#Darius Jackson
classycookiexo · 11 months
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loverockawaitsyou · 10 months
All the discussion surrounding Keke Palmer is so triggering.
Enablers and abuse apologists are always looking for any justification for why a victim deserves what happened to them, or any sort of means to discredit them. There's an abundance of evidence against Darius Jackson (including the line of abusers in his own family), yet certain subsets of men are still painting Keke as a liar and the main aggressor.
Reactive abuse is a real thing. After you've been pushed to the limit, sometimes you fight back, and a lot of times you're not at your most rational. And of course, serial abusers have a playbook to say how they're the victim and you're the abuser when you finally have enough.
What that blockhead did was deliberate. He was pushing Keke's buttons. Says a lot that he went to gossip blogs instead of the courts. For Keke to get a protective order and no visitation rights for the father of her child says a lot about how horrible he is.
And behind every abuser is a group of enablers, especially mothers.
I have a lot of thoughts because I left someone with abusive tendencies and he pulled similar manipulation tactics. Also, my best friend had a situation nearly identical to Keke's (down to him being a personal trainer). She's still tied in legal issues with him to this day.
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taylorvaughnsaidso · 11 months
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boricuacherry-blog · 10 months
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thesagedahlia · 10 months
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In light of recent events, I felt it necessary to have a retelling of this couple’s synastry. The angle I approached their chart the last reading more so reflected upon their lighthearted interpretations of their aspects, but in regard to what has taken place within their relationship & what has come to light, I felt it necessary to put a spotlight on some other aspects (and revisit a couple that I’ve mentioned previously) that can be red flags if adversely aspected/manifested into the relationship. I would like to preface this reading by saying; having these placements in your own synastry with another person will not definitively mean you will experience the same outcomes as interpreted. This is an astrological take on what has happened between the featured couple since there have been people divided on the validity of Keke’s claims. Now that the situation has become more serious and more sides are emerging, I feel it necessary to give a different take on their dynamic. I also want to insist that this reading is not bias, nor does it cater to one side of the fence; the energies I’m describing (even if I assign one dynamic to one person) can play out either way. I can come back with a ‘Chart vs Chart’ & compare the energy of each person if there is still a need for clarification, but until then, let’s acknowledge that certain dynamics have the potential of being active in this relationship. *FOR EDUCATIONAL/ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY; THIS IS AN ASTROLOGICAL CASE STUDY THROUGH SYNASTRY CHARTS*
SUN-MERCURY CONJUNCTION, OPPOSITE SATURN SUN-SATURN OPPOSITION Keke's Sun in Virgo opposite Darius' Saturn in Aquarius: While this can indicate a long-term relationship, it’s also an aspect that can makes someone act as a disciplinary (or punishing) force in the relationship, & in this case Darius being the Saturn person I would assume this would be him taking on that role. His Saturn is turning up in her 8TH House of the spouse, inheritance, and other people's money, & in this case he may feel that he is entitled (Aquarius) to Keke's estate because they have a child together (the Sun also represents children). He can also act as a 'cloud' over her & the relationship that seemed to be a critical force against her as well, in terms of having certain expectations of her & wanted her to be the perfect partner (Sun in Virgo). Saturn is also a planet of karma as well, so afflictions to this planet can indicate past life debts between them. This can also denote a lack of closeness in the relationship. This is an energy that speaks to Keke having her light dimmed due to Darius' tendency toward limitation and discipline.
Keke’s Virgo Mercury opposite Darius’ Aquarius Saturn: This can bring the same effects as the Sun-Saturn opposition previously mentioned, but instead of it dealing with Keke’s outward expression & overall personality, Mercury suggests that his depreciating nature can take a toll on Keke’s mental state. He could be a source of any pessimism or depression that may have stemmed from being in the relationship. In another breath, he can be a person who feels like he knows what’s best for Keke & the relationship, but this can have a limiting effect on her as he can lack an emotional quality in his critics. By this logic, it can come off as Darius trying to discipline and dominate Keke verbally & mentally. This can also be a mentally competitive aspect where Keke can feel intimidated by Darius’ practicality, a serious tone to communication and criticism can be a dominating theme. Darius can tend to make Keke feel small mentally, or not as smart as him, or can even come down on her for coming off as ‘too childish’.
