#Dark Enchantress is Gingerbrave's mother
kousaka-ayumu · 1 year
Lost Memories
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Pure Vanilla can't remember anything besides from waking up in a soft bed with Dark Enchantress, who introduced herself as his wife. 
At first he is confused as he doesn't remember having a wife until.
"We're married for some time now Vanilla. You just got into an accident and you can't remember anything."
That's what she said, until she told him to meet her at the throne room and told him to get dressed.
He obeyed her much to her happiness.
Dark Enchantress looking at the window of the Five heroes. 
Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry, Dark Cacao, Golden Cheese and hers- no White Lily. 
No, she shook her head as she is no longer that soft-spoken, weak fragment of her past. 
Ah Pomegranate, Dark Enchantress's most devoted and loyal minion. 
"Pure Vanilla has arrived."
"Alright, let him in."
As the red haired priestess bowed her head in respect as Red Velvet opened the door. 
She blushed a bit as soon as she saw him entered the room. 
He wore the opposite of what he originally wear. God, he's bea- no he's always beautiful even before losing his memories. 
"You can leave now Pomegranate, Son."
Both of them nodded as they left the room leaving both of them alone. 
"Ah! Vanilla you're here."
She said he is walking towards her. 
"As you requested. Why do you want me here?"
"I sensed that something is troubled you my dear. Pomegranate told me that you have been tensed up at the moment."
"Oh, it just that I have been prossesing that I'm you're husband."
Suddenly he yelped at the soft touch on his hip, practically jumping out of his skin. Her hand slowly sliding down from his back unto his hips while her other hand was holding his. 
"Surprised, my dear."
He nodded as both of them started dancing(remember the Beauty and The Beast finale where both Belle and Adam danced? Yup it's the exact same one here except replaced Belle with Vanilla and Beast with White Lily/Dark Enchantress). 
As the duo danced slowly and quietly Enchantress has need staring at Vanilla the entire time, oh how happy she is of finally getting rid of those other heroes especially Dark Cacao who is always get in her way. 
Even though she's happy that she defeated The Five but that doesn't mean their dead. 
Both Golden Cheese and Dark Cacao was still alive ruling over their kingdoms with an iron fist, Hollyberry left her kingdom in shame of not being able to protect it, and her past self White Lily who is an illusion is still out there somewhere. 
But that doesnt matter right now as not only she is finally have the Soul Jam to herself but also the most powerful healer of them all to herself.
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alex-frostwalker · 11 months
I hope this'll be brought up and at some point in the Cookie Kingdom Story
GingerBrave is the one who released Dark Enchantress Cookie.
The Trio (GingerBrave, Strawberry, Wizard) Knew about the Witches. Kept that information from others.
GingerBrave's guilt and struggle.
Dark Enchantress and GingerBrave parallels during confrontation.
Might get another similar scenario during Cookie Odyssey where the Ancients' reactions that White Lily is Dark Enchantress but it's about GingerBrave knew about the Witches.
St. Pastry Order, if they found out the Trio and their knowledge of the Witches. Might send assasins like Pastry Cookie
Reverend Mother
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pop-cloud · 2 years
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More info about this au below ;;
So basically, in this au, after Dozer death, Gingerbrave ends up traumatized (as if he wasn’t already) n doesn’t escape the witch, instead hiding until someone comes and promises they can grant him anything....
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Also! Because this is my au and I get to be self indulgent Hero kinda replaces Gingerbrave, he thinks they’re dead but never stops searching for him... oh if only he knew (they do cross paths at one point)
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brittle-doughie · 6 months
Hi brittle! I’m not sure if you’ve seen my asks, but in those asks I said I wanted to share my y/n cookie ideas so here are my Primordial, Ancient Hero and Gingerbrave gang y/n cookies! (you can ignore this if you want to)
So first up, Primordial Y/N Cookie as Century Egg Cookie, formerly known as Twinkling Yolk Cookie (uses all pronouns):
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- The oldest of the Beasts as they were the first to be created by the witches, and was given the power of life creation to help the witches create animals and mystical creatures on Earthbread. They wield the Soul Jam of Creation.
- Before, they were kind and generous, acting as the mentor/guide for the other Beasts, and are quite shy of the amount of attention she get from the Beasts or other cookies.
- After having to seal the Beasts away, they become more quiet, reserved and downcast, often coming off as cold but are still willing to help anyone in need. He feels guilty for not realizing the Beasts’s corruption earlier.
- Afraid to fall into corruption, they created 2 homunculi, cut the Soul Jam into 2 pieces (1 circular piece and 1 moon eclipse shaped piece), disguide it as necklaces and pass them on to said homunculi, as she believed that a pure soul have less chances of becoming corrupted. He then dropped the freshly baked homunculi off on some cookies’s doorsteps so they could be raised without the knowledge of their destiny burdening them. She also feels guilty for forcing this responsibility on the homunculi.
- Because they infused a lot of their power into the homunculi dough to subsitute for the Life Powder, he fell in a deep sleep in the Beast Yeast Forest because his power was drained. A part of the forest vegetation grew around her, forming a shield, and animals of all kind seemed to wander around the shield, as if guarding it. They would only be woken up when the Gingerbrave gang decided to investigate the shield and found them sleeping on a patch of grass.
- Used to have 2 weapons, a large staff that can shapeshift into any utensils and a handheld mirror that can summon monsters, but passed them on to the homunculi and now uses a longsword he borrowed from the weaponary when Gingerbrave introduced him to the Fairy Kingdom.
- They’re too busy wallowing in their sadness to notice others’s affection for them. The Beasts still obsesses over him no matter how much she dislike them, bouncing back after each rejection. Others think they’re so cool and mysterious but they’re just socially awkward.
Next up, Ancient Hero Y/N Cookie as Rainbow Crystal Cookie (uses all pronouns):
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- The first homunculus to be created by Century Egg Cookie, she was adopted by a village apothecary and become her helper, gathering herbs and assisting customers. He wields the Soul Jam of Courage (the moon eclipse shaped piece).
- Unlike normal cookies, homunculi have more core ingredient in their dough, and depending on what core ingredient, they will have varying side effects. His core ingredient is crystal blocks made of sugar, so her dough is more brittle and vulnerable to repeated bodily attacks. They make up for this by training and having the ability to avoid attacks well.
- A diligent and hard worker, they got accepted into Blueberry Yougurt Academy through a scholarship and quickly become popular due to their charisma and good grades. Befriended Pure Vanilla Cookie, who later introduced her to White Lily Cookie, and they became “best friends” (he thought it was platonic, PV and WL did not). Later was introduced to the rest of the Ancient Heroes whom they also become quick friends.
- After she becomed an Ancient Hero, she founded the Cookie Kingdom, which was a childhood dream of theirs to create a safe space for society outcasts as his adoptive mother was one in their hometown.
- When he had to leave his kingdom to face Dark Enchantress Cookie, he entrusted his advisor to be the regent of the kingdom, but when he came back, the kingdom was in ruins. At first she was devasted, but then found a letter from his adviser stating that they have evacuted the citizens safetly, gone into hiding and is awaiting his return. Now they travel around Earthbread to find information on his people’s wereabouts.
- His weapon is the shapeshifting staff passed on from Century Egg Cookie, her preferred form is a fork and knife.
- Is aware of others’s feelings for him, but have trouble reciprocating it back if it’s romantical since romance is confusing to him, so he tends to just brush it off. Personality can be compared to a peacock and acts like the cool older brother to younger cookies.
