#choco duo cookie
missfraise · 8 months
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Affogato cares about his royal nephew
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quibbs126 · 4 months
You know with the new update being Dark Cacao Kingdom centered, I’ve seen people write posts talking about the relationship between Dark Cacao and Dark Choco, and I realize something
Namely that I’ve gone so long without having seen the actual cutscenes they feature in, and so I think as a result my brain plays a game of mental telephone to the point where I’ve constructed a different version of the characters in my head that isn’t really the canon version. Not so much in any wild sense, they aren’t unrecognizable, but they are markedly different. This is mostly just the case with Dark Choco, since I’ve seen cutscenes with Dark Cacao much more recently, but this does also extend to the relationship between them. And this most likely extends to other characters, but I’m just using my examples for now
I probably need to rewatch cutscenes on a more regular basis. Especially with the main story, since other than the Golden Cheese and City of Wizards stories, it’s been well over a year since I’ve seen any of them
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brittle-doughie · 7 months
Introducing the Y/N plush! And the cookies and what they do with said plush!
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The cookie in the second image are, shining glitter, pomegranate, chess choco twins, golden cheese, caramelon, custard the lll, black pearl, licorice, lychee, komiho, Affogato, lilac, onion, stardust, space doughnut, timekeeper, shadow milk, white lily, snap dragon, pitya, abyss monarch and fire spirit. And if your wondering, the two drawings took 6 hours total-)
The Earthbread Big Seller!
I can tell which of the two took you the longest. I would like to know what it says next to Snapdragon if you can!
“Amazing Y/N Plush! Collect your very own doll to keep. Be the first one on your block to own the amazing new Y/N Plush! Please do not fight over them!”
[A large line had formed at Butterbear’s shop! Cookies of the sea and sky have emerged too to get their very own plush!]
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Many fans had considered Shining Glitter’s latest show to be one of her best! She couldn’t take all of the credit though, she had help!
She cuddled close the Y/N plush she had next to her mic stand. She can count on it to allow her to give it her all, as if Y/N themself was watching her!
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Having her own plush hold up a mirror for her to help fix her hair up already made itself more useful to Pomegranate than a certain cookie in the CoD.
She took a quick look around before she took it with her to bed, dozing off with the plushie clutched tightly in her arms.
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The Chess Choco duo loved that they now have an observer to their chess games in the form of their own Y/N plush! They didn’t expect one or the other to pull anything tricky, but it was nice to have some sort of reassurance that no sneaky tactics came into play!
They split the time in half with how much each of the two got to have the plush. It doesn’t stop disputes from breaking out that had Earl Grey stepping in from time to time!
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One of Golden Cheese Cookie’s favorite things to do with her Y/N plush would be to dress it up in whatever amount of riches she can put on it the little doll.
One of her favorite outfits for it is one that makes the plush look like a resident of her own kingdom, complete with wings to match hers. Something she has planned for the real deal when she gets the opportunity!
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Carameleon Cookie was so stoked to have a buddy to call his own within the forested areas close to the Silver Kingdom. It sure beats being alone all the time!
He can tell you that he isn’t too attached to the thing as he waits for the actual Y/N Cookie to come by. He just..doesn’t want to lose it, okay?!
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It was good to have one of his loyal subjects always around to listen what he had to say! Even if it was just a plush version of them, Custard Cookie III could spend minutes just talking to the plush as if it were a real cookie!
It’s why he considers it as one of his best subjects in the kingdom! Right behind the real Y/N Cookie, of course!
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Black Pearl’s Y/N plush is nothing short of the best thing to ever grace her waters. It was down to the very last detail the cookie of her dreams had.
She’d never tire of it, acting protective over the plush, something she’d be more aggressively so if the real Y/N Cookie was with her! The plush will look amazing within her dwelling!
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Licorice Cookie didn’t care about Pomegranate’s venom spewing mouth these days, not when he has his bestest friend, the Y/N plush, with him!
He can truly confide his secrets and feelings towards the little plush, like his feelings towards Y/N Cookie, but it better not blab to you! He even uses the plush as a guardian for his diary!
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Ha! Why wait in line for a plush when Lychee Dragon could just swipe it from that fumbler, Kumiho Cookie! She didn’t appreciate Y/N Cookie enough, so why not give it to a dragon that certainly will!
Kumiho was not having it though, angrily coming after the dragon for stealing her darling in plush form! She did not let Lychee’s lies get to her, she’s taking back that plush!
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Affogato Cookie could just monologue all day to his plush on how he plans to take over the throne one day and Y/N Cookie will join him as part of that dream!
He’d promise nothing but the best life for you with a luxurious life with no worries or limits as he went to caress the plush’s cheek. The best victory would be to have you for himself while that Caramel Arrow Cookie watched! He can’t stop giggling to himself about it!
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With how popular these plushies were getting, Lilac was particularly watchful of his. He already called it his own with the lilac scent and he’ll bring down anyone swiping his plush from him.
He always keeps it on his person, both as a precaution and that he has easy access to it to hold and cuddle close when he’s needy. It’s what he would’ve done to the actual Y/N Cookie.
