#Darth Occlus
jesuistrefatugie · 1 year
Quick question: Did Darth Zash teach Nox/Occlus/Imperius anything? Or did she just use them as an errand runner?
If not, then that's like running around with a loading rocket launcher and hoping not to trip. Expect the rocket launcher is a shit ton of force energy. And the tripping part is a sudden change in morals/ethics.
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hoiist · 1 year
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Oh how I’ve missed her
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spitzobsessed · 1 year
Found an alternate route I wrote for the choosing sides scene in War For Iokath. So far it's just dialogue with only Wrath, Occlus, Nox and a few cannon characters. And I think it's incomplete? It's basically Taral(Wrath) saying "F you both, I'm holding all of you hostage until we negotiate this shit". Also gets a bit emotional, sorry it's so long. First drafts that almost get deleted drain energy from me.
Lana: If I had to choose , I would join forces with the Empire.
Theron: The Republic's a safer bet.
Lana: The choice is yours Commander. Who shall we side with?
Taral: I have a better idea...
Taral: Nox, Occlus, you may begin.
Riot: Got it.
Praxy: As you wish.
Aric: Havoc Squad, hands were I can see them!
Praxy: Don't make this difficult, Empress.
Kaylio: Alright, hands up and no one gets electrocuted.
Riot: Oh, and I'll be more than happy to demonstrate, Supreme Commander.
Acina: Well played, Commander... Well played, indeed.
Malcom: What do you think you're doing, Commander?!
Taral: The third option: Reminding all of you who exactly you're dealing with. Noman Carr, Darth Baras, Darth Revan, Darth Malgus, Vitiate, Arcann, Vaylin, Valkrion, scores of Jedi, Sith, and troops - Republic and Imperial. I was once the Emperor's Wrath, destruction and death incarnate. Matched only by the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order.
Taral: Now, I control the Eternal Fleet. However, I did not take the Eternal Throne. This galaxy needs time to recover, time that you've thrown away for this Superweapon. One we know next to nothing about! It could be anything from a single missile to something that could repeat what happened to Ziost!! And then we'd be in the same position we were six years ago!!!
Theron: Commander, that's-
Lana: Not now, Theron.
Taral: *deep sigh* We will open negotiations on what to do with Iokath and it's technology. Republic and Imperial representatives will be allowed to study alongside the Alliance Scientists, but no one goes near any Superweapon until we understand what it can do. The war took its toll on all of us, and if you two want to tear each other apart so soon, go ahead.
Taral: But know this; Trespass on Alliance territory, harm Alliance people, or raise forced against the Alliance... Then I will take the throne and put you in your place. My priorities are with my people, and neither of you have any of them.
Damn right you are, Taral!
Although, it would properly work only if Acina and Malcom were there in person, rather than via hologram. But that's what AUs are for
As someone whose Wrath also lead the Alliance, I share the sentiment to the end - Wrath is supposed to be feared by the Dark Council and Acina rose only in titles, not power (while Outlander became significantly more powerful).
Now, brainstorming:
I could probably send my Knight with Havoc to take over Republic base on Iokath, and former Occlus and Cipher with another unit to take over Imperial one, and synchronize the operation enough so that the Talk goes like this:
(everyone's aware of the plan (alliance side))
Lana: The choice is yours, Commander.
Sav (Wrath): hmmm... *Looks deep in thought, clicks the button on comm to begin the overthrow* I believe we have a different option to consider here.
*Acina and Malcom's comms start buzzing with high level alert*
*controlled chaos on their end*
*whatever commanding officers on base they were talking to is gone, instead Malcom gets a holo with Knight and Major Jorgan while Acina has Kallig and Cipher*
*moments later the main holo on Alliance base shows six people - leaders and those four on bases*
Aric: Base secured, Commander. Casualties minimal.
Cipher: Base is secured. Awaiting instructions, Commander. Assessing casual.