Lastly, Gingerbrave gang Y/N Cookie as Crow Flower Cookie (uses all pronouns):
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- The second homunculus to be created by Century Egg Cookie, he was adopted by a couple and grew up helping in their family inn by servicing customers and making meals with their other 3 kids. They wields the Soul Jam of Imagination (the circular shaped piece).
- Unlike normal cookies, homunculi have more core ingredient in their dough, and depending on what core ingredient, they will have varying side effects. Their core ingredient is dried crow flower, so her dough is more crumbly and sensitive to temperature and weather change, so they were quite sickly growing up and can still get sick easily, especially in winter.
- Compassionate and curious, she had always dreamed to travel around the world to make new friends and experience new things so when he became an adult, they left the inn, met the Gingerbrave gang and stuck with them ever since. Still visits and write letters to his adoptive family.
- Her weapon is the handheld mirror that can summon monsters passed on by Century Egg Cookie, his most powerful summon is a crow dragon made of Crow’s Poison flowers whom he named Balendin. Balendin is very protective of them, aggressive to everyone but acts like a puppy to her.
- Oblivious to others’s feelings for him and think they’re just being nice/platonic. Likes to take care of everyone and acts like a caretaker/babysitter to younger cookies.
Thank you for reading this! Here are some memes I’ve made of them lol:
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Very interesting look-over that covers many aspects of how this Primordial Y/N Cookie progresses towards an Ancient before finally coming down to a seemingly ordinary cookie with Brave gang.
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I was listening to one of Alan Walker's songs though and it gives me an idea for Casalily.
Casablanca Lily Cookie had been heard about the lore and rumors about Beast-Yeast and knew that there's creatures might been in the darkness; without hesitation, she ran away from the Vanilla Kingdom to discover those secrets and especially about between her mother and Dark Enchantress Cookie in the continent of Beast-Yeast despite those warnings from Vanilla Twirl Cookie but not alone at all, she is been accompanied with GingerBrave's Party.
Song here:
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chaoticm0therfvcker · 3 months
The Realization (Red Velvet Redemption AU Part 1)
Summary: It had been six months since Dark Choco had left the cookies of darkness behind to reunite with his family in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, and Red Velvet Cookie is starting to have his doubts about just how genuine Dark Enchantress is with her feelings towards him. After a very harsh realization, Red Velvet makes the decision to run away as well, hoping to find Dark Choco and ask for guidance through this new chapter of his life
Six Months Ago
Dark Choco quietly packed his things in the dead of night, shoving his minimal belongings into the old, tattered messenger bag that had followed him through all his adventures with the Cookies of Darkness.
When he first joined the cookies of darkness, he was but a broken, slightly reckless, young adult, his better judgement being clouded by that damned strawberry jam sword he picked up in an attempt to become as powerful a hero as his father, Dark Cacao Cookie. He was broken, traumatized, desperate for approval thanks to his not-so-great upbringing, and Dark Enchantress gave that to him. She had taken him in, cleaned his wounds, showed him that he wasn’t alone in the sense that there were cookies just like him; ones that were turned to the dark side in the pursuit of power. In a way, she was caring towards him, more so than Choco’s father seemed to be.
Despite going on mostly solo missions, he was a Cookie of Darkness through and through, and while he didn’t love it, he felt welcome there.
Growing up, Dark Choco didn’t have the greatest childhood. He grew up without a mom, the closest thing he had to a mother being his aunt Hollyberry which he only saw once in a while, and while he wasn’t necessarily abusive, Dark Cacao wasn’t the best father. He was hard on Dark Choco, training him hard to be a tough yet kind warrior. He was very emotionally reserved, the only time Choco ever hearing and “I love you” from his father being when they succeeded in battle. Cacao was so emotionally reserved, in fact, that the only time Choco ever saw him smile was once during an outing with Pure Vanilla. Despite this, Dark Choco grew up grateful for his father, grateful for his luck being able to grow up in a mostly safe environment, and that thankfulness fueled his motivation to make his father proud, and bring as much protection and security to the Dark Cacao kingdom as he could. Unfortunately, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he would never be good enough for Dark Cacao; that he would never be able to make him proud or happy or make him care for him in the way that Choco so desperately craved. This pain, this passion, this motivation to make his father proud is what led him to pick up the Strawberry Jam sword, the intense power of the blade driving him to madness, and in turn driving him to attack his own father.
Dark Choco lost two things that day: his eye, and his home.
Then, one day, he was required to go on a mission to the Dark Cacao kingdom. One of his fellow Cookies of Darkness, Affogato Cookie, was in the kingdom, posing as a royal advisor to Dark Cacao in an attempt to take over the kingdom. However, a group of bright-eyed, plucky adventurers led by a cookie named Gingerbrave were traveling to the Dark Cacao kingdom as well. While their reasoning for their expedition was unclear, it was obvious that once they caught on to Affogato’s true intentions, they would do anything within their power to stop him. Therefore, Choco took it upon himself to stop them.
Then, he saw it.
He saw his father, the king, with two younger warriors. Choco recognized them as Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip, though they were much older now than they were when he had left. They had defeated Affogato Cookie with the help of Gingerbrave and his friends, then defeated some berserk, corrupted form of Dark Cacao that struck fear in the heart of Dark Choco, though when the king returned to normal, Choco noticed something.
Dark Cacao took pride in Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip, gently clutching their shoulders and giving a small thank you. Choco could see a faint smile on his lips. It was clear that he cared deeply for these two warriors, almost as if they were his son and daughter, though Dark Choco noticed something else about their relationship. Dark Cacao was acting the same way with them as he did with Choco; kind, yet emotionally reserved. It was clear he cared, but it was also clear that the smile on his face was a rare occurrence, and although he was proud of them and cared for them and most likely loved them as his own children, he didn’t express it in the way that most parental figures do. He was stern, yet kind. Affectionate, but without the ability to show much of this affection. It was in that moment that he realized that he had been wrong about Dark Cacao. Of course Dark Cacao loved him, of course he was proud of him, of course he was as caring and affectionate as Choco had always wanted; he just never showed it in the typical way!
Tears pricked at the corners of Dark Choco’s eyes, and he clutched his sword tightly. He had been fighting the overbearing power of this blade for a long time, but this was the breaking point, that final burst of emotion and motivation that he needed to break free from the sword’s control.
In that moment, Dark Choco’s mind was finally clear of the swirling darkness inside of him, the echoing voices telling him to attack the innocent cookies he had worked so hard to protect in the past. Most of all, his head was clear enough to realize that he needed to leave the Cookies of Darkness, return to his home, and make an attempt to reconcile with his father.
Suddenly, Dark Choco was snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of his door creaking open. He quickly spun around, covering his bag with his body, then let out a sigh of relief at the sight of his friend, Red Velvet Cookie.
“Hey.” He greeted, letting out a shaky exhale.
“Hey Choco,” Velvet replied, taking a step into the dark bedroom, “what are you doing up so late?”
“It’s nothing. None of your business.” Choco snapped, his tone much harsher than he had intended. He wasn’t usually this harsh towards Red Velvet- in fact, he was Choco’s closest friends- though he was incredibly stressed out in this moment, not to mention trying to hide the fact that he was leaving.
“Yeesh, you don’t need to snap at me,” Red Velvet responded. Then, he saw the bag. “Are you… packing? Are you going on another mission or something?”
Dark Choco let out a defeated sigh. “Sort of… I’m leaving. For good. I’m going home.”
