabeth jane, kerr philip , burton mauric,e borman tracy, kumar manjit, bryant arthur, moers ellen, simpson jacqueline, longmate norman, leasor james, piggott derek, lewycka marina, duncan f. martin and duncan  l.t., armstrong karen, rankin nicholas, catton eleanor, harrison harry and stover leon e., prose francine, jacob naomi, lovell terry, webb marion st.john, sheppard elizabeth sara, dickinson g. lowes, king laurie r, hawthorne james, levy yank, ley wilfre,d rooke kelman janet harvey and rev theodore wood, agar winifred and others, blom eric, house rich,ard field robert, van loon hendrick, hayward gallery, eitlinger l.d. a,nd holloway r.g. fougasse and mccullough, davison philip, turnbull agnes sligh, harrison sidney, ashley maurice, oakeshott w. ewart, steingarten jeffrey, linna vaino, brecht bertholt, benni stefano, winbolt s. e., plumb j. h., bryson bill, prebble john, knight margeret, quarrie bruce, spry constance, squires patricia, smith ali, hadley tes,sa eng tan twan, virno paolo, wilson sloan, campbell alan, cumming charles, pedly robin, clegg alec and megson barbara, holt john, laurie peter, motley john lothrop, beumarchais repertoire general du theatre francais, de la mare walter. mackenzie compton. farjeon  elea,nor lord dunsany  blackwood  algernon etc... betz, bjork samuel, campbell alan, archer thomas ,and amelia hutchinson stirling dollimore jonathan and sinfield alan, deegan denise, holdsworth r.v., durband alan, douglas lloyd c., ash william, dyer gillian and baehr helen, lindop audrey erskine, percival maciver, bellamy h.s., robbe-grillet alain, frith henry, barnett richard, bumpus t. francis, bartholomews, harrow school, martin george, hayward gallery, ducros louis, defrates joan,na ali tariq, lowry malcom (edited by harver briet and margerie bonner lowry), colour, robinso,n francis benton dr micheal j., rankin robert, leonard. jonathan norton, edey maitland a., trippet frank, norton-taylor  duncan, hamblin dora jane, edey maitland a., hicks jim, knauth. percy, dancona p and aeschlimann e, urwin e.c., joyce graham, leslie doris, oakeshott w. ewart, department of scial, and administrative studies oxford university grossman vasily, sinclair andrew, quennell marjorie and c.h.b, smith alexander mccall, crispen edmund, kipling rudyard, oscar wilde mervyn peake, proust marcel illustrated, by phillipe julian proust marcel, chesterton g. k., kipling rudyard, ardrey robert, pakenham elizabeth, bradford ernle, kohn george childs, mcmahon katherine, introduced by j. michael walton, allegro j.m., leakey richard e. lewin roger, sobel dava, lancaster john, ferguson neil, westlake mike, proust marcel ,illustrated by phillipe julian euripides, corvo frederick baron, ambler eric (editor), peacock thomas love, hamilton edward, schiller eric, rabelais, barnes ju,lian manchetter jean-patrick, indridason arnaldur, macculloch j.a., holwe w.v. and p,ountney m.t. burnell r.d., symons julian, kipling rudyard and balestier wolcott, farmer bernard j., macaulay rose, fisher h.a.l., winston richard, eliot george, cairncross alec, disraeli benjamin, litvinoff emanuel, cotterell arthur , peynet raymond, mitchison naomi , trevelyan g. m., ibsen henrick, euripides, thayer george, white patrick, froissart, muir anne ross, acton lord, fisher h.a.l., innes arthur d,. innes hammond, acton lord, trevelyan g. m., stein gertrude, minister of health and the secretary of state for scotland, royal commission on local government in england, committee on the management of local government, committee on the management of local government, committee on the management of local government, soros george, ullman james ramsey, girls own paper, girls own paper, fowles john and horvat frank, moore gerald, whyte william, h. taylor a. j.p., whitelock dorothy, zdenek marilee, valentine c. w., walker kenneth, thompson e. p., ward barbara and dubos rene, wedgewood c.v., robertson alec and stevens denis, ackroyd peter, aira cesar, aira cesar, skinner paul , johnson samuel, drinkwater john, wilson daniel h, stross charles, ackroyd peter, hoeg peter, aylett stev,e oman carola, jelinek elfriede, rohan zina, roberts ada,m vandermeer jeff, vandermeer jeff, vandermeer jeff, miske karim, russell sarah, naipal v.s., carrington neil. brodies notes, freeman anthony, corvo frederick baron, aylett steve, lovegrove james, baudouin charles, green miranda, gilliland alan, gll anton, hendy phil,lip kunstler junger, toulouse-lautrec henri (t.w. earp and g.w. stonier (translated into english by).), jefferson alan, richardson joy, lyons lewis, mathews john and mathews caitlin, pratchett terry, pratchett terry ,and baxter stephen robbe-grillet alain, west paul, pratchett terry and briggs stephen, mccaffery juliet, robert marcel and parmeggiani luigi - ilo-, storr vernon f., pratchett terry, mann philip, morris mary and o'conner larry , pratchett terry and baxter stephen, mcphee john, kightly char,les reeves compton, picard gilbert charles(editor), strong roy, clifton-tay,lor alex rupp gordon, tullii marci, goldsmith oliver, pinnow hermann, millington mal, atwood margaret, dickens charles, sterne laurence, everyman, caeser caius julius, wells h.g, kempis tho,mas a wynne pamela, pepys samuel, sterne laurence, scott sir walter, balzac honore de, jones edmund d., du maurier daphne, hutchinson lucy, weyman stanley j., browning robert, shakespeare william, chesterton cecil, stevenson r.l, trollope anthony, conan-doyle arthur, osborne charles, bresson robert, chalres pictet de geneva, lambourne nigel and renoir, parker steve, thomas graham  stuart, watkin david, hill ian, hlasko ma,rek lee harper, kureishi hanif, boyle t. coraghessan, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, montergueil g., liu ken, robbe-grillet alain, banks iain, hobb robin, murphy derv,la gooch steve, dallek robert, giordano mario, tourtellot arth,ur bernon mcewan ian, orton joe, stoppard tom, stoppard tom, dorfman ariel, clifforfd leech, gerlech lynne, mishima. yukio, kurkov andrey, sante luc, robbe-grillet alain, heinlein robert, shute nevil, benacquista tonino, carofiglio gianrico, powers richard, steer john, johnson b.s., edgeworth maria, lowry malcolm, lowry malcolm, willis roy , le queux william, committee on the ,management of local government delillo don, perry sarah, expenditure committee (trade and industry sub-committee), pratchett terry, jencks charles, ewing julia horatia, vandermeer jeff, carpentier alejo, acker kathy, sudjic deyan, lindsey martin, reitz deneys, tolkien j.r.r, tolkien j.r.r, tolkien j.r.r, tolkien j.r.r, tolkien j.r.r, tolkien j.r.r, eggers dave, yurick sol, emecheta buchi, bryson bill, bryson bill, smollet tobi,as kapitanial thomas, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, stengers isabelle, browning. robert, walbank f. alan (,ed1ted and arranged by) roberts adam, kipling rudyard, ruskin john,
ellis john, hinton michael, chamoiseau patrick, martinez guillermo, willis connie, nemirovsky irene, rhys jean, joyce james, delillo don, mantel hilary, parker k. j., parker k. j., parker k. j., wilhelm richard, topol jachym, perez-reverte arturo, mcevoy j.p. and zarat,e oscar atwood margaret, sloterdijk peter, unit for research on the urban environment, perry steve, anderson kevin j, zahn timothy, hambly barbara, massey d, tucker paul hayes, anderson kevin j., smith p. robert, semprun jorge, crace jim, reynolds ingrid and nicholson charles, reynolds ingrid and nicholson charles bell ann, carre john le, grossman lev, tallis frank, hornby nick, tallis frank, newberry linda, coelho paulo, bryson bill, harris joann,e bond terance james, hopkins gerard manley, haviaras stratis, hoban russell, benson peter, pears iain, gray robert, wiggins todd, price richard, perez-reverte arturo, hoeg peter, flaubert gu,stave ivan illich irving k zola john mcknight, runyon damon, frei max, chaponnie,re paul fischer tibor, reynolds alastair, asher neal, vallois g. ,n. morton h.v., kalweit holger, gibbons stanley, brookmyre christ,opher holt anne, hemingway ernest, surtees r. s., reeves-stevens, judith and garfield kipling rudyard, gane chriss and sarson trish, hodgson joan, saadawi ahmed, barnes julian, hadley tessa, pratchett terry and baxter stephen, hijuelos oscar, johnson kenneth and lsbeth marguerite, phillips jayne anne, aylett steve, kube-mcdowell, michael p. tyers kathy, daley brian, wolverton dave, allen roger mac,bride mcintyre vonda, anderson kevin j, smith l. neil, zahn timothy, zahn timothy, zahn timothy, hamilton peter f., wells h.g, waugh evelyn, hughes roberts, earnshaw brian, confucius alfre,dd doeblin bates h.e, leuchenburg william e., gibson william, gibson william, twining william and miers david, terence morris and angus stewart, tolkien j.r.r, stewart. mary, corvo frederick baron, aldiss brian editor, perez-reverte arturo, king ronald, harris sam, harris sam, harris sam and hawaz maajid, klein richard, nabokov vladimir, lowell robert, euripides, harris sam, maugham w.somerset, pynchon thomas, nabokov vladimir, chand meira, jardine lisa, jardine lisa, reynolds alaistair, sartre jean-paul, gifford barry, de teran lisa st aubin, lanchester john, chen da, kafka franz, frei max, lefebrve noemi, mcewan ian, gray john, gray john, clowes daniel, foucault miche,l gray john, kant immanuel, ferrante elena, chambers becky, levy roger, claudel phillippe, dick philip k, wray j. jackso,n pratchett terry and baxter stephen, chambers becky, fiske john and hartley john, hebdige dick, maitland f.w., dick philip k, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, murdoch iris, murdoch iris, murdoch iris, pratchett terry and baxter stephen, glass rodge, de chirico george, hornby nick, lethem jonathan, coetzee j. m., millar martin, stallman richa,rd m. parrinder patrick, gombrowicz witold, hornby nick, hornby nick, gee maggie, dixey anne, hawes james, maconie  stu,art hornby nick, hornby nick, roberts adam, roberts adam,de teran lisa st aubin, ocampo silvina, lewis oscar, delillo don, perri francesco, gass william, hennessy peter, cumming charles, maconie  stuart, twain mark, cleeves ann, corbett thig,pen & hervey cleckley milner gamaliel, sobel dava, hornby nick, hornby nick, leon donna, gardner helen , williams reese, nesser hakan, simon nicholson and sikina jinnah , sterling bruce, o'brien martin, sciascia leonardo, housing monitoring team, melville herman, thompson hunter s., roberts adam, helgason hallgrimur, malouf david, delillo don, chabon micha,el solomons natasha, marriott edward, holt tom, holt anne, whitehouse david, taylor mildred d., sillitoe sir percy, miller john, dostoevsky fyodaor, denny norman (compiled by), roberts adam and verne jules, coe jonathan, barker nicola, junger sebastian, conan-doyle arthur, khoo thwe pascal, heller joseph, cortvriend. v.v., bryson bill, took barry, gifford barry, murphy c. e., charlesworth monique, kingston maxine hong, kingston maxine hong, coover robert, harrison colin, sharp margery, mailer norman, liu cixin, liu cixin, liu cixin, russo richard paul, vandermeer jeff, pears iain, vandermeer ,jeff ryman geoff, dick philip k, holt anne, stephenson, neil stephenson neil, ogilvy audrey a, finighan w. r., department of t,he environment  grimwood jon courtenay, asher neal, asher neal, asher neal, du maupassant guy, reynolds alaistair, asher neal, burroughs w,illiam s harkaway nick, satie erik, beethoven, koontz dea,n atwood margaret, kimhi rabbi david, garrison jim, austen jane, harkaway nick, dawson r.f.f, department of employment, department of employment, department of employment, economis commission for europe inland transport committee, jones tobias, shriver lione,l baxter stephen, macleod