Darius’ Saturn in Keke’s 8H: On one hand, having someone’s Saturn in your 8H can make for a deeply karmic connection with them that can create a desire for stability and security. This can also be a connection that can make the Saturn person (Darius) feel obligated to make the house person (Keke) their spouse or to be entitled to their estate/inheritance. This can be a motive in Darius’ manipulation of the relationship. Ironically, those Saturn oppositions are happening between Keke’s Sun & Mercury, in her 2H of personal finances & resources, which can back up a desire on his part to exploit his tie to Keke in this situation, which in this case is Leo (the Sun ruling children). I wouldn’t be surprised if Darius saw Keke as a ‘meal-ticket’ and had even more of that mentality now that he has a baby with her. This overlay can also denote power struggles and challenges in the relationship, likely perpetuated by Daruis. This is an overlay that can make a partner feel like marriage is the end-goal, but in a lot of ways it’s for selfish, underhanded reasons (especially since his Saturn is adversely aspected in the 8H)
The configuration depicted here consists of Keke’s (Sun, Mercury and Chiron) placements being in a three-way conjunction, which is all making a square to Darius’ Pluto placement. This largely indicates that Darius’ darker tendencies (Pluto) create tension within the relationship that conflicts with Keke’s overall expression and psychological/mental identity. This is something I also see as a trigger for one or both people in the connection to elicit certain responses from the other out of jealousy, control and manipulation. The following aspects will explain the different (or similar) dynamics this couple may face; roles can be interchanged or reversed.
Keke’s Virgo Sun square Darius’ Scorpio Pluto: This is another indication of a possessive and controlling partner in the relationship, which again happens to fall against Darius’ merit. As the Pluto person, there can be an immediate obsession with the light of the Sun person, in a lot of cases, to the point where they seek to be in control of it. Darius knows how much attention Keke gets into the public, & there’s no exception in private. Keke’s Sun is taking on a lot of heavy energy with this square, as well as the previously mentioned conjunction to Darius’ Chiron. This can be an aspect that is activated by the insecurities/fears that come up for him when it comes to Keke’s outward expression. This can be a transformative aspect between the couple in a lot of ways, but it is hardships and struggles that need to be overcome with it first. This can be an aspect where one or both tend to have a very intense attraction to the other, and it can also bring out jealousy, obsession & even stalking/cruelty/intimidation of one or both people. This is also an energy that can carry abusive tendencies.
Keke’s Virgo Mercury square Darius’ Scorpio Pluto: Just with the previous aspect, Mercury squaring Pluto in synastry is a mentally manipulative energy that can be carried by one or both persons in the relationship. Cruelty in speech and conversations, mind games, and power plays in communications are common in this aspect. This involved with the other conjoined planet/asteroid also squaring Pluto can suggest that this is also activated when the previously mentioned dynamics are at play, if not it is one of the tipping factors in activating the other placements. Ex: some communication that reflects the cruelty, jealousy or possessiveness can trigger an insecurity, which in turn activates a reaction, or adversely an expression can elicit a cruel or possessive remark, that which can trigger a wound in a person, etc. Communication is tied into these obsessions and controlling tendencies between the people in this synastry.
