#Darrel curtis
chameli · 1 day
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THE OUTSIDERS (1983) Dir. Francis Ford Coppola
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Sodapop: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honour know how much they’re loved. Darry has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for him.  Ponyboy: By forcing him to have fun at a party that he doesn’t want to be at?  Sodapop: I knew you’d understand.
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angeldear24 · 2 days
okay so this is the first time i’ve really posted anything on here but i need to say something
i watched a bootleg of the outsiders musical a few days ago and i noticed this and i needed to tell someone 😭
he’s just looking to the distance in despair while soda is trying to comfort him ☹️ but i was wondering if anyone noticed it 😭
this isn’t really a great video but you can see at the start he looks so dead inside and i actually shed tears about this, those greasers are driving me insane
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okay follow up kcso!paul question 🫣 is there an audio of the rumble confrontation bc i am seeing the vision
ofc🫡 pre-rumble confrontation between darry & paul with dan and kcso coming right up!
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chippedshake · 2 days
14 and I'm thinkin' 'bout God again
Ponyboy had never gone to church before. He’d never seen the point in it. No one in his family was a believer, and if he was going to spend a couple hours watching someone talk, he would rather have it be a movie than a sermon. 
But now that his parents were gone, he started wondering where they were. They would’ve made their way into heaven, he was sure of that. But did it even exist? Was someone else right? Was there another sort of afterlife? Were they sent to hell for being non-believers?
Was there nothing? Had their souls just disappeared? Were they really sleeping forever, unconscious? If that was what was waiting for everyone, what was even the point of being alive? The sun would explode and consume everything and they would be gone and all that would be left would be a void. No life. No thoughts. No memories. 
He slipped into the church with Johnny right before the service began, trying to be quiet so no one would notice them and their not-so-clean clothes.  
In the back of our car, everyone is so far from me
Marcia wanted to phase through the backseat and reappear in her bed. Bob and Randy had been drinking and Cherry was glaring holes into the back of their heads and Marcia was exhausted and couldn't garner the energy to join in.
She was tired for everything these days. Too tired for rallies and protests. Too tired to play with her little sister. Too tired to care about Randy and Bob drinking until they threw up. Too tired to pay attention in class. Too tired to care about how Bob being behind the wheel was illegal and about how it was illegal because it could kill them.
She just wanted things to be easy. Why did everything have to be a fight?
Maybe it’d be easier if she just stayed in her room alone and did nothing. Staring at the ceiling, laying on her bed, fading in and out of sleep. Maybe it’d be easier if she just stopped existing. 
17 and I'm feelin' so out of place, I've been movin' too much
Dally slept where he could. Buck said he didn’t need the rent money, but Dally knew better than that and tried to stay away for as long as he could because there was no way Buck would accept any form of payment from him. Not even helping around the bar or cleaning up after they closed. 
He stayed at Tim’s a couple times, but he was definitely an outsider there. Angela always gave him the stink eye – she was friends with Sylvia – and Curly gave him a wide berth. Tim was nice enough, but clearly didn’t want his bad influence around his kid brother and sister. A bit hypocritical, maybe, but imagining Tim palling around with Johnny made Dally understand why Tim seemed three seconds away from strangling him when he told Curly a dirty joke.  
There was Sylvia’s, sure, but they were always fighting and didn't get along too well even when they weren't. The Curtises’ couch was taken by someone else – usually Johnny – most of the time and Dally would rather die cold and alone on the street than force Johnny out of the only place he could call home. 
(Nevermind that it was his, too)
And lately, I've been runnin' 'round in circles every day
Johnny paced the lot for the third time. He couldn’t sleep. Not so soon after. Everytime he closed his eyes, he swore he could hear the low rumble of a Mustang coming around the corner to finish the job. 
To follow through with all those threats. 
He knew he should go to the Curtises’, but he didn’t want to bother them. Darry had enough to worry about without having to pick up charity cases.  
Fourth lap. It was nearing midnight. He wasn’t getting any sleep tonight. 
19 and I'm gettin' too drunk again
It was noon on a Wednesday and Two-Bit was nursing his third beer.