ken, powell anthony, asher neal, cheek mavis, montalban manuel vazquez, hughes bettany, bach rachel, mcdevitt jack, reynolds alastair, asher neil, atkins will,iam levin ira, meynell alice, strugatski arkady and boris, bach rachel, leduc violette, paretsky sara, eastland sam, eastland sam, bechdel alison, fitzgerald conor, hart miranda, higashno keig,o marshall michael, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, rohmer sax, runcie james, fleming peter, bellow saul, mccullers carson, defoe daniel, greene graham, lawrence d. h., faulkner william, faulkener william, o'brien edna, o'brien edna, spark muriel, spark muriel, doyle lynn, camus alber,t allingham margery, allingham margery, allingham margery, rhys jean, newson john and elizabeth, mann thomas, allingham margery, allingham margery, o'brien edna, leonard elmore, evans ifor, spark murie,l webster john, moravia alberto, spark muriel, pym denis (ed,ited by) trevor elleston, bronte charlotte, homer, geoffr,ey of monmouth gaskall elizabeth, heilpern john, joyce james, peter cheyne,y spark muriel, rushdie salman, mitford nancy, hardy thomas, moore john, wells h.g, hardy thomas, lawrence d. h,. murdoch iris, walpole hugh - beckford william - shelley mary, orwell george, hyland stanley, christie agatha, sayers dorothy l., haggard william, wells h.g, cervantes miguel de, target g. w., donleavy j.p., mitford nancy, taylor a. j. p., wodehouse p.g, dolley christopher edits, thompson hunter s., fitzgerald f. scott, doyle a.conan, thurber james, allingham marg,ery garnett richard, peake mervyn, prebble john, gough richard, smith stevie, peake mervyn, liu cixin, orwell geo,rge belloc hilaire, beerbohm max, bowles jane, tacitus, hemingway ernest, theroux paul, thirkell angela, waugh evelyn, wilson angus, wilson angus, lawrence d. h., lawrence d. h., lawrence d. h., orwell george, perelman s. j., green f.l., hill susan, greene graham, forester c.s., mccarthy mary, esslin. martrin, o'brien flann, le carre john, stribling t.s., lawrence d. h., durrell gerald, sagan francoise, chevalier gabrie,l anstey f., graves robert, doyle lynn, joyce james, thompson flora, delacorta, lawrence d. h., donleavy j.p., hrabal bohumil, briggs asa, colette, gaskall ,elizabeth landolfi tommaso, france anatole, christie agatha, bone david w., hawkes jacquetta, hammett dashiell, de teran lisa st aubin, bates h.e, isherwood christopher, hemingway ernest, brahms caryl and simon s.j, duffy maureen, kilworth garry, berger john, fielding henry, miliband ralph ,and saville john wilder thornton, achebe chinua, mascaro juan (new translation by), schnabel jim, braine john, james henry, waugh evelyn, waugh evelyn, peake mervyn, williams tennessee, sagan francoise, hughes richard, weldon fay, waugh evelyn, buchan john, graves rober,t boll heinrich, weldon fay, wodehouse p.g, tillyard e. m., w. lee laurie, lessing doris, updike john, amis martin, hardy thomas, chandler raymond, wodehouse p.g, manning olivia, lessing doris, spark muriel, masters john, o'brien edna, mann thomas, traven b., pevsner nicholas, dickens charles, white t. h., shakespeare william, douglas norman, woolf virgina, murdoch iris, blackwood algernon, lawrence d. h., gide andre, edward albee jack richardson murray schisgal athur miller, iwamoto kaoru, arenas reinaldo, andrzejewski jer,zy joyce james, de botton alain, mauriac francois, simenon georges, lawrence d. h., texier catherine, forster e. m, allingham mar,gery allingham margery, allingham margery, allingham margery, crofts freeman wil,ls hoskins w. g., sebald w.g, macleod ken, amis kingsle,y cain james m, wodehouse p.g, o'brien edna, allingham mar,gery mccullers carson, harrison harry, cheyney peter, christie agath,a cheyney peter, chandler raymond, crystal david, shaw george be,rnard sophocles, haggard william, colette, borges j,orge luis borges jorge luis, borges jorge luis, lowry malcolm, lowry malcolm, dostoyevsky f.m, schnitzler arthur, drabble margaret, boll heinrich, aristotle, heyer georgette, chandler raymond, douglas alfred, ackroyd peter, ackroyd peter, basho, steinb,eck john wodehouse p.g, gaskall elizabeth, mottram v.h, walker kenne,th davis hugh sykes, evans ifor, evans ifor, harrison g., b. sayers dorothy l., innes michael, womack jack, thubron coli,n wodehouse p.g, leonard elmore, innes michael, innes michael, innes michael, innes michael, innes michael, du maurier dap,hne gardner erle stanley, gaskall elizabeth, greene graham, sartre jean-pa,ul lodge david, gaskall elizabeth, farmer philip jose, austen jane, rabelais francois, ekelof gunnar, karolyi otto, sartre jean-p,aul cabell james branch, didion joan, borges jorge luis, de monfried henry, doyle a.conan, chandler raymond, miller arthur, merriman henry, seton gaiman neil, innes michael, innes michael, drabble margar,et harrison g. b., kawabata yasunari, west john anthiony, buchan john, highsmith patricia, pineda cecile, nabokov vladimir, spark muriel, needleman jacob, grayling a.c., lurie alison, hay ian, thubron colin, cameron james, stein gertrude, dickens charles, linklater eric, plato, plato, plato, plato, yalom irvin d., jungstedt mari, plato, stagg guy, mcdonald ed, knausgaard karl ove, knausgaard karl ove, harvey graham and hardman charlotte, pope dudley, james henry, woolrych aus,tin conrad joseph, pollard tony, dyer geoff, chaing ted, marquez gabriel garcia, colette, bennett robert jackson, nesser hakan, mootoo shani, coe jonathan, higson charlie, marquez gabriel, garcia banks iain , brown alan, schine cathleen, christopher adam, fesperman dan, rohmer sax, michaels anne, saunders john, lessing doris, becker jurek, krabbe. tim, shaw bernard, anthony piers, hunt stephen, gurdjieff, gibson wil,liam gaarder jostein, pears iain, euripides, shepard lu,cius prawer jhabvala r, bach rachel, coover robert, westerfield sc,ott brookmyre christopher, craig amanda, bacigalupi paolo, okri ben, buffett jimmy, milligan spike and antrobus john, shakespeare william, o'hara john, trevor elleston, leonard elmore, ageyev m., hill susan, robbe-grillet alain, rinaldi patrizia, adiga aravind, feist raymond, mankowitz wolf, miller arthur, mccarthy mary, rowling j. k., wilson robert, corey james a., corey james a., runyon damon, shakespeare william, shakespeare william, shaffer peter, davidson robyn, lethem jonathan, chekov anton, esposito roberto, gardner john, palmer philip, barnes john, mcmahon thomas, robinson kim st,anley mankell henning, grazier james, grass gunter, hamilton pete,r f. hardy thomas, jack albert, coupland douglas, parris s. j., ozeki ruth, reynolds alaistair, mason zachary, mason zachary, delacorta, kerr phillip, coupland douglas, betjeman john, parker john, cortazar julio, lewis sinclair, du maurier daph,ne mcewan ian, fowles john, troyes chretien de, lethem jonathan, eggers dave, aristotle horace longinus, bolano roberto, giuttari michel,e bernard st, baudrillard jean, schrader helena p., frayn michael, chomsky noam, min anchee, morrison toni, von arnim eliz,abeth lethem jonathan, calvino italo, calvino italo, roberts michel,le hardy thomas, mccarthy mary, murdoch iris, symons a. j. ,a. connolly joseph, connolly joseph, lethem jonathan, scott-wilson sio,n flint shamini, tejpal tarun j., camilleri andrea, safranski rudiger, agamben giorgio, vichi marco, moers walter, bennett arnol,d heyer georgette, euripides, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, miloszewski  z,ygmunt hoban russell, lewycka marina, lewycka marina, lethem jonathan, rankin ian, rankin ian, fraser george macdonald, fraser george macdonald, del rey lester, neville kris, longmate norman, greenwood duncan, and king robert mortenson greg and relin david oliver, farmer philip jose, asimov isaac, harding d. e., ferris joshua, gill a. a., smith ali, lawrence d,. h. fletcher martin, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, corey james a., corey james a., corey james a., rankin robert, tilley patrick, tilley patrick, turner george, hedquarters library department of the environment, george woodford kirstine williams nancy hill deper,tment of the environment general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, frayn michael, general regist,er office general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, haddon celia , catling b, delillo don, fitzgerald c,onor murdoch iris, garcia-roza luiz alfredo, carofiglio gianrico, vichi marco, williams jen, ramirez david, eastland sam, roberston al, lyotard jean-francois, catling b, williams jen, carter angela, townsend sue, bendis brian micheal and  maleev alex, bendis brian micheal and  maleev alex, mcauley paul j., bendis brian micheal and  maleev alex, shaw john h., simmonds posy, cochrane james, (edited by) barth john, jeter k. w., dunn euan , lynch richa,rd warwick christopher , fraser george macdonald, barnes djuna, neuvel sylvai,n kepler lars, durrell lawrence, durrell lawrence, durrell lawrence, durrell lawrence, shakespeare william, waugh evelyn, puig manuel, crais robert, houellebecq michel, durrell lawrence, grant morrison, p,hil jimenez, steve yeowell eriksson kjell, jordan robert, slavnikova olga, story jack trevo,r boll heinrich, crussi f. gonzalez, dick philip k, ackerman diane, perec georges, stross charles, ashman howard, rosen michael, mcllwraith a. k., packer nigel, haasen carl, hesse herman,n hesse hermann, lewis norman, ballard j. g., maupassant guy, de perry sarah, dickey james, friedman kinky, friedman kinky, durrell lawrence, ings simon, jones diana wynne, forrest katherine ,v.  weldon fay, sophocles, mitchison naomi, kermode frank, firestone shulamith, webster john, gosse edmund - introduction by, conrad joseph, palmer frank, trollope anthony, bronte charlotte, durrell lawrence, prose francine, murphy devla, lyall gavin, fraser georg,e macdonald fo dario, fleming peter, disch thomas m. and sladek john t., marlowe christoher, rosewicz tadeusz, nunez raul, shakespeare william, webster john, poliakoff stephen, murakami ryu, neuvel sylvain, eliot t. s., fitzgerald penelope, fergusson francis, curie ewa, geoff dyer, (contributor) lila azam zanganeh (contributor) leanne shapton (contributor) alain de botton (contributor) alice rawsthorn (contributor) swann ingo, le carre john, nabokov vladimir, evans julian, ahndoril alexander, gonzales tony, chu wesley, gentle mary, solnit rebecca, barnes john, fitzgerald penelope, hamilton geoff, jordan robert, sterbenz carol endler, mcnaughton colin, david peter, innes clive, banks lynne reid, miller henry, hartley l. p., smith e. e. 'doc', smith e. e. 'doc', silitoe alan, bonnot  xavie,r-marie pratchett terry, lessing doris, bowen elizabeth, allen woody, hamilton peter f., hamilton peter f., millar martin, barker howard, barker howard, steinbeck john, hardy thomas, smith zadie, johnson air vice marshall j.e., lewis sinclair, gentle mary, izzo jean-cl,aude forster e.m, webb beatrice, kiefer anselm, harkaway nick, cheever john, cordell aleander, plener pytan, council for c,hildren's welfare lovecraft h. p., harrison harry, mah adeline yen, heinlein robert, smith e. e. 