For a good minute, Velvet stood in stunned silence, a look of surprise, fear, and confusion on his face. “Home…? But this is your home!”
Once again, Dark Choco could feel tears forming in his eyes. “No, it’s not. The Dark Cacao kingdom is my home, and I am done pretending that it’s not.”
“What about your father, huh? Isn’t the whole reason you left because he neglected you?” Red Velvet retorted, desperation in his tone.
“He didn’t neglect me!” Choco snapped, scowling, “Yeah, maybe he pushed me too hard at times, but after my last mission in the Dark Cacao kingdom, I realized that that’s just his way of caring for people. He cared about me, he protected me, he raised me to be strong and kind! And this stupid sword ruined it all!” He grabbed the Strawberry Jam Blade and pointed it at Red Velvet, defensiveness in his eyes.
At the sudden motion, Red Velvet put his hands up defensively. “Choco, put the sword down.” He sighed, “look, loving father or not, Dark Enchantress took care of you, took care of us. She showed us kindness when society cast us aside.”
Dark Choco sighed and lowered the blade. “I know… but these past few months, with a clear head and the realization about my father… it just feels fake.”
“What feels fake?” Red Velvet inquired.
“Her kindness!” Dark Choco exclaimed, “She has hurt so many cookies, destroyed so many homes, tried to convince us that we were doing the right thing in that sticky-sweet tone of hers! I just feel like…”
“I just feel like she’s just showing us love to make us do her bidding.”
Red Velvet gasped, a tense silence filling the air. Tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision and causing a familiar tightness to form in his throat. He wanted to say something, to scream at Dark Choco in defense of Dark Enchantress, but he just… couldn’t.
He had nothing that he could say.
“Look, you can’t change my mind on leaving, but you’re free to join me if you’d like.” Dark Choco started, “I know your relationship with Dark Enchantress is really good, but you’ve seen what a monster she could be. I care about you a lot, more than anyone else on Earthbread, and I would hate to see you fall victim to her manipulation. We’ve all done such bad things under her command, but it’s not too late to make things right.”
“Choco… I’m sorry, I just can’t.” Red Velvet replied glumly, “she’s been so kind to me, gave me an arm, let me keep as many cute little cake hounds as I wanted… maybe one day I’ll see through her so-called ‘fake kindness’ but for now, I want to stay here.”
Dark Choco nodded in understanding. “I understand.” Climbing up onto his windowsill, about to jump out, he added “if you ever decide to leave the Cookies of Darkness, you know where to find me.”
And with that, Dark Choco Cookie was gone.
Present Day
Red Velvet sat on his bed, sipping a jellybean latte as a cake hound slept in his lap. It had been six months since Dark Choco ran away to return to his home kingdom, yet his words still echoed through Red Velvet’s mind.
“I just feel like she’s showing us love to make us do her bidding.”
Ironically, ever since that day, Dark Enchantress had been even more of a doting mother than ever before. She cooked meals for the Cookies of Darkness, bought all the fabric needed for licorice to make Choco Werehound’s dress for the princess games in the Hollyberry kingdom, and when things didn’t go according to plan and Choco Werehound became friends with a girl named Blueberry Cookie, she didn’t seem mad at all. Usually, she would be enraged by a failed mission, and yet she was able to stay calm this time. Red Velvet wanted to believe that it was all true, that all of this was a part of her role as the motherly figure of the Cookies of Darkness, maybe it was even her alter ego, White Lily, poking through, but Red Velvet couldn’t shake the feeling that all of this was fake.
Was Dark Choco… right?
Of course, there were a few red flags. All of Dark Enchantress’s sweet smiles were more like menacing grins, and she would always get a bit snappy if the topic of Dark Choco came up, but then she would chuckle lightly and shake her head, then in that sticky-sweet tone that Dark Choco had previously mentioned, she would say “oh, I’m getting ahead of myself again, he’ll come back. He always does.”
What the hell was that supposed to mean?
Red Velvet looked down at his arm, the large, furry, monstrous one that Dark Enchantress gave him when she first took him in. It was much larger than his other arm, with a palm almost as big as his face and even larger red and white claws. He often used it to pet his beloved cake hounds, occasionally using it to attack cookies on missions, though he would usually just use his saw for that. In their time together, Dark Enchantress spoiled him rotten, giving him as many cake hounds as he wanted, made him the commander of the giant tower they took residence in, and in return, he devoted his life to her.
As he looked at his arm, he realized something.
Was this his version of the Strawberry Jam Blade? The item bestowed upon him as a source of power, just to cloud his judgement and make him want to side with the bad guys? He was just a child when Dark Enchantress gave it to him, so he barely knew who he was without it, without her.
Was he really anyone at all?
Taking a deep breath, Red Velvet stood up from his bed, cradling the still resting cake hound in his arms. He needed to talk to Dark Enchantress. However, as soon as he walked out of his room, she was standing before him, a smile on her face.
“Oh, Red Velvet dear, I was just coming to look for you,” she started, “we have a new mission today.”
Red Velvet perked up at the sound of her voice, his decision to go talk to her regarding his past quickly becoming a second priority.
“If you weren’t already aware,” she explained, “the ancient cookies have decided to share their soul jam with the world, lending their power to insignificant cookies in an attempt to destroy us. They’ve already shared their power with the Crème Republic, and a very talented scientist there has turned a portion of their magic into special candies to give cookies special abilities.”
“It sounds risky.” Red Velvet remarked.
“It is,” Dark Enchantress agreed, “however, with this new information, it gives us the opportunity to not only invade the Crème Republic and possibly steal these magic candies for ourselves, we will also be able to attack while the power of the ancient cookies is weakened. What do you say, are you willing to do this for me? I’m sure your lovely cake hounds would love to stretch their legs a bit.”
Red Velvet smiled weakly and nodded. “Of course. I will stand with you until the end of time, mother.”
That all too familiar menacing grin formed on Dark Enchantress’s face, and she clasped her hand onto Red Velvet’s shoulder.
“I knew I could count on you. You never fail to make me proud.”
After she had walked away, Red Velvet released a shaky breath of air that he didn’t realize he had been holding. He felt ill, nervous feelings swirling in his stomach and making his head spin. He wanted so desperately to believe he was just paranoid, but he had finally come to the horrible realization he had been trying so hard to suppress.
Dark Choco was right, and he needed to get the hell out of here before he did something he knew he would regret.
Taglist: @janayuga @katsunemillennium @c00kietin @cedric-my-beloved @lovelettersinc @undeadvinyls
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ryctone · 6 months
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I just realized I never posted Hibbi's 'new' ref here? That's a crime???
Anyway doomed by the narrative siren my beloved;; more about her under read more with some slightly reworked story for her!
She's a siren now if you haven't noticed or didn't know, can transforms into a land cookie at will(no longer linked to her necklace), is still part of the Cookies of Darkness but not necessarily an official member; she owns D.E a favor... Kinda like Butter Roll Cookie's situation.
Has been alone since she was a guppy because sirens are often solitary creatures and often abandon their offspring as soon as they're able to swim.
As a guppy she managed to travel to the Duskgloom Sea where Black Pearl Found her and sort of adopted her, since B.P knew how powerful a siren could be with their hypnotizing songs, Hibiscus became like a 'henchman' for her to lure ships further into the Duskgloom Sea and sink them more efficiently. Dysfunctional merfolk family/J
As a teen she meets Praline Cookie, a girl part of a hunter monster organization and daughter of the head of that order, she got a crush on her for the longest time and actually became friends, but the moment she confessed it put a rift in their relationship since Praline was in love with someone else (Raspberry Mousse Cookie, who btw didn't return Praline's feelings) causing them to separate ways for many years.