He thought about Steve’s face curling in disgust whenever he smelled alcohol on Two-Bit’s breath. Susie looking at him in disappointment with those big, brown eyes whenever he came home drunk. Sodapop’s pitying looks whenever he had beer for breakfast and Darry telling him about AA meetings and Ponyboy reciting statistics in an attempt to get him to stop. 
He thought about visiting the hospital and seeing Johnny, laying there, useless and in pain. Being useless and watching, helpless, as he died slowly and painfully. He thought about Dally crumpling under a streetlight, seventeen and hopeless. He thought about how he was never going to leave their neighborhood, how he was never going to graduate from highschool, how Ponyboy and Darry would leave and find someplace better and Steve and Soda would open their own gas station and he would be left there alone, still nursing his third beer on a Wednesday morning when he was thirty. 
He took another swig. 
And I'm fallin' in love with everyone just for a minute
She was pretty. A brunette, not a blonde, and brown eyes, not blue, but she was pretty. And she was funny and smart and really liked Soda. 
They’d had fun that evening and she was a bit older than him so she lived alone and they were at her place. He should be happy. He should be enjoying himself. But all he could think about was blond hair and someone else’s kid. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured as he stepped away, buttoning his shirt back up, “I can’t.”
20 and I'm runnin' away from everythin', I dropped out of school
Whenever Darry had a problem as a kid – homework he couldn’t figure out, a fight with some friends, someone being rude to him –, his dad would always remind him he played football, not track. He didn’t run away from things, he tackled them. He would force him to face the problem head-on and figure it out and not let it rest until it was solved. 
Lately, he’d been thinking that maybe he could replace Ponyboy as the track star in the family. 
Sure, he paid the bills and got custody and made half-hearted apologies when he was too out of line with Ponyboy, but the moment sadness poked its head out, tentatively asking if it could heal his wounds now, he shoved it down twice as hard as last time. He hadn’t let himself cry once in the last seven months, no matter how many times he wanted to. That wasn’t about to change any time soon. 
(It changed a month later as he hugged his brothers in a hospital waiting room when it finally came to be too much.)
To end up wakin' on another cold park bench
Steve’s father was kicking him out more often. It used to be once a month, for maybe two or three days. Now it was practically every week. 
It almost wasn’t worth going back. 
He couldn’t go over to the Curtises’ that often. Not just because it wasn’t fair for them to have to put up with him for so long, but also because it was humiliating. If he wasn’t even good enough for his own father to want him around, then who would?
Johnny would see him at the lot and Dally would see him at Buck’s so he went to the park. It was deserted at night and was on their turf so he could sleep undisturbed. 
He tried to ignore the shame rolling around in his chest when he woke up at sunrise to clean himself up with the fountain’s icy water. 
And I've turned off a part of me 
Soda wasn’t allowed to have feelings anymore, apparently. He wasn’t a person anymore, just a rope. A rope for his brothers to tug back and forth until he tore right down the middle. 
He’d never been all that good at following rules, but this was one he could follow. No feelings? He could do that. He could make himself a smiling, steady presence for his brothers. He could stretch himself thin enough to cover everyone. 
He could keep his family together.  
that I can't find anymore
He’d tried. Ponyboy swore that he’d tried.
But he couldn’t finish Gone with the Wind. He couldn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to concentrate on a sentence for more than a couple seconds before his mind started to wander. Johnny had been better than him at finding meaning in things. There was probably something there that he couldn’t see. 
Why even read if he couldn’t know what Johnny would have thought? What he would have felt? Why should Ponyboy get to read words that Johnny never would?
How was he supposed to stay gold when the golden part of himself was rotting underground?
I'm sick of always questionin' myself
Cherry walked home alone from the drive-in for the fourth time this month. Every time. He got drunk every single time, no matter what she did. 
Was she doing something wrong? Did being a good girlfriend mean turning a blind eye and pretending like she didn’t care? Was it all her fault? Maybe if she was better in some way – not as annoying, more obedient, nicer – he wouldn’t have to drink himself stupid every Friday. 
It’s not your fault, she told herself. It was not her fault. It was Bob’s. She didn’t have to be more submissive, he had to stop drinking. 
But it wasn’t his fault either. He didn’t conjure up alcohol out of nowhere. Store clerks and older kids and adults, they turned a blind eye. They let a boy, a child, get something that was almost a drug so they could put some money in their pockets and he would have the courage to beat up other children.  