'doc', knausgaard karl ove, bartlett jamie, feist raymond, osbourne lawrence, renoir jean, paasilinna arto, thirlwell adam, trollope anthony, twain mark, bataille georges, bataille georges, bataille georges, bataille georges, emily morris kevin pask marco déramo  kristen surak wolfgang streeck frederic jameson hung ho-fung, gaston sean, shannon samantha, nash ogden, st john madelaine, hill susan, de botton alain, reynolds alaistair, reynolds alaistair, fine. anne, rushdie salman, allingham margery, grimwood jon courtenay, welsh itvine, melville-ross antony, swift graham, hiaasen carl, beeton mrs, mcguane thomas, cheever john, crisp quentin, klossowski pie,rre barker george, rankin ian, mayne andrew and shuttleworth john, wainwright gordon, ivor noel-hume and audrey noel- hume, heller joseph, wilson barbara, reynolds peter, newman ernest, pickering kenneth, rankin ian, van horn er,ica tchaikovsky adrian, leon donna, lerner ben, brantenberg, gerd martinez guillermo, musil robert, baxter stephen, markaris petros, gaiman neil, deren maya, virilio paul, ballard j. g., heller joseph, sahgal nayantara, marshall bruce, chadbourn mark, nesser hakan, glade merton, shepard lucius, theilkuhl wolfg,ang sawyer robert j., moore christopher, glendinning victoria, vesey-fitzgerald bria,n bennett vanora, smith alexander mccall, allingham margery, allingham margery, e.c.bentley and h. warner allen, allingham margery, simenon georges, gide andre, walker martin, iyer lars, ings simon, allingham m,argery friedmann john , marcus ben, marcus ben, southam b. ,c. enright anne, drinkwater olive, asher neal, asher neal, sullivan caitlin and bornstein kate, bradley a c, lahiri jhumpa, hiaasen carl, westerfield scott, johnson diane, cheek mavis, faulks sebas,tion asimov isaac, edwards ruth dudley, lackey mercedes, blunden edmund, mckinley robin, duffy stella, steinbeck john, davies andrew, donoghue emma, asher neal, grimwood jon courtenay, villalobos juan pablo, asher neal, asimov isaac, berlins marcel and wansall geoffrey, leonard elmore, proulx e. anne, tennyson alfred, dyer geoff, reynolds al,aistair reynolds alaistair, reynolds alaistair, roig jose miguel, yevtushenko yevge,ny livio mario, hardy thomas, head bessie, mill j.s, tanizaki junichiro, pinborough sarah, pinborough sarah, williams nigel, jonathan ross and tommy lee edwards, tor krevor andre singer thomas piketty goran therborn teri reynolds perry anderson josh berson  william davies marcus verhagen, robin blackburn perry anderson wang lixiong jacques ranciere micheal hardt  geoffrey ingham  terry eagleton peter lagerquist timothy bewes gunter grass pierre boudieu, n. e. thing enterprises , donoghue emma, coupland douglas, mankell henning, fred halliday er,nest mandel  heather  maroney riccardo parboni satyajit ray
pablo iglesias mike davis francis mulhern joann wypijewwski joshua rahtz emma  fajgenbaum  r taggart murphy, evgeny morozov gopal balakrishnan wang chaohua  mauricio velasquez franco moretti jeffrey r. webber anders stephanson barry schwabsky, joshua wong frederic jameson joetrapido emilie bickerton sebastian veg  adam tooze achin vanaik franco moretti, gopal balakrishnan bhaskar sunkara  daniel finn francesco fiorentino  enrica villari  micheae denning blair ogd,en  vivek chibber susan watkins ching kwan lee neil davidson nancy ettlinger alex niven timothy brennan joshua rahtz emilie bickerton,mike davis giovanni arright, g tamas peter nolan koza yamamura asef bayat  benedict anderson tariq ali ian birchill kheya bag  regis debray, dark horse comics, dark horse comics, warren ellis lee bermejo david baron, warren ellis lee bermejo david baron, warren ellis lee bermejo david baron, damon hurd with pedro camello, brian wood /  becky cloonan, chris claremont jim lee scott williams, dark horse comics, jeph loen carlos pachego jesus merino, morrison grant, morrison grant, morrison grant, morrison grant, amis martin, mike carey sonny liew marc hempel, groening matt, jenkins johnson faucher, dark horse comics, damon hurd rick smith, damon hurd rick smith, brian wood becky cloonan, brian wood becky cloonan, brian wood becky cloonan, grant morrison frank quit,ely *, mike carey sonny liew marc hempel, grant morrison philip bond d'israeli daniel vozzo, bendis brian micheal and  maleev alex, brian wood becky cloonan, damon hurd with pedro camello, mike carey sonny liew marc hempel, brian wood becky cloonan, jim valentino chance wolf dan davis, mckelvie gillen, mckelvie gillen, mckelvie gillen, mckelvie gillen, mckelvie gillen, veitch and  baikie, pienkowski jan, berenstain stan and jan, martin ruth, jones terry, palmer jessi,ca williams ursula moray, pratchett terry, farmer penelope, hunter norman, dahl roald, cresswell helen, rumble adrian (collected by), norton andre and madlee dorth,y bond micheal, brennan j. h., gibson andrew, hall willis, ridley philip, hutchins pat, wright ralph, clarke arthur, cross gillian, lowry lois, wright ralph, king-smth dic,k piserchia doris, proysen alf, priest graham, blackburn simo,n buckeridge anthony, steed ben, wilson forrest, norriss andrew, deary terry, cresswell helen, jacques brian, webber collin, snell gordon, rodgers mary, kastner erich, ordnance surve,y schmidt arno, garner alan, dahl roald, wilson davi,d henry lindgren astrid, kemp gene, art thibert and pamela thibert, bennett arnold illustrated by m,orten sale pynchon thomas, burgess anthony, huxley aldous, dahl roald, boll heinrich, herr micheal, dibden michael, o'connell jack, greenland colin, gifford barry, gifford barry, russell leigh, dahl roald, shakespeare william, marivaux, rodgers m,ary lucasfilm bob woods (editor), lucasfilm bob woods (editor), lucasfilm bob woods (editor), lucasfilm bob woods (editor), lucasfilm bob woods (editor), mcfarlane todd, jim valentino chance wolf dan davis, jim valentino chance wolf dan davis, mckillip patricia a., du maurier daphne, elgin suzanne haden, de teran lisa st aub,in collingwood r. g., winterson jeanette, carmody isobelle, perry steve, egan doris, moorcock michael, gaiman neil, gilden mel, larry niven jerry pounelle micheal flynn, eddings david, cooper louise, weaver micheal, claremont chris, hamilton laurell k., kepler lars, nothomb amel,ie staig laurence, wood anthony, murrary linda, kaveney roz di,tor plato, cumming elizabeth and kaplan wendy, reiss johanna, glover jonatha,n goodman nelson, plato, carmody isobelle, wilson robert cha,rles wilson robert charles, wilson robert charles, johnson george, kepler lars, brookmyre christopher, jordan robert, kinsella sophie, jewell lisa, parent gail, gibson williams, kinsella sophie, carofiglio gianr,ico hesse hermann, nesbo jo, duane diane, higginson wi,lliam j. ferguson margaret.  salter mary jo. stallworthy jon, evanovich janet, evanovich janet, bennett alan, blaylock james p., aylett steve, roffey monique, chambers clare, sedaris david, warner alan, cross amanda, lee harper, brookmyre christopher, lawrence louise, levi primo, coupland do,uglas homesa. m., wesley mary, nicholson geoff, chambers clare, chambers clare, lee chang-rae, ahmed rollo, gowdy barbar,a suri manil, brickell christopher (editor), adelson warren et al, ishiguro kazuo, curley marianne, miller alexander, macleod ken, diamond jare,d persson leif g.w., littell robert, anderson poul, hamilton laure,ll k. nicoll andrew, miller mark and mcniven steve, wells h.g., xing jan, robinson kim stanley, dahl roald, chandler arthur, breznik melitta, jordan robert, cherryh c.j., sayers dorothy l., dow kristin and do,wning thomas e. mccaffery anne, brent-dyer elinor m., jordan robert, crichton miche,al evanovich janet, williams john, schlosser eric, murphy pat, trollope joanna, mcintyre vonda n., lackey mercedes and dixon larry, lackey mercedes, duane diane and morwood peter, lewis jon e., mccaffery anne, mccaffery anne, jewell lisa, holden wendy, binchy maeve, duane diane, mccaffery anne, mccaffery anne, lovelock james, eddings david, besher alexander, mccaffery anne, barnes john, briggs ian, leon donna, mcdonagh martine, stackpole micheal a, blake william, nassib selim, rankin robert, child lincoln, goudge elizabe,th de teran lisa st aubin, beukes lauren, ridge antonia, greenland coli,n palmer stephen, crais robert, kirstein rosemary, duane diane, lawrence sara, bronte charlotte, plater alan, jones j. v., norriss andrew, girling brough, jordan robert, jones j. v., jones j. v., konwicki  tadeusz, bateman colin, erpenbeck jenn,y scarpa tiziano, lisick beth, warner alan, evanovich ja,net dalby liza, warner alan, adler-olsen  jussi, alcott louisa m., dickinson peter, hicyilmaz gaye, lindgren astrid, lucas george, davies russell t., bendis brian micheal and  maleev alex, bawden nina, gross philip, foster alan dean, anderson kevin j, lucas george, glut donald, kahn james, cadigan pat, murakami haruki, bodlian library, zizek slavoj, tucker andrew, and kingswell tamsin davidson alan, cadigan pat, ashton charles, brookmyre chris,topher brookmyre christopher, brookmyre christopher, evanovich janet, david peter, leon donna, brookmyre christopher, brookmyre christopher, simon anne, scamander newt, whisp kenilworthy, davies pete, blyton enid, blyton enid, walsh helen, bradley marion, steve pike and ,paul fisher travers p.l., lively penelope, vinge joan, jacques bri,an aiken joan, fisk nicholas, o'keeffe linda, deegan denise, clarke stephen, franken al, blyton enid, blyton enid, mankell henning, smith alexander mccall, jones diana wynne, norton andre, ullmann linn, jones vanessa, pinborough sarah, kafka franz, anderson kevin j. (edited by), rankin robert, rankin robert, mccaffery anne, evanovich janet, mccaffery anne, yoshimto ray - clamp nanase ohkawa, brookmyre christopher, allen roger macbride, pratchett terry, anderson kevin j. (edited by), connolly joseph, cherryh c.j., cadigan pat, mccaffery anne, divakaruni chit,ra banerjee zappa moon unit, vernadsky vladimir i, mackesy serena, waterhose keith, hines barry, golding william, keenan joe, ironside vi,rginia cullimore claudine, kawabata yasunari, motter dean and lark michael, mccaffery anne, mccaffery anne, mccaffery anne, packard vance, moore gerald, furey maggie, furey maggie, mccaffery anne, duane diane, gaiman neil, brown dan, furey maggie, lindsay dougl,as scott-giles c. w., modesitt jr  l. e., bronte charlotte, murdoch iris, streatfield noel, leiris michel, bronte emily, williams ursu,la moray ecke wolfgang, pratchett terry, mclean lenny, edwards-jones, imogen nesser hakan, mcintyre vonda, fisk nicholas, evanovich jane,t tey josephine, robbe-grillet alain, aeschylus, baudrillar,d jean baudrillard jean, pagels heinz r., sen amartya, sen amartya, caputo john d., rossini, corey james a., holt tom, kube-mcdowell michael p., sweterlitsch tom, wolfe tom, cadigan pa,t murdoch iris, bronte anne, dyer geoff, spinoza  be,nedictus de  spinoza  benedictus de, haasen carl, dexter colin, moffat gwen, handke peter, handke peter, handke peter, handke peter, kavan anna, kavan anna, kavan anna, gaiman neil, nicholson william, christopher adam, lena levinas ousmane sidibe gabrial piterberg kristen surek franco moretti tom mertes jan breman emilie bickerton, tawadayoko, snow c. p., snow c. p., groening matt, claudel philip,pe leith sam, spinrad norman, russo richard paul, hamilton peter f., haldeman joe, rankin robert, musil robert, niven larry, niven larry, walsh micheal, dibden michael, anouilh jean, herbert frank, allen roger macbride, mcgraw eloise jarvis, lowery marilyn m., bruford bill (editor), bishop micheal, saraute nathalie, abbey edward, wahloo per, davies andrew, davies andrew, asimov isaac, faulks sebastian, dos passos john, egan greg, egan greg, bradley marion, rankin robert, brown eric, shakespeare, william jeter k. w., dyer geoff, beckett chris, roth philip, marshall smith michael, armesto felipe fernandez, almond david, bolano robert,o goscinny f - uderzo a, goscinny f - uderzo a, lowe helen, arnott jake, reynolds alaistair, frith r. j., lena levinas ousmane sidibe gabrial piterberg kristen surek franco moretti tom mertes jan breman emilie bickerton, anderson perry, anderson perry, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, higgins jack, hoban russell, rolfe fr- fred,erick baron corvo busby f.m, kepler lars, barnes julian, machiavelli ni,ccolo