Sav (Wrath): *smirks* *turns to Acina and Malcom, who are slightly pale (Acina) and less composed (Malcom)*
Sav (Wrath): You seem to have forgotten that Iokath belongs to the Alliance. And you appear to have dismissed the fact that the only reason your respective governments have the resources to launch this ridiculous operations is victory over Zakuul that My(!) alliance has secured.
Sav (Wrath): *theatrically takes a breath to calm himself* Now let's discuss reparations for invading sovereign territory of the Eternal Alliance.
Malcom: That's ridiculous. Release my base, Sith. With or without your help, the Empire's threat to Republic wil be dealt with.
Acina: Is this how you treat your allies, Commander? I expected better from a Sith Lord from such a respectable family.
Sav (Wrath): If it is war you seek, war is what you'll get. I give you 5 hours to leave Iokath. In five standard hours any Republic or Imperial soldier, Jedi or Sith not part of the alliance will be considered invaders and dealt with accordingly. *In darker tone* You have no idea how dangerous Iokath can be to hostiles.
Sorry for mostly stealing your idea.
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mercurypilgrim · 2 years
for the OC questions: Qel, what's your favorite part of your current job/apprenticeship?
(Thank you for the ask! 🥰)
Qel puts down his cup of caf to sign to you. He's not looking quite as exhausted as he usually does, but there are Still dark circles under his eyes and the caf pot is already half empty.
'I love being able to pursue what I think is interesting. I have my research to complete for my sphere, but I can have other projects too. I have a budget now.'
His hands speed up and he looks excited. The bracelets and rings on his wrists and fingers catch the light.
There are a lot of people who feel understandably concerned about the waspish little Sith having a budget.
'Currently I'm working on a hybridisation of Sith alchemy and botany. My garden has never been so alive! ... And deadly.'
The rest of the Citadel know that the greenhouses are not to be disturbed. Newcomers would have found the unease funny if not for the occasional scream that can be heard from the glass buildings.
A faint blush of purple spreads over Qel's cheeks.
'So yes, I'd say the freedom is my favourite part of my apprenticeship. I can learn whatever I want! I can study! I can talk about my research with people who care, and who are interested.'
He smiles, shy.
'It's really nice.'
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diazuk-legacy · 2 years
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Fruity Outfits Rasperberry + Darth Occlus
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holowrap · 1 year
Oh I wish you could get yellow eyes on different species
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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Kas: He’s mine to kill
Mortis: kills Thanaton anyway Kas: first of all how dare you, second of all that one counts as mine!
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captainmortuem · 9 months
SWTOR Secret Santa 2023
My giftee was @tiredassmage
I know you said you were in love with the Agent, but I fell in love with the idea of the relationship between your Knight and Warrior. I tried my best to get their personalities based off of the tagged posts and character bios, as well as playing into a bit of that in-between from begrudging alliance to blossoming friendship that (as far as I could tell from all the posts I was reading) would take place right around the time of Shadow of Revan. Not as cold as Ilum may have been, but not yet so devoted as during the KotXX story. Like seriously, I spent three hours looking at their character tags to try and figure them out.
Bonus for some of my own SWTOR OCs thrown in there, and a few of yours who don’t really take to the foreground. I sincerely hope you enjoy all 1,134 words.
The hideout on Rishi had become… crowded. To put it nicely. Barring the fact that four, or more apt would be “three and some broken up metal pieces of a droid” of their group was out galavanting around the planet while the notorious pirate captain of the Red Hulls sat in this one room that had been deemed “safe” by their Imperial and Republic associates. Six of the eight incarnations of this “captain” sat performing various leisurely tasks while the remaining two, Tyr and Evek’fezen, patrolled the outside to make sure nobody got too wise about what this mismatched group of Jedi, Sith, Spies, Troopers, and Criminals were doing boarded up in the same hut as one another. Slumo’cet’lezu and Ipah’fezen were playing a game of Sabaac off to one side, using a crate as a table and discarded baskets as chairs, and only a few times had they drawn blasters on one another with accusations of cheating. Darth Occlus and Satia sat in the corner sharing history and culture with one another, comparing and contrasting the planets they’d been to and the people they’d met in their respective empire’s spheres of influence, each thankful that the other seemed keen to avoid political banter and the usual shortcomings that topic brings. But the most curious of the bunch was the Hero of Tython and the Emperor’s wrath, not bickering or sparring with one another as one would expect with the Shield of the Republic and the Sword of the Empire so close together, instead the two seemed keen on just enjoying one another’s company. There was a kinship to be had between warriors, different banners they may wear, but of a kind all the same. The Knight had Kira standing beside him, strangely tense and the room could feel it, but the proximity to so many Sith was still a bit jarring for the Jedi after having only recently killed the Sith emperor. Plenty of reasons for tensions to be a lot higher than they seemed to be, barring the Sabaac game off to one side, but neither of them seemed to care further than their credits could get them.