And what I'm doin' wrong
Randy watched as Bob swung another punch. He was wearing rings. That was going to scar. The kid was almost crying. 
What were they even doing? Why were they here? What did they want to prove? The kid hadn’t even done anything wrong, he was just wandering around. 
Randy’d seen the guy around school. He was quiet, kept to himself. Had bruises sometimes and always told teachers – the few that cared – that he’d fallen. It was obvious he hadn’t. Who falls into hands around their neck? 
Why were they beating on someone who already had it so rough? It wasn’t the kid’s fault he was a greaser, just like it wasn’t Bob’s fault his parents let him get away with murder and it wasn’t Randy’s fault his parents didn’t let him take a breath without telling them about it.  
It was wrong, it was all so wrong, the way they all thrived on violence, acting like it made some sort of a difference to anyone. Who was watching them and deciding the winner? Who would make the rules change if they just beat on one more innocent kid, made one more little boy scared to walk around at night?
I've been fightin' with who I am inside my head
Sylvia collapsed onto the couch with a sigh, half expecting her mother to come out to scold her for being unladylike.  
Not like that was going to happen anytime soon. She’d chosen herself over her children when she’d up and left with no warning. So now there was no one around to tell Sylvia to wear longer skirts or less makeup or tie her hair back or go back to school. 
School. It was four. Remmy'd finished an hour ago. She had to pick him up. Fuck. She’d let Evie drag her along to a rally and lost track of time. 
The teacher rolled her eyes when Sylvia showed up half an hour later, muttering about whores and how it wasn’t her job to take care of accidents. Sylvia figured she could have nicely corrected her and told her Remmy was her baby brother and she was late because she’d been trying to get equal rights, actually, but she didn’t really feel like it. Saying that bitch’s boyfriend was the father was much more satisfying.  
It wasn’t worth it, though, when Remmy stormed off alone down the street and she had to run after him. He was mad. Of course he was mad. She’d been an hour and a half late picking him up and instead of apologizing and taking him home quietly, she’d picked a fight with his teacher. 
She really was useless, wasn’t she? Every day she told herself today would be the day she changed for the better, but she never really did. 
And I don't know me anymore
Maybe a label was supposed to be enough. Drunk. Brother. Dreamer. Useless. Girlfriend. Greaser. Soc. 
Why wasn’t it?
And I wish I was somebody else
Just to feel like I'm enough for myself
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l0stfoster · 2 days
You already know who it is, back on my bullshit 👉👉 not here for paul this time (SHOCKING)
So , darry. Darrel Curtis. My boy my baby. I just have like ,, general things i want to know more about so bare with me bc hes my fav alongside paul ofc and i can ramble
1. When did his tail get permanently fucked up and how did he mess it up so badly?
2. Ik his powers get unstable when he gets like ,, real upset so besides the night he slapped Pony, are there any instances where he just got outta control ?
3. Is he afraid that his relationship with Paul isnt real bc of his mind manipulation bc baby knowing me if i had that power id be scared to mfing death
4. Goddammit im mentioning paul again sorry but ik darry calls paul pretty boy (heart hands i love that) but does paul call darry any pet name that just makes him SWOOOON
5. Has he ever gotten jumped post-book ?? I imagine that before him and paul fell out he had told him a bunch of things including weaknesses that socs used to their advantage ESP after paul “betrayed” them, and what better way to hurt paul holden then to hurt the person he loves more than life itself
Okay thats all for now b4 i go literally insane but i may be back bc i have questions abt other couples 😼😼😼
You’re so fucking real for the Darry enjoyment too I also adore him he’s such a guy. Both in canon and in the au, I need to kiss him on the forehead. DARRY YAP TIME (Crow will be so joyous)
Timewing got really excited about this one so a lot of the answers are his, I just added on afterward with my thoughts, so the first bullet point will be hers, and the second one is mine!!
When did his tail get permanently fucked up and how did he mess it up so badly?