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Blackberry Cookie can always count on Y/N Cookie to help settle down Onion during one of her crying bouts, she enjoyed the company from them too. So it was a total win when she received a plush for herself and for Onion.
Onion always liked to go to bed holding both her doll and plushie to ensure a good night’s rest without the fear of a nightmare waking her up, for she trusts the Y/N plush to help her even in her dreams.
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Stardust doesn’t mind sharing his Y/N plushie with his friend, Space Doughnut. After all, they share the same trait of seeing Y/N Cookie as a dear friend. Space Doughnut was just as trusting with theirs to Stardust as well!
Space Doughnut does get overly excited when they could play around with BOTH plushies, making Stardust laugh with a smile as Doughnut happily played the two plushies.
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Was it really any surprise that Timekeeper Cookie wanted to be greedy and have a number of Y/N plushies? They’re her favorite, why wouldn’t she take them? It wasn’t like the original owners could prove anything against her.
Timekeeper Cookie cuddled herself amidst her plushies without a care in the world, relishing in seeing the face of the cookie she liked all around her. Though it wouldn’t hurt to try and grab a couple more to her collection…and then Y/N Cookie themself!
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Shadow Milk’s puppet show was going to be wonderful with the guest of honor being Y/N Cookie themself! Almost! He was able to obtain a plushie from one of his clown faeries and he was absolutely adoring it!
The plushie is always going to be a part of his puppet shows, interacting with a doll of himself that he made. How romantic it would be if the two stuffed dolls danced and smushed together to replicate a kiss! It even made Shadow Milk himself blush at the thought of you and him possibly doing that too~
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One of the faeries had gently opened White Lily’s glass case, placing down a Y/N plush they had gotten for her. She immediately grabbed it and clutched it tight close to her, a smile on her face being the indicator that she liked the plush already.
One of the faeries had gotten curious about what made this plushie so dear to her as she reached for it and tried to pull it out of her arms. She had to quickly reel her hand back when White Lily swiped at it, nuzzling the plushie closer to her body, shielding it from any further attempts.
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Pitaya Dragon Cookie didn’t expect Snapdragon to enjoy their Y/N plush that much to the point that they whined for Pitaya to hand it over to them. While this was meant to be for Pitaya only, they didn’t mind it as they give it to the young dragon.
Snapdragon immediately swiped it up and flies around with the doll in their arms, babbling happily as they played around with the stuff toy. Pitaya couldn’t help but smile at the sight, it was just like when Y/N Cookie would play with Snapdragon themself…
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Abyss Monarch Cookie didn’t find themself going out much, especially for something as small as a stuffed plush. Yet there they were, having went out and gotten a Y/N to call their own.
This sense of adoration they start to feel for this plush was almost on the same level as they had for Y/N Cookie themself. They gently picked it up and spun slowly around with it, was this feeling a sign and not a temporary emotion? This feeling of…longing…
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Fire Spirit was so stoked to have receive his own plush that he couldn’t wait to have simmer down first before messing around with it, too enveloped in his own that his hands start to emit smoke touching the plush.
He started to freak out when he open his eyes to see that he had turned the plush into a pile of ash, crying in anguish as he tried to salvage what he can. He went back to Butterbear Cookie with the news and he was generous enough to give him a replacement, warning him to be more careful next time!
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minniesstar · 1 year
𝐏𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐰/ 𝐟𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐨 + 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚
✩A/N✩: Its my first time writing HCS ever and I hope I did it right.I am vv scared that they are ooc but ig its okay bcs i think everyone has diff ideas of each character.I hope u guys enjoy it! pls feel free to reblog/comment✧
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-is a 🍫choco pocky🍫 boi
-Once the round starts, he is SUPER FAST
-Not taking things slow at all
-he def takes BIG bites to get to the middle quick where it gets more intense
-this sly boi wld chuckle or grin if he sees that u get flustered, it amuses him
-if ur not easily flustered, he wld try his best to get a reaction out of u (hold the back of ur head, get closer, etc.)
-his goal for the game was to make u blush
-may or may not have agreed to the game bcs he wld have a chance to kiss the lips of his fav person
-wld make eye contact w/ u to make it more interesting as ur lips get closer
-at the end of the round, he has his signature grin
-if he’s the one holding onto the last piece, he wld taunt u to get it w/o touching his lips
-if its u, he wld swiftly steal the pocky from u n his lips might have grazed urs🤭
-his heart is secretly fluttering but he doesn’t show any sign of embarrassment
-wld ask to play a few more rounds with a big grin(more chances for him to ‘accidentally’ touch ur lips)
“One more round!”