“Strange how circumstances keep bringing us back together like this. It was Ilum first, yes?” Rhyst spoke up first, sitting across from Savosta in one of the few intact chairs in the room.
“Correct, Ilum was the first instance of us working together. It was a welcome reprieve when you showed the sense to assist in the destruction of Malgus.”
“It was the best choice any of us had. He was a threat to the Republic and the Empire both. Since then we’ve become… friends?”
“It is perhaps too soon to define our working relationship with words like “friendship.” A partnership, similar to that of our respective selves and the spies from either side.”
“Lana and Theron, you mean. What’s your take on them?” Rhyst asked, sitting up a bit straighter in the chair.
“You wish for a tactical assessment? They exceed where they have trained, subterfuge and deceit. Unsightly skills, but ones they see fit to use for what seems to be a great good. If there is such a thing.” Savosta sat back in his chair, fingering the edges of the lightsaber blade in his palm. The experience on Rishi had been, enlightening, if not clouding his mind further the more he thought of his supposed antithesis sitting across from him. There was a respect; respect for duty, respect for expectations, respect for somebody who has lived through battle after battle, and a strangely begrudging respect for the man that had killed his emperor. Rhystyl was a dangerous man, an oddity, how could Savosta share so much with a man who is ideologically opposed to everything he stands for?
“I don’t mean a tactical assessment, they’re both accomplished spies. I mean their relationship to one another. They are working toward the same goal, but something still doesn’t sit right. I have a feeling something is going to happen soon, something big, and I don’t know if waiting here is the right way to prepare for it. Revan is still alive, and we’ve got six of the ten people in the galaxy who could stop him just sitting in a room playing cards and talking philosophy. Does that seem right to you?”
“It is not a question of right or wrong. The spies are playing their game, let them play. A sword or a blaster is no good without a target. When we know where to go, and who to destroy, then we will go there and destroy them. If you’ll excuse me, I am going to get some air, as fetid as the air in this cove may be.” Savosta stood from his chair, bowing his head ever so slightly as a sign of respect to the Jedi before making his way outside. There was a section of the building they stayed in that was relatively flat up on the roof, and Savosta climbed his way up there to ruminate on all that had happened since Ilum, Manaan, and now the events on Rishi.
It was only a few moments before Savosta could feel another presence, one that made no effort to be hidden from him, his companion and member of the Dark Council, Darth Occlus.
“Tire of philosophy with the Jedi?” He asked, not looking up from his view over the cove and all the people within who went about their piracy and private lives without so much as a thought to what lay outside the walls of their home.
“Quite the opposite, she’s been an unusually engaging partner. But my interests currently lie with you, your conflict is more than apparent to somebody attuned to the force, like both myself and my previous conversation partner.”
“Do not presume to read me, councilman. My thoughts lie on our next steps, where we will go from here.”
“You know as well as I that I do not have a say in whether or not you are “read”, Wrath. I would be executed for saying this, but these Jedi may present an opportunity. Not for scheming and backstabbing, nor conquest and decimation.”
“Then what?”
“Unity. A potential for peace. If nothing else, at least an end to the status quo. The Galaxy cannot war with itself forever, but this small step towards an alliance could be a wind that douses the flame the Empire and Republic seem keen to keep lit. Malgus was right in his thoughts, if not wrong in his actions. The Empire needs to change, the Galaxy needs to change. These companions we make now and the bonds that are being formed, those will be the seeds for a bright and unusual future for everybody.”