After some years pass Hibiscus abandons Black Pearl to live her own life and would have a child; Sorbet Shark Cookie(who's part mermaid, don't ask who the other parent is that's not important /LH), since they were the only thing she had she decided to fight her instincts and raise them for as long as she could, best mom really.
However after going out of her nest to get food one day, she's captured by pirates and forced away from her child for days. And when she finally escapes, blood on her sharp teeth, she comes back to a destroyed nest, her child is just gone.
She's spirals into a manic state trying to search for her child, not finding them anywhere, telling herself they had to be alive. It came to the point where she ended up washed up to land, starving and alone... Until she's found by Dark Enchantress...
Bonuses facts:
Has a pet named Minty-pus, a salt rock octopus that has stayed by her side for a long time, good for emotional support.
'Hunted' by Praline Cookie as Hibiscus was marked as a 'monster' by the Praline Order Praline Cookie is part of.
Sort of sarcastic with those who annoy her.
Very protective towards Poison Mushroom and acts as a sort of mother figure to them, probably because she remains them to her own missing child.
She's now a popular singer, her songs can absorb the love from a cookie if she wants and store it in her necklace, transforming into magic power.
Sorbet Shark was very young went they went missing and doesn't remember Hibiscus at all.
Still has a crush on Praline and will 'jokingly' flirt with her went they have an encounter with each other.
Actually very scared of D.E.
If she was in canon maybe she meets Gingerbrave and co. at the beginning of the story trying to block their way like the other Cookies of Darkness by seducing hypnotizing Chili Pepper with her song and make her fight for her.
She's conflicted about serving the Enchantress but thinks it's the right way to find her child, and has developed a bit of a selfish personality.
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pure-vanilla-lilies · 2 months
continuing on the topic of de/wl in fresh dough, quote time!
GingerBrave: Who the hell are you?
Dark Enchantress: Fan service.
Dark Enchantress: OH, VANILLA!~
Pure Vanilla: WHY ARE YOU BACK?!
Dark Enchantress: Because I can be.
Dark Enchantress: Chocolate chip child.
Dark Enchantress, staring at a massive hole in one of her wings as the airship she's on is about to blow up: Oh this is gonna hurt, isn't it?
Mystic Flour: Hey, so, you owe me shit.
Dark Enchantress: NO.
Dark Cacao: Get off my property!
Dark Enchantress: No.
Dark Cacao: I'm giving you the count of 3, maroon 5!
Dark Enchantress: THE BAND????
Dark Cacao: I-I'M GETTIN OLD, WHAT??
Dark Enchantress: Die.
Dark Enchantress: You fucked up, little one!
Dark Choco: *choking sounds*
Dark Enchantress: YEET!
Shadow Milk: Greetings again, adopted child!
GingerBrave: Why you helping the bitch?
Dark Enchantress: I have major trust issues.
GingerBrave: Fair enough.
Dark Enchantress: Let me take my son.
Dark Choco: NO.
Dark Enchantress: *inhales in bitch* Okay.
Dark Enchantress, fighting with a possessed Pure Vanilla: Taste the rainbow motherfucker!
Dark Enchantress, holding Cloud Haetae: GingerBrave you have an adopted sibling!
GingerBrave: Awh really?!
Dark Enchantress: Temporarily-
*speaking at the same time*
Dark Enchantress: HE'S FUCKING DEAD TO ME
GingerBrave: -._-.
Dark Enchantress: Boy kids! It looks like something's very wrong here! Can YOU tell me what it is?
Dark Enchantress: Oh yeah!
Dark Enchantress: THESE RINGS ARE FAKE.
Pure Vanilla: If you go over there, and you touch him, I AM GOING TO-
Dark Enchantress: Huh? Huh? Whatcha gonna do?
Dark Enchantress: Whatcha gonna do, huh?
Dark Enchantress: You're stuck.
Dark Enchantress: You're just gonna traumatize your kids more, there's nothing you can do.
Dark Enchantress: BITCH.
Red Velvet: Now I know how Enchantress feels.
GingerBrave: Who the fuck is Enchantress?
Red Velvet: Wow, he hates her so much that he actually brainwashed you into forgetting about them.
GingerBrave: Oh no, no, no, no I never forgot about her, it was just a joke.
Dark Enchantress: OH THANK GOD
Dark Enchantress: I'm getting that fucking ring.
Stormbringer: The gay ring? HA! You know what that means!
Stormbringer: I don't give a shit I like fuckin' around with you!
Dark Enchantress: I will throw your Nezha looking ass down a FUCKING stream when I get BACK THERE!
Wizard: I will NOT be manipulated by some Hot Topic motherfucker!
Dark Enchantress: Yeah, I THINK THE FUCK NOT!
Wizard: WHY?!
Dark Enchantress: Oh hell nah, I KNOW he DID NOT just hit my son.
Dark Enchantress: Sorry kid, OFF TO AMPHIBIA.
Shadow Milk: What can I say? I'm a theatre major!
Dark Enchantress: See, I'm gonna need you to let him go, since I'm the only one allowed to torture him.
Dark Enchantress: And I'm kind of a full-time mother now, so, do us the brightest favor, and fuck off.
GingerBrave: Uh, y-yeah, f-fuck off, you stupid bitch-
Pure Vanilla and Dark Enchantress is like those divorce parents at a birthday party 😭
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chocoplagg · 2 months
So yeah.
Cookie Run headcanons that I'll introduce to Caffè Fortunato's AU.
Initially wanted to do it with drawings, but time said "no no", so, it's going to be a post with images xD.
Espresso Cookie
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Espresso Cookie is autistic and has family issues
For the sake of my AU (and just because Espresso is one of my favorite characters and I'm really related to him), I decided to make Espresso an autistic character, and also give him traumas.
That last one would be in part the reason for his personality and bad habits, like not sleeping.
Madeleine Cookie
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Madeleine loves plushies!
He loves plushies like a kid, he also has his personal favorite, a cat named "Fishy".
Wants to buy to his teammate a plushie to comfort him, but Caffè thinks "plushies are for kids".
I'm a kid in that case 👀
Strawberry Cookie
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Wants to become a comic designer
So yeah, it wasn't enough for me to make her the "Alya" of the group in the sense of giving her the Fox Miraculous, but on top of that I gave her Nathaniel's personality traits XD
I was thinking to make her an indecisive person if we talk about the "what do you want to become at the future" question. But then she realizes that she loves drawing, comics, and also she is a superhero. So... Making comics.
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He is a big fan of ninjas
For that reason, his superhero outfit is ninja themed. With the plus of his shield as a turtle shell.
Strawberry Crepe
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Their fascination for robots started thanks to Dark Enchantress. Also with their fascination with bees.
Their fascination with robots and bees (again, for the sake of the plot and ✨ foreshadowing ✨) started with their adoptive mother: Dark Enchantress.
They also names their robots, like if they are their kids 🥺.
Pure Vanilla Cookie
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He misses Tikki, and planted so many flowers for her. Yeah, he loves plants.
He was the original Ladybug Miraculous holder, but his superhero times were pretty sad since White Lily was his love interest. At least that's what he said multiple times.
Tikki was her best friend, and when he had to give the miraculous to the new holder, Espresso, he planted a lot of red flowers for the kwami.
Dark Cacao Cookie
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Have got traumas when he realized that his son had been in the Dark Enchantress group.