sebald w.g, priest christopher, martin sean, gibson gary, banks iain m, gibson gary, gibson gary, gibson gary, gibson gary, gibson gary, mclellan david, grady james, tilley patrick, van vogt a.e, boyd william, swartz richar,d bennett alan, cortazar julio, anders charlie jane, lowe helen, stagg guy, banks iain, banks iain m illustrated by nick day, banks iain m, banks iain m, flint james, larsson stieg, anthony piers, mcdevitt jack, lostetter marina j., richardson dorothy m., scott m. k. c., gaskall mrs, talbot-booth e. c., whitman walt, le carre john, shelley percy bysshe (introduction phyllis hartnoll ), holt tom, tett gillian, shepard luciu,s grimwood jon courtenay, proust marcel illustrated by phillipe julian, fenn jaine, caldecott a,ndrew caldecott andrew, harvey colin, mcauley paul j., mcdonald ian, mcdonald ian, linklater eric, pliny, nesbo ,jo mcauley paul j., brown eric, backman fedrik, de la motte and,ers galbraith robert, dahl arne, watkins susan, anderson perry, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, bull mccormack, badiou hart blackburn therborn sarfattio watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, susan watkins benedict anderson franco moretti, hallward collini 'retort' bickerton, jean baudrillard giovanni arrighi richard gott rgis debray, watkins susan, anderson perry, anderson perry, watkins susan, watkins susan, tom mertes peter gowan gerad dumenil & dominique levy, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, blackburn ronin, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, perry anderson darko suvin lucio magri  carlos prieto, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, blackburn robin, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, blackburn robin, watkins susan, watkins susan, anderson perry, watkins susan, watkins susan, blackburn robin, blackburn robin, blackburn robin, peter hallward t,om nairn jean baudrillard sabry hafex watkins susan, watkins susan, blackburn robin, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, moravia alberto, tolstoy leo, busby f.m, marquand j,ohn p. airne c. w., haldeman joe, oçonnor richard, hardy thomas, rhys jones  griff, butcher jim, harper david, larsson stieg, joslin edward c., furnival kate, eastland sam, eastland sam, kadare ismail, hertzberg max, grancsay stephen v., mcintyre vonda, kafka franz, piketty thomas, greene harris, butcher jim, ordnance survey, brodie bernard and fawn, kornbluth c. m., bull emma, seigel martin, imlah mick, thomas edward, maclean alista,ir de giovanni maurizio, banks iain m, banks iain m, banks iain, corey james a., corey james a., carver raymond, mason paul, reynolds alaistair, lagercrantz david, lagercrantz david, shakespeare willia,m brooks rosetta , brooks rosetta , grant richard, scudder bernar,d (translator) bull emma, eliot george, kadrey richard, lowry malcolm, de la motte anders, aaronovitch ben (cartmel williamson renne), dick lesley, herbert fran,k setterfield diane, lyall gavin, carr caleb, mcintyre vo,nda groening matt, groening matt, dark horse comics, groening matt, greene graham, gunn kirsty, klein rachel, bussi michel, wiltshire professor patricia, collins bridget, ford ford madox, bishop micheal, brandao ignazio de loyola, kube-mcdowell michael p., pratchett terry, anderson kevin j, mitchell david, barnes john, barnes john, marion  jean,-luc marin louis, marion  jean-luc, marion  jean-luc, horner robyn, zizek slavoj, goscinny f - uderzo a, goscinny f - uderzo a, zizek slavoj, zizek slavoj, powers richard, nietzsche, zizek slavoj,  rorty richard, marion  jean-luc, monbiot george, zizek slavoj, zizek slavoj, litvinoff emanuel, williams raymond, williams raymond, williams raymond, fabre dominique, zizek slavoj, stiegler bern,ard knight renee, painter sarah, north claire, upson nicola, wesley mary, hogan ruth, jones ruth, brookmyre c,hristopher evanovich janet, dabos christelle, greene joshua, bullmore edwar,d upson nicola, gardener graham, honeyman gail, evanovich jane,t kadrey richard, vonnegut kurt, pratt tim, thomas d. ,m. liminov eddie, liminov edward, dahl roald, banks iain, vickers sally, zahn timothy, vonnegut kurt, bassini giorgi,o eastland sam, bainbridge beryl, hill susan, golding wil,liam chen da, tey josephine, reig rafael, lawrence d. ,h. vinge vernor, brown eric, grimwood jon courtenay, stross charles, maddox tom, ellis bret easton, de teran lisa st aubin, aldiss brian, fleming jim and wilson peter lamborn, kepler lars, roslund and hellstrom, kepler lars, cartmel andrew, ripley mike, lyotard jean-francois, stross chalres, kristjansson snorri, king laurie r, powell gareth l., costantino maria, various, mosley walter, brown eric, brown eric, nespolo matias, king laurie r, le carre john, cheever john, campbell john w. , ferman edward l. , oatmeal matthew inman, le carre john, niven larry, zetford tully, ripley mike, le carre joh,n boardman tom, candlish louise, gombrich e.h., shaw george be,rnard jones diana wynne, kennedy emma, jones ruth, gardiner be,cky  wainwright martin , bates stephen , meer malik, sylvain dom,inique paolini christopher, bourdain anthony, horowitz anthony, hugo victor, hesse hermann, tolstoy leo, hawtree christopher graham greene, hilbig wolfgang, barnes julian, kundera milan, zafron carlos ruiz, grimwood jon courte,nay bellow saul, isherwood christopher, clark alan, dahl roald, lotringer sylvere, pullman phillip, galgut damon, paolini chris,topher cresswell helen, jones sadie, christie agatha, doyle a.conan, robinson geoffrey, hodges andrew, sylvain dominique, dostoevsky f.m, martin george r.r., moore christopher, hacker katerina, o'flynn catherin,e cervantes miguel de, kavenna joanna, one direction, austen jane  g,rahame-smith seth conan-doyle arthur, lessing doris, wakeman rick, conan-doyle a,rthur conan-doyle arthur, gaskall mrs, hansen essa, trapani gina, lore pittacus, upward edward, lively penelope, morrison grant, ennis garth, ellis warren, morrison grant, ennis garth, moyes jojo, simsion graeme, shea dave and holzschlag molly e., cederholm dan, martin george r.r., macdonald kyle, feist raymond, upward edward, levi primo, stross charles, sjowall maj and wahloo per, krauss  rosalind, bataille georges, queneau raymond, blackwood algernon, arnold n. scott, leckie ann, cobley michael, levy david, bywater mic,hael brennan marie, fuller steve, fuller steve, fuller steve, tom taylor , jeremy rapack , mik s miller, tom taylor , bruno redondo , ball philip, morden simon, conan-doyle a,rthur pratchett terry, lovegrove james, sartre jean-paul, simenon georges, allan nina, plato, brown eric, cumming cha,rles moore christopher, mieville china, genna  giuseppe, aldiss brian, davidson lionel, adams douglas, russell eric frank, vance jack, cobley michael, cobley michael, furst alan, judd alan, king laurie r, gaiman neil, saint-exupery antoine de, aldiss brian, acker kathy, woolf virgina, mordern s. j., meaney john, anthony piers, christie agatha, smith cordwainer, smith cordwainer, dickson gordon, brin david, davidson lionel, cottrell leonard, rushdie salman, le carre john, brown eric, sayers doro,thy l. brown eric, szerb antal, szerb antal, von schrirac,h ferdinand barthelme donald, shakespeare william, jerome jerome k, kipling rudyard, duras marguerite, pavese cesare, ackroyd peter, tilly charles, thorton tim, reynolds alaistair, von arnim elizabeth, land nick, mackay robin, gould stephen jay, gould stephen jay, mackay robin, veal damion, wolfendale peter, ball philip, castoriadis ,cornelius chomsky. noam, dyson freeman, waldrop n. mitchell, wyatt sir thomas, watson james d., macrae  donald g, larsson stieg, noon jeff, rowbotham sheila & segal lynne & wainwright hilary, carrion jorge, hilbig wolfgang, fermor patrick l,eigh parveeb adams beverly brown elizabeth cowie, parikka jussi, pelevin victor, kurkov andrey, introduced by j. michael walton, jones steve, russ joanna, bennett jane, morgan dan, hannah dolan elizabeth dowsett emma grange, judge dredd!, sayers doroth,y l. sayers  cox edward, vickers sally, nykanen harri, matheson richa,rd jenkins martin and swift jonathan, fleming ian, o'brien flann myles na gopaleen, gieysztor aleksander et al..., de beauvoir simone, sayers dorothy l., sayers dorothy l., de la mare walter, marnham patrick, cumming charles, enger thomas, sayers doroth,y l. lebor adam, dick philip k, naylor doug, amis martin, priest christopher, makine andrei, pratchett terry, carofiglio gianr,ico s. c. kaines smith, grenier jean, lessing doris, pratchett terr,y vickers sally, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, akerman chantal, kevin eastman peter laird dave sim, tremain rose, hustvedt siri, evanovich janet, nesser hakan, cage john, van vogt a,.e karlsson jonas, lethem jonathan, singer peter, tuck rchard, leach edmund, floridi luciano, floridi luciano, rose mark (edito,r) skolimowski henryk, kunzru hari, sexton ed, arden kath,erine milanovic branko, helen pluckrose and james lindsey, pinker steven, brooks rosetta,  zizek slavoj, keene jogn, fox jeremy, collins jef,f myerson george, fox dominic, pallant kathryn, haggard william, haggard william, haggard william, henshaw lee, golumbia dav,id dawkins richard, dawkins richard, dawkins richard, kaplan robert, balestrini nanni and moroni primo, watkins susan, watkins susan, barry max, weir andy, kadrey richard, mcauley paul j., mcauley paul j., mcauley paul j., mcauley paul j., mcauley paul j., mcauley paul j., mcdonald ian, mcdonald ian, mcdonald ian, cavanaugh wil,liam t. corina john, lee yoon ha, unt mati, simcox ad,am ripellino angelo maria, morgan richard, setterfield diane, morgan richard, stross chalres, garner alan, bassini giorgio, jennings luke, jennings luke, jennings luke, mordern s. j., novick naomi, novick naomi, macleod ken, reynolds alaistair, reynolds alaistair, afary janet and anderson kevin b, quignard pascal, queneau raymond, arrighi giovanni, niffenegger audrey, quignard pascal, conklin groff, gibson william, quignard pascal, quignard pascal, atkinson  anthon,y b zelazny roger, karl frederick and hamalian leo (edits), modiano patrick, foer jonathan sa,fran chekov anton, garnier pascal, thiongó ngugi wa, crussi f. gonzale,z forrest richard, delany samuel r., cadigan pat, damasio anto,nio damasio antonio, ackroyd peter, evans i. o. (editor), mcdevitt jack, van vogt a.e, stross charles, hamilton edward, pratchett terry, herbert frank, appia adolphe, king laurie r, brown eric, clifton mark and riley frank, mordern s. j., russell eric frank, kuttner henry, robson justina, tchaikovsky adrian, robson justina, mattelart armand and michelle delcourt xavier, dick philip k, cherryh c.j., pohl frederick and kornbluth c. m., graeber david, graeber david, robin blackburn, stiegler bernard, stiegler bernard and derrida jacques, llansol maria gabriela, benkler yochai, robinson kim stanley, anderson poul, jeter k. w., king lily, moorcock michael , leon donna, silverberg ,robert pratt tim, mcarthur maxine, moorcock michael , stephenson neil, carver jeffrey a., van vogt a.e, wollheim donald a. (editor), simenon georges, clarke arthur, mossman keith, okuda michea, and denise, gibson william, daly mary, sterling bruce , rankin ian, evans peter, j. coleman gabriella, edmund spencer, edmund spencer, patrick hamilit,on alexander moszkowski, jane austen, alexander moszkowski, christine brooke rose, helmuth plessner, zubrowsky
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Adolph von Henselt (1814-1889) - Ballade, Op. 31 in B Flat Major · ·
Daniel Grimwood, piano
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mikaelsonwife4life · 9 months
The Mystery Gang: The Origin Story
Happy New Years, Everyone!!!