Keke’s Leo Chiron square Darius’ Scorpio Pluto: This aspect creates a more profound exploration of the darker emotional and psychological wounds within the relationship. Both individuals have the potential to trigger one another’s vulnerabilities and can bring unresolved trauma to the surface, even trauma that has developed outside of the relationship. Per the roles, the Pluto person (Darius) is the more intense influence within this dynamic. Darius could be more intimidating to Keke (as the Chiron person), placing intense demands onto her, which she may see as outside of her obligation to fulfill. Keke as the Chiron person actually has the means to help Darius with his healing and transformation, but only in the event that Darius is ready for self-reflection and accountability. With this aspect, powerful forces and strong personalities will often clash. For an aspect like this, it would take some effort to dredge up the humility and open-mindedness needed by both individuals for each other. If not, the dynamics that can occur are jealousy, passive aggression, trust issues, and other self-destructive behaviors. There is a push-pull dynamic where the need for intimacy clashes with the fear of vulnerability, as well as an intense obsession where one partner wants to ‘possess’ the other. The Pluto person in particular can become overly possessive and controlling out of fear of losing the connection and may suspect hidden motives of the Chiron person’s interactions with others. In turn, the Chiron person can feel smothered by the Pluto person’s jealous reactions and can be subject to emotional abuse. Other behaviors can include actively attempting to control, own, or limit the partner.
Keke’s Sun conjoined to Darius’ Chiron in Virgo: This is an aspect that I would interpret as emotionally abusive. This can also be the source of Darius’ need to critic & belittle her, in a way to project his own insecurities onto her. This is where his comments about wanting things in the relationship, including his own partner, to be ‘perfect’ come from, since Virgo rules perfectionism at its worst. Keke may have also shined in such a way that it triggered Darius’ insecurities (which it was mentioned that her getting any kind of attention from men AND women seemed to immediately trigger him). This can create conflict that can arise from a situation not meeting certain standards that Darius created in his mind. Chiron can also represent psychological conditioning, so a lot of his triggers can stem from how he may be conditioned to believe that Keke should express herself a certain way (especially as a mother, as we’ve already seen).
Keke’s Cancer Venus opposite Darius’ Capricorn Uranus: This opposition can bring instability, unpredictability and impulsivity. This aspect can be the source of sudden break ups, developments to the relationship that were likely unforeseen, and more of an inclination of a long-distance relationship, or one where the couple consists of two highly independent individuals that prefer to live apart, rather than finding ease living together or uphold domestic responsibilities. This is a relationship that struggles between having stability and freedom, and which concepts mean more to each person than the other. One person wanted more stability (especially EMOTIONAL security) in the relationship that the other person wasn’t willing to give, and as the Venus person we can suspect these were Keke’s feelings. Darius may have had trouble adjusting to the routine lifestyle of a family that Keke was probably expecting, considering that they had a baby together. This is a quintessential aspect of an on-off relationship dynamic.
Keke’s Scorpio Pluto opposite Darius’ Taurus Moon: This aspect indicates deep emotional responses, sometimes erratic, or misunderstood. As the Pluto person, Keke may have her own controlling tendencies when it comes to the domestic sphere in the relationship, as she could be prone to bringing up unresolved issues from the past. This can also be a major trauma bond aspect. Keke could be neglectful of Darius’ emotional identity, and she could become emotionally abusive. Darius could see through to the manipulation tactics that Keke could project onto him while he may be primarily focused on emotional security and comfort. Power struggles and intense emotional exchanges can become commonplace for this couple. Trust is a challenging hurdle that this connection needs to overcome as well. This is an addictive aspect as well, and can be an intensely bonding dynamic, as with the other aspects previously mentioned involving Pluto. Keke could ‘play games’ with Darius that can lead to emotional triggers for him. As the Pluto person, Keke may un/consciously desire to hurt Darius because of the emotional control that she can gain from it; she may almost get a satisfaction when she knows how much she can affect him. Keke can likely bring out the most intense emotions in him and he can be super sensitive to whatever she does/says.
Keke’s Aquarius Saturn square Darius’ Taurus Moon: This is more of a criticizing aspect if anything, but there seems to be a lot of that taking place in their foundation. As the Saturn person, Keke may play a role as a faultfinder within the relationship (she does have a Virgo Sun), and Darius could be on the brunt of a lot of criticism from not only her, but her parents. Keke could find Darius to be irresponsible and could come off as a parent punishing a child. Even if he doesn’t (or does) reveal this on the surface, this is emotionally taxing on him. Keke could have never been satisfied completely with the relationship, which could have built a sense of resentment to some degree. Keke’s judgment may be the main reason Darius doesn’t feel comfortable expressing his true feelings.