He was really sad and furious when his son, Dark Choco, had been in the Dark Enchantress group, and his traumas started to make him more aggressive.
Plagg didn't help, but even then, the cat kwami gave him some good moments.
Hollyberry Cookie
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She is the mother of the group.
Her mother instincts started at the Dark Cacao's traumas and Pure Vanilla's sadness with the "White Lily incident".
She was always saying "don't forget the chores", "you can ask for some help", etc.
Is the protector of the group.
Golden Cheese Cookie
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She is always missing her kingdom.
She is always taking about her kingdom, missing it, and ofc hating Dark Enchantress because of her war.
She used the Fox Miraculous to replicate the Golden Cheese Kingdom while she was learning programming... To replicate the Golden Cheese Kingdom.
White Lily Cookie
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Her curiosity about the creation of the Cookies was immensely huge because of her ability to read.
She was always reading a lot of books, even the ones who have been forbidden for her. For that reason her curiosity about the creation of the cookies started to grow at the point of... Well, I can't say that. Sorry folks.
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ralofofriverwoods · 2 years
Sigh. It happened again. The COD headcannons grow stronger each passing day
Today’s new addition is pastry cookie! not too out of the realm of possibility, as far as everything goes. She kinda just wears her shadow sister outfit but that’s ok :)
Explanation will be under the image(not quite sure how to do cuts yet, bear with me,,)((edit: I figured out how to add cuts :D))
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Essentially, after the events of the tower of sweet chaos, she went to reverend mother about her doubt a little more in depth than she should have, which led to an assassination attempt by the shadow sisters. She successfully evaded the first few attempts, but a week or two after running away from the order another one caught up to her, which she ended up killing(albeit on accident). This marked her giving up on the order completely, as she decided to start looking for a new place to rebuild her life. Eventually she ran into licorice when he was out, and they had a quick chat(with a little bit of fighting((a lot of fighting)))
After beating the shit out of each other for a while they decided to call it quits and talk through it like adults, so maybe one of them could come out of the encounter still breathing. Lico came to the conclusion that maybe she would be a good fit in the CoD after all, and went to dark enchantress with the hopes to bring her into their ranks. Dark enchantress didn’t like the idea at all(since pastry tried to murder her son and all that), however with some convincing from lico and, surprisingly, red velvet himself, she allowed pastry to come in on a trial basis to see if she would be a good fit.
Pastry, for the most part, was pretty chill once she got acclimated. Of course there’s still boatloads of religious beliefs/trauma she had to let go of, but it was going well. She was sent on a final test mission against another sister in the order which had been told to clear out the tower just like she had, and after vanquishing her, pastry was finally let into the CoD officially.
Shortly after this, she changed her name to lavender cookie. Seeing as she no longer held any affiliation with the Saint Pastry Order, it was about time.
She became one of the people that gather intel from opposing forces(the others being crepe and Madeleine), using a forged shadow sister garb(courtesy of licorice) to grant her passage into various establishments and meetings. She primarily lives in the CoD castle, however she does own a house in Gingerbrave’s kingdom, and makes sure to stay there at least thrice a month, as to not be too suspicious.
Relationships with the CoD vary. Her and pomegranate are on coworker terms at best, however licorice and her have become rather good friends. Poison mushroom likes her stories, and often talks when the others are out of the castle. He has the most interesting conversations, and she always seems to keep up when he talks a mile a minute. Her and dark choco have a mutual respect, however catching them speaking outside of meetings or work related issues is near impossible. Red velvet and Lavender have a surprisingly good relationship, and are now best friends. Despite almost killing him previously, Lavender has come to see eye to eye with him on a great deal of things, and has even taken to overseeing the newest cakepups on occasion. RV and Lavender can even be caught sparring(and yelling good natured insults) at each other at the training grounds when she has a hard time getting to sleep or otherwise focusing.
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missfraise · 5 months
The Voices, the new Heroes of Earthbread
Decades after the defeat of Dark Enchantress Cookie, a new menace appeared: Shadow Witch Cookie.
The Ancient Heroes, GingerBrave & Friends, and other cookies tried to stop her, but their attacks only made her stronger in their first fight against her... All, but ten Cookies, graced with Soul Jelly, sources of Light and Dark magic, balancing each other, also called The Voices.
The ten Cookies, split into two teams, work together to find a way to stop Shadow Witch Cookie and her minions.
Team 1:
Choco Duo Cookie
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Son of Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao, half-brother of Dark Choco and full brother of Trichoco, Choco Duo, also known as Chocoduo, Double Cacao Chocolate (full name), or "The prince of Secrets", is a young man who has a memory as good as Tarte Tatin Cookie.
As a child, he lost his arms and legs to save a dragon egg. As a thank you, the egg's mother replaces his lost limbs with new ones made of Cake Dragon's dough with the help of Red Velvet Cookie. The dough, at first shaped like Cookie limbs, became more and more like dragon's, and the boy became, well, half Dragon.
Today, he is one of the pretenders of the title of Dragon King (despite himself), and created the Two Moons Crescent Court with his lover Sunflower Cookie. He's always followed by North-Weast and South-Weast, two of the four little dragons following him and his sister around (who look a lot like the Twins Dragons ...)
His Soul Jelly is an orange crescent moon, the Voice of Memory, placed on his chest.
Trio Choco Cookie
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Daughter of Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao, half-sister of Dark Choco, and full sister of Choco Duo, Trio Choco, known more as Trichoco, Triple Bittersweet Vanilla Chocolate, or Tritri by her bothers, is a young woman who's a hothead and loves fighting. She is the youngest sibling.
She is a big admirer of Berries Choco Cookie, Dark Choco's late mother, and wishes to be just like her: great and powerful. She loves her friends and family more than anything, but she will find any reason to train with them at any hour of the day and night. Even if she's known as the Voice of Victory, it is not unusual for her to lose her fights against her friends and loved ones.
Today, she is one of Dark Choco's advisors. She's always followed by North-East and South-East, two of the four little dragons following her and her brother around (who look a lot like the Twins Dragons ...). She is best friends with Pepper Jelly Cookie.
Her Soul Jelly is a red spike, the Voice of Victory, placed at the end of her spear.
Sunflower Cookie
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Sunflower Cookie, previously known as Yellow Rose Cookie, is the eldest child of the Roses Family and Choco Duo's lover and "mind guard".
When they were a child, they were abandoned by their mother, Burgundy Rose, in the woods where she gave them up to the hungry beasts living there. In their journey to find a new home, they meet Choco Duo, who had run away from the Citadel due to the bully the little prince got from being a new half-dragon. After convincing the boy to go home and with the help of one of Affogato's icecream clones, the two children manage to go back to the Citadel, and seeing how much the freckled cookie helped his son, Pure Vanilla proposes to the child to stay with them.
Sunflower is a protective cookie that will hold grudges on anyone who hurts Choco Duo. One of his catchphrases is "The prince is merciful. I am not."
Their Soul Jelly is a turquoise crescent moon, the Voice of Reason, placed on his staff, on the sunflower's heart.
Blackberry Nightshade Cookie
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Blackberry Nightshade, also known as Nightshade, is a citizen of the Hollyberry Kingdom and the youngest member of the team.
Born without arms, she uses the little of magic she has to make some and can sometimes turn them into claws.
She met Choco Duo, Trio Choco and Sunflower when the two royal siblings came to visit Hollyberry Cookie. The young girl was dared by her mean cousins to ask the prince to be her friend while handing her claw for a shake in public. The prince happily accepted it, to the surprise of every Hollyberian, including Nightshade, until she saw the two clawed hands around hers.