As a welcome to 2024, I'm starting to post chapters here before posting them on my Wattpad account, which I'll only post on once the story is completely finished.
So, enjoy my new Scooby-Doo fanfiction!
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Genevieve Romero stared up at Coolsville High School, nervously twisting one of the many bracelets on her wrist. She was new. And not just to Coolsville but to the entire state of California. Before that, she’d lived in New Orleans her entire life. After finishing Grimwood’s Academy for Ghouls, Eve’s parents thought she could use a change of scenery and education was in order. Potions were swapped for Chemistry, Study of Ancient Literature became English, and Flight Class became Gym Class. Eve was terrified to step foot in a normal school. For the past six years, she’d only attended schools with other monsters and the thought of being with normal humans scared her.
“Mon chéri,” Eve’s mother cooed, “Come along, it’s just a bunch of teenagers. Like you.” Charlotte Romero was a French woman with stunning black hair and bright blue eyes, a near-carbon copy of her daughter. She’d spoken French her entire life until her University days when she’d been encouraged to learn English by Eve’s father, Louis. She was the one who insisted that Eve be fluent in French, which was fairly useful given Louisiana’s diversity.
“Not all teenagers are fluid in magic, mère,” Eve muttered back.
“Just makes you unique,” Eve’s father grinned from her other side, tightening his grip on her shoulder. Louis Romero appeared younger than he was, like all warlocks and witches. Her parents were pushing one-hundred and twenty-seven but still looked to be in their late twenties or early thirties. Louis wasn’t as refined as his wife, dressing in much more comfortable clothes than her. Not that they weren’t stylish. As the leading witch coven in America, the Romero family was extremely wealthy and wouldn’t dare be seen in anything that didn’t reflect that.
As it was, Louis was dressed in slacks and a long-sleeve white shirt and paired with a leather jacket and biker shoes from his stint as a biker in the mid-sixties. It was a look that suited him with his chocolate eyes and shoulder-length hair of the same color.
In all reality, Eve looked like a perfect blend between them. Her leather jacket gave her the same edge that her father possessed while her skinny jeans, black boots, and dark red tank gave her the elegance of her mother. But the bracelets and necklaces that overlapped were all hers.
Coolsville High School used to be a plantation and the insides greatly reflected that. From the oddly spaced rooms to the halls without lockers to the fairly low ceilings, the school didn’t look like a school. The only sign that the place even had an office was a large red and white sign stating so to the right of the entrance. Even so, Eve tentatively opened the door and half-expected to be chased out by some elderly woman with a broom.
Instead, she was greeted by a woman with bright red hair pulled into a bun, “Can I help you?”
“Um, hi,” Eve greeted as she walked in with her parents just a step behind her, “I’m Genevieve Romero. I- um, I was told to come here. To get my schedule and everything.” The woman, Miss Marshall as the plaque on the desk declared, studied Eve and her parents for a moment before nodding, pointing to a room on the left of her.
“Mr. Daniels is in that room. Go on in,” she told them before her attention returned to her computer, and for the life of her, Eve could tell what kind it was. She was a witch from Louisiana, she’d only ever needed a Crystal Ball to communicate.
Just as hesitatingly as she’d opened the Office’s door, she opened the door labeled Principle’s Office. For a second, Eve thought the room was empty until she realized Mr. Daniels was in the rolling chair facing the window by spotting a tuft of bleached-blonde hair sticking out from the top of the black leather chair.
“Mr. Daniels?” Eve called, stepping in far enough for her parents to enter and shut the door behind themselves, “I’m Genevieve Romero. I’m new.” At her voice, the principal spun around and sprung from his chair, taking quick steps to reach his desk. Mr. Daniels wasn’t very tall, five feet at best with thinning beach blonde hair standing up another couple of inches in every direction. His eyes were bright blue, flicking in every direction as if he’d drunk about a liter of coffee.
“Right!” he grinned, nodding quickly as he picked up a manilla folder, moved a large tumbler off of it, and handed it over. Eve could hear the contents slosh and the scent that reached her nose smelled like coffee, something that Eve was positive he’d had enough of already. As the envelope passed into Eve’s hands, she noticed the still-wet brown stain on it and barely managed to hide her grimace.
“This contains a map of, um of the school as well as… as your schedule. The student handbook, a, um, list of clubs. Some students that can help you get, um, get settled. Stuff, um, stuff like that,” The principal eyes flashed around the office, hardly staying on the trio, and his mouth seemed to run a mile a minute, stopping only when he was trying to figure out where he was going with the conversation.
“Thank you,” Charlotte spoke up, smiling as she stepped forward, slightly in front of her daughter rather than behind, “It was nice to meet you, Mr. Daniels.”
“Right, of course,” he nodded, fumbling with his hand as he spoke, “Genevieve can, um, can go to class now but I, uh, I need you, Mrs. and Mr. Romero, to, um, to sign a few papers. If that’s alright?”
“I’ll see you tonight, mère and père,” Eve said by way of farewell, giving each of her parents a kiss on the cheek in good-bye. She gave one last wave and disappeared out of the principal’s office and out of the main office a moment later.
Eve leaned against the white-painted wall as she flipped through the papers in the folder, searching for the aforementioned schedule and map. It took her a moment but Eve did find them and she was off to her first normal class since she was eight.
Eve really wished she didn’t have to go.
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tonin-terets · 2 years
Back Market: Monster from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.
Monster realises Monster is a monster.
We were commissioned by Back Market to tell this story to help encourage people to wean themselves off tech product launch cycles. We used a combination of live action puppetry, 2D facial animation and stop motion.
A lovely bunch of people worked on this, to name but a few: James Noellert designed the human characters. Andy Gent and his team made the puppets and some sets. Other sets were made by Aslyum. Previs and VFX adeptly handled by the beautiful brainiacs at Nexus. Full credits below——>
Client: Back Market Co-Founder & CCO: Vianney Vaute Strategic Advisor: Seth Farbman Creative Director: Jeff Johnson Creative Director: Steve Peck Head of US Marketing: Woody Wright Executive Producer: Melanie Baublis Strategic Consultant: Jeff Kenyon Lead Art Director: Victor Antonelli Head of Content: Eugena Ossi Expert Copywriter: Adam Pasulka Hannah Laloum: Creative Studio Manager Lucy Hargrove: Social Media Manager
Production Company: Nexus Studios Director: Johnny Kelly Executive Producer: Josephine Gallagher Executive Producer: Camila de Biaggi Senior Producer: Josephine Gallagher Production Manager: Ruyi Meer Production Assistant: Max Bigg VFX Supervisor & Lead Compositor: Germán Diez Studio CG Supervisor: Mark Davies Editor: Dave Slade Art Directors: Melanie Climent & Callum Strachan Character Designer: James Noellert 2D Animators: Chris Cray, Joe Sparkes, Matt Partridge Motion Graphics Animation: Bethany Levy, Abel Kohen Compositors: Gareth Tredrea, Hugo Vieites Caamano, Sander Saks, Victori Jalabert, Alexandre Gaudiano Storyboards: Richard Buxton Puppet & Set Build: Arch Model Studio Sets & Puppets: Andy Gent, Lisa Hill Set Build: Asylum Set Supervisor: Peter Tilbe Set Technician: Josh Guess, Tom Bull, Daniel Tynan
Live-Action & Puppetry: Director of Photography: Matt Fox 1st AD: Robert Thorpe Production Manager: Rhian Gwenlan Runner: Kai Rajakulasingam 2nd AC: Rosamund Freeman Grip: Kevin Foy DIT: Phoebe Frazer CCTV Operator: Liam Coles Focus Puller: Ben Jones Gaffer: Paul Allen Electricians: Jono Yates, Bill Rae Smith, Michael Smit, Ed Riley, Tim Jordan, Auxane Verdier, Ana Krkljus Catering: Lords of Poké
Lead Puppeteer: Tim Cherry Jones Puppeteers: Shakara Carter, Kim Scopes Lead Animator: Tobias Fouracre 1st AC (stop motion): George Warren Set Maintenance: Mark Chippington Puppet Maintenance: Sofia Serrano
Grade: Aubrey Woodiwiss Post house: Untold Studios Grade Producer: Simon Downie 
Voice Over: Geoff Grimwood, Pacific Blain Sound Design and Mix: Jon Clarke Audio Producer: Ciara Wakley Sound Studio: Factory
Music Composition: Q Department PR & Marketing: Valentina Tarelli, Nancy Edmondson, Isobel Wise, Stephanie Anjo Behind The Scenes: Juliette Dalton @ 2Dice Productions Medics: Simon Lee, Paul Mawson
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frimleyblogger · 2 years
The Container Pot And Garden Centres
How the #containerpot gave rise to the British #gardencentre @HTAnews
Nurseries were not confined to the London area. In his 1839 guide to London nurseries, James Mangles mentions eight in the south and west of England that specialised in varieties of exotic plant and were “celebrated for particular classes of plant”. Other noted dealers of exotic flora at the time included Backhouse of York, Dickson of Edinburgh, and Messrs Veitch of Exeter. As well as supplying…
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davidosu87 · 5 years
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vimesbootstheory · 4 years
Heyyy new batch of book reactions, for Overdue (the podcast) episodes 71-80. Rankings suggest this was not a great batch lol. Spoiler warning for tagged books.
1. The Color Purple by Alice Walker 2. Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne 3. The Passage by Justin Cronin
4. Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman -- I was so charmed by this book. You wouldn’t think that a memoir set in a women’s prison could be so uplifting but it really was. I mean, it doesn’t sugar-coat how dehumanizing prison is, don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t let COs off the hook for how awful they are to prisoners. But that is off-set to heartwarming effect by how supportive and lovely all the women are to each other. I challenge anyone to read this book and not come out of it going, “wow, women are amazing and wonderful and I love them.” I don’t want to spend much time comparing the book to the show, especially because I haven’t seen any of the latter, but I’ve heard both that the show puts lots of non-canonical conflict in, and that it makes Piper a socially myopic asshole, and I think both are a real shame. I really liked Piper as a person, I love her humility about her own early-life idiocy, and I love how grateful she is in the narrative voice to her support system and to everyone who helped her get by in prison. This book refuses to stir up shit about her fellow prisoners, refuses to be needlessly dramatic, and I really respected that. If most fellow prisoners were actually really nice and supportive and not at all hostile, I respect her conveying that without added drama. It doesn’t end up being particularly story-shaped (which is the only reason it isn’t farther up my ranking) but that’s really OK. While reading this, I kept saying aloud, “This is so CUTE!” and it really was. I particularly liked the stories of the women who earned GEDs and were so proud of their accomplishment, that made me cry. And Piper complements this heartwarming content with some necessary criticism of the American prison system, which was very much welcome. The one thing is that Piper stresses pretty heavily that people who look like her don’t often end up in prison, and although that can sometimes be wielded in the sense of acknowledging her own privilege, it doesn’t always, and it can wear a bit thin. Also she’s a bit gatekeep-y about who can call themselves a lesbian, which I didn’t care for. Otherwise, a really lovely book.