- I assume he tried to crush it or break it violently enough that it needed to be amputated. One way of the latter reason probably would've been falling off the roof of the house back first. One way of the former reason is heading out to a field and trying to slam a hay bale on it. - I personally like to think he'd gone far enough to get his hands on a spare tire from their father's truck and,, crunch! It was the only way he could think of doing enough damage while getting away with it since the car had issues enough to need active little fixes and tweaks, including tire changes. He was around 17 or 18 during all of this, by the way. Unlike his ears, this isn't one his family knows was purposeful.
His powers get unstable when he gets like ,, real upset so besides the night he slapped Pony, are there any instances where he just got outta control?
- There are so many instances but it happens more so when he's stressed. There were a few situations where during tests during school he accidentally ended up making an entire class of 20+ students so anxious a few were sent home and a couple jocks had panic attacks. Another instance was (using the musical for this) when he and Soda were brought in to be asked abt Pony's whereabouts and he got so pissed off with the questioning that he also heightened the officer's anger and nearly got himself arrested. Also the rumble. I think that speaks for itself. - A couple other instances I can think of are after their parents died, when Dally got shot, and uh. The entirety of the duration that Pony was gone, though that was mostly him heightening his own distraught compared to anyone else. He probably does it every now and then at work too during rough work days, which makes for some interesting occurences.
Is he afraid that his relationship with Paul isn't real bc of his mind manipulation bc baby knowing me if I had that power I'd be scared to mfing death.
- Absolutely. He stresses abt it every second of every minute of every hour of every day. - A little fact that Darry doesn't know, though, is that after Paul's powers are presented he has a level of resistance to certain types of curse-related powers! He's not immune, per se, but Darry's manipulation, Soda's song, and Johnny's death sense are all a little lowered; this is because he's in the direct bloodline of the witch who cursed Tulsa. In the way that Johnny can't see Paul's death date (but can get flashes of it), Soda's siren song is easier for Paul to break himself out of and he can tolerate Darry's manipulation for a little longer before caving into it. Parry fans can rest easy knowing that Paul's love for Darry is 100% genuine. Unfortunately, Darry does not know that </3
Goddammit Im mentioning Paul again sorry but ik Darry calls Paul pretty boy (heart hands I love that) but does Paul call Darry any pet name that just makes him SWOOOON
- It's mostly the Latin nicknames that get him. He may not know what the hell Paul is saying but he's in love with it anyway. But he's also especially fond of being called the ever so typical "sugar" - Yeah it's just a bunch of Latin and then the usually sappy ones. Darling, Doll, etc. Paul hits him with “Optimum accidit mihi” ("The best thing to happen to me") once and Darry would actually fold if he knew it.
Has he ever gotten jumped post-book ?? I imagine that before he and Paul fell out he had told him a bunch of things including weaknesses that socs used to their advantage ESP after Paul “betrayed” them, and what better way to hurt Paul Holden than to hurt the person he loves more than life itself
- I imagine maybe once but there was also when he went hunting for Two's stolen feathers and was... scary. He's a scary dude, no one wants to mess with a fae that has that much muscle and is probably not afraid to bite you. - I also agree that,, yyyyeah, Darry is arguably one of the greasers to get jumped the least, including post-book. He works a lot too, so it's not like there are many open instances for him to walk around. Darry definitely told Paul any weaknesses that did exist, but I like to imagine Paul kept those real tight to his chest- He absolutely used them himself during their time hating each other, but could never get himself to tell the other socs; it was a level of trust he couldn't bring himself to break, especially since Darry had seen and heard his own share of things from Paul that he never spilled. The Socs also didn't know that Darry was what Paul valued the most; sure, Paul was very clearly into him, buuuut they make their own assumptions regarding his sexuality and how things go relating to it-
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-I could definitely imagine a scenario where they attempt to sabotage Darry and Paul's relationship out of spite if they knew how dedicated Paul is.
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crow2222 · 3 days
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Recent darry doodles :)
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nutsackx · 2 days
Do you think for your mad scientist Au, Sodapop is okay with what Ponyboy did to Darry? How did he react? And also, Does Ponyboy ever regret his decision of reviving his friends? Why doesn’t he revive his parents? Does Ponyboy ever get caught by the police? Does Sodapop mess up on his job, and if he does how does Ponyboy react?