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-Yasushi and Kiyoshi dared Fujio and u to participate in the game
-probably bcs u and fujio had such great chemistry
-Pressured by the duo until u guys agreed
-had to explain the game at least 2 times to Fujio
-i get 🍪cookies n cream pocky🍪 vibes from him
-has a slow but steady speed at the start of the round
-bites carefully when ur faces get closer
-his eyes was focusing on the pocky thats getting shorter and shorter as time passes by
-once he sees ur lips he looks up
-got flustered af when he made eye contact w/ u as ur lips got closer
-the feeling of ur warm breathe fanning his face didn’t help his flusteredness
-in the end, he held onto one end as u continued biting away at the tiny bit of pocky between his lips and urs
-when ur lips touched slightly, he stared at u w/o saying anything
-Probably freaking out on the inside
-The rest wld tease Fujio who’s smiling sheepishly at the end of the game
-shy boi
“i’ll win next time…” he mumbles.
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lilacartsmadsion · 3 months
Dark Choco Cookie observed the dawn from one of the castle's balconies, the day looking oddly free of snowstorms, as the Dark Cacao Kingdom was a sugar snow filled land
But what called his attention was not actually the dawn itself, but rather the cookie observing the dawn before him
"Hmm? Dark Choco, what are you doing up at this hour? I supposed you'll still be asleep"
"I would say the same to you father, I understand that you're ussually awake and about early, but I didn't knew it would be this early"
"You're right to say I don't ussually stay up at this hour, but I am sure you are awake due to the same reason as I"
"You mean, that feeling? It's feels... ominous... as if something is comming, but I can't tell if it is a bad omen"
"Me neither, that's the reason I decided to go out and observe earlier-"
A sound cut off both cookies chat, it sounded... like fire, like the sound of a wildfire like those that were rarely seen in the kingdom in extreme circumstances, but where more comming in other kingdoms, it was loud, and it felt like hitting both cookies present as well as every other cookie up at that time-
Dark Choco's eyes widened as he looked at the dawn behind his father
"Father! Look!"
Dark Cacao turned around to what could only be described as something massive, a fireball as bright as the dawning sun, approaching at a high speed and the origin of the firey sound
Both cookies could only stare, frozen in place as the bright object grew smaller but not dimmer, flying over their head and landing with a thunderous roar not far from the main gates of the kingdom, scaring a few of the watcher's that were nearby
The father and son duo looked at eachother, their heartbeats ringing on their ears as they took off running
It felt like hours, despite being just minutes, before they arrived at full speed to the landing of the foreign object
As the protector of the kingdom and as the prince, they were the first to approach, ready to assess and dispatch any posible threats
But as they walked carefully and approached the charred place where the object landed, they lost their breath
A child, with burns in a few places of his body and clear dough, was right in the place were the object was supposed to be
And he was breathing
Dark Cacao and his son ran over to the unconscious child, Dark Cacao taking the small child, who looked not older than 10, into his arms and running back to the kingdom, Dark Choco yelling for the medics to make act of presence asap and tend to the child
Questions can wait, they had a child to care for
Oooh niiice!!! ^^
I liked the way Gingerbrave comes in a ball of fire. It’s neat! ^^
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ulteriorm0tiv3s · 2 years
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₊˚⊹🌷﹕delicate s/o that sings/dances﹒˚₊
❧ pairing: dark choco x reader, espresso x reader (gender neutral)
❧ genre: fluff
❧ requested by: 🥀 anon
❧ notes: i love this sm omg you req such bangerz fr
~♦️ dark choco ♦️~
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🍫•˖* to most cookies, dark choco is a large brute that is able to crush anything is his way. to you, however, he’s the sweetest cookie ever.
🗡️•˖* he knows delicate when he sees it, and to him, you are soft and delicate. especially your voice and the way you move.
🍫•˖* you are incredibly good at singing and dancing, which pleases him immensely.
🗡️•˖* your soft voice makes him melt every time you sing to him. dark choco likes to memorize the melodies you sing so he can sing them himself (he wants to impress you) (they’re also just really catchy).
🍫•˖* he really enjoys when you sing to him when he’s stressed/upset. it makes him feel pretty calm quickly.
🗡️•˖* since you’re so delicate and so small compared to him, he’s extra careful when you ask him to dance.
🍫•˖* dark choco definitely isn’t the best dancer, so you have to teach him a lot. he hasn’t danced with someone since his prince days, so it’s…been awhile.
🗡️•˖* he’s a fast learner, though. soon enough, he was just as good as you.
🍫•˖* he really likes the tango, it’s really fun to him. he likes all the spinny movements.
🗡️•˖* he loves these special moments of singing and dancing with you <3
~🧬 espresso 🧬~
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☕️•˖* espresso acknowledged your love of singing and dancing awhile ago. so, being the cookie he is, he decided to research different types of songs and dances that you liked.
✏️•˖* he’s never seen someone sing and dance as good as you do. he admires your deep dedication to the activities.
☕️•˖* your dedication inspires him to do more research, and even learn to sing and dance with you.
✏️•˖* whenever you perform, espresso watches and takes notes. like, extremely detailed notes. he might even draw certain poses from your dances.
☕️•˖* he can’t really memorize all the different names, but he really likes slow dances.
✏️•˖* when it comes to singing, he’s… not really good at it. he tries his best though.
☕️•˖* espresso devotes a lot of time into his work, and he struggles to focus on certain tasks sometimes. when you sing in the background, he winds down a little and is capable of focusing more easily.