5. You Shall Know Our Velocity! by Dave Eggers 6. The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde 7. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury 8. The Crucible by Arthur Miller 9. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque 10. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 11. Winter's Bone by Daniel Woodrell 12. Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons 13. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie 14. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides 15. Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka 16. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 17. Girl With a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier 18. Life of Pi by Yann Martel 19. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes 20. Replay by Ken Grimwood 21. The Lorax by Dr. Seuss 22. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde 23. A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J Gaines 24. The Turn of the Screw by Henry James 25. The Giver by Lois Lowry 26. Dracula by Bram Stoker 27. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway 28. Oh the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss 29. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee 30. A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan 31. Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez 32. World War Z by Max Brooks
33. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen -- I enjoyed this so much more than Persuasion, which was a huge relief. I’m not actually sure if this was a re-read or not? I think I’ve read it but I couldn’t remember much about it that I couldn’t have picked up from the Knightley adaptation, which I know I’ve seen. I’m still not 100% game for a period piece novel, especially one about rich people, ESPECIALLY especially about British rich people, but this is one of the better iterations of that formula. Elizabeth is compelling and I enjoyed how wholesome and supportive her relationship with her sister Jane was. While the whole formula of initial-hostility-later-turns-into-Feelings has a lot to answer for, this version is blameless. Elizabeth refuses to put up with Mr Darcy until he makes the effort to be kind and generous, and does so in a selfless way that is explicitly not only done to win her affections. I wasn’t exactly swept up in their romance but it was, at least, much more compelling than whatever Persuasion had going on. 
34. Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt 35. Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut 36. Eddie and the Cruisers by P.F. Kluge 37. The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr & E.B. White
38. The Hairy Ape by Eugene O’Neill -- This was an unusually detail-heavy play in terms of production directions. Very visual, which I don’t typically expect a play to be. Not that I’m complaining, the visuals were very compelling, especially the tableau of all the workers down in the bowels of the ship and the shadows on their muscles. I suspect it’s often necessary to disregard O’Neill’s stage directions -- some sequences seem infeasible without a real mastery of practical effects and stunt work -- which was entertaining to think about, but I’m going to try to focus on the written work on its own. Almost all of the characters’ lines are written in heavy dialect, which usually annoys the hell out of me but I really enjoyed reading all of Yank’s lines out loud and getting the voice down as best as I could. Yank is initially exasperating but I couldn’t help feeling bad for him as his lot in life worsened. I love a story of class struggle, and this is the story of a guy under the influence of a lot of un-subtle class war rhetoric. He takes “eat the rich” almost literally, bless him, and you can’t help but cheer him on. And then he gets hugged to death by a gorilla. Aww.
39. The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 40. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson 41. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County by Mark Twain 42. No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre 43. In The Woods by Tana French 44. Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw 45. Battle Royale by Koushun Takami 46. The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe 47. Big Blonde by Dorothy Parker 48. Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers
49. Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! by Richard Feynman -- So far my luck with autobiographies seems to be that I end up disliking the subject quite a bit. Seriously, what an asshole. Kind of disillusioning to realize that Feynman was a self-congratulatory misogynist. I think a lot of my problems with this book is due to the format of its composition, i.e. that it wasn’t so much written as dictated, in the style of a person sharing an anecdote. Feynman does the same thing my Nana does, where he makes everybody in the story sound exactly like he does, and when they don’t have all his verbal tics, instead they phrase things in a kind of reverse-gotcha that always sets Feynman up in just the perfect way for Feynman to school them verbally. I’ve buried the lede of Feynman’s sins, of course, in that he participated in the Manhattan Project. His reaction to the bombs being dropped in Japan was such a non-reaction, it was alienating. He just didn’t give a shit, if there was any anxiety at all, it seemed to be more about retaliation. The worst of him out of the way, a much more mild sin of his was the tendency to play cruel jokes on the people around him, for no apparent reason but to have fun, and then to brag about how effectively he’d tricked his target. You’d think if nothing else, this book could offer some knowledge in terms of the science that Feynman introduced to the word, but he almost literally yadda-yaddas over most of it. What a waste of time.
50. Dune by Frank Herbert 51. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum 52. Tiny Alice by Edward Albee
53. Go Tell It On The Mountain by James Baldwin -- I feel bad not having gelled with this book, since I very much admire James Baldwin, but yeah, I didn’t. I find stories about religion to be stifling, and this book was heavily, heavily religious. I can’t even say that it was positive about religion, since arguably it was not, but there was just so MUCH of it I could barely breathe. There were whole stretches of the story that were just sermons. I did enjoy the mild queer themes, though.
54. The Reader by Bernard Schlink 55. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck 56. King Lear by William Shakespeare 57. Medea by Euripides 58. Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare 59. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley 60. The War of The Worlds by HG Wells 61. Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan 62. The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides 63. Don't Go Back to School by Kio Stark 64. The Awakening by Kate Chopin
65. This Is How You Lose Her by Junot Díaz -- This book definitely has things to offer, don’t get me wrong. It is very frank and vivid in its depiction of the experience of immigrating to the US from Latin America. Though it’s not the primary focus of the book, Yunior’s experience with racism in east coast US was educational. The whole part with Raha, Yunior’s brother, running from his leukemia -- that was pretty compelling. But how do you write a book (apparently a collection of short stories, but this was news to me when I finished it, I had interpreted it more as a non-linear story with a couple of completely disconnected chapters thrown in for variety) that is essentially about a serial cheater, and ask the reader to sympathize with him? I’m not sure, since I don’t really feel like Díaz put any effort into doing that. He’s just a cheating shit, who only feels bad about it when he gets caught, and only thinks about women in terms of what their race/nationality is and whether or not they’re giving him sex. The book puts no energy into signaling the setting (in terms of time) or the perspective character, and randomly throws in chapters/stories in the second person, which was irritating and hard to follow. 
66. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson 67. Extra Innings by Baseball Prospectus 68. Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger 69. Here We Are by Dorothy Parker 70. The Misanthrope by Moliere
71. The Mystery of Chimney Rock (Choose Your Own Adventure) by Edward Packard -- Uhhh so I’m glad the podcast hosts had fun with this, but let’s be honest, this barely qualifies as reading. It’s almost a short story, but it’s not a particularly good one, it’s just a fun toy for kids. A maze to occupy your brains for a couple minutes. In my canon ending, I ended up getting stuck picking up pieces of cat sculpture for eternity. No real explanation for this, it’s just what happened. I’m trying to figure out what to do with future Choose Your Own Adventure episodes because it feels stupid putting them on this list.
72. Bossypants by Tina Fey
73. The Homecoming by Harold Pinter -- Eugh, this was awful. What might actually make this even worse is the possibility hanging over my head that I just didn’t Get It, which I tend to get defensive about. Part of my distaste is also inevitably going to be about the fact that I read this and did not watch it. Sure, I’m certain all those pauses were very weighty when they were filled with actors very pointedly Not Saying Things but all I got to witness during the pauses was the black-and-white acknowledgement of a pause. A whole lot of people bringing shit up and nobody answering them about it. This play is the encapsulation of that bit from Mulaney on the Patriot Act, something like “And people were like, this is groundbreaking! But actually it was just very misogynist?” There is something so Art about a family deciding to take a woman away from her life and turn her into a prostitute without telling her, and she’s chill as long as she has some spending money, because women love shopping.
74. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving -- What a dud. I was promised a spooky story. This only got mildly, extremely briefly spooky towards the end, and then it turned out there wasn’t even a headless ghost, it was a prank. Ichabod is a total goober, just a real loser, and I’m glad he got frightened out of town. What an odd choice for the main character (ostensibly?) to be so unlikeable, while his enemy is this sort of Gaston type, yet because he was against Ichabod, I was like ‘hell yea, go Gaston guy’. Such a nothing story, I had a really hard time forcing myself to pay attention.
75. The Unnamable by Samuel Beckett 76. The Stand by Stephen King 77. Grendel by John Gardner 78. Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut 79. Persuasion by Jane Austen 80. Beowulf by Unknown 81. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown 82. Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James
83. Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip Roth -- Hateful, gross, disorganized, pretentious, unfunny (trying SO hard to be funny but sorry bud), repetitive, boring, and bigoted along pretty much any axis of societal oppression that you can name. I was hoping at the very least it would broaden my awareness with the perspective of a jewish american shortly after wwii but to be honest as a gentile I almost feel like I shouldn’t have been allowed to read this, it’s got so much internalized anti-semitism... whether it’s self-aware about this seems besides the point but I’ll leave that for those with a more informed perspective to speculate further. Also ends with a big ole attempted rape. I’ve wasted enough time with this book in front of my eyeballs, and I won’t spend any further words on it.