“But first Revan.”
“And many more, Wrath. Many, many more after.”
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rubensmuse · 2 years
bro don’t even TRY to call yourself Darth Occlus if you’re not on my level
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women want me the Dark Council cannot get a fucking read on me
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ospreyeamon · 2 years
no time for caf controversy
It’s illuminating that the Dark Council – Darth Marr most obviously – really doesn’t give a damn about the Warrior’s or Inquisitor’s Force-alignment. Especially in contrast to the Jedi classes where the Jedi Council does care and will refuse to promote the Knight and Consular if they are Dark-aligned.
Marr indisputably knows the Inquisitor’s alignment and thinks it relevant enough to reference in the title he gives them; Nox, Occlus, or Imperius. Imperius – “in light of your reputation for serving the empire” – is interesting because while it could reflect the fact that many of the Light-Side options available to the Inquisitor are more beneficial to the Empire than their alternatives that isn’t always the case. Is sending Iannos Tyrek safely back to the Republic on Balmorra good for the Empire? An Imperius hasn’t necessarily been more helpful to the Empire than an Occlus has. So, maybe Marr’s choice of title is more a pointed message to the Sith at large; you can be loyal to the Empire while leaning towards the Light-Side and because the Empire matters above all else you shouldn’t pick fights with people on the same side as you just because you think they’re a heretic.
Nobody questions the plausibility of the Emperor declaring a Light Sith his new Wrath, not even Darth Baras. Apparently banning the practice of Light-sided Force techniques then appointing a Light Sith as his chief enforcer is exactly the kind of nonsense the Dark Council has come to expect from the inscrutable dick. Does that mean the ban on Jedi teachings is lifted now? Maybe? It doesn’t really matter either way; unless you show up to an audience with him chanting the Jedi Code the Emperor won’t notice.
So the Sith at large are aware that there are Light leaning Sith around. They are a vulnerable minority, with people like Lord Cendence and Dark-Side Jaesa actively hunting them, but the majority don’t bother them about what they get up to behind closed doors.
By the time Darth Maglus proclaims his short-lived empire, it’s an open secret that an increasing number of Sith are adding the proverbial creamer to their caf and the upper echelons of the hierarchy either can’t bring themselves to care or have also started experimenting with dairy products. Malgus the Betrayer’s rebellion weakens the empire at a really bad time, the war against the Republic is not going well, if the Emperor has done what they are beginning to suspect he has done they are actually going to need to find a way to kill him – all the Sith doing anything actually important have bigger worries to mind.
Better the empire be filled with competent loyal caf creamers than myopic traitorous caf purists. (Nobody talks about Light-Side Jaesa’s milkshake club.)
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lavampira · 2 years
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keldae · 11 months
WIP Poll
Thanks for the tag, @starknstarwars! <3 Passing the tag along to... hmmm. I think all my usual suspects are tagged, so if you're reading this and you haven't been tagged yet... TAG!
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
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hoiist · 1 year
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Voted to have immaculate vibes
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spitzobsessed · 1 year
Found this in my notes for Swtor
LS! Smuggler: Shots! *Downs a whole bottle of alcohol while laying on her mountain of credits*
Agent: I can work with this.
Neutral Smuggler: *stealing from Neutral space station* Republic? Imperial? Ha! The only difference is the punishment for getting caught! *Blows up a few ships along his way*
Agent: I don't want to work with this.
Trooper: *mowing down Imperial Troops* For the Republic!!
Bounty Hunter: *watching from afar with a doppy smile* I'm gonna marry that woman.
Consular: You can be redeemed, child! Embrace the Light! Let me purify the darkness surrounding you!
Occlus: *terrified screaming*
Nox: No thanks. I honestly prefer the thrill of a haunting, Master Jedi. You never know who's next.
Battlemaster: I will erase you from this galaxy!!
Wrath: Well well well, it looks like we have a future Sith Lord in the making.