✏️•˖* the softness of your voice is just so calming, he can and will fall asleep to it sometimes (especially when you sing like slower low beat songs).
☕️•˖* he wants to sing like you one day, even though he isn’t good at it. he just sticks to humming with you for now.
✏️•˖* espresso wants to figure out a way to mix his coffee magic with your singing and dancing talents. maybe you can be a traveling magic and singing/dancing duo some day.
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that-one-hat-kid · 1 year
Let's do a Quick 1 day poll while I wait to see who gets drawn in a few days in a previous post, but Let's do this as duos so two cookies!
IF "Draw all the cake Hound variations" get 10% of votes, the duo that wins gets covered in cake Hounds!
See y'all when the results are Shown!
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rosejigglypuff76 · 9 months
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Cookie Bangkok Vacation - Day 3 🌊🪴
Sea Fairy and Herb are ready for another day of their Family Bonding Cookie Bangkok Vacation!
Heading to a very big mall within the aforementioned city, stumbling upon Dark Choco again. But this time joined by Cream Puff and Mango too!
Happily heading around the mall, with a bunch of antics from one another. Even stumbling upon Cherry Blossom at one point.
Now the mother and child duo can be seen hanging out with each other. Planning to meet up with the other cookies they stumbled upon during their vacation.
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queen-rainy-love · 1 year
Clotted Cream and Finanicier are both forced into anger management (a headcanon I mentioned before i think). And in the anger management class we see Herb as the therapist! And we have the members!:
Pastry Cookie, Rye Cookie, Red Velvet, Espresso, Caramel Arrow, Almond, and Mint Choco Cookie (surprising ik but it’ll make sense laster-)
Soon they all talk. Pastry talks about (sorta but she’s implying) her past trauma, Rye talks about Chili being annoying and stealing, RV talks about his issues about the COD, Espresso talks about his work overwhelming him, Caramel Arrow talks about a snake(yknow who lmao), Almond talks about the crime chases he does and it hurts his back (old man lmao) and Mint Choco just FRICKING yells about his performance being a total bust; Vampire accidentally broke a light, Sparkling couldnt find his juice to serve the audience, Cocoa being sick, and to top it all of Gumball accidentally shoots Cherry’s bomb onto the stage. After his rant he apologizes and says that he’s working on his anger issues.
Clotted Cream mentions his father and Finanicier says, “I also hate his father because he assigns me stupid tasks”
after that Clotted Cream jokes about being scared of Mint Choco and Mint Choco just laughs…
Oooooo! I like this request! And I don't remember if anyone says anything about Clotted Cream and Financier having anger issues. But I'm down for it! And this will be set after the Journal arc. Also, I don't know what anger management classes are like, outside of tv. So sorry in advance if it's not accurate.
*The scene is set before a green building at the Cookie Kingdom. Clover, Herb, Clotted Cream, and Financier stood in front of said building. And to say that two were not happy was an understatement.*
Financier: Why are we here? This has nothing to do with the Crème Republic.
Clover: Maybe. But after a certain event, it's clear that Clotted Cream needs this. And you are welcome to join him for this, Ser Financier.
Herb: And sometimes, it's easier to talk it out. Maybe taking anger management classes can help. If not, then you don't have to come after this class.
Clotted Cream: Hmmm...
Financier: Consul?
Clotted Cream: *sighs* Very well. We'll give it a try. However, are you qualified for this task? No offense.
Herb: None taken and I am actually qualified to lead this class. Now, once we enter this door, please leave your weapons in the box next to the door.
Financier: Leave our weapons? Why?
Clover: Just going on a limb here...is it to avoid fighting?
Herb: That and I don't want the plants inside to get hurt. Now, come on. We can't keep the others waiting! *walks into the building*
Clover: I'll see you guys later. *waves the duo goodbye*
*Financier and Clotted Cream followed Herb inside and placed Financier's sword and Clotted Cream's coat next to the big box of weapons. The duo quickly continued following Herb inside a room where a bunch of Cookies were sitting in a circle. Starting with Herb's empty chair, the members were Espresso, Mint Choco, an empty chair, Red Velvet, another empty chair, Almond, Caramel Arrow, Rye, and Pastry.*
Herb: Hello everybody! *all attention was on him* Thank you all for coming to today's class. We have two new members with us, so please give them a warm welcome!
*The group greeted Clotted Cream and Financier. The duo walked over to the two empty chairs. Clotted Cream sat in between Mint Choco and Red Velvet while Financier sat in between Red Velvet and Almond.*
Clotted Cream: *smiles* Nice to see some familiar faces.
Red Velvet: *chuckles* Yeah. Maybe this meeting won't be so...frustrating...
Clotted Cream: Frustrating how?
Mint Choco: *leans next to Clotted Cream and whispers* You see that Cookie in purple and the habit? *subtly points at Pastry. Clotted Cream nods.* She and Red Velvet have history.
Clotted Cream: *looks at Red Velvet* What happened?
Red Velvet: *waves it off* I'll tell you later. Class is about to start.