Today, she is a dancer in the Hollyberry Palace and is in a relationship with Pineberry Cookie.
Her Soul Jelly is a deep blue berry, the Voice of Resolutness, placed on her chest.
Tenili Cookie
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Tenili Cookie is a decapitated mummy-like Cookie and the oldest member of the Voices with Seaglass Cookie.
Tenili is a silly daydreamer who loves butterflies, to the point he cut his soul jelly to give it a butterfly shape. He sometimes sent one of his butterflies to give hope to his friends.
Before joining the Team, Tenili "lived" mostly in the Digital Golden Cheese Kingdom, using his stips connecting his body parts to "fly" around (Spiderman-like). He is in a relationship with Seaglass Cookie.
His Soul Jelly is a marron butterfly, previously an oval, the Voice of Hope, placed on his hair.
Team 2:
Frangipane Cookie
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Frangipane Cookie is the fourth child of Clotted Cream, Financier, Wildberry and Crunchy Chip. She is the biological daughter of Clotted Cream and Financier. She is the future head of Scone-Custard House and a talented technician and inventor. Her mentors are Espresso, Strawberry Crepe, and Mulled Juice.
She has to use a cane to walk medium to long distances and use her inventions for travel.
Frangipane is a very serious Cookie, to the point she sometimes starts fights with Trio Choco or Alpha Cookie. Although she likes children, they don't usually like her back, including her little siblings at first, which makes her a bit sad. Surprisingly, she is best friends with Seaglass Cookie. She is in a relationship with Jelly Pepper Cookie.
Her Soul Jelly is a peach clover-like, the Voice of Justice, placed on her shoulderplate.
Pineberry Cookie
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Pineberry Cookie is the child of Strawberry and Wizard Cookie and the godchild of Gingerbrave and Custard Cream III.
Pineberry was born with only one eye, their Soul Jelly replacing the missing one. They use their magic scarf as a weapon, mostly as a shield, but have a good manipulation of ice magic.
They are a bit shy, but also pretty smart, usually the one the team asks for new plans or advice when Frangipane is unavailable. They are in a relationship with Blackberry Nightshade Cookie.
Their Soul Jelly is a white/ pale colors four branch star, the Voice of Forgiveness, placed where his left eye should have been.
Seaglass Cookie
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Seaglass is a Gem Mermaid squid-like Cookie and the oldest member of the Voices with Tenili Cookie.
Little is known about Seaglass, but if you are somewhere with a source of water near, you can expect him to burst out of it and either cause trouble or help the ones in need.
Seaglass is a malicious troublemaker, but he loves children and babysits the Berries Triplets (WildChip's second set of triplets) often. He is best friends with Frangipane and in a relationship with Tenili Cookie.
His Soul Jelly is a black tear shape, the Voice of Vengeance, placed on his belt.
Pomegranate Mochi Cookie
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Pomegranate Mochi Cookie, also known as Mochi Cookie, is one of Dark Enchantress Cookie's clones, created by Matcha Cookie.
Created to be a perfect clone of DE, Matcha treated her harshly, believing it would make her more evil, and therefore more powerful, than their original source, despite the love for her daughter. It however backfired, making Mochi powerful but kinder. When Shadow Witch steals DE powers, Matcha and Mochi run away with Red Velvet and the Cake army to warn the Heroes of the danger.
In the Creme Republic, she meets the Gem Mermaid Carnelian Cookie and falls in love with her. The only ones to know her secret are Choco Duo and Seaglass.
Her Soul Jelly is a purple pie, the Voice of Union, placed on her Shamisen.
Pepper Jelly Cookie
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Pepper Jelly is the son of Eternal Sugar and Burning Spice and the first cookie who was able to injure Shadow Witch Cookie.
Unlike his parents, Pepper Jelly wants to help cookies, and works hard to prove he is a "good cookie". He is the first to find a way to hit Shadow Witch Cookie.
Pepper Jelly is a loud and brave cookie, who doesn't hesitate to jump into battle. His best friend is Trio Choco Cookie and he is in a relationship with Frangipane Cookie.
His Soul Jelly is a light green kite, the Voice of Trust, placed on his chest.
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thefaronlucario · 5 months
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My Cookie Run Kingdom oc
Name: Snickerdoodle Cookie
Rarity: Ancient
Type: Support
Position: Rear
Cookie ability: Stunning (15s) - small cinnamon flowers spread across the field causing enemies to stop in their tracks for a period of time, while providing a buff to allies ATK and restore a portion of their health.
Her Spirit Jam is in the shape of a cinnamon leaf. (Spirit Jam is similar to Soul Jam)
Background/Backstory: Snickerdoodle Cookie is the daughter of Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie. Due to Pure Vanilla���s kindness, White Lily’s empathy, and both of her parents love, Snickerdoodle Cookie grew up to be a kind and loving cookie with a strong faith. On her 19th birthday is when Dark Enchantress Cookie attacked the Vanilla kingdom. As Dark Cacao Cookie, Golden Cheese Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, and White Lily Cookie are about to go fight Dark Enchantress Cookie, Pure Vanilla and White Lily send Snickerdoodle with half the of Vanilla kingdom citizens to leave the kingdom while the other half evacuate by airship. When Snickerdoodle and her group get to a safe distance from the kingdom, they turn around just to see the explosion from the Vanilla castle. Most of the cookies with Snickerdoodle start to loose that they will ever return back to the kingdom. It’s at this moment that Snickerdoodle encourages the cookies with her to have faith that one day they will return to restore the Vanilla kingdom; however, to do that they must survive and leave in order for it to happen. With her words that she spoke to the cookies, she heard the voice of The light of Faith granting to her, her Spirit Jam. The Cookies along with Snickerdoodle form the Pilgrim Village that’s near the hero’s gate. Snickerdoodle Cookie helped guide cookies with the newly appointed pilgrim village elder for 5 years, until her 24th birthday. She decided that she would go on a pilgrimage to check if what was left of the Vanilla kingdom had survived. As she was about to leave, the cookies and the village elder came to see her off. She said her goodbyes, and then she left for her journey. She cleared the trials of the pilgrims path and the hero’s gate, making it to the pomegranate forest(the tainted forest). Just as Snickerdoodle Cookie was leaving the brooding moss part of the forest, unbeknownst to her, she triggered a moonstone trap. Trapping and encasing Snickerdoodle in moonstone for a long time until GingerBrave and his friends enter the forest.
Main storyline:
Tainted forest/Ancient altar: It is here when GingerBrave and his friends free Snickerdoodle Cookie from the moonstone. As They all introduced themselves, one of the cookies in GingerBrave’s group looks awfully familiar to Snickerdoodle Cookie. She soon realizes that its her mother, White Lily Cookie. Snickerdoodle Cookie joins GingerBrave and his friends at his invitation. Snickerdoodle fills her mother in what she knows what was the last five years of her life that her father and mother were not there to see. Upon entering the Pomegranate village, Snickerdoodle Cookie learns how many years passed while she was trapped in the moonstone and also finding out that her body’s physical aging has permanently been slowed. She helps purify the Sugar Swan along side GingerBrave, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, custard cookie 3rd, Chili pepper Cookie, and White Lily Cookie.