In closing, this couple has a lot of challenging dynamics that they each had to deal with, and this relationship is far from a cakewalk. Darius may have more Plutonian influences working to his disadvantage, but Keke has a part to play when it comes to the way she is unable to relate to Darius, and her own expectations of the relationship. They can both access the Plutonian jealousy and manipulation, so there is no need to place blame on just one person, although I conclude that he may carry more of that dynamic. His own Moon Pluto opposition in his birth chart can directly bring that energy into his domestic life, whether he is attracting it or projecting it onto Keke. If this relationship and its lessons were channeled correctly, so much healing, growth and transformation for both people can come out of this connection, but of course a lot of self-awareness and effort from both individuals will help to turn the tides in this relationship; more honest communication and being open has been a challenge for them, as I can imagine they never where able to be on the same page. If anything, the ‘abuse’ that is happening in this relationship is emotional, verbal and psychological (physical abuse doesn’t feel as present; Mars isn’t harsh with any other malefic planets). If I had to assume, I would assume that some ‘outbursts’ take turns that someone may not have meant to. It seems both people were highly critical of each other and the relationship, so the problems between them definitely don’t fall on one side. Along with a combative and aggressive nature, it can be easy to take situations further than what they’re meant to stretch. In the way that their relationship has currently played out, it seems to have reached a boiling point that can’t be brought back from.
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She knew what she was doing and I love her for it
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msnikkimoneypenny · 11 months
Remember when black men were standing up in defense of Darius Jackson in that Usher and Keke Palmer serenade situation?
A lot of black men were on social media in support of Darius Jackson saying he has a right to defend his stance and look out for his family
They said Keke was in the wrong here. And how we as a society are messing up the whole black family dynamic by not letting black men be the head of the household cause we bashed Darius for how he slander Keke on social media and came at her.
Where are those men now?
Keke has file a restraining order against her baby daddy now. The whole world now sees from those pics that he is abusive .
Yall still tryna run your mouths in defense of Darius?
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Keke Palmer CONFIRMS she's expecting first child during her SNL opening monologue | Daily Mail Online
Welp! Now we don't have to wonder who the father may be lol... We obviously already suspected hahaha....But he posted this to his story:
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Awww....So happy for them! ❤️❤️
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kcyars19992 · 11 months
Jan 29
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KEKE PALMER with boyfriend DARIUS JACKSON Baby Shower Photoshoot
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On one hand I feel bad for Darius but on the other hand he should have kept a private issue private. Stop posting your problems with your girlfriend or boyfriend or wife or husband on Social Media. You may not like the responses you receive.
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Of course people are gonna say it's no else's business but unfortunately if you put it on Social Media it becomes everyone's business. It's simple if you want something to stay private, don't make it public.
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#Repost @befuuckinforeal
😭😭😭😭Keke BD deleted his social media
follow us for more @befuuckinforeal
#Repost @blacktwitterthreads
Black Twitter doesn’t play about Keke Palmer 😩🖤
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flightlessloxe · 2 years
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classycookiexo · 8 months
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Clock it
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fiercemillennial · 29 days
Keke Palmer Sets the Record Straight on Pregnancy Rumors
Not pregnant, just living my life! 🎂🎉 #BirthdayQueen #NoDrama #FierceCulture #FierceMillennial #KekePalmer
Keke Palmer is shutting down the latest internet gossip. Keke Palmer, the multi-talented actress, singer, and host, is once again shutting down speculation about her personal life. Amidst rumors that she might be expecting another child, Palmer took to Instagram to clarify the situation. View this post on Instagram A post shared by BIG BOSS 🔑🔑 (@keke) The actress celebrated her 31st birthday…
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boricuacherry-blog · 10 months
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hiphopvibe1 · 3 months
Keke Palmer says no to marriage post breakup with Darius Jackson
Keke Palmer says no to marriage post breakup with Darius Jackson Continue reading Keke Palmer says no to marriage post breakup with Darius Jackson
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