Herb: Alright! Let's get started! *everyone turns their attention back to Herb, where he is holding a plant plushie.* Now both as a reminder and explanation, we will be taking turns talking and only if you have the plushie, may you talk. If you wish to speak up, please raise your hand and wait to be called on. Okay? *everyone nods their heads.* Good! Now Miss. Pastry, *hands her the plushie* how about you start today's session?
Pastry: What should I talk about?
Herb: Anything. It could be about your childhood or anything from the past few days. Just speak whatever is on your mind.
Pastry: Well...*looks down at the plushie* I don't remember much about my childhood other than the church. That was all I knew before the incident. *her face twist with anger and fear.* But this I will say: the things I've seen in those walls before the incident...looking back at them...I don't know why I let myself turn a blind eye. I just... *squeezes the plushie*
*Clotted Cream looked over at Red Velvet, who was looking at the floor, then at Pastry, who stole a glance at Red Velvet.*
Herb: *places a hand on her shoulder* It's alright. If it's too much, we can talk more in a private session if you want.
Pastry: Thank you. *hands back the plushie*
Herb: *gently takes the plushie* Thank you. Now, *looks over at Rye.* would you like to go next, Rye?
Rye: Alright. *takes the plushie, takes a breath, then starts* The past week has been testing my patience. I was looking over at my bounty book when it was suddenly taken from my hand! I look up to see that red pepper Cookie laughing at me and my bounty! She then started mocking me and was about to run off! Those sweet little kids did try to get her to stop but it didn't work.
Herb: Did you chase her?
Rye: Almost. She's lucky that her pops came by and stopped her. I wanted to.
Herb: I see. Did she apologize for stealing your bounty book?
Herb: Would you want me to get her to apologize?
Herb: I'll get her to do so after this session.
Rye: Good. *tosses the plushie over to Red Velvet* Your turn, hound boy.
*Even if he caught it, Red Velvet started to growl a bit but Clotted Cream placed his hand on his shoulder. The General took a breath before speaking up.*
Red Velvet: Ever since I moved here, I've noticed some former associates causing issues for my brothers and me. And I know I could ignore them. However, they've been pushing it by attacking us whenever we step out of the kingdom! They've even made an attempt on kidnapping us!
Herb: Do you know why?
Red Velvet: *gives a glare* What do you think?
Herb: *clears throat nervously* Right. Do you have any plans to keep them at bay?
Red Velvet:......Well......
Herb: No violence!
Red Velvet: Only against them!
*An argument broke out between Herb and Red Velvet. Nothing too aggressive, just how the General should deal with the issue. After five minutes of shouting, Red Velvet tossed the plushie at Espresso.*
Espresso: Hmm. I believe it's my turn then.
Herb: Of course. Go ahead.
Espresso: The past few days have been stressful. All my experiments have been coming up negative and the school board has been on my case about my results. Not to mention, my former landlord kept sending me letters, even after I moved out!
Herb: And did you solve this...without violence?
Espresso: I...mostly threw a book at the wall before calming down. Just before...Madeleine came in my lab.
Herb: That's progress. Let's just remember that we don't want to throw anything heavy at anything else.
Espresso: Very well. That is all from me today. *toss the plushie at Caramel Arrow* Here you go.
Caramel Arrow: *catches it* Thank you. And the only thing that has been bothering me is that snake.
Herb: Snake? What snake?
Caramel Arrow: A traitor of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. He fled the kingdom not too long ago and we've been hunting him down since.
Herb: It seems like you have a personal history with this snake.
Caramel Arrow: He's the reason why I was kicked out of the kingdom for some time.
Herb: I see. Do you have an idea of what you will do if you see him again?
Caramel Arrow: Nothing I can say here.
Herb: Alright. Anything else you want to share?
Caramel Arrow: No. I'm good for the day. *passes the plushie to Almond* Here you go, detecive.
Almond: Thank you. I have nothing really noteworthy for this session. Mostly had chases that nearly blew out my back.
Herb: Have you been doing your exercises?
Almond: Not for the past few days.
Herb: Let's remember to do that, okay?
Almond: Alright. *hands the plushie to Mint Choco.* Here you go.
Clotted Cream: (Why is Mint Choco here? He's usually calm. What's he mad about?) *notices almost everyone bracing themselves* (Why is everyone doing that?)
*After all that, Mint Choco took multiple deep breaths. Most of the group quickly relaxed while Clotted Cream and Financier were still confused.*
Mint Choco: *puts on an apologetic smile* Sorry about that. Last night was a bit stressful for me and Toothpaste was no help whatsoever. But I will try better.
Herb: Thank you for letting us know about this. I hope the next concert won't have any more hiccups.
Mint Choco: Thank you, Herb. *hands the plushie to Clotted Cream* Here you go, buddy. You give it a try.
Clotted Cream: Oh! Um...well...I don't think I could follow that...
Herb: It's alright. Just share anything on your mind.
Clotted Cream: Well...I guess I could say...I hate my father.
Herb: *tilts head* Oh? Why is that?