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Forgotten Academy/Hall of enlightenment: As the group travel through the forgotten academy and the hall of enlightenment White Lily Cookie starts to remember everything she has done, while Snickerdoodle Cookie starts to grow concerned for her mother growing distant and more transparent. When they all reach the end of the hall of enlightenment, they come across another Moonstone containing White Lily Cookie. Snickerdoodle Cookie is surprised to see her mother in the Moonstone. When White Lily Cookie tells the group to break the moonstone and her along with it, Snickerdoodle Cookie is Shocked and absolutely doesn’t want to end her mother when breaking the Moonstone. Once the moonstone is broken, Snickerdoodle Cookie along with GingerBrave and his friends are stunned to see Dark Enchantress Cookie instead of White Lily Cookie who was freed from the Moonstone. Snickerdoodle Cookie started to feel sick to her stomach when finding out that her mother had become Dark Enchantress Cookie.
Castle in the sky/Timeless Kingdom: When dark enchantress cookie left, Snickerdoodle didn’t realize that she and GingerBrave’s group had been teleported to the raisin cliffs, so close to her homeland and kingdom. Snickerdoodle Cookie knew she didn’t have the time to morn the loss of her mother who had become Dark Enchantress Cookie. She had to help GingerBrave and his friends fend off the oncoming attacks. As they make it to the healer’s tent, they are cornered by Black Raisin Cookie and the villagers. Healer cookie steps out from the tent to stop Black Raisin cookie. Healer cookie welcomes the group of cookies into the village. As healer cookie starts heal injured cookies, Snickerdoodle Cookie asks if she can join him and help. Healer cookie gladly accepts Snickerdoodle’s help, and they start to heal the injured cookie together. As Everyone started talking about the Vanilla kingdom, Snickerdoodle finally couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. The group noticed Snickerdoodle’s tears, and took pause as healer cookie asked her what was wrong. Snickerdoodle Cookie finally explained about all she had gone through at the start of the dark flour war, that her Father is Pure Vanilla Cookie and she doesn’t know where he is, that she is the Princess of the Vanilla kingdom, and just found out that her mother has become Dark Enchantress Cookie. Healer cookie hugs Snickerdoodle Cookie as she finishes her explanation. The Cookies start talking once Snickerdoodle has finished crying, and she joins in on the conversation. As the crimson moon appears, the cookies are called out the cliff. Snickerdoodle joins in the fight against the wafflebots. Soon upon the end of the battle, the group of cookies come across the vanilla kingdom floating in the sky. They step into the teleportation gate leading them to the vanilla kingdom. As the group travels through the kingdom, it breaks Snickerdoodle Cookie’s heart to see her father’s kingdom in such disrepair. They finally reach the castle after few more battles. Upon entering the castle, most of the cookies gained unsettling feeling due to the cookie crumbs on the ground and residual magic causing certain parts of the past to be replayed. The group of cookies figure that it must be Dark Enchantress’ magic that is causing this. The group continues on until they are brought to a banquet hall where dark enchantress cookie is. As dark enchantress tries to sway GingerBrave, his friends, and Snickerdoodle to her side, healer cookie stands up against her. Everyone is surprised to see see Pure Vanilla Cookie alive. They leave the hall continuing on their way forward through the castle to truly face dark enchantress cookie. Snickerdoodle Cookie is so overjoyed and overwhelmed with her father being alive. Finally reaching where dark enchantress cookie is, the group was surprised to see pure vanilla cookie trapped inside a jar. As the group was about to defeat dark enchantress cookie, she made a final desperate attack only to be blocked by pure vanilla cookie breaking out of the jar and shielding them causing dark enchantress cookie and her group to retreat. Snickerdoodle Cookie decides to stay with her father and help rebuild the Vanilla kingdom.
Cookie odyssey:
Episode 1: Snickerdoodle Cookie is just helping around the Vanilla kingdom while the counsel of heroes happens. She does greet the cookies that come to the Vanilla kingdom.
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Episode 3: Snickerdoodle Cookie along with Dark Cacao Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, and Pure Vanilla Cookie arrive at the Crème Republic just in time to help fight against the Cookies of Darkness.
Beast yeast story line:
Snickerdoodle Cookie decides to go to Beast Yeast with her Father, Pure Vanilla Cookie, along side Gingerbrave, Wizard Cookie, and Strawberry Cookie.
While traveling through beast yeast and coming across the fragments of her Mother’s soul Jam, snickerdoodle is slowly gaining hope that she can understand what happened with her mother, and what was going through her mother’s mind before her mother became Dark Enchantress Cookie.
As the group enters the fairy kingdom, Snickerdoodle is surprised to discover that White Lily is adored by the denizens of the kingdom. Elder Fairy Cookie explains what the current situation is, and clarifies more details the soul jam. He also explains that Snickerdoodle’s Jam is not a Soul Jam, but a Spirit Jam made by the wizards. Elder Fairy also shows that White Lily Cookie’s body is asleep in a glass box. The group goes collecting the rest of White Lily’s soul jam, and learning more about what to her. When they get enough shards to help revive White Lily Cookie, they learn what must be done to revive her.
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hi! this account looks awesome; it's always good to see fallen hero fans heheh :D
i was wondering if you'd perhaps be willing to share some of your shadow milk headcanons? no pressure obviously, i just feel like it could be fun <3
thank you so much for asking and also giving nice compliment, and yes I like edgy evil cookies. :]]]
(already answered here, but here more like of thoughts and things i think he/they would do i guess?). And most of it is a warrior cat reference lol and more detailed one. But here it is ^-^
(under the cut)
Back when he/they liked a good side hero ancient (before getting corrupted). He/they is like a nerd studying magic, & herbs, and various locations to wander and discover around and research on them?.
Based on his/their old hero form, i assume he/they is like a chill guy before his/their demise
His/their moral alignment is chaotic evil. Due to him being mischievous and chaotic.
If he/they can possessed pure vanilla cookie in any way, pure vanilla cookie get shadow milk cookie heterochromia same eye color acting unhinged (like the imposter) from the broken code wc book while sabotage his body. they/he tried controlling and manipulating targets.
He/they go to a moonstone in blueberry academy and receives their/his immortal 9 lives from cookies Spirit. (Yes this is a reference to the wc cat leader)
I assume their/his nine lives message of why they're getting, since every clan leader in the book get message about their received 9 lives. (Sorry if it's terrible but that I could think of)
it is about First is knowledge
second id responsibility
third is kind
fourth is gentle
and 5rd is diligence
6rd is loving
7rd is calming
8rd is leadership
9rd last is bravery.
I don't know what role job, he is/they are but I assumed he was a healer mender or either mediator.
Or maybe a herbalist and researcher?
I think he is still alive while stuck on the sacred silver tree.
He/they can shapeshift into an ordinary cookie or even light of truth, and also cookie spirits.
Every caretaker, elder, and mothers, babysitter, older siblings, adult, etc used his/their story as a spooky urban legend or fairy tales to young kids who are mischievous to make them scared and learned their lessons.
He/they used to have a leader star forehead mark but it got shattered after he/they became corrupted and faded over the years.
Back when he/they was visiting the moonstone, he got star shape sparkly eyeshine about him/them receiving 9 lives from cookie spirits and they/he got a white diamond shape eyeshine whenever encounter spirit cookies. And also sparkles around him/them.
He/they either had his/their remaining lives went to 6 or 7, 1, 8 since pure vanilla cookie get to be a new leader role but he/they maybe still had their 9 lives?.
He/they lose contacts & communication from cookies spirit since they don't like/love him/them anymore. Due to shadow milk cookie turn evil.
He/they get is swarmed by blue butterflies whenever he/they sleep (back when shadow milk cookie was a hero).