I feel so corny writing this 🤤
Sodapop isn’t incredibly… sure what’s happening? I guess? Like he knows about the revivals and stuff, but he isn’t really big on details because it grosses him out. He’s aware that Darry’s a killer but he’s not aware that it’s not by choice. He was a lot like Darry where he wasn’t cool with it at all until Pony mentioned bringing their folks back.
Ponyboy does not regret reviving his friends at all. Even though they all hate him for it and constantly talk about wanting to die, he thinks he’s helping them. At first it was kinda of just ‘I’m going through some sort of psychosis and need closure” to “I’m a god I can bring people back from the dead, hallelujah’
And with his parents… however he revives them (I was thinking like the Re-Agent from Reanimator) only works on fresh bodies (I think Herbert went through that too, I haven’t seen the movie in a while). And obvi his parents died way before he figured it out becuase he’s not he wasn’t actually a scientist (lowk still isn’t, luck is on his side I guess).
The AU is set in like the 30s/40s, and if you know anything about asylums around that time they were HORRIFIC. Police already don't really care as long as he keeps the crazies locked away. The main people who think there’s something going on are like college students or activists, I guess?? And most of the time Soda’s able to sweet talk them into going away.
Also Soda is like easily the least coordinated when it comes to the Curtis’s. He messes up 24/7 (he’s the reason Dallas can escape so often, and more often than not causes Darry to have to go back out cus he dropped something), but Pony can’t really let him go because he thinks Soda’s gonna snitch.
And while Ponyboy still loves his brothers, he’s like lowkey a little crazy. He’s downright evil tbh. He defiantly has some sort of explosive dissorder, and when he gets mad he gets MAD.
also someone on Tiktok asked why Johnny’s got the blue eye. Realistically I’m just gonna say Darry snatched it from Bob because let’s be real he doesn’t need both. Also he can not see out of it or move it, it’s just kinda of cosmetic (though it’s absolutely disgusting and Johnny hates it)
anyway if anyone has anymore questions lemme know… this is kinda fun
I’m working on cherry and Marcia designs (they’re nurses btw), and maybe some of like Bob and Randy if I get bored
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gre4zerz · 3 months
PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one who hasn't seen this:
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I'm fine with that answer. (He probably gets decent tips)
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hellothereimaloser · 4 months
outsiders request? Sick Ponyboy and Darry and Soda caring for him? bonus points if you make ponyboy look really feverish and on the verge of tears
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Lol do i get bonus points 🤩
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justicefortulsa · 3 months
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not a lot☹️ just forever😖 intertwined😢sewn together 😭😭
darry soda and pony u guys deserve the world and everything in it i luv you………,,,..,,
i finally finished this nd i think i’m pretty proud of it yippee and i lowkey mixed the musical and movie descriptions of them so ignore that i wanted too
i also have like 3 different versions of this so idk which i like most raaah
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bubblegumflavor · 14 days
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The Outsiders
(Photos: 'The Outsiders on set', by Nancy Moran, edit by me ♡)
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boysborntodie · 9 months
Details from The Outsiders you may have forgotten or missed
-Cherry doesn't appear after the hearing (her not waving Ponyboy is just a movie thing)
-Ponyboy fucking hates people with green eyes so bad and gets pissed when someone points out he also has green eyes
-Steve always combs his hair into complicated swirls
-The Greasers always play football together
-Soda is one of the only Greasers who never gets drunk
-He also doesn't smoke unless something is bothering him or he wants to look tuff
-Darry, on the other hand, never smokes because it would affect his perfect body which he is very proud of
-Darry is also proud of being smart and sensible
-Ponyboy is the heaviest smoker out of the Curtis family
-Johnny started smoking at 9 and Steve at 11
-Johnny would've run away from Tulsa if it weren't for the gang
-Soda gives killer massages
-Ponyboy's razor wasn't working while he had to dissect a frog so he just took out his knife
-Darry goes skiing with some of his old friends sometimes
-Cherry and Marcia barrel race often and are pretty good at it
-Soda used to ride in rodeos but after breaking a ligament, his dad made him quit
-Sometimes Soda and Steve let Ponyboy help them fix the cars at the DX