Clotted Cream: Well, nothing I do can impress him and he expects so much!! I could lead an army against Dark Enchantress right now and he would still not acknowledge it! I do everything for him and not even a Light damn thank you!
Financier: *raises her hand*
Herb: Yes, Ser Financier?
Financier: Well...I must say this. I also hate his father.
Herb: Why?
Financier: He has me do tasks that are not related to my main task. Protecting the Consul.
Herb: Like what?
Financier: Finding one piece of paper in a giant archive. As if he doesn't have Cookies to do that instead.
Herb: ...Okay...That's understandable.
Financier: Yes. *looks over at Clotted Cream* Sorry about that Consul. I just needed to get that off my chest.
Clotted Cream: It's not a problem. To be honest, my father is the second Cookie I'm scared of now.
Herb: Who's the first?
Clotted Cream: Mint Choco.
Mint Choco: *laughs* That's fair.
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missfraise · 5 months
The Voices, the new Heroes of Earthbread
Decades after the defeat of Dark Enchantress Cookie, a new menace appeared: Shadow Witch Cookie.
The Ancient Heroes, GingerBrave & Friends, and other cookies tried to stop her, but their attacks only made her stronger in their first fight against her... All, but ten Cookies, graced with Soul Jelly, sources of Light and Dark magic, balancing each other, also called The Voices.
The ten Cookies, split into two teams, work together to find a way to stop Shadow Witch Cookie and her minions.
Team 1:
Choco Duo Cookie
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Son of Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao, half-brother of Dark Choco and full brother of Trichoco, Choco Duo, also known as Chocoduo, Double Cacao Chocolate (full name), or "The prince of Secrets", is a young man who has a memory as good as Tarte Tatin Cookie.
As a child, he lost his arms and legs to save a dragon egg. As a thank you, the egg's mother replaces his lost limbs with new ones made of Cake Dragon's dough with the help of Red Velvet Cookie. The dough, at first shaped like Cookie limbs, became more and more like dragon's, and the boy became, well, half Dragon.
Today, he is one of the pretenders of the title of Dragon King (despite himself), and created the Two Moons Crescent Court with his lover Sunflower Cookie. He's always followed by North-Weast and South-Weast, two of the four little dragons following him and his sister around (who look a lot like the Twins Dragons ...)
His Soul Jelly is an orange crescent moon, the Voice of Memory, placed on his chest.
Trio Choco Cookie
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Daughter of Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao, half-sister of Dark Choco, and full sister of Choco Duo, Trio Choco, known more as Trichoco, Triple Bittersweet Vanilla Chocolate, or Tritri by her bothers, is a young woman who's a hothead and loves fighting. She is the youngest sibling.
She is a big admirer of Berries Choco Cookie, Dark Choco's late mother, and wishes to be just like her: great and powerful. She loves her friends and family more than anything, but she will find any reason to train with them at any hour of the day and night. Even if she's known as the Voice of Victory, it is not unusual for her to lose her fights against her friends and loved ones.
Today, she is one of Dark Choco's advisors. She's always followed by North-East and South-East, two of the four little dragons following her and her brother around (who look a lot like the Twins Dragons ...). She is best friends with Pepper Jelly Cookie.
Her Soul Jelly is a red spike, the Voice of Victory, placed at the end of her spear.
Sunflower Cookie
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Sunflower Cookie, previously known as Yellow Rose Cookie, is the eldest child of the Roses Family and Choco Duo's lover and "mind guard".
When they were a child, they were abandoned by their mother, Burgundy Rose, in the woods where she gave them up to the hungry beasts living there. In their journey to find a new home, they meet Choco Duo, who had run away from the Citadel due to the bully the little prince got from being a new half-dragon. After convincing the boy to go home and with the help of one of Affogato's icecream clones, the two children manage to go back to the Citadel, and seeing how much the freckled cookie helped his son, Pure Vanilla proposes to the child to stay with them.
Sunflower is a protective cookie that will hold grudges on anyone who hurts Choco Duo. One of his catchphrases is "The prince is merciful. I am not."
Their Soul Jelly is a turquoise crescent moon, the Voice of Reason, placed on his staff, on the sunflower's heart.
Blackberry Nightshade Cookie
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Blackberry Nightshade, also known as Nightshade, is a citizen of the Hollyberry Kingdom and the youngest member of the team.
Born without arms, she uses the little of magic she has to make some and can sometimes turn them into claws.
She met Choco Duo, Trio Choco and Sunflower when the two royal siblings came to visit Hollyberry Cookie. The young girl was dared by her mean cousins to ask the prince to be her friend while handing her claw for a shake in public. The prince happily accepted it, to the surprise of every Hollyberian, including Nightshade, until she saw the two clawed hands around hers.
Today, she is a dancer in the Hollyberry Palace and is in a relationship with Pineberry Cookie.
Her Soul Jelly is a deep blue berry, the Voice of Resolutness, placed on her chest.
Tenili Cookie
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Tenili Cookie is a decapitated mummy-like Cookie and the oldest member of the Voices with Seaglass Cookie.