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porlockstompf · 5 years
Reading de Nacht Reading 2018
                                  my favourite books of the year
my overall favourite book of the year:
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wiliam h gass "the william h gass reader" (2018)
01 cixin liu "ball lightning" (2018)
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02 kim stanley robinson "red moon" (2018) 03 dave hutchinson "europe at dawn" (2018)      + dave hutchinson "shelter (the aftermath 01)" (2018) 04 paul kincaid "ian m banks (modern masters of science fiction)" (2017) 05 hannu rajaniemi "summerland" (2018)
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06 m john harrison "you should come with me now: stories of ghosts" (2017) 07 wade rousch (ed) "twelve tomorrows (2018) 08 christopher moore "noir" (2018) 09 jonathan strahan (ed) "infinity's end" (2018)     + jonathan strahan (ed) "the best sf & f of the year, vol XII" (2018) 10 neil clarke (ed) "the final frontier" (2018)      + neil clarke (ed) "the best sf of the year vol III" (2018)
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11 gardner dozois (ed) "the year's best sf: thirty-fifth annual collection" (2018) 12 steve toutonghi "side life" (2018) 13 mike ashley (ed) "lost mars: the golden age of the red planet" (2018) 14 mary robinette kowal "the calculating stars: a lady astronaut novel" (2018) 15 mingwei song & theodore huters (eds)  "the reincarnated giant:      an anthology of twenty-first century chinese science fiction" (2018)
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16 john zakour & lawrence ganem "the peach-blonde bomber" (2018) 17 becky chambers "record of a spaceborn few" (2018) 18 yoon ha lee "revenant gun" (2018) 19 derek künsken "the quantum magician" (2018) 20 gregory benford "rewrite" [arc] (2019)
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21 richard k morgan "thin air" (2018) 22 charles stross "the labyrinth index" (2018) 23 john varley "irontown blues" (2018) 24 peter watts "the freeze-frame revolution" (2018) 25 karl schroeder "the million" (2018)
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26 drew williams "the stars now unclaimed" (2018) 27 peter f hamilton "the salvation" (2018) 28 neal asher "the soldier" (2018) 29 nick mamatas "the people's republic of everything" (2018) 30 s j morden "one way" (2018)
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31 gareth l powell "embers of war" (2018) 32 alex white "a big ship at the end of the universe" (2018)      + alex white "a bad deal for the whole galaxy" (2018) 33 s k dunstall "stars unchartered" (2018) 34 catherynne m valente "space opera" (2018) 35 alastair reynolds "elysium fire" (2018)
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36 charles stross "dark state" (2018) 37 n k jemisin (ed) "the best american sf & f 2018" (2018) 38 jack mcdevitt "the long sunset" (2018)   + jack mcdevitt "a voice in the night" (2018) 39 elizabeth moon "into the fire" (2018) 40 r.e. stearns "barbary station" (2017) /      steven erikson "willfull child III: the search for spark" (2018)
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01 david hewson "the savage shore" (2018)
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     ex aequo      andrea camilleri "the pyramid of mud" (2018)      + andrea camilleri "death at sea: montalbano's early cases" (2018)
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02 mirko zilahy "de schaduw" (2017)   + mirko zilahy "de mythe van de dood" (2018) 03 mick herron "london rules" (2018)   + mick heron "the drop" (2018) 04 volker kutscher "babylon berlin" (2017)   + volker kutscher "the silent death" (2017)   + volker kutscher "goldstein" (2018) 05 chris petit "pale horse riding" (2017)
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06 edgar cantero "this body's not big enough for both of us" (2018) 07 ian rankin "in a house of lies" (2018) 08 philip kerr "greeks bearing gifts" (2018) 09 jack grimwood "nightfall berlin" (2018) 10 dolan cummings "the existential leap: a crime story" (2017)
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11 ann van loock "de expo '58 moorden" (2018) 12 massimo carlotto "master of knots" (2004) 13 joseph knox "sirens" (2018)     + joseph knox "the smiling man" (2018) 14 geir tangen "het meesterwerk" (2017) 15 kate atkinson "transcription" (2018)
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16 patrick conrad "diep in december" (2018) 17 jorge zepeda patterson "zwarte trui" (2018) 18 wolfgang burger "heidelberg requiem" (2016) 19 charles cumming "a divided spy" (2016)      + charles cumming "the man between" (2018) 20 frank goldammer "the air raid killer" (2018)      + frank goldammer "a thousand devils" (2018)
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21 andreas norman "stille oorlog" (2018) 22 jesper stein "de onrust" (2018)      + jesper stein "papa" (2018) 23 luca d'andrea "in de greep van de waanzin" (2018) 24 jo nesbø  "macbeth" (2018) 25 hans dooremalen "descartes in amsterdam: filosofische detective" (2018) /      chris pavone "the expats" (2012)
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01 wiliam h gass "the william h gass reader" (2018)
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02 louis armand "breakfast at midnight" (2012)      + louis armand "the combinations" (2016)      + louis armand "canicule" (2013)      + louis armand "cairo" (2014) 03 andrew crumey "the great chain of unbeing" (2018) 04 viv albertine "throw away unopened" (2018) 05 daniela cascella "singed" (2017)
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06 ted geltner "blood, bone, & marrow: a biography of harry crews" (2017) 07 steve erickson "zeroville" (2007) 08 olga tokarczuk "drive your plow over the bones of the dead" (2018) 09 julián ríos "the house of ulysses" [] (2010)      + julián ríos "poundemonium" [1997] 10 daniel mendelsohn "an odyssey: a father, a son, and an epic" (2017)
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11 giorgio van straten "in search of lost books: the forgotten stories of eight mythical volumes" (2017) 12 pascal mercier "night train to lisbon" (2004) 13 tony white "the fountain in the forest" (2018) 14 alejandro zambra "not to read" (2018) 15 gabriel josipovici "the cemetery in barnes" (2018)
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16 lucy ives "impossible views of the world" (2017) 17 matthew herbert "the music: a novel through sound" (2018) 18 ann quin "the unmapped country: stories & fragments" (2018) 19 stephen fry "mythos" (2017) & "heroes" (2018) 20 johan swinnen "happening: de aanslag op de Inno" (2017)
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21 ermanno cavazzoni "the nocturnal library" (2018) 22 richard powers "the overstory" (2018) 23 alain robbe-grillet "project for a revolution in ny" (1972) 24 melchior vischer "second through brain" (2015) 25 bob van laerhoven "return to hiroshima" (2018)      + bob van laerhoven "dossier feuerhand" (2017)      + bob van laerhoven "dangerous obsessions" (2015)      + bob van laerhoven "heart fever" (2018)
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01 jacques derrida "geschlecht III: sexe, race, nation, humanité" (2018)      + jacques derrida "le goût du secret: entretiens 1993-1995" (2018)
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02 tom cohen, claire colebrook & j hillis miller      "theory & the disappearing future:  on deman, on benjamin" (2011) 03 hannah arendt "het waagstuk van de politiek:      over politieke leugens en burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid" (2018)      + dirk de schutter "hannah arendt: politiek denker" (2015) 04 serge andré "les perversions #1: le fétichisme" (2013)      + serge andré "les perversions #1: le sadisme" (2013)      + serge andré "les perversions #1: le masochisme" (2013) 05 ger groot "4 ongemakkelijke filosofen: nietzsche, cioran, bataille, derrida"            (2003)
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06 mark fisher "k-punk: the collected & unpublished writings (2014-2016)" (2018) 07 molier, ellian, rijpkema (eds) "de strijd om de democratie:      essays over democratische zelfverdediging" (2018) 08 florentijn van rootselaar "filosofisch veldwerk:      grote filosofen van nu over leven in barre tijden" (2018) 09 lieven de cauter "van de grote woorden & kleine dingen" (2018) 10 nemanja mitrovic      "the (im)possibility of literature as the possibility of ethics" (2017)
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11 sue prideaux "i am dynamite! a life of friedrich nietzsche" (2018) 12 paul farley & michael symmons roberts "deaths of the poets" (2018) 13 erik bledsoe (ed) "perspectives on harry crews" (2001) 14 kailash c baral & r radhakrishan (eds)      "theory after derrida: essays in critical praxis"(2018) 15 agnes czajka & bora isyar (eds)      "europe after derrida: crisis & potentiality" (2016)
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01 john cooper clarke "the luckiest guy alive" (2018)
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02 kate tempest "running upon the wires" (2018) 03 robin robertson "the long take" (2018) 04 david austin "dread poetry & freedom:      linton kwesi johnson & the unfinished revolution" (2018) 05 tommy pico "junk" (2018)
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01 power, devereux, & dillane (eds)       "heart & soul: critical essays on joy division" (2018)
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02 michael glasmeier & ursula block (eds) "broken music: artists' recordworks"         (2nd edition 2018) 03 mark e smith "messing up the paintwork: the wit & wisdom of mark e smith"         (2018) 04 willy dirickx (ed) "de brassers" (2018) 05 tommy mackay "40 odd years of the fall" (2018)
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06 john h baker "the art of nick cave: new critical essays" (2013) 07 will oldham "songs of love & horror: collected lyrics of will oldham" (2018)      + alan licht (ed) "will oldham on bonnie 'prine' billy" (2012) 08 michael goddard & benjamin halligan      "mark e smith & the fall: art, music, & politics" (2013) 09 daniel kane "do you have a band? poetry & punk rock in nyc" (2017) 10 bendle "permanent transience" (2015)
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11 david grubbs "now that the audience is assembled" (2018) 12 nick soulsby "swans: sacrifice & transcendence (the oral history)" (2018)      + michael gira "the egg: stories" (2018) 13 robert young & irmin schmidt "all gates open: the story of can" (2018) 14 mike goldschmith "discord: the story of noise" (2012) 15 bruce russell      "gilded splinters: essays & aphorisms towards an aesthetic of noise" (2018)
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16 philippe robert "agitation frite" (2018)²      + philippe robert "action friite" (2018)      + philippe robert "action frIIIte" (2018) 17 guillaume belhomme, philippe robert, ea "le son du grisli:      varèse, tzara, mochizuki & cave" (2018) 18 david stubbs "future days: krautrock & the building of modern germany"                (2018)       + david stubbs "mars by 1980: the story of electronic music" (2018) 19 blixa bargeld "europa: una letania" [2009] (2018) 20 chris bohn (ed) "the wire" 
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21 richard hirst (ed)      "we were strangers: stories inspired by unknown pleasures" (2018) 22 françois girodineau "nick cave & the bad seeds: tender prey" (2018) 23 mick middles "the fall" (2009) 24 jim dooley "red set: a history of gang of four" (2018) 25 mats gustafsson      "discaholics! record collector confessions vol I (2nd ed)" (2018) /      + rob van scheers "drie akkoorden & de waarheid: muzikale levenslessen"              (2014)
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01 ian rankin & rona munro "rebus: long shadows" (2018)
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01 robin ince       "i'm a joke & so are you: a comedian's take on what makes us human"       (2018) 02 simon munnery "how to live" (2018) 03 lucien randall "disgusting bliss: the brass eye of chris morris" (2011)
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01 michael glasmeier & ursula block (eds)      "broken music: artists' recordworks" (2nd edition 2018)
02 thomas bernhard & ferry radax "thomas bernhard: 3 days" (2016) 03 ed van der elsken "love on the left bank" (2002) 04 philippe monsel "francis bacon" (1994)
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05 paul duncan & jürgen müller (eds)   "film noir plus taschen's top 50 pick of noir classics from 1940-1960" (2017) 06 cuauhtémoc medina "manifesta 9: the deep of the modern" (2012) 07 julian schnabel: permanently becoming & the architecture of seeing" (2012) 08 reinhard kleist "nick cave & the bad seeds: an art book" (2018)
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wissenschaftstompf & other distractions:
01 brian cox & robin ince      "how to build a universe: an infinite monkey cage adventure" (2017)
02 patrick moore & chris north       "the sky at night: answers to questions from across the univers" (2012) 03 chip carter "obsessed with star trek" (2011) 04 leon hunt "danger:diabolik" (2018)
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01 jean cléder "petite éloge de la course cycliste" (2018)
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02 max leonard "higher calling: cycling's obsession with mountains" (2018) 03 colin o'brien      "giro d'italia: the story of the world's most beautiful bike race" (2018) 04 velominati      "wielergoden: de meest heldhaftige renners ooit 38 heroïsche verhalen”           (2018) 05 william fotheringham "sunday in hell" (2018)
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06 jonas heyerick (ed) "bahamontes" (magazine) o.a. extra editie de giro (2018) 07 jorge zepeda patterson "zwarte trui" (2018) 08 dirk jan roeleven "de nieuwe fiets: villar san constanzo - a'dam" (2018) 09 frederik baeckelandt "gino bartali (les héros 03)" (2018) 10 chris sidwells "the call of the road: the history of cycle road racing" (2018)
10 john dowie "the freewheeling john dowie:                  a comedian, a bike, & a tent, what could possibly go right?" (2018) 12 edward pickering "the ronde:       inside the tour of flanders, the world's toughest bike race" (2018) 13 charles pope "a golden age of cycling" (2018) 14 roger gilles "women on the move:       the forgotten era of women's bicycle racing" (2018) 15 peter cossins "the first tour de france:       60 cyclists & 19 days of daring on the road to paris" (2017)
16 paul maunder "the wind at my back: my cycling life" (2018)       + paul maunder "rainbows in the mud" (2017) 17 giacomo pellizzari "het geheim van de eenzame fietser" [2015] (2017) 18 dries de zaeytijd & fons leroy "25 jaar kweekvijver van koerstalent" (2018) 19 peter sagan "my world" (2018) 20 bradley wiggins "icons: my inspiration, my motivation, my obsession" (2018)
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most pleasing purchases:
01 jayne county "man enough to be a woman" (1996)
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02 berns, moyaert, & van tongeren (eds)      "de god van denkers en dichters: opstellen voor samuel ijsseling" (1997)
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03 anselm kiefer       "l'art survivra à ses ruines: anselm kiefer au collège de france" (2011) 04 ludger lütkehaus       "'ruhe. grösse, sonnenlicht': friedrich nietzsche in sils-maria" (2014) 05 paul raabe "spaziergange durch nietzsches sils-marie" (1994)
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… tsundoku !
may your home be safe from tigers, leroy, x HNY!