-Johnny is the most law-abiding of the gang, and didn't even carry a knife until the Socs jumped him
-Cherry has an older brother
-Ponyboy used to have a yeller cur dog
-Johnny's scar his from his temple to his cheekbone (it's huge and also hard to look at)
-Two-Bit is great at doing impressions
-Two-Bit often raises one eyebrow, and the gang associate the gesture with him
-Dally and the Curtis mother got along well before she died
-Ponyboy is a scarily good liar
-Ponyboy notes that while he sees Johnny as a scared puppy, he actually looks rather hardened and cold to a stranger
-Johnny's skin is lighter under his bangs
-When at the church, Johnny puts his jean jacket over Ponyboy while he went out to get groceries
-Steve, Dally and Two-Bit wouldn't have thought of buying soap at a grocery store
-Ponyboy calls himself a Pepsi addict
-Dally hardly ever cuts his hair
-Johnny loves drag races
-The Curtis Dad took the brothers out hunting often in the country
-Ponyboy has the best aim but hates shooting
-Dally heard of the old church from a cousin
-Ponyboy is the youngest person on the track team but still one of the fastest
-Darry was the closest to their dad
-Steve once called Darry 'all brawn ans no brains' which made Darry made because it reminded him of the fact he didn't go to college
-Darry will suddenly pick up a random Greasers and swings them around
-The Curtis Dad used to call Soda 'Pepsi-Cola'
-The Shepard gang and the Curtis gang have fought seriously on at least on occasion (but it's nothing compared to the rumble)
-The Curtis brothers stayed at the hospital all night for Johnny and Dally until a doctor forced them to leave
-Johnny has a clean police record
-Ponyboy chews his fingernails when nervous
-Johnny often sleeps at Two-Bit's house
-The Curtis brothers all have huge appetites
-Darry always checks Ponyboy's Math homework for mistakes
-Johnny looks like his mother; having the same black hair, dark eyes and tiny built/height
-Soda did actually try really hard to stay in school but he kept failing
-Darry and Ponyboy both enjoyed school and athletics while Soda isn't into either
-The only thing Dally did honestly was jockeying
-Johnny really good at poker (or Ponyboy is really bad)
-The only time Johnny has been confident and not scared in his life, was when rescuing the kids in the church
-Johnny actually gets hurt because he pushed Ponyboy out first of the church
-Sodapop loves attention and was good with the reporters
-Sodapop has a crazy sweet tooth
-The Curtis brothers all love chocolate
-Darry never locks the front door in case one of the gang need a place to stay
-Ponyboy once found Tim Shepard sitting on their couch reading the newspaper
-Ponyboy thinks that Two-Bit wouldn't have gone inside the church if he was there
-Two Bit wished that the one hurt was anybody but Johnny and that the gang would have still been able to get along had it been anyone else
-Darry once took an aerobatics course and taught all the Greasers everything he knew
-Soda and Two-Bit were doing aerobatics and then got arrested for disturbing the peace
-The Curtis gang are noted to be better at fighting than the Shepard gang
-Tim Shepard looked like a model from the magazines Ponyboy reads
-Ponyboy notes that sweat ran down Dally's face when Johnny died, but it was probably tears
-Cherry drives a Sting Ray
-Curly once slipped off a telephone poll and broke his arm
-Johny's a good listener and all the members of the gang often go to tell him about their day or their problems
-Johnny says in his letter that the lives of kids were worth more than his
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waiiitttt can you (or have you) expound(ed) on dan darry opposite kcso paul bc i may or may not be working on a fic and want allllll the characterizations and crumbs 🫣
for sureeeeeeee
imo, kcso's paul was like,,,super mean-spirited. like he genuinely came off as nasty and evil to me. i have an audio posted for his version of JFT that i will link here where he literally is laughing while stepping on two-bit,,,EVIL WORK. and dan's darry is definitely a little stricter than brent's darry,,so it's almost a version of paul & darry that are just angry people
but the scene pre-rumble (aka THE paul & darry scene),,kcso just played it soooo cocky it worked so well and dan as darry was just seeming like he was trying to not let himself be bothered by paul..i wish there was a boot of them of some sort just because i love both of them in those roles so much
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sunsbrightside · 1 month
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i think I've been listening to Throwing in the Towel too much
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toikeytoos · 9 months
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Drawn on an index card cuz I forgot my sketchbook
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