Tenili is a silly daydreamer who loves butterflies, to the point he cut his soul jelly to give it a butterfly shape. He sometimes sent one of his butterflies to give hope to his friends.
Before joining the Team, Tenili "lived" mostly in the Digital Golden Cheese Kingdom, using his stips connecting his body parts to "fly" around (Spiderman-like). He is in a relationship with Seaglass Cookie.
His Soul Jelly is a marron butterfly, previously an oval, the Voice of Hope, placed on his hair.
Team 2:
Frangipane Cookie
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Frangipane Cookie is the fourth child of Clotted Cream, Financier, Wildberry and Crunchy Chip. She is the biological daughter of Clotted Cream and Financier. She is the future head of Scone-Custard House and a talented technician and inventor. Her mentors are Espresso, Strawberry Crepe, and Mulled Juice.
She has to use a cane to walk medium to long distances and use her inventions for travel.
Frangipane is a very serious Cookie, to the point she sometimes starts fights with Trio Choco or Alpha Cookie. Although she likes children, they don't usually like her back, including her little siblings at first, which makes her a bit sad. Surprisingly, she is best friends with Seaglass Cookie. She is in a relationship with Jelly Pepper Cookie.
Her Soul Jelly is a peach clover-like, the Voice of Justice, placed on her shoulderplate.
Pineberry Cookie
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Pineberry Cookie is the child of Strawberry and Wizard Cookie and the godchild of Gingerbrave and Custard Cream III.
Pineberry was born with only one eye, their Soul Jelly replacing the missing one. They use their magic scarf as a weapon, mostly as a shield, but have a good manipulation of ice magic.
They are a bit shy, but also pretty smart, usually the one the team asks for new plans or advice when Frangipane is unavailable. They are in a relationship with Blackberry Nightshade Cookie.
Their Soul Jelly is a white/ pale colors four branch star, the Voice of Forgiveness, placed where his left eye should have been.
Seaglass Cookie
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Seaglass is a Gem Mermaid squid-like Cookie and the oldest member of the Voices with Tenili Cookie.
Little is known about Seaglass, but if you are somewhere with a source of water near, you can expect him to burst out of it and either cause trouble or help the ones in need.
Seaglass is a malicious troublemaker, but he loves children and babysits the Berries Triplets (WildChip's second set of triplets) often. He is best friends with Frangipane and in a relationship with Tenili Cookie.
His Soul Jelly is a black tear shape, the Voice of Vengeance, placed on his belt.
Pomegranate Mochi Cookie
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Pomegranate Mochi Cookie, also known as Mochi Cookie, is one of Dark Enchantress Cookie's clones, created by Matcha Cookie.
Created to be a perfect clone of DE, Matcha treated her harshly, believing it would make her more evil, and therefore more powerful, than their original source, despite the love for her daughter. It however backfired, making Mochi powerful but kinder. When Shadow Witch steals DE powers, Matcha and Mochi run away with Red Velvet and the Cake army to warn the Heroes of the danger.
In the Creme Republic, she meets the Gem Mermaid Carnelian Cookie and falls in love with her. The only ones to know her secret are Choco Duo and Seaglass.
Her Soul Jelly is a purple pie, the Voice of Union, placed on her Shamisen.
Pepper Jelly Cookie
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Pepper Jelly is the son of Eternal Sugar and Burning Spice and the first cookie who was able to injure Shadow Witch Cookie.
Unlike his parents, Pepper Jelly wants to help cookies, and works hard to prove he is a "good cookie". He is the first to find a way to hit Shadow Witch Cookie.
Pepper Jelly is a loud and brave cookie, who doesn't hesitate to jump into battle. His best friend is Trio Choco Cookie and he is in a relationship with Frangipane Cookie.
His Soul Jelly is a light green kite, the Voice of Trust, placed on his chest.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
So in Towers of Sweet Chaos, currently I have Dark Choco and Kouign Amann as my fronts, and now I’m wondering, how would they act if they actually met?
Like they’re both warriors with big swords, and now I just want to know how they’d interact, or what sort of dynamic they’d have. Would they be friends? I suppose it’d depend on at what point in Dark Choco’s character development they meet
But like, now I really want to know
Like at least a Twitter post featuring the two of them, that’s all I ask
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Universal Collision: Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
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Name: Captain Caviar Cookie
Class: 5★
Summoner/Duo: No
🎂Birthday🎂: No
Weapon Type: Gun (EX Weapon: Captain's Musket Mk. 2)
Current character status: Released
Info (From Cookie Run wiki)
"Don't ya dare fear the waves as long as you have a Captain in me!" Captain Caviar Cookie's bellowing voice, louder than the squall itself, can inspire the most desperate and ragtag bunch of sailors! This sea wolf laughs in the face of gale and waves-after all, the very caviar in his dough was a gift of a tide much rougher. It is easy to mistake the ever frowning, sharp-toothed Cookie for a vile pirate, but make no mistake: this Cookie before you is a respected Elder, one of the Republic's most famed heroes, savior of Choco Mud Town, and the bane of all villains and monsters plaguing the seas. Captain Caviar Cookie's trusty ship, the Salty Shark, and its seasoned crew have weathered many a storm only to find a way out to a safe haven. What song will they sing today, sailing towards a new glorious adventure?