He/they used to get gifts and notes by many cookies before he/they get corrupted.
He can mimic and voice impression of some people's voices and their shadows.
He wears a sage wreath and Myosotis/forget-me-nots flower and either yellow dandelion, gladiolus on both head and necklace depends.
He hates being stuck on the sacred silver tree.
He is happy that the moonstone gets destroyed accidentally indirectly by gingerbrave gang & dark enchantress cookie. So that cookie on whoever is becoming leader had to find another solution or resources to get their nine lives and struggle.
Pretty sure he hates starclan.
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queen-rainy-love · 11 months
Cookie of the Week: Clotted Cream Cookie
This Cookie of the Week is...
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Cookie name: Clotted Cream Cookie
Pronouns: He/Him
Rarity: Super Epic
Position: Middle
Type: Magic
Lore: Clotted Cream Cookie is the youngest member of the Convocation of Elders and the Consul of the Crème Republic. He was a young Cookie when House Custard took him in after his mother, Light Cream, wanted him to have a better life. He plays a leading role in Cookie Odyssey. In chapter one, he arrived at the Vanilla Kingdom during the Hero Council to convince the Ancient Heroes to give their Soul Jam. Once he was able to convince them to share their power with other Cookies, he (as well as Espresso and Madeleine) led Wildberry, Crunchy Chip, and GingerBrave back to the Republic to research how to share the Soul Jam power and stop the White Masks from taking away the Soul Jams. In chapter three, he joins the fight to defend the Crème Republic from Dark Enchantress and her forces. He and the others were able to stop the Cookies of Darkness and Clotted Cream decided to help find the lost pieces of the Soul Jam (takes place in Master Mode). The last we see of Clotted Cream is the winter story Cookie Holidays where House Custard celebrates Christmas with Custard Cookie the Third and then Clotted Cream visits his mother.
Personality: Clotted Cream is known for his perfectly practiced smile. He presents himself as an ambassador of the Crème Republic where he values its welfare above all else. He will always reply diplomatically and full of respect. He also rarely ever back down from his own demands. He is expertly skilled at hiding his true thoughts and intentions from other Cookies, only after he achieves his goals. Although Clotted Cream is ambitious and seeks to further elevate his status, he is also mindful of the welfare of other Cookies. He does appear to believe sincerely in the Crème Republic, prepared to protect it from both inter and outer threats. He has no reservations about verbally challenging Cookies of higher statuses who stand in his vision, like the Ancient Heroes.
Skills: Clotted Cream's Skill is called Consul's Orders. This skill has Clotted Cream use the Cloak of Light, cutting-edge technology from the Republic, to create unquestionable advantages in battle. This skill projects the Light Cage onto the nearest enemy, blocking buffs and dealing area damage to them. It cannot be dispelled, projected onto the resistance of interrupting effects, and prevents receiving removable buffs onto the enemies. It can also inflict extra damage based on the target’s HP at the end of its duration. Meanwhile, Clotted Cream becomes resistant to interrupting effects.
Costumes: Clotted Cream has no costumes.
Cookie Decor: Clotted Cream does have a Cookie Decor called Waterfall of Contemplation. Here he eats a little scone and relaxes for a bit.
Thoughts: If you take a second to look through this page, you know how we feel about Clotted Cream. He is baby. I'm excited for what they do next. I just hope they don't forget about him til the final battle. We need to see more of him!
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Prologue: Equal Opportunity
Cover + Recap Page + Pages 1-3
Writing by Ash Rose
Storyboarded by @queenofwerewolves
Lineart, Colors & Shading by Ash Rose
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COVER ART: Neck-up drawings of Dark Enchantress Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, and Red Velvet Cookie in decending order, shaded with harsh black shadows. The background is completely black aside from a glowing red ring behind the three characters. There is a dark red border around the outside of the image that has a triangle sectioned off from it on the top right. Within the triangle, the text "#0" is hand written in golden yellow. On the top of the image is the Cookie Run: Cult of Chaos logo, and on the bottom of the image is the chapter title "Equal Opportunity" in text that fades from red to golden yellow, with a red border around it.
A Day Off's Storytime
On the days that he has off from his usual work as General and Creator of the Cakehound Army, Red Velvet Cookie likes to give his soldiers a touch up in appearances with a trim to their fur.
One day, while he does this on one of his most loyal soldiers; Chiffon, he was asked by the loyal pup to tell a story from his childhood - specifically that of when he and his boss/mother Dark Enchantress Cookie had traveled to the City of Wizards, an event that had resulted in the possession of an apparently magical book that Red Velvet Cookie still has wuth him to this very day.
But just as he was finishing the story, Pomegranate Cookie, his fellow Cookie of Darkness, had appeared at their doorstep with a strange device that she had received from a heist their co-workers had done for Pomegranate Cookie. In a moment of coincidence, Red Velvet Cookie knew what the device was thanks to that very book, identifying as a "Magical Ring Portal".
But now just one question stands...
What opportunities can be found for the Cookies of Darkness with such a device?
Red Velvet Cookie - Cakehound Army General
Pomegranate Cookie - Dark Priestess
Chiffon - Top Cakehound Army Soldier
[LOCATION - Red Velvet Cookie's bedroom]
Pomegranate Cookie: [confused, but still trying to keep her composure] Magical… Ring Portal, hmm?
Red Velvet Cookie: [excitedly holding up the ring in his non-cake hand] Why, I do believe it is!
Pomegranate Cookie: [her usual demeanor, but you can just ever so slightly see the curiosity in her eyes] I see… I'm sure it wouldn't be too much to ask of you to tell me what this Magical Ring Portal is and does, hmm?
Red Velvet Cookie: [places his cake arm behind his back and takes a sort of bow] Oh no, it absolutely wouldn't be! Especially for you, Pomegranate Cookie.
Pomegrante Cookie: ....
Pomegranate Cookie: [eyes narrow] Cut the flattery, Red Velvet Cookie.
Red Velvet Cookie: [goes back to standing straight, looking a tad embarrassed] Right, right, my bad.
Red Velvet Cookie: [displays the magical ring, still in his non-cake arm, with pride] The Magical Ring Portal, a device used to travel to and from the Chaos Dimension, one of the four primary dimensions in our multiverse!
Red Velvet Cookie: [Eyes shift to now glancing at PomC as he theatricaly tosses the ring in the air] With this having been originally in the possession of Gingerbrave and company, it would seem that perhaps they had traveled to that dimension during the adventure your mirror showed you.
Pomegrante Cookie: [nodding] That certainly would be a logical conclusion to make.
Red Velvet Cookie: [non cake hand scratching chin, catching the ring on one of the fingers on his cake hand] But that doesn't dwindle things down much, does it?
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lilacartsmadsion · 1 year
I think a dark enchantress being braves mom thing is so much funnier if brave doesn’t know.
The only thing that connects the two positively is the fact that DE fell into the ultimate dough (in my au) which was later mixed with gingerbread to dough to make brave and dozer.
It also lets me really let Dark Enchantress’s really fucked up nature show as she only started caring about brave when she found out he was her kid. At which point she tries to control him (kidnapping manipulation mind control etc) but the thing is; she’s never done anything for him developmentally
The witch made him
Others parented him (teaching him to eat healthy, teaching him to be more honest with emotions etc)
All she did was fall in some dough
Also she’s the one who brought dozer back; cause he’s also her son. (She killed cookies and mixed them together like Frankenstein; then she put his soul in)
Gingerbrave: You may be my mother…
Gingerbrave: But you were never my mom.
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