Battlemaster: *enraged screaming*
Consular: *follows Occlus around, chanting* emrace the Light Side, embrace the Light Side, emrace the Light Side, emrace the Light Side, emrace the Light Side-
Occlus: *climbs Khem Val like a tree* hisssss
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cryo-lily · 2 years
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So this is the Main Character/OC that has been my most recent obsession.
A Jedi Consular Miraluka; Isadola Ardeen Shir.
First trained as a Sage Healer but eventually gave in to her aptitude for close-quarters combat as time went on and trained more as a Concentration Sentinel. She’s still a decent healer when asked, but she much more prefers to be on the front lines fighting to protect those who cannot fight for themselves.
Unlike a lot of other Jedi she wasn’t given to or born into the order, but rather found by some passing Jedi when she was very young after the death/murder of her mother. She doesn’t remember too much before the chaos that orphaned her.
Taken away by the Jedi that found her, she never had the chance to mourn or even bury her Mother, And all she has left of her is her Mother’s mask that she now always wears.
She never really got over that day but rather suppressed and buried all of emotions she still harbors from that day. Not like she can forget it either as she still wears the scars from that day on her face, even if her mask covers most of the worst ones.
And it’s not like she can sympathize with her species, She’s never really met another Miraluka beyond her Mother, and she’s never even seen her species’ home planet, having not been born in either Republic or Empire space.
It was a long road in her journey as a Consular that slowly lead her to eventually confront that past she tries to run from. Those in the order hold her up as an exemplar of the Jedi Order, despite in deep down in secret her faith in the Jedi and the Republic got slowly more and more eroded the more her journey went on.
Which eventually her journey lead her to a shred of hope that she is allowed to be happy, even if she has to fight for it, when she met a certain blonde Sith Lord.
But that’s a story for another day.
But that not where it all ends. On the other side of the mirror We’d also see what happened if the Jedi didn’t find Issie first.
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On the other side of this story we have what happened if the Empire found Isadola first.
In this timeline, She lost her name when she became a slave to the Empire before she went on to become a Sith Inquisitor named, Atteia Ulla Shir. [AU get it? lol]. Trained as a Lightning Sorcerer originally, eventually choosing to specialize as a Fury Marauder because in this timeline she doesn’t deny she actually loves being in the middle of the combat.
On this side, She learned to conquer her emotions rather than bury them. But she also struggled with accepting her empathy for others as her journey continued.
Named Darth Occlus by Darth Marr when she finally managed to take down Darth Thanaton, though she never desired a seat on the Dark Council. But as one journey ended and another started, The light eventually began to pull her back from the darkness she was trapped in. And deep down she hoped she could help the Empire change it’s ways as best she could.
But despite the differences, no matter the timeline she still eventually falls into becoming a Grey master of the force. And no matter what different road she may travel in each timeline, there was a few constants that kept her grounded in each; like falling for a certain Sith Lord during her time trying to take down Revan.
[2 Ocs for the price of one!] Well that’s about the gist of it for now, Down the road I might attempt to write her/their journeys throughout and beyond her time as the Alliance Commander. And maybe include more shots of them to go along with it to compensate for my lack of talent for art.
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dirthara-dalen · 1 year
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D'edoris is the apprentice of Darth Occlus and a former slave. He was born on Ziost to slave parents who were not force sensitives. His slave master's were also not force sensitive, so when his abilities manifested he was taken from his parents and sent to one of the many Sith training academy's via their sponsorship. They, of course, expected him upon becoming a Sith lord to serve them once more as a way to repay them. That never happens. When Solaris comes to Korriban in search of a new apprentice after Thanton had his last two killed, he took interest in D'edoris. (i changed order of event here) Before arriving at Taris, Solaris lost his two apprentices and returned to Korriban. D'edoris sensed that Solaris was his ticket to freedom thus managed to kill all other perspective apprentices minus Xalex who was taken by my other inquisitor, Darth Tal'ien. Upon becoming Solaris's apprentice he began a sort of journey towards healing his past trauma of being a slave thanks to Solaris understanding how life as a slave can be a living hell.
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