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find me on LT:
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adam roberts "adam (the aftermath 02)" (2018) eric brown "the martian simulacra: a sherlock holmes mystery" (2018) gary gibson "scienceville & other worlds" (2018) greg egan "phoresis" (2018) ian mcdonald "time was" (2018) ian whates & tom hunter (eds) "2001: an odyssey in words: celebrating the centenary of arthur c clarke's birth" james lovegrove "firefly: big damn hero" (2018) james patrick kelly "the promise of space & other stories" (2018)
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jeff noon "a man of shadows" (2017) + jeff noon "the body library" (2018) kevin j anderson "selected stories: science fiction vol I" (2018) rich larson "tomorrow factory: collected fiction" (2018) seb doubinsky "missing signal" (2018) stephen baxter "redemption" (2018) + stephen baxter "xelee: vengeance" (2018) steve erikson "rejoice" (2018) tom schweterlitsch "the gone world" (2018) & maybe, just maybe: jay key "how to pick up women with a drunk space ninja" (2018) + jay key "how to win a pit fight with a drunk space ninja" (2018)
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dario correnti "heimwee naar bloed" (2018) giancarlo de cataldo "suburra" (2017) matthew pearl "the dante chamber" (2018) victor del árbol "a million drops" (2018) zygmunt miloszewski "priceless" [2013] (2018)
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mbennettproductions · 4 years
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NoMadPlay: Mozart Violin Concertos Jack Liebeck & Daniel Grimwood
Producer : Matthew Bennett Engineer : Dave Rowell
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Daniel Grimwood & Graham Fitch on Peter Feuchtwanger
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leeprobert · 4 years
Like this: charity intro by Daniel Grimwood || https://ift.tt/3ljpLto
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bellamysgriffin · 7 years
my 2018 reading goal
so, now that the new year is rolling in, i wanna buckle down and read even more books! i read about 60 this year, and while that’s not terrible, i’d like to read more, so my goal for next year is to read one hundred books, which, i know, is quite a lot. so i made a list of all the books i plan to read next year, and i wanted to share them with you guys as well as ask for some recs!
first, i have a book a week based on a goodreads challenge planned out, so i’ll start with that list!
me talk pretty one day by david sedaris
 the square root of summer by harriet reuter hapgood
bear town by fredrik backman
the body in the woods by april henry
the 57 bus by dashka slater
chronicle of a death foretold by gabriel garcia marquez
carmilla by sheridan le fanu
dear martin by nic stone
the face on the milk carton by caroline b. cooney
born a crime by trevor noah
grapes of wrath by john steinbeck
a bend in the river by v. s. naipaul
the fever by megan abbott
my lost brothers by brendan mcdonough 
building stories by chris ware
the pregnancy project by gaby rodriguez
the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy by douglas adams
my life next door by huntley fitzpatrick
the long and faraway gone by lou berney
the art of racing in the rain by garth stein
perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky
and every morning the way home gets longer and longer by fredrik backman
coma by robin cook
chronicles of narnia by c.s. lewis
fight club by chuck palahnuik
ready player one by ernest cline
if i die in a combat zone, box me up and ship me home
the lifeboat clique by kathy parks
revolver by duane swierczynski
persepolis by marjane satrapi
we’ll always have paris by jennifer coburn
the man in the high castle by phillip k. dick
the song of achilles by madeline miller
the bluest eye by toni morrison
shooter by walter dean myers
goodbye days by jeff zentner
the power by naomi alderman
the thousandth floor my katherine mcgee
eat the sky, drink the ocean by multiple authors
the road by cormac mccarthy (subject to change)
fracture by megan miranda
the raft by s. a. boden
we were liars by e. lockhart
the lovely bones by alice sebold
by the river piedra i sat down and wept by paulo coelho
the alchemist by paulo coelho
georgia peaches and other forbidden fruit by jaye robin brown
seven ways we lie by riley redgate
the best of us by joyce maynard
the storied life of a.j. fikry by gabrielle zevin
kids we were by bernie morris
and the ocean was our sky by patrick ness
now, just et cetera books that i plan on reading at some point during the year
the girls by emma cline
the virgin suicides by jeffrey euginides
a man called ove by fredrik backman
to all the boys i loved before by jenny han
his dark materials by phillip pullman (5)
miss peregrines home for peculiar children by ransom riggs (3)
a series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket
the body by stephen king 
in the lake of the woods by tim o’brien
chaos walking by patrick ness (3)
a wrinkle in time by madeleine l’engle
anne of the island by l.m. montgomery
to kill a mockingbird by harper lee
flowers for algernon by daniel keys
the chosen by chaim potok
the new york four by brian wood and ryan kelly
selected poems of federico garcia lorca
the voices great within us
essential rumi
confessions of a blabbermouth
pride and prejudice by jane austen
friends with boys
the hate u give by angie thomas
the best-loved poems of jacqueline kennedy onassis
all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque
in cold blood by truman capote
replay by ken grimwood
crosstalk by connie willis
labyrinths by jorge luis borges
affliction by russel banks
carrie by stephen king
july, july by tim o’brien
page by paige
more than this by patrick ness
the long way home by g. b. trudeau
simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda by becky albertalli
a semi-definitive list of worst nightmares by krystal sutherland
blood by tony birch
our magic hour by jennifer down
made you up by francesca zappia
what we talk about when we talk about love by raymond carver
where’d you go, bernadette? by maria semple
a lot of this is subject to change as my tastes change and time changes, so pls send me book recs!! i’d much appreciate it! this goes over a little bit by i think four books, haha, but i’m gonna get through all of them. 
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lesser-known-composers · 10 months
Henriette Bosmans (1895-1952) : Sonata for violin and piano, I Allegro passionato, ma non troppo mosso ·
Daniel Grimwood · Alexandra Raikhlina
Brundibár Ensemble
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dana-studies · 7 years
my 2018 tbr
so, now that the new year is rolling in, i wanna buckle down and read even more books! i read about 60 this year, and while that’s not terrible, i’d like to read more, so my goal for next year is to read one hundred books, which, i know, is quite a lot. so i made a list of all the books i plan to read this year, and i wanted to share them with you guys!
first i have a book a week planned out, so here’s a book i’ll be reading every week, and i will be crossing them off as i finish them :)
me talk pretty one day by david sedaris
the square root of summer by harriet reuter hapgood
bear town by fredrik backman
the body in the woods by april henry
the 57 bus by dashka slater
chronicle of a death foretold by gabriel garcia marquez
carmilla by sheridan le fanu
dear martin by nic stone
the face on the milk carton by caroline b. cooney
born a crime by trevor noah
grapes of wrath by john steinbeck
a bend in the river by v. s. naipaul
the fever by megan abbott
my lost brothers by brendan mcdonough
building stories by chris ware
the pregnancy project by gaby rodriguez
the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy by douglas adams
my life next door by huntley fitzpatrick
the long and faraway gone by lou berney
the art of racing in the rain by garth stein
perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky
and every morning the way home gets longer and longer by fredrik backman
coma by robin cook
chronicles of narnia by c.s. lewis
fight club by chuck palahnuik
ready player one by ernest cline
if i die in a combat zone, box me up and ship me home
the lifeboat clique by kathy parks
revolver by duane swierczynski
persepolis by marjane satrapi
we’ll always have paris by jennifer coburn
the man in the high castle by phillip k. dick
the song of achilles by madeline miller
the bluest eye by toni morrison
shooter by walter dean myers
goodbye days by jeff zentner
the power by naomi alderman
the thousandth floor my katherine mcgee
eat the sky, drink the ocean by multiple authors
the road by cormac mccarthy (subject to change)
fracture by megan miranda
the raft by s. a. boden
we were liars by e. lockhart
the lovely bones by alice sebold
by the river piedra i sat down and wept by paulo coelho
the alchemist by paulo coelho
georgia peaches and other forbidden fruit by jaye robin brown
seven ways we lie by riley redgate
the best of us by joyce maynard
the storied life of a.j. fikry by gabrielle zevin
kids we were by bernie morris
and the ocean was our sky by patrick ness
finally, just some other books i want to read during the year under a cut :)
the girls by emma cline
the virgin suicides by jeffrey euginides
a man called ove by fredrik backman
to all the boys i loved before by jenny han
his dark materials by phillip pullman (5)
miss peregrines home for peculiar children by ransom riggs (3)
a series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket
the body by stephen king
in the lake of the woods by tim o’brien
chaos walking by patrick ness (3)
a wrinkle in time by madeleine l’engle
anne of the island by l.m. montgomery
to kill a mockingbird by harper lee
flowers for algernon by daniel keys
the chosen by chaim potok
the new york four by brian wood and ryan kelly
selected poems of federico garcia lorca
the voices great within us
essential rumi
confessions of a blabbermouth
pride and prejudice by jane austen
friends with boys
the hate u give by angie thomas
the best-loved poems of jacqueline kennedy onassis
all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque
in cold blood by truman capote
replay by ken grimwood
crosstalk by connie willis
labyrinths by jorge luis borges
affliction by russel banks
carrie by stephen king
july, july by tim o’brien
page by paige
more than this by patrick ness
the long way home by g. b. trudeau
simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda by becky albertalli
a semi-definitive list of worst nightmares by krystal sutherland
blood by tony birch
our magic hour by jennifer down
made you up by francesca zappia
what we talk about when we talk about love by raymond carver
where’d you go, bernadette? by maria semple
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tobis-filmwelt · 4 years
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📽 TobiView 📽 *BLADE TRINITY* Kinostart 20.01.2005 New Line Cinema, Amen Ra Films, Shawn Danielle Productions Ltd., Marvel Enterprises, Imaginary Forces, Warner Bros. FSK 18 ▪️ Prolog: Regisseur, Autor und Co-Produzent David S. Goyer verfügte über ein geschätztes Budget von ca. 65 Mio. Dollar für die Realisierung der zweiten Blade-Fortsetzung, basierend auf den gleichnamigen Marvel-Comics. ▪️ Inhalt: In einer Wüstenregion erwecken die Vampirfürsten den Urvater ihrer Spezies zu neuem Leben: das grausige Monster Dracula. Der furchterregende Vampir trägt jetzt den Namen Drake und kann inzwischen das Tageslicht ertragen. Nur der “Daywalker Blade kann ihn aufhalten, arbeitet dazu aber mit der Untergrundorganisation ‘Nightstalkers‘ zusammen. Dazu gehören Hannibal King und Whistlers Tochter Abigail. In ihnen findet Blade schlagkräftige Verbündete. ▪️ Besetzung: Wesley Snipes spielt wieder Blade. Ryan Reynolds verkörpert Hannibal King und Jessica Biel spielt Abigail Whistler. Auch Kris Kristofferson ist wieder als Whistler dabei. In weiteren Rollen sieht man u. a. Dominic Purcell als Drake, Parker Posey als Danica Talos, Patton Oswald als Hedges oder Paul ‘Triple H‘ Levesque als Jirko Grimwood. ▪️ Epilog: Ein Satz mit X, das war wohl nix. Irgendwie ist der Film ein Schuss in den Ofen. Trotz vielversprechender Darsteller bin ich mit “Blade 3“ nie so richtig warm geworden. Blade ist nach wie vor eine obercoole Socke, aber sein Gegenspieler ‘Drake‘ wird von Dominic Purcell so schlecht dargestellt, dass es schon fast peinlich ist. Auch die aufgesetzte Rivalität zwischen Blade und Hannibal King macht viel kaputt. Zudem nerven die teilweise dümmlichen Sprüche etwas. Schade, ich hatte nach dem sehr guten ersten und dem guten zweiten Teil mehr erwartet. ▪️ Fazit: Enttäuschend Wertung: 4 ▪️ #TobisFilmwelt | #TobiView | #BladeTrinity | #BladeTrinityMovie | #Blade | #Daywalker | #Vampirehunter | #AmenRaFilms | #ImaginaryForces | #MarvelEnterprise | #NewLineCinema | #ShawnDanielleProductions| #WarnerBrothers | #WBHE | #Filmstagram | #Filme | #Kino | #News | #NurmeineMeinung | #Movie | #Cinema | #Moviegram | #Filmblog | #Movieblog | #Germanblogger | #Filmblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CBvDQmqFR9P/?igshid=1hofxedkhmz9c
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eptesicuss · 7 years
7:34 AM  Early drive
Coffee :Check 
Fresh new Cigarettes :Check
Sunroof : Opened
Speed :70 km/h
Short memory happiness ❤️
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