The coat doesn't make me a captain, it's all about respect! - Power of user +100% (1 Turn) + Power of all allies +50% (1 Turn) + Deploy Piercing Flash Zone
Black Shark Torpedo Mk.2 - Water type piercing attack on a single enemy x5 (XL) + Piercing resistance -35% (3 Turns) + Increased damage if Enemy's HP > User's HP
- Double debuff effect if in Piercing Flash Zone
- With Captain's Respect stacked: Inflict Stun/Poison on all enemies and +200% damage (Multiplier x3)
- With 3 Stacks: Consume all Captain's Respect to initiate Awaken Zone
Bellowing Tide - Water type combined Piercing/Magic attack on all enemies (XL) + Inflict Stun + Stack 1 Captain's Respect
- Damage increased if used consecutively
Aquaphobia - Water type Magic attack on all enemies (M) + Inflict MegaPain and MegaPoison
- First Turn Only
* +400% damage (Multiplier: x5)
* Restore all party members' HP 20%
(Passive) Captain's Respect - Stack 1 Captain's Respect at end turn
Captain's Respect - Type attacks of user +25% (Max Stack x3: +75%) + Consume 1 Captain's Respect to attack again
(Passive) EoT Piercing Flash Buff - Increases Lance, Bow, Gun damage +15% \ +30% \ +45% \ +60% (1 turn)
* effect's power is based on number ( 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 ) of Pierce moves used during the turn.
* double moves from Copy status are counted twice. Attack again moves are each counted.
* End-of-Turn, counters, knocked back or dead allies' moves are not counted.
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adoptsomecookies · 2 years
Hey so there was this storm that hit that hit my area, and it affected the wild cookie population here a bit. I saved 3 cookies after the weather cleared, a Buttershell Fox cookie, Maple Panda cookie, and a lone Pawn Black cookie. These lil guys were huddled in a bush while their partners, were unfortunately reduced to a pile of soggy crumbs by the time I found them. Do you think keeping the 3 of them together will be alright? I believe that bringing in a different White Pawn and Choco Ring Lion could cause them some trauma.
(I'm a new anon, call me trio anon!)
* ah that is quite unfortunate... the storm must have thrown them around pretty hard to make them crumble, we can usually handle heavy rain as long as do not get thrown around violently, but since we weigh next to nothing usually, harsh winds can send us flying if not weighed down beforehand by heavy armor or whatnot. May the soul jams of the departed indivudals rest easy amongst the Divines.
* I do not see the groups of cookies having issues with eachother, Chess Choco Cookie duos are usually children afterall, and children are very easily influenced, but these kids are usually quite low matienence and do not get in trouble often, and I do not think they would treat a Cookiemal trio harshly, in fact, they may really love them! So I think the Buttershell Fox, Maple Panda, and Pawn Black Cookie will get along just fine and they likely will find support in eachother as well as you.
* Make sure to register your new Pawn Black Cookie companion for school, kindergarten is usually a good start for children cookies.
* Feel free to give me updates, Trio Anon!
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Battle the B.A.D 4 Part 2 - MIC DROP
⚙️ Yeah, yeah, holiday’s over. Back to pounding ZZ Skull into the stage floor, LIVE!
Stage 1
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Wave 1: 2 Cream Skelecake Footmen + Choco Cake Wolf
Wave 2: 2 Cream Skelecake Footmen + 2 Choco Skelecake Raiders
Boss: Licorice Cookie AKA ZZ Skull
⚙️ We all know how this ends at my level. BREAK HIS VOCAL CORDS AND THROW HIM OFF THE STAGE!
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Stage 2
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Wave 1: 2 Cake Warriors + 2 Cake Boomerang Warriors
Wave 2: 3 Cake Warriors
Wave 3: 3 Choco Cake Warriors
Wave 4: 4 Cake Warriors + 2 Cake Boomerang Warriors
💫 Whew! Help’s here! Let’s get back to our seats.
Stage 3
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Wave 1: 2 Choco Cake Wolves + 2 Cake Hounds (Single File)
Wave 2: 2 + 3 Cream Cake Wolves
Boss: 6 Cake Hounds and Red Velvet Cookie AKA HellHound
⚙️ The Hounds are nothing, but get them out of the way BEFORE you use the Priestess’s Paper Charm so it actually hits HellHound where it HURTS! Unless you have a Waffle Goliath at your disposal, send in a duo to face this dance squad of seven; one that you’re cool with using as Cake Arm fodder and a dough shield to eat the stun-grab from HellHound’s Crimson Hand, and another bruiser that can sneak in while everyone’s distracted to deliver some knockout dance moves once you break his shield.
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milkbreadtoast · 3 years
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some licorice + dark choco... im obsessed w their dynamic they’re peak comedy duo skdjnjdsnjvmcvcb <3
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macaroniismile · 2 years
my personal collection of ships I enjoy 🫡
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